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Chula Vista

Police Department
A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 0
Chula Vist a Police Depart ment
Cit y Council
Shirley H orton, M ayor
Patty D avis
John M oot*
Stephen C . Padilla
Jerry R. Rindone**
M ary Salas
City Management
D avid D . Row lands, Jr., C ity M anager
Sid W . M orris, A ssistant C ity M anager
G eorge Krem pl, A ssistant C ity M anager
D avid Palm er, D eputy C ity M anager
Bob Pow ell, D eputy C ity M anager
John Kaheny, C ity A ttorney
Susan Bigelow, C ity C lerk
Richard P. Em erson, C hief of Police
Jim H ardim an, Fire C hief
C andy Em erson, D irector of H um an Resources
C hris Salom one, D irector of C om m unity
D evelopm ent
Robert Leiter, D irector of Planning and
John P. Lippitt, D irector of Public W orks
A ndy C am pbell, D irector of Parks and
D an Beintem a, D irector of N ature C enter
Louie Vignapiano, D irector of M anagem ent
and Inform ation Services
C heryl Fruchter, D irector of Budget and
A nalysis
* left office D ec. 5, 2000 ** assum ed office D ec. 5, 2000
Mission Statement
The m ission of the
C hula Vista Police
D epartm ent is to
enhance the quality of
life in the C ity of
C hula Vista by:
Providing a proactive
and professional level
of police service
ensuring safety through
com m itm ent, integrity
and trust.
M anaging resources
Treating all persons
w ith fairness, respect
and dignity.
M aintaining a
partnership w ith the
com m unity to m eet
contem porary and
future challenges.
Chiefs Message
I am pleased to present the C hula Vista Police D epartm ents
A nnual Report. D uring the past year the departm ent has w orked
diligently to provide quality service to the com m unity of C hula Vista
by continuing its com m itm ent to strive to be a m odel Law Enforcem ent A gency ensuring a
safe com m unity for all residents, visitors and businesses through proactive policing.To this
end the departm ent has w orked to foster an open relationship w ith the com m unity, assess
staffing levels, as w ell as im plem ent new technology and program s that enhance our
effectiveness as an organization.
The Strategic Planning process afforded the departm ent a unique opportunity to w ork w ith
the com m unity, ensuring key stakeholders are included in departm ent decisions. A ccordingly
the departm ent w orked w ith SA N D A G to conduct a resident opinion survey, the second survey
of its kind conducted over the past four years. The departm ent values the feedback the
com m unity provides and is w orking to address the com m unitys concerns. N ew program s such
as the C itizens A cadem y and the continued support of program s w hich target specific issues
such as graffiti reduction, anti-speeding initiatives, and residential burglary prevention enhance
com m unity partnerships for crim e prevention, problem solving and educate the com m unity.
The annual report details our accom plishm ents during the past year, w hich w e are very
proud to share w ith you. I w ould like to express m y gratitude to the m en and w om en of this
organization for the dedication and com m itm ent they display in serving our com m unity.
Richard P. Em erson
C hief of Police
Command St aff
Ken Dyke
C aptain
Investigation D ivision
Iracsema Quilant an
A dm inistrative
Services M anager
Fiscal O perations/
Leonard Miranda
C aptain
O perations
D ivision
Jim Zoll
A ssistant C hief
O perations
D ivision
Depart ment Expendit ures:*
*Expenditures include A nim al C ontrol and
C alifornia Border A lliance G roup.
