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Copyright 2005 Inspiration Line - PDF Book Version - All Rights Reserve !!!!!!
Inspiration-"o-#o eBooks $or %o&
"'( )A#IC *"+R% has ,een reprinte -o&ntless sin-e its
original release in /0001 as an arti-le in Success Magazine e2plaining the
si.ple an elegant tr&ths o$ -reating s&--ess! *o pop&lar 3as the arti-le1
that a s.all ,ook 3as p&,lishe 3hi-h ,e-a.e an instant ,estseller!
In this t3o-part .otivational ,ook1 Part I reveals ho3 the Magic Story 3as
is-overe ,y a l&-kless artist1 na.e *t&rtevant1 3ho tol it to others an
they see.e to prosper $ro. his storytelling! Part 2 is the a-t&al story
$o&n ,y *t&rtevant an has ,een a perennial $avorite $or ages! 4o31 the
-lassi- tale o$ perseveran-e an prosperity is reay $or a ne3 generation
o$ reaers 3ho -an ,ene$it $ro. its ti.eless 3iso.! 5hat t&rns a loser
into a 3inner6 'o3 i he o it6 "he ans3er 3as his is-overy o$ The
Magic Story! Do yo& 3ant to trans$or. yo&r li$e $ro. 3hat it is into 3hat
yo& 3ant it to ,e-o.e6 5ithin these pages lies the sees yo& nee to
a-hieve greater personal $&l$ill.ent!
"he A&thor1 Freeri- Van Rensselaer Dey1 3as ,orn in
5atkins #len1 4e3 %ork1 Fe,r&ary /01 /78/1 an ie in 4e3
%ork City in /022! 'e 3as e&-ate at the 'avana 94e3 %ork:
A-ae.y1 an later gra&ate $ro. the La3 *-hool o$
Col&.- ,ia ;niversity! Dey took &p story 3riting $or
a.&se.ent 3hile -onvales-ing $ro. a serio&s illness1 an
later .ae it his li$e 3ork! 'is $irst long story 3as 3ritten $or
Beale < Aa.s in
/77/! In /70/1 *treet < *.ith engage hi. to -ontin&e a series o$
novel- ettes1 ,eg&n ,y =ohn R! Coryell1 relating the avent&res o$ a
na.e 4i-k Carter! It is sai that Dey ha a very vivi i.agination an
3rote ,et3een one tho&san an eleven h&nre >4i-k Carter> stories1
pl&s .ore serio&s ,ooks1 so.e $or a&lts1 an serials! "3o o$ his
,ooks1 ,e$ore his i.e-novel ays1 "The Magic Word" an "The Magic
Story," 3ritten in /7001 3ere e2tre.ely pop&lar an are sai to have
passe thro&gh t3enty eitions!
Inspiration-"o-#o eBooks $or %o&
Part / - 'o3 the )agi- *tory 5as Fo&n
I 3as sitting alone in the -a$e an ha ?&st rea-he $or the s&gar preparatory to p&tting it
into .y -o$$ee! +&tsie1 the 3eather 3as hieo&s! *no3 an sleet -a.e s3irling o3n1
an the 3in ho3le $right$&lly! (very ti.e the o&ter oor opene1 a ra$t o$ &n3el-o.e
air penetrate the &tter.ost -orners o$ the roo.! *till I 3as -o.$orta,le!
"he sno3 an sleet an 3in -onveye nothing to .e e2-ept an a,stra-t thanksgiving
that I 3as 3here it -o&l not a$$e-t .e! 5hile I rea.e an sippe .y -o$$ee1 the oor
opene an -lose1 an a.itte @ *t&rtevant!
*t&rtevant 3as an &nenia,le $ail&re1 ,&t1 3ithal1 an artist o$ .ore than orinary talent! 'e
ha1 ho3ever1 $allen into the r&t travele ,y neAer-o-3ells1 an 3as o&t at the el,o3s as
3ell as insolvent!
As I raise .y eyes to *t&rtevantAs I 3as -ons-io&s o$ .il s&rprise at the -hange in his
appearan-e! %et he 3as not resse i$$erently! 'e 3ore the sa.e threa,are -oat in
3hi-h he al3ays appeare1 an the ol ,ro3n hat 3as the sa.e! An yet there 3as
so.e- thing ne3 an strange in his appearan-e!
As he s3ishe his hat aro&n to relieve it o$ the ,&ren o$ sno3 eposite ,y the ho3ling
4orA3ester1 there 3as so.ething ne3 in the gesti-&lation!
I -o&l not re.e.,er 3hen I ha invite *t&rtevant to ine 3ith .e1 ,&t invol&ntarily I
,e-kone to hi.! 'e noe an presently seate hi.sel$ opposite to .e! I aske hi.
3hat he 3o&l have1 an he1 a$ter s-anning the ,ill o$ $are -arelessly1 orere $ro. it lei-
s&rely1 an invite .e to ?oin hi. in -o$$ee $or t3o!
I 3at-he hi. in st&pi 3oner1 ,&t1 as I ha invite the o,ligation1 I 3as prepare to pay
$or it1 altho&gh I kne3 I hanAt s&$$i-ient -ash to settle the ,ill! )ean3hile I noti-e the
,rightness o$ his &s&al la-kl&ster eyes1 an the health$&l1 hope$&l glo3 &pon his -heek1
3ith in-reasing a.aBe.ent!
Inspiration-"o-#o eBooks $or %o&
C'ave yo& lost a ri-h &n-le6D I aske! C4o1D he replie1 -al.ly1 C,&t I have $o&n .y
.as- -ot!D
CBrinle1 ,&ll or terrier6D I inE&ire! CC&rrier1D sai *t&rtevant1 at length1 pa&sing 3ith his
-o$$ee -&p hal$ 3ay to his lips1 CI see that I have s&rprise yo&! It is not strange1 $or I a. a
s&rprise to .ysel$! I a. a ne3 .an1 a i$$erent .an @ an the alteration has taken pla-e
in the last $e3 ho&rs!
C%o& have seen .e -o.e into this pla-e A,rokeA .any a ti.e1 3hen yo& have t&rne a3ay1
so that I 3o&l think yo& i not see .e! I kne3 3hy yo& i that! It 3as not ,e-a&se yo&
i not 3ant to pay $or a inner1 ,&t ,e-a&se yo& i not have the .oney to o it! Is that
yo&r -he-k6 Let .e have it! "hank yo&! I havenAt any .oney 3ith .e tonight1 ,&t I @ 3ell1
this is .y treat!D
'e -alle the 3aiter to hi.1 an1 3ith an ini.ita,le $lo&rish1 signe his na.e on the ,a-ks
o$ the t3o -he-ks1 an 3ave hi. a3ay! A$ter that he 3as silent $or a .o.ent 3hile he
looke into .y eyes1 s.iling at the astonish.ent 3hi-h I in vain strove to -on-eal!
