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July 25, 2014Volume 99, Issue 30nique.

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Renovated Starbucks in Tech Square reopens
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From May 14 to July 15, the
Starbucks located in Barnes and
Noble at Tech Square was under
a $300,000-400,000 renovation
and it is now open for business.
Its actually part of our contract
with Starbucks; every ten years
you need to renovate the space,
said Rebecca Burke, Caf manager
of this Starbucks location. Tis
improvement marks the frst ten
years this location has been open;
Starbucks as well as Barnes and
Noble were one of the frst stores
that served the campus when
Technology Square was completed
in 2003.
We put in new features such
as. Te Wall of Chill, an open-
face cooler. Its actually a new
appliance for Starbucks; not many
stores have those period, Burke
Te purpose of this in-wall
refrigerator is to give customers
access to this stores rapidly
expanding food options such as
sandwiches, bistro boxes, and
salads. Other improvements
include removing a half wall to
put in more seating and removing
a dropped ceiling.
In planning the renovation, this
Starbucks considered the opening
of a new location on Spring
Street that replaces the Arbys,
tentatively scheduled for October
2014. While this location has a
license with Barnes and Noble and
Georgia Tech, the new location is
owned directly by the Starbucks
When we get a competitor so
close, we want to make sure were
2 July 25, 2014 technique // NEWS
The Souths Liveliest College Newspaper
Brittany Miles
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Lindsay Purcell
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Connor Napolitano
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Truitt Clark
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Kenneth Marino
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Wyatt Bazrod
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Arvind Narayan
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Elliot Brockelbank
+6&#$+ ,;($&#=
Mark Russell
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Brenda Lin
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Newt Clark
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Ross Lindsay
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Sam Somani
Founded in 1911, the Technique is the
student newspaper of the Georgia In-
stitute of Technology, and is an ofcial
publication of the Georgia Tech Board
of Student Publications. Te Technique
publishes on Fridays weekly in the fall
and spring and biweekly in the summer
";/,#$(+()*! Information can be
found online at Te dead-
line for reserving ad space is Friday at
5 p.m. one week before publication. To
place a reservation, for billing informa-
tion, or for any other questions please e-
mail us at [email protected]. You may reach
us at (404) 894-2830, Monday through
Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
%&/,#"*, #,?>,+$+= Requests for
coverage and tips should be submitted to
the Editor-in-Chief and/or the relevant
section editor.
Copyright 2013, Ian Bailie, Editor-
in-Chief, and the Georgia Tech Board
of Student Publications. No part of this
paper may be reproduced in any man-
ner without written permission from the
Editor-in-Chief or from the Board of
Student Publications. Te ideas expressed
herein are those of the individual authors
and do not necessarily represent the views
of the Board of Student Publications, the
students, staf, or faculty of the Georgia
Institute of Technology or the University
System of Georgia.

WeIcome to Moe Monday. Get your
favorite burrito every Monday for onIy
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Te sculptures, part of the
Engineered Art: International Art
Exhibit, seen all around campus
will soon be leaving.
Once their one year stay at
Tech is over in August, seven
of the ffteen sculptures will be
shipped to Canada.
Te sculptures have previously
travelled to Europe and also spent
a tear at Florida International
University (FIU).
Eight of the sculptures, though,
will stay on campus, thanks to the
efors of the Arts Advisory Board.
Te Arts Advisory Board is
made up of both external and
internal members of the Tech
Te eight statues staying on
campus were chosen by members
of the advisory board, based on the
opinions of the board members
and the ability to negotiate a price
with the artist.
Te Arts Advisory Board
was excited to have the exhibit
on Techs campus for a year and
are even more excited at the
opportunity to retain some of the
Te Arts Advisory Board
was able to acquire the eight
sculputres through the newly
created Challenge Grant.
Te Challenge Grant is
$150,000, meant to acquire art
through the new Art Aquisition
Fund. Furthermore, the grant
will match dollar for dollar any
donations made to help Tech
acquire more art.
While on campus, the
sculptures have been and will
be curated by John Henry, a
Chattanooga based sculptor.
Te Arts Advisory Board hopes
to continue expanding the arts at
With the hiring of a new
Director of Ofce of the Arts
this summer, the Arts Advisory
Board expects to see a dramatic
increase in encouraging student
arts initiatives, as well as
promoting activities that itegrate
art, creativity, innovation and
exploration, according to Dr.
Aaron Bobick, Professor in the
School of Interactive Computing
and Chair of Faculty Led Council
of Arts.
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On July 12, 204 at 6:25 A.M,
a Georgia Tech police ofcer saw
a man lying unconscious on the
volleyball court near Pi Kappa
Phi. A member of the fraternity
identifed him as a Georgia Tech
student and a fellow brother.
Because the police ofceer
wasnt able to revive the student, a
Grady ambulance moved the stu-
dent to St. Joesphs Hosptial for
evaluation, accompanied by his
fraternity brother. Te student
was charged with a count of pos-
session of alcohol by a minor and
a student conduct code violation,
and prosecution was declined for
the student involved.
On July 15, 2014, GTPD re-
sponded to a report of terroristic
threats. Tese threats were made
between June 10 and July 15 and
the reporting victim was a student
and resident at Fulmer Residence
Hall. Te victim stated that the
ofender was not a stranger.
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On July 18, 2014, GTPD
responded to a call from UA
Whitaker Biomedical Engineer-
ing Building. Between 9:30 and
9:50 A.M. this student reported a
stolen iPod from room 4104. Te
iPod was valued at $50.
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GTPD was called to the Stu-
dent Center on July 15, 2014 at
3:30 P.M. Marcus Mister, the
Associate Director of Opera-
tions for the Student Center and
Donna Lorenson, an accountant
in Auxiliary Services Operation
reported that $882.19 in curren-
cy notes were stolen. Tis theft
was speculated to have happened
between 10:00 P.M. on June 30,
2014 and July 11, 2014.
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On July 15, 2014 the 6:20
P.M. GTPD responded to a call
in the Ford Environmental Sci-
ence and Technology Builiding.
Donald Woodyard, a glass blower
in the Department of Chemistry
and Biochemistry, reported that
a door was vandalized between
July 7, 2015 at 8:00 A.M. and
July 15, at 6:10 P.M.
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GTPD responded to an armed
robbery that happened on Tech
Parkway at Means Street on July
16, 2014. Te robbery happened
between 9:24 P.M. and 10:20
P.M. of that night.
Te victim was afliated with
Georgia Tech. He reported los-
ing a debit card, pair of slacks,
sunglasses, backpack, State of
Georgia drivers license, cell-
phone, and credit cards from Tar-
get and Kohls. Te Maui Gym
Sunglasses were valued at $200.
Te car was recovered. Itwas
a 1999 while four-door Dodge
Tis case is currently under
further investigation by the po-
lice department.
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A Chinese man has contracted
the bubonic plague, forcing the
Chinese government to place a
quarantine around his town of
Yumen, located in the northwest-
ern province of Gansu.
Te man reportedly found a
dead marmot, a small furry ani-
mal that closely resembles a squir-
rel, which he then fed to his dog.
Shortly afterwards, the man con-
tracted a fever.
His conditioned worsened,
even after being taken to the
hospital, and the man died last
According to ofcials, no fur-
ther cases of the bubonic plague
have been reported.
Under the quarantine, no citi-
zens are allowed to enter or leave
the perimeter of the city.
China Central Television
claims that, the city has enough
rice, four and oil to supply all its
residents for up to one month.
It is not unheard of for cases
of the bubonic plague to emerge
in China. In 2012, another man
contracted the disease from a dead
marmot in the Sichuan province.
