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Israeli Cleantech
Companies Catalog
By Israel NewTech
October 2011
3GSolar ....................................6
AA Engineers ............................ 7
Admir Technologies ....................8
Al Hadeshe Green Energy ...........10
Alvarion ...................................11
Amcor solar energies ................. 12
Amiad ..................................... 13
Amitec ....................................14
AnyWay .................................. 15
AORA .....................................16
Applied Cleantech ..................... 17
AquAgro Fund ..........................18
Aquarius Spectrum ....................19
Aqua Solutions ........................ 20
Aquanity ................................. 21
Aquaspark .............................. 22
Aquatal .................................. 23
Aqwise ................................... 24
Arad ...................................... 25
Arava Power Company .............. 26
A.R.I ..................................... 27
Arkal ..................................... 28
ArrowBio ................................ 29
Arrow Operations ..................... 30
AST Clean Water Technologies .... 31
Atlantium ............................... 32
Ayala ..................................... 33
Baccara .................................. 34
Bateman ................................ 35
BEL ....................................... 36
Bermad .................................. 37
Beth-El .................................. 38
Binot Topaz ............................ 39
BIT ........................................ 40
Bitum .....................................41
Blue I ..................................... 42
BioPetroClean ......................... 43
BPT .......................................44
Brand .................................... 45
BrightSource ........................... 46
BSGS .................................... 47
Battery Solution International .... 48
bSolar .................................... 49
Cequesta ................................ 50
CheckLight .............................. 51
Chromagen ............................. 52
Compax ................................. 53
Control Applications ................. 54
CQM ..................................... 55
CTG ....................................... 56
Curapipe ................................ 57
C-Valves ................................. 58
Desalitech .............................. 59
Dorot ..................................... 60
Dream Taste ............................ 61
DST ....................................... 62
DST Cleantech ........................ 63
DuCool ................................... 64
Ebony .................................... 65
EcoVida ................................. 66
Environmental Energy
Resources .............................. 67
Elco Energy & Infrastructure ...... 68
Elcon ..................................... 69
Elgressy Engineering Services .... 70
Elkayam .................................. 71
Elsol ...................................... 72
Elspec .................................... 73
Emefcy .................................. 74
En Gibton ............................... 75
Enverid Systems ...................... 76
EPC ....................................... 77
Erez ....................................... 78
EST Systems .......................... 79
Eternegy ................................ 80
EWA Tech ................................81
eXenewable ............................ 82
Exotech-Cleantech ................... 83
EZPack .................................. 84
Flow Industries ........................ 85
Fluid-Ice ................................. 86
CGA ...................................... 87
Gadot Solar Solutions ............... 88
Galcon ................................... 89
Gaon Agro .............................. 90
Galil Engineering Group ............. 91
Galilee International
Management Institute .............. 92
GES ...................................... 93
Globe Light & Water System ...... 94
Gnrgy .................................... 95
Golan Plastic Products .............. 96
G-Patrol ................................. 97
Green City Urban Recycling ....... 98
Greenkote .............................. 99
GVS ...................................... 101
Hadass Filtration Solutions ....... 102
Hagihon ................................ 103
Hakohav Valves ...................... 104
HelioFocus ............................ 105
High Check Control ................. 106
Hoffmann & Hoffmann ............ 107
HOP-PTH .............................. 109
Hydrogen Catalyst ................... 110
IC Green Energy ........................111
ICL Group ............................... 112
IDE ........................................ 113
IEC ........................................114
Interdan ................................. 115
IOSight .................................. 116
IPnP ...................................... 117
Isoterma .................................118
John Deere Water ..................... 119
Kalcad .................................. 120
Kinrot .................................... 121
Krausz .................................. 122
Kroosh .................................. 123
Larotec ................................. 124
LDD ..................................... 125
Lead Control .......................... 126
Lesico CleanTech .................... 127
Leviathan Energy .................... 128
Lextran ................................. 129
LNCon .................................. 130
Madei Taas ............................. 131
Madgal ................................. 132
Magal Security Systems .......... 133
Magen Eco Energy .................. 134
Magic Tech ............................ 135
Mapal Green Energy ................ 136
MEB Energy .......................... 137
Meisol .................................. 138
Mekorot ................................ 139
Mekorot WaTech .................... 140
Metzerplas ............................. 141
Metrolight ............................. 142
Mey Golan ............................. 143
Milano .................................. 144
Millennium Electric T.O.U ........ 145
Miltel ................................... 146
Miya ..................................... 147
MME .................................... 148
Water Control Solutions ........... 149
MST ..................................... 150
MTR Wireless Communications.. 151
Naaman ............................... 152
NaanDan Jain Irrigation ............ 153
Netafim ................................ 154
NewH ................................... 155
Nimrod ................................. 156
Nirosoft ................................ 157
Noga Water Care .................... 158
Odis ..................................... 159
Ofra Aqua Plants .................... 160
ommyx .................................. 161
Ooval Valves .......................... 162
Orlite Industries ...................... 163
Oryan ................................... 164
P2W ..................................... 165
Palgey-maim ......................... 166
Palram Applications ................ 167
Panoramic Power .................... 168
Peak Dynamics ....................... 169
PEP Filters ............................ 170
pH2O ..................................... 171
Phoebus ................................ 172
Plasson ................................. 173
Plastro .................................. 174
Powercom ............................. 175
Power Electronics ................... 176
PowerSines ........................... 177
ProteRec ............................... 178
PRS ..................................... 179
Puritec-Ges ............................ 180
Puretec .................................. 181
Pythagoras Solar .................... 182
Quantum Business Group ......... 183
Ramot .................................. 184
Raphael Valves Industries ........ 185
Reali Technologies .................. 186
Remmon Remote Monitoring .... 187
Rimon ................................... 188
Rotem Industries .................... 189
R.T.S Water Ways ................... 190
RWM..................................... 191
Sagiv .................................... 192
SAS ...................................... 193
Satec .................................... 194
S.D.E. .................................. 195
Seambiotic ............................ 196
Senstar ................................. 197
Shikun & Binui ....................... 198
Siemens ................................ 199
SmarTap .............................. 200
Solarian ................................ 201
Solaris Synergy ......................202
SolarOr .................................203
Msl \ SolarPath...................... 204
SolarPower ........................... 205
Solel Solar Systems ............... 206
SolidAT .................................207
Sol-R-Led ............................. 208
Stream Control ...................... 209
Sunday ................................. 210
SP Systems M.B ..................... 211
Tahal .................................... 212
TaKaDu ................................. 213
Talgil .................................... 214
Tal-Ya ................................... 215
Tamar ................................... 216
TechnoSpin ............................ 217
Tefen .................................... 218
TIGI ...................................... 219
TransBiodiesel ........................220
Treatec21 ............................... 221
TriDiNetworks ........................222
Triple-T .................................223
Tzinorot ................................ 224
UET ......................................225
Uheat ...................................226
Umetrics ...............................227
Universal Link ........................228
UniVerve Biofuel Initiative ........229
UniVerve Power ......................230
Variable Wind Solutions ........... 231
Vintec ...................................232
Vortex ...................................233
Water Arc ............................. 234
Waterfall ...............................235
WaterMatic ...........................236
Water Sheer ...........................237
WateRevive ...........................238
Watts and More ......................239
Wave ................................... 240
Whitewater ............................ 241
Whitewater Security ............... 242
Whitewater Well .....................243
Winflex ................................ 244
Yamit ................................... 245
Yissum ................................. 246
Y.M.C.M .............................. 247
ZenithSolar ........................... 248
Zo-opt ................................. 249
Company profile
Year of establishment: Dec 2003
No. of employees: 19
Background on the company
3GSolar is developing third generation Dye Solar Cell (DSC) photovoltaic technology. The company is
an acknowledged leader in the field making rapid progress towards commercialization. Our disruptive
technology addresses an unlimited market with an innovative business model with no need of the large
project finance requirements of current reigning technologies.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
DSC technology can best be described as artificial photosynthesis, using an electrolyte, a layer of titania
(a pigment used in white paints) and ruthenium dye sandwiched between two substrates, at least one of
which is transparent. Light striking the dye excites electrons which are absorbed by the titania to become
electric current.
Function of the product(s):
With its first generation of DSC modules, 3GSolar will be focusing its marketing efforts on rural off-
grid markets, mainly in developing countries where close to 2 billion people live without electricity. The
3GSolar 55W modules will be sold and distributed to provide basic electricity in rural areas. Off-grid
electrification will remain a market necessity and opportunity for decades to come. $2 billion of off-grid
systems are installed annually, growing by 15% a year.
Category: Renewable Energy
Sub Category: Third Generation Dye Solar Cell
(DSC) PV Technology
Objectives / Target companies
On the Marketing/Distribution Side: 3GSolar is interested in identifying strategic partners involved in
the sales/distribution of PV systems or parts of them in developing countries with focus on off-grid Solar
Home Systems.
On the Financial Side: In November 2008, 3GSolar was offered the opportunity to access public markets
through acquisition by Vesta Capital Corp (a capital pool company on the Toronto stock exchange- see
http: //
3GSolar has seized this opportunity and, lead by underwriter Canaccord, is in mid-process of completing
the acquisition towards raising funds on the Toronto Exchange.
Private placement by VC funds and investors is still of interest to 3GSolar, whether before, as part of or
after its acquisition by Vesta Capital Corp.
6 Back to Index
Company profile
AA Engineers is a consulting firm dealing with wastewater treatment, solids waste system, agricultural
and environmental consulting.
In the wastewater subject we specialize on environmentally friendly treatment system called Constructed
Wetlands based on wastewater flow through granulated media on which macrophyte plants grow and
contribute to the treatment. We are involved in local as well as in international projects.
Constructed Wetlands do not involve any electro mechanical energy nor chemicals and/or mechanical
maintenance and are applied as ecological solutions for sanitary wastewater, industrial and agricultural
Year of establishment: 1982
No. of employees: 5
Examples of past projects
Constructed Wetlands as green wastewater treatment for community and agricultural villages in

different sizes.
Reclamation of old dump landfills.

Recycling of solid waste projects.

Transfer Stations for solid wastes.

Technology & product(s)

In the wastewater subject we specialize on environmentally friendly treatment system called

Constructed Wetlands being very popular in these days when green solutions are favorable.
Constructed Wetlands do not involve any electro mechanical energy nor chemicals and/or mechanical

maintenance and are applied as ecological solutions for sanitary wastewater, industrial and agricultural
In the Solid Wastes we design the reclamation of old dump landfill to coincide with the updated

regulations by the authorities, design transfer stations, Landfill gas pumping and using as energy source.
Composting of agricultural waste mainly manure and other biomasses.

Category: Consulting and engineering services,

Industrial waste treatment, Solid waste
treatment and Recycling, Waste water treatment
Objectives / Target companies
We are looking for companies interested to cooperate and construct wastewater systems based on
Constructed Wetlands. This can be in the planning and design as well as the construction phase.
In the Solid waste area we can supply planning and design services as well as other services and
activities as defined by the client.
7 Back to Index
Category: Geotechnical solutions for
civil engineering
Sub Category: Geotube dewatering technology
Company profile
Admir Technologies offers a range of geosynthetic products for geotechnical solutions in a broad variety
of civil engineering applications. Admir Technologies has 20 years experience in successfully adapting
geosynthetic products to engineering projects such as constructing roads, embankments and retaining
walls, lining reservoirs and waste landfills, stabilizing slopes and designing drainage solutions.
Admir Technologies, with considerable engineering know-how, a broad variety of products and proven
experience gained in hundreds of projects, is able to provide geotechnical solutions for a broad spectrum
of applications, always striving to attain maximum cost/benefit advantages.
Extensive Experience:
Lining reservoirs and landfills; reinforcing and draining roads, railbeds and runways; reinforcing
embankments and retaining walls; protecting slopes and banks against erosion; accelerating soil
consolidation; reinforcing and improving soft soils.
Technology & product(s)
Roads: Separation & reinforcement of subbase layers with membranes & geogrids; lining clay subsoil

with HDPE membranes; Reinforcing asphalt structures with geogrids.

Retaining walls: Reinforcing walls and embankments with geogrids and geotextiles.

Stabilizing embankments on soft soils.

Bridging sinkholes.

Accelerating consolidation: Inserting vertical drains in soft soils.

Lining reservoirs: Lining water reservoirs, wastewater reservoirs, runoff reservoirs, lining secondary fuel

containment areas and floating covers.

Landfills: Lining, drainage, top cover capping and biogas treatment for different types of landfills and

waste disposal sites.

Tunnels: Lining and drainage of tunnels; Steel fibers/polypropylene fibers for reinforcing concrete.

Draining underground structures: Employing multi-layer Drainage mats and protective membranes.

Protecting slopes from rock falls: Spreading steel rock fall Netting, anchors and various attachments.

Slope and channel protection system: Employing earth/concrete Filled cells of the Neoweb Cellular

Confinement System.
Protecting riverbanks/shorelines: With gabions, mattresses and Geotube containers.

Cleaning streams and reservoirs: Dewatering sludge by means of Geotube geotextile container.

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Company profile
AGM is a provider of communication & control solutions for SCADA/DCS systems.
With 30 years of experience and a diverse list of clients, we offer solutions in the areas of: Water /Waste-
water, Energy, Oil & Gas, Industrial Applications, Environmental sector, Power Sub-stations, Mining and
Irrigation. Israel-based AGM is a global innovator in Distributed Control Networking.
Year of establishment: 1996
No. of employees: 7
Background on the company
AGM established in 1996 by experienced people, 30 years in the fields of communication for distributed
control applications design and implementation, from concept to service.
Examples of projects
Environment Monitoring And Control systems, Water and Sewage control systems,
Oil refinery, Oil leak detection, Irrigation.
AGM has projects in Israel, Peru, Paraguay, France and the former USSR.
Technology & product(s)
Responding to the global economic crisis, AGM developed expertise in upgrade projects for municipal

and private utility distributed control management systems. We emphasize a COTS (Commercial Off
the Shelf) approach.
Faced with critical client needs for communication redundancy and distributed control systems

resilience, AGM developed the R-Win product as an answer.

This innovative, compact, rugged device manages data communication over RF, linking remote sites
to the control center and the Internet, implementing bridge-relay-S&F capabilities, creating lateral
communication, featuring wireless MESH networking.
AGM is working with a GE subsidiary to improve the Oil Spill Detector integrated solution, it has

already installed throughout the world.

Objectives / Target companies
We are seeking business partners abroad and, are looking for Solution Providers & SCADA Integrators,
ready to add AGM knowledge to their solutions and projects.
Our previous international experience has shown us that distance is not an obstacle.
Category: Analyzers and control systems, Water
security, Water resources management
Sub Category: SCADA, DCS, WMS (Water
Management Systems), utilities, pipelines.
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Company profile
Year of establishment: 2008
No. of employees: 8
Background on the company
Al Hadeshe Green Energy Ltd. designs and develops innovative stand-alone solar power systems. Our
engineers are experienced with the complex task of integration solar power with energy storage means.
Al Hadeshe Green Energy Ltd. has developed the Sabra 24/7 - the first Israeli mobile solar generator.
Al Hadeshe Green Energy Ltd. is a sister company of AL Hadeshe - construction and development, a
company for industrial construction with extensive experience with design and construct large scale project
such as industrial plants and logistics centers.
Examples of past projects
The company was partnered to the planning and production of the first large scale solar CPV
cogeneration site.
The research and development team of Al Hadeshe - Green Energy was involved in academics
researches dealing with analysis and optimization of solar hybrid power system, dynamic behavior of
state of the art storage energy devices and solar photovoltaic technologies. The R&D team continues to
develop technology that provides each project the optimization for the right solution that will achieve high
performance in energy efficiency and reliability.
Technology & product(s)
General description: Solar Powered Generator for supply constant and reliable energy for rural areas as
an alternative to the diesel generator.
Function of the product(s): Sabra 24/7 - a Mobile Solar Powered off-grid system offer the highest
solar power for transportable solar system. Design to deliver power continuously 24/7 uninterrupted to
various customers, such as: telecommunication facilities, military surveillance stations, water pumping,
homeland security systems, isolated farms. The system has high mobility in off-road conditions, fast
deployment at field, free of maintenance. Offer a green, reliable and cost-effective solution.
Sabra2.0 - designed as a complete system solution for remote area power applications. The stationary
stand-alone hybrid power system can provide full automatic uninterrupted power output, with advance
control and monitoring system. The Sabra2.0 aim to the telecom industry and to the homeland security
sector. It based on optimal managing of renewable energy sources along with storage system. This is a
modular and integrated system which tailored to the customer demands.
Category: Renewable energy, Analyzers and
control systems, R&D
Sub Category: off-grid solar systems mobile
and stationary
Objectives / Target companies
Defense forces, telecommunications companies, homeland security companies, isolated farms.
Al Hadeshe
Green Energy Ltd.
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Category: Broadband wireless communication,
Analyzers and control systems, Renewable energy,
Water security, Water resource management
Company profile
Alvarion (NASDAQ:ALVR) is a global 4G communications leader with the industrys most extensive
customer base, including hundreds of commercial 4G deployments. Alvarions industry leading network
solutions for broadband wireless technologies WiMAX, TD-LTE and WiFi, enable broadband applications
for service providers and enterprises covering a variety of industries such as mobile broadband, residential
and business broadband, utilities, municipalities and public safety agencies. Through an open network
strategy, superior IP and OFDMA know-how, and ability to deploy large scale end-to-end turnkey
networks, Alvarion is delivering the true 4G broadband experience today.
Year of establishment: 1992
No. of employees: 600
Background on the company
Alvarions business focus on 4G broadband wireless solutions makes it an ideal solution for Smart Grid
networks. With numerous 4G deployments, industry recognition for quality products, loyal customers
with installations that span over a decade, the ability to successfully manage large and complex
deployments and its radio planning expertise, Alvarion is firmly established to present a competitive
offering to utility companies in terms of cost and performance. Alvarions equipment has been selected
by some of the largest utilities in the world and we look forward to extending our 15 years of expertise for
the benefit of utility customers.
Examples of projects
PPL Electric:
Tier-1 Utility with 1.4 million customers spread across 10,000 square miles with 7,400 MW peak generation.
Customer objective was to reduce Customer Minutes Interrupted per year (CMI) index, achieve Voltage
optimization and Integration of renewable energy resources. Network Size: 27 sectors covering providing
secured, reliable two way communication with low latency to 400 Distribution Automation devices (Volt/
VAR sensors, Reclosers, Switches,Capacitor Banks).
City of Houston:
4th largest city in North America with 2.1 million residents across an area of 579 square miles. The citys
objectives were to improve public service, reduce infrastructure costs, and serve the public well. The
applications included Water Meters, Public safety, Traffic optimization solutions and Internet access.
Network Size: Alvarion network infrastructure solutions provided connectivity to 2500 traffic intersections
and 1500 school zone flashers, backhaul 500,000 water meter collectors, internet access to 300,000
Owensboro Municipal Utilities Electrical Utility, Kentucky, USA.
Application: Largest municipally owned water and power utility in the state of Kentucky. Extensive
fiber optic deployments leveraging regional utility relationships to expand beyond their service area.
Competes locally with xDSL, cable, and other wireless offerings. Network size: Largest wireless broadband
deployment by a municipal utility in the USA Over 1, 900 wireless broadband subscribers Deploying
BreezeACCESS Complete Spectrum
Technology & product(s)
General description: Broadband wireless solutions allowing optimized Smart Grid and Smart City
network infrastructure in licensed and licensed exempt frequencies.
Wireless Connectivity.
Function of the product(s): Wireless Connectivity.
Objectives / Target companies
Alvarion is interested in meeting with Tier-1/Tier-2 electric utilities, large Cooperatives and cities who plan
to deploy Smart Grid and Smart City projects.
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Company profile
Amcor solar energies ltd is the leading company in the field of producing solar and electrical.
Heating systems for the Israeli and international markets.
With over 45 years experience in designing, developing and manufacturing the company has put together
a line of high quality solar collectors, solar and Electrical tanks all approved by the Israeli Institute of
Standards (I.I.S).
The focus of the company is mainly on heating solutions for domestic and industrial usage.
Year of establishment: 1964
No. of employees: 80
Background on the company
The company has put together a line of high quality Solar collectors, Solar Electrical tank all approved by
the Israeli Institute of Standards (I.I.S)
The collectors size range between 1.4 and 3.5 sq.m., the Solar tanks volume range between 120 and 300
liters and the Electrical tanks volume range between 15 and 200 liters.
Examples of past projects
Using Solar energy for water heating with collectors and tanks with or without heat Exchangers. Using
the best raw materials in our products such as tempered glass in the collectors and copper pipes and
chrome. Observant spaces with high productions.
Technology & product(s)
General description: Photo Voltaic Panles, Inverters, Monitoring Systems, Mounting Systems, Trackers.
Function of the product(s): Water heating by using solar and electrical energy.
Objectives / Target companies
Distributes for AMCOR SOLAR ENERGIES LTD products all over the world. In addition to finding large
companies as our costumers.
Category: Manufacturing solar systems, solar
and electric tanks and collectors
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Category: Drinking water, Waste water
treatment, Desalination
Sub Category: Renewable energy
Company profile
Amiad is one of the worlds leading water filtration companies. The company provides a range of
comprehensive filtration solutions to customers in more than 70 countries, while emphasizing the quality
and reliability of its products, overall customer service, and environmental protection. The company
was founded at Kibbutz Amiad in 1962, is traded on Londons AIM and has 690 employees in Israel and
worldwide. The company recently merged with Arkal to form one of the largest global players in the field
of water filtration.
Background on the company
Amiads strategy is based on technological leadership, through supplying green, quality, small footprint
solutions that save energy, and require minimum maintenance. The merger with Arkal allows the newly
integrated company to offer additional technological solutions, and develop products based on plastic to
resist seawater, fertilizers and corrosion. The newly merged entity has transformed the company into a
central player in global water filtration, which enjoys financial strength, a worldwide distribution network
spanning the world, and significant technological synergies.
The company is currently implementing substantial capital investment to expand its global
production capacity.
Examples of projects
Pre-filtration for Desalination Projects in Cyprus and India

Pre-filtration for Membranes in NEWater projects in Singapore and China

Iron Removal from potable water in Russia and Israel

Brine filtration for the Oil & Gas industry in USA and France

Protection from Zebra Mussels in Turkey and USA

Ballast Water projects

Filtration of irrigation water supplies in various projects around the world

Various Cooling Water projects around the world in steel Mills, Power Plants, Automotive,

Petrochemical & Food and Beverage Industries, etc.

Technology & product(s)
The company has the widest filtration product line that includes a range of technologies and products
from home filters through huge industrial filters for heavy industry (suitable for the supply of more than
6,000 cubic meters per hour per unit). The company specializes in automatic filters with self-cleaning
capabilities, while focusing on the three main filtration techniques.
1. Automatic self cleaning suction scanning screens - a unique technology enabling cost saving and
highly refined automatic cleaning (down to 5 microns) for high flow and low pressure, while meeting all
international and local standards.
2. Disc Filtration - Arkals global expertise in the complex materials sector allows it to provide unique
filtration solutions for irrigation, industrial, municipal and seawater filtration. These filters provide
savings, efficiency and resist corrosion. Disc filters can achieve very fine levels of filtration, particularly
in pre-filtration to membranes in the desalination market.
3. AMF Technology (Micro-Fiber) - enables Amiad to broaden its finest filtration solutions (down to 2
microns) and meet drinking water standards such as the UKs DWI, and standards for treating tertiary
sewage (Polish) such as Californias Title 22.
Objectives / Target companies
Water Authorities, Municipalities, Engineering Companies, Potential Distributors, Integrators for
desalination projects.
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Category: Renewable energy
Sub Category: Monitoring solar plants, Security
Company profile
Advanced information systems designed for the industrial, security and energy fields.
Amitec Ltd. is one of the leading firms in the Israeli information systems market. Amitec Ltd. has
developed an advanced monitoring and control system for industrial, security and renewable energy
Year of establishment: 1996
Background on the company
Amitec Ltd. Has 3 main departments:
Renewable Energy- superior wind control management systems.
Industry - MES for shop floor management;
Security & Infrastructure - A first-rate SCADA systems;
Amitec advanced systems facilitate uses as an expert system that guides and supports the user in real
time for all companys designated personal.
The technological tools offered by Amitec are multi-lingual, user friendly, and provides remote, real time
monitoring from anywhere at any time via the internet.
Examples of projects
Amitec serves leading organizations, municipalities, integrators and public companies.
Among our clients: Israel Airports Authority, GadotSolar, Israel Electric Company, Strauss International,
Nesher - Israel Cement Enterprises, Phoenicia America-Israel, Omrix etc.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
SolGuard- An all in one comprehensive solution for EPC, O&M and Owner- for security, monitoring,
integration and maintenance of solar sites.
Function of the product(s):
SolGuard system is the most advanced solution for monitoring, integration, security, safety, and
large scale solar system management and maintenance - from its design stage, its erection, operation
and maintenance. SolGuardimproves the system yield and efficiency, maximize its performance and
minimize loses while saves on manpower and resources.
Objectives / Target companies
EPC, O&M, Developers, PV plant owners.
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Category: Infrastructure and building
Sub Category: recycling materials
Company profile
AnyWay Solid Environmental Solutions Ltd. is a global leader in providing soil stabilization products to
the infrastructure and development sectors. Our products are based on a unique technology patented
worldwide. The companys vision is to provide environmentally conscious infrastructure solutions using a
series of cementitious products designed to ensure minimal impact on the environment. We have always
recognized the importance of environmental responsibility and have thus created products that are not
only extremely effective, but also unthreatening to the environment in which they are applied.
Year of establishment: 1999
No. of employees: 30 Worldwide
Background on the company
The company has been providing solutions to road and infrastructure projects since 2000 in almost every
continent in the world. In recent years it has focused its activities in Africa but has continued to provide
solutions also to projects in Latin America, North America Middle East and Australia. AnyWay has at the
moment two production centers, one in Israel and the other in South Africa. It has permanent offices in
Israel, South Africa, Canada, Ethiopia and representation in Kenya.
Examples of projects
The solutions of AnyWay are widely used in many road projects in South Africa (haulage roads in mines,
developments of new cities and upgrading of urban roads), it is also been implemented in many projects
in Israel, from North to South, in projects in Ethiopia, Kenya, Angola, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Eritrea,
Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria and in Europe in Italy, Spain and Portugal. It has also been implemented
in projects in Latin America, in Brazil, Ecuador and Peru.
Objectives / Target companies
We are looking for professional local partners or agents that are active in the fields of infrastructure
and building that could develop the local market in their countries and provide the technical support
required. Also we are looking for contacts with international firms active in the fields of natural resources
exploration and mining that are in need for solutions for hauling roads as well as CSR commitments.
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Company profile
AORA (formerly EDIG Solar) has developed an advanced solar-hybrid gas-turbine engine (IP protected).
Our system is the worlds first commercial application of such technology, capable of producing power
and heat energy around the clock, on demand 24/7.
Year of establishment: 2005
No. of employees: 12
Background on the company
Following a successful pilot installation in 2006 in Nanjing, China proving the technological concept of
being able to solarize a gas-turbine engine, the company is set to erect its first commercial unit, near
Eilat by March 2009.
Based on currently available data, the AORA system will use less land to generate considerably more
usable power and energy, and significantly more revenue at lower installed cost than any near-term solution
to solar energy generation available in the world.
Technology & product(s)
The system offers a unique modular solution to solar power generation, comprising very small base
units (100kWe / 170kW heat) which are linked together like Lego-like pieces into a centrally controlled
power plant, tailored to the customers needs. When the available sunlight is not sufficient (during
cloud cover or at night), the system operates on any alternative fuel sources, thereby guaranteeing an
uninterrupted power supply, 24hr/day.
Objectives / Target companies
Seeking strategic partners for Joint Ventures in Israel and around the world.
Category: Renewable Energy
Sub Category: Solar Thermal
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Category: Municipal, industrial and Agricultural
Waste Water treatment
Sub Category: Renewable energy
Company profile
Applied Cleantech (ACT) develops, manufactures and markets WW recycling systems that promise
to solve the sludge problem and change the economics of the WW industry. The companys Sewage
Recycling System (SRS) traps and recycles - rather than digests - bio-solids, thus reducing sludge
formation and treatment costs for WWTPs. The trapped solids are processed into Recyllose
, a cellulose
based substance used for production of high quality renewable energy sources such as heat or electricity,
feedstock for diesel or cellulosic ethanol production, and pulp for the paper industry. ACTs solution also
reduces green house gas (GHG) emissions from the WWTP process.
Year of establishment: 2007
No. of employees: 6
Background on the company
ACT was established in 2007. Its SRS and related technologies were developed and patented over
the last five years. ACT recently installed its first commercial SRS after completing a number of
successful beta installations in WWTPs serving populations of 10-20,000 both in the US and in Israel.
The company is currently negotiating deals with potential partners and clients, and expects to install
another 1-2 SRS units during 2010.
Examples of past projects
Municipal WWTP in Israel
Municipal WWTP in Ohio, US
Technology & product(s)
General description:
The Sewage Recycling System (SRS) is an integrated waste water recycling system that reduces sludge
formation and WWTP operating costs, while generating sustainable commodity products.
Function of the product(s):
With a small footprint and minimal need for infrastructure changes, the SRS reduces operational costs by
30%, and sludge formation and output by 60%. The unit is robust, fully automated and requires minimal
manpower. It is low maintenance and has an estimated life span of 15 years.
Objectives / Target companies
Municipalities, WWTP operators, Pulp & paper plants, Food and Beverage, Distributors.
17 Back to Index
Category: water, renewable energy,
smart agriculture
Company profile
AquAgro Fund, L.P. is a venture capital fund focused on Israels innovative water, energy and smart
agriculture technologies.
The fundamental problems in the water, energy, agriculture and food sectors are growing steadily in
gravity and magnitude and present a series of challenges as well as major opportunities to investors.
The Fund plans to raise $100M. In 2008 the Fund made 7 investments.
Background on the company
The Fund was formed by Hillel Milo and Nir Belzer who have extensive operational and sector
experience, as well as proven venture capital track record, in partnership with Gaon Agro Industries,
AquAgro GbR Germany and Ainsbury Properties Ltd.
Hillel Milo is one of the pioneers of the VC industry in Israel.
Nir Belzer was among the first to appreciate the opportunity in Material Science and Cleantech.
The Fund management has substantial experience in bringing portfolio companies from early stage to
exit. The Fund managers are assisted by a team of technology and industry experts.
Technology & product(s)
AquAgro Fund L.P. is focused on investing in companies in the following fields:
State-of-the-Art Water related technologies, including but not limited to filtering and water recycling,
computerized irrigation management and control, automated fertigation (liquid fertilization via the
irrigation systems) and efficient use of recycled water for agriculture and industry.
Advanced Agro High-Tech and Agro-Biotechnology, including but not limited to development of new
hybrid and organic seeds, products forboutique agriculture; (including without limitation, health foods,
herbal plants, functional foods, high value crops, etc.), greenhouses and automated growth facilities and
environmental friendly food production using organic practices, modern packing houses and fresh food
post-harvest technologies.
Other Cleantech Fields- companies whose products or services are dedicated to the efficient use of
natural resources (energy, water and air) and to the reduction of the ecological impact of production by
creating less waste or toxicity), including but not limited to energy generation, energy storage, energy
infrastructure, energy efficiency and logistics, air quality, environmental IT and enabling technologies.
Objectives / Target companies
Investments are made by the Fund at different stages of development i.e. from mid to late stage in order
to mitigate technology and market risks.
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Category: water pipe monitoring,
Leak detection
Company profile
Aquarius Spectrum is a Startup Company developing advanced solutions for water on-line leakage
detection in pipes. Aquarius Spectrum takes the acoustic leakage detection methods to the next level
of performance and integration with AMR/AMI. Aquarius Spectrum has developed novel technology
that includes ultra low cost vibration sensors that can be integrated within water meters, and advanced
software for leakage detection. The system analyses the signals from the acoustic sensors and provides
alerts for developing leaks in real time. The system has undergone extensive testing in metal and plastic
pipes, as well as pilot installation in Israel. The calculated ROI for Aquarius leak detection system is less
than 2 years, providing great opportunity to reduce NRW and improve pipeline maintenance.
Background on the company
Aquarius Spectrum is a private VC backed company, incorporated in Israel in 2009. The company has
a very strong engineering team including 2 PhD researchers and experienced business people from
water industry. The company addresses the unmet need for reliable, automatic and cost-effective
leak monitoring system.
Technology & product(s)
Aquarius has made a significant advancement in the field of acoustic sensing by development novel
sensors and detection algorithms. The novel sensors are based on piezo thin films enabling to produce
very low cost, highly sensitive and compact vibration sensors. The sensors can be used in a stand alone
devices or integrated within water meter that transmit the data via AMR or AMI infrastructure.
Additional innovation is in the field of leak detection and location algorithms. Aquarius spectrum has
gone beyond the traditional noise logging or correlation methods, increasing the range and reliability by
using innovative algorithms and distributed processing.
The company products include:
Integrated sensors that can be installed near water meters and interface AMR/AMI transducers. The

integrated sensors are very low cost and energy efficient.

Long range sensors that contain RF transmitter and provide leakage detection coverage for over 500

meter range with one meter location accuracy. This high end system can monitor the complex pipes
network with less than 20 sensors per square km of the city, providing very cost effective solution for
leak monitoring.
Objectives / Target companies
Aquarius Spectrum is interested in strategic partners in water metering or communication vendors for
marketing, distribution, OEM agreements.
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Category: Laundry Services
Sub Category: Waste water treatment, Water
resources management
Company profile
Aqua Solutions has brought to market a patented, first of its kind eco-friendly laundry solution for
industrial laundries, that integrates with existing wasing machines. Aqua Solutions AS-System performs
the standard laundry cleaning process using electro-activated water instead of chemicals used today.
Aqua solutions saves laundries money by decreasing water and electricity consumption and dramatically
reducing the amount of chemicals used. The environmentally friendly solution achieved drastically
reduces the amount of phosphates and non-biodegradable materials in the laundry wastewater. Aqua
Solutions customers include Industrial Laundries, hotels and hospitals. To date, Aqua Solutions has over
a dozen installations worldwide.
Year of establishment: 2004
No. of employees: 10
Background on the company
Founded 6 years ago, Aqua Solutions has developed a patented electrochemically based system
generating environmentally friendly cleaning solutions. Aqua Solutions founders and staff include
professionals from the domains of Electrochemistry, Laundry solutions & Environmental services. Aqua
Solutions cleaning ability, has been tested by WFK research facilities in Germany, where results showed
cleaning abilities as effective as detergent laundering.
Main advantages:
Economic - Quick ROI, saves money on utilities and laundry materials (benefits include: water

consumption decreased by 50%, energy consumption by up to 80%, amount of chemicals in the laundry
process reduced by 80%-90% and fabric life Increased by 20%).
Green - Ecologic, environmentally friendly solution - highly biodegradable wastewater is achieved.

Laundry experts - Partnering with laundry experts at Aqua Solutions for long term sustainable success.

Examples of past projects

Sofitel luxury hotels Sol Melia GMP textile care services Strauss (food industry)
Various laundries worldwide
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Aqua Solutions AS-system generates environmentally friendly cleaning and disinfecting liquid solutions
needed in the laundry process.
Function of the product(s):
AS-system uses an electrochemical reaction to create 2 solutions that replace the detergents dirt

removal action and the disinfecting process.

Aqua Solutions AS 200 cleaning technologies have been laboratory tested and proved to be as effective

as standard detergent-based methods but much more environmental friendly.

Objectives / Target companies
Industrial laundries, laundry equipment/services providers, Hotel chains, Hospitals.
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Category: Water
Sub Category: Drinking water and Waste
water treatment
Company profile
Aquanity is an innovative Israeli company that develops and sells water treatment devices based on the
revitalization technology aimed to enhance the taste and texture of tap water and to upgrade their quality
as spring water.
The Aquanity water revitalization technology is based on the active ingredient (from source of water and
flora in Israel) that echo intangible frequencies into the water in specific compositions and formulas.
Year of establishment: 2010
No. of employees: 5
Technology & product(s)
The Aquanity water revitalization technology is based on the active ingredient (from source of water and
flora in Israel) that echo intangible frequencies into the water in specific compositions and formulas.
General description:
AQUANITY SPRING -The household water revitalization device is installed at the houses main water
entrance, after the water gauge and the water filters, if any.
AQUANITY RIPPLE shower device has a double effect on the water: Revitalization & Soft texture. The
devices double effect operates on clean energy and without any use of chemicals.
Function of the product(s):
SPRING: Improved taste, greater water consumption, Considerable savings in irrigation water
RIPPLE: The users of the device report about a better shower experience and a better skin & hair feeling.
Objectives / Target companies
Distributors and Joint Venture with similar companies.
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Company profile
Is the developer of an innovative System based on The Boiling Layer Treatment Technology, (BLTT) for
treating effectively highly contaminated organic industrial wastewater.
Year of establishment: July 2008
No. of employees: 5
Background on the company
Aquaspark is considered as an advanced treatment method, and is able to treat wastewater with
extremely high levels of contamination (high COD levels).
Technology & product(s)
General description: A development of an innovative new System & Technology based on Boiling Layer
Treatment (BLTT) for treating organic industrial wastewater.
Advanced treatment processes may be used in combination and/or in conjunction with mechanical and
biological unit operations. This activity is aimed at eliminating oxidizable non-biodegradable matter at
a higher level, as well as metals, nitrate, phosphorous, etc. by using powerful biological or physical and
chemical action. Special equipment is required for each de-pollution.
AquaSpark is taking care for Organic industrial contaminated wastewater with high and very
high contents of organic contaminants (up to 100, 000 and higher), and waste water with organic
contaminants which are not bio degradable, and does not enabling disposal of treated wastewater to
communal systems.
A metal vessel A central rod AC or DC voltage Micro-arcs Disintegration of organic compounds
Disintegration of organic compounds
Resulting Output: Treated water with ash, Gases
Function of the product(s): Treating industrial contaminated wastewater
Objectives / Target companies
Customers- The following target markets have been identified as attractive to Aquaspark due to their
wastewater and wastewater treatment characteristics:
The Chemical industry (including the bromide industry, oil refineries, petrochemical industries,
pharmaceuticals, detergents)
The Food and Beverage Industry
Agriculture, Dairy farming (cowsheds), Slaughtering, Piggery,
Textile and Fur Industry
Wood, Pulp and Paper, and Recycling
Contact: Pesah Maor CEO +972-50-5520469 | @mail: [email protected]
Category: Industrial waste
treatment- Cleantech
Sub Category: Waste water treatment
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Category: Water, POU dispensers, DIY,
Filtration systems, OEM, retailing
Sub Category: Renewable energy
Company profile
Aquatal is expanding both commercially and technologically and developing new solutions and products
for water treatment.
Year of establishment: 1980
No. of employees: 40
Background on the company
For over than 30 years AQUATAL has been providing the world with optimal water purification and filtration
systems that produce healthier, cleaner and tastier water at a fraction of the cost of mineral water.
The group has been active in the development, production, marketing and exporting of water treatment
technologies in a number of areas:
Water dispensers
Water purification systems
Anti scale (calcium build-up)
Water from the air
Retail products
AQUATALS vision is to continue providing original, efficient and effective products as well as consistently
excel in pre and post sale services.
In order to realize their vision AQUATAL invests many efforts in locating international partners as well as
extensive development investment.
In this way AQUATAL continues to expand its operations both commercially and technologically with
product upgrades and new models are released regularly, reflecting the companys intention to innovate
and grow.
Technology & product(s)
General description Producing: POU Digital water dispensers, deluxe water pitchers, water from the air
systems, Purification systems, DIY products, anti scale products.
Function of the product(s): Purification systems and water dispensers.
Objectives / Target companies
Retail chain stores (food and non food), professional DIY chain stores. Service and installation companies
with nationwide facilities, direct marketing companies, Retail catalogues, companies with orientation to
water products.
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Company profile
Aqwise is a leading provider of biofilm-based biological processes designed to increase the capacity and
efficiency of BOD and nutrient removal in water and wastewater treatment plants. Aqwises innovative
AGAR technology is used worldwide for rapid, scalable and economical upgrade of existing plants as
well as for new plants which require a limited footprint and process stability.
Aqwises diverse portfolio of integrated solutions features a complementing set of technologies for
effective, robust, cost efficient and small footprint end-to-end solutions. These range from solids
separation and sludge dewatering systems to fully comprehensive water and wastewater treatment units
and package plants.
Year of establishment: 2000
No. of employees: 30
Background on the company
Aqwises technology is the successful result of more than a decade of intensive research and
development. The technology is implemented in WWTPs worldwide.
Examples of past projects
Municipal WWTP for Altos Hornos in Monclova, Mexico
Municipal WWTP in Marines, Valencia, Spain
Industrial WWTP in Europaper Tissue Mill, Italy
Industrial WWTP in Campina Dairy, The Netherlands
Industrial WWTP in Teva Pharmaceuticals, Italy
Technology & product(s)
Biomass plastic carriers which suspend in the water and have a high protected surface area for growth of
biomass, and so provide an advanced process for biological wastewater treatment.
Objectives / Target companies
Municipalities; Distributors; Contractors; Various Industries such as Pulp & Paper, Food & Beverage, Oil &
Category: Water and Waste Water Treatment
Sub Category: Municipal Water and Waste
Water, Industrial Water and Waste Water
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Company profile
When precise control, exact measurement and real time billing of water is critical, the Arad Group has the
solution. Arad specializes in innovative water measurement technologies, developing, manufacturing,
and marketing leading water metering and management systems.
Founded in 1941, Arad has built up a worldwide reputation for quality and precision in measuring, reading,
collecting and managing data from water metering to billing systems. More than 1 million meters with
Dialog 3G automatic meter reading configuration have been sold world wide.
In 2004 Arad became a public company and is now traded on the Tel-Aviv stock exchange.
Leveraging Arads years of expertise, Arad offers an extensive range of water meters for domestic
(utilities), waterworks, and agricultural use with advanced, patented systems for automated meter
reading and water management.
The Arad Group of affiliated companies and independent distributors around the world offers its
customers a fully integrated source for a complete water management system.
Year of establishment: 1941
No. of employees: 235
Background on the company
Arad Ltd. designs, develops and manufactures top quality precision water meters for applications such as
domestic, waterworks, irrigation and water management throughout the world.
Arad Technologies Ltd. develops, manufactures, and markets novel automated reading systems, for
touch, walk by, drive by and fixed area network systems.
Master Meter Inc. assembles, markets and services water measurement needs throughout the United
States and Canada, offering a wide range of sizes, configurations, accessories, and special application meters.
Contazara - Established in 1984 and developed unique electronic water measuring solutions. During years
of operation, Contazara has managed to take significant share in the Spanish market
Examples of past projects
Welsh Water (UK), Supply of Water Meters (domestic and bulk) with and without AMR,
value of contract: 4,500,000 GBP
Southern Water Services Ltd. (UK), Supply of Water Meters (domestic and bulk) with and without AMR,
value of contract: 38,000,000 GBP
Technology & product(s)
Water meters for domestic (utilities), waterworks, and agricultural use with advanced, patented systems
for automated meter reading and water management.
Objectives / Target companies
Water utilities, municipalities
Category: Water Measurement and
Management Technologies
Sub Category: Water resources management
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Category: Renewable Energy Developer
Sub Category: Photovoltaic fields
Company profile
Arava Power Company, a Siemens strategic partner, is Israels leading solar developer. Arava Power
brings together the know-how, technology, regulatory expertise and 100% financing for large (up to 50
MW), medium sized (up to 10 MW) solar fields and on industrial and agricultural rooftops (1-5 MW).
The company currently has 350 MW of photovoltaic (PV) projects under development.
Year of establishment: 2006
No. of employees: 30
Background on the company
Arava Power Company is Israels leading solar company and a pioneer in solar fields. The company was
founded on 2006. In September 2009 the company joined Siemens as a partner company.
Examples of past projects
Arava Power is currently constructing a 5 MW PV field at Kibbutz Ketura. It is scheduled to be complete
in mid-2011.
Technology & product(s)
Arava Power Company provides turn-key solar field solutions, that includes 100% of the finance,
technology and know-how to provide green energy to national grids, often replacing diesel power
Objectives / Target companies
Seeking local management teams or partners throughout Africa; can provide to governments the
expertise, funds and first large solar field projects.
26 Back to Index
Company profile
A.R.I Flow Control Accessories Ltd. is one of the leading companies specializing in protection solutions
for water systems; protection from pressure transients and entrapped air in pipelines. These are the main
causes for pipe burst, collapse and fracture and result in water losses due to leaks and contamination due
to release of pathogens.
Founded in 1970, A.R.I Flow Control Accessories Ltd. has developed a wide range of products and special
software for various applications in water supply (municipal and domestic), sewage, industry, agriculture
and landscaping.
A.R.I Flow Control Accessories Ltd. has an application engineering department which provides surge
analysis and protection solutions for water systems.
A.R.I Flow Control Accessories Ltd. is constantly responding to the demands of an ever-changing market
through an on-going development of new products.
The company has established its reputation for advanced, high quality and durable products (mainly
air valves and check valves), as well as for dedicated technical support services. All valve models
manufactured by A.R.I Flow Control Accessories Ltd. are standard but can also be custom-engineered to
meet specific requirements.In the recent years, the company has entered the ongoing worldwide effort
for water saving management and developed the UFR (Unmeasured Flow Reducer) for more accurate
water measurement and reduction in non- revenue water losses.
A.R.I Flow Control Accessories Ltd. has established its high quality assurance standards in compliance
with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
A.R.I Flow Control Accessories Ltd. products are made of various metals and non-ferrous materials, varying in
size from 1/2 (12mm) to 40 (1000mm) and in working pressures from 0.2 bar (3 psi) up to 100bar (1400 psi).
A.R.I Flow Control Accessories Ltd. products are manufactured in accordance with leading
international standards.
The valves are designed with a special emphasis on advanced and innovative design: top performance,
lightweight corrosion-resistant materials, minimum maintenance, durability and modern appearance.
Several patents have been registered worldwide.
Year of establishment: 1970
No. of employees: 160
Examples of projects
Barvi Water Works, Jambhu - supplied air valves for a raw water project

Ondeo degremont on behalf of Sanitary Engg.B.W.S.Bangalore

Mina -Anta CU + Zinc

Milenium Sewage Project - France

El Chaco - Surprta Project - Argentina

Algorta Project - Chile

Barrick Chcamo Alto - Peru

Codelco Andina, Chuquiccamata - Chile

St. Ives - Kalgoorie WA - Australia

Collie Coal WA - Australia

Technology & product(s)

Air Valves, Check Valves, Unmeassured Flow Reducer (UFR), Back Flow Preventer.
Objectives / Target companies
Consulting and engineering servicing companies for potable water, Mining, industrial, desalination &
waste water systems.
Category: Potable water, Wastewater treatment,
Desalination, Water security, Mining, Industrial
Applications, Lift irrigation projects, Odor Control
Sub Category: Consulting and
Engineering services
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Company profile
Year of establishment: 1976
No. of employees: 190
Background on the company
Arkal Filtration Systems implements clean-water technologies. Provides cost-effective filtration solutions
for agricultural, industrial, municipal and commercial applications.
Main product lines: unique patented automatic Spin Klin filtration systems, manual disc filters,
automatic and semi-automatic screen filters, media filters and integrated water treatment solutions.
Examples of past projects
RAFAEL- tertiary treatment plant
Yerocham- sewage treatment institute
Lakhish- research and development
Bon Appetit, Guatemala- water treatment project
Technology & product(s)
Our main product lines include unique patented automatic Spin Klin filtration technology, manual disc
filters and systems, automatic and semi-automatic screen filters, media filters and integrated water-
treatment solutions.
Leading product applications include filtration and water treatment, micro-irrigation and membrane
protection, wastewater and potable water treatment, cooling systems for industrial manufacturing
process water and seawater filtration.
Arkals filtration and integrated water treatment systems provide worldwide solutions in agricultural/
landscape, industrial, municipal and commercial markets.
Category: Drinking water, Industrial agricultural,
Waste water treatment
Objectives / Target companies
28 Back to Index
Company profile
The ArrowBio treats Municipal Solid Waste. Through a unique hydro-mechanical processit recovers 75-
80% of the recyclable materials and by wet biological techniques it produces biogas and soil improver.
ArrowBio is fully industrial since 2003, and is ranked worldwide as the most cost-effective system for
treating MSW ecologically.
Year of establishment: 1999
No. of employees: 32
Background on the company
Arrow was created in 1999 as a spin-off that focuses on solutions for green treatment of Municipal Solid
Waste (MSW), which is one of the biggest ecological problems of the planet. ArrowBio

is a unique
technology (registered patents) that successfully treats MSW, to recover recyclables and produce
renewable energy. ArrowBio

can handle residential and/or commercial MSW, accepting both unsorted

and/or sorted waste streams, with its Heterogeneity, Variability, Abrasiveness and Wetness. Arrows
unique technology greatly differs from traditional Mechanical Biological Treatments (MBT), Anaerobic
Digestions and other Methanization systems, by offering a unique Hydraulic Separation & Preparation
with a Liquid Anaerobic Treatment. Arrow customers benefit from: sending merely 20% residues to
landfills, substantially increasing recycling percentages, minimizing pollution, reducing waste treatment
costs, producing renewable electricity, fast deployment and simple permitting process, becoming
environmental leaders, creating new green jobs etc. Numerous technology reviews performed by
consulting companies and authorities on ArrowBio technology have Praised ArrowBio, including: New
York City, Los Angeles County, Juniper consulting, Douglas Partners consulting etc.
Major clients: Regions, Municipalities and waste companies that handle Municipal Solid Waste,
including: Tel Aviv, Sydney, California etc.
Examples of past projects
Tel Aviv plant- operational since December 2003
Sydney, Australia- with local partner WSN Environmental Solutions-operative by June 2008.
Scotland- Stage of final planning.
Pachuca, Mexico- Stage of pre-planning.
Short-listed in the tenders of New York, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and others.
Technology & product(s)
The ArrowBio plant receives Municipal Solid Waste input (both pre-sorted and unsorted), separates it to
its basic elements (recyclable materials, biodegradable organics and residues) using a combination of dry
and wet, automatic and manual processes, and then prepares and treats the biodegradable portion, to
produce renewable energy and clean digestate.
The separation part includes various elements that sort by: size, weight, conductivity, water floating,
water sinking, air blowing, shredding and other means.
The biodegradable organics are separated and prepared for the biological process, by means of water
dissolving, hydro-crushing, in-line shredding, filtering, screening, and other means.
Arrows patented process combines Hydro Mechanical Separation with Liquid Anaerobic Treatment. This
unique combination provides: very high recyclables recovery rate (>75%), clean organic stream, no odor or
pollution, high amount of and high quality biogas used to create renewable energy, clean digestate used
as fertilizer, self produced electricity and water, and more. For more please visit:
Objectives / Target companies
Regions, Municipalities and waste companies that handle Municipal Solid Waste.
Category: Solid waste treatment and Recycling,
Renewable Energy
Sub Category: MSW treatment plants,
Recycling, Biogas
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Company profile
Arrow Operations and Technologies Ltd. specialize in the design, development and implementation of
complex solutions for industrial wastewater, sludge and chemical- ecological processes.
Year of establishment: 2007
No. of employees: 20
Background on the company
Arrow Operations and Technologies Ltd. was founded in 2007 by the founders of Arrow Ecology, who
were active in the fields of hydro-mechanical operations and facility maintenance. Since then Arrow
Operations and Technologies has evolved to a respected, multifaceted full service company.
Arrow was the first, and currently the only, company in Israel to provide mobile industrial wastewater
treatment services as a cost and time saving technique for their clients.
Examples of past projects
Israel Chemicals Ltd.
Israel Electric Corp.
Oil Refineries Ltd.
Israel National Water Co.
And many others
Technology & product(s)
Some of our services:
Arrow develop and commercialize a unique system which completely eliminates hazardous industrial
sludge, transforming it into energy and raw materials by harnessing thermal solar energy. The GSP
system represents a low cost, comprehensive solution that serves as an economic waste disposal
alternative and provides a source of green energy and raw materials. On the one hand, the system
draws all its energy from the sun (no fossil fuels are needed). On the other hand, it represents a
breakthrough in waste disposal as it transforms hazardous and non hazardous waste into storable
energy, leaving no residuals behind for further disposal.
A unique mobile treatment unit for the purification of water polluted with oil or fuel and for the removal
of water from oil and fuel sludge.
Arrow designs, builds and operates a unique robotic machine which removes sludge and sediments
from closed, complex industrial structures such as cooling towers, holding pools, lagoons, tanks and
water bodies. The accumulation of sludge or sediments in these facilities reduces operational efficiency
and frequently contains toxic compounds.
Recovering crude oil tanks through hydrothermal techniques by connecting to the existing pipes with no
need for changes. This treatment will enlarge the operating volumes in a very short period. The method
produces a minimal volume of waste. Most of the sediment is taken out in a form, which enables the
client to re-use it for refining or energy production.
Category: Renewable energy,
Waste water treatment
Objectives / Target companies
To become the leading player in the treatment of sludge and industrial waste water.
Target companies:
Waste water treatment plants, chemical and petrochemical plants.
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Category: Waste water treatment, Industrial
waste treatment, Analyzers and control systems
Company profile
Year of establishment: 2003
No. of employees: 34
Background on the company
AST Clean Water Technologies was established as an engineering projects company for advanced
application of water treatment and waste water treatment and recycling.
Its mother company A. Shitzer chemicals has more than 60 years activity and expertise in water and
industrial application of water and waste water.
AST Clean Water Technologies is representing in Israel and enjoy the worldwide support of some of the
leading companies in the water industry such as: TRISEP, New Logic, DuPont, PMC and others.
Examples of projects
Nigeria- small town potable drinking water treatment plants- 3 systems based on UF membrane
Greece- heavy metal recovery- advanced chemical treatment integrated with Micro filtration and RO
Israel: Several water treatment plants based on UF/RO membrane technology.
Several project for recovery of well water from nitrates AOP treatment- removal of high load COD
waste water High load acid process water treatment
Technology & product(s)
General description: AST provides the most advanced water treatment and waste-water treatment
Function of the product(s)
Integrated AOP (Advance Oxidation Process) systems
Integrated MF/NF waste water treatment systems
Integrated UF/RO water treatment systems.
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Company profile
Atlantium develops and provides innovative advanced water disinfection solutions that help businesses and
municipalities build, expand and operate water-intensive processes. Our field-proven technologies have
combined UV technology with advanced optic principles to take water disinfection to levels never before
attained. Atlantiums Hydro-Optic Disinfection (HOD) solutions are cost effective, environmentally friendly
processes that deliver unprecedented microbe inactivation, at industrial and municipal water flow rates.
Year of establishment: 2003
No. of employees: 50
Background on the company
The trend of decreasing reliance on chemicals and energy-intensive technologies is seen among water-
dependent industries and municipalities worldwide and is complemented by an increasing interest in
implementing environmentally-safe water disinfection methods.
Atlantium is part of this change. its field-proven technologies combine advanced hydraulic and optic
principles, delivering environmentally-friendly and cost effective disinfection solutions. This is particularly
important in treatment for water-borne pathogens, such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia, where chemical
water treatment methods simply do not work.
Reference Clients
Coca Cola





Marine Harvest



Technology & product(s)

Atlantiums Hydro-Optic Disinfection [HOD] Technology:
Hydro-Optic Disinfection (HOD) technology. HOD systems are designed as primary disinfection systems
for a variety of industrial and municipal applications. Several unique features position the Atlantium
system as one of the most effective water disinfection systems today:
Atlantium uses its propriety High Intensity Medium Pressure UV lamp which are three time more
powerful than conventional UV lamps. Plug and play lamp connections make lamp replacement easy
and effortless.
The core of the HOD system is made of a large quartz tube that acts both as a clear water channel and
as an effective light trap using the total internal reflection principle. This unique configuration creates
a homogeneous uniform distribution of the UV light throughout the reactors cross-section and a dosage
that systematically achieves high micro-organism reduction.
A dual sensor configuration provides direct reading of the waters UVT and lamp intensity, guaranteeing
light that accurately matches the requirements set by the user.
Objectives / Target companies
Companies that have activities in the Food and Beverages industries, Aquaculture, Pharma industry and
Potential distributors.
Category: Drinking water, Industrial Waste
Treatment, Waste Water Treatment, Desalination,
Water disinfection ends De - Chlorination
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Company profile
phytotechnology applications.
Year of establishment: 1989
No. of employees: 10
Background on the company
With over 22 years of practical experience in the field of sustainable green solutions, AYALA Water &
Ecology specializes in planning and executing holistic solutions using natural, sustainable and durable
elements, for rural and urban water management, purification of water, air and soil, and for passive
energy conservation. AYALAs core product, the Natural Biological System (NBS) is modular and
sophisticated, relatively quick and easy to install, very simple and cheap to maintain and can meet the
regulatory demands.
Combining our unique approach with a variety of sustainable eco- management techniques, allows us to
focus not only on a localized solution, but also on an entire city, watershed or ecosystem, and to create
solutions that promote groundwater recharge, flood prevention, restoration of local flora and fauna and
reduction of energy use.
Examples of past projects
Purification of industrial wastewater (refinery, oil and cosmetic plants), landfill leachate, residential grey
water, urban sanitary wastewater, gas station runoff, dairy and duck farm wastewater and more.
Technology & product(s)
The Natural Biological System (NBS) technology is a sustainable solution for purification of water, soil and
air. It makes use of a range of natural elements such as plants with proven remediation abilities, sediments
with different physical and chemical properties and various hydrology regimes. This system relies on
phytotechnology, and is based on the activity of plants together with microorganism communities in the
root zone. Together they degrade, accumulate, extract, and volatilize contaminants of all kinds in water,
soil and the air, acting as a powerful physical, chemical and biological filter, simultaneousely.
The system is tailored to the sites ecological conditions using local natural and human resources, and is
designed to withstand extreme fluctuation, and to last forever.
The sustainable systems make minimal use of fossil-based energy, do not rely on human maintenance,
and have extremely low O&M costs.
Objectives / Target companies
Large companies, industrial/agricultural corporations, municipalities and governments that are seeking a
long term, feasible and ecological solution for their environmental problems.
Business cooperation with enterprises and\or landscape designers on various environmental projects.
Cooperation with environmental planners will be much appreciated.
Category: Waste Water Treatment (sanitary,
industrial, agricultural), Air Purification,
Contaminated Soil Treatment, Water Harvesting
Sub Category: Sustainable Solutions
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Company profile
Year of establishment: Israel 1964, Australia October 2009
No. of employees: Israel 300, Australia 4
Background on the company
Baccara is a market leader in the manufacture and specialization of products for automation such as: air
valves, air cylinders and solenoid valves for use in industry, agriculture and irrigation.
Examples of past projects
Proportional solenoid valve for GENERAL ELCTRIC
Special Manifold of HP
Dust protected heavy duty mechanical valve for PARKER HANNIFIN
Technology & product(s)
General description:
In addition to our extensive range of quality solenoid valves we offer custom made solutions for clients
special needs using vast experience accumulated in our skilled engineering department and our
manufacturing and logistical flexibility.
Function of the product(s):
High Pressure, Chemicals resistance, Zero pressure, Latch, Direct operated etc.
Objectives / Target companies
Consultants, Contractors.
Category: Control systems, Drinking Water,
Industrial waste
Sub Category: Solenoid valves
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Objectives / Target companies
Mining industry and private sector
Category: Consulting and engineering
services, Industrial waste treatment,
Waste water treatment, Desalination
Company profile
Year of establishment: 1979
No. of employees: 440
Background on the company
Bateman Litwin is an engineering, contracting and project management company, which provides total
solutions through a wide variety of service packages with a clear focus on technology-led process-
oriented EPC projects.
On the last two decades Bateman Litwin are deeply involved in the mining industry and provides
advanced technologies and comprehensive solutions for the mineral processing.
As an international engineering company, Bateman Litwin has strategic alliances with technology
suppliers and teaming up with the appropriate technology providers in order to provide tailor-made and
cost effective solutions for water and waste water treatment for the industrial sector.
Examples of past projects
Bateman Litwin was involved in 3 big desalination plants ( 20M-120M Cubic Meter per year) utilizing
membrane technology.
Currently, Bateman Litwin is about to complete a 40M M3/day UF-RO (Ultra Filtration- Reverse Osmosis)
based desalination Project. Bateman Litwin SOW on this project includes: projects management,
engineering, procurement and site construction.
Technology & product(s)
Sea water desalination
Bateman Litwin provides full range of projects activities:
Feasibility study including intake water, transfer, desalination & distributions

Site water management

Conceptual design

Basic Engineering

Full EPC tailor-made solution

Water Technology
Production of various types of water from contaminated water ( especially for arid areas using available
water sources as rivers, lakes etc.) using progressive filtration( multimedia filters, Reverse Osmosis (
RO), Nano filtration, ultra filtration) and UV to produce
Process Water

Potable Water

DI water at various levels.

