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BASIL L. GILDERSLEEVE, Ph.D. (Göttingen), LL.D.,






Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, by

Harper & Brothers,

In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.



The text of this edition of Persius is in the main that of Jahnâ——s last recension (1868). The few
changes are discussed in the Notes and recorded in the Critical Appendix.

In the preparation of the Notes I have made large use of Jahnâ——s standard edition, without
neglecting the commentaries of Casaubon, König, and Heinrich, or the later editions by
Macleane, Pretor, and Conington, or such recent monographs on Persius as I have been able to
procure. Special obligations have received special acknowledgment.

The Satires of Persius

My personal contributions to the elucidation of Persius are too slight to warrant me in following
the prevalent fashion and cataloguing the merits of my work under the modest guise of aims and
endeavors. I shall be contenf, if I have succeeded in making Persius less distasteful to the general
student; more than content, if those who have devoted long and patient study to iv this difficult
author shall accord me the credit of an honest effort to make myself acquainted with the poet
himself as well as with his chief commentators.

In compliance with the wish of the distinguished scholar at whose instance I undertook this work,
Professor Charles Short, of Columbia College, New York, I have inserted references to my Latin
Grammar and to the Grammar of Allen and Greenough, here and there to Madvig.

B. L. Gildersleeve.

University of Virginia, February, 1875.


Introduction vii
A. Persii Flacci Saturarum Liber 39
Vita Persii 65
Notes 71
Critical Appendix 207
Index 211

Quando cerco norme di gusto, vado ad Orazio, il più amabile; quando ho bisogno di
bile contra le umane ribalderie, visito Giovenale, il più splendido; quando mi studio
d◗esser onesto, vivo con Persio, il più saggio, e con infinito piacere mescolato di
vergogna bevo li dettati della ragione su le labbra di questo verecondo e santissimo
giovanetto. Vincenzo Monti.

Σϗνίϗϗανϗο οἱ μὲν ὡϗ ϗοῦϗον, οἱ δ᾽ ὡϗ ἗κεá

ϗλὴν μόνοϗ ϗοῦ Ἴϗνοϗ◧ ἗κεῗνοϗ δὲ μέϗον
἗αϗϗὸν ἗ϗύλαϗϗεν. ΗΗΥΗΗΗΗΗΥ.

Persius das rechte Ideal eines hoffärtigen und mattherzigen der Poesie beflissenen
Jungen. Mommsen.


The Satires of Persius


An ancient Vita Persii, of uncertain authorship, of evident authenticity, gives all that it is needful
for us to know about our poet—much more than is vouchsafed to us for the rich individuality of
Lucilius, much more than we can divine for the unsubstantial character of Juvenal.

Aulus Persius Flaccus was born on the day before the nones of December, A.U.C. 787, A.D. 34, at
Volaterrae, in Etruria. That Luna in Liguria was his birthplace is a false inference of some scholars
from the words meum mare in a passage of the sixth satire, where he describes his favorite
resort on the Riviera.

The family of Persius belonged to the old Etruscan nobility, and more than one Persius appears in
inscriptions found at Volaterrae. Other circumstances make for his Etruscan origin: the Etruscan
form of his name, Aules, so written in most MSS. of his Life; the Etruscan name of his mother,
Sisennia; the familiar spitefulness of his mention of Arretium, the allusions to the Tuscan
haruspex, to the Tuscan pedigree; the sneering mention of the Umbrians—fat-witted folk, who
lived across the Tuscan border. Most of these, it is true, are minute points, and would be of little
weight in the case of an author of wider vision, but well-nigh conclusive in a writer like Persius,
who tried to make up for the narrowness of his personal experience by a microscopic attention to

Persius belonged to the same sphere of society as Maecenas. Like Maecenas an Etruscan, he
was, like Maecenas, viii an eques Romanus. The social class of which he was a member did
much for Roman literature; Etruriaâ——s contributions were far less valuable, and Mommsen is
right when he recognizes in both these men, so unlike in life and in principle—the one a callous
wordling, the other a callow philosopher—the stamp of their strange race, a race which is a
puzzle rather than a mystery. Indeed, the would-be mysterious is one of the most salient points
in the style of Persius as in the religion of the Etruscans, and Persiusâ——s elaborate involution of
the commonplace is parallel with the secret wisdom of his countrymen. The minute detail of the
Etruscan ritual has its counterpart in the minute detail of Persiusâ——s style, and the want of a due
sense of proportion and a certain coarseness of language in our author remind us of the defects
of Etruscan art and the harshness of the Etruscan tongue.

Persius was born, if not to great wealth, at least to an ample competence. His father died when
the poet was but six years old, and his education was conducted at Volaterrae under the
superintendence of his mother and her second husband, Fusius. For the proper appreciation of
the career of Persius, it is a fact of great significance that he seems to have been very much
under the influence of the women of his household. To this influence he owed the purity of his
habits; but feminine training is not without its disadvantages for the conduct of life. For social
refinement there is no better school; but the pet of the home circle is apt to make the grossest
blunders when he ventures into the larger world of no manners, and attempts to use the
language of outside sinners. And so, when Persius undertakes to rebuke the effeminacy of his
time, he outbids the worst passages of Horace and rivals the most lurid indecencies of Juvenal.

When Persius was twelve years old he went to Rome, ix as Horace and Ovid had done before him,
for the purpose of a wider and higher education, and was put to school with Verginius Flaccus,
the rhetorician, and Remmius Palaemon, the grammarian. Verginius Flaccus was exiled from
Rome by Nero, with Musonius Rufus, on account of the prominence which he had achieved as a
teacher, and Quintilian quotes him as an authority in his profession. Remmius Palaemon, the
other teacher of Persius, a man of high attainments and low principles, was one of the most
illustrious grammarians of a time when grammarians could be illustrious. A freedman, with a
freedmanâ——s character, he was arrogant and vain, grasping and prodigal—in short, a Sir Epicure
Mammon of a professor. But his prodigious memory, his ready flow of words, his power of
improvising poetry, attracted many pupils during his prolonged life, and after his death he was
cited with respect by other grammarians—a rare apotheosis among that captious tribe. The first

The Satires of Persius

satirical efforts of ingenuous youth are usually aimed at their preceptors, and the verses which
Persius quotes in the First Satire are quite as likely to be from the school of Palaemon as from the
poems of Nero.

But the true teacher of Persius, the man to whom he himself attributed whatever progress he
made in that â——divine philosophyâ—— which deals at once with the constitution of the universe
and the conduct of life—his â——spiritual director,â—— to use the language of Christian
ascetics—was Cornutus. Persius is one of those literary celebrities whose title to fame is not
beyond dispute; and while some maintain his right to high distinction on the ground of intrinsic
merit, others seek with perhaps too much avidity for the accidents to which he is supposed to
owe his renown. If it is necessary to excuse, as it were, his reputation, the relation of Persius to
Cornutus x might go far to explain the care which schoolmasters have taken of the memory of
the poet. No matter how crabbed the teacher may be, how austere the critic, the opening of the
Fifth Satire, with its warm tribute to the guide of his life and the friend of his heart, calls up the
image of the ideal pupil, and touches into kindred the brazen bowels of Didymus.

Lucius Annaeus Cornutus, of Leptis in Africa, was a philosopher, grammarian, and rhetorician. It
has been conjectured that he was a freedman of the literary family of the Annaei; and this is
rendered probable by the fact that Annaeus Lucanus, the nephew of Annaeus Seneca, was his
pupil. The year of his life and the year of his death are alike unknown. He was banished from
Rome by Nero because he had ventured to suggest that Neroâ——s projected epic on Roman
history would be too long if drawn out to four hundred books, and that the imperial poem would
find no readers. When one of Neroâ——s flatterers rejoined that Chrysippus was a still more
voluminous author, Cornutus had the bad taste to point out the practical importance of the
writings of Chrysippus in contrast with Neroâ——s unpractical project; and Nero, who had a
poetâ——s temper, if not a poetâ——s gifts, sent him to an island, there to revise his literary
judgment. Cornutus was not only a man of various learning in philosophy, rhetoric, and grammar,
but a tragic poet of some note, and perhaps a satirist. Whether the jumble that bears the name
of Cornutus or Phurnutus, De Natura Deorum, is in any measure traceable to our Cornutus, is
not pertinent to our subject. Of more importance to us than his varied attainments is his pure and
lofty character, which made him worthy of the ardent affection with which Persius clung to his
â——Socratic bosom.â—— It is recorded to his honor that Persius having bequeathed to him his
library xi and a considerable sum of money, he accepted the books only and relinquished the
money to the family of Persius. Nor did he cease his loving care for his friend after his ashes, but
revised his satires, and suppressed the less mature performances of the young poet.

The social circle in which Persius moved was not wide. The mark of the beast called Coterie,
which is upon the foreheads of the most plentifully belaurelled Roman poets, is on his brow also.
But it must be said that the men whom he associated with belonged to the chosen few of a
corrupt time, albeit they would have been of more service to their country if they had not
recognized themselves so conspicuously as the elect. The Stoic salon in which Persius lived and
moved and had his being reminds M. Martha of a Puritan household; it reminds us of the
sequestered Legitimist opposition to the France of yesterday. We are so apt to see parallels when
we are well acquainted with but one of the lines—or with neither.

Let us pass in review some of the associates and acquaintances of Persius.

Among his early friends was Caesius Bassus, to whom the Sixth Satire is addressed: an older
contemporary, who had studied with the same master, next to Horace, by a long remove, among
the Roman lyrists. To his fellow-pupils belong Calpurnius, who is more than doubtfully identified
with the author of the Bucolics; and Lucan (Annaeus Lucanus), the poet of the Pharsalia, who
shared with him the instructions of Cornutus, and is said to have shown the most fervent
admiration of the genius of his school-fellow. We are told that when the First Satire was recited,
Lucan exclaimed that these were true poems. Whether he accompanied this encomium with a
disparagement of his own performances, or simply had reference to the modest disclaimer of
Persiusâ——s Prologue, as Jahn is xii inclined to think, does not appear. The anecdote is in perfect

The Satires of Persius

keeping with the perfervid Spanish temper of Lucan and Lucanâ——s family. But this momentary
burst of admiration is no indication of any genuine sympathy between the effusive and rhetorical
Cordovan and the shy, philosophical Etruscan. Nominally they belonged to the same school—the
Stoic; but Persius was ready to resist unto blood, Lucanâ——s Stoicism was a mere parade.

While this anecdote leaves us in suspense as to the relations between Lucan and Persius, we
have express evidence that there was no sympathy between Persius and Seneca. They met, we
are informed, but the poet took little pleasure in the society of the essayist. This is not the place
to attempt a characteristic of this famous writer, who, like Persius, leaves few readers indifferent.
Once the idol of the moralists—who of all old birds are the most easily caught with chaff—Seneca
has fallen into comparative disfavor within the last few decades; yet sometimes a vigorous
champion starts up to do battle for him, such as Farrar in England, and, with more moderation,
Constant Martha in France; and his cause is by no means hopeless if the advocate can keep his
hearers from reading Seneca for themselves. It is impossible not to admire Seneca in passages; it
seems very difficult to retain the admiration after reading him continuously. The glittering phrase
masks a poverty of thought; â——the belt with its broad gold covers a hidden wound.â—— To
Persius, the youthful Stoic, with his high purpose and his transcendental views of life, Seneca the
courtier, the time-server, the adroit flatterer, must have appeared little better than a hypocrite,
or, which is worse to an ardent mind, a practical negation of his own aspirations. The young
convert—and Persiusâ——s philosophy was Persiusâ——s religion—in the first glow of his enthusiasm,
must have been repelled by the callousness xiii of the older professor of the same faith. And yet
so strong was the impress of the age that Persius and Seneca are not so far asunder after all. To
understand Persius we must read Seneca; and the lightning stroke of Caligulaâ——s tempestuous
brain, harena sine calce, illuminates and shivers the one as well as the other.

If the family of the Annaei did not prove congenial, there were others to whom Persius might look
for sympathy and instruction. Such was M. Servilius Nonianus, a man of high position, of rare
eloquence, of unsullied fame. Such was Plotius Macrinus, to whom the Second Satire is
addressed, itself a eulogy. Even in his own family circle there were persons whose lofty
characters have made them celebrated in history. His kinswoman Arria, herself destined to
become famous for her devotion to her husband, was the wife of Thrasea Paetus, and the
daughter of that other Arria, whose supreme cry, non dolet, when she taught her husband how
to meet his doom, is one of the most familiar speeches of a period when speech was bought with
death. Thrasea, the husband of the younger Arria, was one of the foremost men of his time, and
bore himself with a moderation which contrasts strongly with the ostentatious virtue of some of
the Stoic chiefs. He rebuked the vices of his time unsparingly, but steadily observed the respect
due to the head of the state; and even when the decree was passed which congratulated Nero on
the murder of his mother, he contented himself with retiring from the senate-house. But
Thraseaâ——s silent disapproval of one crime fired Nero to another, and his refusal to deprecate
the wrath of the emperor was the cause of his ruin—if that could be called ruin which he
welcomed as he poured out his blood in libation to Jupiter the Liberator.

That the familiar intercourse with such a man should xiv have inspired a youth of the education
and the disposition of Persius with still higher resolves and still higher endeavors is not strange.
That it sufficed, as some say, to penetrate Persius with the sober wisdom of maturer years, and
made up to him for the lack of personal experience and artistic balance, is attributing more to
association than association can accomplish.

To Thraseaâ——s influence Jahn ascribes Persiusâ——s juvenile essays in the preparation of

praetextae, or tragedies with Roman themes, and it is not unlikely that a poetical description of
his travels (ὗδοιϗοϗικῶν) referred to some little trip that he took with Thrasea.
Thanks to Cornutus, this youthful production—which doubtless was nothing more than a weak
imitation of Horace, or haply of Lucilius—was suppressed after the death of the author, and with
it his praetexta, and a short poem in honor of the elder Arria also.

The Satires of Persius

The purity of Persiusâ——s morals, and the love which he bore his mother, his sister, his aunt,
stand to each other reciprocally as cause and effect; and the occasional crudity of his language
is, as we have already seen, the crudity of a bookish man, who thinks that the sure way to do a
thing is to overdo it. Persius was a man of handsome person, gentle bearing, attractive manners,
and added to the charm of his society the interest which always gathers about those whom the
gods love.

He died on his estate at the eighth milestone on the Appian Road, vitio stomachi, eight days
before the kalends of December, A.U.C. 815—A.D. 62—in the twenty-eighth year of his age.

Cornutus first revised the satires of his friend, and then gave them to Caesius Bassus to edit. The
only important change that Cornutus made was the substitution of quis non for Mida rex
(1,121), a subject which is discussed xv in the Commentary. Other traces of wavering expression
and duplex recensio are due to the imagination of commentators, who attribute to the young
poet a logical method and an exactness of development for which the style of Persius gives them
no warrant. Raro et tarde scripsit, the statement of the Life of Persius, explains much.

The poems of Persius were received with applause as soon as they appeared, and the old Vita
Persii would have us believe that people scrambled for the copies as if the pages were so many
Sabine women. Quintilian, in his famous inventory of Greek and Roman literature, says that
Persius earned a great deal of glory, and true glory, by a single book, and here and there the
great scholar does Persius homage by imitating him; and Martial holds up Persius with his one
book of price, as a contrast to the empty bulk of a half-forgotten epic. But it would not be worth
the while to repeat the list of the admirers of Persius in the ages of later Latinity. It suffices to say
that he was the special favorite of the Latin Fathers. Augustin quotes or imitates him often, and
Jerome is saturated with the phraseology of our poet. Commended to Christian teachers by the
elevation of his moral tone, by the pithiness of his maxims and reflections, and the energy of his
figures, he was set up on a high chair, a big school-boy, to teach other school-boys, and scarcely
a voice was raised in rebellion for centuries. But since the time of the Scaligers, who were not to
be kept back by any consideration for the feelings of the Fathers, there has been much unfriendly
criticism of Persius; and the world owes him a debt of gratitude for provoking an animosity that
has opened the way to a freer discussion of the literary merits of the authors of antiquity. To be
subject all oneâ——s life through fear of literary death to the bondage of antique dullness, as well
as to the thraldom xvi of contemporary stupidity, would have been a sad result of the revival of

The first and last charge brought against Persius is his obscurity. Admitted by all, it is variously
interpreted variously excused, variously attacked. Now it is accounted for by the political
necessities of the time. Now it is attributed to the perverse ingenuity of the poet, which was
fostered by the perverse tendencies of an age when, as Quintilian says, Pervasit iam multos
ista persuasio ut id iam demum eleganter dictum putent quod interpretandum sit. Some
simply resolve the lack of clearness into the lack of artistic power; others intimate that the fault
lies more in the reader than in the author, whose dramatic liveliness, which puzzles us, presented
no difficulties to the critics of his own century. But the controversy is not confined to the
obscurity of the satires, Persius is all debatable ground. Some admire the pithy sententiousness
of the poet; others sneer at his priggish affectation of superiority. Some point to the bookish
reminiscences, which bewray the mere student; others recall the example of Ben Jonson, of
Molière, to show that in literature, as in life, the greatest borrowers are often the richest men,
and bid us observe with what rare and vivid power he has painted every scene that he has
witnessed with his own eyes. To some he is a copyist of copyists; to others his real originality
asserts itself most conspicuously where the imitation seems to be the closest. Julius Scaliger calls
him miserrimus auctor; Mr. Conington notes his kindred to Carlyle.

No critic has put the problem with more brutal frankness than M. Nisard, who, at the close of his
flippant but suggestive chapter on Persius, asks the question, Y a-t-il profit à lire Perse?

The Satires of Persius

Though he makes a faint show of balancing the Ayes and Noes, it is very plain how he xvii himself
would vote. The impatient Frenchman is evidently not of a mind â——to read prefaces, biographies,
memoirs, and commentaries on these prefaces, these biographies, these memoirs, and notes on
these commentaries, in order to form an idea that will haply be very false and assuredly very
debatable, of a work about which no one will ever talk to you, and of a poet about whom you will
never find any one to talk to.â—— But the question, which may be an open one to a critic, is not an
open one to an editor; and editors of Persius are especially prone to value their author by the
labor which he has cost them, by the material which they have gathered about the text. The
thoughts are, after all, so common that parallels are to be found on every hand; the compass is
so small that it is an easy matter to carry in the memory every word, every phrase; and so-called
illustrations suggest themselves even to an ordinary scholar in bewildering numbers, while the
looseness of the connection gives ample scope to speculation. Hence the sarcasm of Joseph
Scaliger: Non pulchra habet sed in eum pulcherrima possumus scribere; and the
well-known criticism of the same scholar: Au Perse de Casaubon la saulce vaut mieux que le
poisson. But this artificial love on the part of the editors has not contributed to the popularity of
the author, and the youthful poet has been overlaid by his erudite commentators. Besides this
disadvantage, Persius, when he is read at all, comes immediately after Juvenal, and, as if to
enhance the contrast, is generally bound up with him; and the homeliness of his tropes, the
crabbedness of his dialogue, the roughness of his transitions repel the young student, who finds
the riddance of the historical and archaeological work which Juvenal involves a poor
compensation for the lack of the large manner and the dazzling rhetoric of the great declaimer.
On the other xviii hand, maturer scholars have been found to reverse the popular verdict, and to
say, with Mr. Simcox, that â——the shy, youthful fervor of the dutiful boy, combined with the
literary honesty which kept Persius from writing any thing which was not a part of his permanent
consciousness, makes him improve upon every reading, which is more than can be said of
Juvenal, who writes as if he thought and felt little in the intervals of writing.â—— But while it is easy
to get tired of Juvenal, it is not so easy to become enamored of Persius; and it must be admitted
that the pleasure is questionable. Yet, in spite of M. Nisard, there is no real question about the
utility of the study of the poet, who illustrates by what he does not say even more than by what
he says the character of an age which is of supreme importance to the historian. Even if we put
the study on lower ground, we must admit that Persiusâ——s title to a prominent position in the
annals of Roman literature is indefeasible. However desirable it may be to get rid of him, an
author who has left his impress on Rabelais and Ben Jonson, as well as on Montaigne and
Boileau—an author whose poems have furnished so many quotations to modern letters, can not
be dismissed from the necessities of a â——polite educationâ—— with a convenient sneer. Persius
deserves our attention, if it were only as a problem of literary taste.

To the end of the study of Persius, it is best to look away from the conflicting views of the critics,
and to abandon the attempt to distinguish between the weight of facts and the momentum of
rhetoric in the balanced antitheses of praise and blame. The position of the poet will be most
accurately determined by the calculation of the statics of his department and his age.

The Satire is the only extant form of Latin poetry that can lay claim to a truly national origin; and
the error xix into which the early historians of classical literature were led by the resemblance
between the name of the Roman satire and the name of the Greek satyr-drama has long been
corrected. But the truth which this error involves, the connection between the comic drama and
the satire, remains. The satire goes back to the popular source of comedy, and holds in solution
all the elements which the Greeks combined into various forms of dramatic merriment. As the
rhythmical movements, which culminate in such perfections as the dactylic hexameter and the
iambic trimeter, are common to our whole race, and the rude Saturnian verse is one with the
heroic, so the rustic songs of harvest and vintage are common to Greece and Italy; and it is no
marvel that, as the satire was working itself out to classic proportions, it should have felt its
kindred to Greek comedy, and should have drawn its materials and its methods from that
literature on which Roman literature in its other departments was more directly dependent. And
so the satire, though a genuine growth of Italian soil, was none the less subject to Greek
influences. It was trained into Greek forms, it was permeated by Greek thought; and here as

The Satires of Persius

elsewhere the retranslation into Greek, of which the older commentators were so fond, is often
the key to the meaning; here as elsewhere our appreciation of the author, as a whole, is
conditioned by our knowledge of Greek literature.

Horace, the master of Roman satire, has more than once drawn the parallel between satire and
comedy; and Persius, who follows the literary, though not the philosophical creed of his
predecessor, aims even more distinctly than Horace does at reproducing the mimicry of comedy
on the narrow stage of the satire. At the close of the First Satire he goes so far as to demand of
his readers the intense study of the Old Attic Comedy as the preparation xx for the enjoyment of
his poems—an extraordinary demand, if we do not make due allowance for the rhetorical
expression of high aims and earnest endeavors. A comparison of the triumvirate of the
comoedia prisca of Attica reveals little trace of direct influence, abundant evidence of extreme
diversity in expression and conception. I say â——expression,â—— not â——language.â—— It is true that
the language of Persius has a virile tone, but the masculine energy of his words is often out of
keeping with the scholastic tameness of his thoughts. The breezy Pnyx of the Athenian and the
stuffy lecticula lucubratoria of the Roman are not further apart than Aristophanes and Persius.

The New Attic Comedy, the comedy of situation and manners, furnished themes that lay nearer
to the genius of Persius, although the grace of a Menander was much further from his grasp than
from Terence, the half-Menander of Caesarâ——s epigram. One passage is all but translated from
Menanderâ——s Eunuch; and if Persius did not borrow traits for his picture of the miser and the
spendthrift from the master of the New Comedy, it was not for lack of models. Indeed, so unreal
is Persius, with all the realism of his language, that one of the most striking features of his
poems—the opposition to the military—loses somewhat of its significance when we remember
that the Macedonian period, to which the New Comedy belongs, is crowded with typical soldiers
of fortune, with their coarse love of sensual pleasure—their coarse contempt of every thing that
can not be eaten, drunk, or handled. Every line of Persiusâ——s centurion can be reproduced
from the Greek; and although it would be going too far to say that there was no counterpart to
his sketch in his own experience, although, on the contrary, Persius seems to have verified by
actual observation whatever he learned from books, the historical value of his portrait is xxi very
much reduced by the existence of the Greek type. As a specimen of a kind of clerico-political
opposition to an empire which its enemies might call an empire of brute force and military
mechanism, the hostility of Persius to a class whose predominance was making itself felt more
and more is not without its point and interest, and it is unfortunate that we have to leave its
reality in suspense.

Yet another form of the comic drama was the Mime, and we have the explicit statement of
Joannes Lydus that Persius imitated the famous mimographer, Sophron; and although the
fragments of Sophron are so scanty that this statement can not be verified, it is not without its
intrinsic probability. The mimetic power of Sophron is notorious, and Persius might well have
taken lessons from the man whom Plato acknowledged as his master. The dialogue, thus
borrowed from the mime, became the artistic form of philosophic composition, and, as
Persiusâ——s Satires are essentially moral treatises, it is not surprising that he should have made
large use of the same machinery. Plato himself furnished the movement for two of his essays,
and we can detect a community of models between Persius and some of the later Greek writers.
Lucian, the mercurial, and Persius, the saturnine, often work on the same theme, each in his way;
and when the dialogue is dropped, and the bustle of the drama is succeeded by the effects of the
scene-painterâ——s craft, we are reminded of another group of copyists, and find all the
picturesque detail for which Persius is so famous in the letters of Alkiphron and Aristainetos,
themselves far-off echoes of the New Comedy.

Surely these are originals enough, the Attic Comedy, the Mime, Sophron and Plato, Menander and
Philemon. But we find other models nearer home, and, passing by the reflections of Greek
comedy in Plautus and Terence, xxii its refractions in Afranius and Pomponius, we come to the
satiric exemplars of Persius—Lucilius and Horace. Mox ut a scholis et magistris divertit, lecto
libro Lucilli decimo, vehementer saturas conponere instituit. This statement of the old Vita

The Satires of Persius

Persii is much more consonant with the character of Persius than his own affected mirthfulness.
His â——saucy spleenâ—— had as little to do with his verse writing as righteous indignation with
the rhetorical outpouring of Juvenal. His laughter was as much a part of the conventionalities of
the satire as the Camena was of his confidences to Cornutus. School-boys all imitate
circus-riders; here and there one mimics the clown; and Persius, who had not outgrown the
tendencies of boyhood, straightway began to make copies of verses in the manner of Lucilius. At
the same time he was too much under the influence of Horace to follow Lucilius in his
negligences, and too little master of the form to strike the mean between slovenly dictation and
painful composition. As an imitator of Lucilius he boldly lashes men of straw where Lucilius
flogged Lupus and Mucius, and breaks his milk-teeth on Alkibiades and Dama where Lucilius
broke his jaw-teeth on living and moving enemies. As an imitator of Horace he appropriates the
garb of Horatian diction; but the easy movement of roguish Flaccus is lost, and the stiff stride of
the young Stoic betrays him at every turn.

As in the case of the Old Attic Comedy, Persiusâ——s intellectual affinity with Lucilius was purely
imaginary; and for the purposes of this study it is unnecessary to reproduce the lines of
Horaceâ——s portrait of the â——great nursling of Aurunca,â—— or to attempt to form a mosaic
out of the chipped chips of Lucian Müller◗s recent collection. The wide range of theme, the
manly carelessness of style, the bold criticism, the bright humor, the biting wit—in short, xxiii
almost every characteristic of Lucilius that we can distinguish, shows how little kindred there
must have been between the two men. The dozen scattered verses of the Tenth Book of Lucilius,
which is said to have suggested the theme of the First Satire of Persius, and the fragments of the
Fourth Book, which is imitated by Persius in his Third Satire, though more significant, give us no
clew to the manner or the extent of his indebtedness. Here and there a verse, a hemistich,
a jingle may have been taken from Lucilius, and he may have enriched his vocabulary here and
there from Luciliusâ——s store of drastic words; but his obligations to Lucilius, real and
imaginary, are all as nothing in comparison with the large drafts which he drew on the treasury of

The obligations of Persius to Horace have been the theme of all the editors. The scholiasts
themselves have quoted parallels, and Casaubon has written a special treatise on the subject,
and commentators, with almost childish rivalry, have vied with each other in noting verbal
coincidences and similar trains of thought. The fact of the imitation is too evident to need proof,
and it would have been much more profitable to examine the causes and significance of this
dependence, and to study the modifications of the language and the thought as they passed
through the alembic of Persiusâ——s brain, than to multiply examples of words and phrases that
are common, not only to Horace and Persius, but to the language of every-day life. Indeed, some
go so far as to make Persius quibble on Horace; and â——How green you are,â—— of the modern
street, and â——What means that trump?â—— of the modern card-table, are as much
Shakespearian as some of Persiusâ——s â——borrowingsâ—— are Horatian.

Horace had long been a classic when Persius dodged his school-tasks and was a dab at marbles.
Indeed, nothing xxiv is more remarkable about Roman literature than the rapidity with which the
images of its Augustan heroes took on the patina of age. The half-century that lay between
Horace and Persius drew itself out to a distant perspective, and Virgil and Horace had all the
authority of veteres. They not only dictated the forms of poetry, but permeated and dominated
prose. True, the hostility to Virgil and Horace had not ceased; the antiquarii were not dead; but
the ground had been shifted. The admirers of republican poetry in the time of Horace were
republicans—in the time of Persius they were imperialists, and the maintenance of the authors of
the Augustan age as the true classics was a part of the programme of the opposition. The court
literature of the Neronian period found its models in the earlier epic essays of Catullus rather
than in the poems of Virgil. Virgil had modified the Greek norms to suit the Latin tongue; but
these men went back of malice aforethought to the Greek standard, and emulated the
proportions of the Greek versification of the Alexandrian period. They were impatient of the
classic vocabulary, and found the classic rhythms tame, and so they betook themselves to the
earlier language and set it to more exact harmonies. It was no heresy with this set to consider

The Satires of Persius

Virgil at once light and rough. The mouth-filling words of the older and bolder period, marshaled
in serried ranks, no gap, no break, as they kept time to a rhythmical cadence that was marked by
all the music of consonance and assonance—this was the ideal of the school which Persius
assailed, just as an admirer of Pope or Goldsmith might assail the dominant poetry of our day,
with its sensuous melody and its revived archaisms. Surely the worshippers of recent poets might
pause before accepting the narrow literary creed of Persius. But, not to imitate the example of
Nisard, xxv and indulge in dangerous parallelisms, it is sufficient for our purpose to note that
Persiusâ——s close study of the language of Horace was not only a part of a liberal education, but
a necessity of the school to which he belonged. If he was to write satire at all, he must needs
take Horace for his model. If he had written an epic, he would have taken Virgil.

Besides this, we may boldly say that reminiscence is no robbery. The verses, the phrases, the
arguments that we know by heart often become so wholly ours that they weave themselves
unconsciously into the texture of our speech. We use them as convenient forms of expression,
without the least thought of plagiarism. We quote them, thinking that they are as familiar to
others as they are to ourselves. They constitute, as it were, a sympathetic medium between men
of culture. And so Persius repeated group after group of the words of Horace as innocently as the
Augustan poets translated their Greek models, and thought no more harm than did the Emperor
Julian when he Platonized, or Thackeray when he transfused the classics that he learned at the
Charter House into his own matchless English. That he did it to excess is not to be denied. He
never learned the lesson of Apelles—what is enough.

Having thus briefly disposed of those turns which are common to the Latin tongue, and those
which ran freely into the pen of the writer, we have now to deal with a considerable number of
passages in which the memory of Persius must have lingered over the words of Horace, in which
his painstaking genius has hammered the thoughts of Horace into a more compact or a more
angular utterance. To the majority of readers his condensations and his amplifications will alike
appear to be so many distortions of the original. So, notably, where he characterizes Horace xxvi
himself, and substitutes for the simple naso adunco the puzzling excusso naso, where
â——the dreams of a sick manâ—— become the â——dreams of a sick dotard,â—— where
â——telling straight from crookedâ—— is twisted into â——discerning the straight line where it
makes its way up between crooked lines,â—— and where he wrings from the natural phrase
â——drink in with the earâ—— the odd combination â——bibulous ears.â—— In the longer
passages the wresting is still more pronounced; and those who refuse to take into consideration
the moral attitude of Persius may well wonder at the perversity with which he distorts the lines
and overcharges the colors of the original. But it is tolerably evident that, with all Persiusâ——s
admiration of Horace as an artist, he felt himself immeasurably superior to him morally, and
looked upon these adaptations and alterations as so much gained for the effect of his discourse.
The slyness of Horace might have answered well enough for his day and for the kind of vices that
he reproved, but the depth over which Persius stood gave him a more than Stoic stature. Horace
might have been content with a flute; nothing less resonant than a trumpet would have suited
the moral elevation of Persius. Horace is a consummate artist, and not less an artist in the
conduct of his life than in the composition of his poems. Persius is the prototype of the
sensational preacher, and preachers of all centuries, from Augustin and Jerome to Macleane and
Merivale, have had a weakness for him.

Aside from the moral tone, which is enough to give a different ring to the most similar
expressions in the two poets, there is an artistic difference of great significance in the handling of
the dramatic element, which they both recognized as fundamental in the satire. The dramatic
satires of Horace will not bear dislocation without destruction. xxvii In Persius the characters are
always shifting, always fading away into an impersonal Tu. This may be partly due to the interval
which he allowed to elapse between the periods of composition; but it is possible that he
recognized the limitation of his own powers, that his satires were intended to be a knotted thong,
and not a smooth horsewhip. This piecemeal composition, be it the result of poverty or of
economy, makes Persius the very author for â——Elegant Extracts.â—— Hence it is not hard to
defend him, as it is not hard to defend Seneca, and on similar grounds. Single verses ring in the

The Satires of Persius

ear for months and years. What line, for instance, more quoted than

Tecum habita: noris quam sit tibi curta supellex?

What line sinks deeper than the sombre verse,

Virtutem videant intabescantque relicta?

Single scenes, whether of dialogue or of description, possess every requirement of dramatic

vividness. On every page of the commentary we call him bookish, and yet his pictures stand out
from the canvas with a boldness which makes us concede that his books did not keep him from
seeing, if they did not teach him to see, what was going on around him. What is not a little
remarkable in so young a man is the honesty of his painting. A home-keeping youth, Persius
gives us living pictures of what he saw at home, whether at Rome, at Volaterrae, or at Luna; in
the school-room, in the lecture-room, in the court of justice, on the wharf, at the country
cross-roads. He has watched the carpenter stretching his line, the potter whirling his wheel, the
physician adjusting his scales. He has heard the horse-laugh of the burly centurion, and shivered;
has heard, with a young Stoic sneer, a cooing and mincing declaimer. He knows all about ink and
paper and parchment and reeds; he has not outlived xxviii his knowledge of marbles, and one
might fancy that the lustral spittle of his aunty was still fresh on his brow. The fact that there is
no breeziness about his poems, nothing that tells us of the liberal air beyond, is another sign of
his truthfulness. His life is like his own â——ever retreating bayâ—— of the Sixth Satire, with the
cliffs of Stoic philosophy between him and the wintry sea without. Arretium he knows—it was not
so far from Volaterrae—and Bovillae, in the neighborhood of which he had a farm, and
Luna, and the world of Rome; but the rest of his geography is in the inane. Horace, on the other
hand, ambles all over Italy, and treats us every now and then to a foreign tour with the air of a
man who had run across the sea in his time; and even if he who takes us in his sweeping flight
from Cadiz to Ganges be not the real Juvenal, the undisputed Juvenal has a far wider
geographical outlook than Persius. This very limitation is one of the best signs of the artistic
worth of Persius, and justifies the regret that he had not made himself the Crabbe of Roman

We have seen that Persius was not slavishly dependent on Horace, assimilated the material that
he derived from him, raised the worldly wisdom of Horace to the ideal standard of the Stoic, and
followed a different canon of dramatic art. To this we may add that Persius, with a certain
aristocratic disdain of conventionalities, goes deeper into the current of vulgar diction than the
freedmanâ——s son dared. Persius felt that he could afford to talk slang, and he talked it; and the
commentators have found it necessary to hold Petronius in the left hand, as well as Horace in the

We now proceed to yet another formal element, which is no less significant to the close student
of antique literature. The Roman handling of the hexameter was artificial xxix in the extreme.
Reasoning backward from the Latin hexameter, scholars have been prone to transfer the
conscious symbolism of the Roman poets to the Greek originals; and if they had stopped, say, at
Apollonius Rhodius, they might have been justified, for in the later Greek poets something of the
sort is not to be denied. But the healthier period of Greek poetic art was lifted far above such
toying adaptations of sound to sense as commentators still discover in Homer when they enlarge
on the symbolism of this or that spondaic verse, the beauty of this or that combination of
diaeresis and caesura. A recent comparison of Homer with his successors has shown that, of all
the spondaic verses in Homer, scarcely one in a hundred can be traced to any
â——picturesqueâ—— motive, and the rapid movement of so many five-dactyl hexameters is
simply the normal pace of the verse. When we come to Latin metres, however, we must take a
different standard, and recognize a conscious modification of the Greek rule. The Ovidian
pentameter of the best period—to cite a familiar instance—is subject to minute
laws, which are transgressed at every turn in Greek elegiac poetry, and the different ideals of
Persius and Horace are distinctly traceable in their treatment of the hexameter. Horace, as is well

The Satires of Persius

known, broke the lofty movement of the hexameter to suit the easy gait of the satire. Persius is
more rhetorical than Horace, and, although he admits elision with as great freedom as his
master, his verse has a more mechanical structure than the verse of Horace, and many of the
conversational peculiarities of the Horatian hexameter are much less conspicuous in Persius.
Horace weakens the caesura, employs a great number of spondaic words, and neglects the
variety at which the epic aims; and perhaps the trained ear of a determined scholar might hear in
the jog-trot of his satiric rhythms xxx the hoofs of his bob-tailed mule and the lazy flapping of his
portmanteau. Persius, on the other hand, hammers out his thoughts in a far more orthodox
cadence. Comparing the first six hundred and fifty verses of the first book of the satires of Horace
with the six hundred and fifty verses of Persius, we find that more than eight per cent. have five
spondees against less than five per cent. in Persius. The so-called third trochee or feminine
caesura of the third foot is found in one of ten of Horaceâ——s hexameters, and only in one of
twenty-six in Persius—a low proportion even for a Latin poet. Still more striking is the rare
use which Persius makes of the masculine caesura of the sixth foot, with its consequent
monosyllabic close. Aside from all idle symbolism, this arrangement, which is comparatively
common in Horace, gives the verse a certain familiar roughness, especially where the final word
forces a union with the following line. These diversities can not be accidents, and serve to show
that, although Persius might weave himself a garment from the dyed threads of Horatian diction,
he was not bold enough to wear the discincta tunica of Horaceâ——s Muse. But we must not
forget to be just, and it is only fair to add that such a garb would have been as inappropriate to
his severe and lofty, though narrow spirit, as the Coan vestments of Ovidâ——s â——kept
goddessâ———if we may borrow the déesse entretenue of Heinrich Heine.

A comparison of Persius with Juvenal—a favorite theme with editors—does not

enter into the plan of this study. It suffices for our present purpose to note that the practiced
rhetorician of the time of Trajan could not have shared Quintilianâ——s admiration of his youthful
predecessor. The parallel passages which have been cited belong to the common stock of
satirical strokes or to the thesaurus of proverbial phrases. Who can believe that xxxi Juvenal took
usque adeo from Persius, or borrowed from him the familiar rara avis? There are three or four
touches in the Tenth Satire which recall some of the more striking expressions of Persius; but
Ribbeckâ——s objections to the genuineness of this sophistic declamation, if not convincing, are
at least sufficiently well founded to make us pause in citing them. In moral earnestness, Persius
is as far superior to Juvenal as he is inferior to him in the rhetorical treatment of his themes; and
so long as men will take into consideration this moral element, which modern critics are prone to
eliminate from works of art, so long as they will say pectus est quod satiricum facit as well as
quod theologum, Persius will command a personal esteem which does not attach to the satires
of Juvenal. The ingenious theory of Boissier, that the great satirist of the Caesars was a snubbed
snob, brings out in still more striking contrast the figure of Persius as the reserved provincial
aristocrat, and may be worthy of a more ample development than it has yet received. But Juvenal
is a dangerous theme. As M. Martha has admirably observed, Juvenal is an author whose
declamatory tone has infected his eulogists; and those who are not carried away by an
â——admiration which disfigures while it exalts,â—— may readily be tempted into the opposite
extreme. Let us turn, then, to other matters which illustrate more directly the character of our
authorâ——s compositions. And first a word or two of Stoicism.

With the strong practical tendencies of the Romans, the only systems of Greek philosophy that
ever found large acceptance at Rome were the Epicurean and the Stoic; and in the Stoic school
the only doctrines that commanded much attention were the ethic. The subtle dialectic of the
Stoics, of which we have some unjoyous specimens in Ciceroâ——s philosophical compilations,
was not xxxii congenial to the Roman mind; but the Stoic creed was the creed of the nobler
spirits of the imperial time. Excluded from public life, or, at all events, from the satisfactory
exercise of public functions, the elect few took refuge in Stoic philosophy.*

* In this section of the Introduction I follow Zeller◗s Essay on Marcus Aurelius (Vorträge u.
Abhandlungen) so closely that some special acknowledgment seems to be necessary.

The Satires of Persius

The object of Stoicism is by means of virtue and knowledge to make men independent of all
without them, and happy in that independence. It is a pantheism: God revealed in every thing;
Godâ——s law recognized in every thing; God the substance from which every thing proceeds, to
which every thing returns; the Original Fire, from which every thing is born again. God is the
all-pervasive Spirit, Fate, Providence. Obedience to his eternal laws constitutes virtue and
happiness. Good and evil are to be measured by this standard. All that brings us toward this is
Good; all that carries us away from it is Evil. Every thing else is indifferent.

In Grace or out of Grace, says the Christian; or, as Calvin expresses it in his nervous language,
Qui Christum dimidium habere vult, totum perdit. In Virtue or out of Virtue, says the Stoic.
There is nothing between. The wise are perfectly wise; the foolish are totally foolish. â——There
is not a half-ounce of rectitude in the fool.â—— The vicious man is as mad as
Orestes—nay, madder.

The difference between human beings is slight. Alkibiades, the high-born and the handsome, is
no better than shriveled old Baukis, who makes her livelihood by selling greens. All external
distinctions sink into utter insignificance by the side of this great contrast of knowledge and
ignorance into which virtue and vice are resolved.

All humanity is one people; all the world one state; xxxiii its ruler the Deity; its constitution the
eternal law of the universe. The more unconditionally a man submits to the guidance of this law,
the more exclusively he seeks his happiness in virtue, the more independent he will be of all
without him, the more contented in himself, and yet the readier to enter into communion with
others, and to do his duty to the whole of which he is a part.

But it is to be observed that the Stoicism of Persius, like the Stoicism of Marcus Antoninus, was of
a softer, milder, more religious character than that of Zeno and Chrysippus; and when the Stoic
discourses on the nothingness of all earthly things, the ills of life, manâ——s moral weakness,
and his need of help, we hear language that reminds us now of the epistles of the New
Testament, now of the doctrines of Buddha. â——The philosopher,â—— says Zeller, â——is a
physician for the soul, a priest and servant of the Deity among men, and this he shows by the
most unlimited, devoted, unreserved philanthropy.â—— And not only so, but the Stoic does not
disdain to make life brighter in the social circle; and the Sixth Satire of our author, which Nisard
considers to be a youthful escapade of the poet—qui s◗évertue comme un
écolier qui sort de classe—is no less truly Stoic than the high-strung Third.

In speaking of this subject it is difficult to keep from using the word religion, for the emotional
element, which is so characteristic of religion, is not wanting in a system which is the popular
synonym for suppression of emotion. This is the thesis which M. Martha has brought out into clear
relief, and illumined by many apposite examples—a thesis which will not be strange to
those who have studied with any care the social aspects of the later life of antiquity. Under the
empire morality was more than morality—it was a religion; and all the formulae of certain
phases of Christian ascetics may be applied to xxxiv the ethical side of Stoic philosophy. It is
difficult to approach the subject without seeming irreverence; but the faith of the Christian must
be far from robust who can shrink from a parallel that goes no farther than the
machinery—that does not involve the motive power. It is not the aim of this study to
determine whether this parallelism is to be recognized as a praeparatio Evangelica, or as the
like result of similar forces at work in different systems of thought and belief. It is enough to
present the parallelism, to excuse the phraseology.

Our ancestors, at all events, were not afraid to recognize â——natural Christiansâ—— in such
men as Socrates, in such youths as Persius. Why, even Seneca figured for a long time as St.
Seneca; and Jeremy Taylor was following old example when he cited the Stoic as well as the
Christian code. It is only one step from the recognition of this spiritual kindred to the recognition
of the practical methods of spiritual work as anticipated in the life of antiquity—practical
methods which for our purposes are even better described by an unbeliever like Lucian than by a

The Satires of Persius

believer like Marcus Antoninus. In that age of transition we find father confessors, private
chaplains, mendicant friars, missions, revivals, conversions, ecstasies—all showing the
deep needs of the human heart, which refused to be satisfied with the outworn gods of the
Pantheon, and, in ignorance of the divine Person, who alone can answer a personal love, sought
solace in the mechanism of morality. In characterizing Cornutus, I have already borrowed a
phrase from M. Martha, and called him, as M. Martha calls Seneca, a spiritual director; and I have
already ventured to call Persius a sensational preacher. His stock of philosophy or theology is not
as large as some commentators suppose; and all the elaborate attempts to show by the satires
that Persius xxxv was a thoroughly trained and consistent Stoic have failed. The most elementary
knowledge of Stoic ethics is sufficient for the comprehension of Persius. Whatever else he knew
he kept back for practical considerations. He sticks to the marrow of morality, and reiterates the
cardinal doctrines of Stoicism with the vehemence of a Poundtext. This vehemence, this
enthusiasm, may be explained by his youth, his Etruscan blood, his profession as a moral
reformer. A critic with M. Taineâ——s resources might account for it by the climate of Volaterrae;
but, however it may be accounted for, certain it is that he himself is much impressed with the
profundity of the doctrines which he professes; that he warms and glows as he imparts to his
auditors the great secret that they are not free because they are slaves to vice; that a man who
does not understand his relations to his Maker can not move a finger without sinning; that in the
flesh there is no good thing; and that the anguish of a tortured conscience is the worst of hells.
But the difficulties of Persius are not due to recondite Stoic thought, and can not be cleared up by
reference to Stoic philosophy. The trouble lies in the slangy expressions, the lack of organic
development, the restless zeal to force his message home to the heart of every hearer, and the
consequent shifting of the personages of his dialogue to suit the cases as they rose before his

Persius, then, was a preacher of Stoicism—Stoicism, at once the philosophy and the
religion of a time when serious and noble natures had no city of refuge except in their inmost
selves, when the only possible activity seemed to be submission to the inevitable. The
hydrostatic pressure of the imperial time forced all the better elements into this mould; and in so
far Persius bears the stamp of his period, and the very absence of political and personal allusions
xxxvi shows how imperfect life must have been. But one school of commentators, headed by
Casaubon, and represented to-day in Germany by Lehmann, in England by Pretor, see in Persius
much more than a disciple of the Stoa; and the satires of our author—especially the First
and Fourth—are supposed to be full of more or less oblique references to Neroâ——s
person, his habits, his literary pretensions, his aristocratic birth. At one time it seemed as if this
thesis, which was suggested by the scholiast, had been abandoned, but the field for historical
ingenuity is too tempting; and one of the vaguest of all the satires, the Fifth, has been discovered
by Lehmann to be full of the most stinging allusions to Nero. It is not enough to grant to this
school that Nero, as the type of his age, may have been present to the mind of the author. They
scornfully reject this concession, and resort to all manner of legerdemain in order to explain away
the impossibilities of such an attack and the improbabilities of its execution. With such scope as
these scholars allow themselves we may find parallels every where, and covert assaults may be
detected in the most innocent literary performances. But it would not answer the purpose of this
Introduction to enter into an elaborate discussion of this question, which seems to be destined to
an uncomfortable resurrection as often as it is laid. Every plausible coincidence has been
mentioned in the Notes, and it will be sufficient for ingenuous youth to know the opinions of
distinguished scholars on the subject.

If this essay had not been prolonged beyond the limit proposed, it might be well to give some
account of the grammatical and rhetorical peculiarities of the style of Persius; but the grammar of
Persius will present few difficulties to those who are at all familiar with the poetic syntax of the
Latin language; and enough has been xxxvii said to prepare the student, in a measure, for coping
with the labored terseness of our author.

The manuscripts of Persius are remarkable for their age, their number, and the stupid
bewilderment of the transcribers. The best is the Codex Montepessulanus, or Montpellier

The Satires of Persius

manuscript, with which the Codex Vaticanus closely coincides; but, in the words of Jahn, Nullus
Persii codex tantae auctoritatis est ut in rebus dubiis eius vestigia tuto sequaris sed
semper inter complures optio eaque non raro incerta datur.




Each visible line number—generally a multiple of 5—is a link to the Notes. Words
referenced in the Critical Appendix are individually marked. All Notes and Appendix entries link
back to the text. Cross-references within the Notes link either to text lines or to Notes on those
lines, as appropriate.



Nec fonte labra prolui caballino,

nec in bicipiti somniasse Parnaso

memini, ut repente sic poeta prodirem.

Heliconidasque pallidamque Pirenen

illis remitto, quorum imagines lambunt

hederae sequaces: ipse semipaganus

ad sacra vatum carmen adfero nostrum.

quis expedivit psittaco suum chaere

picamque docuit nostra verba conari?


magister artis ingenique largitor

venter, negatas artifex sequi voces;

The Satires of Persius

quod si dolosi spes refulserit nummi,

corvos poetas et poetridas picas

cantare credas Pegaseium nectar.



O curas hominum! o quantum est in rebus inane!

â——Quis leget haec?â—— Min tu istud ais? nemo hercule! â——Nemo?â——

Vel duo, vel nemo. â——Turpe et miserabile!â—— Quare?

ne mihi Polydamas et Troiades Labeonem

praetulerint? nugae. non, si quid turbida Roma

elevet, accedas examenque inprobum in illa

castiges trutina, nec te quaesiveris extra.

nam Romae quis non—? a, si fas dicere—sed fas

tum, cum ad canitiem et nostrum istud vivere triste


aspexi ac nucibus facimus quaecumque relictis,

cum sapimus patruos; tunc, tunc, ignoscite—â——Nolo.â——

Quid faciam? sed sum petulanti splene cachinno.

Scribimus inclusi, numeros ille, his pede liber,

grande aliquid, quod pulmo animae praelargus anhelet.


scilicet haec populo pexusque togaque recenti

et natalicia tandem cum sardonyche albus

sede leges celsa, liquido cum plasmate guttur

Notes PROLOGUS. 16
The Satires of Persius

mobile collueris, patranti fractus ocello.

hic neque more probo videas nec voce serena


ingentis trepidare Titos, cum carmina lumbum

intrant, et tremulo scalpuntur ubi intima versu.

tun, vetule, auriculis alienis colligis escas?

auriculis, quibus et dicas cute perditus ohe.

â——Quo didicisse, nisi hoc fermentum et quae semel intus

41 25

innata est rupto iecore exierit caprificus?â——

En pallor seniumque! o mores! usque adeone

scire tuum nihil est, nisi te scire hoc sciat alter?

â——At pulchrum est digito monstrari et dicier hic est!

ten cirratorum centum dictata fuisse


pro nihilo pendas?â—— Ecce inter pocula quaerunt

Romulidae saturi, quid dia poemata narrent.

hic aliquis, cui circa umeros hyacinthia laena est,

rancidulum quiddam balba de nare locutus,

Phyllidas Hypsipylas, vatum et plorabile si quid,


eliquat ac tenero supplantat verba palato.

adsensere viri: nunc non cinis ille poetae

felix? non levior cippus nunc inprimit ossa?

laudant convivae: nunc non e manibus illis,

nunc non e tumulo fortunataque favilla

Notes SATURA I. 17
The Satires of Persius


nascentur violae? â——Ridesâ—— ait â——et nimis uncis

naribus indulges. an erit qui velle recuset

os populi meruisse et cedro digna locutus

linquere nec scombros metuentia carmina nec tus?â——

Quisquis es, o, modo quem ex adverso dicere feci,


non ego cum scribo, si forte quid aptius exit,

quando haec rara avis est, si quid tamen aptius exit,

laudari metuam, neque enim mihi cornea fibra est;

sed recti finemque extremumque esse recuso

euge tuum et belle. nam belle hoc excute totum:


quid non intus habet? non hic est Ilias Atti

ebria veratro? non si qua elegidia crudi

dictarunt proceres? non quidquid denique lectis

scribitur in citreis? calidum seis ponere sumen,

42 54

scis comitem horridulum trita donare lacerna,

et â——verumâ—— inquis â——amo: verum mihi dicite de me.â——

qui pote? vis dicam? nugaris, cum tibi, calve,

pinguis aqualiculus protenso sesquipede exstet.

o Iane, a tergo quem nulla ciconia pinsit,

nec manus auriculas imitari mobilis albas,


nec linguae, quantum, sitiat canis Apula, tantae!