>Do yo& kno3 an artist 3ho possess .ore talent than I6> he aske1 presently! >4o! Do yo&
happen to kno3 anything in the line o$ .y pro$ession that I -o&l not a--o.plish1 i$ I ap-
plie .ysel$ to it6 4o! %o& have ,een a reporter $or the ailies $or @ ho3 .any6 @ seven
or eight years! Do yo& re.e.,er 3hen I ever ha any -reit &ntil tonight6 4o! 5as I re-
$&se ?&st no36 %o& have seen $or yo&rsel$! "o.orro3 .y ne3 -areer ,egins! 5ithin a
.onth I shall have a ,ank a--o&nt! 5hy6 Be-a&se I have is-overe the se-ret o$ s&--
>%es1> he -ontin&e1 3hen I i not reply1 >.y $ort&ne is .ae! I have ,een reaing a
strange story1 an sin-e reaing it1 I $eel that .y $ort&ne is ass&re! It 3ill .ake yo&r $or-
t&ne1 too! All yo& have to o is rea it! %o& have no iea 3hat it 3ill o $or yo&! 4othing is
i.possi,le a$ter yo& kno3 that story! It .akes everything as plain as A1 B1 C! "he very in-
stant yo& grasp its tr&e .eaning1 s&--ess is -ertain!
>"his .orning I 3as a hopeless1 ai.less ,it o$ gar,age in the .etropolitan ash -anF to-
night I 3o&lnAt -hange pla-es 3ith a .illionaire! "hat so&ns $oolish1 ,&t it is tr&e! "he
.illionaire has spent his enth&sias.F .ine is all at han!>
>%o& a.aBe .e1> I sai1 3onering i$ he ha ,een rinking a,sinthe!
>5onAt yo& tell .e the story6 I sho&l like to hear it!>
>Certainly! I .ean to tell it to the 3hole 3orl! It is really re.arka,le that it sho&l have
,een 3ritten an sho&l re.ain in print so long1 3ith never a so&l to appre-iate it &ntil
no3! "his .orning I 3as starving! I hanAt any -reit1 nor a pla-e to get a .eal! I 3as seri-
o&sly .eitating s&i-ie! I ha gone to three o$ the papers $or 3hi-h I ha one 3ork1 an
ha ,een hane ,a-k all that I ha s&,.itte! I ha to -hoose E&i-kly ,et3een eath ,y
s&i-ie an eath slo3ly ,y starvation!
>"hen I $o&n the story an rea it! %o& -an harly i.agine the trans$or.ation! 5hy1
.y ear ,oy1 everything -hange at on-e @ an there yo& are!>
Inspiration-"o-#o eBooks $or %o&
Inspiration-"o-#o eBooks $or %o&
>B&t 3hat is the story1 *t&rtevant6>
>5ait @ let .e $inish! I took those ol ra3ings to other eitors1 an every one o$ the.
3as a--epte at on-e!>
>Can the story o $or others 3hat it has one $or yo&6 For e2a.ple1 3o&l it ,e o$ assis-
tan-e to .e6> I aske!
>'elp yo&6 5hy not6 Listen an I 3ill tell it to yo&1 altho&gh1 really1 yo& sho&l rea
it! *till I 3ill tell it as ,est I -an! It is like this1 yo& see !!!>
"he 3aiter interr&pte &s at that .o.ent! 'e in$or.e *t&rtevant that he 3as 3ante on
the telephone1 an 3ith a 3or o$ apology1 the artist le$t the ta,le!
Five .in&tes later I sa3 hi. r&sh o&t into the sleet an 3in an isappear! 5ithin the
re-olle-tion o$ the $reE&enters o$ that -a$e1 *t&rtevant ha never ,e$ore ,een -alle o&t ,y
telephone! "hat1 o$ itsel$1 3as s&,stantial proo$ o$ a -hange in his -ir-&.stan-es!
+ne night1 on the street1 I en-o&ntere Avery1 a $ -ollege -h&.1 then a reporter on
one o$ the evening papers! It 3as a,o&t a .onth a$ter .y .e.ora,le intervie3 3ith
*t&rte- vant1 3hi-h1 ,y that ti.e1 3as al.ost $orgotten!
>'ello1 ol -hap1> he saiF >ho3As the 3orl &sing yo&6 *till on spa-e6>
>%es1> I replie1 ,itterly1 >3ith prospe-ts o$ ,eing on the to3n1 shortly! B&t yo& look as i$
things 3ere yo&r 3ay! "ell .e all a,o&t it!>
>"hings have ,een .y 3ay1 $or a $a-t1 an it is all re.arka,le1 3hen all is sai!
%o& kno3 *t&rtevant1 onAt yo&6 ItAs all &e to hi.! I 3as pl&., o3n on .y l&-k @
thinking o$ the .org&e an all that @ looking $or yo&1 in $a-t1 3ith the iea yo& 3o&l
len .e eno&gh to pay .y roo. rent1 3hen I .et *t&rtevant!
>'e tol .e a story1 an1 really1 ol .an1 it is the .ost re.arka,le story yo& ever hearF
it .ae a ne3 .an o&t o$ .e! 5ithin t3enty-$o&r ho&rs I 3as on .y $eet an IAve harly
kno3n a -are or a tro&,le sin-e!>
AveryAs state.ent1 &ttere -al.ly1 an 3ith the air o$ one 3ho ha .erely prono&n-e an
a2io.1 re-alle to .y .in the -onversation 3ith *t&rtevant in the -a$e that stor.y
night1 nearly a .onth ,e$ore!
>It .&st ,e a re.arka,le story1> I sai1 in-re&lo&sly! >*t&rtevant .entione it to .e on-e!
I have not seen hi. sin-e! 5here is he no36>
>'e has ,een .aking 3ar sket-hes in C&,a1 at t3o h&nre a 3eekF heAs ?&st ret&rne! It
is a $a-t that every,oy 3ho has hear the story has one 3ell sin-e! "here are Cosgrove
an Phillips1 $riens o$ .ine @ yo& onAt kno3 the.! +neAs a real estate agentF the
otherAs a ,rokerAs -lerk1 *t&rtevant tol the. the story1 an they have e2perien-e the
sa.e re- s&lts that I haveF an they are not the only ones!
