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Hi! I'm BUDDY - Friendly, adventurous and playful - just like

your child! Thousands of kids and parents across the country

recognize me as the face of
EuroKids - India's No. 1 Pre-School chain with over 450 Pre-Schools
in more than 160 towns & cities across the country.
Today, I'll take you on a trip inside EuroKids Pre-School.
So, come aboard and discover what makes
EuroKids - The specialist in Pre-School education - the first
choice of discerning parents (like you)
and kids alike.

Last date for Admission : The last date for admissions into the EuroKids programs are
as given below:
/ EuroSenior

School commencing by

Last date for admission

Round the academic year
31st August


31st August
30th April

Special Note: A child though can seek admission in the Nursery/EuroJunior/ EuroSenior programs after the
last date provided he/she has attended a similar program in another Pre-School and can produce a
transfer certificate

Parent rights
Parents' inputs : Parents are welcome to make constructive suggestions for the
improvement of procedures, policies and practices adopted by the Pre School. But the
final decision to implement such suggestions will vest with EuroKids International.

Meetings: Every parent has the right to demand an individual meeting with the
Teacher/administrator or any staff member of the Pre School. It will be the
responsibility of the Pre School to make the staff available for such meeting(s).

Information : A parent can demand any information pertaining to the operations of the
specific Pre School and about the progress of his/her child. In case of any specific
concern/issue, the same can also be brought to the notice of the administrator of the
Pre School.



Let me begin with my motto

EuroKids Pre-Sch


Fees : The approved fee structure is available at every EuroKids Pre-School vide a

Playing, learning and enjoying every minute' that's what we at EuroKids Pre-Schools
aim to do. Our firm belief is to stimulate the child's imagination by providing him
opportunities to grow and develop while reading, writing, listening and playing.

EuroKids - Your child's second home

FEE CARD. Please contact the admission counselor for a copy of the same.

Fee collection :

All tuition fees should be paid favouring EUROKIDS only.

The balance fees of Registration & Annual fee components may be paid to the
respective Pre-School. In some territories, we have arrangements to collect the entire
component of fees (Tuition + Registration fees + Annual fees) favouring 'EUROKIDS'
(Please check with your Pre-School for the type of fee collection arrangement)

This is the first time your child will be stepping out of home and the shadow of your
doting care. So it's very important to ensure that he feels at home in what will be his
first-outside-the-home environment. At EuroKids Pre-Schools, we've taken special
care to provide an environment that is stimulating and helps in your child's overall
growth. Emphasis has also been laid on the comfort of the children, which reflects
clearly in the -

Refund : EuroKids Pre-Schools follow a NO REFUND POLICY. No amount in part or full

will be refunded under any circumstances.

Transfer :

EuroKids Pre-Schools offers the unique facility of transfer which

Colourful fun rooms

Age-appropriate furniture
Non-toxic toys

facilitates continuity of fun learning in the 'EuroKids' environment across its' vast

Interactive books & puppets that combine to make the surroundings playful and

network in India/overseas.

fun to be in

Since EuroKids Pre-Schools adopts a differential fee structure across territories, we

Besides, every 'EuroKid' experiences the love and warmth of well-trained teachers

request you to get in touch with the admissions counselor and obtain a copy of the

and minders who firmly believe that every child is special, and

Transfer Policy booklet for additional details.

Welcome Kit : Every child is entitled to a Welcome Kit at EuroKids Pre-Schools. This kit
is given to every child as per the enrolled program at no additional cost.
(Details of the Welcome Kit are available at every Pre-School.)

strive to accommodate each one of them in

their new environment.
All in all, we offer your child a completely
safe & secure environment - an environment
that promotes independence, meaningful
play, social interaction and more
importantly a love for learning - that
sets the course for his lifetime of



Let me now tell you about the programs at EuroKids Pre-Schools

We offer programs that are developmentally appropriate and foster all round
development with an integral approach, helping your child grow physically,
intellectually, emotionally and socially.
Our curriculum is packed with real-world, concrete, sensory experiences where the
young learners can touch, see, taste, hear and smell, thereby striking an interesting
balance between learning and playing.
EuroKids offers both Pre-School and Kindergarten programs.