Te last pandemic, though,
which killed over 10 million citi-
zens, was in 1894.
While modern antibiotics are
efective in treating the bubonic
plague, according to the CDC,
without prompt treatment, serious
illness and death can occur.
People do still get the bubonic
plague in the Western United
States, but signifcantly more
people are infected in parts of
Africa and Asia.
It has not been reported yet
whether the dog fell ill.
technique July 25, 2014 3 // NEWS

Jennifer lawrence as young mystique was a terrible idea ruined

the series for me.
Just go ahead and put a mcdonalds where burger bytes is and take
every last penny of the student body.
Way to replace shitty food with even shittier food. I would expect
anything less from GT Dining.
Sliver me timbers
yay, i got towers! onyl 2018s kids will understand
hi!,I love your writing so much! share we communicate more ap-
proximately your post on AOL? I need an expert in this space to
resolve my problem. Maybe thats you! Looking forward to peer
you. ckkdgede
Once I initially commented I clicked the Notify me when new
feedback are added checkbox and now each time a remark is add-
ed I get four emails with the same comment. Is there any way you
possibly can r
summer time blues, were almost through, just a fnal and a paper
and Im done with school
only to come back two weeks later
summer classes are a mistake
Vigamox Without A Script in Columbus fdeaddgaddekkefd
Tis Kim Kardashian game is taking over my life.
No Coca Cola, do I look like a person who wants to share?
Suns out, guns out- Republicans
My mind says swag but my heart says yolo.
8"$9.,,) :9")*
%&'( &*+,-.
Fresh Squared is a new menu
option that will be launched at
Woodruf Dining Hall starting
this fall semester. An ofcial tast-
ing was held Wednesday, July 22.
Were not renovating the cur-
rent Woodruf, said Ericlee Reed,
the Residence Dining Executive
Chef, referring to Georgia Techs
plan to build a new West Campus
dining hall in 2017. While the
actual construction has not been
planned yet, money from the ex-
isting budget has been allocated
to improving food quality. Its
going to have a diferent feel in
favor from its look and the menu
and presentation.
Tis new program will feature
distinct lunch and dinner menus.
Were still going to have your fa-
vorites but were trying to expand
the oferings at these stations.
said Brian Losonsky, the Resident
Dining Director. For example,
the deli option at the Wednesday
preview consisted of a choice be-
tween two specialty sandwiches
that already served on a plate
along with the pre-existing salad
In addition, Woodruf will be
using more local ingredients in its
food. Right now we buy about
45% local, Reed said. Tey now
plan is to source 65% of produce
and meats from local providers.
For example, a salad served on
the day of the tasting consisted
of hydroponic and pesticide-free
lettuce from the R & G Farm in
Dublin, Georgia.
We took a diferent approach
to traditional residence dining,
Reed said. Instead of seeing a
lot of pans and a lot of salads just
on ice (referring to the current,
bufet-style layout) were actu-
ally doing more individual style
plates. Students can expect to see
one fully complete portion at each
menu station in the dining hall,
such as a ready-made hamburger
or sandwich.
In addition, the menu will of-
fer a wider variety of items ofered
on frequent rotation. Not every
day youll get a hamburger, grilled
cheese sandwich, or a quesadilla,
Reed said, referring to the current
hot food options ofered in dining
halls for lunch, dinner, and past
midnight on a daily basis. You
might only see the fresh hamburg-
ers twice a week but you will see
is that Purdue chicken breast that
was raised down in Peach County,
Georgia. You will see a couscous-
chickpea patty instead of a frozen
At the tasting, the lunch op-
tion from the grill consisted of
a chipotle grilled chicken breast
sandwich, while at dinner stu-
dents could choose from an angus
burger or a grilled three cheese and
apples entre. Vegan options were
also ofered. Students seemed
ambivalent about the quality of
food served. Te burgers were
better I think the buns were not
as stale, said Henry Leung, a sec-
ond year computer science major.
[but] I think my taste buds have
been addled with poor quality
food for the entire semester.
Te primary goal for this new
initiative is to improve the overall
quality of the West Campus din-
ing experience. Woodruf has
all its residents living around it
so the goal is to make it more like
a neighborhood feel and a place
where people want to go spend
time here, not just eat, Losonsky
Woodys gets new fresh menu for Fall
7+>?@7 )*+, -./0 1
as beautiful as possible, Burke
While the two Starbucks will
ofer similar menu items, the
location on Spring Streett will
have a drive-thru and primarily
attract morning commuters. Tis
renovation establishes the Georgia
Tech location specifcally as a
space for studying and meetings.
Were focused on serving the
campus and the direct community
surrounding us, Burke said.
More seating options are
ofered to better serve the campus
customers, which consist mostly
of faculty, staf, and graduate
students, along with students of
the nearby College of Business.
Groups can choose to sit at one of
the stationary community tables
or combine the small, two-person
Before it was set up more
lounge-driven with the couches
and chairs and now its a bit
more intentional with productive
studying, Burke said.
Regular patrons appreciate
how new foor plan is more wel-
coming and conducive to produc-
It seems more open and what
I mean by open I mean I like the
feel to it and then environment.
whereas before it felt like more
gloomy, said Jarrett Smith, a fre-
quent consumer. Te tables were
smaller and fimsy.
I think its nice Its much
more beautiful, said Dr. Johnson
Kakeau, a former Economics
professor at Georgia Tech and
current Assistant Professor at
Morehouse College.Tis new
renovation also addresses safety
I used to fnd a lot of homeless
people here, said Jarrett Smith, a
frequent consumer. Its not as
easy to fnd a sofa to fall asleep on
because its not set up that way.
According to Burke, most
people are just happy that the
Starbucks is up and running
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July 25, 2014
In order to win at life, you need
some Kim K skills, period. -
Kanye West
!"#$#!$% '(#)!*+ George P. Burdell


Write to us:
[email protected]
Got something to say? Ten let
your voice be heard with the Tech-
nique. Sliver at, tweet us
@the_nique or check us out on Face-
book at We
want to hear your opinion and want
to make it known to all of campus.
We also welcome your letters in
response to Technique content as well
as topics relevant to campus. We will
print letters on a timely and space-
available basis.
Each week we look for letters that
are responses to or commentaries on
content found within the pages of the
Technique. Along with these letters,
we are open to receiving letters that
focus on relevant issues that currently
afect Georgia Tech as a university, in-
cluding its campus and student body.
When submitting letters we ask
that you include your full name, year
(1st, 2nd, etc.) and major. We ask that
letters be thought provoking, well
written and in good taste. We reserve
the right to both reject or edit letters
for length and style.
For questions, comments or con-
cern, contact the Opinions Editor at
[email protected].
OUR VIEWS | Consensus Opinion
Summer Semester Dead Week
Confusion could be solved by more notice
Dead Week is one of the most stressful
times in the semester, and this is only
increased by the confusion surrounding
its rules and regulations. Tis Summer
semester was no diferent.
For many, the most misunderstood
part of Dead Week was simply whether
there was a Dead Week or not during the
Summer semester. While some professors
did include Dead Week in their syllabus
specifcally or mention it in class, some
also did not. Becuase there was no institute
wide notice on the ofcial calendar, nor
any other form of notifcation, such as an
institute wide email, many students were
unaware that Dead Week was upon them.
Tis was especially detrimental to
summer Freshman and students taking
their frst Summer semester. Summer
semester is not only fast paced, but it is
also set up very diferent from either Fall
or Spring semester. Tis causes confusion
from the start that only escalates when
Finals Week fnally arrives.