Pure water for delicate industries

Industrial waste water treatment

Feasibility study

Laboratories test or mini pilot (if required)

Selection of the most suitable technology : biological treatment, membrane technology, oil-water

separation, filtration technology, chemical processing.

Full EPC tailor-made solution

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Category: Water treatment, Desalination
Sub Category: Membrane process
Company profile
BEL is a world specialist manufacturer and vendor of membranes composite made PRESSURE VESSELS
and other equipments for the water industry. BEL offers world wide sales and support services from 2
manufacturing plants in Spain and Israel and regional logistics centers in the US and Singapore. With
more than 40 years of experience in the world of composite materials and winding driven products, BEL
is serving the process and water industries holding unique wealth of expertise and skilled resources
necessary for design, development and manufacturing of advanced composite products from cutting-
edge technologies for the chemical and food industries, waste water treatment and water supply. To date
BEL tens of thousands of pressure vessels to thousands of projects world wide from mega-size sea water
desalination projects to smaller industrial solutions of different applications, providing a total solution of
detailed design, production and installation.
Year of establishment: 1966
No of employees: 150
Examples of past projects
Ashkelon 320,000 M3/day Desalination Plant
Larnaca 54,000 M3/day Desalination Plant
YuHuan Power Plant 36,000 M3/day Desalination Plant
Blue Hills 30,000 M3/day Desalination Plant
Escombreras 60,000 M3/day Desalination Plant
Gold Coast 125,000 M3/day Desalination Plant
Via Maris 82,000 M3/day Desalination Plant
HADERA 360,000 M3/day Desalination Plant
Bajo Almanzora 60,000 M3/day Desalination Plant
PERTH II 135,000 M3/day Desalination Plant
SOREQ 410,000 M3/day Desalination Plant
Paphos 45,000 M3/day Desalination Plant
Vasilikos 50,000 M3/day Desalination Plant
Limassol 50,000 M3/day Desalination Plant
Technology & product(s)
PRESSURE VESSELS for reverse osmosis systems
Objectives / Target companies
Water treatment companies dealing with reverse osmosis.
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Company profile
BERMAD designs, develops, manufactures and markets state-of-the-art control valves and related
products, along with comprehensive system solutions for a range of water & fluid management needs for
the Irrigation, Landscape, Fire Protection and Waterworks segments.
Year of establishment: 1965
No. of employees: 450 Worldwide
Background on the company
Founded in 1965, BERMAD knows the value of a single drop of water and how best to reap its full
advantage. Today, BERMAD serves global customers in a wide range of fields. Bringing together
its expertise and know-how, leading-edge technology and precision engineering, BERMAD provides
customized solutions for the control and management of water supply anywhere in the world.
Examples of past projects
Among the many projects that BERMAD has implemented:
Fire Protection System, Euro Tunnel

Potable Water System, Jerusalem Municipality, Israel

Car Boy Project, Sicily - 30,000 Ha = 30,000 irrigation valves

Potable Water Systems, in collaboration with water companies in London, Manchester, Birmingham, U.K.

Fire Protection System for the Trans-Europe gas delivery systemTroll

Water Carrier for Irrigation, Jujuy, Argentina

Almond Trees, Buried Irrigation Application, USA Nut Tree Farming

Masangano, Brasil - Water distribution network and large-scale irrgation project

Technology & product(s)

General description:
BERMAD continues to develop, manufacture and market a wide range of water & fluid control
management products that are sought, sold and serviced in nearly every country and every language.
Some of these products include:
700, 700ES, 700EN, 800 & 400 Series - Hydraulic, diaphragm actuated control valves for multi-purpose

applications. The Series ranges from 3/4 (20mm) to 36 (900mm) with working pressures up to 600 psi
(40 bar).
900 Series - Hydrometers combining control valve and water-meter for irrigation applications and

municipal water control systems.

100 and 200 Series ranging from 3/4 (20mm) to 4 (150mm) - Solenoid operated, plastic valves for all

kinds of irrigation and water treatment applications.

400E and 700E Series- Deluge valves for fire protection applications

Function of the product(s):

BERMAD products are suitable for most water and fluid supply applications, meeting control needs such
as: Pressure reducing and sustaining, Flow and level control, Pump, surge and burst control, Solenoid,
electronic and multi-step digital operation; main modes of operation include electric and hydraulic On/Off
operation, as well as hydraulic pre-set for modulation.
Objectives / Target companies
Municipalities, Distributors, Contractors
Category: Water Resources Management,
Control Systems, Waste Water Treatment
Sub Category: Control Valves, Control Systems,
Control Solutions
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Category: Air filtration
Sub Category: Filtration of Toxic Chemicals
and Particles as well as Biological and
Radiological agents
Company profile
Beth-El Zikhron Yaaqov Industries Ltd. is a leading developer and manufacturer of innovative Air
Filtration Systems specializing in filtration of Toxic Chemicals and Particles as well as Biological,
Radiological and Nuclear agents.
Wide range of filtration and ventilation systems for control rooms, containers, vehicles, tents, shelters,
command posts, and other indoor applications is accompanied by a complete range of services including
consultation, design and planning, installation, and retro installation, testing, maintenance and repairs.
Beth-El Zikhron Yaaqov Industries Ltd. is certified for ISO 9001: 2000, AQAP-2110, AS 9100 and AEP54
quality management systems and is audited regularly by external entities.
Year of establishment: 1977
No. of employees: +1000
Background on the company
In 1977, Beth-El Zikhron Yaaqov Ltd. was established to help meet the air filtration and security needs
of both European and Israeli populations. Due to the ever changing global awareness of environmental,
industrial and military threats, Beth-El has grown creating a variety of daughter companies and product-
lines. With now more than 30 years of experience in NBC and environmental protection, Beth-El
Industries is able to ensure that their unique NBC protection systems, high performance air filtration
systems, and pandemic protection systems are designed and engineered to meet and exceed todays
industry standards.
Examples of past projects
Beth-El products are exported to over 60 countries worldwide. Main export markets are EU countries,
Japan, Singapore and NATO forces. In Israel, Beth-Els Gas and Particle Filtration systems are currently
protecting tens of thousands of facilities, including the control rooms of: Dead Sea Bromine Group, Haifa
Dishanim and ChimAgis, Beer Sheva.
Technology & product(s)
General description: Gas and Particle Filtration System for filtration of air from Toxic Gases and Particles
as well as Biological and Radiological agents.
Function of the product(s): The system applies several independent filtration stages to filter the air from
contaminants: Prefilter, Particle / Biological Filter and Chemical Filter.
The filtered air is pushed into the protected area, creating a positive pressure inside, thus shielding the
personnel and equipment in control rooms and laboratories from the potentially lethal impact of toxic
contaminants. The system can operate continuously 24/7, providing full and constant protection, or be
triggered into action by sensors monitoring the presence of toxic materials in the air.
Objectives / Target companies
End customers - industries that require collective protection of their personnel from toxic industrial

End customers - industries that require collective protection of their personnel from toxic industrial
chemicals and particles.
Experienced representatives with comprehensive knowledge of the market in their country.

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Category: Drinking Water, Industrial Waste
Treatment, Waste Water Treatment, Consulting
And Engineering Services.
Company profile
Focused on clean water Bluvstein - Binot Topaz specializes in providing water and waste water treatment
systems for industrial and municipal applications. The systems are tailor made and based on high
technology for efficiency, effectiveness, and reliability. Our issue is to customize systems to meet
specific needs, serving customers by providing accurate systems which are also easy to use and have low
operation costs.
The company provides customized solutions for different industries and municipalities including potable
water and waste treatment water.
Year of establishment: September 1972
No. of employees: 100
Background on the company
Founded in 1972, Bluvstein Binot Topaz is a private company with 100 employees, hold by the engineers
Dorit and Yossi Bluvstein and focused on clean water in providing waste treatment systems for
municipalities and industry applications.
In 1996 the company was mentioned in the exclusive book Persons and activities in the North of Israel.
In 1997 the company has received the award of the year in Economics by the Public Opinion Poll Institute.
In 2008, in honor of 60 year of Israel Independence, the company has received the Israel Award
dedicated by the Israeli Industry Association.
Examples of past projects
RUSSIA 2006 - Pumping Station with pressure and frequency control.

Capacity: 200 meter cube/hr

RUSSIA 2007 - municipality project - filtration of iron from water.

Capacity: 250 meter cube/hr

MOLDAVIA 2008 - Pumping Station with pressure control and frequency control and filtration System

Capacity: 400 meter cube/hr

Technology & product(s)
General description: a factory with a high technology combinating robot welding, laser and water jet
cutting, treatment before painting and painting permitting longivity life of the products. The factory also
produces for the best companies in israel.
Present in Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania, Russia (Rostov)
Possible B.O.T. Projects
Function of the product(s): water treatment systems for municipalities and industry.
Objectives / Target companies
Reaching End users - various industries such beverage, textile, power station, pharmaceutical and
Reaching Municipal headquarters and managers.
Reaching water supply companies.
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Company profile
BIT Consultancy was established to answer the need for a multidisciplinary approach to trans-boundary
water interactions with customized strategies for each client. BIT consultants work resolutely with
clients (governments, aid agencies, NGOs and private sector companies) to solve a wide variety of
cross-boundary hydro-political issues, ranging from political spheres to environmental aspects. It gives:
in-depth analysis of the case, policy and strategy development, hands-on training and workshops. BIT
Consultancy is led by Ambassador (Ret) Ram Aviram who brings vast experience in hydro-diplomacy.
Year of establishment: 2006
Examples of past projects
Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME) - BIT consultancy supported a project of cross-border water
cooperation. (strategy design)
Multinational Engineering Companies
Tetra Tech - BIT Consultancy supported their joint effort to win the World Bank Tender for the RED SEA -
DEAD SEA water conveyance feasibility study. (strategy design)
Think-Tanks and Academic Institutions
ECF - BIT Consultancy was involved in an overall strategic study aimed at possible agreements with
neighbouring countries in the spheres of normalization and water arrangements. (strategy design and
study report, 2010)
Israeli Water Companies and Water Technology Providers
GES - Global Environment Solution Ltd - BIT Consultancy supported the creation of a strategic plan and
participated in the business development operation implementation in South Eastern Europe. (cross
culture marketing strategy design)
Government Agencies
GAIA Group (Finnish Government) - BIT Consultancy supported a process for building support system for
water innovative industries by evaluating Israels Water Industry support system. (research and study report)
Technology & product(s)
BIT Consultancy offers a wide array of professional services which focus on the unique aspects of each
specific project. These services include:
In-depth analysis of the case including the political aspects, hydrological elements, general
environmental angles, the potential legislation involved and any relevant precedents.
Policy and strategy development including action plans, strategies, possible solutions and confidence-
building measures. For third party interactions, an intervention policy is created.
Hands-on training and workshops on hydro-political cross-boundary resolution process and cooperation
which includes a variety of subjects such as negotiating skills, cross cultural patterns, social and
economic aspects, global and regional water institutions and international treaties, laws and by-laws.
Objectives / Target companies
Consulting and engineering companies involved in cross border and cross culture water and
development projects.
NGOs active in cross boundary water and environmental projects
Governments agencies responsible for water and environment policy with cross boundary implications.
Category: Consulting
Sub Category: Consulting, Water security, Water
resources management
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Company profile
FAs part of the sustainability of Yes-systems philosophy, GreeApps focuses on environmental friendly
and energy saving products for commercial applications.
Bitum is a world leader in developing sealing and waterproofing products, bringing to the market a
constant stream of innovative technology, advanced high quality materials, developed in-house and
marketed globally.
Since its establishment in 1948, Bitum has brought to the market a line of innovative products
representing a leap forward for the construction industry in terms of operational and cost effectiveness.
Certified : Israeli Standard, E.N. European Standard, DIN Germany standard.
Approved : ISO 9001/2000.
Examples of past projects
Israel - Tel Aviv - Underground Pile Support walls 5,000sqm

Greece - Athens - Basement floor & walls 10,000sqm

Ukraine - Kiev - New metro line 100,000sqm

Greece - Thessaloniki - Mall Roof 25,000sqm

Russia - Moscow - Tunnel (floor & Walls) 6,000sqm

Ukraine - Odessa - 5 Bridges

South Africa - Johannesburg - Metro lines

Technology & product(s)

Leading Products:
Flexigum family is a unique water based spray-on sealing systems, Can be applied on uneven surfaces,
Designed for large construction projects:
Basements floor & walls

pile support

roads & bridges construction

Tunnels & Underground construction

Produces a thick, continues seamless elastic coat (instant coagulation)

Withstand to extreme temperature changes -20 - +100

>1500% elongation

Up to 1200sqm cover in one day work

Can be applied in any weather condition

Multigum is a revolutionary roof sealing system and ponding water resistance.

New concrete roofs, metal roofs

Roofs coated with old bitumen membranes / old acrylic layers

Objectives / Target companies

Infrastructure and construction companies, Builders, waterproofing contractors.
Category: Waterproofing solutions
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Objectives / Target companies
Distributors and Integrators providing water quality analysis and control solutions worldwide.
Category: Water quality analyzers and controllers
Sub Category: Industrial, Municipal and
private pools
Blue I
Water Technologies
Company profile
Headquartered near Tel Aviv, Israel, Blue I Technologies is a privately-owned company, operating
since 2003. Blue I patented technologies provide innovative water quality analyzers and controllers for
industrial and municipal applications as well as for public and private swimming pools.
Combining in-depth technological expertise with extensive hands-on field experience, Blue I successfully
handles challenges that others fail to solve. Our products offer complete analysis and control while
ensuring low maintenance and costs.
Year of establishment: 2003
No. of employees: 25
Background on the company
Blue I Water Technologies develops, designs, manufactures and markets advanced state-of-the-art
total water quality management systems. Our analyzers are based on revolutionary electro-optic IP
technology and unique control algorithms. We have acquired the know-how and expertise through years
of first-hand involvement in a variety of applications around the world, and together with input from our
customers, engineers and creative designers, we have devised the best solutions in water quality control
for municipal, industrial and pools.
Examples of past projects
Blue Is products are successfully operating worldwide in various water analysis and control applications.
Among Blue Is clients are Coca Cola Israel, Total, GE Europe, Nestle South Africa, Nalco, Euro Disney,
Israeli Refineries, Israel Electric Company, variety of municipalities including the Eastern Suburbs of
Paris, France and thousands of public and private swimming pools, including the Olympic swimming pool
in Beijing.
Technology & product(s)
Blue I Water Technologies designs and manufactures water quality analyzers and controllers. Blue Is
pioneering and patented analyzers and controllers enable reliable and cost-effective water quality solutions.
Industrial water treatment product line
HydroGuard 702 - an online, patented, colorimeter technology providing superior performance, multi
parameter measurements and reduced Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
HydroGuard 602 - an online, amperometric technology providing versatile multi parameter measurements
Private and public pools product line
Prizma - a reliable, patented, elecrto-optic technology for private pools providing chemical monitoring
and balancing while ensuring environmental and personal safety
HydroGuard 302 - an online, patented, colorimeter technology for public pools providing a reliable and
cost effective chemical monitoring as well as balancing while ensuring environmental and personal safety
Standalone, battery operated analyzers for Distributed Water Networks
A unique, patent pending, water quality analyzer for distributed water networks, providing continuous
monitoring of free chlorine, pH, and ORP in distributed locations, without electrical connection.
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Objectives / Target companies
BPC is looking to meet with: Potential investors and potential clients who are related to Industrial waste
water in the Oil & Energy site operation.
Company profile
BioPetroClean (BPC) treats industrial wastewater in a more efficient, economical and ecologically-
friendly manner then any currently known process. BPCs modular and easy to integrate ACT- Automatic
Chemostat Treatment- provides a novel solution to challenges presented by pollution, environmental
regulations and operational cost pressures. BPCs solution helps companies reduce overall running costs
by replacing current expensive processes and adding capacity at a low cost of operation.
BPC business model is developing an indirect channel via business collaboration with major service
providers and major industry players all over the world. We deliver the know-how and technological
support, while our partners contribute their market presence, resources, and professional services to
compliment market requirements.
BPC was established on September 2006 and currently employees 20 professional personnel.
Year of establishment: August 2008
No. of employees: 20
Background on the company
BPC was established in late 2006 and has already achieved important R&D and sales milestones. The
company current sales pipeline exceeds $40M and contains more than 25 qualified leads.
Use of Proceeds:
In order to facilitate continued growth of the business and take advantage of the booming demand
for effective solutions in its target markets, BPC is currently seeking for addition investment of $10M.
BPC will use the additional funds for working capital needed to rapidly expand its business and for
development efforts to expand its product offering.
Examples of existing /completed projects
EAPC Oil terminal, Israel WWTP- 2007
Shell-BP Oil terminal, South Africa one off service- 2008
Shell-BP Oil terminal, South Africa WWTP- 2009 (last stage implementing)
ONGC Drilling Site, India WWTP- 2009 (pilot trial Finished successfully, detailed design stage)
Shell Refienry, Sweden one off service- 2009 (Pre-Planning)
Pilot Trials, 2007-2009: Nordic storage (Sweden), Bazan refienry (Israel), Marine port (Israel), Engen
refienry (south Africa), Bilge Water (Netherland), petrochemical (USA)
Technology & product(s)
BPCs clean technology and expertise in microbiology simplifies and streamlines the bioremediation
process resulting in significant cost savings making it affordable to customers of all sizes. The company
offers water purification market solutions that combine a full engineering process with BPCs unique
bioremediation know-how. After-sales support ensures the maintenance of steady state performance.
BPC products:
ACT One off on site services-Water purification system, purposed for sporadic needs.
ACT for high flow- Tailor made solution for main stream purification systems.
ACT for Low flow- Off the shelf Modular systems.
ACT for Upset Recovery Systems.
Category: Waste water treatment
Sub Category: Industrial waste treatment
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Objectives / Target companies
Mining Companies
General Trading firms with active mining and agro-chemicals operations
Systems Integrators
Membrane OEM and Distributors
Food & Beverage, dairy and pharmaceutical industries
Company profile
Year of establishment: 2000
No. of employees: 40
Background on the company
BPT was established for a sole purpose of bringing to the industrial and wastewater treatment markets
revolutional membranes and solutions, unavailable until now, enabling to open new application arenas
and changing and expanding the membrane filters business as it is known today. BPT is a market driven
company that provides unique and beneficial and cost effective solutions to various market segment
based on its proprietary membrane technology.
The in-depth expertise and vast technological know-how makes BPT a unique membrane excellence
center, which allows BPT to continuously expand and increase its offering to its customers.
Currently the company is focused on serving limited number of industries (Agro-Chemical, Mining and
Food waste water treatment) however, it is expanding its horizons to additional market segments.
Examples of past projects
Wastewater treatment in landfills
Wastewater treatment of yeast production industry
Agro-Chemical manufacturing and formulation plants
The above examples of projects required to have unique BPTs solutions and its chemically stable
membranes,capable to operate in hazardous environments (i.e. high acidic, basic as well as solvent containing
streams), high flux and high temperature. BPT continuously expanding the range of its chemically stable
membranes enables BPT to penetrate and capture additional attractive business segments.
Our unique and IP protected technologies allows to build more economical and better ROI plants for
new processes as well as better purification and recovery of valuable chemicals, and of raw materials in
environments where membrane technology could not operate to date.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
BPT has growing product line of advanced chemically-stable Ultra and Nano-filtration.Our membranes
and the Hybrid Membrane Technology (HMT) systems helps our customers to recover valuable raw
materials and purify aggressive industrial wastewater streams and to meet the tightening regulations
of wastewater discharge and recycling. Our membranes are fully functional at any pH scale without
sacrificing high flux rates, and selectivities required.
Function of the product(s):
HMT and Nano-Pro have the following advantages:
Converts hazardous wastewater streams into purified, recyclable water, acids and recovered valuable
raw materials and chemicals
Purifies and concentrates minerals for reclamation
Handles all types of industrial wastewater
Achieves lower total cost of ownership (TCO) than alternatives
Features simple installation and full automation
Category: Industrial waste treatment
Sub Category: AMD treatment, Mine Raffinate
treatment, Mining Wastewater / Tailing
Treatment, Agro-chemical
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Background on the company
Brand is the leading largest manufacturer in Israel for steel fabricated products. Brands expertise is
in the manufacturing of large scale projects for the energy, construction and infrastructures industries,
particularly in the field of Power Plant projects.Brands experience in the field of Power Plants is
extensive, Brand is contracted by leading entities in the field of HRSG Power Plants including: Siemens,
Alstom, GE, Doosan, Nem, CMI/EMPTI, AnsaldoCaldaie/AnsaldoEnergya, IST,etc. Brand upholds
the strictest of standards with regards quality control and quality Assurance. All stages of design and
production are carefully monitored by online automated systems. The companys quality control system
is ISO 9001:2000 certified. We are also certified for the manufacture and assembly of pressure vessel and
boiler as per ASME (S, U & U2 Stamp), steel structures as per DIN 18800-7 Class E and EN ISO 3834-2.
Examples of past projects
Possum Point Power Plant - USA, Castellon Power Plant - Spain - DSW Plant - Israel - Aalborg Denmark,
Knapsack Power Plant - Germany -CMI EPTI, Pego Power Plant - Portugal - NEM (2 HRSG), MAGNUM Power
Plant - The
Netherlands - NEM, T-POWER Power Plant - Belgium - NEM, Fab. 28 - Intel - Client: M+W
Zander - Steel Construction, fabrication & erection of approx. 7, 000 Tons. Dead Sea Magnesium
Enterprise - fabrication & erection of constructions, bridges and conveyor - 17, 000 Tons. Bahia Las
Minas Panama - ANSALDO CALDAIE Italy - Steel Structure - 1, 200 Tons.
Technology & product(s)
Brand utilizes the most modern and advanced capabilities for steel fabrication, including CNC systems
and machinery for drilling, punching, bending, rolling, cutting and more.
Brands various products include: HRSG elements for combined cycle power plants, including boiler
casing (with insulation), stacks, ducting, piping etc. FGD - Flue Gas Desulphurization System.
Multipurpose storage tanks, pressure vessels, refinery towers for the oil and gas industry.
Multi-Storied buildings, high rises, major infrastructure buildings.
Equipment systems for the chemical, petrochemical, energy and concrete industries: Screw conveyors,
Evaporators, Sieves, Stacks, and Ducts, Crystallizers, and Silos, Large regulation, gate valves, Heat
Exchangers, Grinders, Floatation chambers, Thickeners, Conveyor belts and bucket conveyors.
High Voltage Transmission Towers of various types.
Bridges @ Gantrys
Objectives / Target companies
HRSGs projects for combined cycle power plants, Heavy and complex steel structure projects, Solar thermal
and Wind power generation projects, EPC companies, Developers of energy projects, Sales Reps, Business
Category: Power Generation projects, Steel
Structures,Large scale steel projects
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Company profile
BrightSource Industries (Israel) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BrightSource Energy Inc. The Company,
located in Jerusalem, is responsible for the development of solar thermal technology, plant engineering,
and the design, engineering and supply of the solar field for all of the BrightSource plants.
Year of establishment: 2006
No. of employees: 115
Background on the company
BrightSource Industries (Israel) was founded by the veterans of Luz International Ltd., the company that
during the 1980s designed, developed, built, financed, and operated nine Solar Electricity Generating
Stations (SEGS) in Californias Mojave Desert with a total generating capacity of 354 MW, still the largest
operating solar power plants to day.
Examples of projects
BrightSource Energys first project is the Ivanpah Solar Power Energy Generating System, Located in
Ivanpah, California. The 4, 000 acre site will produce 392MW of clean renewable energy. The projects will
provide power under 2.6 gigawatts contracts of power, including the two largest solar power agreements
ever- 1, 300 megawatts with Southern California Edison and 1, 310 megawatts with Pacific Gas & Electric
Company for which BrightSource shall supply the solar technology and solar fields.
Solar Energy Development Centre (SEDC) Located at the Negev Desert, at the Rotem Industrial park is a
solar thermal demonstration power plant; this station serves BrightSource to demonstrate a cutting edge
technology in the field of solar energy. The SEDC has been constructed for performance measurement
and technology demonstration. Operating over the past year, the SEDC is producing the worlds highest
temperature turbine quality steam from solar energy.
Technology & product(s)
LUZ Power Tower technology: BrightSources proprietary Luz Power Tower (LPT) 550 energy system is
built on proven power tower technology. The system uses thousands of small mirrors to reflect sunlight
onto a boiler atop a tower to produce high temperature steam. The superheated steam is then piped to
a conventional turbine, which generates electricity. This fully integrated energy system is designed to
offer the highest operating efficiencies and lowest capital costs in the industry. Its low-impact design also
ensures that the technology has a minimal impact on the natural environment. The result is a large-scale
solar system that delivers clean, reliable energy at a cost competitive with fossil fuels.
Function of the product(s): Utility scale solar power plants, steam production.
Category: Solar power
Sub Category: solar thermal power plants
Objectives / Target companies
To learn more about the electricity sector and assess the potential for the development of solar power plants.
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Company profile
BSGS mission is to reveal what Israeli CleanTech technologies do best - better in new frontiers.
BSGS helps Israeli companies launch successfully in Asian markets by tailoring the perfect match
between the clients frugal demands and the sustainable technology.
BSGS has a full commitment to facilitate its clientele throughout the engagement life cycle.
In order to expedite the go to market strategy, BSGS will carry out a feasibility study followed by a
business plan with measurable criteria for success covering marketing, technical and capital aspects
of the products and services. BSGS holistic approach helps to make it happen and insure the desirable
bottom line outcomes.
Year of establishment: Q4/2011 Est.
Background on the company
BSGS is being established by Ran Bushuhrian, environmental engineer, (BSc- TECHNION, Israel) & (ME,
UNESCO-IHE, The Netherlands) with diverse business background. Over ten years of proven experience
in local and international B2B sales. Demonstrated business success in APAC, Europe, and the US. Mr.
Bushuhrians experience includes managing Asian countries local distributors and international account
management. Expertise in competitive analysis, sales strategies, top level negotiations, international
marketing, and supply chain operations.
Technology & product(s)
TBD case by case.
Category: Business Development Services
Sub Category: Water/Wastewater and CleanTech
Objectives / Target companies
(1) Israeli Companies that are seeking to commence and expand their foreign activities
(2) Companies that are looking to enhance their solutions portfolio
(Blue Sky Green Solutions)
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Objectives / Target companies
Large vehicle fleets companies, communication companies, and mining companies.
Company profile
BSI - Battery Solution International is pioneering the field of battery life extension and battery refurbishing
for various types of batteries. We have developed an end-to-end innovative and unique solution, utilizing
state-of- the-art technology. The entire process is supported by a green eco friendly approach.
Year of establishment: 2010
No. of employees: 5
Background on the company
We extended the life of virtually any lead acid based battery, including dry batteries. Industrial batteries
(deep discharge), car batteries (starter batteries), and communication batteries. Extending batteries
life effectively provides customers with a new battery, with full warrantee, at a much lower cost than
purchasing a new battery. Our propriety technology applies a controlled and automated process.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Our unique proprietary formula
Research and development have led us to find a unique formula, the most advanced of its kind in the
world, which refurbishes batteries and extend batteries life.
Function of the Product(s)
BSI Battery Additive. Our batteries additive is comprised of organic materials, and is completely free
of metals and other foreign components. The battery additive is very effective-in just a few days, the
additive seeps throughout the battery, and initiates an internal process that protects the battery and
extends battery life to record lengths.
Category: Renewable energy,
Industrial Batteries
Sub Category: Batteries Refurbishment
48 Back to Index
Company profile
A producer of silicon-based unique bifacial photovoltaic (PV) solar cells.
Year of establishment: 2007
No. of employees: 10
Background on the company
bSolar is a developer and producer of the first bifacial photovoltaic (PV) solar cells that produce up to 30%
more electricity per cell at the same production cost as conventional cells, doubling by that the PV Project
IRR and halving the payback time. Founded in Israel in 2007 in Israel, with an office in Germany, bSolar
brings together over 35 years of Experience in developing high-efficiency silicon-based PV cells. The
company is headed by an execution-oriented management team with a proven track record in building
500+MWp silicon-based cell production lines.
Examples of past projects
MWp of bifacial cells and modules made by bSolars industrial partner, are successfully operating in
various commercial installations and sites in Europe. bSolar has signed agreements for the sales of over
350 MWp over 3 years with various customers in Europe and Asia. The company will soon launch its first
large production plant with a 3-year target of reaching over 500 MWp/year production capacity.
Technology & product(s)
General description: bSolars Bifacial Photovoltaic Cell
bSolars differentiated and disruptive bifacial cell technology is based on P-type, mono-crystalline, Boron
BSF, open back sided bifacial silicon cells, which collect solar energy from its both front and back sides. The
cells have an improved front side efficiency due to an improved BSF, the elimination of aluminum back layer
and the superior boron solubility in silicon. The cell has an overall improved efficiency due to its bifaciality,
the IR transparency and lower working temperature and its thinner silicon wafer avoids cell bowing and
provides very low in-process breakage rate. These mono-crystalline cells collect by their active backside
also the substantial amount of light reflected from both the earth and the atmosphere and offer up to 30%
additional energy output.
With this back collection capability, bSolars mono-crystalline bifacial cell provides an unprecedented
and industry leading equivalent efficiency (front efficiency plus back collection) of more than 21%, with
an even higher equivalent efficiency of 24% expected from the companys 2nd generation cell, at a low
production cost.
Function of the product(s):
bSolars cell is the best solution for rooftops and ground installations, as well as for trackers, PV sound
barriers, facades and some forms of BIPV. It is proven, patent pending, successfully operating in
European commercial sites and ready for production expansion.
Objectives / Target companies
bSolar seeks today for complementary funding, as well as for new customers who will join our list of
strategic customers from Germany, China and Japan.
Category: Renewable energy (Solar PV cell
Sub Category: R&D, Solar PV
49 Back to Index
Company profile
Cequesta has pioneered innovative low cost technologies for recycling water, and in particular grey
water for apartment blocks, hotels, and sports centres. The mass adoption of our technology will lead
to millions of tonnes of water being recovering at a cost of less than 0.5 per tonne. The technology is
non-biological, reliable, easy to install and maintain.
The company is now selling a full solution for commercial applications as well as a range for domestic use.
Year of establishment: 2007
No. of employees: 11
Background on the company
The technology is an adaptation of technology which has been tried and tested successfully on other
wastewater effluents. The companys engineers have more than 12 years experience in water treatment
technologies and will incorporate the most advanced control and maintenance features.
Examples of projects
Our most exciting installation will be installed soon at a hotel in Rhodes processing 240 tonnes per
day. The company is selling its residential product range in Israel and will be starting soon on a major
European wide marketing drive.
Technology & product(s)
General description: Innovative, low cost, automatic dewatering press for many types of sludge.
Function of the Product: The new compact press will replace existing filter and belt presses which are
expensive, difficult to maintain, and cannot be fully automated. Our design is the result of 25 years of
installation experience and includes innovative features such as self-cleaning and fast operation.
Objectives / Target companies
We are looking for investment for marketing and working capital as well as major marketing partners.
Category: Wastewater recycling
Sub Category: wastewater treatment
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Company profile
Year of establishment: 2001
No. of employees: 10
Background on the company
Founded in 2001 by Dr. Nirit Ulitzur, CheckLight Ltd. is a private company, based in Israel. Since its
foundation CheckLight has engaged extensively in developing and marketing technologies for drinking
water quality testing applications.
In early 2008 WhiteWater (, a leading Israeli water technologies company, has
become a strategic investor in CheckLight.
CheckLights products are being successfully used by Chinas Environmental Protection Ministry, leading
water labs in Europe and North America, the Israeli National Water company, and more.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
CheckLight develops, manufactures and delivers innovative early warning solutions for rapid detection of
chemical contamination in drinking water, through the use of sensitized luminescent bacteria.
CheckLight technology has been verified by the US Environmental protection agency (EPA), and
its products are marketed to water utilities / environmental monitoring agencies, through a global
distribution network in Asia, Europe and America.
Function of the product(s):
AquaVerity is a revolutionary early warning biomonitoring system for municipalities, water utilities and
related organizations that continuously detects and alerts events of water contamination.
Composed of numerous units- located at monitoring stations throughout the water distribution system,
and seamlessly integrated with the SCADA system- AquaVerity performs continuous monitoring
of water at various points in the water distribution network, sending immediate alerts regarding
dangerous changes in drinking water quality due to contamination. Enabling comprehensive coverage
of large areas, the system is exceptionally sensitive to very low concentrations of a wide range of
contaminants, and provides reliable and consistent results, and requires minimum set up time and
maintenance and on-site visits.
Deployment of AquaVerity can significantly reduce the threats associated with spills, accidents,
equipment malfunctions and natural disasters, as well as those inflicted by security breach, sabotage and
terror attacks.
The company also provide field & lab kits for rapid determination of toxicity, AOC (Assimilable Organic
Carbon) & BOD(Biochemical Oxygen Demand).
Objectives / Target companies
Meet with early adopters / innovators water utilities which are interested in new water quality monitoring
technologies to be used as part of their early warning systems. Meet potential strategic marketing
partners including Water Technologies related system integrators and VARs (Value added resellers).
Category: Analyzers & control systems
Sub Category: Drinking, Industrial &
waste water
51 Back to Index
Company profile
Chromagen is a world wide leader in solar thermal energy solutions since 1962. Chromagen manufactures
solar collectors and tanks using state-of-the-art technology and is one of the largest manufacturers in
the world. Chromagen provides systems and solutions for domestic use as well as more complex large
central systems for commercial applications including hotels, hospitals, apartment buildings and industry.
Chromagens systems are sold in more than 35 countries worldwide. The major markets are: Spain, Italy,
Australia, Mexico and the USA.
Chromagens quality management scheme meets with the ISO 9001 standards and uses the highest
quality standards of quality according to the leading international testing institutes.
Chromagen products in Europe are also certified by solar KEYMARK - the quality label for solar
thermal products.
Chromagen is proud to provide its customers with high quality, efficient systems, and to be an active
participant in the worldwide striving for a cleaner environment while harnessing renewable energy sources.
Core competences of the company:
Highest quality standards
Global distribution network
Variety of solutions
Vast Technical experience
After sale support
Profound market knowledge
Year of establishment: 1962
No. of employees: 200
Technology & product(s)
General description: Solar thermal solutions for water heating.
Function of the product(s): Collectors & tanks for residential and commercial water heating.
Examples of projects
From left to right: A swimming pool in Spain, A hotel in Crete, A house in Wisconsin US, A home in
Florida US, A sport club project, sport club project in Spain.
Objectives / Target companies
Distribution companies that are interested in becoming Chromagens distributors.
Examples for such companies: Installation companies (water or heat systems installation), Do It Yourself
companies, Water tanks manufacturer, Large project contractors, Utilities (electricity providers), Domestic
heating product or solutions providers (gas, wood, electricity, oil).
Category: Renewable energy
Sub Category: Solar thermal
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Company profile
Compax offers a mature line of products & services with years of experience in the application of
integrated Control and SCADA/DCS systems. We specialize in Water & Waste Water, Oil & Gas
and Process applications with projects in Israel, South America, Europe and the Caspian region. Our
specialty is to bring together advanced communications (data, voice and video over wireless, cellular,
satellite, fiber etc.), data acquisition and process control along with advanced software tools under one
synchronized operation, maximizing efficiency and profit for our customers. Our scope of capabilities
ranges from professional advice on integrating complex industrial computerized systems to the supply of
complete turn-key systems.
Year of establishment: 1985
No. of employees: 70
Background on the company
Compax was founded in 1985 with the vision of creatingSUPERVISOR an advanced SCADA/DCS
product that serves the automation and control world with the most advanced state-of-the-art technologies
in a straightforward manner. In 2001 after a series of projects in Israel and abroad Compax became a part of
the AFSK Group, a publicly traded company since 1996, in 2005 we received ISO 9001-2000 certification. In
2008, AFSK Group becomes a part of Orad Group and we received ISO 14001 certificate.
Today we are among the leading companies in wide-area SCADA/DCS systems, process control and
communication systems in Israel.
Examples of past projects
EAAB Bogota Municipality- SCADA system for Monitoring and Control of Bogota urban water
distribution and Sewage and Wastewater treatment.
TEL AVIV Municipalitys Water Department, Implements the SUPERVISOR CONTROL PACKAGE
(SCP) for the citys Water Supply Command & Control.
Kishon River Authority- Monitoring System for monitoring the water quality in the Kishon River.
The Rain in Spain Falls Mainly on Barcelona- Barcelona Flood Water Management System.
Technology & product(s)
Feasibility Studies & System Analysis together with costumer
Develop, Design and Construct of Municipal Command & Control Centers
Water Safety & Risk Management Implementation for drinking water
Potable & Wastewater treatment Plant Management
Large municipal multi sites Design & Construct systems
Energy & Cost saving solutions
21th Century Technology (Industrial equip, IT, Communication)
Smart Utilization of Water Resources
Objectives / Target companies
Municipal- mayors, city engineers and Water Associations managers.
National water company. Water projects companies.
Category: Analyzers and control systems, Water
security, Water resources management, Industrial
waste treatment, Waste water treatment
Sub Category: Control Centers & SCADA/
DCS systems for municipal systems, Municipal
53 Back to Index
Company profile
Control Applications is a manufacturer in the field of Electrical Power and Energy metering, Billing
systems, and in the field of Building Management Systems (BMS) and automation - monitoring and
control of Heating, Ventilating & Air conditioning (HVAC) as well as electromechanical systems control.
Year of establishment: 1992
No. of employees: about 30
Background on the company
Control Applications Ltd is the leading Israeli manufacturing company in the field of Electrical metering
& analyzing, Building management and automation systems. The company has its own development,
production and project management departments. For years Control Applications is successfully
implementing projects on the local and international markets. Due to perfect combination of hardware
and software, among our clients are the worlds leading pharmaceutical companies, major banks,
museums, factories, universities, hospitals and hotels.
On the international markets you can find Control Applications distributors on the most important worlds
markets, and due to its technologically advanced and user friendly products and software, the distributing
companies easily become the leading companies on their markets.
Examples of past projects
Teva factories (pharmaceutical company), Hilton hotels, Kneset (Israeli house of parliament).
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Elnet energy powermeters, analyzers and power factor controllers.
DDC universal controllers.
Monitoring and Billing, HMI software.
Function of the product(s):
Elnet energy powermeters and analyzers allows the clients to know the history of their consumption,
the quality (EN50160) and the values of the power supply. Details such as Voltage, Current, Power
Factor, Hertz, Neutral Current, Energy consumption can be displayed by the Elnet product line. All the
data is displayed on high resolution build in LCD Multilanguage screens, and can be read online by
open communication (Modbus, Bacnet) protocols via RS485 and TCP communication ports.
DDC universal controllers such as Unipoint, SuperBrain, Unisense, are just part of unique and advanced
programmable and preprogrammed controllers (OEM), with build in graphical HMI screens, web
browsers, open communication protocols (Modbus, Bacnet), universal IO connections, very easy to
program and operate.
Monitoring and Billing, HMI software - allows presenting the data online on graphical screens,
accumulating the information from the Elnet energy powermeters and DDC controllers, creating
reports, trends, historical and current alarm logs.
Objectives / Target companies
Electrical industry distributors, Building Automation companies.
Category: Analyzers and control systems
Sub Category: Electrical metering and
Power Quality analyzing, BMS - Building
Management Systems
54 Back to Index
Company profile
CQM a Cleantech Company develops and markets innovative anti-fouling and energy efficiency
solutions that keep industrial systems clean and continuously efficient. Its anti-fouling systems allow
customers to achieve increased operational outputs, reduced O&M costs, maximum efficiency and
overall performance.
Year of establishment: 1996
No. of employees: 30
Background on the company
CQM, has developed a breakthrough product for the CLEANTECH sector by promoting energy efficiency
and environmentally sound solutions to fouling, one of industrys oldest and most pervasive problems.
Since 1996, CQM has been selling its patented Automatic Tube Cleaning Systems (ATCS) for heat
exchangers and condensers providing:
more efficient operation
substantial energy savings
reduced shutdowns and maintenance costs
minimal need for chemicals
The market for our products is vast, with our targets including:
Facilities: Up to 50% on water saving and 100% on chemical saving for office buildings, shopping malls,
hospitals, hotels, etc. by increasing the efficiency of their central HVAC and industrial cooling systems.
Power Plants: Up to 3% increase in annual electrical power generation of steam and combined-cycle
power plants.
Industry: Increased efficiency and reduced maintenance cost for petrochemical, refineries,
pharmaceuticals, food and many others.
With ten years of consistent sales and installations in over 3, 000 facilities worldwide, we have a proven
track record in the here and now. This is not an untested or regulatory-dependent product; it is already in
demand, in use and effectively curbing greenhouse gas emissions by optimizing energy consumption.
Technology & product(s)
ATCS- Patented Heat Exchanger Automatic Tube Cleaning System.
SRCL- chlorination on site by electrolysis for remote drinking water site and sanitation of hot water
systems in hospitals.
SRS- Chemical Free Water Treatment System for industrial close and open water cycles: cooling
towers, cooling and heating loops, etc.
Objectives / Target companies
Energy efficiency solutions, water treatment, power plant.
Category: HVAC Cooling towers water &energy
saving in industry and commercial, Renewable
energy, Energy efficient
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Company profile
Year of establishment: 2007
No. of employees: +300 worldwide
Background on the company
CTG is an international cleantech System Integrator that provides high-tech environmental solutions to
industrial and municipal clients worldwide. CTG delivers state-of-the-art solutions for water, wastewater
and solid waste management.
CTG currently maintains subsidiaries in South Africa, Peru, Chile, Israel, Spain, Turkey, Australia and the
USA. CTG also develops and supports additional activities in other countries by deploying local teams
on project bases. Each subsidiary is capable of providing end-to-end project services including needs
analysis, design, implementation and support. Leveraging worldclass technology and local knowledge,
CTG is ideally positioned to help municipalities and industrial customers improve the operating efficiency
and regulatory compliance of their environmental systems.
Examples of past projects
Wastewater treatment plants for British Petroleum - BTC, Turkey - Azerbaijan
Municipal WWTP - Callao, Peru
Cooling Tower Water Treatment - E.N.I. Italy
Waste to Energy - Alier, Spain
Municipal WWTP - Yavne, Israel
Wastewater to Energy - Sopraval, Chile
Desalination Plant - Madrid, Spain
Technology & product(s)
Our solutions for the municipal sector include:
Sludge-free wastewater treatment system
Highly efficient, low-maintenance wastewater treatment system for small communities
Standard activated sludge municipal wastewater system
Energy-generating treatment of wastewater containing high concentrations of organic matter
Highly efficient, container-based, mobile drinking water desalination system for small communities
Small to big size desalination systems (salt and brackish water)
Arsenic and Nitrates removal system for well water
Our solutions for the industrial sector include:
Detergent-free laundry solutions
Chemical-free treatment system for cooling towers
Highly efficient, container-based desalination system for process water
Chemical-free system for scale prevention in a variety of applications
Advanced filtration systems for various applications
Objectives / Target companies
Municipal and industrial clients with needs within the water and wastewater treatment sectors. Civil
engineering companies.
Category: Water Treatment, Wastewater
Treatment, Waste-to-Energy
56 Back to Index
Company profile
Curapipe is a pioneering developer of a breakthrough leak curing solution for buried pipelines. Focused
primarily on urban water distribution networks that constantly leak, Curapipe is positioning its solution as
a low cost alternative to water mains renewal.
Uniquely repairing leaks and cracks that normally go undetected by existing detection technologies, bulk
reduction of leakage is now made possible with minimal disruption and rapid deployment. Curapipes
technology platform is also suitable for future rollout in the oil and gas industries.
Year of establishment: 2007
No. of employees: 8
Background on the company
An early-stage company led by experienced management, Curapipe is poised to make a large and lasting
impact on the pipeline repair industries.
As a veteran of the ATI Cleantech incubator the companys unique human resources (mostly PhDs) span
multi-disciplines including hydrodynamics, materials, chemical & mechanical engineering and pipeline
maintenance with proven track records of practical and applicable IP. With this talent Curapipe has now
created an innovative and affordable trenchless repair category of undetected leakage in pipelines that
has not been attempted to date.
Examples of past projects
Prototype testing at the Eilat-Ashkelon Pipeline Company.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Trenchless Automated Leakage Repair (TALR) which seeks to fill a requirement gap in the market for a
trenchless intervention with minimal social and environmental disruption levels aimed at surgical leakage
repair of water mains at low cost levels.
Function of the product(s):
TALR is an automated all-in-one system comprised of three distinct functions (a) leak detection within a
pipeline section (b) instantaneous leak sealing and (c) long term leak curing.
Objectives / Target companies
Pilot tests with water utilities seeking a widespread solution for bulk leakage reduction in urban
distribution networks. JV partnerships with strong local/regional maintenance companies providing
services to water utilities.
Category: Drinking water, Water resources
Sub Category: Curing urban water pipeline leaks,
Leakage repair, Non Revenue Water (NRW),
Trenchless technology, Leak detection and repair
57 Back to Index
Company profile
C-Valves was established in 1995 with the mission to develop a valve technology that will eliminate the
problems inherent in conventional control valve systems.
C-Valves products are based on proprietary and innovative valve technology.
With some of the best minds in hydraulic engineering, C-Valves continues to invest to bring to market
innovative valve solutions for bringing measurable benefits to our customers: Pressure management
solutions, water supply stability, reduced fluctuation, reduced water loss (NRW), pipe brake minimization
and reduced maintenance costs.
Year of establishment: 1995
Examples of projects
Continuously supplying customers worldwide with control valves solutions. For example:
Mekorot, Israel Scottish Water, UK Sutton & East Surrey, UK Sydney Water, Australia
Brisbane Water, Australia ENIA, Italy ISU, Turkey and many others.
Technology & product(s)
Pressure Reducing Valves, Pressure Sustaining Valves, Surge Anticipating Valves, On/Off Valves, Quick
Relief Valves, Flow Control Valves, Pump Valves, Electric & Hydraulic Float Valves, Altitude Valves,
Security valves and other control valve solutions.
General description of C-valves Technology:
Fusing unique piston actuated, Linear Flow, Linear Control (LFLC) valve technology, with field expertise in
the most demanding environments, C-Valves provides unparalleled water supply solutions.
Linear flow control enables: Accurate and stable control from zero to very high flow rates Very low
pressure drop Low noise Negligible cavitation Soft closure built into the valves eliminates water
The valves are manufactured from light-weight, durable, precision-molded Nylon12 GR (50% glass fiber).
Specialty materials (stainless steels, polypropylene, polyethylene) available to meet special fluid and
environmental requirements.
Objectives / Target companies
Distributors and alliance partners
Waterworks and Water Treatment Plants
Desalination Plants
Water-intensive Industrial/Manufacturing Plants
Irrigation Systems Operators
Mining Plants
Category: Pressure management, Drinking
water, Waste water, Industrial water, Water
security, Water resources management,
Desalination plants
Sub Category: Control Valves, Control Systems,
Control Solutions
58 Back to Index
Category: Sea and Brackish water Desalination,
Water treatment, Drinking water, Industrial
water treatment
Objectives / Target companies
RO projects (municipal and industrial water treatment, treated effluents upgrade, brackish and sea water
Collaborations with RO integration, operation and engineering companies.
Distribution partners that are water related equipment and service providers.
Company profile
Year of establishment: 2007
No. of employees: 10
Examples of past projects
Desalitech is leading the next generation of Reverse Osmosis desalination and water purification.
By replacing the existing RO scheme with the patented hydrostatic Closed Circuit Desalination (CCD)
technology, Desalitech dramatically reduces RO water treatment costs for desalination and industrial
water upgrade by more than 25%, and greatly increase operational flexibility.
The outstanding advantages of Desalitech systems over the most advanced existing RO solutions:
Dramatic reduction in energy consumption of 30% - 40% compared to most advanced RO plants.
Reducing SWRO energy consumption down to 1.5 kWh/m
Reduction of Operation and Maintenance expenses - Eliminating the major membranes fouling
and scaling factors, thereby decreasing maintenance procedures and membranes replacements and
enhancing systems reliability.
Reduction in equipment costs - fewer standard membrane elements for the same production capacity,
smaller pumps, no energy recovery devices.
Unmatched operational flexibility - Each unit can desalinate a wide variety of sources, and for each
source ultimate recovery and peak performance are attained. This is achieved thanks to the decoupling
of the recovery, cross flow and driving pressure (and thus, the flux and the energy consumptions).
Modular and scalable design - facilitates highly cost-effective solution for any production capacity.
The very same simple and uniform system design applies to any salinity level / recovery / application.
Desalitech has commissioned several containerized Sea Water, Brackish Water and water upgrade
systems of 250 - 1500 cubic meter per day, and it is currently promoting and finalizing projects of up to
15,000 m
Desalitech has a joint R&D project with GE, sponsored by the BIRD Foundation, and it is affiliated to
one of the largest holding companies in the Israeli water sector which have long years of experience in
desalination and in the manufacturing of water related equipment.
Technology & product(s)
Desalitech systems and solutions cover any RO application at any scale, ranging from the upgrade of
wells and municipal water to ultrapure water, through the upgrade of treated effluents and brackish
water, and up to seawater desalination.
Desalitech is proposing a line of fully automated containerized desalination systems of up to 3000 m
(500 gallons/min) intended for 24/7/365 operation in various operation conditions, as well as larger plants.
59 Back to Index
Company profile
Founded in 1946, Dorot is a leading developer, manufacturer and marketer of a wide range of superior
quality automatic control valves, air valves and mechanical valves. Solutions for the application of water
control systems including waterworks distribution networks, fire protection. Dorot is a leader in fluid
control technology.
Year of establishment: 1946
No. of employees: 225
Examples of past projects
Leakage Reduction Thames Water, London Installed a Dorot 6 PRVs with hydraulic modulation
- Old system daily consumption: 1570 m3/hr
- New daily consumption: 1340 m3/hr
- Total Daily Saving: 230 m3/day
Bangkok, Thailand about 200 units 12 PRVs installed in first phase
Bogota, Colombia about 50 units 3 to 12 PRVs installed in first phase
Sofia, Bulgaria about 100 units 2 to 10 PRVs installed in first phase
Pumping system Control Monterrey, Mexico10 units 24 Booster Pump control valves
Pumping system Control San Antonio res., Brazil 2 units 24 Booster Pump control valves
Water Hammer protection Spain 4 units 12 Surge Anticipating valves
Water Hammer protection Larnaka, Cyprus 4 units 10 Surge Anticipating valves
Technology & product(s)
General description: Hydraulic Control Valves (PRVs, PSVs, FCVs etc) for automatic control and
regulation of water and waste-water systems. Electric control for water system. Air release and anti-
vacuum valves, Water meters. Consulting, engineering and supply of systems for leakage reduction and
pressure management in municipal networks.
Function of the product(s): Regulating pressures flow-rate in water systems. Controlling air flow into and
out off water filled systems. Attenuation and prevention of water-hammer\surge risks.
Objectives / Target companies
Municipal water supply companies
trading company
Construction companies
Fire fighting contractors
Irrigation systems design companies
Civil engineering contractors
Water-systems engineering & consultation firms
Category: Hydraulic control valves and control
systems, Drinking water, Water security, Water
resources management
Sub Category: Industrial water & waste-water
control valves, Waterworks, Civil Engineering
& construction- water systems control &
management, Firefighting, Ag. & Turf Irrigation
60 Back to Index
Company profile
Dream Taste Ltd. Is a developing and manufacturing company, that renowned for its cutting-edge
technology & dedication to ongoing innovation.
Our constitution for high service experience, had put us in the front line of the domestic market.
Year of establishment: 2006
No. of employees: 8
Background on the company
Dream Taste Ltd. Was established in 2006,as part of Milano group - a well known company with more
than 20 years of experience in the hi-tech sector, including specialist expertise in water heating & cooling
systems. The company entrepreneurs signed on their flag to bring new massage of high quality products
with competitive prices along with a superior level of service.
Technology & product(s)
Dream taste Ltd. Is producing different kinds of water dispensers: BLUE, Milan Springs & Soda Springs,
Yonizator & original Filtration systems.
World wide design patent.

Closed boiled system, similar to an espresso machine.

100 Celsius boiling temp.

Innovative electric system.

Easy DIY panel color change.

Only 36 centimeter height. The smallest in the market.

unique 3M filter inside

Easy DIY filter change

Objectives / Target companies

Looking for wholesalers and distributors in the water/soda drinking dispensers and filtration field.
Looking for investors for new products develop.
Category: Drinking water, POU dispensers,
Soda, DIY
Sub Category: Filtration systems
61 Back to Index
Company profile
DST is an Israeli start-up company, which has developed the first dedicated patentable method for drying
sludge to 85% dry solids (DS), in a rotating closed loop reactor with a continuous process for maximizing
the vapor transfer rate between the hot / dry air and the sludge.
DST sewage conversion technology presents a most viable opportunity to utilize sludge as valuable
energy feed stock and a potential source for future energy generation.
Year of establishment: 2009
No. of employees: 3
Background on the company
DST technology was developed by Prof. Gedalyahu Manor,a retired Associate Professor of the Technion
in Israel and Dr. Gadi Amitai a specialist in process engineering and control systems.
DST is cooperating with EU companies and research institutions to further develop a novel and integrated
technology for improving municipal sludge treatment and management.
Examples of past projects
DST technology in development phase.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
The DST system will be designed in a manner allowing it to be integrated into Combined Heat and Power
(CHP) system, thus increasing utilization and overall efficiency of the system.
Function of the product(s):
Drying of sludge to 85% dry solids (DS).
Objectives / Target companies
DST overall common objective is to provide an effective, sustainable and economically viable integrated
solution for sewage sludge treatment resulting in and generation of a viable renewable energy feedstock
The company is looking for cooperation with Waste Water treatment companies to further develop and
penetrate the global water market.
Category: Waste Water Treatment
Sub Category: Municipal and industrial sewage
sludge treatment, Bio-mass feedstock material
and energy generation
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Company profile
DST Cleantech develops and manufactures solar energy based products. DST also specialized in
manufacturing complete solar solutions according to customers specifications. All solutions and products
are based on the unique micro processor controlled electronics developed by the company.
DST distributes its products worldwide and manages energy management projects around Israel.
DSTs products offer three central advantages: Cost-Efficiency, very long Life-span and Eco-friendly design.
DST offers several product lines: Safety systems, Signs and lighting and Solar energy supply for various uses.
Year of establishment: 2010
No. of employees: 7
Examples of past projects
Solar powered traffic lights in Israel

Solar powered traffic circle systems in Rehovot, Nes-Tziona, and Qiryat Gat

Solar powered railway crossing control system near Airport City in Israel.

Solar powered traffic signs in Qiryat Gat.

Solar powered road studs in Russia, Congo & Israel

Solar powered commercial signs in Israel, South America, and Africa

Solar powered street signs in Romania and Israel.

Numerous off grid systems for communication systems, security systems, electronic watering systems,

lighting etc.
Technology & product(s)
DST Cleantech had developed very advanced and unique electronics for solar energy based systems.
Based on this technology, DST manufactures varies products and solutions:
Safety systems: Solar systems for cross-walks and traffic circles, Solar active road studs
Solar power supply: solar energy for security systems, communication systems, remote off-grid sites
Signs and lighting: solar bus stops, solar street signs, solar lighting, solar commercial signs
Objectives / Target companies
Strategic partners for distribution

Contractors in the field of road paving and maintenance

Municipalities and federal integrators

Category: R&D, Renewable energy

Sub Category: Consulting and engineering
services, back-up power, Analyzers and
control systems
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Company profile
DuCool Ltd, with its world-recognized team of 20 years experience in the air treatment, cooling, heating
and dehumidification fields, has developed a unique liquid desiccant dehumidification and cooling
technology in a single package. DuCool presents a solution for significantly decreasing energy costs for
HVAC application. Hundreds of units installed in Pharmaceutical Plants, Food Processing Plants, Clean
Rooms, Hospitals, Store, Restaurants, Ice Rinks, Plastic Injection Molding, office Buildings, and more.
Year of establishment: January 2006
No. of employees: 100
Background on the company
HVAC systems, Energy efficiency projects, increasing production efficiency in industry.
Examples of past projects

Ice rink arenas- full energy efficiency project. Energy savings of 60%

Plastic industry- Energy saving project and increase of production efficiency.


