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Guman Thong

Guman Thong is a Thai miniature amulet created resembling a lovely young child.
Most people today, keep them to bring in fortunes and protections from the enemi
es. Legendary Thai general Khun Paen created the first Guman Thong about 500 yea
rs ago in the Ayuthaya era. He was being taught on the exotic art and was raised
up by the high monk Acharn Kong.
According to legend, he performs a ritual using various exotic materials and the
carcass of his dead son and forms the first Guman Thong. He reared and treated
the Guman Thong as a son. In return, the Guman Thong is said to assist him in wi
nning many battles against the Burmese invasion.
A tradition Guman Thong is made from a dead baby from the womb of a dead woman.
In the past, high monk searched for such cases in the cemeteries where an unborn
child was dead with the mother.
The monks then dug out the body of the mother and cuts open the abdominal to ret
rieve the dead baby. He had to rush to the nearest Bosth (Sacred Chanting Hall)
with the dead baby to perform the ritual and baked the dead baby into a Guman Th
However, the task to deliver the dead baby for the ritual is not a simple matter
; a mere gravedigger without the expertise in Thai esoteric art could be killed
in the process. In Thai tradition, a mother who died with her baby in the womb m
ay become a ferocious ghost when provoked.
They call this aggressive ghost as the Phi Tai Tong Klom. The Phi Tai Tong klom will g
ive chase to, and kill the offender to retrieve her baby back. Even the master o
f occult had to be very careful in fending off from such ghost while delivering
the dead baby to a Bosth. A Bosth hall is said to be so sacred with the statues
of Buddha in place, that demons and ghosts of the highest-level are not about to
break in. Once the dead baby had being delivered into a Bosth, the master can p
roceed to perform the ritual.
Creating a Guman Thong in the present day is less thrilling, high monks created
the miniature child figurines from raw materials e.g. wood, bronze, plastics or
gold. The Guman Thong is then bought to live by special mantras. Some guru monks who c
reated sacred Guman Thongs are such as Luang Poo Boon of Wat Klang Bang Kaew, Lu
ang Poh Cham of Wat Takong and Luang Poh Tae KongThong of Wat SamNgam, etc. The
most well known and most popular pieces are of Luang Poh Tae KongThong.
Anybody who owns a Guman Thong should acknowledge some important practices;
Food offerings presented at least once a day to the Guman Thong is a must.
Toy offering must also be presented occasionally as Guman Thong is a young child
(spirit), and he behaves just like a normal human child.
Owner of Guman Thong should treat and love it as his/her son. For the 1st person
al pronoun you call yourself "father" or "mother"; for the 2nd personal pronoun
you call him "my son; and for the 3rd personal pronoun you just call his name Guman
It is recommended that Guman Thong should not be worship or own by a household w
ith children because Guman Thong may envy your children whom you pay all love to
Owning and worshipping Guman Thong needs deliberate practices but if you can do
it completely as recommended, he will be a good great fortune bringer.
The function of a Kuman Tong that The great masters have concluded in these ways
1. He can watch the house for his owners when they are away and warn them in cas
e of danger.
2. He is a spirit which could help to solve difficulties in the owners' business
3. He could help you get useful news and information in your business. In this p
oint the owners must have strong mind in order to develop a kind of telepathy wi
th Kuman Tong. He could also whisper to the mind of his owner to warn him in cas
e of danger. Sometimes Kuman Tong comes to talk to you in your dream and sometim
es through a medium.
4. He will protect you from danger, disaster, and evil spirit.
5. He could be a weapon used to destroy the enemy. Nowadays we can hardly find a
ny kind of Kuman Tong who has this power. But, sometimes Kuman Tong can help us
to stay away from danger and people who want to destroy us.