Police Depart ment Budget
Fiscal Year 1999 - 2000
Depart ment Revenues:
Grant Funding
G rant funding has enabled the C hula
Vista Police D epartm ent to keep up w ith a
grow ing com m unity via the addition of
sw orn and civilian personnel, innovative
program s and technology. The
departm ents grant funding includes:
State C O PS
C O PS U niversal H ire
C ops in Schools G rants
State Technology
O ffice of Traffic Safety G rant - STO P
Law Enforcem ent Foundation
Local Law Enforcem ent Block G rants
BJA Bulletproof Vest G rant
A BC Every 15 M inutesprogram
Organizat ion Chart - 2000
Chula Vista Police Department
O ther
C apital
C h ie f o f P o lice
R e se rve s,
E x p lo re rs,
M o u n te d , S e n io r
Vo lu n te e r P a tro l,
C itize n s A d ve rsity
S u p p o rt Te a m
To ta l S wo rn 2 1 3
To ta l C ivilia n 1 0 7
3 2 0
O p e ra tio n s
P a tro l
C o m m u n ica tio n s
Te ch n o lo g y
Tra ffic
S tre e t Te a m
C o m m u n ity R e la tio n s
U n it
Vo lu n te e rs
I n ve stig a tio n s
S p e cia l I n ve stig a tio n s
U n it
N a rco tic E n fo rce m e n t
Te a m
F a m ily P ro te ctio n U n it
P ro p e rty C rim e s
C rim e s O f Vio le n ce
S ch o o l R e so u rce
O ffice r P ro g ra m
C rim e A n a lysis U n it
A d m in istra tive S e rvice s
P ro fe ssio n a l S ta n d a rd s
C rim e L a b o ra to ry
C a p ita l P ro je cts
R e co rd s
A n im a l C a re F a cility
H o ld in g F a cility
F isca l O p e ra tio n s/
R e se a rch
B u d g e t
R e se a rch &
D e ve lo p m e n t
P a yro ll
Because the C hula Vista Police
D epartm ent believes com m unity
involvem ent is an integral part of its
m ission, the departm ent created the
C om m unity Relations U nit to closely w ork
w ith the citys residents. The unit w ill further
the principles of com m unity problem
solving through outreach program s,
partnerships, volunteer groups and other
proactive citizen involvem ent program s.
The C om m unity Relations U nit is prim arily
responsible for enhancing the dialogue
betw een the com m unity and the
departm ent. A n im portant role of the C RU
is gathering input through com m unity
m eetings, surveys and personal contact.
The C RU facilitates the follow ing
program sC rim e Prevention, C rim e Free
M ulti-H ousing, uniform ed volunteer patrols
and graffiti abatem ent, w hich serve to
educate the public and im prove the quality
of life in the com m unity. The unit supports
the departm ents m ission to develop
innovative partnerships, prom ote
com m unity dialogue and enhance problem
The Communit y
Cit izens Survey
O ne aspect of com m unity policing is
understanding the publics perception of
crim e and disorder, as w ell as m easuring
the confidence citizens have in the police.
To answ er these questions, the C hula Vista
Police D epartm ent, along w ith the San
D iego A ssociation of G overnm ents
(SA N D A G ), designed a com m unity survey
to m easure citizensattitudes and
perceptions of the Police D epartm ent, and
their assessm ent of crim e and disorder
problem s. The survey w as designed to
allow trend analysis based upon the
previous citizen survey conducted by the
departm ent. In order to assure objectivity,
the survey w as adm inistered by SA N D A G .
The survey w as distributed to a random
sam ple of 3,000 households in C hula Vista.
Respondents w ere asked: In general,
how satisfied are you w ith Police Services?
and 92% responded very satisfied or
W hen asked: O verall, m y contact(s) w ith
the C hula Vista Police D epartm ent have
been...81% of the respondents rated their
contact(s) as excellent or good.
W hen asked; H ow concerned are you
about the follow ing issues in your
neighborhood?83% of the respondents
stated that speeding w as a concern, 78%
felt burglary w as a concern, and 76% of the
respondents stated they are concerned
about graffiti in their neighborhood. These
are the sam e top concerns as the 1997
To address resident priorities, the Police
D epartm ent has pursued the follow ing
crim e reduction efforts:
Anti-Speeding Initiative
The Police D epartm ent, through the
Traffic U nit and the Serious Traffic O ffender
Program (STO P) w orks to proactively
reduce vehicle speed levels, traffic
violations and collisions. In the last year the
Traffic U nit has increased the use of SM A RT
U nits w hich m akes citizens aw are of their
speed and includes a statistical package to
analyze traffic data. The unit also conducts
public aw areness cam paigns stressing the
consequence of driving unlicensed, under
the influence of alcohol, or w ithout seat
belts. Further, the departm ent collaborates
w ith regional partners to enhance traffic
Residential Burglary
Prevention Project
A fter studying burglary patterns
throughout C hula Vista, Police D epartm ent
staff identified key risk factors that attracted
burglars to certain hom es, as w ell as those
protective devices that w ere m ost effective
at preventing burglaries. Police
D epartm ent staff w orked w ith new hom e
developers to include built-in burglary
prevention features for all new hom es. To
reduce the risk of burglary in existing
housing, the Police D epartm ent hired a
C rim e-Free M ulti-H ousing coordinator, w ho
w orks w ith property m anagers on w ays to
im prove the safety and security of rental
Residential burglaries in C hula Vista
have dropped 24% since 1999, and
continue to decrease.
