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Thailand 2014 Crime and Safety Report

Travel Health and Safety; Natural Disasters; Transportation Security; Terrorism; Religious
Violence; Political Violence; Elections; Crime
East Asia & Pacific > Thailand > Bangkok; East Asia & Pacific > Thailand > Chiang Mai

Overall Crime and Safety Situation
Bangkok enjoys a relatively moderate crime rate when compared to its urban counterparts
around the world. Generally speaking, it is a safe place for those wishing to conduct business as
well as those taking part in tourist activities. Most criminal activity is limited to "non-
confrontational" street crimes such as pick-pocketing, purse snatching, jewelry and other
assorted tourism frauds, and credit card theft. The local police are generally effective in assisting
with minor crimes but a lack of funding, inadequate training, corruption, and frequent rotations
prevent them from operating with the effectiveness or professionalism one typically associates
with a modern mega-city.
Although there are currently no known active indigenous terrorist or rebel groups directly hostile
to the United States in Thailand, periodic violence directed at Thai government interestsand
more recently public venuesby an indigenous insurgency continues to plague the southernmost
areas of Thailand. For this reason, U.S. Citizens are currently urged to defer all non-emergency
travel to the provinces of Yala, Pattani, and Narathiwat. While there have been no successful
attacks to date linked to external terrorist organizations, U.S. citizens traveling to Thailand are
advised to exercise caution and to remain vigilant with regard to their own personal security.
While traveling in Thailand, you should exercise caution, especially in locations where
Westerners and expatriates congregate, such as clubs, discos, bars, restaurants, hotels, places of
worship, schools, outdoor recreation venues, tourist areas, beach resorts, and other places
frequented by foreigners. You should avoid large crowds and demonstrations. For more
information on terrorist threats against U.S. citizens worldwide and steps to take as a result of
these threats, please see the Worldwide Caution.
Crime Threats
Although the crime threat in Bangkok and other Thai cities remains lower than that in many U.S.
cities, crimes of opportunity such as pick-pocketing, purse-snatching, and burglary are not
unusual. You should be especially wary when walking in crowded markets, tourist sites, and bus
or train stations. Many U.S. citizens have had passports, wallets, and other valuables stolen in
Bangkok's Chatuchak Weekend Market, on Khao San Road, and in other crowded areas, usually
by pick-pockets and thieves who cut into purses or bags with a razor and remove items
surreptitiously. Across Thailand, U.S. citizens have been robbed of their valuables and other
possessions after soliciting the services of commercial sex workers. Thieves also victimize
travelers on long-distance bus routes. Police may refuse to issue reports for foreign victims of
theft, requiring them instead to travel several miles to a central Tourist Police station. You may
request a police report, but police may ask you to pay a small fee, approximately 50 baht in some
Travelers are advised to bring cash to exchange directly at the airport or other reputable money
exchanging services, in addition to using only trusted ATM machines in Bangkok. There have
been recent instances where international criminal organizations based in Malaysia, Ukraine, and
other locations throughout the world have installed sophisticated skimming devices to steal
card user information from ATM machines. The obtained information was then used to
withdraw money from victim accounts.
Violent crimes against foreigners are relatively rare. However, murders, rapes, and assaults do
occur. These crimes happen most often at night. Frequently, victims, both male and female,
have been drinking and are often alone or separated from travelling companions. These crimes
have occurred all over Thailand but are most common in Bangkok, Pattaya, Chiang Mai, and
tourist areas in southern Thailand, including Phuket, Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, and Krabi. If
you are traveling alone, you should exercise caution, stay near other travelers and ensure that
friends or family know how to contact you. Sexually motivated violent incidents, committed by
both Thai citizens and visitors, are most likely to occur at parties, discos or beaches, such as the
full moon party on Phangan Island. Some victims find that Thai authorities do not handle their
cases with as much sensitivity or consideration for privacy as they would expect in the United
States. You should maintain awareness of your surroundings and travel with trusted friends or
relatives to reduce your chances of falling victim to crimes of this nature.
