NaCN Process Description

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Complete 32,000 ton/yr Sodium Cyanide (NaCN) Plant

with Super High Quality Liquor production

The Sodium Cyanide (NaCN) plant produces HCN Irom methane, ammonia and air. The HCN
is then reacted with caustic soda (50 NaOH) to produce a sodium cyanide liquor oI
approximately 30 - 32 NaCN. The liquor is puriIied and diluted to 30 Ior sale.

The plant is capable oI producing approximately 18,000 tonnes per annum oI HCN which is
converted directly to 32,600 tonnes per annum oI NaCN.

Process Chemistry

In the HCN converter stage a gaseous mixture oI ammonia, natural gas and air is passed over
the noble metal catalyst where the ammonia and natural gas react exothermically to Iorm HCN:

! HCN 3H

Approximately 60 65 oI the reagent gasses react as above. OI the remaining ammonia,
approximately 50 passes through unreacted and the other 50 breaks down to nitrogen and

Virtually all oI the natural gas not converted to HCN is partially or completely combusted in
air to produce CO
, H
O and CO. All unreacted gasses, along with the side reaction products,
are sent to the main plant stack Ior Ilaring.

The HCN is removed Irom the gas stream by passing through NaCN liquor containing excess
NaOH. Some CO
is absorbed at this stage producing sodium carbonate (Na

2NaOH ! Na

At this point in the process some oI the unlimed NaCN liquor is Ied to the No.2,3 and 4 Stock
Tanks, this is known as standard grade liquor.

The liming process is used to convert soluble Na
to insoluble calcium carbonate (CaCO
This is removed by Iiltration.

! CaCO

The Iiltered liquor is known a high quality liquor. A higher grade oI sodium cyanide known as
Super High Quality Liquor (SHQL) is also produced in the sodium cyanide plant by reacting
liquid HCN Irom HCN6 with 50 sodium hydroxide solution.

Process Flow Diagram

A simpliIied Ilow diagram oI the NaCN plant is shown in Iig 2.3.1.

Process Inputs

Natural Gas

Natural gas is supplied to the NaCN plant by pipeline Irom site distribution system.

Hvdrocvanic Acid (HCN)

HCN used Ior Super High Quality Liquor production is manuIactured in the HCN6 plant. It is
imported to the NaCN plant by pipeline to the evaporator section via the ACH3 plant.

Note: The manuIacture, import and central storage oI HCN is covered in the HCN6 document
which Iorms part oI this application.


Gaseous ammonia is imported by pipeline.

50 NaOH Solution

Caustic Soda is delivered by road tanker and is stored on the NaCN Plant.

Sodium Hvpochlorite Solution

Sodium hypochlorite is delivered by road tanker and stored to the South side oI the NaCN


The noble metal catalyst bed, Ior the conversion oI natural gas and ammonia to HCN, is
replaced approximately every 6 months.


Lime (calcium hydroxide) is imported by road tanker and stored on the NaCN plant.


There are several sources oI water used on the NaCN plant:

Demineralised water is used Ior the dilution oI NaCN liquor to the correct strength and to Ieed
the waster heat boiler.

Process Description

Overview (see fig. 2.3.1)

The plant produces HCN by the catalytic conversion oI ammonia and natural gas in an air
stream. The HCN, combined with liquid HCN receipts by pipeline, is reacted with 50 sodium
hydroxide solution to produce sodium cyanide liquor oI approximately 30 NaCN.

Conversion and Waste Heat Recoverv

In the converter, the mixed gases react exothermically to produce HCN (and hydrogen) on a
platinum-rhodium gauze catalyst that operates at a pressure oI 1.3 barg and a temperature oI
950 1050
C. Side reactions produce carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. The hot gases
exit the converter and are used to generate steam at a pressure oI 21.7 barg in a waste heat
boiler. Further cooling occurs with heat exchange with the boiler Ieed water in an economiser.
The process gas, containing about 8 by volume oI HCN and 2 oI unreacted ammonia is
passed to the HCN absorber at a temperature oI at least 100
C and a pressure oI about

HCN Absorption

The HCN produced in the converter is absorbed in the HCN absorber, using 50 NaOH, to
produce NaCN liquor. An excess oI NaOH in the liquor is necessary to prevent localised HCN
polymerisation. The absorption process also produces sodium carbonate (Na
) by the
reaction oI carbon dioxide by-product with NaOH. The Na
is removed in the liming and
Iiltration stage. The HCN absorber exit gases, now depleted in HCN, pass to the main plant
stack where they are burnt.