Meat processing factories. Energy savings of 45%


- Pharmaceuticals plants. Energy savings of 25%- 50%

Technology & product(s)
The new DuHybrid System combining the ability to use Solar thermal heat with additional energy sources
to power dehumidification and air condition:
Peak shaving- Reduced Operating Costs and Energy Savings- DuCools operates in the field of
HVAC which is one of the significant factor for peak loads. Ducools applications as standalone air
treatment units or added to an existing HVAC systems installations have achieved energy savings
of over 50% (relative to the situation before DuCool was installed). When humidity load is high
the system will prevent over sizing of HVAC systems and will significantly decrease the energy
Green- Environmental Friendly- DuCools DuHandling series is a Refrigerant-free (no compressor)
HVAC system. The DuHybrid / DuHandling can use relatively low temperature waste heat from:
Solar thermal, cogeneration systems, micro turbines or Solar thermal heat as its main source of
energy. Also can be use relatively high cold water temperature (15-25C) from Ground source Water or
cooling towers to generate efficient cooling.
Air Quality- Disinfect Air, The DuCool process eliminates up to 90% bacteria and air borne
microorganisms in a single pass. Filter Air Process removes 77% of particle larger than 5 microns,
removing allergens such as pollen and dust from the air. Improve Human Comfort achieves optimal
temperature and humidity zone. Indoor Air Quality Standards DuCool products successfully address
IAQ by helping meet fresh air requirements.
Objectives / Target companies
DuCool offer Air treatment solutions Dehumidification, Air condition, Ventilation and heating.
Energy reduction and air quality improvements in Industry, Plastic molding, Pharmaceutical plants, Food
processing, Clean rooms, Hospitals, Retail stores, Restaurants, Ice Rinks, office buildings and more.
Category: Solar Cooling, Energy Efficiency &
Renewable Energy
Sub Category: HVAC systems
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Category: Drinking water, Industrial waste
treatment, Renewable energy, Solid waste
treatment and Recycling, Waste water
treatment, Desalination.
Objectives / Target companies
companies who are interested in Israeli water and environmental technologies.
Company profile
Global company with extensive international networking, enabling the devising of optimal solutions
for the customers needs, and establishment of the connections between governments and business
Year of establishment: 1994
No. of employees: over 200
Background on the company
The company is active in 13 countries in Africa, in East Europe, in India and the Far East and in the UK.
The headquarters are in Israel and in the UK. The company is active in the following areas: Banking
& Acquisitions, Oil & Gas, Power Generation, Agriculture, Water Solutions, Waste Management,
Telecommunication, IT, Infrastructures & Roads Construction, HR Development and Turn Key Medical
Examples of past projects
Erection of 50 MW gas fire generation power plant in East Africa
Cellular operator in East Africa
Telecommunication network in Israel
Irrigation Master Plan in Africa
Agriculture Master Plan in Africa
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Company profile
EcoVida is an Israeli-based CleanTech company. EcoVidas pioneering technology offers a significant
reduction of chlorine usage in water treatment and sanitation. Our patented (patent-pending) prototype is
in the first stages of development.
Year of establishment: 2008
No. of employees: 5
Background on the company
EcoVida management core team is composed of highly skilled personnel: Itay Zamir (CEO), Tal Pener
(CTO) and Giora Sarfati (CMO) are the co-founders. Renowned researchers have joined the company: Dr.
Pinchas Dahan, a physician and Head of the Research Authority at the Rupin Academic Center and Prof.
David Baazov, a Bio-physician specializing in physical chemistry. In the past year we test our technology
on site and the results shown high practicability.
Examples of projects
Rehabilitation of water wells from 2 to 30 without depth limitation.
Technology & product(s)
General description: EcoVida saves money by reducing chlorine consumption. The new EcoVida
technology is based on patented, disinfectant-related technology that leads to a significant (up to 50%)
reduction in the amount of chlorine consumed during the disinfecting of water.
Function of the product(s): The EcoVida technology provides a unique and inexpensive solution that
offers low chlorine consumption while supporting simplicity of system integration. Incorporating the
EcoVida technology into various water systems will help minimize other ecological and health hazards
as well.
Objectives / Target companies
EcoVida is pursuing a vision that is both important and ambitious: to drive a dramatic reduction of
chlorine usage in water sanitation, along with a major reduction of damages caused to the environment
due to chlorination. In addition, the company vision is to promote water saving technology in various
This vision will result from EcoVida mission- to lead the next wave of advanced water treatment
technologies, specifically in the field of chlorination reduction in the water sanitation markets.
Category: Advanced water
treatment technology
Sub Category: water, Industrial waste
water treatment, R&D, Desalination
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Company profile.
Year of establishment: 2000
No. of employees: 17
Background on the company
Environmental Energy Resources Ltd. (EER) is an environmental technology company dedicated to the
development of PGM
Technology (Plasma Gasification Melting), a compelling approach to treatment
and disposal of solid waste, one of the worlds major environmental problems. EER is focused mainly in
the fields of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste (LILRW) and
Medical Waste (MW).
Founded in 2000, EER has been focused on completing the R&D for the PGM
technology and in the
past year EER has turned its focus to marketing the PGM
technology worldwide.
technology offers an economically and environmentally superior replacement to todays
prevailing technologies such as land filling and mass-burn by introducing a compelling approach for waste
to energy in addition to providing a Zero Waste solution. EERs proprietary core technology originated
over 20 years ago at the Kurchatov Institute, one of the Russias top scientific institutions and further
developed and implemented by EERs team in Israel.
Examples of projects
The first PGM
plant served as an LILRW plant was operational for an extended period of time up to its
decommissioning in 2001. The second Pluton plant commissioned in 2002 was designed and built under
EERs supervision to serve as a commercial plant for LILRW. The Pluton plant has the capacity to treat
600-900 lb/hr of solid waste.
The Iblin Demonstration Plant- In the year 2007, the Iblin, Israel PGM
MSW demonstration plant was
commissioned. This plant is a full-size facility designed and built by EER, as a commercial type plant
with all required systems for operation of such a plant including the front-end handling, energy recovery
systems and air pollution control (APC) systems. The plant has been operational on a campaign basis and
has the capacity to process up to 20 tons per day of MSW or MW and can be scaled up easily.
Technology & product(s)
General description: EERs major breakthrough with PGM
technology is the development of a highly
efficient vessel configuration that enables the achievement of practically Zero Waste while avoiding the
economic deficiencies usually associated with plasma use.
technology is capable of complying with the most stringent environmental regulations and
achieves this at considerably lower costs, compared to alternative technologies.
Function of the product(s): The PGM
technology is a fixed-bed updraft-countercurrent plasma driven
gasification system. The plasma torches, at the lower end of the vessel, supply the heat for the different
chemical processes which occur in the vessel. The syngas generated exits the vessel at the top.
One of the key advantages of the system is that a full column of waste is kept inside the vessel at all
times which enables a single step solution for the complete treatment of the waste. The height of the
column is controlled by automatic level indicators. This is one of the key features which cause the PGM

pollutant load to be several orders of magnitude lower than that of other existing technologies.
Objectives / Target companies
Finding strategic partners and investors for the growth stage of the company in addition to securing
funding options for the projects currently under development.
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Company profile
The Elco Energy & Infrastructure group provids comprehensive solutions in the fields of Electricity,
Water, Natural Gas and Medical Technologies.
Year of establishment: 1973
No. of employees: 500
Background on the company
A part of Electra and Elco Holdings family, Elco Energy & Infrastructure group is:
Elco Contracting & Services - The largest contractor in Israel for electrical works and other energy
sources Pumped Storage, Solar-PV, ESCO, as well as electromechanical systems and instrumentation.
Construction of Wastewater Treatment Plants.
Katzenstein Adler - Design, production, integration, installation and maintenance of high, medium and
low-voltage switchboards and outdoor switch disconnectors. Trade of electrical equipment.
Girit Control & Communications - Telecommunications, security, control systems, multimedia and
lightning & over voltage protection
A.L.D. Environmental Protection - Operation and management of wastewater treatments plants.
Examples of past projects
161 Kv Substations for Intel, Ben Gurion International Airport, Thailand, Africa.
Water Filtration Facility for Mekorot. Also: construction, operation and management of many
Wastewater treatment plants throughout Israel.
PRMS and natural gas infrastructure for Israels Natural Gas Line. Also: distribution.
Construction of many operating rooms and Medical Facilities in Israel and in Africa.
2 Pumped Storage power stations (500 MW).
Category: Energy. Wastewater Treatment
Sub Category: Rentable Energy, Control
Systems, Water Security.
Objectives / Target companies
Cooperation and know-how exchange on international projects in the fields of Energy and Infrastructure:
Electrical, Water, Natural Gas, Medical Technologies.
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Company profile
Industrial wastewater treatment services.
Year of establishment: 2003
No. of employees: 41
Examples of past projects
Three owned and operated plants for industrial wastewater treatment
Plant dedicated to the treatment of highly polluted wastewater from the pharmaceutical industry. Plant
capacity is 200 tons per day.
Plant dedicated to treatment of highly polluted wastewater from the metals, electronics and surface
finishing industry. Plant capacity is 130 tons per day.
Plant dedicated to treatment of wastewater from fine chemicals industry. Plant capacity is 150 tons per
All plants are owned and operated by the company, the service is a long term contract with the provider
of the wastewater and the company.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Industrial wastewater containing high concentration of organic materials are very difficult and expensive
to treat, especially if the wastewater contains salts as well.
Elcon developed a very efficient and cost effective ambient pressure thermal oxidation of the waste
streams that allows total destruction of organic matter and re-use of the treated water.
All that is achieved at lower costs than biological or incineration alternatives.
Function of the product(s):
sell the services for the treatment of highly polluted industrial wastewater.
Objectives / Target companies
Looking for partners for the erection of plants and selling services for treatment of
industrial wastewater.
Category: Industrial waste treatment,
wastewater treatment
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Category: Water Treatment
Sub Category: Non-chemical Cooling Tower water
Company profile
Year of establishment: 1978
No. of employees: 50
Background on the company
Elgressy Engineering Services Ltd. has been active in the field of water treatment for over 30 years and
has thousands systems installed worldwide.
Elgressy develops and markets comprehensive solutions and systems for the treatment and prevention of
common water related problems including: scale, bacteria and corrosion.
Elgressy also provides solutions for the reclamation of water with high concentrations of organic matter,
waste water and effluent reuse.
Examples of past projects
EST - Cooling Tower water treatment: Sheraton, Hilton, Toyota, Honda, Club Med, Intel, E.N.I, Posco,
LPB - Legionella prevention systems: Holmes Place, Radisson, Hilton
SCP - Scale crystallization prevention systems: Hilton, Assuta, Sheraton
Technology & product(s)
EST - The Electrochemical Scale Treatment System (E.S.T) is a state of the art, patented system which
prevents scaling, prevents bio fouling, microorganism growth, inhibits corrosion, produces oxidants in the
water and prevents the spread of airborne bacteria.
Using a unique electrochemical process, the E.S.T system actively, efficiently and cost effectively deals
with the problems associated with cooling water systems without using harmful chemicals.
LPB - Elgressys LPB system facilitates the automatic control and eradication of microorganisms,
including Legionella Pneumophila bacteria, in hot water systems.
The system is based on an electrochemical process, which reduces significantly the buildup of sediment
and scale within hot water systems.
SCP - (Scale Crystallization Prevention) is an electrolytic system that prevents scale deposition,
reduces and removes chlorine and bacteria from the water, and substantially reduces corrosion rates.
The SCP is connected externally to the heat exchange unit and needs no complicated installation
procedures or changes to your existing system. This, in itself, represents a significant saving in
installation and maintenance costs.
Objectives / Target companies
Elgressy seeks to expand its international distributor channels. Relevant distributor profiles are: HVAC
consultants, construction companies, cooling system integrators, engineering firms, real-estate
maintenance companies.
70 Back to Index
Category: Water resource management,
consulting and engineering services, Solid waste
treatment and recycling, waste
water treatment
Sub Category: Sludge treatment and municipal
sludge treatment
Company profile
A privately owned design and engineering company specializing in eco friendly industrial plant and
systems for municipal recycling and regeneration and processing and handling companies, where
materials processing, aggregates and water are involved.
Year of establishment: 1974
No. of employees: 300
Background on the company
Development design and engineering specializing in this field, with a dedicated R and D development
and engineering department.
Examples of past projects
M SW 400 tons / day - PT Municipality
MSW 600 tons /day - Acco Municiality
MSW 1200ton/day - Afula
MSW 600ton/day - Rishon LeTzion
MSW 300 tons/day - Lod
MSW 300 tons/day - TA
MSW 300 tons /day - Sidney Au
MSW 200 tons/day - Maliba
MSW 200 tons/ day - GE
Sludge treatment 300 tons/ day- Antwerp
Sludge treatment -250 tons per day - Bet Shemesh
Sludge treatment - 500 tons per day- NJ
Water treatment - many many installations both in Israel and abroad
Oil filter recycling and toxic waste stabilization RH Israel
Fresh concrete recycling- many installations in Israel and abroad
RDF system - Afula
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Ground up design of industrial plant from the smallest to the largest size of water treatment systems,
solid waste systems, and all the related equipment for them, designed, developed, manufactured,
tested and installed. Technologies include water clarification and sludge densifying, sludge treatment,
poly-electrolyte systems, and municipal sludge treatment for the production of ecosoils. Also storing
conveying and treating of particle type materials.
Function of the product(s):
The treatment of waste material alows the removal and recycling of the valuable elements and the
sorting of the other elements into grades for further treatment or disposal.
Water treatment systems remove clays and silts and return the water for re-use on site thereby
preserving resources.
Concrete recycling allows unused fresh concrete to be separated into basic constituent groups and
returned to the production cycle in metered quantities according to International regulations. This system
is also a water conservation system, and can allow effective collection of all site water.
Objectives / Target companies
Co-operation with engineering companies in order to build turnkey projects all over the world.
Form mutual strategic partnerships to expand our international client base.

71 Back to Index
Company profile
Elsol is a solar company specializing in designing and marketing solar thermal systems, cogenaration and
energy saving products.
The company was founded by Eli Shilton former Managing Director of Rand Energy Systems and former
Chairman of the Israel Solar Thermal Manufacturers Association (ISOL).
We at Elsol are committed to the following values:
Innovation, creativity and originality in our products
Protecting the environment for us and our children
Excellence in quality and service
Year of establishment: production company: 1948, export company: 2007
No. of employees: 45 in production, 3 in export
Background on the company
Elsols expert team share many years of experience in designing, producing, installing and servicing
solar hot water systems from simple mono block thermosyphon systems through multi family solar
systems and large solar collector fields supplying hot water to swimming pools, hotels, industrial
plants and hospitals.
Elsol is proud to export Rand Solar Energy products. Founded in 1947, Rand is world renowned in the solar
industry for its technological innovations outstanding quality and competitive prices which places her in the
forefront of the industry. Rand solar systems are used in thousands of facilities from individual apartments
to large central heating systems.
The skill and expertise of the Elsol team backed by the experience and high production capabilities of
Rand is proven daily by the changing requirements in the global solar field.
Examples of past projects
Hospital del Henares (Madrid)
Hotel El Douque (Tenerife)
Hotels Cimbel (Alicante)
Drying garlic process (Thailand)
Hilton Hotel-Tel Aviv
Da Vinci Hotel - Johannesburg South Africa
Technology & product(s)
Solar hot water heaters, solar flat plate collectors.
Objectives / Target companies
Dealers of solar hot water systems, installation companies of solar thermal products, large customers of
solar thermal systems like construction companies. Construction companies who are looking to integrate
solar systems in their buildings.
Category: Renewable energy
Sub Category: Hot water products manufacturer
72 Back to Index
Company profile
Elspec is a leading global technology provider of electrical power quality analyzers, real time power
factor correction systems, and energy saving solutions. The companys ongoing efforts include successful
implementation of innovative and comprehensive power quality analyis and power quality factor
correction technologies as well as Power Quality Solutions that span the industrial, commercial, and
utility sectors worldwide.
Year of establishment: 1988 (public IPO in 2004)
No. of employees: 114
Background on the company
In 1988, Elspec Engineering Ltd. was founded as a private venture. Commercial sales and manufacturing
activities were launched in 1993. Within 10 years, ELSPEC had developed and established sales networks
in nearly 50 countries throughout the world. In May 2004, the company had its IPO and became a
publicly traded company on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE: Elspec). The company has established
two foreign subsidiaries, one in Europe (Portugal) and one in the United States. Currently, the company
markets its Power Quality Solutions and Power Quality Analysis products worldwide through a network of
Authorized Agents and Representatives.
Examples of past projects
Utility: DFR & PQ for Distribution & Transmission, Water Management, Power Generation (Traditional
& Renewable)
Industrial: Automotive, Metals, Timber, Plastics, Mining, Material Handling, Chemical Processing.
Commercial: Hospitals, Data Centers, Educational Institutions, Recreational Facilities, High-Rise
Office Buildings.
Technology & product(s)
Power Quality & Fault Monitoring Systems:
The 4400 Series BLACKBOX: The revolutionary ELSPEC G4000 Series BLACKBOX is the next
generation in power quality analyzers. The G4K provides accurate detection and isolation of power quality
monitoring. In addition to real-time monitoring with PQZIP, a patented data compression algorithm, the
BLACKBOX stores all waveforms of every network cycle for up to a year at up to 1, 024 samples per cycle
resolution, eliminating the need for thresholds, triggers, or parameter setting for logging.
The Portable 4500 BLACKBOX: Built on the same innovative technology as the BLACKBOX 4400
Series, the Elspec G4500 Portable Digital Power Meter is the most advanced recorder on the market.
The G4500 BLACKBOX has the power to determine the root cause of all Power Quality issues, so plug
it in and never miss another event.
Power Quality Enhancement Systems:
The EQUALIZER & ACTIVAR: The Equalizer is the worlds fastest real-time power quality enhancement
system optimizes power factor correction, energy savings, voltage support, harmonic filtration, and
more, for a variety of dynamic loads. The ACTIVAR is a cost-effective alternative to electro-mechanical
power factor correction banks, offering fast compensation, an unlimited number of transient free
operations and unique self-testing and comprehensive reporting features.
The EQUALIZER-RT: The -RT is designed to deliver substantial reactive power for voltage drop
situations even during very deep voltage sags, delivering an economical ride-through solution for energy
production facilities and utilities.
The EQUALIZER-ST: The -ST compensates medium and low voltage motor startups by utilizing a
proven industrial technology to provide the ultimate motor protection control solution for the challenges
related to large motor startups.
Category: Analyzers & Control Systems,
Renewable Energy
Objectives / Target companies
1) Discover new selling partners (agents)
2) Introduce our metering and measurement technologies to electrical utilities
3) Establish relationships with new customers that have a need for power quality solutions and
monitoring systems.
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Category: Industrial Wastewater Treatment,
Municipal Wastewater Treatment
Sub Category: Renewable Energy, Water,
Wastewater, Cleantech
Objectives / Target companies
1. Industries with high concentration of organic matter in their wastewater (food & beverage, pharma,
chemicals, textile and pulp & paper industries). The offering will turn a wastewater plant to a profit
center using renewable energy.
2. An aerobic wastewater treatment plant for low organic contamination of wastewater (targeting municipal
wastewater treatment plants) and with an energy reduction of over 90% of typical aerobic processes.
Company profile
Technology revolutionizes the economics of wastewater treatment by generating instead of consuming
energy, utilizing electrogenic bacteria to produce electricity from wastewater while cleaning the water.
Conventional wastewater treatment uses 2% of the global power (80,000 MW and 57,000,000 tons per
year of CO2), amounting to $40B/year. Rather than using energy to treat wastewater, Emefcy harvests
renewable energy directly from the wastewater and feeds it to the grid. The total potential carbon
footprint reduction of Emefcys EBRs technology is 76 million tons per year of CO2.
Emefcys solutions address industrial and manciple wastewater containing organic substance:
(1) Electricity solution (EBR) - Treating wastewater and producing green electricity as a byproduct. Ideal
for treating wastewater with a high concentration of organic substance
(2) Zero-Energy solution (DFX) - Treating wastewater with virtually zero energy required for aeration.
Ideal for treating wastewater with a low concentration of organic substance.
Year of establishment: 2007
No. of employees: 16
Background on the company
Emefcy founded by Eytan Levy and Ronen Shechter who also founded AqWise, an innovative wastewater
treatment solutions company, in 2000 a successful company active worldwide.
Artemis Project Top 50 2011s Most Innovative Water Technologies (5/11)

Pollution Engineering Magazine: 10 Top Technologies for 2011 (1/11)

The Guardian and the Cleantech Group: 2010 Global Cleantech 100 Company (10/10)

BlueTech Summit: A top 50 water technology company (6/10)

Sustainable World Capital: A Cleantech Startup to Keep an Eye on (4/10)

Global Water Intelligence: one of 10 technologies that will save the world (7/09)

CNET: one of the 5 companies that will contribute to the reduction of the world dependence on fossil

fuel (4/09)
Artemis Project: 4th in top 50 water technology companies (4/09)

Technology & product(s)

General description:
Emefcy developed an Electrogenic Bioreactor (EBR) for treating wastewater whilst converting the organic
contamination in the wastewater to green electricity or Hydrogen.
The system is based on Microbial Fuel Cell technology that enhances the bacterias ability to produce
electric current as part of their metabolic activity. A layer of electro-active bacteria develops naturally
on the electrode surface area. While degrading the organic compounds of the wastewater, a bio-electro-
chemical reaction occurs, generating electricity in the process.
Function of the product(s):
Treating industrial wastewater while utilizing the energy in the wastewater to produce green
electricity or hydrogen.
74 Back to Index
Company profile
En Gibton Ltd. Is a water treatment company that developed the ClayMix, its novel filtration-adsorption
system for the removal of dissolved anionic and neutral contaminants from contaminated ground
water, surface water and wastewater sources. ClayMix removes contaminants from water in a low-
cost effective, and completely environment friendly manner than standard technologies. En Gibtons
development, ClayMix production and filtration system testing are being supported Israel by Mekorot-
the national water company, the Water Authority and the Israel Standards Institute.
Year of establishment: 2005
No. of employees: 6
Background on the company
EN GIBTON Ltd is a privately owned company, incorporated on December 5, 2005, based on Founders
Agreement signed on November 22, 2005 between the entrepreneurs, led by Prof. Shlomo Nir, ATI
Cleantech group company and Yissum- the Hebrew university research development company.
The company is focusing on developing lab and field ClayMix prototypes, and will follow by developing
commercial versions of the product. In parallel, EN GIBTON is developing its business activity as an
advanced water technology company.
Examples of past projects
1. Pilot test in Yashresh well (beta site)- successful low cost removal of Perchlorate at beta site (Yashresh
well) pilot test using filter prototype of small commercial scale. Organic contaminants- successful low
cost removal of pesticides, solvents, hormones, and various substances, especially anionic and non-
ionics, in acidic and neutral conditions, using lab filtration bench scale system; Micro-organisms: initial
removal of cryptosporidium from surface water, using lab filtration bench scale.
2. Wastewater treatment: successful low cost removal of TOC (total organic carbons) from chemical,
agrochemical, detergents and other industrial organic wastes (environmental services company RH),
using lab filtration and suspension systems.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
EN GIBTONS ClayMix is based on proprietary patented technology of Micelle-Clay and Organo- Clay
complexes mixed with Sand- Clay creating multi-layer granular media mixtures. Anionic, neutral and
same cationic dissolved contaminant molecules are adsorbed into the complexes and removed from
water during filtration or settling processes.
Function of the product(s):
ClayMix treatment systems appear as two market products: adsorption-filtration system and adsorption-
settling system. ClayMix systems are designed for installation at: Contaminated groundwater wells.
Contaminated surface water bodies (streams, rivers, lakes, reservoirs). Wastewater processing facilities
(industrial plants).
Objectives / Target companies
1. Well water project companies in drinking water treatment and supply.
2. Water utilities
3. Filtration companies
4. Municipalities end users for drinking water
5. Industrial waste water projects (TOC removal, Per chlorate removal)
Category: Drinking Water, Industrial waste
treatment, waste water treatment, water
Sub Category: Industrial Waste Treatment,
Waste Water Treatment
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Company profile.
Enverid Systems provides a family of products that dramatically reduce the energy consumption of
central HVAC systems, while also improving indoor air quality. It offers its end customers - owners
and managers of commercial buildings - a 12 month ROI and substantial energy savings from day one.
Notably, the savings are steeply dependent on climate and therefore represent a significant reduction in
mid-day peak demand, thus helping reduce pressure on power generation and distribution infrastructure.
Year of establishment: 2010
No. of employees: 4
Background on the company
Enverid has its business headquarters in Boston, while its development and production center is in Israel.
It works in close collaboration with the US-DOE and with the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center.
Technology & product(s)
The starting point for Enverids technology is the realization that a significant part of the cooling load
in air-conditioned buildings is due to the constant supply of outside air to replace in indoor air, which is
done to maintain air quality. The essence of Enverids proposition is a very efficient, proprietaryprocess
to remove carbon dioxide and organic vapors from the circulating indoor air. In doing so it greatly
diminishes the need to replace indoor air, saving 25% or more of the energy consumption in warm and
humid climates. Enverid has solved the challenge of clearing indoor air from the unwanted contaminants
generated by a buildings occupants and fixtures, and doing so without expending large amounts of
energy. Furthermore, the technology actually results in improved indoor air quality, especially in polluted
urban settings.
Our flagship product family, the EnClaire system, is a retrofit compatible with most central air handling
systems. It can be installed with a modest footprint without having to replace the existing HVAC system,
and returns its investment in energy savings in one year.
Objectives / Target companies
Electric Utilities
Commercial Real Estate Owners / Management Companies
HVAC integrators / designers / contractors
Category: HVAC, Energy Efficiency, Air Quality
76 Back to Index
Category: Onsite Wastewater treatment plant
Sub Category: Residential/Commercial
Wastewater solutions & recycling
Company profile
EPC Ltd. has been a leading provider of innovative, patented onsite wastewater treatment plants (OWWTP).
EPC is active in the clean-tech market for over 20 years, serving commercial, public, and
residential wastewater treatment needs.
EPC complies with ISO 9001, UN & government authorized vendor and own several patents.
Year of establishment: 1988
Background on the company
EPC has been conducting research and development since 1988 with the primary goal of providing
efficient technologies and friendly solutions for the wastewater marketplace.
Recent projects
Municipal WWTP for Beit-Arye, Israel: 200, 000 GPD
Municipal & Cow Manure WWTP for Nir-Yizhak, Israel: 90, 000 GPD
Residential WWTP Cyprus: 500 GPD
Technology & product(s)
EPCs approach has raised the bar in the wastewater treatment industry by providing the following
benefits over most traditional solutions:
1. Lower energy consumption based on a smart biological approach
2. Better residential compatibility based on an odor-free process
3. Better green approach returning Effluent for reuse
4. Design allows for better space utilization & expansion over time
5. Maintenance costs and sludge removal are much lower and far less then other wastewater technologies
6. Maximum comply with LEED standards
Bio Robi- Small Waste Water system Plant (250- 3000 GPD)
Bio Disk- Compact Sewage Treatment Plant (3, 000- 550, 000 GPD)
These products are successfully implemented across the Middle East and Europe.
Objectives / Target companies
EPC is focuses in expanding sales into the U.S, Mexico & South-Americ.
Target companies
Potential distributors for onsite WWTP, Developers, Contractors, Investment Capital and Strategic Alliances.
Onsite Wastewater
Treatment Solutions
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Category: Thermoplastic -coated membranes
Objectives / Target companies
Authorities, companies and Contractors building water reservoirs.

Authorities and companies involved in the production of distribution systems for potable water in

disaster areas.
Authorities and companies involved in the production of rapid deployment systems for water supply

Companies involved in water purification systems

Companies involved in water drainage collection and exploitation

Company profile
Erez Thermoplastic Products, a world leader in high performance polymer-coated fabrics.
Erez coats woven and non-woven high tenacity fabrics with thermoplastic polymers.
The Company is owned by Kibbutz Erez and has a wholly owned marketing subsidiary in the United
States, as well as a part ownership of a manufacturing facility in South Africa.
Research and product developments have earned Erez an international reputation.
Year of establishment: 1982
Number of employees: 70
Background on the company
Erez utilizes melt coating technology that gives its coated membranes a perfect balance of qualities such
as air-holding, liquid containment, coating adhesion and mechanical strength.
Erez product range is tailor made to fit a wide range of applications and customers. We believe in close
and intimate understanding of the technical requirements of our business partners, and our technical staff
is committed to it.
Examples of projects
PP Pond liner for Dimona reservoir in Israel

Pond liners for waste water treatment facility, Tel Aviv airport

TPU flexible tanks for potable water - mining project in Canada

PP floating cover for water reservoir, Australia

Technology & product(s)

General description:
Erez coats woven and non-woven high tenacity fabrics with thermoplastic polymers.
Function of the product(s):
Light yet stable, with superior welding advantages, these membranes are capable of withstanding both
extensive wear and environmental stress
Products are available in widths up to 205 cm. and because of custom-blending technology, Erez
membranes are being used in a variety of applications including: inflatable boats, rafts, life jackets, tank
seals, oil booms, side curtains, dock shelters, tarpaulins, tension structures, truck covers, geomembranes
and roofing membranes. Erez also provides membranes for the production of flexitanks to transport and
store wine, food, chemicals, fuel and potable water.
Furthermore, most of our products comply with international standards such as ISO, CEN/SOLAS, NSF,
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Category: Engineering services, Industrial waste
treatment, Renewable energy, Solid waste
treatment and Recycling
Sub Category: specializing in the planning
supplying & erecting systems to treat hazardous
organic materials
Company profile
Year of establishment: 2004
Number of employees: 12
Background on the company
EST SYSTEMS LTd is an engineering company in the space of Chemical waste destruction, treating gases
and liquids in Real Time, with plasma torch technology.
Examples of projects
Treatment of chemical gaseous, liquids and slurry waste as a residue of the manufacturing process of
various chemical plants. Treatment of chemical waste in pharmaceutical factory.
Technology & product(s)
E.S.T Ltd. Is a privately owned company, founded in 2004 by engineer Yehuda Simon.
E.S.T developed and proved a waste treatment solution that breaks new grounds, technologically as
well as environmentally. The development of the technology is entirely due to the founder, Eng. Yehuda
E.S.Ts technology utilizes high temperature Plasma stream to treat chemical organic compounds,
which if not treated properly will turn to be hazardous waste. The technology mentioned above treats
organic compounds whether in the form of gases, liquids or suspension.
E.S.Ts treatment devices are installed on site, as an integral part of the plant or process, thus
eliminating the need to transport or store waste products, which is expensive, complicated and above all
dangerous and damaging to the environment.
E.S.Ts technology for organic waste treatment can be applied to several of hazardous waste like:
Hazardous organic waste; Toxic waste; Medical biochemical waste; Halogenated waste; Gaseous waste;
Liquid & suspension waste; Industrial & laboratory waste, etc.;
E.S.T to date employs highly skilled chemical engineers and electrical engineers as well as highly skilled
professional staff.
Objectives / Target companies:
Looking for strategic partnerships and raising funds from VCs and Private Equity firms.
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Company profile
Eternegy Ltd. has developed a unique, green and cost-effective way to improve Photovoltaic (PV)
electricity generation. Our state of the art solar-tracking technology improves reliability and dramatically
reduces costs. Our goal is to help bring utility-scale solar power generation to 'grid parity' rates (electricity
cost at regular grid rates) by reducing capital and operational expenditures. We call it surfing the sun.
Year of establishment: 2010
No. of employees: 4
Background on the company
Our product is a state-of-the-art large (100m2) Tracker for Photovoltaic (PV) panels suited to making
the most of any solar power plant. While solar panel technologies are constantly evolving solar tracking
systems have stood still. Current solar tracking technologies are at best evolutions of ideas that are
decades old. Our innovative approach changes the basic design of solar trackers and reduces a solar
plants environmental footprint whilst increasing its efficiency.
The Solar energy market, and the PV segment in particular, has become a multi-billion dollar market in
the past few years ($80Bn in 2010) and future annual growth rates well above 25% are expected.
The Eternegy Tracker is designed to meet the needs of all utility scale PV solar projects currently seen
in the USA, Germany, Spain, China and India. It is also designed to meet the needs of PV solar projects
planned or expected in all other relevant countries such as Morocco, Australia, and many more.
The Tracker market is a subset of the PV utility-scale market. Currently a $2bn market it is expanding
Technology & product(s)
Our unique solar tracking technology promises to be the most effective and efficient approach to
following the sun. It is designed to be greener and more cost-effective than any other system available:
1. Greener: Fewer materials, Less shipping, Easier installation
2. Cost-effective:
a. 50% less steel and concrete than other trackers
b. Improved wind resistance (less down time)
c. Reduced maintenance costs
d. 40% more electricity than fixed panels
To find out how we are achieving this please contact us at [email protected]
Category: Renewable energy, Photovoltaic, Solar
Tracker, Utility Solar plants, EPC, PV, Tracking
Objectives / Target companies
Our target market is utility scale Photovoltaic installations. We envision a future where we work with EPC
companies to improve returns across the full range of utility scale solar plants.
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Category: Drinking water, Renewable energyt
Sub Category: Air condition, biofuel
Company profile
EWA Tech. Ltd., a private Israeli company, founded by Bar Project management Ltd. (
The company was established in order to execute the business potential of the innovative concepts and
technologies for plants, devices, systems and large-scale water production apparatuses to supply high
quality water from air humidity. EWA Tech is the sole owner of all intellectual properties. Besides water
technologies, EWA Tech deals with additional environmental related technologies, mainly in the field of
renewable energy.
Year of establishment: July 2006
Background on the company
Bar project Management is the founder major shareholder of EWA Tech. The remaining shares are being
held by Stratum Wealth Management LLC, Florida, USA and its clients. The inventor and CEO of the
company is Dr. Etan Bar. The company own 2 R&D sites, one in Israel and one in Cyprus, and interest
offices in Ivory Coast and Jordan. The company also established strategic J&V with Proplan Ltd. (Cyprus),
Aly Tech (Australia) and Energreen Power Limited (india)
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Extraction of water from air- EWA (Extraction of Water from Air) is unique patented technology (patent
application PCT/IL2008/000397) developed by EWA Tech Ltd. Based on the EWA technology, the
Company developed and produces various apparatuses and water production plants in various capacities,
from few liters and up to hundreds of cubic meter of water per day. The EWA technology combined
adsorption with solid desiccants and condensation with capability to recover and return more than 85%
percents of the energy invested for the water production. The EWA technology was developed to be
effective almost at any RH, by using all kind of energy sources, including renewable energy sources.
Solar Power A/C- EWA Techs solar air-conditioner (SAC) is based on basic physical processes, making
use of solar heat as driving force, while electric power is not required. The key for the EWA Techs
patented SAC (patent application WO/2008/114266) is in its sophisticated sun-collector capable to collect
and accumulate solar energy and transform the heat energy to effective and efficient cooling. A granular
solid material, located in the solar heat collector, interact with a water solution, that being forced to
evaporated, and thereby cool the liquid phase located in a radiator that acts as heat exchanger. The solar
collector can accumulate solar heat and utilize it for cooling, even after 8 dark hours. A solar adsorber of
1 square meter is capable to collect sufficient solar energy to maintain temperature of 22-24
C in space
of about 40-20m2 (equivalent to about 10, 000BTU). EWA Tech developed two optional SAC systems;
passive and dynamic, the first for solar cooling and the second for domestic A/C. EWA Tech is developing
a new model of SAC in which that water solution is being replaced with organic solvent.
Function of the product(s): Water supply independent on infrastructure
Solar power cooling and air condition No. of employees: 12
Objectives / Target companies
Production R&D Distribution.
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Company profile
eXenewable is an industry-focused network designed to facilitate renewable energy transactions and
business development initiatives both at project and corporate levels.
eXenewable is structured in two layers: (i) online database with extensive information about renewable
energy projects; companies; professionals; and business opportunities across the industrys value chain;
and (ii) transaction support and professional services that includes lead advisory, deal-flow generation,
project financing and business development.Concrete investment opportunities and transactions deal-
flow can be generated through eXenewable direct and indirect connections with project developers or
relevant companies in the development side, and potential investors or relevant financial entities in the
financing side.
Year of establishment: 2009
Background on the company
Established by experienced professionals with a vast expertise in financial advisory and services,
eXenewable addresses growing needs in the renewable energy sector and strives to serve as a business
accelerator in different aspects including project financing, project equity investments, private placements,
specialized investment vehicles, and other financial structures.
Technology & product(s)
eXenewable online database includes thousands of entries about renewable energy projects in different
renewable energy sectors, as well as detailed information about market players in key geographic
markets, including project developers, equipment vendors, infrastructure and equity funds, financial
institutions, EPCs, research institutions, service providers and other industry players.
The system also includes independent content generation and editing tools that enable ongoing project
and corporate updates by connected parties.
Category: Renewable Energy Financing
Sub Category: Financing, Promotion
Objectives / Target companies
Potential equity investors that are looking to finance renewable energy projects or companies in
different development stages.
Project developers and EPCs that are looking for financing alternatives for projects under development,
or commissioned projects.
Qualified business partners that could serve as eXenewable partners in selected
geographic markets.
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Company profile
cleantech advanced biodegradable materials
Year of establishment: 2000
No. of employees: 6
Background on the company
inventing and testing new advanced biodegradable chemicals
Examples of past projects
Anti obesity drug-still in testing
Technology & product(s)
General description:
we took one of raw materials for disposable diapers called sap-made it totally biodegradable-safer for
baby-clean production-registered patent-this sap current market is 1.6 million ton a year!!!! our product fits
the new biodegradable diaper as well as regular disposable diapers
Function of the product(s):
to absorb urine in diaper.
Category: r and d
Sub Category: cleantech-advanced
biodegradable materials for personal hygiene
Objectives / Target companies
We are looking to do scale-up of our product 100-1000 tons in order to start selling it-potential investors -
Chemical producers looking to start new business in environment friendly chemicals - or private investors
or venture capita investment needed 5.5 mil usd for 5,000 ton plant.
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Category: Drinking water, water security.
Sub Category: water storage, water distribution
Objectives / Target companies
Government bodies (federal, state, local) responsible for water management, emergency and crises
Aid agencies, NGO, humanitarian organizations
Military logistic agencies and companies
Manufacturers of water purification and desalination systems
Equipment supplier of remote locations projects (infrastructure, military bases, mines, constructions,
Company profile
EZPack Water Ltd. is an Israeli private company, which develops, manufactures and markets unique
proprietary solutions for water storage, preservation and mobility. The company products are aimed to
the emergency, disaster relief, military and outdoor markets.
The company has developed the Emergency Water Storage & Distribution System (EWSDS) - the most
advanced system for emergency water supply. The EWSDS is the ultimate solution for local, state and
federal authorities and organizations, for supplying the population with water in emergency and disaster
EZPack and the EWSDS are approved by the Israeli Water Authority for water distribution in emergency
situation. EZPack is supplying the EWSDS to the municipalities in Israel.
Year of establishment: 2010
No. of employees: 4
Background on the company
EZPack Water is a private owned company, located at the Manof Industrial Area, in the northern part of
Examples of past projects
EZPack is an authorized supplier of the Israel Water Authorities and Israel municipalities. EZPack has
and is supplying the municipalities in Israel its Emergency Water Distribution System, which is a backup
water system for emergency and disaster situations.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
EZPack has a full line of pillow (bladder) water tanks from 10 liters (2.5 gallons) up to 20,000 liters
(5,000 gallons). The EZPack water tank is built from 2 layers: the outside layer - very rigid PVC that can
endure harsh terrains; the inside layer - an inner insert made of food-graded material approved for storing
drinking water. The inner-insert is the most advanced water product for emergency use, and it is based on
EZPack proprietary design and concept.
Function of the product(s):
The EZPack water tank is built from 2 layers: the outside layer - very rigid PVC that can endure harsh
terrains; the inside layer - an inner insert made of food-graded material approved for storing drinking
water. The inner-insert is the most advanced water product for emergency use, and it is based on EZPack
proprietary design and concept.
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Company profile
Flow Industries Ltd. (previously: Prowell Technologies Ltd.) specialized in high-pressure gas pulsing
Applications range from solutions to bulk materials flow problems to water, oil & gas wells stimulation
and completion.
Flow Industries maintains the highest standards in product design, manufacturing and customer
service. Our production facilities are ISO 9001 certified and our products follow all required quality
assurance and regulatory standards.
Year of establishment: 1997
No. of employees: 15
Examples of projects
Cement & Chemical plants bulk material flow processes, oil & gas well stimulation, water well
rehabilitation.Customers worldwide.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Airhsock technology is an innovative, non-destructive and environmental- friendly technology for
well rehabilitation and stimulation. Airshock, Silo-Flow and Turbo-Flow products are based on the
Airshock technology.
Function of the product(s):
Airshock technology is based on the creation of high- pressure gas pulses by means of the impulse
generators. These pulses release the compressed gas at regular intervals of3-4 seconds, thereby
providing the energy for the well, or bulk-material vessel stimulation.
Objectives / Target companies
Ground water supply companies Water well drilling contractors Water well service companies and
contractors Decision making people responsible for urban and rural water supply
Category: Consulting and Engineering Services,
Drinking water, Other
Sub Category: Water well rehabilitation &
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Objectives / Target companies
The company now is seeking for strategic partner/investor in support of its efforts to introduce Fluid Ice
technologies to the worldwide marketplace.
Company profile
FIS was established with the goal of investigations of rapid heat and mass transfer processes for
commercial application in different fields.
Year of establishment: 2000
No. of employees: 4
Background on the company
FIS aims to be the major provider of unique cooling, freezing and processing solutions and proposes a
new, patented FLUID ICE technology.
Examples of past projects
Technologies in purification and concentration of different chemical solutions and waste products and
sewage in chemical industry.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
The Fluid Ice process of ice production is based on a major re-orientation and modification of the whole
ice making process. The technology manipulates the solid/liquid phase mixtures using the principles of
chemical physics to modify surface tension. The unique process is carried out using a novel automatic
continuous mode, eliminating ice build up on the walls and ice plugging of the apparatus. In this process,
the ice is generated in the entire volume of the solution inside the generator (a volumetric 3D effect),
enabling operation at higher evaporation temperatures and higher ice production rates per given surface.
The mechanism of ice generation results in increased heat transfer coefficients (exceeding 3,000 W/m
K) which reduce energy consumption by 30% to 60%.
Our technology contains several unique and proprietary components. The specially designed Fluid Ice
Generator acts on any solution or beverage at below-zero cryoscopic temperatures (32F) utilizing the
turbulent and centrifugal forces in order to promote the formation of a fluid suspension of microscopic
crystals of ice (Fluid Ice).
Function of the product(s):
FIS is a cooling source which can replace standard ice making equipment in numerous markets. We have
verified and made certain that ice crystals obtained from seawater by transforming it into Fluid Ice are
almost chemical free. The crystal-clear process combined with centrifugal forces in the ice generator
separates the pure ice crystals from chemicals and contaminations. The further separation of ice and its
melting with recuperation of the melting heat allow obtaining fresh water.
Category: Desalination, Waste water
treatment, Industrial waste treatment, R&D,
Renewable energy
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Company profile
The company produces, plans, sells and installs Ultrasonic Anti-Rodent Systems. The clients for these
products range from the water and sewage industry to the electricity and communications industry and
others (such as hospitals, office buildings, cable TV stations etc). Our expertise is Rodent Damage
Year of establishment: 1986
No. of employees: 2 (+ subcontractors)
Background on the company
The company produces, sells, plans and installs Ultrasonic Anti-Rodent Systems. These systems are
designed to prevent damages which are caused by rodents gnawing on cables (either electricity, computer
or communications), health damages caused by rodents contaminating food etc.
Examples of past projects
Dan Region wastewater treatment project (Shafdan), the largest sewage treatment facility in Israel.
Other wastewater treatment projects in: Ashdod, Ashkelon, Eilat and many more.
Many water pumping stations, belonging to Mekorot - Israel Water Company.
Eastern sewage collection project (3 large pumping stations all leading to the Shafdan), and many more.
Technology & product(s)
The product is an Ultrasonic Anti-Rodent System which prevents rodents (mice&rats) from causing damage
to cables. The system is unique in as much as it is a multi-speaker system for small to very large places,
which really does the job - meaning - gives the client real value for money. The companys system has
proven experience in both Planning and installing the system in a way that will produce results.
Category: Drinking water, Waste water treatment,
Desalination, Water security
Sub Category: Ultrasonic Anti-Rodent System
Objectives / Target companies
To find a suitable company which will either serve as a local representative or buy the technology from us
and form a partnership with us for the Cyprus market.
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Company profile
Gadot Solar Solutions is a PV turnkey solutions provider, a global PV components distributor and owner
of PV parks in Europe.
Gadot Solar Solutions has vast experience in distribution of PV panels and inverters, in the management
of large scale development projects and in tailoring unique financing solutions to such projects. We offer
tailored solutions for each project and treat each customer as a long-term partner.
Our pipeline of PV projects in Israel and Europe is in excess of 100MW.
Gadot Solar Solutions has local offices in Greece, Bulgaria and Italy and logistics centers in Germany and
Holland. Our headquarters are in Herzlia, Israel.
Year of establishment: 2010
No. of employees: 10
Background on the company
Gadot Solar Solutions is the Solar operating division of Gadot Group (, Israels largest
chemical value chain company with over $650M annual turnover and 700 employees.
Gadot is a part of the Merhav Group of Companies ( one of the leading and largest Israeli
holding companies with diverse activities including: Energy and Natural Gas, Renewed Energy, Chemicals,
Logistics, Telecom and Broadcasting.
The Merhav Group of Companies has completed projects with an aggregate value in excess of $7B,
mostly in Energy related projects as well as other sectors as mentioned above. In recent years the Group
has developed its activity in the Renewable Energy sector with various projects in excess of $750M and
hundreds of megawatts in capacity.
Examples of past projects
Distribution of solar panels and inverters, Turnkey solutions in Israel, Italy and Greece.
Category: Renewable Energy
Sub Category: Photovoltaic modules,
Photovoltaic inverters, turnkey projects
Objectives / Target companies
Installers, Integrators, Investors.
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Company profile
About GALCON: One of the worlds leading manufacturers of computerized irrigation systems, Galcon
has turned the development of controllers into a science. We conduct research in the field and the lab,
intensively investigating technical capabilities. We abide by the philosophy ofno field is too large, garden
too small or crop too demanding. Regardless of the challenge, we have a solution. We carefully study the
market and are trained to foresee future trends, in order to be prepared with solutions even before you
request them.
Professional Gardening: We offer an extensive array of specialized AC, battery operated and wireless
controllers designed for professionals tending private and public gardens.
Municipal central irrigation control: CityGal state of the art central control system allows central
management of the irrigation all over the city. The system allows automatic changes in irrigation
quantities according to ET and brings to significant water saving.
Agriculture: Our new, state-of-the-art series is designed for agricultural use: open fields, greenhouses
and climate control.
Year of establishment: 1983
No. of employees: 60
Background on the company
Galcon irrigation control systems are being sold worldwide in more than 60 countries.
Recently Galcon released the CityGal a simple central control solution that allows municipalities to
manage centrally their gardening water resources and to save water.
The system adjusts the water quantities using ET based irrigation and send alerts to the system
operators via Email or SMS.
Examples of past projects
Tel aviv municipality Israel Milano Italy Jerusalem municipality Israel Kfar Saba Municipality Israel
Galcon controllers are installed in municipalities, institutes and private homes in more than 60
countries around the world.
Preesman greenhouses Kenya Hishtil nurseries (Israel, Turkey, Italy) Joytec PLC greenhouses Ethyopia
Galcon agriculture control systems are installed in more than 40 countries around the globe
managing the irrigation fertilizing and climate control in green houses and open fields
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Gardening line: Irrigation controllers from single station controller up to central control systems with
unlimited stations.
Agriculture line: Irrigation controllers, climate control systems and precise fertigation machines.
Function of the product(s):
Gardening line: Irrigation control and water saving.
Agriculture line: Irrigation and climate control that allows modern agriculture.
Category: Analyzers and control systems, Water
resources management
Objectives / Target companies
Municipalities Irrigation distributors for gardening and agriculture Water saving initiatives
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Category: The Water Industry
Sub Category: Valves, Waste water treatment,
water desalination, Steel pipes, Plastic pipes,
Green houses etc
Company profile
Gaon Agro- Holdings:
Middle east tube company-

Via maris- desalination-

Plassim- technical Plastic works-

Sagiv- Flow control under pressure-

Metzerplas- irrigation products-

Hakokhav- Valves industries-

Aqua-Mottech Water control solutions-

Year of establishment: 1998

No. of employees of all the companies related above 700
Background on the company
The company is a subsidiary of B. Gaon Holdings Ltd.
One of the leading investment companies in Israel.
The company deals primarily in the water infrastructure industry- water related projects and agriculture.
Examples of projects

Waste water treatment.

Green houses.

Technology & product(s)

All kinds of Pipes.

All kinds of Valves.

Water drippers.

Projects for conduction water.

Objectives / Target companies

To became a main factor in the water industry in Israel.
To procure projects and joint ventures in the water industry.To develop activities in the water
infrastructure industry and in water related projects in Israel and abroad.
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Category: Industrial & Municipal waste water
treatment & reuse. Soil & Sludge treatment
and recycling. Desalination,Consulting and
Engineering services |
Company profile
Galil Engineering Group supplies multiple engineering services and technological solutions to the
municipal and industrial segments in Israel and worldwide.
Galil Engineering services range from feasibility study through engineering design up to
full turnkey projects and BOT initiatives.
Galil Water Technologies (GWT)- the environmental arm of Galil Engineering Group - offers technological
know how and experience with water and wastewater treatment solutions.
Galil Engineering operates from its headquarters in Israel. with additional offices in Croatia, Vietnam and
Romania. Galil Engineering is a privately owned company.
Year of establishment: 1984
No. of employees: 360
Examples of past projects
A 55 million USD EPCM project (Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management), West
Jerusalem Municipal Waste Water Treatment Plant, Israel. 1998-2001.
A 30 million USD Turnkey project in a refinery in Warry, Nigeria. 2002.
A 35 million USD EPCM project in Ashkelon Desalination plant, Natural Gas power plant, Israel. 2002-
A 15 million USD EPCM project in Tnuva Dairies, Whey Water treatment & reuse, Israel. 2002-
Wide range of engineering services in a 15 million USD MBR based Municipal WWTP in the city of
Nazareth, Israel. 2007-2009.
A 10 million USD Turnkey project, solidification-stabilization of industrial polluted waste, Israel
Environmental Services, Ramat Hovav, Israel. 2008-2009.
A 2 million USD Turnkey project, Mineral & Vegetable oil WWT and Reuse in Eco Oil, Haifa, Israel,
Wide range of engineering services, wastewater treatment in Numonyx Fab 18 & Intel Fab 28, Kiryat
Gat, Israel. 2006-2010.
Wide range of engineering services in water and wastewater treatment including a 1 million USD
Turnkey project for manure wastewater treatment in a dairy cow farm. TH Dairy, Vietnam. 2009-2010.
A 75 million USD Turnkey project, Isomerization unit in Ina Petrochemical plant, Croatia, 2007-2010.
Objectives / Target companies
Galil Engineerings primary objective is to supply full Turnkey projects in various industrial & municipal
segments in Israel & around the globe. Main potential companies:
Industries which produce wastewater with a need to be treated to a certain degree
Industries which consume water for various uses and needs, and need to improve water quality to a
certain level.
Municipalities which need to clean their wastewater to a certain level.
Local Water and wastewater treatment companies who look for a partner with know how and
experience in the above mentioned areas.
91 Back to Index
Company profile
Galilee International Management Institute (GIMI) - Israel, is a public, international management
training institution. GIMI gives advanced leadership, management and capacity building seminars to
professionals coming from all over the globe. Courses are assigned to one of ten academic departments:
Agriculture; Business Administration; Education; Environment; Health; Human Resources; National
Security; NGOs; Ports and Maritime Transport; and Tourism.
The Programme Development Division designs and implements special training projects, tailor-made
for the requirements of sponsoring governments and international agencies, such as: The World Bank,
UNESCO, UNICEF, USAID, World Health Organisation, United Nations Environment Programme, United
Nations Development Programme.
Year of establishment: 1987
No. of employees: 65
Background on the company
The International Agricultural Training Centre (IATC) aims to share the Israeli Experience with participants
from countries around the globe. Twice a year Galilee International Management Institute runs regular
agricultural training programmes, details of which can be accessed at our website:
IATC also designs and implements special training projects, tailor-made for the requirements of sponsoring
governments, international agencies, NGOs and local organisations. The IATC also cooperates and works
with many Israeli Agricultural companies.
Examples of past projects
Water Resources Management and Irrigation training programme - Dar Es Salaam Water and
Sewerage Authority - DAWASA, Tanzania
Special Study Tour for the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, Nigeria
Planning, Implementing and Management of Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene training
programme (WASH)
Integrated Water Resources training programme, Ministry of Water Resources, Ethiopia
Water Resources Management training programme for the UNDP, Ethiopia
Technology & product(s)
Management training programmes in variety of topics:
Water & Crop Production
Agribusiness, Export and Marketing
Livestock: Advanced Dairy Technology and Farming
Aquaculture: Intensive Fish Cultivation
Water & Irrigation
Agribusiness Development
Agro Technologies Applications
Water Resources
Category: training in All categories
Objectives / Target companies
Government Ministries, international Agencies, Companies in the field, International Organisations,
Israeli organisations who want to provide extended training for their customers.
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Objectives / Target companies
Mining groups, municipalities, water engineering and consulting firms, civil work groups.
Category: Desalination, Industrial water and
waste water treatment, drinking and irrigation
water treatment
Company profile
GES Global Environmental Solutions is a recognized leader in the development and implementation of
cutting-edge water treatment. The Company has exclusive experience, expertise, and human capital;
GES has proved itself in dozens of projects both in Israel and worldwide in recent decades. In addition,
the GES chemicals division offers a wide basket of off-the-shelf products based on the ingenuity of
international companies.
GES has provided clean water to thousands of satisfied customers in Israel and abroad for many years.
GES provides solutions that are economically viable and meet all standards, on any scale and of any kind,
according to the customers requirements. It offers maximum availability, cutting-edge technology, and
incomparable quality.
Year of establishment: 1998
No. of employees: 250
Background on the company
GES enjoys the unique combination of considerable professional knowledge, the cumulative experience
of thousands of projects, and sound financial backing. The Company employs skilled personnel,
including some of the most experienced professionals in the field, working alongside a younger
generation being nurtured for the future. GES also represents many leading international companies,
and its work is based on the best quality, state-of-the-art products, equipment, and technologies.
GES has customers in many different sectors: chemical, petrochemical, electronic, and metal
industries; food and beverage industries; cosmetics and drugs; institutions; governmental authorities
and municipalities; industrial plants; military entities; and others.
Examples of past projects
Palmachim Desalination Plant (45 MCM per year), Unilever MBR, Teva MBR, Xilinhot water and waste
water treatment plants, Dan- Viro.
Technology & product(s)
GES is able to customize clients solution that take into account both technology and environment, as
well as regulatory and financial constraints. GES allows you to choose the place, the time, and the scale,
as well as the cost and manner, of financing. You can choose either an overall solution or specific services
to suit your needs, including:
Detailed process planning
In-house planning and production of the facility
Skilled start-up teams
Experienced operating and maintenance teams
Advanced laboratory services
Financial solutions using Turn-Key/BOT/Water Outsourcing methods
93 Back to Index
Objectives / Target companies
The natural market for the ORION Solar + LED lamp is all those countries with lack or non existing
electrical infrastructure. For rural areas, open air events, parks, bike and walk path and new housing
The JUPITER bulb for replacement of existing HPS to be placed everywhere, especially in developed
countries that need to reduce the energy bill.
The target clients are all the official statements, Municipalities, Ministries, commercial centres and
Logistics Companies with big parking places etc.
Company profile
Globe Light & Water System Inc. has developed a unique street lighting fixture operated by solar energy.
The founders, Zeev Jakoby and Rosana Smerling, offer integral solutions, design, development and
manufacture of LED + Solar street lighting systems.
Year of establishment: 2011
No. of employees: 2 employees + 3 to 8 subcontracted
Background on the company
From February 2011, Globe Light & Water System Inc. is owned by Globe International Holding, which
is engaged in a wide range of business activities throughout the world including oil and gas exploration,
mining, industrial activities, high-tech, media, construction and trading.
Globe IH has business interests spanning across Africa (Nigeria & Sierra Leone), Eastern Europe (Bulgaria
and Albania), the Former Soviet Union (Ukraine), Western Europe (Germany), Middle East (Turkey, Israel,
and Cyprus) and America (USA & Mexico).
Examples of past projects
Katsina State and Kogi State (Nigeria) street lighting projects. 2011 on course.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Globe L&Ws street lighting fixture ORION was developed in base on minimum operating and
maintenance costs and very low periodic maintenance requirements. The fixture requires a replacement
of the battery about every 5 years and lamp every 15 or more years. The fixtures operate on PV panel, no
electricity or costly electrical infrastructure is required. We work on the research and development of the
latest innovations in the field of illumination, LED technology, and luminary new components as the LED
bulb JUPITER for replacement of the HPS existing on the grid.
Function of the product(s):
Our products are the solution for the save energy needs of street lighting installations. In those with
electrical infrastructure the LED bulb JUPITER helps to reduce 2/3 of the electrical bill. In rural areas or
in those place with lack of electricity, the ORION device provides a very good quality of light, with an
efficient and sustainable system.
Category: New Technologies
Sub Category: Solar + LED Technology For
Street Lighting
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Category: Analyzers and control systems, R&D
Objectives / Target companies
Smart Grid companies.
Utility company.
Company profile
Year of establishment: 2008
No. of employees: 9
Background on the company
Gnrgy is dedicated to the development of modular and centrally controlled smart grid systems via a
wireless network.
The Gnrgy Energy Management Platform (EMP) connects computers, electrical appliances and vehicles
using easy-to-install smart plugs and cutting edge technology.
Gnrgy has been focused on the European market and is currently in a commercial relations with the
leading utility companies in that territory.
Examples of past projects
Energy management networks for residential and small business
Demand respond system for residential
Renewable generation management
Electric vehicle charging operator
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Gnrgy deploys wireless mesh networks which enable energy management by using smart plugs, EV
chargers, 3rd party equipment (electricity/gas/water) and smart appliances. All devices wirelessly
transmit real-time data to the energy gateway and from there to a centralized server hosted at the utility
or the cloud.
The networks serve utilities for Smart Grid applications, large enterprises and residential/business users,
providing each with specific interfaces and applications to support their specific requirements.
Function of the product(s):
eXtreemRF ZigBee module
EnerGrid ZigBee to Ethernet gateway
Gauger Smart plugs for monitor and control
EZCharge 32A single and three phase EV charger
Clamper Current sensing ring powered by induction
BoilPoint Hot boiler controller
95 Back to Index
Category: Hot & Cold Slurries, Backfill
applications, Liquids, Hot & Cold Acids and
Bases, Gas, Desalination, Dredging, Industrial
Waste transportation, Hot & Cold Water
transportation. Service Conditions:
+110 degrees, -50 degrees.
Objectives / Target companies
Part of Golans global strategy is to become a supplier of PEXGOL pipes solutions to the Mining and the
Industrial sectors in South- Africa.
Company profile
Golan Plastic Products specializes in the development, production and distribution of PEXGOL Plastic
Golan has long years of experience in providing solutions for the transportation of Hot & Cold Water,
Liquids, Slurries, Gas and Chemicals.
Golans main sectors of activity are: Mining, Industrial, Infrastructure and Construction.
Golan is the sole manufacturer in the world of PEX A pipes ranging from 200mm diameter up to
Golan Plastic pipes production process is supervised by international institutes and has the ISO-9001
certificate. Golan carries International Certificates Approvals in 40 Countries for various applications.
Golan is a public company and its shares are traded in the Tel-Aviv stock market.
These days, 67% is owned by Kibbutz Shaar-Hagolan while the rest is owned by the public.
60% of Golans production is exported to Europe, Central and South America, USA and Africa.
Subsidiaries: Golan Denmark, Golan Russia and Pexgol North America.
Year of establishment: 1964
No. of employees: 180
Examples of past projects
Transportation of rinsing water in Platinum refinery - South Africa.
26 km of pipeline lay in rough terrain transporting industrial waste of Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid and
Hydrochloric Acid with no maintenance for over 13 years - Israel.
Pumping water with PEXGOL pipe system for boreholes, supplies in many projects around the world.
Dredging of salt slurries- Dead Sea Works.
PEXGOL pipeline installed in a copper mine with extreme temperature ranging from -20 to +40 plus
high pressure and water hammer - Chile
Technology & product(s)
Complete system of Cross Linked Polyethylene PEXGOL pipes and Fittings providing solutions for the
Mining, Industrial, Infrastructure and Construction sectors.
96 Back to Index
Category: Analyzers and control systems, R&D,
Consulting and engineering services
Sub Category: Energy Savings
software products
Objectives / Target companies
We are seeking business partners abroad and are looking for solution providers and integrators ready to
add G-Patrol suite and our knowledge to their solutions and projects.
Company profile
G-Patrol is a new software provider of energy control and saving solutions for organizations IT
environments. We offer G-Patrol Suite which is a software dedicated to conserving electricity and
reducing companies carbon footprint by centrally managing PCs power consumption based on corporate
usage profile and policies.
Year of establishment: 2009
No. of employees: 5
Background on the company
G-Patrol is a young company established by experienced system engineers with dozens years in the
fields of IT.
Examples of past projects
Initial commercial product has been lunched and deployed in Israels biggest cellular company in the
beginning 0of 2010. Two more POC has been initiated with a major insurance company and a Credit Card
company, planned to have more than 5 customers live until the December 2011. Several other potential
customers have been identified and engaged in initial discussions.
Technology & product(s)
Quantifies PC energy consumption and savings
Provides network-level control over PC power settings
Safely puts PCs in non-power states when not in use
Reduces company operating costs up to $60 per PC annually
Reduces greenhouse gas emission by eliminating PC energy waste
Provides verifiable ROI through integrated measurement and reporting
Provides Home edition version for all
97 Back to Index
Category: waste recycling into biofuel and water
Sub Category: industrial waste treatment,
renewable energy
Objectives / Target companies
CPU 500 and the patented technology will suit and is design for:
1. Waste water treating facilities- reduction of organic sludge sent for landfill, and converting waste
stream into valuable Biofuels.
2. Industrial food processing -CPU500 can be used on-line with existing factories that deals with fatty
swage problems.
Company profile
Intelligent FOG Remediation to Advanced Biofuels.
Year of establishment: 2009
No. of employees: 5
Background on the company
Green City Urban Recycling LTD (former Z.P.H Biofuels Israel LTD )is a leading Israeli company in the field
of waste to energy, specialized in water treatment - reducing FOG damages and BOD in waste water.
Reducing urban waste weight (Organic Sludge).

