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Table of content
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Table of content
1 Financials
1.1 Chart of Accounts
1.1.1 Setting Up and Working with G/L Accounts Creating G/L Accounts Changing, Moving, and Deleting G/L Accounts Checking G/L Account Balances Chart of Accounts Windows Chart of Accounts Window G/L Account Details Window Balance Sheet Categories - Setup Window Profit and Loss Categories - Setup Window Other Categories - Setup Window Edit Chart of Accounts - Selection Criteria Window Edit Chart of Accounts Window Account Code Generator Window Segment Codes - Selection Criteria Window Account Code List Window
1.2 Journal Entry
1.2.1 Creating Journal Entries Manually
1.2.2 Creating Journal Entries Based on Posting Templates
1.2.3 Changing the BP Control Account in Journal Entries
1.2.4 Cancelling Journal Entries Journal Entry Window Form Settings # Journal Entry Window, Document Tab Transaction Type Abbreviations Legend
1.3 Journal Vouchers
1.3.1 Adding New Journal Vouchers
1.3.2 Adding Entries to Existing Journal Vouchers
1.3.3 Posting Journal Vouchers
1.3.4 Deleting Entries from Journal Vouchers
1.3.5 Removing Journal Vouchers Journal Vouchers Window Journal Voucher Entry
1.4 Posting Templates
1.4.1 Creating Posting Templates
1.4.2 Creating Journal Entries Based on Posting Templates
1.4.3 Removing Posting Templates Posting Templates Window
1.5 Recurring Posting
1.5.1 Setting Templates for Recurring Postings
1.5.2 Executing Instances of Recurring Postings
1.5.3 Removing Recurring Postings Recurring Postings Window Confirmation of Recurring Posting
1.6 Reverse Transactions
1.6.1 Posting Reverse Transactions Reverse Transactions Window
1.7 Exchange Rate Differences
1.7.1 Generating Exchange Rate Differences Report
1.7.2 Posting Exchange Rate Differences Transactions Exchange Rate Differences - Selection Criteria Properties Exchange Rate Differences Window Exchange Rate Differences - Row Details
1.8 Conversion Differences
1.8.1 Posting Conversion Differences Transactions Conversion Differences - Selection Criteria Conversion Differences Window Conversion Differences - Row Details
1.9 Amount Differences: Russia
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1.9.1 Amount Differences - Selection Criteria
1.9.2 Amount Differences - Row Details: RU
1.9.3 Amount Differences - Procedure: RU
1.10 Control Account Reposting: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Russ
1.10.1 Control Account Reposting - Selection Criteria
1.10.2 Control Account Reposting - Execution: Czech Republic, Hungary,
1.11 1099 Editing: USA
1.11.1 1099 Editing - Selection Criteria
1.11.2 1099 Editing Window
1.12 Financial Report Templates
1.12.1 Creating Financial Report Templates Based on Existing Templates
1.12.2 Creating Financial Report Templates Financial Report Templates Window Financial Report Templates - Expansion Window Account Category - Details Window Choose Copy Template Window Financial Template - Full Display
1.13 Journal Voucher Report: China, Korea, Japan
1.13.1 Journal Voucher Report Window: China, Korea, Japan
1.14 Budget
1.14.1 Budget Scenarios Import Budget Scenarios Window Copy Budget Scenarios Window
1.14.2 Budget Distribution Methods Budget Distribution Methods - Setup Window
1.14.3 Budget Defining the Budget Budget Scenarios - Setup Window Budget Scenarios - Setup (Scenario - XXX) Window Budget Item Details Window
1.15 Cost Accounting
1.15.1 Working with Dimensions
1.15.2 Working with Cost Centers and Distribution Rules Working with Cost Centers Allocating Expenses/Revenues to Cost Centers Assigning Cost Centers to Expense/Revenue and COGS Accounts Working with Distribution Rules Displaying and Editing Distribution Rules Defining Cost Accounting Methods for G/L Accounts Updating Distribution Rules in Accounting Documents and Manual J Specifying One-Time Distribution Rules
1.15.3 Working with Accrual Types
1.15.4 Recording Differences Between Financial Accounting and Cost Acco
1.15.5 Cost Accounting Reports Cost Center Report Distribution Report Cost Accounting Summary Report Budget versus Cost Accounting Cost Accounting Reconciliation Report
1.15.6 Cost Accounting Windows Dimensions Window Cost Centers - Setup Window Distribution Rules - Setup Window Distribution Rule History Window Table of Cost Centers and Distribution Rules Window Cost Center Hierarchy Window Accrual Types - Setup Window Cost Center Report Window Distribution Report Window Cost Accounting Summary Report Window Budget versus Cost Accounting Window Cost Accounting Reconciliation Report Window
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1.16 Revaluation
1.16.1 G/L Accounts Revaluation: Chile and Mexico G/L Accounts Revaluation Wizard (Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala an G/L Accounts Revaluation Wizard, Recommendation for Postings G/L Accounts Revaluation Wizard, Select G/L Accounts
1.16.2 Cost of Sale Revaluation: Mexico
1.16.3 Inventory Revaluation Wizard: Mexico and Chile
1.17 TDS: India
1.17.1 Processing Adjustment Entry: India
1.17.2 Generating Form 16A: India Form 16 A Report Window: India
1.17.3 Setting Up Acknowledgement Numbers: India
1.17.4 Generating Quarterly eTDS File: India
1.18 Financial Reports
1.18.1 Electronic Reports Generating Electronic Reports EU Sales Report - General Parameters XML Audit File - General Parameters Generating IRAS Audit File: Singapore
1.18.2 Accounting G/L Accounts and Business Partners G/L Accounts and Business Partners Window General Ledger Expanded Selection Criteria Series Selection Revaluation - Selection Criteria Selecting Control Accounts in the General Ledger Report (BP View Summarizing Control Accounts in the General Ledger Report
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1 Financials

This module:
Includes all functions and reports required for the accounting and financial operations of the company
Includes all tax-related reports according to the regulations in each country
Enables you to document all financial and accounting-related transactions
1.1 Chart of Accounts

The setting up of financial accounting occurs when SAP Business One is first implemented. During implementation, your partner, tax advisor, and accountant
follow GAAP and country or state regulations to set up financial accounting.
Once you have determined your financial or posting periods and account segments, if any, you create your chart of accounts. A chart of accounts lists all of a
company's general ledger (G/L) accounts and is the basis for its reporting and posting activities.
Drawers, Titles, and Active Accounts
Accounts are organized hierarchically according to drawers, titles, and active accounts. The organization of the chart of accounts follows GAAP in which there is a
separate drawer for accounts representing assets, liabilities, equity, revenues, cost of sales, expenses, financing, and other revenues and expenses (see level
1 in the figure). Within each drawer, you organize your accounts by level in a logical fashion appropriate to your financial accounting processes. Drawers are the
organizational unit on the top level. You cannot change the predefined drawers provided with SAP Business One.
Every G/L account is defined as either a title account or an active account. A title account groups together all of the active accounts below it (see level 2, 3, and 4
in the figure). In financial reports, a title summarizes all of the balances of each active account below it. Active accounts contain postings of transactions (see level
4 and 5 in the figure). You can differentiate titles and active accounts by their text color: titles appear in blue, active accounts appear in either green or black.
Green accounts are control accounts that have been defined as default G/L accounts for automatic posting of transactions in SAP Business One. Black accounts
are those active accounts that have not been selected in G/L account determination. For more information, see G/L Account Determination.
The number of levels in your chart of accounts may depend on your localization and common business practices. Some countries have a legally required number
of levels.
SAP Business One provides predefined charts of accounts for individual countries based on local requirements. Discuss with your partner which predefined chart
of accounts to use, and what additions and adjustments are necessary for your company.
Example of a Chart of Accounts Structure
For more information, go to the Education tab of SAP Business One Customer Portal and take the following training: Financials Prepare for Financials
Start Using Financials Navigate the Chart of Accounts .
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Setting Up and Working with G/L Accounts
1.1.1 Setting Up and Working with G/L Accounts
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1. Create accounts.
You create most accounts during initialization and setup, often as additions to a predefined chart of accounts. However, you may wish to add a new account
from time to time. For example, if your company incurs a new kind of operating cost due to the introduction of new technology, you will add a new expenses
account. Or if your company opens a new bank account, you will need to reflect this in your chart of accounts.
For more information, see Creating G/L Accounts.
2. Edit account details or move accounts within the chart of accounts, as needed.
For more information, see Changing, Moving, and Deleting G/L Accounts.
3. Delete any unnecessary accounts.
For more information, see Changing, Moving, and Deleting G/L Accounts.
4. Check G/L account balances. If necessary, check the balances of individual business partners.
For more information, see Checking G/L Account Balances.
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Chart of Accounts Creating G/L Accounts

You can create G/L accounts manually or, if you use account segments, you can generate them automatically.
Use automatic generation for the following purposes:
To create active accounts from a combination of different segments
Active accounts are accounts in the chart of accounts to which journal entries are posted.
Segments represent the specific business units, such as company, division, region, department, group, or categories, such as travel expense, box office
revenue, product line, and so on, that you want to track.
Automatically generated accounts are based on a combination of different segments.
To create a specific G/L account simultaneously in several different account groups, for example, departments
Manually Creating a Title or an Active Account
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Chart of Accounts .
The Chart of Accounts window appears.
2. Select the drawer to which you want to add the account.
3. In the list of accounts, click at the level where you want to add the account.
4. In the menu bar, switch to Add mode by choosing Data Add .
5. In the G/L Account field, enter a unique code and then specify all other relevant data.
6. Choose Add.
The new account is added at the specified level of the selected drawer, as the last account on that level. If you have not specified a default, it is created as
an active account at level two.
As long as no transactions have been posted, you can change any details/parameters in the Edit Chart of Accounts window.
You can also create an account in the Edit Chart of Accounts window.
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Chart of Accounts
Chart of Accounts Window
Edit Chart of Accounts Window
Automatically Generating a G/L Account
Account segmentation is allowed for your country or state.
The option Use Segmentation Accounts is selected in Administration System Initialization Company Details on the Basic Initialization tab.
Once a single journal entry has been posted, you can no longer change the selection for this option.
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Account Code Generator .
2. In the Account Code Generator window, specify the required information.
3. In the Segment Codes Selection Criteria window, specify the selection criteria for the segment codes.
4. In the Account Code List window, make the necessary settings and choose Add .
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Account Code Generator Window
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Segment Codes Selection Criteria Window
Account Code List Window Changing, Moving, and Deleting G/L Accounts

In the normal course of business, it is not uncommon to have to adjust the chart of accounts from time to time. In SAP Business One, you can make changes to
the chart of accounts, and change, regroup, or delete existing accounts.
One of your banks changes its name, so you update its name in the corresponding G/L account.
You originally created an account that was then never used, so you decide to delete it.
You need to reorganize your subsidiarys accounts, based on new instructions from the mother company.
Changing a G/L Account
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Edit Chart of Accounts .
2. In the Chart of Accounts window, select the account and make your changes.
3. To save these changes, choose Update .
4. If required, choose Account Details , make changes in the G/L Account Details window, and choose Update .
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Chart of Accounts Window
G/L Account Details Window
Moving a G/L Account
Moving a parent account also moves its sublevel accounts.
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Edit Chart of Accounts .
2. Do one of the following, and choose OK .
To change the location of accounts within a drawer, select the relevant drawer.
To move accounts between drawers, select the relevant drawers.
The Edit Chart of Accounts window appears, listing the accounts included in the selected drawer(s).
3. Select the account you want to move.
To find an account, press , enter its code and/or name in the Find Account window, and choose OK .
The G/L Account Location section displays the current location parameters.
4. In the Drawer , Parent Article , and Loc. in Drawer fields, specify the target location of the account.
The options in the G/L Account Location fields depend on the selections made in the Edit Chart of Accounts Selection Criteria window.
The account moves to the specified location.
5. To save the change, choose Update .
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Edit Chart of Accounts - Selection Criteria Window
Edit Chart of Accounts Window
Deleting G/L Accounts
No transactions have been posted to the account, including the opening balance.
The opening balance has not been posted to the account.
The account is not defined as a control account.
The account is not included in G/L account determination.
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Edit Chart of Accounts .
2. In the Edit Chart of Accounts - Selection Criteria window, select the required drawers and choose OK.
3. Select the account you want to delete.
4. From the menu bar, choose Data Advanced Delete Account . Checking G/L Account Balances
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1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Chart of Accounts .
2. Choose an account and click the arrow next to Balance .
The Account Balance <account title> window appears.
3. To display business partner codes in the account balance, choose ( Form Settings ) and select the Visible option for the BP/Account Code column.
You can also check the account balance of an individual business partner from the Business Partner Master Data window.
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Chart of Accounts Window Chart of Accounts Windows

Use the following windows to set up and work with the chart of accounts:
Chart of Accounts Window
G/L Account Details Window
Edit Chart of Accounts - Selection Criteria Window
Edit Chart of Accounts Window
Account Code Generator Window
Segment Codes - Selection Criteria Window
Account Code List Window Chart of Accounts Window

Use this window to define a chart of accounts for your company or organization.
To open the window, choose Financials Chart of Accounts .
Chart of Accounts Window
Title, Active Account
You classify each G/L account as either Title or Active Account after you have defined the G/L account code. An active account contains postings of transactions. A title account
groups together all the active accounts below it.
For an active account to be summarized at title level in financial reporting, it must be assigned accordingly in the chart of accounts hierarchy.
You can differentiate titles and active accounts by their text color: titles appear in blue, active accounts appear in either green or black. Green accounts are control accounts that have
been defined as default G/L accounts for automatic posting of transactions in SAP Business One. Black accounts are those active accounts that have not been selected in G/L
account determination.
G/L Account
Enter an alphanumeric code of up to fifteen characters (letters, numbers or a combination of both) for the account.
Specify an account name of up to 100 characters.
External Code
Define an additional code for sorting purposes. The additional code is informational only and allows you to refine queries (customized reports).
The account currency is the currency in which all journal entries for that account are recorded. By default, the currency is defined as All Currencies .
In an all currencies account, transactions can be executed in a foreign currency without the accounts foreign currency balance having any significance. Therefore, the account can
accept journal entries in different currencies.
A foreign sales account can be used for every sale abroad, even though the sales are in different currencies. Accounts are then settled with these customers in their account
currency (an American customer buys in US dollars). However, the revenue account accumulates revenue from all the various currencies. Since this account is not a
debit/credit account, its updated foreign currency balance is not relevant, and you refer only to its LC (local currency) balance.
If you work with a number of countries but use only one revenue account, define this account as All Currencies .
If the account currency is defined as a foreign currency, all postings in this account are recorded in both the local currency (as required by law) and in the defined foreign currency.
If you define a foreign currency account and record transactions for it, you cannot later change the account currency or perform transactions in any currency other than the defined
account currency.
Accounts defined as foreign currency accounts are usually foreign bank accounts, and so on.
A foreign currency account has two balances: a local currency balance and the account currency balance.
Defines certain accounts as confidential, preventing unauthorized users (according to defined permissions) from using them or viewing their activities in the system.
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Define the level of the account.
Level 1 is the drawer level, so you cannot define an account or a title as Level 1.
Levels 2 to 4 are for either titles or accounts.
Only an active account can be defined at Level 5 .
The number of levels in your chart of accounts may depend on your localization and common business practices. Some countries have a legally required number of levels.
The account balance displayed in the currency defined for the account, after various journal entries have been recorded.
If the account is defined in a foreign currency, select LC from the field dropdown list to display the balance in local currency.
Account Type
You can define the account as a revenue account or as an expense account or as a different type of account (other).
This field is used for information purposes only.
Control Account
Defines this account as a control account. The control accounts are linked to business partners and reflect their activities in the financial reports. Only accounts defined in the
Assets and Liabilities drawers can be defined as control accounts. Control accounts appear in the chart of accounts in green.
Once the account is linked to business partners, you cannot deselect the checkbox.
Cash Account
This checkbox appears in the first three drawers that include the balance sheet accounts, and defines an account as a monetary account.
Cash flow statements refer only to monetary accounts. SAP Business One defines the following as monetary accounts: cash funds and bank accounts (current and short-term
An account cannot be defined as indexed and monetary at the same time. Therefore, selecting the Indexed Account option automatically clears the Monetary Account option
and vice versa.
Defines an account as indexed.
SAP Business One revalues only indexed accounts when performing valuations of financial statements to an index. Indexes are defined in Administration Exchange Rates
and Indexes .
Reval. (Currency)
Select this box for companies whose defined currency is not the local currency.
Selecting this box enables you to:
Generate a conversion differences report for the account.
Produce an automatic differences reconciliation to adjust the balance of the account in the system currency to the balance in the account currency.
Cash Flow Relevant
Specify G/L accounts that are cash flow relevant. The objective of the assignment process is to generate the Cash Flow report.
This field is visible only for active accounts at the asset level.
For localizations other than China, Korea, and Japan, the default value of the checkbox indicating a cash account (that is, the Cash Account checkbox of the G/L account is
selected) is selected.
If required, select the checkbox to set the G/L account as relevant to project. If required, you can further choose ( Choose from List ), and in the List of Projects window, select
a default project.
You can change the checkbox status and the default project field at any time.
For G/L accounts relevant to project, SAP Business One performs actions, defined on the Cost Accounting tab of the General Settings window, under Administration
System Initialization General Settings , for postings in which such G/L accounts are without project assignment.
Distribution Rule
If you did not select the Use Multidimensions checkbox on the Cost Accounting tab of the General Settings window, under Administration System Initialization
General Settings , the section displays one checkbox and one default distribution rule field.
If you selected the Use Multidimensions checkbox, the section displays checkboxes and their default distribution rule fields for the active dimensions.
Only active dimensions are displayed. You can set the active status of dimensions in the Dimensions window under Financials Cost Accounting Dimensions
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If required, select one or more checkboxes to set the G/L account as relevant to distribution rules of corresponding dimensions. If required, you can further choose ( Choose
from List ) , and in the List of Distribution Rules window, select a default distribution rule for the corresponding dimension.
You can change the checkbox status and the default distribution rule field at any time.
Distribution rule fields are displayed only for G/L accounts of type Sales or Expenditure .
For G/L accounts relevant to distribution rules, SAP Business One performs actions, defined on the Cost Accounting tab of the General Settings window, for postings in
which such G/L accounts have no distribution rule assigned to the selected dimensions.
Account Details
Opens the G/L Account Details window in which you can define and add more information pertaining to the account.
Country-Specific Fields: China GB Interface
Account Structure Level
Specify the structure level of the accounts to be exported by GB Interface.
Option 1 : displays the highest level titles of the accounts.
Option 10 : displays the most detailed level of the accounts under this title.
GB Interface exports only those accounts assigned an Account Structure Level value.
Measurement Unit
Specify the measurement unit.
Direction of Balance
Specify the balance status: credit or debit.
Country-Specific Fields: Mexico & Chile
Reval. by Index
G/L account is subject to G/L accounts revaluation.
Post G/L Reval. Differences to Account
This field appears only after the option Reval. by Index is selected. Specify a G/L account for recording the revaluation differences transaction.
Country-Specific Fields: Israel
Tax Exempt
The Tax report considers the transactions pertaining to this account as tax-exempt.
Advance Payment
Includes the transactions related to this account in the Advances on Corporate Income Tax on Sales report.
Include in PCN874
The checkbox is visible only if you do not select the Tax Liable checkbox on the Accounting Data tab in the Company Details window.
Selecting the checkbox indicates that the G/L account is relevant to the PCN874 report. The transactions involving this G/L account are then included in the PCN874 report.
By default, the checkbox is selected for all existing and new active accounts of type Sales and Expenditure .
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Chart of Accounts
Setting Up and Working with G/L Accounts
G/L Account Details Window G/L Account Details Window

Use this window to display or change the data of a specific account.
To open the window, choose Financials Chart of Accounts . Then select the required account and choose Account Details .
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The fields DATEV Account , DATEV Automatic Account , and First Data Entry are related only to the German DATEV accounting system. For more
information, see DATEV FI Interface for SAP Business One.
G/L Account Details
G/L Account, Account Name
Read-only account code and name, as defined in the Chart of Accounts window.
Foreign Name
Name that appears in several reports (on screen and in printed reports) when Display Foreign Names is selected in the selection criteria window of the report.
Code for Exporting
Additional code for the account, used only when exporting transactions from SAP Business One to another software.
Specify whether to relate the account to one of the projects defined in SAP Business One.
Specify additional details regarding the account.
Default Tax Posting Account
Select default account for tax posting. The options are:
Sales Tax Account
Purchase Tax Account
Default Tax Code
Specify the tax code to be used by default when a manual journal entry is created (including any journal entry that is based on a posting template or a recurring posting). If you have
left the Default Tax Posting Account field empty, this field is disabled.
The Category fields are available for active accounts only. If required, specify the category of the account.
1. In the first field, choose the category of the account from the dropdown list as follows:
Balance Sheet Specify the account as a Balance Sheet account.
Profit and Loss Specify the account as a Profit and Loss account.
Other Specify the account category as Other if it is neither a Balance Sheet account nor a Profit and Loss account.
If the field is left empty, the account does not belong to any category and you cannot specify a subcategory for it.
2. In the second field, from the dropdown list, choose the subcategory of the account. Proceed as follows:
If there is no relevant subcategory in the dropdown list, define a new one to which you want to assign the account.
If there are relevant subcategories in the dropdown list, specify one for the account.
If the field is left empty, the account does not belong to any subcategory.
Except for the U.S. and Canada localizations, there is no predefined subcategory in this field.
In the U.S. and Canada localizations, the category can be used in the creation of the Cash Flow report.
In the first field, you can choose only from the following two categories:
Balance Sheet Accounts from the Assets , Liabilities , and Equity drawers are assigned to this category by default.
Profit and Loss Accounts located in drawers other than Assets , Liabilities , and Equity are assigned to this category by default.
In the second field, you can define new subcategories or choose from predefined subcategories (29 for Balance Sheet and 15 for Profit and Loss).
You cannot delete or modify predefined subcategories provided by SAP Business One.
Planning Level
If required, specify the planning level for use in the B1iSN integration scenario Liquidity Forecasting . The planning level is a source of planning data used to process the liquidity
forecasting report in SAP ERP.
Enables you to determine an active date range for the account:
From...To... Specify the date range.
Remarks Specify a relevant comment.
If a user tries to add a journal entry, for example, on a date that exceeds the defined range, the remark appears in an error message.
On Hold
Enables you to deactivate an account for a determined period of time.
From...To... Specify the date range during which the account cannot be used.
Remarks Specify a relevant comment.
If you try to add a journal entry on a date within the defined range, the remark appears in an error message.
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Allow Multiple Linking to Financial Templates
Lets you link this account more than once within the same financial template. This is useful, for example, if you need to include the debit and the credit sides of an account rather
than the overall balance, one side in the assets section and the other side in the liabilities section of the balance sheet.
If you do not select this checkbox, the application issues a warning message but you are not prevented from including the account more than once.
Relevant to Budget
Enables you to define budgets for the account.
Only available if Budget Initialization is selected in Administration System Initialization General Settings Budget .
Exchange Rate Differences
Includes the account in the automatic creation of exchange rate differences transactions.
Rate Conversion
Includes the account in the automatic creation of rate conversion transactions.
Country-Specific Fields: Europe
Default VAT Group
Specify a default VAT group for the account.
The chosen group is applied automatically, and appears when you create a manual journal entry or service document for the selected account.
Permit other VAT Group
Enables you to change the default VAT group defined for the account, when creating manual journal entries or service documents.
Country-Specific Fields: France
Transaction Code
Links a default transaction code to the G/L account. The transaction code you specify is automatically linked to every transaction posted to the account both manual journal entries
and transactions created as a result of incoming payments and other documents.
If you set a transaction code to an account that represents one of your bank accounts, you can later generate a report that lists all transactions posted to the account.
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Chart of Accounts
Setting Up and Working with G/L Accounts
Chart of Accounts Window Balance Sheet Categories - Setup Window