Liming and Filtration

The 30 w/w sodium cyanide liquor made in the HCN absorber contains between 0.6 and
1.15 w/w sodium carbonate. This is removed Irom the liquor by the addition oI 60-175 kg/h
calcium hydroxide (lime). The lime addition rate depends on the liquor rate and on the sodium
carbonate concentration. Calcium carbonate is precipitated and is removed Irom the liquor by
a rotary vacuum Iilter (Rovac). The sodium carbonate level is reduced to between 0.1 and
0.3 w/w. The Iilter cake is washed with water to remove the bulk oI the cyanide liquor beIore
being discharged to the toxic eIIluent treatment section Ior neutralisation.

The vacuum driving Iorce Ior the Rovac is applied to the metaIilter Ieed tank using the Nash
Vacuum pump that exhausts directly to atmosphere. The liquor is then pumped to one oI two
polishing Iilters (metaIilters) in order to reduce colour and remove any Iines that passed
through the Rovac. The sodium cyanide liquor, now substantially Iree oI carbonate, is pumped
to cyanide liquor storage via a cooler to minimise hydrolysis oI the cyanide to Iormate.


No.2 Evaporator, the smaller oI the two at about 60te capacity, is used to produce Super High
Quality liquor, a purer sodium cyanide liquor using liquid HCN imported Irom the ACH3
HCN storage. This is a batch process using a vessel previously used to produce solid sodium
cyanide. Due to the high oIItake oI the recirculation loop on the vessel, it must be Iirst Iilled
with demineralised water and a heel oI caustic to establish a working level. HCN and 50
caustic are then Ied to Iorm sodium cyanide liquor.

Steam is applied to the circulation loop to evaporate water purely to control the level in the

Vacuum is applied to the vessel, using steam ejectors, to minimise hydrolysis oI the cyanide to
Iormate and ammonia. The circulation loop must be maintained to ensure correct control over
the HCN/caustic reaction. Loss oI vacuum, caustic Ilow, high level low level or recirculation
Ilow trips the HCN Ieed.

The evaporator overheads (water and a low levels oI HCN) are condensed and Ied straight to
the eIIluent treatment system.

The product liquor is pumped directly to stock tanks in the liquor storage area.

NaCN Liquor Storage

There are 9 storage tanks in this area, each one set aside Ior storage oI a particular grade oI
liquor. The maximum liquor storage capacity is 1615 tonnes. Each storage tank is Iitted with
a level indicator and an independent high level alarm.

Tank No. Contents

2, 3 & 4 These tanks are used to store Standard grade liquor. (unlimed)

5 Used Ior the storage oI limed, low carbonate liquor Ior recycle to
the HCN Absorber

6 & 7 Used Ior super high quality grade liquor storage.

8 & 9 Storage oI high quality liquor. Like evaporator Ieed liquor. This
liquor has been passed through the liming section and contains
less impurities than standard liquor.

Shutdown Tank This tank is kept empty and is used to drop the contents oI either
evaporator iI a leak oI NaCN develops. The tank is sized to take
the Iull contents oI either evaporator.

From here all grades oI liquor are loaded to road tankers at the NaCN liquor tanker Iilling

NaCN Liquor Tanker Filling

NaCN liquor is exported as a product in road tankers. Which are Iilled by selecting a tank and
pumping liquor into the top oI the barrel. The total Ilow oI liquor is automatically controlled by
means oI a batchmeter. The area is continuously manned during tanker Iilling operations.

Effluent Treatment

The eIIluent treatment Iacility receives and treats the continuous purges reIerred to in previous
above, and any washings, leaks and spillages which may arise on the NaCN plant and liquor
storage and tanker loading area. Additionally, the Iacility also receives batches oI eIIluent
arising Irom other process areas, these are

! ACH3 and ACH4 cubicle secondary containment sumps
! Purge Irom the HCN still at HCN6, iI too high in HCN to be discharged to BB06

All eIIluent Irom the above areas remote Irom the sodium cyanide plant itselI is pumped
slowly to the eIIluent treatment system. II there is a problem with the eIIluent treatment
system, e.g. due to increased load Irom the sodium cyanide plant, the transIers are stopped

The alkaline cyanide eIIluent is treated with 10-15 sodium hypochlorite solution in Iour
stirred vessels in series. The sodium hypochlorite solution reacts with cyanide to Iorm the less
toxic cyanate. The treated eIIluent, containing less than 10 ppm oI cyanide, Ilows to drain
where, aIter mixing with other eIIluents, it is discharged via a consented outIall, BB03, to
Billingham Beck.

