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19851991: The rise and fall of OS/2[edit]

The sign at a main entrance to the Microsoft corporate campus. The Redmond Microsoft campus today includes
more than 8 million square feet (approx. 750,000 m) and 28,000 employees.

Ireland became home to one of Microsoft's international production facilities in 1985, and on
November 20 Microsoft released its first retail version of Microsoft Windows (Windows 1.0), originally
a graphical extension for its MS-DOS operating system.
In August, Microsoft and IBM partnered in
the development of a different operating system called OS/2. OS/2 was marketed in connection with
a new hardware design proprietary to IBM, the PS/2.
On February 16, 1986, Microsoft relocated to
Redmond, Washington. Around one month later, on March 13, the company went public with an
IPO, raising US$61 million at US$21.00 per share. By the end of the trading day, the price had risen
to US$28.00. In 1987, Microsoft eventually released their first version of OS/2 to OEMs.

Meanwhile, Microsoft began introducing its most prominent office products. Microsoft Works, an
integrated office program which combined features typically found in a word
processor, spreadsheet, database and other office applications, saw its first release as an
application for the Apple Macintosh towards the end of 1986.
Microsoft Works would later be sold
with other Microsoft products including Microsoft Word and Microsoft Bookshelf, a reference
collection introduced in 1987 that was the company's first CD-ROM product.
Later, on August 8,
1989, Microsoft would introduce its most successful office product, Microsoft Office. Unlike the
model of Microsoft Works, Microsoft Office was a bundle of separate office productivity applications,
such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and so forth. While Microsoft Word and Microsoft Office
were mostly developed internally, Microsoft also continued its trend of rebranding products from
other companies, such as Microsoft SQL Server on January 13, 1988, arelational database
management system for companies that was based on technology licensed from Sybase.

On May 22, 1990 microsoft launched Windows 3.0.
The new version of Microsoft's operating
system boasted such new features as streamlined graphic user interface GUI and
improved protected mode ability for the Intel 386 processor; it sold over 100,000 copies in two
Windows at the time generated more revenue for Microsoft than OS/2, and the company
decided to move more resources from OS/2 to Windows.
In an internal memo to Microsoft
employees on May 16, 1991, Bill Gates announced that the OS/2 partnership was over, and that
Microsoft would henceforth focus its platform efforts on Windows and the Windows NTkernel. Some
people, especially developers who had ignored Windows and committed most of their resources to
OS/2, were taken by surprise, and accused Microsoft of deception. This changeover from OS/2 was
frequently referred to in the industry as "the head-fake".
In the ensuing years, the popularity of
OS/2 declined, and Windows quickly became the favored PC platform. 1991 also marked the
founding of Microsoft Research, an organization in Microsoft for researchingcomputer
science subjects, and Microsoft Visual Basic, a popular development product for companies and

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