Notes SATURA I. 18
The Satires of Persius

vos, o patricius sanguis, quos vivere fas est

occipiti caeco, posticae occurrite sannae!

Quis populi sermo est? quis enim, nisi carmina molli

nunc demum numero fluere, ut per leve severos


effundat iunctura unguis? scit tendere versum

non secus ac si oculo rubricam derigat uno.

sive opus in mores, in luxum, in prandia regum

dicere, res grandis nostro dat Musa poetae.

ecce modo heroas sensus adferre videmus


nugari solitos graece, nec ponere lucum

artifices nec rus saturum laudare, ubi corbes

et focus et porci et fumosa Palilia faeno,

unde Remus, sulcoque terens dentalia, Quinti,

cum trepida ante boves dictatorem induit uxor


et tua aratra domum lictor tulit—euge poeta!

est nunc Brisaei quem venosus liber Acci,

sunt quos Pacuviusque et verrucosa moretur

Antiopa, aerumnis cor luctificabile fulta.

hos pueris monitus patres infundere lippos


cum videas, quaerisne, unde haec sartago loquendi

venerit in linguas, unde istuc dedecus, in quo

trossulus exsultat tibi per subsellia levis?

Notes SATURA I. 19
The Satires of Persius


nilne pudet capiti non posse pericula cano

pellere, quin tepidum hoc optes audire decenter?


â——Fur esâ—— ait Pedio. Pedius quid? crimina rasis

librat in antithetis: doctas posuisse figuras

laudatur â——bellum hoc!â—— hoc bellum? an, Romule, ceves?

men moveat? quippe et, cantet si naufragus, assem

protulerim. cantas, cum fracta te in trabe pictum


ex umero portes? verum, nec nocte paratum

plorabit, qui me volet incurvasse querela.

â——Sed numeris decor est et iunctura addita crudis.

cludere sic versum didicit Berecyntius Attis

et qui caeruleum dirimebat Nerea delphin


sic costam longo subduximus Appennino.

Arma virum, nonne hoc spumosum et cortice pingui,

ut ramale vetus vegrandi subere coctum?â——

â——Quidnam igitur tenerum et laxa cervice legendum?

Torva mimalloneis inplerunt cornua bombis,


et raptum vitulo caput ablatura superbo

Bassaris et lyncem Maenas flexura corymbis

euhion ingeminat, reparabilis adsonat echo?â——

Notes SATURA I. 20
The Satires of Persius

haec fierent, si testiculi vena ulla paterni

viveret in nobis? summa delumbe saliva


hoc natat in labris, et in udo est Maenas et Attis,

nec pluteum caedit, nec demorsos sapit unguis.

â——Sed quid opus teneras mordaci radere vero

auriculas? vide sis, ne maiorum tibi forte

limina frigescant: sonat hic de nare canina


littera.â—— Per me equidem sint omnia protinus alba;


nil moror. euge! omnes, omnes bene mirae eritis res.

hoc iuvat? â——hicâ—— inquis â——veto quisquam faxit oletum.â——

pinge duos anguis: pueri, sacer est locus, extra

meite! discedo. secuit Lucilius urbem,


te Lupe, te Muci, et genuinum fregit in illis;

omne vafer vitium ridenti Flaccus amico

tangit et admissus circum praecordia ludit,

callidus excusso populum suspendere naso:


men muttire nefas? nec clam, nec cum scrobe? nusquam?

hic tamen infodiam. vidi, vidi ipse, libelle:

auriculas asini quis non habet? hoc ego opertum,

hoc ridere meum, tam nil, nulla tibi vendo

Iliade. audaci quicumque adflate Cratino

Notes SATURA I. 21
The Satires of Persius

iratum Eupolidem praegrandi cum sene palles,


aspice et haec, si forte aliquid decoctius audis.

inde vaporata lector mihi ferveat aure:

non hic, qui in crepidas Graiorum ludere gestit

sordidus, et lusco qui possit dicere â——lusce,â——

sese aliquem credens, Italo quod honore supinus


fregerit heminas Arreti aedilis iniquas;

nec qui abaco numeros et secto in pulvere metas

scit risisse vafer, multum gaudere paratus,

si cynico barbam petulans nonaria vellat.

his mane edictum, post prandia Calliroen do.



Hunc, Macrine, diem numera meliore lapillo

qui tibi labentis apponit candidus annos.

funde merum genio. non tu prece poscis emaci,

quae nisi seductis nequeas committere divis;

at bona pars procerum tacita libabit acerra.

haud cuivis promptum est murmurque humilisque susurros

tollere de templis et aperto vivere voto.

â——Mens bona, fama, fidesâ—— haec clare et ut audiat hospes;

illa sibi introrsum et sub lingua murmurat â——o si

Notes SATURA II. 22

The Satires of Persius


ebulliat patruus, praeclarum funus?â—— et â——o si

sub rastro crepet argenti mihi seria dextro

Hercule! pupillumve utinam, quem proximus heres

inpello, expungam! namque est scabiosus et acri

bile tumet. Nerio iam tertia conditur uxor.â——


haec sancte ut poscas, Tiberino in gurgite mergis

mane caput bis terque et noctem flumine purgas?

heus age, responde—minimum est quod scire laboro—

de Iove quid sentis? estne ut praeponere cures

hunc—â——cuinam?â—— cuinam? vis Staio? an scilicet haeres?


quis potior index, puerisve quis aptior orbis?

hoc igitur, quo tu Iovis aurem inpellere temptas,

dic agedum Staio, â——pro Iuppiter! o boneâ—— clamet


â——Iuppiter!â—— at sese non clamet Iuppiter ipse?

ignovisse putas, quia, cum tonat, ocius ilex


sulpure discutitur sacro quam tuque domusque?

an quia non fibris ovium Ergennaque iubente

triste iaces lucis evitandumque bidental,

idcirco stolidam praebet tibi vellere barbam

Iuppiter? aut quidnam est, qua tu mercede deorum


Notes SATURA II. 23

The Satires of Persius

emeris auriculas? pulmone et lactibus unctis?

Ecce avia aut metuens divum matertera cunis

exemit puerum frontemque atque uda labella

infami digito et lustralibus ante salivis

expiat, urentis oculos inhibere perita;


tunc manibus quatit et spem macram supplice voto

nunc Licini in campos, nunc Crassi mittit in aedis

â——hunc optet generum rex et regina! puellae

hunc rapiant! quidquid calcaverit hic, rosa fiat!â——

ast ego nutrici non mando vota: negato,


Iuppiter, haec illi, quamvis te albata rogarit.

Poscis opem nervis corpusque fidele senectae.

esto age; sed grandes patinae tuccetaque crassa

adnuere his superos vetuere Iovemque morantur.

Rem struere exoptas caeso bove Mercuriumque


arcessis fibra â——da fortunare Penatis,

da pecus et gregibus fetum!â—— quo, pessime, pacto,

tot tibi cum in flammas iunicum omenta liquescant

et tamen hic extis et opimo vincere ferto

intendit â——iam crescit ager, iam crescit ovile,


iam dabitur, iam iam!â—— donec deceptus et exspes

nequiquam fundo suspiret nummus in imo.

Notes SATURA II. 24

The Satires of Persius


Si tibi creterras argenti incusaque pingui

auro dona feram, sudes et pectore laevo

excutiat guttas laetari praetrepidum cor.


hinc illud subiit, auro sacras quod ovato

perducis facies; nam fratres inter aenos

somnia pituita qui purgatissima mittunt,

praecipui sunto sitque illis aurea barba.

aurum vasa Numae Saturniaque inpulit aera


Vestalisque urnas et Tuscum fictile mutat.

o curvae in terris animae et caelestium inanes!

quid iuvat hoc, templis nostros inmittere mores

et bona dis ex hac scelerata ducere pulpa?

haec sibi corrupto casiam dissolvit olivo,


haec Calabrum coxit vitiato murice vellus,

haec bacam conchae rasisse et stringere venas

ferventis massae crudo de pulvere iussit.

peccat et haec, peccat: vitio tamen utitur. at vos

dicite, pontifices, in sancto quid facit aurum?


nempe hoc quod Veneri donatae a virgine pupae.

quin damus id superis, de magna quod dare lance

non possit magni Messallae lippa propago:

Notes SATURA II. 25

The Satires of Persius

conpositum ius fasque animo sanctosque recessus

mentis et incoctum generoso pectus honesto.


haec cedo ut admoveam templis et farre litabo.



â——Nempe haec adsidue: iam clarum mane fenestras

intrat et angustas extendit lumine rimas:

stertimus indomitum quod despumare Falernum

sufficiat, quinta dum linea tangitur umbra.

en quid agis? siccas insana canicula messis

iam dudum coquit et patula pecus omne sub ulmo est.â——

unus ait comitum. â——Verumne? itane? ocius adsit

huc aliquis! nemon?â—— turgescit vitrea bilis:

â——findorâ———ut Arcadiae pecuaria rudere dicas.


iam liber et positis bicolor membrana capillis

inque manus chartae nodosaque venit harundo.

tunc querimur, crassus calamo quod pendeat umor,

nigra quod infusa vanescat sepia lympha;

dilutas querimur geminet quod fistula guttas.


o miser inque dies ultra miser, hucine rerum

venimus? at cur non potius teneroque columbo

Notes SATURA III. 26

The Satires of Persius

et similis regum pueris pappare minutum

poscis et iratus mammae lallare recusas?

â——An tali studeam calamo?â—— Cui verba? quid istas


succinis ambages? tibi luditur. effluis amens,

contemnere: sonat vitium percussa, maligne

respondet viridi non cocta fidelia limo.

udum et molle lutum es, nunc nunc properandus et acri


fingendus sine fine rota. sed rure paterno


est tibi far modicum, purum et sine labe salinum—

quid metuas?—cultrixque foci secura patella.

hoc satis? an deceat pulmonem rumpere ventis,

stemmate quod Tusco ramum millesime ducis,

censoremne tuum vel quod trabeate salutas?


ad populum phaleras! ego te intus et in cute novi.

non pudet ad morem discincti vivere Nattae?

sed stupet hic vitio et fibris increvit opimum

pingue, caret culpa, nescit quid perdat, et alto


demersus summa rursum non bullit in unda.

magne pater divum, saevos punire tyrannos

haud alia ratione velis, cum dira libido

moverit ingenium ferventi tincta veneno:

Notes SATURA III. 27

The Satires of Persius

virtutem videant intabescantque relicta.

anne magis Siculi gemuerunt aera iuvenci,


et magis auratis pendens laquearibus ensis

purpureas subter cervices terruit, â——imus,

imus praecipitesâ—— quam si sibi dicat et intus

palleat infelix, quod proxima nesciat uxor?

Saepe oculos, memini, tangebam parvus olivo,


grandia si nollem morituri verba Catonis

discere, non sano multum laudanda magistro,

quae pater adductis sudans audiret amicis.

iure; etenim id summum, quid dexter senio ferret,

scire erat in voto; damnosa canicula quantum


raderet; angustae collo non fallier orcae;

neu quis callidior buxum torquere flagello.

haud tibi inexpertum curvos deprendere mores,


quaeque docet sapiens bracatis inlita Medis

porticus, insomnis quibus et detonsa iuventus


invigilat, siliquis et grandi pasta polenta;

et tibi quae Samios diduxit littera ramos

surgentem dextro monstravit limite callem.

stertis adhuc, laxumque caput conpage soluta

Notes SATURA III. 28

The Satires of Persius

oscitat hesternum, dissutis undique malis!


est aliquid quo tendis, et in quod dirigis arcum?

an passim sequeris corvos testaque lutoque,

securus quo pes ferat, atque ex tempore vivis?

helleborum frustra, cum iam cutis aegra tumebit,

poscentis videas: venienti occurrite morbo!


et quid opus Cratero magnos promittere montis?

discite, o miseri, et causas cognoscite rerum:

quid sumus, et quidnam victuri gignimur; ordo

quis datus, aut metae qua mollis flexus et unde;

quis modus argento, quid fas optare, quid asper


utile nummus habet; patriae carisque propinquis

quantum elargiri deceat; quem te deus esse

iussit, et humana qua parte locatus es in re.

disce, nec invideas, quod multa fidelia putet

in locuplete penu, defensis pinguibus Umbris,


et piper et pernae, Marsi monumenta clientis,

menaque quod prima nondum defecerit orca.

Hic aliquis de gente hircosa centurionum

dicat â——Quod sapio satis est mihi. non ego curo

esse quod Arcesilas aerumnosique Solones,


Notes SATURA III. 29

The Satires of Persius

obstipo capite et figentes lumine terram,

murmura cum secum et rabiosa silentia rodunt


atque exporrecto trutinantur verba labello,

aegroti veteris meditantes somnia, gigni

de nihilo nihilum, in nihilum nil posse reverti.


hoc est, quod palles? cur quis non prandeat, hoc est?â——

His populus ridet, multumque torosa iuventus

ingeminat tremulos naso crispante cachinnos.

â——Inspice; nescio quid trepidat mihi pectus et aegris

faucibus exsuperat gravis alitus; inspice, sodes!â——


qui dicit medico, iussus requiescere, postquam

tertia conpositas vidit nox currere venas,

de maiore domo modice sitiente lagoena

lenia loturo sibi Surrentina rogabit.

â——Heus, bone, tu palles!â—— â——Nihil est.â—— â——Videas tamen istuc,


quidquid id est: surgit tacite tibi lutea pellis.â——

â——At tu deterius palles; ne sis mihi tutor;

iam pridem hunc sepeli: tu restas.â—— â——Perge, tacebo.â——

turgidus hic epulis atque albo ventre lavatur,

gutture sulpureas lente exalante mefites;


sed tremor inter vina subit calidumque triental

Notes SATURA III. 30

The Satires of Persius

excutit e manibus, dentes crepuere retecti,

uncta cadunt laxis tunc pulmentaria labris.

hinc tuba, candelae, tandemque beatulus alto

conpositus lecto crassisque lutatus amomis


in portam rigidas calces extendit: at illum

hesterni capite induto subiere Quirites.

â——Tange, miser, venas et pone in pectore dextram.

nil calet hic. summosque pedes attinge manusque.


non frigent.â—— Visa est si forte pecunia, sive


candida vicini subrisit molle puella,

cor tibi rite salit? positum est algente catino

durum holus et populi cribro decussa farina:

temptemus fauces, tenero latet ulcus in ore

putre, quod haud deceat plebeia radere beta.


alges, cum excussit membris timor albus aristas;

nunc face supposita fervescit sanguis et ira

scintillant oculi, dicisque facisque, quod ipse

non sani esse hominis non sanus iuret Orestes.


Notes SATURA III. 31

The Satires of Persius


â——Rem populi tractas?â—— barbatum haec crede magistrum

dicere, sorbitio tollit quem dira cicutae

â——quo fretus? dic hoc, magni pupille Pericli.

scilicet ingenium et rerum prudentia velox

ante pilos venit, dicenda tacendaque calles.

ergo ubi commota fervet plebecula bile,

fert animus calidae fecisse silentia turbae

maiestate manus. quid deinde loquere? â——Quirites,

hoc puta non iustum est, illud male, rectius illud.â——


scis etenim iustum gemina suspendere lance

ancipitis librae, rectum discernis, ubi inter

curva subit, vel cum fallit pede regula varo,

et potis es nigrum vitio praefigere theta.

quin tu igitur, summa nequiquam pelle decorus,


ante diem blando caudam iactare popello

desinis, Anticyras melior sorbere meracas!

quae tibi summa boni est? uncta vixisse patella

semper et adsiduo curata cuticula sole?

exspecta, haud aliud respondeat haec anus. i nunc


â——Dinomaches ego sum,â—— suffla â——sum candidus.â—— esto;

Notes SATURA IV. 32

The Satires of Persius

dum ne deterius sapiat pannucia Baucis,

cum bene discincto cantaverit ocima vernae.â——

Ut nemo in sese temptat descendere, nemo,

sed praecedenti spectatur mantica tergo!


quaesieris â——Nostin Vettidi praedia?â—— â——Cuius?â——


â——Dives arat Curibus quantum non miluus errat.â——

â——Hunc ais, hunc dis iratis genioque sinistro,

qui, quandoque iugum pertusa ad compita figit,

seriolae veterem metuens deradere limum


ingemit: hoc bene sit! tunicatum cum sale mordens

caepe et farrata pueris plaudentibus olla

pannosam faecem morientis sorbet aceti?â——

at si unctus cesses et figas in cute solem,

est prope te ignotus, cubito qui tangat et acre


despuat â——hi mores! penemque arcanaque lumbi

runcantem populo marcentis pandere vulvas!

tu cum maxillis balanatum gausape pectas,

inguinibus quare detonsus gurgulio exstat?

quinque palaestritae licet haec plantaria vellant

elixasque nates labefactent forcipe adunca,

non tamen ista filix ullo mansuescit aratro.â——


Notes SATURA IV. 33

The Satires of Persius

caedimus inque vicem praebemus crura sagittis.

vivitur hoc pacto; sic novimus. ilia subter

caecum vulnus habes; sed lato balteus auro


praetegit. ut mavis, da verba et decipe nervos,

si potes. â——Egregium cum me vicinia dicat,

non credam?â—— Viso si palles, inprobe, nummo,

si facis in penem quidquid tibi venit amarum,

si puteal multa cautus vibice flagellas:


nequiquam populo bibulas donaveris aures.

respue, quod non es; tollat sua munera cerdo;

tecum habita: noris, quam sit tibi curta supellex.



Vatibus hic mos est, centum sibi poscere voces,

centum ora et linguas optare in carmina centum,

fabula seu maesto ponatur hianda tragoedo,

vulnera seu Parthi ducentis ab inguine ferrum.

â——Quorsum haec? aut quantas robusti carminis offas

ingeris, ut par sit centeno gutture niti?

grande locuturi nebulas Helicone legunto,

si quibus aut Prognes, aut si quibus olla Thyestae

fervebit, saepe insulso cenanda Glyconi;

Notes SATURA V. 34
The Satires of Persius


tu neque anhelanti, coquitur dum massa camino,

folle premis ventos, nec clauso murmure raucus

nescio quid tecum grave cornicaris inepte,

nec scloppo tumidas intendis rumpere buccas.

verba togae sequeris iunctura callidus acri,


ore teres modico, pallentis radere mores

doctus et ingenuo culpam defigere ludo.

hinc trahe quae dicis, mensasque relinque Mycenis

cum capite et pedibus, plebeiaque prandia noris.â——

Non equidem hoc studeo, bullatis ut mihi nugis


pagina turgescat, dare pondus idonea fumo.

secreti loquimur; tibi nunc hortante Camena

excutienda damus praecordia, quantaque nostrae

pars tua sit, Cornute, animae, tibi, dulcis amice,

ostendisse iuvat: pulsa, dinoscere cautus,


quid solidum crepet et pictae tectoria linguae.


his ego centenas ausim deposcere voces,

ut, quantum mihi te sinuoso in pectore fixi,

voce traham pura, totumque hoc verba resignent,

quod latet arcana non enarrabile fibra.

30 Cum primum pavido custos mihi purpura cessit

Notes SATURA V. 35
The Satires of Persius

bullaque succinctis Laribus donata pependit;

cum blandi comites totaque inpune Subura

permisit sparsisse oculos iam candidus umbo;

cumque iter ambiguum est et vitae nescius error


deducit trepidas ramosa in compita mentes,

me tibi supposui: teneros tu suscipis annos

Socratico, Cornute, sinu; tum fallere sollers

apposita intortos extendit regula mores,

et premitur ratione animus vincique laborat


artificemque tuo ducit sub pollice vultum.

tecum etenim longos memini consumere soles,

et tecum primas epulis decerpere noctes:

unum opus et requiem pariter disponimus ambo,

atque verecunda laxamus seria mensa.


non equidem hoc dubites, amborum foedere certo

consentire dies et ab uno sidere duci

nostra vel aequali suspendit tempora Libra

Parca tenax veri, seu nata fidelibus hora

dividit in Geminos concordia fata duorum,


Saturnumque gravem nostro Iove frangimus una:

nescio quod, certe est, quod me tibi temperat astrum.

Mille hominum species et rerum discolor usus;

Notes SATURA V. 36
The Satires of Persius

velle suum cuique est, nec voto vivitur uno.

mercibus hic Italis mutat sub sole recenti

57 55

rugosum piper et pallentis grana cumini,

hic satur inriguo mavult turgescere somno;

hic campo indulget, hunc alea decoquit, ille

in Venerem putris; sed cum lapidosa cheragra

fregerit articulos, veteris ramalia fagi,


tunc crassos transisse dies lucemque palustrem

et sibi iam seri vitam ingemuere relictam.

at te nocturnis iuvat inpallescere chartis;

cultor enim iuvenum purgatas inseris aures

fruge Cleanthea. petite hinc puerique senesque


finem animo certum miserisque viatica canis!

â——Cras hoc fiet.â—— Idem cras fiet. â——Quid? quasi magnum

nempe diem donas.â—— Sed cum lux altera venit,

iam cras hesternum consumpsimus: ecce aliud cras

egerit hos annos et semper paulum erit ultra.


nam quamvis prope te, quamvis temone sub uno

vertentem sese frustra sectabere cantum,

cum rota posterior curras et in axe secundo.

Libertate opus est, non hac, ut, quisque Velina

Publius emeruit, scabiosum tesserula far

Notes SATURA V. 37
The Satires of Persius


possidet. heu steriles veri, quibus una Quiritem

vertigo facit! hic Dama est non tressis agaso,

vappa lippus et in tenui farragine mendax:

verterit hunc dominus, momento turbinis exit

Marcus Dama. papae! Marco spondente recusas


credere tu nummos? Marco sub iudice palles?

Marcus dixit: ita est; adsigna, Marce, tabellas.

haec mera libertas; hoc nobis pillea donant!

â——An quisquam est alius liber, nisi ducere vitam


cui licet, ut voluit? licet ut volo vivere: non sum


liberior Bruto?â—— â——Mendose colligis,â—— inquit

stoicus hic aurem mordaci lotus aceto

â——haec reliqua accipio; licet illud et ut volo tolle.â——

â——Vindicta postquam meus a praetore recessi,

cur mihi non liceat, iussit quodcumque voluntas,


excepto si quid Masuri rubrica vetavit?â——

Disce, sed ira cadat naso rugosaque sanna,

dum veteres avias tibi de pulmone revello.

non praetoris erat stultis dare tenuia rerum

officia atque usum rapidae permittere vitae:


Notes SATURA V. 38
The Satires of Persius

sambucam citius caloni aptaveris alto.

stat contra ratio et secretam garrit in aurem,

ne liceat facere id quod quis vitiabit agendo.

publica lex hominum naturaque continet hoc fas,

ut teneat vetitos inscitia debilis actus.


diluis helleborum, certo conpescere puncto

nescius examen: vetat hoc natura medendi.

navem si poscat sibi peronatus arator,

luciferi rudis, exclamet Melicerta perisse

frontem de rebus. tibi recto vivere talo


ars dedit, et veri speciem dinoscere calles,

ne qua subaerato mendosum tinniat anro?

quaeque sequenda forent, quaeque evitanda vicissim,

illa prius creta, mox haec carbone notasti?

es modicus voti? presso lare? dulcis amicis?


iam nunc astringas, iam nunc granaria laxes,

inque luto fixum possis transcendere nummum,

nec glutto sorbere salivam Mercurialem?


â——haec mea sunt, teneoâ—— cum vere dixeris, esto

liberque ac sapiens praetoribus ac Iove dextro,


sin tu, cum fueris nostrae paulo ante farinae,

Notes SATURA V. 39
The Satires of Persius

pelliculam veterem retines et fronte politus

astutam vapido servas sub pectore vulpem,

quae dederam supra relego funemque reduco:

nil tibi concessit ratio; digitum exsere, peccas,


et quid tam parvum est? sed nullo ture litabis,

haereat in stultis brevis ut semuncia recti.

haec miscere nefas; nec, cum sis cetera fossor,

tris tantum ad numeros satyrum moveare Bathylli.

â——Liber ego.â—— Unde datum hoc sentis, tot subdite rebus?


an dominum ignoras, nisi quem vindicta relaxat?

â——I puer et strigiles Crispini ad balnea defer!â——

si increpuit, â——cessas nugator;â—— servitium acre

te nihil impellit, nec quicquam extrinsecus intrat,

quod nervos agitet; sed si intus et in iecore aegro


nascuntur domini, qui tu inpunitior exis

atque hic, quem ad strigiles scutica et metus egit erilis?

Mane piger stertis. â——Surge!â—— inquit Avaritia â——heia

surge!â—— Negas; instat â——Surge!â—— inquit. â——Non queo.â—— â——Surge!â——

â——Et quid agam?â—— â——Rogitas? en saperdam advehe Ponto,


castoreum, stuppas, hebenum, tus, lubrica Coa;

tolle recens primus piper ex sitiente camelo;

verte aliquid; iura.â—— â——Sed Iuppiter audiet.â—— â——Eheu!

Notes SATURA V. 40
The Satires of Persius

varo, regustatum digito terebrare salinum


contentus perages, si vivere cum Iove tendis!â——


iam pueris pellem succinctus et oenophorum aptas

â——Ocius ad navem!â—— nihil obstat, quin trabe vasta

Aegaeum rapias, ni sollers Luxuria ante

seductum moneat â——Quo deinde, insane, ruis? quo?

quid tibi vis? calido sub pectore mascula bilis


intumuit, quod non exstinxerit urna cicutae?

tu mare transilias? tibi torta cannabe fulto

cena sit in transtro, Veientanumque rubellum

exalet vapida laesum pice sessilis obba?

quid petis? ut nummi, quos hic quincunce modesto


nutrieras, pergant avidos sudare deunces?

indulge genio, carpamus dulcia! nostrum est

quod vivis; cinis et manes et fabula fies.

vive memor leti! fugit hora; hoc quod loquor inde est.â——

en quid agis? duplici in diversum scinderis hamo.


huncine, an hunc sequeris? subeas alternus oportet

ancipiti obsequio dominos, alternus oberres.

nec tu, cum obstiteris semel instantique negaris

parere imperio, â——rupi iam vinculaâ—— dicas;

Notes SATURA V. 41
The Satires of Persius

nam et luctata canis nodum abripit; et tamen illi,


cum fugit, a collo trahitur pars longa catenae.

â——Dave, cito, hoc credas iubeo, finire dolores

praeteritos meditor.â—— crudum Chaerestratus unguem

adrodens ait haec â——an siccis dedecus obstem

cognatis? an rem patriam rumore sinistro


limen ad obscenum frangam, dum Chrysidis udas

ebrius ante fores exstincta cum face canto?â——


â——Euge, puer, sapias, dis depellentibus agnam

percute.â—— â——Sed censen plorabit, Dave, relicta?â——

â——Nugaris; solea, puer, obiurgabere rubra.


ne trepidare velis atque artos rodere casses!

nunc ferus et violens; at si vocet, haud mora, dicas:

Quidnam igitur faciam? nec nunc, cum arcessat et ultro

supplicet, accedam? Si totus et integer illinc

exieras, nec nunc.â—— hic hic, quod quaerimus, hic est,


non in festuca, lictor quam iactat ineptus.

ius habet ille sui palpo, quem ducit hiantem

cretata ambitio? vigila et cicer ingere large

rixanti populo, nostra ut Floralia possint

aprici meminisse senes: quid pulchrius? at cum

Notes SATURA V. 42
The Satires of Persius


Herodis venere dies, unctaque fenestra

dispositae pinguem nebulam vomuere lucernae

portantes violas, rubrumque amplexa catinum

cauda natat thynni, tumet alba fidelia vino:

labra moves tacitus recutitaque sabbata palles.


tum nigri lemures ovoque pericula rupto,

tum grandes galli et cum sistro lusca sacerdos

incussere deos inflantis corpora, si non

praedictum ter mane caput gustaveris alli.

Dixeris haec inter varicosos centuriones,


continuo crassum ridet Pulfennius ingens,

et centum Graecos curto centusse licetur.



Admovit iam bruma foco te, Basse, Sabino?

iamne lyra et tetrico vivunt tibi pectine chordae?

mire opifex numeris veterum primordia vocum

atque marem strepitum fidis intendisse Latinae,

mox iuvenes agitare iocis et pollice honesto

egregius lusisse senes. mihi nunc Ligus ora

intepet hibernatque meum mare, qua latus ingens

Notes SATURA VI. 43

The Satires of Persius

dant scopuli et multa litus se valle receptat.

Lunai portum, est operae, cognoscite, cives!


cor iubet hoc Enni, postquam destertuit esse

Maeonides, Quintus pavone ex Pythagoreo.

hic ego securus vulgi et quid praeparet auster

infelix pecori, securus et angulus ille

vicini nostro quia pinguior, etsi adeo omnes


ditescant orti peioribus, usque recusem

curvus ob id minui senio aut cenare sine uncto,

et signum in vapida naso tetigisse lagoena.

discrepet his alius! geminos, horoscope, varo

producis genio. solis natalibus est qui


tingat holus siccum muria vafer in calice empta,

ipse sacrum inrorans patinae piper; hic bona dente

grandia magnanimus peragit puer. utar ego, utar,

nec rhombos ideo libertis ponere lautus,

nec tenuis sollers turdarum nosse salivas.


messe tenus propria vive et granaria, fas est,


emole; quid metuis? occa, et seges altera in herba est.

ast vocat officium: trabe rupta Bruttia saxa

prendit amicus inops, remque omnem surdaque vota

Notes SATURA VI. 44

The Satires of Persius

condidit Ionio; iacet ipse in litore et una


ingentes de puppe dii, iamque obvia mergis

costa ratis lacerae. nunc et de caespite vivo

frange aliquid, largire inopi, ne pictus oberret

caerulea in tabula. â——Sed cenam funeris heres

negleget, iratus quod rem curtaveris; urnae


ossa inodora dabit, seu spirent cinnama surdum,

seu ceraso peccent casiae, nescire paratus.

tune bona incolumis minuas? et Bestius urguet

doctores Graios: Ita fit, postquam sapere urbi

cum pipere et palmis venit nostrum hoc maris expers;


fenisecae crasso vitiarunt unguine pultes.â——

Haec cinere ulterior metuas? At tu, meus heres

quisquis eris, paulum a turba seductior audi.

o bone, num ignoras? missa est a Caesare laurus

insignem ob cladem Germanae pubis, et aris


frigidus excutitur cinis, ac iam postibus arma,

iam chlamydes regum, iam lutea gausapa captis

essedaque ingentesque locat Caesonia Rhenos.

dis igitur genioque ducis centum paria ob res

egregie gestas induco; quis vetat? aude.


Notes SATURA VI. 45

The Satires of Persius

vae, nisi conives! oleum artocreasque popello

largior; an prohibes? dic clare! â——Non adeo,â—— inquis

â——exossatus ager iuxta est.â—— Age, si mihi nulla

iam reliqua ex amitis, patruelis nulla, proneptis

nulla manet patrui, sterilis matertera vixit,

64 55

deque avia nihilum superest, accedo Bovillas

clivumque ad Virbi, praesto est mihi Manius heres.

â——Progenies terrae?â—— Quaere ex me, quis mihi quartus

sit pater: haud prompte, dicam tamen; adde etiam unum,

unum etiam: terrae est iam filius, et mihi ritu


Manius hic generis prope maior avunculus exit.

qui prior es, cur me in decursu lampada poscis?

sum tibi Mercurius; venio deus huc ego ut ille

pingitur; an renuis? vin tu gaudere relictis?

â——Dest aliquid summae.â—— Minui mihi; sed tibi totum est,


quidquid id est. ubi sit, fuge quaerere, quod mihi quondam

legarat Tadius, neu dicta repone paterna:

Faenoris accedat merces; hinc exime sumptus.

quid reliquum est? Reliquum? nunc, nunc inpensius ungue,

ungue, puer, caules! mihi festa luce coquetur


urtica et fissa fumosum sinciput aure,

ut tuus iste nepos olim satur anseris extis,

Notes SATURA VI. 46

The Satires of Persius

cum morosa vago singultiet inguine vena,

patriciae inmeiat vulvae? mihi trama figurae

sit reliqua, ast illi tremat omento popa venter?


vende animam lucro, mercare atque excute sollers

omne latus mundi, nec sit praestantior alter

Cappadocas rigida pinguis plausisse castata:

rem duplica. â——Feci; iam triplex, iam mihi quarto,

iam deciens redit in rugam: depunge, ubi sistam.â——


Inventus, Chrysippe, tui finitor acervi.


In the Vita Persii, line divisions in the original text are marked |. Note that the first page break
does not agree with numbering of lines on the second page.



A. Persius Flaccus natus est pridie nonas Decembris | Fabio Persico L. Vitellio coss. decessit VIII
kalendas | Decembris P. Mario Asinio Gallo coss. || 5

natus est in Etruria Volaterris, eques Romanus, sanguine | et affinitate primi ordinis viris
coniunctus. decessit | ad octavum miliarium in via Appia in praediis | suis.

pater eum Flaccus pupillum reliquit moriens annorum || 10 fere sex. Fulvia Sisennia mater nupsit
postea | Fusio equiti Romano et eum quoque extulit inter | paucos annos.

studuit Flaccus usque ad annum XII aetatis suae | Volaterris, inde Romae apud grammaticum
Remmium || 15 Palaemonem et apud rhetorem Verginium Flavum. | cum esset annorum XVI,
amicitia coepit uti Annaei | Cornuti, ita ut ab eo nusquam discederet. inductus | aliquatenus in
philosophiam est.

amicos habuit a prima adulescentia Caesium Bassum || 20 poetam et Calpurnium Staturam, qui
vivo eo iuvenis | decessit. coluit ut patrem Servilium Nonianum. cognovit | per Cornutum etiam
Annaeum Lucanum, aequaevum | auditorem Cornuti. [nam Cornutus illo tempore ||| 66 tragicus
fuit sectae stoicae. sed] Lucanus adeo mirabatur | scripta Flacci, ut vix retineret se recitantem
clamore, | quin illa [esse] vera poemata diceret, etsi ipse | sua ludos faceret. sero cognovit et
Senecam, sed non | ut caperetur eius ingenio. usus est apud Cornutum | duorum convictu
virorum et doctissimorum et sanctissimorum, || 5 acriter tum philosophantium, Claudii


The Satires of Persius

Agathemeri, | medici, Lacedaemonii, et Petronii Aristocratis, | Magnetis, quos unice miratus est et
aemulatus, cum aequales | essent, Cornuti minores et ipsi.

idem etiam decem fere annos summe dilectus a Paeto || 10 Thrasea est, ita ut peregrinaretur
quoque cum eo aliquando, | cognatam eius Arriam habente uxorem.

fuit morum lenissimorum, verecundiae virginalis, | formae pulchrae, pietatis erga matrem et
sororem et | amitam exemplo sufficientis. || 15

fuit frugi et pudicus.

reliquit circa HS vicies matri et sorori. scriptis tamen | ad matrem codicillis Cornuto rogavit ut
daret sestertia, | ut quidam, centum, ut alii volunt et argenti facti | pondo viginti et libros circa
septingentos Chrysippi sive || 20 bibliothecam suam omnem. verum Cornutus sublatis | libris
pecuniam [sororibus, quas heredes frater fecerat] | reliquit.

et raro et tarde scripsit. hunc ipsum librum inperfectum | reliquit. versus aliqui dempti sunt ultimo
libro, || 25 ut quasi finitus esset. leviter retractavit Cornutus | et Caesio Basso petenti, ut ipsi
cederet, tradidit edendum. ||| 67 scripsit etiam Flaccus in pueritia praetextam â— vescio | et
hodoeporicon librum unum et paucos in socrum | Thraseae [in Arriae matrem] versus, quae se |
ante virum occiderat. omnia ea auctor fuit Cornutus | matri eius ut aboleret. || 5

editum librum continuo mirari et diripere homines | coepere.

decessit autem vitio stomachi anno aetatis XXX.

sed mox ut a scholis et magistris divertit, lecto libro | Lucilii decimo vehementer saturas
conponere instituit. || 10 cuius libri principium imitatus est, sibi primo, mox omnibus | detracturus
cum tanta recentium poetarum et oratotum | insectatione, ut etiam Neronem [illius temporis |
principem] culpaverit. cuius versus in Neronem cum | ita se haberet â——auriculas asini Mida rex
habet,â—— in eum || 15 modum a Cornuto, Persio iam tum mortuo, est commutatus |
â——auriculas asini quis non habet?â—— ne hoc Nero in | se dictum arbitraretur.

QUINTILIANUS X, 1, 94 multum et verae gloriae | quamvis uno libro Persius meruit. || 20


Saepius in libro numeratur Persius uno,

quam levis in tota Marsus Amazonide.

IOANNES LYDUS DE MAG. I, 41 Πέϗϗιοϗ δὲ | ϗὸν ϗοιηϗὴν

Σώϗϗονα μιμήϗαϗθαι θέλϗν ϗὸ Ηϗκόϗϗονοϗ
|| 25 ϗαϗῗλθεν ἗μαύϗον.



The Satires of Persius




Argument.—I never drank of Hippocrene, never dreamed on Parnassus. The maids of Helicon and the
waters of Pirene are meat and drink for my masters—the acknowledged classics—not for me, a poor
lay-brother, with my humble, homely song (1-7). Others succeed: the parrot with his Greek, the pie with her Latin.
They have not dreamed on Parnassus either; but they have a teacher—the great master Belly—and
Sixpence is their Phoebus Apollo. Hark how they troll forth their notes! (8-14).

Alas for me! no golden Muse, no silver sixpence inspires me. Quis leget haec?

This prologue is a survival of the dramatic element of the satire, as Casaubon has remarked. Peculiarly personal, the
prologue is found in the earlier and in the later stages of art, in ballad literature and in reflective poetry. The
spurious verses which precede the Aeneid—Ille ego—were intended to serve as a prologue, and
prologues in prose and poetry are familiar to the readers of Martial, Statius, Ausonius, and Claudian.

There is no good reason to doubt the genuineness of the prologue, or to attribute the authorship to Caesius Bassus,
the Editor of Persius, as Heinrich has done. Nor is there any sufficient ground for supposing that the prologue is
fragmentary. The two parts—of seven verses each—do not hang well together, but the connection of
the thought is not so remote after all. â——In the former part, Persius ridicules the pretended source of the poetical
inspiration of his time, in the latter he exposes its real originâ—— (Teuffel).

More open to debate is the relation of the prologue to the satires. Is it an introduction to all, or only to the first? It is
true that the prologue seems to belong especially to the first. Both furnish us with a programme of the poetâ——s
views, with a confession of faith which consisted in a want of faith in the age; but as the First Satire itself contains a
vindication of the poetâ——s work, and forms an introduction to the other five satires, it is safer not to restrict the
prologue to the narrower office.


It is needless to say that these verses have not lacked admirers and imitators. The latter half is parodied by Milton
(In Salmasii Hundredam), and the line magister artis ingenique largitor is expanded by Rabelais (4, 59).

The metre is the scazon or choliambus (G., 755; A., 82, 2, a, R), and as the combination of different rhythms is one
of the peculiarities of the earlier satura, it is not unlikely that Persius followed an older pattern. In Petronius, cap.
5, the choliambus is in like manner followed by the hexameter, but the analogy is not close. The choliambus, the
invention of the great lampoonist HippÅ—nax, is admirably adapted by its structure for the expression of
disappointment, vexation, discontent. The march of the iambus is suddenly checked in the fifth foot, and the rapid
measure violently tripped up. It is a mischievous metre, and betrays in its malice the Thersitic character of its

1. The allusion is to Ennius, the alter Homerus, who drank of Hippocrene (Prop., 3, 2 [4], 6),
and dreamed that he had seen his great original on Parnassus (Cic., Ac. Pr., 2, 16,
51).—fonte: â——in the spring.â—— The Latin Abl. often has a locative translation, when
the conception is not necessarily or not distinctly locative. (G.,* 387.)—prolui:
â——drenchedâ—— is designedly misused. The figure is Litotes. (G., 448, R. 2.) The greater the
depression, the greater the rebound. Non prolui labra = ne primoribus quidem labris attigi.
—caballino: Fons caballinus, â——hackâ——s spring,â—— is a mock translation of

The Satires of Persius

Hippocrene = ἵϗϗοϗ κϗήνη: the fountain opened by Pegasus with his hoof.
Caballus is a comic equivalent of equus. Comp. Juvenalâ——s Gorgonei caballi (3, 118).

* G. = Gildersleeveâ——s L. Grammar; A. = Allen and Greenoughâ——s; M. = Madvigâ——s.

2. bicipiti: â——two-peaked.â—— Parnassus is called biceps, either because it appears to have

two peaks from such common points of view as the entrance to the Corinthian Gulf
(δικόϗϗμβοϗ ὗ Παϗναϗόϗ, Lucian, Char., 5), or because of the two
tall cliffs (Ov., Met., 1, 316; 2, 221)—the Φαιδϗιάδεϗ of Diodorus (16, 28), the
δίλοϗοϗ ϗέϗϗα of Sophocles (Ant., 1126)—between which the
Castalian spring takes its rise.—somniasse: sc. me somniasse (G., 527, R. 2; M., 401).
With memini the Pres. Inf. is more common of Personal Recollection (G., 277, R; A., 58, 11, b),
but the Perfect is also found when the action is distinctly recognized as a by-gone. 73 Comp.
saepe velut gemmas eius signumque probarem | per causam memini me tetigisse
manum, Tib., 1, 6, 26. Also Ov., Am., 3, 7, 25-6; A. A., 2, 169. The Perfect is especially
appropriate here, as the balance of the period would seem to require nec prolui nec (quod
meminerim) somniavi; and so Conington with correct instinct translates, â——never that I can

3. sic: οὗϗϗϗ, ◗just so,◗ ◗without any warning, any

preparation.â———prodirem: â——make my appearanceâ—— (as it were on the stage).

4. Heliconidas: The Muses. Comp. Hesiod (Theog., 1). Hermann prefers the epic form,
Heliconiadas.—-que—-que: G., 478; A., 43, 2, a.—pallidamque
Pirenen: Pirene is the fountain of Acrocorinthus, where Pegasus was broken in by Bellerophon.
The poetic virtue of its water was a late discovery. Pallidam, attribute for effect. Comp. pallida
mors, ϗλϗϗὸν δέοϗ, and the like. The pallor of students and poets needs no

5. remitto: ἗ϗίημι, for the more usual relinquo, which is a common v.l. Kisselius
(Specimen criticum, p. 51) cites Cic., De Orat., 1, 58: tibi remittunt istam voluptatem et ea
se carere patiuntur; and Tac., Hist., 4, 11: vim principis complecti, nomen
remittere.—imagines: â——bustsâ—— (set up in libraries, public and private). Comp.
ut dignus venias hederis et imagine macra, Juv., 7, 29.—lambunt: more frequently
used of flames.

6. hederae: Notice the plural, â——ivy wreaths,â—— G., 195, R. 6. The ivy, being sacred to
Bacchus, formed the wreath of victors in scenic contests; thence transferred to poets
generally.—sequaces: â——lissom, pliant.â—— Persius seldom, if ever, uses a merely
descriptive epithet, and hence some commentators have detected a sneer in these words,
â——lackeying ivy belicks.â———semipaganus: â——poor half-brother of the guildâ——
(Conington). The paganus is admitted to all the sacra pagi (paganalia); the semipaganus is a
lay-brother. Persius is not a vates, but a semivates. He is not initiated into what Aristophanes
calls the γενναίϗν ὗϗγια Ηοϗϗῶν, Ran., 356. Those who believe
that the Satires of Persius were aimed at Nero, see in semipaganus, â——half-educated,â——
as well as in the last seven verses, a deliberate disguise of the poetâ——s real condition, as a
man of culture and of wealth. They overlook the sneer at the class which he is not worthy to join.


7. vatum: with the same tone of derision as in the English equivalent,

â——bards.â———nostrum: perhaps not simply = meum, but â——native,

The Satires of Persius


8. expedivit: Expedire and conari both imply difficulty (Jahn), but the difficulty is completely
conquered in expedire; not so in conari. The parrot, if not a Greek (ϗιϗϗακόϗ), is a
Hellenized Hindoo (bitak), and has learned to utter glibly his familiar Bonjour. The magpie is an
Italian, and not so deft. Others regard this interpretation, which is essentially Jahnâ——s, as too
subtle, and make verba nostra, which many prefer to nostra verba, simply equivalent to
â——human speech.â———chaere = ϗαῗϗε. Greek was the language of small
talk, love talk, parrot-talk.

10. magister artis ingenique largitor: Magister, of that which is taught; largitor, of that
which comes from natureâ——s bounty; -que combines the two into an exhaustive unit (G., 478;
A., 43, 3, a). The thought recurs in numberless forms. Comp. ἗ ϗενία,
Ηιόϗανϗε, μόνα ϗὰϗ ϗέϗναϗ ἗γείϗει, Theocr.,
21, 1; Paupertas omnes artis perdocet, Plaut., Stich., 1, 3. 23 (Jahn). Add ϗϗεία
διδάϗκει, κ἗ν βϗαδύϗ ϗιϗ ᾗ, ϗοϗόν, Eur., fr. 709
(Nauck), and Alexis, fr. 205 (3, 479 Mein.), where the γαϗϗήϗ is expressly mentioned.
Birds, it seems, were trained to talk by hunger.

11. negatas: (a natura).—artifex sequi: poetic syntax for a. sequendi. G., 424, R.
4. (comp. 429, R. 4); A., 57, 8, f, 3. A so-called Greek construction. See 1, 59. 70. 118; 5, 15.
24; 6, 6. 24.—sequi = sectari.—voces: (articulate) â——speech.â——

12. quod si: â——Nay, if but.â—— Commentators on Horace still indulge in remarks on the
unpoetical character of quod si, copying Orelli on Od., 1, 1, 35. If quod si is prosaic, Propertius
is to be pitied; he uses it at every turn.—dolosi: â——seductive, alluring.â—— Persius
does not deal much in ◗general epithets;◗ hence δόλιον κέϗδοϗ (Pind.,
Pyth., 4, 140) is not a sufficient parallel.—refulserit: better every way than refulgeat,
which Jahn accepts in his ed. of 1868. The Perf. Subj. is more vivid and more correct than the
Present. Re- must not be overlooked. Like the English â——again,â—— it denotes the reversal of
a previous condition. Refulgere, â——to catch the eye by its glitter,â—— â——to flash on the
sightâ———whereas it lay unnoticed before.—nummi: better translated as a coin.
Comp. â——The Splendid Shilling,â—— â——The Almighty Dollar;â—— perhaps 75 â——The
Magic Sixpence.â—— Comp. Juv., 7, 8: nam si Pieria quadrans tibi nullus in umbra |
ostendatur, etc.

13. corvos poetas et poetridas picas: â——Raven poets and poetess pies,â—— the
substantive standing for an epithet, like popa venter, 6, 74. Which of the substantives is
adjective to the other does not appear. For the corvus, Poe and Dickens will answer as well as
Macrob., Sat. 2, 4. The male poet has a female counterpart in the magpie (pica). According to
Ov. (Met., 5, 294, foll.), the daughters of Pierus, the Macedonian, were changed into magpies
because they had challenged the Muses to a contest, and reviled the victorious goddesses. There
seems to be an allusion to the literary ladies of the day, the blue-stockings of Juvenalâ——s
Satire (6, 434 foll.). See Friedländer, Sittengeschichte, 1, 481. Poetridas after Gr. analogy.

14. cantare nectar: a poetic extension of the cognate accusative = nectareum carmen
cantare (G., 331; A., 52, 1, b). Nectar is copied from Pind., Ol., 7, 7 (νέκϗαϗ
ϗϗϗόν, Ηοιϗᾶν δόϗιν), and when combined with Pegaseium is
sufficiently grandiloquent to be as absurd as it is intended to be. The old reading, melos
(μέλοϗ), with its faulty quantity, rarely finds a champion against nectar.

The Satires of Persius


This Satire is an attack on the literature of the day as the efflorescence of the corruption of the times. The age is
personified by a critical friend, but it is not always easy to determine when the poet is speaking and when the friend,
or when the satirist is meeting an imaginary objection from some other imaginary quarter. The unreality of the
whole dialogue is confessed with more candor than art in v. 44. Instead of a firm outline, we have a floating
quisquis es.

Argument.—The poem opens with a line, which Persius recites to his man of straw, who forthwith urges
him to abandon authorship (1-3). The poet acknowledges that he is at odds with his generation and expects no
applause at their hands. But little does he care for their praise; let them prefer a Labeo to him. Their standard is not
his standard. He is his own canon. He will not, can not follow the advice of his friend. He must obey the impulse of
his temper and speak out (4-12).


Whether we write laborious verse or laborious prose—so the attack begins—it is all one; display and
applause are the aim and object of both. The style is fustian; the delivery wanton; the theme prurient. The bard is
little better than a bawd (13-23). And yet so deeply rooted is this love of praise that learning is loss, unless it be
minted into golden opinions, and knowledge is naught until it be known of men. To be pointed out as a lion, to be
used as a school classic—what glory! (24-30). Oh, yes! A glory shared by the dainty ditties, the mewling
elegies of lisping, snuffling dandies, for this is what calls forth the approval of the after-dinner circle. Such is the
praise that is to bless the poet even after death! (30-40). It is true that fame is not to be despised. No poet but feels
his heart vibrate to praise. But the popular acclaim is not the ultimate standard. Mad epics, elegies thrown off in a
surfeit, effusions of aristocratic easy-chairs are alike lauded. A man feeds the hungry and clothes the naked, and
then asks for a candid opinion. Mockery of criticism! (40-62). The taste of the people relishes nothing but smooth
verses—verses without flaw or break, faultless machine-verses—which answer any turn, and serve
alike for satire, for eclogues, for heroic strains (63-75). Others, again, call themselves passionate pilgrims to the
well of Latin undefiled, and linger over the obsolete magniloquence of Pacuvius and Accius. A fine olla
podrida—this jumble of modern affectation and ancient trumpery (76-82). Bad as this is in literature, how
much worse it is to find that the jargon of the salon has become the language of the courts, and that the manly
Roman speech is dead. Even in a matter of life and death, the accused thinks more of his rhetorical than of his
judicial sentence, and listens for a â——Pretty good,â—— as if that were the verdict (83-91). It will not do to say
that great improvements have been made in the art of verse. Smooth are the verses and resonant, but at the cost of
sense, of manly vigor. Once catch the trick, and any body can reel off such lines (92-106). Ears are ticklish, our
satirist admits. Truth is an unwelcome rasp, and the cold shoulder of great men no toothsome meal. Police
regulations are stringent. â——Commit no nuisanceâ—— is posted every where. Ah, well! It was otherwise in the
time of Lucilius. That was a free world in which he craunched Lupus and Mucius. It was otherwise in the time of
Horace. That was a gay world, in which he tickled while he taught. And is the poet not to mutter even? King
Midasâ——s barber told his masterâ——s secret to a ditch. Where can a ditch be found? Here in this book
(107-121). Few readers can our author hope or desire—only such as have studied closely the great masters of
the Attic sock, not such as ignorantly make a mock of Greek attire and Greek science, pride themselves on petty
local honors, and rise to no higher conception of wit or fun than a dog-fight or a jibe at personal infirmity

It has been well observed that this is the only Satire of Persius in the 77 strict sense of the term; the other five have
rather the character of essays on moral themes.

One of the best commentaries on this poem is the famous 114th Epistle of Seneca.

The student of English literature will remember that Giffordâ——s Baviad is an imitation of this piece.

The Satires of Persius

1-7. At the very outset we encounter a difficulty in the distribution of the first lines between P.
(Persius) and M. (Monitor, as the second interlocutor is usually called). The arrangement followed
in the text may be explained thus:

P. (is discovered absorbed in contemplation. He recites a line from his projected

poem).—â——Vanity of vanities!â——

M.—Who will read this stuff of yours?

P. (wakes up).—Do you mean that for me? Why, no one, of course.

M.—No one?

P.—Next to no one.

M.—A lame and impotent conclusion!

P.—Why so? Am I to fear that Polydamas and the Trojan dames shall make up their minds
to give Labeo the preference over me? Stuff! Donâ——t assent, when muddled Rome rejects a
thing as light weight, and do not trouble yourself to get the faulty tongue of that pair of scales to
work right, and look not outside of yourself for what you can find only within yourself.

1. O curas hominum! O quantum est in rebus inane! Homines and res are both used for â——the
world,â—— sometimes singly, sometimes together. Res is often to be omitted in translation, or another turn
given. O quantum est in rebus inane, â——Vanity of vanitiesâ———a suitable Stoic text. There seems
to be no allusion to Lucretiusâ——s common phrase, in rebus inane.