The hypochlorite storage consists oI 3 tanks, with a total storage capacity oI 250 tonnes, Iilled
Irom road tankers, Irom which sodium hypochlorite Ilows to the treatment vessels by gravity.
The Ilows are continuously measured, a high Ilow being indicative oI an abnormally high loss
oI cyanide.

II the treatment Iacility is in danger oI being overwhelmed by a sudden large increase in
cyanide load or iI the treatment process Iails to Iunction, then the operator may divert the
eIIluent leaving the Iourth (Iinal sump) into a large (300 m3) secondary containment pit whilst
the problem is being attended to. Later, the contents oI the pit can be pumped back into the
eIIluent treatment system Ior re-treatment. As there are eH analysers in each sump, iI there is a
spillage the operator will have many warnings beIore the eIIluent reaches BB03. The Iirst
sump will have high cyanide and then the second, third and Iinally the Iourth. When this
sequence starts to happen the operator will divert the eIIluent stream to the secondary
containment pit.

The secondary containment pit has suIIicient capacity to contain all oI the liquor released Irom
a catastrophic Iailure oI the largest vessel on the sodium cyanide plant.

Caustic Storage and Dilution.

The 50 w/w sodium hydroxide solution used in the absorber and evaporators on the sodium
cyanide plant is stored in a series oI tanks on the sodium cyanide plant.

The 50 w/w caustic is imported in road tankers and oIIloaded directly into 3 linked tanks
with a 225te capacity. From these tanks the 50 caustic is pumped into a 20te capacity
dilution tank located in the storage area where the caustic is diluted to give a 25 w/w solution
by the addition oI soItened water. This 25 caustic solution is used on the eIIluent treatment
sections oI the Monomer 7 and Monomer 8 complexes.

An operator Irom the sodium cyanide plant is always present during oII-loading operations.

Drainage Svstems

All eIIluent Irom the sodium cyanide plant, liquor storage and tanker loading area passes Iirst
through the eIIluent treatment system beIore being discharged via outIall BBO3. All
additional eIIluent streams which are pumped to the sodium cyanide plant eIIluent treatment
system will also discharge to BBO3

Any eIIluents arising Irom the caustic import depot will be discharged to BBO3 via the
eIIluent treatment system.

Process Outputs

NaCN Liquor

Liquor is exported as 30 NaCN in three Iorms, standard (unlimed), high quality and super
high quality which has a lower concentration oI contaminants.

NaCN Plant Control Philosophy

The NaCN plant is operated on a continuous basis and controlled and monitored Irom a
Distributed Control System (DCS). Minimum operator intervention is required under normal

Absorption oI HCN into caustic soda is the critical step which determines the eIIiciency oI
HCN recovery and avoids HCN being burnt. Consequently it is essential that the HCN
absorber liquor is always circulating and is always alkaline. The Ilow oI Iresh caustic soda
solution to the Centre oI the tower is ratioed to the converter load. pH control oI the circulating
liquor adjusts the Ilow oI trim caustic to the recirculation line. The recirculation Ilow is set at
200 m3/hr.

II either the absorber circulation pump or caustic Ieed pump Iails, an alarm is generated and the
operator shuts the plant down immediately. II there is any delay in this action, the liquor inside
the vessel will turn black within 3 minutes Irom HCN polymerisation and the gases Irom he
converter will be burnt in the stack. A runaway HCN reaction could not occur as the solubility
oI HCN in aqueous solutions containing ammonia is very low (1 W/W) and the water
would remove the heat oI reaction. ThereIore, the loss oI caustic supply to the HCN Absorber
is considered to be a product quality issue and not a saIety issue.


HCN Pipeline and Plant Cubicles

The HCN pipeline enables liquid HCN to be transIerred Irom HCN storage at the ACH3 plant,
directly into the evaporation section Ior use in SHQL production. There is no HCN storage on
the NaCN plant. All Ilanges, joints, valves, etc. in this pipeline are located in HCN cubicles.

On shutdown, the pipework local to the evaporators is washed out by an automatic washing
system sequence using hot water. The hot water Ilushes the HCN Ilow control system through
to the evaporators. II the shutdown is prolonged then the entire pipeline Irom ACH3 to the
evaporators is Ilushed through.

An HCN cubicle comprises oI an enclosure whose purpose is to conIine any conceivable
spillage or leak. Any volatile material spilled or otherwise released within a cubicle is
extracted by a Ian and discharged via a stack at height where its release into the atmosphere is
designed to avoid a signiIicant hazard to individuals, either inside or outside the site

The cubicle vent Ian is operated continuously and it is treated as local exhaust ventilation in
terms oI operational checks. The cubicle vent stacks are continuously monitored Ior the
presence oI HCN. The cubicles are provided with sumps to contain any liquid spillages.