>Do yo& kno3 the story6> I aske! >5ill yo& try its e$$e-t on .e6>
Inspiration-"o-#o eBooks $or %o&
>CertainlyF 3ith the greatest pleas&re in the 3orl! I 3o&l like to have it printe in ,ig
,la-k type1 an poste on the elevate stations thro&gho&t 4e3 %ork! It -ertainly 3o&l
o a lot o$ goo1 an itAs as si.ple as A1 B1 CG like living on a $ar.! (2-&se .e a .in&te1
3ill yo&6 I see Dan$orth over there! Ba-k in a .in&te1 ol -hap!>
I$ the tr&th ,e tol1 I 3as h&ngry! )y po-ket at that .o.ent -ontaine e2a-tly $ive -entsF
?&st eno&gh to pay .y $are &pto3n1 ,&t ins&$$i-ient also to stan the e2pense o$ $illing
.y sto.a-h!
"here 3as a >night o3l> 3agon in the neigh,orhoo1 3here I ha $reE&ently >stoo &p>
the p&rveyor o$ .inight ainties1 an to hi. I applie! 'e 3as leaving the 3agon as I
3as on the point o$ entering it1 an I a--oste hi.! >IA. ,roke again1> I sai1 3ith e2tre.e
-oriality! >%o&All have to tr&st .e on-e .ore! *o.e ha. an eggs1 I think1 3ill o $or the
'e -o&ghe1 hesitate a .o.ent1 an then re-entere the 3agon 3ith .e! >)r! C&rrier is
goo $or anything he orersA> he sai to the .an in -hargeF >one o$ .y ol -&sto.ers!
"his is )r! Bryan1 )r! C&rrier! 'e 3ill take goo -are o$ yo&1 an Astan $orA yo&1 ?&st the
sa.e as I 3o&l! "he $a-t is1 I have sol o&t! IAve ?&st t&rne over the o&t$it to Bryan! By
the 3ay1 isnAt )r! *t&rtevant a $rien o$ yo&rs6> I noe! I -o&lnAt have spoken i$ I ha
>5ell1> -ontin&e the e2->night o3l> .an1 >he -a.e in here one night1 a,o&t a .onth ago1
an tol .e the .ost 3oner$&l story I ever hear! IAve ?&st ,o&ght a pla-e in (ighth Ave-
n&e1 3here I a. going to r&n a reg&lar resta&rant @ near "3enty-thir *treet! Co.e an
see .e!>
'e 3as o&t o$ the 3agon an the sliing oor ha ,een ,ange sh&t ,e$ore I -o&l stop
hi.F so I ate .y ha. an eggs in silen-e1 an resolve that I 3o&l hear that story ,e$ore
I slept! In $a-t1 I ,egan to regar it 3ith s&perstition! I$ it ha .ae so .any $ort&nes1
s&rely it sho&l ,e -apa,le o$ .aking .ine! "he -ertainty that the 3oner$&l story @ I
,egan to regar it as .agi- @ 3as in the air1 possesse .e!
As I starte to 3alk ho.e3ar1 $ingering the solitary ni-kel in .y po-ket an -onte.plat-
ing the -ertainty o$ riing o3nto3n in the .orning1 I e2perien-e the sensation o$
so.e- thing stealthily p&rs&ing .e1 as i$ Fate 3ere treaing along ,ehin .e1 yet
never overtaking1 an I 3as -ons-io&s that I 3as possesse 3ith or ,y the story!
5hen I rea-he ;nion *E&are1 I e2a.ine .y aress ,ook $or the ho.e o$ *t&rtevant! It
3as not re-ore there! "hen I re.e.,ere the -a$e in ;niversity Pla-e1 an1 altho&gh the
ho&r 3as late1 it o--&rre to .e that he .ight ,e there!
'e 3asH In a $ar -orner o$ the roo.1 s&rro&ne ,y a gro&p o$ a-E&aintan-es1 I sa3 hi.!
'e is-overe .e at the sa.e instant1 an .otione to .e to ?oin the. at the ta,le! "here
3as no -han-e $or the story1 ho3ever!
"here 3ere hal$ a oBen aro&n the ta,le1 an I 3as the $&rthest re.ove $ro. *t&rtevant!
B&t I kept .y eyes &pon hi.1 an ,ie .y ti.e1 eter.ine that1 3hen he rose to
epart1 I 3o&l go 3ith hi.!
Inspiration-"o-#o eBooks $or %o&
A silen-e1 s&ggestive o$ respe-t$&l a3e1 ha $allen &pon the party 3hen I took .y seat!
(veryone ha see.e to ,e thinking1 an the attention o$ all 3as $i2e &pon *t&rtevant!
"he -a&se 3as apparent! 'e ha ,een telling the story! I ha entere the -a$e ?&st too late
to hear it!
+n .y right1 3hen I took .y seat1 3as a o-torF on .y le$t a la3yer! Fa-ing .e on the
other sie 3as a novelist 3ith 3ho. I ha so.e a-E&aintan-e! "he others 3ere artists an
>ItAs too ,a1 )r! C&rrier1> re.arke the o-torF >yo& sho&l have -o.e a little sooner1
*t&rtevant has ,een telling &s a storyF it is E&ite 3oner$&l1 really! I say1 *t&rtevant1 3onAt
yo& tell that story again1 $or the ,ene$it o$ )r! C&rrier6>
>5hy yes! I ,elieve that C&rrier has1 so.eho31 $aile to hear the .agi- story1 altho&gh1 as
a .atter o$ $a-t1 I think he 3as the $irst one to 3ho. I .entione it at all! It 3as here1 in
this -a$e1 too @ at this very ta,le!
>Do yo& re.e.,er 3hat a 3il night that 3as1 C&rrier6 5asnAt I -alle to the telephone1 or
so.ething like that6
>"o ,e s&reH I re.e.,er1 no3F interr&pte ?&st at the point 3hen I 3as ,eginning the
story! A$ter that I tol it to three or $o&r $ello3s1 an it A,ra-e the. &p1A as it ha .e! It
see.s in-rei,le that a .ere story -an have s&-h a toni- e$$e-t &pon the s&--ess o$ so
.any persons 3ho are engage in s&-h 3iely i$$erent o--&pations1 ,&t that is 3hat it
has one!
>It is a kin o$ never-$ailing re.ey1 like a -o&gh .i2t&re that is 3arrante to -&re every-
thing1 $ro. a -ol in the hea to galloping -ons&.ption! "here 3as Parsons1 $or e2a.ple!