Use this window to define new subcategories that can be linked to Balance Sheet accounts.
To open the window, choose Financials Chart of Accounts Account Details . In the Category fields, choose Balance Sheet in the first field, and
then in the second field, choose Define New .
In U.S. and Canada localizations, SAP Business One offers predefined subcategories, which you cannot modify or delete.
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G/L Account Details Profit and Loss Categories - Setup Window

Use this window to define new subcategories that can be linked to Profit and Loss accounts.
To open the window, choose Financials Chart of Accounts Account Details . In the Category fields, choose Profit and Loss in the first field, and
then in the second field, choose Define New .
In U.S. and Canada localizations, SAP Business One offers predefined subcategories, which you cannot modify or delete.
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G/L Account Details Other Categories - Setup Window

This window is not relevant for the U.S. or Canada.
Use this window to define new subcategories that can be linked to accounts other than the Balance Sheet or Profit and Loss accounts.
To open the window, choose Financials Chart of Accounts Account Details . In the Category fields, choose Other in the first field, and then in the
second field, choose Define New .
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G/L Account Details Edit Chart of Accounts - Selection Criteria Window

Use this window to specify the selection criteria for an account or accounts you want to add or edit.
To open the window, choose Financials Edit Chart of Accounts .
After selecting the drawers in which the accounts are located (or are to be located), you maintain them in the Edit Chart of Accounts Window. Edit Chart of Accounts Window

Use this window to maintain an account or accounts you filtered in the Edit Chart of Accounts - Selection Criteria window.
Edit Chart of Accounts Window
G/L Account Details
The account type ( title or active ), code, name, and level, for the selected account.
G/L Account Location
Location in the chart of accounts, according to:
Drawer - Name of the drawer(s) in which the account resides
Parent Article - Immediate level under which the account is found
You can view all items on this level that are found in this drawer.
Loc. in Drawer - First, last, or after another account in the drawer.
Add Sub-Level Acct
Adds a lower-level account under the marked account.
Select a Level 3 account, and choose Add Sub-Level Account to create a new account on Level 4 or 5 . The selected account becomes the parent article of the new
This button displays only if the option Use Segmentation Accounts is not selected on the Basic Initialization tab in Administration System Initialization Company
Details .
Add Same-Level Acct
Adds an account on the same level as a selected account, under the same parent article.
This button exists only if the option Use Segmentation Accounts is not selected on the Basic Initialization tab in Administration System Initialization Company
Details .
More Information
Chart of Accounts
Setting Up and Working with G/L Accounts
Edit Chart of Accounts - Selection Criteria Window Account Code Generator Window

Use this window to have active accounts generated automatically from a combination of different segments. These segments represent the specific business units
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or activities that you want to track.
The following prerequisites must be fulfilled:
Account segmentation is allowed for your country or state.
The option Use Segmentation Accounts is selected in Administration System Initialization Company Details on the Basic Initialization tab.
To open the window, choose Financials Account Code Generator .
Account Code Generator Window
G/L Account Details
For all G/L accounts to be created, define the following:
Natural Account Number of characters is limited to the value of the Size field in the Account Segmentation - Setup window for the first segment: Natural Account
Account Name String you enter here, plus a suffix from the short name of every segment
Currency Specify the appropriate currency
Level Specify the level in the chart of accounts
G\L Account Location
Drawer : Specify the chart of accounts drawer to which to add the G/L accounts.
Parent Article : If you create G/L accounts in Levels 3 to 5, you can set the appropriate title in the drawer to which the accounts are added. The drop-down box displays titles
from one level below the value you set in Level of G\L Account Details .
When you select 3 in the Level field, the Parent Article field displays titles from Level 2 of the selected drawer.
G/L Account Properties
The fields from the Chart of Accounts window appear according to the selected drawer.
Division, Region, Department
Choose the button for each segment to open the Segment Code Selection Criteria window, where you select the required codes from each segment to be included.
You must use all the segments defined in SAP Business One when you create new G/L accounts.
More Information
Creating G/L Accounts
Segment Codes - Selection Criteria Window
Account Code List Window Segment Codes - Selection Criteria Window

Use this window to specify selection criteria for the segment codes from which you want to generate active accounts. Segment codes are numbers that represent
the specific business units or activities you want to track.
The following prerequisites must be fulfilled:
Account segmentation is allowed for your country or state.
The option Use Segmentation Accounts is selected in Administration System Initialization Company Details on the Basic Initialization tab.
To open the window, choose Financials Account Code Generator , and then choose the ( Browse ) button next to the Division , Region , or
Department option.
Selection Criteria
Includes the accounts defined under this segment in your selection criteria.
These columns display identifying details regarding the segments defined in SAP Business One.
More Information
Creating G/L Accounts
Account Code Generator Window
Account Code List Window Account Code List Window
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This window displays accounts that you can create in the chart of accounts, according to the parameters you set in the Account Code Generator Window.
The prerequisites for using this window are that account segmentation is allowed for your country or state, and that the option Use Segmentation Accounts is
selected in Administration System Initialization Company Details on the Basic Initialization tab. If these two conditions are not true, you cannot
use this window.
Account Code List Window
Select the accounts you would like to create.
G/L Account
Code that will be assigned for each new account.
Combination of the specified account name and the short name for the selected segment codes. Change the name if required.
Currency code. You can change the currency if required.
Parent Article
Drawer in the chart of accounts. All the accounts will be created according to the level set in the Account Code Generator window, under the selected title.
Adds the selected accounts to the chart of accounts.
More Information
Creating G/L Accounts
Account Code Generator Window
Segment Codes - Selection Criteria Window
1.2 Journal Entry

Use this function to manually create journal entries for accounts and business partners.
Manual entries are recorded directly in the database and cannot be deleted. To cancel a journal entry, create a correction journal entry (storno).
You can view and create journal entries in expanded or reduced editing mode.
For more information, go to the Education tab of the SAP Business One Customer Portal and take the following training: Financials General Ledger
Post a Journal Entry Post a Journal Entry .
More Information
Journal Entry Window
1.2.1 Creating Journal Entries Manually

You cannot delete a journal entry after it has been added manually to the database.
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Journal Entry .
The Journal Entry window opens in Add mode.
2. In the header fields, enter the relevant transaction information, such as reference number, dates, and so on.
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3. In the table area, enter accounting information, including amounts and additional details, using a separate row per G/L account or business partner.
4. After inserting all the rows, ensure that the debit and credit total amounts are balanced, in local currency, foreign currency and system currency.
To enable creating unbalanced transactions in foreign currency, choose Form Settings Document General , and select Allow Unbalanced
Transaction in FC .
5. Choose Add .
The transaction is recorded in the database and affects financial and accounting reports.
For more information, go to the Education tab of the SAP Business One Customer Portal and take the following training: Financials General Ledger
Post a Journal Entry Post to a Different Posting Period / Post to a Business Partner .
More Information
Journal Entry
1.4.2 Creating Journal Entries Based on Posting Templates

You can manually create journal entries by using previously defined posting templates.
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Journal Entry .
The Journal Entry window appears.
2. In the Template Type field, select the required category:
Percentage to use a template defined in Financials Posting Templates
Recurring Posting to use a template defined in Financials Recurring Postings
3. In the Template field, press to open a list of available templates of the selected template type.
Choosing the Recurring Posting template type displays a list of instances of the recurring posting templates.
4. Select the required posting template or instance:
Selecting Posting Template displays the G/L accounts and/or business partner codes in the table area, together with the respective percentages
representing the amounts of debit and credit.
Selecting a Recurring Posting instance displays the complete journal entry in the window, including all G/L accounts, and/or business partners and
amounts. You can change the amounts, as necessary.
5. If you selected Posting Template , enter the relevant amount in one of the rows and press .
The amounts in the remaining rows are updated accordingly.
6. Enter any other details that might be required, such as reference numbers, and check the dates.
7. Choose Add .
More Information
Journal Entry
Posting Templates
1.2.3 Changing the BP Control Account in Journal Entries

Whenever a journal entry is posted to a business partner, it is also automatically posted to a control account defined for the business partner. This enables SAP
Business One to reflect in the accounting system and the financial reports all business activities carried on with business partners.
The control account to which a journal entry is posted is defaulted, but can be changed. To achieve more detailed reports, you can change the control account.
This procedure:
Explains how to change the control account for a business partner when you create manual journal entries
Is also relevant for the journal entries that are first recorded as journal vouchers
You have defined all accounts you want used as control accounts for a specific business partner (see Business Partners Business Partner Master Data
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Accounting General Control Accounts Control Accounts Accounts Payable/Receivable ).
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Journal Entry .
The Journal Entry window appears.
2. Open the Journal Entry Form Settings window.
3. On the Table Format tab, select the options Visible and Active for the Control Acct column, and choose OK .
The Control Acct column appears in the table area of the Journal Entry window.
4. Create the journal entry.
Notice that once you choose a G/L account or business partner code, the defaulted control account is recorded in the Control Acct column. Move to the
Control Acct column in the business partner row and delete the control account you want to replace.
5. To view the available control accounts, press and choose the required account.
It is not possible to change the control account in the G/L account row.
6. Choose Add .
The system posts the journal entry to the selected control account.
More Information
Journal Entry
1.2.4 Cancelling Journal Entries

You cannot delete journal entries from the database, but you can create a reversal journal entry that voids the original transaction. Use this procedure to cancel
manual journal entries.
You can reverse journal entries created by documents by creating the opposite document or a manual journal entry that reflects the reversal.
The transaction is a manual journal entry of type JE (displayed in the Origin field of the Journal Entry window).
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Journal Entry.
2. Display the journal entry you want to cancel.
3. From the menu bar, choose Data Cancel .
The following message appears: Create reversal for this transaction?
4. To continue, choose Yes .
If the selected journal entry has been reconciled, a notification appears and you can decide whether to continue or not.
The Journal Entry window displays the reversed transaction. The dates of the new transaction are the same as in the original transaction. If required,
you can change the dates.
The reversed transaction format is determined by the selection made in the Company Details. If Use Negative Amount for Reverse Transaction is
selected, the amounts in the reversed transaction appear on the same sides as in the original transaction, but with a minus sign. If the option is not
selected, the same amounts appear on opposite sides.
5. Choose Add .
The reversed transaction is added to the database. SAP Business One automatically adds the text (Reversal) original trans. no. to the transaction details for
reporting purposes.
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Page 17 of 92 Journal Entry Window

Use this window to display journal entries. The fields in the General Area section are relevant for the entire journal entry, while the fields in the Expanded Editing
Mode section reflect the data relevant to the selected row in the journal entry.
To open the window, choose Financials Journal Entry .
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
General Area
Displays the default numbering series of the journal entries. Choose another series if required.
Entry number allocated by the system according to the selected numbering series.
Due Date, Posting Date, Doc. Date
By default, the posting date is the current date. Change it if necessary. The due date is the date on which the entry takes place. The document date is the journal entry date for tax
reporting purposes.
Ref. 1, Ref. 2
Specify relevant references for the journal entry, or leave these fields blank.
Trans. Code
Select a transaction sort code from a previously defined list of codes to help you find a particular transaction. Choosing a code automatically inserts the code description as the
default setting in the Details field.
Enter any relevant information regarding the journal entry.
If the transaction is an incoming payment that has been generated by the payment wizard, the default display is Incoming Payments - <business partner code>
<payment run name>.
If the transaction is an outgoing payment that has been generated by the payment wizard, the default display is Outgoing Payments - <business partner code>
<payment run name>.
The payment run name is copied from the Payment Wizard , General Parameters window.
Origin, Origin No., Trans. No.
The Origin field displays the abbreviated name of the original journal. If the journal entry was created when you added an A/R invoice, the abbreviation IN is displayed.
The Origin No. field displays the number of the document that was generated by the transaction.
Choose to display the document that generated the transaction.
The Trans. No. field displays the automatically assigned number of the journal entry.
Template Type, Template
You can record transactions according to one of the defined posting templates.
Choose Template Type (percentage or recurring) and in the Template Code field, select the appropriate template code.
Select the relevant indicator code from a list of previously defined codes to help you find a particular transaction.
You can link a transaction to a previously defined project and use it as a selection criterion in reports.
Click the icon to link the transaction to a project in the list of projects defined for the company.
Revaluation Reporting Exch. Rate
To create a journal entry with a foreign currency amount that has a different exchange rate than the one defined in the Exchange Rate and Indexes table, select this checkbox and
specify the currency as well as the exchange rate to be used for this journal entry.
This exchange rate can also be used to revaluate reports. For this purpose, you select the checkbox Refer to Rates in Journal Entry when setting the revaluation criteria in the
report. The foreign currency values in the report are then revaluated according to the exchange rates defined in the journal entries.
If you create a journal entry with a different exchange rate, and you do not select this option, the revaluation results for this kind of journal entry might be inaccurate, since SAP
Business One considers the exchange rate defined in the Exchange Rate and Indexes table, and not the actual rate used in the journal entry.
Enables you to create a reversal transaction for the current journal entry and define the date on which the reversal transaction should be created.
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Adj. Trans. (Period 13)
Enables you to mark the closing entries. If required, you can exclude closing entries when generating a report.
Autom. VAT
If this option is selected, once you create a row in the journal entry for a G/L account for which a default VAT group was defined, SAP Business One automatically creates a row for
the VAT transaction. The checkbox is not editable once the journal entry is added.
Manage WTax
This checkbox is enabled only if the Automatic Tax checkbox is selected.
If you select this checkbox:
The WTax Amount field and the WTax Liable column are displayed.
You can enter only one business partner in the journal.
Display in FC, Display in SC
By default, journal entry amounts are displayed in local currency. Select these options to display the amounts in foreign and/or system currency.
Clear Template
Disconnects a journal entry based on a specific posting template, from that template.
A message asking whether to clear the table appears. To have all rows of the journal entry deleted, choose Yes . To keep the journal entry rows while clearing the Template Type
and Template fields, choose No .
Country-Specific Fields, General Area: India
CENVAT Component
Displays the tax types under the CENVAT tax category.
Material Type
Displays the material type, if the tax is under the CENVAT tax category.
Location in header area:
Select the location by which relevant journal entries are displayed.
You must specify the location.
Location in table area:
You must specify the location.
Location , CENVAT Component , and Material Type are copied from the previous or first line and are read-only.
Generate Excise Reg. No.
Selects this checkbox and choose an option form the combo-box. Raw Materials or Capital Goods option.
In manual Journal Entry browse mode, the field will be named Excise Reg. No.
For existing Journal Entry postings and automatic Journal Entry postings, this field is not visible.
Country-Specific Fields, General Area: China, Japan, Korea
Person who created the journal entry; read-only.
The value displayed in this field depends on the following:
Journal entry created manually: displays name of person who created the journal entry, using the format defined in the employee master data.
Journal entry created automatically from posting a marketing document or a marketing document draft: displays Auto Posting.
Journal entry created automatically from posting a journal voucher: displays name of person who created the journal voucher, using the format defined in the employee
master data.
Person who approved the journal entry; read-only.
The value displayed in this field depends on the following:
Journal entry created manually: displays name of person who approved the journal entry, using the format defined in the employee master data.
Journal entry created automatically from posting a marketing document or a marketing document draft: displays Auto Posting
Journal entry created automatically from posting a journal voucher: displays name of person who posted the journal voucher, using the format defined in the employee
master data.
The journal entry creator and approver use the employee name that is matched to the user at the time when the journal entry is created.
On 2007/01/01, user I001 is matched to employee name Wang Tom while on 2007/05/01 User I001 is matched to employee name Wang Bob.
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The journal entry created by user I001 on 2007/01/01 displays Wang Tom as the creator.
If no employee master data is matched to the user, the journal entry displays the user name as the creator and approver name.
After a journal entry or journal voucher is posted, the creator and approver names remain unchanged.
Country-Specific Fields in the General Area for China GB Interface
Document Type
Specify the type of the document. Default type is accounting voucher.
Expanded Editing Mode
G/L Acc./BP Code, G/L Acc./BP Name
Selecting the G/L Account/BP Code in the table automatically inserts the G/L account/business partner name.
Ref. 1
Displays the document number for all the rows in the journal entry, if the entry resulted from a document such as an A/R invoice, incoming payment, and so on.
Displays for all the rows, the data specified by the user in the header field Ref. 1 , if the journal entry was created manually.
Ref. 2
Displays different information, depending on the document through which the journal entry was created:
Displays the customer/vendor reference number assigned to the document, if the journal entry resulted from an A/R Invoice, Incoming Payment, and so on.
Displays the number of the base document, if the journal entry resulted from a reversing document (A/R Credit Memo based on A/R Invoice).
Displays the data specified in the document header Ref. 2 field, if the journal entry resulted from an inventory transaction document, such as Goods Receipt.
Displays the data specified in the Ref. 2 field of the Opening Balance or Period - End Closing Balance window, if the journal entry was created through one of these
Displays data specified by the user, if the journal entry was created manually.
Ref. 3
The information displayed here depends on the document through which the journal entry was created:
A/R and A/P Invoice , A/R and A/P Credit Memo , A/R and A/P Down Payment Invoice , A/R and A/P Reserve Invoice :
Business partner row: sequential installment number
Withholding tax row: sequential number of the last installment
Incoming and Outgoing Payments :
Business partner row: document number
Check payment: check number
Credit card payment: credit card voucher number
Bank transfer payment: reference number specified by the user
In the case of a cash payment, nothing is displayed.
When cancelling an incoming or outgoing payment, the document number of the cancelled document is displayed.
When creating an incoming or outgoing payment on account (not based on selected transactions), the document number is displayed in the Ref. 3 field in the tax
When creating an incoming or outgoing payment to account, the document number is displayed in the Ref. 3 field of the account rows.
Deposits :
Check deposit: check number
Credit card voucher deposit: credit card voucher number
Cash deposit: deposit number
Receipt from Production , Issue for Production and closing a production order: production order number
The production order number is copied to Ref. 3 only when the value of the Reference 3 - BP Row field in the Reference Field Links - Setup window is set to Not
Defined. To access the Reference Field Links - Setup window, from the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Administration Setup General
Reference Field Links .
Offset Account
Automatically specifies the offset account of the posting.
You can specify any account from those that were posted in this document. The offset account is then displayed in accounting reports.
Debit (FC), Credit (FC), Debit, Credit, Debit (SC), Credit (SC)
Display the credit or debit amount of every row in the transaction currency, foreign currency, and system currency.
Due Date, Posting Date, Doc. Date
By default, the posting date is the current date. Change it if necessary.
The due date is the date on which the entry takes place.
The document date is the journal entry date for tax reporting purposes.
If required, specify the project to which the G/L account or business partner is allocated.
Tax Group
Tax group connected to the G/L account or business partner that appears in the selected row.
Distr. Rule
If required, specify a distribution rule for the selected row.
If you did not select the Use Multidimensions checkbox on the Cost Accounting tab of the General Settings window, under Administration System Initialization
General Settings , select a distribution rule from the dropdown list.
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If you selected the Use Multidimensions checkbox, click ( Choose from List ), and in the Select Distr. Rule window, choose distribution rules for the dimensions.
In the List of Distribution Rules window, you can choose the Define Manual Distribution Rule button to define a distribution rule for the specific row.
Only active dimensions appear in the Select Distr. Rule window.
Specify row details.
The default entry consists of details for the entire transaction.
If the transaction is an incoming payment that has been generated by the payment wizard, the default display is Incoming Payments - <business partner code>
<payment run name>.
If the transaction is an outgoing payment that has been generated by the payment wizard, the default display is Outgoing Payments - <business partner code>
<payment run name>.
The payment run name is copied from the Payment Wizard , General Parameters window.
Country-Specific Fields in the Expanded Editing Mode: China, Korea, and Japan
Primary Form Item
Specify the primary form line item assigned to the relevant cash flow G/L account from the Cash Flow Assignment window.
You have to define the cash flow line items in the Define Cash Flow Line Items window first.
Table Fields
G/L Acc./BP Code, G/L Acc./BP Name
Business partners and/or accounts involved in the transaction. When creating the journal entry manually, to choose a G/L account from list, press the key; To choose a
business partner from list, press .
Federal Tax ID
Displays the federal tax ID in the rows of business partner accounts as follows:
If the journal entry is automatically generated by a purchasing or sales document, the field value is copied from the document and refreshes accordingly in case of changes
in the document. Here, the value is not editable.
If the journal entry is automatically generated by a document of other types, the field value is copied from the document only if the value in the document is editable.
Otherwise, the value remains blank.
If you manually create the journal entry, the following conditions apply:
If the business partner you selected is a customer, the default value in the field is copied from the Federal Tax ID field in the Ship-To Address table in the business
partner master data.
If the value in the Ship-To Address is empty, the default value is copied from the Federal Tax ID field on the header of the business partner master data.
If the business partner you selected is a vendor, the default value in the field is copied from the Federal Tax ID field on the header of the business partner master
You can update the field at any time, even after the journal entry is added.
The column is not available in Israel localization.
Tax Amount
Gross Value
Payment Block
In manual journal entries, you can specify whether a business partner row should be blocked from payment by selecting Y or N .
Block Reason
If the row should be blocked from payment (that is, you selected Y in the Payment Block dropdown list), you can select a reason from this dropdown list.
Payment Order Run
If the checkbox is selected, it indicates that this manual journal entry row is included in a payment order run. The checkbox is deselected in the following situations:
The payment order row that includes this manual journal entry is removed from the payment order run.
To remove a payment order row, in Payment Wizard: Step 6 - Recommendation Report, right-click the payment order row and choose Remove . The checkbox for this
payment order row is deselected in the selection column.
The payment order row that includes this manual journal entry is closed in the payment order run.
To close payment order rows in which all the documents are fully paid, in Payment Wizard: Step 6 - Recommendation Report, choose the Close Payment Order Rows
button. The Payment Order Status column displays C for the closed payment order rows.
The payment order run that includes this manual journal entry is executed into a payment run.
To execute a payment run, in Payment Wizard: Step 6 - Recommendation Report, choose the Next button. In Payment Wizard: Step 7 - Save Options, choose the Next
button and choose Yes in the system message.
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When this checkbox is selected, you cannot change the value in the Due Date field in the expanded editing area.
The above-mentioned fields appear in the table section by default. Use the Form Settings window to add more columns to the table.
For more information, go to the Education tab of the SAP Business One Customer Portal and take the following training: Financials General Ledger
Post a Journal Entry Post with Automatic Tax Calculation .
Control Account
You can specify the control account for this journal entry after selecting a business partner.
If you cannot find this field in the table, in the Form Settings window, set the Control Account field to Active and Visible .
Due Date
Due date of each line in the transaction.
Expected Account Balance (LC, SC, FC)
Display the expected balance of the account in local, system, and foreign currencies. Before you add the journal entry, the values in the fields refresh accordingly if you perform one
of the following:
Enter or change the amount in the Debit or Credit field
Create or update documents which trigger changes in the account balance, for example, A/P invoices
These fields are available only when the Journal Entry window is in Add mode.
Country-Specific Field in the Table Fields: China, Korea, and Japan
Primary Form Item
Specify the primary form line item assigned to the relevant cash flow G/L account from the Cash Flow Assignment window.
You have to define the cash flow line items in the Define Cash Flow Line Items window first.
Country-Specific Fields: Europe
EU Report
Includes the journal entry in the EU Sales report.
Once this journal entry is reported, and the report is approved, the status of this checkbox cannot be changed.
A journal entry that includes more than one or no business partner, cannot be specified as relevant to the EU Sales report.
Tax Group
Country-Specific Field: Portugal
Stamp Tax
Enables creating a manual journal entry that involves the stamp tax. As such, when you choose a tax code for the journal entry:
Only the stamp tax group is displayed in the drop-down list
The VAT groups cannot be chosen
Country-Specific Field: Israel
Tax Refund
Indicates whether the tax pertaining to the journal entry was refunded or not.
Once you generate the Tax report, this field is automatically updated from No to Yes in all the report transactions.
You can change the value in this field at any time.
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Country-Specific Fields: Spain
349/EU Report
Includes the journal entry in the 349 report and/or the EU Sales report.
Once this journal entry is reported, and the report is approved, the status of this checkbox cannot be changed.
A journal entry that includes more than one or no business partner, cannot be specified as relevant to the EU Sales report and/or the 349 report.
347 Report
Includes this journal entry in the 347 report.
Once this journal entry is reported and the report is approved, the status of this checkbox cannot be changed.
A journal entry that includes more than one or no business partner, cannot be specified as relevant to the 347 report.
EQ Tax Amount
Displays the amount of equalization tax calculated in the document
EQ Tax Amount (SC)
Displays the amount of equalization tax in system currency
Total Tax
Displays the total amount of tax included in the document
Total Tax (SC)
Displays the total amount of tax in system currency
Operation Code
Specify the type of the transaction you are carrying out with the business partner, for example, summary invoices. The values available for selection are based on the codes defined
by the Spanish financial authorities.
This field is visible only if Extended Tax Reporting is selected in the company details (see Initializing Tax Reporting According to Model 340).
Residence Number Type
Select the identification document of the business partner, for example, certificate of fiscal residence or passport.
This field is visible only if Extended Tax Reporting is selected in the company details (see Initializing Tax Reporting According to Model 340).
Country-Specific Fields: Canada, Chile, Mexico, & USA
Tax Posting Account
Tax Code
Tax Jurisdiction Code
Country-Specific Field: Chile & Mexico
Folio Number
The Folio number assigned to the document that initiated the journal entry.
This field is disabled and is updated automatically after you print the document.
Remains empty for journal entries that result from cancellation of documents with Folio numbers, and for manual journal entries.
Country-Specific Field: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, & Slovakia
VAT Date
Country-Specific Fields: Italy
The default values for payments are taken from the general area of the payments. The default values for accounting documents are taken from the Accounting tab of the
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More Information
Journal Entry
Defining and Using Transaction Templates
Reverse Transactions
EU Sales Report: Europe
349 Report: Spain
347 Report: Spain
Form Settings Journal Entry Window, Document Tab

