Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Risk Reduction Management

A brief history of CDRRMO Imus
On April 12, 2012, R.A. 10161 or the Act converting the Municipality of Imus to City
was signed and in the succeeding two months, on June 30, 2012, the Municipality of Imus was
declared as City of Imus after overwhelming response from the Imuseo. On February 14, 2012
Hon. Emmanuel L. Maliksi issued an Executive Order No.4 series of 2012. (Appendix 4-A)
The R.A, 10121 enacted by the Philippine Congress is an act that strengthens the
Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management System providing for National Disaster
Risk Management plan, appropriating funds therefore and for other purposes. The Act provides
for the development of policies and plans and the implementation of actions and measures
pertaining to all aspects of disaster risk reduction and management, including good governance,
risk assessment and early warning, knowledge building and awareness raising, reducing
underlying risk factors, and preparedness for effective response and early recovery (NDRRMP,
2011). This act converting the Municipal Disaster Coordinating Council to City Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Office under R.A. 10121 and redefining its composition and
function. According to Mr. Roy Catrosonuevo, the Administrative Officer II of the City Disaster
Risk Reduction Management Office, before Imus was made into a city, the Municipal Disaster
and Risk Reduction Management Office has no separate office and has only two officers and six
staffs. On March 20, 2012, by the virtue of Municipal Ordinance No.2012-130 enacted by
Sangguniang Bayan, the creation of Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office
under the office of the City Mayor is finally approved. (Appendix 4-A)
The Mandates of R.A. 10121
To create a local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council up to Barangay level
in order to ensure that the said program will reach the general public. As stated in R.A.10121 to
adopt a disaster risk reduction and approach that is holistic, comprehensive, integrated, and
proactive in lessening the socio-economic and environmental impacts of disasters including
climate change, and promote the involvement and participation of all sectors and all stakeholders
concerned, at all levels, especially the local community. (Appendix 4-B)
CDRRMO (Main Trust)
It is to expand the program of public safety of is constituents in the formulation and
implementation of first City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office. (Appendix 4-B)
CDRRMO (Vision and Mission)
City of Imus, vast of history, determined to work in all sectors towards sustainable
development and a well prepared communities and families in response to emergencies.
First are zero casualties in times of disaster secondly by strengthening of different
stakeholders of the City to become knowledgeable to all forms of hazards in the city; thirdly
vigorously work towards the safety of families located in the various organizations to make
disaster risk management become priority in every barangay; Lastly to empower barangay
officials and leaders in the various organizations to make Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management become their priority. (Appendix 4-B)
Qualification and training of staffs/crews
According to Mr. Roy Castronuevo, as for now, the office is hiring staffs mostly
registered nurse or licensed caregiver. These staffs are casual employees. The trainings are held
within the city or outside the city depending on the areas they have to work on.
CDRRMO Capabilities (Personnel, Equipment and Rescue Vehicles)
There are several categories of equipment in the emergency management profession,
including (for example) personnel protective equipment (PPE), which protects responders from
the effects of the hazards; communication equipment, which allows responders to talk to one
another both within and between different organization; and special search and rescue
equipment, which allows responders to enter compromised buildings, navigate Hazardous
waters, or detect signs of life. The following widely accepted mitigation tools are used to reduce
risk: hazard identification and mapping, design and construction application, land-use planning,
financial incentives, insurance, structural control (George D. Haddow and Jane A. Bullock,
Introduction to Emergency Management, 2012, p.1). The present Local Calamity Fund shall
henceforth be known as the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund (LDRRMF).
Not less than five percent (5%) of the estimated revenue from regular sources shall be set aside
as the LDRRMF to support disaster risk management activities such as, but not limited to, pre-
disaster preparedness programs including training, purchasing life-saving rescue equipment,
supplies and medicines, for post-disaster activities, and for the payment of premiums on calamity
The City Disaster and Risk Reduction Management Office of the City of Imus have the
following facilities as of 2012 (see, appendix 4-B):
It includes six new ambulance with oxygen tank and gauge, spine boards and medical
kits, five fire trucks, 2 pick-up trucks, 1 close van, 1 rescue van for disaster response 250 two
way radio (distributed in 97 barangays of Imus), 42 local admin staff, 8 registered nurse, access
to the following offices (Imus Traffic Management Office, Bureau of Fire Protection, Philippine
National Police and 161 rescue unit Cavite). For Rescue Capabilities: three rubber boats, one
generator set, automated weather detector facilities, five life vest, life buoy, life suit, harness,
hand tool equipment and nylon rope strap. Capital Outlays: Additional 2 units of Ambulance,
five units of Mini-Fire Trucks and 200 units of HH Radio Com. Other equipments are three sets
of desktop computers (Disaster social messaging system, database and general clerical work).