2. Quis leget haec? a quotation from Lucilius, according to the scholiast. Jahn follows Pinzger
in supposing that the quotation begins with O curas hominum! See, however, L. Müller,
Lucilius, p. 194.

3. vel duo vel nemo: is more guarded, and hence (by Litotes) stronger than nemo. Comp.
Gr. ἢ ϗιϗ ἢ οὗδείϗ.

4. ne mihi praetulerint: an elliptical sentence, such as we 78 often find in final relations (A.,
70, 3, f), in English as well as in Latin (G., 688, R.). The sequence is not common in the classic
period, but see G., 512, R. Comp. Plaut., Aul., 2, 3, 11; Liv., 44, 22, and Weissenborn in loc. The
Greek would be: μὴ ϗϗοϗιμήϗϗϗι.—Polydamas: Some write
Pulydamas, corresponding with the Homeric form, Ποϗλϗδάμαϗ; but Pŗlydamas
(Πϗλϗδάμαϗ) is the Sicilian Doric, like pŗlypus (ϗϗλύϗοϗ). The allusion
is to a familiar passage in Hom., Il., 22, 100. 104. 5: Ποϗλϗδάμαϗ μοι
ϗϗῶϗοϗ ἗λεγϗείην ἗ναθήϗει—νῦν δ᾽
἗ϗεὶ ὤλεϗα λαὸν ἗ϗαϗθαλίῗϗιν
἗μῗϗιν | αίδέομαι Τϗῶαϗ καὶ Τϗῳάδαϗ
἗λκεϗιϗέϗλοϗϗ. These are the words of Hector, as he steels his great heart
to meet Achilles. Polydamas is the counsellor who had urged him (18, 254) to withdraw the
Trojans into Troy, and Hector is ashamed to turn back and encounter the rebuke of Polydamas
and the reproaches of his people. Persius uses Polydamas as the type of the Roman critic, and
by a familiar satiric stroke leaves out the Trojan men, as if they were no men in Rome. Others
understand â——Nero and his effeminate court.â—— The Homeric passage had been well worn
by Aristotle and Cicero (Att., 2, 5, 1; 7, 1, 4; 8, 16, 2) before it came to Persius. There is
perhaps a side-thrust at the pride of the old Roman families in their Trojan descent. Comp. Juv.,
1, 100: iubet a praecone vocari | ipsos Troiugenas; also 8, 181. See Friedländer,

The Satires of Persius

Sittengesch., 1, 230.—Labeonem: the Attius (Labeo) of v. 50, an unfortunate

translator of Homer, who stuck close to the letter. The scholiast has preserved a line.
Ὠμὸν βεβϗώθοιϗ Πϗίαμον Πϗιάμοιό ϗε
ϗαῗδαϗ (Il., 4, 35) is rendered thus: crudum manduces Priamum Priamique
pisinnos. â——Raw youâ——d munch both Priam himself and Priamâ——s papooses.â——

5. nugae: The accusative is more common. Comp. G., 340, R. 1.—non

accedas—nec quaesiveris: Non and nec, where Quintilianâ——s rigid rule (1, 5,
50) requires ne and neve. G., 266, R. 1; A., 41, 2, e. Comp. 3, 73 and 5, 45.—turbida:
â——muddle-headedâ—— (Conington). But comp. Alexandrea turbida, Auson., Clar. Urb., 3, 4.

6, 7. elevet: â——reject as light.â—— The figure is taken from weighing, doubtless a common
trope in the schools.—examen: (filum, ligula) is the â——index, tongue, or needleâ——
which is said to be inprobum, â——faulty,â—— â——wilful,â—— â——untoward,â—— because it
does not move 79 freely or accurately on its pivot.—trutina: (Gr. ϗϗϗϗάνη,
a word of doubtful etymology and loose application, means here â——a balance,â—— â——a pair
of scales,â—— not, as the scholiast says, the foramen, â——forkâ—— or â——cheeks,â—— in
which the examen plays.—castiges = percutias (Schol.) of the tap given to a hitching
balance. Gesner, s.v., regards castigare here as equivalent to conpescere (5, 100), a view
which has a good deal in its favor. The notion is not â——do not correct the popular
standard,â—— but â——do not try to get an exact result by the popular standard (for your
guidance).â—— Hermann (Lect. Pers., II., 9) follows those who understand the examen and
trutina of different instruments: Noli examen tuum in populi trutina castigare.* So Pretor,
who translates: â——Do not try to correct the erring tongue of your delicate balance by applying
to it a pair of ordinary scales.â———nec te quaesiveris extra: (te) â——Nor look for
yourself (what you can find only in yourself) outside of yourself.â—— â——Be your own
norm.â—— Others arrange: nec quaesiveris extra te, â——Nor ask any opinion but your

* No satisfactory treatment of this subject is accessible to me. The Greek and Latin dictionaries are wildly at
variance with one another and with the authorities. Examen seems to have been originally the strap by which the
beam was suspended—not from AG, but from AP. See Isidor., Orig., 16, 23, and comp. amentum
(ammentum). Add Lucil., 16, 14 (L. Müller). Eustathius◗s ϗϗϗϗάνη ἗ϗὶ ζογοῦ
ἡ ϗειϗομένη ϗῷ βάϗει ϗῶν ὗγκϗν points to the pivot (knife-edge) as the
first meaning of trutina.

8-12. The distribution followed is that of Jahn (1843), which gives nolo (v. 11) to the
interlocutor. The jerky, self-interrupting discourse is supposed to be characteristic of the
petulante splene cachinno. â——What is the use of consulting Rome? Every body there is
an— If I might say what! If I might? Surely I may, when I consider how old we are become,
how grum we are, and all the step-fatherly manner of our lives, since the days of
â——commoneysâ—— and â——alley tors.â—— Indulge me. It can not be. What am I to do?
Nothing? But I am a man of laughter with a saucy spleen.â——

8. nam Romae quis non? The suppressed predicate is to be supplied from the general scope
of the passage. The sentence is not completed in v. 131 (auriculas asini habet), for the simple
reason that Persius did not write quis non in that passage, but Mida rex.


9. cum—aspexi: Cum is equivalent to postquam here. G., 567; A., 62, 3,

e.—canitiem: â——premature old age,â—— â——loss of youthful freshness.â—— All

The Satires of Persius

through this satire the poet lashes old age, as commentators have observed. So here, and 22. 26.
56. 79. The â——hoary headâ—— is not a â——crown of glory,â—— but a sign of debauchery; the
â——fair, round belly,â—— which is not uncomely in the elderly justice, is nothing but a swagging
paunch; the bald pate is not a mirror of honor, but a mirror of dishonor; in short, â——no fool like
an old fool.â—— Especially severe is Persius on the â——used-upâ—— man; and the affected
moralizing of young men, who had outlived their youth before they had had time to forget the
games of boyhood, drove him to satire. On the Neronian hypothesis, Persius is endeavoring to
masquerade as an old man.—nostrum istud vivere triste: â——sour way of
life.â—— This is a so-called figura Graeca, which out-Greeks the Greeks. Good authors are very
cautious in adding an attribute to the infinitive, and do not go beyond ipsum, hoc ipsum. Scire
tuum, v. 27; ridere meum, v. 122; velle suum, 5, 53; sapere nostrum, 6, 38, can not be
rendered literally into the language from which they are supposed to be imitated. Nursery
infinitives (3, 17) belong to a different category.

10. nucibus: The modern equivalent is â——marbles.â—— The very games survive. (See 3,
50.) It is hardly necessary to prove that putting away such childish things means becoming a
man. Da nuces pueris, iners | concubine: satis diu | lusisti nucibus, Catull., 61, 127-9.

11. patruos: On the accusative, see G., 329, R. 1; A., 52, 1, c. The patruorum rigor was
proverbial. Owing to the legal position of the paternal uncle, who was often the guardian, it is the
patruus, not the avunculus, who is the type of severity. So the cruel uncle of the ballad of the
â——children in the woodâ—— is the fatherâ——s brother.

12. quid faciam? G., 258; A., 57, 6.—sed: (I know you want me to do nothing),
â——butâ—— (I canâ——t keep quiet) â——I am a laugher born.â———petulante:
literally, â——given to butting,â—— hence â——saucyâ———splene: The seat of
laughter.—cachinno: a substantive, perhaps built by Persius on the analogy of bibo,
epulo, erro, etc. Comp. glutto, 5, 112; palpo, 5, 176. Hermann, following Heindorf, 81 makes
cachinno a verb, and reads: tunc, tunc—ignoscite, nolo; quid faciam sed sum
petulante splene—cachinno, â——Then—then—excuse me—I
would rather not—what am I to do?—I canâ——t help it—my spleen is too
much for me—I must have my laugh.â—— Jahn (1868) accepts tunc,
tunc—ignoscite, nolo, but goes no further.

13-23. The battery opens. Verse-wright and writer of prose alike care for nothing except
applause. Follows a vivid picture of a popular recitation.

13. Scribimus inclusi: Comp. scribimus indocti, etc. Hor., Ep., 2, 1, 117.—inclusi:
â——in closet pentâ—— (Giffordâ——s Baviad), to show the artificial and labored character of the
composition in contrast with the beggarly result. Marklandâ——s ingenious conjecture, inclusus
numeris, is not necessary. Heinr. admires Markl., but retains numeros as a Greek
accusative!—numeros: â——poetry;â—— pede liber = pede libero,
â——foot-loose,â—— â——prose,â—— soluta oratio.

14. grande: â——vast,â—— â——grandiose.â—— Grandis is always used with intention, which
our word â——grandâ—— sometimes fails to give. See 1, 68; 2, 42; 3, 45. 55; 5, 7. 186; 6,
22.—quod pulmo: â——something vast enough to make a lung generous of breath pant
in the utterance of it.â—— Jahn (1868) reads quo for quod; quo is not so
vigorous.—animae praelargus: a stretch of the adjectives of fulness (G., 373, R. 6; A.,
50, 3, b); praelargus = capacissimus.

The Satires of Persius

15. scilicet: Ironical sympathy, â——O yes!â———haec: The position is

emphatic.—populo: â——to the public,â—— â——in public.â—— The political force of
populus has ceased.—pexus: â——with hair and beard well dressâ——d.â——
â——Combedâ—— hardly conveys the notion: say â——shampooed.â———togaque
recenti: â——freshâ—— (from the fuller).

16. natalicia sardonyche: Jewelry reserved for great occasions. The brilliancy of the
sardonyx is a common theme. Rufe vides ilium subsellia prima tenentem | cuius et hinc
lucet sardonychata manus, Mart., 2, 29, 1-2—tandem: shows
impatience.—albus = albatus (comp. 2, 40; Hor., Sat., 2, 2, 61) on account of the toga
recens. So niveos ad frena Quirites, Juv., 10, 45. Heinr. argues at length in favor of

17. sede celsa = ex cathedra.—leges: So Jahn (1868), despite the MSS. Legens may
be explained at a pinch as lecturus, a comma being put after ocello; Hermann combines with
pulmo, and 82 comp. Juv., 10, 238 sq., where os stands for the owner of the same. Add cana
gula, Juv., 14, 10. But pexus and albus make such a synecdoche incredible.—liquido:
quia liquidam vocem efficit. Comp. Hor., Od., 1, 24, 3: cui liquidam pater | vocem cum
cithara dedit. The attribute is put for the effect, as in pallidam Pirenen, Prol.,
4.—plasmate: according to Quint., 1, 8, 2, a technical name for the professional training
of the voice, a kind of rhetorical solfeggio. Others understand the plasma of a gargle to clear
the throat.

18. mobile collueris: Mobile is predicative. Translate: â——after gargling your throat to
suppleness by filtering modulation.â———patranti ocello: â——an eye that would be
doing,â—— â——a leering, lustful eye.â—— Quint. (8, 3, 44) says of patrare: mala
consuetudine in obscenum intellectum sermo detortus. Comp. â——doâ—— in Shaksp.,
Troil. and Cressida, 4, 2: Go hang yourself, you naughty, mocking uncle! You bring me to do, and
then you flout me too.—fractus = effeminatus, â——debauched,â——
◗languishing,◗ κλαδαϗόϗ. Conington translates: ◗with a languishing roll of
your wanton eye.â——

19. neque more probo nec voce serena: Litotes. see Prol., 1.

20. ingentis Titos: Comp. celsi Rhamnes, Hor., A. P., 342. Here, however, there is a
reference to size of body (like ingens Pulfennius, 5, 190; torosa iuventus, 3, 86; caloni alto,
5, 95), for which Persius seems to have had a Stoic contempt. Titi, perhaps another form of
Tities, the old Sabine nobility (Mommsen, Rom. Gesch., B. 1, K. 4), of whom much aristocratic
virtue might have been expected (sanctos licet horrida mores | tradiderit domus ac veteres
imitata Sabinos, Juv., 10, 298-9). Instead of that we have great, hulking
debauchees.—trepidare: â——quiver.â—— The word is used indifferently of pleasant
and unpleasant agitation. The quavering measure thrills them so that they can not sit still. On the
infinitive, see 3, 64.

21. scalpuntur intima: â——their marrow is tickled.â—— Scalpere is opposed to radere, 1,

107. Comp. 3, 114; 5, 15.

22. tun: -ne is often found in rhetorical questions.—vetule: â——you old

reprobate,â—— â——you old sinner.â———escas: â——tidbits;â—— â——escas
colligere,â—— â——cater.â——

The Satires of Persius

23. quibus et dicas: Et belongs to cute perditus, which is variously explained

â——dropsical,â—— â——unblushing,â—— â——thoroughly diseased.â—— 83 The context
requires a tough subject, and â——hide-boundâ—— or â——case-hardenedâ—— might answer as
a rendering.—ohe: a reminiscence of Hor., Sat. 2, 5, 96: importunus amat laudari;
donec â——Ohe iamâ—— | ad caelum manibus sublatis dixerit, urge, | crescentem
tumidis infla sermonibus utrem, which last line helps us to understand cute perditus.
Persius, as is his wont, tries to improve on Horace, and makes his man inelastic.

24-43. M. Study is useless except to show what a man has in him.—P. A low ideal for a
student.—M. Fame is a fine thing.—P. It would be a fine thing if it were not shared
by every dinner-table poet.—M. You are too captious. It is a great thing to have written
poems that are proof against trunk-maker and pastry-cook.

24. Quo didicisse? The exclamatory infinitive with involved subject. G., 534 (340); A., 57, 8, g.

25. iecore: the seat of the passions. Here â——heartâ—— or â——breastâ—— would seem to
be more appropriate.—caprificus: the wild fig-tree sprouts in the clefts of rocks and
cracks of buildings, which it rends in its growth. Ad quae | discutienda valent mala robora
fici, Juv., 10, 145.

26. En pallor seniumque: â——So thatâ——s the meaning of your studious pallor (v. 124; 3,
85; 5, 62) and your (early) old age.â—— With senium comp. Hor., Ep., 1, 18, 47: inhumanae
senium depone Camenae. Persius mocks at the weariness to the flesh which the student has
undergone for so paltry a result. This is the arrangement of Jahn (1843) and Hermann. Jahn
(1868) follows Heinr. in giving the line to the remonstrant. En, originally an interrogative, is, after
the time of Sallust, confounded with em, and combined with the nom. in the sense of em, which
properly takes the accus. alone. So Ribbeck, Beiträge zur Lehre von den latein. Partikeln, S.
35.—o mores: Ciceroâ——s famous ejaculation.—usque adeone: Usque
adeone mori miserum est, Verg., Aen., 12, 646; usque adeo nihil est, Juv., 3, 84.

27. scire tuum nihil est, etc.: â——And is thy knowledge nothing if not knownâ—— (Gifford).
These jingles were much admired in antiquity. The passage from Lucilius, which Persius is said
to have imitated, reads, according to L. Müller (fr. inc., 40, 73): ne dampnum faciam, scire
hoc sibi nesciat is me. A better example in Lucr., 4, 470.


28. At: objects. See G., 490; A., 43, 3, b.—digito monstrari: δακϗύλῳ
δείκνϗϗθαι (δακϗϗλοδεικϗεῗϗθαι). Quod monstror digito
praetereuntium, Hor., Od., 4, 3, 22; saepe aliquis digito vatem designat euntem, Ov., Am.,
3, 1. 19.—hic est: οὗϗοϗ ἗κεῗνοϗ, in the well-known story of
Demosthenes. Cic., Tusc. Dis., 5, 36.—dicier: On the form, see G., 191, 2; A., 30, 6, e, 4.
So fallier, 3, 50.

29. cirratorum: â——curl-pates.â—— Jahn cites Mart., 9, 29, 7: Matutini cirrata caterva
magistri. School-boys wore their hair long, but Persius does not waste his epithets, and
â——youths of qualityâ—— are doubtless meant. Comp. the lautorum pueros of Juv., 7,
177.—dictata: â——Persius takes not only higher schools, but higher lessons, dictata
being passages from the poets read out by the master (for want of books) and repeated by the
boysâ—— (Conington). Translate â——a lesson-book,â—— a â——school classic.â——

The Satires of Persius

30. Ecce: introduces a satiric sketch of â——classic poets at work.â———inter pocula:

◗over their cups.◗ Poems were read at table by an ἗ναγνώϗϗηϗ, as
lives of the saints are still read in religious houses.

31. Romulidae: Comp. Titos, v. 20; trossulus, v. 82; Romule, v. 87.—dia:

θεῗα, an affected word. ◗Let us hear,◗ say the company, ◗what his charming
verses are aboutâ—— (Pretor). Conington renders: â——What news from the divine world of

32. hyacinthia laena: The dandies of the day wore upper garments of military cut and gay
colors. A similar military dandyism on the part of non-military men is observable in the
Macedonian period. Comp. ϗλαμϗδηϗόϗοι ἗νδϗεϗ, Theocr., 15, 6, with
the commentators.

33. rancidulum quiddam: â——affected stuff,â—— â——namby-pamby

trash.â———balba de nare = de nare balbutiens, â——with a nasal lisp,â——
â——with a snuffle and a lispâ—— (Conington). Balbus is especially used of the introduction of
an aspirate, and â——lisp,â—— which involves a spirant, is only approximate. Comp.
θαῦμα μέγα, inquid balba, Lucil., 6, 20, with L. Müller◗s
note.—locutus: Perf. Part. where we should expect a Present. G., 278, R.

34. Phyllidas Hypsipylas: Phyllis, fearing that she had been deserted by her lover,
Demophon, hanged herself, and was changed into an almond-tree (Ov., Her., 2). Hypsipyle of
Lemnos, 85 after bearing two children to Jason, was forsaken by him (Ov., Her., 6). These doleful
themes (plorabilia) were popular in Persiusâ——s time. The plural is contemptuous in Latin as
in English.

35. eliquat: â——filters.â—— Every rough particle is strained out so as to make the voice
â——liquid.â—— The passage from Apul., Flor., p. 351, Elm., cited by Jahn, canticum videtur
ore tereti semihiantibus in conatu labellis eliquare, indicates a cooing position of the lips, in
which the mouth simulates a colander.—supplantat: ὗϗοϗκελίζει
(Lucil., 29, 50, L. M.), â——trips up.â—— To judge by Hor., Sat., 2, 3, 274, balba feris annoso
verba palato, of which the language of Persius seems to be an exaggeration, the sounds
impinge upon the roof of the mouth instead of coming out boldly—a kind of lolling
utterance.—tenero: adds another shade: the tripping is light, for the roof is sensitive;
â——minces his words as though his mouth were soreâ—— (Pretor).

36. adsensere viri: Observe the Epic vein. Adsensere omnes, Verg., Aen., 2, 130;
adsensere dii, Ov., Met., 9, 259 (Jahn). Viri, â——heroes.â———non-?—non-?
On the form of the question, see G., 455; A., 71, 1, R.

37. levior cippus: Sufficiently familiar is the old wish, SIT · TIBI · TERRA · LEVIS, which, like
the modern R·I·P·, was promoted to the dignity of initials (S·T·T·L·).—ossa:
Patrono meo ossa bene quiescant, Petron., 39.

38. manibus = cineribus, â——remainsâ—— (Conington). On this â——materialism,â—— see

Tylor, Primitive Culture, 2, 24 foll.

40. nascentur violae: â——Lay her iâ—— the earth | and from her fair and unpolluted flesh |
may violets spring.â—— Shaksp., Hamlet, 5, 1.—â——Ridesâ—— ait: As in Hor., Ep.,
1, 19, 43. Ait is used like inquit (G., 199, R. 3), without any definite reference.—nimis
uncis | naribus indulges: â——you are too much given to hooking, curling your nose.â——

The Satires of Persius

Naribus uti, Hor., Ep., 1, 19, 45; naso adunco, Hor., Sat., 1, 6, 5.

41. an: when used alone is more or less rhetorical, and is intended to force a conclusion
involved in the foregoing; â——What?â—— â——So then?â—— G., 459; A., 71, 2, b.
Persiusâ——s use of it is instructive: v. 87; 2, 19. 26; 3, 19. 27. 61; 5, 83. 125. 163. 164; 6,
51. 63.—velle meruisse: See G., 275, 2; A., 53, 11, d, for the tense of 86 meruisse.
The Perf. after velle is legal rather than Greek. Comp. v. 91, qui me volet incurvasse querela.
So Hor. (Sat. 2, 3, 187), mimicking the legal tone: ne quis humasse velit Aiacem, Atrida,
vetas? cur? Other Perf. Infinitives with varying motives are found: 1, 132; 2, 66; 4, 7. 17; 5,
24. 33; 6, 4. 6. 17. 77.

42. os populi: â——popular applause,â—— â——a place in the mouths of menâ——

(Conington). Comp. the phrase in ore esse.—cedro digna: Cedar oil was used to
preserve manuscripts. Speramus carmina fingi | posse linenda cedro, Hor., A. P., 331-2.

43. nec scombros nec tus: The fear of the mackerel is a stroke of Catullus, 95, 8, which
Milton imitates, Ep., 10: gaudete scombri. Comp. Mart., 4, 86, 8. For tus, comp. Hor., Ep., 2, 1,
269: deferar in vicum vendentem tus et odores | et piper et quicquid chartis amicitur
ineptis. The modern equivalent is the grocer or the pastry-cook.

44-62. The poet gives up his dramatizing and speaks in his own person. â——I am not
indifferent to fame, but I reject a standard which approves such stuff as Labeoâ——s, such ditties
as â——persons of qualityâ—— dictate after dinner, a standard which makes a hot dish the test
of poetic fervor, and covers a multitude of poetic sins with a cast-off cloak. If you had eyes in the
back of your head, you would see that all this praise is for value received.â——

44. dicere feci: G., 527, R. 1; A., 70, 2.

45. non ego: â——I do not decline your praise—no, not I.â—— G., 447; A., 76, 3, d.
Comp. 2, 3; 3, 78; and Hor., Ep., 1, 19, 37, non ego ventosae plebis suffragia
venor.—si forte quid aptius exit: â——if I chance to turn out (off) a rather neat piece
of work.â—— Exit may mean â——to leave the shopâ—— (ex officina exire, Cic., Parad., pr. 5),
or â——to leave the potterâ——s wheel,â—— as urceus exit, Hor., A. P., 22 (Jahn). Conington
translates ◗hatch◗ on account of rara avis. Ηακὸν ᾠόν. The passage is
imitated by Quint., 12, 10, 26.

46. quando: gives the reason for his saying si forte. There is no necessity of writing
quanquam, but the translation â——althoughâ—— is not unnatural, as causative particles are
often adversative. Comp. cum and Gr. ἗ϗεί.—rara avis: proverbial as in the
famous line of Juv., 6, 165.

47. laudari metuam: So Hor., metuens audiri, Ep., 1, 16, 60; 87 metuit tangi, Od., 3, 11,
10. In prose the construction is less common with metuo than with vereor. G., 552, R. 1; M.,
376, Obs.—cornea: â——of horn.â—— The metaphorical use seems to be novel. Comp.
Hom., Od., 19, 211: ὗϗθαλμοὶ δ᾽ ὡϗ εἰ κέϗα
἗ϗϗαϗαν á¼ á½² ϗίδηϗοϗ.—fibra: â——heart.â—— See 5, 29.

48. recti finemque extremumque: â——the ultimate standard.â—— Conington renders

â——be-all and end-all.â——

The Satires of Persius

49. euge, belle: like decenter (v. 84), are current expressions of approbation at public
readings. Euge, â——bravo!â—— belle, â——well said!â—— decenter, â——pretty fair!â——
Martial gives us a list of popular comments (2, 27, 3-4): Effecte! graviter! st! nequiter! euge!
beate! | hoc volui!—excute: a favorite word with Persius as with Seneca, Ep., 13, 8;
16, 7; 22, 10; 26, 3; De Ira, 3, 36 (Jahn). The metaphor is taken from shaking clothes in order to
get out any thing that may be concealed in them—Gr., ἗κϗείειν. We should
say â——analyze.â——

50. quid non intus habet: The figure is kept up. â——What is not covered up in that
beggarly rag of a belleâ——?—non = nonne. G., 445 and R.; A., 71, 1.—Atti: See
v. 4.—Ilias ebria: Comp. ebrius sermo, Sen., Ep., 19, 9.

51. veratro: white hellebore (album multum terribilius nigro, Plin., II. N., 25, 5, 21), a strong
emetic, which students took â——to quicken their wits.â—— The modern veratrum is a different
drug.—elegidia: contemptuous, â——bits of elegiesâ—— on such themes as Phyllis and
Hypsipyle. E. a Greek word not in Greek lexicons, like poetridas, Prol., 13.—crudi: with
their dinners undigested and their brains muddled.

52. dictarunt: â——extemporize.â———lectis: â——sofas.â—— The ancients wrote in

a recumbent posture far more frequently than we do.

53. citreis: â——of citron wood,â—— â——wood of the thyiaâ—— (Thyia articulata, African
Arbor Vitae, Plin., 15, 29). The fabulous cost of tables of this material is well known. Cic., Verr.,
4, 17, 37.—scis: â——you know how.â—— Scire in this sense is related to posse, as Fr.
savoir to pouvoir, a traditional distinction.—calidum: â——hot-and-hotâ——
(Pretor).—ponere: 1. â——serve up;â—— 2. â——cause to serve up,â—— â——treat
to.â—— Heri non tam bonum posui et multo honestiores cenabant, Petron.,
34.—sumen: a dainty dish in the eyes of Greek and Roman. Comp. vulva nil pulchrius
ampla, Hor., Ep., 1, 15, 88 41; Plut., Sanit. Praec., 124F; Alciphr., Ep., 1, 20; and the joke in
Alexis, fr. 188 (3, 473 Mein.).

54. comitem horridulum trita donare lacerna: This is the kind of patronage that galled
Lucian (De Merced. Cond., 37), who mentions the paltry present of an
἗ϗεϗϗϗίδιον ἗θλιον ἢ ϗιϗώνιον
ὗϗόϗαθϗον. On the word comitem, see 3, 7. Horridulum comitem,
â——shivering beggar of a companion,â—— â——poor devil in your suite.â—— For the custom,
comp. Hor., Ep., 1, 19, 37: Non ego ventosae plebis suffragia venor | impensis cenarum et
tritae munere vestis.

56. qui pote? Pote is an archaism for potis. Both potis and pote are used as predicates
without regard to number and gender.—vis dicam: G., 546, R. 3; A., 70, 3, f, R. Vis does
not wait for an answer. See 6, 63.—nugaris: â——you are a twaddlerâ——
(Conington).—calve: Persius calls up his vetulus (v. 22) again, and gives him a huge
â——bombardâ—— of a belly. Nero had a venter proiectus, and some editors fancy that
Neroâ——s person is aimed at here, and Neroâ——s poetry in the verses that follow. See Introd.,

57. aqualiculus: (said properly to mean â——a pigâ——s stomachâ——) â——paunch,â——

â——cloak-bag of guts,â—— Shaksp.—protenso sesquipede: Comp. the Greek
proverb: ϗαϗεῗα γαϗϗὴϗ λεϗϗὸν οὗ ϗίκϗει
νόον. Even M. Martha is forced to say: Le trait n◗est ni spirituel ni poli (Moralistes

The Satires of Persius

Romains, p. 147). For the justification, see v. 128. Jahn (1843) reads propenso.

58. Iane: Janus, who sees both ways, is secure from being laughed at behind his
back.—ciconia pinsit = pinsendo ludit. The fingers of the mocker imitate the clapping
of the storkâ——s bill. Pinsit, â——pounds,â—— because the ciconia levat ac deprimit
rostrum dum clangit, Isidor., Orig., 20, 15, 3. â——Pecks atâ—— is not correct; â——clapsâ——
is nearer. What seems to be meant is mock applause.

59. auriculas: The imitation of assâ——s ears by the hands belongs to universal
culture.—imitari mobilis = ad imitandum m. G., 424, R. 4; A., 57, 8,
f.—albas: on account of the white lining. Ov., Met., 11, 176: aures—villis
albentibus implet.

60. linguae: The thrusting out of the tongue in derision is as common now as it was
then.—canis Apula: Apulia was the δίϗιον ἗ϗγοϗ of Italy. Siticulosae
Apuliae, Hor., Epod., 3, 16.—tantae: So Jahn and Herm. â——Tongues big enough to
represent 89 the thirst of an Apulian houndâ—— (Pretor). Jahn compares for the construction,
Luc., 1, 259: quantum rura silent, tanta quies. Conington considers tantum â——much
neater,â—— and makes quantum sitiat = quantum sitiens protendat, â——a length of
tongue protruded like an Apulian dog in the dog-days.â——

61. vos, o patricius sanguis: Hor., A. P., 291: vos, o | Pompilius sanguis. The Nom. for
the Vocative in solemn address. G., 194, R. 3; A., 53, a.—fas est = fatum est, â——it is

62. occipiti: Notice the exceptional Abl. in i. Comp. Auson., Epigr., 12, 8: occipiti calvo es,
and capiti, v. 83.—posticae: chiefly of the back part of a building: â——back-stairsâ——
(Conington).—occurrite: â——turn round and faceâ—— (Conington and
Pretor).—sannae: â——flout,â—— â——gibe,â—— â——fleer,â—— μῶκοϗ.

63-82. Persius takes up the thread which Janus had rudely snapt: â——We have heard the
bounden praise of dependants. What does the town say? Why, they admire the smooth flow of
the verse, the grand style. If they find these requisites, little do they care about theme or order of
development; the â——prentice hand that bungles an eclogue, undertakes an epic—nay,
jumbles eclogue and epic—Bravo, poet! all the same. Another mania is the passion for the
old poets, a Pacuvian revival. What is to be expected when all this bubble-and-squeak language
is the daily food of our children and the dear delight of lecture-halls?â——

63. Quis = qui. G., 105; A., 21, 1, a.—quis enim: Enim, like γὰϗ; â——why, what
else?â—— â——of course.â—— G., 500; A., 43, 3, d.

64. nunc demum: as if something marvellous had been accomplished.—severos:

â——captious, critical.â——

65. effundat: â——suffers to glide smoothly,â—— a harsh expression.—iunctura: The

image is that of the joining of pieces of marble, as in an opus tessellatum. Comp. Lucil., fr. inc.,
10, 33 (L. M.): quam lepide λέξειϗ conpostae, ut tesserulae, omnes | arte
pavimenti atque emblematiâ—— vermiculati. The poet is compared with an artisan, not with
an artist. He knows how to fit the pieces together so perfectly as to present a continuous smooth
surface to the pressure of the most exacting nail. Comp. v. 92.—tendere versum:
â——to lay off a verse,â—— as a carpenter lays off his work. The propriety of the word tendere
is heightened, if we remember that the hexameter was called the versus longus.

The Satires of Persius


66. Carpenter-like, the versewright stretches his ruddled line (rubrica), sights it (oculo derigit
uno), and springs it. The modern carpenter uses chalk instead of ruddle, but the red pencil may
be regarded as a survival of color. For references, see Rost◗s Passow, s.v. ϗϗάθμη.
For the spelling derigat, remember that dirigere is â——to point in different directions;â——
derigere â——in one.â———ac si derigat: On the sequence, see G., 604; A., 61, 1, R.

67. sive: seldom used alone; here for vel si.—in mores, in luxum, in prandia
regum: a kind of anticlimax. In does not necessarily, though it does naturally, denote hostility.
The prandium was originally a very simple meal. The Stoic model is set up in Seneca, Ep. 83, 6:
Panis deinde siccus et sine mensa prandium, post quod non sunt lavandae manus. The
manger sur le pouce became in time the déjeuner à la fourchette (calidum prandium,
Plaut., Poen., 3, 5, 14), and then the déjeuner dinatoire (prandia cenis ingesta, Sen.,
N. Q., 4, 13, 6). Regum, â——grandees,â—— â——nabobs,â—— belongs to prandia alone.

68. res grandis: â——sublimities.â——

69. heroas: used as an adjective.—sensus: â——sentiments.â———adferre:

â——parade,â—— â——bring on parade.â—— On the Inf., see 3, 64.

70. nugari graece: â——dabble in Greek verses,â—— a phase of fashionable education, no

more peculiar to Nero than to Horace (Sat. 1, 10, 31).—ponere lucum: â——put before
our eyes,â—— â——paint,â—— â——describe.â—— Lucus, a favorite poetic theme. Jahn thinks of
the grove in which Mars and Rhea Silvia met, Juv., 1, 7. Perhaps young poets tried their skill on
groves, as young draughtsmen on trees.

71. artifices: With artifices ponere comp. artifex sequi, Prol., 11.—rus saturum:
â——lush, teeming country.â———corbes—focus—porci: all
â——propertiesâ—— of country life.

72. fumosa Palilia faeno: The festival called Palilia, in honor of Pales (from the same radical
as pa-sco), was celebrated on the anniversary of the founding of Rome, April 21st. It was a day
reeking (fumosa) with bonfires of hay (faenum), over which the peasants leaped, doubtless
â——to appease the evil spirit by a pretended sacrificeâ—— (Pretor). The dictionaries will furnish
the loci classici. The other form, Parilia, is due to â——dissimilation.â—— Comp. meridies for


73. unde: â——the source of;â—— loosely used to show connection.—Remus: not
unfrequently takes the place of his longer brother, whose oblique cases do not fit well into
dactylic verse. So turba Remi, Juv., 10, 73; reddat signa Remi, Prop., 4, 6, 80; and the other
examples in Freund.—sulco: â——withâ—— and â——in the furrow.â—— See Prol., v.,
1.—terens: â——wearing brightâ—— (Conington), â——furbishing.â—— König
compares: sulco attritus splendescere vomer, Verg., Georg., 1, 46.—dentalia:
â——share-beams,â—— Verg., Georg., 1, 171, with Coningtonâ——s note.—Quinti:
Cincinnatus, Liv., 3, 26.

74. cum dictatorem induit: So Jahn (1843). Decidedly the easiest reading, but the best in
connection with terens. In his ed. of 1868, Jahn reads quem dictatorem. Hermann objects to

The Satires of Persius

the expression, and insists on dictaturam, appealing in his preface to Plin., H. N., 18, 3, 20, for
dictaturam in the sense of vestem dictatoriam. Surely, to â——robe dictatorâ—— and to
â——robe with the dictatorshipâ—— are not far apart, and the former is the more striking
expression.—trepida: â——flurried.â—— See v. 20.—ante boves: is supposed
to give local coloring, and to bring before us the â——slow, bovine gazeâ—— of the astonished

75. tua aratra: Poetic plural.—euge poeta: Here the applause comes in. Mr. Pretor
considers the words from corbes to tulit â——a quotation, perhaps from one of Neroâ——s

76. est nunc: Persius attacks the antiquarii in imitation of Horace. The older Latin poets have
long been restored to their rights. Accius and Pacuvius hardly need defenders. Hermann makes
the sentence interrogative.—Brisaei: â——Bacchic.â—— Brisaeus was an epithet of
Bacchus, transferred to the poet of Bacchus, who was perhaps too devoted a worshipper of the
god. There was a famous saying of Cratinus, who was in like manner called
ϗαϗϗοϗαγοϗ, a surname of Bacchus: ὗδϗϗ δὲ ϗίνϗν
οὗδὲν ἗ν ϗέκοι ϗοϗόν, fr. 186 (2, 119 Mein.). Comp. Hor., Ep., 1,
19, 1.—venosus: For the figure, comp. Tac., Dial. 21. The â——standing out of the
veinsâ—— refers not so much to the â——shrinking of the flesh in old ageâ—— (Conington), as to
the scrawniness of the person. So Tacit. uses durus et siccus of Asinius Pollio (l.c.), Gr.
ἰϗϗνόϗ. ◗Angular,◗ ◗hard-lined,◗ is about what is meant. Others
prefer â——thick-veined,â—— â——turgid.â———liber: of a play, Quint., 1, 10, 18;
Prop., 4 (3), 21, 28 (Jahn).—Acci: also written Atti (584-650? A.U.C.). 92 Cicero calls him
gravis et ingeniosus poeta, summus poeta (pr. Planc., 24, 59; Sest., 56, 120); Hor., altus
(Ep., 2, 1, 56); Ov., animosi oris (Am., 1, 15, 19). Pacuvius said that the compositions of
Accius were sonora quidem et grandia sed duriora paulum et acerbiora.

77. Pacuvius: nephew of Ennius (534-622 A.U.C.). His great model was
Sophocles.—verrucosa: â——warty,â—— intended to be a climax of
ugliness.—moretur: â——fascinates,â—— â——enthralls.â—— Fabula—valdius
oblectat populum meliusque moratur, Hor., A. P., 321.

78. Antiopa: imitated from a lost play of Euripides. The fragments have been collected by
Ribbeck, Tr. Lat. Reliq., p. 62; comp. p. 278. Antiope, as the mother of Amphion and Zethus, and
the victim of Dirce, is famous in literature and in art (the Toro Farnese).—aerumnis
cor luctificabile fulta: â——who props her dolorific heart on teenâ—— (Gifford). Jahn
defends the conception as truly poetical, apart from the obsolete language. â——The only stay of
her sad heart is sorrow.â—— The words are doubtless taken from the play itself, of course in
different order. Aerumna was out of date as early as the time of Quintilian (8, 3, 26), who
protests against the use of it. As to luctificabile, if we go by the fragments, it is Accius, rather
than Pacuvius, that indulges in such formations as horrificabilis, aspernabilis, tabificabilis,
execrabilis, evocabilis.

79. lippos: of the eyes of the mind. Comp. 2, 72.

80. sartago: literally â——a frying-pan,â—— â——hubble-bubbleâ—— (Conington),

â——gallimaufry,â—— â——galimatias,â—— â——olioâ—— (Gifford), â——olla podrida.â——

81. dedecus: The language is disgraced and degraded by this mixture of old and new. Persius
would not have enjoyed Tennysonâ——s resuscitations. See Introd., xxiv.—in quo:
â——at which.â——

The Satires of Persius

82. trossulus: an old name of the Roman knights, of disputed origin. It was afterward used in
derision. Jahn compares the German Junker.—exsultat: ἗ναϗηδᾷ,
â——jumps up in delight.â———per subsellia: Jahn understands the â——benchesâ——
or â——formsâ—— in court; others, perhaps more correctly, the seats in the lecture-hall. There is
a climax. First, private teaching; next, public lectures; thirdly, practical life, to which we come in
the following 93 verse.—levis: the position is emphatic, â——the smug, womanish
creature.â—— Levis is levigatus. Ancient literature is full of allusions to this effeminate

83. nilne: stronger than nonne, â——not a blush of shame.â———capiti: rarer Ablative
in i. Neue gives examples (Formenlehre, 1, 242). The simple Abl. is found with pellere, even in
prose, and the Dative, which some prefer, would be forced.—cano: See note on v. 9.

84. quin optes: G., 551; A., 65, 1, b.—tepidum: â——lukewarm,â—— decenter being
faint praise. ◗In good taste◗ (Conington). Gr. ϗϗεϗόνϗϗϗ.

85. â——Fur es:â—— The accuser puts his point plainly enough; in three letters, as the
Romans would say.—ait: Comp. v. 40.—Pedio: Jahn thinks it likely that this
Pedius is not Horaceâ——s man (Sat., 1, 10, 28), but one Pedius Blaesus, condemned under
Nero, Tac., Ann., 14, 18; Hist., 1, 77. Persius knew more about Horace than about the causes
célèbres of his own day.—rasis antithetis: commonly rendered â——polished
antitheses.◗ With radere comp. the Gr. διεϗμιλεϗμέναι
ϗϗονϗίδεϗ, Alexis, fr. 215 (3, 483 Mein.). But the figure may possibly be taken from
the careful removal of overweight in either scale of the balance. The antitheses are scraped down
to an exact equipoise.

86. doctas figuras: Doctus, Scaligerâ——s correction, which requires, moreover, a period at
figuras, is unnecessary. Doctas figuras, like artes doctae, dicta docta, doli docti. Figurae,
ϗϗήμαϗα, embraces â——tropes.â———posuisse = quod posuerit. G., 533;
A., 70, 5, b.

87. an: â——what?â—— â——can it be that?â———Romule: bitter, like Titi,

Romulidae, trossulus. Comp. Catull., 29, 5. 9.—ceves: â——Wag the tailâ—— keeps
within bounds of possible translation.

88. men moveat? So men moveat cimex Pantilius, Hor., Sat., 1, 10, 78. The sentiment is
that of the well-worn si vis me flere, dolendum est | primum ipsi tibi, Hor., A. P., 102.
Moveat sc. Pedius.—quippe: is often ironical, â——good
sooth.â———protulerim: The Perf. Subj. in a sentence involving total negation.

89. cantas? â——you sing, do you?â———fracta te in trabe pictum: Shipwrecked

men appealed to charity by carrying about pictures of the disaster which had overtaken them.
Comp. 6, 32. Si fractis enatat exspes | navibus, aere dato qui pingitur, Hor., A. P., 94 20,
and Juv., 14, 302. Trabe is the wrecked vessel as it appears in the picture, although it is possible
that the painting may have been put on a broken plank of the ship, in order to heighten the
pathos. So Jahn.

90. ex umero: We say â——on the shoulder,â—— from a different point of view. G., 388, R.
2.—nocte paratum: â——got up overnight.â——

91. plorabit: an imperative future.—volet: Observe the greater exactness of the Latin
expression. G., 624; A., 27, 2.—incurvasse: See v. 42, and add Liv., 28, 41, 5; 30, 14,

The Satires of Persius

6; 40, 10, 5, and the S. C. de Bacanalibus (passim).

92-106. â——But,â—— rejoins the impersonal personage, whom Persius always has at hand,
â——we have made great advances in art. Contrast this verse and that verse with the roughness
of the Aeneid!â———â——The Aeneid rough? Well, what is smooth? [He gives a
specimen of fashionable poetry.] If we had an inch of our siresâ—— backbone, such drivel
would be impossible. And as for art—it is as easy as spitting.â——

I have followed the distribution as presented in Hermann. Jahn gives vv. 96, 97 to Persius,
98-102 to the interlocutor, the rest to Persius. It is impossible to discuss all the arrangements
that have been suggested for this passage.

92. decor: Gr. ϗάϗιϗ.—iunctura: is used as in v. 64, of

â——smoothness,â—— â——harmonious sequence,â—— the even surface without a break. See
Quint., 9, 4, 33. All the specimen verses that follow avoid mechanically the offences against
iunctura that Quintilian enumerates, and do not avail themselves of the license which he
accords to a grata neglegentia. There is no elision, no synaloepha, in any of them. As these
fashionable verses have been held up to derision by the satirist, commentators have been busy
in hunting out defects, and translators have vied with each other in absurd renderings. But Jahn
has wisely warned us against an over-curious search into the supposed faults of these verses,
which Vossius pronounced superior to any thing in the compositions of the critic himself. It is
enough for us to know that to the ear of Persius the lines lacked masculine vigor. The
multiplication of diaereses, the length of the words, the careful avoidance of elision, the dainty
half-rhyme of bombis and corymbis, the 95 jingle of ablatura and flexura, may be cited as
confirmations of the view of Persius, but, with the exception of the desperate verse 95, the
diction is in keeping with the theme. If adsonat Echo is not ridiculous in Ovid (Met., 3, 505), it is
not ridiculous here; and one surely needs to be told that reparabilis is not a happy adjective for
Echo, who is always â——paying backâ—— and making good.

93. cludere versum: like concludere versum (Hor., Sat., 1, 4, 40), is â——round a
verseâ—— (Conington), rather than â——close a line.â———didicit: What is the subject?
â——Our man,â—— â——our poet,â—— the lover of decor et iunctura? So most commentators.
Heinr. makes Attis the subject. The personification of iunctura would not be too harsh for
Persius.—Berecyntius Attis: It suffices to refer to Catull., 63. Berecyntus, a mountain
in Phrygia.

94. Nerea: god of the sea, the water. In modern Gr. νεϗόν is ◗water.◗ The use,
which Conington calls â——grotesque,â—— is almost as â——grotesqueâ—— as Vulcanus for
â——fire.â—— The scholiast thinks of Arionâ——s dolphin. Bacchusâ——s dolphin is as likely.

95. sic costam longo subduximus Appennino: With the close of the verse, comp. Ov.,
2, 226: Aeriaeque Alpes et nubifer Appenninus; and Hauptâ——s note. â——We filched a rib
from the long Apennine.â—— The interpretations are all unsatisfactory. The scholiast sees in the
removal of the rib from the mountain a metaphor for the removal of a syllable from the
hexameter. The only point worthy of notice in this remark is the emphasis laid on the spondaic
verse. The Graece nugari soliti doubtless used spondaic verses more freely than the model
Latin poets (comp. Catull., 64). Some understand the words to refer to a forced march (putavi
tam pauca milia subripi posse, Sen., Ep., 53, 1); others to the device attributed to Hannibal in
crossing the Alps (montem rumpit aceto, Juv., 10, 153). It is all idle guess-work, without a
context; but, guess for guess, the expression would suit a â——Titanomachia,â—— and the rib
might answer for a weapon, as once a jaw-bone did. The jingle of the verse is like Verg., Aen., 3,
549: cornua velatarum obvertimus antennarum, quoted by the scholiast.

The Satires of Persius

96. Arma virum! â——Compare with these elegant verses Arma virum; what a rough
affair!â—— Not only were the opening words 96 of a poem used to indicate the poem
itself—Ηῗνιν ἗ειδε the Iliad, ἗νδϗα μοι ἗ννεϗε the
Odyssey, Arma virum the Aeneid—but the first verses were considered peculiarly
significant. So the metrical structure of the first verse of the Iliad is very different from that of the
first verse of the Odyssey. Arma virum, etc., with its short words and its frequent caesurae, was
harsh to the ear of the interlocutor, and is compared with the rough, cracked bark of the
cork-tree.—spumosum et cortice pingui: â——frothy and fluffyâ—— (Conington). As
usual, Persius works out his comparison into minute details.

97. vegrandi subere: So Jahn, instead of praegrandi subere. Do not translate â——huge,
overgrown barkâ—— (Conington), but â——dwarfed, stunted cork-tree.â—— See Ribbeck
(Beiträge zur Lehre von den lateinischen Partikeln, S. 9), who has discussed ve and this
verse at some length. Both Conington and Pretor admire the metaphysics of Jahn, who has
â——explained, after Festus and Nonius, vegrandis as male grandis, so as to include the two
senses attributed to it by Gell., 5, 12; 16, 5, of too small and too large.â—— But ve- means
separation (VaniÄ—ek, Etym. Wb., S. 166); ve-cor-s, â——out of oneâ——s mind;â——
ve-sanu-s, â——out of oneâ——s sound senses;â—— ve-grandi-s, â——shrunken,â——
â——dwarfed,â—— â——undergrownâ—— (if the word is admissible). For the growth of the
cork-tree, R. refers to Plin., N. H., 16, 8, 13: suberi minima arbor—cortex tantum in
fructu, praecrassus ac renascens atque etiam in denos pedes undique explanatus. Some
of the best commentators give these two verses (96 and 97) to Persius, and consider Arma
virum as an invocation of the shades of Vergil, â——as Horace, A. P., 141, contrasts the
opening of the Odyssey with Fortunam Priami cantabo.â—— Hoc is supposed to refer to the
specimen verses. Ribbeck also (l.c.) regards the swollen, light bark of the low cork-tree as the
image of the genus tumidum et leve, as opposed to the grande et grave.—coctum:
â——thoroughly dried.â——

98. Quidnam igitur: Igitur is not unfrequently used in questions, as our â——then.â—— So
quidnam igitur censes? Juv., 4, 130. But, unless the question is a rejoinder, it is not very
appropriate. â——If the Aeneid is rough, give us something really soft,â—— would be a fit reply to
Arma virum, etc., in the mouth of the objector. Conington, who gives 96-98 to Persius, connects
thus: â——If these 97 are your specimens of finished versification, give us something peculiarly
languishing.â———laxa cervice: the attitude of the mobile guttur, v. 18.

99. Torva mimalloneis: Persius can not wait for a specimen, and gives one himself. This is
much more dramatic than the arrangement, which makes the respondent cite the verses. The
verses are attributed to Nero by the scholiast, and in fact Nero is said to have composed a poem
on the Bacchae, Dio., 61, 20. The theme is so common that no conclusion is to be drawn from
that statement. Mr. Pretor, who understands by iunctura â——a resetting of old verses,â——
regards 99-102 as a weak réchauffé of Catull., 64, 257 seqq., and compares Tac., Ann.,
14, 16.—Torva: â——grim.â—— So torvumque repente | clamat, Verg., Aen., 7, 399
(of Bacchanalian madness).—mimalloneis: from Mimas, on the coast opposite Chios.
With the whole verse comp. multis raucisonos efflabant cornua bombos, Catull., 64, 264,
and Lucr., 4, 544.

100. vitulo superbo: variously caricatured as â——the haughty, the scornful calf.â—— No
such effect could have been produced by the original. Comp. ϗαῦϗοι
ὗβϗιϗϗαί, Eur., Bacch., 743 (Jahn); γαϗϗοϗέϗα μόϗϗϗ,
Theocr., 11, 21; equae superbiunt, Plin., 10, 63. The Bacchanal rending of animals is
familiar.—ablatura: On this free use of the future participle, see G., 672; A., 72, 4.

The Satires of Persius

101. Bassaris: a Bacchante. Jahn cites a Greek epigram (Anth. Pal., 6, 74), which shows how
close a resemblance may be due simply to community of theme.—lyncem: â——The lynx
was sacred to Bacchus as the conqueror of India.â——

102. euhion: Gr. εὗιον, Accus. of εὗιοϗ (commonly but falsely spelled Evius),
Euhius, Bacchus.—reparabilis: Actively, as Horaceâ——s dissociabilis, Od., 1, 3, 22;
â——renewing,â—— â——restoring,â—— â——reawakening.â—— So Ov., Met., 1, 11, of the
moon: reparat nova cornua.—adsonat: â——chimes in.â——

103. testiculi vena ulla paterni: â——Honestius expressit, Ov., Her., 16, 291: si sint
vires in semine avorum.â—— â——If we had one spark of our fathersâ—— manhood alive in
usâ—— (Conington).

104. delumbe: â——backboneless,â—— â——marrowless.â—— Comp.

ἰϗϗιοϗϗϗγικόϗ—saliva: Spittle is â——foolish rheumâ—— as well as

105. in udo est Maenas et Attis: â——Your Maenas and your Attis—it drivels


106. nec pluteum caedit, etc.: Pluteus, which is commonly rendered â——desk,â—— is,
â——according to the scholiast, the back-board of the lecticula lucubratoria,â—— or
studying-sofa, such as Augustus indulged in, Suet., Aug., 78; comp. v. 53. â——The man lies on
his couch after his meal, listlessly drivelling out his verses, without any physical exertion or even
motion of impatienceâ—— (Conington). Persius underrates the artistic finish, as he has
overdrawn the moral conclusion.—demorsos: â——bitten down to the quick.â—— Et in
versu faciendo | saepe caput scaberet vivos et roderet ungues, Hor., Sat., 1, 10, 70.

107-121. M. But what is the use of offending people? We must not tell the truth at all times.
You will have a cool reception at certain great houses. Nay, the dog will be set on you.—P.
Well! I make no struggle. Every thing is lovely. No nuisance, you say. All right. Boys, let us go
somewhere else. But there was Lucilius—he wielded the lash, he gnawed the bones of his
victims. There was Horace—he probed his friendâ——s heart and punched him in the ribs,
and had the town dangling from the gibbet of his tip-tilted nose. And I am not to say—Bo!
Not all to myself? Not with a ditch for my confidant? Nowhere? Nowhere, you say? But I will.
I have found a place—a ditch. It is my book. Here, book, is my great secret: â——All the
worldâ——s an ass.â—— What a relief!