6. He could add you charm.
7. He can bring you good luck.
8. He can increase advantage in your business by inviting the customers to your
How to Use Kuman Tong
The owner of Kuman Tong can use his special power by using his mind; he does not
need to carry the statue of Kuman Tong that he is worshipping with him. What yo
u need to do is that if you are leaving the house and you need your Kuman Tong t
o go with you, you should tell him that: "Please follow me, I'm leaving the hous
e." If you want him to protect you in case of danger, just tell him.
And if you Kuman Tong is in the bottle filled with sandalwood oil, you can make
a pray and mark the oil on you body to make you appear more attractive to the op
posite sex.
If you want Kuman Tong to watch your property or to accompany you everywhere, yo
u have to tell him.
Some people say that they have worshiped and raised Kuman Tong up for many years
, but they have never seen their Kuman Tong in person. That makes them doubt in
the power of Kuman Tong. It is impossible that every owner of Kuman Tong can see
him in person because Kuman Tong is a spirit; he is a delicate wave of power an
d lives in another world.
Therefore, if you can see Kuman Tong it means that you and your Kuman Tong have
the same fate. Many people communicate with their Kuman Tong through their dream
. The owners have to pray for Kuman Tong everyday if they wish to communicate wi
th him.
The most effective way to communicate with Kuman Tong is meditation, but it requ
ires a lot of effort. People who practice meditation will modify the power of th
eir minds to have the same mode with Kuman Tong spirit and they can communicate
with Kuman Tong and other spirits. It is difficult to communicate with Kuman Ton
g directly. People who could do this must have powerful but delicate mind. Yet,
it is not hard to use Kuman Tong because he always wants to help us.
The most important thing is that the owners must worship and treat him well. If
they ignore their Kuman Tong, the spirit inside the statue will lose his power a
nd run away from them.
It is true that Kun Pan had a very powerful Kuman Tong but it is nor because the
black magic of the talisman only. The most significant thing was that Kun Pan t
reated Kuman Tong as his own son. He did not consider Kuman Tong as another tali
sman. Therefore we should take Kuman Tong as our child or our friend.
Kuman Tong Lucky Names
You need special tips in setting Kuman Tong their particular names such as Jook,
as well as when we first bring them to your house.
You can recite this incantation: "Namanungsamaso yuttato yuttata by the name of
sacred monks, I will call you 'Jook'.Namungsuntungwiklungkarung."
And then tell them that: "From now on I'll call you 'Jook'. Please remember this
and when I call you by this name, come to me."
You can call them with lucky names such as Prasittilap, or Prasittichoke. It sho
uld be beautiful names which are also easy to remember and to call too.
When you take Kuman Tong to live with you, please do not consider him as your pl
ay thing because he will gradually lose his power. If you have faith and keep wo
rshiping good things, even miracle is possible.
Special Tips in Worshiping Kuman Tong
You should offer him with sweet drink and boiled eggs because they will make Kum
an Tong more powerful. Their shelves must be lower than the shelf that you put t
he image of Buddha. If you want to take them with you, you should bring some foo
d in your bag and tell your Kuman Tong that this food would be their prize if th
ey help bringing you good luck and miracle.
If you do not have much time to worship Kuman Tong everyday, you can put some mo
ney on their shelves and tell them that they could use this money to buy food or
sweet. You should be careful not to use the money you have already given to Kum
an Tong but you can distribute this money to make them merit, and they will be f
ull without consuming anything. The most important thing is that the owners of K
uman Tong have to be virtue, they should meditate too to make their Kuman Tong m
ore powerful.
Special Tips in Worshiping Kuman Tong
You should offer him with sweet drink and boiled eggs because they will make Kum
an Tong more powerful. Their shelves must be lower than the shelf that you put t
he image of Buddha. If you want to take them with you, you should bring some foo
d in your bag and tell your Kuman Tong that this food would be their prize if th
ey help bringing you good luck and miracle.