Define in this tab default settings to apply whenever you create a manual journal entry. In the General tab, you define settings related to the general area of the
Journal Entry window, and in the Table tab you define settings related to the journal entry rows.
Convert Amounts According to Rate Upon Exit:
Define if a recalculation has to take place when exiting the respective field, after changing amounts in local currency or foreign currency:
From LC Field when selected, if you change an amount in the Debit or Credit field and exit the field, SAP Business One recalculates the amount in the respective Debit
(FC) or Credit (FC) field accordingly. This checkbox is deselected by default
From FC Field when selected, if you change an amount in the Debit (FC) or Credit (FC) field and exit the field, SAP Business One recalculates the amount in the
respective Debit or Credit field accordingly. This checkbox is selected by default. Transaction Type Abbreviations Legend

The following table lists abbreviations and their meanings for the transaction types that exist in SAP Business One. The abbreviated transaction types appear in
the Origin field in the Journal Entry window, as well as in other windows in the application.
Transaction Type Abbreviations Legend
Transaction Type Abbreviation
Opening Balance OB
Closing Balance BC
Journal Entry JE
Delivery DN
Return RE
A/R Invoice IN
A/R Invoice + Payment IN
A/R Reserve Invoice IN
A/R Debit Memo IN
A/R Invoice Exempt IN
A/R Bill IN
A/R Exempt Bill IN
A/R Export Invoice IN
A/R Down Payment Invoice DT
A/R Credit Memo CN
Goods Receipt PO PD
Goods Return PR
A/P Invoice PU
A/P Reserve Invoice PU
Internal Invoice PU
A/P Debit Memo PU
A/P Down Payment Invoice DT
A/P Credit Memo PC
Landed Costs IF
Incoming Payment RC
Deposit DP
Postdated Credit Voucher Deposit DD
Outgoing Payments PS
Checks for Payment CP
BoE Deposit to Paid BT
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Goods Issue SO
Goods Receipt SI
Inventory Transfer IM
Inventory Posting ST
Inventory Revaluation MR
Production Order PW
Receipt from Production SI
Issue for Production SO
Journal Reconciliation JR
1.3 Journal Vouchers

A journal voucher is a draft stage document that creates no values in the general ledger. At this stage, the journal voucher can be checked and completed, and
then recorded. The input template is identical to that of the Journal Entry window.
To open a journal voucher, choose Financials Journal Vouchers .
More Information
Adding New Journal Vouchers
Adding Entries to Existing Journal Entries
Posting Journal Vouchers
Deleting Entries from Journal Vouchers
Removing Journal Vouchers
Journal Vouchers Window
Journal Voucher Entry
1.3.1 Adding New Journal Vouchers

Use the following procedure to create a new journal voucher for temporary recording of journal entries.
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Journal Vouchers .
The Journal Vouchers window appears.
2. Choose Add Entry to New Voucher .
The Journal Voucher Entry window appears.
3. Record the journal entry you want to save in the new journal voucher.
4. Choose Add to Voucher .
The system adds a new record to the upper table in the Journal Vouchers window. Selecting the record displays, in the lower table, a row representing the
journal entry you saved in the new journal voucher.
More Information
Journal Vouchers
1.3.2 Adding Entries to Existing Journal Vouchers
At least one journal voucher with the status Open exists in the upper table of the Journal Vouchers window.
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Journal Vouchers .
The Journal Vouchers window appears.
2. In the upper table, select the voucher to which you want to add the new entry.
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You can add new entries only to vouchers with the status Open.
3. Choose Add Entry to Existing Voucher .
The Journal Voucher Entry window appears.
4. To record the new entry, choose Add to Voucher .
5. To return to the Journal Vouchers window, choose Close .
Selecting the voucher containing the new entry displays the new record in the lower table of the window.
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Journal Vouchers
1.3.3 Posting Journal Vouchers

Use journal vouchers as a temporary storage facility for journal entries that cannot yet be posted to the company database. Once you have checked and
approved the journal voucher content, you save it to the database. It is then reflected in the accounting system.
To post journal vouchers to the database and record them as any other journal entry:
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Journal Vouchers .
The Journal Vouchers window appears.
2. In the upper table of the window, choose the journal voucher you want to post.
You can post journal vouchers as long as they have the status Open.
3. Choose Post Voucher .
A system message appears prompting you to save the voucher to the permanent file.
4. Choose Yes .
The status of the posted voucher changes to Closed.
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Journal Vouchers
1.3.4 Deleting Entries from Journal Vouchers
The journal voucher from which you want to delete entries has the status Open.
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Journal Vouchers .
The Journal Vouchers window appears.
2. In the upper table of the window, choose the journal voucher from which you want to delete entries.
The lower table of the window displays the entries recorded in the selected voucher.
3. In the lower table, select the row(s) for the entries you want to delete.
4. In the menu bar, choose Data Delete Row .
5. Choose Update.
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Journal Vouchers
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1.3.5 Removing Journal Vouchers

SAP Business One saves journal vouchers as temporary files until a user posts them to the database. Until such a time, you can remove them, along with their
recorded entries. Use this procedure to remove irrelevant journal vouchers.
You can only remove one voucher at a time.
The journal voucher has the status Open.
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Journal Vouchers .
The Journal Vouchers window appears.
2. In the upper table, select the voucher to remove.
3. From the menu bar, choose Data Remove Journal Voucher .
A confirmation message appears.
4. Choose the OK button. Journal Vouchers Window

Use this window to view and enter journal vouchers.
To open the window, choose Financials Journal Vouchers .
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Voucher-Related Fields
Trace a journal voucher by its number.
Open Only
Displays only open journal vouchers.
Post Voucher
Posts the journal entries of the selected journal voucher (one that you have finished processing) to the database.
When a journal voucher is posted, its status changes to Closed.
Date when the journal voucher was created.
Total (LC)
Total value in local currency of all journal entries included in the journal voucher.
Name of the user who created the journal voucher.
Enter any relevant information regarding the journal voucher.
Entry-Related Fields
Trans. No.
The successive number of the journal entries for each journal voucher.
Status of the journal voucher containing the journal entry.
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Total (LC), Total (FC)
Total value of each journal entry, in local currency and foreign currency.
Content of the Remarks field in the Journal Voucher Entry window.
Base Ref., Posting Date, Ref. 1, Ref. 2, Trans. Code, Project Code
Details taken from journal entries, not displayed by default.
To view these fields, choose Form Settings in the toolbar.
Add Entry to New Voucher
Opens the Journal Voucher Entry window where you can create a journal entry for a new journal voucher.
Add Entry to Existing Voucher
Opens the Journal Voucher Entry window where you can create a journal entry for the journal voucher selected in the upper table.
Journal entries can be added for open journal vouchers only.
More Information
Journal Voucher Entry Journal Voucher Entry

Use this window to add a journal entry to a journal voucher.
This window is identical to the Journal Entry Window except for the following field:
Voucher No.
Number of the voucher to which the journal entry is added.
More Information
Journal Voucher
1.4 Posting Templates

Every commercial organization has transactions presented in template format, in which only the recorded amounts vary from transaction to transaction (for
example, the separation of VAT in purchasing or sales).
SAP Business One enables you to create fixed templates for such recurrent journal entries. When recording this type of transaction, choose the relevant template
and fill in the missing items. SAP Business One separates the amounts in accordance with the account assignment template.
More Information
Creating Posting Templates
Removing Posting Templates
Posting Templates Window
1.4.1 Creating Posting Templates

You can create a percentage-based posting template for journal entries requiring a format that:
Includes the same accounts and/or business partners
Is characterized by a specific ratio of amounts
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Posting Templates .
The Posting Templates window appears.
2. Specify a unique code and description for the template.
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3. In the table area, specify the G/L accounts and/or business partners for inclusion in the template.
The default control accounts for the business partners included in the posting template can be changed; therefore, journal entries based on this template
are posted to the selected control accounts.
4. For each G/L account/business partner, specify the ratio that reflects the debit or credit amount in the transaction.
The total percentage in the debit and credit sides must be equal, though it need not be 100%.
5. Choose Add .
The posting template is saved in the database and can be updated.
You can use the following posting template to create journal entries that reflect A/R Invoices:
Posting Template
G/L Account/BP Code Debit % Credit %
Customer 117
Tax Account 17
Sales Credit Account 100
Total 117 117
More Information
Posting Templates
1.4.2 Creating Journal Entries Based on Posting Templates

You can manually create journal entries by using previously defined posting templates.
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Journal Entry .
The Journal Entry window appears.
2. In the Template Type field, select the required category:
Percentage to use a template defined in Financials Posting Templates
Recurring Posting to use a template defined in Financials Recurring Postings
3. In the Template field, press to open a list of available templates of the selected template type.
Choosing the Recurring Posting template type displays a list of instances of the recurring posting templates.
4. Select the required posting template or instance:
Selecting Posting Template displays the G/L accounts and/or business partner codes in the table area, together with the respective percentages
representing the amounts of debit and credit.
Selecting a Recurring Posting instance displays the complete journal entry in the window, including all G/L accounts, and/or business partners and
amounts. You can change the amounts, as necessary.
5. If you selected Posting Template , enter the relevant amount in one of the rows and press .
The amounts in the remaining rows are updated accordingly.
6. Enter any other details that might be required, such as reference numbers, and check the dates.
7. Choose Add .
More Information
Journal Entry
Posting Templates
1.4.3 Removing Posting Templates
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1.4.3 Removing Posting Templates

Use this procedure to remove posting templates that are no longer relevant.
Removing a posting template is irreversible. We strongly recommend that you perform this action carefully, especially when preparing to remove complicated
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Posting Templates.
The Posting Templates window appears.
2. Display the posting template you want to remove.
3. From the menu bar, choose Data Remove .
A confirmation message appears.
4. Choose OK. Posting Templates Window

This window displays Posting Templates according to your defined criteria.
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Posting Templates Window
Enter a unique code of up to 8 characters for the posting template.
We recommend that you choose a meaningful code, one that will be understandable to users when they need to choose a posting template in a journal entry.
Automatic VAT
Applies the automatic VAT functionality on transactions you create through the Posting Templates window.
This option is selected by default if the option Use Automatic VAT is selected.
Manage WTax
This checkbox is enabled only if the Automatic Tax checkbox is selected.
If you select this checkbox:
The WTax Amount field and the WTax Liable column are displayed.
You can enter only one business partner in the journal.
Control Account
You can specify the control account for this posting template after selecting a business partner.
If you cannot find this field in the table, you may need to set the Control Account field to Active and Visible in the Form Settings window.
G/L Acct/BP Code, G/L Account/BP Name
Specify the account code or business partner code to be associated with a journal entry created with this template. The account name or business partner name appears
automatically in the G/L Account/BP Name field.
If there is no constant account or business partner associated with a specific row, or even the entire template, but you still want to create a template for the percentage distribution,
leave these fields blank.
Debit %, Credit %
Enter the appropriate percentages used to separate the amounts in the journal entry for which you are defining the template.
As in a regular journal entry, the debit and credit sides must be balanced in a posting template; otherwise, SAP Business One does not allow you to add it.
Tax Group
Specify the tax group to which the line refers.
The drop-down list displays all the tax groups to which the account is linked. Selecting one automatically inserts the account in the line.
If the Automatic VAT option is selected, the default tax group, if defined for the G/L account, is displayed automatically.
If the option Permit Other VAT Group is selected for the G/L account, you may select another VAT group.
Distr. Rule
Specify the distribution rule for each row in the template. When a journal entry based on this posting template is created, the relevant amounts are posted to the respective cost
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If a distribution rule was defined for the account(s) that appears in the posting template, the amounts recorded in the journal entries based on this posting template, are posted
to the distribution rule(s) defined in the chart of accounts.
Specify the project that you want to relate to the account. If you defined the project for the account in the Chart of Accounts window, the field displays the project code by default.
The specified project information appears in the journal entry created using this posting template.
Indicates the percentages entered in the Debit and Credit columns of the posting template.
To Balance
Indicates what percentages you need to enter in the Debit / Credit column to balance this posting.
Country-Specific Fields: Portugal
Stamp Tax
Enables creating a posting template for a journal entry that involves stamp tax. When you choose a tax code for the posting template:
Only the stamp tax groups are displayed in the drop-down list
The VAT groups cannot be chosen
Country-Specific Fields: Canada and US
Tax Posting Account
Select whether to use sales tax account or purchasing tax account. This field is editable only if the option Automatic Tax is selected.
If you select a G/L Account for which the tax posting account is already defined, the defined value is displayed automatically in this column.
If the option Permit other Tax Codes in the Account Details window is selected, you can change the tax posting account.
Changing the displayed value affects only this posting template, and does not influence the definition made in the Chart of Accounts window.
Tax Code
Select the tax code to be used when creating journal entries based on this posting template.
If you select a G/L account for which the tax code is already defined, that code is displayed automatically in this field.
If the option Permit other tax code in the Account Details window is selected, you can replace the displayed tax code with a different one.
If you change the displayed value, the change applies only to this posting template, and does not influence the definition made in the Chart of Accounts window.
Tax Jurisdiction Type
Tax jurisdiction types included in the selected tax code.
Tax Jurisdiction Code
Tax jurisdiction code included in the selected tax code.
More Information
Posting Templates
1.5 Recurring Posting

Every business has transactions that recur monthly or weekly. Although the transactions recur on predefined dates, and usually comprise the same objects, the
transaction amounts are not necessarily the same each time, nor do the percentages have to be fixed.
Recurring journal entries can be payroll orders or standing instructions that are paid by the bank every month.
More Information
Setting Templates for Recurring Postings
Executing Instances of Recurring Postings
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Removing Recurring Postings
Recurring Postings Window
1.5.1 Setting Templates for Recurring Postings

Use this procedure to create a template for recurring postings and set its frequency and expiration date.
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Recurring Postings .
The Recurring Postings window appears.
2. In the window header, specify a unique code, an expressive description, and other relevant details.
3. In the table area, build the transaction. Enter the accounts and/or business partners and expected amounts, and ensure that the transaction is balanced.
You can change the amounts of each instance of the transaction before you confirm it.
4. In the footer, set the frequency according to which you want SAP Business One to create instances for the transaction. The default frequency is Monthly.
5. To set a date after which SAP Business One should not create instances of the transaction, use the Valid Until option.
SAP Business One creates the recurring posting template. The instances are created according to the frequency you set, and are stored in the Confirmation for
Recurring Posting window until you execute or remove them.
More Information
Recurring Posting
1.5.2 Executing Instances of Recurring Postings

Use this procedure to add instances of recurring posting templates and turn them into journal entries.
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Recurring Postings Confirmation List .
The Confirmation of Recurring Postings window appears, in which each row represents one instance of a recurring posting template.
To set the automatic display of this window, choose Administration System Initialization General Settings Services . For more
information, see General Settings: Services Tab.
2. Deselect the rows you do not want to execute. All are selected by default.
You can display each instance and make required changes, such as updating amounts. You can also change control accounts for business partners.
Every change you make in a specific instance is valid only for that instance and does not affect other instances of the same template.
3. Choose Execute .
A message appears, asking whether you want to save the posting to the permanent file.
4. To complete the action and create journal entries, choose Add .
The selected instances become journal entries and no longer appear in the Confirmation of Recurring Postings window.
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Recurring Postings
1.5.3 Removing Recurring Postings
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1.5.3 Removing Recurring Postings
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Recurring Postings Confirmation List .
The Confirmation of Recurring Postings window appears.
2. Deselect instances you do not want to remove.
3. Choose Remove.
A confirmation message appears.
4. Choose Remove .
More Information
Recurring Postings Recurring Postings Window

This window lets you define and display a recurring posting template according to your defined criteria.
To open the window, choose Financials Recurring Postings .
Recurring Postings Window
Enter a unique code of up to 8 characters for the recurring posting template.
We recommend that you choose a meaningful code, one that will be understandable to users when they need to choose a recurring posting template in a journal entry.
Indicates the instance of the transaction.
Enter a short description of the recurring posting.
Ref. 1, Ref. 2
Use these fields to predefine the transaction details, or to specify them just before adding the transaction on the defined date.
Trans. Code
From the drop-down list, choose either the required code or Define New to open the Transaction Codes - Setup window.
The chosen code automatically appears in the Tran. Code field of the Journal Entry window.
After you choose a code, its description is copied automatically to this field, and it then appears in the Remarks field in the Journal Entry window.
Regardless of the chosen code, you can still manually enter the details you prefer.
Manage WTax
This checkbox is enabled only if the Automatic Tax checkbox is selected.
If you select this checkbox:
The WTax Amount field and the WTax Liable column are displayed.
You can enter only one business partner in the journal.
G/L Acc./BP Code, G/L Account/BP Name
Enter the account code or business partner code to be associated to a journal entry created with this template. The account name or business partner name appears automatically in
the G/L Account/BP Name field.
Debit, Credit
Fill in the required amounts. Remember that as for a regular journal entry the debit and credit must be balanced; otherwise, you will not be able to add the recurring posting
Tax Group
Specify the tax group to which the line refers.
The drop-down list displays all the tax groups to which the account is linked. Selecting one automatically inserts the account in the line.
Distr. Rule
Specify the distribution rule for each row in the template. When a journal entry based on this recurring posting template is created, the relevant amounts are posted to the respective
cost centers.
If a distribution rule was defined for the accounts that appear in the recurring posting template, the amounts recorded in the journal entries resulting from this recurring posting
template, are posted to the distribution rule(s) defined in the chart of accounts.
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Control Account
Displays the default control accounts defined for each business partner and/or G/L accounts included in the template. You can change the control account in the business partner
rows, if required.
To display this column in the table area, select it in the Form Settings - Recurring Posting window. For more information, click here.
Specify the project that you want to relate to the account. If you defined the project for the account in the Chart of Accounts window, the field displays the project code by default.
The specified project information appears in the journal entry created using this recurring posting template.
Indicates the sum of the amounts that were already entered in the Credit column and in the Debit column of the recurring posting template.
To Balance
Indicates the amount you need to enter in the Debit / Credit column in order to balance this recurring posting template.
Choose the required frequency for making the recurring posting.
If you choose Daily , Weekly or Monthly , use the drop-down list for the field to the right to specify a value, that is, the exact number of days, the day of the week, or the day of
the month the recurring posting should be made.
Choosing any other option disables the field to the right.
Choose Template to create a posting template that is not subject to any execution dates or frequency. As such, it will not appear in the list of transactions for execution.
Next Execution
Enter the required date for the next execution of the recurring posting. This is the base date from which SAP Business One calculates the value defined in the Frequency field.
The default value for this field is the current system date.
If you chose Template for the Frequency field, this field is not shown.
Valid Until
Select this option to define an expiration date for the validity of the recurring posting template. After the defined date, no further instances of this template will be created or appear in
the list of transactions for execution.
Confirmation List
Opens the Confirmation of Recurring Postings window, in which you can view all recurring postings to be executed.
Country-Specific Fields: Portugal
Stamp Tax
Enables creating a recurring posting template that involves stamp tax.
When you choose a tax code for the recurring posting template:
Only the stamp tax groups are displayed in the drop-down list
The VAT groups cannot be chosen
More Information
Recurring Postings
Confirmation of Recurring Postings Confirmation of Recurring Posting