107. quid: What case?—radere: â——rasp.â———mordaci vero: Verum is so

completely a substantive that there is no difficulty about mordaci vero (comp. G., 428, R. 2).
Much bolder is generoso honesto, 2, 74; opimum pingue, 3, 32.

108. vidÄ—: like cavÄ—, and other iambic Imperatives. G., 704, 2; A., 78, 2, d.—sis =
si vis, to soften the Imperative, â——pray do.â———maiorum tibi forte: Hor., Sat., 2,
1, 60: O puer ut sis | vitalis metuo et maiorum ne quis amicus | frigore te feriat. Maiores
= â——grandees.â——

109. limina frigescant: like the modern slang, â——leave one out in the cold.â—— Limen is
used in many Latin turns where â——thresholdâ—— would be too stately in English. Mrs. Gamp
would render: â——the great manâ——s cold doorsteps will settle on your

The Satires of Persius

lungs.â———canina littera: â——R is for the dog,â—— Shaksp., Romeo and Jul.;
â——A dog snarling R,â—— Ben Jonson. See Dictionaries, s.v. hirrire. Gr. 99
἗ϗαϗίζειν. An allusion to the familiar cave canem. ◗The snarl is that of the
great manâ—— (Scholiast). Conington compares ira cadat naso, 5, 91. The obvious
interpretation is the right one. â——There is a sound of snarling in the air,â—— refers simply to
the great manâ——s dog, which will be set on the unwelcome satirist.

110. per me: ◗for all I care,◗ ἗μοῦ γ᾽ ἗νεκα, a familiar use of the
preposition per: per me habeat licet, Plaut., Mercat., 5, 4, 29.—equidem: Not for ego
quidem, although this opinion affected the practice of Cicero, Horace, Vergil, Quintilian, the
younger Pliny. Sallust, like Varro, combines equidem with every person. So Ribbeck (l.c. S. 36),
who derives equidem from e interj. and quidem. Conington tries to save the rule here by
making the expression equivalent to equidem concedo. Another exception is found 5, 45,
where C. goes through the same legerdemain: non equidem dubites, â——I would not have you
doubt.â———alba: â——lovely,â—— â——whitewash them as much as you please.â——

111. nil moror, etc.: The whole line, indeed the whole passage, is strongly conversational in its
tone. Nil moror, â——I donâ——t wish to be in your way, to spoil sport.â—— Comp. Ter., Eun., 3,
2, 7, and Gesner, s.v. moror.—bene: Comp. Cic., Fam., 7, 22: bene potus. See also
note on 4, 22.—mirae res: â——wonders of the worldâ—— (Conington), â——miracles
of perfection.â——

112. hoc iuvat? â——I hope that is satisfactory.â———veto quisquam faxit

oletum: â——commit no nuisance.â—— Observe the legal tone. Quisquam, on account of the
negative idea. The negative ne is omitted after veto as often after caveo. G. 548, R. 2; A., 57, 7,
a. Faxit, a disputed form. G., 191, 5; A., 30, 6, e.

113. pinge duos anguis: â——a sign of dedication rather than of prohibitionâ—— (Pretor).
The dedication involves the prohibition. This is one of the innumerable phases of serpent-worship.
For the serpent, as the symbol of the genius loci, which is Greek as well as Latin, see Verg.,
Aen., 5, 95, and the commentators. The reading pinguedo sanguis of some of the best MSS.
may be mentioned, animi causa.

114. secuit: â——cut to the bone.â———Lucilius: The loci classici are Hor., Sat., 1, 4,
6; 1, 10, 1; 2, 1, 62; Juv., 1, 19, 165. The testimonia de Lucilio have been collected and
annotated by L. Müller, Lucil., p. 170 seqq.; p. 288 seqq.


115. Lupe, Muci: L. Cornelius Lentulus Lupus Cons. A.U.C. 598, and P. Mucius Scaevola Cons.
A.U.C. 621, Juv., 1, 154.—genuinum: â——Breaking the back-toothâ—— shows the
eagerness with which the satirist gnawed the bones of his victims. Comp. Petron., 58: venies
sub dentem, â——you will be â——chawedâ—— up.â——

116. A deservedly admired characteristic of Horace.—vafer: a hard word to catch.

Vafer crowns the formidable list of synonyms in the well-known passage of Cic., Off., 3, 13, 57:
versuti, obscuri, astuti, fallacis, malitiosi, callidi, veteratoris, vafri, â——a shuffler,
a hoodwinker, a trickster, a cheat, a designing rascal, a cunning fox, a blackleg, a sly dog.â——
The indirectness of vafer may sometimes be rendered by â——politic,â—— â——adroit.â——
â——Rogueâ—— is a tolerable equivalent.—amico: is much happier than amici would
be; it makes the friend a party to the game. Horatius qui ridendo verum dicit (Sat., 1, 1, 24)

The Satires of Persius

tam leniter vitia tangit, ut ipse, quem tangit, amicus rideat et poetam, qui dum ludere
videtur intima aggreditur, lubens admittat et excipiat (Jahn, after
Teuffel).—admissus: â——gets himself let in,â—— â——gains his entranceâ——
(Conington, after Gifford).

117. praecordia: â——heartstrings.â——

118. excusso: Persius would not be Persius, if he did not give us a problem even in his best
passages. Excusso naso stronger than emunctae naris, Hor., Sat., 1, 4, 8 (Jahn). According to
Heinr., excusso = sursum iactato, like excussa brachia, Ov., Met., 5, 596, which seems to
suit suspendere. Conington renders, â——with a sly talent for tossing up his nose and catching
the public on it,â—— doubtless with reference to â——tossing in a blanket,â—— a pastime not
unknown to the ancients: Ibis ab excusso missus in astra sago, Mart., 1, 3, 8. Comp. Suet.,
Otho, 2; Cervantes, Don Quijote, 1, 17; and on the sagatio, see Friedländer, Sittengesch., 1,
25. As the blanket is drawn tight in order to effect the elevation of the person tossed, we may
combine with this figure the old version of an â——unwrinkled nose,â—— a nose that is â——kept
straightâ—— (exporrectus) by the owner to disguise his merriment (ac si nihil tule ageret).
But this is over-interpretation, the besetting sin of the editors of Persius.—callidus
suspendere: On the construction, see Prol., 11.—naso: Naso suspendis adunco,
Hor., Sat., 1, 6, 5. Comp. 2, 8, 64.

119. men: On ne in rhetorical questions, see v. 22.—nec clam— 101 nec cum
scrobe: â——neither to myself nor with a hole in the ground for my listener.â—— The negative
in nefas is subdivided by nec—nec, G., 444, R. Others supply fas, G., 446,
R.—nusquam: The answer of the critic, Jahn (1843). In the ed. of 1868 he writes with
Hermann, nusquam? as a part of Persiusâ——s question. The arrangement in the text seems
to be more in accordance with Persiusâ——s fashion of anticipating an answer
(἗νθϗϗοϗοϗά). â——Nowhere? you say.â———scrobe: Allusion to the
story of Midas and his barber, for which no reader will need to be referred to Ov., Met., 11, 180

121. quis non habet? According to the Vita Persii, the poet had written Mida rex habet,
intended for King Populus. Cornutus, afraid that Nero would take the fling to himself, changed the
words to quis non habet? The story is not very consistent with the theory that Persius went so
far as to ridicule Neroâ——s poetry.

122. ridere meum: See v. 9.—nulla: G., 304, R. 2.—vendo: â——I am going
to sell;â—— familiar present for future; hence = vendito.

123. Iliade: Probably the Iliad of Labeo. Homerâ——s Iliad would be too
extravagant.—audaci quicumque, etc.: The poet distinctly points to the mordant Old
Attic Comedy as his model; yet there is little trace of direct imitation of the worthies whom he
cites, and the interval of conception is abysmal.—adflate: Persius, like some other
Roman poets, goes beyond reasonable bounds in the use of the Vocative as a predicate. G., 324,
R. 1; A., 35, b. The Greeks were cautious, and in Vergil the Vocative can be detached and felt as
such, but not here, nor in 3, 28.—Cratino: the oldest of the famous comic triumvirate:
Eupolis atque Cratinus Aristophanesque poetae, Hor., Sat., 1, 4, 1. Cratinus was the
Archilochus of the Attic stage, hence audax. See the famous characteristic in Aristophanes, Eq.,

124. iratum Eupolidem: The epithet is borne out by the fragments.—praegrandi

cum sene: Aristophanes. The adjective refers to his greatness: â——the old giant.â—— Sene

The Satires of Persius

is not to be pressed. Men who come before the public early are often called old before their time.
Hannibal calls himself an old man when he was only in his forty-fourth year, Liv., 30, 30. Others
understand sene as a compliment to an â——ancientâ—— author. Instead of Aristophanes,
Heinrich and others suppose that Lucilius is 102 meant. Comp. Hor., Sat., 2, 1, 34: vita senis,
although Lucilius was only about forty-five at the time of his death—but see L. Müller,
Lucilius, p. 288.—palles: â——study yourself pale over.â—— The combination with the
Accusative is bold, but not bolder than other cognate Accusatives. â——Gain a Eupolidean
pallorâ—— = â——a pallor due to Eupolis.â—— For different phases of pallere with Accus., see
3, 43. 85; 5, 184.

125. decoctius: The figure is from wine that is â——boiled down,â—— â——well refined.â——
Not â——opposed to the spumosus of v. 96â—— (Conington), as is shown by coctum, v.
97.—audis: â——have an ear forâ—— (Conington).

126. inde = ab iis, â——by theseâ—— (G., 613, R. 1; A., 48, 5), â——by the study of these,â——
dependent on vaporata.—vaporata: â——steamed,â—— hence â——cleansed,â——
â——refinedâ—— (Jahn). Comp. purgatas aures, 5, 63; aurem mordaci lotus aceto, 5,
86.—lector mihi ferveat: Mihi really depends on ferveat, though it may be
conveniently translated by â——myâ—— with lector. â——Let my reader be one who comes to
me with his ears aglow from the pure effluence of such poetry.â——

127. non hic: Hic is different in tone from is, more distinctly demonstrative, and hence more
distinctly contemptuous.—in crepidas: The simple Accusative with ludere is the regular
construction. Crepidae, a part of the Greek national dress. Comp. Suet., Tib., 13: redegit se
[Tiberius], deposito patrio habitu, ad pallium et crepidas. Hence fabulae crepidatae of
tragedies with Greek plots.—Graiorum: the rarer and more stilted form for Graecorum,
perhaps by way of rebuking the impertinence of this stolid would-be wag.

128. sordidus: â——low creature,â—— â——dirty dog.â—— Himself vulgar, he can not
understand refinement of manners or attire.—qui possit: Casaubon reads poscit to
match gestit. But Indicative and Subjunctive may well be combined, the former of a fact, the
latter of a characteristic: â——a man who— and a man to—.â—— So in the famous
line: sunt qui non habeant, est qui non curat habere, Hor., Ep., 2, 2, 182.—lusce:
â——Old One-eyeâ—— (Conington). The lowness of the wit is evident. In v. 56 the poet appears
to break his own rule, but baldness and corpulence are in his eyes badges of vice, not simple

129. aliquem: G., 301.—Italo: â——provincial.â———supinus = 103

superbus. The head is thrown back with the chin in the air, a familiar stage attitude. Others
render â——lolling at his ease.â——

130. fregerit: G., 541; A., 63, 2.—heminas iniquas: â——short half-pint
measures.â—— This was the duty of the aedile.—Arreti: Arretium in Etruria. So Juvenal
takes Ulubrae as the type of a small provincial town: vasa minora | frangere pannosus vacuis
aedilis Ulubris, 10, 102.

131. abaco: The abacus was a slab of marble or other material which was covered with sand
(pulvis), for the purpose of drawing mathematical figures or making calculations (Jahn). Or
pulvere may be dissociated from abaco, and then abacus would be a counting-board, pulvis,
the sand on the ground (eruditus pulvis, Cic., N. D., 2, 18, 48), familiar from the story of the
murder of Archimedes.—metas: â——cones.â——

The Satires of Persius

132. scit: as if this were a feat. Comp. v. 53.—risisse: γελάϗαι, â——to have
his laugh at,â—— one of the Perfect Infinitives mentioned in note on v. 41.—vafer:
ironical.—gaudere paratus: Paratus, as a Participle from parare, takes the Infinitive
with ease. The grammars generally treat it as an exceptional Adjective. Here paratus is
οἷοϗ; ◗Just your man to have a fit of glee.◗ Comp. Petron., 43: paratus fuit
quadrantem de stercore mordicus tollere.

133. Cynico barbam: â——a Cynicâ——s beard for him.â—— G., 343, R. 2. Vellunt tibi
barbam | lascivi pueri, Hor., Sat., 1, 3, 133 (of a Stoic). The beard was the badge of a
philosopher.—nonaria: so called because women of that class were not allowed to ply
their trade before the â——ninth hourâ———â——callet,â——
â——trull.â———vellat: because dependent; otherwise gaudet si vellit. G., 666; A.,
66, 2. The Cynic philosopher and the nonaria (ὗ καὶ ἡ κύϗν) belong to each
other by elective affinity, Alciphron, 3, 55, 9. See an amusing parallel between philosopher and
courtesan in the same sophist, 1, 34; and on the worst specimens of the â——Capuchins of
antiquity,◗ as the Cynics have been called, comp. Friedländer, Sittengesch., 3, 572.

134. edictum: â——play-bill,â—— after Sen., Ep., 117, 30. Others, â——the business of the
courts,â—— the praetorâ——s court being a favorite lounging-place.—prandia: See v.
67.—Calliroen: possibly one of the elegidia procerum (v. 51), after the order of Phyllis
and Hypsipyle (v. 34). Comp. Ov., Met., 9, 407, Rem. Am., 455-6. 104 Others suppose that
Persius meant a nonaria. See note on 6, 73, and comp. Plutarch, Quaest. Conv., 3, 6, 4. With
this gracious permission, Casaubon compares the edict of Hor., Ep., 1, 19, 8: Forum putealque
Libonis | mandabo siccis, adimam cantare severis.


The theme of this Satire is the Wickedness and Folly of Popular Prayers. The true philosopher is the only man that
knows how to pray aright, and the Stoic is your only true philosopher. Compare, on the subject of prayer, the
Second Alcibiades ascribed to Plato.

Argument.—Macrinus, you may well salute your returning birthday. Your wishes on that day of wishes are
pure, whereas most of our magnates pray for what they dare not utter aloud. Any one can hear their requests for
sound mind and good report, but the petitions for the death of an uncle, a ward, a wife, the prayer for sudden gain,
are mere whispers (1-15). Strange that, in order to prepare for such impieties as these, men should go through all
manner of lustral services, and trust to the ear of Jove what they would not breathe to any mortal (15-23). Strange
that men should fancy because Jove is not swift to strike the sinner dead that he may be insulted with safety, or
easily bought off by a lot of greasy chitterlings (24-30).

Pass from wicked to foolish prayers. Grandam and aunt would have skinny Master Hopeful a wealthy nabob, would
have him make a great match. Girls are to scramble for him, and roses spring up beneath his feet. Silly petitions!
Refuse them, Jupiter (31-40). Nor less silly are those prayers whose fulfilment the suppliant himself
defeats—prayers for a hale old age, despite rich made-dishes (41-43); prayers for wealth, while the
worshipper expends his whole substance in sacrifice (44-51).

The trouble lies in this, that men judge the gods by themselves. Because gold brings a joyous flutter to their hearts,
they think to sway the gods by gold, and change to gold the vessels of the sanctuary. The gods are measured by our
â——accursed blubber,â—— that flesh which corrupts all that it handles. Yet the flesh tastes what it touches, and
enjoys the ruin which it has wrought. But what can a pure god do with our gold? To him it is a spent toy, an idle
offering. Let us give the gods honest and upright hearts, and a handful of meal will suffice to gain their blessing

The Satires of Persius

Although the colors of the piece pale before the rhetorical glare of 105 Juvenalâ——s Tenth Satire, which treats of a
kindred theme—the â——Vanity of Human Wishesâ———the philosophical commonplace is
handled with considerable vigor, and with all the picturesque detail of the authorâ——s style. And Montaigne, who,
as a moralist, quotes Persius very often, has garnished the 56th essay of his First Book with copious extracts from
this Satire.

1-15. Macrinus, your prayers are pure, you need no private audience of the gods. Not so the petitions of many
of our foremost men. Far different is what they say and what they whisper, when they come before the gods in

1. Hunc diem: The birthday was always a high-day in Rome, as elsewhere. In French, fête is
a synonym of birthday.—Macrine: â——Plotius Macrinus, the scholiast says, was a
learned man, who loved Persius as his son, having studied in the house of the same preceptor,
Servilius. He had sold some property to Persius at a reduced rateâ——
(Conington).—meliore: sc. solito. G., 312, 2; A., 17, 5.—lapillo: The Scythians
used to drop into a quiver a stone for every day, white for the good and black for the bad, and
when life was over the stones were counted. There is a similar story of the Thracians, Plin., H. N.,
7, 40, 41 (Jahn). The phrase â——white stoneâ—— is so common that one passage will suffice as
a parallel: Felix utraque lux diesque nobis | signandi melioribus lapillis, Mart., 9, 52, 4.

2. labentis: not simply an epitheton ornans, â——the gliding years,â—— but â——the years
as they glide away.â—— Eheu, fugaces, Postume, Postume | labuntur anni, Hor.., Od., 2,
14, 1.—apponit: â——puts to your account.â—— Comp. quem fors dierum cumque
dabit lucro | appone, Hor., Od., 1, 9, 15. Each day lived may be a day gained or a day lost.
Comp. also Hor., Od., 2, 5, 15.—candidus: λεϗκὴ ἡμέϗα,
λεϗκὸν εὗάμεϗον ϗάοϗ, Soph., Ai., 709. Comp. Catull., 8, 3:
fulsere vere candidi tibi soles.

3. genio: â——The tutelary Deity, or â——guardian angel,â—— who was supposed to attend on
every individual from the cradle to the grave. Its cultus was strictly materialistic, and should be
compared with the offerings of meat, drink, and clothes which were made to the manes of the
dead. Comp. Censorin., De Die Nat., 3; Serv. ad Verg., Georg., 1, 302; Hor., Ep., 2, 2, 187: scit
Genius, natale comes qui temperat astrum | naturae deus humanae, 106 mortalis in
unum | quodque caput, vultu mutabilis albus et ater. In character it was the reflex of the
man (comp. Sat. 6, 48, where it represents the felicitas of the emperor); it might be humored
and appeased by proper attention, more especially by sacrifice (comp. 5, 151), or irritated and
made baneful by neglect (comp. 4, 27; Juv., 10, 129). From these latter passages it would
appear to represent the alter homo, or second self.â—— So Pretor. The genius is the divine
element which is born with a man, and when he dies becomes a lar, if he is good; if he is wicked,
a larva, or a lemur. Departed genii were called manes—â——good
fellowsâ———doubtless with a view to propitiation.—non tu: Comp. 1,
45.—emaci: â——chaffering, haggling.â—— Prayer was often conceived as bargain and
sale. See v. 29, and Plato, Euthyphro, 14E (Jahn). By the prece emaci is meant the votum, or
vow, the εὗϗή, and not the ϗϗοϗεϗϗή, as Gregory of Nyssa puts it (De
Orat., Ed. Paris. a. 1638, Tom. 1, p. 724D). Casaubon compares Hor., Od., 3, 29, 59: ad miseras
preces | decurrere et votis pacisci.

4. seductis: Comp. paulum a turba seductior audi, 6, 42.—nequeas: G., 633; A.,
65, 2.

5. at bona pars: Comp. Hor., Sat., 1, 1, 61: at bona pars hominum.—libabit:

The Satires of Persius

Gnomic or sententious future. See 3, 93. Jahn comp. Juv., 8, 182: quae | turpia cerdoni
Volesos Brutumque decebunt. â——That which is done is that which shall be done.â—— The
other reading, libavit (gnomic Perfect), is not so good. See G., 228, R. 2, and Dräger, Histor.
Synt. der lat. Sprache, § 127.

6. haud cuivis: Comp. non cuivis homini contingit, Hor., Ep., 1, 17, 36.—humilis:
â——that keep near the ground,â—— â——groundling,â—— hence â——low.â—— Persius
delights in rare epithets.

7. aperto vivere voto: Comp. Mart., 1, 39, 6: si quis erit recti custos, mirator honesti |
et nihil arcano qui roget ore deos.

8. Mens bona: Comp. Hor., Ep., 1, 16, 59.—Mens bona, fama, fides: are
commonly considered to be the things prayed for. They are possibly persons prayed to.
â——Such notions as Welfare (salus), Honesty (fides), Harmony (concordia), belong to the
oldest and holiest Roman divinitiesâ—— (Mommsen).—hospes: â——a stranger,â——
â——any body.â——

9. o si: On this form of the wish, see G., 254, R. 1; A., 57, 4, b. O si may be considered an
elliptical conditional sentence, 107 but as the ellipsis is emotional it must not be supplied. Such
an apodosis as scholars are prone to understand for the Greek (καλῶϗ ἗ν
἗ϗοι) bene sit, would change the wish into a thought. In this passage the apodosis,
which is involved in praeclarum funus, comes limping in as an afterthought.

10. ebulliat: is slang. Comp. tam bonus Chrysanthus animam ebulliit, Petron., 42 (nos
non pluris sumus quam bullae, ibid.); Sen., Apocolocynt., 4. Conington renders â——go
off.â—— â——Kick the bucketâ—— would be worthy of Persius. Ebulliat must be read ebulljat
(G., 717). The best MSS. have ebullit, but such a Subjunctive would be more than doubtful (G.,
191, 3; Neue, Formenl., 2, 339).—praeclarum funus: Either â——that would be a
grand funeral,â—— or â——that would be a corpse worth seeing.â—— In the former case the man
of prayer tries to salve his conscience by promising his uncle (comp. 1, 11) a â——first-class
funeral.â—— Comp. funus egregie factum laudet vicinia, Hor., Sat., 2, 5, 105. In the latter, he
is welcoming the death of the crabbed old man. For funus, in this connection, Jahn compares
Prop., 1, 17, 8: haecine parva meum funus harena teget? The half-light of the passage is
well suited to the paltering knavery of the prayer.

11. sub rastro, etc.: Hor., Sat., 2, 6, 10: O si urnam argenti fors quae mihi monstret, ut
illi | thesauro invento, qui mercennarius agrum | illum ipsum mercatus aravit, dives
amico | Hercule.

12. Hercule: This is Hercules ϗλοϗϗοδόϗηϗ, to whom the Romans consecrated a

tithe of their gains. Mommsen and others dissociate this Hercules from the Greek
Ἡϗακλῗϗ. According to Casaubon and the schol. (v. 44), Hermes (Mercury) is the
bestower of windfalls found on the way, Hercules the patron of sought
treasures.—pupillum: â——The Twelve Tables provided that where no guardian was
appointed by will, the next of kin would be guardian, and he would of course be heirâ——
(Conington, after Jahn).

13. inpello: â——whose kibe I gall,â—— â——whom I tread hard

upon.â———expungam: â——get him outâ—— (of his place in the
will).—namque: gives an explanation, which serves at once to heighten and to excuse
the hope. â——You see he is in a bad way already. He is going to die at any rate, and death

The Satires of Persius

would really be a relief to all parties.â———scabiosus:

â——scrofulous.â———acri | bile: δϗιμεῗα ϗολή, Casaubon, 108 who
compares Juv., 6, 565: consulit ictericae lento de funere matris.

14. tumet: Comp. turgescit vitrea bilis, 3, 8; mascula bilis | intumuit, 5,

145.—Nerio: Nerius is the usurer in Horace, Sat., 2, 3, 69. Persius borrows his names
from Horace, as Horace borrows his from Lucilius—progressive bookishness, of which
there are several examples. Comp. Pedius, 1, 85; Craterus, 3, 65; Bestius, 6,
37.—conditur: So Jahn (1868) and Hermann. Jahn (1843) reads ducitur with many MSS.
Ducitur is not to be explained of â——being carried out to burialâ—— (Servius ad Verg., Georg.,
4, 256), but in its ordinary sense of â——being married.â—— Nerius has got rid of two wives, and
â——is actually marrying a third.â—— Conditur is best supported by MS. authority, and gives a
sufficiently good sense. Hermann quotes, in support of conditur, Mart., 5, 37, where a man
survives the loss of a rich wife, and γϗναῗκα θάϗϗειν
κϗεῗϗϗόν ἗ϗϗιν ἢ γαμεῗν, Chaeremon, ap. Stobaeum,
Sermon., 88, 22. Among the wishes in Lucian◗s Icaromen., 25, we find ὦ θεοί,
ϗὸν ϗαϗέϗα μοι ϗαϗέϗϗ ἗ϗοθανεῗν (comp. v. 10),
and εἴθε κληϗονομήϗαιμι ϗῗϗ γϗναικόϗ, which is the
key of this verse. On the use of the Dative, see G., 352, R. 1; A., 51, 4, c.

15, 16. These are the impious prayers that must be prefaced by pious observances.

15. in gurgite mergis: G., 384, R. 1; A., 56, 1, c, R.

16. bis terque: δὶϗ καὶ Ï—Ï—á½·Ï—. G., 497.—flumine: Prol., 1. The
lustral use of the bath, the pollution of the night, the peculiar virtue of running water, are
common to Scriptural and classical antiquity. Lev., chap. 15. Illo | mane die, quo tu indicis
ieiunia nudus | in Tiberi stabit, Hor., Sat., 2, 3, 290; Ter matutino Tiberi mergetur et ipsis |
verticibus timidum caput abluet, Juv., 6, 523; Ac primum pura somnum tibi discute
lympha, Prop., 4, 10, 13. For parallels, see Tylor, Primitive Culture, 2, 388.

17-30. With a sudden dramatic turn, Persius pins his omnipresent Second Person to the wall by
an ironical question touching his conception of the divine character. â——What do you think of
God? What can you think of God when you confide to him wishes that you would conceal from a
Staius? Are you so bold because God is so slow? Are you so bold because Godâ——s favor is so
cheaply bought?â——


17. minimum est, etc.: Ironical.—scire laboro: So Hor., Ep., 1, 3, 2, and nosse
laboro, Sat., 2, 8, 19.

18. estne ut: On this periphrasis, see G., 558; A., 70, 4, a. Si est, patrue, culpam ut Antipho
in se admiserit, Ter., Phormio, 2, 1, 40. Comp. Hec., 3, 5, 51; 4, 1, 43; Adelph., 3, 5, 4; Hor.,
Od., 3, 1, 9.—cures: Curare, with Inf. usually has a negative (3, 78) or equivalent, as

19. â——cuinam?â—— cuinam? The first cuinam is the question of the other man, the
second the echo of Persius. Comp. Ar., Ach., 594: ἗λλὰ ϗίϗ γὰϗ εἶ;
Η. ὗϗϗιϗ; ϗολίϗηϗ ϗϗηϗϗόϗ.—vis: Comp. 1,
56.—Staio: Staius can not be identified—homuncio nobis ignotus
(König)—and, as Jahn admirably remarks, it makes no difference who he was, whether

The Satires of Persius

Staienus, as the scholiast says (Cic., Verr., 2, 32, 79; pro Cluentio, 7, 24, 65), or an average
Philistine, or a typical scoundrel. The name was a common one. Jones is measured with
Jupiter.—an scilicet haeres: â——what? are we to suppose that you are

20. quis: may be for uter. Comp. Cic., Att., 16, 14, 1; Fam., 7, 3, 1; Caes., B. G., 5, 44.
â——Which of the two is the better judge?â—— And this is the more satisfactory rendering if
Staius is a neutral character. If he is a villain, â——who would be a better judgeâ—— or
â——better as a judge,â—— is more suitable.

21. inpellere: â——smiteâ—— (Verg., Georg., 4, 349; Aen., 12, 618), a rather strong word for
humilis susurros. Pretor renders â——quicken;â—— Conington, â——have an effect on.â——
â——Reachâ—— is about what is meant. With the thought of the passage, comp. Sen., Ep., 10, 5,
cited by Casaubon: Nunc quanta dementia est hominum? Turpissima vota diis
insusurrant: si quis admoverit aurem, conticescent; et quod hominem scire nolunt, deo

22. agedum: Agedum hoc mi expedi primum, Ter., Eun., 4, 4, 27. Dum shows impatience.
â——Be at it,â—— or â——be done with it,â—— as the case may be.—clamet:
Dic—clamet = si dicas—clamet. G., 594. 4; A., 60, 1, b.

23. sese non clamet: Iovem would make the joke clearer, but Persius would have had to
pound his desk and bite his nails to get Iovem in. â——Because he could swear by no greater, he
sware by himself,◗ Hebr., 6, 13. König compares Hor., Sat., 1, 2, 17: Maxime, quis non, |
Juppiter, exclamat simul atque audivit?


24. â——The guilty worshipper is in a grove (lucis, v. 27) during a thunderstorm; the lightning
strikes not him but one of the sacred trees, and he congratulates himself on his
escape—without reason, as Persius tells him. The circumstances are precisely those used
by Lucretius to enforce his skeptical argument, 6, 390 and 416â—— (Conington).

25. sulpure sacro: ◗lightning.◗ Comp. the Greek θεῗον, once innocently
derived from the Adjective θεῗοϗ.—tuque domusque: Comp. Juv., 13, 206:
cum prole domoque. The editors cite the oracle in Herod., 6, 86, 3: ϗᾶϗαν |
ϗϗμμάϗϗαϗ ὗλέϗει γενεὴν καὶ οἶκον

26. fibris: the extremities of the liver, λόβοι.—Ergenna: an Etruscan name. The
Etruscans were great bowel-searchers (haruspices) and lightning-doctors.

27. lucis: local Abl. and poetic Plural.—bidental: According to a law of Numa,
whosoever was struck dead by lightning was buried where he fell, and the spot was inclosed. The
place was called puteal, from the resemblance of the inclosure to a well-curb, or bidental,
because of the oves bidentes (sheep with upper and lower teeth, hence â——full grownâ——)
sacrificed in the consecration of the spot, which was invested with a holy horror (triste), and
might not even be looked at (evitandum). Here bidental is transferred from the place to the
person: â——a trophy of vengeanceâ—— (Conington), â——a monument of wrathâ—— (Gifford).
Triste bidental, Hor., A. P., 471.

The Satires of Persius

28. idcirco: Emphatic resumption.—vellere = vellendam. G., 424, R. 4; A., 57, 8, f. On

the phrase vellere barbam, comp. 1, 133. Jupiter was always represented as bearded,
γενειήϗηϗ, Lucian, Sacrif., 11. ◗Jove, will nothing wake thee? | Must vile Sejanus
pull thee by the beard | ere thou wilt open thy black-lidded eyes | and look him dead?â——
Ben Jonson, Sejan., 4, 5.

29. aut: Another (negatived) case. See G., 460, R.; A., 71, 2.—quidnam est, qua
mercede = quanam mercede; unusual. Not dissimilar, Caes., B. G., 5, 31: Omnia
excogitantur quare nec sine periculo maneatur et languore militum et vigiliis periculum

30. emeris: Jahn compares praebere and dare aurem, to which Conington adds
commodare, Hor., Ep., 1, 1, 40.—pulmone: for 111 the larger, lactibus for the smaller
intestines γαλακϗίδεϗ. ◗The details are mentioned contemptuously◗
(Conington). Comp. Juv., 6, 540; 10, 354; 13, 115.

31-40. Thus far we have had wicked prayers; now we have specimens of silly prayers, of old
wivesâ—— wishes.

31. Ecce: transitioni servit (Casaubon). See 1, 30. The showman puts in a new slide, and says
â——Look here.â———avia aut matertera: The doting fondness of grandmothers,
aunts, and nurses is proverbial. Their affection is not tempered by responsibility; hence their
indiscretion. Matertera is the motherâ——s sister, as amita (whence â——auntâ——) the
fatherâ——s; but, significantly enough, there is not the same moral distinction as between
patruus and avunculus (whence â——uncleâ——).—metuens divum:
δειϗιδαίμϗν. G., 374, R. 1; A., 50, 3, b.—cunis: Dat. is more picturesque
than Abl.

32. exemit: The Perf. brings the scene before us, and makes it particular instead of
generic.—uda: â——slobbering.â——

33. infami digito: The middle finger (Juv., 10, 53) being used in mocking and indecent
gesture, was considered on that very account to have more power against fascination. The notion
still survives, and is embodied in coral â——amuletsâ—— or â——charmsâ—— (breloques)
manufactured at Genoa.—lustralibus: The lustral day for a girl was the eighth, for a boy
the ninth. Such a day would be the day for vows and prayers. On the corresponding Gr.
἗μϗιδϗόμια, see the Classical Dictionaries.—ante: adverbial, â——first
of all.â———salivis: Spittle has manifold medical and magical virtues among all
nationalities. Comp. Plin., H. N., 28, 4, 22; Juv., 8, 112; Petron., 131. The Plural is poetical,
perhaps intimating abundance.

34. expiat: â——charms against mischiefâ—— (Conington).—urentis:

â——blasting,â—— â——withering,â—— μαϗαίνονϗαϗ.—oculos: If the
belief in the â——evil eyeâ—— is not too well known and too widely spread to need illustration,
comp. Verg., Ecl., 3, 103; Hor., Ep., 1, 14, 37. On the philosophy of the evil eye, see Plutarch,
Quaest. Conv., 5, 7.—inhibere perita: On the construction, see Prol., 11.

35. manibus: We say â——in,â—— Prol., 1. Translate â——arms,â—— as

often.—quatit: Il., 6, 474: αὗϗὰϗ á½— γ᾽ ὗν ϗίλον
ϗἱὸν ἗ϗεὶ κύϗε ϗῗλέ ϗε ϗεϗϗιν, | εἶϗεν
἗ϗεϗξάμενοϗ Ηιί ϗ᾽ ἗λλοιϗιν ϗε
θεοῗϗιν. â——Dances,â—— â——dandles.â———spem macram: â——the

The Satires of Persius

skinny hope.â——


36. Licini: Licinus, originally slave and steward of Caesar, then set free and made procurator of
Gaul, where he acquired immense wealth by extortion. Comp. Juv., 1, 109: Ego possideo plus |
Pallante et Licinis.—Crassi: a still more familiar synonym for wealth, Cic., Att., 1, 4, 3.
The two combined in Sen., Ep., 119, 9: Quorum nomina cum Crasso Licinoque
numerantur.—mittit: â——transports,â—— â——waftsâ—— (Pretor); â——packs offâ——
(Conington), is not in keeping with the mock-lyrical tone of the passage.

37. hunc: δεικϗικῶϗ König comp. Catullus, 62, 42: Multi illum pueri, multae
optavere puellae. On optet, comp. G., 281, Exc. 1; A., 49, 1, d.—rex et regina:
Comp. 1, 67. â——My lord and [my] ladyâ—— (Conington). As the prayer is extravagant, Pretor
thinks that the words are to be taken literally, and Conington inclines to the same opinion. But
there is no objection to regina for domina in itself, Mart., 10, 64.

38. rapiant = diripiant, ἗ϗϗάζοιεν. ◗May the girls have a scramble for
him.â—— The sexes are to be reversed in his honor. Casaubon comp.: Editum librum continuo
mirari homines et diripere coeperunt, Vita Persii.—rosa fiat: Casaubon comp.
Claud., Seren., 1, 89: Quocumque per herbam | reptares, fluxere rosae. A fairy-tale wish.
Comp. Theocr., 8, 41; Verg., Ecl., 7, 59.

39. ast = at + set. G., 490; R.—nutrici: Quid voveat dulci nutricula maius alumno,
Hor., Ep., 1, 4, 8. With the sentiment of the passage Casaubon comp. Sen., Ep., 60, 1:
Etiamnum optas quod tibi optavit nutrix aut paedagogus aut mater? Nondum intellegis
quantum mali optaverint?

40. albata: â——clad in white,â—— the proper attire of worshippers, Tibull., 2, 1, 13; Plaut.,
Rud., 1, 5, 12 (Jahn). Hence â——though she ask it with every requisite formâ—— (Conington).
See v. 15.

41-51. From wicked wishes we have passed to silly wishes, from silly we now pass to insane.
Men pray for health and pray for wealth, and all the while are doing their utmost to break down
their health and squander their wealth.

41. nervis: â——thews,â—— â——sinews.â———senectae: may depend on poscis

opem or on fidele (Casaubonâ——s view), â——to stand you in stead in old ageâ——
(Conington), or â——to stand your old age in stead.â—— The latter is the more forcible.

42. esto: â——so far, so goodâ—— (Conington).—grandes patinae, 113 etc.: Comp.
Hor., Sat., 2, 2, 95: Grandes rhombi patinaeque | grande ferunt una cum damno dedecus.
Jahn (1868) reads pingues.—tuccetaque crassa: According to the Schol., â——beef
steeped in a thick gravy, which enables it to keep a year.â—— â——Rich graviesâ——
(Conington); â——rich forced meatsâ—— (Pretor). â——Rich potted meats.â———his =
his precibus, votis.—vetuere: Perf. to show that â——the mischief is already doneâ——
(Pretor). It is not a general Perfect. Comp. 32.

44. rem struere: The Biblical â——heap up riches.â—— Hor., Sat., 1, 1, 35: acervo | quem
struit.—caeso bove: An expensive sacrifice. Comp. Gr.
βοϗθϗϗεῗν.—Mercurium: See note on v. 11. An allusion to Mercury, or
rather Hermes, as the God of Flocks and father of Pan, is barely possible.

The Satires of Persius

45. arcessis = in auxilium vocas (Jahn). Coningtonâ——s â——serve a summons onâ—— is a

caricature. Comp. Ov., Fast., 4, 263, and Petron., 122. Accerso is a rarer form than arcesso,
and to be reserved for state occasions, according to Brambach.—fibra: See v.
26.—da fortunare = ut fortunent.—fortunare: used absolutely, as in
Afranius, v. 84 (Ribbeck). Fortuno a vox sollemnis in prayers (Jahn).—Penatis: Gods
of the Basket and Store.

46. quo, pessime, pacto: Hor., Sat., 2, 7, 22: quo pacto, pessime?

47. iunicum = iuvencarum. Observe the extravagance of the sacrifice, and compare with the
expression Catull., 90, 6: omentum in flamma pingue liquefaciens.

48. extis et ferto: Comp. vv. 30, 45. Fertum (a ferendo), a kind of sacrificial cake or
pudding, libi genus, quod crebrius ad sacra obmovebatur (Jahn).

49. et tamen: at tamen (Hermann), on which see 5, 159.

50-51. Casaubon sees in this passage an imitation of Hesiod, O. et D., 369: δειλὴ δ᾽
἗νὶ ϗϗθμένι ϗειδώ (sera parsimonia in fundo est, Sen., Ep., 1, 5).
I have followed the old reading, which makes nummus the subject. The personification is in
Persius◗s vein, as Schlüter correctly remarks. Comp. tacita acerra, v. 5; gemuerunt
aera, 3, 39; sapiens porticus, 3, 53; modice sitiente lagoena, 3, 92. Nummi are nursed as
children, 5, 149; there is a kind of personification in dolosi nummi, Prol., 12, and literature is
full of personified coins, of â——nimble sixpences,â—— â——slow shillings,â—— 114
â——adventurous guineas.â—— Add: ac velut exhausta redivivus pullulet arca | nummus,
Juv., 6, 363. Paley (ap. Pretor) suggests that nequiquam may be considered the exclamation of
the nummus. This gives so happy a turn that I am almost tempted to put it in the text. It is the
familiar story of â——the bottom dime,â—— set to the familiar tune of the â——Last Rose of
Summer.â—— Jahn makes the numbskull, not the nummus, the subject, and reads in his ed. of

Nequiquam fundo, suspiret, nummus in imo!

In his ed. of 1868 he follows Hermann, who reads:

Nequiquam fundo, suspiret, nummus in imo!

Pretor prints:

Nequiquam: fundo, suspiret, nummus in imo!

The scholiast hesitates. All much more prosaic and much less satisfactory.—suspiret:
See G., 574, R.; A., 62, 2, d.

52-75. With a sudden start Persius strikes at the root of the matter—the false
conception of the divine character. â——Thou thoughtest,â—— saith God, â——that I was
altogether such a one as thyself,â—— Ps. 50, 21. Because you love gold, you fancy that God
loves gold, and judge of His Holiness by your corruption. God demands a pure heart, and not
â——thousands of rams.â—— This is a plane on which the highest expressions of the most
various religions meet, so that Hebrew, Greek, and Christian hold almost identical discourse.
M. Martha (Moralistes Romains, p. 134) recognizes â——a progressâ—— in thoughts, which are
immemorial in their antiquity.

The Satires of Persius

52. creterras: preferred by Jahn (1868) and Hermann to crateras, in which the Acc. Sing. of
the Greek word κϗαϗήϗ seems to be taken as the stem (G., 72, R. 2). See Hor., Od., 3,
18, 7: Sat., 2, 4, 80. Comp. also statera and panthera. G. Meyer (Beitrage zur Stammbildung
in Curtius, Studien, 5, 72) questions the Accus. origin.—argenti: The context indicates
the material, which in prose would be ex argento or argentea (G., 396; A., 54, 2). The Genitive
should give us the contents as in v. 11, argenti seria. Comp. Juv., 9, 141: argenti vascula
puri.—incusa: â——is a translation of ἗μϗαιϗϗά (Casaubon),
἗μϗαιϗϗικη ϗέϗνη being the art of embossing silver or some other material
with golden ornaments 115 (crustae or emblemata). Hence crateras argenti incusaque
dona is probably a hendiadysâ—— (Conington). Chrysendeta, or parcel-gilt plate
(Pretor).—pingui: â——thick,â—— not a generic epithet.

53. dona: Predicate.—pectore laevo: Jahn strangely follows Casaubon in

understanding pectore laevo as mente laeva. Comp. Verg., Ecl., 1, 16: si mens non laeva
fuisset. The side of the heart is meant. König comp. laeva parte mamillae | nil salit
Arcadico iuveni, Juv., 7, 159.

54. excutiat: In his ed. of 1868 Jahn has abandoned the harsh excutias of 1843, which leaves
laetari praetrepidum cor to take care of itself, with laetari as an histor. Inf. of habit. Comp.
Verg., Georg., 1, 200; 4, 134; Aen., 4, 422; 7, 15.—guttas: â——Your heart in an eager
flutter of excited joy would drive the life-drops from your left breast.â—— So Pretor, who adds
that Persius alludes to the faintness produced by any violent excitement. Comp. Verg., Georg.,
3, 105: cum spes arrectae iuvenum exsultantiaque haurit | corda pavor pulsans. With
guttas comp. â——As dear to me as are the ruddy drops that visit this sad heart,â—— Shaksp.
Jahn understands â——tears,â—— Heinrich â——sweatâ—— (comp. Juv., 1, 167: tacita sudant
praecordia culpa). In the latter case we should expect ut, as Schlüter
observes.—laetari praetrepidum: â——over-hasty to rejoiceâ—— (Conington). For the
construction, comp. Prol., 11, and Hor., Od., 2, 4, 24: cuius octavum trepidavit aetas |
claudere lustrum. On the meaning of trepidum, see 1, 20.

55. illud, quod: â——that strange fashion that,â—— instead of the impersonal construction
with the Inf. with a different shade of meaning (G., 525; A., 70, 5).—subiÄ«t: On the
quantity of the final syllable, see G., 705, Exc. 4; A., 84, g, 5.—auro ovato: Comp.
triumphato auro, Ov., Ep. ex Ponto, 2, 1, 41 (Jahn). An allusion to the â——unjust acquisition of
the gold offered to Heavenâ—— seems to be too modern, despite Juv., 8, 106.

56. nam: â——for instance.â—— G., 500, R. 1.—fratres aenos: â——brazen

brotherhoodâ—— (Gifford). There are various interpretations: 1. The gods generally (Jahn). 2. The
fifty sons of Aegyptus, whose statues stood in the portico of the Palatine Apollo over against
those of the fifty Danaides, Prop., 2, 31, 1 seqq.; Ov., Trist., 3, 1, 59 seqq. (Scholiast). 3. The
Dioscuri. The first explanation is the best. All the gods might appear in vision, but 116 some were
more famous for such appearances than others. The very existence of the statues of the sons of
Aegyptus is problematical, and their connection with dreams inexplicable (Jahn). As for the
Dioscuri, they were notoriously beardless youths, apart from the fact that qui mittunt points to
more than two (Casaubon).

57. pituita: trisyllabic, as in Hor., Sat., 2, 2, 76; Ep., 1, 1, 108. Pituita, â——phlegm,â——
â——gross humor.â—— â——That pituita was supposed to mark a heavy, cloudy intellect, is
clear from the meaning of the opposite expression, emunctae narisâ—— (Pretor). See also the
commentators on Hor.,

The Satires of Persius

58. aurea barba: Cic., N. D., 3, 34, 83: Aesculapii Epidaurii barbam auream demi iussit
[Dionysius], neque enim convenire barbatum esse filium cum in omnibus fanis pater
imberbis esset.

59. vasa Numae: called capedines and simpuvia.—Saturnia aera: Old coinage,
according to Schol., Casaubon, and Jahn. The earliest coinage is said to have been stamped on
one side with the head of Janus, the coiner, on the other with a ship, in honor of Saturnâ——s
arrival in Italy. It is best to translate loosely by â——brassâ—— or â——bronze,â—— as the
explanation is far from certain.—inpulit: â——kicked out.â——

60. Vestalis urnas: always of earthenware.—Tuscum fictile: â——Etruscan

pottery.â—— â——Etruscanâ—— both by reason of its origin and its use in Etruscan ritual.

61. O curvae: A passionate apostrophe, which reminds M. Martha of Bossuet.—in

terris: So Jahn and Hermann. We should expect in terras, but the Abl. is more forcible as
denoting the fixity rather than the tendency of the position.—caelestium inanes: On
the Gen., see G., 373, R. 6; A., 50, 3, c. Jahn quotes Hor., Od., 3, 11, 23: inane lymphae |
dolium fundo pereuntis imo.

62. quid iuvat hoc: So Jahn. Hos, Hermannâ——s reading, is not necessary, though natural.
Hoc often anticipates the contents of a dependent clause, as here with the Inf., 5, 45; ut with
Subj., 5, 19.—templis inmittere mores: is more than â——the opposite to v. 7:
tollere de templis.â—— Inmittere, â——turn loose upon,â—— like so many hostes, sicarii,
etc. Mores, â——courses of life.â——

63. bona dis: Brachylogy. â——What is good in the eyes of the gods.â———ducere:
â——infer.â———scelerata pulpa: â——sinful, pampered 117 fleshâ—— (Conington).
Pulpa is the Stoic ϗάϗξ, ϗαϗκίδιον, in a stronger form. M. Martha (l.c. p.
133, note) says that the Christian ϗάϗξ (caro) is borrowed from the language of
philosophy. Others only note the coincidence. Pulpa may be rendered â——blubber.â——

64. haec: sc. pulpa.—sibi: â——to suit its taste.â———corrupto: The oil is
spoiled by the spice, Verg., Georg., 2, 465: Alba nec Assyrio fucatur lana veneno | nec casia
liquidi corrumpitur usus olivi.

65. Calabrum: â——The beauty of the Calabrian fleece consisted in its perfect whiteness,â——
which is destroyed by the dye.—coxit: here in a bad sense, as we often use
â——cook,â—— â——doctor.â———vitiato: The murex is spoiled as well as the vellus;
both have violence done to their natures. Comp. Juv., 3, 20: ingenuum violarent marmora
tofum. On the hard treatment of the murex, or κάλϗη, see St. John, Manners and
Customs of Ancient Greece, 3, 225 foll.

66. bacam: â——pearl,â—— literally â——berry.â—— The transfer is explained by Auson.,

Mos., 70: albentes concharum germina bacas. Diluit insignem bacam, Hor., Sat., 2, 3,
241.—rasisse: Perf., like the Greek Aor. Inf. See 1, 42.

67. massae: â——ore.â———crudo de pulvere: â——from their primitive slagâ——


68. vitio utitur: â——gets some good out of its sin.â———nempe: G., 500, R. 2.

The Satires of Persius

70. pupae: The ancients dedicated to the gods what they had done with. So when the girl was
ripe for marriage, she hung up her dolls. The sailor hangs up his clothes, Hor., Od., 1, 5, 16; the
lover his harp, Od., 3, 26, 3. The Sixth Book of the Greek Anthology is full of examples. An
ingenious friend suggests that the practice of publishing a list of commentators in editions of the
classics is a survival of this usage.

71. quin damus: See G., 268; A., 57, 7, d.—lance: â——sacrificial plate,â——
â——paten.â—— Ov., Ep. ex P., 4, 8, 39: nec quae de parva dis pauper libat acerra | tura
minus grandi quam data lance valet (Jahn).

72. Messallae propago: Lucius Aurelius Cotta Messalinus (Schol.), an unworthy son of
M. Valerius Messalla Corvinus. See Tac., Ann., 6, 7. He was a notorious debauchee in the reign of
Tiberius.—lippa: alludes to the effect of his excesses. Comp. 5, 77.


73. conpositum: â——in just balance,â—— â——well blendedâ—— (Conington).—ius

fasque: â——duty to God and manâ—— (Conington).—recessus mentis:
ϗϗενῶν μϗϗόϗ Theocr., 29, 3 (Jahn).

74. incoctum: â——thoroughly imbued.â———generoso honesto: â——with the

honor of a gentleman.â—— See note on mordaci vero, 1, 107.

75. cedo: Notice the quantity. G., 190, 4; A., 38, 2, f. CÄ—do, â——give here,â——
â——let.â—— For the construction: cedo ut bibam, Plaut., Most., 2, 1, 26; cedo ut inspiciam,
Curc., 5, 2, 54.—admovere: a sacrificial word.—farre litabo: Comp. Hor., Od.,
3, 23, 19: mollivit aversos Penatis | farre pio et saliente mica. Litare is the Greek
καλλιεϗεῗν, ◗offer acceptably.◗ The sentiment may be illustrated without
end. Comp. θϗϗία μεγίϗϗη ϗῷ θεῷ ϗό γ᾽
εὗϗεβεῗν, Men., Mon., 246, and Eur., fr. 329 and 940 (Nauck).


Argument.—The Satire opens dramatically. A young Roman of the upper classes is discovered asleep,
snoring off the effects of yesterdayâ——s debauch. To him one of his familiars, half companion, half tutor, who
rouses him by telling him that the sun is already high in the heavens, and it is time to be up. The young fellow bawls
for his servants, brays for them, and makes a show of going to work. But nothing suits him. He curses the ink
because it is too thick, then he curses it because it is too thin, and finally swears at pen and ink both. â——You big
baby,â—— exclaims the monitor. â——Do you expect me to study with such a pen?â—— asks the young man
with a whine. â——Donâ——t come to me with your puling nonsense, you dab of untempered mortar, you
unformed lump of clay. You are lazing away the time, when every minute is of moment, when the potterâ——s
wheel should fly faster and faster, and deft hands should mould the vessel of your life (1-24). But I see you think
that you have already attained perfection. You are satisfied with your position in life, move in a good circle. Tell
that to the profane vulgar. I know you, every inch of you. Shame on you, that you, with your training, should live
like a brutish creature, who does not know what a rich jewel he is flinging away, who sinks without a struggle in the
slough of vice, whose soul dies and makes no sign. But you, who know better, will have a dire fate. No worse doom
could Jove himself bring down on cruel tyrants than the vain yearning for lost virtue, which they can never hope to
regain. Nay, worse than the brazen bull of Phalaris and 119 the pendent sword of Damocles is the consciousness of
sin, the pallor that blanches not the cheek only, but the very heart (25-43). You are past the age of childhood, and
have not the excuse of tender years. If you were a child, I could understand your behavior. I remember my own
childhood, how hateful and unprofitable task-work alternated with frivolous play, how I dodged the learning of the
piece I had to speak, how I had no thought for any thing save dice and marbles and tops (44-51). But you have

The Satires of Persius

reached a higher level. You know the great norms of life, the doctrines of the Porch; you understand the distinctions
of Right and Wrong. Pshaw! As I live, you are snoring still. Wake up, I say, and tell me—have you any aim
in life? Or are you nothing better than a boy following sparrows with a pinch of salt?â—— (52-62).

Here the poet drops the dramatic form, deserts the individuality of the student, and makes his exhortation general,
reserving, of course, the right to pick out at will any member of his congregation for rebuke. He mounts the pulpit
and begins to preach. His text is:

â——Be wise to-day; â——tis madness to defer.â—— Go back to the first principles of all true philosophy, the
constitution of the universe, the position of man in that universe, the great laws of Ethic as derived from the great
laws of Physic. In brief, study your Stoic catechism. Do not allow yourself to be diverted from higher study by
success in the lower ranges of life. You lawyer there, for instance, do not let hams and sprats, the gifts of thankful
clients, seduce you from the ambrosia of true philosophy (63-76).