(For ages 2+)

(For ages 3+)


Euro Junior
(Jr. Kg.)

Euro Senior
(Sr. Kg.)

(For ages
3 - 4 years)

(For ages
4 - 5 years)

So hey parents,
hope you enjoyed the journey inside EuroKids.
Now that you know the edge EuroKids The Specialist in Pre-School
education gives your child, would you send him to any other Pre-School?
It gives me great pleasure to invite your child to join the wonderful world
of learning, fun and games at EuroKids. I promise, once you entrust
your child under my guidance and care, youll simply
enjoy watching your child grow.

Our guiding principle for the playgroup program is to help your child master the skills
needed to succeed in school and in life. Our program introduces your child to a more
structured day with stimulating activities, group interaction and numerous
opportunities to be inquisitive as he travels along the path to discovery.
Children at this age are always in the moment imbibing information
through all their senses.



Our curriculum and monthly themes have been based on real-world sensory
experiences in order to cater to this need. Your child will spend a major part of his day
singing, dancing, laughing, playing and exploring both indoors and outdoors.
The monthly themes have been devised to help your child build cognitive, language,
motor and social skills and self-esteem. Besides, he will be encouraged to learn, grow
and discover at his own natural pace.


A healthy mind in a healthy body is something that we take very seriously at EuroKids.
Today, fitness seems to have taken a back seat in children's lives.
Sedentary activities like watching TV, playing video games and sitting on the

Our Nursery program teaches essential skills like pre-reading, pre-writing, pre-math,

computer have replaced outdoor activities. It is essential to understand the

science and social skills in a logical, natural sequence that encourages children to learn

importance of health and fitness at a young age. Keeping this in mind, EuroKids

one step at a time.

launched EuroGym, India's first specialized gymnasium for young children that
provides quality fitness training to kids of various age groups.

Monthly themes, weekly topics and daily activities keep the curriculum focused and
teach key academic skills, while encouraging children to explore and understand the

EuroGym is a fun place for children. The fully air-conditioned, specially created

world they live in. The activities encourage curiosity, self-

ambience is clean, bright, colourful and inviting. The specialized imported equipment is

initiative and persistence.

fully adjustable and interchangeable and provides fun fitness activities for both
younger and older children. Our extensively trained staff, well-researched programs
and excellent student/coach ratio ensures quality attention to each child.

Art, music, dramatic play and social interaction help each

nursery child explore creatively and build

The philosophy of EuroGym can be explained in just one word - G.A.M.E

G Stands for GROWTH... mental, physical
and emotional growth.

Each new accomplishment fills these three year olds with

pride and the desire to learn more. They realize, I can
do it!" and our nursery readiness program makes it

A Stands for ACTION...action that

easy and exciting for them to learn.

propels the child to newer heights

In each of our Fun Rooms, we've developed special

M Stands for the magic of MOVEMENT

E Stands for the pivotal ENERGY resource.

areas called Discovery Areas which are set up

by our teachers as per the curriculum
requirements to help your child
explore and learn.



SMS Facility

Discovery Areas in the Pre-School Wing

It has been our

constant endeavour to provide quality education

to your young child and the best services to you at all times. We encourage parental
involvement in all our programs. We also believe that all our efforts towards a better
functioning of the Pre-School can be made successful with constant support from the
parents and caretakers. We have been communicating to you about various scheduled and
unscheduled activities through the school organizer, telephone calls, notice board etc. Now

Science & Sensory Area

In this area we help the child with hands-on exploration activities
and children learn about basic science concepts using simple

we plan to introduce one more revolutionary form of communication to you - SMS.

Since we have good mobile phone penetration amongst our parents we plan to utilize this
facility to instantly communicate with you and reduce the dependence on other means of
communication for routine correspondence.

materials and experiments.

Parent Resource on

Dramatic Play Area
Objective of the resource section
Here, children explore language and social skills by playing and
cooperating with each other, acting out events from their daily

To provide EuroParents with specific resources to help in the upbringing of their Pre-Schooler

lives and their vivid imagination.