Using waste as an energy source.

Developing new light waste to energy converters.

Reducing BOD treatment cost in waste facilities.

Examples of past projects

CPU500 processor, FOG & low grade feedstock to advanced Biofuels.
CPU500 is a portable unit built into two 20 standard containers and effectively deals with FOG (Fats

Oils & Grease) from waste traps, industrial food processing and organic sludge -up to 100% FFA (Free
fatty acid) thus turn problem waste into valuable biodiesel.
CPU500 can be tailor made to the costumer needs, reducing organic sludge waste by up to 40%, and

BOD values by the average of 30%.

Technology & product(s)
1. CPU500 process reduces sludge sent to landfill, BOD and particles in the sewer stream- it utilized
those and turns them into valuable biodiesel.
2. Continuous flow process - smaller and with elevated pressure and temperature that makes it one of
the safest unit in the world.
3. Provides the lowest cost of production - CPU500 has one of the lowest capital costs and processing
costs of any renewable fuel.
4. Process uses unique patent protected enzyme.
98 Back to Index
Category: Coating Technology Company
Sub Category: Environmental friendly Anti
Corrosion Protective coatings
Objectives / Target companies
Mining- Equipment and Hardware manufacturers for mining infrastructure and rock engineering.
Company profile
Greenkote plc (Greenkote or the Company) has developed a breakthrough technology for surface
metal coatings. Its patented processes are demonstrably superior to the current alternatives based on
their efficacy, cost and environmental benefits.
Year of establishment: 1999
No. of employees: 111
Background on the company
Greenkote was founded in 1999 by two scientists from the former Soviet Union. During its first years it
was funded by R&D grants from the UK and Israeli governments. From 2005, in order to demonstrate the
benefits of the process and establish operating credibility, a small plant was established in Germany and
IPC, a North American coatings business, was acquired. Having achieved these goals the Company has,
within the last two years, sold the German plant to a new licensee and restructured the North American
business. The Company now operates 4 plants (2 in the USA, one in Mexico and one in Israel).
Examples of past projects
Development of anti corrosion coatings for the equipment builders for the mining industry Aveng SA,

and Minova for: Soil Nails, Roof Bolts, Rock Bolts, Friction Anchors, Thread Bar.
Development of Anti corrosion coatings for Tension Control Bolts UK.

Technology & product(s)

General description:
The Company has developed a proprietary and patent-protected technology applicable to many types of
metals, alloys, sintered metals, cermets and powders. The Greenkote process involves the introduction
of proprietary, patent-protected powder feed-stocks into customized rotating ovens. The powders diffuse
into metal surfaces under heat, performing a thermo-chemical surface modification to the metal surface.
Function of the product(s):
Competitive advantages
Cost -TCSM offer significant cost advantages over traditional technologies
Environment Greenkotes thermal, dry process is environmentally sound.
Performance - as demonstrated in the picture below the Greenkote process provides better uniform
coverage and protection than other protective coatings. E-coat lasts 600 hours in a salt spray test, while
TCSM extends coating life to 2500 hours.
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Company profile
Greenlet is a Smart Grid startup, focused on energy management and Peak Shaving (power reduction
during Peak Hours). Our system serves as a Virtual Plant- it reduces MegaWatts and substitutes power
plants. Our unique deployment model (Send => Connect => Control) and technology allow building
Virtual Plants without any professional installation (no need for smart meter or controllers).
Greenlet offers electric utilities and Energy Service companies with a unique B2B solution for power
reduction. Using the integrated solution (management system, end-point units and customer portal)-
utilities reduce a lot of power during peak hours, avoid power outages, avoid extremely high generation
costs and reduce pollution and global warming.
Greenlets business model allows for sending greenlet
pluggable units to any customer (institutional,
industrial, and residential) by mail, for self-deployment. Peak shaving is achieved without installation.
Year of establishment: 2008
No. of employees: 8
Background on the company
Greenlet Technologies Ltd. Is an Israeli startup focused on Scalable Energy
Control. As a Smart Grid startup it combines Hi-tech, Clean Energy and
business disciplines. Greenlets founders bring a lot of experience in high-
tech and business and its employees have served in many successful
startups. Greenlet has offices in Tel-Aviv (headquarters and R&D) and in NY
(focused on marketing).
Examples of past projects
Power reduction at institutional (municipalities, government) buildings.
A residential project for power control and monitoring during peak hours.
Technology & product(s)
1. A centralized management application (GEMS) through which Utilities
& service companies control & monitor power, deploy peak shaving
programs, validate true power reduction and calculate reward for
2. Pluggable GREENLETs (=Green Outlets) which are sent to customers by
mail for self-deployment, controlling and monitoring loads.
3. Web Portal for customers, for power monitoring and control.
Objectives / Target companies
Electric companies (utilities) and Energy Service Companies (ESCOs), smart grid vendors.
Category: Smart Grid, Energy Management,
Energy Efficiency, power monitoring & control
Sub Category: Demand Response,
Demand Side Management
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Objectives / Target companies
GVS seeks to form strategic partnerships with corporations and governments and jointly deliver a service
that can identify, map and reduce urban air-pollution.
GVS has undertaken projects with several local municipalities throughout Europe and Southeast Asia. It
intends to continue expanding its urban air-quality monitoring program to additional cities.
Company profile
GVS offers the next level in environmental-protection services-providing real-time tracking and mapping
of man-made and natural sources of air pollution. We provide clients with our patented and field-proven
hyperspectral imaging (HSI) technology. We also offer a comprehensive and modular air-pollution product
suite, which can easily be installed and integrated into the infrastructure of wireless base stations.
Year of establishment: 1996
No. of employees: more than 50 employees
Background on the company
Our 14-year history is marked by the development of comprehensive inspection and monitoring solutions,
growth in Fortune 500 clients, and specialization in HSI technology. Operating as an ISO-9001 approved
company, our products also have the CE mark and meet Underwriters Laboratories Inc. standards.
The company has also established two fully owned subsidiaries: GVSE in Luxemburg (founded in
2008) and GVS Inc. in Northern Virginia, USA (founded in 2009). In addition, GVS is in the process of
establishing a third subsidiary in Japan and strengthening its strategic partnerships in Singapore.
Examples of past projects
Collaboration between GVS (Israel) and SECOM (Singapore)
The HyperEye-ID/AP system gathered and analyzed particular-matter (PM) sampling using GVS receptor
technology (FIPA-20/40). Air samples from specific locations in Singapore were combined to create a global
database of air-pollution sources, thus enabling users with tracking capabilities.
Collaboration between GVS (Israel), the Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board (India), and The
Desert Research Institute (USA)
The GVS HyperEye system used a Federal Reference Model (FRM) PM2.5 air collector (tunable speed of
air 5-20 litter per min) to validate the mission inventory; contribute a profile of real-time sources; provide
high-spectral and temporal resolution, i.e., hot-spot measurements; and enhance the existing emission
inventory model.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Function of the product(s):
An online station which allows clients to monitor and track urban air pollution on a 24/7 basis. This entails
working with sources of particulate matter that are either man-made or natural.
Category: Analyzers and control systems
Sub Category: Industrial waste treatment
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Objectives / Target companies
Drinking water companies DIY stores water filtration companies mineral water companies
Company profile
Hadass Filtration Solutions, develops and provides to every households and businesses requirement, a
wide range of drinking water treatments and optimal filtering solutions.
Year of establishment: 2002
No. of employees: 18
Background on the company
Hadass Filtration Solutions was established in 2002 and gained a great experience adapting its service
and filtering solutions for a wide range of clients.
The company develops and manufactures filtration solutions according to Israel and China demands, and
keeps constant touch with international factories.
Examples of past projects
Construction Filtration Projects
Filtration project in residential buildings and neighborhoods
Scale treatments
Filtration treatments
Agriculture Projects
Filtration Solutions and water dispensers for Call Centers and big companies
Technology & product(s)
Central filtration systems
Anti-scale central systems
Reverse Osmosis systems
Hot/cold water dispensers that provide purified water for a wide range of requirements: households,
businesses and institutions
Category: Drinking water
Sub Category: Water security
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Category: Wastewater treatment, Solid waste
treatment and Recycling, Industrial waste
treatment, Renewable energy
Objectives / Target companies
Providers of equipment and technologies for: Solid-waste treatment and recycling, Wastewater
treatment and Renewable energy.
The Jerusalem Wastewater
and Purification Enterpises
Company profile
MAVTI is a subsidiary of Hagihon Ltd., The Jerusalem Wastewater and Water Corporation, the largest
municipal water and wastewater company in Israel. It is responsible for constructing, operating and
maintaining wastewater treatment plants using the most advanced technologies.
The companys policy is based on professionalism, experience and teamwork of leading employees and
consultants in the fields of wastewater treatment and disposal.
Year of establishment: 1969
No. of employees: 20
Background on the company
MAVTI was established in 1969 in order to provide solutions for the treatment of Jerusalems wastewater.
Over the years, MAVTI has built and operated two wastewater treatment plants, which today treat 40
million CuM/year of wastewater, serving a population of about one million people in the city of Jerusalem
and its environs, with an annual budget of over 150 million Euros.
MAVTI provides the broadest possible range of top quality engineering services in the field of wastewater
planning and construction in Israel and is known for its utilization of innovative technologies with the
highest standards of environmental requirements.
Examples of past projects
Following are some examples of leading projects:
Construction and operation of an activated sludge treatment plant with a capacity of 30 million CuM/year.

The plant, which began operating in 1999 with an investment of 70 million Euros, has a Bio-Gas Energy
Recovery center, supplying 75% of the plants electric power; the effluent and sludge from the plant is
reused for agricultural purposes.
Construction and operation of an activated sludge treatment plant with a capacity of 10 million CuM/year.

These two plants are now in the process of being upgraded to meet new city development plans and new
environmental protection regulations.
Construction of a 2km sewage tunnel with a diameter of 5 meters, at a cost of 5 million Euros.

MAVTI is in the process of constructing two new treatment plants. The first is an MBR type with a

capacity of 5600 CuM/day whose effluents will be used for Jerusalems park irrigation.
The second is an Extended Aeration type whose effluents will be used for agricultural irrigation.
103 Back to Index
Category: Drinking water, Waste water
treatment, Desalination, Chemical and
pharmaceutical industry and more
Company profile
Hakohav Valves is a valves specialist manufacturing Company (since 1963) with unique and high quality
Hakohav Valves are worldwide known for their reliability and durability even in tough working conditions.
Hakohav Valves are ISO 9001-2008 & CE approved.
Hakohav Valves successfully marketed and operated in national and international desalination projects.
In 2007 Hakohav valves took over 100% of a high specialized diaphragm valve manufacturing company KIM.
Kim diaphragm valves are worldwide known (since 1956) for their benefits in corrosion and abrasion
resistance mainly in industry market.
Year of establishment: 1963
No. of employees: 60
Technology & product(s)
Hakohav valves is using modern and unique production technologies like Vulcanization and various types
of Coatings & linings including:
Glass, Halar (ECTFE), Rubber, Epoxy, Rilsan (nylon 11) Plascoat (polyester), Plastic (ETFE, PFA etc)
and Enamel.
Hakohav Valves provides products for different working conditions, pressures and temperatures in wide
range of sizes (till 72) and types including:
Butterfly valves
Gate valves
Diaphragm Valves (KIM)
Check valves
Hydrants for firefighting system
Hydraulic control valves
Objectives / Target companies
To establish contact to national, regional and local institutions and companies in charge of or dealing with
water supply & treatment, potable water, water reservoirs, sewage water, pumping stations, Sea water,
Desalination plants, Agriculture, Chemical & Petrochemical industries, Air Cooling systems, Fire fighting,
Food & Beverage industries, Pulp & Paper industries and process industries.
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Category: Renewable energy, R&D
Sub Category: Solar thermal, Boosting
Company profile
HelioFocus is an emerging force in the area of high-efficiency solar thermal energy. The company
is focused on providing solar thermal solutions that directly impact utility scale power-generation
efficiencies, improving cost-effectiveness per installed capacity.
Year of establishment: 2007
No. of employees: 16
Background on the company
Investors in HelioFocus includes Israel Corporation Green Ltd. (ICG), a subsidiary of Israel Corporation
Ltd., Israels largest public holding company, and Sanhua Holding group, a Chinese company, the largest
supplier of refrigeration and air conditioning components in China.
Examples of projects
IEC - a three stages solar boosting project to boost IEC power plant with additional 10 MW
ICP - 10 MW Augmentation project
China - A Road map for joint Project application with one of chinas utility companies
Starting with a feasibility study for site and technology evaluation
Technology & product(s)
General description:
HelioFocus boosting Product - the HelioBooster, enables power plants to increase their production
using clean and green electricity. The products advanced technologies surpass conventional boundaries
to achieve optimal efficiency and competitive costs. HelioBooster operates at high efficiency scales
and runs at low operations costs. The product comprises a field of large parabolic dish concentrators (500
sq.m. per dish) that harness temperatures of up to 1000C.
Function of the product(s):
Each dish channels sun radiation onto a proprietary volumetric receiver which generates high temperature
air. The air is then transferred to a central heat exchanger that generates high temperature steam. This
steam is delivered to the power plant turbine, generating clean electricity. The HelioBooster has the
lowest footprint per kWe and low environmental impact due to minimum civil engineering works required
per project, no usage of oil and fossil sources, and No need for additional grid connections, gas lines, or
water systems.
Objectives / Target companies
Potential investors
EPCS partnership
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Category: Analyzers and control systems,
Consulting and engineering services, Waste
water treatment, Water security, Water
resources management
Company profile
Year of establishment: 2006
No. of employees: 4
Background on the company
High Check Control Ltd. specializes in:
1. Water & Wastewater consulting services.
High Check Control has an expert team familiar with cutting-edge water and wastewater technologies
that serve the needs of todays world. We offer to identify the best of Israeli innovation and technology
in the water and wastewater treatment industry, suggesting the most efficient and cost effective
solutions, including technology and equipment for each application.
2. Dynamic real-time measurement and control systems for wastewater treatment plants and
other industries.
Our product is an innovative and dynamic wireless monitoring system based on autonomous sensors.
The systems unique features enable it to continuously:
detect the % of Dissolved Oxygen inside the water

optimize the control of processes

reduce the cost of energy

whether in aeration basin, open reservoirs or in closed tanks - which results in substantial savings.
The company was chosen to become a member of The Israeli Water Marketing Consortium, enabled
by the Israeli Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor and organized by the Israel Export & International
Cooperation Institute.
Examples of past projects
Wastewater consulting services

Water and Wastewater monitoring

Liquids tanks monitoring

Technology & product(s)

General description:
1. Water & Wastewater consulting services - identifying the best of Israels innovative technologies and
suggesting solutions per each application and its requirements.
2. Monitoring system - that makes use of horizontal motion across aeration basin and communicates with
a programmable monitor to determine % of Dissolved Oxygen and other required parameters.
3. Compact gas station for automotive urea.
Function of the product(s):
Monitoring System - Enable better control of air inlets and water mixing.
Objectives / Target companies
Water purification and treatment facilities

Fish and Algae growing farms

Petroleum custody and points of sale

Chemical & Petrochemical processing

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Category: Monitoring and Control systems
Sub Category: Groundwater and Surface water
Company profile
Hoffmann & Hoffmann has more than 40 years of development, manufacturing and service experience.
The company specializes in control and monitoring instrumentation and has patented products that
target the water market. Hundreds of controllers are in service with major water utilities in the USA and
the Middle East.
Year of establishment: 1968
No. of employees: 5
Examples of past projects
Hoffmann & Hoffmann has equipped more than 450 MEKOROT water well sites in Israel with its
Dripmaster oil lubrication controller for Vertical Turbine Pumps. The SandSense SWD-2 sand monitor
has been installed at 60 MEKOROT well sites.
In the USA, The Dripmaster is the standard oil lubrication controller for the cities of Las Vegas (NV),
Tucson (AZ), Scottsdale (AZ), Eastern Municipal Water District (CA), Santa Fe (NM) and many others.
More than 350 Dripmaster units have been installed in the South West USA. A first time SandSense
SWD-2 application has recently been put into operation for managing a sand producing irrigation well
owned by Paramount Citrus (CA), a major citrus producer.
Technology & product(s)
Dripmaster EDD-4 - General description: Automatically stabilizes the oil drip rate fed to the pump
bearings to a preset value and eliminates the affect of: Oil viscosity variations, caused by temperature
changes, Hydrostatic pressure variations, caused by oil level changes, Dirt particles in the oil.
Function of the Product: The only automatic oil lubrication device designed for Vertical Turbine Pumps
that: Protects the pump (automatic shutdown of pump in case of lack of oil), Saves operational costs,
Increases the pumps life span, Decreases well contamination, Reports oil status to SCADA room.
SandSense SWD-2 - General description: The only automatic, real time, inline, stand alone solution
for monitoring sand and other particulate concentration in water lines. Sand producing wells cause
excessive wear and tear to the pumping equipment. Utilizing the SWD-2, this issue is now managed in
a routine manner.
Function of the Product: Traces and monitors sand levels of each well continuously and in real time,
Shuts down well pump if sand level exceeds pre defined threshold, Reduces erosion of pump impellers
and valves by 40%, Controls well flushing during well restart, Saves energy when utilizing a sand
separator (hydro cyclone), Prevents well avalanche, Reports sand results to SCADA room.
SandSense SWD-3 - General description: The first patented automatic and portable sand
measurement device. Continuously measures sand content in real time, eliminates the need for time
consuming and inaccurate human calculations.
Function of the Product: Provides a true picture of the wells condition, Ensures meeting regulatory
requirements for well acceptance tests, Facilitates well rehabilitation planning.
Objectives / Target companies
Municipalities, Engineering Companies, Municipal Well Drillers, Food & Beverage Companies.
Seeking manufacturer reps and dealers.
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Category: Chemicals
Sub Category: Cooling water treatment
Company profile
H-O-H was started in 1968 by robert hutchison. His experience in water treatment actually began in world
war ii, when he was responsible for boiler room operations on the ships he served. As national sales
manager for dearborn chemical, he started the aqua-serv division and eventually took over the chicago
franchise in 1963, evolving into H-O-H in 1968 as we began formulating and producing our own products.
H-O-H has continued to grow, both organically and via acquisition. H-O-H acquired three companies
during the 1990s-erickson, mariam labs, and hydro technologies.
Year of establishment: march 1968
No. of employees: 72
Background on the company
H-O-H has a history of introducing innovative approaches to pressing water issues. We have published
papers and introduced fresh treatment programs to mitigate/preventwhite rust. We also are north
americas leading provider of chlorine dioxide to protect drinking water from waterborne pathogens. This
is especially important in facilities with high risk occupants such as hospitals. Our technology represents
a breakthrough in generating chlorine dioxide because it does not require chlorine, bleach, or acids which
makes it significantly safer than traditional generation procedures.
Examples of projects
We are introducing an exciting new technology from uet. Marketed as the green machine, this device
allows us to treat recirculating cooling water without the use of conventional scale and corrosion
inhibitors. It causes scale to form in the machine at such a rapid rate that it inhibits the formation of
scale anywhere else in the system. Concurrently, we control corrosion by maintaining the systems
water in a scaling state. Additionally, the green machine allows us to run much higher solids levels
which significantly reduce the amount of water lost to bleed. Lastly, control of microbiological growth
is often achieved without adding biocides because this program does not use organic additives and
the green machine helps keep the system much cleaner than conventional approaches. It is truly the
ultimategreen approach to treating cooling water.
Technology & product(s)
We are introducing an exciting new technology from uet. Marketed as the green machine, this device
allows us to treat recirculating cooling water without the use of conventional scale and corrosion
inhibitors. It causes scale to form in the machine at such a rapid rate that it inhibits the formation of
scale anywhere else in the system. Concurrently, we control corrosion by maintaining the systems
water in a scaling state. Additionally, the green machine allows us to run much higher solids levels
which significantly reduce the amount of water lost to bleed. Lastly, control of microbiological growth
is often achieved without adding biocides because this program does not use organic additives and
the green machine helps keep the system much cleaner than conventional approaches. It is truly the
ultimategreen approach to treating cooling water.
Objectives / Target companies
We hope to make contact with facility managers, consulting engineers, and design engineers. This can
be opportunity for us to introduce uets truly innovative technology and to offer assistance in developing
specifications for the units.
108 Back to Index
Category: Water treatment
Sub Category: Scale and rust control
in water systems
Company profile
Year of establishment: 1994
No. of employees: 30
Background on the company
The company manufactures the PTH - Water Improver to control scale and rust in hot and cold water
systems, for Domestic Industrial and Agricultural uses.
The company Exports the PTH Water Improver to around 40 countries world wide, and participate in
international exhibitions and profetional seminars in Israel and abroad.
Hop Engineering has implemented and maintains the quality management system 9002.
Examples of past projects
PTH installations in private houses and in building apartments.
PTH installations in gas and oil companies, Coca Cola, steel manufactures companies, Samsung
factories, Cars manufactures factories, Mining factories.
PTH installation in water irrigation systems in gardening and agriculture.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
The PTH is installed in different and varied kind of water treatment apllications to control scale and rust.
Part of our world wide PTH clients are from Domestic sectors, and from industrial sector like gas and oil
companies, Coca Cola, Sumsung, mining factories, and agricultural projects.
Function of the product(s):
The PTH technology is unique. The device is made of stainless filter and an inner core of an alloy made of
noble and semi-noble metals.
When water flow through the PTH weak electric fields, and hydrodynamic forces are produced.
These forces prevent the adhesion and cohesion of the waterborne mineral particles( mainly carbonic
salts, Calcium and Magnesium )
These Electro and Hydrodynamic forces separate the molecules (especially Aluminum and Cilice) which
bind mineral particles.
Thus the mineral particles flow in the water without precipitate and with no interference.
HOP Engineering Ltd.
Objectives / Target companies
We are participating In international events and we are looking for PTH agents / PTH distributors.
We would like to meet with:
Distribution companies of equipment for water treatment.
Distribution companies of filters / r.o systems, uv systems for domestic and industrial uses.
Import trade companies that are looking for unique product as PTH to control scale and rust l in hot and
cold water systems.
Distribution companies of general equipment for industry.
Maintenance companies for industry factories.
109 Back to Index
Category: R&D of Hydrogen
production technology.
Company profile
Hydrogen Catalyst was founded in 2007. The company is a technology start-up within the Yozmot Hi-Tech
incubator and as such, funded by the Chief Scientist Office of Israel.
Successfully finished Alpha phase, proving the viability of the technology and aiming at a semi
commercial Beta plant.
Year of establishment: 2007
No. of employees: 4
Technology & product(s)
Hydrogen Catalyst Ltd developed a revolutionary catalyst and production process (TCC- Thermal Catalytic
Cracking) which significantly decreases Carbon Dioxide emission in Hydrogen production process and
decreases the cost of this process by up to $500 per ton. This is the outcome of operation without water,
lower temperatures and lower pressure. In addition, the byproduct is solid Carbon instead of Carbon
This innovative catalyst and production process can be applicable to Hydrogen production with no
limitation and can replace any other method used today in the different industries (fertilizer producers,
petroleum, petrochemicals, etc.).
Main Advantages:
1. Does not produce CO2 as by product of the reaction.
2. Lower plant cost based on one stage reactor rather than two stages complicated SMR.
No steam generating.
3. Lower product cost (up to 500$ per ton).
4. No need for special treatment of CO and waste water as in SMR.
Objectives / Target companies
Looking for a parther to setup a semi commercial plant.
110 Back to Index
IC Green Energy
Company profile
IC Green Energy Ltd. (ICG) is actively seeking for high-growth opportunities in the renewable energy
arena, primarily in the solar power and biofuels sectors. Israel Corp. holds 100% of ICG.
IC Green Energy is Israel Corp.s vehicle for investing in the high growth alternative energy market, in
particular, companies engaged in sourcing renewable energy sources such as solar energy and biofuels.
ICG complements Israel Corp.s activities in the traditional energy sector.
ICGs strategy is to gain a competitive advantage in the alternative energy field by focusing on
investments in companies that develop cutting edge technologies, employ risk management in their
purchase of raw materials and promote cost-effective production processes of various energy forms.
ICG aims to become a leading player in the renewable energy generation area in Israel and aggressively
develop abroad.
Year of establishment: January 2007 (After one year of Study)
No. of employees: (101 including subsidiaries)
Background on the company
A subsidiary of Israel Corporation (IC).
The company focuses primarily on renewable energy sources, such as biofuel (biodiesel & ethanol), solar
energy and the production of Biofuel and energy from biomass.
Examples of projects
To date, ICG has made several investments in companies developing new production technologies of
biofuel from biomass, fats and oils, and of solar thermo generation. ICG continues to evaluate emerging
opportunities in these fields. In addition, ICG is currently considering its penetration strategy to the
emerging PV sector in Israel.
Technology & product(s)
Transmediair, Inc.- Production of Biofuel and Electricity from biomass (2nd generation) by Gasification

process- USA
HelioFocus- Thermosolar Dish technology- Israel

Petrotec AG- Biodiesel production out of used cooking oil- Germany

PV Farms in Israel

Objectives / Target companies

The company seeks opportunities in both developed and developing nations, pursuing potential M&As
and partnerships with like-minded businesses.
Category: Renewable energy
Sub Category: Solar (PV, CSP), BioFuels
111 Back to Index
Company profile
Industrial Products Division of ICL Group produces about a third of the worlds elemental bromine and is
a leading provider of downstream products such as organo-phosphorus and brominated flame retardants,
clear brines for the oil and gas exploration industries and water treatment biocides. ICL Water India is
part of the Industrial Products Division.
Year of establishment: 1968
No. of employees: 2500
Background on the company
ICL is one of the worlds leading fertilizer and specialty chemical companies. With exclusive concessions
to extract high quality, low cost minerals from Israels Dead Sea and rights to mine the Negev Desert, ICL
is a major producer of potash, compound potash and phosphate fertilizers, food grade phosphoric acid,
elemental bromine, magnesium and a major player in specialty chemical high margin niche markets.
Examples of projects
Besides finding its presence in the US, Europe and Israel, ChloRun has been used in India through
rural water supply bodies like Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran, Maharashtra Industrial Development
Corporation and Jal Sansthan; Uttarakhand. An independent health impact study is being conducted in
Namilogonda, Village in the State of Andhra Pradesh, to measure the benefits of ChloRun on child health
and development.
Aquatabs is a world renowned brand in effervescent tablets for water disinfection, and is present over
15 countries worldwide. Major NGOs prefer Aquatabs for Disaster Relief measures across the world,
including India.
Technology & product(s)
1. ChloRun
The ChloRun System combines a dedicated dosing System with a SOLID CHLORINE water sanitation
agent. Together, they are scientifically proven to consistently produce safe drinking water. The ChloRun
System is based on a worldwide known sanitation agent, approved by World Health Organization (WHO)
and the National Science Foundation (NSF), as well as by local approving bodies.
2. Aquatabs
Aquatabs are effervescent (self-dissolving) tablets which kill micro-organisms in water to prevent cholera,
typhoid, dysentery and other water borne diseases. Aquatabs rapidly release a measured quantity of
chlorine in a safe and effective manner and are available in a range of tablet sizes. Each tablet size is
formulated to treat a specific volume of water - ranging from 10 liters to 2,500 liters. Aquatabs are used
both in emergency situations and also for continuous use in households that do not have access to safe
drinking water.
Objectives / Target companies
ICL seeks business partners in India to promote and develop drinking water applications. ICL Water India
is set up to ensure seamless support to the partner(s).
Category: Drinking water and water
disinfection solutions
Sub Category: Point of use solutions, rural
community solutions
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Category: Sea & brackish water, desalination
for the municipal & industrial fields, water
treatment, industrial evaporators (Zero Liquid
Discharge), drinking water
Company profile
IDE, winner of Desalination Company of the Year GWI award, is a pioneer and world leader in water
technologies, with particular strengths in desalination. The company specializes in the development,
engineering, production and operation of advanced desalination systems and innovative industrial
solutions, such as green solutions for water and effluent purification, large-scale space heating/cooling,
thermal energy storage and snow making.
IDE operates worldwide in conjunction with subsidiaries and agents, tailoring each solution to the
customers technical and commercial needs.
in 2011 IDE won the prestigious Desalination Company of the Year award by GWI.
Year of establishment: 1965
No. of employees: 400
Background on the company
IDE was founded as an R&D focused enterprise with the aim of developing new desalination
technologies to help reduce Israels acute water shortage. Since its inception, IDE has established itself
as the clear leader of desalination technology and in cost-effectiveness for both thermal and membrane
technologies - such that many of the largest desalination projects in the world are IDE projects.
IDE stands out as one of the few companies with extensive expertise in both thermal and membrane
technologies. To date, the company has delivered 400 plants of various types and sizes throughout the
world - a number that is continually growing.
Examples of projects
IDE has installed some of the worlds largest and most advanced thermal (Multi-effect Distillation - MED,
& Mechanical Vapor Compression - MVC) as well as membrane (Seawater Reverse Osmosis - SWRO)
desalination facilities such as:
Reliance, India: the largest MED plant outside of the Persian Gulf
Hadera & Ashkelon, Israel: the worlds largest operating state-of-the-art SWRO facilities
Tianjin, China: the largest desalination facility in China
Cape Preston, Australia: the largest SWRO plant for the private industrial sector
Sarlux, Sardinia: The worlds largest MVC plant
Minera, Michilla, Chile: MVC mining plant
CFE Mazatlan, Mexico: MVC Federal Electricity Company plant
Technology & product(s)
IDE has been leading technological breakthroughs in thermal and membrane technologies for seawater
desalination. Furthermore, IDE leverages its extensive technology know-how to provide innovative,
green solutions to the water and effluent purification, large-scale space heating/cooling, thermal energy
storage and snow making industries.
Objectives / Target companies
Governmental Authorities, Municipalities, Private Water Companies, Process Industries, Power Utilities,
Refineries, Mines and Petrochemical Industries, Contractors, Integrators.
113 Back to Index
Company profile
Electrical energy consulting and training (Generation, Transmission & Distribution).
Year of establishment: 1923
No. of employees: about 14000
Background on the company
About IEC
IEC is a government owned Electrical Energy Company based and registered in Israel. IEC is a solo
vertical integrated electrical utility in the state of Israel and as such, is responsible for all phases of the
Electrical Energy Chain in the country (Planning, Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance)
in Secure and Safety mode. The system includes Power Generation, Electric Energy Transmission and
Distribution and all Customers supply services. Currently (2010), IEC has an installed capacity of more
than 12,700 MW, based on more then 63 units. Steam Power Plants (Coal, Fuel oil and Natural gas fired
units), Jet and Industrial Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle units, the peak demand was above 11,200 MW.
The transmission lines is based on High-High Voltage lines (400 kV and 161 kV), Substations with 15 MVA
transmission capacity. The Distribution system is consists on 44,000 transformers for more then 2.4
million High & Low voltage customers. The Total yearly production in (2009) was almost 55,000 GWH.
IECs Customer services system is based on 5 different districts with industrial, commercial and urban
characteristics in desert and mountain areas with a national customer services center to serve the 2.4
million customers. Israel has started in 1996 a reform in the power sector with the goal to introduce 10%
of the capacity by IPPs and some privatization of IEC itself. Due to our strong position in this market, the
Israeli government is performing all steps in this regard hand in hand with IEC. More see
About IECs Training Center
IECs training is a part of the IECs Human Resources Division based on five different sections
(Management, Data Information, Generation & Transmission, Distribution and Customers Services,
Engineering and Project Management). Each section specializes in an area of professional training and
together they provide entire solution across all relevant technological and managerial fields. The training
Department has been certified with ISO 9001. We, in IEC, feels that the combination of the technical
experience presented by IEC field employees, with the didactic knowledge presented by IECs Training
Center employees, are ideal to provide any required training services, to compare and evaluate different
equipments and systems in all the aspects of the Electrical Energy Chain. Since we are an integral part
of IEC the Training Center its able us to provide this combination for any requested training.
Examples of past projects
IECs training center yearly activities are more then 800 Courses, about 4,000 training days (75,000
customers working days), in all aspects in the electric energy field.
Category: Training services in the electric energy
Objectives / Target companies
HR (Human Resource) and professionals in charge of training in Eskom, Other Electric energy producers
and suppliers (Public and privet sector).
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Company profile
Year of establishment: 1984
No. of employees: 15
Background on the company
Interdan, LTD, is a distributor and integrator of Photovoltaic independent, hybrid(solar/wind/fuel
generator) and grid-connected electric power systems.
As distributor, Interdan supplies all solar and wind system components as well as kits for mounting by
users and their contractors.
Uses of systems include home and community electrification, power back up to poor utility lines, grid
connection with feed-in tariffs, power for telecom, computerized irrigation control, electric fencing and
alarm, security and traffic lighting, water flow control and pumping
Interdan also supplies project management services such as: Feasibility studies, Site Analysis and
selection, Systems design, Installation Project management, power field monitoring, protection and
Examples of past projects
Grid-connected solar systems, uncluding tracking, starting in 1987 with the first demo system in the
country,with a wide variety of private and commercial rooftop systems.
Solar electric power for villages in The Galilee and The Negev, Israel.
Security lighting through 700 Kms along borders.
Solar and solar/generator hybrid power for telecom/radio system in the Sinai.
Power System design for telecom installations, 2.2 megawatt grid-tie solar field.
Surveys of solar systems performance for the Ministry of Energy.
Water flow control systems for the Mekorot water supply Co. and floating solar system for water
quality monitoring on the Lake of Tiberias.
National network of public cellular phones for the Israel Bezeq Telephone Company
Technology & product(s)
Photovoltaic Panels, Controllers, Batteries, Inverters(static and grid-tie), Inverter-Chargers(back up
continuous power), DC Converters, Wind Turbines.
Objectives / Target companies
Importers/Installers of photovoltaic systems,
Institutional and Commercial companies, agrarian and construction developers, defence/security
government and private bodies needing solar power for projects.
Electric Contractors able to sell line back up equipment and solar systems.
Category: Renewable energy
Sub Category: Consulting and Engineering
services; Back up Power, Mobile Power
115 Back to Index
Company profile
In todays complex world, organizations need uncomplicated, easy-to-use management tools. IOSight
is an innovator and leading provider of infrastructure facility management whose solutions help large
organizations operate and manage their facilities while meeting regulatory compliance. IOSight brings
its expertise and accumulated knowledge in hydraulics processes, statistics and software to public
utilities and manufacturers worldwide. By deciphering and seamlessly extracting the right information,
organizations can make informed decisions that increase productivity, reduce costs and optimize return
on investments.
Year of establishment: 2004
No. of employees: 15
Examples of past projects
Desalination plant - Hadera - provides analytics for energy, chemical consmption, quality control Etc -
the largest desalination plant in the world
Desalination plant - Palmahim - provides analytics for energy, chemical consmption, quality control Etc
Shafdan sewage purification plant - provides analytics for energy, chemical consmption, quality control Etc.
Igudan - environment - provides management tool for lab tests and facturies wastewater control
Water factury Kfar Saba - provides an operational - maintenance tool
Hagihon - management of Jerusalems water & wastewater systems
Jerusalem sewage purification - envirionment reports and energy management
Cyprus - Muni Desalination plant - provides analytics for energy, chemical consmption, quality control Etc.
Technology & product(s)
General description: A state of the art software for collecting, storing, analysing and reporting data -
mainly from the control systems, but also from lab report, manual feeding and more.
The architecture includes SQL database, OO methodes and a client-server structure.
Function of the product(s): the products contains reporting tool, distribution tool (mail/SMS),
maintenance tool, alarms and events management module, lab inspection tool and predefined analysis
for each target vertical.
The main strength of the product is the ability to implement it fast and easy and achieve a powerful tool
that will:
1. reduce costs
2. improve productivity
3. create preventive maintenance standard
4. supply regulation demands
Category: Analyzers and control systems, Water
resources management,
information systems
Sub Category: Enterprise software solutions
Objectives / Target companies
Municipalities and water authorities or firms, integrators, outsourcing plant management firms, initiators
of utilities plants, planners, engineering firms.
116 Back to Index
Category: Control Systems
Sub Category: SCADA, Decision Support
Systems, Web services
Company profile
IPnPs Smart Grid Water Management solution.
Water SystemsModels that automatically generates graphical human interface and decision support
system for water and energy optimization.
Communications layer brings together sensor readings from a diversity of water infrastructure
equipment in a standardized, object-oriented format.
A SaaS offering, there is no risk nor capital cost for a utility to try IPnP and gauge its benefits
With hundreds of installations, the system provides dramatic savings on water infrastructure, electricity
and water
Year of establishment: 2000
No. of employees: 10
Examples of projects
Hardware and Software as a Service (SaaS) solution that provides remote monitoring, data management
and decision support system for water and wastewater infrastructure. In real time, through instant
messaging, IPnP receives information from the field and builds real-time views of the overall water
management system.
Objectives / Target companies
Water & waste water integrators, water utility.
117 Back to Index
Company profile
Year of establishment: 2009
No. of employees: 7
Background on the company
R&D and electronic production.
Examples of past projects
Isoterma develops the TERMA Q, a wireless smart control system for hot water boilers in domestic use
including many features such as preset number of showers for a set time, lost of efficiency of heating
elements or solar panels, hot water leak detection, very friendly home wireless control unit. And more.
Technology & product(s)
An RF system to control the water in home use hot water system with saving of 30% to 50% on
electrical bill.
Category: Energy efficiency in hot/ solar system
Sub Category: Wireless (RF) systems
Objectives / Target companies
Boiler manufactures, whole sellers
Distributors for home use appliance
Energy related product
118 Back to Index
Company profile
John Deere Water, a unit of Deere & Company, is now one of the largest irrigation companies in the
world. With the 2008 acquisitions of Plastro Irrigation Systems and T-Systems, International and the
2006 acquisition of Roberts Irrigation Products, John Deere Water provides precision irrigation systems in
more than 100 countries.
John Deere Water is one of the worlds most valued providers in agricultural irrigation. Our products and
services enable the efficient and uniform application of water, optimizing the use of our precious water
resources while increasing the quantity and quality of crop yields.
Year of establishment: 1837
No. of employees: 52,000 (in John Deere)
Background on the company
Headquartered in San Marcos, California, John Deere Water has a global presence with 13
manufacturing locations in ten countries (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, France, Israel,
Spain, India and the United States). Additionally, John Deere Water has sales, marketing, and technical
staff supporting sales in more than 100 countries.
Part of John Deere - the biggest farming equipment provider globally.
Examples of past projects
Sugar cane projects in West Africa and Brazil, Orchards in Brazil, processing tomato in China, pineapple
and banana project in Philippines, paper greenhouses in Holland, Roses greenhouses in Kenya, Ethiopia,
Ecuador, banana projects in Ecuador.
Technology & product(s)
John Deere Water manufactures high performance micro and drip irrigation products for agricultural,
nursery, landscape, greenhouse, and mining markets. The product offering includes drip tape, drip
lines, on-line emitters, micro sprinklers and jets, hose and tubing, and other irrigation technology.
Additionally, the company offers services such as hydraulic design, irrigation project management, soil
moisture monitoring and agronomic support which provide growers with the right solutions for their crop.
All backed by the strength of a company with over 40 years in agricultural irrigation, John Deere Water
provides the experience and knowledge to help growers efficiently use their water resources.
Category: Irrigation systems, irrigation turn key
projects, water solutions
Objectives / Target companies
Water is a limited natural resource that affects the existence and quality of life for all species. The
demand on existing water supplies continues to increase due to many factors including population
growth, competitive demand from food, fiber, and fuel crops, and a disparity between the location of
water supplies and demand. This demand is not only for any water, but for clean, usable water.
As a global leader in agriculture, John Deere is uniquely positioned to help solve the worlds water issues
and increase agricultural productivity. It is John Deere Waters vision to be a global leader in the water
industry, delivering innovative and efficient water management solutions, and partnering with our
customers to enable good stewardship of our water resources.
119 Back to Index
Objectives / Target companies
We are seeking business relations with Relief & Health Organizations, Governments, Municipalities &
State Water companies.
Category: Home land security
Sub Category: Water security, water supply
Company profile
Kalcad is an Israeli manufacturer of foldable water containers. With over 10 years experience Kalcad
diverse a list of clients among them Municipalities, Government water authority, Homeland Security
and Military Units. Kalcad Ltd. offers solutions in the field of water supply for inhabitants in any case of
water crises.
Year of establishment: 2000
No. of employees: 7
Background on the company
Kalcad Ltd. offers the FLEXUP which developed to solve problems of water distribution during water
crisis and emergency situations. All production processes done under one roof, start with in-house
printing, continuous with laminate process and finish with containers production. All raw materials
employee food grade standards.
Examples of past projects
Israeli Water Authority: FLEXUP water container is officially approved and selected by the security unit

of the Israeli Water Authority to be used in future water crises. IWA purchased 3.7 million FLEXUPs,
enough to cover over half of Israeli population.
Israeli municipalities: Independent purchasing of FLEXUP water containers by local municipalities in

any water crisis.

Delivery of FLEXUP water containers with the RESCUE units of the IDF to Thailand (Tsunami), Sri-

Lanka (Earthquake), Haiti (Earthquake),

Technology & product(s)
In many emergency situations involving water crises, water trucks are used to transport water to the
premises, but its distribution to the public relies on usage of the public own containers. While partially
solving the distribution problem, this approach can generate other problems such as diseases caused by
use of contaminated or soiled containers or lead to uneven distribution.
FLEXUP is a collapsible, 4.0 or 5.0 Liters container having near-zero volume when empty. This allows
efficient storing and forwarding in massive quantities.
FLEXUP is efficient and environment friendly. After use, it can be washed with mild soapy water, dried
and be reused countless times. it is made of resilient and flexible food-grade laminates
that will not leach into the water
FLEXUP can hold water up to 100C and resists freezing (-20c). In proper conditions, FLEXUPs can
be stored up to 5 years.
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Company profile
Kinrot is the leading seed investor in water related technologies worldwide with a portfolio of 12
starts ups companies, each develops a unique solution for the global water market. Kinrot invests in
a spectrum of water related technologies and provides a solid platform for developing and commercialiing
water innovations. With strategic partnerships with GE Water and Milwaukee water council, Kinrot
provides access to a global network of industry leaders that can help companies accelerate growth and
achieve global reach.
Kinrot Ventures was founded in 1993 as part of the Israeli Incubator Program and in 2006 was privatized
by the Canadian Stern Group in cooperation with the Israeli Chief Scientist. In the beginning of 2010,
AguAgro Fund LP has acquired Kinrot Ventures from the Stern Group. Kinrot is led by a professional and
highly experienced team and backed by an advisory board made up of leading academicians and industry
Year of establishment: 1993
No. of employees: 40
Kinrot Portfolio Companies
Aqua Digital Ltd -

Digital flow meter solutions

Aquarius Spectrum Ltd -

Active leak detection solutions.

Cooltek2GO Ltd -

On the move cold drinking water device.

TACount Ltd -

Near real time sensor for detection of reproducible microorganisms.

Diffusaire Ltd -

A revolutionary water and waste water aeration technology.

Kolmir Water Technologies Ltd -

Ultrasonic filtration technology for water and

wastewater treatment.
HydroSpin Ltd -

Self powered water monitoring.

Echochemtech -

High Value chemical compounds production.

Wadis Ltd.

- Pulse power water disinfection technology.

SPC Tech Ltd. -

Innovative pressure control valve.

Filtoflex Ltd.

- Compressible media for fine filtration

Eltav Wireless Monitoring Ltd -

Wireless monitoring of industrial ball valves.

PML Ltd -

Innovative laser based particle monitoring technologies.

Category: Seed Investor in water
technologies,holding a portfolio of companies
in varies fields such as: Analyzers and control
systems, Waste water treatment, Desalination,
Water security, Water resources management
Objectives / Target companies
Kinrot and its portfolio companies are looking for Investors, Strategic Partners - water companies, water
engineering companies, technological companies, etc., Potential customers & Potential Beta site.
121 Back to Index
Objectives / Target companies
Distributors, agents.
Company profile
Krausz Industries specializes in the development and manufacture of piping and sewerage parts that
affer professional solutions for connecting, maintaining and repairing water and gas lines for a range of
industrial, agricultural and ifrastructure applications.
Year of establishment: 1920
No. of employees: 150
Background on the company
Krausz Industries Ltd., a privately owned family business, was established in Czechoslovakia in 1920 by
Armin Zvi Krausz. In 1940 Armin Krausz and his two sons, reopened the business in Israel. His son, Eliezer
Krausz, is now continuing the family tradition as Chairman of the Board, together with Danny Krausz
CEO, grandson of the companys founder.
Technology & product(s)
joining and repair all kind of rigid pipes.
Category: Water security
Sub Category: manufacturing of unique and
innovative joining and repair pipe products for
water, sewage, and gas
122 Back to Index
Category: Consulting and engineering
services, Industrial waste treatment, Solid
waste treatment and Recycling, Waste water
treatment, Desalination
Company profile
Year of establishment: 2000
No. of employees: 20
Background on the company
Engineering company that specializes in separation processes, based on our novel and unique multi-
frequency vibration technology to increase productivity, efficiency, energy saving and environment.
Examples of past projects
Approximately 500 units of multi-frequency vibrating separators are installed worldwide mainly in
separation of fine powders, slurries and sludge in processes that were known to be as impossible/very
difficult to separate at high rate of efficiency and throughput with relatively small amount of energy, in The
minerals, metal ores, chemical and coal industry.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Multi-Frequency Vibrating separator for separation by size and energetic vibration treatment
At maximal feed rate and efficiency per size and energy consumption.
Function of the product(s):
The multi-frequency vibration system enhance separation processes by reaching optimal stratification of
the treated material reached by the multi frequency vibration that is implemented directly to the treated
material. Blind Free process due to high impulse that is directly implemented on screening media. Power
saving by consuming very low energy. Dramatic reduction in waste emission by utilizing more material in
preparation plant and recycling of waste.
Objectives / Target companies
Kroosh Technologies is looking for strategic collaboration in implementing the multi-frequency vibration
technologies in water treatment including desalination, waste water treatment and drinking water in
remote sites as well as waste treatment processes. Kroosh technologies Ltd is looking to establish a pre-
industrial/industrial pilot for the above mentioned, after completion of laboratory proof of concept.
123 Back to Index
Company profile
Larotec provides advanced comprehensive solutions for the M2M market. Its Web2m Technology is an off
the shelf,end- to-end web based solution for management of multiple, widely distributed devices through
a central management system. This platform is widely acknowledged as one of the most advanced,
flexible, scalable, robust, user-friendly, and cost effective on the market.
National wide most Advanced Smart Metering system for C&I

Handling multiple distributed devices from a central management system

Efficient Energy Data Management (EDM) solution

Unique web-based end-to-end solution with proven competitive edge

Chosen and successfully implemented by various leading customers worldwide

Larotec Target segments are:

Utilities for Automatic Meter Management (AMM)
Multi sites Enterprises for Energy Data Management (EDM), Sub Metering, Multi device/sensor
management at distributed sites.
Year of establishment: 2005
No. of employees: 8
Examples of past projects
Israel Electric Company - Smart metering project- deployment of 6,000 interface and Communication

units of Larotec among the biggest Commercial and Industrial consumers of IEC
CAMMESA Argentina / largest Electricity utility - Larotec has been awarded by Cammesa for the supply

of an Advanced Metering Management system (AMM) for 650 sites as a first stage of the project for
4,000 C&I customers
Telefonica Peru - AMM system from Larotec as official energy monitoring solution for utilities

ESSBIO Chile / Water utility - Larotec AMM system monitoring hundred of the biggest C&I water meter