This window displays a list of all instances of recurring posting templates. Use this window to define which instances you want saved to the database and which
can be removed from the list.
To open the window, choose Financials Recurring Postings Confirmation List .
Confirmation of Recurring Postings
Posting No.
Displays the recurring posting template code. Choose the arrow to view the recurring posting template.
Displays the description of the recurring posting template.
Displays the date on which each instance of the recurring posting is scheduled to be executed.
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If you execute a specific instance in a date later than appears in the Date field, the date of execution is set as the posting date, due date, and document date of the journal
Displays the total debit/credit in the recurring posting.
Instance number of the recurring posting; increases incrementally each time the recurring posting is executed.
Displays the total debit/credit of the selected recurring postings.
Removes the selected recurring postings. Removed recurring postings cannot be executed and they are deleted from this window.
Choose to execute the selected recurring postings. Once a recurring posting is executed, a new journal entry is added. You can view it in the Journal Entry window.
Number of Postings to be Executed
The number of the selected recurring postings.
More Information
Recurring Postings
1.6 Reverse Transactions

This function displays a list of all manual journal entries scheduled for automatic reversal, which you can execute.
More Information
Reverse Transactions Window
1.6.1 Posting Reverse Transactions

Use this procedure to post reverse transactions that are defined in the Journal Entry window.
Reverse transactions can be posted only if the reverse date has already arrived.
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Reverse Transactions . The Reverse Transactions window appears, displaying
all transactions to which a reverse date earlier than the current date was assigned.
2. Deselect transactions you do not want to reverse.
To change the date of a reverse transaction, choose ( Link Arrow ) in the Transaction field.
3. Choose Execute .
New transactions are created, one for each selected row. The Remarks field of these transactions displays the text (Reversal) and the number of the
original transaction. The Reverse option is disabled.
In the original transactions, the Reverse option is not visible, and the word Cancelled indicates that the transactions were cancelled.
You can reverse each journal entry only once. Reverse Transactions Window
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Use this window to create reverse transactions for selected journal entries.
To open the window, choose Financials Reverse Transactions .
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Reverse Transactions Window
Deselect this option for each transaction that you do not want to reverse.
Displays the journal entry number. Use the arrow to the left of this field to open the Journal Entry window.
Displays the content of the Details field in the Journal Entry window.
Original Date
Posting date of the journal entry.
Cancellation Date
Displays the date on which the journal entry should be reversed, as defined in the Journal Entry window.
Displays the debit/credit value of the journal entry.
Number of transactions to be cancelled
The number of the selected transactions.
More Information
Reverse Transactions
1.7 Exchange Rate Differences

When you maintain foreign currency (FC) business partners and/or accounts, SAP Business One conducts all related bookkeeping in FC. Since you also
conduct the bookkeeping system in local currency (LC), SAP Business One expresses every FC transaction in LC according to the FC exchange rate on the
date of transaction. Daily fluctuations in FC exchange rates may cause mismatches between the balances in LC and FC.
The Exchange Rate Differences function periodically recalculates the LC and FC balances according to the exchange rate on the day the differences are
SAP Business One provides recommendations for executing automatic journal transactions for exchange rate differences in FC business partners and accounts,
correct to a given date. The Exchange Rate Differences function reconciles the FC card balance and the LC balance, considering the fluctuation in the FC
exchange rate.
More Information
Exchange Rate Differences - Selection Criteria
Exchange Rate Differences Window
1.7.1 Generating Exchange Rate Differences Report

If you run business activities with foreign business partners or manage foreign currency accounts, you have to handle exchange rate differences. You can
generate a report that lists the recommended transactions pertaining to exchange rate differences.
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Exchange Rate Differences .
The Exchange Rate Differences Selection Criteria window opens.
2. Specify the parameters according to which you want SAP Business One to generate the recommendations for the exchange rate differences transactions.
3. Choose Execute .
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More Information
Exchange Rate Differences
1.7.2 Posting Exchange Rate Differences Transactions

Use this procedure to post exchange rate differences transactions according to recommendations provided by SAP Business One.
You have created the Exchange Rate Differences report.
1. In the header of the Exchange Rate Differences window, specify the relevant details.
2. The rows in the table area represent transactions. In the App. column, select the transactions you want to post.
Each row in the table can refer to more than one transaction. To view the transactions behind a specific row, double-click the row. In the Rate
Differences Row Details window, you can include all the transactions in the exchange rate differences posting or just part of them. Values in the
recommended exchange rate differences transaction are updated accordingly.
3. Choose Add .
If you are not sure whether or not to add the transactions , you can choose Save to save the modified report for later processing.
SAP Business One adds a new transaction for each row you selected. You can recognize the new transactions according to the details you assigned to them in
the header of the Exchange Rate Differences window.
If you chose to save the recommendations, no new transactions are added to the database. Exchange Rate Differences - Selection Criteria

Use this window to specify selection criteria for the Exchange Rate Differences report.
To open the window, choose Financials Exchange Rate Differences .
After defining the report, you can view it in the Exchange Rate Differences window.
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Selection Criteria
Business Partner
Calculates exchange rate differences for business partners.
If not selected, other fields pertaining to business partner selection criteria are not displayed.
Customer Group, Vendor Group
Specify whether to display business partners from a specific group, separated into customers and vendors.
To display only customers, choose None in the Vendor Group field.
Opens the Properties window where you can specify required properties. Your choices appear in the field next to the Properties button.
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G/L Accounts
Calculates exchange rate differences for G/L accounts. If not selected, all fields related to G/L accounts selection criteria are not displayed.
The Account column displays the codes and the names of the accounts. In column X, specify which account or title to include by clicking the appropriate row.
Show Level
Choose the account level to display in the table.
Level 1 displays the highest level titles for the accounts. When selecting a title in the table, you select all the accounts that appear under this title.
Exclude Gains with Due Date After
Define a date after which you want to exclude the calculation of net realized gains.
Due Date From...To...
Define a due date range for open items.
Execution Date
Specify the cut-off date for calculating exchange rate differences. This is usually the end of the year or quarter.
Consider Recon. Date
Reflects the reconciliation status of the transactions for the selected date.
If a transaction is reconciled now but was not reconciled on the execution date, the exchange rate differences are calculated as if the transaction has not been reconciled.
Specify the currency for which you want to calculate the exchange rate differences.
Exch. Rate Gain Acct(A/R), Exch. Rate Gain Acct(A/P), Exch. Rate Gain Acct(G/L), Exch. Rate Loss Acct(A/R), Exch. Rate Loss Acct(A/P), Exch.
Rate Loss Acct(G/L)
Specify which of the exchange rate differences accounts should be applied when the automatic journal transaction is executed.
The accounts are divided into gain and loss accounts and used accordingly.
You can define different or identical accounts for customers, vendors, and accounts.
The default exchange rate differences accounts of purchasing and sales are defined in Administration Setup Financials G/L Account Determination .
Data Side
Specify whether to calculate the exchange rate differences for the gain side, loss side or both sides.
Previous Report
Opens the latest saved recommendation report.
Country-Specific Fields: CZ, HU, PL, RU, SK
Revaluate Only Closed Documents
Revaluates only documents that are already closed (fully paid or reconciled), but for which the accumulated exchange rate differences must be revaluated.
You ran the Exchange Rate Differences for an open item, and then the open item was fully paid. During the payment, the system revaluated the open item again and
calculated exchange rate differences again. In this case, the balances on G/L exchange rate differences gain/loss accounts might not be accurate to the payment date and must
be adjusted accordingly.
More Information
G/L Accounts Determination Properties

This window opens when you choose the Properties button in selection criteria windows.
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Ignore Properties
Ignores properties as business partner selection criteria.
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Link, Or, And
Specify the logic link between the selected properties:
And narrows the selection, so the selected business partners are only those containing all properties defined in the properties window.
Or expands the selection so each business partner having at least one of the selected properties is included in the selection.
Specify required properties by selecting their boxes. Exchange Rate Differences Window

This window displays the Exchange Rate Differences report according to your defined selection criteria.
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Exchange Rate Differences Window
Execution Date
Date up to which the exchange rate differences are calculated.
Exchange Rate
The exchange rate of the System Currency in Local Currency for the Execution Date .
Details on Transactions
Determine the following details regarding the exchange rate differences transactions you want to execute:
Ref. 1 Specify the details you want to display in the Ref. 1 field of the transactions.
Code Specify the required transaction code. The description of the selected code is displayed automatically in the Remarks field. To define a new transaction code,
choose Administration Setup Financials Transaction Codes .
Remarks Enter a remark to display in the Remarks field in the journal entry.
Auto. Remarks Automatically displays the text Exchange rate differences for <currency name> in the Remarks field of the journal entry.
Auto Reverse Automatically creates a reverse transaction for the exchange rate differences transaction. In the Reversal Date field, you can specify the date for the
reverse transaction.
Select the transactions you want to execute.
Balance of the G/L account or business partner, calculated in local currency.
Balance (FC)
Balance of the G/L account or business partner, calculated in the G/L account/business partner currency (the mark of the currency displayed in the next column).
Rate set for calculating the difference.
Suggested difference calculated in LC for the journal entries recorded up to the date of execution.
Saves the recommendations as a draft, without creating journal entries.
More Information
Reverse Transaction Exchange Rate Differences - Row Details

This window displays the exchange rate difference for the selected row.
Code, Name
The details of the G/L account or business partner to which this row refers.
The currency in which the exchange rate difference is calculated.
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Journal ID
Entry number allocated by SAP Business One according to the selected numbering series. To display the journal entry for the selected row, click ( Link Arrow ).
Balance, Balance (FC)
The balance of the selected G/L account/business partner displayed in the system currency and the foreign currency. These fields are maintained automatically.
Displays the rate of exchange between the system currency and the local currency on the date the transaction is carried out.
Displays the difference (in the system currency) between the amount in the (system) Balance column and the amount in the (foreign) Balance (FC) column.
Due Date, Doc. Date, Posting Date
Displays the due date, document date, and posting date for the transaction.
1.8 Conversion Differences

This function is relevant for companies whose defined system currency is different from the local currency. SAP Business One recommends making journal
entries automatically for differences in system currency. Use the Conversion Differences function to make adjustments between the account/business partner
balance in the system currency and the balance in the local currency.
More Information
Conversion Differences - Selection Criteria
Conversion Differences Window
1.8.1 Posting Conversion Differences Transactions

Use the procedure to post conversion differences transactions according to the recommendations provided by SAP Business One.
You have generated the Conversion Differences report.
1. In the header of the Conversion Differences window, specify the relevant details.
2. In the App. column in the table area, select the rows (transactions) you want to post.
Each row can refer to more than one transaction. To view the transactions behind a row, double-click the row. In the window that appears, you can define
whether to include all the listed transactions in the conversion differences posting, or just some of them. The values in the recommended conversion
differences transaction are updated accordingly.
3. Choose Add .
If you are not sure whether or not to add transactions, you can choose Save to save the modified report for later processing.
A new transaction is added for each row selected. In the header of the Conversion Differences window, you can recognize the new transactions according to the
details you assigned to them.
If you defined the projects for the selected accounts in the Chart of Accounts window, the project codes appear in the corresponding journal entry rows.
If you save the recommendations, no new transactions are added to the database.
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Conversion Differences Conversion Differences - Selection Criteria

Use this window to specify values for a conversion differences template.
To open the window, choose Financials Conversion Differences .
After defining the template, you can view it in the Conversion Differences window.
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Selection Criteria
Business Partner
Select to calculate conversion differences for business partners. When this checkbox is cleared, all other fields pertaining to business partner selection criteria are not displayed.
Opens the Properties window, where you specify the required selection of properties. Your choices appear in the field next to this button.
G/L Accounts
Select to calculate conversion differences for G/L accounts. If the checkbox is cleared, the fields related to G/L accounts selection criteria are not displayed.
The X column indicates a selected account or title.
To select/clear accounts, click in the relevant row.
To select/clear all rows, click the X appearing in the column header.
The Account column displays the codes and names of the accounts. View details of each account by using the link appearing next to its code and name.
Show Level
Choose the account level to display in the table.
Option 1 displays the highest level titles of the accounts. If you select a row in the table you actually select all the accounts appearing under this title.
Execution Date
Define the cut-off date for calculating conversion differences. Usually this is the end of the year or quarter.
Ex. Rate Diff. Acct for Customers, Ex. Rate Diff. Acct for Vendors, Ex. Rate Diff. Acct for Accounts
Define which of the conversion differences accounts SAP Business One should use to execute the automatic journal transaction. You can define different or identical accounts for
customers, vendors, and accounts.
The default values for the conversion differences accounts of purchasing and sales are taken from Administration Setup Financials G/L Accounts Determination
If you defined the project for the specified Ex. Rate Diff. Acct for Accounts in the Chart of Accounts window, the project code appears in the corresponding journal entry rows.
Previous Report
Choose to view saved recommendation report.
More Information
Conversion Differences
Properties Conversion Differences Window

This window displays conversion differences templates according to your defined criteria.
Conversion Differences Window
Execution Date
Displays the date until which conversion differences are calculated. This date is entered in the selection criteria window.
Details on Transactions
Use this section to determine the following details pertaining to the conversion differences transactions you choose to execute.
Ref. 1 Specify the details to display in the Ref. 1 field of the transactions.
Code Choose the required transaction code. The description of the code is displayed automatically in the Remarks field. To define a new transaction code, choose
Administration Setup Financials Transaction Codes - Setup .
Remarks Enter the remarks you want displayed in the Details field of the journal entry.
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Auto. Remarks Select to automatically display the text Conversion differences for (currency name) in the Details field of the journal entry.
Auto Reverse Select to automatically create a reverse transaction for the conversion differences transaction, and enable the Reversal Date field, where you specify the
date for the reverse transaction.
Select the checkbox of each transaction you wish to execute.
Code, Name
The details of the G/L account or business partner to which this row refers.
Balance (SC), Balance (LC)
The balance of the G/L account or business partner, displayed in the system currency and the local currency.
Displays the difference (in the system currency) between the amount in the (system) Balance column and the amount in the (account/business partner currency) Balance
column. This is the amount for the Differences transaction that will be generated.
Creates the selected transactions and adds them to the database.
Saves the recommendations displayed in this window as a draft, without creating journal entries.
Reject All, Approve All
Choose to clear the selection you made or to select all the transactions.
More Information
Conversion Differences Conversion Differences - Row Details

This window displays the conversion difference for the selected row.
Code, Name
The details of the G/L account or business partner to which this row refers.
Exchange Rate
Displays the rate of exchange between the system currency and the local currency on the date the transaction is carried out.
Journal ID
Entry number allocated by SAP Business One according to the selected numbering series. To display the journal entry for the selected row, click ( Link Arrow ).
Balance (SC), Balance (LC)
The balance of the selected G/L account or business partner displayed in the system currency and the local currency. These fields are maintained automatically.
Displays the difference (in the system currency) between the amount in the (system) Balance (SC) column and the amount in the (local) Balance (LC) column.
1.9 Amount Differences: Russia

Amount differences result from differing exchange rates for Conventional Units (CU). Amount differences arise when there is an agreement that payables or
receivables are equal to a particular sum in the CU and the exchange rate to the local currency changes over time.
CUs are virtual currencies applied by businesses because of local currency fluctuations. The CU exchange rate to the local currency is defined by a contract
between your organization and the business partner and can be based on an exchange rate of the Central Bank to a foreign currency, with minor fluctuations.
Because CUs are not real currencies, payments are realized in the local currency, even though transactions with the business partner are made in CUs. If the
posted amount in local currency on the date of payment differs from the posted amount in local currency on the invoice posting date, you must calculate the
amount differences and post them to the relevant accounts.
To calculate amount differences, use the Amount Differences report. For more information on how to work with CUs, see Amount Differences - Procedure: RU.
More Information
Amount Differences - Selection Criteria
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1.9.1 Amount Differences - Selection Criteria

Use this window to specify selection criteria for the creation of amount differences transactions.
To open the window, choose Financials Amount Differences .
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Selection Criteria
Posting Date From...To
Specify the posting date range for payments that you want to evaluate.
Specify the currency for which the option Is a Conventional Unit is set in the Currencies Setup .
When this option is set, exchange rate differences are not calculated for this currency when a full payment is received on an invoice. Instead, use this report to determine the
BP Code From...To
If you want to restrict the set of payments for which the report is generated, specify the code range for business partners.
Opens the Properties window, where you can specify business partner properties as selection criteria.
Vendor Offset Account
Specify the account to which amount differences resulting from A/P transactions are posted.
Previous Report
Opens a saved recommendation report.
More Information
Amount Differences
Define Currencies: Russia
1.9.2 Amount Differences - Row Details: RU

This window displays the transactions that are included for the selected row in the Amount Differences Window.
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Amount Differences Row Details
Deselect the transactions you want to exclude from the amount difference calculation.
BP Code
Identification code of business partner that participated in the transaction for which amount differences have been calculated.
Invoice Number
Invoice posted in a conventional unit.
Payment Number
Payment that was made on the invoice.
Payment Date
Date of payment when the amount differences were realized.
Revenue Account Used
G/L account used when an A/R invoice was posted.
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Relevant for A/R invoices only.
Tax in Revenue Account Used
G/L account used for tax in revenue when an A/R invoice is posted.
Relevant for A/R invoices only.
More Information
Amount Differences: Russia
1.9.3 Amount Differences - Procedure: RU

This task explains how to work with conventional units and how to calculate amount differences.
1. First, you have to create a new currency that will be defined as a Conventional Unit . Choose Administration Setup General Ledger Define
Currencies and create a new currency. Set the flag Is a Conventional Unit as active.
For more information, see Define Currencies: Russia.
2. Next, you can issue Invoices (and its base or target marketing documents) in the defined conventional units. Any business partner participating in this type
of transactions must be set as Multi-currency .
3. All marketing document you issue should use exchange rate defined on the document level or on the level of the conventional unit or its base unit. According
to its exchange rate, the marketing document will be posted to the system with the appropriate value in the Local Currency .
4. At the time of actual payment, you specify, on the appropriate line representing the invoice issued in conventional units, the value of Total Payment in
conventional units the business partner (or you) is going to pay. In case of a full payment, this field stays unchanged, in case of a partial payment, you
lower the value accordingly.
5. In the payment means window, you select the payment type and the currency the actual payment is going to be in (most likely in local currency). Next, you
specify the amount to be paid, in the selected currency.
Due to the fact that you specified the amount to be paid in the conventional unit and the actual amount paid in the selected currency, the system calculates
the exchange rated between these two currencies for this payment.
6. Next, you run the Amount Differences report (for more information, see Amount Differences - Selection Criteria: RU), which is going to calculate the amount
7. Depending on the calculated amount differences and their relation to the transaction itself (receivables or payables), and depending on your selection of the
transactions, the Amount Differences report will perform any necessary postings to the General Ledger.
If you are using the On Shipment taxation method, amount differences influence VAT liabilities reported in the sales ledger. You have to post a manual journal
entry to correct the VAT accordingly and then, if required, create a tax invoice based on this journal entry to register this change within the appropriate ledger.
1.10 Control Account Reposting: Czech Republic, Hungary,
Poland, Russia, Slovakia

This function creates a new journal entry from a posting on the control account. The application uses this for posting special accounts that are parallel to the control
account; therefore, balances on the control account are not affected.
This function can be useful when:
You are preparing financial statements during end-of-year procedures
You need to present certain transactions, for example, down payments to a business partner, in different rows of financial statements
You need to specify a transaction code for each posting on the control account. You can do this by editing the journal entry that is behind the marketing document,
for example, an A/P invoice.
For more information, see Financials Journal Entry .
The system summarizes in the control account all transactions for specific business partners, specific transaction codes, and defined dates, and displays them in
a window. You can still select or deselect individual transactions in the results.
The system posts the sum of all selected transactions to source and target accounts. In financial statements:
The source account should be under the same title as the control account (it decreases the balance of the control account).
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Target accounts should be presented under a different title than the control account.
The Transaction Code field remains editable after transaction posting (for example, journal entry). If control account re-posting is performed you can still
change the transaction code value for individual posting/journal entries. This action is not recommended because of inconsistency between transactions with a
particular transaction code value and those with a re-posted amount. Additionally, a high level of inconsistency might occur if the control account reposting
function is executed twice for the same transaction(s), but with a changed transaction code.
You can also specify automatic reversal of the posting on a future date.
We have selected the following transactions with a business partner for re-posting:
Transaction number Debit side Credit side
1 100
2 50
3 100
The system performs reposting as follows:
Account Debit side Credit side
Source account 150
Target account 150
The system performs automatic reversal, if set, as follows:
Account Debit side Credit side
Source account -150
Target account -150
More Information
Control Account Reposting - Selection Criteria
Control Account Reposting - Execution
1.10.1 Control Account Reposting - Selection Criteria

Use this window to specify details for control account reposting.
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Selection Criteria
Displays business partners in the report.
If not selected, other fields pertaining to business partner selection criteria are not displayed.
Opens the Properties window, where you can select the required properties to be used as selection criteria. Your choices appear in the adjoining field.
Control Account
Define the control account to be scanned by the system for transactions. Press to display a list of control accounts.
Trans. Code
Define the transaction code to which the system should relate.
Execution Date
Specifies the posting and document date of the journal entry.
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Source Account
Specifies the source account (first account for the posting) for the journal entry.
If the balance of selected transactions is on the debit side, then posting on the source account is on the credit side, and vice versa.
Target Account
Specifies the target account for the journal entry. This is the offsetting account to the Source Account .
Posting Date From...To
Specify a posting date range for control account transactions.
When you choose Execute , a detailed selection window appears displaying the following fields:
Ref 1
Specifies the reference for journal entry.
Trans. Code
Specifies the transaction code for journal entry.
Specifies the remarks for a journal entry.
Auto Reverse
Automatically reverses the journal entry on the reversal date. The system performs reversal with opposite values on the source and target accounts.
Reversal Date
Specifies the date for reversal journal entry.
This field is effective only if Auto Reverse is selected.
You can determine the business partners whose transactions the system should consider.
To select or deselect all business partners, use the Reject All or Approve All buttons.
Double-click a table row to display all transactions for a specific business partner. You can then select the individual transactions that the system should consider for that
1.10.2 Control Account Reposting - Execution: Czech Republic,
Hungary, Poland, Russia, Slovakia