While around town visiting the various bars and restaurants of Bangkok, it is important to not
leave drinks unattended. Ask a friend to watch it for you or take it with you to avoid falling
victim to someone spiking your drink. There have been reports of criminals using scopolamine
to spike drinks and rob their victims. Victims of scopolamine or other drugs should seek medical
attention immediately.
Minor and major incidents of crimes involving taxis or "tuk-tuks" (three-wheeled taxis) can
occur, especially in some tourist areas. Drivers may attempt to charge excessive fares at airports
and near major tourist attractions. Before entering a for-hire vehicle, you should either request
that the driver use the meter or reach an agreement on the fare for your trip. Taxis in Bangkok
and other major cities have meters, and their drivers usually use them. Taxis in some tourist
areas do not have meters; negotiate the fare before you get into these taxis. Taxi drivers often
refuse fares, especially during rush hour or to places they do not know well. You should be
aware that raising your voice and using aggressive body language could be seen as a threat to the
driver. Do not hesitate to ask to be let out of a taxi immediately if the driver is acting
suspiciously or driving erratically. Registered taxicab drivers have a yellow placard with their
name in English and their photograph on the passengers side dashboard of the vehicle. If this
photograph does not match the driver, you should be wary of entering the vehicle. Police will
seldom intervene in incidents involving taxi drivers.
In Phuket, drivers routinely charge fares that are much higher than those in Bangkok for
comparable distances. Threats of violence may accompany excessive charges. In 2012, a
German citizen was hospitalized after a severe beating by a group of tuk-tuk drivers following an
argument about the fare. The local government officials in Phuket have attempted with limited
success to introduce standard fares. Drivers have organized against attempts to provide
alternative services. For instance, they have blockaded van and bus services during some U.S.
Navy ship visits.
Drugs and Narcotics-terrorism
Thailand strictly enforces drug laws and penalties for the possession, use, or trafficking in illegal
drugs. Thailand's enforcement efforts include the death penalty for drug smuggling. Convicted
offenders can expect long prison sentences under harsh conditions, and often heavy fines as well.
Several U.S. citizens currently in Thai prisons were arrested for trafficking illicit drugs. Some
Americans have been duped into carrying a package with illegal drugs by the promise of a
vacation to Thailand. Lack of knowledge of the contents of a package is not a legal defense.
Thai police occasionally raid discos, bars, or nightclubs looking for underage patrons and drug
users. During the raids, they typically check the IDs of all customers in the establishment, and
then make each person provide a urine sample to be checked for narcotics. Foreigners are not
immune from these checks, and anyone whose urine tests positive for illicit drugs is arrested and
charged. Although some Thai civil libertarians have questioned the constitutionality of these
forced tests, the Embassy is unaware of any successful challenge to the practice, and customers
can be jailed if they do not cooperate. The Royal Thai Government continues to fight drug
smuggling along its border with Burma and Laos. Heavily armed drug smugglers have deadly
clashes with Thai Border and Narcotics Police in these areas. Persons wishing to travel to the
border areas should check with Thai Tourist Police, or visit for the most up
to date travel warnings for U.S. citizens traveling to the region.
There are numerous international and indigenous organized crime elements operating throughout
Thailand, but they are mainly concentrated within the major cities. Their activities include illicit
drugs, human trafficking, prostitution, document fraud, production of counterfeit goods, etc. The
Royal Thai Police and the Department of Special Investigations actively investigate these crimes,
but due to corruption, resource limitations, and bureaucratic inefficiency, apprehension rates are
extremely low. Prosecution rates are even lower.