'e is a ,roker1 yo& kno31 an ha ,een on the 3rong sie o$ the .arket $or a .onth! 'e
ha &tterly lost his grip1 an 3as on the verge o$ $ail&re!
>I happene to .eet hi. at the ti.e he 3as $eeling the ,l&est1 an ,e$ore 3e parte1
so.ething ,ro&ght .e aro&n to the s&,?e-t o$ the story1 an I relate it to hi.! It ha the
sa.e e$$e-t on hi. as it ha on .e1 an has ha on every,oy 3ho has hear it1 as $ar as
I kno3!
>I think yo& 3ill all agree 3ith .e1 that it is not the story itsel$ that per$or.s the s&rgi-al
operation on the .ins o$ those 3ho are $a.iliar 3ith itF it is the 3ay it is tol @ in print1
I .ean! "he a&thor has1 so.eho31 pro&-e a psy-hologi-al e$$e-t 3hi-h is
ines-ri,a,le! "he reaer is hypnotiBe! 'e re-eives a .ental an .oral toni-!
>Perhaps1 o-tor1 yo& -an give so.e s-ienti$i- e2planation o$ the in$l&en-e e2erte ,y the
story! It is a sort o$ eli2ir .an&$a-t&re o&t o$ 3ors1 eh6> Fro. that1 the -o.pany entere
&pon a general is-&ssion o$ theories!
4o3 an then slight re$eren-es 3ere .ae to the story itsel$1 an they 3ere ?&st s&$$i-ient
to tantaliBe .e @ the only one present 3ho ha not hear it!
At length1 I le$t .y -hair1 an passing aro&n the ta,le1 seiBe *t&rtevant ,y one ar.1 an
s&--eee in ra3ing hi. a3ay $ro. the party!
Inspiration-"o-#o eBooks $or %o&
>I$ yo& have any -onsieration $or an ol $rien 3ho is rapily ,eing riven .a ,y the
e2isten-e o$ that -on$o&ne story1 3hi-h Fate see.s eter.ine that I shall never hear1
yo& 3ill relate it to .e no31> I sai1 savagely!
*t&rtevant stare at .e in 3il s&rprise! >All right1> he sai! >"he others 3ill e2-&se .e $or
a $e3 .o.ents1 I think! *it o3n here1 an yo& shall have it!
>I $o&n it paste in an ol s-rap,ook I p&r-hase in Ann *treet1 $or three -ents an there
isnAt a thing a,o&t it ,y 3hi-h one -an get any iea in 3hat p&,li-ation it originally ap-
peare1 or 3ho 3rote it!
>5hen I is-overe it1 I ,egan -as&ally to rea it1 an in a .o.ent I 3as intereste! Be$ore
I le$t it1 I ha rea it thro&gh .any ti.es1 so that I -o&l repeat it al.ost 3or $or 3or! It
a$$e-te .e strangely @ as i$ I ha -o.e in -onta-t 3ith so.e strong personality!
>"here see.s to ,e in the story a personal ele.ent that applies to every one 3ho reas it!
5ell1 a$ter I ha rea it several ti.es1 I ,egan to think it over! I -o&lnAt stay in the ho&se1
so I seiBe .y -oat an hat an 3ent o&t!
>I .&st have 3alke several .iles1 ,&oyantly1 3itho&t realiBing that I 3as the sa.e .an1
3ho1 in only a short ti.e ,e$ore1 ha ,een in the epths o$ esponen-y!
>"hat 3as the ay I .et yo& here1 yo& re.e.,er!> 5e 3ere interr&pte at that instant
,y a &ni$or.e .essenger1 3ho hane *t&rtevant a telegra.! It 3as $ro. his -hie$1 an
e.ane his instant attenan-e at the o$$i-e! "he sener ha alreay ,een elaye an
ho&r1 an there 3as no help $or itF he .&st go at on-e!
>"oo ,aH> sai *t&rtevant1 rising an e2tening his han! >"ell yo& 3hat IAll o1 ol -hap!
IA. not likely to ,e gone any .ore than an ho&r or t3o!
>%o& take .y key an 3ait $or .e in .y roo.! In the es-ritoire near the 3ino3 yo&
3ill $in an ol s-rap,ook ,o&n in ra3hie! It 3as .an&$a-t&re1 I have no o&,t1 ,y
the a&thor o$ the .agi- story! 5ait $or .e in .y roo. &ntil I ret&rn!>
I $o&n the ,ook 3itho&t i$$i-&lty! It 3as a E&aint1 a$$air1 -overe1 as *t&rte-
vant ha sai1 3ith ra3hie1 an ,o&n 3ith leather thongs! "he pages $or.e an o
-o.,ination o$ yello3 paper1 vell&. an par-h.ent!
I $o&n the story1 -&rio&sly printe on the last-na.e .aterial! It 3as E&aint an strange!
(viently1 the printer ha >set> it &ner the s&pervision o$ the 3riter!
"he phraseology 3as an &n&s&al -o.,ination o$ seventeenth an eighteenth -ent&ry
.anneris.s1 an the interpolation o$ itali-s an -apitals -o&l have originate in no other
,rain than that o$ its a&thor!
In repro&-ing the $ollo3ing story1 the pe-&liarities o$ type1 et-! are eli.inate1 ,&t in
other respe-ts it re.ains &n-hange!
Inspiration-"o-#o eBooks $or %o&
Part 2 - "he )agi- *tory 9a&thor &nkno3n:
Inas.&-h as I have evolve $ro. .y e2perien-e1 the one great se-ret o$ s&--ess $or all
3orlly &nertakings1 I ee. it 3ise1 no3 that the n&.,er o$ .y ays is nearly -o&nte1
to give to the generations that are to $ollo3 .e the ,ene$it o$ 3hatsoever kno3lege I pos-
I o not apologiBe $or the .anner o$ .y e2pression1 nor $or the la-k o$ literary .erit1
the latter ,eing1 I s&spe-t1 its o3n apology!
"ools .&-h heavier than the pen have ,een .y portion1 an .oreover1 the 3eight o$ years
has so.e3hat palsie the han an ,rainF nevertheless1 the $a-t I -an tell1 an 3hat I
ee. the .eat 3ithin the n&t!
5hat .attereth it1 in 3hat .anner the shell ,e ,roken1 so that the .eat ,e o,taine an
renere &se$&l6
I o&,t not that I shall &se1 in the telling1 e2pressions that have -l&ng to .y .e.ory sin-e
-hilhooF $or1 3hen .en attain the n&.,er o$ .y years1 happenings o$ yo&th are like to
,e -learer to their per-eptions than are events o$ re-ent ateF nor oth it .atter .&-h ho3
a tho&ght is e2presse1 i$ it ,e 3holeso.e an help$&l1 an $ineth the &nerstaning!