SAP Business One performs journal entry posting of selected transactions.
The application summarizes all selected transactions and posts a journal entry document with one item on the source and one item on the target account.
The Transaction Code field remains editable after transaction posting (for example, journal entry). If control account re-posting is performed, you can still
change the transaction code value for individual posting/journal entries. This action is not recommended because of inconsistency between transactions with a
particular transaction code value and those with a re-posted amount. Additionally, a high level of inconsistency might occur if the control account re-posting
function is executed twice for the same transaction(s), but with a changed transaction code.
The application performs posting in local and system currencies only. Therefore, for foreign currency transactions, the system takes appropriate local and system
currency values as they are recorded.
1.11 1099 Editing: USA

Use this function to update the 1099 values and 1099 amounts in existing A/P invoices, and in A/P credit memos that are not based on A/P invoices.
More Information
1099 Editing - Selection Criteria
1099 Editing Window
1.11.1 1099 Editing - Selection Criteria
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Use this window to specify selection criteria for the 1099 Editing: USA function.
To open the window, choose Financials 1099 Editing .
After defining the criteria, you can view the results in the 1099 Editing Window.
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Selection Criteria
Report Type
Select one of the following display options:
Open Invoices and Credit Memos
Invoices and Credit Memos Not Marked as Submitted
Specify a range of vendor codes to display only documents linked to the vendors within the defined range.
Specify a vendor group to display only documents linked to the vendors assigned to the selected group.
Opens the Properties window, in which you can set additional selection criteria based on business partner properties.
1099 Forms
Opens the 1099 Report Selection Criteria window, where you can select the 1099 forms to be included in the selection criteria.
1099 Boxes
Opens the 1099 Boxes Selection Criteria window, in which you can select the 1099 boxes to be included in the selection criteria.
More Information
1.11.2 1099 Editing Window

This window displays the 1099 Editing: USA results according to your defined selection criteria.
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
1099 Editing Window
Invoice No.
Number of the invoice or credit memo and a link to the document.
Posting Date
Posting date of the invoice/credit memo.
Invoice Amount
Total amount of the A/P invoice.
1099 Form, 1099 Box
1099 form and box related to the document.
Payment Date
Date when the invoice was paid.
Payment No.
Number of the outgoing payment created for the invoice, and a link to it.
1099 Amount
1099 amount included in the payment. Change the amount if required.
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Display 1099 Vendors Only
Displays only vendors that are linked to the 1099 form and 1099 box.
1.12 Financial Report Templates

Use this function to create financial report templates that you can customize for your business needs.
You can create templates for the following reports:
Balance Sheet
Profit and Loss Statement
Trial Balance
Cash Flow
FA Historic Report
More Information
Financial Report Templates Window
Creating Financial Report Templates
1.12.1 Creating Financial Report Templates Based on Existing

There are cases when it is required to create a financial report template that is similar to another financial report template that already exists in SAP Business
Subsidiaries of a parent company report their activity on a daily basis. The parent company would like to create a profit and loss report on a monthly basis to
their respective subsidiaries, to show the total for each subsidiary in the books. The chart of accounts of the parent company identifies each subsidiary using
segments. The parent company creates a profit and loss financial report template for one subsidiary, which is a slimmed down version of the parent
companys profit and loss statement, and now has to create similar templates for the other subsidiaries.
1. From SAP Business One Main Menu , choose: Financials Financial Report Templates . From the Report dropdown list, select the required
financial report.
2. From the Template dropdown list, choose Define New . A setup window, indicating in its name the selected report, appears.
If you have selected in step #1 the value Balance Sheet , when selecting the option Define New from the Template dropdown list, the window
Balance Sheet Templates Setup appears.
Specify a name for the new template, and choose the Update button. Choose the OK button.
3. In the Financial Report Templates window, select from the Report dropdown list the financial report whose template is going to be used as the base
template, and from the Template dropdown list select the required template.
4. From the Data menu, choose: Advanced Copy to Template . The Choose Copy Template window appears.
5. From the Report dropdown list select the financial report for which you have defined the new template in step #1, and from the Template dropdown list,
select the new template. Choose the OK button.
6. In the Financial Report Templates window, choose the Update button.
In the Template Details section, select the new template. You can see that it is a copy of the base template. You can now make any adjustments if required.
1.12.2 Creating Financial Report Templates

Financial reports are presented to different parties for various purposes, requiring customized formatting and presentation solutions. Use this procedure to build
financial report templates, without making any changes in the chart of accounts.
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Financial Report Templates .
The Financial Report Templates window appears.
2. Choose the report for which you want to create a template.
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3. Define a new template or, if you only need modifications, select an existing one.
The window displays the existing template, or a blank page to define a new one.
4. Add the required accounts and titles to the template and place them in the required hierarchy and order.
If you choose Generate Standard Chart of Accounts for a new template, the chart of accounts structure is displayed. You can remove non-relevant
accounts and rearrange the others as required.
5. To link relevant G/L accounts to an account group in the template, double-click the account.
The Account Category - Details window appears.
6. Specify the required account(s) and choose Update .
Although the chart of accounts may contain accounts at more than four levels, the financial report templates can only include accounts of up to four
levels. Accounts defined as Level 5 and lower are grouped under their Level 4 parent article and displayed in the Account Category - Details
window. The accounting data of the lower-level accounts is reflected through the fourth-level parent article.
For information about how to specify the accounts, see Account Category - Details Window.
7. In the Financial Report Templates window, choose Update .
The new template is added to the database and is available in the selection criteria of the report for which the template was created.
If you create a template for a balance sheet and name it "My Balance Sheet", the Template field in the Balance Sheet - Selection Criteria window lists the
option My Balance Sheet . Financial Report Templates Window

Use this window to create or edit Financial Report Templates.
To open the window, choose Financials Financial Report Templates .
Financial Report Templates Window
Template Details
Report Specify whether to create the template for a balance sheet statement, a profit and loss statement, a trial balance statement, a cash flow report, or FA historic
FA historic report is used for FA historic sheet in the Fixed Asset add-on.
Template Specify whether to use an existing template or to define a new one.
For Germany and Austria, default templates are available for FA historic report. But default FA historic report templates are not available for companies created with user-defined
chart of accounts.
Show Missing Accounts
Displays accounts that are not included in the template.
G/L Account Details
Name and foreign name of the selected account.
You can change the name and foreign name of the account for display in the report.
G/L Account Location
Current parent article and account location in the tree.
You can change the location of the account.
Group Data
For Balance Sheet: Select whether to group the data from the Active side or the Passive side.
For Profit and Loss: Subtotal displays subtotals in the report. Select the account under which you want to locate the subtotal, select Subtotal and specify its title in the field
on the right.
Totals Formula calculates the subtotals from a formula you specify using the Formula option on the right.
Automatic Summary calculates the default subtotals.
For FA historic report: Subtotal displays subtotals in asset history sheet reports. Automatic Summary calculates the subtotals.
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Add Child Acct
Enables you to create an account on a level lower than that of the selected account.
Add Same-Level Acct
Enables you to add a new account on the same level as the selected account.
Generate Standard Chart of Accounts / Generate From Cash Flow Line Items
Generates the standard chart of accounts for the temperate.
For cash flow report templates, generate the template from cash flow line items.
For fixed asset templates, generates only the assets of the standard chart of accounts.
You can add new accounts, rearrange the accounts, or remove non-relevant accounts as required.
Mock Title
Hides the selected account in the financial report.
Not available for FA history report templates.
Hide Accounts
Hides selected accounts in the report.
Not available for FA history report templates.
Cash Flow Report Template Fields
Specify a report type.
Line Item
Displays the name of a selected line item.
Parent Article
Specify the title to be assigned to the line item.
Loc. on Tree
Specify the location of the line item relative to other line items under the same title.
Line Number
Specify the line item number to be displayed in the final Cash Flow report.
Indent Characters
Specify the number of character indentations to display in the final report. The default number for Level 3 is four indentations.
Text Title
Selecting this field:
Defines the selected line item as a text title that cannot have any child cash flow line items or cash flow relevant G/L accounts
Disables the Subtotal and Reversal Sign fields
Reversal Sign
Changes the cash flow line item amount to a negative number.
To display the Financial Report Templates Expansion window, double-click the line item. Financial Report Templates - Expansion Window

Double-click the line item to display the Financial Report Templates Expansion window.
The Cash Flow Line Item tab is launched as the default for both primary and supplementary line items.
You can assign either a cash flow line item or a G/L account.
Cash Flow Line Item Tab
Line Item
From the Choose from List window, assign active cash flow line items to the line items created in the cash flow report template.
Delete Rows
Select a row and click Delete Rows to delete a cash flow line item.
G/L Accounts Tab
G/L Account
Specify G/L accounts to a line item in the cash flow report template.
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Account Name
Displays the G/L account name.
Calculation Method
Define the period of time for which to calculate the balance of the assigned G/L accounts.
Delete Rows
Select a row and click Delete Rows to delete a G/L account.
More Information
Financial Report Templates Window Account Category - Details Window

When you create financial report templates, the account hierarchy display is limited to 4 levels only, while in the chart of accounts there may be up to 8 levels
depending on your localization.
To display the child accounts located under a specific account, double-click this account in the Financial Report Templates window. The Account Category
Details window appears.
Account Category Details
G/L Account, Account Name
The code and name of the accounts located under the selected account in chart of accounts.
These fields are available for balance sheet templates in all countries except Brazil, China, India, Japan, Korea, and Singapore. The fields define whether the overall balance, the
debit side of the account, or the credit side of the account is included in this account category of the balance sheet, and how the value being positive or negative influences the result.
You want the VAT account to be part of an assets account group if the closing balance is positive and part of a liabilities account group if the closing balance is negative. You
therefore link the account as a debit with a + sign under assets and also as a credit with a - sign under liabilities.
The default is Balance in the Linked field with the Sign field empty. If you overwrite the default value in the Linked field and the checkbox Allow Multiple Linking to Financial
Templates has not been selected in the G/L Account Details window, the application issues a warning message but you are not prevented from saving the change.
After an upgrade from a previous release version of SAP Business One, the results for accounts linked using the checkbox Transfer Accounts with Negative Sign are as follows:
The Linked field value is Balance.
If the account balance is a positive value, the Sign field value is +.
If the account balance is a negative value, the Sign field value is .
Values are included differently in the asset accounts and the liabilities accounts, according to the following logic:
Asset Accounts
Linked Sign Included in this account group if the following
(Balance = Debit Credit)
+ Debit > Credit
(Balance = Debit Credit)
- Debit < Credit
(Balance = Debit Credit)
Included regardless of whether the value is positive or
the value is negative
If the checkbox Accounts with Balance of Zero is
selected in the Balance Sheet Selection Criteria
window, G/L accounts with a balance of 0 (zero) are
also included.
Debit + Debit > 0
Debit - Debit < 0
Debit Included regardless of whether the value is positive or
the value is negative
If the checkbox Accounts with Balance of Zero is
selected in the Balance Sheet Selection Criteria
window, G/L accounts with a balance of 0 (zero) are
also included.
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Credit + 0 > Credit
Credit - 0 < Credit
Credit Included regardless of whether the value is positive or
the value is negative
If the checkbox Accounts with Balance of Zero is
selected in the Balance Sheet Selection Criteria
window, G/L accounts with a balance of 0 (zero) are
also included.
Liability Accounts
Linked Sign Included in this account group if the following
(Balance = Credit Debit)
+ Debit < Credit
(Balance = Credit Debit)
- Debit > Credit
(Balance = Credit Debit)
Included regardless of whether the value is positive or
the value is negative
If the checkbox Accounts with Balance of Zero is
selected in the Balance Sheet Selection Criteria
window, G/L accounts with a balance of 0 (zero) are
also included.
Debit + Debit < 0
Debit - Debit > 0
(Balance = Credit Debit)
Included regardless of whether the value is positive or
the value is negative
If the checkbox Accounts with Balance of Zero is
selected in the Balance Sheet Selection Criteria
window, G/L accounts with a balance of 0 (zero) are
also included.
Credit + 0 < Credit
Credit - 0 > Credit
Credit Included regardless of whether the value is positive or
the value is negative
If the checkbox Accounts with Balance of Zero is
selected in the Balance Sheet Selection Criteria
window, G/L accounts with a balance of 0 (zero) are
also included.
Delete Rows
Deletes accounts that are currently located under the selected account in the financial report template. Your action in this window applies only to the financial report template. It does
not influence the chart of accounts, even if the financial report template is based on the chart of accounts.
More Information
Creating Financial Report Templates Choose Copy Template Window

Use this window to copy financial report templates.
More Information
Financial Report Templates
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Page 52 of 92 Financial Template - Full Display

This window provides you full display of the current financial report template. You can use it to review the complete template, and make sure that all required
accounts are included and in the right level.
To locate a specific account, choose the Find button and specify the code or name of the required account. If this account is included in the template, it is
marked in the Financial Template Full Display window. If it is not included in the template, an error message appears.
1.13 Journal Voucher Report: China, Korea, Japan

This report provides comprehensive information on existing journal vouchers. Use the report to get a list of the journal vouchers to be approved, or to save one or
all of the open journal vouchers as permanent financial documents.
Use this window to specify selection criteria for the Journal Voucher report.
To open the window, choose Financials Journal Voucher Report .
After defining the report, you can view it in the Journal Voucher Report Window.
Selection Criteria
Created by
Specify the user who created the journal voucher.
Leave the field blank to include vouchers created by any user.
Approved by
Specify the user who approved the journal voucher.
Leave the field blank to include journal vouchers approved by any user.
Specify the range of posting dates of the journal vouchers.
Journal Voucher No.
Specify the range of the journal voucher group numbers.
Trans. No.
Specify the range of the transaction numbers of a journal voucher.
Display Open Journal Vouchers
Report includes journal vouchers that have not been approved or saved as permanent documents.
Display Closed Journal Vouchers
Report includes journal vouchers that have been approved or saved as permanent documents.
1.13.1 Journal Voucher Report Window: China, Korea, Japan

This window displays the Journal Voucher report according to the selected criteria.
Use the first column to select the journal vouchers for the report:
The document level checkboxes are activated for manual editing, while the checkboxes on the G/L account level are not.
Selecting a certain document automatically selects the related G/L accounts.
The checkboxes of the closed journal vouchers are inactive.
Once selected journal vouchers are posted as journal entries, their checkboxes become inactive.
Journal Voucher Report
Specify the currency type for displaying the amount.
From Date, To Date
Displays the range of the posting dates you defined for the report. Changing the dates updates the display of the journal vouchers accordingly.
Journal Voucher Number - Transaction Number
Posting date of the transaction.
Created by
Person who created the journal voucher, using the format defined in the employee master data.
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Approved by
Person who approved the journal voucher, using the format defined in the employee master data.
G/L Acc./BP Code, G/L Acc./BP Name
Code/name of the account or business partner for which the journal voucher was recorded.
Debit, Credit
Debit/credit values of the journal voucher.
Saves the selected journal vouchers as journal entries.
1.14.3 Budget

Use this function to define budgets to relevant accounts, according to selected scenarios.
To use the function, choose Financials Budget Setup Budget .
More Information
Budget Scenarios - Setup (Scenario - XXX) Window
1.14.1 Budget Scenarios

Budget scenarios are used mainly for displaying budget reports. Using a scenario, you create a prognosis of a particular situation for the company's budget and
obtain important information about what the budgetary balance would be according to the selected scenario.
When you set up a new company, the application provides a default scenario called Main Budget . This scenario cannot be altered.
More Information
Budget Scenarios - Setup (Scenario - XXX) Window Import Budget Scenarios Window

Use this window to import a budget scenario from another company database.
To open the window, choose Financials Budget Setup Budget Scenarios . In the Budget Scenarios Setup window, choose the Import Scenario
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Import Budget Scenarios Window
Original Data
Specify the data of the source company.
Choose Company Opens the Choose Company window, where you select the source company.
Database Name , Company Name Displays the details of the selected source company.
Original Scenario Specify the budget scenario you wish to import. The list displays all budget scenarios defined in the selected company.
Destination Data
Database Name, Company Name Displays the details of the current company.
Destination Scenario Specify the scenario to which you want to import the original scenario.
More Information
Budget Scenarios - Setup (Scenario - XXX) Window Copy Budget Scenarios Window
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Use this window to copy an existing budget scenario to a new budget scenario in the present company.
To open the window, choose Financials Budget Setup Budget Scenarios , and then choose Copy Scenario .
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Copy Budget Scenarios Window
Original Data
Database Name , Company Name your current database and company name
Original Scenario specify the scenario you want to copy
Destination Data
Database Name , Company Name your current database and company name.
Destination Scenario - specify the target scenario to which you want to copy the original budget scenario data.
Opens the Account Selection Criteria window where you can define a range of accounts to be selected for the copy budget scenario procedure.
[Accounts Selection Table]
Specify the required accounts by selecting their rows in the X column. Click the column header to choose all or no accounts. In the upper right corner, you can choose the account
display level.
More Information
Budget Scenarios - Setup (Scenario - XXX) Window
1.14.2 Budget Distribution Methods

Use this function to define the required distribution methods for your budget(s).
This function is not relevant if you manage an annual budget (see Administration System Initialization General Settings Budget ).
By default, each company in SAP Business One has three common methods for budget distribution:
Equal Distributes the budget amount equally among the months of the year.
Ascending Order Distributes the budget amount in an ascending order; can be used when you increase your budget expenses over the course of the
In January you use only a small portion of your budget amount, in February you increase your expenses, and so on.
Descending Order Distributes the budget amount in a descending order; can be used when you decrease your budget expenses over the course of the
In January you use the largest portion of your budget amount, in February you use a little less, and so on.
More Information
Budget Distribution Methods - Setup Window Budget Distribution Methods - Setup Window

Use this window to specify budget distribution methods.
To open the window, choose Financials Budget Setup Budget Distribution Methods .
Budget Distribution Method Setup Window
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Internal number automatically assigned to the distribution method.
Method Name
Specify a description of the distribution method.
Specify the total amount to be distributed among the months. This amount must be greater than zero. The amount is in local currency.
A numerical representation of the month of the year.
Specify the proportion of the total to be distributed to each month. The factor total should match the total distribution.
Clears the definitions made in the Factor column.
Set as Default
Sets a distribution method as the default.
1.14.3 Budget

Use this function to define budgets to relevant accounts, according to selected scenarios.
To use the function, choose Financials Budget Setup Budget .
More Information
Budget Scenarios - Setup (Scenario - XXX) Window Defining the Budget
The Budget Initialization option in Administration System Initialization General Settings Budget tab is selected.
The required budget scenario was defined in Financials Budget Setup Budget Scenarios .
The required distribution methods were defined in Financials Budget Setup Budget Distribution Methods .
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Budget Setup Budget .
The Budget Scenario Definition window appears.
2. Choose the scenario on which to base the budget and select the G/L accounts to be included.
3. Choose OK .
The Budget Scenarios Setup window appears, with the name of the selected scenario.
4. For each account, enter the budget amount, percentage, and distribution method.
When you create a new budget that includes accounts without previous budget definition, the window does not display any accounts. In this case, select
the option Display accounts with no budget .
The budget is defined for the selected accounts and you can make an analysis by comparing the defined budget with the actual business activity.
More Information
Budget Budget Scenarios - Setup Window

Use this window to define new budget scenarios.
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Budget Scenarios Setup Window
Fiscal Year
The current fiscal year is displayed by default. Choose a different one if required.
If you are preparing for the coming year and want to define new budget scenario, choose the coming year from the dropdown menu Note that this is available only if you have
defined the respective posting period already.
Budget Name
Specify a name for the budget scenario. This name is unique to that fiscal year.
Based On
Choose the budget scenario on which to base the defined budget scenario. An independent budget scenario should be based on itself.
Initial Ratio (%)
Set the percentage of the defined budget in relation to its base budget. If the budget scenario is based on itself, the initial ratio percentage must be 100.
Rounding Method
Select the rounding method for budget amounts in each scenario.
Copy Scenario
Opens the Copy Budget Scenarios window with which you can copy existing budget scenario into a new one.
Import Scenario
Open the Import Budget Scenarios window in which you can import budget scenario from other SAP Business One company into new budget scenario. Budget Scenarios - Setup (Scenario - XXX) Window

Use this window to specify a budget according to a specific budget scenario.
To open the window, choose Financials Budget Setup Budget . Set the required parameters in the Budget Scenario Definition window and choose
OK .
Budget Scenarios Setup (Scenario XXX) Window
Display Accounts with no Budget
Displays G/L accounts for which no budget amount has been entered.
From the dropdown list, select an active dimension for which you want to define the budget.
Acct No., Acct Name
Account code and name as defined in the chart of accounts.
Parent Acct
A percentage of this account will be the budget for the account in focus.
Percentage of the parent account amount.
Since the amount in the parent account is not divided between the child accounts, the rate can exceed 100%.
Specify the required method according to which the budget is distributed over months:
Equal The budget amount is distributed equally among 12 months.
Ascending Order The budget is distributed in such a way that most of it is dedicated to the last months, and only a small part is used during the first months.
Descending Series The budget is distributed in such a way that most of it is dedicated to the first months of the year, and the amount assigned to each month decreases
as the year progresses.
Manual Enables you to manually specify how the budget is distributed among the different months. You can, for example, decide that the budget is distributed among
two months only.
Define New Opens the Budget Distribution Method window where you can define new budget distribution methods.
Budget amount in local currency. Budget calculation is always performed against the debit side.
Budget amount for incoming payment accounts, for reporting purposes only.
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Actual amount in this account based on its journal entries.
Distr. Rule Code, Distr. Rule Name
Displays the code and name of the distribution rules to which the budget amount is distributed.
You can add cost centers by right-clicking the G/L account row and choosing Add Cost Center .
Distr. Rule Debit
Enter the budget amount, in local currency or system currency, that you want to distribute to each distribution rule. Budget calculation is always performed against the debit side.
Distr. Rule Credit
Enter the budget amount, in local currency or system currency, that you want to distribute to each distribution rule. This is the budget amount for incoming payment accounts, for
reporting purposes only.
Distr. Rule Actual
Displays the actual amount, in local currency or system currency, accrued in this account as a result of the distribution rule. Budget Item Details Window

