MTN Business Training Registration Form Oct 2013

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MTN Business Training Application Form

Thank you for accepting to participate in the MTN Business Training program. For your company to be eligible for consideration and fnal
evaluation, you are required to complete the form below.
This form focuses on collecting general company information and is to be completed by the MD/CEO. Kindly complete the form
and submit it as follows;
Completed hard copy of the form may be sent back to MTN Head Ofce at 22 Hannington Road, MTN services centres or the
nearest MTN dealer (if you are located upcountry).
You may also complete the application form online by logging onto
MTN reserves the right to use all information shared within this form.
MTN Uganda Limited
MTN Towers 22 Hannington Road
P.O.Box 24624 Kampala Uganda
Tel: +256 31 2212 330/013 Fax: +256 31 2212 291
A. Basic Information
Company Name
Address - Physical
Address - Postal
Type of business
Contact name
Legal Registration
(Tick as appropriate)
Registrar of Companies Local Council
VAT Number
Years in existence
TIN Number
Membership to Trade Organisations (if any)
Other URA
Parameter / Year 2010 2011 2012
Annual Turnover
Number of Employees
Number of Outlets
Permanent Permanent Permanent Casual Casual Casual
B. Size of the Company
Has your company been audited in the last three years? (If yes please give details below)
C. Audit Information
Yes No
Year Name of Audit Firm Contact (name, phone number, email)
Give details of other MTN products that you would be interested in (refer to Section D above)
E. Interest in other MTN products
Which of the topics below would you most likely be interested in? Rank them in order.
Give details Rank
F. Business Topics
Internal Control
Working Capital Management
Business Planning
Interpretation of bank statements
Basic knowledge of taxation
Note: 1-5 (1 being top and 5 being least)
For more information; visit:, email: [email protected] or [email protected],
call: 0312 340317 or 0784 341061
Tick any of the Products & Services that your company currently subscribe to
Detail of services highlighted above (where applicable)
Service Details
D. Products & Services
MTN TalkTime
MTN Corporate prepaid
MTN Corporate CallerTunez
MTN International Calling
MTN Roaming
0800 Toll Free Voice Premium Services
090 Voice Premium Services
090 SMS Premium Services
MTN Closed User-Groups (CUG)
MTN Fixed Lines
MTN Conference Bridge
Bulk SMS
Voice & Messaging Solutions
MTN Broadband
MTN Leased Lines
MTN Mobile Internet
BlackBerry from MTN
Public & Private APN
Hot Spots
Connectivity & APN Solutions
MTN Uni-Presence
MTN WebPhone
Domain Name Registration and Hosting
Web Hosting
Anti Spam and Anti Virus
MTN Managed firewall
Cloud services
Managed Hosted Services
MTN Mobile Money
Bill Payment
Bulk Payments
Integrated Payment Solutions
MTN ePresence
Standard Definition Video Conferencing
Multimedia Solutions
1. By registering, you exclusively acknowledge the General Terms and Conditions for Training by MTN Uganda Limited (MTN Uganda).
2. Registrations for MTN Ugandas training courses must be submitted in writing or via the web link as advised by MTN Uganda and shall not take efect unless confrmed by
MTN Uganda.
3. The training will be provided by MTN Uganda at no charge to your business.
4. By virtue of your signature on this form, your business is deemed to meet the following minimum requirements: -
i. Is a small to medium business enterprise.
ii. Uses one, or more of MTNs products and/or services.
iii. Has an annual turnover of between Uganda Shillings 150 million and 5 billion.
iv. Was incorporated before the year 2012 and/or has been in operation/business for than two (2) years but less than eleven (11) years. If at any time during the training, it is
discovered that your business does not meet any of the above requirements, MTN Uganda reserves the right to exclude you from the training.
5. Your rights and obligations in terms of this Agreement may not be ceded or delegated to any third party however, MTN Uganda may cede and delegate its rights and obligations to
any other party without notice to you.
6. MTN Uganda reserves the right to change the location, or time of any training course, to cancel any training and/or to substitute an instructor where necessary, for example if an
insufcient number of participants register for a training course. If a training course is cancelled, MTN Uganda shall endeavour to the best of its ability to propose a suitable new date.
MTN Uganda reserves the right to change the contents of any training course pursuant to updating, or further development of the said training course or for any other reason as