Israel Aircraft Industry - monitoring and managing energy consumption of more than 400 meters spread

in all the biggest IAI manufacturing campus for a total electricity bill of 20M$ per year
Technology & product(s)
General description: In general, the Larotec solution is an array of devices communicating through
flexible low-cost local networks, cellular infrastructure and Internet mainly in the wide area ranges, all
managed by an internet server gateway (ISG) system.
Larotec clear uniqueness is - dedicated end to end, fully web based M2M system, using standard
existing infrastructure.
Function of the product(s): The Larotec Web2M solution is based on two main components:
ICU (Interface and Communication Unit) - A wired/wireless data acquisition and control unit with
integrated cellular and embedded software capabilities enabling remote devices/sensors to securely
communicate with a central management software (ISG).
ISG (Internet Server Gateway) - A web-based software-platform that remotely manages and monitors
the ICUs by securely collecting, storing, analyzing and presenting data. The ISG provides real time
notifications, updates and alarms using SMS and emails.
Category: Smart Metering, Energy Efficiency,
Cleantech, Electricity Smart Grid
Sub Category: Automatic Meter Infrastructure
(AMI), Energy Data management,
Energy Efficiency
Objectives / Target companies
Cellular Operators (channel)
Electricity and water utilities (end customer)
Integrator of Energy solution and systems (channel or customer)
Large energy consumer enterprises (end customer)
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Category: Contaminated sites rehabilitation,
Bioremediation, Environmental consulting,
Project management, Industrial waste water
treatment, Cutting edge technologies
Company profile
Year of establishment: 1998
No. of employees: 20
Background on the company
The Leading Soil and Water Remediation Company in Israel
Since inception in 1998, LDD has been focused on advanced Cleantech technologies.
Pioneer of the field in Israel and most experienced company
Owner of the only authorized bioremediation site in Israel
Comprehensive solutions for soil and water issues
The most experienced team in Israel
Advanced business approach
Committed for highest standards of service and professionalism
LDD was established as an environmental consultancy and execution company, and today is part of
the Neopharm Group and the industry leader in Israel. Over the years LDD gained high reputation
and recognition as an expert company from hundreds of local and foreign private companies and
governmental authorities and agencies, including the Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection and
The Water Commission. LDD owns and operates in partnership with the governmental company for
hazardous waste treatment a licensed site for contaminated soils and sludge Ex-Situ Remediation.
Examples of past projects
Rehabilitation of contaminated sites.
Soil, groundwater surveys.
In-situ and ex-situ remediation.
Environmental consulting services.
Due diligence for real estate deals.
Direct push drilling services.
Technology & product(s)
Biological treatment in soil and sludge.
Remediation of contaminated sites.
Objectives / Target companies
Identifying project opportunities in the area of treating contaminated sites. Meeting potential partners
with advanced technologies- for joint work / for introducing new technologies to the Israeli market.
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Category: Control systems, Renewable energy,
Waste water treatment, Water security, Water
resources management. Lighting management,
energy management
Sub Category: Monitor, control
and energy optimization
Company profile
Lead Control is a global provider of automation solutions and services, specializing in the fields of Oil,
Gas, Water, Lighting and utilities.
Lead Control implements state of the art products and technologies to achieve higher throughput and
energy optimization.
Lead Control is a leader in M2M web technologies enabling users to remotely connect to their devices.
Year of establishment: 1991
Number of employees: 25
Background on the company
Lead Control provides a wide range of products and services in the field of control and automation.
Lead Control integrates advanced new technologies to monitor, control and store the real time data in
SQL databases. The availability of such information together with advanced tools for simulation, design,
optimization and validation allow the users to achieve higher goals in terms of efficiency, standardization
and recognition of their process.
Lead Control offers tools and ideas that excel with outstanding return on investment.
Examples of projects
SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) for water, Gas, Utilities, Sewage.
Plant automation, lighting control and grid management (via Menolinx,
Lead Control Subcompany).
Technology & product(s)
General description:
LW2- A unique solution to remote monitor and control of various devices (M2M).
LampID- Lighting control systems.
LEMS- Lighting Energy Management System.
Function of the product(s):
Products are to monitor control and optimize the usage of large scale infrastructure systems such as
lighting, gas, water, sewage, utilities etc.
Objectives / Target companies:
The main objective of Lead Control is to build a system that optimizes the energy usage of large
distributed user by using its technologies and ability to control large quantities of remote units.
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Objectives / Targetw companies:
Construction, design & engineering water companies, Governmental water companies, Municipalities,
Contractors, Integrators.
Category: Desalination, Waste water treatment,
Water resources management
Company profile
Lesico CleanTech is a pioneer in delivering sustainable technologies which recycle or minimize the volume
of liquid waste, primarily desalination rejected brine. The solutions not only help users comply with
stringent regulation, but result in substantial savings in real estate, installation and operational costs.
While clean water technology development and commercialization is our main function it is also a key to
addressing the needs of our clients who seek cost effective sustainable brine discharge solutions which
comply with ever growing stringent regulation aimed to prevent contamination of water resources. We
also provide our clients with specialized advisory services for implementing the value-added solutions.
Year of establishment: 2006
Background on the company
Lesico CleanTech is a subsidiary of Lesico Group (100%), one of the leading privately owned companies
in Israels development and construction since 1969. Lesicos expertise as a developer encompasses
residential, environmental (BOT), energy and civil engineering projects.
Lesico CleanTech was founded in 2006 in Israel and over time has patented a number of platform
treatment technologies which enable liquid waste minimization by enhanced evaporation and a cost
effective high recovery desalination process with an innovative electro dialysis membrane stack. Our
products and services are designed to reduce significantly the acquisition and operation costs of inland
liquid discharge installations and optimize the use of natural resources and provide significant reduction
in footprint.
Examples of projects
1. Enhanced evaporation of Reverse Osmosis rejected waste in a desalination plant of General Motors in
North America
2. Enhanced evaporation of Reverse Osmosis rejected waste in a desalination plant in Victoria Australia
3. Enhanced evaporation of Reverse Osmosis rejected waste in a desalination plant in Southern Israel
4. A pilot of high efficiency electro dialysis is now undertaken in partnership with Mekorot- Israels
national water company
Technology & product(s)
General description: WAIV- Wind Aided Intensified eVaporation: WAIV is a state-of-the-art enhanced
evaporation technology operated by the wetting of evaporation surfaces, mounted on suitably
constructed modules. The device uses the driving power of the wind, which drives away excess humidity
from the surfaces to intensify the evaporation process by a magnitude of 15-20 times more than a
traditional evaporation pond!
Unique value proposition of WAIV: The WAIV serves as a cost effective alternative to brine disposal
methods such as evaporation ponds and brine concentrators with a drastically reduced footprint (uses
only 10% of the size of the land required for evaporation pond!) using wind instead of heat from fossil
fuel. WAIV also saves on energy costs by using less petroleum based raw material like Liner used in
evaporation ponds to prevent leakage. Overall, solving the brine disposal problem promotes brackish
water over seawater desalination and saves energy because brackish water uses less energy than
seawater and also less energy because brackish water can be desalinated where needed at inland sites
without depending on energy consuming distribution network.
Function of the product(s): The WAIV uses only 10% of the size of the land required for evaporation
pond!, using wind instead of heat from fossil fuel and also saves on energy costs by using less petroleum
based raw material like Liner used in evaporation ponds to prevent leakage.
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Company profile
Year of establishment: June, 2006
No. of employees: 7
Background on the company
Major innovations in energy from large wind turbines, intermediate wind turbines, small wind turbines,
hydroelectric, waves, and underwater turbines.
Examples of past projects
Startup, but we are in the middle of sales proposals for our product for large wind turbines to wind farms
in India, sales of our hydroelectric turbine for municipalities in Israel and Italy, and are making early sales
of our small wind turbine in Israel and elsewhere.
Technology & product(s)
General description: The products are major innovations in their fields and markets, whereby the cost-
effectiveness of energy production is increased by 20 to several hundred percent. The common thread is a
fresh look at the physics of the energy source, and structuring the flow of energy in order to hit the blades
in the most advantageous manner, often using the discipline of computational fluid dynamics to design
the systems. There are currently around 7 major product lines; we are concentrating on the three that are
already in the sales process; the others require more research and development.
Function of the product(s): Improved turbine performance.
Objectives / Target companies
Meeting investors, customers, and partners for all of our product lines. Partners can be distributors or
solution providers.
Real estate owners of any business will have a special interest in being customers for our small
vertical axis wind turbine, which is at least 100% more cost-effective than others on the market and
can be put on roofs.
Municipalities and water utilities will have a special interest in our in-pipe hydroelectric turbine in
their clean and gray water piping systems. This is especially relevant for California, where a lot of the
water comes from canals and pipes from the mountains.
Wind farm owners for our Wind Energizer, which improves the power output of wind farms by 20-
40%. Electric utilities will have an interest in our variety of solutions.
Investors in a new, more efficient intermediate size wind turbine in the size of 10 meters blade
Investors in a new system for ocean wave energy
Investors in a new system for underwater ocean energy
Investors interested in a new, cheaper design for magnetic couplings
Category: Renewable energy,
Sub Category: Wind (several products), Waves,
Hydro, Underwater Currents,
Magnetic Couplings
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Company profile
Year of establishment: 1997
No. of employees: 5
Background on the company
Burning of fossil fuels, cause emissions of sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, Mercury & other heavy
metals. These emissions are very toxic and harmful and therefore regulated by governmental laws
and international treaties. Lextran developed a unique and very cost effective technology for combined
removal of SOx, NOx & Mercury in one process, in one tool. Capital & operational costs are less by 40%,
footprint is less by 50%. SOx & Mercury removal aremore than 99%. NOx removal 60%.
The SOx & Nox are converted into Ammonium Sulfate and Ammonium Nitrate which are valuable and
saleable fertilizers.
Examples of past projects
Coal Fired Steam Boiler equivalent to 20MW is heating the new Beijing airport area. The boiler is
emitting 107,000 Nm3/hr of flue gases which are treated by using Lextran Technology.
25MW Electricity Production Unit in CET IASI 1 in Romania is fired by heavy fuel/natural gas. The unit is
equipped with Lextran system to treat SOx and NOx.
Technology & product(s)
Supplying basic design.
catalyst fabrication and supply.
auditing detail design and installation.
Category: Industrial Waste Treatment,
Consulting & Engineering Services
Sub Category: Air Pollution Control
Objectives / Target companies
Utilities, Oil refineries, Incinerators, Industrial Boilers.
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Company profile
LNCon is a startup created by a group of former Comverge employees, a leading American Smart Grid
company. The group has a very wide experience in this field and is currently developing a more advanced
and sophisticated Smart Grid solutions. LNCons Automatic Demand Adaptation (ADA) system, designed
mainly for utilities and alternative electricity providers, may save around 5% of electricity production or
electricity procurement costs. LNCons Chillers Smart Control System (CSMS) that may work as a part of
ADA or stand alone, saves around 50% of the energy expenses for large HVACs. LNCon cooperates with
COMVERGE on the American market and with Israeli companies and academic institutions in R&D. (HIT,
EcoEnergy, Larotec).
Year of establishment: Active from the beginning of 2008 but still not registered as a company
No. of employees: 5
Background on the company
Most of the LNCON employees came from Comverge with more than 10 years experience in R&D and
installation of smart grid systems. The founder Izidor Liberman has more than 16 years experience in the
field as: developer, system engineer, development manager, project manager and CEO of the Comverge
Control System (CCS).
Examples of past projects
As a part of Comverge the group has installed more than 10 system pilots for different utilities around the
world. Some of them are:
Campana (Argentina) - Residential Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) and Load Control (LC) system

Caracas (Venezuela) - Residential AMR and LC system

Bangkok (Thailand) - Eelectrical Load Research project

Taichung (Taiwan) - AMR and Demand Side Management (DSM) residential and Commercial and

Industrial (C&I) system

Pennsylvania (USA) - AMR system with 7000 C&I meters

Technology & product(s)

General description:
There are two systems currently developed by LNCon: Automatic Demand Adaptation (ADA) system and
Chiller Smart Management System (CSMS).
ADA is designed for Utilities and independent electricity retailers to provide their consumers daily with
a cheaper electrical energy. ADA does this by a slight change of the service area demand curve leaving
the total energy unchanged and without causing any inconvenience to the consumers. Simulation tests
performed on a real demand data had shown that it is possible to save around 5% of the fuel cost by shifting
less than 1 % of the total energy usage and reduce significantly wholesale prices on the energy market.
Chiller Smart Management System (CSMS) is designed to be a part of ADA but may work stand-alone,
saving around 50% of HVAC energy expenses. CSMS does this by managing the chiller temperature set
point according to: weather conditions, energy cost at a given time, and desired room temperature. It
uses existing or added thermal storage capacities, it discovers automatically, to shift energy from peak to
off peak hours.
Function of the product(s):
ADA: Service area demand reduction and improving efficiency of electricity production
CSMS: Reduction of large HVAC energy expenses.
Category: R&D
Sub Category: Smart Grid
Objectives / Target companies
To be mainly Energy Saving Company, installing on our expenses and sharing the saving
ADA - mainly utilities and alternative electricity providers in USA
Stand Alone CSMS - Commercial and Industrial buildings and facilities
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Category: Renewable energy- Landfill gas and
bio gas utilization
Company profile
Year of establishment: 1975
Number of employees: 18
Background on the company
Madei Taas Ltd. Is an Israeli base privately owned company, founded in 1975. Our main field of activity is
executing Waste-to-Energy Projects by utilizing Landfill gas and Biogas for electricity production.
Our unique knowhow enable us to accurately forecast the landfill gas potential for a 20 years projection,
and offer a turnkey project solutions combined of engineering, supply of equipments, installation,
commissioning and after sales service.
Examples of projects
Dudaim Landfill Gas Project- Israel: gas extracting and flaring system, 2.2 MW
power plant synchronizing to the national grid
Talia Landfill Gas Project- Israel: gas extracting and flaring system, 1.2 MW power
plant synchronizing to the national grid
Jerusalem WWTP Project- Israel: bio gas utilization for 1.8MW cogeneration system
Emek Hefer- cow manure project- Israel: bio gas utilization for 2.2MW
cogeneration system
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Landfill-gas and bio-gas utilization for electricity production and cogeneration.
Function of the product(s):
Main contractor (EPC): unique consulting, engineering. Turn key projects services.
Objectives / Target companies:
Municipalities Engineering companies Owners and operators of landfill sites
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Category: Water resources management
Sub Category: Water and energy savings
Company profile
Year of establishment: 1964
No. of employees: 95
Examples of projects
Madgals versatility and diversified capabilities are a result of years of Creativity, Technology, Service and
For more than thirty-five years Madgal has based its place in the international and Israeli Faucets market
by being a leading manufacturer and a leading company in developing new top quality products.
Madgal manufactures a variety of faucets made of innovative and advanced materials in spectacular
The Electronic-Faucets of Madgal and its unique technologies are well known in Israel and around the
world. They are produced with computerized processing methods and adhere to the highest standards.
Our products are being exported to the U.S.A, Europe, Australia, Africa, Asia and South America.
Madgal insists on the highest quality of its products. Madgals Faucets have been tested in standard
institutions in Israel and in the United States. Our Quality-Assurance is dedicated to insure that each
detail meets the demands of our customers around the world.
Technology & product(s)
General description: Innovative Materials: Madgal is the sole manufacturer in the world of High-
End Faucets made of Advanced Polymer Materials (APM), using injection technology, enabling us to
bring to the market the highest quality, pure, environmental friendly and the most modern designed
faucets at a very cost effective price. APM materials are lead free!
Technology and Innovation: At the beginning of 2007 Madgal established its Technologies
Development Center in Glil-Yam, dedicating its resources to develop the next generation of the
worlds faucets. The Development Center main projects are the following products:
Computerized Smart Faucet (CSF): A new faucets technology that will answer on three basic
needs: Comfort of useConstantly and Instantly, Saving in Water & Energy and User Safety. The
faucet supplies the water at the desired temperature and at the right flow without wasting a single
drop of water and energy. Among other features, the technology will also prevent burns exposure
and freezing pipes damages (registered US Patent).
Water on Demand sensing technology (WOD): Revolutionary Automatic-Faucet Sensing Technology.
Allows full Design Freedom, easy and intuitive use, as easy to install as a regular Tap, up to 80% water
saving, low energy consumption (Patent Pending).
Electronic Valves and Cartridges. Several miniature controlled valves enabling to use the carnet
standard pressers and flow of liquids and gases. Astonish feature is a fluids mixing ability allow
providing exact amount of certain fluid by number of sores fluids. (Patent Pending).
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Company profile
Magal Security Systems is a world leader of the security industry in developing, manufacturing,
marketing, installing and integrating cutting-edge, top-of-the-line High Technology Outdoor Perimeter
Intrusion Detection Turnkey Solutions.
Magal has been providing tailor-made comprehensive turnkey solutions in more than 75 countries worldwide.
Magals commitment to the utmost level of professionalism is demonstrated by its wide range of
international quality assurance certificates. Magal implements environmental regulations, performs
according to a Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, and contributes to community relations and social
Year of establishment: 1984
No. of employees: 295
Background on the company
Magal was founded as a department in the IAI- Israel Aerospace Industries in 1969.
Magal was established as a private company in 1984.
Public Offerings (NASDAQ Symbol: MAGS) were made in 1993, 1997 and 2005.
Magal acquired its first subsidiary- a California based security products company in 1993.
Magal acquired a Canadian based security products company and the Civil Security Division of Dornier
in Germany in 1997.
Magal acquired the assets & business of- Perimeter Products, Ltd. in 1997. A Dual Listing in the Tel Aviv
Stock Exchange (TASE Symbol: MAGS) was made in 2001.
Magal acquired the assets & business of- Dominion Wireless, Ltd. in 2003.
Magal acquired a European based security systems integration company in 2007.
Examples of projects
Magals presence is spread across a wide range of market verticals- airports, borders, commercial
buildings, storage yards and warehouses, communication centers, correctional institutions, government
agencies and facilities, harbors and seaports, energy and industrial sites, military bases, municipalities,
nuclear and utility facilities, oil and gas pipelines, VIP estates and residences, chemical and
petrochemical facilities, transportation, etc.
Technology & product(s)
CCTV & IVA Solutions, Pipeline Protection Solutions, Command & Control Management Solutions,
Integrated Turnkey Solutions, Perimeter Intrusion Detection Solutions.
General description: Magal successfully meets the challenge of providing security solutions that operate
under extreme weather conditions, provide the lowest possible number of false and nuisance alarms, and
maintain a very high probability of detection.
Magal offers complete life-cycle technical support, including but not limited to: System Design,
Site Planning, Project Management, On-Site Installation, Supervision and Commissioning, Training,
Documentation, Maintenance, Factory Warranty and Repair.
Function of the product(s): Motion Detection, Multimedia Video, Fence Mounted Vibration, Fiber Optic
and Microphonic, Micro-Wave, Infra-Red, Electrostatic, Magnetic Field Buried Cable, etc.
Objectives / Target companies
Magals professional teams of scientists, engineers and project managers perform according to
predefined specifications, and are committed to meet the critical challenging requirements of sensitive
target sites worldwide.
Category: World Leader in Integrated Turnkey
Security Solutions
Sub Category: Development, Manufacturing
and Marketing Outdoor Perimeter Intrusion
Detection Solutions
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Company profile
Magen Eco Energy is totally committed to meeting the highest international standards, to develop,
produce and market clean, economical, alternative eco-energy TOTAL SOLUTIONS to very high volume
user industries, that will dramatically minimize the exploitation of polluting and prohibitively expensive
fossil fuels.
No. of employees: 150
Background on the company
Founded in 1973 as Plastic Magen, a world leader specializing in the R&D, production and marketing
of ecological, economical solutions in each of its major lines: Solar Heating for swimming pools, Water
Quality Control, Industrial & Agricultural Heat Exchangers and Pre-Heating solutions.
The group comprises 9 wholly or majority owned subsidiaries in the USA, Germany and Israel.
Examples of past projects
Solar heating for the Olympic swimming pool in Atlanta 1996, thousands of private and public swimming
pools, all over the world, heated with our Heliocol or Sunstar plastic solar collectors.
Installations of primary stage heating of sanitary water for mega resorts, hotels, hospitals, sport clubs,
commercial swimming pool complexes and for many industrial and aquaculture processes (including fish
Technology & product(s)
We manufacture an ALL PLASTIC solar collector. Collectors are produced by its unique, patented Over-
Molding Injection Technology resulting in seamless, leak-proof, integrally molded thermoplastic units
that heat large bodies of water by sun radiation at low and medium temperatures.
Solar Thermal Energy applications for massive industrial installations and sanitary hot water supply.
Objectives / Target companies
Companies involved in alternative (solar) solutions for water heating, interested in high standard plastic
collectors for pool water heating.
Category: Renewable energy,
Water treatment
Sub Category: Solar water heating systems
134 Back to Index
Company profile
Manufacture variety of high quality saving water regulators for faucet and for showers.
Year of establishment: march 17, 1997
No. of employees: 50
Background on the company
Founded in 1997 Magic Ceramics focuses on innovative solutions for mass implementation of water
saving device, having become the Israeli leader for our range of products.
Examples of past projects
During 2002-2003 we sold and install in all Israel defense army bases around Israel over 45, 000
products. Model: Y6L A.V.
During 2006-2008 we sold and install over 140, 000 products in 50, 000 curiae, in Israeli government
saving water project. Model Yarkon 5.5 and Yarkon 9.5.
During 2005-2006 Israeli government grant as a gift to all public employees over 80, 000 saving
water home kit, include 2 faucet regulator model Yarkon 5.5 and one shower regulator model Yarkon
During 2008-2009 Israeli biggest communication and insurance companies grant as a gift to all the
employees over 5, 000 saving water home kit include 2 faucet regulator model Yarkon 5.5 and one
shower regulator model Yarkon 9.5.
During 2009 we sold to the USA embassy in Israel over 1, 000 products.
Our products desperate to few countries such as Holland, Belgium. Latvia, lita, Estonia, Poland,
England, Spain.
Through 2007-2008 we sold over 200, 000 itemes to D.I.Y stores.
In 2009 MAGIC TEC had won The Green Globes award by the Israeli government for selling more
than half a million water saving products for shower and faucets in Israel only.
In 2010 MAGIC TEC had won a tender that was advertised by The National Infrastructure Of The
Israeli Government for supply and installation of one million water saving products for shower and
faucets to the civilians of Israel in a Door To Door method. The water saving products for shower
and faucets of MAGIC TEC were chosen after an examination that was conducted by The Standards
Institution Of Israel which included technical exams, quality exams, the level of saving, the flow
quality et cetera. The product of MAGIC TEC was selected out of 15 other products that were
participating in the tender.
Technology & product(s)
General description: The flow regulator provides a constant water flow regulator. Entrance pressure
may very between 1-10 bars. Magic- tec. Flow regulators are built from high precision o-ring and a very
accurate housing. When pressure increase, the o-ring is compressed and reduces the water passage area.
When the pressure decreases, the o-ring returns to its normal size and enlarges the water passage.
This mechanism keeps a constant flow rate regardless of pressure variation.
Function of the product(s): save up to 30% of the water, reduce energy coast by heat water, distributes
flow evenly in a multi users situation, provide a nice and even flow.
Category: Drinking water,
Waste water treatment
Objectives / Target companies
Governments, City council, Municipalties, D.I.Y stores, Hospitals &Hotel distributor, Water companies,
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Company profile
Mapal Green Energy Ltd has developed an innovative, proven technology for waste water treatment
plants. Mapal has developed the CNM, a unique, patented and cost-effective floating fine bubble diffuser
system. It has been designed for efficient aeration in wastewater treatment lagoons and in biological
reactors at every scale of operation. The CNM can be implemented during design and construction
at smaller low budget wastewater treatment plants or to upgrade existing works by replacing the
mechanical surface aerators (fixed or floating). A direct reduction in operational and maintenance cost
(O&M) of up to 70% can be realised. There is no down time required during installation and no process
interruption. This advantage prevents the flow of untreated wastewater from reaching and contaminating
nearby water bodies, thus causing an environmental pollution.
Year of establishment: 2008
No. of employees: 9
Background on the company
Mapal, as a know-how company, is a technology provider with process engineering design capabilities.
Mapal provides a complete process design and technical support services, including:
Feasibility studies Design, Supply, Construction Commissioning and Start up O&M contracts.
Examples of past projects
Mapals technology has been proven in more than 20 WWTP in Israel and handling domestic, industrial
and livestock wastewater. Mapal has recently developed an innovative financing system, enabling the
waste water plant (the client) to use the technology with no investment on his behalf.
The client is only responsible for sharing profits from electricity-bill savings with the company (Mapal).
This new model is implemented in the Ramat Hasharon intensive waste activated sludge WWTP.
Technology & product(s)
General description: Mapals aeration system can be easily installed in any biological reactor and it
is an ideal, cost effective solution for municipal wastewater treatment plants thanks to its excellent
ROI. The technology eliminates the need to deliver electrical power to the floating unit, and enables to
easily adjust the power according to conditions. The units automatically adjust themselves to the water
depth resolving the leveling problem. Custom manufactured tubular membrane diffusers are installed
in each unit and are designed to generate air bubbles that reach the bottom of the lagoon for optimal
oxygen transfer.
Significant energy savings.

Simple & Safe. Low O&M costs.

No electrical / moving mechanical parts in the water.

Safe for HDPE lining.

Tailor made solutions in order to meet the customers requirements.

Easy and simple installation (No need to stop the process or to drain the biological reactors).

Suitable for hazardous and aggressive waste water.

Suitable for excavated or concrete lagoons.

Implementation: Mapals CNM system can be implemented in two main applications:

1. For upgrading existing medium and large municipal wastewater treatment plants with fixed surface
aerators in concrete basin biological reactors.
2. For excavated biological reactor ponds and lagoons at small and medium size municipal and
industrial wastewater treatment facilities where aeration is otherwise impossible (when it is not
practical to empty the reactor or remove the diffusers).
Category: Municipal and Industrial wastewater
treatment plants
Sub Category: Consulting and engineering
services, Waste water treatment
Objectives / Target companies
Water utilities & Operators, Municipalities, Distributors, Contractors, Consulting Engineers, Various
industries such as Pulp & Paper, Food & Beverage, Oil & Energy.
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Category: Consulting and engineering services,
Industrial waste treatment, Renewable energy,
Solid waste treatment and Recycling, Waste
water treatment
Sub Category: EPC for Telecommunication,
studies and pre-feasibility studies, Supply of
Pipes, Valves, Pumps in all grades |
Objectives / Target companies
Telecom: CTO of the telecom companies
Municipalities and Mining: Directors of the water departments and Telecom departments,
Solar: Eskom, Municipalities; Directors of the power departments.
Company profile
MEB Energy SA is a subsidiary of Nextcom Group and Bruxton Holdings. Both companies headquarters are
in Israel.
Nextcom and Bruxton are a worldwide leading integrator and EPC in the fields of telecom, renewable
energy, water solution, Power, Gas & Oil.
Nextcom Group was established in 1992, today it is a listed company in the TLV stock exchange, and
employs more than 800 professional engineers and technicians.
The Group has a vast reference of constructing big project for telecom infrastructures, networks
integration, large solar farms, water distribution and plants - all with the biggest international clients -
governmental ministries, enterprises, telecom operators and more.
All Group projects are conducted fully in-house, from planning & design to implementation and
maintenance. The Group enjoys full ISO9001 certificate for all its activity fields.
Examples of past projects
Establishment of 150 on-grid solar farms turnkey, in total capacity of 10MW in Israel
Establishment of 3000 turnkey telecom and cellular sites in Israel and in Africa
Establishment of 5000km turnkey optical fibers all over Israel
Construction of 300km water distribution lines in Angola.
Establishment of municipal and industrial waste water treatment large-scale plants
The Group was chosen by Better Place and Renault to design and implement the charging
infrastructure of the first worldwide electrical vehicle national pilot.
Power plant in Kazakhstan Supply of Pipes, Valves, Insulation, HVAC and Fire fighting systems,
construction of HVAC, Piping, Insulation and steel structures.
Utilities plant in Kazakhstan Supply of Pipes, Valves, Insulation, HVAC and Fire fighting systems,
construction of HVAC, Piping, Insulation and steel structures.
Gas compressor station in Uzbekistan (Supply of bulk material and equipment)
Technology & product(s)
Telecom services and integration of all kinds
Telecom infrastructures services
WiMax and WiFi
In-house capabilities of supply and installation of solar and wind turbines powered cellular remote sites.
Water treatment and supply
Waste water collection and treatment
SCADA and control systems
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Sub Category:
Company profile
Meisol is developing a new composite material for remediation of contaminated groundwater.
The Composite material is formed by bonding nano-sized zero-valent iron (NZVI) particles with
metalloporphyrin catalysts onto a diatomite matrix that shows catalytic activity toward different
contaminants, especially to halogenated organic compounds, that are common soil and groundwater
pollutants. This material offers many advantages- it is environmental-friendly and may be more cost
effective due to its high efficiency, small amounts are needed for treatment and improved physico-
chemical characteristics. The biggest advantage is that the technology can treat several contaminants in
one step treatment.
Year of establishment: 2008
No. of employees: 5
Technology & product(s)
Environmental Applications: Groundwater Remediation, Wastewater Treatment and Soil Purification.
Objectives / Target companies
Municipalities and Waste Water Treatment companies.
Meisol Ltd.
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Category: Water resources management,
Desalination, Waste Water Treatment and effluent
reuse, hydrology and models, Rainenhancement,
Water quality, Water security, R&D
Company profile
Mekorot - Israels National Water Company - provides regularly and reliably water of high quality
throughout the country, as well as advanced solutions to Israels water industry. The company supplies 80%
of Israels drinking water and 70% of the countrys consumption.
Mekorot is a unique company, whose wide variety of operations is based on 75 years of experience and
accumulated know-how in the following areas: water supply from multiple sources, seawater and brackish
water desalination, wastewater treatment and effluent reuse, flood catchment and rain enhancement.
Mekorot is currently building what will be Israels largest water system since the establishment of the
National Water Carrier. The new system, that enables flexible operation in real-time control, will have
the water - mainly desalinated seawater from the Mediterranean Sea - flow in all directions: eastward,
southward and to the north of the country.
As water quality is of utmost importance to Mekorot, the company constantly improves the water it
supplies through the implementation of advanced water treatment technologies. The Central Filtration
Plant in Eshkol Site, which is the fourth largest in the world, positions Israel at the forefront of water
treatment in the western world.
Mekorot invests a lot of efforts and resources in sustainable development and in protecting the
environment. This goal is achieved through a series of activities: constant research and implementation of
friendly technologies, materials and alternative energy from natural sources, treatment of wastewater and
effluent reuse, rehabilitation of water sources, etc.
In order to develop new technologies and answer future challenges, Mekorot established WaTech - a
center for entrepreneurship and partnerships. WaTech
provides solutions, innovative technologies and a
platform for collaborations with start-ups, entrepreneurs, academicians and established companies.
Recently Mekorot became a group of companies: Mekorot Water Company and two subsidiaries: EMS
Mekorot Projects, whose expertise covers every aspect of water works, such as planning, designing,
manufacturing, installation, testing, boreholes drilling and pumping equipment supply, water and sewage
treatment and desalination and rain enhancement; Mekorot Development and Enterprise, which offers
solutions for water related projects, consulting services, design, feasibility studies, project management,
construction, operation and maintenance of treatment facilities in Israel and abroad.
Mekorot is the only company in Israel to be credited with the AAA rating by Maalot Standard and Poors for
over eight years in a row.
Year of establishment: 1937
No. of employees: 2200
Examples of projects
One of Mekorots solutions to the water crisis, is the New National Carrier that Mekorot is currently
building. An immense project that connects the desalination plants build along the Mediterranean coast from
Ashkelon to Hadera to the national water system. The cost of the project is NIS 3 billion.
The New National Carrier is the result of thinking, planning and preparing for the future. Connecting the
desalination plants to the national water system required changing the direction of the countrys traditional
water supply and the routes of the main water arteries. This change is reflected throughout the water
supply chain, and includes the building of infrastructures in which innovative technologies are integrated.
Objectives / Target companies
Governmental water companies, Municipalities, Private water companies, Contractors, Integrators.
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Objectives / Target companies
Entrepreneur, Academy, mature companies that own unique and innovative IP.
Company profile
WaTech - the Entrepreneurship & Partnership Center for Water Technologies is a program which supports
new innovative water technologies solutions which are relevant to the daily operation of the company.
WaTech offers early-stage entrepreneurs beta-site and commercial platforms, technology analysis and
support, access to global markets, and assistance with strategic partners and capital funding.
WaTech also offers more mature water technology vendors the opportunity to enter into commercial
arrangements and joint projects with Mekorot.
The Deal Flow received in Mekorot from various Cleantech entrepreneurs is screened by the professional
teams in the various fields, for Go/ No Go decision, mostly regarding an Alfa and Beta site test in
Mekorot facilities.
Year of establishment: 2004
Examples of past projects
The following are among the many companies with which WaTech has embarked on joint ventures and
Atlantium, Kinrot Ventures, Aqwise, Lesico Cleantech, Bacsoft, Solaris Synergy, CheckLight, Rotec,
Genaphora etc.
Technology & product(s)
WaTech offers a unique and comprehensive platform for business ventures and emerging collaborations
in the following fields:
Water quality


Wastewater treatment and effluent reuse

Sustainability (environmental quality and green energies)

Water security

Engineering services

Water supply command and control systems

Models for optimized water system operation and management

Models for optimized water system operation and management

Category: Water, Renewable energy, R&D
140 Back to Index
Company profile
Year of establishment: 1970
No. of employees: 150
Background on the company
district, and is owned by Kibbutz Metzer (75%) and Gaon Agro Industries Ltd. (25%). Metzerplas was
established in 1970, and since has accumulated extensive expertise and know-how in development,
design, production, marketing and installation of agricultural and landscaping products and turnkey
irrigation projects.
Metzerplas was granted and maintains the ISO 9002 certificate since 1997. Metzerplas production and
service operate under strict ISO 9001:2008 Standards.
Technology & product(s)
Irrigation systems and drip laterals

Compensated and non-compensated drippers

PE pipes and fittings for agriculture, electricity, & industry

S.P. piping designed for plumbing and water at extreme temperatures and pressures

High speed production lines for both cylindrical and flat emitters

Function of the product(s):

Metzerplas specializes in providing drip irrigation products and complete irrigation systems for agriculture
(field crops and orchards), greenhouses, gardens, landscaping and mining (lixiviation processes).
Each system is custom planned in accordance with the area, climate, type of crop, and customers
Objectives / Target companies
Mining companies that use lixiviation processes in their mining method.
Companies that wish to recycle their waste water, including for application in agriculture and forest.
Category: Drip Irrigation Systems
Sub Category: Consulting and engineering
services, Drinking water, Waste water treatment,
Desalination, Water resources management
141 Back to Index
Objectives / Target companies
1. Potential distributors in CE:
Project Companies which are involved in infrastructure projects Electricity contactors involved in
projects in target segments ESCOs/Energy Management Companies, which deal with energy saving
in the lighting sector or other sectors (air condition, chillers, alternative energy sources)
2. Large end users which will meet the following criterias:
Energy saving and reducing carbon foot print is on their agenda Light has importance and visibility
Category: Energy efficiency
Sub Category: Energy saving for HID Lighting
Company profile
The continued rising cost of electricity, the focus on carbon emissions as well as the fact that 5-6% of
the total electricity produced world-wide is used on inefficient HID lighting creates a unique opportunity
for the company to leverage its advanced technologies and deliver a sustainable, rapid payback solution
to potentially eliminate 2-3% of the worlds electricity demand. Metrolight and its worldwide network of
partners, provide its customers with a review of their current lighting energy scenario, devises a retrofit
plan and delivers 30% to 65% of energy saving.
Metrolight goes to market on two continents, USA and Europe, in multiple countries and a variety of channels.
In September 2008, the London basedGuardian, one of the leading and important business newspapers
in the world, has positioned Metrolight on his exclusive list, 2008 Cleantech100. In November 2008,
the USA Department of Energy (DOE) acknowledges Metrolight achievements in the field of clean
energy and contribution to Energy economy and environment. In January 2009- Metrolight elevates its
commitment to protect the environment by becoming an ENERGY STAR partner. Through its partnership
with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys ENERGY STAR Program, Metrolight works to improve
energy efficiency and fight global warming.
Year of establishment: 1995
No. of employees: 50
Background on the company
Established more than 10 years ago in Israel, as R&D center of competency, Metrolight business model
operates today in more than 15 countries across the globe, and have six patents in 25 countries.
Metrolight and its partners hold vast experience in Energy saving projects for different business segments
and for both Retrofit and new projects.
Examples of projects
For some of our successful projects, please see our case studies section on our website at: http: //www.
Technology & product(s)
General description: In essence, when compared to the legacy magnetic ballasts used in most of todays HID
systems, the Metrolight product is a computer controlled power supply. Among the key features are the high
energy efficiency, longer lamp life, better lumen retention over time, quality of light, the continuous analog
and/or digital control of the lamps and light levels as well as a multitude of diagnostic features. Metrolight
offers the most advanced high wattage (20-1, 000W) electronic HID products in the world.
Function of the product(s): (1) Sophisticated Ignition Process- Ignites lamp almost immediately (2) High
Frequency Operation (3) Does not require high repetition rate of pulses (4) Very little energy discharged
(5) Immediately stops energy flow when ignition is detected by microprocessor (6) Reverts to current-
mode control ensuring lamp power-handling capability not exceeded (7) Dimming- Analog, Digital, Pre
set (8) Control.
142 Back to Index
Category: Water resources development
and management
Sub Category: Agricultural development
and management
Company profile
Water corporation for water resources development: reservoirs, pumping stations, water wells, pipelines,
and water treatment and supply in the Golan Heights region
Year of establishment: 1978
Number of employees: 18
Background on the company
Manages water sources in the Golan Heights for 2, 000 consumers.
Examples of past projects
Establishing 14 flood and stream reservoirs
4 deep wells
Maintaining approximately 8000 hectares cultivated area (for various agricultural growers/farmers)
Supplying 35 mcm annually
Establishing wastewater system and supplying sewage system services
Technology & product(s)
Establishment and maintenance of water reservoirs, drilled water wells, water from springs, and
water systems (pipelines and pumping stations), control systems operating from a distance/remotely
controlled systems.
Objectives / Target companies
Optimal use of water resources
Support water resources planning, policy making and management
Target companies
Regional and district managers
Government officials and authorities in water management and agriculture
Mey Golan
143 Back to Index
Objectives / Target companies
Companies that already have experience in distribution and service for food products generally and in the
water world specially.
Category: solution for water and coffee include
filtration,POU water/Soda dispensers, DIY
solutions. Worldwide operation
Company profile
The company specialized in turn key projects for food business includes consulting, design, building
business plan, given full service and solution at the customer site.
Year of establishment: 1992
No. of employees: 25
Background on the company
At the last 20 years, the company provides to the customers perfect solutions In the food world include
service on site.
The company concentrate to supply the best products and solution for the customer needs and request.
Examples of projects
The Israeli parliament, new Israeli airport, coffee shops chains and others.
Technology & product(s)
Part of the solutions includes:
POU water dispensers

POU Soda dispensers for domestic use

POU Soda dispensers for SMB

Total solution for filtration


And others

144 Back to Index

Category: Renewable Energy
Sub Category: PV and PVT solar panels
Manufacturer and EPC
Objectives / Target companies
Strategic partners in the field of:
PV/PVT installation/EPC to install millenniums modules in Germany & worldwide.

Solar thermal manufacturing to sign a joint venture licensing technology transfer agreement.

investments in project development.

Company profile
Millennium Electric T.O.U. Ltd. is a manufacturer and world leader in the field of PV/PVT solar
technologies. The company provides EPC service - Building operation & maintenance of Solar PV\
PVT Power Stations and has installed 28MW worldwide. Millennium has a capacity of 300MW for
manufacturing PV panels of high efficiency per year.
Year of establishment: 1999
No. of employees: 11
Background on the company
Millennium Electric was established in 1999 by Mr Ami Elazari, an Israeli entrepreneur who had been in
the solar industry since 1992. Initially the company called SOLOR and was concentrated on solar panels
manufacturing for residential use. In 2003 the company merged to NASDAQ shell and in 2007 the owner
did a buy back of the company share. In 2004 the company began Manufacturing PV panels and installing
systems for 600 homes grid connected in Germany based on its own well-established solar panel designs.
The first pilot station was opened at Motefalcone in Italy in 2006. As a result of this change in business
focus, the company revenues are in a process of rising dramatically.
Examples of past projects
Installation of 31 PVT systems in Mitzpe Klil, Israel - 1992.

Supply of 1.2MW solar panels for 600 homes in Germany - 2005.

Installation of 30KW PVT systems in Stuttgart, Germany - 2005.

Installation of 50KW in Benevento (Motefalcone), Italy - 2007. The power station was built for E.S.

Energy, which also operates wind turbines at the same location.

Supply of 1.5MW to D. Engineering station in Pusan, Korea.

Installation of 50KW PVT Grid-Connected station for Kibbutz Yakum, Israel in 2010.

Installation of 30KW PVT Grid-Connected station for Kibbutz Maggan Michael, Israel 2010.

Supply of 12MW to Italy - Last quarter of 2010: Rome 705KW, Sardinia - 2500KW, Livorno - 900KW,

Piacenza - 1000KW, Verona - 1000KW, Milanese - 1170KW, Caserta - 1000KW, San Marino - 1000KW,
Cascina - 994KW, Genoa - 1102KW, Syracuse - 1356KW.
EPC for 1MW station together with Schneider Electric in Italy.

Technology & product(s)

Millennium has developed three unique PV technologies:
PVT collector, which enables up to 30% more PV electrical production than usual PV system.

MSS Co-Generation station - combines solar PVT with steam electricity coming from the PVT collectors.

Black on Black PV panels with 19% efficiency using graphite bus bars.

145 Back to Index

Category: Water Resources Management,
Analyzers and Control Systems
Sub Category: Fire Hydrants, Security,
Monitoring, Management
Objectives / Target companies
1. Establish contact with appropriate person(s) dealing with hydrants and/or infrastructure security within
water utilities
2. Establish contact with companies that currently provide hydrants to water utilities and that might be
interested in distributing Red Cap.
Company profile
Miltel is a leader in Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) and Advanced Management Infrastructure (AMI).
Miltel has extended the application of its proprietary Data Acquisition and Transport (DAT) technology to
overcome the communications challenges faced by municipalities and utilities. Today, Miltel uses DAT
technology in its leak detection solutions, fire-hydrant locking and management solutions and others.
Miltels AMI technology has been deployed on every continent on the globe and monitors more than
500,000 water meters in the United States alone. All three major airports in London - Heathrow,
Stansted, and Luton - utilize water AMI systems based on Miltels technology.
Year of establishment: 1991
No. of employees: 40
Examples of past projects
In addition to the three major London airports mentioned above, Miltel has deployed systems in every
continent including places as diverse as Hong Kong and Hungary. Currently, over half-a-million meters in
the United States alone are read using Miltel Communications technology.
Technology & product(s)
Overview: The Red Cap System is a wireless fixed network system for the monitoring and management
of municipal fire hydrants. The system is available in two versions: (1) one-way wireless technology for
monitoring, and (2) two-way wireless technology for monitoring and management (remote control). The
system is based upon proprietary electro-mechanical locks (with electronic remote control for locking and
unlocking) incorporated with Miltel DAT wireless (one-way and two-way) fixed network technology. Both
the electro-mechanical lock and the DAT technology are housed within an enclosure that securely fits on
fire hydrants. The system is localized and adapted in each geographic market.
The Issues: (1) Readily accessible fire hydrants permit usage of water resources in an unauthorized
and unlimited manner; (2) Fire hydrant connection design allows for the unintentional and intentional
introduction of poisonous/toxic materials into the fresh water system (Homeland Security issues)
The Solution: (1) Effectively secured fire hydrants, (2) Quick and easy unlocking of fire hydrants during
emergencies, (3) Limited access for authorized users, (4) Control and monitoring of access to the fire
hydrant network, (5) Eliminates the ability to duplicate access keys, (6) Ability to block access to stolen
or lost electronic keys, (7) Remote monitoring of all events with remotely controlled access to the fire
hydrant network.
146 Back to Index
Category: Water efficiency, Water Management
Sub Category: Water loss management
Objectives / Target companies
Miyas objective is to partner with municipalities and water utilities as a service provider, in order to
ensure long term efficiency of their network.
Company profile
Year of establishment: 2006
No. of employees: 300
Background on the company
Miya, an Arison Group company, was established by and operates as part of Arison Investments, the
groups business arm. Miya offers a comprehensive water loss solution for municipalities through turkey
projects- from audit of the citys water system to full project execution and maintenance.
The global group of Miya companies includes leading technology and engineering consulting companies,
in the water loss market from around the world. Miya holds the largest accumulated know how in water
loss management projects globally and its professional team includes leading experts and companies in
the field.
Scope of Services
Water loss management project usually include the following services: Rapid NRW assessment;
Water loss audit; Development of short and long term NRW management strategies; Design and
implementation of DMAs (District Metered Areas), Pressure Management; Active leakage control and
repair; Pipe repair; Management & control software; Integrated customer meter management; Energy
management solutions as well Knowledge propagation.
Decreasing the water loss levels enables our customers to reduce costs by:
Producing/purchasing less water
Energy savings due to improved efficiency of the system
Reducing the amount of chemicals used to treat the water
Saving or postponing investments in increasing water capacity or developing alternative water sources
Extending the lifespan of existing infrastructures
Reducing maintenance cost
Increase revenues by reducing commercial losses caused by lack of metering and/or poor metering
and billing policies.
Minimize risks through flexible financial models.
Lower contamination risks to the water supply from bursts and antiquated pipes.
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Category: Renewable energy
Sub Category: Industrial waste treatment, Solid
waste treatment and recycling, Waste water
treatment, Biomass to Energy
Company profile
MME-IL is a partner company of a unique German technology that produces synthetic, second generation
diesel oil. This technology is soon to be the first of its kind being implemented commercially in the
market. The plant is a modular, mobile, compact device that can be installed anywhere in a short time.
1 liter of clean diesel oil can be produced for a mere ~ 0.30, allowing initial investments to be
returned fast.
The plant uses all kinds of dry and grounded organic raw material and biomass, such as all kinds of
vegetation residue (i.e from first generation biodiesel production, green houses, palms, olives etc.),
animal manure, sewage sludge, etc.
Year of establishment: June 2008.
Number of employees: 2
Background on the company
The enterprisers established the company after 18 month of research on alternative renewable energy,
focusing on this unique technology.
Examples of past projects
Will be launched commercially this year.
Technology & product(s)
The plant is mobile and compact, with a net size of approx. 120 m2. It is a closed system, does not emit
any pollutants or emissions to the air and produces 500 liters of diesel oil from every ton of organic raw
Gas produced as a byproduct of the process is used to generate the electricity needs of the plant.
The process is fast, taking only seconds for the raw material to be converted to clean diesel oil.
Objectives / Target companies
MME-IL will establish, manage and operate synthetic diesel plants with local partners and
clients in the region, whilst supporting all the commercial and technical aspects.
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Company profile
Mottech Water Control Solutions Ltd. is the Master Global Distributor of Motorola for the IRRInet remote
control and management solutions.
Motorola is a world leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of computerized irrigation and water
distribution control systems. Since 1968 Motorola offers a dedicated water and irrigation control
system for landscape irrigation, indoor and outdoor green spaces, greenwalls, highway medians, water
distribution applications, storm water and agricultural schemes.
Computerizing a water and irrigation system may save valuable resources, including water, energy and
labor. The ability of centrally manage multiple sites and make on-line modifications to the process helps
in managing one of the most valuable resources: Time.
All products are designed for simple installation and remote service. Mottech ensures long term and
dependable operation while meeting Motorolas exacting standards.
Mottech and Motorola constantly develop new products and integrated solutions based on a forward-
looking strategy coupled with backward compatibility with legacy products.
Year of establishment: 1988
No. of employees: 90
Examples of past projects
Calgary, Canada - Landscape application

Melbourne, Australia - Landscape application

Bradano Valley, Italy - Water distribution and agricultural application

Athens Olympic Stadium Complex, Greece - Landscape application

Lake Hills Golf Country Club, Korea - Water distribution application

Drocasa, Peru - Agricultural application

Lyon, France - Landscape application

Technology & product(s)

The IRRInet system is comprised of two main components:
IRRInet family of products

ICC and IMS management software tools

In-field wireless and wireline control units communicate with the central PC/Server and workstations.
The IRRInet offers significant advantages by providing features that demanding customers are looking for:
Cost effectiveness and value-for-money

Fast Return on Investment

Reliable wireless and wire-line communication

Modular and flexible system

Simplicity in installation, operation and maintenance

Top-notch performance

The IRRInet system creates an end-to-end control solution, providing easy-to-use and best value for
money remote control and monitoring tool.
Objectives / Target companies
Water/irrigation design & engineering companies

System integrators and contractors for water applications

Decision makers in municipalities, water companies, irrigation service companies, agricultural firms

Water-related organizations seeking long-lasting, reliable and cost effective centralized water

control solutions
Category: Water and Irrigation Remote
Control and Monitoring, Water Resources
Management, Telemetry
149 Back to Index
Company profile
MST is a leading Solar Energy Company that develops highly efficient Solar Energy Systems to
generate electricity.
The Company addresses the needs of the Global Clean Energy Market by introducing advanced
technology with competitive price
per KW installed.
In August 2009, the company has unveiled its first commercial grid connected 50 KWp Concentrated
Photovoltaic (CPV) system in the City of Arad, South of Israel. The system tracks the sun accurately in
two axes from sunrise to sunset using advanced tracker developed by MST. The system transforms the
total solar energy potential into 100,000 KWh per year (in Israel). In practical terms, this is sufficient to
supply the energy needs of about 18 households.
The system is based on concentrated photo-voltaic technology (CPV) employing high efficiency triple-
junction solar cells
designed and used in the space industry and adapted for terrestrial use. Present CPV cells efficiency is
extremely high
measuring 38.5%, thus significantly outperforming the 16% efficiency of standard silicon cells. CPV cell
efficiency will reach industrially 41% in 12 month and 45% within 3 years. The sunlight is concentrated 500
times by Fresnel lenses and
Projected on the cell through an optical medium.
The MST system is composed of 3240 solar cells. The electricity produced is collected by a specially
designed efficient system
and injected into the national grid. The overall MST Power Plant efficiency is 25% which makes it
amongst the most efficient
in the world for solar systems.
The MST Solar System has significant Advantages over other existing solar power systems:
low price
Twice the energy producing output compared to standard photo-voltaic panels.
High efficiency - 25% overall power plant efficiency as compared to 10%-12% of other systems based on
silicon cells or thermo solar systems.
Better performance in hot climates compared to silicon based systems.
Ability to install Solar Plants on unleveled and rocky terrain.
Maximum power per land area- 5MWp per 50 dunam (50,000sqm)
Enables dual use of the land for solar energy and agriculture.
MST plans to complete a 75 Megawatt production line within 12 months.
The companys offices and laboratories are located in the Science Park of Rehovot, Israel.
Year of establishment: 2002
No. of employees: 15
Background on the company
MST is a leading Solar Energy Company that develops highly efficient Solar Energy Systems to generate
electricity. The Company addresses the needs of the Global Clean Energy Market by introducing advanced
technology with competitive price per KW installed.
In August 2009, the company has unveiled its first commercial 50 KWp Concentrated Photovoltaic system
in the City of Arad, South of Israel. The system tracks the sun accurately in two axes from sunrise to
sunset using advanced tracker developed by MST. The system transforms the total solar energy potential
into 100, 000 KWh per year (in Israel). In practical terms, this is sufficient to supply the energy needs of
about 18 households
Category: Renewable energy
Sub Category: Solar energy
150 Back to Index
Objectives / Target companies
1. Original Design Manufacture [ODM] - Targeted at Electric, Water and Gas meter manufacturers. e.g.
Badger meter, Sensus, PRI Echelon
2. Original Equipment Manufacture Targeted at industry leaders serving the Water, Electric and Gas
utility needs. e.g. Siemens, ABB, GE, Gasprom, Itron, Landis & Gyre etc.
3. Tier 1 Integrators - Targeted at Value Added Resellers to Water, Electric and Gas utilities. e.g. Regional
& Local Dealers and distributors in national markets, Australasia, Central & South America, EU
4. Meter data Management [MDM] - Targeted at alliances with Smart grid Software solution developers
wishing to license API access to our core software and Database application.
Company profile
MTR Wireless Communications Ltd.
Year of establishment: 2009
No. of employees: 6
Background on the company
MTR is the developer of smart; digital reckoning, communication protocols, two-way wireless based
technology, and software solutions for the emerging global AMI/Smart Meter/Grid market.
Examples of past projects
We are currently undertaking pilot programs in targeted markets:
Israel, - Integrated meter products
Mexico, - 100 unit meter/valve/RTU system
USA, - 200 unit meter/valve/RTU system
India -TBA
Technology & product(s)
General description:
MTR Wireless Communications LTD develops smart protocol two-way Wireless technology & systems for
command, control & management of large distribution grids including AMR/AMI/Smart Grid and Control
applications in water, electric and gas industries.
Function of the product(s):
MTR Remote Terminal Unit [RTU] -Connected to each Client End Point [CEP] [meter/multi-sensor], in a
distribution grid, either as a stand alone unit or integrated within the meter/multi-sensor.
The stand alone unit provides a two-way communications interface with up to 4 CEP/ meter/multi-sensor
units with the additional ability to control any solenoid operated switch or valve.
MTR Base Station Unit [BSU] - The BSU is both a transceiver managing a Local Area Network [LAN] of
an almost unlimited number of RTUs and an access point gateway to a Utilities Wide Area Network.
MTR SmartNet & SmartFan Software applications, delivering Smart Grid control & meter data
Category: Water security, Water resources
management, Renewable energy
Sub Category: Analyzers and control systems
151 Back to Index
Category: Industrial constructions
and maintenance
Sub Category: Cement, Petrochem Chemical
Industry, Inceneration Plants
Company profile
Naaman is a refractory producer - Heat resistant ceramics that is used at many industrial process which
involves high temperature.
Naaman products are high end technology, they are a result of many years of in-house R&D combined
with technology share agreements with world leaders on this field.
Year of establishment: 1946
No. of employees: 30
Background on the company
Together with sister companies on Paran H.R. group, Naaman supplies its customers with total
solutions for their heat resistance applications:
Material production and supply.
Refractory engineering.
On site installation.
Examples of past projects
Naaman Supplies Refractory services to the following:
Cement Industry - Nesher Cement (11,000 ton clinker /day) - 10 years supply for all maintenance and projects.
Oil Refineries - O.R.L Refineries, Paz Refineries. 20 years for all maintenance and projects.
Fertilizers Industry Rotem Ampart - 20 years for all maintenance and projects.
Inceneration Plants - Ecosol - 10 years for all maintenance and projects.
Technology & product(s)
High end ceramic refractory -
Low Cement products,
Ultra Low Cement products,
Low Cement Gunning,
Special Corrosion Resistant Formulation,
Special Abrasion Resistant Formulation,
Special Anchoring Systems for Incineration.
Objectives / Target companies
Cement Industry: Votorantim, La- Farge, Holcim, Joao Santos.
Petrochem: Petrobras.
Fertilizers manufactures.
CleanTech: Inceneration Plants.


152 Back to Index

Category: Irrigation & Water Supply Systems
Sub Category: Consulting Agro & Water TurnKey
Company profile
NaanDan Jain Irrigation Ltd., a global irrigation company, provides technological leadership with the
widest range of cost-effective and customized solutions. With over 70 years of experience in more
than 100 countries, NaanDan Jain offers top quality products that deliver higher productivity per unit of
resources. Our expertise contributes to higher crop yields, lower risks, and savings of precious resources.
The 2007 merger of NaanDan and Jain has created an enriching multi-cultural synergy with significant
expansion of the product portfolio, R&D activities, and worldwide sales and marketing network.
NaanDan Jain is involved in major international agro-projects. Our engineers, agronomists and
economists will work closely with you from planning through to project establishment and support, to
help you optimize production and adapt to dynamic market demands.
Year of establishment: 1937
No. of employees: 700
Technology & product(s)
NaanDan Jains extensive product range includes comprehensive irrigation and climate-control
technologies for greenhouses and nurseries, open fields, orchards and plantations, residential and
landscape areas, and industry. These technologies include a wide range of integrated round regular
and pressure-compensated dripline systems, thin wall dripline and tapes micro- and mini-sprinklers
for climate control and irrigation, diverse metal and plastic agricultural sprinklers, as well as landscape
applications incorporating gear and impact pop-up sprinklers.
NaanDan Jains advanced systems are a result of intensive R&D. Five percent of the companys turnover
is invested in the R&D department, which includes a number of well-equipped flow analysis and material
development laboratories. The 2007 merger intensifies the groups R&D efforts for the full product palette.
Objectives / Target companies
NaanDanjain Is looking for:
Partners/representatives to distribute out product in the Chinese market.
Cooporation with public and privte organizations in agro and water projects, including turn key projects.
153 Back to Index
Category: Drip and micro irrigation, Agri-business
solutions and irrigation technology, greenhouse
technologies, crop management technologies and
bio energy solutions
Company profile
Netafim is the worlds largest and leading company in the field of Smart Water solutions for
Agricultural and Landscape. Netafims Drip Irrigation solutions enable farmers throughout the world to
increase yield and quality while using less water, fertilizers, land, and energy.
Most of Netafims activity focuses on open-area irrigation projects of various sizes and turnkey projects in
the field of greenhouses and bio-energy cultivation.
Netafim works to advance the concept of knowledge-based solutions according to specific crops. The
purpose of which is to fit the right solution to the needs of the grower in a specific crop.
Netafim has business operations in more than 120 countries, with 35 subsidiaries and 14
manufacturing plants.
Mining Division: Netafim drip irrigation systems are also implemented in the mining industry for Heap
Leaching applications in several mining countries.
Being Chile one of the most important heap leaching markets we have a mining technical team with all
the skills and tools the design tailor made solutions for each customer.
Year of establishment: 1965
No. of employees: 2400
Line of Business
Drip & Micro Irrigation Technologies, Agri-Business Solutions, Landscape Solutions, Greenhouses and
Computerized Crop Management Technologies.
Examples of past projects
Thousands of projects in 120 countries in all type of crops.
Technology & product(s)
Drip & Micro Irrigation.
Objectives / Target companies
Netafim is the global leader in smart drip and micro irrigation solutions for agriculture and landscape. We
help the world grow more with less.
It is our purpose to leverage Netafims knowledge and position as global leader through Efficient,
Innovative and Sustainable irrigation solutions, enhancing performance and reducing erosion of the
worlds vulnerable natural resources.
We enable our costumers to grow more and better crops with les resources by offering:
State-of-the-art technology

Global agronomic expertise

Customized support

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Company profile
NewHs unique, patent-pending solution delivers direct hydrogen energy on demand with no need for
onsite storage, eliminating any safety barriers and meeting the trend and strong demand for clean
energy. NewHs totally safe, non-toxic solution produces direct hydrogen energy, replacing hydrogen
storage in tanks as well as fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) as an energy source.
The companys market driven product focus is on the development of current and future power sources
based on direct hydrogen production and fuel cells (direct hydrogen supply, generators and cellular
transmission stations, cellular and laptop batteries, as well as automotive applications).
Year of establishment: 2007
Number of employees: 4
Technology & product(s)
General description:
NewHs technology takes a unique new approach: leveraging nature to produce energy- utilizing a stable
solution manufactured from borohydride (a totally safe, non-toxic substance freely available in massive
quantities), connected to a catalyst to create a chemical reaction which produces hydrogen. The reactor
produces hydrogen on demand- a safe supply of direct hydrogen.
NewHs innovative technology is set to revolutionize the market, developing power sources based on
direct hydrogen supply as well as direct hydrogen fuel cells
Function of the product(s):
The company is focusing its development efforts on four key market sectors: Direct hydrogen supply,
generators and cellular transmission stations, consumer (batteries for cell phones and laptops), and
Direct Hydrogen Supply
Today, hydrogen is stored in tanks, which presents potential safety hazards. NewH produces direct
hydrogen onsite with no need for storage. The direct hydrogen can be used for cooling turbines in
power plants, hospitals, and for use in the food industry. Benefits: Substantial cost reduction, safe,
no storage necessary.
Generators currently run on fossil fuels to generate power. NewHs solution provides safe power
on demand, providing a clean, non-toxic alternative. Benefits: Substantial cost reduction, safe, no
storage necessary.
Consumer: Cell Phone and Laptop Batteries
Consumers currently rely on batteries for cell phones and laptops which have limited usage before
they need to be recharged, requiring a power source which isnt always available. NewHs solution
extends battery usage for up to 30 hours, a considerable improvement on current alternatives.
Benefits: Efficient, clean, and environmentally friendly.
The search for alternatives to non-polluting fossil fuels for the automotive market is ongoing. Many
of the current alternatives, such as electric cars, are extremely costly. NewHs solution provides clean
fuel with no toxic emissions or storage issues. Benefits: No storage necessary, clean, and safe.
Objectives / Target companies:
Energy or infrastructure companies with potential cooperation
Category: Renewable energy
Sub Category: Hydrogen
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Category: Solar Water Heating
Sub Category: solar and electric water heating
Company profile
NIMROD was founded on 1967 by Mr. Abraham Trabulsky- an experienced manufacturer for SDHW Solar
Domestic Hot Water Systems (Flat Collectors and Storage Tanks- Solar and Electrical heating) acting
now as the Chairman of Board and the present Managing Director is already held by the youngest son Mr.
Rami Trabulsky.
Year of establishment: 1967
Number of employees: 70
Background on the company
NIMROD is at present one of the Israeli leading manufacturer for advanced SDHW systems.
All the products, production procedures and production flow are currently supervised, tested and certified
by IIS, the Israeli Institute of Standards, QAS the Australian quality Assurance Institute, the Australian
Standards Institute, the Spanish INTA institute, the SABS South African Bureau of Standards,SRCC
(USA) and more already under certification.
Technology & product(s)
NIMROD completely designs and manufactures its products. The R&D dept. is currently busy with
the developing of the products, which are always far ahead from the existing in the worldwide Solar
Thermal industry.
NIMROD made significant investments for the improving of the production procedures and technologies
of manufacturing of its products. The new and advanced process of cleaning and internal Enamel coating
of the Storage Accumulator Tanks is one of a few made during the last years.The process assures the
excellent results of homogeneous Enamel coating to secure a long warranty period.The Collectors are
design and produced with Copper tubes at a Drinkable standard. The production assures full heat transfer
from the combustion chamber Copper Fins to the Copper grill tubing by updated Ultrasonic welding.
NIMROD exports at the present very successfully to Europe, Australia, Central America, Africa and South
Africa, and intends to penetrate also the North and South American Market.
More then 50 years of commercial activities and experience, of intensive R&D.
An impressive presence at the SDWH private market in Israel, which is the largest user of this
technology in the world (about 90%)
Manufacturer and distributor of all the products needed for the implementation of a Domestic Solar
Water Heating System: Storage Tanks from 30 to 300 liters of volume, Solar thermal Flat Collectors
on various dimensions and finishes, components and accessories for the assembling and install of the
systems (Connecting Kits) and metal frames (Hangs and Stands).
Objectives / Target companies
Expansion of the Export and distribution of our products to new markets in the world.
NIMROD set South Africa and the African Continent as a strategic target for the expansion of its
commercial export activities.
NIMROD concluded in 2010 its first stage of certification of its systems with SABS and will continue
with this process along 2011.
NIMROD started to distribute its Solar Water Heating Systems in South Africa during 2010 through a
commercial cooperation established with ELLIES.
Central and South America are also targeted by NIMROD INDUSTRIES LTD. as important markets for
the next coming years.
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Company profile
Established in 1990, Nirosoft is a member of the RWL Water Group, controlled by Ronald S. Lauder.
Nirosoft specializes in the design, manufacture, installation, operation and maintenance of high-tech
water and wastewater solutions.
Year of establishment: 1990
No. of employees: 75
Background on the company
Nirosoft develops tailormade systems which reliably deliver high quality water to densely populated
areas, remote communities, and complex industrial sites. Nirosoft supplies water wherever it is
needed -- such as deploying emergency mobile water treatment units in disaster areas, treating and
reusing wastewater, using desalination to reliably supply potable water, and producing demineralized
water for industry. The company offers a complete turnkey solution -- from design and manufacture to
commissioning and aftersales service. Every system is customized to unique requirements, site-specific
conditions, and required standards. Nirosofts multidisciplinary team works closely with clients at every
stage, providing consultation during the project and support services after commissioning.
Examples of past projects
Italy 2010 -- Treatment of wastewater from alcohol factory for effluent reuse

Australia 2010 -- Treatment of brackish water utilizing reverse osmosis system

Australia 2010 -- Industrial wastewater treatment plant for beverage factory

Azerbaijan -- Mobile water purification units

Israel 2010 -- Treatment of wastewater treatment and effluent reuse for chemical factory

Israel 2010 -- Demineralized water production for power plant (containerized systems)

Mexico 2010 -- Domestic wastewater treatment plant and effluent reuse for hotel

Colombia 2010 -- Demineralized water production for power plant

Cyprus 2008 -- Sea water desalination plant for supply of drinking water to the city of Limassol (BOT project)

Cyprus 2008 -- Brackish water desalination for supply of drinking water (BOT project)

Technologies & product(s)

Desalination systems

Demineralized water production

Drinking water production

Process water production

Effluent reclamation for reuse

Mobile water purification units

Containerized water and wastewater systems

Objectives / Target companies

Mining, oil & gas, power, electronic, and chemical industries; EPC contractors and engineering
companies; municipal and public water utilities.
Category: Water and Wastewater Treatment
Sub Category: Desalination, Demineralization,
Drinking Water, Effluent Reclamation
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Company profile
Noga Water Cares mission is to provide, from its warehouse in The Netherlands, to the international
water-quality market:
Noga WaterCare is dedicated to developing new and effective systems to meet the need for pure, clean
Extensive range of products:
Reverse Osmosis.
A large selection of filters.
Filter housings for water filters.
Various types of water filtration systems.
Other accessories.
All of Noga WaterCares products comply with the most rigorous international standards and provide the
most advanced solution for clean and pure water for the household user.
Year of establishment: 2002
No. of employees: 15
Background on the company
The company was established in 2002, with 3 logistic centers, in the Netherlands, Turkey and the U.K.
Noga Watercare is distributing his products all over Europe.
Technology & product(s)
General description: Noga WaterCare is dedicated to developing new and effective systems to meet the
need for pure, clean water.
Function of the product(s): Domestic water filtration systems.
Objectives / Target companies
Looking for wholesalers and distributors in the domestic water filtration field.
Category: Drinking water
Sub Category: Water Filtration
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Company profile
Odis is a world wide provider of state-of-the-
art Water Treatment plants and solutions. It
has over 27 years of experience in the design,
manufacturing, installation and commissioning
of water treatment plants which enable turning
sea water, ground water, surface water or
wastewater into quality water.
Among our worldwide customers you can find reputable multinational corporations, national water supply
companies, municipalities and government agencies.
ODIS has used its many years of experience in the industry to develop complete treatment systems.
Odis modular approach provides our customers with easy to operate and cost-effective plants. The units are
trouble-free systems capable of enduring in any operating environment with minimal maintenance efforts.
Year of establishment: 1978
Number of Employees: over 230
Representative in Mexico: Odis Asversa S.A DE C.V.
Technologies used
Odis uses the most advanced technologies to provide the best solutions tailored to the customers needs.
Water and Waste Water Treatment technologies:
Membrane technologies for water desalination, demineralisation and purification. This includes
Reverse Osmosis (RO), Micro Filtration, Ultra Filtration and Nano Filtration technologies. Deep bed
multi-media filtration & Activated Carbon absorption. Sedimentation and Settling & MBR Biological
Reactors Oxidation Separation Disinfection Ion Exchange.
Projects and past experience
ODIS offers a variety of contract forms such as BOO(T), and turnkey projects. ODIS has a worldwide presence,
with projects in Europe, Asia, USA, South America, Australia and Africa. Many of our clients are government
customers and State water companies such as Columbia Metropolitan Airport USA, Hydroven- Venezuela,
DSI-Turkey, Mekorot- Israel, United Nations Peace Keeping Missions and the Israeli Air Force. Among our
Business customers, one can find Heinz, Ford, Schering Plough, food industry, oil refineries and many others
known companies worldwide.
Some of our recent projects are:
A turn-key project for the supply of an industrial water treatment plant for Chile food industry with the

capacity of 2,400 M3/day

A turn-key project that provided a Brackish Water Desalination Sulphite removal Plant for a government

water supplier- Mexico with the capacity of 20, 000 M3/day.