But hark! some one is talking out in church. It is the voice of the unsavory centurion.

â——I have got all the sense I want. I would not be for all the world one of your painful philosophers, with head
tucked down, eyes riveted on the ground, mumbling and muttering a lot of metaphysic trash—chimaera
bombinans in vacuo—and the rest of the scholastic stuff. What! get pale for that? What! miss my breakfast
for that!â——

Great applause in the galleries, and a rippling reduplication of laughter from the muscular humanity of the period

A sudden turn, or rather a sudden return to the figure of v. 63. The connection, if there be a connection, seems to be

Such men as the centurion are hopelessly lost, have already â——imbodied and imbruted.â—— Like Natta, they
are unconscious of their moral ruin. But there are those who, half-conscious of their condition, consult a physician
of the soul, a spiritual director. The state of this class is set forth in a dramatic parable. A man feels sick, goes to see
a doctor, follows his advice for a while, gets better, and then, despite all remonstrance, violates the plainest rules of
diet and falls dead (88-106).

But before our preacher can make the application, he is interrupted by an impatient hearer, perhaps none other than
the yawning youth, 120 whose acquaintance we made in the beginning of the Satire. Whoever he is, he is so literal
that he does not understand the drift of the apologue.

â——Sick! Whoâ——s sick? Not I. No fever in my veins. No chill in hands or feet.â——

â——But,â—— says our resolute moralist, â——the sight of money, the meaning smile of a pretty girl, makes your
heart beat a devilâ——s tattoo. Coarse flour shows that you are mealy-mouthed, and tough cabbage brings out the
ulcer in your throat. Kindle the fire of wrath beneath the cauldron of your blood, and Orestes is sane in
comparisonâ—— (107-118).

According to Jahn, this Satire is aimed at those that have received a thorough training in ethics, but, owing to the
weakness of human nature, fail to follow the true guide of life; and, although well aware of their short-comings,
imitate the example of those brutish souls whose sins are excused by their ignorance. In short, the Satire is an
expansion of the old theme—Video meliora proboque.

Knickenberg (De Ratione Stoica in Persii Satiris Apparente, p. 16 seqq.) maintains that in conformity with Stoic
doctrine, it is not so much the weakness of human nature as imperfect knowledge—the inscitia debilis of v.
99—that is the source of the vices which the author lashes in the present Satire. According to the Stoic, virtue
is knowledge, and the snoring youth, with his half-knowledge, which keeps him from rising to the height of virtue,

The Satires of Persius

is the pattern of the false philosophy of the time.

But Persius is not an expounder of the Stoic philosophy, as a system, any more than Seneca is; and commentators
have attributed to him a profounder knowledge of philosophy than he had, certainly a profounder knowledge than it
would have been artistic to show. Persius repeats the catechism of the sect, expands some of their favorite theses,
elaborates some of their pet figures, and finds fault with his fellow students in the lofty tone which he had caught
from his teachers. A glaring paradox, such as we find in 5, 119, he is but too happy to reproduce, but the subtle
analysis for which the Stoics were famous does not appear in his poems.

The Satire is said by the Scholiast to be imitated from the Fourth Book of Lucilius.

1-24. A young student is roused by one of his companions, who, after meditating on his snoring form (1-4),
remonstrates with him against lying abed so long. Yawning and headachy, he attempts to go to work, calls his
servants testily, has his writing materials brought, swears at them, and is rebuked by his 121 sage friend for his
babyishness, and urged to make use of this golden season of life.

1. Nempe: The opening is made very lively by the use of nempe, which implies a preceding
statement, and thus plunges at once into the thick of the dialogue. â——And soâ———a
clear imitation of Hor., Sat., 1, 10, 1. Comp. the English use of â——andâ—— in the first verse of
lyrics, and the common stage trick of beginning a scene with conjunctions: Farquhar,
Beauxâ—— Stratagem, 2, 2: â——And was she the daughter of the house?â—— Cibber, The
Provoked Wife, 5, 4: â——But what dost thou think will come of this business?â—— This effect is
lost by bringing in the comes at v. 5, as some do.—mane: Substantive, the Abl. of
which, mane (mani), is in more common use as an Adverb.—fenestras:
â——windows,â—— here for â——window-shutters.â——

2. extendit: â——makes wider,â—— â——makes seem wider,â—— a familiar optical

effect.—rimas: â——chinksâ—— (between the shutters).

3. stertimus: Ironical First Person, excluding the speaker.—indomitum:

â——heady,â—— â——unmanageableâ—— (Conington). Falernian was a strong wine: ardens,
Hor., Od., 2, 11, 9; severum, Od., 1, 27, 19; forte, Sat., 2, 4, 24. Add Lucan, 10, 162:
Indomitum Meroe cogens spumare Falernum.—quod sufficiat: â——what ought to
be enough.â—— G., 633; A., 65, 2.—despumare: â——work off,â—— â——carry off the
fumes ofâ—— (Conington). Despumare is a technical term â——skimâ—— (Verg., Georg., 1,
296), like â——rackâ—— in English.

4. quintÄ— dum linea tangitur umbrÄ—: where we should expect quintÄ— linea
umbrė, by what is called Hypallagé. Conington compares Aeschyl., Ag., 504:
δεκάϗῳ ϗε ϗέγγει ϗῷδ᾽ ἗ϗικόμην ἗ϗοϗϗ. See
Schneidewinâ——s note.—dum: â——while,â—— â——whereas,â—— â——and yet.â——
Comp. G., 572, R.; A., 72, 1, c.—linea: of the sun-dial. The fifth hour (about 11
oâ——clock) was the time of the prandium, according to Auson., Ephem. Loc. Ordin. Coqui, 1, 2
(Casaubon): Sosia, prandendum est, quartam iam totus in horam | sol calet: ad quintam
flectitur umbra notam. In Horaceâ——s time breakfast was after 10 (Sat., 1, 5, 25). The
sophist Alciphron implies that 12 was the hour in his day (3, 4, 1).

5. en quid agis? Comp. en quid ago? Verg., Aen., 4, 534. In lively questions the present is
often used as a future, as: Quoi dono lepidum novum libellum? Catull., 1, 1.—siccas:
proleptic 122 or predicative, to be combined with coquit. Conington renders â——is baking the
crops dry,â—— but coquere is too common in this sense for such a translation, a criticism which

The Satires of Persius

applies to a very large proportion of Coningtonâ——s picturesque versions. Coquere is the

regular word for â——ripenâ———Gr. ϗέϗϗϗ—Varro, R. R., 1, 7, 4; 54, 1.
Tr. â——is ripening hardâ—— (in the broiling sun).—insana canicula: â——the mad
dog-starâ—— is, of course, the â——mad dogâ——s starâ—— (Conington). Comp. Hor., Od., 3,
29, 18; Ep., 1, 10, 16.

7. comitum: Comes is a wide term, embracing fellow-students and tutors. The Greek word is
οἱ ϗϗνονϗεϗ. See Lucian◗s famous tract, ϗεϗὶ ϗῶν
἗ϗὶ μιϗθῷ ϗϗνόνϗϗν (de mercede conductis).

8. aliquis: ◗somebody,◗ ◗ϗιϗ,◗ of a servant. Aperite aliquis actutum

ostium, Ter., Adelphi, 4, 4, 46. á½−ϗϗεϗ ἗ν οἴκῳ ἗νιοι
δεϗϗόϗαι ϗϗοϗϗάϗϗοϗϗι, Ἴϗϗ ϗιϗ ἗ϗ᾽
ὗδϗϗ, Ηύλα ϗιϗ ϗϗιϗάϗϗ, Xen., Cyr., 5, 3, 49.—nemon?
on the rhetorical -ne, see 1, 22.—vitrea bilis: a medical term, ὗαλώδηϗ
ϗολή, according to Casaubon. Comp. splendida bilis, Hor., Sat., 2, 3, 141.

9. findor: â——Iâ——m splitting,â—— the exclamation of the impatient youth. The old reading,
finditur, â——heâ—— or â——itâ—— (bilis) â——is splitting,â—— has little MS. authority. Others
read findimur.—Arcadiae pecuria: The asses of Arcady were famous in
antiquity.—rudere: with u long only here and Auson., Epigr., 76, 3.

10. iamque liber: The distribution of these articles is not without its difficulty. According to
some, liber is the author to be explained by the teacher; chartae, the papyrus for rough notes;
membrana, the parchment for a more careful transcript. According to others, â——liber is the
author out of which the lesson or thesis is to be transcribed, and membrana the parchment
wrapper for preserving the loose sheets, as the work progressesâ—— (Pretor).—bicolor:
used either of the two sides of the skin—the one from which the hair had been scraped,
yellow, the other white (Casaubon), or, more probably, of the custom of coloring the parchment
artificially (Jahn).—capillis: is commonly taken for pilis, a rare use. The hair side of the
skin was carefully smoothed with pumice-stone. Arida modo pumice expolitum, Cat., 1, 2; cui
pumex tondeat ante comas, Tib., 3, 1, 10. The old explanation, according to which positis
capillis = capillis ornatis sive pexis (Plum), has found an advocate in Schlüter. The young
123 man is supposed to have dressed his hair before he goes to work.

11. nodosa harundo = calamus of the next verse.

12. querimur: In his ed. of 1868 Jahn has abandoned queritur (1843) here and in v. 14.
Comp. stertimus, v. 3.—calamo: In prose, de calamo.

13. nigra sepia: â——The blackness of the liquor,â—— Conington, who says correctly that
nigra is emphatic. Sepia, â——juice of the cuttle-fish,â—— used for ink. Comp. Auson., Epist., 4,
76; 7, 54 (Jahn).

14. fistula = harundo. The nib of the pen was badly slit. Comp. nec iam fissipedis per
calami vias | grassetur Cnidiae sulcus harundinis, Auson., Epist., 7, 49-50.

The whole period is very awkward, and is not improved by Jahnâ——s sed for quod in v. 13. Mr.
Pretor suspects a duplex recensio, and brackets v. 13. In any other author I should suggest
dilutasque nimis for dilutas querimur, v. 14 (Mp. querimus).

The Satires of Persius

15. ultra miser = miserior.—hucine rerum: Hucine is archaic and colloquial. On

rerum, see G., 371, R. 4; A., 50, 2, d. Comp. 1, 1 for the translation.

16. tenero columbo: a pet name for children (Schol.). Columbus is â——the
house-pigeon,â—— palumbus â——the wood-pigeon.â—— Some of the best MSS. read
palumbo, which Bentley on Hor., Od., 1, 2, 10, prefers. Notice further that nurses often feed
their babies pigeon-fashion.—regum pueris: â——aristocratic babies,â—— â——babies
of qualityâ—— (Conington). Regum as in 1, 67.—pappare: (papare, Jahn, 1843) Infin.
for Substantive, â——pap.â—— Such Infinitives are hardly parallel with vivere triste (1, 9), and
belong rather to the verba togae. They may be called nursery Infinitives. Comp. Titin. (ap.
Charisium, 1, p. 99P.), v. 78 Ribb.: Date illi biber, iracunda haec est. Comp. the Greek
ϗὸ ϗιεῗν, ϗὸ ϗαγεῗν, Theocr., 10, 53; Anthol. Pal., 12, 34, 5. The
Scholiast calls pappare and lullare â——voces mutilas.â———minutum: â——chewed
fine,â—— â——minced.â——

18. iratus: â——in a pet.â———mammae: exactly our â——mammy;â—— depends on

lallare, not on iratus.—lallare: like pappare, â——lullaby.â—— â——Pettishly refusing
to let mammy sing you to sleepâ—— (Conington)—â——to go by-bye for mammy.â——

19. studeam: G., 258; A., 57, 6. The absolute use of studere 124 is post-Augustan. Desidioso
studere torqueri est, Sen., Ep. M., 71, 23.—Cui verba: sc. das?

20. succinis: â——sing to an instrument or second to a person,â—— hence â——to sing

smallâ—— (Conington), â——come whimpering, whining with.â———ambages:
â——beating about the bush,â—— â——shuffling excuses.â—— Quando pauperiem, missis
ambagibus, horres, Hor., Sat., 2, 5, 9.—tibi luditur: Tua res agitur, â——it is your
game,â—— â——your stake,â—— â——your affair.â———effluis amens: with a sudden
change of figure. The dissolute young man is compared to a cracked jar, from which all the noble
â——wine of lifeâ—— (Shaksp., Macbeth, 2, 3) is escaping. The passage in Ter., Eun., 1, 2, 25,
which is often cited in this connection: Plenus rimarum sum; huc atque huc perfluo refers to
â——a leaky vessel,â—— one who can not keep a secret.

21. contemnere: A sudden desertion of the metaphor, unless contemnere be a technical

term, like ἗ϗοδοκιμάζειν, ◗reject on test.◗ Cicero combines
conterere et contemnere, contemnere et reicere, contemnere et pro nihilo putare. The
Scholiast thinks that the word is an unhappy reminiscence of Hor., Sat., 2, 3, 14: contemnere
miser.—sonat vitium = sono indicat vitium. Sonat vitium, like sapit mare,
â——sounds flawy,â—— â——has a flawy ring.â—— The Schol. comp. Verg., Aen., 1, 328: nec
vox hominem sonat.—maligne: â——ill-naturedly,â—— â——grudgingly,â—— of that
which falls short of what was expected. Maligne respondet, â——gives a short answer,â——
â——a dull sound.â——

22. viridi: = crudo, â——untempered.â—— The material is ill-mixed and the crock ill-baked
(non cocta).

23. â——Persius steps back, as it were, while pursuing the metaphor,â—— is Coningtonâ——s
droll defence of Persius◗s ὗϗϗεϗον ϗϗόϗεϗον. Common critics
would say that Persius had bungled the figure.—properandus et fingendus: not
necessarily equivalent to propere fingendus. Comp. Juv., 4, 134: argillam atque rotam citius

The Satires of Persius

24-43. Persius: â——I know what you are going to say. You have a fair estate, you have nothing
to dread, you have good connections, you have a good position. Away with these baubles. I know
you yourself. You live no higher life than the dullest sensualist, who knows not what he is losing;
but the time will come when you will be roused to the consciousness of 125 your loss, and your
soul must be tortured with the expectation of impending ruin and the carking of hidden
sin.â———rure paterno: G., 412, R. 1; A., 55, 3, c, R.

25. far modicum: Modicum with a sneer. The young man keeps up a show of Stoic
moderation.—salinum—patella: two articles of plate, to which every
respectable family aspired. Compare the apostle-spoons and the candle-cup of the Elizabethan
period. The salinum and the patella were exempt, when all other gold and silver plate was
called for to meet the necessities of the state.—purum et sine labe: literally and

26. quid metuas: ex animo iuvenis. The young man is supposed to ask quid metuam? See
v. 19. â——I have nothing to fear on the score of poverty.â———cultrix foci: The
patella was used in the worship of the Lares. Conington preserves the possible double sense of
â——inhabitantâ—— and â——worshipper,â—— by rendering â——a dish for fireside
service.â———secura: â——that knows no fearâ—— (of want).

27. hoc satis? This is very well, but is it enough?—an deceat: The connection is not
very plain, and Jahn thinks that another person is apostrophised. Persius is attacking the same
man, now as to his fortune, now as to his family. That this is not clearly brought out, is simply his
own fault.—ventis: â——with airsâ—— (Pretor). See 4, 20.

28. stemmate: Abl. as a whence-case. â——Comp. Juv., 8, 1-6; Suet., Nero, 37. These
stemmata were genealogical trees or tables of pedigree, in which the family portraits
(imagines) were connected by winding lines. Comp. stemmata vero lineis discurrebant ad
imagines pictas, Plin., H. N., 25, 2, and multae stemmatum flexurae, Sen., de Benef., 3,
28â—— (Pretor, after Jahn).—Tusco: The Etruscans were great sticklers for family, as
Persius well knew. Comp. Hor., Od., 3, 29, 1; Sat., 1, 6, 1; Prop., 4, 9, 1. Your aristocratic
philosopher can afford to be disdainful of birth. A Stoic commonplace: si quid est aliud in
philosophia boni, hoc est quod stemma non inspicit, Sen., Ep., 44, 1.—ramum =
lineam.—millesime: â——a thousand times removedâ—— (Pretor). On the case, 1,
123. Conington recognizes a side-thrust, and compares Savageâ——s â——No tenth transmitter
of a foolish face.â——

29. censoremne: So Casaubon. Jahn (1868) reads -que, thus 126 abandoning the reading
which is best supported by MSS., but utterly unsupported by grammar, -ve. The careless use of
vel after ve is one of those slips that are simply incredible, nor can -ve—vel be
successfully defended by connecting the latter closely with trabeate. Pretor explains,
â——because you have a censor in your family, or are yourself a knight of distinction (sc. quodve
censorem tuum salutas vel quod ipse trabeatus es)â——. Heinr.â——s conjecture, fatuum,
with a reference to the censorship of Claudius, is itself almost fatuous. If we are to resort to
conjecture, Heinr.â——s other suggestion, vetulum, would be mild. Jahn explains this line (after
Niebuhr) of the municipales equites, â——Because you are a great man in your own provincial
town.â—— Comp. 1, 129. â——In any case the allusion is to the annual transvectio of the
equites before the censor, who used to review them (recognoscere) as they defiled before him
on horseback. If censorem is understood of Rome, tuum will imply that the youth is related to
the Emperor, like Juvenalâ——s Rubellius Blandus, 8, 40; otherwise it means â——your local
censorâ——â—— (Conington).—trabeate: The trabea is the official dress of the
equites. Comp. 1, 123.

The Satires of Persius

30. ad populum phaleras: â——The phalerae included all the trappings of the horse and
rider. They were on occasion much ornamented with metal, and Polybius (6, 23) says that they
were given as rewards of merit to cavalry soldiersâ—— (Pretor, after Jahn). â——To the mob with
your trappings, your stars and garters.â———intus et in cute: â——inside and
out;◗ a rough equivalent. In cute (Gr. ἗ν ϗϗᾦ) means ◗closely◗ (◗to
a dot, a T◗). See Lexx. s.v. ϗϗῶϗ.

31. non pudet: â——You are not ashamed?â—— (you ought to be). See G.,
455.—discincti: Comp. discinctus aut perdam nepos, Hor., Epod., 1, 34 (Schol.). The
discinctus is â——a man of loose habits.â———Nattae: taken at random from Hor.,
Sat., 1, 6, 124.

32. stupet: ἗ναιϗθηϗεῗ (Casaubon). He is ◗past feeling,◗ his

conscience is benumbed, is â——seared with a hot iron.â———fibris increvit opimum
pingue: â——his heart is overgrown with thick collops of fatâ—— (Conington). The Scriptural
parallels are familiar: Psa., 119, 70; Matt., 13, 15; John, 12, 40. The Delphin ed. comp. Tertull.,
de Anima, 20: Opimitas impedit sapientiam. On opimum pingue, comp. 1, 107.

33. caret culpa: Perhaps because the Stoic would not hold 127 him responsible, Epictet.,
Diss., 1, 18. Conington well remarks that Casaubonâ——s quotation from Menand., Mon.,
430—á½— μηδὲν εἰδὼϗ οὗδὲν
἗ξαμαϗϗάνει—does not meet the case. In Menander we have to do
with â——a sin of ignoranceâ—— against others. Here the sin is against the manâ——s own
nature. Possibly culpa is = conscientia culpae.

34-43. The terrors of remorse.

34. rursum non bullit: â——he makes no bubbles,â—— â——makes no further

struggles,â—— â——he is down among the dead men.â——

36. velis: â——deign.â—— Velle gives a reverential turn to the wish.

37. moverit: Perf. Subj. Attraction of mood. G., 666; A., 66, 2.—ferventi tincta
veneno: The gelidum venenum chills, this poison fires the blood. Comp. Alciphr., 1, 37, 3:
θεϗμόϗεϗον ϗάϗμακον, of a love potion. Occultum inspires ignem
fallasque veneno, Verg., Aen., 1, 688. Tincta is a reminiscence of the shirt of Nessus and the
bridal-gift of Medea to Glaucé.

38. intabescant: belongs to the same sphere of comparison. Intabescere,

καϗαϗήκεϗθαι, is hopeless pining for a lost love. Comp. Theocr., 1, 66; 11, 14.
For the figure, see Ov., Met., 3, 487: ut intabescere flavae | igne levi cerae—solent,
sic attenuatus amore | liquitur.—relicta: sc. virtute. Conington comp. Verg., Aen., 4,
692: quaesivit caelo lucem ingemuitque reperta. Relicta = quod religuerint.

39. anne = an.—Siculi iuvenci: Every one has heard of the brazen bull made by
Perillus for Phalaris of Agrigentum, Cic., Off., 2, 7, 26, and the sword of Damocles, in the next
verse, is a proverb in English. Comp. Hor., Od., 3, 1, 17; Cic., Tusc. Dis., 5, 21, 61.—aera:
poet. Plur. Vivid personification and identification.

40. auratis laquearibus = de a. l. Laquearibus, â——sunken panels (lacus) between the

cross-beams of the ceiling.â—— See Verg., Aen., 1, 726.—ensis: a poetic word,

The Satires of Persius

â——glaive,â—— â——brand.â——

41. purpureas cervices: Damocles was arrayed in royal purple; hence purpureas
(Casaubon). Others apply the expression to tyrants generally. Comp. Hor., Od., 1, 35, 12:
purpurei tyranni.

42. imus: Better to have a sword hanging by a hair over your neck than yourself to be hanging
above an abyss of misery. The commentators refer to Tiberiusâ——s letter to the senate (Tac.,
Ann., 6, 6; Suet., Tib., 67), by way of illustrating the shuddering perplexity 128 of the sinful
tyrant.—dicat: The subject is loosely involved.—intus | palleat: This â——not
very intelligible expressionâ—— (Conington) is paralleled by Shaksp., Macb., 2, 2: â——My hands
are of your color, but I shame | to wear a heart so white.â——

43. quod: dependent on the notion of fear contained in pallere. G., 329, R. 1; A., 52, 1,
a.—proxima uxor: â——the wife at his side,â—— â——the wife of his
bosom.â———nesciat: â——is not to know.â——

44-51. You have not the excuse of an unenlightened conscience, nor have you the plea of the
ignorance of boyhood. Boys will be boys. I was a boy myself, played boyish tricks, loved boyish
sports. My training was bad, my behavior only to be justified by my training.

44. parvus: â——as a small boy:â—— Memini quae plagosum mihi parvo | Orbilium
dictare, Hor., Ep., 2, 1, 70.—olivo: The boy would tip (tangere) his eyes with oil, in order
to make believe, by the use of the remedy, that he was suffering from the disease. For the
anointing of sore eyes, see Hor., Sat., 1, 8, 25; Ep., 1, 1, 29.

45. grandia: â——sublime.â—— Grandia verba is the American â——tall

talk.â———nollem: Iterative conditional. G., 569, R. 2; A., 59, 5, b.—morituri
Catonis: Such compositions were very much in vogue as rhetorical exercises. Comp. Juv., 1, 16
(oration to Sulla, advising a withdrawal from public life); 7, 161 (speech made for Hannibal).
Seneca (Ep., 24, 6) does not seem to regard the theme of Catoâ——s death as threadbare.

46. discere: better than dicere. The boy shirks the learning rather than the speaking, and the
sore eyes would be a better excuse for the one than for the other.—non sano: Comp.
Petron., cap. 1; Tac., Or., 35, on this system of training. Hermann reads et
insano.—laudanda = quae laudaret, the free adjective use of the Gerundive, which is
more common in later times.

47. quae pater audiret: Juv., 7, 166: ut totiens illum pater audiat.—sudans: from
excitement; hardly â——in a glow of perspiring ecstasyâ—— (Conington). Sudans is thrown in
maliciously as a comment.

48. iure: εἰκόϗϗϗ, â——and well I might.â———etenim: is καὶ

γάϗ. Theoretically the predicate of the preceding sentence is to be repeated with the et.
Practically it is often best to leave et untranslated. 129 G., 500, R. 2 and 3; A., 43, 3,
d.—senio, etc.: â——The game was played with four tali, which, unlike the tesserae,
were rounded on two sides, while the other four faces were marked with one, three, four, or six
pips, and called respectively unio, ternio, quaternio, senio. The canis was the worst throw,
when all four tali showed single pips (Ov., A. A., 2, 206; Trist., 2, 474; Mart., 13, 1, 6; Prop., 4, 8,
46), and the Venus the best, when all the faces turned up were different (Lucian, Amor., p. 415);
or else, for it varied upon occasion, when all showed sices. The ace was a losing throw and the
sice a winning one, when the pips were countedâ—— (Pretor, after Jahn). Persius wanted to

The Satires of Persius

know the value of each throw, what one brought in (ferret) another swept off (raderet).

49. scire erat in voto: Hoc erat in votis, Hor., Sat., 2, 6, 1.

50. angustae collo non fallier orcae: The allusion is to a game at nuces, called
ϗϗόϗα or ◗cherry-pit.◗ ◗◗Tis not for gravity to play at cherry-pit with
Satan,â—— Shaksp., Twelfth N., 3, 4. Fr. Ã la fossette. Comp. Rabelais, 1, 2. The modern
equivalent of nuces is marbles, and the modern ϗϗόϗα is ◗pitch-in-the-hole,◗ or
◗knucks.◗ Instead of the hole in the ground (βόθϗοϗ), the ancients used a small
jar (orca), and to enhance the difficulty of getting in, the neck of this jar was made narrow (collo
angustae orcae = angusto collo orcae, by Hypallagé, v. 4). So the modern hole admits but
one marble. Comp. [Ov.] Nux, 85, 86: Vas quoque saepe cavum spatio distante locatur, | in
quod missa levi nux cadat una manu.—fallier: like dicier, 1, 28.

51. neu quis = et ne quis. G., 546. â——Et [erat in voto] ne quis callidior
[esset].â———buxum: â——top,â—— because made of â——boxwood.â—— Comp.
Verg., Aen., 7, 382: volubile buxum.—torquere: see Prol., 11, and 1, 118.

52. You have had a better training. You have reached years of discretion. You know Right from
Wrong.—curvos = pravos. Comp. scilicet ut possem curvo dinoscere rectum, Hor.,
Ep., 2, 2, 44, and Persius, 4, 12; 5, 38.

53. quaeque docet: Quae depends by Zeugma on some notion involved in deprendere,
such as tenere. G., 690; M., 478, Obs. 4.—sapiens porticus: Comp. sapientem
barbam, Hor., Sat., 2, 3, 35; eruditus pulvis, Cic., N. D., 2, 18, 48.—bracatis inlita
Medis: The 130 ϗϗοὰ ϗοικίλη, the resort of Zeno and his school, was adorned
with paintings by Polygnotus and others. One of these paintings represented the battle of
Marathon, hence â——the wise Porch bepainted with the trouserâ——d Medes.â—— Inlita
perhaps contemptuous, not necessarily â——frescoed.â—— The bracae
἗ναξϗϗίδεϗ, θύλακοι, a mark of barbaric luxury and display. Comp.
Prop., 4, 3, 17: Tela fugacis equi et bracati militis arcus and Persica braca, Ov., Tr., 5, 10,
34 (Freund).—quibus: Neuter. Quibus et = et quibus. Trajection, G.,
693.—detonsa: â——close-cropped,â—— for so the Stoics wore their hair, although they
let their beard grow long ἗ν ϗϗῷ κοϗϗίαι, Luc., Hermot., 18; Vit. Auct., 20.
Comp. Juv., 2, 15: supercilio brevior coma.

55. invigilat: â——rather tautological after insomnis. Nec capiat somnos invigiletque
malis, Ov., Fast., 4, 530â—— (Conington). Positive and negative sides of an action are more
frequently combined in Latin and Greek than in English, and â——sleepless vigilâ—— would not
be strange even in English.—siliquis: â——pulse.â—— Hor., Ep., 2, 1, 123: vivit [vates]
siliquis et pane secundo.—grandi polenta: â——mighty messes of porridge;â——
coarse, thick stuff (Macleane). ◗Polenta, ἗λϗιϗα, ◗pearl barley,◗ a Greek,
not a Roman dish (Plin., H. N., 18, 19, 28), mentioned as a simple article of diet by Attalus,
Senecaâ——s preceptor (Ep., 110, 18)â—— (Conington, after Jahn).

56. Samios = Pythagorean, from Pythagoras of Samos. â——And the letter, which is disparted
into Samian branches, has pointed out to you the steep path whose track is on the
right.â———diduxit: as demanded by the sense against the MSS., which have
deduxit.—littera: The letter Y, or rather its old form , was selected by Pythagoras to
embody the immemorial image of the two paths (Hesiod, O. et D., 287-292), so familiar in the
apologue of Hercules at the cross-roads (Xen., Comm., 2, 1, 20), and alluded to again by our

The Satires of Persius

author, 5, 34. Hence this letter was called the Pythagorean; Auson., Id., 12, de litt. monos., 9:
Pythagorae bivium ramis patet ambiguis Υ (comp. also Id., 15, 1: quod vitae sectabor
iter?) Hence the rami Samii above. â——The stem stands for the unconscious life of infancy and
childhood, the diverging branches for the alternative offered to the youth, virtue or viceâ——

57. surgentem: The path to the right is the surgens callis of 131 Persius, the
ὗϗθιοϗ οἶμοϗ of Hesiod. The character itself points upward, and the right-hand
path is a clear-cut line (limes), so that there is no mistaking the road, unless you are bent on
following Shakspeareâ——s â——primrose path of dalliance,â—— instead of â——the steep and
thorny path to heaven.â——

58. stertis adhuc: The preacher finds his audience still snoring, despite his eloquence. As
stertis can not be divorced from what follows, it is better to take it as an exclamation than as a
rhetorical question.—laxumque caput, etc.: â——Your head a-lolling with its coupling
loose, yawns a yawn of yesterday with jaws unhinged at every point.â—— The head is laxum on
account of its weight. Comp. καϗηβαϗεῗν Alciphr., 3, 32, and Menand., fr. 67 (4, 88

59. oscitat hesternum: â——Yawning off yesterdayâ—— (Conington); the yawn is

yesterdayâ——s yawn, because it comes from yesterdayâ——s debauch, Alexis, fr. 277 (3, 515
Mein.).—undique: â——from all points of the compassâ—— (Conington), â——an
intentional exaggeration for utraque parte.â———malis: Jahnâ——s malis? (1843) is
not good. The description is too minute for the interrogative form.

60. est aliquid: Ironical; hence the expectation of a negative answer is suppressed. G., 634,
R. 1; A., 65, 2, a.—quo = in quod. Schlüter combines with tendis arcum.—in
quod: The other reading, in quo, is unsatisfactorily defended by Hermann and Pretor.

61. â——A wild-goose chaseâ—— is the corresponding English expression for the Latin corvos
sequi, the Greek ϗὰ ϗεϗόμενα διώκειν. ◗Each word is carefully
selected. Thus the chase is a random one (passim), the object worthless (corvos), the missile
any thing that comes first to handâ—— (Pretor, after Jahn). Jahn refers further to Aeschyl., Ag.,
394 (Dind.): διώκει ϗαῗϗ ϗοϗανὸν ὗϗνιν. Familiar is Eurip.:
ϗϗηνὰϗ διώκειϗ, ὦ ϗέκνον, ϗὰϗ ἗λϗίδαϗ.

62. ex tempore: â——for the moment,â—— â——at the beck of the moment,â—— â——by the
rule of the momentâ—— (Conington).

63-76. A general preachment begins. Wake up, you snorer. Wake up, all you snorers. You are all
sick, or all threatened with sickness. Do not postpone the remedy until it is too late. That remedy
is to be found in the principles of true wisdom; in other words, in the doctrines of the Stoic creed.
Before the sermon is finished, the preacher notices an unfriendly stir in his 132 audience, and is
punching a member of his congregation when he is interrupted.

63. helleborum: The black hellebore this time (1, 51). The black was good for dropsy, Plin.,
H. N., 25, 5, 22. It was the great â——purger of melancholy.â———cutis aegra
tumebit: Comp. vv. 95, 98.—venienti occurrite morbo: Every one will remember
the well-worn Ovidian Principiis obsta, R. A., 91. The comparison of moral with physical disease
was a favorite topic with the Stoics, who overdid it, according to Cic., Tusc. Dis., 4, 10, 23.

The Satires of Persius

64. poscentis: Elsewhere Persius uses after video the less vivid Infinitive, 1, 19. 69; 3, 91.
On the difference, see G., 527, R. 1; A., 72, 3, d. So after facio, 1, 44.

65. quid opus: G., 390, R.; A., 52, 3, a.—Cratero: More bookishness. Craterus was a
famous physician of the time of Cicero. Hor., Sat., 2, 3, 161.—magnos promittere
montis: A proverbial phrase, which survives in several modern languages: Fr. monts et
merveilles; Germ. goldene Berge versprechen. Jahn compares Ter., Phormio, 1, 2, 18: modo
non montis auri pollicens; Heinr., Sall., Cat. 23: maria montisque polliceri coepit.

66. discite o: To remove the hiatus, Barth suggested io, Guyet vos. Hor., Od., 3, 14, 11: male
ominatis, is not a parallel for the hiatus, even if the reading be correct, and the parallel in
Catull., 3, 16, is conjectural.—causas cognoscite rerum: Comp. Verg., Georg., 2,
490: Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas, and sapientia est rerum divinarum et
humanarum causarumque scientia, Cic., Off., 2, 2, 5. On the connection of the different
articles of this catechism, see Knickenberg, l.c. p. 35 seqq. Discite is the exhortation to the study
of philosophy. Causas cognoscite rerum bids us pursue what the Stoics called Physic, for
without a knowledge of nature there can be no knowledge of duty. Ethic is based on Physic;
ϗέλοϗ ἗ϗϗὶ ϗὸ ὗμολογοϗμένϗϗ ϗῗ
ϗύϗει ζῗν (Stob., Ecl., 2, 132). See Long◗s Antoninus, p. 56. The constitution
of nature once understood, we shall know what we owe to God, what to ourselves, what to
mankind, what things are good, what evil. Quid fas optare refers to our duty to God, quem te
deus esse iussit to our duty to ourselves, patriae carisque propinquis to our duty to our
neighbors. But nothing is more evident than the absence of any logical development. Comp. with
the 133 whole passage, Sen., Ep., 82, 6: sciat quo iturus sit, unde ortus, quod illi bonum,
quod malum sit, quid petat, quid evitet, quae sit illa ratio quae appetenda ac fugienda
discernat, qua cupiditatum mansuescit insania, timorum saevitia conpescitur.

67. quid sumus: The independent form with the Indicative is more lively; the regular
dependent form with the Subjunctive comes in below, v. 71. G., 469, R. 1; A., 67, 2,
d.—quidnam = quam vitam. G., 331, R. 2; A., 52, 3, a, N.—victuri: The use of
the Participle in an interrogative clause is unnatural in English (G., 471). The future Participle of
purpose is late or poetical (G., 673; A., 72, 4, a). â——And what the life that we are born to
lead.â———ordo: According to Heinr. and Jahn ordo is used with reference to the
position in the chariot-race, so that the comparison begins here, and not at metae. Soph., El.,
710: ϗϗάνϗεϗ δ᾽ ἵν᾽ αὗϗοὺϗ οἱ
ϗεϗαγμένοι βϗαβεῗϗ | κλήϗοιϗ ἗ϗηλαν καὶ
καϗέϗϗηϗαν διϗϗοϗϗ. But as ϗάξιϗ (ordo) is a Stoic term, it is
not unlikely that the use of the word suggested the figure, which came in as an after-thought.
The Stoic preacher, as well as the Christian, finds it necessary to repeat himself in slightly
different forms, and we must not look for a sharp distinction between ordo quis datus and
humana qua parte locatus es in re, between quidnam victuri gignimur and quem te deus
esse iussit.

68. quis = qui. So 1, 63. G., 105; A., 21, 1, a.—qua et unde: where (how) it lies and
from what point to begin, â——where to take itâ—— (Conington). Herm.â——s quam is not so
good.—metae flexus: â——turn round the goal.â—— The difficulty of rounding the goal
in a chariot-race is notorious. See Il., 23, 306 foll.; Soph., El., 720 foll., and the commentators on
Plato, Io, 537. With the expression metae flexus Jahn comp. Stat., Theb., 6, 433:
flexae—metae. Mollis, â——gradual,â—— â——easy.â—— So Caes., B. G., 5, 9: molle
litus, of a gently sloping shore.

The Satires of Persius

69. quis modus argento: The Sixth Satire deals with a similar theme.—quid fas
optare: the argument of the Second Satire.—asper nummus: â——coin fresh from
the mint,â—— â——rough from the die,â—— Suet., Nero, 44. So Jahn. Others consider this
distinction too subtle, and make a. n. simply equivalent to â——coined silver,â—— as opposed to
â——silver plate,â—— argentum. Conington suggests the meaning, â——What is the use of
money hoarded up and not 134 circulated (tritus)?â—— Comp. Hor., Sat., 1, 1, 41 foll., 73:
nescis quo valeat nummus? quem praebeat usum?

70. carisque propinquis: Hor., Sat., 1, 1, 83.

72. locatus: ◗posted,◗ ϗεϗαγμένοϗ, ◗a military metaphor◗

(Arrian, Diss., 1, 9, 16; M. Anton., 11, 13).—humana re: â——humanity,â—— inter

73. disce, nec invideas: sc. discere, according to Jahn. His te quoque iungere, Caesar |
invideo, Lucan., 2, 550, like ϗθονεῗν: μὴ ϗθόνει μοι
἗ϗοκϗίναϗθαι ϗοῦϗο, Plat., Gorg., 489A. Persius singles out one of his
audience, who is tempted away from philosophy by his gains as an advocate. Others, less
satisfactorily, suppose that the lawyer is outside of the congregation. On nec invideas, see 1,
7.—multa fidelia putet: â——Many a jar of good things is spoiling;â—— â——The
details are contemptuous. There is a coarseness in fees paid in kindâ—— (Conington). Comp.
Juv., 7, 119.—pinguibus Umbris: â——fatâ—— in every sense, in figure, in fortune,
and in wit. In Mart., 7, 53, an Umbrian sends by eight huge Syrian slaves a miscellaneous lot of
presents, value 30 nummi—a proceeding due as much to stupidity as to stinginess
(parcus Umber, Cat., 39, 11). The appearance of the Umbrians was not prepossessing, if we
may judge by Ovidâ——s portrait of an Umbrian dame (A. A., 3, 303-4).

75. et piper et pernae: The piper is not the Indian, but the inferior Italian (Plin., H. N., 12, 7,
4; 16, 32, 59) (Meister). Pernae, a stock present. Comp. siccus petasunculus et vas |
pelamydum, Juv., 7, 119. To supply putet with piper is not satisfactory, and we must take
refuge in Zeugma. Pretor is for dropping v. 75, and sees in Persiusâ——s awkwardness traces
of a duplex recensio, as in vv. 12-14.—Marsi: For the simplicity of the Marsians, Jahn
compares Juv., 3, 169; 14, 180.

76. mena: â——sprat,â—— cheap sea-fish of some sort. â——You have not yet come to the last
sprat of the first barrelâ—— (Conington).—defecerit: As non quod more commonly
takes the Subjunctive, the shifting to the Subjunctive from the Indicative, after nec invideas, is
not strange. G., 541, R. 1; A., 66, 1, d, R.

77-85. The discourse is cut short by a military man, who, with the dogmatism of his class (vieux
soldat, vieille bête), sets down all philosophers as a pack of noodles. The lines of the picture
135 which he draws are familiar to every student of manners. â——Persius hates the military
cordially (comp. 5, 189-191) as the most perfect specimens of developed animalism, and
consequently most antipathetic to a philosopher. See Nisard, ×tudes sur les Poetes Latins
[1, 3e éd. 273-277; Martha, Moralistes Romains, p. 141]. Horace merely glances at the
education their sons received, as contrasted with that given him by his father, in spite of narrow
means, Sat., 1, 6, 72. Juvenal has an entire satire on them (16), in which he complains of their
growing power and exclusive privileges, but without any personal jealousyâ—— (Conington).
Persius is so bookish that I suspect Greek influence. Comp. κομϗὸϗ
ϗϗϗαϗιώϗηϗ, οὗδ᾽ ἗ὰν ϗλάϗϗῗ θεόϗ, |
οὗδεὶϗ γένοιϗ᾽ ἗ν, Menand., fr. 711 (4, 277 Mein.). See Introd.,

The Satires of Persius


77. de gente: G., 371, R. 5; A., 50, 2, e, R. 1. Gente, â——tribe,â——

â——crew.â———hircosa: â——Rammishâ—— is not too strong, opposed to
unguentatus in a fragment of Sen., ap. Gell., 12, 2, 11 (cited by Jahn). The unsavory soldier
and the perfumed dandy are alike foes to the simplicity of the Stoic school. Your old soldier
prided himself on his stench, as would appear from the dainty anecdote in Plutarch, Mor., 180C:
ὦ βαϗιλεῦ, θάϗϗει καὶ μὴ ϗοβοῦ ϗὸ ϗλῗθοϗ
ϗῶν ϗολεμίϗν, αὗϗὸν γὰϗ ἡμῶν ϗὸν
γϗάϗον οὗϗ ὗϗομενοῦϗι.—centurionum: The rank is
higher, but the intellectual level is that of the typical German Wachtmeister.

78. Quod sapio satis est mihi: Jahn (1868); Quod satis est sapio mihi, Jahn (1843),
Herm. With the latter reading the words quod satis est = satis must be taken together, and a
little more stress is laid on mihi. The general sense is the same. Comp. Plato, Phaedr., 242C:
ὥϗϗεϗ οἱ ϗὰ γϗάμμαϗα ϗαῦλοι ὗϗον
἗μαϗϗῷ μόνον ἱκανόϗ, with a very different tone.—non
ego: â——no—not I.â—— See 1, 45.—curo: â——care,â—— i.e., â——want.â——
See 2, 18.

79. Arcesilas: Arcesilaus, the founder of the New Academy, flourished about 300 B.C. His great
advance on Socrates was his knowing that he did not even know that he knew nothing, Cic.,
Acad., 1, 12, 45. Solon flourished about 600 B.C. Our hircose friend is made to jumble his
samples.—aerumnosi Solones: Notice the contemptuous use of the Plural.
Aerumnosus, κακοδαίμϗν, ◗God-forsaken,◗ ◗poor devil,◗ is a
strange epithet for Solon, but we have to do with an ignoramus and a jolter-head.


80. obstipo capite: â——with stooped head,â—— â——bent forward,â——

κεκϗϗόϗεϗ. Hor., Sat., 2, 5, 92: Davus sis comicus atque | stes capite obstipo,
multum similis metuenti. Comp. the description of Ulysses in Il., 3, 217 foll.—figentes
lumine terram: Jahn quotes a parallel from Stat., Silv., 5, 1, 140. More common forms are
figere lumina terra, in humo, in terram. â——They bore the ground with their eyes,â——
â——look at it as if they would look through it.â—— Casaubon comp. Plat., Alcib. II., 138A. Add
Lucian, Vit. Auct., 7; Aristaenet., 1, 15.

81. murmura: Imitated by Auson., Id., 17, 24: murmure concluso rabiosa silentia
rodunt.—rabiosa: â——Mad dogs do not bark.â———silentia: Poetic Plural;
very common.—rodunt: â——biting the lips and grinding the teeth.â—— â——Whether
murmura and silentia are Accusatives of the object, or cognates, is not clearâ—— (Conington).
â——Chewing the cud of mumbled words and mad-dog silenceâ—— is very much in the vein of
Persius. Comp. rarus sermo illis et magna libido tacendi, Juv., 2, 14.

82. exporrecto trutinantur: The lips are thrust out (a sign of deep thought) and quiver like
a balance; hence they are said â——to poise their words upon the quivering balance of a
thrust-out lipâ———a caricature of the simple figure ponderare verba. Jahn compares
Luc., Hermot., 1, 1: καὶ ϗὰ ϗείλη διεϗάλεϗεϗ ἠϗέμα
ὗϗοϗονθοϗύζϗν; and Casaubon, Aristaen., 2, 3: ἠϗέμα ϗῷ
ϗείλη κινεῗ καὶ ἗ϗϗα δήϗοϗ ϗϗὸϗ
἗αϗϗὸν ϗιθϗϗίζει.

The Satires of Persius

83. aegroti veteris: The aegri somnia of Hor., A. P., 7. As usual, Persius exaggerates, and
makes the sick man (aegroti) a dotard to boot (veteris). Jahn understands, â——a confirmed
invalid.â—— Comp. Juv., 9, 16: aegri veteris quem tempore longo | torret quarta dies,
etc.—gigni | de nihilo nihilum: The cardinal doctrine of Epicurus (Lucr., 1, 150), but
not confined to him.

85. hoc est quod palles: G., 331, R. 2; A., 52, 1, b. Comp. 1, 124. The Cognate Accusative is
susceptible of a great variety of translations. â——Is this the stuff that you get pale on?â——
(Pretor). â——Is this what makes you pale?â———prandeat: The prandium, originally a
military meal, was dear to the military stomach. Comp. impransi correptus voce magistri,
Hor., Sat., 2, 3, 257.

86. his: Abl. Conington makes it a Dative, and cites an evident Abl. to prove it, Verg., Aen., 4,
128. Jahn comp. Hor., 137 Sat., 2, 8, 83: ridetur fictis rerum.—multum: with torosa,
according to Jahn.

87. Conington notices the grandiloquence of the line. â——Cloth of frizeâ—— is often
â——matchedâ—— with â——cloth of goldâ—— in Persius.—naso crispante:
â——curling nostrils.â—— The mob laughs, the soldiers snicker. The listening rabble is frankly
amused. The crew to which the centurion belongs sneer too much to laugh out. Or perhaps the
poet makes the distinction between the general ridere (γελᾶν) and the mocking laughter
of cachinnare (καγϗάζειν).

88-106. It is strange, as Pretor observes, that the sudden change introduced by this line should
not have been noticed by the commentators. With a more mature artist there would be a
suspicion of dislocation. As it is, the unity of the Satire would gain by omitting 66-87. Persius
composed slowly, and we find here as elsewhere traces of piecemeal work.

The preacher takes up his parable. A man feels sick, consults a physician, lies by; is more
comfortable, takes a fancy to a bath and a draught of wine. He meets a friend, perhaps his
medical friend, on the way. â——My dear fellow, you are pale as a
ghost.â———â——Pshaw!â———â——Look out! You are yellow as saffron, and bless
me! if you are not swelling.â———â——Pale? Why, you are paler than I am. Donâ——t
come the guardian over me. My guardian has been dead a year and a day.â———â——Go
ahead, Iâ——m mum.â———He goes ahead, stuffs himself, takes his bath. While he is
drinking a chill strikes him, and he is a dead man. No expense spared on the funeral. â——You
canâ——t mean that for me,â—— says a literalist. â——If Iâ——m sick, you are another. I have no
fever, no ague.â—— Nay, but you are subject to the worst of diseases—to the fever of
covetousness, the fever of lust, to daintiness with its sore mouth, to fear with its cold chill, and,
worse than all, to the raging delirium of anger.

88. inspice: ἗ϗίϗκεϗαι, a medical term. Comp. Plaut., Pers., 2, 5,

15.—nescio quid: G., 469, R. 2; A., 67, 2, e. Quid is the Accusative of the Inner Object.
â——I have a strange fluttering at my heart.â———aegris: â——out of order.â—— As
aegris is emphatic, co-ordinate in English. There is â——something wrong about my throat

89. exsuperat: Neuter. Comp. exsuperant flammae, Verg., Aen., 2, 759.—gravis:

â——foul.â—— So Ov., A. A., 3, 277: gravis oris 138 odor.—sodes: The original form is
commonly supposed to be si audes (saudes), Plaut., Trin., 2, 1, 18; from audeo (comp.
avidus), â——if you have the heart,â—— â——an thou wilt,â—— A., 35, 2, a. Others put sodes
under SA (pron.), as akin to sodalis, and comp. ἠθεῗοϗ, ◗own dear friend,◗
â——mon cher.â—— See VaniÄ—ek, Lat. Etym. Wb., S. 165. Sodes = socius is an old

The Satires of Persius


90. requiescere: â——keep quiet.â———postquam vidit: with a causal shade. See

5, 88; 6,10, and G., 567; A., 62, 2, e.

91. tertia nox: The patient thinks that he has the more common semitertian, whereas he has
the quartan. When the third night comes without a chill, he fancies that he is safe.

92. de maiore domo: The â——great houseâ—— is clearly that of a rich friend, rather than
that of a large dealer. Casaubon compares Juv., 5, 32: cardiaco numquam cyathum,
missurus amico.—modice sitiente lagoena: Thirst and capacity are near akin;
a flagon of moderate thirst is a flagon â——of moderate swallow,â—— as Conington renders it.
The personification of the flagon is old and not uncommon. See the humorous epigram, Anthol.
Pal., 5, 135.

93. lenia Surrentina: Lenia is either â——mildâ—— or â——mellow.â—— The Surrentine was
a light wine often recommended to invalids, Plin., H. N., 14, 6, 8; 23, 1, 20.—loturo: He
asks before bathing; he drinks after bathing. For the custom Jahn compares Sen., Ep., 122,
6.—rogabit: So Jahn (1868) and Hermann. Jahn (1843) reads rogavit, like the Greek
Aorist in descriptions. The Future makes it more distinctly a supposed case.

94. videas: rather optative than imperative in its tone.

95. surgit: â——is swelling,â—— â——getting bloated.â———tacite:

â——insensiblyâ—— (Conington).—pellis: â——hide.â—— Comp. Juv., 10, 192:
deformem pro cute pellem.

96. At tu deterius: Le trait est comique. Ce serait de la gaieté, si Perse savait rire,
Nisard.—ne sis mihi tutor, etc.: Proverbial. So Hor., Sat., 2, 3, 88: ne sis patruus

97. iam pridem sepeli: Comp. Omnes composui. Felices! Nunc ego resto, Hor., Sat., 1,
9, 28. Sepeli for sepelii (sepelivi), a rare contraction.—turgidus his epulis: Hor.,
Ep., 1, 6, 61: crudi tumidique lavemur, and comp. Juv., 1, 142 seqq: paena tamen praesens,
cum tu deponis amictus | turgidus et crudum pavonem in 139 balnea portas | hinc
subitae mortes atque intestata senectus.—hic: â——our man.â———albo
ventre: Turgidus epulis is one feature, albo ventre another. Ventre does not depend on
turgidus. The color (λεϗκόϗ) is a sign of weakness and sickness. The swollen belly
makes a ghastly show.—lavatur: â——takes his bath.â—— Comp. G., 209; A., 39, c, N.

99. sulpureas mefites: Mefitis is originally the vapor from sulphur-water; hence the
propriety of the epithet sulpureas.

100. calidum triental: The wine was heated to bring out the sweat. Bibere et sudare vita
cardiaci est, Sen., Ep., 15, 3.—triental: restored by Jahn (1843) for trientem, to which
he returned in 1868. Triens is the measure, â—— sextarius, triental would be the vessel. Comp.
with this passage Lucil., 28, 39-40 (L. M.): ad cui? quem febris una atque una
἗ϗεϗια | vini inquam cyathus unus potuit tollere.

101. crepuere: Vivid Aorist, not a simple return to the narrative form. Comp. 5, 187. For the
Greek, which Persius imitates, see Kühner, Ausf. Gramm. (2te Ausg.), 2,

The Satires of Persius

138.—retecti: He shows his teeth when he chatters.

102. uncta: Remember the large use of oil in Italian cookery.—cadunt = vomuntur,
but there is a certain helplessness in cadunt.—pulmentaria: originally ὗϗον,
â——relish,â—— afterward â——dainties.â—— See the Dictionaries.

103. hinc: â——hereupon.â———tuba: Trumpets announced the death, and trumpets

were sounded at the funeral. See Hor., Sat., 1, 6, 42.—candelae = cerei, â——wax
lights,â—— supposed by Jahn and others to have been used chiefly when the death was sudden,
on the basis of Sen., Tranq., 11, 7.—tandem: â——After all the preliminary
performancesâ—— (Macleane).—beatulus: μακαϗίϗηϗ. Jahn cites Amm.
Marcell., 25, 3: quem cum beatum fuisse Sallustius respondisset praefectus, intellexit
occisum. â——The dear departedâ—— (Conington). â——Our sainted friend.â———alto:
A mark of a first-class funeral.

