The Novel Broadcast Encryption Method For Large Dynamically Changing User Groups

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Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advances in Electronics and Communication Engineering

(RACE-2014), 28-29 March 2014


The Novel Broadcast Encryption method for
large dynamically changing user groups
Nilam C
, Seema Srivastava
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering B.I.T.M, Bellary
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering I.T.S Engineering College , Greater Noida
[email protected],[email protected]

Abstract- The essential requirement for many multimedia applications is confidential video transmission over the
Internet. In todays communication systems, video conferencing (VC) which allows participants in a live session to see each
other involves visual as well as audio data. The video is transmitted over the network between users, live and in real time.
Since the video must be encoded, transmitted, and decoded in real-time, special compression and transmission techniques
are typically used. In a teleconferencing system that is ITU-T H.323 compliant, the H.263 video codec in its QCIF format
must be supported. In the paper, an experimental system which is useful for videoconferencing on the windows platform
using the visual C++ Programming language & TCP/IP as the networking architecture.

The transmission of high quality video over the Internet is now becoming a reality due to recent progresses
in video compression and networking technologies, efficient video coders/decoders. Consequently, many video
coding standards have emerged that enable multiple video applications like video telephony, videoconferencing,
DVD, and digital TV. These standards help to facilitating the growth of the video market. The ITU-T video coding
standards developed by ITU organization are called recommendations which are denoted with H.26x (e.g., H.261,
H.262 and H.263)[1]. Although coding structure is similar to H.261 & H.262, H.263 coding standard provides low
bit rate (less than 64 kbps) video communication and supports new baseline coding methods. It includes four
optional modes to provide better picture quality at low bit rates with complexity. Because of its superior quality,
H.263 became the predominant coding standard in video communication and also supports video compression
(coding) for video-conferencing and video-telephony applications [3].
Data rate & storage demands of raw digital videos are much more than that which can be sustained on most of
todays broadband networks. For example, standard-definition (SD) digital TV as well as lower-resolution CIF
videos used in streaming requires high data rate & storage for a standard movie without any compression whereas an
advanced video codec such as H.263 can achieve compression ratios of between 60:1 and 100:1 with sustained
throughput & squeezed video with a high data rate through a narrow transmission channel and store it in a limited
Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advances in Electronics and Communication Engineering
(RACE-2014), 28-29 March 2014


Figure 1 Video Coding

Frames of video information are captured at the source and are encoded (compressed) by a video encoder. The
compressed "stream" is transmitted across a network or telecommunications link and decoded (decompressed) by a
video decoder. Then the decoded frames can be displayed. A typical system is shown in the following Figure1


A number of video coding standards are designed based on type of application. For example, JPEG for still
images, MPEG2 for digital television and H.261 for ISDN video conferencing.H.263 is designed particularly for
video coding for low bit rates. The H.263 standard specifies the requirements for a video encoder and decoder. It
specifies the format and content of the encoded (compressed) stream. A typical encoder and decoder are described

a) Encoder
Video coding provides compact representation of the video frames by removing spatial redundancies
present in the frames, and by removing temporal redundancies that exist between successive frames. The H.263
standard uses the discrete cosine transform (DCT) to remove spatial redundancies and motion estimation and
compensation to remove temporal redundancies. When a source frame is coded using the DCT, the encoder is said
to be operating in the intra coding mode and the corresponding encoded frame is called an I-picture. In case of
temporal prediction, the encoder is said to be operating in inter coding mode and the corresponding encoded frame is
called a P-picture. A block diagram for a typical encoder is given in Figure4.2
Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advances in Electronics and Communication Engineering
(RACE-2014), 28-29 March 2014