To keep them abreast about the various activities at EuroKids Pre-School

Blocks & Manipulation Area

To build a community of EuroParents that can share ideas, views and thoughts on bettering the
life of young children.

Toddlers develop fine motor skills and coordination by sorting, grouping and balancing
blocks. These activities also exercise their creative thinking and problem solving

EuroKids Book Club

abilities, besides developing a strong conceptual foundation through hands-on



Ive travelled the world twice over,

learning experiences.

Met the famous; saints and sinners,

Poets and artists, kings and queens,

Computer Corner

Old stars and hopeful beginners,

Ive been where no ones been before,

Educational software gives children another fun way to

Learned secrets from writers and cooks

strengthen reading and math skills as they learn the basics

All with one library ticket

of computers.

To the wonderful world of books

Janice James

Creative Arts Area

EuroKids Book Club is a unique children-oriented book club by EuroKids. In

Children express themselves imaginatively and build skills and
confidence using tools and materials in this discovery area.

association with EuroBooks, India's largest children's book publisher, the whole
idea behind EuroKids Book Club is to inculcate the joys of reading in
children. Watch with satisfaction as your child learns,
understands and sets his imagination free with
these fantastic books.
Note: For more details, see the subscription form.



Qualified & intensively trained staff

A lot of attention is paid to the quality of staff
employed at EuroKids. Each of our faculties is
qualified and trained to impart education in a
friendly and innovative manner. Besides, they
undergo regular in-service training that helps
them keep abreast with the latest trends in
teaching and early childhood development.

Encouraging parents participation

We have a unique Family Partnership Program
whereby the childs family members partner him in
the learning process. We send periodic feedback
to keep the parents informed about the childs
performance in the Pre-School. Besides, to
encourage the familys active participation, we
keep organising events and programs throughout
the year in which parents can also take part and
enjoy with their child !

EuroKids -

Appreciation and


Parent of Annie Thomas,

Here's what some of the proud parents
Though Annie was hesitant to
of 'EuroKids' have to say about us:
go to school on the first day, her
fears vanished when she finally
spent a day at EuroKids. The
Parent of Nikhil Verma,
colourful ambience, equipment and
the friendly staff made her feel
EuroKids has made a world of
extremely comfortable. Annie
difference to my child. Nikhil has
looks forward to going to
become more confident and
school each day and even
responsible. The teaching methodology
misses it on holidays!
has aroused his curiosity to things
around him. As a result, he is eager
to learn more and apply his skills
in various tasks. I couldn't
have asked for more!
Parent of Rukhsana Abbas,
Rukhsana was always a creative child
and I am happy to see that her
creativity has bloomed even further
thanks to EuroKids. The curriculum and
various activities are designed in a
manner that enables a child to grasp
concepts quickly I am happy that
I made the right choice
with EuroKids.

Easy Nationwide Transferability

For those parents whose occupations involve frequent transfers
within the country, we offer a very easy and flexible transfer
facility to ensure that the childs education is not hampered in
the process. So any time you wish to transfer your child to any of
our 250 Pre-Schools spread across 100 towns and cities, you

Your words of
appreciation mean a lot
to us! We will strive to
get better with each
passing day.

can do so by applying for the same.




Now let's visit the

Kindergarten Wing of EuroKids

Euro Junior &

Euro Senior

Child-friendly ambience
Located in peaceful, upmarket locations, our Pre-Schools provide an
environment wherein children are safe, nurtured, loved and
encouraged to learn. The ambience has been specially designed to
attract children through vibrant colours and special themes.
The entire Pre-School structure has been designed like childrens
playhouses with Fun Rooms, Theme Walls, Discovery Areas et al.
Your child will simply love spending time here.

Well researched curriculum

We have designed a developmentally appropriate curriculum keeping in mind the needs
of todays children. Based on the Play-Way methodology, it comprises a wide array of
engaging activities that encourage children to become active learners. The curriculum
promises overall development of your child.