If you do not have much time to worship Kuman Tong everyday, you can put some mo
ney on their shelves and tell them that they could use this money to buy food or
sweet. You should be careful not to use the money you have already given to Kum
an Tong but you can distribute this money to make them merit, and they will be f
ull without consuming anything. The most important thing is that the owners of K
uman Tong have to be virtue, they should meditate too to make their Kuman Tong m
ore powerful.
The Way to Worship Kuman Tong.....
We can worship Kuman Tong by offering him with rice, boiled egg, sweet drink, ca
ndy, and toys. Besides to make Kuman Tong more powerful, we should make a vow. F
or example, you should pray that if you win the lottery, you will offer Kuman To
ng gold necklace, or buy him toys, or feed him with sweet. This action will pers
uade Kuman Tong to exercise his power. Yet, if you do not have time to do all th
ese, you can only invite Kuman Tong that he could go everywhere you go or eat an
ything in the house without your permission.
If you worship Kuman Tong with food, you have to do these as your routine. You m
ay offer them food on every the Buddhist Days of Worship only and you have to te
ll your Kuman Tong that you will bring them food on this or that way. Because th
ey are sacred spirit and hold to the truth, you have to be punctual in offering
them your worship. You should offer them food in the mornings and take it away i
n the evenings.
Yet, other offering such as accessories like rings or necklaces, and toys can be
given to him permanently. You should be careful not to neglect offering Kuman T
ong your worship. If you are not convenient in doing so, you would better tell t
hem that: "You can go everywhere I go and eat everything I eat."
Because if you ignore your Kuman Tong, they will finally ignore your order and r
un away from you too. Moreover if the spirit inside the statue of Kuman Tong com
es from the grave, he will as well bring destructiveness to his owner, if you ig
nore him. He will become an evil spirit haunting his owner, driving you crazy, a
nd you will no longer be happy. Therefore you should think carefully before taki
ng Kuman Tong to live with you.
Three Methods of Creating and Three Kinds of Spirits There are three ways of cre
ating Kuman Tong.
1. Some masters create Kuman Tong by using soil from seven graves and combining
with "Prai Kuman Dust", which is soft dust of children's bone ash. Kuman Tong in
this category will be fierce and extremely powerful. He can inspire both good a
nd bad things. The spirits inhibiting inside this Kuman Tong usually come from t
he graves or it might be a child spirit in the bone ash. This kind of Kuman Tong
requires good attention and worship. The spirits inside the statue of Kuman Ton
g can also grow up like ordinary children.
2. Kuman Tong can be created by using ordinary soil or wood and inviting the goo
d spirit of angel to inhibit inside the statue. Kuman Tong in this kind does not
always show off his power as the first one because the angel spirits do not nee
d ordinary food to grow up. The masters usually recite an incantation over this
kind of Kuman Tong with other talismans such as a famous Kuman Tong from Laung P
or Pull, Wat Pai Lom Temple.
3. Kuman Tong can also be created by using wood from withered trees, especially,
from withered Ruk son and star gooseberry trees, because people thinks that the
withered wood is sacred in itself, so there is no need to recite any incantatio
n over. Using the withered wood, people believe that; will make Kuman Tong more
powerful and sacred. The masters put a spell on it to create a spirit inside the
statue. Therefore, the spirits inside this kind of Kuman Tong do not come from
the graves or heaven but they are created by the power of the masters' spell. Th
is kind of spirits can be called "Prai". They will not grow up and always appear
as children's spirits. The owners of this Kuman Tong may or may not worship him
with food because "Prai" in this Kuman Tong will not know how to hurt anyone. Y
et, if they ignore Kuman Tong completely, the power inside the statue will gradu
ally disappear. On the other hand, if the owners take good care of their talisma
ns, Kuman Tong's power will increase and he can more effectively bring the owner
s good luck.
These three kinds of spirits inside the statues of Kuman Tong come from differen
ce places, the first ones are the wandering spirit, the second ones are from hea
ven, and the last ones come from the power of the masters' spell. These three ki
nds of spirits make Kuman Tong in each school appear in different characteristic
s. Kuman Tong with the spirits of the graves have the strongest power, while the
second ones are sacred but do not always show off their power, and the third on
es sometimes appear to people's eyes but do not have very strong power.