Fig.2 Block Diagram of a Typical Video Encoder

b) Motion Estimation and Compensation
The video frames are considered based on the difference between the current frame and a previous reference
frame, then the difference or residual is encoded. Encoding difference will be more efficient for very similar frames
than that of original frame. Hence, previous frame is used as an estimate for the current frame.
To increase coding efficiency, frames are processed at the macro block level. The process is called motion
compensation, or motion compensated prediction and assuming translational motion of macro blocks, each 16x16
luminance block in the current frame is searched for the best matching block of the previous frame. The motion of a
16x16 block is represented by a motion vector with two components (horizontal displacement and vertical
displacement). Another computationally expensive approach is to evaluate the Sum of Absolute Differences (SAD)
at every pixel location within the specified search window. The approach is called full search or exhaustive search
but yields good matching results. A more computationally efficient approach is restricted search to find a good
match. These search points are defined by predicted motion vectors.
After finding the best matching macro block, it is used to construct the prediction frame instead of the original
macro block. Once all the macro blocks in the prediction frame are identified, the difference between the prediction
and the actual frame is computed to produce the residual frame to be encoded.
c) DCT Transform
The 8x8 DCT is used to correlate the 8x8 blocks of original pixels (in intracoding) or motion compensated
difference pixels (in intercoding). The DCT transform concentrates the energy of input samples into a small number
of transform coefficients, which are easier to encode than the original samples. In addition to its relatively high
decor relation and energy compaction capabilities, the 8x8 DCT is simple, efficient, and amenable to software and
hardware implementations. A popular algorithm for implementing the 8x8 DCT is that which consists of 8-point
DCT transformation of the rows and the columns, respectively.

d) Quantization
Because of low sensitivity of the eye towards high frequency, quick changes can often not be seen and may be
discarded. Slow linear changes in intensity or color are important to the eye. Therefore, the basic idea of the
quantization is to eliminate as many of the nonzero DCT coefficients corresponding to high frequency components.
Every element in the DCT output matrix is quantized using a corresponding quantization value in a quantization
matrix. The quantizer consists of equally spaced reconstruction levels with a dead zone centered at zero. In baseline
Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advances in Electronics and Communication Engineering
(RACE-2014), 28-29 March 2014


H.263, quantization is performed using the same step size within a macro block by working with a uniform
quantization matrix. Except for the first coefficient of an intra block which is coded using a step size of eight, even
quantization levels in the range from 2 to 62 are allowed. The use of Annex T in some of the H.263 profiles allows
the use of an extended DCT coefficient range and a modified step size for chrominance. The first feature allows
more flexibility at the encoder side, whereas the second feature improves the chrominance fidelity.
The quantized coefficients are then rounded to the nearest integer value. The net effect of the quantization is
usually a reduced variance between the original DCT coefficients. Another important effect is reduction in the
number of nonzero coefficients.

e) Entropy Coding
Entropy coding is performed by means of variable-length codes (VLCs) and is used to efficiently represent the
estimated motion vectors and the quantized DCT coefficients. Motion vectors are first predicted by setting their
components values to median values of those of neighboring motion vectors already transmitted: the motion vectors
of the macro blocks to the left, above, and above, right of the current macro block. The difference motion vectors are
then VLC coded.
As for the quantized DCT coefficients, they are first converted into a one-dimensional array for entropy
encoding by an ordered zigzag scanning operation. The resulting array contains a number of nonzero entries and
probably many zero entries. This rearrangement places the DC coefficient first in the array, and the remaining AC
coefficients are ordered from low to high frequency. Hence, the array can be represented as a number of segments
stitched together, where each segment contains one or more (or no) zeros followed by a nonzero coefficient. To
efficiently encode the whole array, each segment is assigned a code word, with the most frequent segments getting
the code word with the least number of bits, and the least frequent segments getting the code word with the highest
number of bits. The code word is generated based on three parameters (LAST, RUN, and LEVEL). The symbol run
is defined as the distance between two nonzero coefficients in the array (i.e., the number of zeros in a segment). The
symbol LEVEL is the nonzero value immediately following a sequence of zeros. The symbol LAST, when set to 1,
is used to indicate the last segment in the array.

f) Coding Control
Coding control allows switching, at the macro block level, between the intra and intercoding modes. The H.263
standard does not specify how to perform coding control. The criterion used to decide on the encoding mode is often
the SAD value for a given macro block. If a macro block does not change significantly with respect to the reference
picture, then the encoder may skip encoding that macro block and the decoder will simply repeat the macro block
located at the subject macro blocks spatial location in the reference picture.