104. conpositus: â——laid out.â—— â——By foreign hands thy decent limbs composed,â——
Pope.—crassis lutatus amomis: Every word is contemptuous: â——bedaubed with
lots of coarse ointments.â—— The Plural amoma indicates the cheap display. With crassis,
comp. Hor., A. P., 375: crassum unguentum; with amomis, Juv., 4, 108: amomo | quantum
vix redolent duo funera.


105. in portam: A custom at least as old as Homer, Il., 19, 212. Porta here = ianua, fores,
but â——nowhere elseâ—— (Macleane).—rigidas: The gender of calx is unsteady. See
Neue, Formenlehre, 1, 694.

106. hesterni Quirites: â——Citizens of twenty-four hoursâ—— standingâ—— (Conington);

slaves left free by him. Hence capite induto, with the pilleus â——cap of libertyâ—— on. The
winding up of the man reminds one of Petron., 42: bene elatus est, planctus est optime,
manumisit aliquot.

107. Persius hauls out his man-of-straw, his souffre-douleur, and makes him
talk.—Tange venas: â——Feel my pulse,â—— the regular expression, as in Sen., Ep.,
22, 1: vena tangenda est.—miser: Comp. v. 15. â——Youâ——re another!â——
â——Poor creature yourselfâ—— (Conington).—pone in pectore dextram: If you are
not satisfied with my pulse, put your hand on my heart.

108. nil calet hic: After some hesitation, I have given the whole passage from Tange miser
to non frigent to one person, who anticipates the verdict of the monitor by nil calet hic and
non frigent. â——You must admit that my heart is not hot nor my feet cold.â—— At the same
time the very clearness is an objection.

109. Visa est si forte: On the form of the conditional, see G., 569; A., 59, 2, b. On the
obvious thought, see 2, 52 foll.; 4, 47.

111. rite: â——regularly.â———positum est: â——served up.â——

112. durum holus: â——tough cabbage,â—— â——half boiledâ—— (Pretor).—populi

(= plebis) cribro: â——A coarse, common sieve.â—— Hence p. c. decussa farina,
â——coarse-bolted flour,â—— the panis secundus of Horace, Ep., 2, 1, 123, the
â——secondsâ—— of the modern miller. The ancients were very dainty in this article. The

The Satires of Persius

parasite in Alciphron (1, 21, 2) expresses his disgust at the ἗ϗϗοϗ ὗ ἗ξ

114. putre quod haud deceat: The Relative with the Subjunctive is parallel with the
Adjective. G., 439, R. Comp. 1, 14. Haud deceat, â——it wonâ——t do,â—— â——it wonâ——t
answer.â———plebeia beta: The beet is a vulgar vegetable, Mart., 13, 13 (Jahn). The
irony is evident, as the beet is proverbially tender. See Dictionaries, s.v. betizare.

115. excussit: Excutere aristas seems to be a vulgar expression, like the English â——raise a
goose-skin, goose-flesh, duck-flesh.â—— 141 —aristas = pilos. Jahn refers to Varro,
L. L., 6, 49.—timor albus: See note on Prol., 4.

116. face supposita: The heart is the caldron and passion the fire-brand.

118. Orestes: the typical madman.


The theme of this Satire is contained in the closing verses. It is the Apollinic γνῶθι ϗαϗϗόν. Want
of self-knowledge is the fault which is scourged. The basis is furnished by the Platonic dialogue, known as the First
Alcibiades, and the characters are the same. The person lectured under the mask of Alcibiades is a young Roman
noble, in whom commentators of a certain school have recognized the familiar features of Nero.

Argument.—Socrates is supposed to be addressing Alcibiades. You undertake to engage in politics? You

rely on your genius, do you? What do you know of the norms of right and wrong, you callow youngster? What do
you know of the subtle distinctions of casuistry, that you undertake to say what is just and what is unjust? You have
a goodly outside, but that is all, and you are fitter for a course of hellebore than for a career of statesmanship. What
is your end and aim in life? Dainty dishes and basking in the sunshine? The first old crone you meet has the same
exalted ideal. Or do you boast of your descent? You praise your lineage, you trumpet forth your beauty, just as yon
market-woman cries up her greens (1-22).

You do not know yourself. Who knows himself? Every one sees his neighborâ——s faults, no one his own. You
sneer at the curmudgeon who groans out a health over the sour stuff he gives his laborers on a holiday (23-32). And
while you make mock at him, some fellow, who is standing at your side, nudges you with his elbow, and tells you
that you are as bad as he, though in another way (33-41). And so we give and take punishment. This is our plan of
life. We hide our faults from ourselves. We get testimonials from our neighbors to impose on our own consciences.
Awake to righteousness! Put your goodness to the test! If you yield to the temptation of covetousness, of lust, in
vain will you drink in the praises of the rabble. Reject what you are not. Let Rag, Tag, and Bobtail take away their
tributes. Live with yourself, and you will find out how scanty is your moral furniture (42-52).

Jahn regards this Satire as the earliest of the six, and it certainly shows even greater immaturity than the others. The
well-known individuality 142 of Socrates is coarsely handled, the irony lacks the subtle play, the mischievous
good-nature of the great Athenian; and though the glaring anachronisms may be defended by such exemplars as
Horace (notably in Sat., 2, 5), there is all the difference in the world between the sly humor of the older poet, who
peeps from behind the Greek mask and winks at the Roman audience, and the grim contortions of the beardless
representative of the bearded master.

The indecency of a part of the Satire is considered by Teuffel a valid objection to the view taken by Jahn, but the
imagination of early youth and the experience of corrupt old age often meet in disgusting detail, and the obscenities
of bookish men are among the worst in literature. Add to this the peculiar views of the Stoic school as to the
corruption of the flesh (2, 63), and the consequent Stoic tendency to degrade the body by the most contemptuous
representations of physical functions, and we can the more readily understand how Marcus Antoninus, the purest

The Satires of Persius

character of his time, should have besmirched his Meditations with passages which lack a parallel for their crudity;
and why Persius, the poet of virginal life, should have outdone the praegrandis senex of Attic comedy in the
coarseness of his expressions.

1-22. Socrates exposes the incompetence of Alcibiades for affairs of state, his lack of ethical training, his need
of a just balance, his grovelling views of life, his puerile pride in his ancient family and in his handsome face.
Socrates and Alcibiades were contrasts so tempting that dialogues between them were favorite philosophical

1. rem populi = rem publicam.—tractas? On the form of the question, see G., 455;
A., 71, 1, R. Comp. Plato, Alc. I., p. 106C: διανοεῗ γὰϗ ϗαϗιέναι
ϗϗμβοϗλεύϗϗν ἗θηναίοιϗ ἗νϗὸϗ οὗ
ϗολλοῦ ϗϗόνοϗ, and further, p. 118B, and Conv., p. 216A.—barbatum:
The beard was the conventional mark of the philosopher in the time of Persius; it is an
anachronism in the case of Socrates, who lived before shaving was the rule and the beard a
badge. However, the custom was old in Persiusâ——s day, and the slip is slight. So Platoâ——s
long beard is noticed by Ephippus ap. Athen., 11, p. 509C (3, 332 Mein.). Comp. Juv., 14, 12:
barbatos—magistros.—crede: advertises a want of art.

2. sorbitio: â——draught,â—— â——dose.â—— So Sen., E. M., 78, 25.—tollit =

sustulit. A solitary Historical Present with a relative is harsh to us for all the examples and all the

3. quo fretus? See 3, 67. Comp. Plato, Alc. I., p. 123E: 143 ϗὶ οὗν ϗοϗ᾽
἗ϗϗιν ὗϗῳ ϗιϗϗεύει ϗὸ
μειϗάκιον.—magni pupille Pericli: Because Alcibiades owed his start in
life to his guardian and kinsman Pericles. See Plat., l.c. p. 104B. For the form Pericli, see G., 72;
A., 11, I., 4.

4. scilicet: Ironical, 1, 15; 2, 19. â——Of course.â—— Comp. the old â——God
wot.â———ingenium et rerum prudentia: â——wit and wisdom.â—— Prudentia
may be translated â——knowledge,â—— and rerum â——world,â—— â——life,â—— but not
necessarily. See 1, 1.—velox: Predicative (Schol.), â——have been quick in comingâ——

5. ante pilos: â——before your beard.â—— â——A contrast with barbatum magistrumâ——
(Conington), but b. can hardly be used in the same breath as the mark of mature years and as
the ensign of a philosopher.—venit: On the number, see G., 281, Exc. 2; A., 49, 1,
b.—dicenda tacendaque: Comp. Hor., Ep., 1, 7, 72—dicenda tacenda
locutus—for the expression. For the sense, Conington comp. Aeschylus, Cho., 582:
ϗιγᾶν ὗϗοϗ δεῗ καὶ λέγειν ϗὰ καίϗια. In Horace
it means â——all sorts of things;â—— here, â——what you must say, what leave unsaid.â——

6. commota fervet bile: Comp. Hor., Od., 1, 13, 4: fervens difficili bile tumet iecur.

7. fert animus: Well-known phrase of Ov., Met., 1, 1. So in Greek, ϗέϗει ὗ

νοῦϗ, ἡ γνώμη, ἡ ϗϗήν. The verse has a stately irony, and should
have a stately translation. â——The spirit moves youâ—— (Pretor) is degraded to slang.
â——Your bosomâ——s lord biddeth you wave a hush profound.â———fecisse: Comp. 1,
91.—silentia: Comp. 3, 81.

The Satires of Persius

8. maiestate manus: â——with majestic handâ——. (G., 357, R. 2), â——by the imposing
action of your handâ—— (Conington).—quid deinde loquere? The orator has not
considered his speech. â——Now that you have got your silence, what have you got to
say.â———Quirites: Persius drops his Greek. Alcibiades is a mere quintain.

9. puta: â——put case,â—— â——say,â—— â——for instance,â—— is an iambic Imperative, with

the ultimate shortened, like cavÄ—Ì—, vidÄ—Ì—, etc., 1, 108. Hermann gives it to Socrates,
which is favored by the sense; Jahn and others to Alcibiades, as caricatured by Socrates, which is
favored by the position. Heinrich reads puto.

10. scis etenim, etc.: and (well you may) for you know how, 144 etc. On scis, see 1, 53; on
etenim, 3, 48. Comp. Plato, l.c. 110C: ᾤοϗ ἗ϗα ἗ϗίϗϗαϗθαι
καὶ ϗαῗϗ ὤν, ὡϗ ἗οικε, ϗὰ δίκαια καὶ ϗὰ
἗δικα. It may be necessary to observe that all this is sarcasm. Conington takes it literally,
and considers these statements as so many concessions.—gemina lance = geminis
lancibus. Comp. Ov., A. A., 2, 644: geminus pes.

11. ancipitis: â——wavering.â———rectum discernis: â——You can distinguish the

straight line when it runs among crooked lines on either hand—ay, even when your square
with twisted leg is but a faulty guide.â—— The straight line is virtue, the crooked lines are vices.
The difficulty of picking out the right course is much enhanced when the rule by which we go is
itself warped—that is, â——as Casaubon explains it, when justice has to be corrected by
equity.â—— The regula here is not the regula of 5, 38, but the norma, or carpenterâ——s

13. potis es: See 1, 56.—theta: Η, the initial of θάναϗοϗ, was the mark of
condemnation used in the time of Persius, instead of the older C (condemno). It was also
employed in epitaphs, in army lists, and the like, for â——deceased.â—— Translate â——black

14. quin desinis: See 2, 71.—tu: The elision of the monosyllable is harsh (Jahn). See
1, 51. 66. 131.—igitur: â——If all this is so, why then—.â—— Comp. the
indignant igitur (εἶϗα) of 1, 98.—summa pelle decorus: Hor. Ep., 1, 16, 45:
Introrsus turpem, speciosum pelle decora.—nequiquam: â——because you can not
impose on me.â—— Comp. 3, 30 (Conington).

15. ante diem: â——before your time.â———blando caudam iactare popello:

Casaubon thinks that a peacock is meant, Jahn suggests a horse. The Scholiast says that the
image is that of a (pet) dog. Pelle decorus would not apply to the peacock, nor very well to the
horse. It does apply to Alcibiades as the lionâ——s whelp of Aristoph., Ran., 1431. Comp. the
famous description in Aeschyl., Agam., 725 (Dindorf). The comparison of politicians with lions is
found also in Plato, Gorg., 483E. The only difficulty lies in blando popello, but petting implies
blanditiae on both sides. â——The dog fawns on those who caress himâ——
(Conington).—popello: contemptuously, 6, 50; Hor., Ep., 1, 7, 65.

16. Anticyras: There were two towns of that name, one on the Maliac Gulf, the other in Phocis;
both famous for their hellebore, 145 but especially the latter. The town for its product, after the
pattern of Hor., Sat., 2, 3, 83; A. P., 300 (Jahn). The Plural is the familiar poetic
exaggerative.—meracas: â——undiluted,â—— â——without a drop of water.â——Hor.,
Ep., 2, 2, 137: expulit helleboro morbum bilemque meraco. On the use of hellebore as a
preparative for philosophy, comp. the well-known experience of Chrysippus: οὗ
θέμιϗ γενέϗθαι ϗοϗόν, ἢν μὴ ϗϗὶϗ

The Satires of Persius

἗ϗεξῗϗ ϗοῦ ἗λλεβόϗοϗ ϗιῗϗ, Lucian, Vit. Auct., 23 (1,

564 R.).—melior sorbere = qui melius sorberes (comp. quo graves Persae melius
perirent, Hor., Od., 1, 2, 22).

17. summa boni = summum bonum.—uncta patella: â——rich dishes.â—— Comp.

3, 102. The reference to a sacrificial dish (3, 26) is less likely. As the character of Alcibiades is
not kept up with any care by Persius, it is hardly worth while to note that he was a most
sensitive gourmet, as is shown by the curious anecdote, Teles ap. Stob., Flor., 5,
67.—vixisse: The Perfect with intention. G., 275, 1; A., 58, 11, e. â——To have the
satisfaction of having lived on the daintiest fare,â—— so that you may say when you come to
die, vixi dum vixi bene. Comp. Sen., Ep., 23, 10: Id agendum est ut satis vixerimus.

18. curata cuticula sole: with reference to the apricatio or insolatio. Comp. Juv., 11, 203:
nostra bibat vernum contracta cuticula solem. What was a matter of hygiene became a
matter of luxury. The sun-cure has been revived of late years. Curare cuticulam, cutem,
pelliculam is commonly used of â——good livingâ—— generally, â——taking very good care of
oneâ——s dear little self.â—— See Hor., Ep., 1, 2, 29. 4, 15; Sat., 2, 5, 38; Juv., 2,
105.—haec: δεικϗικῶϗ.—i nunc: â——Irridentis vel exprobrantis
formula,â—— Jahn, who gives an overwhelming list of examples (comp. Hor., Ep., 1, 6, 17; 2, 3,
76). The usage requires it to be connected with suffla. â——Go on, then, and blow as you have
been blowing.â—— Suffla in this sense is quite as â——lowâ—— as our Americanism. Persius
has the aristocratâ——s contempt for superfine language, and by a natural reaction falls, not
unfrequently, into slang. Jahn compares 5, 13 and 3, 27, and the Greek proverbial expression
ϗϗϗᾷ γὰϗ οὗ ϗμικϗοῗϗιν αὗλίϗκοιϗ ἗ϗι.
Add Menand., fr. 296 (4, 157 Mein.): οἷοι λαλοῦμεν ὗνϗεϗ οἱ
ϗϗιϗάθλιοι | ἗ϗανϗεϗ οἱ ϗϗϗῶνϗεϗ ἗ϗ᾽
἗αϗϗοῗϗ μέγα. ◗Mouth it out◗ (Conington), ◗spout it out◗

20. Dinomaches: The mother of Alcibiades came of the great 146 house of the Alcmaeonidae,
and it was to her that he owed his connection with Pericles. The Gen. without filius (G., 360, R. 3;
A., 50, 1, b) is rare in the predicate.—candidus = pulcher. Comp. 3, 110. The beauty of
Alcibiades is well known, Plat., l.c. p. 104A.—esto: εἶεν; an ironical concession.

21. dum ne: Comp. G., 575; A., 61, 3. Final sentences are often elliptical (comp. note on 1, 4).
â——Only you must admit that,â—— etc.; â——dum ne neges deterius
sapere.â———pannucia: Here not â——ragged,â—— but â——shrivelled.â—— Comp.
Mart., 11, 46, 3.—Baucis: The name is copied from the Baucis of Ovid, Met., 8, 640, the
wife of Philemon, the Joan of the antique Darby; a poor woman, who had a patch of vegetables.
The anicula quae agreste holus vendebat, in Petron., 6, is a similar figure.

22. bene: with discincto, according to Jahn, who compares bene mirae, 1, 111. Mr. Pretor
says that if thus combined, â——bene is weak and adds nothing to the picture.â—— He forgets
that there is such a thing as being male discinctus. Comp. Hor., Sat., 1, 2, 132: discincta
tunica fugiendum est ac pede nudo. If bene is combined with cantaverit, it must be used in
its mercantile sense with vendere, cantare being equivalent to cantando vendere. â——When
she has cried off her herbs at a good figure.â———discincto vernae: Verna, of itself a
synonym for all that is saucy and pert, is heightened by discinctus, for which see 3,
31.—ocima: â——basil,â—— â——water-cress,â—— or what not, stands for
â——greensâ—— generally. Jahn thinks that it was an aphrodisiac, referring to Eubul., fr. 53 (3,
229 Mein.). Persius, as we have seen, delights in picturesque detail, and his comparisons must


The Satires of Persius

not be pressed. Alcibiades cries his wares, just as the herb-seller cries hers. So the
â——apple-womanâ—— or â——orange-girlâ—— in modern times might be selected as the
standard of a rising politician, hawking his wares from hustings to hustings, from stump to stump.
The far-fetched interpretation that ocima cantare = convicia ingerere, because, as Pliny tells
us (19, 7), â——basil is to be sown with curses,â—— may be mentioned as a specimen of the way
in which the text of our author has been smothered by learning.

23-41. The satire becomes more general. No one tries to know his own faults; each has his eyes
fixed on his neighborâ——s short-comings. Take some rich skinflint, and, as soon as he is 147
mentioned, the details of his meanness will be spread before us. And yet you are as great a
sinner in a different direction. Comp. M. Anton., 7, 71: γελοῗόν ἗ϗϗι
ϗὴν μὲν ἰδίαν κακίαν μὴ ϗεύγειν ὗ καὶ
δϗναϗόν ἗ϗϗι, ϗὴν δὲ ϗῶν ἗λλϗν ϗεύγειν
ὗϗεϗ ἗δύναϗον.

23. Ut: how.—in sese descendere: â——go down into his own heart.â—— The
thought is simply noscere se ipsum. The heart is a depth, a well, a cellar, a sea. This is not the
recede in te ipsum quantum potes of Sen., Ep., 7, 8. Comp. M. Anton., 4, 3. Still less is it Mr.
Pretorâ——s â——enter the lists against yourself,â—— which would make â——selfâ—— at once
the arena and the antagonist.

24. spectatur: The positive (quisque) must be supplied from the preceding negative. Comp.
G., 446, R.; M., 462 b.—mantica: According to the familiar fable of Aesop (Phaedr., 4,
10), each man carries two wallets. The one which holds his own faults is carried on his back; the
other, which contains his neighborâ——s, hangs down over his breast. Comp. Catull., 22, 21: sed
non videmus manticae quod in tergo est. Persius reduces the two wallets to one. Each
manâ——s knapsack of faults is open to the inspection of all save himself.

25. quaesieris: G., 250; A., 60, 2, b; ἗ϗοιϗ᾽ ἗ν ϗιϗ. Persius gets away
from Socrates and Alcibiades into a land of shadowy second persons. One of these is supposed to
ask another whether he knows a certain estate. The casual question leads to a caustic
characteristic of the owner, which is interrupted by another indefinite character, who quotes an
ignotus aliquis, and the general impression at the close is that every body is violently preached
at except the son of Dinomache, with whom we started.—Vettidi: With the characteristic
of Vettidius, comp. Horaceâ——s Avidienus (cui canis cognomen, Sat., 2, 2, 55), and the
἗νελεύθεϗοϗ and the μικϗολόγοϗ of Theophrastus.

26. Curibus: in the land of the Sabines, the land of frugal habits. Comp. 6, 1.—miluus
errat: So Jahn (1868). Miluus is trisyllabic, as in Hor., Epod., 16, 31. Hermann, oberrat; Jahn
(1843), oberret. The expression is proverbial: quantum milvi volant, Petron., 37. Comp. Juv.,
9, 55.

27. dis iratis genioque sinistro: Comp. Hor., Sat., 2, 3, 8: iratis natus paries dis atque
poetis. A substantive expression of quality without a common noun is rare in Latin as in English
(M., 148 287, Obs. 3), but not limited in time. See Dräger, Histor. Syntax, § 226. ◗The
aversion of the gods and at war with his genius,â—— his â——second self,â—— who â——delights
in good living,â—— quia genius laute vivendo gaudere putabatur (Jahn).

28. quandoque = quandocumque, as Hor., Od., 4, 1, 17, 2, 34.—pertusa = pervia,

according to Jahn; â——roads and thoroughfaresâ—— (Conington); = calcata, trita, Heinr.,
which seems more natural.—compita: â——The compitalia is meant. Comp. Cato,
R. R., 5, 4: Rem divinam nisi compitalibus in compito [vilicus] ne faciat. It was one of the


The Satires of Persius

feriae conceptivae, held in honor of the Lares compitales on or about the 2d of January. It is
said to have been instituted by Servius Tullius, and restored by Augustus (Suet., Aug., 31), and
was observed with feasting. Comp. Cato, R. R., 5, 7, and uncta compitalia. Anthol. Lat., 2,
246, 27B. n. 105, 27M.◗ So Pretor, after Jahn. With com-pit-a comp. Greek ϗάϗ-οϗ,
path.—figit: The suspension of the yoke symbolizes the suspension of labor. The yoke
stands for the plough as well, Tibull., 2, 1, 5.

29. metuens deradere: See 1, 47. Comp. Hor., Sat., 2, 4, 80: metuentis reddere
soldum.—limum: â——the dirtâ—— on the jar. Comp. sive gravis veteri craterae
limus adhaesit, Hor., Sat., 2, 4, 80. The Scholiast understands â——the seal.â——

30. hoc bene sit: The formula in drinking a health. Comp. Plaut., Pers., 5, 1, 20. Here used
also as a kind of grace.—tunicatum | caepe: ϗολύλοϗον
κϗόμμϗον (Casaubon). Tunicatum caepe, ◗bulbous or coated onion,◗ as
opposed to the sectile porrum, or â——chivesâ—— (Pretor). It may be going too far to exclude
epitheta ornantia from Persius, but he certainly uses them sparingly. Tunicatum is commonly
understood to mean â——skin and all,â—— as we say of a potato, â——jacket and all.â—— Comp.
Juv., 14, 153: tunicam mihi malo lupini. But as the skin of an onion is not very â——filling,â——
and as tunica may be used in the sense of â——coatâ—— or â——layer,â—— the slight change
to tunicatim—â——layer by layerâ———has suggested itself to me. It is not a whit
more exaggerated than Juvenalâ——s filaque sectivi numerata includere porri (14, 133).

31. farrata olla: â——porridge pot of spelt,â—— an every-day meal with others, holiday fare
with these unfortunates, hence plaudentibus. The Abl. of Cause. Farratam ollam (Jahn [1843]
and 149 Hermann) may be defended by Stat., Silv., 5, 3, 140 (cited by Jahn): fratrem plausere
Therapnae, but there is danger of the miserâ——s eating it.

32. pannosam: â——mothery.â—— Every word tells. It is not wine, but vinegar; it is not even
good vinegar, but vinegar that is getting flat; it is not even clear vinegar, but the lees of vinegar;
and not even honest lees, but mothery lees.—morientis: â——Dying vinegarâ—— is not
so familiar to us as â——dead wines.â—— Comp. Mart., 1, 18, 8.—aceti: Comp. faece
rubentis aceti, Mart., 11, 56, 7.

33. Picture of a sensualist.—figas in cute solem: εἰληθεϗεῗν, â——fix

the sun in your skin,â—— â——let the sunâ——s rays pierce your skin,â—— instead of bibere,
combibere solem, Juv., 11, 203 (quoted above, v. 18), and Mart., 10, 12, 7; or the more
prosaic sole uti, Mart., 1, 77, 4.

34. cubito tangat: an immemorial familiarity. Examples range from Homer, Od., 14, 485 to
Aristaen., 1, 19, 27. Persius has in mind Hor., Sat., 2, 5, 42: nonne vides (aliquis cubito
stantem prope tangens) inquiet, etc.

35. acre | despuat: â——empty acrid spittle,â—— sc. on you. Others read in mores with Jahn
(1843). Jahn (1868) reads with Hermann, Hi mores. Of course it is impossible to analyze this
spittle, which flows to the end of v. 41. See the Introduction to the Satire. â——Persium,â—— as
Quintilian says of Horace, in quibusdam nolim interpretari (1, 8, 6). This is one of the
passages that called down on our author the rebuke of that verecund gentleman Pierre Bayle:
Les Satires de Perse sont dévergondées.

42-52. Such is life. We hit and are hit in turn. We disguise our faults—our vulnera
vitae—even from ourselves, and appeal to that common jade, common fame, for a


The Satires of Persius

certificate of health. But temptation reveals the corruption within. You are guilty of avarice, lust,
swindling, and the praises of the mob are of no moment. Be yourself. Examine yourself, and know
how scantily furnished you are.

42. caedimus, etc.: Hor., Ep., 2, 2, 97: caedimur et totidem plagis consumimus hostem
(Casaubon). The resemblance here, as often elsewhere, is merely verbal, as in Horace â——the
passage of arms is a passage of complimentsâ—— (Conington).—praebemus:
â——expose,â—— â——present.â——


43. vivitur hoc pacto: Negatively expressed non aliter vivitur. In other words: haec est
condicio vivendi, Hor., Sat., 2, 8, 65, which Casaubon compares. â——These are the terms, this
the rule of life.â———sic novimus = notum est (Jahn). â——So we have learned
it.â—— â——This is its lesson.â———ilia subter: G., 414, R. 3. The danger of the wound
is well known.

44. caecum: â——hidden.â———lato balteus auro: The baldric covered the groin,
and was often ornamented with bosses of gold. Comp. Verg., Aen., 5, 312: lato quam
circumplectitur auro | balteus. This broad gold belt is the symbol of wealth and rank.

45. ut mavis: Ironical. Hor., Sat., 1, 4, 21.—da verba: Comp. 3, 19.—decipe

nervos: â——cheat your muscle,â—— â——cheat yourself into the belief that you are
sound;â—— and certainly self-deception seems to be required by the context. Otherwise decipe
nervos might be considered as equivalent to mentire robur, pro sano te iacta, sanum te

47. non credam? G., 455; A., 71, 1, R.—inprobe: The inprobus is hard-headed as
well as hard-hearted. Comp. plorantesque inproba natos—reliquit, Juv., 6, 86.

48. amarum: Jahn reads amorum in his ed. of 1843, but was sorry for it. In 1868 he reads
amarum, and punctuates so as to throw it into the grave of the next line.

49. si puteal: A versus conclamatus (Jahn). The old explanation makes this passage refer to
exorbitant usury. The puteal here meant is supposed to be the one mentioned by Hor., Sat., 2,
6, 13—the puteal Libonis, situated near the praetorâ——s tribunal, and on that account a
favorite haunt of usurers, who would naturally have frequent occasion to appear in court. Comp.
the poplar-tree, which was the rendezvous of a certain â——ringâ—— of contractors in Athens,
Andoc., 1, 133. Local allusions of this kind are the despair of commentators; the puteal is, after
all, as mysterious as a â——cornerâ—— to the uninitiated, and we can only gather that puteal
flagellare is slang for some recondite swindling process, which required a certain amount of
knowingness (hence cautus). Conington renders, â——flog the exchange with many a
stripe.â—— We may Americanize by â——clean out, thrash out Wall Street.â—— The Neronians,
Casaubon at their head, understand the passage as referring to Neroâ——s habit of going out at
night in disguise 151 and maltreating people in the street—see Tac., Ann., 13, 25; Suet.,
Nero, 26—and cautus is supposed to allude to the measures which he took for his
personal safety.

50. bibulas donaveris aures: The student is by this time familiar with Persiusâ——s way
of hammering a familiar figure into odd shapes. If ears drink in, then ears are thirsty; if they are
thirsty, then they tipple; and if you can give ear, you can bestow ears. â——In vain would you
have given up your thirsty ears to be drenched by the praises of the mob.â—— Donaveris, Perf.


The Satires of Persius

Subj., μάϗην ϗαϗεϗϗηκὼϗ ἗ν εἴηϗ ϗὰ ὦϗα. Future

ascertainment of a completed action. G., 271, 2.

51. cerdo: Ηέϗδϗν, a plebeian proper name. Conington translates by the ◗Hob
and Dickâ—— of Shakspeareâ——s Coriolanus. The common rendering, â——cobbler,â—— is a
false inference from Mart., 3, 59, 1; 99, 1.

52. tecum habita: Comp. 1, 7.—noris: The punctuation of all the editors makes noris
an Imperative Subjunctive. Still a kind of condition is involved = si habites, noris. G., 594, 4; A.,
60, 1, b. One of the most threadbare quotations from Latin poetry.


The theme of the Fifth Satire is the Stoic doctrine of True Liberty. All men are slaves except the philosopher, and
Persius has learned to be a philosopher—thanks to Cornutus, to whom the Satire is addressed. Compare and
contrast Horaceâ——s handling of a like subject in Sat., 2, 3. In Teuffelâ——s commentary on his translation of
this Satire, the matter is briefly summed up in these words: Horace is an artist, Persius a Preacher. See Introd.,
xxvi. Comp. also Hor., Sat., 2, 7, 46 seqq.

Argument.—Persius speaks: Poets have a way of asking for a hundred mouths, a hundred tongues, whether
the theme be tragedy or epic.—Cornutus: A hundred mouths, a hundred tongues! What do you want with
them? Or, for that matter, with a hundred gullets either, to worry down the tragic diet which other poets affect. You
do not pant like a bellows, nor croak like a jackdaw, nor strain your cheeks to bursting in the high epic fashion.
Your language is to be the language of every-day life, to which you are to give an edge by skilful combination.
Your utterance is modest, and your art is shown in rasping the unhealthy body of the age, and in impaling its faults
with high-bred 152 raillery. Be such your theme. Let others sup full with tragic horrors, if they will. Do you know
nothing beyond the frugal luncheon of our daily food (1-18).

Persius: It is not my aim to have my pages swollen with â——Bubbles from the Brunnen of Poesy.â—— We are
alone, far from the madding crowd, and I may throw open my heart to you, for I would have you know how great a
part of my soul you are. Knock at the walls of my heart, for you are skilful to distinguish the solid from the hollow,
to tell the painted stucco of the tongue from the strong masonry of the soul. To this end I fain would
ask—and ask until I get—a hundred voices, to show how deeply I have planted you in my heart of
hearts; to tell you all that is past telling in my inmost being (19-29). When first the purple garb of boyhood
withdrew its guardianship, and the amulet—no longer potent—was hung up, an offering to the
old-fashioned household gods, when all about me humored me, and when the dress of manhood permitted my eyes
to rove at will through the Subura with all its wares and wiles, what time the youthâ——s path is doubtful, and
bewilderment, ignorant of life, brings the excited mind to the spot where the great choice of roads is to be
made—in that decisive hour I made myself son to you, and you took me, Cornutus, to your Socratic heart.
Where my character was warped, the quiet application of the rule of right straightened what in me was crooked. My
mind was constrained by reason, wrestled with its conqueror, and took on new features under your forming hand.
How I remember the long days I spent with you, the first-fruits of the festal nights I plucked with you. Our work,
our rest we ordered both alike, and the strain of study was eased by the pleasures of a modest table (30-44). Nay,
never doubt that there is a harmony between our stars. Our constellation is the Balance or the Twins. The same
aspect rules our nativities. Some star, be that star what it may, blends my fate with yours (45-51).

We are attuned each to other; but look abroad, and see how different men are from us and from each other. Each has
his own aims in life. One is bent on active merchandise, one is given up to sluggish sleep, another is fond of athletic
sports. One is drained dry by dicing, another by chambering and wantonness; but when the chalk-stones of gout
rattle among their fingers and toes, they awake to the choke-damp and the foggy light in which they have spent their
days, and mourn too late their wasted life (52-61).


The Satires of Persius

But you delight to wax pale over nightly studies. A tiller of the human soul, you prepare the soil, and sow the field
of the ear with the pure grain of Stoic wisdom. Hence seek, young and old, an aim for your higher being, provision
for your hoary head (62-65).

â——Hoary head, you say?â—— interposes an objector. â——That can be provided for as well to-morrow.â——
To-morrow! â——Next day the fatal precedent 153 will plead.â—— Another to-morrow comes, and we have used
up yesterdayâ——s to-morrow, and so our days are emptied one by one. To-morrow! It is always ahead of us, as
the hind wheel can never overtake the front wheel, though both be in the self-same chariot (66-72).

The remedy for this and all the other ills of life is True Liberty—not such as gives a dole of musty meal,
a soup-house ticket to the new-made citizen; not such as makes a tipsy slave free in the twinkling of an eye. Now
Dama is a worthless groom, and would sell himself for a handful of provender. Anon he is set free, as you call
it—becomes Marcus Dama. Excellent surety! Most excellent judge! If Marcus says it is so, it is so. Your sign
and seal here, good Marcus. Pah! This is the liberty that manumission gives. Up speaks Marcus: â——Well! Who is
free except the man that can do as he pleases? I can do as I please. Argal I am free as air.â———â——Not
so,â—— says your learned Stoic. â——Your logic is at fault. I grant the rest, but I demur to the clause â——as you
please.â——â———â——The praetorâ——s wand made me my own man. May I not do what I please, if I
offend not against the statute-book?â—— (73-90).

â——Do what you please!â—— cries Persius, who identifies himself with the Stoic philosopher. â——Stop just
there and learn of me; but first cease to be scornful, and let me get these old wivesâ—— notions out of your head.
The praetor could not teach you any thing about the conduct of life with all its perplexities. As well expect a man to
teach an elephant to dance the tight-rope. Reason bars the way, and whispers, â——You must not do what you will
spoil in the doing.â—— This is natureâ——s law, the law of common-sense. You mix medicine, and know nothing
of scales and weights? You, a clodhopper, and undertake to pilot a ship? Absurd, you say; and yet what do you
know of life? How can you walk upright without philosophy? How can you tell the ring of the genuine metal, and
detect the faulty sound of the base alloy? Do you know what to seek, what to avoid, what to mark with white, what
with black? Can you control your wishes, moderate your expenses, be indulgent to your friends? Do you know how
to save and how to spend? Can you keep your month from watering at the sight of money, from burning at the taste
of ginger? When you can say in truth, â——All this is mine,â—— then you are truly free. But if you retain the old
man under the new title, I take back all that I have granted. You can do nothing that is right. Every action is a fault.
Put forth your finger—you sin. There is not a half-ounce of virtue in your silly carcass. You must be all right
or all wrong. Man is one. You can not be virtuous by halves. You can not be at once a ditcher and a dancer. You are
a slave still, though the praetorâ——s wand may have waved away your bonds. You do not tremble at a
masterâ——s voice, â——tis true, but there are other masters than those whom the law recognizes. The wires that
move you do not jerk you from without, but masters grow up within your bosomâ—— (91-131).


Here the dialogue is dropped. We leave Dama, whose personality has been getting fainter all the time, and are
treated to a series of more or less dramatic scenes in illustration of the Ruling Passions.

So Avarice and Luxury dispute about the body and soul of an un-Stoic slave (132-160).

A Lover tries to break the chain that binds him to an unworthy mistress (161-175).

Another is led captive by Ambition at her will (176-179).

Yet another is under the dominion of Superstition (180-188).

But why discourse thus? Imagine what the military would say to such a screed of doctrine. I hear the horse-laugh of
Pulfennius, as he bids a clipped dollar for a hundred Greek philosophers—a cent apiece (189-191).


The Satires of Persius

This Satire is justly considered by many critics the best of all the productions of Persius, as it is the least obscure.
The warm tribute to his master Cornutus may have had its share in commending the poem to teachers, who, of all
men, are most grateful for gratitude. But apart from this revelation of a pure and loving heart, the peculiar talent of
Persius, which consists in vivid portraiture of character and situation, appears to great advantage in this
composition. True, the introduction is not wrought into the poem, and the poetâ——s discourse is too distinctly a
Stoic school exercise, and reminiscence crowds on reminiscence, but there is a certain movement in the Satire, or
Epistle, as it were better called, which carries us on over the occasional rough places, without the perpetual jolt
which we feel every where else on the â——corduroy roadâ—— of Persiusâ——s Gradus ad Parnassum.

1-4. Persius: Oh for a hundred voices, a hundred mouths, a hundred tongues!

1. Vatibus hic mos est: Comp. Hor., Sat., 1, 2, 86: regibus hic mos est. Vatibus, with a
sneer. see Prol., 7.—centum sibi poscere voces: Examples might be multiplied
indefinitely from Homer to Charles Wesley. Comp. Il., 2, 489: οὗδ᾽ εἴ μοι
δέκα μὲν γλῶϗϗαι, δέκα δὲ ϗϗόμαϗ᾽ εἶεν;
and Verg., Aen., 6, 625: non mihi si linguae centum sint oraque centum; also Georg., 2, 43;
Ov., Met., 8, 532. Conington burlesques the passage by translating poscere â——put in a
requisition for,â—— and optare â——bespeak.â—— By such devices humor of a certain kind
might be extracted from elegies, and Vergil be made â——to put in a requisition for Quintilius at
the Bureau of the Gods,â—— Hor., Od., 1, 24, 12.

3. seu ponatur: The mood after seu—seu is determined on 155 general principles (A.,
61, 4, c). In practice, however, the Indicative is more common (G., 597, R. 4). The Subjunctive is
to be explained by G., 666 (see last example), and A., 66, 2.—ponatur = proponatur
(Cic., Tusc. Dis., 1, 4, 7). Comp. θεῗναι, θέϗιϗ. Jahn understands it as ponere
lucum, 1, 70, posuisse figuras, 1, 86. Perhaps there is a play on the different senses of
ponere. â——Serve upâ—— would not be bad in view of vv. 9, 10.—hianda: â——To be
spouted by some doleful actor.â—— â——Hianda has reference to the tragic mask, in which a
wide aperture was cut for the mouth, to facilitate a distinct enunciation. From the appearance
presented by the speaker, it soon came to be used of a bombastic style of utterance. Comp.
carmen hiare, Prop., 2, 31, 6, and grande Sophocleo carmen bacchamur hiatu, Juv., 6,
636.â—— Pretor, after Jahn.

4. vulnera Parthi: Is Parthi object or subject? The passage is a reminiscence of Hor., Sat., 2,
1, 15: aut labentia equo describat vulnera Parthi. If Parthi is the object, an interpretation
which is favored by the Horatian passage and by the propriety of the epic theme—for why
should a Roman enlarge upon the wounds that the Parthian deals?—ducentis ab inguine
ferrum must be rendered â——drawing the dart from his groin.â—— Still ab is not a suitable
preposition, nor can it be defended by such expressions as ducere suspiria ab imo pectore,
Ov., Met., 10, 402. Others think of â——trailing the shaft from his groin,â—— in which it had been
imbedded. Comp. v. 160: a collo trahitur pars longa catenae. If Parthi is the subject,
translate, â——The Parthian who draws the arrow from [the quiver] near his groin.â—— The
Eastern nations wore the quiver low, the Greeks upon the shoulder. This line refers to epic poetry
as the preceding to tragedy.

5-18. Cornutus: What need have you of a hundred mouths? You have no foolish tragedy to
cram, no big epics to mouth. Your simple satire demands a simple style, the talk of every day,
only better put. Your business is to scourge and pierce, and yet remember that you are a
gentleman. Let these themes suffice you, and leave to others the stage-horrors of cannibalic
feasts; yourself content with the pot-luck of the Roman cit.


The Satires of Persius

5. Quorsum haec: Comp. Hor., Sat., 2, 7, 21.—aut: G., 460, R.; A., 71,
2.—robusti carminis offas: â——dumplings of substantial poetry,â—— â——lumps of
solid poetryâ—— (Conington). Offa is a 156 dumpling of meal or flesh. Comp. Apul., Met., 1, 3,
on the chokiness of a certain polentae caseatae offula grandior.

6. ingeris: â——cram.â—— The whole passage is intended to be coarse. â——What great

gobbets of stuffing song are you cramming yourself with, that you require a hundred throats to
strain them down?â—— Others understand: ingeris sc. populo. See v. 177.—centeno
gutture = centum gutturibus. So centena arbore, Verg., Aen., 10, 207 (Conington).

7. grande: See 1, 14.—locuturi: See 1, 100.—nebulas: Jahn is reminded of

Hor., A. P., 230: nubes et inania captet. Observe that legunto suggests the culinary figure
below. The mists represent the vegetables, Procne and Thyestes furnish the
meat.—Helicone: See Prologue. Persius is as intensely Roman in poetic practice as he is
Greek in philosophic theory.—legunto: The Imperative, instead of the Subjunctive, gives
the tone of an edict or of a cookery-book.

8. Prognes—Thyestae: See Classical Dictionaries for the familiar myths. Observe

the balance. Procne served up her son, Thyestes made a dinner off his. Both are common tragic
themes. See Hor., A. P., 91. 186-187.—olla fervebit: â——Who are going to set
Thyestesâ——s pot a-boilingâ—— (Conington).

9. Glyconi: Glyco was a stupid actor of the day, who could not understand a joke. The
Neronians have made the most of the fact, as reported by the Scholiast, that G. was manumitted
by Nero, who paid his half-owner Vergilius 300,000 sesterces for his share. So, for instance,
Lehmann (De A. Persii Satira Quinta, p. 17), who has nosed out all manner of subtle Neronian
flavors in this innocent satire.—cenanda: Comp. 3, 46.

10. coquitur dum: When the action with dum, â——while,â—— is co-extensive with the action
in the leading clause, the limit may be expressed by until, â——while it is smeltingâ—— =
â——until it is smeltedâ———massa: See note on 2, 67.

11. folle: The wind is squeezed â——withâ—— or â——inâ—— the bellows rather than
â——fromâ—— the bellows. The Scholiast notices the Horatian reminiscence, Sat., 1, 4, 19: at tu
conclusas hircinis follibus auras | usque laborantes, dum ferrum molliat ignis | ut mavis,
imitare. Comp. also Juv., 7, 111: tunc immensa cavi spirant mendacia folles.—nec
clauso murmure, etc.: â——Nor with pent-up murmur 157 croak to yourself until you are
hoarse some solemn nonsense.â——

13. scloppo: So Jahn (1868), instead of stloppo (1843). This is supposed to be a word coined
to express the sound (comp. bombis, 1, 99). Conington renders â——plop.â—— VaniÄ—ek
records it under SKAR, S. 183, and it may well be the â——slapâ—— with which the distended
cheeks are reduced, and hence the â——plopâ—— which is heard. The childish trick may be
witnessed wherever there are children. Persius multiplies absurd and meaningless noises
without any sharp distinction.

14. verba togae: â——the language of every-day life.â—— The fabula togata is Roman
comedy, as opposed to the fabula praetexta, or Roman tragedy, and to the f. palliata, the
subjects of which were Greek. Persius insists on the connection of the national satire with the
national comedy, and the scanty remains of the fabula togata deserve close
comparison.—sequeris = sectaris. Prol., 11.—acri iunctura: â——nice
grouping,â—— â——telling combination.â—— The words are familiar, but the setting is new.


The Satires of Persius

Comp. Hor., A. P., 47: notum si callida verbum | reddiderit iunctura novum; and 242:
tantum series iuncturaque pollet | tantum de medio sumptis accedit honoris. An
important passage, as showing the intense self-consciousness of the poetâ——s art.

15. ore teres modico: Jahn comp. ore rotundo, Hor., A. P., 323. The mouth stands for the
style, and the position of the mouth symbolized the utterance (ore magis quam labris
loquendum est, Quint., 11, 3, 81). Teres as in Cic., De Orat., 3, 52, 199: est [oratio] et plena
quaedam sed tamen teres et tenuis, non sine nervis et viribus. â——A moderate rounding
of the cheekâ—— (Conington); but although in view of v. 13 it would be desirable to retain the
figure, it is hardly possible. â——With smooth and compassed tone.â—— As teres ore = ore
modico, Hermann (L. P., II., 46) comp. Ov., Fast., 6, 425: lucoque obscurus
opaco.—pallentis mores: The â——spirit of the ageâ—— is also the â——body of the
age.â—— Hence the figure. â——Paleâ—— with disease and vice (comp. 4, 47),
â——guilty.â———radere: Comp. 1, 107.

16. ingenuo ludo: â——with high-bred raillery,â—— â——with raillery that a gentleman may
speak and hear.◗ Persius has in mind εὗϗϗαϗελία, the
ϗεϗαιδεϗμένη ὗβϗιϗ of Aristotle, Rhet., 2, 12, as 158 Conington
suggests.—defigere: Variously explained. So â——post up,â—— â——placardâ——
(Casaubon); â——pin to the groundâ—— (Conington); â——pierce,â—— like an arrow (Jahn);
â——sting,â—— like a hornet, as in Ov., Fast., 3, 753: milia crabronum coeunt et vertice
nudo, | spicula defigunt oraque summa notant. Comp. the use of figere, 3, 80.

17. hinc: From every-day life. König compares Hor., A. P., 318: vivas hinc ducere
voces.—quae dicis: So Jahn (1868), after the best MSS. In 1843 we find dicas, which is
more natural, but not necessary.—Mycenis: Dative, far more forcible than the locative
Ablative. Jahn comp. Prol., 5: illis relinquo, a reading which he afterward abandoned. See G.,
344, R. 3.

18. cum capite et pedibus: served up to Thyestes after he had finished his dinner. Comp.
Aeschyl., Ag., 1594; Sen., Thyest., 764.—plebeia prandia: Your theme is â——human
natureâ——s daily food,â—— not the heroic suppers of â——raw-head and bloody-bonesâ——
that teach us nothing. Mensa is contrasted with prandia (comp. Senecaâ——s sine mensa
prandium, cited 1, 67) as â——banquetâ—— with â——meal,â—— â——Tafelâ—— with

19-29. Persius: You understand my aims. I do not care to swell my page with frothy nonsense.
And now that we are alone, I desire you to examine my heart, that you may see how you are
enshrined in it—a theme for which I might well desire a hundred voices.

19. equidem: Here in accordance with common usage. See 1, 110.—bullatis nugis:
â——air-blown triflesâ—— (Gifford). Bullatis: so Jahn (1868) with Hermann. The reading of the
oldest MSS., pullatis, â——sad colored,â—— explained now as â——tragic stuffâ—— (because
mourners were pullati); now as stuff for the groundlings (because the common people were
pullati), is scarcely tenable. Ampullatis, Jahnâ——s conjecture, though defended by Lachmann
(Lucret., 6, 1067), is metrically bad; but the sense is excellent, and the reference would be to a
passage which Persius must have had in his mind. Hor., A. P., 97: proicit ampullas et
sesquipedalia verba. Even Thyestes is mentioned in the context, l.c. 91. Bullatis,
â——bubbly.â—— Hermann (L. P., I., 32) comp. alata avis, and makes bullatis refer to
tumorem et inanem verborum strepitum.


The Satires of Persius

20. dare pondus fumo: Casaubon comp. Hor., Ep., 1, 19, 42: 159 nugis addere pondus.
Horace uses the expression in the sense of â——attaching importance.â—— Persius means that
these trifles are fitted to lend importance, to give seeming substance to mere vapors. Fumus is a
synonym for â——humbug.â—— On dare idonea = idonea quae det, see G., 424, R. 4; A., 57,
8, f.

22. excutienda: See 1, 49. But the figure changes below, or there is a figure within a figure,
the heart being compared to a wall, the wall to a dress. On the construction, see G., 431; A., 72,
5, c.

23. pars animae: Comp. te meae partem animae, Hor., Od., 2, 17, 5; animae dimidium
meae, Od., 1, 3, 8.—Cornute: See Introduction, ix.

24. ostendisse: once for all. See G., 275, 1; A., 58, 11, d.—pulsa: κϗοῦε. See 3,
21.—dinoscere cautus: Hor., Sat., 1, 6, 51: cautum adsumere dignos. Comp. Prol.,

25. solidum crepet: like sonat vitium, 3, 21. G., 331, R. 2; A., 52, 3, a.—pictae
tectoria linguae: The comparison is taken from a stuccoed party-wall painted to look solid.
Comp. Afran. ap. Non., 152, 28, v. 14 (Ribbeck): fallaci aspectu paries pictus putidus
(= puter). The notion in pictae belongs rather to tectoria than to linguae—â——painted
tongue-stucco.â—— The figure will not bear close examination any more than the stucco.

26. his, ut = ad haec ut. Comp. hoc, ut, v. 19. Others read hic.—centenas =
centum. G., 310, R.; A., 18, 2, d.—deposcere: Notice the determination that lies in

27. quantum fixi: This is not conceived as a dependent interrogative, as is shown by v. 29,
where the antecedent of the parallel clause is expressed. G., 469, R. 3.—sinuoso: Comp.
Plin., H. N., 2, 37: cor prima domicilia intra se animo et sanguini praebet sinuoso specu.
Sinuoso pectore = in recessu mentis, 2, 73.

28. voce: carelessly repeated after voces.—pura: â——honest.â——

29. non enarrabile: i.e., save by the hundred voices. There is no contradiction, and even if
there were—this is supposed to be poetry.—fibra: 1, 47.

30-51. When first I put away the things of boyhood and encountered the temptations of youth,
and stood bewildered at the cross-roads of life, I threw myself into your sheltering arms, and put
myself under your guiding hand. Happy the memory of 160 those days and nights, as they
brought common work and common rest. Surely a common star controls our destinies and makes
us one.

30. pavido: variously interpreted of the fear—1. Which an entrance on life breeds; 2.
Which requires the protection of the praetexta; 3. Which the rule of tutors and governors
inspires. The third view is favored by blandi comites, as Conington remarks. Comp. Mart., 11,
39, 2: et pueri custos assiduusque comes with v. 6: te dispensator, te domus ipsa
pavet.—custos purpura: â——the guardian purple.â—— Purpura = praetexta, the
dress of boyhood, which was of itself a protection. This was exchanged for the toga when the
nonage was over. Per hoc inane purpurae decus precor, Hor., Epod., 5, 7.—mihi: If
cessit is taken absolutely, mihi may depend on the predicative notion in custos = quae mihi


The Satires of Persius

custos fuerat. Casaubon explains, mihi cessit, ut iam annis maiori vel etiam ut hosti. It
seems best to combine the two: â——When the purple resigned its dreaded guardianship over

31. bulla: the well-known â——boss,â—— which contained amulets and the like. Comp. 2,
70.—succinctis: â——Like cinctutis (Hor., A. P., 50), incinctos (Ov., Fast., 2, 632), in
allusion to the cinctus Gabinus, in which primitive dress they (the Lares) were always
represented. It was worn over the left shoulder, leaving the right arm freeâ—— (Pretor).
Conington renders succinctis, â——quaint.â——

32. blandi: (fuerunt).—comites: Jahn considers these comites the same as those
mentioned in 3, 7. See note. The epigram of Mart., cited above, v. 30, makes for this view: the
harsh tutors have become blandi comites. But most commentators prefer to take comites in its
general sense.—tota Subura: On the construction, see G., 386; A., 55, 3, f. The Subura,
as the focus of business life, was the haunt of persons who are sufficiently characterized as
Suburanae magistrae, Mart., 11, 78, 11.

33. permisit sparsisse: On the Inf., see G., 532, R. 1; A., 70, 3, a. On the tense, note on 1,
41. With the phraseology, Jahn comp. Val. Flacc., 5, 247: tua nunc terris, tua lumina toto |
sparge mari. Spargere is a happy word for a rapid, roving glance.—iam: ἤδη. The
English idiom often refuses to give the exact force of iam. The youngster has got a â——sure
enoughâ—— candidus umbo. The contrast in time is the former praetexta.— 161
candidus umbo: â——Umbo was the knot into which the folds of the toga were gathered after
passing the left shoulderâ—— (Pretor). Of course the umbo was candidus, as the toga was.

34. iter ambiguuum: See 3, 56.—vitae nescius error: is bewilderment from

ignorance of life.