Graffiti Reduction
A fter analyzing the nature of the graffiti
problem in C hula Vista, the Police
D epartm ent devised a three-pronged anti-
graffiti program : eradication, enforcem ent,
and prevention. The eradication
com ponent involves rem oving graffiti as
soon as possible, through the joint efforts
of Public W orks, South Bay C om m unity
Services, the Police D epartm ent, and
juveniles on probation. G raffiti enforcem ent
focuses on apprehending offenders.
Prevention involves w orking w ith businesses
and hom eow ners to protect their properties
from graffiti by reducing access to
repeatedly tagged areas, increasing
lighting, and using surface coatings that
m ake it easier to rem ove graffiti.
Cit izens Academy
The departm ent held its first C itizens
A cadem y this year. It w as structured after
the Police A cadem y, w hich is required for
all peace officers. The academ y provides
C hula Vista residents w ith first-hand
experience and inform ation about how
their Police D epartm ent w orks. C lasses
include instruction in com m unications (911),
patrol procedures, crim e scenes, traffic
control and enforcem ent, investigations
and m any other topics. The C itizens
A cadem y is free of charge and requires a
one-night-a-w eek com m itm ent for eleven
w eeks. Residents interested in participating
m ay phone 409-5458.
C om m unity policing has becom e the
foundation for m odern police strategies.
Likew ise, the C hula Vista Police
D epartm ents partnership w ith the
com m unity has becom e an essential
com ponent in enhancing the com m unitys
quality of life. Tough O n C rim e (TO C ) is a
crim e control tool that enhances the
departm ents ability to identify em erging
crim e problem s and com m unicate this
inform ation directly w ith patrol officers and
their supervisors.
The TO C program identifies crim e and
crim e trends through the use of advanced
technology, analysis and m apping
capabilities that assures officers have
access to real-tim e inform ation about
crim es occurring on their beats. For
exam ple, recent TO C presentations to
patrol officers included m aps of auto theft
hot spot locations, coupled w ith charts
depicting the m ost popular m ake and
m odel of cars stolen in C hula Vista.
TO C w as developed as a proactive
program w ith a focus on reducing crim e
Tough On Crime
through the rapid deploym ent of personnel
and resources, relentless follow -up, and
scientific assessm ent of the im pact of these
TO C inform ation also enables officers to
identify repeat problem s that m ay be the
focus of long-term , collaborative problem -
solving efforts. Know n as problem -oriented
policing (PO P) projects, these efforts
typically involve a detailed analysis of a
specific crim e or disorder problem .
Responses to these problem s m ay include
changing the physical environm ent of the
problem location so that crim es are harder
to com m it.
The Tough O n C rim e program provides
an essential proactive tool for m em bers of
the departm ent to utilize in efforts to stop
crim e before it occurs.
The C ity of C hula Vista has seen an
overall decrease in crim e during the last
five years. In 1996, Part O ne crim es
(hom icide, forcible rape, aggravated
assault, burglary, larceny and m otor vehicle
theft) totaled 8,821, w ith a slight increase in
1997 to 9,012. In 1998, Part O ne crim es
w ere dow n to 8,150, and in 1999, they
dropped to 7,009. In the year 2000, Part
O ne crim es rem ained low at 7,048.
Crime Informat ion
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Tot al Part One Crimes: Cit y of Chula Vist a
REPO RTED O FFEN SES 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
H om icide 4 8 5 10 3
Forcible Rape 37 38 50 47 48
Robbery 399 375 350 300 261
A ggravated A ssault 653 675 764 667 534
Burglary 1,451 1,460 1,265 977 1,051
Larceny 4,591 4,853 4,101 3,541 3,588
M otor Vehicle Theft 1,686 1,603 1,615 1,467 1,563
TO TA L PA RT I (FBI Index O ffenses) 8,821 9,012 8,150 7,009 7,048
C hange from previous year -2.7% 2.2% -9.6% -14.0% 0.6%
Five year change, 1996-2000 -20.1%
TO TA L PA RT II 9,606 9,143 8,805 9,292 10,455
C hange from previous year -5.60% -4.8% -3.7% 5.5% 12.5%
Five year change, 1996-2000 8.8%
TO TA L REPO RTED O FFEN SES 18,427 18,155 16,955 16,301 17,503
C hange from previous year -4.20% -1.5% -6.6% -3.9% 7.4%
Five year change, 1996-2000 -5.0%
Part nerships
The School Resource O fficer program is
one of the C hula Vista Police D epartm ents
m ost successful partnerships. The
departm ent has been w orking w ith the
Sw eetw ater U nion H igh School D istrict
since 1993 and expanded the program to
the elem entary schools in 1995. A s these
relationships strengthen, SRO s are
essential in ensuring school cam puses are
safe and secure learning environm ents.