HHRadio 2012 -124 units distributed to 62 barangays; 10 units given to BFP; 5 units to different
departments; Mayors group; Vice Mayors Group; CDRRMO operations. Weather forecasting
equipment and 10 CCTV cameras
CDRRMO improves its capability building through attending seminars. The office
attended the Climate change adaption in Legazpi City conducted by the Philippine Tourism
Conference on climate change, Automate weather station orientation in Calamba, Laguna,
Incident Command System (ICS) in Tagaytay City OCD, Project Noah and Automatic Rain
Gauges Calamba OCD.
Since the creation of CDRRMO, it has 3 Administrative Officers responding to the
general mandate of RA 10121. Two Divisions working separately, Administrative/Research and
Planning; Operations/Warnings and Trainings.
The Administrative/Research and Planning has 19 personnel and the Operations/Warning
and Trainings has 32 personnel. Annexed the CDRRMO Organizational Structure.
The office gave preliminary seminars on Community Managed Disaster Risk
Reduction/Barangay Emergency Response Training in different barangays of the city. The office
spearheaded activities for the barangays to be prepared in times of disasters through Community
managed DRRM seminars, Barangay Emergency Responders and Basic Life Support and First
Aid every Saturdays and Sundays of August 2012. (See, appendix 4-B)
Ambulance and Rescue Operations
For Vehicular accident number of operations occurred in the month of September-
December, for September is 1, for October number of operation that occurred is 6, followed by
11 for November and 21 for December. Number of Hospital Transfer are September (28 cases),
October (58), November (84), December (149). Emergency Transfer, Sept-December (1, 82,1
26). Rescue mission: Sept (10 families and 25 children), For Oct. and Nov. 1, and December
none. Maternity: order of operations from September to December (12, 21, 18 and 5) cases.
Medical Mission: one for September and October, none from November and December. Fire
Rescue operation occurred on October and November once. And lastly activity assistance
operation happened on November with a total of 4 operations.
Ambulance Operations
Dated from January to June:
Emergency Assistance ( from house to Hospital): 146, 125, 87 120, 97 and 36. Hospital
to hospital: (J) 41, (F) 21, (M)87, (A)35, (M)26, (J)21. Vehicular accident number of operations
from January is 36 then February is 11, March is 31, April is 16, May is 20 lastly June has 9
incidents. Fire rescue assistance total of 7 operations from January to June. Medical missions
total of operation is 2 from the months mentioned above. Mental Hospital Assistance 4,1 and 3
for January, February and March. DSWD assistance operation with 2 on the month of April only.
Ambulance Assistance (indigent persons from hostpital to respective houses) number of
operation occurred is 18, 60,110, 10,150 and 155 in the months of January to June. Local
Government Unit Assisted/Project activities number of operation per month (January-June)
arrange in order (12, 8 18, 35, 5 and 3).
City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Accomplishment for 2013 (January to June)
January 10, 2013 a topic of DRRM plan and management preparation in cluster 1-9
compose of 73 barangay secretaries. Jan. 20, 2013, DRRM , Basic First Aid & An Orientation
on Fire/ Rescue participant are Bgy. Officials of Pag-asa III & Pag-asa II and 45 Bgy. Disaster
Emergency Respondents from Jan. 26-27,2013, same topic and from Pag-asa I & Medicion II-D
Brgy. Officials, Tanod, Secretary, Bantay Bayan 35 Brgy. Disaster Emergency Responders; Feb.
2-3, 2013, Medicion II-C & Medicion II-F Brgy. Officials, Tanod, Secretary, Bantay Bayan 37
Brgy. Disaster Emergency Responder; next with the same topic of the latter on Feb. 16-17, 2013
participants are Medicion II-E & Medicion I-B Brgy. Officials, Tanod, Secretary, Bantay Bayan
31 Brgy. Disaster Emergency Responder and on Feb. 23-24, 2013 participant are from Toclong
II-B & Toclong I-C Brgy. Officials, Tanod, Secretary, Bantay Bayan 29 Brgy. Disaster
Emergency Responder.
For the Cluster Emergency Responder Training Seminar Includes Basic First Aid &
Basic Life Supports(BLS) participants are from Cluster 1 & 9 36 Emergency Responders,
Cluster 2 45Emergency Responders, Cluster 5 & 7 16Cluster Emergency Responder, Cluster 6 &
8 19Cluster Emergency Responder, Cluster 3&4 35 Cluster Emergency Responders from
different clusters, who did not attend the scheduled dates per clusters.
Activities of consolidation happened on May 26, 2013 participants from cluster 1-9. Info-
Seminar Basic First-Aid ,Basic Life Supports & Fire Rescue attendend by 56-Representatives
from Department of City Government of Imus. Ambulance Operations Technique & Patient
Handling Training attended by 34 CDRRMO Personnel/Responders and lastly Cluster
Emergency Responder Training Level II attended by Cluster 5,6 & 7 35 Cluster Emergency
Responder. (See appendix 4-B)

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