Overall Road Safety Situation
Traffic moves on the left in Thailand, although motorcycles and motorized carts often drive
(illegally) against the traffic flow. Traffic in Bangkok is a major safety problem with a mixture
of motorcycles, cars, trucks, buses, and three-wheeled tuk-tuks. Accidents involving pedestrians
and vehicles are the greatest safety/security concern for visitors. Accidents involving
motorcycles can be deadly. Motorcycles tend to weave in and out of traffic and the skill and
proficiency of these drivers are poor. Motorcycle-related deaths in Bangkok are a daily
occurrence and the use of motorcycle taxis is not recommended. The U.S. Embassy has sent a
notice to Embassy staff and family members strongly recommending that they refrain from using
motorcycles (especially motorcycle taxis), mopeds, and tuk-tuks in Bangkok. Buses and taxis
are abundant and generally safe. Streets tend to be very congested, so passengers in taxis should
only exit on the sidewalk side to avoid opening a door into an oncoming car or motorcycle. In
addition, both the elevated Skytrain and underground subway (MRT) are clean, safe, and
recommended to save time and prevent challenges navigating Bangkok's notorious traffic
For safety, pedestrians are encouraged to utilize elevated walkways/pedestrian bridges whenever
possible, especially in metropolitan Bangkok. Pedestrians should look carefully in both
directions before crossing streets, even when using a marked crosswalk with a green "walk" light
U.S. citizen motorists should consider that it is customary during a traffic accident in Thailand
for the more affluent driver, even if not at fault, to be compelled to pay the expenses of the other
party. Thai police authorities determine fault in accidents and frequently, for major accidents,
those involved are brought to the local police station where senior officers will discuss the
accident with drivers, insurance representatives, the police officers, and others in an effort to
determine fault.
The accident rate in Thailand is particularly high during long holidays when alcohol use and
traffic are both heavier than normal. During the annual Songkran (Thai New Year) holiday in
April, the problem is further exacerbated by people throwing water at passing vehicles as part of
the traditional celebration.
Paved roads, many of them four lanes wide, connect Thailand's major cities. On the country's
numerous two-lane roads, however, slow-moving trucks limit speed and visibility. Speeding,
reckless passing, and failure to obey traffic laws is common in all regions of Thailand, as is the
consumption by commercial drivers of alcohol and amphetamines and other stimulants. Serious
bus crashes occur frequently, especially on overnight routes, sometimes resulting in fatalities.
Congested roads and a scarcity of ambulances can make it difficult for accident victims to
receive timely medical attention.
Political, Economic, Religious and Ethnic Violence
Historical Perspective
The far south of Thailand experiences frequent incidents of criminally and politically motivated
violence, including incidents attributed to armed local separatist and extremist groups. These
incidents frequently include drive-by shootings, ambushes, and small bomb attacks. These
groups seek increased autonomy in furtherance of a separate state related to the partitioning of
the Thai/Malaysia border in the early 1900s. There has been sporadic separatist violence over
the last one-hundred years relating to this struggle.
The latest round of violence, generally identified as beginning in January 2004, has been a series
of incidents in the far southern provinces. These include arson attacks directed at schools and
other buildings associated with the government; the placement of bombs in public areas and near
local government offices; killings of police, other officials, and civilians suspected of
cooperating with authorities; and the theft of weapons and explosives. Attacks in the area have
increasingly targeted commercial areas where foreigners might congregate. In 2005, two U.S.
citizens were injured when a bomb detonated in the Hat Yai Regional Airport. In 2006, a series
of bombs detonated in a commercial district of Hat Yai, killing one U.S. citizen and injuring
another. Travelers should be aware Thai authorities have, on occasion, instituted special security
measures in affected areas, such as curfews, military patrols, or random searches of train
Persons with known transnational terrorist associations transit through, and visit, Thailand with
relative ease through legal and illegal means. In 2003, senior Jemaah Islamiyya/al-Qaida
(JI/AQ) leader Hambali was captured just north of Bangkok. These travel routes include the
Burmese, Cambodian, and Malaysian borders. Soft target vulnerabilities exist throughout the
country - a situation that could easily be exploited by transnational terrorist elements.
In 2012, Royal Thai Police made a series of arrests and searches which uncovered a hidden
cache of more than four thousand kilograms of explosive materials. The U.S. Embassy issued an
Emergency Message to U.S. Citizens regarding the possibility of foreign terrorist attacks in areas
of Bangkok frequented by tourists. All American citizens were warned to keep a low profile and
exercise heightened situational awareness when moving around the city, particularly in heavy
tourist areas. The State Department has issued a series of public announcements
( cautioning travelers against traveling in locations where there are
continued threats of terrorist actions and anti-American violence. Also in 2012, a suspected
Iranian terror cell was discovered when an improvised explosive device (IED) that several
members were handling accidentally detonated in the house they were renting in the Ekamai
neighborhood of Central Bangkok. A similar device was thrown at a passing taxi and a police
officer. Royal Thai Police responded to the explosion and arrested two Iranian nationals within
hours of the explosion. Both Iranians were convicted in Thai court.