This window enables you to manually change the distribution of the budget amounts, for the selected account. You can change the total amount assigned to the
account as well as the distribution of the amount within the months.
Budget Item Details Window
Account Number
The code of the selected G/L account.
Account Name
The name of the selected G/L account as defined in Chart of Accounts window.
Total (Local)
The total budget amount in local currency defined for the selected G/L account. You can change this amount if required. Once you press the key, the amounts in the Total
(System) field and in the table are updated accordingly.
Total (System)
The total budget amount in system currency defined for the selected G/L account. You can change this amount if required. Once you press , the amounts in the System
column are updated accordingly.
The month of the year.
The budget amount in local currency that was distributed to each month. You can change manually the amount distributed to each month. Once you press the key, the
amounts in the System column are updated accordingly, and the difference between the original amount distributed and the updated amount appears in the For Reconciliat.:
The budget amount in system currency that was distributed to each month. You can change this amount manually. Once you press the key, the difference between the
original amount in system currency and the updated one appears in the For Reconciliat.: row, under the System column.
When changing amounts in system currency, the amounts in local currency are not updated accordingly (as opposed to a change in local currency that results in respective
change in system currency as well).
The proportion out of the overall budget amount that was distributed to each month. When changing the amounts distributed among the months and pressing the key, the
percentage is updated accordingly.
For Reconciliation
If the total of the % column is not 100, this row displays the amount remaining to be distributed.
Specify relevant remark for each month, if required.
The remarks are saved per month, so make sure that you click the relevant month before entering your remarks.
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Update Differences
If you change the monthly budget amounts and, as a result, the total budget value is not fully allocated, choose this button to specify the remaining value in the budget amount of
the last month.
1.15 Cost Accounting

In addition to their regular bookkeeping, many businesses perform expense and revenue analyses that measure the profitability of each of their business
activities or departments.
The cost accounting function in SAP Business One enables you to define sets of cost centers and distribution rules. Generating respective reports provides
important cost-related information.
SAP Business One provides two cost accounting methods: distribution rules and projects.
You can set cost accounting-relevant configurations on the Cost Accounting tab of the General Settings window under Administration System
Initialization General Settings .
More Information
General Settings: Cost Accounting Tab
Working with Dimensions
Working with Cost Centers and Distribution Rules
Working with Accrual Types
Recording Differences Between Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting - Example
Cost Accounting Reports
Cost Accounting Windows
1.15.1 Working with Dimensions

Dimensions configured in the system provide customers with multiple views of an expense and revenue analysis.
Authorization is required for viewing and defining dimensions.
To define dimensions, choose Financials Cost Accounting Dimensions .
This window appears only after you select the Use Multidimensions checkbox on the Cost Accounting tab of the General Settings window under
Administration System Initialization General Settings .
More Information
General Settings: Cost Accounting Tab
Dimensions Window
1.15.2 Working with Cost Centers and Distribution Rules

A cost center is a company unit or division that performs a specific business function.
For expenses and revenues that can be assigned directly to a cost center, you define a direct distribution rule. When you create a cost center, SAP Business
One automatically creates a distribution rule. You cannot change this distribution rule. The default values of the distribution rule are as follows:
Values in the Code and Description fields are the same as they appear in the Cost Center and Name fields, respectively, of the corresponding cost
The dimension and effective period are the same as those of the corresponding cost center.
The Active and Direct Allocation checkboxes are automatically selected.
The value of the corresponding cost center is 100 , for a total value of 100 .
More Information
Working with Cost Centers
Working with Distribution Rules Working with Cost Centers

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A cost center is a company unit or division that performs a specific business function, such as manufacturing specific products or providing a specific service.
The cost center you define here represents the respective division or department, and is used to consolidate the expenses and revenues resulting from the
ongoing activity of the specific organizational unit.
Authorization is required for viewing and defining cost centers.
To define cost centers, choose Financials Cost Accounting Cost Centers .
A distribution rule is automatically created for each cost center you create.
More Information
Working with Cost Centers and Distribution Rules
Allocating Expenses/Revenues to Cost Centers
Assigning Cost Centers to Expense/Revenue and COGS Accounts
Cost Centers Setup Window Allocating Expenses/Revenues to Cost Centers

This example illustrates how to allocate two amounts from an accounting document to two cost centers as follows: amount 1 to cost center CC1 , and amount 2 to
cost center CC2 .
You have defined cost centers CC1 and CC2 in Financials Cost Accounting Cost Centers .
You have prepared the relevant accounting document, but have not yet added it to the database.
If you did not select the Use Multidimensions checkbox on the Cost Accounting tab of the General Settings window under Administration System
Initialization General Settings , in the Distr. Rule field of the row with amount 1/amount 2, specify distribution rule CC1 / CC2 .
If you selected the Use Multidimensions checkbox, do the following:
If you selected the In a Unified Column radio button, then in the Distr. Rule field of the row with amount 1/amount 2, specify distribution rule
CC1 / CC2 for the required dimension.
If you selected the In Separate Columns radio button, then in the XXX field ( XXX is the description of the required dimension) of the row with
amount 1/amount 2, specify distribution rule CC1 / CC2 .
SAP Business One automatically creates distribution rules CC1 and CC2 once you create cost centers CC1 and CC2 .
When you add the document to the database, amount 1 is allocated to cost center CC1 , and amount 2 is allocated to cost center CC2 .
More Information
Working with Cost Centers
General Settings: Cost Accounting Tab Assigning Cost Centers to Expense/Revenue and
COGS Accounts

COGS accounts are relevant only to A/R documents.
When you create an accounting document that involves expense/revenue and cost of goods sold (COGS) accounts (such as deliveries, A/R invoices, returns,
A/R invoices + payments, and A/R credit memos), the transaction amounts are:
Posted to the default expense/revenue or COGS accounts
Allocated to the cost centers that are linked to these accounts through distribution rules
The following procedure illustrates how to link different cost centers to the expense/revenue and COGS accounts for all/specific document rows.
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You have defined the required cost centers in Financials Cost Accounting Cost Centers .
You have prepared the relevant accounting document, but have not yet added it to the database.
1. On the Table Format tab of the Form Settings window for the accounting document, select the Visible and Active checkboxes for the Distr. Rule and
COGS Distr. Rule columns.
If you selected the In Separate Columns radio button on the Cost Accounting tab of the General Settings window in Administration System
Initialization General Settings , select the two checkboxes for the XXX and COGS XXX columns, where XXX is the description of active
The two columns appear on the Contents tab of the accounting document.
2. Assign cost centers to expense/revenue and COGS accounts.
To assign cost centers for all document rows, proceed as follows:
1. In the Form Settings window for the accounting document, choose Document Table .
2. In the Distr. Rule field, assign to the expense/revenue account the distribution rule that is automatically created for the required cost center.
3. In the COGS Distr. Rule field (such as deliveries, A/R invoices, returns, A/R invoices + payments, and A/R credit memos), assign to the
COGS account the distribution rule that is automatically created for the required cost center.
4. Choose the OK button.
A system message appears asking whether you want to apply your selections to document table rows.
5. Choose the Yes button.
Your selections are applied to all document table rows.
To assign cost centers for specific document rows, proceed as follows:
1. In the Distr. Rule field or the XXX field of the row ( XXX being the description of the required dimension), assign to the expense/revenue
account the distribution rule that is automatically created for the required cost center.
2. In the COGS Distr. Rule field or the COGS XXX field of the row ( XXX being the description of the required dimension), assign to the
COGS account the distribution rule that is automatically created for the required cost center.
3. When the accounting document is complete, choose the Add button.
If most of the document rows have the same distribution rule, you can first assign the distribution rule to all document rows and then assign a distribution rule to
the exceptional rows.
In the accounting document you created, the selected distribution rules appear in the Distr. Rule and COGS Distr. Rule columns (or XXX and COGS
XXX columns, where XXX is the description of the required dimension).
The cost centers are linked to the amounts posted to the expense/revenue and COGS accounts through distribution rules.
These amounts are reflected in cost accounting reports.
More Information
Working with Cost Centers
General Settings: Cost Accounting Tab Working with Distribution Rules

A distribution rule is a cost accounting method used to allocate direct and indirect expenses and revenues to one or more cost centers. It contains information
regarding the portion of the expenses or revenues to be allocated to each cost center.
To distribute the indirect expenses incurred by rent, you can specify the portion of the total rented space that a specific cost center uses. If one store uses 150
square yards of the total rented floor space of 200 square yards, and the other uses only 50 square yards, you can distribute the expenses incurred by rent
and professional cleaning services proportionately between the stores on the basis of the space they occupy. To achieve this, you can assign the distribution
rules to the appropriate expense accounts and revenue accounts.
Another way of defining such a distribution rule would involve expressing the number of employees belonging to a cost center as a proportion of the total head
count in the company.
You can link distribution rules to respective expenditure and sales G/L accounts of the business. As a result, the amount of each accounting transaction that is
posted to these accounts is recorded in the respective cost centers according to the ratio defined in the distribution rules.
SAP Business One provides the following three kinds of distribution rules:
Distribution rules that SAP Business One creates when you create cost centers. This kind of distribution rule has a one-to-one relationship with the
corresponding cost centers.
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Distribution rules that you create as master data. This kind of distribution rule is the most common one. You create it to allocate direct and indirect expenses
and revenues to one or more cost centers.
Distribution rules that you create manually for individual transactions. This kind of distribution rule is defined for particular transactions and does not affect the
distribution rule master data.
Authorization is required for viewing and defining distribution rules.
To define distribution rules, choose Financials Cost Accounting Distribution Rules .
More Information
Working with Cost Centers and Distribution Rules
Displaying and Editing Distribution Rules
Defining Cost Accounting Methods for G/L Accounts
Updating Distribution Rules in Accounting Documents and Manual Journal Entries
Specifying One-Time Distribution Rules
Distribution Rules Setup Window Displaying and Editing Distribution Rules

You can only display (not edit) a direct distribution rule that is automatically created for a cost center. You can display and edit other distribution rules.
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Cost Accounting Distribution Rules .
The Distribution Rules Setup window appears.
2. In Find mode, use the search functions to find the required distribution rule.
You can edit a distribution rule by, for example, adding new cost centers to it, or changing the factors used to allocate expenses and revenues.
3. To save your changes, choose the Update button.
More Information
Working with Distribution Rules
Distribution Rules Setup Window Defining Cost Accounting Methods for G/L Accounts

SAP Business One provides two cost accounting methods: distribution rules and projects.
SAP Business One provides two types of cost accounting method settings for G/L accounts:
Checking the cost accounting method assignment of G/L accounts
Assigning default cost accounting methods to G/L accounts
You have defined the required projects in Administration Setup Financials Projects .
You have defined the required distribution rules in Financials Cost Accounting Distribution Rules .
You have defined the required G/L accounts in Financials Chart of Accounts .
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Chart of Accounts .
The Chart of Accounts window appears.
2. Select the required G/L account for which you want to define cost accounting methods.
3. Select the Project checkbox, which sets the G/L account as relevant to project. You can also specify a default project for the account.
For G/L accounts relevant to project, SAP Business One performs actions defined on the Cost Accounting tab of the General Settings window, in
Administration System Initialization General Settings , for postings in which such G/L accounts are without project assignment.
4. In the Distribution Rule section, select one or more checkboxes to set the G/L account as relevant to distribution rules of corresponding dimensions. You
can also specify default distribution rules for corresponding dimensions.
Distribution rule fields are editable only for G/L accounts of type Sales or Expenditure .
For G/L accounts relevant to distribution rules, SAP Business One performs actions defined on the Cost Accounting tab of the General Settings window
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for postings in which such G/L accounts have no distribution rule assigned to the selected dimensions.
5. In the Chart of Accounts window, choose the Update button.
The cost accounting methods assigned to G/L accounts in this procedure function as the default methods when you post different transactions in SAP
Business One. You might have transactions or documents in which you are required to assign different cost accounting methods to a specific account. In such
cases, the default cost accounting methods can be changed in most windows.
More Information
Working with Distribution Rules
Chart of Accounts Window
General Settings: Cost Accounting Tab
Specifying One-Time Distribution Rules Updating Distribution Rules in Accounting Documents
and Manual Journal Entries

An accounting document is a logistics document recording a business transaction that generates journal entries, that is, postings to accounts.
If you add accounting documents or manual journal entries to SAP Business One, transaction amounts are posted to various cost centers according to the
distribution rules defined for the G/L accounts.
At times, you may want to use a different distribution rule for a transaction. For example, if you have some cleaning work done that also involves renovation, you
might want to post the expenses not to your usual cleaning expense account, but to a different account. In such a case, you need to change the distribution rule
specified in the accounting document or manual journal entry.
1. On the Table Format tab of the Form Settings window for the accounting document or manual journal entry, select the Visible and Active checkboxes
for the Distr. Rule column.
If you selected the In Separate Columns radio button on the Cost Accounting tab of the General Settings window in Administration System
Initialization General Settings , select the two checkboxes for the XXX column, where XXX is the description of active dimensions.
The column appears on the Contents tab of the accounting document or in the Journal Entry window.
2. In the Distr. Rule or XXX field of the row for which you want to change the distribution rule, specify a different distribution rule.
3. To save your changes, choose the Update button.
More Information
Working with Distribution Rules
General Settings: Cost Accounting Tab Specifying One-Time Distribution Rules

The following is a list of transactions and documents in SAP Business One where you can assign distribution rules to G/L accounts that are involved in a specific
transaction/document or a series of transactions/documents. This might be required in the following cases:
You have assigned a default distribution rule to the G/L account, but in a specific transaction/document or series of transactions/documents, you need to
assign a different distribution rule.
You have not assigned a default distribution rule to the G/L account, but in a specific transaction/document or a series of transactions/documents, you need
to assign to it a distribution rule.
In all places listed below, the distribution rules can be changed at any time (before and after the transaction/document is added), unless otherwise stated.
If you specify distribution rules at both the row level and the document level, SAP Business One takes the distribution rule information from the row level.
Financials Module
Journal entries / journal voucher entries the Distr. Rule field is active at both the row level and the document level. You can access the field in the
expanded editing mode, or in the table directly, or on the Table subtab of the Document tab in the Form Settings window. Use the last option to assign
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distribution rules at the document level.
Posting templates / recurring postings the Distr. Rule column is active at the row level. Assign to each row the required distribution rule. Journal entries
that are created from posting templates / recurring postings automatically record distribution rules in the posting templates / recurring postings as default
distribution rules.
Sales and Purchasing Documents
In sales and purchasing documents, the Distr. Rule column is active at both the row level and the document level.
In sales documents of type Item , you can specify distribution rules for the cost of goods sold (COGS) account. The COGS Distr. Rule column is active at
both the row level and the document level.
In the Freight Setup window in Administration Setup General Freight , the Distr. Rule column is active at the row level. The distribution
rule you specify here is used by default, at both the row level and the document level, whenever freight is used.
In all sales and purchasing documents, the Distr. Rule column for freights is active at both the row level and the document level.
To specify distribution rules for freight at the row level, on the Table Format tab of the Form Settings window, select the Visible and Active
checkboxes for the columns Freight 1 Distr. Rule , Freight 2 Distr. Rule , and Freight 3 Distr. Rule , and specify a required distribution rule for each
freight item.
To specify distribution rules for freight at the document level, in the Freight field, choose ( Link to ). In the Freight Charges window, specify a
required distribution rule for each freight item.
Banking Module
Incoming and outgoing payments the Distr. Rule column is active at the row level.
Payment wizard the Distr. Rule column is active at the row level in the recommendation report.
Commission the Distr. Rule field is active for commissions.
Inventory Module
Inventory documents in goods receipts, goods issues, and inventory transfers, the Distr. Rule column is active at the row level.
Inventory revaluation, inventory opening balances, inventory tracking, and inventory posting the Distr. Rule column is active at the row level.
Production Module
Production orders the Distr. Rule column is active at the row level.
More Information
Working with Distribution Rules
1.15.3 Working with Accrual Types

An accrual type is a set of conditions used to represent the differences between cost accounting and financial accounting.
The legal life of a machine is 50 years, but in the companys point of view, the estimated useful life is 60 years. This causes the monthly depreciation
expenses to be different in financial accounting and cost accounting. In this case, you need to define an accrual type and record the cost accounting
depreciation using two additional accounts. The difference then appears in the cost accounting reconciliation report.
Accrual types are defined only for use in the cost accounting reconciliation report. They do not impact other reports.
Authorization is required for viewing and defining accrual types.
To define accrual types, choose Financials Cost Accounting Accrual Type .
More Information
Cost Accounting Reconciliation Report
Accrual Types Setup Window
Recording Differences Between Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting Example
1.15.4 Recording Differences Between Financial Accounting and
Cost Accounting Example

This example illustrates how to record differences between financial accounting and cost accounting using accrual types.
In the example, a machine costs USD 9,000, and its legal life is 3 years (that is, the monthly depreciation is USD 250 in financial accounting), but in the
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company's point of view, the estimated useful life is 5 years (that is, the monthly depreciation is USD 150 in cost accounting).
The current monthly posting is as follows:
Debit Credit
111000 - Plant and Machinery USD 250
645010 - Plant and Machinery Depreciation Expense USD 250
To record the differences between financial accounting and cost accounting, proceed as follows:
1. In the Edit Chart of Accounts window, create two G/L accounts of type Expenditure : 645011 - Calculation Machinery Depr and 645012 -
Calculation Interim Machinery Depr.
2. In the Accrual Types Setup window, create an accrual type as follows:
Code Name Posting Acct Accrual Calculation Acct Accrual Calculation Interim
01 Machinery Depr 645010 645011 645012
3. For cost accounting correction postings, you can create a monthly recurring posting, or you can manually create a journal entry every month.
G/L Acct/BP Code G/L Acct/BP Name Debit Credit
645011 Calculation Machinery Depr USD 150
645012 Calculation Interim Machinery Depr USD 150
In financial accounting, the depreciation expense is USD 250, while in cost accounting, the depreciation expense is USD 150. The difference between financial
accounting and cost accounting is USD 100.
In the cost accounting reconciliation report, you can find the following records:
Financial Accounting Cost Accounting
P/L Company-Related Cost Accounting Correction Cost Accounting P/L
Accounts Expense(LC) Revenue(LC) Expense(LC) Revenue(LC) Expense(LC) Revenue(LC) Expense(LC) Revenue(LC)
645010-Plant and
USD 250 USD 0 USD 250 USD 0
Machinery Depr
USD 150 USD 0 USD 0 USD 150
Interim Machinery
USD -150 USD 0 USD -150 USD 0
USD 250 USD 0 USD 0 USD 0 USD 100 USD 0 USD 150 USD 0
Total USD -250 USD 0 USD -100 USD -150
Financial P/L USD -250 Non-Operating
USD -100 Cost Accounting
USD -150
More Information
Accrual Types Setup Window
Cost Accounting Reconciliation Report
1.15.5 Cost Accounting Reports

The following reports provide cost accounting information in your company.
Cost center report provides information about expenses and revenues that are credited to or debited from cost centers.
Distribution report provides information about total overhead expenses and the expenses in each cost center, according to distribution rules.
Cost accounting summary report provides information about transactions related to cost accounting.
Budget versus cost accounting provides information about budget and cost accounting for budget relevant G/L accounts.
Cost accounting reconciliation report provides an overview of financial accounting and cost accounting in your company. Cost Center Report

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This report provides comprehensive information about expenses and revenues that are credited to or debited from cost centers. Use the report to analyze the
financial situation of cost centers in detail.
Authorization is required for viewing this report.
Use this window to specify selection criteria for the cost center report.
To open the window, choose Financials Cost Accounting Cost Center Report .
After defining the report, you can view it in the Cost Center Report window (see Cost Center Report Window).
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Selection Criteria
From the dropdown list, select a dimension to view its related cost centers.
Only active dimensions appear in the dropdown list.
This field appears only when you selected the Use Multidimensions checkbox on the Cost Accounting tab of the General Settings window under Administration
System Initialization General Settings .
If required and youve defined a cost center hierarchy, select the radio button, and from the dropdown list, select a hierarchy template to display the cost centers in the hierarchy.
Selecting the radio button hides the Sort Code FromTo and the Summary by Sort Code fields.
Cost Center From...To...
If required, specify a range of cost centers to include in the report.
Sort Code From...To...
If required, specify a range of sort codes to include in the report only cost centers with selected sort codes.
This field appears only when you selected the Cost Center radio button.
Due Date / Posting Date / Document Date FromTo
If required, specify ranges of due dates, posting dates, or document dates to include specific postings in the report.
Summary of
From the dropdown list, select to include summaries of each cost center by distribution rules, linked accounts, or months.
Display by Posting Date / Due Date
Select the way of displaying when the report is summarized by months.
This field appears only when you selected Months in the Summary of dropdown list.
Summary by Sort Code
If required, select the checkbox to include summaries by sort codes in the report.
This field appears only when you selected the Cost Center radio button.
Exclude Closing Balance JEs
Select the checkbox to exclude journal entries created by the period-end closing function. It is deselected by default.
Hide Cost Centers with No Postings
Hides cost centers with no postings in the cost center report. The checkbox is selected by default.
Hide Distribution Rules with No Postings
Hides distribution rules with no postings in the cost center report. The checkbox is selected by default. It appears only when you select Distribution Rules in the Summary of
dropdown list.
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Page 66 of 92 Distribution Report

This report provides comprehensive information about total overhead expenses and the expenses in each cost center, according to distribution rules. Use the
report to get a clear picture of overhead expenses posted by specific transactions and the distributed amounts in each cost center.
Authorization is required for viewing this report. The report excludes confidential G/L accounts for users who are set as No Authorization for Access to Confidential
Accounts .
Use this window to specify selection criteria for the distribution report.
To open the window, choose Financials Cost Accounting Distribution Report .
After defining the report, you can view it in the Distribution Report window (see Distribution Report Window).
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Selection Criteria
From the dropdown list, select a dimension to view its related distribution rules.
Only active dimensions appear in the dropdown list.
This field appears only when you selected the Use Multidimensions checkbox on the Cost Accounting tab of the General Settings window under Administration
System Initialization General Settings .
Distr. Rule From...To...
If required, specify a range of distribution rules to include in the report.
Posting Date / Due Date / Document Date From...To...
If required, specify ranges of posting dates, due dates, or document dates to include specific postings in the report.
Select the budget scenario that you want to display in the report.
Only valid budget scenarios in the selected date range appear in the dropdown list.
Display LC / SC / LC and SC
Select to display the report in local currency, system currency, or both local currency and system currency.
Hide Cost Centers with No Values
If required, select to hide cost centers with no values in the report.
Exclude Closing Balance JEs
Select the checkbox to exclude journal entries created by the period-end closing function. It is deselected by default. Cost Accounting Summary Report