The city is divided into three
geographical sectors w ith a team of officers
assigned to cover high schools, m iddle
schools and feeder elem entary schools.
This allow s for consistent coverage and
early identification of at-risk children as they
progress through their education.
Emory Element ary School
School Resource Program
Guiding Our Yout h
The SRO s serve as role m odels,
reinforcing good attitudes and influencing
behavior by their positive interaction w ith
students. Beyond
the law
enforcem ent role
of critical incident
responder, SRO s
often participate
in cam pus
activities such as
the D r. Seuss
Reads A cross
A m erica Program .
A dditionally,
special program s such as the Every 15
M inutesA lcohol, Beverage and C ontrol
(A BC ) program are conducted to m ake
children aw are of the consequences of
Furthering the departm ents interactions
w ith students, a SRO bike program w as
initiated this year. W hen possible, SRO s
police the cam pus on bikes that provide for
greater m obility and allow s officers to be
m ore accessible to students.
Fut ure Expansion Planned
Recently, the departm ent received a
C O PS in Schools grant to add four m ore
officers to the program . The grant aw ard
w as a result of a joint application by the
Police D epartm ent, the Sw eetw ater H igh
School D istrict and the C hula Vista
Elem entary School D istrict. The C O PS in
Schools program is based on the prem ise
that trained law enforcem ent officers
w orking in schools m ake a difference on
m any levels. They create a safe and secure
environm ent and a link to local law
enforcem ent and also through everyday
contact instill a sense of respect for officers
am ong children.
Equipment Upgrades
This year the C hula Vista Police
D epartm ent began the process of
upgrading the 800 M H z radio system . The
new system integrates the departm ents
C om m unications C enter w ith the C ounty of
San D iego Regional C om m unications
System a state-of-the-art com m unications
system . The RC S system provides enhanced
radio coverage for the entire city w hile also
allow ing direct com m unication w ith other
public safety agencies in the county. This
allow s for better coordination of public
safety activities betw een agencies, w hich
reduces tim e delays and im proves the
delivery of services to the com m unity. The
C om m unications C enter w as also upgraded
w ith new ergonom ic w orkstations and
com puter equipm ent.
In an effort to m aintain current
technology, the departm ent also began the
upgrade of the m obile data com puters
(M D C ) located in police vehicles this year.
M D C s are used to dispatch calls to officers
in the field and perm its them to run vehicle
and w arrant checks w ithout having to go
through the C om m unications C enter. The
com puters have im proved display screens
that are easier to view by officers. The new
com puter processors w ork faster and m ore
efficiently, allow ing for enhanced delivery of
police services to the
A property tracking
system w as installed
allow ing for the
com puterized checkout of
sensitive police equipm ent
such as portable radios.
The system tracks and
accounts for police
equipm ent.
The departm ent is using a new police
identification card that is integrated w ith
the security system of the building. The
card perm its departm ent em ployees to
access the building w ithout using keys or
codes, w hich im proves the security of the
Crime Lab
Enhancement s
Thanks to the San
D iego Law Enforcem ent
Foundation, the C rim e
Labs Latent Print
Exam iners acquired
stereom icroscopes to
evaluate and com pare
latent print cases. The m icroscopes provide a
w ide range of m agnification essential for
solving cases.
A state-of-the-art evidence tracking system
that uses bar coding w as purchased for the
C rim e Lab. The system uses a com puter
program designed to track the location and
status of all property and evidence retained in
the property room . The lab receives
approxim ately 25,000 item s of evidence each
year and the system insures these item s are
accurately tracked and inventoried. The result is
a m ore efficient property room operation.