)&-h have I 3earie .y ,rain anent the E&estion1 ho3 ,est to es-ri,e this re-ipe $or
s&-- -ess that I have is-overe1 an it see.eth avisa,le to give it as it -a.e to .eF that
is1 i$
I relate so.e3hat o$ the story o$ .y li$e1 the ire-tions $or agglo.erating the s&,stan-es1
an s&pplying the seasoning $or the a--o.plish.ent o$ the ish1 3ill plainly ,e per-eive!
'appen they .ayF an that .en .ay ,e ,orn generations a$ter I a. &st1 3ho 3ill live
to ,less .e $or the 3ors I 3rite!
Inspiration-"o-#o eBooks $or %o&
)y $ather1 then1 3as a sea$aring .an 3ho1 early in li$e1 $orsook his vo-ation1 an settle
on a plantation in the -olony o$ Virginia1 3here1 so.e years therea$ter1 I 3as ,orn1 3hi-h
event took pla-e in the year /8I2F an that 3as over a h&nre years ago! Better $or .y
$ather ha it ,een1 ha he hearkene to the 3ise avi-e o$ .y .other1 that he re.ain in
the -alling o$ his e&-ationF ,&t he 3o&l not have it so1 an the goo vessel he -aptaine
3as ,artere $or the lan I spoke o$! 'ere ,eginneth the $irst lesson to ,e a-E&ireG
/! )an sho&l not ,e ,line to 3hatsoever .erit e2ists in the opport&nity 3hi-h he hath
in han1 re.e.,ering that a tho&san pro.ises $or the $&t&re sho&l 3eigh as na&ght
against the possession o$ a single pie-e o$ silver!
5hen I ha a-hieve ten years1 .y .otherAs so&l took $light1 an t3o years therea$ter .y
3orthy $ather $ollo3e her! I1 ,eing their only ,egotten1 3as le$t aloneF ho3ever1 there
3ere $riens 3ho1 $or a ti.e1 -are $or .eF that is to say1 they o$$ere .e a ho.e ,eneath
their roo$ @ a thing 3hi-h I took avantage o$ $or the spa-e o$ $ive .onths!
Fro. .y $atherAs estate there -a.e to .e na&ghtF ,&t1 in the 3iso. that -a.e 3ith
in- -reasing years1 I -onvin-e .ysel$ that his $rien1 &ner 3hose roo$ I lingere $or
so.e ti.e1 ha e$ra&e hi.1 an there$ore .e!
+$ the ti.e $ro. the age o$ t3elve an a hal$ &ntil I 3as three an t3enty1 I 3ill .ake no
re-ital here1 sin-e that ti.e hath na&ght to o 3ith this taleF ,&t so.e ti.e a$ter1 having in
.y possession the s&. o$ si2teen g&ineas1 ten1 3hi-h I ha save $ro. the $r&its o$ .y
la,or1 I took ship to Boston to3n1 3here I ,egan to 3ork $irst as a -ooper1 an therea$ter
as a shipAs -arpenter1 altho&gh al3ays a$ter the -ra$t 3as o-keF $or the sea 3as not
a.ongst .y esires!
Fort&ne 3ill s.ile &pon an intene vi-ti. ,e-a&se o$ p&re perversity o$ te.-
per! *&-h 3as one o$ .y e2perien-es! I prospere1 an at seven an t3enty1 o3ne the
yar 3herein1 less than $o&r years earlier1 I ha 3orke $or hire! Fort&ne1 ho3ever1 is a
?ae 3ho .&st ,e -oer-eF she 3ill not ,e -ole! 'ere ,eginneth the se-on lesson to
,e a-E&ireG
2! Fort&ne is ever el&sive1 an -an only ,e retaine ,y $or-e! Deal 3ith her tenerly an
she 3ill $orsake yo& $or a stronger .an! 9In that1 .ethinks1 she is not &nlike other 3o.en
o$ .y kno3lege:
A,o&t this ti.e1 Disaster 93hi-h is one o$ the herals o$ ,roken spirits an lost resolve:1
pai .e a visit! Fire ravage .y yars1 leaving .e nothing in its ,la-kene paths ,&t
e,ts1 3hi-h I ha not the -oin 3here3ith to e$ray! I la,ore 3ith .y a-E&aintan-es1
seeking assistan-e $or a ne3 start1 ,&t the $ire that ha ,&rne .y -o.peten-e1 see.e
also to have -ons&.e their sy.pathies! *o it happene1 3ithin a short ti.e1 that not only
ha I lost all1 ,&t I 3as hopelessly ine,te to othersF an $or that they -ast .e into
It is possi,le that I .ight have rallie $ro. .y losses ,&t $or this last inignity1 3hi-h
,roke o3n .y spirits so that I ,e-a.e &tterly esponent! ;p3ar o$ a year I 3as e-
taine 3ithin the prisonF an1 3hen I i -o.e $orth1 it 3as not the sa.e hope$&l1
happy .an1 -ontent 3ith his lot1 an 3ith -on$ien-e in the 3orl an its people1 3ho
ha en- tere there!
Inspiration-"o-#o eBooks $or %o&
Li$e has .any path3ays1 an o$ the. ,y $ar the greater n&.,er lea o3n3ar! *o.e
are pre-ipito&s1 others are less a,r&ptF ,&t &lti.ately1 no .atter at 3hat in-lination the
angle .ay ,e $i2e1 they arrive at the sa.e estination @ $ail&re! An here ,eginneth the
thir lessonG
J! Fail&re e2ists only in the grave! )an1 ,eing alive1 hath not yet $aileF al3ays he .ay
t&rn a,o&t an as-en ,y the sa.e path he es-ene ,yF an there .ay ,e one that is
less a,r&pt 9al,eit longer o$ a-hieve.ent: an .ore aapta,le to his -onition!
5hen I -a.e $orth $ro. prison1 I 3as penniless! In all the 3orl I possesse na&ght ,e-
yon the poor gar.ents 3hi-h -overe .e1 an a 3alking sti-k 3hi-h the t&rnkey ha per-
.itte .e to retain1 sin-e it 3as 3orthless!
Being a skille 3ork.an1 ho3ever1 I speeily $o&n e.ploy.ent at goo 3agesF ,&t1 hav-
ing eaten o$ the $r&it o$ 3orlly avantage1 issatis$a-tion possesse .e!