This report provides information on transactions related to cost accounting.
Authorization is required for viewing this report. The report excludes confidential G/L accounts for users who are set as No Authorization for Access to Confidential
Accounts .
Use this window to specify selection criteria for the cost accounting summary report.
To open the window, choose Financials Cost Accounting Cost Accounting Summary Report .
After defining the report, you can view it in the Cost Accounting Summary Report window (see Cost Accounting Summary Report Window).
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
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Selection Criteria
From the dropdown list, select a dimension to view its related cost centers.
Only active dimensions appear in the dropdown list.
This field appears only when you selected the Use Multidimensions checkbox on the Cost Accounting tab of the General Settings window under Administration
System Initialization General Settings .
Hierarchy Template
If required and youve defined a cost center hierarchy, select the radio button, and from the dropdown list, select a hierarchy template to display the cost centers in the hierarchy.
Selecting the radio button disables the Cost Center Type FromTo and the Sort Code From...To fields.
Cost Center
If required, select the radio button, and choose the ( Browse ) icon to select specific cost centers in the Cost Center Selection window. By default, all cost centers are selected.
In the Cost Center Selection window, you can choose the Find button to specify a range of cost centers to include in the report.
Cost Center Type / Sort Code FromTo
If required, specify a range of cost center types or sort codes to include in the report only cost centers with selected types or sort codes.
These fields are enabled only when you selected the Cost Center radio button.
Date FromTo
Specify a range of posting dates, due dates, or document dates to include specific postings in the report.
G/L Accounts
If required, select the checkbox, and choose the ( Browse )icon to select specific G/L accounts in the Accounts Selection Criteria window.
In the Accounts Selection Criteria window, you can choose the Find button to select specific G/L accounts using the selection criteria in the Find G/L Accounts window.
Add Journal Vouchers
If required, select the checkbox to include journal vouchers in the report as potential postings.
Exclude Closing Balance JEs
Select the checkbox to exclude journal entries created by the period-end closing function. It is deselected by default.
Annual / Quarterly / Monthly Report
Select to display an annual, quarterly, or monthly report for the selected fiscal year.
Display LC / SC / LC and SC
Select to display the report in local currency, system currency, or both local currency and system currency. Budget versus Cost Accounting

This report provides comprehensive information on budget and cost accounting for budget relevant G/L accounts. Use the report to get information on G/L accounts
for which budget amounts have been entered in the Budget Scenarios Setup (Scenario XXX) window.
Authorization is required for viewing this report.
Use this window to specify selection criteria for the budget versus cost accounting report.
To open the window, choose Financials Cost Accounting Budget versus Cost Accounting .
After defining the report, you can view it in the Budget versus Cost Accounting window (see Budget versus Cost Accounting Window).
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
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Selection Criteria
From the dropdown list, select a dimension to view its related cost accounting information.
Only active dimensions appear in the dropdown list.
This field appears only when you selected the Use Multidimensions checkbox on the Cost Accounting tab of the General Settings window under Administration
System Initialization General Settings .
G/L Accounts
If required, select specific G/L accounts to be included in the report. You can choose the Find button to specify a range of account codes in the Accounts Selection Criteria
Only G/L accounts appear here for which you selected the Relevant to Budget checkbox in its G/L Account Details window.
From the dropdown list, select a budget scenario.
Only valid budget scenarios in the selected date range appear in the dropdown list.
Date FromTo
Specify a range of posting dates, due dates, or document dates to include specific postings in the report.
Exclude Closing Balance JEs
Select the checkbox to exclude journal entries created by the period-end closing function. It is deselected by default.
Display LC / SC / LC and SC
Select to display the report in local currency, system currency, or both local currency and system currency.
Hide Accounts with No Postings
Hides accounts with no postings in the budget versus cost accounting report. The checkbox is selected by default. Cost Accounting Reconciliation Report

To make sure that expenses and revenues are posted to the correct period, define accrual types to reflect the differences between financial accounting and cost
accounting, and then use the report to get an overview of financial accounting and cost accounting in your company.
Authorization is required for viewing this report.
Use this window to specify selection criteria for the cost accounting reconciliation report.
To open the window, choose Financials Cost Accounting Cost Accounting Reconciliation Report .
After defining the report, you can view it in the Cost Accounting Reconciliation Report window (see Cost Accounting Reconciliation Report Window).
To get the current data (for example, you want the report to reflect the latest change made by other users), close the selection criteria window, and run the
report by opening the window again.
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Selection Criteria
From the dropdown list, select a dimension to view its related cost accounting information.
Only active dimensions appear in the dropdown list.
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This field appears only when you selected the Use Multidimensions checkbox on the Cost Accounting tab of the General Settings window under Administration
System Initialization General Settings .
G/L Accounts
If required, select specific G/L accounts to be included in the report. You can choose the Find button to specify a range of account codes in the Accounts Selection Criteria
Only G/L accounts whose account type is Expenditure or Sales appear here.
Posting Date / Due Date / Document Date FromTo
Specify ranges of posting dates, due dates, or document dates to include specific postings in the report.
Exclude Closing Balance JEs
Select the checkbox to exclude journal entries created by the period-end closing function. It is deselected by default.
Display LC / SC / LC and SC
Select to display the report in local currency, system currency, or both local currency and system currency.
Hide Accounts with No Postings
Hides accounts with no postings in the cost accounting reconciliation report. The checkbox is selected by default.
More Information
Working with Accrual Types
Recording Differences Between Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting Example
1.15.6 Cost Accounting Windows

Use the following windows to set up the cost accounting function:
Dimensions Window
Cost Centers Setup Window
Distribution Rules Setup Window
Cost Center Hierarchy Window
Accrual Types Setup Window
Use the following windows to work with the cost accounting function:
Distribution Rule History Window
Table of Cost Centers and Distribution Rules Window
Cost Center Report Window
Distribution Report Window
Cost Accounting Summary Report Window
Budget versus Cost Accounting Window
Cost Accounting Reconciliation Report Window Dimensions Window

Use this window to define and view dimensions used in cost accounting.
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Dimensions Window Fields
Displays the default names of the five dimensions.
Select the checkbox to activate a dimension (the checkbox for Dimension 1 is selected by default).
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Once you assign a dimension to cost centers or distribution rules, the checkbox of this dimension is disabled.
If required, specify the name of the dimension. Default values are the same as they appear in the Name field.
Values you entered here appear as field or column names for corresponding dimensions.
More Information
Working with Dimensions Cost Centers - Setup Window

Use this window to define and view cost centers in your company.
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Cost Centers Setup Window Fields
Cost Center
Specify a code for the cost center.
If required, specify a name or short description for the cost center.
Sort Code
If required, specify a sort code for the cost center, for selection by future reports and analyses.
A company manufactures 10 different products, for each of which you defined a cost center. The products are divided among three different categories, and the company
management wants to know which category is the most profitable. You can assign to each cost center a sort code that represents the relevant product category. Generating the
cost center report summarized by sort code provides the answer.
From the dropdown list, select the dimension to relate to the cost center.
Only active dimensions appear in the dropdown list.
This field appears only when you selected the Use Multidimensions checkbox on the Cost Accounting tab of the General Settings window under Administration
System Initialization General Settings .
Cost Center Type
If required, from the dropdown list, select a cost center type, for selection by future reports and analyses.
You can select Define New to open the Cost Center Type Setup window, in which you can specify the code and name of the cost center type.
Effective FromTo
Specify the effective period of the cost center.
You cannot update the Effective From and Effective To dates for inactive cost centers.
If required, select the checkbox to activate the cost center. By default, the checkbox is selected.
In SAP Business One, you can only use active cost centers.
Open Table
Choose to open the Table of Cost Centers and Distribution Rules window.
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More Information
Working with Cost Centers
Table of Cost Centers and Distribution Rules Window Distribution Rules - Setup Window

Use this window to define and view distribution rules.
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Distribution Rules Setup Window
Code, Description
Specify a code and a description for the distribution rule.
Effective FromTo
For reporting purposes, specify the effective periods of the distribution rule. The effective periods cannot overlap each other. For manually created distribution rules, you can update
the current Effective From date in the Date window. To open this window, choose Define New in the Effective From dropdown list. You cannot update the Effective From
and Effective To dates for inactive distribution rules
When you assign a distribution rule in a transaction, SAP Business One lists out only the distribution rules that are effective on the transaction posting date.
There is a transaction with a posting date of 01.07.2009, and you have assigned to it a distribution rule whose effective period is from 01.06.2009 onwards. You updated
the effective period of the distribution rule as from 01.06.2009 to 30.06.2009. SAP Business One still includes the distribution information in reports by comparing the
posting date with the latest Effective From date.
However, for new transactions, if the posting date is not within June 2009, SAP Business One does not list out the above distribution rule for you to choose.
There is a distribution rule whose effective period is from 01.06.2009 onwards, and you add the following effective periods:
The new effective period is from 01.07.2009 onwards: SAP Business One updates the original effective period as from 01.06.2009 to 30.06.2009.
The new effective period is from 01.04.2009 to 30.04.2009: SAP Business One does not change the original effective period.
The new effective period is from 01.04.2009 onwards: the new and original effective periods overlap each other, SAP Business One does not save the new effective
period and displays an error message.
From the dropdown list, select the dimension to relate to the distribution rule.
Only active dimensions appear in the dropdown list.
This field appears only when you selected the Use Multidimensions checkbox on the Cost Accounting tab of the General Settings window under Administration
System Initialization General Settings .
If required, select the checkbox to activate the distribution rule. By default, the checkbox is selected.
In SAP Business One, you can only use active distribution rules.
Specify the reference value to be used for defining factors.
Direct Allocation
For reporting purposes, specify whether the amounts based on this distribution rule is allocated directly or indirectly.
A company consists of four departments, each of which is a cost center. The electricity bill covers the consumption of the entire company for a defined period. Since the
company cannot calculate the exact amount of electricity consumed by each department, the global amount is distributed among the departments according to each
department' s office size. The distribution rule used in this case is not Direct Allocation , as it is impossible to relate a specific amount of the electricity bill directly to a specific
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The Direct Allocation distribution rule is used for allocating amounts that are directly related to specific cost centers, such as raw material expenses for a production division.
Center Code, Center Name
Specify the code of the cost center.
You can only choose the cost centers:
That are effective throughout the effective period of the distribution rule, and
That are related to the selected dimension.
Specify the portion of the expenses or revenues to be debited from/credited to the cost center.
Table Total
Total of all values entered in the table, which is not necessarily the same as the total value specified in the Total field above.
To distribute expenses and revenues as percentages, enter 100 in the Total field above, and enter the percentages for the individual cost centers as whole numbers in the table.
If the values you enter in the table do not add up to the total value, SAP Business One automatically allocates the difference to the zero cost center (Centr_z), which is only
used in reports.
Distribution Rule History
Displays the Distribution Rule History window, which provides an overview of the changes made to the distribution rule based on different effective periods.
You can edit the effective periods of the distribution rule.
More Information
Working with Distribution Rules
Distribution Rule History Window Distribution Rule History Window

This window provides an overview of the changes made to a specific distribution rule. The changes are displayed according to different effective periods.
A sweets factory produces chocolate, cookies, and ice cream. In the spring and summer periods (01.03.2010 31.08.2010) the sugar consumption of the
factory is distributed among the three cost centers as follows:
30% - chocolate
30% - cookies
40% - ice cream
However, between 01.09.2010 and 28.02.2011, the factory does not produce ice cream, and the sugar consumption is distributed as follows:
40% - chocolate
60% - cookies
The Distribution Rule History window displays the following rows:
Effective From Effective To Chocolate Cookies Ice Cream Center_z
01.03.2010 31.08.2010 30 30 40
01.09.2010 28.02.2011 40 60 Table of Cost Centers and Distribution Rules Window

This window provides an overview of the cost centers and distribution rules defined in SAP Business One.
Authorization is required for viewing this window.
To open the window, choose Financials Cost Accounting Table of Cost Centers and Distribution Rules .
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Table of Cost Centers and Distribution Rules Window Fields
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From the dropdown list, select a dimension to view its related distribution rules and cost centers.
Only active dimensions appear in the dropdown list.
This field appears only when you selected the Use Multidimensions checkbox on the Cost Accounting tab of the General Settings window under Administration
System Initialization General Settings .
Distr. Rule/Cost Center
Displays all distribution rules related to the selected dimension.
To open the Distribution Rules Setup window and to view the distribution rule, choose the ( Link to ) icon.
If the distribution rule is created automatically from a cost center, it has the same name as the cost center and you cannot change the distribution rule.
Effective From, Effective To
Displays the effective periods of the distribution rule.
If the distribution rule is created automatically from a cost center, it has the same effective period as the cost center.
For effective period that includes the current system date, the corresponding distribution row is marked bold.
Displays the total value of each distribution rule.
Displays the portion allocated to the zero cost center. If the total value if allocated in its entirety to individual cost centers, the value in this column is 0.
Additional columns
Displays all cost centers related to the selected dimension. The appropriate distribution rule for distributing expenses among the cost centers is displayed for each distribution rule.
New Cost Center
Opens the Cost Centers Setup window.
New Distribution Rule
Opens the Distribution Rules - Setup window.
More Information
Cost Centers - Setup Window
Distribution Rules - Setup Window Cost Center Hierarchy Window

Use this window to define and view cost accounting report templates according to company needs.
To open the window, choose Financials Cost Accounting Cost Center Hierarchy .
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Cost Center Hierarchy Window Fields
From the dropdown list, select a dimension to define and view its related cost accounting report templates.
Only active dimensions appear in the dropdown list.
This field appears only when you selected the Use Multidimensions checkbox on the Cost Accounting tab of the General Settings window under Administration
System Initialization General Settings .
To view or update existing hierarchy templates, from the dropdown list, select a template.
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To define new hierarchy templates, from the dropdown list, select Define New . After specifying the name and updating the Cost Center Hierarchy Templates Setup window,
return to the Cost Center Hierarchy window to define the new hierarchy template.
Item Name
Displays the name of the selected hierarchy item. If required, specify a new name.
Item Location
Displays the parent article and the location on the tree of the selected hierarchy item. If required, specify a new location.
Text Title
Selecting the checkbox:
Defines the selected item as a text title that appears in reports without statistics
Hides the Subtotal checkbox
Selecting the checkbox:
Defines the selected item as a subtotal calculated according to the defined formula
Displays the Formula button
Add Same-Level Cost Center
Choose to add a new cost center that is of the same level as the selected cost center.
Add Child Cost Center
Choose to add a new cost center that is one level lower than the selected cost center. Accrual Types - Setup Window

Use this window to define and view accrual types used for cost accounting correction.
Use either of the following to open the Recurring Postings window:
Right-click a selected row and choose Recurring Postings .
Select a row and in the menu bar, choose Data Advanced Recurring Postings .
The default values of the recurring posting are as follows:
Code : code of the accrual type
Description : name of the accrual type
G/L Acct/BP Code , G/L Account/BP Name : the accrual calculation account and the accrual calculation interim account
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Accrual Types Setup Window Fields
Code, Name
Specify the code and name of the accrual type.
Posting Acct
Specify a financial posting account for the accrual type.
Amounts posted to this account appear in both the Financial Accounting and the Cost Accounting Correction sections of the cost accounting reconciliation report.
Accrual Calculation Acct
Specify a cost accounting calculation account for the accrual type.
Amounts posted to this account appear in both the Financial Accounting and the Cost Accounting P/L sections of the cost accounting reconciliation report.
Accrual Calculation Interim Acct
Specify a cost accounting calculation interim account for the accrual type.
Amounts posted to this account appear in both the Financial Accounting and the Cost Accounting Correction sections of the cost accounting reconciliation report.
You can select only those G/L accounts whose account type is Expenditure or Sales .
You can specify one G/L account only once in the window.
More Information
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Working with Accrual Types
Cost Accounting Reconciliation Report
Recurring Posting Cost Center Report Window

This window displays the cost center report according to the defined selection criteria (see Cost Center Report).
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Cost Center Report
Cost Center Hierarchy, Cost Center
Displays the cost center hierarchy if you selected the Template radio button, or cost centers if you selected the Cost Center radio button in the selection criteria window.
Trans. No., Origin
Displays the transaction number and origin type of the transaction that have postings to the particular cost center. If required, choose the ( Link to ) icon to open the Journal
Entry window.
IN is displayed for a transaction created by an A/R invoice.
These fields appear only when you selected Linked Accounts in the Summary of dropdown list of the selection criteria window.
Direct Allocation, Indirect Allocation
Displays amounts referring to direct or indirect allocation, divided into expenses and revenues.
You can define the allocation to be direct or indirect in the Distribution Rules Setup window.
Displays the total amount in cost centers for each row. Distribution Report Window

This window displays the distribution report according to the defined selection criteria (see Distribution Report).
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Distribution Report
Distr. Rule
Displays the distribution rule codes. If required, choose the ( Link to ) icon to open the Distribution Rules Setup window.
G/L Acct
Displays the code and name of the G/L account for which you selected the distribution rule in a posting.
Trans. No., Origin
Displays the transaction number and origin type of the transaction. If required, choose the ( Link to ) icon to open the Journal Entry window.
IN is displayed for a transaction created by an A/R invoice.
Displays the remarks of the transaction row.
Total Costs
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Displays the total expenses posted to the distribution rule.
Distribution Total
Displays the total distribution amount.
Displays the budget amount defined for this distribution rule and this account.
Total Costs vs. Budget
Displays the result of total costs minus the budget amount.
Cost Centers
Displays the distribution amounts for each cost center. Cost Accounting Summary Report Window

This window displays the cost accounting summary report according to the defined selection criteria (see Cost Accounting Summary Report).
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Cost Accounting Summary Report
Cost Center Hierarchy
Displays the cost center hierarchy only if you selected the Hierarchy Template radio button in the selection criteria window.
Cost Center
Displays the cost center codes.
G/L Acct
Displays the code and name of the G/L account that have postings to the particular cost center.
Trans. No., Origin
Displays the transaction number and origin type of the transaction. If required, choose the ( Link to ) icon to open the Journal Entry window.
IN is displayed for a transaction created by an A/R invoice.
Remarks, Amount, Distr. Rule
Displays the remarks, amount, and distribution rule of the transaction row. If required, choose the ( Link to ) icon to open the Distribution Rules Setup window.
Cost Total
Displays the amount allocated to the cost center calculated based on the transaction amount and distribution rule. Budget versus Cost Accounting Window

This window displays the budget versus cost accounting report according to the defined selection criteria (see Budget versus Cost Accounting).
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Budget versus Cost Accounting
Financial Accounting Section
G/L Account
Displays the code and name of the G/L accounts according to the defined selection criteria.
Displays the budget amount of the G/L account in the selected date range and the selected budget scenario.
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Displays the actual posting amount of the G/L account in the selected date range.
Displays the difference between the budget and actual amounts. It is calculated as the value in the Budget field minus that in the Actual field of the financial accounting section.
Diff. in %
Displays the difference in percentage. It is calculated as: value in the Difference field of the financial accounting section / value in the Budget field * 100%.
Cost Accounting Section
Distr. Rule Code, Distr. Rule Name
Displays the code and name of the distribution rule that you assigned to the specific G/L account in postings of the selected date range.
Displays the actual posting amount based on the distribution rule and the G/L account in the selected date range.
Displays the difference between the budget and actual amounts. It is calculated as the value in the Budget field minus that in the Actual field of the cost accounting section.
Diff. in %
Displays the difference in percentage. It is calculated as: value in the Difference field of the cost accounting section / value in the Budget field * 100%.
Displays the budget amount defined for this distribution rule and this account.
Actual vs. Budget
Displays the result of cost accounting actual amount minus the budget amount. Cost Accounting Reconciliation Report Window

This window displays the cost accounting reconciliation report according to the defined selection criteria (see Cost Accounting Reconciliation Report).
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Cost Accounting Reconciliation Report
Financial Accounting Section
P/L (Accounts, Expense, Revenue)
Displays the selected G/L account codes and names, as well as their corresponding expense and revenue totals from all journal entries.
For Expenditure type G/L accounts, displays their totals (amounts on the debit side minus that on the credit side) as Expense .
For Sales type G/L accounts, displays their totals (amounts on the credit side minus that on the debit side) as Revenue .
Cost Accounting Section
Company-Related (Expense, Revenue)
Displays the expense and revenue totals of G/L accounts that are both:
Not entered in the Accrual Types Setup window
From postings that have no distribution rule assignment in the selected dimension.
Cost Accounting Correction (Expense, Revenue)
Displays the expense and revenue totals of the corresponding G/L accounts that are set as Posting Acct or Accrual Calculation Interim Acct in the Accrual Types Setup
For Expenditure type G/L accounts, displays their totals (amounts on the debit side minus that on the credit side) as Expense .
For Sales type G/L accounts, displays their totals (amounts on the credit side minus that on the debit side) as Revenue .
Cost Accounting P/L (Expense, Revenue)
Displays the expense and revenue totals of G/L accounts that meet one or both of the following criteria:
The accounts are set as Accrual Calculation Acct in the Accrual Types Setup window.
The accounts are both not relevant to accrual types and from postings that have distribution rule assignment in the selected dimension.
Displays totals (revenue totals minus expense totals) of financial accounting, company-related, cost accounting correction, and cost accounting amounts.
Financial P/L
Displays totals (revenue totals minus expense totals) of financial accounting amounts.
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Non-Operating P/L
Displays totals (revenue totals minus expense totals) of company-related and cost accounting correction amounts.
Cost Accounting P/L
Displays totals (revenue totals minus expense totals) of cost accounting amounts.
1.16 Revaluation

The revaluation functions enable you to update values of G/L account balances, cost of sale account balances, and inventory.
To perform revaluation, from the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Revaluation .
More Information
G/L Account Revaluation
Cost of Sale Revaluation
Inventory Revaluation Wizard
1.16.1 G/L Accounts Revaluation: Chile and Mexico

This wizard guides you through the revaluation of G/L accounts defined in SAP Business One.
To perform G/L account revaluation choose Financials Revaluation G/L Accounts Revaluation .
More Information
Revaluation: Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala & Mexico
G/L Accounts Revaluation Wizard G/L Accounts Revaluation Wizard (Chile, Costa Rica,
Guatemala and Mexico)

G/L account revaluation is the last step in the revaluation process performed by SAP Business One. The G/L accounts revaluation wizard guides you through the
five-step process of defining the required parameters for G/L account revaluation, observing revaluation recommendations, and performing the revaluation.
You have entered the values in the index table.
The revaluation is performed according to the index values; therefore, it is important to enter accurate values.
You have run the exchange rate difference process.
To start the exchange rate process choose Open Exchange Rate Difference , or go to Exchange Rate Differences Financials .
1. In Revaluation G/L Accounts Revaluation , choose whether to start a new wizard or to run an existing one.
2. Choose the accounts you wish to revaluate.
3. Enter the date to revaluate to and choose the index according to which you want to run the revaluation. The month and year of the date are displayed in the
To fields, and the value of the chosen index is displayed in the Value field.
4. View the recommendation of postings, and select which postings to execute.
5. Select whether to execute the recommendation, or save the wizard for future use.
More Information
Revaluation: Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala & Mexico G/L Accounts Revaluation Wizard, Recommendation
for Postings