1. Guman Thong with Khun Paen
Na-mo-tas-sa Pa-ka-wa-to Ar-ra-ha-to Sum-ma-sum-put-ta-sa (3 times)
Gu-ma-ro-mar-ma Ae-he-jit-tung Pi-yung-ma-ma
Aohm Farfeen Jarernsri Sreegu ngarm mearn khunpan
Khangu ngarm mearn Khanphra Narai
Guygu ngarm mearn Guyphra Phrom
Khongu ngarm mearn Khonnok Garnarm
Na Rumrai rukkrai hennar Mo Laruaychuayparmar
Putt Tarmaha Tha Rongtuk Ya Kwakmer Nagarohothi
Jongmarbunggerd pen Na Metta Seengai Khaidee Meegumrai
Seengai Khaikrong MeeNgern MeeTong Leergin LeerChai Sadhu.
2. Guman Thong (Offering)
Ma ma ba ri pu cha chan-du ja ma ha poo ta a-kun chai ya a-kun chami ae-himama m
3. Guman Thong (Removing Food) -
Uga sa Uga sa, Phra wan dtu may
4. Guman Thong (Wish)
Kud cha ma ha poo to Samanudsaso sataewago karohi pito wadjanaena sumpunnaena pr
5. Guman Thong (Charm)
Ma ta ya ta ni yung put tung a yu sa ae ka put ta ma nu ruk kae a wum pi sup pa
poo tae ma na sum pa wa yer pa ri ma nung
6. Guman Thong (Attract Opposite Sex)
Pi yo tae wa ma nud sa nung pi yo prom ma nu mut ta mo pi yo na ka su pun na nun
g pi nin si yung na ma mi hung
7. Khatha Khun Paen -
Ae Hi Ma Ma Na Mo Buddha Ya Na Ma Pa Ta
8. Heart of Khatha Khun Paen
Su Na Ma Lo (then wish once at a time)
9. Khun Paen Charming a Woman--
Na Ma Ja Ku Au Ja Ya Ma E Ti Ara Hang Pan Tang Ja Ku
10. Khatha Guman Thong ( Worship )
Gu Ma Ro Maa Ma Ma A Hi Jit Tang Pi Yang Ma MaI hope that these kathas will bene
fit KMT owners.
11. the simple kattha for KMT
Na MoTas Sa Pa Ka WaTo Ar Ra Ha To Sum Ma Sum Put Tas Sa 3 times
Jit Jae Ru Ni Pi Yung Ma Ma 3 times
12. Kata to call the Kumanthong ( Kata Riak Kumanthong )
Aehi Kumaaro Aehi Kumaaree Aehi Rak Yom Aehi Prai Tong Bpiyang Ma Ma
Bpudt-Dtang Wasaayadti Aaragkhaana Bpajjayo
Rao Rak Yom , kumanthong Jong Maa Aehi Ma Ma
Alternative Version;
Om Paniji Jaeruni Pantang Aehi Ma Ma
When you go places or enter and leave buildings you should speak to the Kumantho
ng in your heart to accompany you
When you eat you should speak in your heart that the Kuman should come to eat wi
th you. Make a separate offering do not give from your own plate.
The Kumanthong will call friends. customers and riches to you, lovers and admire
rs, and will chase away enemies and protect you and your household and family.
When bringing the Kumanthong into the home for the first time, you should tell t
he Kumanthong, kumaree that the people in the house are friends and that the Kum
an should accept and look after them too.