U.S. citizens should be aware of the higher risk of attack associated with congregating or visiting
facilities where U.S. citizens and other foreigners congregate, as such places may be attractive
targets to terrorist groups. This includes clubs, restaurants, residential areas, places of worship,
hotels, schools, business offices, outdoor recreational events, and resorts and beaches in some
southern regions of Thailand.
Civil Unrest
Anti-government protestswhich sporadically attracted a few hundred to several thousand
peaceful demonstratorsgained energy in November 2013 after the government passed a
blanket amnesty bill that would have benefitted the highly controversial self-exiled former Prime
Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra. Then-Democrat Party MP Suthep Thaugsuban and eight other
Democrat MPs resigned the political party to lead street protests against the bill, which quickly
morphed into an all-out attempt to remove the current government, particularly the current Prime
Minister (Thaksins sister). Since then, crowds of tens of thousands have gathered at nightly
rallies at sites across Bangkok. Peak demonstrations at Democracy Monument brought in
several hundred thousand participants. Since January 2014, demonstrations have blocked seven
intersections and one to two bridges. Demonstrations have largely been festive occasions, with
free food and musical performances, but a string of nightly shootings and two daytime grenade
attacks in late January raised concerns that the political conflict could turn increasingly violent.
The demonstrations are the latest iteration in Thailands ongoing political conflict between
Thaksins supporters (especially Northerners and Northeasterners, who benefitted from his
populist policies) and opponents (generally composed of Bangkoks upper and middle class, and
Democrat Party supporters in southern Thailand). Thaksin was ousted in a military coup in 2006
amidst large-scale demonstrations; in 2008, protests against a subsequent pro-Thaksin
government closed Bangkoks airport for two weeks; in 2010, pro-Thaksin demonstrations ended
in a bloody military crackdown allegedly ordered by then-Deputy Prime Minister Suthep.
Violence associated with the anti-government protest activity since November 2013 has resulted
in over 10 deaths and over 571 injured from incidents including drive by shootings, bombings,
grenade attacks, physical confrontations.
The Department of State advises all U.S. citizens residing in or traveling to Thailand to monitor
events closely, to avoid any large public gatherings including protest sites, and to exercise
discretion when traveling within the country. Political demonstrations are frequent in Thailand.
Many are scheduled on the anniversary of political events, and others happen with little warning.
Demonstrations can attract tens of thousands of participants and often cause severe traffic
disruptions, especially if they include processions from one site to another. If a demonstration is
expected to pass near the U.S. Embassy or Consulate facilities, Embassy and Consulate entrances
and functions may be restricted. Demonstrations are unpredictable and can turn violent without
Post-specific Concerns
Environmental Hazards
Thailand has several earthquake fault lines that run through it. In 2004, a major underwater
earthquake off the coast of northern Indonesia caused one of the deadliest tsunamis in recorded
history, resulting in over 200,000 deaths in the region. Thailand's popular Andaman Sea
coastline, including the tourist island of Phuket, was affected by a ten-meter tsunami wave which
devastated the western coast and caused several thousand deaths of citizens and tourists. Small
earthquakes continue throughout the region, all of which cause little to no damage.
Thailand can experience serious flooding during the rainy season (usually July through October)
both in major cities and in the rural countryside. In 2011, Thailand suffered disaster-scale
flooding as a result of heavy rains which plagued all of Southeast Asia. Many parts of the
historic province of Ayudhya just north of Bangkok, site of many ancient ruins and temples,
were submerged in three meters of water, along with surrounding central provinces. Much of
Bangkoks northern and western neighborhoods experienced at least a meter of flooding. Central
Bangkok, with its tourist and commercial-heavy districts, remained relatively dry due to a series
of canals and flood-control measures.