I ,e-a.e .orose an s&llenF 3hereat1 to -heer .y spirits1 an $or the sake o$ $orgetting
the losses I ha s&staine1 I passe .y evenings at the tavern! 4ot that I rank over.&-h
o$ liE&or1 e2-ept on o--asion1 ,&t that I -o&l la&gh an sing1 an parry 3it an ,ainage
3ith .y neAer-o-3ell -o.panionsF an here .ight ,e in-l&e the $o&rth lessonG
I! *eek -o.raes the in&strio&s1 $or those 3ho are ile 3ill sap yo&r energies
$ro. yo&!
It 3as .y pleas&re at that ti.e to relate1 &pon slight provo-ation1 the tale o$ .y isasters1
an to rail against the .en 3ho. I ee.e to have 3ronge .e1 ,e-a&se they ha seen
$it not to -o.e to .y ai!
)oreover1 I $o&n -hilish elight in $il-hing $ro. .y e.ployer1 ea-h ay1 a $e3 .o.ents
o$ the ti.e $or 3hi-h he pai .e! *&-h a thing is less honest than o3nright the$t!
"his ha,it -ontin&e an gre3 &pon .e &ntil the ay a3ne 3hi-h $o&n .e not only
3itho&t e.ploy.ent1 ,&t also 3itho&t -hara-ter1 3hi-h .eant that I -o&l not hope to
$in 3ork 3ith any other e.ployer in Boston to3n!
It 3as then that I regare .ysel$ a $ail&re! I -an liken .y -onition at that ti.e $or
na&ght .ore si.ilar than that o$ a .an 3ho1 es-ening the steep sie o$ a .o&ntain1
loses his $oothol! "he $arther he slies1 the $aster he goes!
I have also hear this -onition es-ri,e ,y the 3or Ish.aelite1 3hi-h I &nerstan to
,e a .an 3hose han is against every,oy1 an 3ho thinks that the hans o$ every other
.an are against hi.F an here ,eginneth the $i$th lessonG
5! "he Ish.aelite an the leper are the sa.e1 sin-e ,oth are a,o.inations in the sight o$
.an @ al,eit they i$$er .&-h1 in that the $ .ay ,e restore to per$e-t health! "he
$ is entirely the res&lt o$ i.aginationF the latter has poison in his ,loo!
I 3ill not is-o&rse at length &pon the gra&al egeneration o$ .y energies! It is not .eet
ever to 3ell .&-h &pon .is$ort&nes 93hi-h saying is also 3orthy o$ re.e.,ran-e:!
Inspiration-"o-#o eBooks $or %o&
It is eno&gh i$ I a that the ay -a.e 3here I possesse na&ght 3here3ith to p&r-hase
$oo an rai.ent1 an I $o&n .ysel$ like &nto a pa&per1 save at in$reE&ent 3hen I
-o&l earn a $e3 pen-e1 or perhaps1 a shilling! *teay e.ploy.ent I -o&l not se-&re1 so I
,e-a.e e.a-iate in ,oy1 an na&ght ,&t skeleton in spirit!
)y -onition1 then1 3as eplora,leF not so .&-h $or the ,oy1 ,e it sai1 as $or the .ental
part o$ .e1 3hi-h 3as si-k &nto eath! In .y i.agination I ee.e .ysel$ ostra-iBe ,y
the 3hole 3orl1 $or I ha s&nk very lo3 ineeF an here ,eginneth the si2th an $inal les-
son to ,e a-E&ire1 93hi-h -annot ,e tol in one senten-e1 nor in one paragraph1 ,&t .&st
nees ,e aopte $ro. the re.ainer o$ this tale:!
5ell o I re.e.,er .y a3akening1 $or it -a.e in the night1 3hen1 in tr&th1 I i a3ake
$ro. sleep! )y ,e 3as a pile o$ shavings in the rear o$ the -ooper shop 3here on-e I ha
3orke $or hireF .y roo$ 3as the pyra.i o$ -asks1 &nerneath 3hi-h I ha esta,lishe
.ysel$! "he night 3as -ol1 an I 3as -hille1 al,eit1 parao2i-ally1 I ha ,een o$
light an an o$ the epletion o$ goo things!
%o& 3ill say1 3hen I relate the e$$e-t the vision ha on .e1 that .y .in 3as a$$e-te!
*o ,e it1 $or it is the hope that the .ins o$ others .ight ,e like3ise in$l&en-e 3hi-h
is- poses .e to &nertake the la,or o$ this 3riting!
It 3as the rea. 3hi-h -onverte .e to the ,elie$ @ nay1 to the kno3lege @ that I 3as
possesse o$ t3o entitiesG an it 3as .y o3n ,etter sel$ that a$$ore .e the assistan-e
$or 3hi-h I ha pleae in vain $ro. .y a-E&aintan-es! I have hear this -onition e-
s-ri,e ,y the 3or >o&,le!> 4evertheless1 that 3or oes not -o.prehen .y .eaning!
A o&,le1 -an ,e na&ght .ore than a o&,le1 neither hal$ ,eing possesse o$ inivi&ality!
B&t I 3ill not philosophiBe1 sin-e philosophy is na&ght ,&t a s&it o$ gar.ents $or the e-o-
ration o$ a &..y $ig&re!
)oreover1 it 3as not the rea. itsel$ 3hi-h a$$e-te .eF it 3as the i.pression .ae ,y it1
an the in$l&en-e that it e2erte over .e1 3hi-h a--o.plishe .y en$ran-hise.ent! In a
3or1 then1 I en-o&rage .y other ientity!
A$ter toiling thro&gh a te.pest o$ sno3 an 3in1 I peere into a 3ino3 an sa3 that
other ,eing! 'e 3as rosy 3ith healthF ,e$ore hi.1 on the hearth1 ,laBe a $ire o$ logsF there
3as a -ons-io&s po3er an $or-e in his e.eanorF he 3as physi-ally an .entally .&s-
-&lar! I rappe ti.ily &pon the oor1 an he ,ae .e enter!
"here 3as a not &nkinly s.ile o$ erision in his eyes as he .otione .e to a -hair ,y the
$ireF ,&t he &ttere no 3or o$ 3el-o.eF an1 3hen I ha 3ar.e .ysel$1 I 3ent $orth
again into the te.pest1 ,&rene 3ith the sha.e 3hi-h the -ontrast ,et3een &s ha
$or-e &pon .e!
It 3as then that I a3okeF an here -o.eth the strange part o$ .y tale1 $or1 3hen I i
a3ake1 I 3as not alone! "here 3as a Presen-e 3ith .eF intangi,le to others1 I is-overe
later1 ,&t real to .e!