Although Short and Full Summer
semesters do have the same Finals Week,
the diferences that are inherent in their
schedules caused some students to be
unsure whether there was diferences in
their Dead Week policies, as well.
Most upperclassman are aware that if
homework is mentioned and discussed in
the syllabus by the end of the drop period,
it is allowed during Dead Week. However,
the summer Freshman are not aware of
these policies and may not know when a
Dead Week policy is violated or not.
Furthermore, the Dead Week policies
online could include specifc examples of
which classes allow projects or homework
during Dead Week. Te sometimes vague
language currently online keeps students
from understanding which Dead Week
policies apply to which classes.
With more notice, Dead Week could be
a less worrisome and more studious time.
Te Consensus Opinion refects the majority opinion of the Editorial Board of the
Technique, but not necessarily the opinions of individual editors.
I can watch four seasons without geting bored
but halfway thru a movie Im asleep.
technique editorial board
Lindsay Purcell #$)'*#, '(#)!*-#$-./#'0
Kathy Zhang $'1% '(#)!*
Newt Clark %"!*)% '(#)!*
Holden Lee 2#0' '(#)!*
Brenda Lin "/!)!3*4"/5 '(#)!*
George P. Burdell !"#$#!$% '(#)!*
Elliot Brockelbank '$)'*)4#$,'$) '(#)!*
Joshua Garrick "*!(6.)#!$ ,4$43'*
Truit Clark 1'7 ('8'2!"'*
Tought the spotify symbol had something to do
with shark gills till just now.
Sliver so hard Im a snake.
Finals week? Or Final week to get wasted? You
No professor, I didnt do my homework but I did
gain three followers on twiter so...
Suns out, guns out- Republicans
Sports would be more interesting if the losers
were sacrifced to the gods still.
Coolata is like the trashy cousin of the
I love you like how my second grade self loved
technique July 25, 2014 5 // OPINIONS
Everything I ever needed to
know about being a successful
scientist I didnt learn taking a
lab class.
Sorry chemistry department,
but the hour I spent titrating
potassium permanganate did
not make me any better at
designing experiments.
I apologize School of Biology,
running around
screaming about
fnding beans
didnt develop
my ability to
deal with failed
I regret
to inform
you physics
d e p a r t me n t ,
but a myriad
of whiteboard
problems did nothing to build
my scientifc writing skills. In
fact, pretty much the only thing
I got out of lab classes was the
knowledge of how to use a few
techniques to get out of class as
fast as possible.
Now, Im not trying to bash
lab classes at Tech. Tey get
the bulk of the job done. Im
just trying to say I did not get
much out of taking a lab class. I
got much more out of teaching
For the past year I was given
the opportunity to work as a
teaching assistant (TA) for the
BIOL 1510 and 1520 labs.
Walking in, I fgured, How
hard could it be? All I had to
do was make sure students did
not unleash the next plague
on Techs campus, and Id be
good. Tat was before the
reality of being the go to source
for information set in.
When students take these
labs, theyre encouraged to
think big, to push beyond the
conventional experiments, and
TAs are tasked with job of
poking holes in their thinking.
TAs are challenged to quickly
analyze developed procedures
for missing pieces and potential
failures. You have to think about
material use, data analysis, and
overall efectiveness before
students even pick up a beaker.
Doing this 12 times a week for
a variety of diferent experiments
intimately acquaints you with
experimental design in a way
that designing one experiment
a week never will. Moving this
skill into a research setting, I
can promise you
that improving
a designed
p r o c e d u r e ,
not actually
designing a
procedure is a
skill that a many
people lack.
there are the
lab reports, the
bane of pretty
much every students existence.
I had always done well on these,
and fgured that I was at least a
halfway decent scientifc writer.
I in no way, however, could tell
you why I thought that or what
made good writing. Ten I was
forced to grade. Over the course
of 210 writing assignments (I
counted), Ive seen pretty much
everything from embellished
prose in titles to publication
worthy abstracts, and Ive been
forced to quantify the quality
of it. In grading, Ive come
to understand the nuances of
scientifc writing, and I could
now actually explain to someone
what made my writing good
rather than simply having the
confdence that it was.
If you been in the classes Ive
been in at Tech, youre familiar
with the idea that to truly
understand something, you have
to be able to teach it to someone
else. Over this is past year my
understanding and appreciation
for good science has increased
At the end of the day, I just
hope I got to the point of true
understanding soon enough
to impart at least some of the
wealth of knowledge Ive gained
to my students.
!"# %&"'#"
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I wish I went to Six Flags.
()"* +,##(#
.),"/0'()*$ ,-
I wanted to see Flume at
the Masquerade.
-(&,)'#" ./(#0
.),"/0'()*$ ,.
I wanted to go to Brazil for
the World Cup.
&'-(&+, 1(-'(2
%&1$0'()*$ ,.
I didnt get around to
looking at all the statues
before theyre removed.
What did you not get to
do this summer?
Teaching others helped
me teach myself
... In grading, Ive
come to understand
the nuances of
scientific writing.
!&'%%(#3 1')"2
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Te other day I had a chance
to fnally sit down and hang
out with some friends whove
recently graduated college and
entered the work world. Tis
is something thats become
increasingly difcult as (one
would imagine), because
schedules are all over the place;
we are no longer confded
to the same
hourly schedules
set within a
semester system,
with the same
holiday breaks
and seasonal
time of. Nope.
Instead one is
working the
standard 9-5
life, another is
working peculiar
hours for a start up, and another
is working the nightlife (which
dominates his weekends).
Which left them a bit cross,
because here I am: a college kid
on summer break with the
freedom do whatever whenever.
I took a sec to think about
it before saying something like
Yeah its pretty great aint it?
Because thats really not the case
anymore. Yes if I was a kid in
high school, I would be reveling
in loads of free time. High school
summers were dreamlands full
of sunny days, where naps were
plentiful and people were just
generally carefree. My summers
during my time at Georgia Tech
have been anything but this
though. My freshman summer
I took summer classes, coached
a swim team in Atlanta (twice a
day mind you) and trained for
the upcoming swim season; the
sophomore summer consisted of
more training while I worked
for two start up companies;
and this summer has been the
most hectic by far because Im
working with the Technique,
writing and doing photography
for a website, working a retail
gig a couple days a week,
freelancing some services out to
a couple marketing frms (one
of them being a nightlife gig
that sucked the life out of my
weekends), andO yeahand
My time is every bit as packed
as it is during the school, if not
more so. Teres no way Im the
only one though. Te things I
see people doing at this school,
and where
theyre taking
t h e m s e l v e s
when theyre
not in class is
incredible, if not
a little daunting.
Te thing is, I
feel like I have
to do so many
of these diferent
things just to
keep up with
those of you who are killing
it out there. Te point being
though, is that when we embark
on this journey at Tech its not
just a two semester gig we throw
ourselves at for four plus years;
no its a full time job that we
bring with us wherever we go.
Whenever we leave this campus,
we take that Tech badge of pride
with us and put it work to show
the world, in at least some small
fashion, that were going to
be more than ready when our
time here ends because summer
breaks arent breaks at all.
I dont feel like wed be doing
summer right if we werent
working or bettering ourselves
with something productive. Part
of the reason Tech students are
so well-known for their ability
to crank out work, is because
they really never stopped since
the day they walked on campus.
Which isnt a bad thing, because
hopefully were all doing
something we love. I feel blessed
to have all the responsibilities
I do. It real does feel good
knowing that the real world
wont kick us to the ground the
second we get out, and for that I
thank you Tech, because youve
already done that for us and we
are all getting back up just fne.
Tank you Tech for all
the hard times
I dont feel like wed be
doing summer right if
we werent working or
bettering ourselves...