This window displays the results of the G/L accounts revaluation wizard according to the selected criteria.
Field Activity / Description
Approve This column is selected by default. Each selected account is revaluated.
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Clear the check box of any account you do not want revaluated.
Account Code, Account Name Display the code and name of the account.
Balance Before Displays the account balance before the revaluation, by the end of the revaluation period.
Revaluation Difference Displays the difference between the balance of the account before and after the
This is the amount posted when you execute the revaluation process.
Balance After Displays the account balance after the revaluation is made.
Revaluation Account Displays the account in which the revaluation transaction is posted.
Failure Reason Displays an error message if the account cannot be revaluated properly.
Cancellation Date In case there was a cancellation for the revaluation, the date of the cancellation is
displayed here. G/L Accounts Revaluation Wizard, Select G/L

Define in this window the range of the accounts you want to include in the revaluation run.
Field Activity / Description
Find Choose to open the G/L Accounts window, in which you can define the selection of G/L
accounts to be revaluated. The chosen accounts will be marked with X after the selection
in this window is made.
Level Choose the level of the accounts display in the table. If you choose here the option 1, the
table will display the highest level titles of the accounts. If you select a row in the table
you actually selected all the accounts appear under this title.
X This column indicates which account or title is selected. If the sign X appears, it means
that the specific account or group of accounts will be revaluated. Use this column to select
accounts by clicking in the selected row, or to cancel a selection, by clearing the X sign
from the relevant account. In addition, to clear selection in the table, click on the X
appears in the head of the column. Click it again to choose all the accounts appear in the
Account This column displays the codes and the names of the accounts. You can view details of
each account by using the link appears next to its code and name.
Country Specific Fields, Mexico
Field Activity / Description
Ravaluation Cash Accounts Select this box to revaluate cash accounts in addition to the accounts selected in the table.
1.16.2 Cost of Sale Revaluation: Mexico

This wizard guides you in defining the necessary parameters for revaluating the cost of sale in SAP Business One, and automatically creates the required posting
for the revaluation.
To perform revaluation for cost of sale accounts, choose Financials Revaluation Cost of Sale Revaluation .
1.16.3 Inventory Revaluation Wizard: Mexico and Chile

Inventory revaluation is the first step in the revaluation process performed by SAP Business One. The Inventory Revaluation Wizard guides you through the
multistep process of defining the required parameters for inventory revaluation, observing revaluation recommendations, and performing the revaluation.
Your company runs a perpetual inventory system, and valuates inventory by the moving average method or by the FIFO method. You cannot use this
wizard if you manage your inventory according to the standard price method.
To perform inventory revaluation according to a specific price list in SAP Business One, you have updated the prices in that price list. If there is no price
defined for an item, the revaluation fails.
You have entered values in the index table: Since the revaluation process is based on the Index values, make sure you entered the correct values for the
revaluation period.
To perform inventory revaluation, choose Financials Revaluation Inventory Revaluation Wizard , and follow the instructions for each step.
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More Information
Revaluation: Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala & Mexico
1.17 TDS: India

In the SAP Business One Financial module, you can do the followings with TDS:
Make adjustments to the TDS amount per invoices which could be regular A/P invoices or A/P down payment Invoices.
Set up an acknowledgement number
Generate the Form 16A report
Generate an e-TDS file for e-TDS return
More Information
Processing Adjustment Entry: India
Setting Up Acknowledgement Numbers: India
Generating Form 16A: India
Generating Quarterly eTDS File: India
1.17.1 Processing Adjustment Entry: India

You can make adjustments in the TDS amount per invoices. The invoices include A/P invoices and A/P down payment invoices. In SAP Business One, you can
post the adjustment journal entry for the fresh amount.
1. To access the window, from the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financial TDS Adjustment Entry .
2. Specify the following fields:
Transaction Type
Select the type of the transaction to which you want to make an adjustment for TDS.
Transaction No.
Select the number of the transaction to which you want to make a change in TDS.
BP Code
Displays the business partner code.
Assessee Code
Displays the assessee code.
WTax Code
Displays the WTax Code of the original transaction.
Taxable Amount
Displays the taxable amount of the invoice.
Total Rate %
Displays the applicable total tax rate as a percent.
TDS Amount
Display the original TDS amount calculated on the invoice.
Surcharge Amount
Display the surcharge amount of the original transaction.
Cess Amount
Display the Cess amount of the original transaction.
HSC Amount
Display the HSC amount of the original transaction.
New TDS Amount
Specify the new TDS amount you want to add for the transaction. If the amount is negative, the new amount is to be deducted from the existing amount.
New Surcharge Amount
Specify the new surcharge amount you want to add to for this transaction. If the amount is negative, the new amount is to be deducted from the existing amount.
New Cess Amount
Display the new Cess amount you want to add for this transaction. If the amount is negative, the new amount is to be deducted from the existing amount.
New HSC Amount
Display the new HSC amount you want for the transaction.
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3. Choose the OK button.
More Information
TDS: India
1.17.2 Generating Form 16A: India

A certificate of deduction of tax at source must be issued to vendors. It lists the TDS deducted on the payment made to vendors. This certificate is known as Form
No. 16A.
1. To generate the Form 16A, from the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financial TDS Form 16 A .
2. Specify the following fields:
In the From... and To... fields, choose the vendors for whom you want to run the Form 16A report.
Section Code
Select a section code for which the Form 16 A certificate is being generated.
TDS Location
In the drop down list, select a location for which you want to generate the Form 16 A certificate.
Financial Year
Specify the financial year for the report.
Specify the quarter in the financial year for the report.
Before generating the report, you must define the acknowledgement number for the selected quarter. For more information, see Setting Up Acknowledgement
Numbers: India.
Deductee Type
Select a deductee type from the drop down list.
Person Responsible
Select the person responsible for deducting the tax.
Designation of the person responsible.
3. Choose the OK button.
More Information
Form 16 A Report Window Form 16 A Report Window: India

Send this report to tax authorities for the TDS deduction.
Document No.
Document number of the entry.
Date of Payment/Credit
Posting date in each entry.
Document Date
Creation date of a document .
Taxable Amount
Taxable amount of a document.
Total Tax Deposit
Total tax deposited of the entry.
TDS Amount
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TDS amount of each entry.
Surcharge tax amount of each entry.
Cess tax amount of the entry.
HSC tax amount of the entry.
Certificate No.
To print out the report, you must generate the TDS certificate number. To display the certificate number, choose the Generate Cert. No. button in the bottom area.
Challan No.
Challan number with which the tax was deposited in outgoing payments.
BSR Code
Bank serial number of each entry.
Cheque No.
Cheque number in the payment means of outgoing payments.
Generate Cert. No.
Generates the certificate series for the report.
More Information
Form 16 A: India
1.17.3 Setting Up Acknowledgement Numbers: India

Use the window to define the acknowledgement number to generate with the Form 16A report.
1. To access the window, from SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financial TDS Acknowledge Number .
2. Specify the following fields:
Financial Year
Select a financial year code.
Select a quarter which you have defined in the Defining Financial Year Master window.
Acknowledgement No.
Specify the acknowledgement number for each quarter.
Select a location for which an acknowledgement number is being obtained and for which a print out is required.
3. Choose the OK button.
1.17.4 Generating Quarterly eTDS File: India

Use this function to generate the quarterly eTDS files submitted to the taxation authorities.
To generate a quarterly report, proceed as follows:
1. To access the window, from the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials TDS Generate Quarterly eTDS File
2. Specify the fields in the table below.
Financial Year
Select a financial year for which to generate the report.
Person Responsible
Select a person responsible for deducting the TDS.
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Designation of the person responsible.
Deductor Type
Select a deductor type from the drop down list.
Select a quarter for which to generate the report.
Book Entry
Specify if the TDS payment was made by book entry.
Return Type
Select the return type from the following two options:
26 : quarterly statement of deduction of tax under the Act in respect of payments other than salary and non residents for the quarter.
27 : quarterly statement of deduction of tax under the Act in respect of payments other than salary made to non residents for the quarter.
Select a location for which the eTDS return is being generated.
Return Preparation Utility
The default value is SAP Business One <version no.>. You can edit this field. This value appears in the Name of Return Preparation Utility field of the TDS
statement for the non salary category (file header record).
Enter File Name
You can select the file directory and file name where the eTDS file can be stored. To change the directory, click the Browse button and choose the file directory you want.
Generate eTDS File
Lets you to generates the eTDS file.
3. Click the Generate eTDS File button.
Before an eTDS return is generated, the following fields in SAP Business One are checked for values:
The STD Code , Telephone 1 , and E-Mail fields in Administration System Initialization Company Details General Local
The STD Code , Office Phone , Mobile Phone , and E-Mail fields in Human Resources Employee Master Data
1.18 Financial Reports

This menu option includes all reports pertaining to the analysis of the financial and accounting activities of the company. The reports comprise the following main
Budget Setup
1.18.1 Electronic Reports

Use Electronic Reports to generate reports in electronic formats. Before generating electronic reports, you must have set up the electronic file formats using the
electronic file manager.
Depending on the definition of Module from the Electronic File Manager: Format Definition add-on, the available electronic formats are listed in Electronic
Reports under the reports menu entry of the specific SAP Business One module.
In the Electronic File Manager: Format Definition add-on, the module of EU Sales Report has been defined as Financials . In SAP Business One, you have
imported the electronic format EU Sales Report using the electronic file manager. To generate this report, choose Financials Financial Reports
Electronic Reports EU Sales Reports . Alternatively, choose Reports Financials Electronic Reports EU Sales Report .
More Information
Generating EU Sales Report: DE and UK Generating Electronic Reports

Use Electronic Reports to generate reports with electronic formats.
You have set up the electronic file formats using the electronic file manager.
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Based on the definition of Module in the Electronic File Manager: Format Definition add-on, the available electronic formats are listed in Electronic Reports ,
under the reports menu entry of the specific SAP Business One module.
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose module module Reports Electronic Report the specific electronic report . Alternatively,
choose it from the Reports module.
The report wizard appears. The number of steps in the wizard depends on the parameters to be configured for the specific report.
In each step, choose the appropriate button, as follows:
Next : proceed to the next step
Back : return to the previous step
Cancel : quit the process
Preview : preview the report based on the parameters that you have specified
2. In step 1 and up to the Save Option step, specify the parameters required by the Electronic Format Manager: Format Definition for this report.
3. In the Save Option step, specify the destination file path for the generated electronic report.
4. In the Result Summary step, do the following:
To view the system log, choose the View Log button.
To open the generated electronic report, click the hyperlink.
To close the wizard, choose the Finish button.
More Information
Setting Up File Formats for Bank Payments
For more information about defining electronic formats, see the online help for the Electronic File Manager: Format Definition add-on after installing it. EU Sales Report - General Parameters

The EU sales report is available for the Germany and United Kingdom localizations.
In this step ( Step 1 of 4 ), you specify the general parameters for generating the EU sales report.
Generates the report according to either the posting date range or the document date range that you specify.
Specify the fiscal year for which to generate the report
Specify the month or quarter for which to generate the report.
The codes of the EU tax groups, as defined in Administration Setup Financials Tax Tax Groups .
To be included in the EU Sales Report window, all documents with EU tax codes must have a Federal Tax ID specified.
Include Service Documents
Select this checkbox to include sales documents of type Service in the report.
Country-Specific Field: Germany
Correction Declaration
Country-Specific Field for Germany. Lets you generate a correction report.
More Information
Generating EU Sales Report: DE and UK XML Audit File - General Parameters

The XML audit file is available for the Netherlands localizations.
In the steps ( Step 1 of 3 and Step 2 of 3 ), you specify the parameters for generating the XML audit file.
Step 1 of 3
Enter Date Range
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Select the start date of the date range for generating XML audit file.
Select the end date of the date range for generating XML audit file.
Step 2 of 3
File Path
Choose ( Browse ) to specify the file path to save the generated XML audit file. Generating IRAS Audit File: Singapore

The IRAS audit file (IAF) is available for the Singapore localization.
You have defined a default XML file folder on the Path tab of the General Settings window in Administration System Initialization General Settings .
To generate the IRAS audit file, proceed as follows:
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Financial Reports Electronic Report IRAS Audit File . Alternatively, choose
the file from the Reports module.
The IRAS Audit File - Selection Criteria window appears.
2. Specify the parameters, select the output format (XML or TXT), and choose the Generate button.
The audit file appears in your defined folder.
1.18.2 Accounting

The Accounting Reports folder contains:
Reports that provide an overview of the objects and data in your accounts
Tax reports that you must submit to the tax authorities
To access these reports, choose Financials Financial Reports Accounting . Alternatively, access them from the Reports module.
More Information
G/L Accounts and Business Partners
General Ledger
Transaction Journal Report
Transaction Report by Projects
Document Journal
1099 Report: USA
Tax G/L Accounts and Business Partners

This report enables you to generate a list of G/L accounts and/or business partners. Use this window to specify selection criteria for the report.
To access the report, choose Financials Financial Reports Accounting G/L Accounts and Business Partners . Alternatively, open it from the
Reports module.
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Selection Criteria
Displays business partners in the report.
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When not selected, other options pertaining to business partner selection criteria are not available.
Display Leads
Report includes business partners defined as leads.
Customer Group, Vendor Group
Specify the group from which to display business partners.
To display only customers, choose None in the Vendor Group field.
Opens the Properties window where you select the required properties. Your choices appear in the adjoining field.
G/L Accounts
Includes G/L accounts in the report.
When not selected, options related to G/L account selection criteria are not available.
Opens the Find G/L Accounts window in which you select the G/L accounts to be included in the report. For more information, see the online help topic Finding G/L Accounts to
Include in Financial Reports/Period-End Closing.
Select the level of the accounts to display in the table. Selecting Level 1 displays the account titles on the highest level.
A selected row includes all accounts appearing under the title.
X, Account
Indicates accounts selected to appear in the report.
Clear the X from a row to deselect the account.
Click the X in the column header to select or clear all accounts or selections, respectively, in the table.
More Information
Finding G/L Accounts to Include in Financial Reports/Period-End Closing
G/L Accounts and Business Partners Window G/L Accounts and Business Partners Window

This window displays the G/L Accounts and Business Partners report according to your defined selection criteria.
G/L Accounts and Business Partners Window
G/L Accounts
Displays only the list of G/L accounts.
Displays the list of business partners.
G/L Accounts/BP
Displays the name, number, and group for each account in a combined list of G/L accounts and business partners.
Display Currency
Specify whether to display the balance in the local currency, system currency, or respective account foreign currency. General Ledger

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This report enables you to generate a list of journal entries posted to the company database according to various criteria. Use this window to specify selection
criteria for the report.
To open the window, choose Financials Financial Reports Accounting General Ledger . Alternatively, open it from the Reports module.
After defining the report, you can view it in the General Ledger window.
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Selection Criteria
Business Partner
Displays business partners in the report.
If not selected, other fields pertaining to business partner selection criteria are not displayed.
Customer Group, Vendor Group
Enables you to include business partners from a specific group, divided between customers and vendors.
To display only customers, choose None in the Vendor Group field.
Opens the Properties window, where you select the required properties. Your choices appear in the adjoining field.
G/L Accounts
Includes G/L accounts in the report.
If not selected, other fields related to G/L account selection criteria are not displayed.
Opens the G/L Accounts window, where you specify G/L accounts for the report.
Select the level of the accounts displayed in the table.
Selecting Level 1 displays the account titles on the highest level.
A selected row includes all accounts appearing under the title.
Indicates accounts selected to appear in the report.
To deselect an account, clear the X from its row.
To select/clear all accounts/selections in the table, click the X in the column header.
Posting Date From...To..., Due Date From...To..., Document Date From...To...
Specify the date type by which to define the transaction range for the report.
You can:
Use more than one date range
Specify a specific financial period
Opens the Expanded Selection Criteria window, where you define additional parameters for the transactions to be included in the general ledger report.
Print Each Account on Sep. Page
Prints the transactions related to each account on a separate page. Otherwise, the transactions are printed successively.
Print Directly to Printer
Prints the report without displaying it on the screen.
Order Acct By Chart of Accounts
Report displays accounts in the same order as in the Chart of Accounts window.
Ignore Adjustments
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Report excludes transactions with Adj. Trans. (Period 13) selected.
Foreign Names
The report displays the foreign names defined for business partners and accounts.
Display Postings Summary
Includes a summary of the postings displayed in the bottom line of the report.
Display OB for Periods
Displays the balance of the business partners and accounts, as calculated for the day before the first day in the date range defined for the report.
The calculation of the opening balance is determined by the date range specified for the report. If you specified more than one date range, SAP Business One calculates
opening balance as follows:
If Posting Date is one selected option, all transactions with posting date earlier than the date defined in Posting Date From are included.
If Posting Date is not selected, all transactions with document date earlier than the date defined in Document Date From are included.
Choose the transactions to display in the report:
All Postings All postings found, according to the selection criteria
Not Fully Reconciled All the postings that are not fully reconciled
Fully Reconciled Only Only the postings that are fully reconciled
Unreconciled Externally Only postings that are not reconciled externally (relevant mostly for bank accounts)
Reconciled Externally Only postings that are reconciled externally
Consider Reconciliation Date
This field is available only if you select All Postings , Not Fully Reconciled , or Fully Reconciled Only in the Display field.
Enables you to do the following:
If you select the checkbox, the report displays transactions with a correct historic balance due as at the specified posting date To date as follows:
If the reconciliation date is later than the specified posting date To date, the transaction (or partial transaction if partially reconciled) is shown as un-reconciled, and the
un-reconciled Balance Due value is displayed.
If the reconciliation date is earlier than or same as the specified posting date To date, the transaction (or partial transaction if partially reconciled) is shown as
reconciled, and the reconciled Balance Due value is displayed.
If you do not select the checkbox, the report displays transactions with the latest balance due.
Hide Zero Balance Due
The field is available only if you select All Postings in the Display field and select Consider Reconciliation Date checkbox.
Select to hide the transactions which have a zero balance due as calculated when the Consider Reconciliation Date checkbox is selected.
Hide Zero Balanced Acct
Excludes zero balanced accounts from the report.
Available only if Hide Acct with no Postings is not selected.
Hide Acct with no Postings
Report excludes accounts with no postings.
Sort and Summarize
Enables you to specify sorting criteria for displaying the report on the screen:
In the field below, specify what is to be sorted.
In the table, define up to three levels of sort.
In each row, specify:
Required field
Summarize or not
Opens the Revaluation Selection Criteria window where you can specify how to revaluate report results.
The revaluation is for display purposes only and does not affect the postings values.
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More Information
G/L Accounts
Expanded Selection Criteria
Finding G/L Accounts to Include in Financial Reports/Period-End Closing
Revaluation Selection Criteria Expanded Selection Criteria

This window enables you to set additional selection criteria for the general ledger report and fine tune the report results.
To open the window, choose Financials Financial Reports Accounting General Ledger ; then, in the General Ledger Selection Criteria window,
choose Expanded .
Expanded Selection Criteria
Original Journal
Document and transaction types by which journal entries are created in SAP Business One. To display in the report only journal entries created by specific documents or
transaction types, select the respective ones.
Select the parameters you want to apply to optimize the range of transactions to display in the general ledger report, and specify the required range in the respective From...To...
Reference Fields
Lets you filter this report according to the reference fields defined in Administration Setup General Reference Field Links . You can therefore filter the report data
according to the level of granularity required for IFRS or for other purposes.
User-Defined Fields
Lets you filter this report according to the user-defined fields defined in Administration Setup General Reference Field Links . You can therefore filter the report
data according to the level of granularity required for IFRS or for other purposes.
Opens the Series Selection window where you can choose to view only journal entries related to specific numbering series.
Clear Sel.
Clears all selections made in this window.
More Information
Series Selection Series Selection

This window appears when you specify selection criteria for the General Ledger.
To access the window, choose Financials Financial Reports Accounting General Ledger . In the General Ledger Selection Criteria window,
choose Expanded , and in the Expanded Selection Criteria window, choose Series .
Alternatively, open it from the Reports module.
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
Series Selection
Specify the document.
Numbering series defined in the Document Numbering window for documents available in the Expanded Selection Criteria window. Revaluation - Selection Criteria

Use this window to specify selection criteria for the Revaluation report.
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Use this window to specify selection criteria for the Revaluation report.
To open the window, choose Financials Financials Reports Accounting General Ledger. In the General Ledger Selection Criteria window
choose Revaluation .
Alternatively, open it from the Reports module.
This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.
FC Tab
Choose the currency to which you want to revaluate.
Revaluation Method
Choose whether to calculate the revaluation according to the rate defined in the Posting Date or Due Date of the transaction, or according to Fixed Rate . If you choose the last
option, enter the required fixed rate.
Average Rate from Interval (in Days)
Specify the number of days for calculating an average rate in case an exchange rate was not defined for a specific date.
Refer to Rates in Journal Entry
Select this checkbox to use the rate defined in the journal entries, if it is different from the rate defined in the Exchange Rates and Indexes window.
Revaluate Multi-Currency G/L Account/BP
Multi-currency accounts and business partners must have their values converted to one currency before they can be revaluated.
Select whether to revaluate multi-currency G/L accounts or business partners by local currency or by system currency.
Index Tab
Choose the required month and year of the index.
Displays the index defined for the chosen month and year. Change this value if required.
Revaluation Method
Choose whether to calculate the revaluation according to the index defined for the Posting Date or the Due Date of the transaction.
More Information
General Ledger Selecting Control Accounts in the General Ledger
Report (BP View)

In the General Ledger report (BP view), you can select the transactions per control account.
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Financial Reports Accounting General Ledger .
2. In the General Ledger Selection Criteria window, select the BP checkbox and specify the selection criteria for the report. For more information, see
General Ledger.
3. If required, select the desired control accounts.
4. To run the report, choose OK . Summarizing Control Accounts in the General Ledger

In the General Ledger report (G/L view), you can summarize the transactions posted on the control accounts.
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu , choose Financials Financial Reports Accounting General Ledger .
2. In the General Ledger Selection Criteria window, select the Accounts checkbox and specify the selection criteria for the report. For more information,
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see General Ledger.
3. If you want to summarize the transactions per control account, select the Summarize Control Accounts option.
4. To run the report, choose OK .
5. To print the report, choose Print General Ledger .
SAP Business One creates a general ledger report that displays only the selected accounts and prints only the totals for the control accounts.
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