Inspiration-"o-#o eBooks $or %o&
"he Presen-e 3as in .y likeness1 yet it 3as strikingly &nlike! "he ,ro31 not .ore lo$ty
than .y o3n1 yet see.e .ore ro&n an $&llF the eyes1 -lear1 ire-t1 an $ille 3ith
p&r- pose1 glo3e 3ith enth&sias. an resol&tionF the lips1 -hin @ aye1 the 3hole
-onto&r o$ $a-e an $ig&re 3as o.inant an eter.ine! 'e 3as -al.1 stea$ast1 an
sel$-reliantF I 3as -o3ering1 $ille 3ith nervo&s tre.,ling1 an $earso.e o$ intangi,le
5hen the Presen-e t&rne a3ay1 I $ollo3e1 an thro&gho&t the ay I never lost sight o$ it1
save 3hen it isappeare $or a ti.e ,eyon so.e oor3ay 3here I are not enterF at
s&-h pla-es1 I a3aite its ret&rn 3ith trepiation an a3e1 $or I -o&l not help 3onering
at the te.erity o$ the Presen-e 9so like .ysel$1 an yet so &nlike: in aring to enter
3here .y o3n $eet $eare to trea!
It see.e also as i$ p&rposely1 I 3as le to the pla-e an to the .en 3here1 an ,e$ore
3ho. I .ost reae to appearF to o$$i-es 3here on-e I ha transa-te ,&sinessF to
.en 3ith 3ho. I ha $inan-ial ealings! "hro&gho&t the ay I p&rs&e the Presen-e1
an at evening sa3 it isappear ,eyon the portals o$ a hostelry $a.o&s $or its -heer an
goo living! I so&ght the pyra.i o$ -asks an shavings!
4ot again in .y rea.s that night i I en-o&nter the Better *el$ 9$or that is 3hat I have
na.e it:1 al,eit1 3hen1 per-han-e1 I a3akene $ro. sl&.,er1 it 3as near to .e1 ever 3ear-
ing that -al. s.ile o$ kinly erision 3hi-h -o&l not ,e .istaken $or pity1 nor $or -ono-
len-e in any $or.! "he o$ it st&ng .e sorely!
"he se-on ay 3as not &nlike the $irst1 ,eing a repetition o$ its $orer&nner1 an I 3as
again oo.e to 3ait o&tsie &ring the visits 3hi-h the Presen-e pai to pla-es 3here I
3o&l have gone ha I possesse the reE&isite -o&rage! It is $ear 3hi-h eporteth a .anAs
so&l $ro. his ,oy an renereth it a thing to ,e espise! )any a ti.e I essaye to a-
ress it ,&t en&n-iation rattle in .y throat1 &nintelligi,leF an the ay -lose like its
"his happene .any ays1 one $ollo3ing another1 &ntil I -ease to -o&nt the.F al,eit1 I
is-overe that -onstant asso-iation 3ith the Presen-e 3as pro&-ing an e$$e-t on .eF
an one night 3hen I a3oke the -asks an is-erne that he 3as present1 I .ae
,ol to speak1 al,eit 3ith .arke ti.iity!
>5ho are yo&6> I vent&re to askF an I 3as startle into an &pright post&re ,y the so&n
o$ .y o3n voi-eF an the E&estion see.e to give pleas&re to .y -o.panion1 so that I
$an-ie there 3as less o$ erision in his s.ile 3hen he respone!
>I a. that I a.1> 3as the reply! >I a. he 3ho yo& have ,eenF I a. he 3ho yo& .ay ,e
againF 3here$ore o yo& hesitate6 I a. he 3ho yo& 3ere1 an 3ho. yo& have -ast o&t $or
other -o.pany! I a. the .an .ae in the i.age o$ #o1 3ho on-e possesse yo&r ,oy!
+n-e 3e 3elt 3ithin it together1 not in har.ony1 $or that -an never ,e1 nor yet in &nity1 $or
that is i.possi,le1 ,&t as tenants in -o..on 3ho rarely $o&ght $or $&ll possession!
"hen1 yo& 3ere a p&ny thing1 ,&t yo& ,e-a.e sel$ish an e2a-ting &ntil I -o&l no longer
a,ie 3ith yo&1 there$ore I steppe o&t! "here is a pl&s-entity an .in&s-entity in every
h&.an ,oy that is ,orn into the 3orl! 5hi-hever one o$ these is $avore ,y the $lesh
,e- o.inantF then is the other in-line to a,anon its ha,itation1 te.porarily or
$or all ti.e! I a. the pl&s-entity o$ yo&rsel$F yo& are the .in&s-entity! I o3n all thingsF yo&
pos- sess na&ght! "hat ,oy 3hi-h 3e ,oth inha,ite is .ine1 ,&t it is &n-lean1 an I 3ill
not 3ell 3ithin it! Cleanse it1 an I 3ill take possession!>
Inspiration-"o-#o eBooks $or %o&
>5hy o yo& p&rs&e .e6> I ne2t aske o$ the Presen-e!
>%o& have p&rs&e .e1 not I yo&! %o& -an e2ist 3itho&t .e $or a ti.e1 ,&t yo&r path leas
o3n3ar1 an the en is eath! 4o3 that yo& approa-h the en1 yo& e,ate i$ it ,e not
politi- that yo& sho&l -leanse yo&r ho&se an invite .e to enter! *tep asie1 $ro. the
,rain an the 3illF -leanse the. o$ yo&r presen-eF only on that -onition 3ill I ever o--&py
the. again!>
>"he ,rain has lost its po3er1> I $altere! >"he 3ill is a 3eak thing1 no3F -an yo& repair
>ListenH> sai the Presen-e1 an he to3ere over .e 3hile I -o3ere a,?e-tly at his $eet!
>"o the pl&s-entity o$ a .an1 all things are possi,le! "he 3orl ,elongs to hi. @ is his es-
tate! 'e $ears na&ght1 reas na&ght1 stops at na&ghtF he asks no privileges1 ,&t e.ans
the.F he o.inates1 an -annot -ringeF his reE&ests are orersF opposition $lees at his
approa-hF he levels .o&ntains1 $ills in vales1 an travels on an even plane 3here
st&.- ,ling is &nkno3n!>
"herea$ter1 I slept again1 an1 3hen I a3oke1 I see.e to ,e in a i$$erent 3orl! "he s&n
3as shining an I 3as -ons-io&s that ,irs t3ittere a,ove .y hea! )y ,oy1 yesteray
tre.,ling an &n-ertain1 ha ,e-o.e vigoro&s an $ille 3ith energy!
