Thermodynamics Test Paper

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Date: ............ FN/AN Time: 2 hoursfull Marks: 100No. of Students:350

Spring Mid-Sem Examination, 2013Dept. Mechanical Engineering Subject No.: ME22002
2nd Year B. Tech (H) Subject Name: Thermodynamics
Answer all the questions. Marks for the questions are shown on the margin.
In situations involving air, air can be assumed as an ideal gas with constant specific
heats of Cp=1.004 kJ/kgK and Cv=0.717 kJ/kgK.
Use of steam table, supplied with the question paper, is permitted ..
1. A cylinder with a cross sectional area of 7. 012 cm
has two pistons moun tea, as
shown in the figure. The upper one has mass of 100 kg, and it initially rests on the
stops. The lower piston is virtually massless, and has 2 kg of water below it, with a
linear spring in vacuum connecting the two pistons. The spring force is zero when the
lower piston stands at the bottom and when the lower piston hits the stops the
volume of water is 0.056 m
The water, initially at 50 kPa, volume = 0.00206 m
then heated to saturated vapour.
(a) What is the initial temperature of water?
(b) At what pressure will both the pistons move together, assuming that they
move in a quasiequilibrium process?
(c) Find the final temperature, pressure, volume, and the net work done and heat
transfer during the process, with the identification of an appropriate system.
(d) Sketch the process in a p-v diagram.
(i) Mention whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. There is no credit
for a correct identification of TRUE/FALSE statement without appropriate
(a) Air is a pure substance at atmospheric pressure and temperature.
(b) A control volume within which intensive properties are not functions of time
essentially represents a steady state steady flow device.
(c) 1 Litre of a capsule of water is in state 1 (900 kPa, 175(}, and is kept in a
large, insulated, and otherwise evacuated vessel. The capsule breaks and
water fills up the entire volume. The final pressure is 200 kPa. The final state
of water, in this scenario, may be specified by its specific internal energy and
(d) Entropy of a fixed mass of ideal gas decreases in every isothermal
(ii) State the major assumptions/ restrictions under which the following expressions
are valid:
= -J vdp
(c) w
= J pdv
-- --
3. A combination of heat engine driving a heat pump takes waste energy from a source at
50C as shown in the given figure. Both the devices are reversible. The heat engine
receives O.W1 while the heat pump takes Qw
The heat engine rejects Q amount of heat
at 30C and the heat pump delivers OJ.i at 150C. If the total waste energy taken by the
combination is 5 MW, find the following:
(a) The efficiency and the COP of the heat engine and the heat pump respectively.
(b) The rate of energy delivered at the high temperature.
(c) h ~ combined device works in a cycle and delivers heat to ~ high temperature
body from a low temperature one at a finite rate without requiring work input
from any external agency. Is this a violation of the Second Law of
Thermodynamics? Justify your answer.
4. Air is compressed steadily l;>y a compressor from 100 kPa and 2T C to 700kPa at a
flow rate of 5 kg/min. Determine:
(a) the power input required if the process is reversible adiabatic.
(b) the power input and the heat transfer if the process is reversible isothermal.
You may use the first and the second law of thermodynamics and the property
relation. Derive it, if you use any other relation. Assume air to be an ideal gas with
constant specific heat, and neglect changes in kinetic and potential energy.
Po= 101 kPa
\ Waste energy
~ g = 9.81 m/s'
Figure for Problem 1. Figure for Problem 3(a).

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