deemed ft by MTN Uganda.
7. All the training documents and contents provided by MTN Uganda shall be intended exclusively for personal use by you. MTN Uganda reserves all rights to them. No part of the
training documents and materials may be reproduced, in particular by using data processing systems, copied, disseminated, or used for internal, or external reproduction in any form,
without the prior written consent of MTN Uganda. This obligation shall also apply once the training course has been completed.
8. To ensure quality of the training the number of participants in each training course may have to be limited. MTN Uganda reserves the right to include/exclude participants.
9. Training shall be held in English. The language, contents, duration, location and the prior knowledge required for the training course shall be defned in the respective MTN Uganda
training course description. The contents of the training course may difer from this description, depending on the level of knowledge and the needs of the participants.
10. The training course shall generally be provided by MTN Uganda however, MTN Uganda shall be authorized to delegate performance of the ofered training course to a third party.
11. During the training you shall act reasonably and MTN Uganda reserves the right to remove you from the programme if in the fnal and binding opinion of the Trainer, whose opinion
shall be fnal and binding, you act unreasonably.
12. MTN Uganda shall have the right to advertise the training and make reference to your business, provided that only fundamental facts are divulged and no proprietary or confdential
information is divulged.
13. MTN Uganda may store your business details for purposes of advising you of training and/or courses in the future.
14. MTN Uganda shall not assume any liability for concrete, individual success of training and whether the individual participant puts the contents of training to good use.
15. If the training documents contain errors, MTN Uganda shall have the right to rectify them.
16. MTN Uganda does not give any guarantees, undertakings, or warranties concerning any information provided by MTN Uganda via the training programme and expressly disclaims
any liability for such provision. Information obtained from or via MTN Uganda should not be used as the basis for legal advice or other advice, but should be confrmed from
alternative sources.
17. Without limiting the scope of this disclaimer, you should be aware that:
(i) MTN Uganda cannot guarantee that the information provided during the training programme is comprehensive.
(ii) MTN Uganda does not and cannot determine how accurate, complete or up-to-date the training materials are and their inclusion in the MTN training programme does not
simplify anything concerning these matters.
(iii) The materials provided as part of the training are not ofcial sources of legislation or other information. The inclusion of any information does not imply that the information is in
any way ofcial or authorized.
(iv) All information provided is only intended to provide a starting point and guide in the respective training topics.
18. MTN Uganda is not liable for any causes beyond MTN Ugandas reasonable control
19. MTN Uganda shall not be liable for any loss arising from the reliance of any information passed on or taught as part of the training programme.
20. Any liability of MTN Uganda arising out of negligent breach of any fundamental contractual obligations shall be limited to typical and foreseeable damage. Any further liability for
claims, for whatever legal reason for damage to or loss of business or lost revenue, profts or sales, or for any special, incidental, punitive, indirect or consequential damages and
unavailing expenses shall be excluded.
21. All amendments, supplements and changes to these terms and conditions shall only be valid if made in writing.
22. These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of Uganda. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions or any
agreement governed by them shall be Kampala, Uganda.
MTN Business Training Terms and Conditions.
For more information call Customer Service on 0313 121 121 or email [email protected] or visit our website:
Visit our Service Centres at Crested Towers, Shoprite, Lugogo Mall, Kikuubo, Jinja Town, Mbarara Town and Kampala Road Service Centre.
MTN Uganda Limited
MTN Towers 22 Hannington Road
P.O.Box 24624 Kampala Uganda
Tel: +256 31 2212 330/013 Fax: +256 31 2212 291

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