The supply of more than 200 (Two hundred) compact and mobile water desalination plants to the UN

Peace Keeping missions.

The construction of water treatment plants in Romania as part of a World Banks project. The project

provides purified water to over 600 villages in rural areas of that country.
Mekorot - Israel National Water Company: Brackish Water RO Desalination Plant.

Electrical Power Station - RO desalination plant for boilers feed water.

Objectives / Target companies

Local authorities such as local municipalities, water supply companies. Industrial end customers such as:
Power Stations, Hotels and hospitals, Chemical and Pulp & Paper companies. Potential partners such as:
Engineering Companies, Integrators Large Civil contractors that work in the water industry.
Category: Drinking water and waste water
treatment systems for the Municipal and
Industrial areas
Sub Category: Water Filtration, Sea Water
Desalination, Waste Water Treatment and
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Objectives / Target companies
Ofra is interested in cooperation with local construction and design companies.
Category: Consulting and engineering services,
Industrial waste treatment, waste water
treatment, Water resources management
Company profile
Ofra Aqua Plants Ltd specializes in different implementations of Phytoremediation (Constructed
wetlands) for wastewater, river and lake management, public ponds, polluted wells, industry and
agriculture, and for the purification of water for swimming pools.
Year of establishment: 1991
No. of employees: 15
Background on the company
Began as a farm for growing aquatic plants. The development of methods to improve water quality was
a prerequisite in the success in growing these plants. Today the agricultural section is a small part of
the companys activity which is mainly research design and construction of projects.
Examples of past projects
Wastewater: Gas stations, Hiria landfill leachate, Ahava cosmetic factory, dairy farms, communities of
500 persons (Lotan, Neot smadar), grey water projects of 30-100 m3/day.
River management: Yarkon, Shchem, Naaman (under design)
Public lakes and ponds: Neot smadar (27,000 m3), Azerbaijan 10,000 m3)
Municipal ponds like Rabin, Tel Aviv, Volfson, Tel Aviv, Gan Meir, Tel Aviv, municipal park Kfar Saba, Ben
Shefer, Herzelia and many more.
Over 30 swimminig ponds including hydrotherapy pools.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Different hybrid systems of constructed wetlands.
Function of the product(s):
Removal of pollutant from water for reuse.
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Objectives / Target companies
Our customers are municipal and governmental entities. We would like to meet with integrators to help
up distribute the products and solutions.
Category: Analyzers and control systems, R&D,
Water resources management,
Water security
Company profile
Year of establishment: 2007
No. of employees: 7
Background on the company
ommyx Ltd. aims to be a world leader of flexible end-to-end supervisory control and data acquisition
systems for the management of water and effluent systems.
ommyx offers the Software as a Service (SaaS) business model for the ommyx management system, along
a multi-protocol remote unit, capable of connecting any telemetry and sensing equipment to the system.
ommyx offers advanced real-time data analysis and decision support systems that will assist the decision
makers within the municipal environment and result in more informed decisions.
ommyxs initial target is the small and medium-size utility and municipality markets.
Examples of past projects
Early flood monitoring system in the Chicago area
Cathodic protection monitoring for PEI in Israel
Fuel tank monitoring in Afghanistan
Technology & product(s)
ommyx provides a flexible, real time water management system for remote monitoring and analysis of
data. The ommyx platform consists of a remote unit that interfaces with any sensor, a communication
device that sends that data registered by the sensor via wireless network and a management SaaS
application that collects the data, analyzes it and presents it in an easy to understand, friendly way. The
system is also capable of sending processed information via the web in the form of online, e-mail and
SMS alerts.
The ommyx management system (OMS) is a comprehensive SaaS package. It is a powerful web-based
application that efficiently processes and analyzes data. The application consists of the main program
and measuring instrument modules, as well as a built-in database and a flexible and user-friendly report
generator. The OMS gathers information received from multiple sensors and devices, analyzes the data,
and delivers the information to decision makers and on-site staff members via cell phones, PDAs, hand-
held devices, SMS and e-mail, as well as by direct web-access from any device.
At the other end of the system is the omni 247 remote unit an embedded hardware assembly with
multiple and flexible communication capabilities, that comes as a stand-alone unit that connects to any
sensor already on site, or with a sensor integrated into the unit, depending on the customers needs.
Put together, the OMS and omni 247 provide a highly flexible, extremely cost effective end-to-end
solution for organizations looking to instate or upgrade a supervisory control and data acquisition system
with decision support system components. SCADA and DSS systems are generally considered high-end
expensive solutions, and are therefore not widely prevalent among the large market segment of small
size water utilities, municipalities and water and wastewater service providers. ommyx is turning these
critical systems into an affordable option for these segments.
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Objectives / Target companies
Category: Valves
Sub Category: Irrigation, Water Works,
Industry, Fire Protection, Mining, Water
resources management
Company profile
Year of establishment: 2003
No. of employees: 17
Background on the company
OOVAL VALVES LTD. develops, manufactures and markets hydraulic control valves for irrigation, fire
protection, mining and water works applications. The company brings to its customers over three decades
of professional expertise in management, development and technical support for water control systems.
OOVALs solutions are user-friendly, easy to maintain and offer customers added value and optimal cost-
benefit ratio. OOVALs base of satisfied customers extends across Israel, North & South America, Europe,
Africa and Australia.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Ooval hydraulic control valves provide remarkable benefits in both basic on/off operations and
sophisticated functions-controlling pressures, levels, Quick regulating response and Accurate regulation
in a wide/low flow range together with the use of electric solenoids and thoroughly tested control
Function of the product(s):
Basic/ Manual/ electric

Pressure Reducing Valve

Pressure Sustaining/Relief Valve

Pressure Reducing/Sustaining Valve

Quick Pressure Relief Valve

Hydraulic/Electric Control Valve

Hydraulic Remote Control Valve

Float level Control Valve

Hydraulic Control Valves

for Water Works & Irrigation
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Company profile
Orlite Industries (Millennium 2000) Ltd. founded in 1959, focusing on development and manufacturing of
advanced products and solutions made of composite materials and advanced technologies incorporating
the latest technological innovations.
Year of establishment: 1959
No. of employees: about 150
Background on the company
As a leading international company, Orlite offers a wide range cost effective high quality cabinets,
impressively short time to market for customized or new enclosures and the most advanced UV
protection coating system.
Orlite offer the most affordable solution available, for both outdoor and tailor made reinforced Polyester
enclosures & bases.
Examples of past projects
Siemens - Traffic lightning
EDP (Electricity De Portugal) - Electricity
EDF (Electricity De France) - Electricity
Edesur, Argentina - Electricity
Thales - Railway signaling
R&M - Communication
Technology & products
Orlite offers a wide range of Fiber Glass Reinforced Polyester (GRP) enclosures & bases (available also
in DIN standard), including its latest premium BLOOMGUARDTM enclosures line with a unique (patent
pending) protective coating layer technology against glass fiber blooming.
Orlite is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company, equipped with the latest laboratory facilities capable to
conduct most international cabinet tests such as IEC 60439-5 test and comply with all major international
enclosures standards.
Outdoor enclosures key characteristics:
High resistance to outdoor climate condition.
High mechanical rigidity.
Cost effective life cycle - Environmentally friendly.
High quality cost effective cabinets.
Wide range and tailor made cabinets.
Category: Electricity, Communication, cable TV,
traffic & street light control, water, Irrigation & gas
Objectives / Target companies
We are seeking for: Distributors and Agents, Strategic Alliances, Potential Customers, Infrastructure
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Company profile
Oryans unique range of services is based on the capability to deliver new clients, partners and business
agreements in the Water and Cleantech industries in Israel and abroad.
Oryan becomes part of the organization with full responsibility for the entire process until there is a
purchase order or signed agreement.
Oryan helps Israeli companies launch successfully in foreign markets by offering outsourced strategic
planning, business development, marketing and sales services. Oryan and its partners provide a wide
range of solutions for a variety of business needs.
Our work usually begins with market assessment, followed by an action plan with measurable criteria for
success covering marketing, technical and professional aspects of the products and services. We then
propose and implement ourselves the aspects of the action plan for successful signed deals and new
Year of establishment: 2007
Background on the company
Oryan was established by Eran Eizik, a skilled senior executive with more than 20 years experience
as General Manager, Business Development director and Sales Executive. Record of leadership and
innovation within the high tech industry sector highlighted by a series of technology industry firsts and
revenue-performance records with technology companies including HP, Programa group, ONE1, start-
ups and international ventures. Vast knowledge of operational processes within diverse environments,
including hi-tech, finance, industrial, medical, retail and M.O.D.
In the last few years have been working in the water and cleantech industry.
Examples of past projects
Working with Mid size and leading Israeli companies in the US and European markets as well as with
foreign companies in Israel. Examples of past projects TBD case by case.
Technology & products
General description: Methodology for practical business development and sales in an outsourcing model
combined with companys strategic planning development and implementation.
Function of the product(s): Make it happen.
Category: Consulting and engineering services
Sub Category: Water and Cleantech
Objectives / Target companies
Israeli Water and Cleantech companies interested in penetrating foreign markets and in particular the US
and Europe.
Foreign companies interested in working in/with the Israeli market.
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Category: Waste water treatment
Sub Category: Industrial plants and metals
mines waste water treatment (heavy metal
removal), Gold and silver mines (cyanide
contamination destruction)
Objectives / Target companies
We view the mining and related industrial market in Brazil as a key growth point as it has several mining
related operations that are currently in operation, planning to be closed or are under feasibility studies
as a new mining venture not only in Brazil but across Latin America. Brazil is also host to some of the
largest mining companies in the world.Target mining companies include: Anglogold Ashanti, Kinross
Gold, Eldorado Gold, MSOL.
Target industries for drinking water systems (including desalination) include water services authorities,
water boards, municipalities, private estates and lodges, isolated military bases, prisons, etc.
We hope to not only establish opportunities to supply technologies to water users that require this level
of support, but to identify potential local partners to address the local market in Brazil and in selected
countries in Latin America through which marketing, sales, manufacturing and servicing can be structured.
Company profile
P2W (Pollution-to-Water) is a private company that has developed and offers water treatment
technologies to suit a broad range of applications across the water sector and across the globe.
We develop, market, sell and install the most efficient, cost - effective and environmental - friendly
waste water treatment systems.
Year of establishment: 2005
No. of employees: 25 + outsourced project managers and consultants/representatives worldwide.
Technology & product(s)
The patented technology provides for the removal of toxic cyanide from wastewater without the need
for the addition of chemicals while producing no secondary sludge that would require further handling
prior to disposal. Heavy metal removal is achieved in a similar manner through inducing sedimentation.
Cyanide removal, particularly in gold and silver mine processing operations, and heavy metal removal
allows for the safe discharge of surplus industrial water into the environment or municipal systems and
can provide optimization of internal recycling water circuits, saving the operating company costs while
reducing the demand for natural raw water supplies as make-up water. We have had enquiries on this
technology in applications ranging between 2 m
/hour and 1500 m
In addition, P2W offers desalination systems and more conventional drinking water purification systems
that are offered across a range of treatment rates starting at 5 m
/hour. These units can be trailer
mounted or fitted to skids or into containers for ease of transportation and installation. Desalination
units can treat sea water, salinized groundwater or contaminated industrial wastewater and can produce
drinking water that meets internationally recognized standards.
Examples of past projects
We have several installed units across Israel and the rest of the world with our most recent success being
the installation of a 450 m
/hour cyanide removal system for a gold mine in Ghana.
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Company profile
Palgey-maim, water and land resources development company.
Year of establishment: 1973
No. of employees: 60
Background on the company
Since foundation, the company has been involved in flowing infrastructures covering a wide range of
their various aspects: Reclaiming effluents for irrigation, supplying fresh water, removal and treatment of
wastewater, urban and agricultural drainage, storing runoff water and waste water in reservoirs.
Examples of past projects
Operation of 200 pumping stations, 14 wastewater treatment plants using a wide range of different

Jezrael Valley project: Effluents distribution system. annual capacity of 21 million m

. Initiating,
designing, building and operation.
Western Galilee project: Effluents supplying system design for irrigation with an annual capacity of 25

million m
including reservoir with total capacity of 6 million m
and pump stations with total capacity
of 8000 m
Hasolelim WWTP - MBR 3000 m

Kini WWTP - Activated Sludge 4000 m

Subterranean Drainage and salification prevention project in the Jesrael Vally- 5000 Ha.

Kishon river - Reestablishment the Kishon River bed (along 13Km).

Supply and treatment of effluents for power stations run by the Israel Electric Corporation - Alon Tavor

and Gezer- with an inflow of 1000 m

per hour.
Technology & product(s)
Among the different technologies employed are activated sludge, MBR, SBR, and extensive plants.
Using GIS and advanced Hydraulic software in the design process.
Category: Consulting and engineering services,
Drinking water, Industrial waste treatment,
Waste water treatment, Water security, Water
resources management
Objectives / Target companies
Water supply companies, privet and governmental corporations in the area of water supply and waste
water treatment.
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Company profile
Palram Applications Ltd is a designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing arm of Palram
Industries that is focused on creating new and innovative finished products.
Year of establishment: 2005
No. of employees: 130
Background on the company
Established on 2005 and based on its facilities in Misgav Industrial Park, in the Galilee Heights of Israel,
Palram Applications intended to exploit the use of Palrams core thermoplastic
products, adding value to those core products in the process.
With the support of its mother company, Palram Applications enjoys the knowledge & professionalism of
over 45 years of experience. As well as the availability of raw materials of an international company.
Palram is known for its exclusive range of Crystal clear Polycarbonate Hobby Greenhouse and
Gardening products as well as innovative Canopys and Carport structures.
After a few years of R&D Palram Applications has entered the renewable energy field, and is introducing
innovative solar products for private pools and domestic and uses.
Technology & product(s)
Solar Air Heater
An Innovative product to the DIY and Building markets supplies fresh, warm and dry air into the house
using solar power only.
Room heater in a clear cold day - clean, quiet, safe and free of costs or work.

Warming and drying highly effective for living environment.

Ultimate solution for non grid areas.

Safe to use even when you are away.

Protect summer houses from humidity damages and bed odors.

Solar AquaDome:
Pools water is heated by the suns power without any additional energy source.
Save energy, save costs, reduce carbon emission and supply cosy water even during chilly days.

Dome shape tracks the sun all day long to improve the efficiency of low sun angle periods.

Polycarbonate dome creates a greenhouse effect for maximal efficiency.

Category: Solar Collectors

Sub Category: Solar Air Heating,
Solar Pool Heating
Objectives / Target companies
We are looking for local distributors and other manufacturers in the distribution of our innovative
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Company profile
Panoramic Power is an early stage company developing a low-cost, cloud-hosted, nonintrusive, real-
time energy monitoring platform designed to help businesses save money, reduce energy use, manage
sustainability initiatives and improve building operations.
Year of establishment: 2009
No. of employees: 10
Background on the company
Studies show that granular, real-time energy monitoring results in 10% - 30% savings. Panoramic Powers
integrated hardware and software provide unprecedented visibility into 100% of building energy use.
Panoramic Power offers an unparalleled continuous value proposition. The technology delivers cost and
energy savings and mission-critical building services such as equipment failure prevention, electrical
abuse detection, dynamic sub metering, fire risk alerts, benchmarking, load optimization, remote
monitoring, government regulatory compliance, and energy forecasting.
Examples of past projects
BIRD Energy partnership with MNLB in CA, Collaboration with Israel Electric Company (IEC) within their
Karat Program.
Technology & product(s)
General description: The solution is based on a series of low cost, wireless, self-powered sensors
that attach onto every circuit. Panoramics innovative patent-pending sensors harvest energy from the
magnetic field surrounding the wire, enabling rapid, non-invasive installation. The low cost sensors
allow building retrofits with minimal expense. The sensors no-battery, no-maintenance design permits
installation without disruption to building operations. Sensor data is transmitted to Panoramics cloud-
hosted service for analysis and reporting. This service utilizes advanced data mining algorithms to detect
abnormal energy patterns. A state-of-the-art user experience features advanced visualization & analytics
to uncover hidden inefficiencies and waste, identify problems and risks, and highlight money saving
Function of the product(s): Energy savings; carbon footprint reduction; equipment failure prevention;
peak power pricing cost containment; continuous energy monitoring, benchmarking, and reporting;
electrical overload & fire risk detection; regulatory compliance.
Category: Energy
Sub Category: Energy Efficiency
Objectives / Target companies
Water supply companies, privet and governmental corporations in the area of water supply and waste
water treatment.
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Category: Analyzers and control systems
Sub Category: Smart Grid Data Analytics
Company profile
Peak Dynamics mission is to provide utilities and enterprises with business insight into their data-rich
smart grid environment. Offering advanced demand and dynamic pricing analytics, Peak Dynamics
enables suppliers and consumers to employ profitable & efficient energy management strategies.
Year of establishment: 2010
No. of employees: 3
Background on the company
Smart Grid Data Analytics (SGDA).
Industry: Smart -grid electricity business software solutions.
The leading team:
Adam Feit, PhD, CEO
Adam has a very successful track record of senior R&D and management positions in the Israeli hi-tech

In his last CEO position he led SigValue, a real-time billing start-up venture, to a successful exit

acquisition by Amdocs (DOX)

Shay Nativ, EVP Business Development
Shay has an expertise in leading world-wide presale and post sale activities. In his last assignment he

was the account manager for several strategic EU Telco operators.

Shay has also a very rich technological background in developing products and applications.

Examples of past projects

Pilot with Water Utility for electricity reduction through water pump scheduling
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Business software suite which enables its users to analyze electricity demand and pricing, design optimal
dynamic electricity tariffs, plan cost-efficient sourcing and reselling of electricity.
Function of the product(s):
PeakTariff - Strategies and Tools for Electricity Retail Markets
High resolution pricing analysis methodology

Find tariffs which best answer simultaneous objectives

Price elasticity forecasting

Very fast and streamlined new tariff design process

Easy system deployment and integration

Objectives / Target companies

Electricity services providers and retailers
Industrial and commercial enterprises
EV charge-parks
169 Back to Index
Company profile
PEP Filters, an Arkal Filtration Systems company, develops, manufactures and markets water filtration
systems and filters for industrial, municipal, and commercial, applications.
Year of establishment: 1976
No. of employees: 35
Background on the company
PEP Filters, implements clean-water technologies to provide cost-effective filtration solutions for
industrial, municipal, and commercial applications.
Our dynamic solutions include Arkals patented automatic Spin Klin filtration technology made of sturdy
and long lasting polymeric materials, offering modularity, flexibility and the lowest backwash volume of
any filtration system available. We have the widest range of pre-engineered, automatic backwash, self-
cleaning media filters, disc filters, and screen filters, which no other filtration company can match.
Examples of past projects
San Antonio, Texas- United water: Bexar metropolitan water district
Davenport, California- Municipal water treatment plant
Swansee, Mass.- Desalination plant
Butler, Missouri- Municipal water treatment plant
Austin, Texas- Decker power plant
New York City aquarium
Charlotte, N.C.- Wachovia building
Baytown, Texas- Bayer chemical process plant
Technology & product(s)
General description: Our main product lines include patented automatic Spin Klin filtration technology,
stainless and carbon steel media filters, and automatic and semi-automatic screen filters.
Function of the product(s): We specialize in cooling and process water, wastewater recycling, drinking
water, pre-membrane applications, desalination, and cooling tower filtration.
Category: Drinking Water, Industrial Process and
Wastewater Treatment,
Desalination, HVAC
Objectives / Target companies
OEM customers, Municipal Water and Power Plants, Design and Spec Engineers.
170 Back to Index
Company profile
Year of establishment: 2007
No. of employees: 5
Background on the company
pH2O was established in 2007 by an experienced multi-disciplinary team introducing new technology
of chemical free, water treatments. In house R&D and a team of consultants technologies enable the
company to cater to our clients specific needs. Our technology is zero-discharge and enables the recovery
of water and other valuable raw materials.
Examples of past projects
pH2O has designed, built and operates a full scale combined unit for washing landfill disposal trucks
after they dump the waste and before leaving the landfill which is a becoming a global environmental
regulation. The unit purifies and recycles the washing water while eliminating odor with no added
chemicals and with zero discharge.
Technology & product(s)
All products incorporate ectrochemically based technology without the need to add chemicals for any
of the process while achieving total control and maintenance of water pH. pH2O propriety technologies
maintain lower total cost of ownership (TCO) with a short ROI. pH2O converts hazardous wastewater
streams into recyclable water or allows for discharge in line with the most stringent regulations.

(pH Activated Water): producing in 0.1 precise range from pH 2-13 with very high ORP. ( -980
- +1150) for use in industrial process. The pHAW is used for total precipitation of heavy metals in

A new design of an Electro- Coagulator with Aluminum /Iron electrodes


(Electro Floto Sludge) an electroflotator, producing micro bubbles of H2, O2 and Chlorine (EFS)
adhering to TSS while separating and removing the contaminants from wastewater. The reduced
sludge concentrates heavy metals for reclamation
All devices are easy to install and fully automated. Remote monitoring is optional.
Category: Water and wastewater treatment,
recycling and reclamation
Sub Category: R&D, Consulting and
engineering services
Objectives / Target companies
Seeking strategic partners, system integrators and customers looking for in-situ small foot print
cost effective sustainable technologies in the following niches: PCB, Metal coating, Oils and fats,
pharmaceutical, print, pulp & paper, high COD& BOD waste water.
171 Back to Index
Category: Energy efficiency, Pollution prevention,
energy source reliability and cost savings
Sub Category: Analyzers and control systems
Company profile
Phoebus vision is to become the world leader in advanced water heating systems addressing the
three fundamental challenges of the Energy market: cost savings, pollution prevention and energy
source reliability.
Phoebus Energy recently developed a revolutionary Hybrid Water Heating System which significantly
reduces fossil fuel consumption and in turn, reduces the cost of heating water by 40-70% and CO2
pollution by 80-90%.
Phoebus solution is based on a scalable and intelligent optimization technology platform which presents
strong economical results with a very short ROI of less than three years.
Due to the high savings and short ROI, the company offers a unique business model of full financing in
turn key project on shared saving base.
Year of establishment: September 2007
Number of employees: 9
Technology & product(s)
Phoebus heating device is a uniquely designed system based on the heat pumping principle combined with
Phoebus on site hybrid web control system. These two elements work in conjunction with the existing
fossil fuel boiler to ensure hot water at the desired temperature for the site at the lowest cost effective price
at any given time.
Phoebus pending IP protected software runs a dynamic optimization of the heat production on site and
achieves tremendous savings percentages.
Furthermore, our solution provides consumers with new data and reports, offering extreme real time detail
of all water consumption, pricing and trends on any periodic basis.
Some of Phoebus projects include:
Sport Center Gilo Jerusalem- 410 KW heating capacity
Sport Center BHH Jerusalem- 330 KW heating capacity
Kibbutz Tzora (Similar to condo)- 220 KW heating capacity
Kibbutz Palmachim (Similar to condo)- 160 KW heating capacity
Hotel Park- 100 KW heating capacity
Objectives / Target companies:
Phoebus potential customers are commercial institutions which use a central heating system to heat
water such as: hotels, hospitals, sports centers, nursing homes, condominiums, etc.
Phoebus Energy is looking for partners and distributors in the water heating and/or central air
conditioning fields.
172 Back to Index
Category: Municipal Water Distribution
Systems, Gas Conveyance Systems,
Industrial Fluids Transfer, Mining and
Wastewater Systems
Objectives / Target companies
Enable our customers to create trouble-free joints.
Target Companies: Mining, Gas and Water Companies.
Company profile
Plasson provides wide range of solutions for connecting PE pipe. Among the more than 5,500
components in Plassons catalogue are fittings and valves of various sizes, configurations, working
pressures, seal materials and chemical resistance.
Year of establishment: 1964
No. of employees: 1500 worldwide
Background on the company
Established almost 50 years ago by Kibbutz Maagan Michael, Plasson owns several marketing
and manufacturing subsidiaries around the globe and maintains strategic stock at those locations.
Innovative development, together with years of experience in the field, gives Plasson the ability to
provide fast and effective solutions to its customers. Plassons products may be found in over 80
countries around the world.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Compression Fittings: PP fittings and valves for connecting PE pipe to PE, steel, copper, PVC, PP and
PB pipe. They are used for conveying water and other fluids in the municipal and rural sectors, mining,
industry, agriculture and used to protect communication lines from water. These fittings are designed
to withstand working pressures of up to 16 bars, and are manufactured in diameters 16 to 160 mm and
to 4 inches.
Electrofusion Fittings: PE fittings for connecting PE pipes by means of the electrical welding process
known as electrofusion. Applications include conveyance of water, gas and compressed air in mining,
infrastructure and industry. Plasson Electrofusion fittings are currently available in diameters 20 to 710
mm and to 24 inches.
Function of the product(s):
Connecting PE Pipes.
Among our customers
Gas Natural - Spain
E.ON Energie - Germany
RWE - Germany
Thames Water - UK
Sydney Water - Australia
WestNet Gas - Australia
Gaz de France - France
Mining enterprises throughout the world
173 Back to Index
Category: Irrigation
Sub Category: LVI- Low volume irrigation
Company profile
Plastro brings to the irrigation world technological leadership and innovative solutions with a long
tradition of reliability and friendliness.
With the changing tide of water needs around the world, innovative technologies based on high standards
must be developed to meet evolving water challenges. Our vision is to play a leading role in this process.
Year of establishment: 1965
No. of employees: 1200
Background on the company
Established in 1966 by Kibbutz Gvat, Plastro is a guiding light in the irrigation market. Lovers and tillers
of the land, we have cultivated a deep understanding of plant needs. With over 40 years of experience
in the irrigation field, we have a firm grasp of grower requirements, we speak the same language, know
how to be a true partner and know how to think out of the box. Consequently, we offer our customers a
range of bright solutions, systems design and field-tailored applications resulting from creative thinking.
Technology & product(s)
Drip emitters and driplines, sprinklers, sprayers, foggers and accessories
174 Back to Index
Category: Energy, Cleatech, Smart Grid, AMR/
AMI systems
Sub Category: Smart Grid, Smart Metering,
Energy Efficancy, Load Management, EV
Charging, Prepayment systems
Company profile
Smart Meter/Smart Grid Solution provider offering AMR/AMI.
Year of establishment: 2006
No. of employees: 25
Background on the company
Formally Flextronics Design team.
Examples of past projects
Installations in Europe, Africa, Asia and South America.
Smart Metering installations with the IECo (Israeli Electric Company), EDP (Energie De Portugal),
AngloGold, Scaw Metal, Municipalities, ESCo companies, Hotels, Schools, Industrial and Commercial
customer, and Energy Distribution providers.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Powercom is a Smart Metering/Smart Grid company. The company offers (AMI) Advanced Meter
Infrastructure for Electricity, Water, and Gas. PowerCom develops and produces Smart meters,
Concentrators and powerful web server software to support its customers. The systems intellectual
property is based on a Dynamic PLC (Power Line Carrier) technology. Over the last two years, PowerCom
has been successful in implementing the worlds first most advanced, reliable and secured PLC
communication. The breakthrough is achieved by developing Dynamic PL communication algorithms
(based on software and hardware) which allows data transmission at any grid line infrastructure. PowerCom
solution is based on real time monitoring of the power line behavior and adopting its data transmission to
the existing conditions.
Function of the product(s):
Powercom technology allows real time readings from any smart meters at a distance of up to 2Km of
electricity wires (Aluminum/Copper), at any world location in seconds. The system speed has been tested
in different environments and Locations, and the results are excellent. The system is fully working and
already deployed in more than 100 sites. Powercom is in final stages of developing the Smart Meters for
the US market based on multiple communication platforms.
Objectives / Target companies
Utilities, Energy Distribution companies and project integrators.
175 Back to Index
Objectives / Target companies
For Business Cooperation: smart grid technology companies and OEM prospects.
For System Deployment: contractors, system integrators, municipalities, public lighting contractor and
maintenance companies, water companies, industries
Company profile
Power Electronics Systems (PES) is a
leading global provider of energy-efficiency
solutions. Leveraging decades of power
electronics R&D, voltage control expertise
and environmental concern, we deliver
products for a range of lighting and electric
motor applications as well as new products
for the domestic and small business
market, to be integrated with smart grid
developments for improving grid performance, optimizing peak demand and increase overall network
reliability and efficiency. Built around proven core technology, our market-leading solutions not only enable
customers to improve energy efficiency and cut costs, but also contribute toward a greener environment.
Serving a wide range of applications in diverse verticals, PES solutions deliver powerful business
benefits underscored by direct electricity savings of up to 35% and reduced total cost of ownership by
up to 50%. At the same time, our products reduce CO2 emissions, thereby benefiting the public and
conserving the environment.
Year of establishment: 2006 (continuing and developing globally the energy efficiency business of Power
Electronics Ltd., a company founded in 1980).
No. of employees: 55
Background on the company
PES is a privately owned company, headquartered in Or-Yehuda (near Tel Aviv), Israel. The company has
strong R&D and engineering department and manufacturing facilities in Israel.
PES operates worldwide through offices in North and South America and a network of professional
partners that provide full range of services to local customers: energy auditing, design & specifications,
installations and maintenance.
Examples of projects
Budapest street lighting: energy saving of 25% (and tens of other municipalities)
Amsterdam Schiphol airport- Outdoor lighting: energy saving of 20-25% of
Over 150 McDonalds restaurants in Israel, Switzerland, Poland and Romania: energy saving of 20-25%
Carrefour hypermarket- energy saving of 20-25%
Fedex logistic centers- energy saving of 26%
DELL HQ, Austin, TX- energy saving of 30%
OMV Fuel Stations- Austrian oil & gas company: energy saving of 20%
Technology & product(s)
Lighting Energy Controller (LEC) 3x20A- 3x250A
Sinusoidal Motor Efficiency Controller (SinuMEC) 7.5KW- 150KW
Home Efficiency Controller (HoMEC)
Intelligent Voltage Efficiency Controller for small business (IVEC)
Category: Energy efficiency and saving systems;
smart grid technologies
Sub Category: Public, commercial and industrial
lighting installations. AC electric motors in
quarry, mining, chemical, food, cement and
other industries. Domestic and small business
market segments, with products that reduce and
control peak demands in order to increase overall
efficiency of all constituents: the power generator,
the power distributor and the end user
176 Back to Index
Company profile
PowerSines is a leading global
provider of energy-efficiency solutions.
Leveraging decades of power electronics
R&D, voltage control expertise and
environmental concern, PowerSines
delivers products for a range of lighting
and electric motor applications as well
as new products for the domestic and
small business market. These products
are integrated with smart grid developments for improving grid performance, optimizing peak demand
and increasing overall network reliability and efficiency. Built around proven core technology, our market-
leading solutions can be installed on existing infrastructure, thereby instantly reducing daily energy
consumption, improving energy efficiency, cutting costs, and contributing towards a greener environment.
Serving a wide range of applications in diverse verticals, PowerSines solutions deliver powerful business
benefits underscored by direct electricity savings of up to 35% and reduced total cost of ownership by
up to 50%. At the same time, our products reduce CO
emissions, thereby benefiting the public and
conserving the environment.
Year of establishment: 2006 (continuing and developing globally the energy efficiency business of Power
Electronics Ltd., a company founded in 1980)
No. of employees: 55
Background on the company
PowerSines is a privately owned company, headquartered in Or-Yehuda (near Tel Aviv), Israel. The
company has a strong R&D and Engineering Department, including manufacturing facilities in Israel.
With over 20, 000 worldwide installations, PowerSines operates through offices in Europe, North and
South America, along with a network of professional partners that provide a full range of services to local
customers; energy auditing, design & specifications, installations and maintenance.
Examples of projects
Street & Road Lighting: Budapest City, Amsterdam Airport, Santiago tollway, Utricht, Ausburgh.
Petrol Stations: OMV, Statoil, PAZ, Sonol
Industry: Coca-Cola, Uniliver, Stork, CSA, Masterfood, Opel/GM
Logistic: FedEx, DHL, Dell Warehouses, GM Warehouses
Retail and Fast Food: Carrefour, ToysRUs, McDonalds, Auchan
Cement and Quarry: Italcementi, Cemex
Public transportation: Madrid Metro
Technology & product(s)
Lighting Energy Controller (LEC) 3x20A- 3x250A
Sinusoidal Motor Efficiency Controller (SinuMEC) 7.5KW- 150KW
Smart Grid Efficiency Controllers for the Home and Small and Medium Business
Category: Energy efficiency and saving systems;
smart grid technologies
Sub Category: Public, commercial and industrial
lighting installations. AC electric motors in
quarry, mining, chemical, food, cement and
other industries. Domestic and small business
market segments, with products that reduce and
control peak demands in order to increase overall
efficiency of all constituents: the power generator,
the power distributor and the end user
Objectives / Target companies
For Business Cooperation: smart grid technology companies and OEM prospects.
For System Deployment: contractors, system integrators, municipalities, public lighting contractor and
maintenance companies, water companies, industries
177 Back to Index
Company profile
ProteRec uses its proprietary technology to develop novel synthetic enzymes and processes. These
enzymes have commercial applications in many industries. Following success in the Pharmaceutical and
Fine Chemicals industries, ProteRec has developed an enzyme and process that enables lower cost and
more environmentally friendly production of biodiesel.
Year of establishment: 2009
No. of employees: 9
Background on the company
ProteRec is a Jerusalem based biotechnology company. The companys innovations are based on enzyme
recombination technology developed by Dr. Avraham Laban and Dr. Gil Sharon. ProteRec. ProteRec
graduated from the Rad Biomed Incubator in 2006 and moved to its current Jerusalem location in 2009.
Company shareholders include Yehuda Zisapel, NRVision Ventures and the company founders.
Examples of past projects
1. ProteRec developed an enzymatic production process for a leading multinational pharmaceutical
company. This process reduced costs and accelerated market entry and sales enabling significant first
mover advantage.
2. ProteRec developed a biocatalytic enzyme and process for a multinational Fine Chemicals company to
convert tert-butanol to ester with superior conversion rates. This process is important to production in
the pharmaceutical industry.
Technology & product(s)
General description: ProteRec has developed a platform technology for the creation of novel synthetic
biocatalytic enzymes and processes that deliver superior performance in targeted applications. By
combining enzymes at the protein level ProteRec is able to create enzymes in a single step that
cannot be created with existing technologies. These enzymes and enzyme libraries are tailor made for
specific tasks. They outperform the processes they replace and at a lower cost scompared to competing
Function of the product(s): ProteRecs current product is an enzyme and process to enable low cost,
fast, efficient and more environmentally friendly production of biodiesel. Advantages include: Lower
cost production, easily adapted to existing biodiesel production facilities and it is a more environmentally
process that uses less resources and energy.
ProteRec completed the construction of a biodiesel processor with.5 tons per day production capacity,
to test the biodiesel enzyme at industrial scale quantities. Testing will continue through the end of Q1-10
with sales planned to begin Q4 2010.
Objectives / Target companies
ProteRecs objectives are to meet with Renewable Energy companies, biodiesel producers, and enzyme
companies that can produce enzymes on a mass scale as sub-contractor for ProteRec. Additionally
ProteRec is interested in meeting with the attending US and Israeli investors.
Category: Renewable Energy
Sub Category: Biodiesel
178 Back to Index
Company profile
Engineering-Manufacturing Company supplying advanced materials technology to reduce cost and
extend the life of paved roads. Unique technology incorporates local/recycled materials in Structural
Pavement & Railroad Roadbed Solutions.
Year of establishment: 1996
No. of employees: 200
Background on the company
Since its establishment in 1996, PRS has implemented thousands of successful projects in over 45
countries worldwide, providing advanced geosynthetic/geotechnical solutions for load support in roads,
railroads and ports infrastructure. PRS is an engineering, technology and manufacturing company
providing end-to-end geotechnical project design and implementation support, recently invited to
participate in the U.S. Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP-2) and evaluations with the U.S.
Department of Transportation- Federal Railway Authority & AMTRAK.
PRS has received accreditation by the Indian Roads Congress and conducts collaborative research with
Prof. Rajagopal of IIT (Chennai), and has already installed commercial projects in India.
Examples of past projects
Toll Roads, paved roads, ports, intermodal facilities, railroads.
Access, Haul, and Service Roads for oil, gas, coal, energy, timber & mining industries and remote water,
power & communication facilities.
Pipeline Coverings, Pipeline service roads.
Erosion Control, Slope Stabilization, Embankment Protection, Retaining Walls & Grade Change.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
PRS provides cellular confinement systems based on the Neoloy nano-polymeric alloy with high tensile
strength, low polymeric creep & low coefficient of thermal expansion, to maintain long-term dimensional
stability in elevated and fluctuating temperatures and under static and cyclical loadings in changing
temperature conditions.
PRS Neoweb (geocells) offer the highest level of performance and durability, designed for
sustainability, aligned to the needs of todays highways, railways & ports, transitioning the applications of
geocells from soil erosion/stabilization applications to long-term, heavy-duty reinforcement solutions for
transportation and civil engineering infrastructure.
Function of the product(s):
1) Reduce the initial capital cost of road, port, and railroad projects.
2) Allow for project design life of 75+ years; reduce maintenance; increase the durability and longevity of
road projects.
3) Allow use of locally available materials including recycled asphalt, recycled concrete, granular type
industrial waste.
4) Allow for the development of marginal lands.
Objectives / Target companies
Marketing cooperation with large Indian Group type companies interested in commercializing proven,
patented technology for civil engineering infrastructure development in India.
PRS is interested in partnering with world class players to bring these innovations and value proposition
to the Indian marketplace in the highest professional manner possible.
Category: Geotechnical Civil Engineering
Infrastructure, Mechanical Soil Stabilization &
Earth Reinforcement
Sub Category: Geosynthetics, Sustainable Roads
179 Back to Index
Category: Drinking Water, Industrial Waste
Water Treatment, Waste Water Treatment,
Water Treatment, Desalination
Company profile
Water Treatmen and Waste Water treatment Design, build and operate company.
Year of establishment: Subsidiary of GES established in 2007
No. of employees: 100
Examples of past projects
Nestle- WWTP for coffee manufacturing
Parmalat- WWTP for diary products manufacturing
Panama Water Authority- Potable Water treatment
Honduras Water Authority- Potable Water Treatment plant
Hotel Intercontinental- WWTP for sanitary application
Decameron Hotels- WWTP for sanitary application
Hotel Quality Inn- WWTP for sanitary applications
Golf Hotel and Resort- WWTP for sanitary applications with 100% reuse
Ministry of Infrastructure of El Salvador- Desalination project for potable water
Cone Denim Jeans- Lime Softner and WWTP for industrial application
Hanes Brands- Softner
Technology & product(s)
Design and build of complete systems from Pre designed units including FMM, CFM, MFS, SCM and
SCC units, to tailor made systems for bigger or more complex applications.
Objectives / Target companies
Looking for Water and Waste Water treatment reps in USA, Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as
any specific opportunity for a desired application within the scope of the company.
180 Back to Index
Category: Water and Industrial
waste water Technologies
Sub Category: Water Treatment
Objectives / Target companies
Joint venture, International Distribution, strategic alliances.
Company profile
PURETEC specializes in tailor-made projects, manufacturer, supply, installation, commissioning, operation
and maintenance in the whole water and Industrial waste treatment activities.
Year of establishment: 2005
No. of employees: 15
Background on the company
The Company has supplied customers all over the world with tailor-made solutions for difficult water
treatment problems. PURETEC expertise is in high purity industrial water for the pharmaceutical industry
and medical uses, for the fine chemical, electronics and microelectronics as well for food and beverages.
Examples of past projects
Drinking Water Plant for production of 6000 Cum\day
Desalination Water Plant for production of 2000 Cum\day
Industrial waste treatment using microfiltration 2000 Cum\day
18+ M for Ultra Pure Water Plant with CEDI
Desalination Plant for Agriculture
Technology & product(s)
PURETEC specializes in design and manufacture of water treatment systems, combining advanced filtration,
membrane technology, Ion-exchange and chemical treatment. PURETEC offers high quality water treatment
for drinking water as well as for industrial and agricultural applicationsThus the mineral particles flow in the
water without precipitate and with no interference.
181 Back to Index
Company profile
Year of establishment: 2007
No. of employees: 20
Background on the company
Founded in 2007, Pythagoras Solar is uniquely positioned at the intersection of energy efficient building
materials and photovoltaics (PV). The company provides building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) products
that enable the architecture, engineering and construction sectors to design buildings with increased
energy efficiency, renewable power generation and appealing aesthetics, thereby increasing real estate
value. Pythagoras Solar will advance distributed power generation, help achieve Net Zero Energy
Buildings (ZEB) and have a lasting impact on green building and urban planning. Pythagoras Solar is a
privately held company with operations in the United States, Israel and China. For more information on
Pythagoras Solar and its triple value BIPV, please visit
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Pythagoras Solars advanced BIPV products improve building energy efficiency, generate solar power, and
offer architectural design benefits to increase return on investment and real estate value, and advance
Net-Zero Energy Buildings (NZB). By leveraging patent-pending optics, high-efficiency crystalline
silicon, advanced materials science and simulation software, the company delivers the industrys first
transparent, high power density PVGUs. The first products are designed to replace curtain wall windows
and skylights. The combined energy savings and energy generation enables a payback term of less than
five years.
Pythagoras Solars Photovoltaic Glass Unit (PVGU) - or more simply, solar window - uses optical
technology, high-efficiency silicon, and advanced materials to provide the industrys highest
transparency and highest density PV power generation in a standard double-pane window form factor,
known in the industry as an insulating glass unit (IGU). The PVGU leverages the modularity and ease of
installation of the IGU; it is designed to meet advanced building codes and standards, can be optimized
for a variety of uses and is expected to be eligible for incentives due to its energy and environmental
benefits. The first products are designed for curtain wall and skylight applications and can be optimized
for elevation, location, and climate zone. The combination of energy savings and energy generation
provided by the PVGU allows the product to pay for itself in less than five years. Future products
include colored roof tiles and spandrels.
Function of the product:
Solar window (or photovoltaic-glass-unit).
Objectives / Target companies
Setting strategic relationship encompassing joint development, manufacturing and marketing with
vertically integrated companies in the building & construction market including glass and window
companies and large glaziers.
Collaborating with leading architectural firms, large commercial real-estate developers and building
owners and general contractors.
Category: Green Building & Renewable
182 Back to Index
Company profile
Quantum Business Group Ltd. was founded with the intent of providing governmental, institutional,
corporate, industrial and business clients with a full range of services in the field of International Business
Network Management (IBNM), Software Development, Consulting and Engineering Services. Quantum
Business Group is an active member in the following organizations: International Solar Energy Society,
Israeli Sustainable Energy Society, The Israeli Export & International Cooperation Institute, The Federation
of the Israeli Chambers of Commerce, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Beer-Sheva and the Negev
and Entrepreneurs Association of Israel.
Quantum Business Group strategically focuses only on Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency sectors.
Year of establishment: 2009
No. of employees: 5
Technology & product(s)
Our IBNM inventory includes the following services and tools:
Brand Building from A to Z for start-ups and rebranding for well-established companies, Publishing &
Marketing Communications, Exhibition & Conferences Organization & Services, Business Development &
Consulting Services, Web-design and Information Systems Development, Tailored Software Application
development, Legal Services, Tenders Management, Engineering & Permitting Services.
Our Software Development includes R&D of PV system monitoring platform, IBNM software tools.
Category: Renewable Energy
and Energy Efficiency
Sub Category: International Business Network
Management, Software R&D, Consulting &
Engineering Services
Objectives / Target companies
PV module manufacturers, PV & Wind inverters manufacturers, System Integrators, EPCs, PV system
optimization products, PV peripherals, Investment & Financing Institutions and Companies.
183 Back to Index
Company profile
Ramot is the technology transfer office for Tel Aviv University. Ramot patent protects university
innovations and seeks to actively commercialize them by offering licenses to industrial partners.
Year of establishment: 1973
Number of employees: 25
Background on the company
Tel Aviv University (TAU), the largest university in Israel, is at the forefront of basic and applied research,
with scientists actively engaged in thousands of research projects in medicine, life sciences, exact
sciences and engineering. Ramot is dedicated to helping transform laboratory innovations to commercial
products, quickly and efficiently. Ramot at Tel Aviv University Ltd. is TAUs point of entry for potential
industrial partners seeking to access TAUs research enterprise, technology pipeline, and intellectual
property portfolio.
Examples of projects
Professor Avi Seifert of TAUs Department of Mechanical Engineering research has led to a device that
reduces the aerodynamic drag of trucks, resulting in up to 10% reduction of highway fuel consumption.
With two patents granted, and two more pending worldwide, this device is licensed in the EU and ready
for commercialization.
A partnership with EnStorage has led to the marketing of energy storage devices for plants producing
inconsistent electricity, such as wind and solar plants. EnStorage ESS Systems were developed based
on over 10 years of research led by Professor Emanual Peled and his team at TAUs Department of
Chemistry. By storing excess energy and then releasing it only as needed, this CleanTech product enables
plants to realize more economic use of stored energy.
Technology & product(s)
Project 1: The device is a radically new concept in converting solar energy directly to electricity. The core
technology is to utilize and hijack natures exquisitely efficient process of photosynthesis which converts
solar energy into chemical energy for plants. Selected photosynthetic proteins have been genetically
modified to interrupt the process with the result being generation of an electron for each photon
absorbed. The result is a device whose raw materials are hundreds of times cheaper than the industry
standard and with a better efficiency. The end result will be to cheaply build small and large solar arrays
to harness free solar energy for clean electricity production.
Project 2: Tel Avivs advanced fuel cells (FC) technology offers the market the best available fuel cells
for mobile applications (including power tools, military extended range missions and light transportation
vehicles). Our next generation fuel cells will be fuelled by a non-hazardous proprietary fuel that
will significantly enhance fuel cell safety. The main building block of our fuel cell- the nano-porous
membrane, facilitates the development of better fuel cells for all fuel cell applications. The FC based
power source can be equivalent in price to Li-Ion batteries while delivering significantly more energy. The
fuel cell will be manufactured at affordable manufacturing costs, will be fueled by a non hazardous fuel,
will operate the longest on a given fuel volume, will allow instant refuelling and will have the lowest
footprint among FC devices.
Objectives / Target companies:
Companies interested to in-license of promising early stage university developed technologies
Entrepreneurs/Investors interested in creating a spin-off company to commercialize university technologies.
Category: Renewable Energy, R&D,
Waste water treatment
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Company profile
RAPHAEL VALVES INDUSTRIES LTD., founded in 1949 is the first Israeli manufacturer of quality valves.
Since then RAPHAEL is leading the Israeli valve industry in its wide product range, and its innovative
products. RAPHAEL is a member of Tyco International Ltd. group of companies, the worlds largest
manufacturer, distributor and installer of flow control equipment.
All products are subject to stringent quality control procedures and pass strict pressure tests in the
companys testing plant during manufacture and assembly. RAPHAELs quality management system is
ISO 9001 certified.
RAPHAELs professional work-force and technical engineering team, which are one of the companys
major assets, are all highly skilled, trained and experienced in their respective fields. RAPHAELs R&D
Department constantly strives to introduce new and innovative products.
The winning combination of state-of-the-art technology and accumulated know-how enables RAPHAEL
to offer its customers various solutions for different needs in a wide range of areas, including short run
production, large diameter articles and high pressure products.
Year of establishment: 1949
No. of employees: 110
Examples of past projects
RAPHAELs manual and hydraulic valves and other accessories for liquid conduction in Waterworks,
HVAC, Irrigation and Fire Protection, are extensively used in Israel as well as in more than 30 countries
around the world.
Technology & product(s)
RAPHAELs produces a wide variety of products, including:
Butterfly valves
Gate valves
Check valves
Hydraulic control valves
Fire Protection valves
Objectives / Target companies
Irrigation, Waterworks, and Industrial applications.
Category: Drinking Water,
Waste Water Treatment
Sub Category: Hydraulic Control Valves
185 Back to Index
Objectives / Target companies
Cooperation with OEMs and integrators with national and international projects.
Company profile
Year of establishment: 2007
No. of employees: 9
Background on the company
Reali Technologies LTD., a private owned company is a sister company to Topco C&A LTD. and NC
Engineering LTD., both well established firms with more than 20 years of experience in control systems
and SCADA.
The company provides connectivity and data management services to municipalities, Utilities,
associations and others.
Examples of past projects
Remote optimization and Real Time Remote Control for cooling water systems.
Real Time management for VPP (Virtual Power Plants) and Smart Grid.
WEB SCADA for Pumping Stations spread countrywide.
Water efficiency and leakage detection/Prevent in large systems.
Remote Monitoring of Solar and Wind Power Systems.
Diesel Generator Load Shading management solution
Technology & product(s)
General description:
RealiteQ is a Virtual IT infrastructure that facilitates Real Time monitoring, controlling and data
acquisition of remote systems that are distributed at various locations and worldwide.
RealiteQ solves Real Time Data, Continuous Historian, Alarm Handling, Visualization and Remote
operation. RealiteQ supports Analytic, Optimization and other 3rd party applications.
Function of the product(s):
RealiteQ Secured streaming technology allows critical events to be monitored and controled over all
public networks (cellular, satellite, xDSL).
RealiteQ is a highly secured yet open platform, and so it enables various type and 3rd party solutions
RealiteQ harnesses the power of Internet and Cellular standards to offer unparalleled performance,
scalability and ease of use for Global Water, waste and Energy control.
RealiteQ is a complete end-to-end.
Category: SCADA, Telemetry, Analyzers and
control systems
Sub Category: Drinking water, Industrial waste
treatment, Renewable energy, Waste water
treatment, Water security, Water resources
186 Back to Index
Company profile
Remmon Remote Monitoring provides professional solutions within GSM cellular networks. Using GSM/
GPRS technology Remmon Remote Terminal Units (RTU) offer the ability to control, operate, update
and log crucial data. We offer remote data log devices, M2M solutions and specialize in remote control
and management. The company established in 2001 targets the weather and environment research and
data logging, energy control and maintenance, energy efficient and remote meter reading as sectors for
project implementation.
Year of establishment: 2001
No. of employees: 25
Background on the company
Remmon installations span five continents and represent the companys proven experience in telemetry
projects in the fields of government, municipalities, large organizations and private companies.
Remmons employees include professional and experienced engineers and programmers in the field of
cellular communications. The R&D team customizes solutions for unique customer requirements.
Examples of past projects
Homeland security- protection of municipal water pounds. Israel
Irrigation control- Turkey, Argentina
Pump station remote control- Chile
Sewage remote control- UK
Whether and environment station- Spain
Remote flow meter reading- Australia
Technology & product(s)
Remote terminal units, remote data loggers, Web server and mail pulling solutions.
RTU unites for remote control and remote data logging using GPRS com combined with SMS alerts
for crucial information. All Remmons RTUs are combined with internal Digital/Analog I/Os and PLC
protocols(e.g. Modbus)
R-lite- SMS alert unit for receiving real time information according to pre-set R-lite.
R-log- Data mailer with gigantic data logger directly communicates with an SMTP server to send
some or all logged data to predefined Email boxes.
R-pipe- Serial over IP using RPIPE to create a virtual channel between your PC and your remote unit.
Web server- Remmon internet-based SCADA system comprises Master Terminal Unit (MTU), which
is a powerful SQL internet server, Multiple RTU devices and GPRS communication module.
Objectives / Target companies
To reach out to various construction, design and engineering companies, municipalities, agencies and
others searching for remote monitoring and data collection.
Category: Analyzers and control systems,
Renewable energy
Sub Category: Remote data logging, GSM/
GPRS remote monitoring, Telemetry
187 Back to Index
Company profile
Year of establishment: 1996
No. of employees: 35
Background on the company
Waste Water Treatment and Effluent Reuse Systems. Rimon expertise in: initiating, planning,
manufacturing, implementing and financing of wastewater treatment plants and Effluent Reuse systems
for municipal, agricultural and industrial purposes.
Water Treatment solutions. Rimon has vast water treatment solutions, using creative application of
advanced technologies and equipment, such as MF, UF, NF, RO, MBR, EDI, ION EXCHANGE etc for
purification, filtration and desalination systems, for municipal, agricultural and industrial purposes.
Rimon adjust the optimal solution and technology for each project.
Rimon has performed: TK, DBOT/DBOO and PFI projects.
Examples of past projects
Mey Gat, agriculture cooperative water plant ltd. 4, 000, 000 Q/M a year- waste water reclaim
system for irrigation of agricultural purposes by system of water reservoirs, filtration system, pumps
and pipes. PFI- construction, financing the project, project management and implementing.
Desalination of process water- food industry (Israel). Water desalination of process water for food
industry using RO technology- TK.
Bikat Hanadiv. 8, 500, 000 Q/M a year- waste water reclaim system for irrigation of agricultural
fields and plantations by water reservoirs, fine filtration system, pumps and pipes. BOO, Initiating,
planning, financing, implementing, operating and allocation management.
Wyoming (USA). Construction of 900 GPM water treatment plant in the USA Gas industry using IX
technology. Turn Key- full project management and construction.
WW Tertiary treatment plant (Israel). WW Tertiary treatment plant for unlimited municipal
irrigation purpose of 17, 500 Q/M per day municipal waste water.
Technology & product(s)
The companys expertise is in initiating, designing, financing, manufacturing (using its affiliate companies)
and the implementation of water treatment and wastewater reuse systems. Rimon has established 5
different subsidiaries dealing with water, agriculture and related infrastructure, making it one of the worlds
foremost resources for solutions to water issues in the public, private and government sectors.
Objectives / Target companies
Public, private and government sectors.
Category: Waste water treatment and Recycling,
Water treatment and Desalination, Drinking
water, Consulting and engineering services,
Water resources management
188 Back to Index
Company profile
Rotem Industries Ltd specializes in the commercialization of advanced technologies and science in
a multi discipline environment. Rotem Industries Ltd is driven by an energetic and ambitious team
of directors, scientists, engineers and employees who are committed to build an environmentally
sustainable future. Our Renewable Energy Innovation Center is intensively engaged in technology
incubation, research, development, industrialization and commercialization of renewable energy
technologies. The Center offers a unique technological and business environment that can accelerate the
introduction of new technologies to the renewable energy global market.
Year of establishment: 1980
No. of employees: 120
Background on the company
Founded in late 1960s, the company has been mandated to implement and commercialize state-of-
the-art marketable innovations, reaping the technical harvest of scientific research, for the benefit
of research, industrial and commercial communities worldwide. Specifically, Rotem excels and is
successfully engaged in: Advanced research activities, Applications development, Manufacturing and fine
engineering, Provision of services to the industrial, defense and academic communities, Marketing and
business activities.
Examples of past projects
Air Solar Receiver- A Solar Thermal Power Plant with a High Temperature central Receiver (HTR).
Solar tests were carried out successfully in order to demonstrate the feasibility of a large-scale central
solar receiver.
Biological Soil Crust- The development of biological soil crust, as top cap over waste disposal site of
hazardous materials and other facilities, reducing dispersion of contaminants to the environment.
Thermal Storage- An in-house development of PCM (Phase Change material) based Thermal Storage
System. This unique and innovative technology offers a low cost, high temperature storage that
enables trough technology and other solar applications to reach their cost and efficiency goals.
WinDo- Heat generator based wind turbine connected to a vertical-axis-wind-turbine.
Category: R&D & Industrial Services, Renewable
Energy, Crystals, Radiation Detection, Medical
Imaging, Technological Incubator, Rotem
Industrial Park
Objectives / Target companies
Our center is committing management focus, financial resources and advanced technological infrastructures
in this evolving industry, and is actively seeking new ideas and initiatives in this market, establishing
technological and business ties and collaborating with scientists, academic institutions, industrial entities
and financial organizations to discover breakthrough business and technology concepts and commercialize
renewable energy inventions and innovative technologies.
The center is offering three principal activities:
Incubation hosting, supporting and technological outsourcing services to entrepreneurs and early stage
In-house research and development of applied renewable energy technologies.
Launching and supporting the establishment of renewable energy demonstration and testing facilities
and utility-scale plants in the Negev region.
We offer a multi-disciplinary center with a range of unique capabilities and expertise, in the diverse
segments of the renewable energy industry. These centers of excellence accumulated vast experience
and distinctive proficiencies, and can be employed to promote and assist technology sprouting and
189 Back to Index
Company profile
R.T.S Water Ways Ltd. is a consulting company specializing in the planning, development, and
implementation of Water & Agricultural projects. We aim to make urban and regional water economies
more efficient and advanced. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across a
wide variety of water & agriculture issues, and extensive knowledge resources.
Our water experts are leaders in their field and have led significant projects, most notably:
Overseeing the establishment of the Israeli Water Authority

Overseeing construction of the Israeli sea water desalination plant

Creating a master plan for the Israeli Water Sector

Planning and designing: water supply systems, infrastructure of pipes, pump stations, wells, irrigation

systems, fish facilities, desalination systems, sewage systems

Shimon Tal -
Mr. Shimon Tal, M.Sc. in Water & Soil Engineering, was the Water Commissioner of Israel between
2000 and 2006. Before he performed many activities in Mekorot, the National Water Company that
Operate, Maintain and Develop the National Water System. He was responsible for many significant and
nationwide projects and led reforms in the water sector of Israel.
Tsuki Deutsch -
Mr. Tzuki Deutsch was formerly the Director General of the Regional Association of Farmers and
Agricultural Communities of the Golan managing regional water sectors, including drilling, reservoirs,
bore-hole planning and management
Rani Fischer -
Mr. Rani Fischer a principal overview water-design and detail design specialist, utilizes his skills for
planning of water infrastructure, pipes, pump stations, wells, reservoirs, and has extensive aquaculture
experience; Supervised the Bet Shean Valley & Ramat Hagolan water supply master plan as the
Regional Water Program. Mr. Fischer acted as an Aquaculture and Water Engineer at the USAID/Guyana
(GTIS) Project in collaboration with the National Aquaculture Association of Guyana.
Examples of past projects
Designing Engineering and managing for a project of Mey Golan and Upper Galilee Water

Organization (Israel): 3 deep wells that produce up to 25 million cubic meters of water a year with a
large distribution system
The establishment and management of a cooperative of 55 private water associations and agriculture

communities in the Upper-Galilee of Israel.