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If you have ever read one of
my editorials before, you know
I watch too much television.
But lately, I have noticed my
television watching habits have
Before, I would gladly await
a new episode or season the
wait was half the fun. I would
read reviews and blogs, discuss
my ideas with my friends, family
and lets face it, people who did
not care about the show as much
as I did.
Basically, a television show
was a season long hobby.
Now, though, its a day long
hobby. A week max.
I love watching old shows on
Netfix. I love bingewatching
multiple seasons so much, Ive
looked into what it takes to be a
caption writer, just so all I have
to do in life is watch television
for hours. (Sidenote: it turned
out to not be that great of an
opportunity. Te more you
But the posting of past
seasons is not the exact reasons
my television watching habits
changed. I used to be able to
watch three seasons of Te
Tudors in one week, and still
care later about the newest
episode of How I Met Your
Mother or Parks and Rec, but
not anymore.
House of Cards completely
changed the way I view
television. And no, I am not
talking about Kevin Spaceys
delightful breaking of the
fourth wall. I am saying that
dropping an entire season of
television Beyonce-style, is what
every show needs to do.
I know, those were extreme
words, but I as serious about
this as I am about adding wild
animals to soccer games to
make them more exciting or
convincing Starbucks to sell
Diet Coke. (Hint: this means
I am uber serious; not stopping
animal cruely serious but still.)
Let me give you an example;
I have now watched Mad Men
for seven years. Seven years of
my life I have wasted worrying
about Peggys awful taste in
clothing and Dons awful taste
in women.
Usually, I loved the hiatuses
and breaks in seasons. Tey
gave me a chance to reread
every Slate article about Rogers
womanizing ways and rewatch
every episode. I viewed watching
Mad Men like solving a puzzle
from 1964.
But this past season, when it
ended abruptly after the lunar
landing, I was not happy. I was
not excited for the next half
season in 2015. I was mad. I was
irritated. I wanted to watch all
the episodes now, on my time,
probably at 3am when I should
have been asleep.
I wanted to watch Mad Men
the same way I watched both
seasons of House of Cards all
at once until I could here Frank
Underwoods Southern drawl
chastising me in my sleep.
So lets do it. Lets end cable
and satellite and all the rest. I am
calling for a revolution, a chance
to watch television like movies,
a chance to make everyday a day
for bingewatching.
An ode to bingewatching television
...I wanted to watch all the episodes now,
on my time, probably at 3am when I should
have been asleep. .
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6 July 25, 2014 technique // OPINIONS
Tere is no doubt that students
are graduating with more debt for
a college education than they did
even a decade ago.
However, student debt is not a
new issue. Without student loans,
I would not have been able to go
to college.
Loans carried me through
my bachelors, masters, and
doctoral degrees. It was a happy
day when I paid them of, not all
that long ago.Student debt has
been a hot topic of discussion
in Washington, Albany, and all
around the country.
Such debt is causing many
college graduates to move back
home as they cant aford one of
their own.
Tese graduates are losing
lifetime wealth due to college
debt. Although this may be true,
it may not be the entire issue.
Higher education institutions
are funded diferently depending
on type. Some institutions are for-
proft, some are private non-proft,
and some are public four-year or
two-year colleges.
Tus, the costs borne by
students at these diferent
institutions may vary considerably.
Community colleges, like
Fulton-Montgomery Community
College, are publicly supported.
In New York State, community
colleges were to be funded one-
third by tuition, one-third by the
sponsoring county, and one-third
by the state.
While FM strives to remain
afordable for all (with a tuition
rate of around $3,648 per year),
we are far from that formula,
with students bearing more than
45 percent of the cost of their
education.Indeed, for those
institutions that are publicly
supported, support has been
According to a January
23, 2012 Chronicle of Higher
Education article, state support
for higher education dropped an
average of 7.6 percent in 2012.
For FM, our state support per
full-time equivalent in 2006
was $2,675; in Fall 2010 it was
$2,260; and, in Fall 2014 it will
be $2,485.
Costs for higher education
have increased as well. In addition
to salaries, other costs have
increased. High technology labs
require high tech equipment.
Students expect and use
technology all across campus;
faculty use technology to teach
their classes. Software, bandwidth,
business systems, servers, fber
optics, telecommunications, etc.,
all require dollars to keep up,
while public investments have
gone down.
With increased costs in higher
education and lower public
investments, tuitions and fees
increase; students rely on loans;
and debt increases. President
Obama and Congress agree that
this problem needs to be fxed, but
they are in disagreement on how
to do so.
No matter, I am concerned
that a political reaction is not a
fx. I recently heard someone at a
conference state: Congress does
two things well, 1. Nothing, and
2. Over-react. I am worried about
the latter.
What should we do? First, we
need to have a discussion about
what is a reasonable student debt
upon graduation. College is an
investment in your future, what is
that investment worth?
Second, colleges need to be
very clear in their fnancial aid
packages on what portion of aid
is a grant and what portion is a
Students and parents need to
see what their monthly payment
will be and how long it will take
to pay of the loan.
Tird, we need to decide if
college education is worth public
All of the research validates
that those with a college education
earn more in a lifetime, are more
resilient in difcult economic
times, are healthier, and are more
involved in their communities.
Tat seems worth it.
Rising student debt will
have long term efects
Such debt is causing many
college graduates to move
back home as they cant aford
one of their own.
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With Finals almost here
and soon to be over, an actual
vacation is just around the
corner. Sure, this next week
will be tough but just think of
all the Netfix marathoning,
beach tanning and napping
you will be able to ft in before
schools starts up again in the
fall. Te sooner fnals come,
the sooner they will be over.
Finals are the opposite of
fun. Tey require at least twice
the amount of studying as a
normal test and with them all
in the same week, its nearly
impossible to devote enough
energy to studying for each
test. Plus, its nervewracking
to worry about how much
this one test will change your
grade. Just say no to fnals!
Hot Hot Weather
It is fnally hot enough
to break out the shorts and
sleeveless tees. Sure, its been
summer for a while now,
but in our opinion, its not
really summer until someone
is sunburnt. Hopefully, the
warm weather will continue
until after fnals week.
Internship Opportunity!
The Global Academy for
International Advancement
is seeking high school and
university interns in all
elds to help start-up the
worlds largest educational
enterprise based upon The
Genius Principle and ideas
from Milton Friedman, Plato,
Einstein and others.
For More Info:
Summer Camps
Tere may not be many
Tech students on campus right
now, but there sure are a lot of
elementary and middle school
students. Yes, they are adorable
when they play kickball in
Tech Green but that does not
mean we enjoy waiting behind
them in line everywhere.
[email protected]
July 25, 2014
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Holden Lee
Let Them Eat Cake
We spent our weekend checking out the French fun and
Bastille day beats at Paris on Ponce. Jealous?8
Undergrad creates research platform
FASET Leaders wrap up fnal days
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While summer is coming to
a close, Tech is wrapping up its
annual summer FASET program
where newly acquired Tech
students and transfer students
come to learn about the campus,
meet students and faculty and
prepare for their frst weeks of
Head of the program and
FASET leaders prepared a variety
of events for the students and
parents, such as skits, tours,
games and discussions about the
campus and college life. FASET
leaders take pride in their passion
for Tech and enjoy interacting
with new students.
What stands out to me most
about FASET is that we are such
a diverse group, yet we have
one thing in common, we are
passionate about Tech. Besides
FASET orientation sessions for
freshman and transfer students,
we have leadership training
events, social outings and a retreat
earlier this summer. said Laurel
Street, a FASET leader and fourth
year BA major.