g) Decoder
A block diagram of a typical decoder is shown in Figure 2. In the case of an intracoded macro block, the encoder
performs only the inverse quantization and inverse DCT operations to reconstruct the original macro block. The
reconstructed macro block is then used in the reconstructed frame. In the case of an intercoded macro block, the
decoder performs the inverse quantization and inverse DCT operations on the DCT coefficients corresponding to the
prediction residual. The decoder also uses the information in the motion Vectors to find the best matching macro
block in the previous reconstructed frame. The latter is then added to the residual to reconstruct the original macro
block. Once the complete frame is reconstructed, it is then stored for use when decoding the subsequent frame.
Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advances in Electronics and Communication Engineering
(RACE-2014), 28-29 March 2014


Figure 4.3 Block Diagram of a Typical Decoder


Many issues need to be addressed in order to develop a video encoder and decoder that can operate effectively
in real time for video communication. These include:

a) Bit Rate Control
Practical communications channels have a limit to the number of bits that they can transmit per second. In many
cases the bit rate is fixed (constant bit rate or CBR, for example POTS, ISDN, etc.). The basic H.263 encoder
generates a variable number of bits for each encoded frame. If the motion estimation/compensation process works
well then there will be few remaining non-zero coefficients to encode. However, if the motion estimation does not
work well (for example when the video scene contains complex motion); there will be many non-zero coefficients to
encode and so the number of bits will increase.
In order to "map" this varying bit rate to (say) a CBR channel, the encoder must carry out rate control. The
encoder measures the output bit rate of the encoder. If it is too high, it increases the compression by increasing the
quantizer scale factor: this leads to more compression (and a lower bit rate) but also gives poorer image quality at
the decoder. If the bit rate drops, the encoder reduces the compression by decreasing the quantizer scale factor,
leading to a higher bit rate and a better image quality at the decoder.

b) Synchronization
The encoder and decoder must stay in synchronization, particularly if the video signal has accompanying audio.
The H.263 bit stream contains a number of headers or markers; these are special codes that indicate to a decoder
about the position of the current data within a frame and the time code of the current frame. If the decoder loses
synchronization then it can scan forward for the next marker in order to resynchronize and resume decoding. It
should be noted that even a brief loss of synchronization can cause severe disruption in the quality of the decoded
image and so special care must be taken when designing a video coding system to operate in a noisy transmission

c) Audio Coding
The H.263 standard describes only video coding. In many practical applications, audio data must also be
compressed, transmitted and synchronized with the video signal. Synchronization, multiplexing and protocol issues
are covered by umbrella standards such as H.320 (ISDN-based videoconferencing), H.324 (POTS-based video
telephony) and H.323 (LAN or IP-based videoconferencing). H.263 provides the video coding part of these
standards groups. Audio coding is supported by a range of standards including G.723.1.

Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advances in Electronics and Communication Engineering
(RACE-2014), 28-29 March 2014


d) Security
The required level of security is more concerned with basic citizens rights and protecting
telecommunication acts for The first group of examples (Telemedicine, VC, Surveillance), whereas the second
group of applications (VOD, DVD, Pay-TV News) comes from the area of multimedia entertainment where the
main concern is the revenue stream of the content owners. Based on this categorization of applications, the first
group of applications requires a higher level of security as compared to the second one. Another important issue is
the question how long encrypted visual data has to withstand possible attacks. An extreme case is Pay-TV News
where the data loses its value after some hours already. Having the ever increasing network bandwidth in mind,
peer-to-peer video distribution is currently taking off and might soon become a threat to the revenue of content
owner as it is already the case for audio.
As we have learned from attacks against DVD CSS and Pay-TV systems, the internet is a good means to
distribute key data, decryption software, or even descriptions how to build pirate smartcards. This excludes
encryption schemes relying on weak cryptographic systems from being applied in this area. As long as there are no
other restrictions (e.g. as imposed by complexity or data format restrictions), security must not be sacrificed.