Industrial and Transportation Accidents
Ferries and speedboats used to transport tourists and local nationals to and from the many islands
off the Thai mainland are often overcrowded and carry insufficient safety equipment. In 2005,
three U.S. citizens died when their over-crowded speedboat capsized and sank off the coast of
Koh Samui. The Department of State encourages U.S. citizens to avoid travel on overcrowded
boats and to ensure that proper safety equipment is available before boarding any boat or ferry.
Air travel throughout Thailand remains a relatively safe option. The last significant accident
occurred on September 16, 2007 when One-Two-Go flight OG 269 crashed at Phuket
International Airport, killing 90 people, including five U.S. citizens.
Economic Espionage/ Intellectual Property Thefts
Thailand protects intellectual property rights via three main statutes. These statutes include the
Patent Act 2522 (1979), Copyright Act 2537 (1994), and Trademark Act 2534 (1991).
The Patent Act grants an inventor or designer exclusive domain over their work
product. Applicable patents must satisfy three conditions. First, the invention must be new. It
must not exist in another country. Next, the idea must involve an inventive step. This inventive
step cannot be an application obvious to one who works in the field. Finally, the invention or
design must have an industrial application. Excluded from patent protection are naturally
occurring organisms, scientific methods, and mathematical equations. Legal action can take
either criminal or civil form. Criminal proceedings may be prosecuted by law enforcement
agencies and begin with a raid and seizure of property. The tort clause of the Commercial and
Civil Code typically governs civil proceedings. In reality, few patent cases arise in Thailand.
The Copyright Act protects the creator of an original artistic or cultural work. The copyrighted
work must be an original work. The protection vests once the work is published. The creator
retains the copyright except in the following situations: 1. The creator is an employee hired to
create the work, in which case the employer retains the copyright via prior agreement 2. The
work is commissioned in which case the commissioner retains the copyright via prior agreement.
Copyright infringement is a significantly large issue in Thailand. Pirated music and movies are
sold on any street corner. Therefore, litigation and enforcement is common. Enforcement may
proceed criminally or civilly. In addition to monies recovered in civil suits, copyright holders
may be given 50 percent of fines levied in criminal enforcement.
The Trademark Act differs somewhat from the other Thai intellectual property statutes. To be
registrable, a trademark must be distinctive, must not be prohibited by the act, and not be
identical or confusingly similar to another registered trademark. This may include any picture,
textual image, or color combination. The following may not be trademarked: the national, royal,
or official flag of Thailand; royal names or monograms, or abbreviations thereof; representations
of the monarchy; international flags or emblems including those of the Red Cross; or any mark
contrary to the public moral. Aggrieved parties may pursue criminal and civil enforcement
action. However, unlike patent or copyright infringement, Thai law views trademark
infringement as a crime against the state. Therefore, proceeds from criminal fines remain with
the government. In recent years, Thailand has enacted several statutes intended to curb issues
regarding intellectual property. Despite these efforts, counterfeit goods remain in the Thai stream
of commerce. Fortunately, private enforcement options are available to aggrieved parties.
Privacy Concerns
Bangkok is a city of video surveillance and picture-taking citizens and tourists. Several sites,
including the international airport and the Siam Paragon mega-mall, are among the most
photographed public locations in the world. Most areas that are considered tourist zones are
under constant video surveillance managed by the Royal Thai Police. These cameras record
images to a central Police Center and are used by the RTP to investigate crimes. Many
restaurants, bar rooms, and night clubs have video surveillance packages, and will often present
this footage as evidence when pursuing criminal charges against clientele.
Regional Travel Concerns and Restricted Travel Area/Zones
The State Department's Country Specific Information Sheet for Thailand advises U.S. Citizens to
defer all non-emergency travel to Thailand's three southern-most provinces. Americans are also
encouraged to use caution and remain vigilant in areas with large public gatherings. Embassy
Bangkok requires all official travel to the southern regions of Thailand to be approved in
advance by the Regional Security Officer and Deputy Chief of Mission.
For a number of years, Thailand has also experienced limited violent incursions in the areas
bordering Burma and Cambodia. Heavily armed drug smugglers have also had deadly clashes
with police in border areas near Burma. Persons wishing to travel to the border areas should
check with Thai Tourist Police or visit for the most up to date travel
warnings for U.S. Citizens traveling to the region.