Establishment of Water Security Layout and setting uniform doctrines for water crises-Mekorot.

Guyana - Designing and planning of a drinking water treatment plant in the city of Conakry. South

Africa - Water survey and exploration of water for irrigation and industrial use in Nelspruit. Sri Lanka -
Establishment of an agriculture farm - North of Colombo.
Category: Water resources management,
consulting and water engineering
Sub Category: Drinking water, Waste water
treatment, Water security, Desalination
Objectives / Target companies
Companies, Partners and representatives that need our unparalleled experience and comprehensive
capabilities across a wide variety of water and agricultural issues - for local projects.
Kibbuts Geshur, Golan heights 12942 Israel Tel. 972-4-6764083 Fax. 972-4-6764061
190 Back to Index
Company profile
RWM helps desalination plants comply with new World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for
drinking water, which are usually ratified by governments around the globe. These guidelines prescribe
adding calcium and magnesium as a supplement to desalinated water, in order to stabilize the water and
counter the negative effects on human and plant health resulting from the lack of these vital nutrients in
desalinated water.
Year of establishment: 2007
Number of employees: 5
Background on the company
RWM was founded by Renewable Resources Technologies (RRT) and the Technion. RWM develops
and markets systems for the re-mineralization (post-treatment) of desalinated water.
Examples of projects
During 2008 the company has implemented its first demo system at Kibbutz Maagan Michael. In June 2009,
RWM in collaboration with the Singapore Public Utility Board (PUB) inaugurated a pilot re-mineralization
system at the local Variable Salinity Plant.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
RWM patented system produces a wide range of desalinated water chemical specifications to suit
different consumer requirements. RWM will install a complete post-treatment package, or an add-on
section to already operational post-treatment systems in existing desalination plants.
Function of the product(s):
RWMs systems present the most cost-effective method (to date) for the re-mineralization of desalinated
water. The systems provide chemical and biological water stability by supplying both calcium and
magnesium ions to the desalinated water through ion exchanging technology.
Objectives / Target companies:
Finding local strategic partners and potential representatives.
Meeting with investors.
Category: Desalination
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Category: Engineering services
Company profile
Gaon Agro (50%), Kibbutz Mashabbei Sadeh (50%)
Year of establishment: 1970
No. of employees: 120
Background on the company
With over 30 years of experience, SAGIV is one of the leading manufacturers of brass hot forged and
machined products. A company known for quality, reliability and diverse machining capabilities, SAGIV
supplies OEM and shelf products based on a variety of ball valves.
A service dedicated company, SAGIV believes in Customer Partnering. SAGIV forms a close association
with its customers, carefully listening to each one in order to understand specific needs. Once this is
accomplished, SAGIVs engineers provide expert technological advice, presenting production possibilities
meeting the customers technical requirements. Similarly, SAGIV makes sure that the production process
yields the highest quality product at the most cost efficient price.
Examples of past projects
SAGIV boasts a customer list which includes leading companies in each of the fields it operates in. Among
them are Huber+Suhner, CalorGas, Danffos, Carly, Wolf, Donaldson, Autotrail, Bermad and Plasson to
name a few. These customers express their trust in the company by continuously developing new products
with SAGIV. As one major customer put it, SAGIV is the best OEM a company could hope for.
Technology & product(s)
General description: Hot forging and advanced machining.
Serving industry, the construction field and agriculture, SAGIV manufactures customized ball valves,
connectors and fittings. SAGIVs products are used for a variety of water, steam, petrol, oil, heating and
vacuum or pressurized air systems.
Function of the product(s): SAGIVs products are found in the following industries:
Building Contracting
Home Gas Systems
Irrigation: Landscape & Agriculture
Agricultural Machinery
Wide Range of Industries
Objectives / Target companies
Customers in need of a quality OEM and/or ODM
Strategic Alliances in the fields of LPG and natural Gas, thermostatic mixing valves and quality
OEM products
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Objectives / Target companies
Agriculture; Municipalities; various industries such as chemical, oil and desalination; distributors.
Company profile
SAS designs, manufactures and installs computers, its infrastructures and interface accessories focused
on water supply systems, agriculture & greenhouses environment control, fish farming controllers and
sewage treatment plants for thousands of customers worldwide.
SAS has developed a super- absorption polymer X-Oiler utilised for soil & water decontamination and
we proceed with developing of new environmental targeted products and technologies based on our
SAS has developed and produced an inovated plastic solar water heater for domestic uses.
Year of establishment: 1988
No. of employees: 16
Background on the company
SAS is a joint Israeli-French company. SAS develops an advanced technologies which are being
successfully implemented worldwide. Production and sales are mostly executed by outsourcing
Examples of past projects
Controllers & Computers: England- water board of London, Wales water, UAE- El Eine, Australia,
Argentina, Cyprus, Nicaragua, Brazil etc.
Industrial Wastewater treatment- Dead Sea Works (Israel)
Solid Waste stabilization and solidification and further implementation of the product as a raw
material for plastics extrusion industry.
Greenhouses farms: Israel- Negev.
Fish Farms: Israel- Jordan Valley; India- Rajastan; Albania- Delvina.
Sewage Treatment Plants
Wind energy: Israel- Negev.
Car Driving Simulator- Israel- Tel Hashomer Hospital- Rehabilitation center.
Solar Energy the production of light weight all plastic made solar water heater with an electrical
backup- Western Europe.
Technology & product(s)
General description: Design, produce and eract:
Controllers & Computers for water supply systems (both Agriculture and Municipal), for waste
treatment plant, water and sewage treatment plants, as well as for gas and full supply.
Sewage treatment plants for domestic, Industrial and Agriculture waste water.
Stimulated Water Evaporation for wastewater treatment and desalination industry.
XOiler- contaminated soils and wastewater treatment agent.
Aquaculture farms for edible and ornamental fish, prawns, mussels, frogs and algae.
Car Driving Simulators utilizing for driving skills, education, practicing, examine and research.
Function of the product(s):
Control systems; In site rehabilitation of soil & water contaminated by oil / heavy metals/ pesticides;
Agriculture; Water supply systems.
Category: Analyzers and control systems,
Consulting and engineering services, Industrial
waste treatment, Renewable energy, R&D,
Solid waste treatment and Recycling, Waste
water treatment |
193 Back to Index
Objectives / Target companies
Looking for end users, agents and OEM partners throughout the world
Company profile
Year of establishment: 1987
No. of employees: 100 - 200
Background on the company
Solutions-oriented global leader in the research, development and manufacturing of energy
management, billing and Power Quality systems for utilities, industrial and commercial users.
Examples of projects
Electric Utility: Public Service Electric & Gas, San Diego Gas & Electric, Power South South Carolina Gas
& Electric, Santee Cooper, Ameren, Detroit Energy, Allegheny Power, First Energy, Puget Sound Energy,
Baltimore Gas & Electric, City of Azusa, Con Edison NY, Israel Electric Corporation, Southern Company.
Industrial: Iscar, De Beers, Anglo Coal, General Electric, Adif, Areva T&D, Intel, Exxon Mobile, Carlsberg
brewery, Plastiv, Siemens, Haifa Chemicals, Plasson, ABB, Delek group, Unitronics, Gaash lighting,
Polysac, Tower semi-conductor, Kimberly-Clark, Woodbridge, Dead-Sea works.
Commercial: Israel airport Authority, Madison Square Garden, Empire State Building, Wal-Mart
Mexico, Supersal supermarkets, Sun-City hotels, Dan hotels, HP, Cinema City, Shopping Centers, Med1
Datacenter, Soroka hospital, Nokia arena, Tel-Aviv university, Monash university, Gold Coast university
Technology & product(s)
General description: SATEC has been a proven solutions-oriented global leader in the research,
development and manufacturing of energy management and Power Quality systems since 1987. With two
decades of rich experience in the energy management arena, SATEC provides optimal Powerful Solutions
for utility, industrial and commercial applications, worldwide. Our greatest strength lies in our extensive
field experience and our ability to be flexible in order to find the optimal solution to each problem.
Our products include: digital energy and power meters; power quality measurement instruments
in compliance with international standards such as EN50160 and IEEE1159; and advanced energy
management systems.
Function of the product(s): Utilities - empowering the smart grid from generation, substation
automation, transmission and revenue metering, as well as demand side management.
Industrial - energy management and power quality analysis, including hardware (meters and analyzers)
and comprehensive control software.
Commercial - energy management and billing for sub-tenants allows our customers to profit from
effective management and markup of between medium and low voltage service.
Category: Analyzers and control systems
Sub Category: Power meters and energy
management solutions
194 Back to Index
Category: Renewable Energy, R&D, Engineering
Company profile
S.D.E. is an Israeli-based engineering company, active in the field of renewable energy. The companys
objective is to build and operate sea wave power plants and sell the electricity at the lowest price per
KW/h. Further details are available on the following video article that was produced by the Israeli Foreign
Office: http: //
Year of establishment: 1996
No. of employees: 5
Background on the company
The cost of building S.D.Es sea wave power plant is very cost-efficient in comparison to other types
of energy production systems, costing only $650, 000/MW to build as compared to $1.5 million/MW
for coal, $900, 000/MW for gas, $3 million/MW for solar energy and $1.5 million/MW for wind power.
The cost of producing the electricity using S.D.E.s technology is much lower (2 cents per KW) than
when using coal, gas, solar energy or wind power. The power plants are designed to return the initial
investment in period of three (3) to 5 years.
The technology is based on using every motion of the waves to create hydraulic pressure, which is then
converted into electricity, while exploiting the full speed, height, depth and undercurrent of each wave,
including both the rise and the fall of each wave.
S.D.E. works in partnership with international concerns worldwide, and has orders, MOUs and letters of
intent from Sri Lanka, Tanzania, India, Gambia and Micronesia.
Recently the company has received a 100MW Power Purchase Agreement from Government of Zanzibar,
at a building cost of US $100 million USD.
Examples of past projects
The sea wave energy conversion method has received support from the Chief Scientist of Israel,
Ministry of Industry and Trade, approval no. 23425. So far, S.D.E. has built eight (8) sea wave power
plant models with the assistance of the Government of Israel. The last of which, has operated
successfully for a period of two years and produced 40Kwh.
Technology & product(s)
The product is a unique method for the generation of electricity from sea waves.
Objectives / Target companies
Energy companies, renewable energy companies, financial companies, Engineering companies, ports,
Governmental utilities and so on.
195 Back to Index
Category: Renewable energy, R&D
Company profile
Year of establishment: September 2003
No. of employees: 12
Background on the company
Seambiotic is the first in the world with proprietary technology for growing marine microalgae in open
ponds using flue gas and recycled seawater from power plant. Seambiotic is also the first in the world to
successfully connect directly to a power plants smokestack for direct consumption of CO2. The Company
currently holds patent applications on the technology. For the last 4 years Seambiotic has been operating a
large scale pilot plant at the Israel Electric Corporation Power Station, close to the city of Ashkelon, Israel.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Algae are a source of many benefits including, but not limited to, vitamins, protein, food, food additives,
fine chemicals, animal feed, agricultural fertilizer, fuel and more.
Seambiotic has developed and proved revolutionary technology that can produce large quantities of
microalgae biomass. Seambiotic provides a unique method for growing marine Microalgae on flue gases
from a fossil-fuel electric power plant. The new technology of Seambiotic reduces the cost of microalgae
production significantly while reducing global warming by capturing CO2 from the smokestacks of coal
burning power plants. The technology can be adapted to refineries and to any other CO2 releasing
Function of the product(s):
Seambiotic was initially established to produce and sell Omega 3 fatty acid products from marine
microalgae. Seambiotic developed its business model and now presents a very appealing dual purpose
application of its technology: Omega 3 and bio-fuels. Seambiotic intends in the next few years to focus
primarily on Omega 3 production and sales. Parallel to the above mentioned efforts, Seambiotic will
continue to invest in R&D in the biofuel field both in Israel and overseas, aiming at achieving economic
viability in this area.
Objectives / Target companies
Seambiotic believes that it can supply the global market with superior quality marine microalgae at lower
costs than that available from alternate sources. Additionally, by virtue of the cultivation method, the
Company can also contribute to preserving environmental quality and cleanliness.
Seambiotic market is global with emphasis on: Japan, China, India and other countries in the Far East,
Australia & USA.
Seambiotic seeks to establish joint ventures with international companies, preferably from the food,
feed and energy sectors(electricity companies, refineries, etc.) in order to build pilot plants and later
scale up to full production facilities. Seambiotic is prepared to share its comprehensive know-how with
its potential partners. It is expected that under the terms of these relationships Seambiotic will retain
ownership interest in each joint venture established with the strategic partner and will receive payment
from its know-how and future royalties.
196 Back to Index
Category: Water Security
Sub Category: Perimeter Security Intrusion
Detection Systems (PIDS)
Company profile
Senstar is the trusted choice and industry leader in perimeter security solutions. Our company researches,
develops, manufactures and markets the largest portfolio of sensor technology based outdoor perimeter
security products and systems in the world.
Year of establishment: 1981
No. of employees: 275
Background on the company
Celebrating 30 years in business in 2011, our perimeter intrusion detection products have been protecting
thousands of sites in more than 80 countries, representing over 40,000 kilometers of installed product.
Senstar products provide reliable detection of intruders as soon as they enter restricted or sensitive areas,
giving security forces the advanced warning required to respond.
Examples of past projects
Our fence-mounted sensor technologies and buried cable intrusion detection systems are protecting
a very large percentage of North American and Latin American correctional facilities and other major
critical sites including an Eastern European border, airports around the world including international
airports in the U.S., Columbia, India and Eastern Europe, oil & gas and nuclear facilities in North America
and VIP sites including embassies and the residences of heads of State and royal families.
Senstar is the leading source of outdoor perimeter security for major installations including critical
infrastructure sites, airports, ports, utilities, oil and gas sites, VIP residences, government sites,
agencies, correctional facilities, commercial operations, military sites and more. From buried cable
sensors to alarm monitoring and control, microwave sensor technology to infrared illuminators, Senstar
delivers superior products and service in providing a complete security solution.
Technology & product(s)
Senstar is the leading source of outdoor perimeter security for major installations including critical
infrastructure sites, airports, ports, utilities, oil and gas sites, VIP residences, government sites,
agencies, correctional facilities, commercial operations, military sites and more. From buried cable
sensors to alarm monitoring and control, microwave sensor technology to infrared illuminators, Senstar
delivers superior products and service in providing a complete security solution.
General description:
Senstar is the leading source of outdoor perimeter security for major installations including critical
infrastructure sites, airports, ports, utilities, oil and gas sites, VIP residences, government sites,
agencies, correctional facilities, commercial operations, military sites and more.
Function of the product(s):
From sensors to alarm monitoring and control, infrared illuminators to CCTV solutions, Senstar delivers
superior technology, products and service in providing you with a complete security solution.
Objectives / Target companies
Networking within the Water Industry and to influence PIDS solutions for the protection of assets and
uninterrupted production and supply of water.
197 Back to Index
Company profile
S&B Environment, Israels second largest water treatment company, has developed an
efficient technology to remove nitrates and deliver quality drinking water for well owners and water
S&B Environments SED (Selective Electro Dialysis) has been working successfully in Israel in 15 plants
that save more than 55% on water costs for our customers. All S&B Environment plants produce water
according to rigorous quality standards under strict government supervision.
Year of establishment: 1994
No. of employees: 60
Background on the company
S&B Environment has been treating water and waste water for 15 years in Israel- the home of smart
water solutions. S&B Environment has implemented a variety of water projects for over 50 clients,
including Israeli municipalities, Mekorot- Israels national water company, Danone Israel, Nestle Israel,
The Weizmann Institute, and more.
S&B Environment is owned by Housing & Construction (TASE: SKBN) Israels largest construction
company, controlled by the multi-billion dollar Arison Group. S&B Environment is the groups water
specialist, building complex projects such as waste water treatment, desalination, drinking water
purification and more. Thanks to its corporate affiliation, S&B Environment is able to provide flexible
financing solutions to meet its customers needs.
Examples of past projects
Purification of well water- Mekorot- the national water company, Weitzman institute, Rechovot, Nes
ziona, Rishon Letzion, Hadera, Raanana and Tel tzur.
Technology & product(s)
S&B Environments SED is an EPA approved solution to remove nitrates from large-capacity ground and
surface water sources of 100, 000, 000 gallons per year and up.
S&B Environments SED uses an electrical process to separate nitrates from the water and concentrate
it in separate cells. It can replace traditional technologies such as Reverse Osmosis or Ion Exchange with
a simple process that typically includes only pre-treatment with a membrane stack to produce drinking
water of the highest quality.
Benefits of our technology include: protection of the environment, lower operations & maintenance costs,
and low consumption of chemicals and energy.
Objectives / Target companies
S&B Environments primary objective is to provide turn key solutions to remove nitrates and deliver quality
drinking water for well owners and water companies Potential clients: municipalities and well owners.
target companies for cooperation:
Private water treatment companies who provide water to well owners and municipalities
Primary construction companies
Consulting engineers
Water treatment solution providers who need a complementary solution
Water companies
Category: Drinking Water
Sub Category: Nitrate removal
198 Back to Index
Company profile
Siemens Concentrated Solar Powers mission is to assist the public and private sectors reduce their
dependence on fossil fuels by providing clean, renewable and affordable energy. Its highly innovative and
commercially proven solar solutions are the global standard for utility scale solar power plants.
Established in 1992, Siemens Concentrated Solar Power employs more than 500 employees. Solels Spanish
subsidiary is currently building a power plants in Andalusia, Spain.
Nine power plants in California using Siemens Concentrated Solar Power technology have been operating
successfully for over twenty years, producing 350 MW of electricity and eliminating the need for two
million barrels of oil annually.
Siemens Concentrated Solar Power continues to improve the technology in order to create greater
efficiencies and lower the cost of energy. Its UVAC 2010, the worlds best selling solar receiver, lies at the
heart of the technology, offering plant operators unsurpassed efficiencies and revenues. Its SunField LP
solar fields provide plug-in clean power for a power plant, with a lifetime of solar fuel built in from Day
Siemens Concentrated Solar Power sees that the market for our technology is growing rapidly- there is
fantastic potential for solar thermal energy to become a significant renewable energy source. Our proven
technology will fulfill a leading role in meeting the demand.
Year of establishment: 1992
No. of employees: 500
Technology & product(s)
Siemens Concentrated Solar Power vertically controls, by self development, design and manufacturing, all
non- standard elements of the solar field from raw material to a working product.
Objectives / Target companies
We are interested in all parties involved with the planning and development of solar thermal power plants.
Category: Renewable energy
Sub Category: Utility scale, Concentrated
Solar Power (CSP) fields development, design,
manufacturing and construction
199 Back to Index
Company profile
Year of establishment: 2009
No. of employees: 7
Technology & product(s)
SmarTap has been developing a new technology for the next generation of thermostatic electronic
faucets. This technology enables the user to monitor and control the water consumption in his property
in real time. Shower systems based on this technology offer a unique shower experience combined
with safety features, and water & energy monitoring and saving capabilities. The systems supply water
at the desired temperature and flow without wasting it: the shower will discharge water only at the
desired temperature & flow. Our system is equipped with anti-scalding feature in order to prevent burns
at all time.
SmarTap solution is based on its patented electro-mechanical unit called e-cartridge. Its an OEM
unit that allows any faucets manufacturer to quickly and effortlessly add innovative electronic faucets
products to his arsenal. e-cartridge is designed to replace the mechanical thermostatic mixing body
and cartridge commonly sold today. Its dimensions do not exceed the traditional thermostatic mixing
body dimensions, and therefore it is not limited in its applications. SmarTap is the only company
worldwide succeeded to develop an e-cartridge that works on two D-type batteries for more than 1.5
years. Therefore, the e-cartridge can be easily installed by any regular plumber in both existing and
renovated bathrooms, and theres no need in any in-wall wiring. SmarTap system complies with all
international standards.
SmartGrid capability
Each e-cartridge is equipped with RF transceiver, enabling the e-cartridges to form a centrally controlled
grid via a wireless network. All faucets in the network can be monitored and managed online via any PC
connected to the internet. Predefined alerts can be sent in cases of abuse. Flow-rates can be limited
at times of peak usage. SmartGrid allows large-scale users (like hotels, resorts & Spa) to monitor and
control water usage in real time via any PC connected to the internet.
Objectives / Target companies
Intelligent building management: Companies involved with building management, water and energy
Saving, and green environment.
Electronic faucets manufacturers/distributors: Companies supplying electronic faucets for commercial
areas like hotels, Spa and resorts.
Major hotels: Maintenance managers interested to efficiently monitor and control water and
energy consumption.
VCs, Angels: Investors interested in Startups developing new technologies of monitoring and controlling
water and energy, and in new electronic faucets systems.
Government departments: Involved with domestic water and energy conservation and efficient use.
Category: Water resources management
Sub Category: Water and energy monitor and
control, electronic faucet systems
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Objectives / Target companies
Street Lighting for remote areas-Developers- dealers- Life improvement Organizations- Third world
countries- exporters and importers.
Category: Renewable energy, R&D
Company profile
Solarian Ltd is specialize in Design, Engineering and Manufacturing of Solar Streets and Parks Lights
thats build for different uses.
Solarian Ltd products are design and built for improving our ecological life quality combine with unique
designs and high quality solar lighting products.
Solarians All In One Box Solar Lighting System is the perfect solution for Streets, Parks, Marinas and
other remote areas lighting.
This exclusive product can reach 4 to 10 meter pole heights, have a long and stable working life time, no
wiring needs, no electric bill, easy shipment and easy installment abilitys.
You are welcome to Contact Us with every solar lighting needs.
Year of establishment: 2009
No. of employees: 5-15
Examples of existing /completed projects
Ashdod Mizra Ein gedi Or Yehuda Africa Vietnam
The Polaris is a perfect solar lighting solution for streets, parks, marinas, public areas, schools, walls
and fences, construction sites and natural areas lanes, its a lighting solution without ground, plans and
animal disruption.
Technology & product(s)
The Polaris Solar Street Light is Solarian Ltd Exclusive Model. Its a stylish and well build stand alone
product, easy to install with hidden top solar panel, no electric bill and no wiring needs. All In One Box
Solar Street Light! Easy to ship- Easy to install!
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Objectives / Target companies
Design for scalability, cost reduction and synergistic applications
Sign a strategic partnership with Mekorot (the Israeli water company, Mekorot controls most water
reservoirs in Israel)
Install a 50 kW project on one of Mekorot water reservoirs in Israel, by Q1 2010.
Commence first project with EDF (the French Electric Company) Project to be funded by a grant from
the France-Israel Industrial R&D Cooperation Framework
Install a 100 kW project on an EDF nuclear reactor cooling reservoir in Cadarache, France, by Q4 2010
Establish US operations during 2010
Install first 1 MW commercial system by 2011
Category: Renewable energy
Sub Category: Solar electricity
Company profile
Year of establishment: August 2008
No. of employees: 8
Background on the company
Most of the Suns energy that reaches the Earth falls on water surfaces. Yet, until now, all
commercialized solar power technologies have been land-based. Solaris Synergy has developed a
concentrating photovoltaic system designed to float on water surfaces, utilizing inexpensive, easy-
to-manufacture components. Solaris Synergys solar power plant design concept is based on unique,
patent pending condensation/evaporation cooling technologies that evacuate the unwanted massive
heat. A modular design concept supports power capacities ranging from several kilowatts to dozens of
megawatts per site. The system has low capital, installation, maintenance and operation costs. The
companys mission is to become a leading provider and operator of solar power stations that float on
water reservoirs and similar facilities. The company has assembled a core multi-disciplinary team with
expertise in semiconductors, thermodynamics, mechanics and optics. The company has built a working
prototype that demonstrates the scientific feasibility of its proprietary technology. The company will
install its first 50 KW pilot project by Q1 2010 and plan to install its first commercial system during 2011.
Solaris Synergy has already raised an initial investment from a U.S. private equity fund and was awarded
an R&D grant from the Israeli Ministry of National Infrastructures.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Floating solar electricity field built of medium-concentration elongated photovoltaic units rotating about
a vertical axis in synchronism with the daytime sun motion in order to achieve the maximum solar energy
Function of the product(s):
Proprietary evaporation cooling system that ensures the highest PV cell power generation efficiency

Low-cost manufacturing, built from inexpensive materials

Low maintenance cost due to relaxed design tolerances and a simple sun-tracking mechanism

Near-maximum (over 90%) solar field coverage enabling the production of more electricity for a given area

Easy scalability for medium-to-large-scale power generation

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Company profile
SolarOr is a technology leader in the development and industrialization of novel solar Curtain Wall panels
delivering high solar conversion at lowest industry prices. Our proprietary Curtain Wall panels offer
solutions to the BIPV (Building integrated PV) and optimized for vertical installation where efficiency and
architectural appearance are first priority.
SolarOr has developed the first high efficiency, transparent and improved insulation capability solar
curtain wall.
Buildings and district offices are accounted for about 40% of total energy consumption. Meeting the
stringent energy conservation requirements dictates a focused solution to the building sector as first
priority. Our innovative design offers solutions for district and office buildings by providing an envelope of
curtain walls with built in smart solar cell and double glazing constructions combined with improved heat
and noise isolation.
Year of establishment: 2007
No. of employees: 10
Background on the company
SolarOr was chosen to participate in the Israeli solar consortium as a key figure for Israeli PV group and
its faade technology is the core of consortium capability demonstration in new emerging product.
Technology & product(s)
Our technology offers a low weight isolating curtain wall with the following features;
1. Monocrystalline technology for efficient sun harvesting exceeding 150Wp per square meter.
2. LCPV concept - Low prismatic concentration for optimal silicon cells area
3. Unobstructed translucent technology
4. Use micro inverter allow standardization of the product
5. The best price performance in the industry
Category: Renewable energy
Sub Category: BIPV Panels
Objectives / Target companies
Market Opportunity - SolarOr is seeking for investment of up to 1.5M$ to complete the development of
its product, complete IP registration and to locate partner as detailed below.
Partners - SolarOr is looking for Key player in the market to cooperate with for the development,
production and later on marketing and distributing of SolarOrs products
Customers / Pending Customers - BIPV Market, PV Panel Producers, Construction Companies,
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Company profile
Msl Ltd\SolarPath Sun Solutions, founded in 2002, develops, markets, and sells grid-independent solar
lighting technologies throughout the world. Our goal is to engage architectural and commercial grade
solar lighting solutions.
Msl Ltd\SolarPath provides technical and strategic assistance in collaboration on project design and
orientation, cost/benefit, ROI, environmental education, training with major municipalities, NGOs and
corporate entities engaging in the upgrade to solar lighting. This includes:
Green building optimization

Enhanced facility environmental quality

Reduction of carbon emissions

Resource efficiency

US Army

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Government

United States Chamber of Commerce

Panasonic Corporation

Skyway Airlines

City of Daytona Beach, Florida

CH2M Hill

Federal Express

Dubai Lagoons, UAE

Federal Government, Ghan

No. of employees: 45
Background on the company
Solar products: solar street lights w/ leds, solar cat eyes, etc.
Examples of past projects
Bosque de Aragon, Mexico City, Bosque de Chapultepec, Mexico City, Nuevo Juan de Grijalva, Chiapas,
Biosfera del Cielo, Tamaulipas, etc.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Solar and leds technology.
Function of the product(s):
Illumination, save money.
Category: Solar
Sub Category: Streeth Lights
Objectives / Target companies
Municipalities, Governments, Army, Factories
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Company profile
SolarPower Israel Ltd. is a system integration company which provides renewable energy solutions.
We design, integrate, supply and install solar energy systems for grid-connected applications, rural
electrification, telecommunications, security applications, irrigation and many more.
Year of establishment: 2003
Number of employees: 50
Background on the company
privately owned. Member of the Solidgroup.
Examples of projects
Israel, Orange- Solar systems for GSM repeaters, Installed on 2004.
ETC GSM project during 2005.
Angola Telcom- supply of solar energy solution for MW repeater.
MTN Cameroon - supply of 16 solar systems for BTS and MW repeater
Technology & product(s)
Kyocera Solar- one of the worlds largest solar panels suppliers (Japan)
SMA- grid-connected inverters (Germany)
Fronius- grid-connected inverters (Austria)
Victron Energy- Off-grid sine-wave DC/AC inverters (The Netherlands)
MorningStar- charge controllers (USA)
Steca- solar electronics (Germany)
Objectives / Target companies:
SolarPower Israel Ltd. is a system integration company which provides renewable energy solutions.
We design, integrate, supply and install solar energy systems for grid-connected applications, rural
electrification, telecommunications, security applications, irrigation and many more.
Category: engineering, consulting installers
and service
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Company profile
Solel Solar Systems mission is to assist the public and private sectors reduce their dependence on fossil
fuels by providing clean, renewable and affordable energy. Its highly innovative and commercially proven
solar solutions are the global standard for utility scale solar power plants.
Established in 1992, Solel employs today more than 350 employees. Solels Spanish subsidiary is
currently building three 50 MW solar power plants in Andalusia, Spain, and its American subsidiary,
Solel, Inc., is developing the 553 MW Mojave Solar Park 1 (MSP-1) in Californias Mojave Desert. MSP-
1 will encompass nine square miles and will generate 1, 388 Gigawatts of energy annually at a price
competitive with plants powered by fossil fuels. Nine power plants in California using Solels technology
have been operating successfully for over twenty years, producing 350 MW of electricity and eliminating
the need for two million barrels of oil annually.
Solel continues to improve the technology in order to create greater efficiencies and lower the cost of
energy. Its UVAC 2008 solar receiver, the worlds best selling receiver, lies at the heart of the technology,
offering plant operators unsurpassed efficiencies and revenues. Its SunField 6 solar fields provide plug-in
clean power for a power plant, with a lifetime of solar fuel built in from Day One.
Solel sees that the market for our technology is growing rapidly- there is fantastic potential for solar
thermal energy to become a significant renewable energy source. Our proven technology will fulfill a
leading role in meeting the demand.
Year of establishment: 1992
No. of employees: 350
Technology & product(s)
Solel vertically controls, by self development, design and manufacturing, all non standard elements
of the solar field from raw material to a working product. Solel offers its customers with receivers, or
complete turn key solar fields
Objectives / Target companies
Solel is set to partner with governments, utilities, and local energy and engineering companies to build
solar powered power plants. In every location, its fully engineered solar field packages can fuel local job
creation and economic growth in addition to accelerating the 21st century vision of a greener planet.
Category: Renewable energy
Sub Category: Utility scale, Concentrated
Solar Power (CSP) fields development, design,
manufacturing and construction
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Company profile
SolidAT is a leading manufacturer of advanced level sensors and wireless level measurement solutions to
major industrial customers and organizations world-wide.
SolidATs core competency is derived from developing, manufacturing and marketing Ultrasonic level
transmitters based on its patented technology.
Our level sensors are employed for continuous measurement in process tanks, storage vessels, rivers and
outdoor water pools in factory plants and unattended sites.
Some of our level meters are specially designed for open channel flow applications with a predefined list
of flumes and totalization calculation.
SolidAT focuses on cellular based wireless level monitoring solutions (M2M) for applications such as
River flood alert, water reservoir management, municipal sewer monitoring and flood control as well as
remote site fuel tank management.
Year of establishment: 2000
Number of employees: 20
Background on the company
privately owned. Member of the Solidgroup.
Examples of projects
flood alert and water reservoir management in India and north America, municipal sewer monitoring in
Israel, water treatment plants, pumping stations, sewer facilities etc.- globally.
Technology & product(s)
General description: Ultrasonic continuous level sensors for measuring liquids, open channel flow, and
dust free solids
Wireless remote level measurement.
Function of the product(s): SolidScan family of Products supports a full range of process monitoring
and storage level measurement applications. From Short range 2-wire blind units (up to 5 meters
measuring range) to long range 4-wire 2-part systems (up to 40 meters measuring range) with Relays for
pump operation, alarm, Flow Totalization counting and more.
GSM wireless monitoring based on SMS messaging or GPRS for monitoring and alert from remote locations
such as water reservoirs, rivers, dams, municipal sewer pits and remote fuel tanks.
Objectives / Target companies:
System integrators, OEM partners, Distributors, Municipalities, Manufacturing Plants.
Category: Water resources management
Sub Category: Analyzers and control systems,
Waste water treatment, Desalination
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Company profile
Sol-R-Led develops solar and LED products and operates in the industrial, institutional and consumer
markets in Israel and overseas.
Year of establishment: 2009
No. of employees: 10
Background on the company
Founded in 2009, Sol-R-Led is run by its two main shareholders: Kadouri Group ( - a
major industrial signage company established 1932, and Solar-Eco - a company set up by a group of
pioneers with many years of experience in the solar-LED fields.
With Kadouris market power and Solar Ecos technology, the group develops a colorful variety of modern
solar/LED products and signage.
Examples of past projects
Solar house numbers, solar letterboxes, solar street lamps, LED and solar direction and advertising
Clients: We produce individual products as well as undertake entire signage projects for a wide range of
Among our customers: Bauhaus (Germany), Israeli banks, DIY chain stores, municipalities
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Our highly modernized and multi-optioned products and signage are powered by a unique smart
controller and tailor based on energy balance formulas. The technology allows for a multitude of solar
applications in difficult weather and in many countries as well as ultra performance LED lamps and
Function of the product(s):
Solar lighting. Long life LED lamps. Solar/LED signage. Adaptable build-as-you-go light boxes.
Stainless steel solar house numbers. Solar letterboxes. Traffic signs.
Category: Solar (PV), LED, Lighting, Signage,
Infrastructure, Control systems,
Renewable energy
Sub Category: Signage, home products
Objectives / Target companies
As a new company run by a team of experts in the solar/LED and smart-controller fields, backed up by a
traditional well-established signmaker, our objectives are twofold:
1) Market exposure and expanding our customer base. We seek joint ventures and co-operations with sign
companies in any country. Such ventures will be based upon us providing the sign interior and the sign
company fabricating the exterior.
2) Capital investment. We have an exiting menu of solar/LED applications and products in the pipeline.
To develop these further, we seek entrepreneurs and investors to raise capital and expand our
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Company profile
Stream Control Ltd. has developed Aqua-Guard, a product designated to reduce water loss in municipal
water systems, by pressure management.
The company is consisted of a team of experts in the fields of water hydraulics, control, hardware and
The main goal of Stream Control is the development, production and marketing of systems for leakage
Year of establishment: 2004
Number of employees: 5
Background on the company
The company was founded in Israel in 2004 by development experts in the fields of hydraulics,
computerization and control, and maid its first product development step at the technological incubator
of Yozmot HaEmek Ltd., Israel.
Examples of projects
Jerusalem city - The product was installed at the entrance of an old neighborhood, suffering from massive
physical deterioration of the pipeline system. Aqua-Guard reduced the neighborhoods water loss by 30%.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Aqua-Guard is an electronic controller that integrates elements of hardware, software and hydraulics,
capable of decreasing water loss in municipal water supply systems by up to 50%.
The Aqua-Guard idea was generated at Stream Control Ltd. by a team of engineers with extensive
technical experience in developing similar projects and well acquainted with the world market for water
control products.
Function of the product:
The Aqua-Guard controller provides a comprehensive solution for the leakage problem by Pressure
management and actively controlling the Pressure Reducing Valves (PRVs), found in all municipal water
supply systems at the point where the piping network of a neighborhood is connected to the citys main
water system.
The Aqua-Guard controller dynamically changes the pressure applied to the network according to the
actual demand for water, resulting in significant leakage reduction.
Throughout the daily demand cycle, the Aqua-Guard controller considerably decreases the leakage that
tends to increase greatly especially during the night when pressure grows due to diminished demand.
Objectives / Target companies:
Local water companies or municipal water departments.
International Hydraulic pressure valves manufacturers.
International suppliers of eqipment for municipal water systems.
All over the world, especially in Europe, U.S and Australia.
Category: Analyzers and control systems, Drinking
water, Water resources management
Sub Category: Leakage Reduction Utilizing Real-
Time Pressure Management
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Company profile
Solar as a Service provider
Sunday is the leadingSolar as a Service provider in Israel, offering development, operation and
integration Solar Energy solutions. Sunday solutions are based upon state of the art Photovoltaic (PV)
solar technology and equipment with the industry highest efficiency and reliability standards.
Sunday provides solar energy for:
1) Distributed/decentralized on-grid networks (both for residential and commercial clients).
Installation capabilities on both rooftops and ground.
2) Centralized utility-grade solar parks.
3) Off-grid and rural solar energy.
Our unique service offering provides our clients thepeace of mind using our advanced technological,
financial and regulatory capabilities.
Our end-to-end solutions, include comprehensive system planning (engineering, electric and
environmental), variety of flexible business models (partnered by a number of banks and funds),
advanced establishment know-how (in cooperation with international leaders), 24/7 control room
capabilities and more.
Sunday Energy has led a national campaign which has been very successful, generating leads worth over
800M NIS. We have accomplished closing the first Solar-Kibbutz deal (Kibbutz Reim) for a 2.5 MWp
project over the Kibbutz rooftops, won the first PV municipal tenders (in Kiryat Ono and Tel Aviv), are
building the first Solar-Winery in Israel and are in the process of financing additional dozens of deals.
Altogether, under current regulations limiting systems to 50KWp, we have signed deals well over 5MWp.
In addition, Sunday Energy is focused on building utility-grade solar parks in the south of Israel. We are
focused on these large 5 MWp systems, in order to become the Israeli leader in the solar park field as well.
Aside of Israel, Sunday is currently in discussions re various solar energy projects in emerging markets.
Year of establishment: 2007
No. of employees: 15 in HQ, additional 300 as subcontractors planned for 2009
Technology & product(s)
Sunday Energy enables its clients to install solar energy systems on their premises with the peace of
mind that industry experts are taking care of all aspects. We partner with a number of leading equipment
manufacturers, all of which are experienced in locations around the world.
Objectives / Target companies
We seek to meet companies who wish to be our local partner in new, emerging markets or companies
which have an additional added-value for the current Sunday model. Sunday Energy will leverage its
experience and know-how in order to build a joint venture which will become the leading solar-as-a-service
company in the relevant market.
Category: Renewable Energy
Sub Category: Solar projects
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Company profile
SP Systems M.B is a unique partner of HELIOS STRATEGIA, a European market leader in consulting,
planning, design, and distribution of solar photovoltaic and solar thermal equipment.
Since 2007, we have been offering a full range of products and services to installers, farmers,
communities, architects, investors, PV design companies, and other commercial partners.
Year of establishment: 2007
No. of employees: 30
Background on the company
Originally focused at a European Level, the company stands out as a leader in France and has a growing
presence in Italy, Germany, and the UK. HELIOS STRATEGIA is also expanding its presence in Africa,
Israel and Eastern Europe, all growing markets in the solar PV industry.
Technology & product(s)
Grid connected photovoltaic installations on Buildings using fixed structures. Installation on Roofs and
distributed both to individual installers, and installers integrated into the network of qualified installers,
who carry out the turnkey projects for customers with HELIOS STRATEGIA supplying the materials in
these projects.
SMALL private facilities from 3 kWp for individual clients on their own land or rooftops, either fixed or

with solar tracking.

BIG private facilities for companies or individuals who wish to diversify their investments and want to

manage their own production facilities for renewable energy.

PV SOLAR POWER PLANTS - SOLAR FARMS - for developers and private investment groups

Engineering Services
Technical Studies and quotes

Administrative procedures

Planning and installation site

Operations and maintenance


Objectives / Target companies

Joint ventures with local US companies to provide photovoltaic equipment and services to project
developers and private residences
Target companies: PV distributors, EPCs, PV installers, manufacturers of PV equipment.
Category: Renewable Energy
Sub Category: Photovoltaics Distribution
and Projects
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Objectives / Target companies
Governments, public organizations, private companies and individuals in both developing and
developed countries.
Company profile
Year of establishment: 1952
No. of employees: 1500
Background on the company
TAHAL Group International BV is a multinational engineering company originally founded as an Israeli
government agency to address Israels acute lack of water. Now fully owned by Kardan NV, the Group
ranks among the top companies of its kind in the world and specializes in multidisciplinary fields such as
water and wastewater systems, hydropower, desalination, solid waste management, and agriculture and
irrigation development, among others.
The Group has two main operating branches, one dealing with long-term concessions and the other
being project-oriented. The bedrock of expertise for the Group lies with TAHAL Consulting Engineers
Ltd. and Water Planning for Israel Ltd., two veteran subsidiaries based in Israel with over 50 years of
proven experience. TAHAL provides comprehensive solutions based on its extensive knowledge and
its commitment to quality and excellence. It complies with ISO 9001 standards and conducts all its
assignments in strict conformance with its principles.
Examples of past projects
Dominican Republic: Improvement of Drinking Water Systems of Santo Domingo (turnkey project).
Analysis and operational optimization of the existing water supply system. Services include design,
procurement, supply and implementation of priority works.
Venezuela: Optimization and Operational Control of the Falcon State Water Supply System, and
Feasibility Study / Final Design of Sanitation Systems for Coro, Punto Fijo, La Vela and Cumarebo.
Detailed diagnosis of the Falcon State water supply system, definition of solutions for system
optimization, and implementation of an operational control system. Also preparation of a plan and final
design for the sanitation systems in the cities of Coro, Punto Fijo, La Vela and Cumarebo.
China: Build-Own-Operate (BOO) concession agreement for provision of water supply and treatment in
Dazhou, Sichuan Province, with a current capacity of 100,000 m3/day.
Israel: Palmachim Seawater Desalination Facility (BOO project). Financing, design, construction,
supply, installation, operation and maintenance of an RO seawater desalination plant supplying 48
million m3/year of drinking water.
Romania: Water Supply Systems in Rural Areas (turnkey project). Feasibility studies, detailed design
and construction of water supply systems in 1,000 villages, including provision of a financial package.
Turkey: Yaylak Plain Irrigation Project (turnkey project). Design, management, construction and
coordination services for a modern irrigation system covering more than 18,000 ha of lands in 46
villages located near Ataturk Dam in the GAP region.
Technology & product(s)
Master plans, feasibility studies, detailed design, financial studies, technical assistance and training,
project and construction supervision, turnkey/BOT projects, GIS and MIS studies, environmental
impact assessments.
Category: Engineering services, drinking
water, water resources development,
desalination, water security, wastewater
treatment and recycling, agriculture and
irrigation, solid waste treatment
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Company profile
TaKaDu is the global leader in Water Infrastructure Monitoring, providing a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
solution for water utilities. TaKaDus solution detects, classifies, alerts and provides real-time insight on
leaks, bursts, network breaches, faulty meters and other inefficiencies. The solution is based on complex
algorithms which analyze online data from existing meters within the network (flow, pressure, etc) in
conjunction with external data (weather, holidays, etc). TaKaDus patented technology is easy to deploy,
requiring no network changes, no additional devices and no capital expenditure. The service is in commercial
use by leading water utilities worldwide, served through a global network of partners and resellers.
The TaKaDu team is comprised of top-notch scientists with vast data analytics experience, alongside
seasoned executives from global software leaders. TaKaDu is a founding member of SWAN (Smart
Water Networks forum). The company is the winner of many industry awards, including the prestigious
Technology Pioneer 2011 award from the World Economic Forum.
Year of establishment: January 2009
No. of employees: 35
Background on the company
Based in Israel, TaKaDu was founded by Amir Peleg, an experienced high-tech entrepreneur and a top-
notch team of Computer Science and Math Ph.Ds, as well as software market veterans. Prior to founding
TaKaDu, Amirs previous company, YaData, was acquired by Microsoft in 2008.
Solution General Description
TaKaDus solution takes SCADA readings (flow, pressure, quality and other measurements) and GIS
data about the water network, cleans them of noise and constructs a model of how the water network
behaves, adjusting for the day of the week, hour, seasonality and operations and maintenance activity. It
then monitors the network to detect anomalies based on the model and alerts when they happen. This
lets water utilities see the network and detect leaks and other anomalies before they become much
larger operational issues.
The solution requires no network changes and uses existing historical and real-time online data
Leaks are detected before they become bursts, since the solution is sensitive to relatively small changes
Alerts are also provided when sensors, meters and operations malfunction
The solution can monitor blind spots where sector or DMA water balance methods cannot work
The solution is provided as a Software-as-a-Service: no installation or IT support is required. After the
data is securely passed to TaKaDu, TaKaDu presents water utility staff with web-based reports showing
water network behaviour and alerts upon anomalies or leaks.
TaKaDus system is operational and has provided global utilities real alerts about leaks, bursts and other
issues, such as faulty meters or water theft, reducing water loss.
Solution Benefits and Value
TaKaDus unique approach helps monitor the networks blind spots more effectively, control water loss,
find more leak events and identify many small leaks before they become large. TaKaDus ability to find
faulty meters is in and of itself a major benefit. Most importantly, TaKaDus system doesnt require any
physical network or equipment investment on the utility side. Benefits include the ability to:
Reduce and mitigate the need to replace network infrastructure
Save water lost to network issues through leaks and bursts
Save energy and other inputs wasted by producing water that is then lost to network inefficiencies
Prevent Network Events, e.g. energy wasted without water loss in pressure zone boundary breaches
Reduce dependence on new water sources, as current sources will be more effectively utilized.
Even with well-established active leakage control practices, TaKaDu is proven to detect many network
events, water loss events and other issues, often without prior notification by existing monitoring methods.
Category: Water Infrastructure Monitoring
Objectives / Target companies
Water utilities that are interested in evaluating TaKaDus solution.
213 Back to Index
Company profile
Talgil Computing & Control LTD is active in the market of Agrotechnology for over 20 years, developing,
producing, marketing and servicing professional computerized irrigation control equipment. The company
offers a wide range of irrigation controllers for open field, greenhouse and landscape applications, as well
as a wide range of automatic filters backflush controllers of various sizes and features. The companys
products are distributed worldwide by many well known irrigation equipment producers/ distributers.
Year of establishment: 1987
No. of employees: 30
Background on the company
The company enjoys a well earned reputation for offering an extensive and constantly expanding range
of high quality, reliable products, supplied with lifetime warranty, supported by highly efficient and
professional technical service.
Examples of past projects
The equipment produced by Talgil Computing & Control LTD participates in many projects worldwide: In
Australia, Peru, Mexico, Brazil, Italy, USA, China, Japan, Serbia, India, Israel and more.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Computerized control systems, very efficient in energy consumption, including small stand alone units
with just a few outputs and up to large distributed network of hundreds of outputs, with single cable or
radio linking of RTUs. Centralized control linking remote sites to the control center by cable, GSM, radio
or internet.
Function of the product:
Fully controlling the operation of small to large irrigation systems starting with the water sources, the
reservoirs, the distribution lines, the water and fertilizer supply and the filtering. Including monitoring,
management, protection, data acquisition, reading various analog sensors and more.
Category: Analyzers and control systems, Water
resources management
Sub Category: Professional Irrigation control,
Automatic filters control
Objectives / Target companies
Seeking distributers worldwide with relation to the Agricultural market, with technical support ability.
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Category: Water resources management
Company profile
Tal-Ya is a new Israeli company that develops innovative water saving solutions for row-crop agriculture,
vineyards, forestry and the municipal gardening sectors. Collecting and using DEW, together with more
efficient use of irrigated water, represents savings of up to 90% irrigated water.
For the past three years, the company has performed trials under the auspices of the Israeli Ministry of
Agriculture and the prestigious Agricultural Institute (Volcani). Results are extremely favorable, showing
both significant water savings, as well as reduced chemical use.
Tal-Yas solution can be seen on-site at MOP Lachish, as well as at the companys offices in Gan
Yoshiya Israel.
Technology & product(s)
General description: Square cover over a plants root system and the surrounding soil (replaces traditional
plastic mulch), collects dew during the night and prevents evaporation during the day, directing all water
to one single point- the root system. Irrigated water is directed more efficiently to the right spot. Cover
regulates soil temperature, preventing loss due to extreme conditions.
Saves water, reduces dependence on fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, is usable for up to 5 years
outside and is completely recyclable!
Objectives / Target companies
Looking to introduce the product to the municipal sectors for water.
215 Back to Index
Company profile
Year of establishment: 2006
No. of employees: 15
Background on the company
Based on experience and expertise in sealing technology since 1987.
Took the sealing technology to a new standard by introducing the new MTZ Technology.
The MTZ technology proven to be the best solution for slurry applications.
Pending patents: Applied in US, Europe, Far East and Australia.
Examples of past projects
Tamar seals eliminate leakages in the main factories in Israel and were successfully installed in USA,
Italy, Brazil and Netherlands.
MTZ410SR - powder seals and low speed heavy slurry application, the seals were installed successfully
in screw feeders, rotary valves, pugmills, ball mils, mixers and vacuum dryers.
MTZ420PC - Progressive cavity pumps seal, the seals were successfully installed in paint plants, waste
water pumps, cement and polymers pumps
MTZ430AG - Agitator and reactors seals, the seals were successfully installed in many applications,
providing excellent seal and can cope with high run outs applications.
MTZ520SN - Ansi pumps seals, perfectly designed for Goulds, Durco and other process pumps, the
seals were installed in chemical plants and paper mills.
MTZ520SL - seals designed for slurry pumps with dynamic seals such as Wilfley, Sulzer, etc.
Technology & product(s)
The new MTZ shaft sealing technology has been introduced by Tamar Technologies, This product is
especially effective in sealing pumpage with particulates as well as for clear liquids. It has application for
pumps, mixers, agitators, ribbon blenders and fans in addition to sealing shafts for dry powder handling.
The Tamar Seal is analogous to a double mechanical seal that uses a flexible sealant as a barrier fluid.
This barrier fluid is maintained at a pressure slightly above stuffing box pressure by an air- or spring-
operated piston. Close-fitting bushings at either end of the seal retain the flexible sealant. In essence,
the Tamar Seal seals the sealant within the seal assembly, and the pumpage has no chance to escape
from the pump since it sees no leakage path.
Category: Industrial waste treatment, Solid waste
treatment and Recycling, Waste water treatment,
Sub Category: Seals for pumps and other rotary
Objectives / Target companies
Distributor/ strategic partners
216 Back to Index
Company profile
TechnoSpin develops and manufacturers small wind turbines that generate substantial energy in all
wind regimes. TechnoSpins cutting-edge technology and in-house expertise offer the most competitive,
efficient and easily customized wind power solutions for grid and off-grid applications worldwide.
TechnoSpin provides green energy solutions for residential and commercial use, telecommunications,
control devices, security systems, and agriculture.
Year of establishment: 2004
No. of employees: 17
Background on the company
TechnoSpin is a US corporation with a development and manufacturing facility in Israel.
Examples of projects
Off-grid solution for powering home appliances
Solution for a security fence application that includes surveillance camera and fence sensors
Rooftop installation at Engineering Faculty in South African University
Development of a water pumping turbine for specific needs in African country
Solution for requirements of large satellite company for application with low power consumption
Solution for powering control devices for water pipelines
Technology & product(s)
General description:
TechnoSpins core technology is its unique blade technology. Unlike competition, which adapts the
rotor of an aircraft wing, TechnoSpins patent pending rotor is a result of a completely new profile,
modeled according to aerodynamics principles, in order to maximize efficiency and minimize costs.
TechnoSpin produces a range of products that generate up to 8kW (1.16-6m diameter).
Function of the product(s):
Provide renewable energy solution for various grid and off-grid applications.
Objectives / Target companies
Strong local marketing and operational partners
Distributors with experience in renewable energy solutions
Integrators that provide products/solutions that include the energy supply (objective is to incorporate
wind turbines in the total solution)
Category: Renewable energy
Sub Category: Small Wind Turbines
217 Back to Index
Category: Proportioning MixRite water injectors
for Irrigation, Gardening, Industry & Livestock.
Fittings and accessories for the pneumatic and
automation Industries and Irrigation.
Company profile
Tefen owned by Kibbutz Nahsholim in Israel, Tefen Advanced Plastic Solutions has nearly 40 years
experience in producing advanced plastics products. These comprise two main groups: Fittings for the
pneumatic, automation and irrigation industries; and MixRite Proportioning Dosing Injectors for industrial,
agricultural and livestock applications. We also manufacture a range of products for horticulture.
Year of establishment: 1970
Number of employees: 75
Background on the company
Founded - 1970

Owned by Kibbutz Nahsholim (only 15 minutes from Israels largest port).

75% of production output made for export, shipped to nearly 40 countries.

Complete production process is made in Tefens Israel plant.

Expertized in production of sophisticated plastic products for livestock, agriculture and industrial usages.

Certified with ISO 9001:2000 & CE. Complies with all international standards.

Tefens mission: Lead the in water-driven injectors & industrial fittings markets.

Examples of projects
MixRite is water driven proportioning injector for injecting fertilizer into an irrigation system (fertigation)

at a consistent induction rate over varying water pressure and flow rates.
MixRite precision-made dosing injectors operates on hydraulic pressure with minimal head loss pressure.

MixRite is fully adjustable enables delivery of accurate dosage to suit most horticulture requirements.