For many FASET leaders,
hosting all the events and
experiences for the students bring
them back to the times when they
attended FASET before their
freshman year.
Most students remember
energetic and excited FASET
leaders who stood out in the road
with foam fngers and lists of fun
activites for the day.
Now, FASET leaders are
reliving those moments themselves
along with their fellow Tech
students, and in turn, they are
encouraging freshmen showing
them everything that they need to
know about Tech.
When I went to FASET, I saw
those leaders waving their foam
fngers and signs and thought that
I could never be on of them. said
Katherine Sorrentino, a FASET
leader and 2nd year BME major.
After spending my frst year at
Tech, I have come to love this
institute so much that I wanted to
share it with everyone else. Being
a FASET leader brought the whole
thing full circle.
Current members of the
program believe that it takes the
right mindset to be an efective
leader for the incoming freshman
or transfer group.
Some leaders intend to guide
the people who visit Tech and
show them how to succeed while
they are here so that they can
achieve their goals and graduate
with career or postgraduate study.
Te leaders know their actions can
make a diference.
Being a FASET leader means
having the potential to change
lives, and as the sessions have gone
by, I have realized how true this
is. said Andrea Vargas, FASET
leader and 2nd year BA major.
We share our stories with these
incoming students and show them
how to start their college career on
the right foot and how to avoid
some crucial mistakes.led
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Tis summer, a team of Tech
students have been creating
a website,, that
would make the process of
fnding undergraduate research
opportunities easier for students
and faculty alike.
Te purpose of the website is
really to make the experience for
both the student and the faculty
at Tech when it comes to research
and developing networks in the
Tech community more easy and
more convenient for everyone who
is involved in the process, said
Alonza Walker, a third year ISYE
student who is leading this efort.
Walker hopes to have a beta
version out this fall and to
complete the website as his senior
design project next spring.
For undergraduates, the process
of fnding research opportunities
can be frustrating, because of a
lack of understanding between
students and faculty.
Its easiest if you have an in,
like [if ] you know someone who
works in the labthat [theyre]
looking for openings, said
Abishek Tumaty, a ffth-year
MSE student.
But undergraduates arent often
able to make these connections.
Graduate students also
experience difculty in fnding
undergraduates that understand
what the research process is really
Walker hopes his website will
be used to cater to the diverse
purposes interested researchers
have. Everyone doesnt want to
go to grad school. Some people
just want to do research due to
professional reasonsand some
kids just want to do it for a new
experience. I [want] to have a
platform that would support all
those backgrounds and not just
one individual aspects such as
fnding your graduate school of
choice, Walker said.
He is currently looking to
build a team of coders experienced
with website development with a
focus in web scraping.
My main goal is to develop
a culture similar to the co-op
system. Teres a reason why
Georgia Tech has the largest co-op
program in the country and thats
because of the ease and efciency
of the current site, Walker said.
He hopes that his website will be
easy to use and increase overall
involvement in undergraduate
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Eating out can be expensive
but sometimes, you just cannot
eat another bowl of Easy Mac or
drink anymore stale, black cofee.
Luckily, the life-hacking Life
writers at the Technique have just
the tips and tricks you need.
5.-$ ", . 543
Sure there are easy desserts
out there, like Hershey bars or
pints of Ben and Jerrys, but
sometimes you need something
a little more decadent and a little
more homemade. Well now you
can have your cake and eat it too
literally! Try looking up recipes
for cake in a cup, or in a mug. Its
fast, easy and incredibly delicious.
We especially like the cakes that
include chocolate or caramel
syrup. Just because it was cooked
in the microwave for less than
fve minutes does not mean this
dessert wont taste both delicioius
and like its from scratch.
23"5$ 43 /(4) ).6$,
If you have not eat Ramen, are
you really a college student? But
did you know that there is more
you can do with these legendary
noodles than just adding the
favor pack? Try adding oils
(Sesame is our favorite) for a
richer taste. Or, add your favorite
spices, like chili fakes or even
coriander. Do not forget to be
creative either. Tere are even
recipes out there that teach you
how to make Ramen pizza crust.
Now that is adventurous!
7$ /(4) (8, 7.)"2'.
Starbucks can get very
expensive very quickly, so watch
out. Or, learn to be your own
barista. It does not take expensive
equipment or a green apron either.
Its easy to make cafe worthy
cofee in your own dorm room.
Did you know you can make
your own, expertly crafted milk
foam? Just microwave a closed
container of milk then shake it up
until foamy. Also try buying your
favorite favored syrup online.
Toranis has a large collection
adn most of them are pretty
inexpensive. Now you are one
step closer to making your own,
perfect latte.
Sure, it may seem easier
to spend your money out at
restaurants and cafes. But with
a few tips, a few tricks you can
become a dorm room cuisine
guru. Bon appetit!
8 July 25, 2014 technique // LIFE
and nome
7:00 a.m.10:00 a.m.
3:00 p.m.6:00 p.m.
1S wlll oer a free shuule servlce
from Lhe CraduaLe Llvlng
CenLer/10Lh and Pome (Polly
SLreeL) Lo Lhe Clough undergradu-
aLe Learnlng CenLer (rear enLrance
from 4Lh SLreeL) for Ceorgla 1ech
sLudenLs, faculLy and sLa ln
addluon Lo Lhe currenL
Creen Sunger 8us.
for more detoi/s.

DanceTech shares
passion with Tech
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Most clubs in the summer re-
tire until the returning fall semes-
ter, but DanceTech has tried to
bring more activity to the summer
by ofering special dance clinics
where students can
Te dance organization is pro-
viding their clinic service to reach
out to other students who are fa-
miliar with dance and want to get
involved with other dancers on
campus for stress relief and skill
Te summer clinics were
classes created for summer
students, who missed dance and
wanted to release some stress.
Te classes were in contemporary,
jazz, ballet, and hip hop, and the
summer clinics were created to
promote our company, provide
a fun, stress-free experience, and
give an opportunity for dancers
to see how auditions will be held,
said Lauren Clark, president of
Dance Tech.
Student in DanceTech partici-
pate and interact with a variety of
dancers, and the club focuses on
developing dancing skills and per-
forming in at diferent events in
the Atlanta area.
DanceTech Performing
Company was created to provide
intermediate to advanced dancers
with the opportunity to further
their skills,as well as, perform for
the community at local service
events, said Clark Troughout
the past year, we have performed
at Homecomings Mock Rock,
Fall De-Stress Week, MOVEs
Senior Prom, GT for the Kids
Dance Marathon, Childrens
Healthcare of Atlanta, GT Relay
for Life, and our annual Spring
Te organization has attempt-
ed to expand their marketing out-
reach in the summer and these
clinics provide an opportunity to
meet that goal. Also, the fow of
new students for the upcoming
academic year allows these at-
tempts to succeed.
DanceTech has focused
hard on marketing our company
this summer, said Clark We
were dedicated to reach students
who were on campus, as well as
incoming students.
In the coming Fall semester,
DanceTech plans to hold auditions
in the second week of the fall
semester where they intend to
look for dancer who are interested
in joining their company and
serving the community.
Paris on Ponce delivers
with Bastille Day Festival
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Last weekend, July 19-20,
Ponce Ave. was home to one of
its newest, but most entertaining
traditions Paris on Ponces
Bastille Day Festival.
Te festival delivered every-
thing from live music, puppets,
shopping, magic and just about
everything burlesque. Te larger
than life Marie Antionettes, or-
nate decorations and welcoming
(and well costumed) workers cre-
ated the feeling that guests had
been transported back to 18th
centry France. Plus, the festival
contained a plethora of delicious
food and drinks, including a life-
changing grilled cheese competi-
tion and a delectable ice cream
Te proceeds from the festival
went to charities such as Four
Letter Word and Haven House.