Kata for empowerment of Kumanthong
Aehi Kumaarang Udti Uni Na Ang Idti Putto
Kata for calling the Kumanthong to eat
Jadturapuudtaanang Ahang Waayang Ammahaara Kumaarang Kumanthong Maa Rap Pochanaa
Aakajchaahi Dtiwadtabpo Aakajchaaya Maa Look Maa
An ancient katha spell to activate the kumanthong
Patamung Kalalung Kumarung
Umpuchung Chalungpita
Umpuchung Chalungmata
Patisontita Pavuntumay
Punjukkunta Rupakunto
Vetanakunto Sunyakunto
Sungkarakunto Vinyanakunto
Tuttakatamo Topakor
Roopakortoe Ay Hi Racha
Kumaro (Your Kumans name)
Arkujchaya Arkujchahi Manimama
Upachati Namo Buddhaya
Buddha Ma Au Buddha Sungmi
Nachaliti Jijayluni Ma Au Namapata
Pagajasa A U Na Ma Ta Ga Rama
Nachaliti Om Namo Far Fa
Nangfa Perd-ok Tevada Kinok
Pai Ao Tong Kong Yai Ta Ta
Tan Ya Tai Poo Prai Yai Tao Ma
Yoo Kub Jao Fao Pen Kru
Om Puntutidsi Si Ey Si Far
Sao Hen Nar Hua Roh Rong Hai
Goo Yim Sai Gor Dai Mia Mar
Goo Yim Kwa Gor Dai Mia Sang
Ling Noi Nung Hang Tai Pen
Tong Kum Dumdum Doo Doo Doodi Punta
Gaha Gorkor Yoni Aoma Goo
Ja Cha Dunda Cha I Khao Cha I Kiew
Cha I Ey Cha I Pang Cha I Ninsummakun
Cha I Nuntago Rong Ho Ho Hew Or-air Or Ar
Jitti Goo Dernma Jitta Mungderntarm
Chana Lertarm Puchung Or Lue
Li I Ler Ur Li Ler Li Ler Goo Ja
rong Goo Ja Nung Mung Mafung
Nengnong Chali Chaluk Pluk Pluk
Luk Luk Goo Ja Pluk Hai Luk Laew
Ya Nung Mair Ya Sonsung Nung Laew
Ya Non Pra Mor Tao Son Hai Goo
Wa Prakata Jia Nia Sowaji Girimiti
Gurumutu Graramata
Ajukka Vuttti Perng Kumanthong
Pud Ma Tair Praya Num
Ajukka Vuttti Perng Kumanthong
Gerd Ma Tair Praya Fai
Ajukka Vuttti Perng Kumanthong
Ork Ma Tair Tong Toranin
Inti Prommin Yamin Gala Praya
Kuman Rach Tungsi Gor Mayoo
Tini Mani Mama Ud Laew Gerd
Pen Look Kaew Moonla Grung Garanung
Maiyahung Pakava Nacharahung
Cha Cha Cha Na Cha Li Ti
Once activated the owner can request small favours and help from the Kuman, but
should be done in the correct way, by reciting the following katha.
Na mo tas sa pa ka wa to r ra ha to sam maa sam phut tas sa 3 times
A hi kumara ,a hi kumaree , a hisa maa ka ma , a hi ma nee, maa na, R cut cheui
ya,r cut cheui hi,maa nit maa maa, pa ta, Na ma pa
Kattha for offering food to the kmt
Maa ma,pa ri phun chan tu,ja ma haa, phuta, r cut cha ya, r cut cha mi, a hi maa
ma, maa maa
Evening or before bed,.katha
1) na mo tas sa,pa ka wa to, r ra ha to, sam maa sum put thas sa 3 times
Phut thas sa bucha, tham mas sa bucha, sung cut cha bucha, pa thi pa thi bucha,
pa wan tu may, u ka sa, u ka sa
2) tapamana, nippanung, phut tha ya thung, ni rue jay ni
3) cut wut tha, pi tham ma tha, ja tu paa pang, ma ma ta toh, jay ta si kung , r
ue paa nung , ni maap pa ta, a sung wi ru, low pu sa pu pa, a so tha ya

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