MixRite injector is mostly used for purposes such as:

1. Various irrigation projects

2. Domestic landscaping
3. Greenhouses
Technology & product(s)
Operate without electricity using water pressure as the power source. Inject a proportional amount of

fertilizer or additive into the water line regardless of pressure variations

Maximum dilution variance is less than 10%

Extremely low pressure loss compared to other systems

- 2.5 / Series, maximum loss 2 bar

- TF5, 10 and 25 - maximum loss 0.82 bar
10 to 25% more flow than competitive models

Objectives / Target companies

Companies specializes in irrigation equipment for greenhouses

Companies specializes in machinery and equipment for Livestock

Companies specializes in food supplements for Livestock

218 Back to Index

Company profile
TIGI introduces a new breed of Solar-Thermal (water heating) Collector that turns sunlight to heat. What
makes our collector (panel) unique is its ability to minimize energy losses to the environment, resulting
in very high efficiency even in freezing conditions and in applications such as process heat where high
temperature is required.
Year of establishment: 2007
No. of employees: 10
Background on the company
Founded in 2007, TIGI controls IP assets that were developed by its founder over the last 20 years. Its
underlying technology has been validated in multiple sites across Europe; its collectors were tested
successfully by the worlds leading research institutes.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Retention of heat is achieved by our proprietary transparent insulation collector technology that allows
solar radiation to enter the collector unhindered while suppressing convection and back radiation. In fact,
our collector outperforms the best Flat Plate and Evacuated Tube collectors in annual yield per gross unit
area with the performance gap increasing with latitude.
Function of the product(s):
At the heart of TIGIs breakthrough is a highly efficient, patent-protected, transparent insulation collector
technology called the Thermal Envelope. Incorporating proprietary components and design, it allows
sunlight to pass through while efficiently blocking most of the back radiation and suppressing convection/
conduction heat losses. The resulting solar energy, in the form of heat, warms water in the collector
module, which can be used for sanitary purposes or circulated in the local space heating system.
TIGI vs. Leading Flat Plate Collector
The chart compares the performance of TIGIs collector to
one of the markets leading flat plate collector. The higher
the figure on the horizontal axis, the colder and less sunny
the conditions. It shows that during typical European
winter conditions, while the flat plate collector stops
producing useful energy altogether, TIGIs collector still
operates at 40% efficiency.
Category: Renewable energy
Sub Category: Thermal Solar system
Objectives / Target companies
Cooporation/partnership with large renewable energy engineering services companies, solar thermal
system integrators. Summer access heat can be used in conjunction with solar cooling or low temperature
electricity production.

219 Back to Index
Company profile
Biodiesel production by new generation enzyme-based catalysts.
TransBiodiesel Ltd. has patented a new technology using unique immobilized enzymes as an alternative
for the conventional chemical-based catalysts for the production of biodiesel from different oils, including
plant oils, animal fats and recycled greases. The developed immobilized enzymes are characterized
with their high resistance towards short-chain alcohols, typically used as substrates in the production
process of biodiesel. The developed enzymatic process for production of biodiesel has been approved
as economically feasible and also competitive with the costs for the currently practiced conventional
production processes. Furthermore, the enzyme-based production process is benign for the environment
and the by-product produced in the process, namely glycerol, can be used for food, cosmetics and
pharmaceutical applications without excessive purification. The Company is in the process of forming
strategic alliances with worldwide-leading biodiesel producers. The founder of the company has applied
similar enzyme technology for the production of lipid-based nutraceuticals at industrial volumes in his
former venture (
Year of establishment: May 2007
No. of employees: 7
Technology & product(s)
General description:
The company has developed new techniques for the preparation of biocatalysts to be used for the
production of biodiesel at industrial volumes. The new biocatalysts are capable of catalyzing the reaction
between both edible or other inedible fatty acid sources and methanol to form biodiesel that meets the
international specs.
Function of the product(s):
The product will be used as an alternative for corrosive chemicals in new as well as in old biodiesel plants.
Objectives / Target companies
The company will design and construct the first commercial prototype by 2010 to demonstrate the
industrial feasibility of the technology for the first time worldwide. The company needs to raise US$ 3
Million for business development and industrialization of the technology worldwide.
Category: Renewable energy
Sub Category: Enzymatic production of
220 Back to Index
Company profile
Year of establishment: 2002
No. of employees: 15
Background on the company
Treatec21 industries LTD. is specializing in development, manufacturing and operating advanced water
and waste water integrated technological solutions.
Treatec21 is a science based corporation initiated at the Water Treatment Technology Laboratory of the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The Company is a privately owned corporation, founded in 2002 and a
subsidiary of SOLOR- HATEHOF group ( This group is one of the leading groups
of companies in the sectors of Energy, Water, Defense, Fire/rescue, Transportation and Petrochemical
Examples of past projects
Israel- Gan yavne- Municipal- quick sedimentation- Electro flocculation.
Israel- Ran Anna- Municipal- MSBS- Multistage biological system.
Israel- Intercosma- cosmetic- Electro flocculation.
Italy- Metal industries- AOP- Advanced UV system.
Romania- MSBS- Multistage biological system.
Spain- Municipal- MSBS- Multistage biological system
Technology & product(s)
Advanced Biological Treatment
MSBS- Multi Stage Biological System.The MSBS is an advanced and highly efficient method for treating
industrial and municipal wastewater.
No surplus of Organic Sludge.
Minimum Operating cost.
HEBS- hybrid electro bio system.
Electrochemical & Chemical Treatment
Treatec21 provides a range of chemical & proprietary electrochemical pre-treatments.
The Patented electrochemical EFector system enables high removal rate of impurities.
Advance UV Technologies & AOP (Advanced Oxidation Process)
Advanced UV Oxidation and Disinfection System.
The system is based on high intensity proprietary UV reactor with highly reflective structure that traps the
light and increases process effectiveness.
Physical and Membrane Separation Technologies
Reverse Osmosis (RO), Ultra-filtration (UF) and Nano-Filtration (NF)
Membran Bio Reactors (MBR).
Filtration and activated carbon filtration.
Objectives / Target companies
Potential clients and distributors.
Joint Venture, Investment Capital, Strategic Alliances, International Distribution.
Category: Waste Water Treatment, Drinking
water, Industrial Waste Treatment
Sub Category: UV and Advanced oxidation
221 Back to Index
Company profile
TriDiNetworks provides advanced tools for Building Managements Systems (BMS) which automates and
simplifies the Design, Setup and maintenance of wired and wireless control networks.
The companys focus is to provide automatic tools for the design of control systems which enable setup
at significantly lower costs relative to current solutions and can be performed by regular electricians or
technicians without dedicated training.
TriDiNetworks markets are BMS for Lighting control, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
control, Smart Grid, Energy metering, Smart Appliances with Wi-Fi, Security and Access control.
Year of establishment: 2007
No. of employees: 6
Background on the company
TriDiNetworks is managed by entrepreneurs with broad experience and expertise in the areas relevant to
the companys activities.
Examples of past projects
Installation of Wireless Lighting Control System - In Strauss corporation.
Provide technology and products to Global OEM companies.
Technology & product(s)
TriDiNetworks provides a technology which offers a complete solution for design, setup and maintenance
of BMS. Including:
Networks Designer software which is interfaced with the building architecture and allows a control

system designer to place and configure the field devices on the building map.
Commissioning Tool equipped with the Point & Click technology for smartphones and tablets that

allows to simply and intuitively setup sophisticated wired and wireless networks.
TriDiNetworks technology is protected by a strong patent application.
Company products portfolio include:
TriDiLight - Wireless lighting and HVAC control system for commercial buildings. It monitors and

controls environmental sensors. It incorporates scheduling, occupancy, daylight harvesting, Smart Grid
demand response and personal control from computer desktop for each occupant.
OEM products - Networks Designer Software for BMS, Commissioning Tool software for

smartphones and tablets equipped with dedicated Hardware Adapters.

Category: Energy Efficiency
Sub Category: Management and Monitoring,
Heating and Cooling systems, Energy efficient
Objectives / Target companies
TriDiNetworks looks for OEM agreements and for partners for the adaptation and distribution of its
products in diverse markets. The company promotes licensing by global providers.
222 Back to Index
Company profile
Wastewater design specialists, intensive wetland technology.
Year of establishment: 2005
No. of employees: 17
Background on the company
Triple-T, a subsidiary of Water Fund Investment Group Ltd. specializes in the design, construction and
operation of intensified wetland systems for the treatment of domestic, industrial and agricultural
wastewater. Our proprietary wetland technology, TAYA, treats heavy organic loads to the secondary or
tertiary level (i.e. polish), at exceedingly low operational costs.
TAYA wetlands have been successfully implemented in a number of agricultural and industrial
wastewater systems and have proven effective in treating wastewater with high loads of organic matter
and ammonia.
Examples of past projects
Lahav Kibbutz, Piggery Heavy Load WWTP - Full Scale (300 m

/d) Completed 2009
Chan Hashayarot, Domestic WWTP - Full Scale (40 m

/d) Completed 2009
Shomria, Domestic & Dairy WWTP - Full Scale (800 m

/d) Completed 2011
Ramon Air Force Base, Domestic WWTP - Full Scale (800 m

/d) Completed 2011
Menashe, Polish of secondary effluent - Full Scale (5,500 m

/d) Completion, Est. Late 2011
Technology & product(s)
General description:
TAYA is a hybrid technology, integrating aspects of process and biochemistry found in intensive
systems, while maintaining the low maintenance and operational costs associated with wetlands. TAYA
technology replaces heavy electro-mechanical wastewater treatment systems, by attainting the same
effluent quality at a significantly lower cost.
The TAYA model calculates pollutant loads, oxygen transfer quantities, retention times and sludge yield
(just like activated sludge). The design of the wetland incorporates the filling and draining of subsurface
flow basins. The fluids are pumped from one side to the other using a proprietary pumping arrangement,
maintaining the lowest energy consumption possible. This unique arrangement is highly efficient to
operate and eliminates the need for sludge handling.
Function of the product(s):
Our TAYA systems are designed to improve effluent quality to the highest standards required for irrigation
and stream releasing.
Category: Waste Water Treatment
Sub Category: Industrial waste treatment,
Consulting and Engineering Services, R&D
Objectives / Target companies
Contractors experienced in the wastewater industry, looking to collaborate on projects involving
agricultural, industrial or domestic wastewater treatment. Animal production design companies looking
for a partner in wastewater treatment.
223 Back to Index
Company profile
Tzinorot is the largest steel pipe manufacturer in Israel. The Company produces and markets steel
pipes used in water, sewage, fuel, gas and energy infrastructures, as well as structural pipes used in
Pipes ranging in diameter from 3 to 100 are produced and insulated at the Company plant in Tzrifin.
Hot dip galvanization of pipes and other products is carried out at the Companys Acre facility.
This year, Tzinorot took its first step into the international market, exporting over 100 km of pipes,
weighing thousands of tons, to the oil industry in the US.
During 2010, Tzinorot penetrated the cleantech industry by establishing I-Solar GreenTech, wholly
owned subsidiary which supplied pipeline components for the US solar energy industry for tens millions
of US Dollars.
Background on the company
Gaon Agro Industries Ltd., a subsidiary of B. Gaon Holdings, has controlling interest in Tzinorot, holding
51% of the Companys shares. Tzinorot has been traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange since 1993.
Tzinorots annual sales for 2009 are about 75 million US Dollars range, and expected to increase its
revenues due to the penetration to the US Energy and Oil markets. The company employs around 250
people at its two facilities. Tzinorots annual production capability is 80,000 tons.
Tzinorot hold 20% of the shares in Plasim, a company which manufactures and markets plastic pipes
made of polyethylene, PVC and polypropylene for water, sewage, electricity and communications
Examples of past projects
Tzinorot supplied the pipes for the 252 km. Eilat-Ashkelon fuel line.Tzinorot supplied to
Netivei Gas Company 30,000 meters of 18 diameter piping from grade X-52 steel to be used for gas
transport.Tzinorot manufactures 100 diameter pipes for Israels national water company, Mekorot, to
upgrade existing water pipes and the national water carrier.
During 2010, Tzinorot supplied pipes totaled of over 100 km and weighed thousands of tons to the oil
industry in the US, as well as pipeline components for the US solar energy industry for tens millions of
US Dollars.
Technology & product(s)
Steel pipes from 3 up 100, Most of the pipes are protected from corrosion by internal cement linings,
various additives and exterior coatings, primarily three-layer extruded polyethylene (Trio coating).Hot dip
galvanization of pipes and many other products.
Category: Steel pipes for: Drinking water,
Sewage, oil, gas, industrial liquids & energy
Sub Category: Steel pipes for construction
purposes, components for the solar
energy industry
Objectives / Target companies
Distributors & contractors
224 Back to Index
Category: Industrial water treatment, Drinking
water, Water resources management
Sub Category: Desalination plants
Objectives / Target companies
We hope to make contact with companies that UET can partner with and together to expand both
companies business.
Company profile
UETs representative in South Africa - WESU, Water Engineering Systems Unlimited.
Year of establishment: 1992
No. of employees: 30
Background on the company
UET was started in 1992 by David Sherzer. His experience in water treatment actually began in Dead Sea
Bromine when he was the Chief Process Engineer of the group. At this position he had the responsibility
for: utilities water systems, process water systems and special water qualities demands, together with
highly sophisticated chemical production.
UET offers solutions for a wide variety of applications including in the industrial, commercial, civilian and
agricultural sectors.
Examples of projects
DeBeers mines- south Africa ASSMANG CHROMO- south Africa TKS- Thyessen krupp Germany
Netafim- Israel S&C- USA Northern university- Illinois- USA Constab-Germany
Walter rau- Germany Machteshim-Agan-Israel IAI-Israel aircraft industry TNUVA dairy- Israel
Technology & product(s)
General description: UET have developed, installed and implemented successfully, more than 3,500
water treatment systems. UET products are based on a mathematical algorithm in the field of chemical
engineering for the production of a process unit composed of a green reactor and settler (Green
Machine). The calculated amount of scale, corrosion products and bio life are being produced in the UETs
reactor and settled in the UETs settler. The driving force for the reactor is partial electrolysis of the water.
The process unit is tailored to specifications, manufactured, and delivered to the customer, including the
highest level of engineering and technical support.
UETs technology is a complete techno-economic substitute for existing technologies, including chemical
additives, acids, flocculants, water improvement systems such as softeners, reverse osmosis (RO)
systems, etc.
Due to sustainable unique advantages, UET can provide genuine Total Water Management, which can
allow factories to work with zero discharge.
UET is providing those solutions to cooling towers, Reverse Osmosis pre-treatment, Hot water, Fe
removal, closed cold & hot water systems and process water systems.
Function of the product(s): Special experiences in water treatment:
Recycling RO reject as make up to cooling towers instead of drinking water.
Reducing the blow down from the cooling systems up to zero discharge
Pre treating RO systems without using softeners.
Reducing the costs of RO water by 25%.
Removing Fe and Mn without using aeration ponds.
Improving desalination processes.
225 Back to Index
Company profile
Uheat liquid heater Ltd (also called Chen) has developed an electromagnetic inductive heater that heats
water and other liquids. Our mission is to provide a reliable supply of hot water with the low energy cost
and zero emission.
While most other commercial size devices use open flame, Uheat patent protected technology employs
electromagnetic induction. A comprehensive solution, based on Uheat inductive heater, can save up to
70% of the water heating energy costs.
The R.O.I. (return on investment) for the customer, replacing existing system with the Uheat system is
18-24 months.
Year of establishment: 1/6/2006
Number of employees: 10
Background on the company
privately owned. Member of the Solidgroup.
Examples of projects
Uheat has a wide range of successful applications:
Retirement communities, hotels
Domestic applications from a single private house to a whole stories building
Swimming pools, Saunas, Gyms
Pasteurization centers (milk, wine, juices)
Industrial oil heating, steam application
Hospitals, Restaurants, Agriculture, Laboratories
Technology & product(s)
Uheat technology is simple: electromagnetic induction field heats a metal pipe. Liquid flows through the
pipe and absorbs the heat.
Uheat has 3 main products: 15KW, 20KW and 30KW inductive heaters.
Objectives / Target companies:
We seek to establish long term relationship with HVAC distributors and large installers which specialize in
water heating.
We also look for manufacturers that might be looking to expend their line of products.
Category: Energy saving
Sub Category: Water heating energy saving
226 Back to Index
Company profile
Umetrics develops software for design of experiments and multivariate data analysis, for the individual user
as well as for on-line continuous and batch processes. We are committed to supporting our clients in their
mission to take control over their data flow, by conveying our advanced expertise in multivariate technology.
Year of establishment: 1987
No. of employees: 60
Background on the company
In pharmaceutical manufacturing, unit operations are typically carried out in batches. The trajectory
of these batches from initiation to completion can be summarized into a multivariate signature, or
fingerprint, using SIMCA-P+. Comparison with this historical fingerprint provides quality assurance of
new batches and indicates the state of the process. These batch models may be executed in real-time
using our SIMCA-Batch On-line (SBOL) software, with diagnostic tools for identifying the root-cause of
problems as they occur.
In other markets, like water, solar and power units Umetrics technology is used to convert data to
information by summarized into a multivariate signature, or fingerprint, using SIMCA-P+. Comparison
with this historical fingerprint provides quality assurance of products and indicates the state of the
process. These models may be executed in real-time using our SIMCA-4000 software, with diagnostic
tools for identifying the root-cause of problems as they occur.
Examples of past projects
For many years, SIMCA has been the standard tool for scientists, product developers, engineers and
others who have huge datasets to cope with. Major pharmaceutical companies are using Umetrics quality
system for software development and validation. Proper analysis of such complex data requires specialist
tools to handle the various sources of data in a coherent way. By definition, Umetrics methods also
contains a real-time component, and so the analysis tool must support process monitoring applications
for real-time quality monitoring and control. Umetrics has teamed up with a range of partners in areas
beyond our core technical strengths to provide a comprehensive PAT analysis and monitoring solution
that is sensitive to the specific needs of pharmaceutical, chemical, power, water, solar, food and
semiconductor manufacturing.
Technology & product(s)
General description: Multivariate data analysis.
Function of the product(s): Online, real time, process monitoring.
Category: Data Analysis and process monitor
and control
Sub Category: Analyzers and control systems,
Consulting and engineering services, Renewable
energy, Water security, Water resources
Objectives / Target companies
Help companies to understand their process and improve product quality; Water companies can improve
water security and water quality; Electric companies can save cost and monitor power grid units to
improve efficiency and service the units in the right time.
227 Back to Index
Company profile
UNIVERSAL is an Israeli exporter of foldable water containers. diverse a list of clients among them
Municipalities, Government water authority, Homeland Security and Military Units. UNIVERSAL. offers
solutions in the field of water supply for inhabitants in any case of water crises.
Year of establishment: 2002
No. of employees: 7
Background on the company
Universal Link Ltd.. export the FLEXUP which developed to solve problems of water distribution during
water crisis and emergency situations. All production processes done under one roof, start with in-house
printing, continuous with laminate process and finish with containers production. All raw materials
employee food grade standards.
Examples of past projects
Unisource Worldwide Inc:(ready razor) flex packing for detergents to be used on cruise ships.

Ampac Packaging, LLC: 3 litter pages for wine.

Patton Boggs Jennifer S.Zucker : 4 litters bags for military 0.5 litters bags for making hot water without

fire and electricity.

Technology & product(s)
In many emergency situations involving water crises, water trucks are used to transport water to the
premises, but its distribution to the public relies on usage of the public own containers. While partially
solving the distribution problem, this approach can generate other problems such as diseases caused by
use of contaminated or soiled containers or lead to uneven distribution.
FLEXUP is a collapsible, 4.0 or 5.0 Liters container having near-zero volume when empty. This allows
efficient storing and forwarding in massive quantities.
FLEXUP is efficient and environment friendly. After use, it can be washed with mild soapy water, dried
and be reused countless times. it is made of resilient and flexible food-grade laminates that will not
leach into the water.
FLEXUP can hold water up to 100C and resists freezing (-20c). In proper conditions, FLEXUPs can
be stored up to 5 years.
Category: Home Land Security
Sub Category: Water security
Objectives / Target companies
We are seeking business relations with Relief & Health Organizations, Governments, Municipalities &
State Water companies.
228 Back to Index
Category: Renewable energy, R&D, Wastewater
Sub Category: Microalgae-based Biofuel and N,
P cleaning from Wastewater using microalgae
Company profile
UniVerve Biofuel Initiative (UVBI) was established in order to develop a complete Algae-to-Biofuel
process, which is economic (targeting $70/bbl), stable in terms of quality and quantity and on a
commercial scale, for production of oil for Biofuel and other biomass fractions for high-value products.
The Initiative, established in January 1
2009 as part of UniVerve Ltd., which focuses on development,
marketing and implementation of renewable energy solutions. UVBI has 4 employees, three senior
advisors and several partners (Academic and Industrial) for specific R&D projects.
UVBI established its R&D facility in Southern Israel (July 2009), which includes a lab, a culture room and
an outdoor area for up-scaling to open ponds. Upon completion of its 1st milestone, UniVerve will spin-off
UVBI into a company to be called UniVerve Biofuel (UVB).
Upon completion of the R&D, UVB plans to license its strains to producers of oil from microalgae as well
as initiate and establish algal farms for oil production. UVB aims to receive royalties from oil sales as well
as to establish its own farm for oil production.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
UVBI implements a multidisciplinary approach to combine various technologies into a scalable algal farm
model, which will enable an economic, stable and commercial-scale production of oil for Biofuel. The
complete model will be consisted of proprietary algal biomass i.e. high oil yielding microalgae strains
(UVBIs core expertise and main emphasis), cultivation & growth system, harvesting, dewatering and
finally, oil and/or other biomass fractions extraction. While certain parts of the model will be generic
technologies, some will be strain-specific.
Function of the product(s):
Microalgae present the highest potential for Biofuel production (e.g. biodiesel, ethanol, hydrogen, JP8,
Jet-fuel) due to their immense growth rate, high-oil content and the fact that they do not compete on
land and/or sweet water use. Moreover, algae can also consume CO
from industrial sources for better
growth rate as well as nutrients such as N and P from waste-water, thus they have additional added
values that can be used as part of the oil production process.
Objectives / Target companies
UniVerve Biofuel Initiative is looking for potential partners for collaborative R&D projects or consortiums,
as well as investors that can financially support its R&D followed by its commercial activity.
229 Back to Index
Category: Solid waste treatment and recycling;
consulting and engineering services; Renewable
Sub Category: MSW and agricultural
waste treatment
Company profile
UniVerve Power Ltd. (UVP) develops, distributes and implements economic waste treatment solutions
utilizing waste-to-energy technologies.
The company was established in January 2009 as part of UniVerve Group, which focuses on development,
marketing and implementation of renewable energy solutions. UVP has 4 employees and freelancers,
project based.
UVP operates globally in the field of waste treatment. Its main current focus is Municipal Solid Waste
(MSW) treatment through a novel type of anaerobic digestion technology that enables UVP to offer
a uniquely economic solution for treatment of the organic fraction of the MSW. The technology was
developed and implemented in 25 operative plants by a German company, with which UVP has an
exclusive global agreement.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
A waste recycling facility generally composed of 3 main modules: (a) sorting and separation system,
whenever separation at source is not implemented or the MSW not pre-sorted; (b) Dry fermentation
anaerobic digestion module, the novel technology offering high biogas yield, minimal ecological footprint
and minimal total cost of ownership; (c) CHP unit, for biogas to electricity conversion.
Function of the product(s):
Through the novel process of dry fermentation anaerobic digestion, UVPs facility recycles waste into
energy and fertilizer, thus significantly reducing the amount of waste going to the landfill.
Objectives / Target companies
UniVerve Ltd., the mother company of UniVerve Power is looking to raise up to $ 3M, part of which
will be dedicated for the development of UVPs global activity UniVerve Power is looking for potential
business partners in local territories.
230 Back to Index
Company profile
Variable Wind Solutions Ltd. (VWS) offers variable-speed, gearless power generation solutions employing
proven, proprietary, power conditioning electronics combined with low-RPM AC synchronous generators.
The technology, applicable to wind and hydrokinetic turbines, enables less expensive, more efficient
power generation in low and variable-speed winds.
Year of establishment: 2005
No. of employees: 4
Background on the company
Variable Wind Solutions was established to evaluate a patented rotor system for small wind turbines.
While the rotor proved commercially unfeasible, the electronics developed to convert the fluctuating
rotor/generator RPMs into stable voltage output proved both efficient and cost-effective. In late 2008
this patent-pending technology became the core of the companys product line, with significant market
validation since completed and a number of JVs and demonstration projects in various stages of maturity.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
VWS core technology is a proprietary electronic voltage regulation solution that delivers stable voltage
output regardless of generator RPMs, turning AC synchronous generators into low RPM variable-speed
machines. Currently, solutions are available for 3kW, 5kW, and 10kW.
Function of the product(s):
The companys products convert variable-speed power inputs (wind, waves, etc.) into grid-quality
electricity, eliminating the gearbox while enabling inverters to operate at peak efficiency regardless of
generator RPMs. Furthermore, VRS-equipped turbines encounter lower start-up inertia and so enjoy
lower start-up speeds and superior low-speed performance. With this technology, small and medium
size wind turbines can now operate more cost-effectively in the relatively low and variable-speed winds
typically available in the locations where such turbines are installed.
Category: Renewable Energy
Sub Category: Wind; Hydrokinetic
Objectives / Target companies
Variable Wind Solutions is looking for strategic partners to assist with technical development, and/or
demonstration, and/or manufacturing, in the following fields:
Power conditioning (development & manufacturing)

Motor, generator, and car alternator manufacturers (dev & manuf.)

Community-scale wind farm developers (demonstration)

Small and medium scale turbine developers

231 Back to Index

Company profile
VINTEC Knowledge Ltd is a private company specializes in saving energy in the area of industrial and
commercial lighting, particularly high usage facilities.
Vintec Team specializes in front end technologies for helping mangers to save Energy.
Vintec offers six different technologies.
Magnetic technology- OptiLux Controllers
T5 electronic ballast and T5 fixtures and adaptors
HID Electronic dimmable Ballast
PIR sensors for peoples presence
Photometric Technology- reflectors for discharge lamps
Solar technology- for street light & residential applications
VINTEC is committed to a market-oriented philosophy and looks to assist customers eliminate
unnecessary wastage, reduce energy consumption and save costs. No matter who is the supplier,
no matter what the kWh tariff, VINTEC aims to save up to 50% on the electricity bill by reducing
consumption of electricity in discharge lighting. These savings are gained by incorporating one or more
unique device, supplied and support by VINTEC.
Background to the Market
In recent years there has been increased emphasis by the private and public sectors to cut energy costs,
and the Government has called for greater attention to the environmental issues of carbon emission
levels. The economic and political conditions are thus favorable for a company devoted to promoting
energy saving. Moreover, throughout the world there is a greater awareness by consumers that energy
saving makes financial and ecological sense. Following the lead taken in Europe, this sphere will soon
become one of rapid growth and development throughout the world.
Installations list Per request: total number of installations about 1000 in Europe.
Year of establishment: 2001
No. of employees: 307 Total no of employee in the group
Technology & product(s)
Light energy saving by 6 different technologies.
What makes Vintec Different?
The question we always get: Whatmakes Vintec different in theLight Energy Saving Market?
The four main areas in which we stand out are as follows:
1. Vintec offers a suite of products including 6 specific technologies:
2. Vintec focuses on offering a Total Solution and not just equipment
3. Vintec works with the customers team to analyze and optimize the required solution together (sites
survey and by real time trials).
4. With the customers team we prove the performance before we start the project.
Objectives / Target companies
To locate business partners in Germany and Europe to market sell and service Vintec light energy
saving products.
Category: Electricity saving
Sub Category: Light energy controllers
232 Back to Index
Category: Air / Gasses / Particles pollution
treatment, Flue-gas cleaning
Sub Category: Industrial Water Cleaning, Waste
Water Treatment
Company profile
Vortex develops Pollution Control systems for the cleaning of industrial emission and industrial liquid
flow from fine particles and gas pollutants in a scalable and cost-effective manner. The company
operates globally directly and through partners, and successfully deployed its products with prestigious
Year of establishment: 1997
No. of employees: 5
Background on the company
Vortex Ecological Technologies develops superior systems for cleaning industrial flue gas and liquid
from particles or gas pollutants. Based on its Advanced Vortex Chamber (AVC) technology, Vortex
developed cost-effective solutions for air-particles gases cleaning and hydro-Vortex for cleaning industrial
fluids from solid particles.
Examples of past projects
End to End pollutant gasses and water cleaning for Lime plants.
Fine dust cleaning for metal treatment and painting plants.
De-dusting metal production halls
Cleaning dust and/toxic gasses in fertilizer plant
Potash production plant pollutant Gasses cleaning.
Reduction sludge production to 0 (zero) waste in concrete plants (ReadyMix).
Particles cleaning from cooling water in Metal plant.
Technology & product(s)
Vortexs core technology manipulates the forces created by a high velocity motion of either gas or liquid
inside a proprietary Vortex Chamber to separate fine particles from a gas or liquid flow. This results in
efficient separation performances and lower operational and maintenance costs.
Gas Cleaning
Wet-Vortex is a system used to clean both pollutant gasses and solid sub-micron particles.
Dry-Vortex is used to clean fine solid particles from gas/air.
Sox- Vortex effectively cleans Sox from industrial emission.
Liquid Cleaning
Hydro-Vortex is used for cleaning liquid from particles.
Vorsep- is used to concentrate sludge by separating the liquid out of the sludge.
Integrated Cleaning
Integrated-Vortex- An integrated system where the Wet-Vortex captures the emitted pollutants while
the Hydro-Vortex recycles the liquid for reuse, thus creating an efficient closed loop system
Objectives / Target companies
Industrial cooperation, Joint-Ventures, Marketing cooperation with environmental, process engineering
and implementation companies.
Business cooperation with enterprisers.
Areas of application and Customer target groups: Chemical, Paper, Fertilizer, Stone, Wood and Cement
industries. Clay, Boilers, Quarries and Lime industries. Diesel Generators. Industrial Liquid cleaning.
233 Back to Index
Objectives / Target companies
Real estate, building, hotel and sport chain, municipalities, government.
Company profile
Year of establishment: Dec. 2007
No. of employees: 1
Background on the company
Water Arc is a young initiative established by Mr. Ilan Katz after 10 years of engineering and academic
experience in the water sector, including 5 years as a research manager at thelaboratory for wastewater
treatment and reuse- Technion- Israel Institute of Technology.
Water Arc is active in the following areas:
Supply and operation of urban water recycling system.

Greenbuilding. Consultancy and planning services for water conservation & recycling.

initiation of water saving projects in commercial buildings- hotels, apartment houses and

commercial centers.
Research and consultancy in the fields of water reuse, desalination and membrane fouling for academic

and public organizations.

Private home water recycling.

Examples of past projects

Domestic effluent filtration and desalination pilot (Technion 2008)

Air force Base greywater recycling, constructed wetlands technology (2008)

Country club greywater recycling, membrane bioreactor technology (2009)

Private homes greywater recycling systems

Public bathing facility water recycling pilot (2009)

Hotels water saving survey (Dan, Sheraton, 2008)

Water saving showerheads for organized market (2009)

Technology & product(s)

General description: Greywater recycling is a sustainable solution that balances the domestic water
budget from its own water resources. The shower, bath, washing basin and washing-machine sewage are
called greywater, and may be treated on-site and reused safely for toilet flushing and gardening. Recycle
options for private homes and apartment buildings are available, and the economy of scale enables
economic saving in large recycling systems.
Function of the product(s): Domestic water demand reduction by > 30%.
Greywater recycling by constructed wetlands technology or membrane bioreactor technology.
Compliance with requirements of health authorities for water reclamation.
Water saving showerheads 40-60% water and energy reduction.
Category: Consulting and engineering services,
Waste water treatment, Desalination, Water
resources management
Sub Category: urban water saving
and recycling
234 Back to Index
Objectives / Target companies
Critical National Infrastructures, Utilities - Energy, Oil & Gas, Water and Wastewater, Refineries,
Pipelines, Chemical Facilities, etc
Company profile
Year of establishment: 2007
Examples of past projects
Waterfall Security Solutions Ltd. is the leading provider of Unidirectional Security Gateways and data
diodes for Control networks, SCADA systems, Remote Monitoring and Segregated Networks. Waterfalls
security solutions assist Utilities and Critical Infrastructures to easily and comfortably achieve compliance
with NERC-CIP, NRC, CFATS and other regulations as well as cyber-security best practices.
Waterfalls products have been deployed in many utilities, critical national infrastructures, mission critical
environments and homeland security agencies throughout North America, Europe and Israel. Waterfalls
offerings include support to leading industrial applications, such as: OSIsoft PI Historian, GE Proficy
iHistorian, Siemens SIMATIC and GE OSM remote monitoring platforms, and leading industrial
protocols, such as: OPC, Modbus, DNP3 and ICCP.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Unidirectional Security Gateways.
Function of the product(s):
Industrial Cyber Security. Segregation of critical assests, control networks, SCADA networks. Assistace in
achieving regulatory compliance for NERC CIP, CFATS, NRC, and other regulations.
Category: Critical Infrastructure Protection,
Industrial Cyber Security
235 Back to Index
Objectives / Target companies
To present and supply to our customers a high level of efficiency and cost effective Water Treatment Systems.
Company profile
WaterMatic is a comprehensive center for Water & Waste-Water Treatment projects. WaterMatics
Design - Manufacture - Construction (DMC) method of water treatment projects also includes a feasibility
study, consultation and maintenance. WaterMatics projects, constructed worldwide, attest to our
professional know-how. WaterMatics Headquarters is situated in Caesarea, Israel.
Year of establishment: 1995
No. of employees: 7
Background on the company
WaterMatics team consists of some of the most renowned experts and professionals from the Water and
Wastewater Treatment Industry in Israel.
Our experienced team includes economists, World Regulations experts, environmental experts, chemical
and bio-technological experts, civil engineers, designers and process engineers who have been involved
in Water Treatment since its inception.
Examples of past projects
Vishay Israel - 70,000 m3/year, 18.2M ultra pure process water;

Renewable Resources - 5Milion m3/year, Industrial ultra pure process water;

Haifa Chemicals - 1Milion m3/year, Industrial water, conductivity: 80 Siemens;

Ethiopia - 280,000 m3/year, irrigation water, conductivity: 150 Siemens

Technology & product(s)

WaterMatic manufactures and supplies Containerized Plug & Play Reverse Osmosis systems for brackish
and sea water.
Membrane Systems -Provide the best solutions with sustainable environmental considerations.

WaterMatic combine different membrane technologies such as Micro, Ultra and Nano filtration
membranes in its RO system.
Ion Exchange Systems - Ion Exchange technology systems provide the optimal solution for water

softening, nitrate exclusion, and heavy metal ion exclusion.

Filtration Systems - WaterMatic provides filtration systems for different applications for removal of

course particles or fine particles with Deep Media Filtration.

Electro-Deionization - WaterMatic produces and markets EDI systems, combining components from

the most advanced producers in this field.

Dosing and Bleeding Systems - WaterMatic Dosing and Bleeding systems are well known for their

state-of-the-art technology.
Disinfection Systems -WaterMatic manufactures and markets its disinfection systems for several

applications, operating with accurate control over the process by using WaterMatics Control Systems.
Category: Drinking water, Desalination,
Industrial Water
236 Back to Index
Objectives / Target companies
Water sheer is targeting the following prospects:
Governmental bodies (Municipal / provincial / Federal) responsible for Water management,
Emergencies and crises preparations and management, etc.
Humanitarian aid agencies and NGOs
Defense and Military forces
Potential partners / distributors with activities in the above segments
Company profile
Water Sheer is an innovative and leading provider of water purification and distribution systems and
solutions, mainly for water challenged regions and emergency / crisis situations.
Water Sheers innovative purification systems treat organic, biologic and chemical water contaminators.
The emergency products line provides advanced and comprehensive solutions for situations such as:
Natural and other disaster
Temporary lack of drinking water
Difficulties in moving / distributing water
Supplying water to deploying / moving forces
Humanitarian aid efforts
The company offers a full consulting and solution planning for countries, organizations and projects.
Our solutions and products are aiming towards the following main market segments:
Water emergencies and crisis
Humanitarian aid efforts
Community solutions in water challenged regions
Water supply for moving forces and teams
Tourism to water challenged regions
Background on the company
Water Sheer a private held company, established in 2007. The company is based at the Air Port City in
Lod, with R&D and manufacturing in Israel.
Examples of past projects
Established in 2007, the company achieved first sales in 2008 and has costumers in Israel and abroad.
Water Sheers products were a major component of the Israeli government humanitarian aid to Myanmar
(2008), Taiwan (2009), Haiti (2010).
Following its approval by the Israel national water authority as an official supplier in November 2009,
water Sheer has made its first sales of emergency solutions to the municipal market in Israel.
Technology & product(s)
Water Sheer provide a diversified line of solutions based on the following main sets of products:
1. Sulis Personal Purification Device
2. Sokol1 Multi-Liter Water Purification System
3. Sokol Alert Foldable Purification System for Single-event (crisis) Use
4. Portable Emergency Water Supply, Mobilization and Distribution Systems
5. Low pressure Water Purification system
Water Sheer can provide tailor made solutions based on the above lines, to Suit the specific needs and
situation on the ground.
Category: Drinking water, Water security, Water
resources management
Sub Category: Water solutions for Water
challenged areas & emergency situations
237 Back to Index
Objectives / Target companies
WateRevive seeks to cooperate with water companies, municipalities and local governments, consulting
firms and entrepreneurs.
Company profile
WateRevive is a start-up company, related to Ofra aqua plants Ltd. Unlike Ofra who specializes in
wastewater treatment and Natural swimming ponds, WateRevive focuses on drinking water treatment,
enhancement and polishing by Phytoremediation. The Company specializes in nitrate removal, biological
post treatment for desalinated water (including boron removal) and biological water enhancement for the
potable water industry. All solutions are tailor-made Subjected to consumer requirements. The scope of
operation: design, construction and maintenance.
Year of establishment: 2010
No. of employees: 4
Background on the company
The company is located in the Ofras headquarters in Zipori, where experiments and initial Beta Sites
are carried. Based on the knowledge and experience on the related company in Phytoremedeation,
WateRevive has developed state of the art technologies (patent pending) for biological treatment and
enhancement of drinking water, with no environmental adverse effect: no residual materials, no energy
input, no chemicals. The process is low cost, easy to maintain, has a positive footprint and produces high
quality drinking water.
WateRevive provides initial feasibility tests, engineering, and if so desired, construction and
Examples of past projects
The company has constructed a Beta- Site for Nitrate removal.
Ofra Aqua Plants projects:
Constructed wetlands for Dairy farms, gas stations, Villages and neighborhoods. Industrial projects:
cosmetic factory, landfill leachate.
Grey water projects
Many privet natural swimming ponds in Israel and world -wide.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
The Technology is Phytoremediation in general, and specifically, different designs of constructed
wetlands for different implementations.
Function of the product(s):
The system serves as a filter, pollution remover, and to enhance, vitalize and improve water quality.
Category: Drinking water, Consulting and
engineering services, Biological R/O- post
treatment. biological Nitrate removal, Biological
waste water treatment
238 Back to Index
Company profile
Provides virtually lossless and ultra-compact SmartDiodes energy harvesting and system balancing
devices optimized for commercial and industrial scale photovoltaic (PV) systems.
Year of establishment: 2009
No. of employees: 15
Background on the company
The companys mission is to become the photovoltaic industrys preferred energy harvesting solution
partner by consistently and measurably impacting the financial return of commercial and industrial scale
photovoltaic systems.
Technology & product(s)
General description: SmartDiodes is a transformational photovoltaic energy harvesting architecture
minimizing differential system losses resulting from factors such as manufacturing mismatch, partial
shading, partial soiling, differential ageing, and differential planarity.
Unlike prior generation energy harvesting solutions such as power optimizers and microinverters,
SmartDiodes are virtually lossless, feather light set a new industry benchmark in ultra-compact form
factors and improve land utilization.
Patent-pending and field proven SmartDiodes deliver a step function price-performance improvement
compared with prior generation energy harvesting solutions required for adoption in commercial and
industrial scale applications.
Function of the product(s): SmartDiodes optimize energy harvest on a per PV module basis.
SmartDiodes are provided in product configurations for PV module factory integration as well as post-
factory field installation. Use of SmartDiodes is transparent to and compatible with all mainstream
photovoltaic inverters.
Objectives / Target companies
The disruptive SmartDiodes energy harvesting technology puts the company in a unique position to
materially improve the financial returns of commercial and industrial scale PV systems.
Post factory installed SmartDiodes are targeted for PV project developers and installers. SmartDiodes
for PV module factory integration are targeted for PV module and junction box manufacturers.
Category: Photo Voltaic (PV)
Sub Category: Energy Harvesting and System
balancing of PV installations
239 Back to Index
Company profile
Year of establishment: Through associated company Wave Worldwide in 2003
No. of employees: 7
Background on the company
WAVE Products, an associate company of Wave Worldwide, specializes in international promotion,
marketing and sourcing of markets worldwide for export of exclusive Israel know-how and unique
products. The company also deals in importing of unique products from worldwide manufactures.
Examples of projects
Natural therapeutic products for Human and Animals
Alocado Product range for the natural treatment of Psoriasis.
VetGold Cream- the worlds first ever Dead Sea cosmetic skin care for animals.
CleaDerma Line- a comprehensive product range for the treatment of various skin aliments.
Decubitus Ulcer- natural treatment for bed pressure sores.
Skin Care & Spa Products- for private labeling.
Asphalt Pavement Rejuvinator
TL-2000 (HL-1), a unique, single-component black liquid micro-bitumen polymer compound, derived
from the asphalt family which seals and prevents the oxidation of asphalt surfaces and prevents the
breakdown of asphalt surfaces, the formation of microscopic cracks, water penetration, erosion and
Pothole Sealing TL Modification, Pothole Sealing with modified TL is an excellent inexpensive
solution for the pothole problem. Our material is cheap, easy-to-apply, strong and stable. It is a cold
mixture which can seal potholes of any size. The pothole is primed with a thin layer of TL-2000 and
filled with the mixture.
March 2009: TL-2000 was introduced and is being used successfully and profitably in: Israel, Russia
(2003), Kazakhstan (2003), China (1999), South Africa (1997), Hong Kong (1999), Poland (2004), Ukraine
(2004), Romania (2005), Mexico (2007), India (2006), Taiwan (2006), Chile (2006)
Technology & product(s)
Seleno-X provides a cost effective and environmental friendly solution for purification and recycling of
Seleno-X is 100% natural food grade and totally safe, ideally suited not only for industrial wastewater
cleaning, but also water recycling especially in food production applications.
Water Trap HD-6 (Patent Pending)
A totally (100%) natural product which has a high capacity to retain water that will save up to 90% of
water needs of all types of vegetation and at the same time fertilize with naturally enriched minerals and
vitamins encouraging healthy growth with the minimum use of water.
Category: Industrial waste treatment, R&D,
Solid waste treatment and Recycling
Sub Category: Hd-6: a natural composition for
water retention in soil and substrates
Objectives / Target companies
Reaching out for Representatives, Distributers or Strategic partners.
240 Back to Index
Category: Analyzers and control systems, Water
security, Water resources management
Company profile
International company that combines cutting edge Israeli technologies with established companies in
the fields of water control, water security and water treatment. Targeting the water utilities segment in
developed countries. Strong position in the Israeli market and strategic JV with Mekorot, the Israeli water
utility monopoly.
Year of establishment: 2006
No. of employees: 80
Background on the company
Vision: Securing a sustainable future for our worlds precious water resources. Mission: To help
municipalities and water authorities guarantee a constant supply of quality water by optimizing the
production, management, control and delivery of water through the synergistic application of state-of-the-
art water technologies.
Competitive Edge: We provide a comprehensive and synergistic environment for Israeli water technology
companies, servicing municipalities in developed countries with tailored water management, Control,
Monitoring and Security solutions.
Examples of projects
Whitewater Security: The Israeli project for water security

CheckLight: ToxScreen for SEPA- ministry of environmental protection of China.

Galcon: Tel aviv municipality Israel Milano Italy Jerusalem municipality Israel Kfar Saba

Municipality Israel. Galcon controllers are installed in municipalities, institutes and private homes
in more than 60 countries around the world
Technology & product(s)
Whitewater Portfolio:
Whitewater Security: helps governments, municipalities, water utilities and high risk facilities secure their

water against accidental and intentional contamination threats.
CheckLight: develops, manufactures and delivers innovative early warning solutions for the detection of

contamination in drinking water, through the use of sensitized luminescent bacteria.
Galcon: a world-leading manufacturer of user-friendly, easy to install and operate computerized irrigation

controllers for agriculture, municipalities, gardening and landscaping.
Objectives / Target companies
U.S municipalities and state owned water utilities top management managers.
241 Back to Index
Company profile
Year of establishment: 2007
No. of employees: 35
Background on the company
Water Security - Deals with any occurrence of abnormal interference in water quality or water supply
Whitewater Security is an industry leader in advanced water security solutions. We leverage over 70
years of experience in the water security arena. Our expertise encompasses the fields of water, security,
and hi-tech. Our holistic approach utilizes technological solutions to address an ever-growing range of
deliberate or accidental contamination, and the continuity of water supply. Our firm is continually working
in compliance with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), International Standards
Organization (ISO), and Israels National Water Courier (Mekorot) to ensure our products meet the highest
globally accepted standards.
The Whitewater approach combines state-of-the art technology, strategic know-how and individually
customized consequence management plans via local partners to deliver best in class service to each
end user. Our product line consists of advanced technological systems providing prevention, protection,
detection, response and recovery from any water security interference, small or large, that may occur.
WaterWall Situation Management System- is a sophisticated organizational command platform
providing real-time decision support and response mechanism through the utilization of advanced
business intelligence (B.I.) and predefined conditional procedure presented in a unified dashboard.
BlueBox Event Detection System (EDS) - integrates, controls and presents online monitoring of
all sensors. In parallel, it intelligently detects abnormal water quality events, offering an innovative
approach to time series analysis of multi-variable data.
Continuous Contamination Bio-Sensor (CCB) - Proven state-of-the-art technology based on the
use of natural non-pathogenic luminous bacteria as living sensors. CCB is an on-line continuous
contamination bio-monitor that detects chemical contamination events, and issues real time alerts to
drinking water utilities and related organizations.
Technology & product(s)
Comprehensive Solution: End-to-end turnkey modular water security solution.
Products & Technologies: WaterWall Water Situation Management System; BlueBox
Event Detection System; CBR On-Line Monitoring Systems; Mobile Alternative Water Supply
Technologies; Continuous Contamination Bio-Sensor
Consulting Services: Water Consequence Management Planning; Online- remote services, Vulnerability
assessments; Intelligence services.
Category: Water security
Sub Category: Water Consequence
Management Solutions, Analyzers and Control
Systems, Online Monitoring;
Control Center
Objectives / Target companies
Whitewater Security offers water Security solutions to governments, municipalities, water utilities and
high risk facilities around the world.
242 Back to Index
Category: Analyzers and control systems
Company profile
Year of establishment: 2008 (previously Hoffmann & Hoffmann since 1968)
No. of employees: 8
Examples of projects
Whitewater Well has more than 40 years of development, manufacturing and service experience. The
company specializes in the development and manufacturing of control and monitoring instrumentation
and has patented products that target the water market.
Hundreds of solutions are in service with major water utilities in the USA and Israel including: Mekorot,
The Israeli Water Company; Las Vegas Valley Water District, Nevada; City of Tucson, Arizona; City of
Scottsdale, Arizona; City of Phoenix, Arizona; City of Fresno, California; City of Santa Fe, New Mexico;
Sahuarita Water, Arizona; City of Las Cruces, New Mexico and Cucamonga Valley, California.Whitewater
Well is a subsidiary of the Whitewater Technology group, an internationally focused water technology
enterprise, selectively invests in companies with a clear expertise and growth path in the fields of water
management, security and treatment. Primarily dealing with cutting-edge Israeli water technologies, the
group serves the western world.
Technology & product(s)
Whitewater Well has two main product lines:
The Sandmaster: Unlike the common myth of a well producing sand only during well startup, the
concentration of sand and heavy particulate matter in pumped water changes over time and reaches high
values, for no special reason, even when the pump works continuously for days and weeks, as shown in
the following figure:
The Sandmaster is designed to solve this problem.
The Sandmaster is an automatic sand detector with monitoring and control capabilities that continuously
detects sand and other particulate levels in the water, reports back to SCADA room and helps to reduce
the sand pumped by initiating the following actions:
Automatic shutdown of a sand-producing well
Controlling pump speed
Activating the sand separator
The Sandmaster can reduce to zero the amount of pumped sand and save thousands of dollars in energy
consumption annually.
The Sandmaster has a portable version, considered as an automatic sand measurement unit for any
water utility, engineering and consulting company, driller and maintenance personal.
The Dripmaster: An automatic oil lubrication controller, designed to reduce maintenance costs (labor and
oil consumption) and to increase the lifespan of vertical turbine pumps. Under most circumstances, the
Dripmaster prolongs the shaft bearing life by about 30 to 40 percent.
In addition, the Dripmaster reduces man hours spent visiting the pump installation in order to regulate
the drip rate with the manual needle valve and it reports lack of oil, via SCADA, and turn off the pump
in order to protect the shaft bearings. The Dripmaster saves 30%-50% of the well oil consumption which
amounts to thousands of dollars annually. A bi-product of this saving is, of course, reduction of well
Objectives / Target companies
Water utilities, municipalities, drillers, pump manufacturers, well maintenance, water engineering
companies, sand separators manufacturers.
243 Back to Index
Category: Renewable energy
Sub Category: Wind turbines.
Company profile
Winflex is a wind turbine development and manufacturing company. Our product is based on proven,
patented technology, providing cost effective solution for utilization of wind energy at costs lower than of
fossil fuel energy sources.
The key of Winflex technology is the turbine rotor, made out of light flexible and inexpensive composite
material fabric. As a result the rotor is 20 times lighter than rotors designed by most advanced
technologies on the market, causing a chain effect on the whole structure.
Year of establishment: 1.1.2009
Number of employees: 15
Background on the company
Winflex is in a second stage of a ten year development led by Dr. Kliatzkin, companys CTO and the
inventor of the technology. Winflex is supported by Israeli Ministry of infrastructure and the Ministry of
Commerce and Industry. Previous development stage was interrupted by sudden death of the companies
owner. During that development period a prototypes of 10KW and a 200kW have been built and tested
connected to grid for two years. Winflex was established to industrialize the technology and produce wind
turbines first in a range of 100-500 kw and at second stage in Mega scale range.
Dr. Kliatzkin has over forty years of experience in leading R&D projects, structural & energetic
improvements of vehicles and avionic products. Eliezer, the CEO gained his managing experience at
Unibatt, a R&D company in a field of energy storage. Doron Spitz, companys management consultant
serves as CEO of Unibatt and has managing experience as director of vehicle production companies and
a research institute.
Examples of projects
The company has no previous projects. The Management team members have 15 years of collaboration.
Each of the members led industrial & R&D projects. Examples of projects led by team members:
Development of wind turbine and full CAD-CAM system.
Development of innovative rechargeable storage systems and development of manufacturing
Enchasing Dynamic and structural parameters of transport platforms.
Structural analysis of avionic and land transport platforms.
Consultancy on energetic issues for avionic projects, gas turbines, fuel cells.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
1. A 130 kw turbine model is in a beta site stage.
2. A megawatt scale model is in development.
Function of the product(s):
Production of electricity
Objectives / Target companies:
Winflex is aiming to become a leading producer of wind turbines in a range of 100-500Kw, and significant
player at the Mega scale market in 5 years. The first models are planned for the Israeli market new
regulations and subsidized rate of 1.29 ILS/kwh(0.3$). A combination of low installation cost and high
rates for produced energy sums to an ROI of 3 yrs. Estimated time to market is 18 month.
The company proceeds with developing the technology for mega scale turbines, starting at 1 Mw and
rising above 5 Mw.
The company is raising complementary funding of 550K$ from strategic partners for industrialization of
the medium range turbines and at second stage, 3.5M$ for the Mega scale project.
244 Back to Index
Company profile
Year of establishment: 1985
No. of employees: 190
Background on the company
YAMIT ELI is a leading international provider of water and wastewater treatment and filtration systems
and services with customers across the world.
The company has customer sites and installations in Asia, Central and South America, South and
Southern Africa, Europe and Australia.
YAMIT E.L.I international headquarters is located in Israel with YAMIT EU European headquarters in
Amsterdam, Netherlands, YAMIT China headquarters in Beijing and YAMIT Southeast Asia headquarters,
in Manila, Philippines. In addition, the company plant and manufacturing facilities are in Israel.
Examples of past projects
Nagua and Guayabito drinking water project, Dominican Republic
Termocandelaria electric power plant, demineralized water supply, Colombia
Numerous reuse and effluent treatment systems for Mekorot- Israel Water supply Co.
Manila emergency containerized water systems- Philippines
Simunye, Ezoalini drinking water systems- Swaziland
Numerous industrial water treatment projects- China
Chimuluacan treatment system- Mexico
Technology & product(s)
General description:
water and wastewater treatment and filtration systems and services.
Function of the product(s):
water sources development or improvement, desalinization, waste water treatment and re-use, filtration
of polluted, contaminated or dirty water for agriculture, industry, municipal uses.
Category: Filtration & Water Treatment
Objectives / Target companies
Distributors, agents, contacts in the municipal or national water systems procurement, turn-key projects.
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Objectives / Target companies
Yissum seeks licensing partners to take our technologies to the R&D stage and afterwards to the market.
We are also seeking to create new research collaborations with industrial partners.
Company profile
Yissum Research Development Company of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Ltd. is the Technology
Transfer Company of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Year of establishment: 1964
No. of employees: 29
Background on the company
Yissum Research Development Company of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Ltd. was founded in
1964 to protect and commercialize the Hebrew Universitys intellectual property. Ranked among the top
technology transfer companies in the world, Yissum has registered over 6,100 patents covering 1,750
inventions; has licensed out 480 technologies and has spun-off 68 companies. Yissums business partners
span the globe and include companies such as Syngenta, Vilmorin, Monsanto, Novartis, Johnson &
Johnson, Roche, Merck, Teva, Intel, IBM, Phillips, and many more.
Examples of past projects
Yissum Research Development Company of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Ltd. has successfully
licensed two of its promising water technologies to Israeli companies: TreaTec21 which is developing
advanced electro-flocculation water purification systems and En-Gibton, a scientific Start-up company
which develops innovative water treatment filtration-adsorption technology products.
In addition, we have technologies in our pipeline currently under negotiations with industrial partners.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Yissum Research Development Company of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Ltd. offers a wide
range of innovative technologies developed by well known researchers of the Hebrew University of
Jerusalem in the areas of Water Technologies and Renewable Energy among other fields.
Function of the product(s):
Selected list of available technologies:
Nitrate Removal from Water by Immobilized Bacteria
New Approach for the Removal of Metal Ions from Water
Novel Compounds for Disrupting Biofilms
A novel mean for the control of toxic Microcystis blooms in fresh water lakes
Plant-Based Low-Power Energy Sources
Category: R&D, Industrial waste treatment,
Waste water treatment, Renewable energy
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Category: Transfer of technologies, marketing
and consulting in drinking water, renewable
energies, R&D, water security, water resources
management, water treatment in central systems
Company profile
Y.M.C.M was established by Dr. Mariane Yarkoni specialized in technology transfer and a group of
engineers who give the technical support and evaluation activity. Our main activity involves locating
customers worldwide that would need technologies and know- how. On the other hand, we engage
companies or institutes that could provide that know- how. Mainly water treatment technologies, energy,
education, Patent and Trademark Services.
Year of establishment: 28/3/04
No. of employees: 5
Background on the company
As an entrepreneur for the past 20 years, Dr. Mariane Yarkoni founded Y.M.C.M, utilizing her background
and experience to lead and direct high-growth organizations toward new and higher revenue streams.
To do this, she helps them capitalize on developing people, market opportunities, and commercializing
technology. The firm works with high growth companies, technology centers, and universities world-wide
to better commercialize and extract value from their innovation to produce bottom line impact.
Examples of past projects
Solar energy systems in Africa for the American Aid.
Solar energy projects in Israel. Market development for new polymer insulation materials. Production
of special water tanks. Providing raw materials, building materials for infrastructure in Tel Aviv and
managing constructions of municipal projects.
Objectives / Target companies
Private and governmental water authorities as well as leading international industries.
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Company profile
ZenithSolar is a solar leading company in developing and a manufacturing of Concentrating PV (CPV)
systems for Combined Heat and Power (CHP) applications. The company is fully vertically integrated,
providing solutions to customers where heat and power is needed and this at utility level pricing.
Zenithsolar major product, Z 20 2G generates energy at efficiency levels above 70%.
The company targets to provide the solar market with systems producing energy at utility cost, without
government subsidies.
Zenithsolar collaborates with Ben Gurion University, Fraunhofer - ISE in Germany and Azur Space the
second largest high concentration solar cell manufacturer.
Year of establishment: 2006
No. of employees: 20
Examples of past projects
Kvutzat Yavne Solar Project (Israel) - the first installation demonstrating high efficiency generation of
combined heat and power, 250kWp combined output.
Technology & product(s)
Major product: Z20 2G consists of two concentrating modules, 22 m2 each, featuring a dish with multiple
mirror arrangement, high efficiency multi junction PV receiver, heat exchanger, tracking mechanism and
2-axis control system.
Performance: 4, 5 kWp electrical energy and 11kWp thermal energy in form of hot water.
The optics is embedded within plastics, resulting in low manufacturing cost. The product is built of
readily available materials.
Category: Renewable Energy
Sub Category: Concentrating Photovoltaic (CPV) /
solar Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
Objectives / Target companies
The company objective is to be a leader in the solar CHP, through a network of worldwide partner
Target customers: residential, commercial and industrial
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Category: Aquaculture
Sub Category: Fish larvae food
Company profile
Zo-opt develop innovative live fish food products. Our of-the-shelf products enable growing new fish
species in aquaculture. The food contains natural ingredients only and prevents water contamination and
waste by current technologies.
Year of establishment: 2006
No. of employees: 7
Background on the company
Zo-opt products are based on many years of hands-on experience of Dr. Arie Waldenberg with fish
larvae feeding.
Examples of projects
Commercial growing of Australian Rainbow Neon Fish with close to 100% survival rates and
faster growth.
Emergency supply of Rotifers for a large Israeli hatchery.
Technology & product(s)
General description:
Dry powder which contains live food for fish larvae. Nature-based technology utilizing the
Mezocosm approach.
Function of the product(s):
Feeding fish larvae in the first days after hatching.
Objectives / Target companies
Large international hatcheries. Leading international fish-food companies. Ornamental fish growers.
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