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[email protected]
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Elliott Brockelbank
July 25, 2014
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Te modern restaurant experi-
ence has become about more than
just food, as many businesses now
attempt to successfully blend a
variety of both aesthetic and tan-
gible factors. Food and taste re-
mains the as the key exeperience,
but sights and sounds within the
establishment have taken on in-
creasing roles.
Bartaco, one of Atlantas newest
restaurants, succeeds in all three
aspects; with a focus on coastal
cuisine, Bartaco is an eclectic
mix of the modern and tradition-
al foods that uses the canvas of
Mexican cuisine to generate an ar-
ray of dishes difering in taste and
Te menu boasts such a wide
variety of options through which
even the pickiest eater could fnd
Te latest expansion into
Atlanta by the Barteca Restau-
rant Group, the same team that
brought in the Barcelona Wine
Bar, follows several successful in-
stallations throughout Connecti-
cut and New York, and is the ffth
of its kind in existence.
Featuring a menu and dcor
nearly identical to its predecessors,
Bartaco is attempting to bring its
own unique brand of beach cui-
sine and casual atmosphere to the
[Te Barcelona Wine Bar]
has been doing so well. [Atlanta
is] just a great food market. Tis
is more beach-inspired and you
dont see that anywhere else in At-
lanta, said Jelyne Helms, General
Manager at Bartaco.
Service, dcor and atmosphere
can never take the place of good
food. In this regard, the restaurant
is at its prime. As a taco and tapas
bar, its menu consists of a list of
primarily smaller items, allowing
the customer to order a greater va-
riety of options.
Te menu features some note-
worthy appetizers, such as the
shrimp ceviche and of course,
guacamole and chips. Te ceviche
was chilled and packed a spicy
lemon-based kick that leaves one
hankering for the main course.
Guacamole, the reliable standard
of contemporary southwestern
cuisine, was soft and sweet with
a pillow-like texture. Both dishes
are a treat and build anticipation
for what is yet to come.
Te core of the menu is, of
course, the taco. Each taco con-
sists of a corn tortilla, some lettuce
and a sauce. One of the best of
these is the fried oyster taco. Filled
with crisply coated yet soft
oysters, marinated in a tangy
sauce, this dish light and delicious.
A bolder, yet equally gratifying
alternative, is the boar taco.
Loaded with shredded hunks of
chewy and tender meat, this
taco caters more to ones craving
for comfort food, even if it lacks
the kick found in the oyster taco.
I think were going to get to
the [point] where we are more
chef-driven with special tacos for
each location, stated Anthony
Saunders, Head Chef of Bartaco.
Some of the other exquisite
tacos are the falafel and shrimp
variants. Te falafel taco is
reminiscent of a baby-sized
Mediterranean wrap and features
one large piece of fried chickpea
that fortunately lacks the
coarseness commonly found in
falafel. Instead the chefs manage
to keep it to smooth, similar to
a sweet potato in texture. Te
shrimp taco is another standout
seafood dish with a crisp bite that
just drips in savory juices and
Not everything can be
expected to be perfect though; the
mushroom and chicken tacos lean
more toward the
disappointing end of the scale.
While the mushrooms had
an enjoyable feshy taste, the
taco was a bit dry with no real
sauce, cheese or contrasting favor.
Tis was despite the fact that the
menu implies that the taco comes
with cheese.
While not explicitly bad, the
chicken taco was generic with
large chunks of bufalo-style
chicken, reminiscent of the kind
found in typical chicken wing
One of the great non-taco
highlights of the menu is the
quesadilla. Filled to the core, with
a sweet, gooey cheese, the dish
comes out hot and favorful. Its
already melting even before it hits
your mouth and practically coats
your tongue with its sweet and
savory taste.
Bartacos signature desserts
are an unexpected highlight of
the menu. Te spicy chocolate
pudding is one dessert of particular
delight. Served in a glass and
topped with a foamy white cream,
the delicacy is covered in crunchy
bits of hazelnut granola.
Te chocolate buried inside is
also flled with a smoky spiced
favoring. Tis amalgamation
of ingredients creates a blended
warm sweet.
While not quite as intricate,
the churros are equally decadent.
A cup of rich dark chocolate sauce
compliments the fried pastry and
provides a ftting end to the meal.
Of course as stated earlier,
Bartaco excels at providing more
than just an enjoyable culinary
Te dcor and style of the
restaurant was a hybrid between
a beach cantina and a modern art
gallery. Te walls are flled with
photographs of landscapes and the
interior has an earthy yet trendy
At the center of the restaurant
is a bar specializing in beach-
style drinks. On one end of the
restaurant was an outside dining
area, which can put patrons in the
coastal mindset (given its a sunny
Playing soft pop and blues
music, the restaurant is structured
just right for casual conversation.
Around lunchtime on a typical
weekday, the place is snuggly
packed, but not too crowded or
Service is speedy, with a
waiting staf that seems to know
the customer is ready before they
do. One simply writes an order on
the menu and then holds it up for
the server to take; in practice the
service was so attentive that the
menu is almost taken out of ones
hand as soon as he holds it up.
Te servers are also attentive and
eager to check up on the quality
of each customers experience.
Bartaco also features valet service,
a critical component of downtown
dining at a time when parking is
increasingly scarce.
[What sets us apart] is the
culture of our restaurant. Te
amount of blood [we put in]
and hard work we do. Teres no
sandbagging here, said Sanders.
Bartaco is a quality all-around
dining experience that provides
something diferent for Atlantans.
Bartaco brings a new coastal vibe to Atlanta
GENRE: Tapas, Tacos
LOCATION: Westside
OPEN: Monday-Sunday
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2 July 25, 2014 technique // ENTERTAINMENT
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In the ever-expanding world
of flm, there are summer action
ficks, and there are critically ac-
claimed dramas, and rarely do
the two categories intersect. But
Snowpiercer, the post-apocalyptic
drama flm from South Korean
director Bong Joon-ho, manages
to pull of this feat.
Released to a limited number of
theaters on June 27, the flm stars
Chris Evans (Captain America:
Te First Avenger), Tilda Swinton
(Te Chronicles of Narnia series),
Ed Harris (A Beautiful Mind) and
Song Kang-ho as key players in a
story about violence, class segre-
gation, and one extremely long
Te events of the flm take
place nearly two decades after a
failed environmental experiment
covers the entire world in unin-
habitable ice and snow. Te fnal
remains of the human race, only
a few hundred people, survive
aboard the titular Snowpiercer,
a futuristic train equipped with
a perpetual-energy engine that
allows it to constantly run laps
around the entire frozen globe.
Te human population
onboard is separated into a more
privileged upper class section, a
flthy and overcrowded lower class
section and the soldiers tasked with
keeping the two classes separate.
Te residents of the lower class tail
section, led by a man with a dark
secret in his past (Evans), stage a
revolt in the hope of overtaking
the front engine room of the train.
However, to get there, the group
must battle their way through
armed guards, locked doors, and
even outer-obstacles encountered
on the tracks themselves.
Snowpiercer takes the standard
apocalyptic-thriller setting and
compresses it into what is essen-
tially a very long hallway. Viewers
are treated with brief glimpses of
a frozen world through the win-
dows of a train carriage, while
what is left of the human race
fghts for survival inside.
Such close quarters allow
the characters to interact, clash
and blossom, resulting in an ac-
tion flm that draws its greatest
strengths from its actors rather
than its efects.
In his leading role, Evans gives
what is perhaps his most gritty
and emotion-flled performance to
date, far surpassing his enjoyable
yet tame roles in the past as an
on-screen member of both Te
Avengers and Te Fantastic Four.
