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Sustainable Energy Solutions

Control areas are not generally contiguous, as can be seen above in the
map of the Pacificorp Control Area
Pacificorp is one of 34 control areas within WECC.
In the year 2003 Pacificorp generated approximately 64,227,722 MWh of
. The chart to the left shows Pacificorps capacity distribution.
2. FERC Form 714 (2003):Annual Electric Control Area and Planning Are Report For the Year Ending December 31,2003
Integration of Wind and Hydropower Systems:
Simplified Modeling
Characterize electrical control areas in
terms of their generation,
transmission, and loads to enable an
estimate of the ancillary service costs
required to integrate wind power.
Devise a method to characterize the
hydropower resources and their
constraints in an electrical control
area, and their ability to provide these
ancillary services.
Kurt Olsen
Undergraduate Research Assistant

The U.S. electrical grid is managed by the North
American Electric Reliability Council (NERC); a
voluntary non-profit organization whose goal is to
ensure a reliable, adequate and secure electric
NERC is made up of ten regional reliability councils
whose members include: investor-owned utilities;
federal power agencies; rural electric cooperatives;
state, municipal and provincial utilities;
independent power producers; power marketers;
and end-use customers.There are 133 control areas
within these regions.
Control areas are sub-regions of the electrical grid that
are responsible for meeting the reliability standards
set by NERC and ensuring there is sufficient
generation capacity to meet the demand. A control
area system operator must maintain voltage
frequency and match power output to the load
requirement, while maintaining system reliability.
1. Identified all relevant control areas in the WECC
2. Identified the principal sources of data for electrical generation in each control area
3. Literature review of relevant wind power integration studies
1. Determine key control area indicators for simplified modeling (e.g. in terms of
regulation, reserves, etc.) that are readily available
2. Identify key wind energy output parameters for simplified modeling
3. Identify key characteristics and constraints on hydropower facilities
4. Formulate simple model to determine potential for wind/hydro integration.
1. Identify and evaluate key
characteristics describing:
Control area reliability and
ancillary services
Wind energy production
Hydropower resources and
2. Formulate a model relating key
characteristics for simple
prediction of ancillary service
Prime Mover
Data GT HY ST Grand Total
NAMEPLATE CAPACITY 374 1141.1 7086.4 8601.5
CAPACITY <5 MW 0 38 0 38
CAPACITY 5-10 MW 0 11 0 11
CAPACITY 10-50 MW 9 27 1 37
CAPACITY 50-100 MW 0 5 3 8
CAPACITY 100-150 MW 0 0 4 4
CAPACITY 150-200 MW 0 0 1 1
CAPACITY >200 MW 0 0 14 14
The charts above show the day to day
and hourly
variability of wind farm energy production. This inherent
variability directly impacts the ancillary services required to integrate wind energy into the power grid.

1. Integrating Wind Energy With The BPAPower System: Preliminary Study, Eric Hirst, Consulting in Electric-Industry Restructuring, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 September 200
2. Integrating Renewable Energy With Hydro: Northern Arizona Resources and Lower Colorado River Dams.

The primary challenge in operating a control area is
to ensure there is adequate capacity to meet the daily
load requirements and to provide the additional
capacity to match the unpredictable variation in the
the load that occurs on time scales from he near
instantaneous to hours ahead. The graph on the left
illustrates the three principal time frames of
importance to a control area: less than a second,
seconds to minutes, minutes to hours and days.
The near-second fluctuations in load must be met by
near instantaneous responses that require automatic
generation controls (AGC) and are termed regulation.
Minute to hour variation is matched by quick
response generators and is called load following.
Daily load requirements requires major generation
capacity and is termed unit commitment.
These are termed ancillary services and are part of the
regulation burden for a power provider.
The seasonal alternating availability of wind versus
hydro is typical (see Fig. 6 at left*) and a key reason for
the synergistic benefits of integration. One of the key
benefits for hydropower is reduced demand for water
output during the dry season, as seen to the left in Fig.
4*. Hydropower has several properties that make it an
ideal source of ancillary services for a wind farm:
Hydro generators are agile and can easily offer
regulation and load following services.
Energy storage capacity.
However, there are key constraints on hydropower that
affect its ability to provide ancillary services: Water use
priorities including flood control, irrigation, navigation,
recreation, fish habitat and energy production. Large
hydropower facilities are generally government-owned
and answerable to a diverse group of constituencies;
therefore any changes to water use require complex
decision making processes.

*Wind / Hydro Complementary Seasonal Regimes in Brazil, Odilon A. C. do Amarante,
Dario J. Schultz *, Rogio M. Bittencourt** and Nelson A. Rocha***, DEWI Magazin Nr.
19, August 2001.
Pacificorp Control Area East (PACE) and West (PACW)
T.L. Acker
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering

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