Kidnapping Threats
Armed kidnappings are rare in Thailand but the potential threat, albeit small, still exists.
Police Response
Response to calls for service is better in larger cities than in smaller towns and provinces. Police
effectiveness and their ability to conduct follow-up criminal investigations are hampered by both
a lack of funding and limited training. Tourist Police are stationed in popular tourist areas and
are typically multi-lingual. They are generally very helpful in assisting tourists with minor
crimes, scams, or other problems. In 2013, Thailand created several Tourist Courts to deal with
petty crime and complaints involving foreigners.
How to Handle Incidents of Police Detention or Harassment
Remain calm and ask for an English-speaking officer. Tourist Police generally speak English
with many metropolitan police having some English-speaking ability. Police officers outside the
major tourist destinations frequently do not speak English. Since Thailand is not a signatory to
the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, the U.S. Embassy does not learn of the arrest of
U.S. citizens for minor drug offenses, particularly in southern Thailand, until several days after
the incident. Please ask to contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate General for assistance if
detained or arrested by police.
The Embassy/Consulate staff can, for example, assist you to find appropriate medical care, to
contact family members or friends, and explain how funds could be transferred into Thailand.
Although the investigation and prosecution of the crime is solely the responsibility of local
authorities, consular officers can help arrested American citizens understand the local criminal
justice process and to find an attorney if needed.
Where to Turn for Assistance if You Become a Victim of a Crime
Police Emergency (metro): 191
Police Routine (metro): 02-280-5060
Tourist Police: 1155
Fire Emergency: 199
U.S. Embassy: 02-205-4000
Chiang Mai
Police Emergency (local): 191
Police Routine (local): 05-327-6040
Tourist Police: 1155
U.S. Consulate General: 05-325-2629
Police Emergency (local): 191
Police Routine (local): 07-621-2115
Tourist Police (local): 1155
Medical Emergencies
The general police emergency number throughout Thailand is 191. Contact the police in a
medical emergency and they will summon an ambulance to your location. Individual hospitals
have ambulance services. However, in Bangkok, these services should not be relied upon due to
severe traffic congestion. Taxis are commonly used to transport patients to hospitals.
Medical treatment is generally adequate throughout Thailand. In Bangkok, excellent facilities
exist for routine, long-term, and emergency health care. Smaller towns and outlying facilities
lack the facilities, expertise, and various medical personnel resident in major metropolitan areas.
Contact Information for Local Hospitals and Clinics
Bumrungrad Hospital: 02-667-1000
BNH Hospital: 02-686-2700
Samitivej Hospital: 02-711-8000
Bangkok Hospital: 02-310-3102
Phuket-Bangkok Hospital: 07-625-4425
Air Ambulance Services
Helicopter Medevac service is available on a very limited basis. Bangkok Hospital (02-310-
3102) advertises that it can assist in Medevac situations throughout Thailand.
Tips on How to Avoid Becoming a Victim
Although street crime is the most prevalent, violent crimes involving Americans and foreigners
do occur. Personal security measures and common sense should be exercised at all times. At
night, travel with someone and avoid walking on poorly lit streets and alleys. The most common
crimes are purse snatching, pick-pocketing, and petty theft. Credit card fraud and identity theft
schemes are active in Thailand. Travelers should be careful to safeguard their valuables at all
times. Do not leave drinks unattended, and do not accept beverages offered by strangers or at
loosely organized parties.
Travelers to Thailand should carefully review the Safety and Security sections of the State
Department's Country Specific Information sheet for Thailand available at
for additional information.
U.S. Embassy Contact Information
Regional Security Officer: 02 205-4333
Embassy Operator: 02 205-4000
Medical Unit: 02 205-5508
American Citizen Services Duty Officer: 081 173 0144
Marine Post 1: 02 205-4108
NOTE: If calling from outside Thailand, add the country code for Thailand (66) and drop the
first zero in the number being called.
OSAC Country Council
The Thailand OSAC Country Council and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce are based in
Bangkok, Thailand. The AmCham meets on a monthly basis and can be contacted through the
Chamber of Commerce at 66-2-254-1041, or at on the internet.

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