35. deducit: So Jahn (1843), a reading which he has strangely forsaken (1868) for diducit.
Schlüter puts it neatly thus: homines in compita ubi viae diducuntur, deduci dicuntur.
Compita does not mean the roads, but the place where the roads meet—the crossing
(Schol.). De adds the notion of decision to ducit. Comp. in discrimen deducere, Cic., Fam., 10,
24, 4. The youth is brought to a point where he must choose.—trepidas: See 1, 74.

36. supposui: Almost â——I made you adopt me.â—— Supponere is used of supposititious
children. As Persiusâ——s own father died while the poet was young, there is a tone of
orphanage about the expression that appeals to our sympathy. â——I threw myself as a son into
your arms.â———suscipis: is the correlative of supposui.

37. Socratico sinu: The loving care of Socrates is meant, as well as his wisdom, as Jahn has
observed.—fallere sollers: On the construction, see G., 424, R. 4; A., 57, 8, f, 3; Prol.,
11. â——Skilful to deceive,â—— in the sense of the gradual Socratic approach. The rule is not
rudely applied, but cheats the warped nature into rectitude. Jahnâ——s note amounts to this, that
a ruler that understands deception, understands detection, and hence is a true ruler.

38. regula: â——ruler.â—— See note on 4, 11.

39. premitur ratione: Comp. Verg., Aen., 6, 80: fera corda domans fingitque
premendo.—vinci laborat = dum vincitur laborat, cum labore vincitur.
â——Laborat shows that the pupilâ——s mind co-operated with his teacherâ—— (Conington).


The Satires of Persius

40. artificem: Passive, arte factum, â——artistic,â—— â——finished.â—— The figure is of

course taken from moulding in wax or clay.—ducit vultum: Comp. exigite ut teneros
mores ceu pollice ducat | ut si quis cera vultum facit, Juv., 7, 237; only there the workman
moulds, here the material. Transl. â——take on,â—— â——assume,â—— as in Ov., Met., 1, 402:
saxa ducere formam (Jahn).—pollice: The thumb is largely used in moulding. See Juv.,
l.c., and Ov., Met., 10, 285; Stat., Achill., 1, 332, quoted by Jahn.

41. etenim: καὶ γὰϗ. See 3, 48.—memini consumere: See 162 Prol.,
2.—soles = dies. The antithesis runs throughout. Soles—opus—seria
are opposed to noctes—requiem—mensa.

42. primas noctes: â——the early hours of the night.â———epulis: â——for

feasting.â—— Others, â——from feasting,â—— i.e., for study, 3, 54; 5, 62.—decerpere:
The expression is a cross between carpe diem (Hor., Od., 1, 11, 8) and partem solido demere
de die (Hor., Od., 1, 1, 20). Decerpere is to pluck with resolute, eager hand.

43. unum opus et requiem = unum opus et (unam) requiem (Jahn). Casaubon comp.
Verg., Georg., 4, 184.

44. laxamus seria: Jahn comp. Verg., Aen., 9, 223: laxabant curas.

45. non equidem hoc dubites: On equidem, see note on 1, 110. With non dubites comp.
non accedas, 1, 5.—foedere certo: Jahn comp. Manil., 2, 475: iunxit amicitias
horum sub foedere certo. Foedus certum, â——fixed law,â—— â——fixed principle.â——

46. consentire dies: On the Inf., instead of the normal quin with Subj., see G., 551, R. 4; M.,
375 c., Obs. 2. For the thought, comp. Hor., Od., 2, 17, 21: utrumque nostrum incredibili
modo | consentit astrum.—ab uno sidere duci: Astrology was very popular in
Persiusâ——s time, having been brought into vogue by Tiberius. It was the aristocratic mode of
divination, and is compared by Friedländer (Sittengesch., 1, 347) with the spiritualism and
table-turning of the present day. Philosophy was not proof against it; indeed, the later Stoics
always had a leaning to it, and Panaetius was the only one that rejected it (Knickenberg, l.c. p.
79). All people of â——cultureâ—— talked about â——horoscope,â—— â——nativity,â—— and
â——malign aspect,â—— just as the same class in our time speak of â——the spectroscope,â——
â——heat a mode of motion,â—— and â——the survival of the fittest.â—— Horace and Persius,
who imitates Horace, have caught up some of the current terms, and travel along the Zodiac in
blissful ignorance of their own stars.

47. aequali Libra: So Hor., Od., 2, 17, 17: seu Libra seu me Scorpios adspicit. Comp. the
whole passage.

48. Parca tenax veri: Comp. Parca non mendax, Hor., Od., 2, 16, 39. â——Fate is
represented with scales in her hands, also as marking the horoscope on the celestial globeâ——
(Jahn). The Parca of mythology is identified with the Fatum of the Stoics.—seu: Observe
the irregularity of vel—seu instead of seu—seu.—nata 163 fidelibus:
â——ordained for faithful friends.â—— â——The hour of birth is said to be born itself, as in
Aeschyl., Ag., 107, ξύμϗϗϗοϗ αἰών; Soph., O. R., 1082,
ϗϗγγενεῗϗ μῗνεϗ◗ (Conington).

49. Geminos: Casaubon quotes Manil., 2, 628: magnus erit Geminis amor et concordia


The Satires of Persius

50. Saturnumque gravem, etc.: â——We together cross malignant Saturn by propitious
Jove.â—— â——Saturnineâ—— and â——jovialâ—— are remnants of astrological belief. Nostro is
not only â——our,â—— but â——on our side,â—— â——propitious.â——

51. nescio quod: almost = aliquod. See v. 12.—est quod temperat: On the Mood,
see G., 634, R. 1; M., 365, Obs. 2. With the expression, comp. Hor., Ep., 2, 2, 187: scit genius,
natale comes qui temperat astrum, where the parts are reversed.—me tibi
temperat: The Dative is used after the analogy of miscere. â——Blends my being with

52-61. Our aims, our lives are one. But â——many men, many minds.â—— Each has his
passion—the merchant, the man of ease, the lover of sport, the gamester, the
rake—but they have to reckon with disease at last, and groan over the failure of their

52. Mille hominum species: The Schol. quotes Hor., Sat., 2, 1, 27: quot capitum vivunt,
totidem studiorum | milia. Proverbial is Ter., Phorm., 2, 3, 14: quot homines, tot sententiae:
suos cuique mos.—usus rerum: â——practice of life,â—— â——practice.â—— See 1,
1, note.—discolor: â——of various hue.â——

53. velle suum cuique est: Comp. Verg., Ecl., 2, 65: trahit sua quemque voluptas. On
velle suum, see 1, 9.—nec uno vivitur voto: Comp. 2, 7: aperto vivere voto. The
negative form of a proposition following the positive strengthens it. Nec uno, â——far
different.â—— With the examples that follow, Jahn comp. Hor., Ep., 1, 18, 21 seqq.

54. mercibus mutat piper: On the Abl., see G., 404, R.; A., 54, 8. The normal construction is
merces mutat pipere; the other does not occur in archaic Latin nor in model prose. Horace is
the first to use it, e.g., Od., 3, 1, 47; Epod., 9, 27. Livy introduces it into prose, but employs it
only once (5, 30, 3). So Dräger, Histor. Syntax, § 235.—sub sole recenti: The
Schol. comp. Hor., Sat., 1, 4, 29: hic mutat merces surgente a sole ad eum quo |
vespertina tepet regio.


55. rugosum piper: â——wrinkled pepper,â—— â——shrivelled pepper,â—— the shrivelling

being the effect of the hot Eastern sun. None of your Italian pepper, but the genuine Eastern
article. See note on 3, 75.—pallentis cumini: like pallidam Pirenen, Prol., 4.
attribute for effect, an imitation and, strange to say, without attempt at enhancement, of the
exsangue cuminum of Hor., Ep., 1, 19, 18. Cuminum pallorem bibentibus gignit, Plin.,
H. N., 20, 14, 57. Cumin was considered an indispensable condiment. The large use of it is shown
by the compounds in Greek (κϗμινοδόϗη—θήκη, κϗέ)—see
Seiler ad Alciphron., 3, 58—and it ranks with pepper in Petron., 49; with salt in Alexis, fr.
169 (3. 465 Mein.). Add Plutarch, Quaest. Conv., 5, 10.

56. inriguo somno: Inriguo is active. Sleep waters him, as it were, and increases his fat.
Comp. Verg., Aen., 3, 511: fessos sopor inrigat artus. â——Dewy sleepâ—— is almost too
sweet for the passage. König, a prosaic soul, thinks of the ◗sweaty sleep◗ of a man who
is gorged with meat and drink.

57. campo: The gymnastic exercises of the campus, and especially of the campus Martius in
Rome, are familiar. See Hor., Od., 1, 8, 4; Ep., 1, 7, 59; A. P., 162, referred to by
Jahn.—decoquit = coquendo vires absumit. The word is employed of a man who has


The Satires of Persius

used up, run through, his means. So Cic., Phil., 2, 18, 44: tenesne memoria praetextatum te
decoxisse? Here it is the man who is used up, who is made to go to pot.

58. putris: Gr. ϗακεϗόϗ. ◗In wanton dalliance melts away◗

(Gifford).—lapidosa cheragra: Comp. Hor., Ep., 1, 1, 31: nodosa cheragra. The
chalk-stones of gout are compared with hailstones.

59. fregerit: Perf. Subj. in a generic sense. G., 569, R. 2 (end). Comp. postquam illi iusta
cheragra | contudit articulos, Hor., Sat., 2, 7, 15 seqq.—veteris ramalia fagi: The
comparison is between the fingers and the knotty boughs. Comp. Hesiodâ——s
ϗένϗοζοϗ, O. et D., 744.—fagi: Fagus, ϗηγόϗ, and â——beechâ——
(BHAG) are etymologically, but not botanically, the same. See Curtius, Grundzüge, No. 160.

60. A forcible passage, on which Conington says: â——The conception here is of life passed in a
Boeotian atmosphere of thick fogs and pestilential vapors, which the sun never
penetrates— 165 probably with especial reference to the pleasures of sense, of which
Persius has just been speaking. So the â——vapor, heavy, hueless, formless, cold,â—— in
Tennysonâ——s â——Vision of Sin.â——â———crassos dies: sub crasso aere
(Jahn).—transisse: Heinr. comp. Tib., 1, 4, 33: vidi iam iuvenem, premeret cum
serior aetas, | maerentem stultos praeteriisse dies.—lucem palustrem:
â——boggyâ—— = â——foggy lightâ—— is â——light choked by fog.â—— Crassos dies
lucemque palustrem must be connected closely—â——gross days in foggy
lightâ———so as to get rid of an awkward Zeugma with transisse.

61. sibi: with ingemuere (Conington).—iam seri: â——too, too late.â—— On iam, see
v. 33. On seri, G., 324, R. 6; A., 47, 6.—ingemuere: like the Gr. Aorist. Comp. v. 187
and 3, 101. G., 228, R. 2; A., 58, 5, c. â——Heave a sighâ—— (Conington).—relictam:
anteactam (Casaubon). Iam post terga reliquit | sexaginta annos, Juv., 13, 16.

62-65. Contrast of Cornutusâ——s noble mission. His creed the only creed for life.

62. at: in lively contrast.—nocturnis: Comp. 1, 90.—inpallescere: Comp.

1, 26.

63. purgatas: Purgare is an agricultural term like our â——clean,â—— and the metaphor is
kept up. The field is the ear.—inseris: where we should expect seris.

64. fruge Cleanthea: Cleanthes is selected here on account of his strict life and virtuous
poverty, in opposition to the luxury and wealth of the Romulidae, as Knickenberg remarks, l.c. p.
9.—petite: Mr. Pretor supposes that this is Cornutusâ——s invitation to the world. But if
Cornutus speaks here, where does Persius come in again?—unless he takes up the
cudgels for his master in v. 66.

65. finem = ϗέλοϗ.—miseris: â——wretched else.â———viatica: Jahn

quotes Diog. Laert., 1, 5, 80: ἗ϗόδιον ἗ϗὸ νεόϗηϗοϗ εἰϗ
γῗϗαϗ ἗ναλάμβανε ϗοϗιαν; and 5, 11, 21:
κάλλιϗϗον ἗ϗόδιον ϗῷ γήϗᾳ ἡ
ϗαιδεία.—canis: G., 195, R. 1.

66-72. â——There is time enough for that,â—— says an impersonal sinner. â——To-morrow will
do as well.â—— â——â——To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow.â—— To-morrow never


The Satires of Persius

becomes to-day.â——

66. Cras hoc fiet, etc.: â——I will do this that you ask of me to-morrow.â—— â——You will do
to-morrow just what you are doing to-day.â—— Jahn comp. Ov., R. A., 104: Cras quoque fiet
idem. Hermann arranges: Cras hoc fiet idem. Cras fiet? â——This will, can be 166 done
to-morrow as well as to-day.â—— â——To-morrow, you say?â—— Comp. Petron., 82: quod
hodie non est, cras erit.

67. nempe diem donas: â——Well, what of it? Suppose I go on the same way to-morrow; it
will only be a day—a great present, forsooth, to be haggling about!â—— On nempe, see
G., 500, R. 2.—cum venit—consumpsimus: more lively than cum
venerit—consumpserimus (G., 229). One clause is involved in the other. G., 236, R. 4.
This seems to be better than making venit iterative, and consumpsimus an Aoristic Perf.

69. egerit: â——unloads,â—— â——carts off.â—— Egerere is the opposite of ingerere (v. 6).
Comp. Sen., Ep., 47, 2: venter maiore opera omnia egerit quam ingessit. Jahn makes egerit
= impulerit, in order to save the figure. Compare truditur dies die, Hor., Od., 2, 18, 15, and
Petron., 45: dies diem trudit; and 82: vita truditur. But even this does not save the figure, and
the sudden change of metaphor is in Persiusâ——s vein.—paulum erit ultra:
â——To-morrow will always be a little further on,â—— is the common rendering, the figure
changing at this point.

70. quamvis—vertentem: A later construction. G., 611, R.; M., 443,

Obs.—cantum: â——tire.â——

72. cum curras: â——seeing that you are running.â—— Here cum is nearly equivalent to si,
as it is thrown by sectabere into the future, and is thus made hypothetical. Comp. G., 591, R. 3,
and 584.

73-90. What men need is Liberty—not the freedom of the city, which insures a quota of
damaged corn; not the freedom of the freedman, which gives a slave a name to be free, while he
is yet a slave; but the liberty wherewith Philosophy sets men free. The freedman demurs to this
hard doctrine, but a Stoic adept silences him by his â——Short Method.â——

73. hac, ut, quisque: Hac is the adverb, ut = qua, quisque = quicunque (comp.
quandoque = quandocumque, 4, 28), a sad complex of harshnesses, which may be rendered
thus: â——Liberty is what is wanted; not after the prevalent (G., 290, 7) fashion, by which each
man that has worked his way up to a Publius in the Veline tribe is owner of a ticket for a ration of
musty spelt.â—— Other readings, such as hac quam ut quisque (Passow), hac qua quisque
(Meister), are mere devices to relieve the grammatical situation, which 167 is doubtless
unnatural in the extreme, as hac seems to belong to libertate, and ut quisque is a familiar
combination. Conington makes non hac the beginning of an independent sentence, and
translates: â——It is not by this freedom that every fire-new citizen, who gets his name enrolled
in a tribe, is privileged to get a pauperâ——s allowance for his ticket.â———Velina:
Comp. Hor., Ep., 1, 6, 52: hic multum in Fabia valet, ille Velina. The Veline was one of the last
two tribes instituted (Becker, Rom. Alt., 2, 1, 170), and is supposed by some to be one of the
four city tribes to which the libertini were restricted. The name of the tribe to which a man
belongs is put in the Abl. (as a whence case). So M. Larcius L. f. Pomptina Pudens (Becker, l.c.

74. Publius: Only freemen were entitled to the praenomen. Comp. Hor., Sat., 2, 5, 32:
Quinte, puta, aut Publi (gaudent praenomine molles | auriculae).—emeruit:


The Satires of Persius

literally â——has served his timeâ—— (of a soldier), â——has worked his way up to be a
Publiusâ—— (supplying esse).—tesserula: the well-known tessera frumentaria, Suet.,
Aug., 41.

75. Quiritem: Rare in the Singular (Schol.).

76. vertigo: the â——twirlâ—— of the familiar process of manumissio per vindictam.
â——The lictor touched the slave with the vindicta, the master turning him round and
â——dismissing him from his handâ—— with the words Hunc hominem liberum esse voloâ——
(Conington).—facit: is causal as well as faciat. G., 627, R.; A., 63.—Dama:
Ηημᾶϗ = Ηημήϗϗιοϗ; according to others for Ηημέαϗ (Mehlhorn,
Gr. Gr., 183), a common slaveâ——s name.—non tressis: Jahn comp. non semissis
homo, Vatin. ap. Cic., Fam., 5, 10, 1.

77. vappa: â——dead wine,â—— hence â——mean liquor.â———lippus: the effect of

drinking.—in farragine tenui: â——in the matter of,â—— and hence â——for a poor
feed of corn.â——

78. verterit—exit = si verterit—exit. G., 257; A., 57, 5. Comp. v. 189. The
Perf. is aoristic, â——give him a whirl.â———momento: literally by the
â——motion,â—— â——by virtue,â—— â——by the act of whirling.â—— â——By dintâ—— would
give an ironical turn.

79. Marcus: as Publius, v. 74. Jahn cites an inscription: M · FVFIVS · M · L ·

DAMA.—papae: Ironical admiration. 168 â——Wondrous change! Every body will trust
this thief, this liar now!◗ Papae (Gr. ϗαϗαῗ, βαβαί). ◗Whew!◗
â——Prodigious!â———recusas? Fie on you, if you do! See note on 4, 1.

80. adsigna tabellas: â——your hand and seal to this document,â—— â——witness this

82. mera: â——pure and simpleâ—— (ironical).—pillea: See 3, 106.

83. An quisquam—Bruto: These words are generally assigned to Dama, and it is

certainly more humorous to make the promoted stable-boy argue in mood and figure than to
rake up one of Persius◗s dead-alive spectators, as König does, and after him Pretor.
Quisquam, because of the negative answer expected. See 1, 112, and G., 304; A., 21, 2, h.

84. ut voluit: The Stoic formula did not differ from the popular definition. Certainly it does not
sound recondite to say: libertas est potestas vivendi ut velis, Cic., Parad., 5, 1, 34; or with
Arrian, Diss., 4, 1, 1: ἗λεύθεϗόϗ ἗ϗϗιν ὗ ζῶν ὡϗ
βούλεϗαι, but the words must be understood in their Stoic sense.

85. Mendose colligis: ϗαύλϗϗ ϗϗλλογίζει. ◗Your syllogism is

faulty.â—— â——Marcus, thou reasonest ill.â——

86. stoicus hic: â——our Stoic friendâ—— (Conington). Persius

himself.—aurem—lotus: Comp. v. 63 and 1, 126. Lotus may be reflexive. G.,
332, R. 2; A., 53, 3, c, R.—aceto: Vinegar was used in cases of deafness, Cels., 6, 7, 2, 3


The Satires of Persius

87. accipio—tolle: â——Persius admits the major, but denies the minor; denies both
that the man has a will (volo) and that he is free (licet) to follow itâ—— (Conington). Mr. Pretor
limits the concession to vivere (ϗὸ ζῗν), and explains: ◗The mere fact that you
are a living creature, I admit; the inference contained in licet and ut volo, I altogether
deny.â—— â——This dissection of the argument word by wordâ—— may be â——more in keeping
with the character of the Stoicâ———the Stoics were great choppers of logic—but it
is not in keeping with the style of Persius, who is subtle every where except in his arguments.

88. Vindicta: the festuca, or â——wand,â—— with which the lictor struck the manumittend.
See v. 76.—postquam recessi: with a causal tone. See note on 3, 90.—meus:
â——my own man,â—— hence â——my own masterâ—— (G., 299, R.); mei iuris (Schol.).

90. Masuri rubrica: â——The canon of Masurius.â—— â——Masurius Sabinus, 169 an eminent
lawyer, lived in the reigns of Tiberius and Nero, and wrote a work in three books, entitled Ius
Civile.â—— Rubrica, â——because the titles and first few words of the laws were commonly
picked out with vermilion. Comp. perlege rubras | maiorum leges, Juv., 14, 192â—— (Pretor,
after Jahn). A low creature like Dama has a soul that is not above the statute-book; lofty spirits,
like our Stoic, and believers in the higher law sneer at the canon and its maker. So Marc.
Antonin., ap. Front., Ep., 2, 7 (p. 32 Naber), speaks of deliramenta Masuriana. Comp. Quint.,
12, 3, 11.—vetavit: for vetuit, reminds us of the slip of another youthful genius, Kirke
White, and his â——rudely blowâ——d.â—— There is no sufficient warrant for the form.

91-131. A Stoic sermon. Text: Do nothing that you will spoil in the doing. You know nothing as
you ought to know it, and you can do nothing as you ought to do it. You are ignorant of the first
principles of morals; you have no control over your desires, your appetites. You may call yourself
free, but you are a slave for all that. For one master without, you have a legion of masters within.

91. Disce: Comp. 3, 66.—naso: the simple Abl. as a whence case. Comp. 1, 83. The
nose is the familiar seat of anger. Theocr., 1, 18: καί οἱ ἗εὶ
δϗιμεῗα ϗολὰ ϗοϗὶ ῥινὶ κάθηϗαι. For Biblical parallels,
see Gesenius or Fürst, s.v. חַף . The anger is shown by snorting, or, as here, by
snarling.—rugosa: Comp. corruget nares, Hor., Ep., 1, 5, 23.—sanna: 1, 62.

92. dum revello: â——while I am pluckingâ—— = â——until I have plucked.â—— See note
on v. 10.—veteres avias: â——old grandmothers,â—— for â——inveterate, rooted,
grandmotherish notions.◗ Comp. patruos sapere, 1, 11, and ὗ λεγόμενοϗ
γϗαῶν ὗθλοϗ, Plat., Theaet., 176B.—de pulmone: The lung is the seat of
pride in 3, 27 (comp. suffla, 4, 20). Jahn regards it here as the seat of wrath.

93. erat: â——as you thought.â—— G., 224, R. 3; A., 58, 3, d.—tenuia rerum officia:
â——mastery of the subtle distinctions of duty.â—— Tenuia, a trisyllable, as often. G., 717.
Rerum, parallel with vitae. See 1, 1.

94. usum rapidae vitae: â——the right management of the rapid course of life.â—— The
metaphor is taken either from a river (rapidus amnis, rapidi fluminum lapsus, rapidum
flumen, rapidus 170 Tigris, Hor.), which sweeps away the man who does not understand its
current, or from a race-course in which there is no stopping, as Conington thinks (3, 67). Others
understand rapidae simply as â——fleeting.â——

95. sambucam: The ordinary translation, â——dulcimer,â—— is not strictly correct, though
â——dulcimerâ—— suggests the exotic refinement of the sambuca, a four-stringed instrument
of Eastern origin, synonymous with cultivated luxury.—citius aptaveris:


The Satires of Persius

θᾶϗϗον ἗ν ἗ϗμόϗειαϗ; written out = citius aptaveris quam

praetor det, but it is better not written out. Notice the Perf. Subj. â——You would sooner
succeed in making a dulcimer fit, sooner get a dulcimer to fit [the hand of] a gawky
camp-porter.â———caloni: used in its original sense of a soldierâ——s hewer of wood
and drawer of water. Persius, who has no admiration for soldiers themselves, would naturally
select a soldierâ——s drudge as a type of awkwardness and stupidity. So, in effect,
Conington.—alto: We combine â——tall and gawky;â—— â——hulkingâ—— (Conington).
Comp. the sneer at the ingentis Titos, 1, 20, and Pulfennius ingens, 5, 190, and the
἗νὴϗ ϗϗιϗκαιδεκάϗηϗϗϗ of Theocr., 15, 17.

96. stat contra: â——confronts,â—— â——stops the way.â—— Jahn comp. Mart., 1, 53, 12:
stat contra, dicitque tibi tua pagina: Fur es, a parallel which no conscientious commentator
can quote without qualms. Juv., 3, 290: stat contra starique iubet.—ratio: â——Right
reasonâ—— here is equivalent to natura below, which is itself equivalent to publica lex
hominum. See Knickenberg, l.c. p. 20 seqq.—secretam:
â——private.â———garrit: It is hard choosing between gannit and garrit. Martial has
garrire in aurem, in auriculam, 1, 89, 1; 3, 28, 2, and aurem dum tibi praesto garrienti, 11,
24, 2; Afran., ap. Non., 452, 11 (283 Ribb.): gannire ad aurem numquam didici dominicam.

97. liceat: with reference to v. 84.

98. publica lex hominum naturaque: â——The universal law of human nature.â—— Of
course in the peculiar Stoic sense. See note on 3, 67. â——The doctrine of a supreme law of
Nature, the actual source and ideal standard of all particular laws, was characteristic of the
Stoics, and lay at the bottom of the Roman juristical notion of a ratio naturalis or ius
gentiumâ—— (Conington).

99. teneat actus: As tenere cursum is sometimes used in the 171 sense of â——check a
course,â—— â——refrain from a course,â—— so tenere vetitos actus means to refrain from, or,
as Pretor translates, ◗hold in abeyance forbidden actions.◗ To this effect König. But as
tenere cursum is also used in the sense of â——hold a course, keep on a course,â——
Jahnâ——s version, which makes it a law of nature for weak ignorance to pursue forbidden
actions, is not without justification. In that case fas est = â——it is to be expected,â—— as in
operi longo fas est obrepere somnum. For the thought of the necessity of sin for the ignorant,
see v. 119. But the immediate context favors the former interpretation. Casaubonâ——s tenere
vetitos = habere pro vetitis is without warrant in usage.

100-104. Popular illustrations of the doctrine drawn from medicine and navigation, and from
Hor., Ep., 2, 1, 114: navem agere ignarus navis timet: abrotonum aegro | non audet, nisi
qui didicit dare.

100. certo conpescere puncto, etc.: â——although you do not know how to check [that is,
to bring to the perpendicular and keep there] the tongue or index [of the steelyard by putting the
equipoise or pea] at a certain point.â—— â——Although you do not know how to use the
steelyardâ—— (statera). On the examen, see 1, 6; punctum is one of the points or notches
(notae) on the graduated arm. With nescius conpescere comp. callidus suspendere, 1, 118,
and Prol., 11.—natura = lex, as above.

102. peronatus: The pero was a thick boot of raw-hide, crudus pero, Verg., Aen., 7, 690,
and Juv., 14, 186: quem non pudet alto | per glaciem perone tegi, qui summovet Euros |
pellibus inversis (Jahn). The peronatus arator is a clodhopper, a country bumpkin.


The Satires of Persius

103. luciferi rudis: Not a good stroke. Some knowledge of the stars was necessary for the
ploughman himself, as Casaubon remarks. See Verg., Georg., 1, 204 seqq. So notably of the
Pleiades, Hesiod, O. et D., 383. 615.—Melicerta: Portunus, patron of sailors, Verg.,
Georg., 1, 437.—perisse: Comp. Hor., Ep., 2, 1, 80: clament periisse pudorem |
cuncti paene patres.

104. frontem: the seat of modesty for modesty itself. In English, â——face,â——
â——front,â—— and â——foreheadâ—— are used for the absence of modesty; but
â——frontlessâ—— and â——effronteryâ—— accord with the usage and in Juv., 13, 242: quando
recepit | eiectum simul attrita 172 de fronte pudorem?—de rebus: â——from the
world,â—— or omitted. See 1, 1.—recto talo: Comp. Hor., Ep., 2, 1, 176: cadat an
recto stet fabula talo. Jahn comp. further Pind., Isthm., 6, 12: ὗϗθῷ
἗ϗϗαϗαϗ ἗ϗὶ ϗϗϗϗῷ, and Eur., Hel., 1449: ὗϗθῷ
βῗναι ϗοδί. Transl. ◗uprightly.◗

105. ars: Philosophy. [Philosophus] artem vitae professus, Cic., Tusc. Dis., 2, 4, 12;
sapientia ars est, Sen., Ep., 29, 3.—speciem: Jahn gave up in 1868 the hopeless
specimen of 1843, which left qua in the next line utterly unprovided for. That this aberration of
a distinguished scholar should have been followed at all is a sad instance of
Nachbeterei—a German word, not exclusively a German vice.

106. ne qua: sc. species. Ne because of the general notion of apprehension in the sentence,
as after videre. G., 548, R. 2; A., 70, 3, e.—subaerato auro: Subaeratus is a
translation of ὗϗόϗαλκοϗ. ὗϗόϗαλκον νόμιϗμα is
literally a coin (of gold or silver) with copper underneath. Of course we should say gilt or silvered
copper coin. Subaerato auro, Abl. Abs.—mendosum tinniat: With mendosum comp.
sonat vitium, 3, 21; solidum crepet, v. 25; with tinniat, Quint., 11, 3, 31: sonis homines, ut
aera tinnitu, dinoscimus. Translate the line: â——that no [seeming truth] give a faulty ring, due
to the copper underneath the gold.â——

107. forent: On the sequence, see G., 511, R. 2; A., 58, 10, a.

108. ilia prius creta, etc.: Comp. Hor., Sat., 2, 3, 246: sanin creta an carbone notandi.

109. modicus voti: On the Gen., see G., 374, R. 2; A., 50, 3, c.—presso lare:
â——Your establishment within your means?â—— Pressus opposed to diffusus.—dulcis:
â——indulgent.â—— Observe the â——sweet reasonablenessâ—— of the ancient religionist. He,
too, was an apostle of â——sweetness and light.â——

110. iam nunc—iam nunc: â——At the very moment,â—— â——just at the right
time,â—— hence â——at one instant, at another.â———astringas—laxes:
â——shut tight—open wide.â———granaria: 6, 25, Plural of abundance. Comp.
2, 33.

111. inque luto: It was a favorite trick of the Roman boys to solder a piece of money to a
stone in the pavement, in order to have a laugh at any one who might stoop to pick it up
(Scholiast). Similar pranks are common enough now. Comp. Hor., 173 Ep., 1, 16, 63: qui liberior
sit avarus | in triviis fixum, cum se demittit ob assem | non video.

112. glutto: On the formation, see cachinno, 1, 12. â——Lickerish-mouthed that you areâ——
would give the coarse tone.—salivam: Doth not our mouth


The Satires of Persius

water?—Mercurialem: Excited by gain and not by food. See 2, 12. â——Water of

treasure-troveâ—— (Conington).

113. haec mea sunt, teneo: The commentators notice the legal tone.—cum
dixeris: G., 584.

114. -que ac: a rare combination.—praetoribus ac Iove dextro: a kind of Zeugma

= praetoribus [auctoribus] et Iove dextro, â——by the grace of the praetors and Jove.â——
The Jupiter here meant is the Iuppiter Liberator (Ηεὺϗ ἗λεϗθέϗιοϗ), so
famous in connection with the death of Persiusâ——s friend, Thrasea Paetus, Tac., Ann., 16, 35.
See Introd., xiii.

115. sin: â——(if not) but if,â—— G., 593; A., 59, 1, a; Ribbeck, l.c. 14.—cum:
â——whereas,â—— â——after,â—— adversative.—nostrae farinae: â——one of our
grain, batch, set,â—— â——one of our kidneyâ———doubtless a proverbial expression.
The metaphor is taken from the mill or from the bakery. The batch referred to is the Stoic school.
Of course the statement is ironical. â——Whereas (to judge by your bold pretensions to liberty)
you were a little while ago in our set.â——

116-118. The drift of the passage is plain enough. â——A change of fortune does not bring with
it a change of character. If you possess all that you say you possess, then you are free and wise.
But if you are, after all, the same old man, I take back all that I have granted. You are a fool,
a slave.â—— This familiar Stoic thesis is covered over with a mass of confused metaphors, at
least according to the commentators and translators.—pelliculam veterem retines:
is supposed to be:1. An ass in a lionâ——s skin, after Hor., Sat., 1, 6, 22; or, 2. A snake that has
not cast its slough (Jahn).—astutam servas vulpem: is the fox dressed up like a lion,
Hor., Sat., 2, 3, 186.—vapido pectore: contains an allusion to â——dead wine,â——
vappa, v. 77, and is opposed to incoctum generoso pectus honesto, 2, 74.—funem
reduco: 1. Of a beast that has had rope allowed it and is pulled in; 2. Of a cock-chafer that is
played at the end of a string (Ar., Nub., 763).—fronte 174 politus: words that do not fit
in very satisfactorily with ass, fox, flat wine, restiff beast, or buzzing cock-chafer. My admiration
of Persius is not unqualified, but this medley is almost too wild even for his turbid genius; and
here, as elsewhere, commentators have been misled by looking at mere verbal coincidences with
Horace. There is an Aesopic fable (149 Halm), the moral of which gives the substance of this
passage: ὗ λόγοϗ δηλοῗ ὗϗι οἱ ϗαῦλοι ϗῶν
἗νθϗώϗϗν, κ἗ν ϗὰ ϗϗοϗϗήμαϗα
λαμϗϗόϗεϗα ἗ναλάβϗϗι, ϗὴν γοῦν ϗύϗιν
οὗ μεϗαϗίθενϗαι. In this fable, which bears a family likeness to ϗαλῗ
ϗοϗ᾽ ἗νδϗόϗ (Babr. 32), La Chatte Metamorphosée en Femme (La
Fontaine, 2, 18), Zeus, charmed with the cleverness of Reynard, had made him king of the
beasts; but wishing to try whether fortune had changed his character, he caused a beetle to fly
before His Majestyâ——s eyes as he was borne by in state. The fox could not withstand the
temptation, leaped from the litter, and tried to catch the game in such unseemly guise that Zeus
deposed him. The fox is Dama, made Marcus; nay, become a philosopher (nostrae farinae), and
the philosopher is king: sapiens—dives | liber, honoratus, pulcher, rex denique
regum, as Horace puts the Stoic doctrine (Ep., 1, 1, 107). But if despite his fair seeming, his
smooth regal brow (fronte politus), he retains his old nature (pelliculam veterem), and the old
Reynard—the old rascal that swindled his master for a feed of corn—is still in his
heart (astutam servas sub pectore vulpem), our deus ex machina takes back all that he has
granted; he is a slave still.


The Satires of Persius

117. relego: So Jahn. Inferior MSS. have repeto. Relego evidently suggested the new figure,
funem reduco.

119. digitum exsere, peccas: a favorite expression with the Stoics to show that the wise
man alone understands the conduct of life. Epictet., fr. 53: ἡ ϗιλοϗοϗία
ϗηϗὶν ὗϗι οὗδὲ ϗὸν δάκϗϗλον
἗κϗείνειν εἰκῗ ϗϗοϗήκει (Casaubon).

120. nullo ture litabis: Comp. 2, 75. Here litabis = litando impetrabis.

122. fossor: â——a ditcher, a clown, a clodhopper.â—— Fossor = in cultus. Comp.

â——navvy.â—— Juvenal (11, 80) speaks of the squalidus fossor; Catullus (22, 10) combines
fossor and caprimulgus, Eur. (El., 252), ϗκαϗεύϗ and βοϗϗοϗβόϗ.

123. tris tantum ad numeros moveare: â——dance three steps in 175 time.â—— Ad, as
often, of the standard; numerus = ῥϗθμόϗ; moveri of the dance, as in Hor., Ep., 2,
2, 125, and as motus in Od., 3, 6, 21: motus doceri gaudet Ionicos | matura
virgo.—satyrum: a kind of Cognate Accusative, as in Hor., l.c.: qui | nunc satyrum,
nunc agrestem Cyclopa movetur. Persius selects the satyrus in distinct opposition to the
agrestis Cyclops, a more congenial dance for the agrestis fossor. See the commentators on
Horace.—Bathylli: Bathyllus was a famous dancer in the time of Augustus. More
bookishness. See Phaedr., 5, 7, 5; Juv., 6, 63.

124. Liber ego: The language of Dama. Only Dama is fading out. â——Persius meets this
reassertion of freedom with a new answer. Before he had contended that fools had no rights;
now he shows that they have no independent powerâ—— (Conington).—Unde datum
hoc sentis: So Hor., Sat., 2, 2, 31: Unde datum hoc sentis, only sentis here is equivalent to
censes (Jahn). On the interrogative with the Participle, see 3, 67. Unde datum, â——Who
allowed you?â—— unde being = a quo. Comp. inde, 1, 126, and G., 613, R. 1; A., 48,
5.—tot subdite rebus: Comp. Hor., Sat., 2, 7, 75: tune mihi dominus rerum
imperiis hominumque | tot tantisque minor = ἥϗϗϗν = subditus.

125. an: â——orâ—— (do you mean to say?) â——what?â—— See 1, 41.—relaxat: in a
general sense. Exit Dama. Enter Impersonal Tu.

126. I puer: sample order of a sample master.—strigiles: A man might go to a

common bath, but he would not like to use a common scraper (strigilis, ξύϗϗϗα). On
the strigilis, see, if needful, the commentators on Juv., 3, 263.—Crispini: Perhaps the
bath-keeper. The name is Horatian, Sat., 1, 2, 120, and elsewhere.

127. si increpuit: The slave loiters, the master scolds.—â——cessas nugator:â——

Much more effective in the mouth of the master than as an apodosis to si increpuit, as Hermann
has it, and Jahn (1868); though Schlüter◗s remark, verba ◗cessas nugator?◗
dominum, non philosophum decent, does not amount to much, when we consider that the
philosopher is Persius himself. Nugator is used here of wasting time; but the use of nugari and
its forms, which were often addressed to slaves, is wider, like the English â——fool.â—— So in
Petron., 52, a boy lets a cup fall, and Trimalchio cries, ne sis nugax. With cessas comp. Hor.,
Ep., 2, 2, 14: semel 176 hic cessavit. â——What do you mean by this loitering, you dawdler,
you?â———servitium acre: â——the goad of bondage,â—— as Conington suggests.
Acre, from the same radical as aculeus.


The Satires of Persius

128. nihil nec quicquam: G., 482, R. 3.

129. nervos: ◗wires.◗ The figure of the puppet (sigillarium, ἗γαλμα

νεϗϗόϗϗαϗϗον) as a favorite one with the Stoics, to judge by M. Antoninus,
who uses it very often, e.g., ϗιγιλλάϗια νεϗϗοϗϗαϗϗούμενα,
7, 3; νεϗϗοϗϗαϗϗια, 6, 28. Comp. Hor., Sat., 2, 7, 80: tu mihi qui imperitas alii
servis miser atque | duceris ut nervis alienis mobile lignum.—agitet: â——There is
nothing from without to set your wires going.â—— Your masters are within.—iecore: See
1, 25.

130. domini: An immemorial figure. So Sophocles of Love. Di meliora, inquit, libenter vero
istinc sicut a domino agresti ac furioso profugi, Cic., Cat. Mai., 14, 47.—qui:
â——how?â———exis = evadis. See 1, 46; 6, 60.

131. atque = quam. G., 311, R. 6.—hic = de quo loquimur. G., 290,
3.—metus erilis = metus eri. G., 360, R. 1; 363, R.; A., 50, 1, a. â——If I be a master,
where is my fear?â—— Mal., 1, 6. The assumption of Hendiadys, â——fear of the masterâ——s
whip,â—— is unnecessary, and makes the passage less forcible.

132-191. The remainder of the Satire is taken up with descriptions of the ruling passions:
Avarice (132-142), Luxury (143-160), Love (161-175), Ambition (176-179), Superstition
(180-189). The language is lively and mimetic, and forcibly recalls the connection between
comedy and satire.

132-160. Avarice finds you snoring, makes you get up, thrusts a bill of lading in your hand, cuts
out work for you—not very honest work either—and chides you till she gets you to
the ship. As you are about to embark, Luxury takes you aside, remonstrates with you, reminds
you of the annoyances of a sea voyage. And all for what? The difference between five and eleven
per cent. Why so greedy? â——Life let us cherish.â—— Enjoy it while you may. And so you are in
a strait betwixt two. First you submit to one, then to the other master; and when you have once
rebelled, you must not say, â——I have broken my bonds.â—— So a struggling hound may
wrench away the staple, but drags the chain after it.

132. Mane stertis: a reminiscence of himself, 3, 3.


134. saperdam: Sing. for the Plur. Comp. mena, 3, 76. The saperda (ϗαϗέϗδηϗ,
κοϗακῗνοϗ) was a cheap fish for salting. The best came from the Palus Maeotis (Sea
of Azow, Balik-Denghis, or Fish-sea), where they were caught in vast quantities. â——Salt
herring.â———Ponto: a whence case.

135. castoreum, stuppas, hebenum, tus: A mere hodge-podge. Comp. Menand., fr. 720
(4, 279 Mein.): ϗϗϗϗϗεῗον, ἗λέϗανϗ᾽, οἶνον,
αὗλαίαν, μύϗον. The wares are mainly Eastern. Musk came from Pontus,
ebony and frankincense from the Far East.—lubrica Coa: â——slippery Coans,â—— may
be understood of â——oily (or laxative) Coan wines,â—— Hor., Sat., 2, 4, 29, or of â——soft Coan
vestments,â—— which were little more than woven air, Hor., Od., 4, 13, 13. The use of Coa for
â——Coan robesâ—— is sustained by Ov., A. A., 2, 298: Coa decere puta, even if Hor., Sat., 1,
2, 101, be cavilled at, and the effect is droller.


The Satires of Persius

136. recens primus piper: Recens, â——fresh,â—— â——just in;â—— primus,

â——forestall the market.â———ex sitiente camelo: The thirsty camel brings the
scene before our eyes—comp. ante boves, 1, 74—and shows that the genuine
Indian pepper is meant, the rugosum piper of v. 55. The camel must have come a long way to
be thirsty (sitim quadriduo tolerat, Plin., H. N., 8, 18), but Madam Avarice will not let her slave
wait until the camel has been unloaded and has had its drink.

137. verte aliquid; iura: Verte aliquid is said with impatience, and aliquid is to be urged.
Comp. frange aliquid, 6, 32; dest aliquid, 6, 64; fodere aut arare aut aliquid ferre, Ter.,
Heaut., 1, 1, 17. â——Do something or other in the way of trade.â—— This obviates Jahnâ——s
objection, who finds the expression tame after the preceding list, and prefers to make vertere =
versuram facere, â——borrow moneyâ—— (to pay debts), and to interpret iura of swearing out
of the obligation. But the connection in which iura stands shows that it is professional, and hence
dishonorable; and though verte aliquid is not necessarily immoral, observe that in English we
add â——honestâ—— to the phrase â——turn a penny,â—— if we wish to prevent a sinister
interpretation, which is the interpretation here, as König remarks. As for the
â——tameness,â—— mercare is â——tameâ—— after vende animam lucro, 6, 75.

138. varo: or baro, â——lout.â—— This obscure word is entered by 178 VaniÄ—ek (Etym.
Wörterb., S. 36) under KAR (KVAR)—comp. varus, â——crookedâ———so that
varo would be â——a wrong-headed creature,â—— â——a perverse blockhead.â—— The verb
obvaro occurs in Ennius (Trag., 2 Vahl.), and varo (Subst.) would be a formation like cachinno
(1, 12) and palpo (5, 176).—regustatum digito terebrare salinum: After the
Greek proverb: ἗λίαν ϗϗϗϗᾶν (of extreme poverty). Casaubon quotes, and
every body after him, Apoll. Tyan., Ep., 7: ἗μοὶ δ᾽ εἴη ϗὴν
἗λιαν ϗϗϗϗᾶν ἗ν Ηέμιδοϗ οἴκῳ. ◗To taste and
taste until you bore a hole with your finger in the salt-cellar.â—— â——To lick the platter
clean.â———salinum: Only the most advanced philosophers professed to consider salt,
which even the miser could not well dispense with (4, 30), as a luxury. So Thrasycles, in Luc.,
Tim., 56: ὗϗον δὲ ἥδιϗϗον θύμον ἢ κάϗδαμον ἢ
εἴ ϗοϗε ϗϗϗϗῴην ὗλίγον ϗῶν ἗λῶν.

139. perages: according to Casaubon, an imitation of the Gr. διάγειν. Warrant for the
ellipsis of vitam or aetatem seems to be lacking. Some wish to read perges here, and combine
it with terebrare. If so, the word perges must not be translated â——continueâ——
ϗϗϗϗῶν διαϗελεῗϗ, but ◗proceed.◗ See the Dictionaries. There is
no authority for making perages = perges.—vivere cum Iove: Madam Avarice is
blasphemously familiar in her expressions. â——To live on good terms with Jupiter.â——

140. pellem: simply â——a skin,â—— which might serve as many purposes as a modern
travellerâ——s shawl. Jahn interprets it as meaning a sort of packing cloth (segestre), and
compares Petron., 102. This is much more likely than the pastoria pellis of Ov., Met., 2, 680,
the βαίϗη of Theocr., 3, 25, elsewhere called νάκοϗ, 5, 2, ◗a peasant◗s
coat of raw hide.â———succinctus: â——high girt,â—— hence
â——equipped.â———oenophorum: â——a wine case.â—— Comp. Hor., Sat., 1, 6, 109:
pueri lasanum portantes oenophorumque.

141. Ocius ad navem: It matters not who says this: â——Off to the ship this instant.â—— We
are on the wharf, where such cries are in the air; but if we must assign them to somebody, they
are best assigned to the master, who hurries the slaves on board.—quin: G., 551,1; A.,
70, 4, g.—trabe vasta: â——mammoth ship.â—— The manâ——s greed is indicated by


The Satires of Persius

the size of the ship, as contrasted with the slenderness of his personal equipment. Vastum
Aegaeum, 179 another reading, would be an epithet wasted, a rare extravagance in Persius.

142. rapias: â——scour.â—— Casaubon comp. Stat., Theb., 5, 3: rapere campum. So Verg.,
Georg., 3, 103: campum | corripuere. The notion is that of devouring.—sollers:
â——artfulâ—— (literally, all-art).

143. seductum: Comp. 2, 4; 6, 42.—quo deinde ruis? So Verg., Aen., 5, 741.

Deinde, â——next.â——

144. quid tibi vis? Comp. Hor., Sat., 1, 2, 69. G., 351, R.; A., 51, 7, d.—calido: is
proleptic. â——Your breast is heated by a rising of potent bile.â———mascula = robusta
(Jahn). Mascula bilis means bilis nigra, μελαγϗολία. Conington compares the
Greek use of ἗ϗϗην as κϗύϗοϗ ἗ϗϗην, Soph., Phil., 1455. See 6, 4.

145. intumuit: Comp. 2, 14; 3, 8.—non exstinxerit: οὗκ ἗ν

ϗβέϗειε. G., 629 (250); A., 60, 2, b.—urna: nearly three gallons, half an
amphora.—cicutae: the remedy for madness from this cause, Hor., Ep., 2, 2, 53.

146. mare transilias: G., 251; A., 57, 6. Coningtonâ——s â——skip acrossâ—— would hardly
answer for Horaceâ——s non tangenda rates | transiliunt vada, Od., 1, 3, 24. Tr. â——vault
over.â———torta cannabe: â——Twisted hempâ—— is â——rope,â—— but Persius
probably means a â——coil of rope.â———fulto: with tibi. Jahn quotes Juv., 3, 82:
fultusque toro meliore recumbet. A coil of rope will be your cushion and a bench your table.

147. Veientanumque rubellum: The Veientana uva (Mart., 2, 53, 4) yielded a coarse red
wine. Et Veientani bibitur faex crassa rubelli, Mart., 1, 103, 9. Not a happy stroke, as Teuffel
has observed. A sea voyage does not involve bad wine.

148. vapida pice: â——fusty pitch.â—— Jars were pitched to preserve the
wine.—laesum: â——damaged.â———sessilis obba: â——broad-bottomed
jorum,â—— â——squab jugâ—— (Gifford). Obba is an obsolete word for a large drinking-cup.
Coningtonâ——s â——nogginâ—— does not hold enough.

149. quincunce: As an as a month is twelve per cent. per annum, so 5/12 as (quincunx) is
five per cent., and deunx eleven.

150. nutrieras: We use â——nursingâ—— in similar connections, but rather in the sense of
◗husbanding.◗ The figure is an extension of the Greek ϗόκοϗ. See Shaksp., M. of
V., 1, 3, where the â——breed 180 for barren metalâ—— embodies an ancient prejudice. Comp.
further Hor., Ep., 1, 18, 35: nummos alienos pascet.—nummi—pergant
avidos sudare deunces: So Jahn (1843). â——May go on to sweat out a greedy eleven per
cent.â—— Hermann edits: nummos—peragant avido sudore deunces, and so Jahn
(1868). H. (L. P., II., 57) refers to bona peragere (6, 22), and says that the merchant,
dissatisfied with his modest five per cent. which had increased his capital, goes in for eleven per
cent., which gobbles it up, and has his sweat for his pains. On pergant, see note on v. 139; with
sudare deunces comp. Verg., Ecl., 4, 30: sudabunt roscida mella.

151. indulge genio: See note on 2, 3.—nostrum est quod vivis: Variously
interpreted. â——Your real life is mine,â—— i.e., â——only that part of life which you bestow on
me is lifeâ—— (Casaubon, and so, in effect, Jahn). â——Your life belongs to me and you


The Satires of Persius

(nostrum answering to carpamus dulcia), not to any one else, such as Avarice, and it is all that
we haveâ—— (Conington). â——It is all in our favor that you are aliveâ——
(Pretor)—clearly wrong. There is an evident reminiscence of the Horatian quod spiro et
placeo, si placeo, tuum est (Od., 4, 3, 24), which sustains Casaubonâ——s view.

152. cinis et manes et fabula fies: See note on 1, 36. There are clearly three stages, as
Conington suggests: â——first ashes, then a shade, then a name.â—— With fabula fies comp.
Hor., Ep., 1, 13, 9: fabula fias, and Od., 1, 4, 16: iam te premet nox fabulaeque manes.

153. vive memor leti: So Hor., Sat., 2, 6, 97.—hoc quod loquor inde est:
â——What I am saying—this speech of mine—is so much off, so much time
lost.â—— Comp. dum loquimur fugerit invida | aetas, Hor., Od., 1, 11, 7.

154. en quid agis? See 3, 5.—duplici hamo: â——a couple of hooks.â—— If hamo
is a fish-hook, scinderis is a metaphor within a metaphor. â——You are like a fish distracted by
two hooks,â—— not knowing which to bite at. Comp. Hor., Ep., 1, 7, 74: occultum visus
decurrere piscis ad hamum, and for scinderis, Verg., Aen., 2, 39: scinditur incertum studia
in contraria vulgus. The executionerâ——s hook, which others understand, is generally uncus;
Juv., 10, 66: Seianus ducitur unco.

155. sequeris: See note on 3, 5.—subeas oportet: G., 535, R. 1; A., 70, 3, f, R.


156. oberres: Gr. δϗαϗεϗεύειν, ◗go at large◗ (Pretor).

157-158. nec—dicas = neu dicas. See note on 1, 5.

159. nam et: (Donâ——t say so) â——for.â—— â——Why, thereâ——s the dog that, like you
(et), breaks its fastening.â———luctata: â——by a wrench.â———nodum:
â——is the knot by which the chain is fastened to the bar of the door, (sera). Comp. Prop., 4, 11,
25-6: Cerberus et nullas hodie petat improbus umbras, | sed iaceat tacita lapsa catena
seraâ—— (Pretor).—et tamen: So Jahn (1868). At tamen, the reading of most MSS.,
can not stand, if Madvig is right in maintaining that at tamen always means â——at least.â——
Hermannâ——s ast tamen is well supported by MSS., and is more vigorous than et.

160. a collo: G., 388, R. 2; A., 42, 2.—pars longa catenae: The long chain hampers
its flight, and makes it easier to catch. The comparison clearly suggests the next picture.

161-175. Persius, knowing little of love or liaison, goes to his Greek books for an example, and
finds it, where it was not far to seek, in Menanderâ——s Eunuch. Horace (Sat., 2, 3, 259 seqq.)
follows Terenceâ——s adaptation, Persius seems to have stuck to the original. Hence the
dialogue is between Chaerestratus (Χαιϗέϗϗϗαϗοϗ), the young master, and
Davus (Ηᾶοϗ), the confidential servant, and not between Phaedria and Parmeno, as in the
Latin dramatist.

Ch. Davus, Iâ——m going to put a stop to this sort of thing.—D. Thank Heaven for
that!—Ch. But—I should not like to hurt her feelings. Do you think sheâ——ll
cry?—D. Well, if you talk that way, you had better not kick over the traces at all. She will
give it to you soundly when she gets hold of you again, and she will get hold of you again as soon
as she calls you. Donâ——t be making suppositions. Go back to her in no case.