Unique delivery method

Like our curriculum, our teaching methodology has also been
devised to suit the age group. It is a shining example of our
commitment to our philosophy of Learning by doing. Over the
years, we have perfected the art of first attracting the
childs attention and then keeping his mind engaged
through an array of fascinating activities that make



interesting and absorbing.



Project Work
Giving shape to our philosophy of 'Learning by doing' are the
projects we give our young students to work on all by
themselves. The projects are based on a variety of activities

EuroKids Kindergarten is an extension of your child's quality learning experience that

begins with our Playgroup and Nursery programs, and aims at preparing him for
primary school education, thereby ensuring a smooth transition from Pre-School to
primary school.

that are carried out and the topics discussed in the class
through the year. It includes songs, stories, field trips, group
discussions and demonstrations. Such first-hand experience
encourages lateral thinking and boosts the childs confidence

EuroKids Kindergarten A beautiful, cozy garden where kids blossom

as he becomes an active participant in the learning process.

Reading & Writing

Listening, speaking, reading and writing together constitute the most basic and
important part of a child's learning process. At Euro Junior & Euro Senior, we ensure
that your child is strong with his reading and writing basics. After all, it is the very
foundation on which the tall tower of knowledge will stand for a lifetime.

At EuroKids, we believe in the true meaning of the word 'Kindergarten' which means
'children's garden'. We feel that children are like flowers, and they too need to be
cultivated, watered and cared for. This is made possible through a collective effort
from our teachers and all family members against the backdrop of a conducive
learning environment.

Math Concepts

We understand that at this age, children learn best through 'hands-on experiments

Math is an integral part of the school day. Basic math concepts are taught in an

and direct experiences. Hence, our Kindergarten programs have been designed to

interesting manner that is simple enough for children to understand and relate with.

provide children ample opportunities to be active learners. Our focus is on the

Simple calculations are combined with a variety of fun experiences from which the

overall development of children through an integrated learning process. EuroKids

child learns to distinguish and classify and observe similarities and differences in the

Kindergarten is a place your child will look forward to coming each day.

world around him.



Discovery Areas in EuroKids Kindergarten

Euro Junior
In the Euro Junior program, emphasis is on encouraging children to realize their inner

We have a provision for developing special Discovery Areas, which are set up by the

potential while learning and growing at their own pace. Besides, they are motivated to

teachers as per the curriculum requirements to help your child 'Discover' and 'Learn'.

observe and be aware of the environment around them. Stress is also laid on activities

Painting & Collage

that promote language development and instill confidence in the children to verbalize

This area has been designed to bring your child's creative talents to the

their thoughts, feelings and impressions of the world around them.

fore. It is the canvas on which your child gives expression to his

imagination, putting it on paper with sketch pens, colour pencils & paint.
Making paintings and collages, he will experiment with colours, textures

Euro Senior

& mediums and in the process develop sharp eye-hand coordination,

fine motor coordination and 'writing readiness'.

Clay Art & Moulding

In the Euro Senior program, emphasis is laid on building vocabulary and applying the

It's here that our belief in the 'touch, explore, learn and enjoy' approach of learning

concepts which the children have already learnt in Euro Junior. Children learn to

is put into practice. Children are given clay and taught to bring their imagination to life

read and write, using innovative learning methods and tools designed

using the art of moulding. Of course, it gets a bit messy, but just think about the

specially for this age group. Complex subjects like Math are taught using

positive side - your child will learn how to make wonders out of a mess! Further, it also

a child-centric approach, considering individual capacities

helps children become more expressive, as they generally love to speak about anything

and capabilities.

they create.

The focus of this program is on enhancing the attention

Computer Area

span of the children with a view to accelerate their

In today's techno-savvy world dominated by gadgets &

learning process and prepare them for extensive studies

gizmos, CD-ROMs, Internet and interactive television,

in the future.

every child needs to be a self-learner - the sooner, the

better. Once your child gains confidence in recognizing
letters and writing on paper, we introduce him to the
wonderful world of e-learning, teaching him how to
use a computer independently.


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