New Vehicles
C hula Vistas grow ing population and
expanding boundaries created the need for a
m obile substation. The departm ents m obile
com m and center is used regularly at num erous
com m unity events, traffic checkpoints, m ajor
crim e scenes and in the
eastern portion of C hula
Vista as a substation. The
vehicle is equipped w ith a
radio system , and has
satellite capabilities and a
generator that m akes it
O ther vehicles
obtained by the Police
D epartm ent w ere a van capable of transporting
all equipm ent necessary for SW AT officers
during critical incidents and a prisoner transport
Police D epartm ent volunteers continue
to provide an invaluable service to the
C hula Vista com m unity and the Police
D epartm ent by providing their tim e to
assist in a variety of assignm ents. The
departm ent counts on the support of:
C hula Vista Police Reserves
C hula Vista M ounted Police
C hula Vista Explorer Post 831
C itizens A dversity Support Team
Senior Volunteer Patrol
Animal Care Facilit y
The A nim al C are Facility utilizes
volunteers seven days a w eek to assist w ith
kennel m aintenance, anim al care and
exercising, adoption counseling, custom er
service, and public relations.
Senior Volunt eer Pat rol
The Senior Volunteer Patrol is com prised
of form ally trained, uniform ed volunteers,
55 years of age and older. M em bers
perform such services as com m ercial
district foot patrols, vacation house checks,
enforcem ent,
bicycle licensing
and You A re N ot
A lone(YA N A )
calls and visits to
seniors. Further,
the SVP provides
crow d and traffic
fingerprinting of
M cG ruff
appearances at
special events,
presentations for
schools and senior
groups, and
assistance w ith
crim e prevention
program s.
Volunt eer Programs
Cit izens Adversit y
Support Team
The C itizens A dversity Support Team
(C A ST) is a traum a intervention program
com prised of specially-trained volunteers.
M em bers respond to requests for assistance
on traum a calls from police, fire, the
am bulance service and local hospitals. C A ST
m em bers assist fam ilies w hen a death has
occurred at hom e, in hospital em ergency
room s, at hom icides, suicides, Sudden Infant
D eath Syndrom e, fires, sexual assaults, and
m otor vehicle accidents. M em bers are on
call 24 hours a day and w ill respond w ithin
20 m inutes.
Reserve Officers
Reserve O fficers are Police A cadem y
trained and PO ST certified sw orn volunteers.
They assist the departm ent at special events,
field investigations and bicycle patrols. The
reserves are on call for city or departm ent
em ergencies as w ell as county or state
Mount ed
M ounted Reserves
assist w ith special
events and routine
patrol functions.
M ounted Reserve officers patrol city parks
during the sum m er m onths and assist w ith
Problem O riented Policing projects.
Explorer Scout s
The Explorer Scout program acquaints
young people, 15-21 years of age, w ith the
objectives of the departm ent in the
com m unity. A ll m em bers m ust m aintain a
good scholastic and citizenship average.
A fter com pletion of a training academ y,
m em bers can ride w ith sw orn officers on
patrol. Explorers are frequently assigned to
w ork w ith regular and reserve officers at
various civic events.
New Police Facilit y
The current police facility w as designed
in the late 1960s, w hen the population of
the city w as approxim ately 65,000. The
forecast w as that grow th in C hula Vista
w ould peak around 80,000. Since then
C hula Vista has annexed the form er
M ontgom ery area to the south and
thousands of previously vacant acres in the
east w here a num ber of m aster-planned
com m unities are being developed. The
citys current population is approxim ately
174,000 w ith a projected grow th to reach
275,000. D ue to the significant expansion of
personnel and equipm ent during the past
few years, the city recognized that a new
police facility w as needed.
G roundbreaking for C hula Vistas new
A nim al C are Facility took place in the
Spring of 2000. Located on the northw est
corner of Fourth A venue and Beyer W ay,
the three-acre site is an excellent location
to expand the citys shelter operation and
pet adoption program .
The facility w ill be m ore than tw ice the
size of the existing shelter, w hich has been
in operation for the past 27 years. The
7,800-square-foot building includes a large
conference room , office and m edical space
and a retail shop. It has kennels for 112
dogs and enough cages for 100 cats.
The cages in the cattery w ill be arranged
in a sem i-circle inside the m ain building to
The facilit y is locat ed on t he corner of Beyer Way and Fourt h Avenue, sout h of Main St reet in Chula Vist a.