Song breathes life into the
character of the drug-addicted
train engineer who speaks only
Korean, and Swinton gives a clas-
sic performance as the certifably
insane, bloodthirsty leader of the
upper class citizens. With a cast
including two Academy Award
winners and several nominees,
Snowpiercer certainly has the
beneft of experience on its side.
However, while the flm can
consistently rely on its players
to hold itself up, audiences may
be thrown of by the rapid and
often unexpected shifts in tone
throughout the plot. As the band
of revolutionaries move closer and
closer to the front of the train, the
amount of tension within each
scene changes swiftly; one minute
the heroes are battling through
an army of axe-wielding soldiers,
and the next they are quietly
interacting with an innocent
group of schoolchildren in the
middle of a lesson.
Tese shifts from brutal
violence to relative peacefulness
are jarring and separates it even
further from the standard action-
packed blockbuster.
All in all, therein lies the key to
Snowpiercer: Sure, the well-worn
post-apocalyptic ideas of human
struggle are there, but it is the
manner in which director Bong
introduces these ideas within
the flms setting and characters
that makes it a success, both as
a bridge between the Asian and
North American flm industries
and as an action flm in general.
Snowpiercer redefnes apocalypse movies
"#$%&' $%#( )%*$) *+ ),'-.-*') $'&//.(0 #1'*)) 2.3& #(3 4#''&( 5#(3)1#6&) $*2#'3 )#+&$78 $%& +.59 &:.)$) &($.'&57
2.$%.( $%& 1*(+.(&) *+ $%& ;(*26.&'1&'8 6'*-.3.(0 # -.),#557 $.0%$ )&$$.(0 $* 6#'#55&5 $%& $&()& ).$,#$.*( +*' $%& 1%#'#1$&')<
=%*$* 1*,'$&)7 *+ ">?.@;ABCD
GENRE: Action/Sci-Fi
STARRING: Chris Evans,
Jamie Bell, Tilda Swinton
DIRECTOR: Joon-ho Bong
technique July 25, 2014 3 // ENTERTAINMENT
Te Masquerade fosters indie-band growth
Te Masquerade showcases upcoming talent by
providing an opportunity for a variety of bands to play
to live audiences; they focus on local Atlanta talent like
Te Killer Eskimos (above and left) and growing re-
gional groups like City of Ifa (right and below)
!"#$#% '#()$*%+ #, -../#$$ 0)#'1*.23415 6$(7*4$ !(2./'3$/#4%
4 July 25, 2014 technique // COMICS
technique July 25, 2014 5 // COMICS
14 July 25, 2014 technique // SPORTS
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example she gave is that if a player
on the other team is playing much
better than the team thought she
would going into the match, then
thats something she said they will
have to adapt to.
Not only will the Jackets head
into the 2014 season with a less ex-
perienced head coach, the players
themselves also lack experience.
Te Jackets have only fve players
returning who played in at least
20 of the 36 matches last season
and have only one senior on the
roster, outside hitter Courtney Fe-
linski. Tech lost three key players
Jennifer Percy, Quinn Evans, and
Kaleigh Colson to graduation,
and also lost sophomore Chanell
Clark-Bibbs who transferred to
Arkansas. Tose four players com-
bined for 63 percent of Techs kills
last season. Annika Van Gunst
leads all returning players with
121 kills in 2013.
Of the 13 players on this years
roster, four are freshmen and fve
are sophomores. Although less ex-
perience is typically viewed as a
negative, Collier sees it as an op-
portunity to spend more than just
one or two years with the players
she is inheriting.
I think thats a great opportu-
nity because Ill just have a better
opportunity to get to know those
players and help them reach their
potential, therefore helping Geor-
gia Tech reach our goal, Collier
said. I was lucky to inherit a very
talented group. Teyre easy to
work with, willing to make chang-
es, and willing to work hard. I
think its been a really good ft and
hopefully we can translate that to
wins on the court.
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aged to win nine games and win
at Georgia, the preseason number
one team. Tose nine wins are the
second most in the Paul Johnson
era. Te following year Tech was
predicted to fnish second in the
ACC, but Tech went onto win the
ACC Championship and fnished
the season with 11 wins. Tose 11
wins were the most since Techs
1990 national championship
So after two seasons, John-
son had won 20 games, an ACC
Championship, beaten Georgia,
and was 3-0 against Clemson. At
that point everyone was amazed
that Johnson was winning all
these games with very few play-
ers he recruited. It seemed that
Tech was here to stay and would
compete at the top year in and
year out, but when Jon Dwyer,
Demaryius Tomas, Morgan
Burnett, and Derrick Morgan
declared early for the NFL Draft
it was the beginning of the end.
Tech hasnt been able to feld a
team with that kind of NFL tal-
ent and hiring Al Groh as defen-
sive coordinator set the program
back three years. Te most games
Tech had won since that moment
was eight in 2011, which included
a 6-0 start and a 2-5 record over
the last seven games of the season.
If Tech ever wants to regain re-
spect from the media, then this is
a huge year for Tech football. Te
expectations by the media and
analysts are lower than they have
been in awhile, but Johnson has
a good record at surpassing their
preseason predictions. To do so
again this year, he will need con-
sistent play out of his defense and
new quarterback Justin Tomas
run the ofense efectively.
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technique July 25, 2014 15 // SPORTS
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Tech dismisses three football players
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In a press release on Tuesday,
Tech announced the dismissals
of three football players: Redshirt
sophomore wide receiver Anthony
Autry, redshirt sophomore defen-
sive end Travin Henry and red-
shirt freshman defensive tackle
Darius Commissiong. Tech also
announced that redshirt sopho-
more cornerback Lynn Grifn will
be serving a two game suspension.
All four were cited for violations
of the Athletic Associations stu-
dent-athelte code of conduct.
Autry played in eight games in
2012 and had three receptions for
117 yards and a touchdown before
sufering a season ending knee in-
jury. After sufering another knee
injury last ofseason, Autry missed
the entire 2013 season, but was on
schedule to return to the feld in
2014. Autry, along with Commis-
siong, was already facing a two
game suspension at the begin-
ning of the 2014 season prior to
be dismissed from the team. An-
thony Autry is the older brother of
Myles Autry, a 4-star A-back who
signed with Tech as a member of
the 2014 recruiting class. Myles is
only eligibile to play at Tech next
year unless Coach Johnson releas-
es him from his letter of intent.
Grifn played in all 12 games
last season, making nine total
tackles and also returned kicks.
He was not facing any suspension
prior to this.
Commissiong never played
a game as a Jacket and Henry
played in only two.
Tech summer
baseball update
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Every year Tech baseball play-
ers spend their summers play-
ing in various summer baseball
leagues across the country. Some
stay close to Atlanta, while others
go as far as California. A few play-
ers are playing particularly well
this year.
Designated Hitter A.J. Murray
is hitting .303 with fve home runs
and a league high 26 RBIs for the
Chatham Anglers of the Cape
Cod Baseball League. Left felder
Matt Gonzalez is also in the Cape
Cod League,and is hitting .277
with four home runs, which is tied
for the third most home runs in
the league.
Four Tech players are playing
for the Harrisonburg Turks of the
Valley League: Tomas Smith,
Brandon Gold, Ben Parr and Tan-
ner Shelton. Smith is hitting .314,
which is second on the team for
anyone with over 50 at bats, and
Gold is hitting .248 with 14 RBIs.