I gaBe &pon the pyra.i o$ -asks in a.aBe.ent that I ha so long .ae &se o$ it $or
an a,iing pla-e1 an I 3as 3oneringly -ons-io&s that I ha passe .y last night
,eneath its shelter!
"he events o$ the night re-&rre to .e1 an I looke a,o&t .e $or the Presen-e! It 3as not
visi,le1 ,&t anon I is-overe1 -o3ering in a $ar -orner o$ .y resting pla-e1 a p&ny a,?e-t
sh&ering $ig&re1 istorte o$ visage1 e$or.e o$ shape1 ishevele an & o$ ap-
pearan-e! It tottere as it 3alke1 $or it approa-he .e piteo&slyF ,&t I la&ghe alo&1 .er-
Per-han-e I kne3 then that it 3as the .in&s-entity1 an that the pl&s-entity 3as 3ithin .eF
al,eit I i not then realiBe it!
)oreover1 I 3as in haste to get a3ayF I ha no ti.e $or philosophy! "here 3as .&-h $or
.e to o @ .&-hF strange it 3as that I ha not tho&ght o$ that yesteray! B&t
yesteray 3as gone @ toay 3as 3ith .e @ it ha ?&st ,eg&n!
As ha on-e ,een .y aily ha,it1 I t&rne .y steps in the ire-tion o$ the tavern1 3here
$or.erly I ha partaken o$ .y .eals! I noe -heerily as I entere1 an s.ile in re-ogni-
tion o$ ret&rne sal&tations! )en 3ho ha ignore .e $or .onths ,o3e gra-io&sly 3hen
I passe the. on the thoro&gh$are!
I 3ent to the 3ashroo.1 an $ro. there to the ,reak$ast ta,leF a$ter3ars1 3hen I passe
the taproo.1 I pa&se a .o.ent an sai to the lanlorG
>I 3ill o--&py the sa.e roo. that I $or.erly &se1 i$ per-han-e1 yo& have it at isposal! I$
not1 another 3ill o as 3ell1 &ntil I -an o,tain it!>
Inspiration-"o-#o eBooks $or %o&
"hen I 3ent o&t an h&rrie 3ith all haste to the -ooperage! "here 3as a h&ge 3agon in
the yar1 an .en 3ere loaing it 3ith -asks $or ship.ent! I aske no E&estions1 ,&t1 seiB-
ing ,arrels1 ,egan h&rling the. to the .en 3ho 3orke atop o$ the loa!
5hen this 3as $inishe1 I entere the shop! "here 3as a va-ant ,en-hF I re-ogniBe its
is&se ,y the litter on its top! It 3as the sa.e at 3hi-h I ha on-e 3orke! *tripping o$$ .y
-oat1 I soon -leare it o$ i.pei.enta! In a .o.ent .ore I 3as seate1 3ith .y $oot on the
vi-e-lever1 shaving staves!
It 3as an ho&r later 3hen the .aster entere the roo.1 an he pa&se in s&r-
prise at sight o$ .eF alreay there 3as a gooly pile o$ neatly shaven staves ,esie .e1
$or in those ays I 3as an e2-ellent 3ork.anF there 3as none ,etter1 ,&t1 alasH no31 age
hath eprive .e o$ .y skill!
I replie to his &naske E&estion 3ith the ,rie$1 ,&t -o.prehensive senten-eG >I have re-
t&rne to 3ork1 sir!> 'e noe his hea an passe on1 vie3ing the 3ork o$ other .en1
al,eit anon he glan-e askan-e in .y ire-tion!
'ere eneth the si2th an last lesson to ,e a-E&ire1 altho&gh there is .ore to ,e sai1
sin-e $ro. that .o.ent I 3as a s&--ess$&l .an1 an ere long possesse another ship-
yar1 an ha a-E&ire a $&ll -o.peten-e o$ 3orlly goos!
I pray yo& 3ho rea1 hee 3ell the $ollo3ing a.onitions1
sin-e &pon the. epen the 3or >s&--ess> an all that it
5hatsoever yo& esire o$ goo is yo&rs! %o& have ,&t to stret-h $orth
yo&r han an take it!
Learn that the -ons-io&sness o$ o.inant po3er 3ithin yo& is the posses-
sion o$ all things attaina,le!
'ave no $ear o$ any sort or shape1 $or $ear is an a?&n-t o$ the .in&s-
entity! I$ yo& have skill1 apply itF the 3orl .&st pro$it ,y it1 an there$ore1
)ake a aily an nightly -o.panion o$ yo&r pl&s-entityF i$ yo& hee its
a- vi-e1 yo& -annot go 3rong!
Re.e.,er1 philosophy is an arg&.entF the 3orl1 3hi-h is yo&r
property1 is an a--&.&lation o$ $a-ts!
#o there$ore1 an o that 3hi-h is 3ithin yo& to oF take no hee o$ ges-
t&res 3hi-h 3o&l ,e-kon yo& asieF ask o$ no .an per.ission to
Inspiration-"o-#o eBooks $or %o&
"he .in&s-entity reE&ests $avorsF the pl&s-entity grants
Fort&ne 3aits &pon every $ootstep yo& takeF seiBe her1 ,in her1 hol
her1 $or she is yo&rsF she ,elongs to yo&!
*tart o&t no31 3ith these a.onitions in yo&r
*tret-h o&t yo&r han1 an grasp the pl&s1 3hi-h1 .ay,e1 yo& have
never .ae &se o$1 save in great e.ergen-ies!
Li$e is an e.ergen-y .ost grave! %o&r pl&s-entity is ,esie yo& no3F
-leanse yo&r ,rain1 an strengthen yo&r 3ill! It 3ill take possession! It
3aits &pon yo&!
*tart tonightF start no3 &pon this ne3 ?o&rney!
Be al3ays on yo&r g&ar! 5hi-hever entity -ontrols yo&1 the other
hovers at yo&r sieF ,e3are lest the evil enter1 even $or a .o.ent!
)y task is one! I have 3ritten the re-ipe $or >s&--ess!>
I$ $ollo3e1 it -annot $ail!
5herein I .ay not ,e entirely -o.prehene1
the pl&s-entity o$ 3hosoever reas
3ill s&pply the e$i-ien-yF
an &pon that Better *el$ o$ .ine1
I pla-e the ,&ren o$ i.parting
to generations that are to -o.e1 the
se-ret o$ this all-pervaing goo @ the
se-ret o$ ,eing
3hat yo& have it 3ithin yo& to ,e!
L "'( (4D L

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