The Fut ure
The departm ents strategic
planning process initiated the
planning phase for a new
facility. The city contracted w ith
an architectural firm to assist in
the design and building of a new facility. In
early A ugust 2000 police em ployees and
the architect began the next phase of the
design process, w hich w as to determ ine the
current and future space needs. This
process w as com pleted along w ith a
general concept of w hat the exterior w ould
look like.
The new police facility w ill be located on
the southeastern com m ercial block at
Fourth A venue and F Street. The $60
m illion project is expected to be ready by
sum m er of 2003.
Animal Care Facilit y
allow visitors to view the cats before
reaching the dog kennels located outside.
O nce outside, visitors w ill w alk along a path
lined w ith palm trees leading to the banks
of kennels. A t the end of each row of
kennels is a get acquaintedarea, a sm all
garden w here visitors w ill be able to
interact w ith the anim als they are interested
in adopting. A fourth bank of kennels has
been added to allow the city to provide
services beyond 2012. The facility also
serves Im perial Beach, Lem on G rove, and
N ational C ity.
The new A nim al C are Facility is
scheduled to open in the Fall of 2001.
Depart ment Honors
Depart ment Awards
A utom obile C lub of Southern C alifornia
Safe D riving A w ard
O fficer Joe C argel, A gent M ike H elvie,
O fficer Robert Sanchez, A gent Eric Tarr,
O fficer Reid W alker
A uto Theft A rrest and Recovery A w ard
O fficer D ave Edw ards, O fficer Jam es
Fillius, O fficer Ken H einz, O fficer John
Pene, A gent Vern Sallee
D ispatcher of the Year
Sara Turner
Explorer of the Year
M aria Trevio
Lifetim e A chievem ent A w ard
Reserve C om m ander D oug Sherm an,
M ounted O fficer of the Year
O fficer Boyd C radic
Reserve O fficer of the Year
Sergeant Burdella Thom as
Pro-active N arcotics Enforcem ent A w ard
O fficer D avid Beatty, O fficer Phil D ang,
O fficer Ken H einz, O fficer Richard
S.T.O .P. O fficer of the Year
O fficer Phil D ang
Thom as E. Loughran A w ard
Iracsem a Q uilantan, A dm inistrative
Services M anager
Volunteer of the Year
Eileen M urtough
Cit izen Awards
Exceptional Service A w ards
Liliana A cevedo; A nthony C harlton,
A nthonys Tow ing; Kathleen Equihua; Yvonne
M cLem ore; G ary N ordstrom , Sears; C ruz
Rodriguez; G irl Scout Troop 5334
C itizen C om m endation
A nne H eddencam p, U rsula Rothchild
Depart ment Recognit ion
Exceptional Service A w ards
FBI Special A gent Keith A lan Beyers;
A gent Jon H eggestuen; C om m unications
O perator M illie O suna; Judy Rhodes,
A dm inistrative O ffice A ssistant III; Sandy
Tucci, D ata Entry O perator II
C hula Vista Em ployee of the M onth
G reg Pickett, C rim e A nalyst
Civic Awards
A m erican Legion A w ard of H eroism
O fficer M ike Polan, O fficer G reg Puente
A uto Theft A dvisory C om m ittee A uto Theft
O fficer of the Year
A gent Vern Sallee
M .A .D .D . O fficer of the Year/Joshua C ox
M em orial A w ard
O fficer Richard Pagdilao
M .A .D .D . Volunteer of the Year
A gent Billy C ox
M asonic Lodge O fficer of the Year
Sergeant D an H ardm an
M oose Lodge O fficer of the Year
A gent Phil C ollum , O fficer Robert Sanchez
Rotary C lub A bove and Beyond A w ard
and C hula Vista Police D epartm ent
Lifesaving A w ard
O fficer Luis C isneros
San D iego C rim estoppers A w ard
A gent M ike C uellar, D etective M ike Speyer,
San D iego Sheriffs D epartm ent
San D iego Police O fficers A ssociation
I Love a C opand C hula Vista Police
D epartm ents O fficer of the Year
O fficer Scott A dkins
Scottish Rite O fficer of the Year
O fficer Randy Sm ith
V.F.W . O fficer of the Year
A gent Phil C ollum
Chula Vista Police Department
276 Fourth Avenue
Chula Vista, CA 91910
(619) 691-5150
Chula Vista
Police Department

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