Ben Parr has made fve starts and
is struggling with a 5.66 ERA,
while Shelton has made 10 total
appearances and has an ERA of
Right felder Ryan Pueri-
ofy is playing for the Home Plate
Chuckars of the Sunbelt League
and is hitting .288 with fve dou-
bles and 11 RBIs and was also
named to the Sunbelt All-Star
One player who is having a
rough summer so far is sopho-
more shortstop Connor Justus.
Justus, who hit .254 for the Jack-
ets during his freshman season, is
hitting just .165 in 30 games with
the Asheboro Copperheads of the
Coastal Plain League. His team-
mate however, Matthew Gorst,
has had a solid summer with a
3.23 ERA in six starts.
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And Theyre Gone
Tech announces the dismissals of
three football players and the suspen-
sion of another.15
[email protected]
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Newt Clark
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Mark Russell
July 25, 2014
Collier looks to bring back prestige of program
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After a disappointing 2013
season that saw the Jackets fnish
12-20 (6-14 ACC), place twelfth
in the ACC standings, and end
with Head Coach Tonya Johnson
resigning, new Head Coach Mi-
chelle Collier is looking to get the
volleyball program back to where
it once waswinning ACC Cham-
pionships and competing in the
NCAA Tournament.
When I played in college and
played against Tech, they were
consistently going to the NCAA
Tournament, consistently com-
peting for an ACC Championship
every year, and made it to the Elite
Eight in 2003, Collier said. Just
brining back that prestige about
that program, putting ourselves
back in the top half of the ACC
and in a position to have a spot
in the national tournament at the
end of the year.
In program history, Tech has
made nine NCAA Tournament
appearances, but only once in the
last ten years, a 2009 appearance
that ended in a frst round loss
to Baylor. Te frst appearance
came in 1994, and was followed
up by two more in 95 and 96.
Te Jackets also had a streak of
fve consecutive appearances from
2000-2004. Collier hopes this is
the type of consistency that can be
brought back to the program.
We dont just want to get there
and come back down. We want to
bring back the consistency of how
Georgia Tech was for about 15-20
years in the 90s and early 2000s
when they were just a very consis-
tent program, Collier said.
Collier was hired from Jackson-
ville University, where she led the
team to 30-4 record, an Atlantic
Sun Conference Championship,
and a birth to the NCAA Tour-
nament in just her second year as
head coach. Collier has been at
Tech for almost four months now
and is adjusting well to her new
Its been a smooth transition.
Everyone that Ive been around
has just been so helpful and wel-
coming, so it was just easy to feel
like you ft in right away. Im al-
ways asking questions and knock-
ing on doors, and asking how to
do this or that, Collier said.
Prior to Collier taking over
at Jacksonville, the program had
won just 28 matches combined
in the previous two years. Col-
lier went into the Jacksonville job
with a three-year plan that she
ended up reaching in just two, but
with the competitiveness of the
ACC, she knows it could take a
little longer at Tech.
I think the ACC is a really
competitive conference and I
think everyone is really level. It
could be fast, or it could take a
little longer than we planned. Te
goal is typically by my fourth year
that we are getting to where we
need to be. Te frst year is going
to be hard. Its going to have to be
an evaluating year to just fgure
out whats important for us and
what I think is going to help us
get there the fastest, Collier said.
Collier has already begun eval-
uating and was able to work with
her players some in the spring. She
had a few weeks of training with
them and the team participated in
a few spring tournaments, but she
was also back and forth between
Atlanta and Jacksonville while fn-
ishing up with some things down
there. She believes the players
were open minded about what she
was bringing in and were adjust-
ing well to the change in coach-
ing style. Collier does not have the
mindset that there is only one way
that volleyball must played, but
instead focus on adjustments and
being able to adapt as the match
I dont really have a specifc
style of how I want to run my of-
fense. Its going to vary from year
to year, from the players I have,
and the team Im playing against,
Collier said. I like to train my
players to be able to adapt to dif-
ferent situations and to be able to
play the whole game comfortably.
If we have to play a fast game, play
a fast game. If we have to slow it
down, then well slow it down.
Te idea of my training is to just
make every player comfortable
with being able to do more than
one thing and just be adaptable.
Part of the reason Collier
wants to her to team to be adapt-
able is because she believes vol-
leyball is momentum driven and
things can change in a fast. One
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Te 2014 ACC football me-
dia day wrapped up this week as
representatives from Techs foot-
ball team attended the event in
Greensboro, NC to talk to the
media about the upcoming foot-
ball season. In attendance were
senior ofensive guard Shaquille
Mason, senior linebacker Quay-
shawn Nealy, and head coach
Paul Johnson. Tere were several
questions for the attendees mostly
about the quarterback situation
and how the ofense is going to
change from last year now that
Vad Lee has left the program. Te
media also addressed the suspen-
sions that occurred this season
where several key players were sus-
pended because of academics and
several others because of violating
Techs student conduct policy.
Te biggest takeaway from the
event is that Tech was predicted to
fnish ffth in the coastal division.
Tat prediction is no surprise to
followers of Techs football pro-
gram because Tech has long been
predicted to fnish in the bottom
half of the coastal division almost
every year Coach Johnson has
been here. Johnson has fnished
with a winning ACC record in ev-
ery year except one, 2010, where
he fnished 4-4 which was good
for third place in the coastal divi-
Over the past few years the
medias favorite teams have been
Miami and North Carolina. At
the beginning of each year you
always hear about how this is the
year Miami football comes back
to prominence and how UNC is
the dark horse of the ACC. Tey
have been labeled dark horse to
win the ACC almost every year
since Johnson arrived, including
this year. UNC and Miami have
always failed to live up to expec-
tations yet the media continues to
love them.
Tis year, Miami was pre-
dicted to win the coastal division
and UNC was predicted to fn-
ish fourth even though they had
the second most votes to win the
division behind Duke. Fifth, is
the lowest Tech has been picked
to fnish during Johnsons tenure,
which says a lot about what the
media thinks of where Techs pro-
gram with Johnson at the helm is
headed. Several other media out-
lets are predicting Tech to fnish
sixth this year, which if came true
would be its worst fnish in ACC
play since 1994 where Tech won
zero ACC games.
Some of the reasons for the
low predictions are because of
the improvements Dukes foot-
ball program has made. For years
Duke was predicted to fnish dead
and they never competed for the
coastal division until last year.
Even though Tech beat Duke
for the tenth straight year, Duke
still fnished 6-2 in ACC play and
won the outright coastal crown
despite being predicted to fnish
last in the coastal division. With
Duke now viewed as an emerging
program that is one less team the
media can put at the bottom so
other teams have slid down. An-
other reason for the low predic-
tion is the media seems to believe
that Tech will lose to its biggest
conference rivals, Miami and Vir-
ginia Tech, every year that John-
son remains as coach. Tech has
not beaten Miami since 2008 or
Virginia Tech since 2009 and due
to those schools always recruiting
great athletes, the media believes
they will always fgure out a way
to stop Techs ofense.
In Johnsons six year tenure,
Tech has fnished higher than it
was projected four of the six years
including two years where they
won the coastal division and the
other two years they fnished at
the same spot they were predicted.
If it hadnt have been for losing to
both Miami and Virginia Tech al-
most every year, Tech could have
won even more ACC coastal divi-
sion crowns.
In 2008, when Johnson frst
became Techs coach most of the
media predicted them to fnish
around the bottom and a 4-8 re-
cord seemed to be the most popu-
lar pick. Tey didnt believe that
Johnson could turn a pro style
ofense into a triple option ofense
and have success the frst year.
What the media didnt realize is
how much NFL talent Tech had
on that team. Tere were NFL
players at all the key positions
on both sides of the ball. Even
though it took Tech a little while
to fgure out the ofense they man-
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