V H.263 Video Codec Structure
The CODEC consists of a series of classes that are interconnected as shown in the Encoder diagram below

Figure5.1 CODEC configured for Encoder

a) Encoder Operation
Typical operation is to create a H.263 Encoder object, to initialize the encoding parameters and to call the
Encoder to encode frames of video either (a) a frame at a time or (b) a GOB (Group of Blocks) at a time. The input
to the Encoder is a series of frames of video and the output is a bit stream conforming to ITU-T H.263. Input/output
can be file-based or memory-based [2].
b) Decoder Operation
Typical operation is to Create an H.263 Decoder object, to initialize the decoding parameters and to call the
Decoder to decode a bit stream either (a) a frame at a time or (b) a GOB (Group of Blocks) at a time. The input to
the Decoder is a bit stream conforming to ITU-T H.263 and the output is a series of frames of video. Input/output
can be file-based or memory-based [2].
When enabled, the CODEC encodes the next frame in INTRA mode and switches ON Freeze Picture
Release in the Picture header P Type information field. Only the CODEC will decide to skip frames when operating
with complete frame units. Only one frame can be dropped between transmitted frames for H.263.
Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advances in Electronics and Communication Engineering
(RACE-2014), 28-29 March 2014


VI Applications

The following applications entail image and video encryption support for the desired functionalities
1. Telemedicine
2. Video Conferencing
3. VOD
4. Pay-TV News
The applications for web and video conferencing are virtually limitless, and as it becomes a ubiquitous real-
time communication application, it will be the standard medium for ad-hoc meetings, training sessions for
companies with remote office locations, and the way that engineers, architects and project managers discuss, review
and mark-up CAD files and drawings, for example. Overall the combination of real-time data delivery, audio,
desktop and application sharing, remote control and video will enable companies, schools and organizations of all
sizes to manage increasingly decentralized work forces, campuses and outsourced critical business functions.
Manufacturers, healthcare organizations, engineering and business service providers, and virtually every
organization with complex subject matter will be able to actually show conference participants what theyre talking
about while marking up files in real-time, rather than emailing large files back and forth.

VII Advantages

1. The proposed easy and efficient software can be incorporated with existing networks.
2. With the help of available resources, the software provides flexibility in adding more number of users without any
additional cost.
3. Password-based user authentication systems are low cost and easy to use.
4. The size of the software is relatively small and doesnt occupy much system resources.
5. Restart time after failure is very less.
6. The software tool can be implemented with the available network. For example, The software tool can easily be
installed in the organization with local area network.
7. The meantime to failure for this system is quite less as it depends on the individual system to which it is
connected. The probability of unavailability is very low and even rate of failure can be kept at minimum.

VIII Conclusion

The paper provides an overview of H.263, the new ITU-T Recommendation for low-bit-rate video
communication. H.263 specifies a coded representation for compressing the moving picture component of audio-
visual signals at low bit rates. The basic structure of the video source coding algorithm is taken from ITU-T
Recommendation H.263 and is a hybrid of interpicture prediction to reduce temporal redundancy and transform
coding of the prediction residual to reduce spatial redundancy. The source coder can operate on five standardized
picture formats: sub-QCIF, QCIF, CIF, 4CIF, and 16CIF. The decoder has motion compensation capability with
half-pixel precision.H.263 includes four negotiable coding options which provide improved coding efficiency:
unrestricted motion vectors, syntax-based arithmetic coding, advanced prediction, and PB-frames.

Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advances in Electronics and Communication Engineering
(RACE-2014), 28-29 March 2014


IX Directions for Future Work

64 kbps, 10 fps

32 kbps, 8 fps
The software can also be extended to work with systems connected with different operating systems. The
technique described in the paper shows bit rate of 32Kbps. The further work can be done to obtain bit rate of
64kbps, which can further improve picture and sound quality.

X References

[1] ITU-T Recommendation H.263, "Video coding for low bit rate communication"

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