Decontamination Area

The courtyard oI the NaCN plant is used Ior decontaminating all materials/equipment that
leaves the works. All washings drain to the eIIluent treatment section.

2.3.1 Control of Point Source emissions to Air

To ensure that the emissions to air remain insigniIicant, besides applying the BAT Ior
Management Techniques, the Iollowing are speciIic to the plant:

1. The major emissions to air are to the plant stack, which is lit continuously to burn any
ammonia or HCN that may slip through the conversion and absorption process. The plant
Ilare has been demonstrated to have a combustion eIIiciency oI 99.17. II the Ilare cannot
be lit within an hour the plant is shutdown.

2. Monitoring and control oI various temperatures in the main process equipment helps
minimise emissions, by ensuring the process operates eIIiciently. Key process eIIiciency
measurements are continually monitored.

3. Two cooling water condensers minimise discharges via the evaporator ejector vent.

4. The Ilanges and valves Ior the HCN pipeline are contained within ventilated cubicles
which discharge via vents at height, which reduces the ground level concentration oI
components. The cubicle vents are constantly monitored Ior HCN and have high
concentration alarms and trips.

2.3.2 Abatement of Point Source emissions to surface water and sewer

All liquid Ilows and the slurry Irom the Iiltration section oI the plant are channelled to the
cyanide eIIluent treatment section via a series oI drains and gulleys on each Iloor oI the plant.
Any cyanide present is destroyed by reaction with sodium hypochlorite to produce sodium
cyanate, in Iour stirred treatment pits in series.

The addition oI sodium hypochlorite to each sump is automatically controlled using an
analyser that measures the extent oI the cyanide destruction reaction by means oI eH
measurement oI the redox potential.

Emissions reaching the drain then Ilow to BB03 outIall. The Plant operation complies with its
permit to operate, and there are no emissions to public sewers. BB03 is the outIall route Ior the
cyanide eIIluent treatment plant as well as stormwater run-oII Irom site roads, the site
laboratories and the site restaurant. In addition scour water` is added to ensure that there is
suIIicient velocity in the drain to ensure that the suspended solids do not settle out, which
could ultimately lead to blockages. When the plant is not operational the scour water` is

II the treatment Iacility is in danger oI being overwhelmed by a sudden large increase in
cyanide load or iI the treatment process Iails to Iunction the operator can divert the eIIluent.
The Ilow leaving the Iourth (and Iinal) sump can be directed into a large (300 m
) secondary
containment pit, whilst the problem is rectiIied. The contents oI the pit can then be pumped
back into the eIIluent treatment system.


The eIIluent is diverted by means oI a large valve, remotely operated Irom the sodium cyanide
control room, which when closed blocks the drain. The eIIluent then overIlows via a weir into
the secondary containment pit. It takes three minutes Ior the diversion valve to move Irom Iully
open to the Iully closed position. II the diversion valve Iails to close, identiIied Irom the valve
position indicator in the control room, the operator is required to operate the valve manually.
The operation oI this valve is tested on a regular basis by the plant operating team.

The secondary containment pit has suIIicient capacity to contain all the liquor released Irom
the catastrophic Iailure oI the largest vessel on the sodium cyanide plant. Continuous
monitoring oI the outIall Ior consented analytes and alarm values at warning limits ensures that
the diversion valve is closed soon enough to prevent consents being breached.

Improvement programme

To ensure that the emissions to water remain insigniIicant, besides applying the BAT Ior
Management Techniques, the Iollowing are speciIic to the plant

All storage tanks are located within bunds. The tanks are equipped with high level
alarms and independent high level trips which stop the Ieed into the tanks.

HCN liquor is not stored on the NaCN Plant but is imported as required Irom the HCN

2.3.5 Odour Control

Ammonia, Nitrogen Dioxide and Chlorine are the components released Irom the process that
have the potential risk oI an odour emission. Ammonia and NO2 are released Irom the main
plant stack which beneIits Irom height and temperature to aid dispersion. Ammonia and
Chlorine are present in other intermittent process vents and in the storage tanks where they are
present in extremely low concentrations when compared with the odour threshold value. As the
compounds are part oI a mixture the actual emission concentration should be converted to
odour units. This would require the emission to be captured and tested by an odour panel
however as the odour risk is believed to be low this characterisation is believed to be
unnecessary. The measures taken to limit the releases are described in section 2.3.1.

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