The Satires of Persius

A man who can make such a resolution and keep it—here is your free man, not the
lictorâ——s whirligig.

161. Dave, cito: Observe how he jerks out the words between the gnawings.—credas
iubeo: G., 546, R. 3.—finire dolores, etc.: From Hor., l.c. 263: an potius mediter
finire dolores.

162. praeteritos: logically superfluous with finire, and yet not bad dramatically; â——that I
have been having, undergoing.â———crudum: predicative, â——to the raw,â——
â——to the quick.â—— Comp. 1, 106: demorsos unguis.


163. adrodens: more natural than abrodens. â——He is in meditation, not in despairâ——
(Hermann).—siccis: opp. to madidis, ebriis. â——What! shall I be a standing disgrace in
the way of my sober relations?â——

164. rumore sinistro: â——What? make myself the talk of all the scandal-mongers by
squandering my estate?â——

165. limen ad obscenum: â——at a bawdy-house.â—— See note on 1, 109. He puts the
case strongly. Remember that he is shut out.—frangam: colloquial, â——smash up,â——
â——make flinders of.â———Chrysidis: In Terence the ladyâ——s name is Thais, not
Chrysis.—udas: â——dripping.â—— With what? With perfumes (Lucr., 4, 1179), with wine
(Hor., Od., 1, 7, 22), with tears (Ov., Am., 1, 6, 18), with rain (Hor., Od., 3, 10, 19), with the
sweat of the commentators of Persius.

166. Comp. Hor., Sat., 1, 4, 51: ebrius et, magnum quod dedecus, ambulet ante | noctem
cum facibus.—ante fores canto: Antique erotic literature is full of the caterwaulings
of excluded lovers (ϗαϗακλαϗϗίθϗϗα).

167. puer: â——Davus encourages his master, hence puer instead of Terence and
Horaceâ——s ereâ—— (Conington). â——My young masterâ—— gives the tone here, â——my
boyâ—— below.—sapias: â——I do hope you are going to show your sense.â—— Rather
optative than imperative.—dis depellentibus: depulsoribus = dis averruncis. The
Gr. is ἗ϗοϗϗόϗαιοϗ, ἗ϗϗϗίκακοϗ, ἗λεξίκακοϗ.
Comp. ἗ϗοϗϗόϗοιϗι δαίμοϗι, Aesch., Pers., 203 (quoted by Pretor).

169. Nugaris: â——at your old nonsense, I see.â—— See v. 127.—solea: The slipper
was and is a matronly instrument of torture (Luc., D. D., 11, 1), and hence the fun of its
application to grown-up men, as in the familiar story of Hercules and Omphalé, Luc., D. D.,
13, 2. â——To slipperâ—— would be understood as well in a modern nursery as
βλαϗϗοῦν was in a Greek gynaikonitis. Philtra quibus valeat mentem vexare mariti
| et solea pulsare natis, Juv., 6, 611-12.—obiurgabere: a terminus technicus.
Petron., 34: colaphis objurgare puerum iussit.—rubra: A dramatic touch. This
â——No Goody Two Shoesâ—— wore the fashionable red slippers. Comp. the talon rouge of the
last century.

170. ne trepidare velis = noli trepidare. â——Pray donâ——t undertake to be restiff, to be

plunging about.â—— Chaerestratus is a wild 183 beast in the toils. This suggests ferus, and then
the metaphor is dropped, unless exieras, v. 174, be a remnant of it.


The Satires of Persius

171. The distribution of what follows is not clear. Jahn and Hermann make Davusâ——s speech
end with dicas, so that haud mora is the reply which the slave puts into the mouth of his
master. â——If she should call you, you would say: â——Anon, anon, mistress.â——â——
Chaerestratus speaks the words from Quidnam to accedam, and Davus concludes with si
totus—nec nunc. If Jahnâ——s view be adopted, I do not see how we are to reject the
old conjecture ne tunc or nec tunc for the reading ne nunc, nec nunc, v. 174. According to
Heinrich, followed by Macleane and Conington, haud mora is adverbial, and the words
quidnam—accedam are attributed by Davus to Chaerestratus. â——In Terence,â——
says Conington, â——the lover has received a summons before the scene begins, and he
deliberates whether to obey it. In Persius he is trying to resolve under the pressure of
disappointment, and even then can not make up his mind; so that his servant tells him that if he
should be summoned back, he is pretty sure to entertain the question.â—— I have followed
Heinrichâ——s arrangement. Speech within speech is as characteristic of Persius as metaphor
within metaphor.

172. nec nunc: So Jahn in his ed. of 1868. Ne nunc, his former reading, for ne nunc quidem,
condemned by Madvig, has a doubtful support in Hor., Sat., 2, 3, 262, a clear support in Petron.,
9, 47.—arcessat: So Jahn for arcessor, which is excessively harsh, by reason of the
double change, person and mood, in supplicet.

174. si exieras: εἴ γ᾽ ἗ξέβηϗ. ◗If (as you pretend you did) you got
away heart-whole and fancy-free, donâ——t go to her even now.â—— Si with Pluperf. Ind. (not
iterative) is not common, Cic., N. D., 2, 35, 90. Others read exieris.—nec nunc: sc.
accedas.—hic, hic: The Adverb, as appears from in festuca. Comp. Hor., Ep., 1, 17, 39:
hic est aut nusquam quod quaerimus.

175. festuca: is generally explained as a synonyme for vindicta. Others refer it to the practice
of throwing stubble on the manumitted slave, Plut., De Sera Num. Vind., p. 550
(Conington).—ineptus: â——as if a lictor could make a man truly free!â—— (Jahn).

176-179. Ambitionâ——s Slave.

176. palpo: literally â——patter, stroker,â—— â——softsawder-man,â—— i.e., electioneerer.

Another of the verba togae. See note on 1, 12. 184 Palpo is explained by Io. Sarisberiensis (ap.
Jahn) as â——one who feels his way with the people;â—— but this is not so simple nor so much in
accordance with the use of palpare.—ducit hiantem: Comp. Hor., Sat., 1, 2, 88:
emptorem inducat hiantem, where Bentley reads ducat on account of this passage. Also
Verg., Georg., 2, 508: hunc plausus hiantem— | corripuit, and Solon, 13, 36 (Bergk),
ϗάϗκονϗεϗ κούϗαιϗ ἗λϗίϗι ϗεϗϗόμεθα.

177. cretata = candidata. Togas were chalked then, as belts are pipe-clayed now. The
candidate naturally put on his best. â——My Lady Canvass in holiday attire, in spotless
white.â———vigila: â——Be up early,â—— in the same sense as our phrase, â——You
must get up early to do this or that.â—— There is no special reference to the morning
salutatio.—cicer: Comp. Hor., Sat., 2, 3, 182: in cicere atque faba bona tu
perdasque lupinis, | latus ut in circo spatiere et aeneus ut stes. The vetch was a vulgar

178. nostra: nobis aedilibus celebrata (Jahn). On the ironical First Person, see 3,
3.—Floralia: See the Dictionaries.


The Satires of Persius

179. aprici = apricantes. See 4, 18. 19. To â——love to live iâ—— thâ—— sunâ—— (Shaksp.)
is common to the feebleness of age and the luxury of youth, 4, 33.—quid pulchrius:
Snatch of the old menâ——s chat (Hermann). Ironical comment of Persius (Jahn). The former is
more in Persiusâ——s manner.

at: An abrupt transition to the Thraldom of Superstition (180-188). Whether the slave of
superstition is identical with the slave of ambition or not is not certain—probably not.

180. Herodis—dies: Probably Herodâ——s birthday, celebrated by the sect of the

Herodians. Persius takes Herod as the most familiar Jewish personage to indicate Jewish
superstition. On the spread of Judaism in the Roman Empire, see Friedländer, Sittengesch., 3,
489.—uncta fenestra: The â——windowâ—— is â——greasyâ—— from the oil-lamps.

181. lucernae: Those who wish illustrations for what they can see with their own eyes, may
consult Friedländer, l.c. 1, 292. The lights remind one of the Feast of Tabernacles.

182. violas: Comp. Juv., 12, 90: omnis violae iactabo colores. The violet may be our violet
or the pansy (viola bicolor).—rubrumque amplexa catinum: The tunny is so large
that it embraces the dish, and is not embraced by it. Comp. Hor., Sat., 2, 185 4, 77: angustoque
vagos piscis urgere catino. Rubrum, the common color of pottery.

183. cauda thynni: The tunny has a large tail, hence some such adjective as â——tailyâ—— is
desiderated. Comp. note on 6, 10.—natat: Makes fun of the fishâ——s swimming in the
circumstances.—tumet: â——bulges.â—— The big belly of the jar looks as if it were
â——swollenâ—— with wine.

184. labra movet tacitus: Comp. Hor., Ep., 1, 16, 60: labra movet, metuens audiri (of a
prayer to Laverna). A recondite allusion to the secret prayer of the Jews is
unlikely.—recutita sabbata = recutitorum sabbata. Comp. Ov., Rem. Am., 219, 220:
nec te peregrina morentur | sabbata.—palles = pallidus times. G., 329, R. 1; A., 52,
1, a. Comp. our English â——blanchâ—— or â——blench.â——

185. tum: As soon as the man has got over his Jewish fright he is assailed by other
superstitions.—lemures: â——hobgoblins.â—— See note on 2, 3. Comp. Hor., Ep., 2, 2,
208: somnia, terrores magicos, miracula, sagas, | nocturnos lemures, portentaque
Thessala rides?—ovoque pericula rupto: The Schol. refers these words to the Gr.
ᾠοϗκοϗική (Jahn). ◗The priests used to put eggs on the fire, and observe
whether the moisture came out from the side or the top, the bursting of the egg being considered
a very dangerous sign.â—— So Conington, after the Scholiast. Lemures and pericula have no
strict grammatical connection. Some supply timentur out of palles, others connect with
incussere by Zeugma.

186. grandes galli: Juvenalâ——s ingens | semivir (6, 512). The peculiar worship of
Cybelé had long been familiar to the Romans.—sistro: The ϗεῗϗϗϗον, or
â——timbrel,â—— was peculiar to the service of Isis, which had been imported more recently. On
its significance, see Plut., De Isid. et Osir., p. 376. The vibratory theory of life, with its perpetual
sensuous unrest, is no novelty, as some of its eloquent advocates seem to think.—lusca:
Why lusca? The priestess is supposed to have been struck blind by Isis, who visited offenders in
that way. Comp. Ov., Ep. ex P., 1, 1, 53, and Juv., 13, 93: Isis et irato feriat mea lumina
sistro. One homely explanation is that the priestess, being one-eyed, had betaken herself to
religion in despair of a husband! (Schol.)


The Satires of Persius

187. incussere: Gr. Aorist. Comp. 3, 101. The expression, 186 â——strike the gods into
you,â—— after the analogy of incutere metum, terrorem, is the other side of Vergilâ——s
famous magnum si pectore postit | excussisse deum (Aen., 6, 78).—inflantis:
â——who have a way of swelling.â—— Compare the use of depellentibus for depulsoribus, v.
167. See G., 439.

188. praedictum: â——prescribed.â———alli: The superstitious usage here referred to

has not yet been paralleled.

189-91. Last scene of all. Horse-laughter of the muscular military.

189. Dixeris—ridet = si dixeris—ridet. Comp. v. 78.—varicosos:

Comp. Juv., 6, 397: varicosus fiet haruspex (from long-standing). Varicose veins would
naturally be common with men who were as much on their legs as the soldiers of that day. But as
varicare means to stand or walk, as if one had varices, â——to straddleâ—— (Quint., 11, 3,
125), and as vÄ—ricus means â——straddlingâ—— (Ov., A. A., 3, 304), it seems better to
translate varicosos â——straddlingâ—— here, always remembering the origin. With the change
of quantity, comp. vÄ—cillo and vÄ—cillo (vaccillo), Lachm., Lucret., p.
37.—centurionum: See note on 3, 77.

190. crassum ridet: Comp. subrisit molle, 3, 110.—Pulfennius: Jahnâ——s last.

The name is variously written. Notice a similar trouble about a hircosus centurio in Caes., B. G.,
5. 44, once Pulfio, now Pulio. Heinrich recognizes a fellow-countryman in Vulfennius
(Wulfen).—ingens: Comp. torosa inventus, 3, 86; caloni alto, 5, 95.

191. Graecos: Comp. doctores Graios, 6, 38.—curto:

â——clipped.â———licetur: A similar notion is worked out with admirable humor in
Lucianâ——s Vitarum Auctio.


The Sixth Satire is addressed to Caesius Bassus, a friend of Persius. The theme of it is the Proper Use of the Goods
of this Life, which takes the personal form of a vindication of the poetâ——s course in preferring moderate
enjoyment to mean parsimony or grasping avarice.

Argument.—Are you by this time snugly ensconced by your Sabine fire? And do the chords of your lyre
wake to life at your vigorous touch? O cunning craftsman! in whose song the noble tongue of our 187 sires is set to
manly music, while young and old alike feel the play of your sportive wit, which in all its sport never forgets the
gentleman (1-6).

While you are yonder, I am in my dear Liguria, where the coast is warm, the sea is wintry but kindly, the rocks bar
out the storm, and the shore retreats far inland.

â——Lunaâ——s port—â——tis well worth while, good people, to know it.â——

This was a saying of Ennius, as he woke up in his senses from his Pythagorean dreams and became plain Quintus,
instead of the â——blind old man of Scioâ——s rocky isle,â—— and a wise saying of that hearty old cock it was

Well, here I am, caring nothing for the rabble rout, caring nothing what an ill wind may be getting up for my flock.
My neighbor may have a better patch of ground, men of lower birth may be growing rich over me. I will not fret
myself into a crooked old man for that, nor dine without a bit of something nice, nor nose out a swindle in the


The Satires of Persius

imperfect seal of a flagon of flat wine (12-17).

How men differ in such matters! The very same horoscope may bring forth rights and lefts. Here is one that even on
his birthday allows himself only the scantiest and meanest fare. Here is another that eats up, like a spirited lad as he
is, a vast estate. For my part, â——Enjoyment, enjoyment,â—— is my motto, although I do not intend to treat my
freedmen to turbots, and do not understand the difference between cock-ortolan and hen-ortolan after they are
cooked (18-24).

Now this is the way to live, I take it. Up to your harvest, up to the last grain of your garners. What are you afraid of?
It is a mere matter of harrowing, and lo! another crop is there (25, 26).

But you say, Mr. Critic, â——There are claims on one. A friend is shipwrecked, the poor fellow is utterly ruined.
One must do something for him.â——

Well and good! Sell a piece of land, give the proceeds to the needy friend, and keep him from begging up and down
with a pictorial appeal to the benevolent (27-33).

Ay, but what of the heir? He will dock the funeral meats, if you dock the estate. One, sure, would not be stenchful
when oneâ——s dead, and your bones will not be perfumed, or the perfumes will be stale or adulterated. One can
not expect to diminish oneâ——s property without paying for it. Why, I heard Bestius say of your Greek teachers,
from whom you learned this precious wisdom of yours, that ever since this new doctrine came to town the very
haymakers have been spoiling their good, wholesome fare by rancid grease.

Well, what of all this—the heirâ——s neglect and Bestiusâ——s fault-finding—would you fear them
beyond the grave? (34-41).

But come, my heir, let us dismiss the critic, and have a quiet chat together. 188 Consider the claims on me. Here
comes a glorious piece of news from the Emperor. The Germans have been defeated with great slaughter. A grand
triumph is preparing. This is no time to hold back. I am going to bring out a hundred pairs of gladiators in honor of
the occasion. Forbid it, if you dare. If you donâ——t like that, I am going to give largess to the people—none
of your vile vetches, but oil and pasties. Do you object? Out with it (42-51).

What do you say? â——My farm is hardly worth having after that.â—— Well, if you donâ——t want it, I can get
some of the women to take it; and if there is none of them left, I can go to the next village, and Hodge will accept.
â——A son of earth?â—— you say; â——a nobody?â—— Pshaw! If you come to that, I can just remember who
my great-great-grandfather was. Two generations further back and I come to a son of earth, a nobody, and Hodge is
a relation—a distant relation, but still a relation—a kind of great-great-uncle. Believe me, the Lord No
Zoo is father of us all (52-60).

You are an impatient heir, I must say. Why canâ——t you wait for my shoes until I take them off? I am the God of
Fortune to you, just as he is painted in the pictures, with a purse in his hand. Will you take what I leave, and be glad
to get it? It falls short; I know it does. But if I have lessened it, it is for myself that I have lessened it, and what is
left is all yours. Donâ——t stop to ask about that old legacy, and serve up a stale dish of fatherly advice. I know
how fathers talk. â——Credit yourself by the interest. Debit yourself by the expenses. What is the remainder?â——
Remainder? Fudge! Souse the cabbage, boy. Donâ——t spare the oil. Am I to dine off cow-heel and turnips on a
holiday, that your graceless grandson may stuff himself with pâté de foie gras, and indulge himself in
aristocratic connections? Am I to go through the eye of a cambric needle that he may have a priestly paunch?

Furthermore, if you are not content with the little that I can leave you, sell your life for gain. Try every trade. Try
every nook and corner of the earth. Go to Cappadocia, for instance, where you can make something by dealing in
slaves, and become an adept in that dainty business. Double your capital. â——I have done so. Nay, I have trebled
it, quadrupled it, decupled it. Tell me where to draw the line.â—— Tell you where to draw the line? Why,


The Satires of Persius

Chrysippus himself could not find the limit between wealth and poverty. A dollar more does not make a man rich,
a dollar less does not make him poor. Where is the turning-point? And yet this man talks as if the turning-point had
been found! (75-80.)

The Sixth Satire is the most obscure and unsatisfactory of the poems of Persius, and baffled interpreters have taken
refuge in the hypothesis that the Satire is incomplete. The roughness of the metre and the harshness of the
transitions favor this view; but parts are wrought 189 out with all the minuteness of detail that is characteristic of
our authorâ——s style, and some of the highest authorities, such as Jahn, consider the Satire complete. The close,
as Mr. Pretor remarks, is exactly in Persiusâ——s manner, and we must look elsewhere in the Satire for the
breaks—if breaks there be.

1-11. Are you spending the winter on your Sabine farm, Bassus, and have you resumed your poetry? I am in
my Ligurian resort, so praised by Ennius.

1. iam: in the question implies uncertainty, â——actually?â—— â——so?â———bruma =

brevuma = brevissuma (dies), â——the shortest day,â—— â——winter-solstice,â——
â——midwinter.â———foco: contrast between the fireside of the land of the Sabines and
the open-air warmth of Liguria.—Basse: â——Caesius Bassus, one of the intimate
friends of Persius, was deputed by Cornutus to edit his Satires after his death. He is classed with
Horace, as a lyric poet, by Quintilian (10, 1, 96), who, however, thinks him inferior to some of
his own contemporaries, and he is probably the same with the author of a treatise on Metres,
which is referred to by various grammarians, and still exists in an interpolated epitome, but
different from Gabius or Gavius Bassus, who wrote works on the origin and signification of words
and on the gods. Bassus was killed, according to the Scholiast, in the famous eruption of
Vesuviusâ—— (Conington, after Jahn). See also v. 5.—Sabino: The simplicity of the
Sabines has already been noted (see 1, 20), and Jahn thinks that the life about the fireside
(Verg., Georg., 2, 532) is an indication of the primitive tastes of Bassus and his family. Sabino
also prepares the way for tetrico (below). Comp. tetrica ac tristis disciplina Sabinorum, Liv.,
1, 18 (quoted by Jahn).

2. tetrico: â——austere.â———vivunt: Persius was thinking of Horaceâ——s

vivuntque commissi calores | Aeoliae fidibus puellae, Od., 4, 9, 11. 12. Iam vivunt,
â——wake to lifeâ—— (Pretor), where â——wakeâ—— represents iam. See note on 5, 33.

3. mire: is an Adjective or an Adverb, according as opifex is a Substantive or an

Adjective.—opifex: Commentators supply es, but the Nom. can be used in characteristic
exclamation. See G., 340, R. 1, and comp. 1, 5. With opifex intendisse comp. Prol., 11, and
egregius lusispe below. For the Perf., see 1, 41, note.—veterum primordia vocum:
Perhaps â——the racy richness of our early 190 tongue.â—— Lucr. (4, 531) uses primordia
vocum of the beginnings of articulate sound, as Quint., 1, 9, 1, uses dicendi primordia of
instruction in the rudimentary preparation for rhetoric. Bassus, as the whole context shows,
affected to belong to the antiquiores homines, and imitated the diction of an earlier time.
Persius belongs to a different school of art, and his friendship makes him guarded. Jahn
understands a grammatical poem, of which Lucilius furnishes a familiar example in his Ninth
Book (see L. Müllerâ——s Lucilius, p. 221), but, as Pretor remarks, numeris—marem
strepitum fidis intendisse Latinae indicates lyric poetry.

4. marem strepitum: like ἗ϗϗην ϗθόγγοϗ. Comp. Hor., A. P., 402: mares
animos.—fidis Latinae: Stress is to be laid on Latinae. Persius himself is intensely
Latin in his vocabulary.—intendisse: â——Verg., Aen., 9, 774, speaks of stringing the
numbers on the chords; Persius goes further [and fares worse], and talks of stringing sounds on
the numbersâ—— (Conington).


The Satires of Persius

5. mox: points to another side of Bassusâ——s poetry, the non-lyrical, probably satires, for one
Bassus in satyris, mentioned by Fulgentius (ap. Jahn), is most likely our man, despite
Jahnâ——s objections.—iocis: Heinrich, ex coni. The passage is a very difficult one. The
interpretation turns on the two words, iocos (or iocis), senes (or senex), as the reading
egregios for egregius may be discarded.

(1.) Jahn reads in both editions (1843 and 1868) iocos and senes.

(2.) Hermannâ——s senex, the reading of Montepess., was enthusiastically advocated by Hermann himself.

(3.) Heinrichâ——s iocis has the merit of making a perfectly clear sense, and is accepted by Mr. Pretor.

(1.) If we read iocos with the MSS., iuvenes must be considered an Adjective, and iuvenes iocos = iuvenilis
iocos. This almost compels us to make senes an Adjective also, and the following translation may be given:
â——Rare genius for carrying on the frolics of youth [in song], and for giving play with virtuous skill to the
jests of the aged.â——

(2.) Hermannâ——s reading labors under the difficulty of requiring us to understand senex of Bassus, who
was not an old man at the time; but compare the note on praegrandi sene, 191 1, 124. Notice also the want of
balance in the absolute lusisse. â——Then showing yourself excellent in your old age at wakening young
loves and frolicking over the chords with a virtuous touchâ—— (Conington). Iocus is often used of love.
Comp. Catull., 8, 6: ibi illa multa tum iocosa fiebant.

(3.) Heinrichâ——s iocis gives us, â——Rarely skilled to rally the young with jibe and jest and have a fling at
old sinners, but all in high-bred style.â—— Pollice honesto is the ingenuo ludo of 5, 16. Comp. also 2, 74:
generoso honesto; and the honesta oratio of Ter., Andr., 1, 1, 114: quae opponitur plebeiae, as Gesner says,
s.v. It is hardly necessary to say that the English language has no synonyme for honestus, which embraces the
goodly outside as well as the pure heart.

Mr. Conington translates Hermannâ——s text and comments on Jahnâ——s. Lusisse senes he
understands as amavisse senili more, the poet being said to do the deed he writes about,
Verg., Ecl., 9, 19. It would be far more simple to make iocos senes = amores senilis, harsh as
that would be. Old menâ——s philanderings are fair game for the satirist or comic poet to have
his fling at (lusisse). Turpe senilis amor, as the master says, Ov., Am., 1, 9, 4. Compare the
Casina of Plautus.—pollice: the cithern being played chiefly with the thumb.

6. lusisse: Comp. scit risisse, 1, 132.—mihi: The step-father of Persius probably had
a seat there.

7. intepet: The warmth of the coast made it a favorite resort for invalids. It is not unlikely that
Persius was a man of delicate constitution.—hibernat: According to some, â——my sea
winters,â—— that is, â——rests for the winter,â—— is not vexed by the keels of ships (Schol.).
According to others, â——is wintry,â—— like hiemat (the more common word in this sense).
A stormy sea was supposed to lash itself warm. Jahn quotes, among other passages, Cic., N. D.,
2, 10, 26: maria agitata ventis tepescunt.—meum: â——my sea,â—— â——my
favorite haunt.â—— Some have inferred falsely from this passage that Luna was the birthplace of

8. latus dant: â——present their giant side,â—— â——interpose a mighty barrierâ—— against
the winds. Jahn comp. Verg., Aen., 1, 105: undis 192 dat latus.—valle = sinu. The Abl.
of manner may be translated locally; â——into a deep bayâ—— (Conington).—se


The Satires of Persius

receptat: â——retreats,â—— â——retiresâ—— from the storms. So Horace (Od., 1, 17, 17;
Epod., 2, 11) speaks of a reducta vallis. Jahn refers the frequentative to the windings of the bay.
â——Keeps retreating,â—— â——retreats further and further,â—— might very well be said from
the travellerâ——s point of view. The description of the harbor, now the Gulf of Spezia, is said to
be very accurate.

9. Lunai portum, etc.: Ennius, Ann., v. 16 (Vahl.). Luna, from which the harbor took its name,
was not on the gulf, but on the eastern side of the Macra (Magra), near the modern
Sarzana.—est operae: Commonly explained by the ellipsis of pretium. But the Gen. is
very elastic.—cognoscite: is easier in tone, cognoscere is easier for translation.
cives: â——good people all.â—— Ger. Leutlein. Jahn notices the antiqua gramtas of civis.

10. cor Enni: Comp. re-cor-dor and cor-datus, and our â——get by heart.â—— So credidit
meum cor, Enn., Ann., 374 (Vahl.). See Mart., 3, 26, 4; 11, 84, 17. The expression is little more
than cordatus Ennius, as in the familiar passage, tergemini vis Geryonaï, Lucr., 5, 28. So
corpore Turni, Verg., Aen., 7, 650; Greek, βία, ἴϗ, δέμαϗ, ϗϗόμα
(἗νύϗηϗ ϗϗόμα, Anthol. P., 9, 26, 3). On the same principle are based such
combinations as mens provida Reguli, Hor., Od., 3, 5, 13, and venit et Crispi iucunda
senectus. Juv., 4, 81, and Montani quoque venter adest, l.c. 107. â——Ennius, in his sober
momentsâ—— (Gifford).—destertuit: On the Tense, see G., 563; A., 62, 2, a.
â——Snored off his being,â—— i.e., the dream that he was Homer. Enniusâ——s dreams are
touched up in Prol., 2, where it has been mentioned that Ennius dreamed that he had seen
Homer. For the further visions, see the citations in Vahlenâ——s ed. of Ennius, Ann., v. 15.

11. Maeonides: poetic â——flash-name,â—— like the â——Bard of

Avon.â———Quintus: â——plain Quintusâ—— (Gifford). The Scholiast fancies that
quintus is a numeral, and gives the following order of transmigrations: 1. Pythagoras;
2. A peacock; 3. Euphorbus; 4. Homer. Tertullian gives: 1. Euphorbus; 2. Pythagoras; 3. Homer;
4. A peacock. The pun would be a wretched one, but that is no objection; more serious is the
wrong use of the Preposition ex for ab. Heinrich combines confidently Maeonides 193 Quintus,
â——Homer with a Roman praenomen.â—— Conington follows doubtingly.—pavone:
Memini me fiere pavum, Enn., Ann., v. 15 (Vahl.).—Pythagoreo: â——Since
Pythagorasâ—— time that I was an Irish rat,â—— Shaksp.

12-17. Here I am in happy unconcern, caring naught for vulgar herd or threatened flock. I do not
pine because my neighbor waxes fat. Let who will get up in the world; I wonâ——t let my hair
turn gray for that, nor stint myself, nor poke my nose into the wax of every jar of wine I open to
see whether somebody has not been tampering with the seal.

12. securus: with Gen., Verg., Aen., 1, 350; 10, 326.—quid praeparet auster: Jahn
comp. quid cogitet umidus auster, Verg., Georg., 1, 462; and 444: arboribusque satisque
Notus pecorique sinister.

13. infelix: with Dat. Verg., Georg., 2, 239: tellus—infelix frugibus, quoted by
Conington.—pecori: as it were, doubly dependent.—securus et: The trajection
of et (1, 23) gives securus a better position.—angulus: as in O si angulus ille |
proximus accedat, Hor., Sat., 2, 6, 8.

14. pinguior: Jahn quotes appositely for the thought, fertilior seges est alienis semper in
agris, Ov., A. A., 1, 349. So Juv., 14, 142: maiorque videtur | et melior vicina
seges.—adeo omnes: The emphasis of adeo may be given by repetition, all, ay, all.
The supposition is an extreme one, hence the Subjunctive ditescant. Notice the harsh elision at


The Satires of Persius

this point, which is avoided by smoother writers. Persius has it fourteen times in all—eight
times in this one Satire—which may be interpreted as an indication of its incompleteness.

15. peioribus: Comp. Hor., Ep., 1, 6, 22: peioribus ortus. The social sense is the more
prominent.—usque = ubi-s-que, â——no matter where or when,â—— hence â——every
where,â—— and, as here, â——always.â——

16. curvus: â——bent double.â———minui: â——lose fleshâ——

(Conington).—senio: before my time. Comp. 1, 26.—uncto: synonymous with
â——dainty.â—— Jahn comp. Hor., A. P., 422, and 3, 102; 4, 17.

17. signum tetigisse: Only good wines were sealed. The miser not only seals up his vile stuff,
but, in his anxious scrutiny into the state of the seal, butts his nose against it—perhaps
with 194 the additional idea of helping the sense of sight with the sense of smell. Recusem
tetigisse = nolim tetigisse. Comp. note on 1, 91.

18-24. Others may not agree with me in these views. Even twins born under the same star may
be widely different. One gives himself a treat only on his birthday, and a poor treat it is. Another
devours his substance before he comes of age. I am for enjoyment, but not for waste; for
enjoyment, but not for a subtle discernment of the pleasures of the table.

18. his: On the Dat., see G., 388, R. 1; A., 51, 2, g. His is Neuter. â——These views of
mine.â———geminos: Comp. Hor., Ep., 2, 2, 183 seqq.—horoscope: â——natal
star,â—— â——star of nativity.â—— Comp. note on 5, 46.—varo genio: â——of
diverging temper.â—— Varus is often used of distorted, bowed legs, and varo genio is only
Persiusâ——s way of saying that the dispositions of twins often go apart.

19. producis: â——bring forth,â—— â——give birth to,â—— â——beget,â—— Plaut., Rud., 4, 4,
129; Prop., 5, 1, 89 (Conington). Jahn renders it in lucem edit et educat, which is more in
conformity with general usage and with the notion of control in the star of nativity.—solis
natalibus: This picture has been much admired. Every word tells. This high-day comes but
once a year (solis), the cabbage is dry (sine uncto), he does not souse it with oil, as Persius
does (ungue, puer, caules, v. 69), but moistens it (tingat) with fish brine (muria), which he
has bought—sly fox that he is (vafer)—in a cup (a cupful at a time, to prevent
waste), while, with his own hand (ipse)—for he trusts no other—he dusts
(inrorans) the platter with the dear, precious pepper, sacred in his eyes (sacrum).

20. muria: was a cheap sauce, â——made of the thynnus, and less delicate than garum,
made of the scomberâ—— (Macleane); hence the point of buying it only as he wanted
it—a small quantity at a time.—empta: Both Conington and Pretor direct us to
combine empta with muria. It can not be combined with any thing else, as calice is rigidly
masculine, Neue, Formenl., 1, 691.

21. sacrum: Acerbe dictum quia avarus tamquam sacro parcit (Jahn). Jahn compares
἗λϗ θεῗοϗ, but has not overlooked the real point, as Mr. Pretor
intimates.—inrorans: Comp. instillat in a similar description of a miser (Avidienus), in
Hor., Sat., 2, 2, 62.—dente peragit: â——gobbles upâ—— (Conington). Peragere,
â——go through,â—— â——run through.â——



The Satires of Persius

22. magnanimus: Ironical, like Hor., Ep., 1, 15, 27: rebus maternis atque paternis |
fortiter absumptis. â——High-hearted hero.â———puer: while a mere lad. â——Gifford
notices the rapidity of the metre, and contrasts it with the slowness of v. 20.â—— It would have
been more to the purpose if he had noticed the mockery of the position, which suspends the
sense. â——He—his property—with nothing but his teeth—his vast
estate—heroic being—runs through—while nothing but a boy.â——

23. rhombos: It suffices to refer to Juv., Sat., 4.—ponere: 1, 53. For the construction,
see Prol., 11.

24. tenuis—salivas: â——delicate juices,â—— â——subtle flavors.â—— Saliva =

sapor, as in Plin., H. N., 22, 1, 22: sua cuique vino saliva, by a natural transfer from the
consumer to the consumed; or, as Conington puts it, from effect to cause. See 5,
112.—sollers nosse: Prol., 11.—turdarum: â——thrushes,â——
â——fieldfares,â—— a well-known delicacy, Hor., Sat., 2, 5, 10; Ep., 1, 15, 41. The Scholiast tells
us that the feminine is used for the ordinary masculine, because the Brillat-Savarins of the period
undertook to tell the sex by the taste. The difference between turdorum and turdarum reminds
one of â——calipashâ—— and â——calipee.â——

25-33. The true course is to live fully up to your income and trust to the next crop. â——But
suppose an extraordinary demand is made on you. Suppose a friend is shipwrecked.â—— What
easier than to sell a piece of land and relieve his wants?

25. tenus: here â——fully up to.â—— Jahn makes tenus an Adverb, compares Verg., Aen., 1,
737: summo tenus attigit ore, and explains messe propria vive as = consume fructus
agrorum tuorum usque ad finem, quoad suppetunt.—propria: â——Is it not lawful
for me to do what I will with mine own?â——

26. emole: to the last grain.—occa: Comp. Hor., Ep., 2, 2, 161: cum segetes occat
tibi mox frumenta daturas.—in herba: â——in the blade.â—— Ov., Her., 17, 263:
adhuc tua messis in herba est. Have something of the farmerâ——s hopeful spirit. Comp. the
Gr. proverb: ἗εὶ γεϗϗγὸϗ εἰϗ νέϗϗα ϗλούϗιοϗ.

27. ast: 2, 39. An impersonal objector speaks.—officium = ϗὸ καθῗκον,

which embraces our charity. The Stoics insisted on ϗϗηϗϗόϗηϗ, without prejudice to
἗ϗάθεια. They wanted benevolentia without misericordia. See Knickenberg, l.c.
p. 90. The poet 196 gets the better of the philosopher in Persius.—trabe rupta: Comp.
1, 89.—Bruttia saxa: In the toe of the Italian boot.

28. prendit: Casaubon comp. prensantemque uncis manibus capita aspera montis,
Verg., Aen., 6, 360 (of Palinurus).—surdaque vota: Surdus is â——dull of hearingâ——
and â——dull of sound,â—— â——deaf,â—— and, as here, â——unheard,â—— Comp.
κϗϗόϗ, The radical is SVAR, ◗heavy;◗ ◗neither his ear heavy that it can not

29. Ionio: sc. sinu, if we may judge by Juv., 6, 92: lateque sonantem pertulit Ionium. Gr.
Ἰόνιοϗ κόλϗοϗ. Comp. Thuc., 1, 24 with 6, 30. It is used here in a wide
sense, as is shown by Bruttia saxa, v. 27. Comp. Serv. ad Aen., 3, 211: sciendum Ionium
sinum esse immensum ab Ionia usque ad Siciliam. On the translation and construction of
Ionio, see note on Prol., 1.—ipse: the master of the vessel. G., 297, R. 1.


The Satires of Persius

30. de puppe dii: Paintings of the gods. Comp. Verg., Aen., 10, 171: aurato fulgebat
Apolline puppis. The gods may have been Castor and Pollux, no unlikely â——sign,â—— Acts,
28, 11. Ingentes implies the size of the ship and the magnitude of the loss (Jahn). See note on
trabe vasta, 5, 141.—obvia mergis: Jahn comp. Hor., Epod., 10, 21: opima quod si
praeda eurvo litore | porrecta mergos iuveris. Any large sea-bird will answer, such as

31. lacerae: Conington comp. Ov., Her., 2, 45: at laceras etiam puppes furiosa
refeci.—et: καί, â——if need be.â———caespite vivo: Comp. Hor., Od., 1,
19, 13; 3, 8, 4; â——live sod,â—— â——green turf.â—— Here landed property is meant, in
contrast to the income, represented by the messis.

32. pictus: See note on 1, 89. â——With his pictureâ—— (Conington).—oberret:

â——go up and down the country.â———tabula caerulea: â——a sea-green
board,â—— as might be expected from the subject.

33-41. â——But,â—— resumes the interlocutor, â——your heir will object to your curtailing your
property, and not show you the proper respect when you are dead. You canâ——t expect to
diminish your property without scath. And, in fact, you philosophers are very much spoken
against on account of the bad example you set, the bad influence you have exerted on the
common people.â———Well, what of it? Would you care any thing about what was done to
you or said of you after you are dead?

The connection is much disputed.


33. cenam funeris: the epulum funebre, the â——funeral baked meatsâ—— of Hamlet, not
the silicernium proper, not the exigua feralis cena patella of Juv., 5, 85, the scanty meal left
at the funeral pile for the dis manibus.

34. curtaveris: G., 542; A., 70, 5, b.—urnae: Do not efface the personal conception
(G., 344, R. 3; A., 51, N.) by translating â——put into.â—— The urn receives; hence dabit =
â——commit,â—— â——consign.â——

35. inodora: Ov., Trist., 3, 3, 69: atque ea (= ossa) cum foliis et amomi pulvere misce;
Tib., 3, 2, 23 (Jahn).—seu spirent: 5, 3.—cinnama—casiae: On the
Plural, see G., 195, R. 6; A., 14, 1, a.—surdum: â——faint,â—— a transfer from hearing
to smell. On the construction, see 5, 25.

36. ceraso: This passage is our only authority for the fraudulent admixture. Tr., â——whether
the cinnamon have lost the fragrance of its breath, or cassia be taken in adulteration with
cherry-bark.â———nescire puratus: here â——fully resolved,â—— rather than as in 1,

37. tune bona incolumis minuas: In his ed. of 1868 Jahn has followed Sinnerâ——s
suggestion, and transposed parts of vv. 37 and 41, so as to read Haec cinere ulterior metuas
here, and Tune bona incolumis minuas below, as Hermann had done before him, only
Hermann puts the words in the mouth, not of the objector, but of Persius. I am unable to see
how either arrangement helps us out of the difficulties of the passage. In his ed. of 1843, Jahn
makes tune bona incolumis minuas? the language of the heir, who asks angrily, â——Do you
expect to diminish your property without suffering for it?â—— It is rather the language of the


The Satires of Persius

objector, who had just told Persius that he would miss a good funeral by curtailing his estate,
and who goes on to cite Bestius, as another opponent of this new-fangled philosophy. Persius
dismisses this tirade by the single question: â——What would all this be to you or me after we are
dead?â—— This gets rid of Bestius as a new speaker. He is quoted by the objector. Mr. Pretor
translates: â——Do you mean to say, Persius, that you would thus break up your property, while
hearty and strong, instead of waiting to bequeath it by will on your
death-bed?â———incolumis: ϗαίϗϗν, impune.—et: Others besides
the heir are dissatisfied.—Bestius: the corrector 198 Bestius of Hor., Ep., 1, 15, 37,
who is quoted here by the opponent of Persius, as inveighing against doctrines that have taught
the lower classes to waste their substance on condiments and spoil their wholesome fare, after
the pattern of such gentlemen as Persius. Comp. usque recusem—cenare sine uncto,
v. 16, and ungue, puer, caules, v. 69.

38. doctores Graios: Comp. 5, 191.—Ita fit: â——That is the way of

it.â———sapere nostrum: 1, 9.—urbi: with venit. Venire with the Dat., like
the Greek ἗λθεῗν, on account of the personal interest involved, ◗came◗
being = ◗was brought,◗ allatum est. See Kühner, A. G., 2, 351, and Weissenborn on
Liv., 32, 6, 4.

39. cum pipere et palmis: notoriously foreign productions. Comp. advectus Romam quo
pruna et cottona vento, Juv., 3, 83. Palmis = â——dates.â———nostrum hoc:
â——this new wisdom of our day.â———maris expers: Hor., Sat., 2, 8, 15: Chium
maris expers. The explanations are by no means convincing. Maris expers. (1) Not mixed with
salt water, which was supposed to be wholesome, as in Horace, l.c. (2) insulum, Heinr., the
most simple, â——foolish philosophy,â—— â——insipid sapience.â—— (3) Devoid of manliness
(Casaubon). Comp. 1, 103, 104, in which case maris would be a pun, as there is an evident
Horatian reminiscence. See Introd., xxiii. But the Horatian passage is itself variously interpreted.
(4) The rendering, â——innocent of the sea,â—— i.e., â——home-grown,â—— is in manifest
contradiction to the drift of the passage.

40. fenisecae: Type of the rustic laborer. Comp. fossor, 5, 122. Fenisecae, the plebeian
spelling for faenisecae, seems more appropriate here.—crasso unguine: They can not
get a good article, but they are determined to imitate their betters, and so they take a poor one.
With crasso unguine comp. 3, 104: crassis amomis.—vitiarunt pultes: On
vitiarunt comp. 2, 65; puls is the national porridge, the farrata olla of 4, 31.

41. cinere ulterior: â——when you are the other side of the graveâ—— (comp. 5, 152);
ϗεϗαιϗέϗϗ κόνεϗϗ (Casaubon).

41-60. Persius turns on his heir: â——Glorious news has come of a great victory. I wish to
celebrate it by games—by largess. Will you forbid it? If you donâ——t want what is left, let
it alone. I can get somebody to take it—some beggar, perhaps, related to me through that
son of earth, Adam.â——


42. quisquis eris: does not so much show â——the indifference of Persius himselfâ—— to his
successor as the utter lack of real personality in the Satire. See note on 1,
44.—seductior: Comp. 2, 4. Paulum with seductior. Comp. Petron., 13: seduxit me
paululum a turba; and Plaut., Asin., 5, 2, 75; Ter., Eun., 4, 4, 39. The Accusative with the
Comparative is rare but sure, Dräger, l.c. § 245, b; for examples with paulum, Sil., 15, 21;
Stat., Theb., 10, 938 (Freund).


The Satires of Persius

43. o bone, etc.: The only passage in Persius that deals with the political life of his time, the
only passage that has any historic force. A keen observer in his narrow sphere, Persius has hit
off very happily the features of this droll triumph of Caligulaâ——s. True, he was only seven years
old when it took place; but he lost his father when he was six, and yet recalls him vividly, and this
parade must have made an abiding impression, whether he saw it or only heard of it.
Caligulaâ——s German expedition is recounted in Suet., Calig., 43 seqq.: â——He ordered a
triumph, which was to be unprecedentedly splendid, and cheap in proportion, as he had a right to
the property of his subjects—changed his mind, forbade any proposal on the subject under
capital penalties, abused the senate for doing nothing, and finally entered the city in ovation on
his birthdayâ—— (Conington). With o bone comp. heus bone, 3, 94.—laurus =
laureata epistola, the letter bound with bays, in which victories were announced.

44. Germanae pubis: â——flower of the German armyâ—— (Pretor), pubes being =

45. aris | frigidus excutitur cinis: Of course to make room for new sacrifices, but frigidus
intimates that the ashes had had time to cool; such occasions were rare. Comp. Apul., Met., 4,
83: arae viduae frigido cinere foedatae. Aris, Dat. Excutitur denotes haste. â——The ashes
are hustled off.â———postibus: â——for the door-postsâ—— (of temples, palaces, the
residence of the triumphator, and other buildings). With the Dative comp. Juv., 6, 51: necte
coronam | postibus.

46. lutea gausapa: â——yellow wools.â—— The coarse fabric known as gausapa was used to
make yellow wigs for the mock German captives. The light hair of the Germans is a familiar
characteristic, and a similar device is recorded of Domitian by Tacitus, Agr., 200 39 (Jahn). As
the captives were actually Gauls, Casaubon understands gausapa of the common Gallic

47. Caesonia: the mistress, and, after the birth of a daughter and the divorce of Lollia, the wife
of Caligula, Suet., Cal., 25.—ingentis Rhenos: Jahn understands statues or pictures of
the Rhine, to be carried in procession, referring to the Jordan on the Arch of Titus, and citing Ov.,
A. A., 1, 223 seqq., for the Euphrates and Tigris. Conington adds Verg., Georg., 3, 28, for the
Nile, and considers the Plural Rhenos sarcastic. The more common interpretation regards
Rhenos as Rhenanos. Suet., l.c. 47, mentions expressly the fact that Caligula picked out the
tallest men he could find (procerissimum quemque) for the procession.

48. genioque ducis: On genio, see 2, 3. The genius of the Emperor was publicly worshipped,
Ov., Fast., 5, 145. Caligula punished those who did not swear by his genius, Suet., Cal., 27.
Ducis is sarcastic. â——So Juv., 4, 145; 7, 21, calls Domitian dux, with reference to a similar
exploit, a sham triumph with manufactured slavesâ—— (Conington, after Jahn).—centum
paria: Comp. Hor., Sat., 2, 3, 85: ni sic fecissent gladiatorum dare centum | damnati
populo paria atque epulum. The number is absurd for any ordinary fortune, and the
extravagance of the threat destroys the dramatic effect on the heir.

49. induco: The familiar Present for the Future. Induco, verbum harenae
(Casaubon).—aude: We should say, â——I dare youâ—— (Conington).

50. oleum: Largesses of oil by Caesar and Nero are recorded by Suet., Caes., 38, Nero, 12
(Jahn).—artocreas: ἗ϗϗόκϗεαϗ = visceratio, â——bread-meatâ—— for
â——bread-and-meat.â—— Outside of the numerals, such copulative compounds (dvandva in
Sanskrit) are rare, and chiefly late. Comp. suovetaurilia, νϗϗθήμεϗον, the
famous word of seventy-nine syllables in Ar., Eccl., 1169, and Mod. Gr.


The Satires of Persius

἗νδϗόγϗνον, ◗man-and-wife.◗ Some consider artocreas a kind of

meat-pasty.—popello: 4, 15.

51, 52. dic clare: It were very much to be wished that he had. The context seems to require,
on the one hand, a motive for the silence of the heir; on the other, a motive for declining the
inheritance. The interpretation of non adeo—iuxta est depends on 201 the meaning of
exossatus, which is sometimes rendered â——exhausted,â—— â——impoverished,â——
â——worn out,â—— as if â——bonelessâ—— and â——marrowlessâ—— were the same thing
here; sometimes, and with far more probability, â——cleared of stones.â—— A poetic allusion to
the â——bones of Mother Earth,â—— Ov., Met., 1, 393 seqq. (Schol.), would be out of place, and
the common culinary sense of exossatus, â——boned,â—— is in keeping with the homely
character of Persiusâ——s tropes. Adeo is sometimes considered a Verb, in the sense of adire
hereditatem; sometimes an Adverb, and connected now with prohibeo (from prohibes), now
with exossatus; and, finally, some give exossatus—est to the heir, others to Persius.
I subjoin the chief distributions and interpretations:

(1.) Non adeo, inquis. Exossatus ager iuxta est. Jahn (1843). (Do you mean to hinder me? Out with it.)
â——Not exactly,â—— you say. Here is a worn-out field hard by. If you wonâ——t have it, another will.

(2.) â——Non adeo,â—— inquis? Exossatus ager iuxta est (Conington). You wonâ——t accept the
inheritance, you say? Here is a field, now, cleared for ploughing.

(3.) â——Non adeo,â—— inquis, â——exossatus ager iuxta est,â—— Jahn (1868), which may be rendered,
â——I am sure that your land here is not in such very good orderâ—— (that you can afford such
extravagance). Good order or not, I can find some one to take it off my hands, etc.

(4.) Hermann bases his interpretation on the Schol., and understands non adeo exossatus ager to be a field that
is not wholly cleared of stones, to which the heir points as a cogent argument against his making a difficulty.
He is afraid of a stoning from the people, as above he was afraid of doing any thing to disoblige the Emperor
(Lect. Pers., II., 64).

(5.) Teuffel agrees with Hermannâ——s interpretation of exossatus, but separates non adeo, â——Not
exactly.â—— See (1.). â——There is a field hard by from which the stones have [just] been dug up,â——
where they are lying in convenient heaps.

(6.) Heinrich takes adeo to be the Verb, exossatus as â——impoverished,â—— and iuxta = paene.

(7.) Non adeo, inquis. Exossatus ager iuxta est is rendered by 202 Mr. Pretor, â——I canâ——t quite forbid it;
but let me suggest to you that your land is impoverished.â——

(8.) König understands the heir to say: ◗I will not accept. I have a well-tilled piece of land of my own
hard by.â——

I am not ashamed to acknowledge that the only point about which I am convinced is the
impossibility of making exossatus mean â——impoverished.â——

53. amitis: Amita is the aunt by the fatherâ——s side. See note on 2, 31. Persius left his
property to his mother and sister, and all this string of suppositions is in keeping with the
impersonal character of his heir. Teuffel notices the utter jumble of legal
relations.—proneptis patrui: â——female cousin twice removed.â——


The Satires of Persius

54. sterilis vixit: â——has lived barrenâ—— means â——has died childless, without

55. nihilum: â——neither chick nor child.â———Bovillas: Bovillae lay between Rome
and Aricia, and was the first stage on the Appian road, hence called â——suburbanâ—— by Ov.,
Fast., 3, 667 (Jahn). Persius had an estate in the neighborhood.

56. clivum ad Virbi: Martialâ——s clivus Aricinus (2, 19, 3; 12, 32, 10), a noted station for
beggars. Juv., 4, 17: dignus Aricinos qui mendicaret ad axes. Virbius was identified with
Hippolytus, and worshipped as the hero of Aricia.—Manius: a typical beggarâ——s name.
There was a proverb: multi Mani Ariciae, Fest., s.v., with the explanation, multos claros viros
ibi fuisse. The â——Arician aristocracyâ—— must have become a term of contempt by the time
of Persius (ϗάλαι ϗοϗ᾽ ἦϗαν ἗λκιμοι Ηιλήϗιοι).

57. progenies terrae: is the indignant remonstrance of the heir, progenies terrae being =
the more familiar terrae filius, Cic., Att., 1, 13, 4 al.; our â——groundlingâ—— can answer only
as a play on the word.—quartus pater = abavus, â——great-great-grandfather.â——

58. haud prompte, dicam tamen: μόλιϗ μὲν, ἗ξεϗῶ δ᾽

ὗμϗϗ (Conington); μόλιϗ μὲν, ἗λλ᾽ οὗν
἗ξεϗῶ Comp. [Dem.] 58, 26.—adde etiam unum = atavum, â——one step
further back.â——

59. unum etiam = tritavum.

60. ritu | generis: â——by regular descentâ—— (Conington). Jahn connects generis with
avunculus.—maior avunculus: avii aut aviae 203 avunculus est (Jahn),
â——great-great-uncle.â—— Persius qualifies this statement by prope, â——something
like,â—— but he has not only got the degree wrong, but has passed over to the motherâ——s
side. The thought of this frigidiuscula ratio, as Jahn calls it, does not need illustration. Still,
comp. Juv., 4, 99: unde fit ut malim fraterculus esse gigantum.—exit = evadit, 1,
45; 5, 130.

61-74. Persius: â——You are getting impatient. Why not wait for your turn? I am Fortune. Wait
until I drop my purse into your hand, and then be satisfied with what I have left in it. Tadius
bequeathed me some money. I know he did. What is that to you? None of your fatherly advice
about looking after my balance at the bankerâ——s. What do I care about â——balance?â——
I will eat a good dinner, and not starve myself for your spoilt grandsonâ——s sake.â——

61. qui prior es: In this form of the λαμϗαδηϗοϗία ◗the course was marked
out in stations, at each of which a new set of runners stood ready to take up the race, and so
long as the torch remained alight, and the conditions of the race were thus fulfilled, it could not
exchange hands except at particular stationsâ—— (Pretor, after Jahn). Here the man in advance
is represented as trying to get the torch out of Persiusâ——s hands before he has reached the
station, while Persius is yet running (in decursu), which Jahn properly emphasizes. The
interpretation is much disputed.—poscis: implies impatience.

62. Mercurius: See note on 2, 11.

63. pingitur: ἗ϗμῗϗ κεϗδῷοϗ, ◗with money-bag in hand.◗ Comp.

Ar., Ach., 991, 992: ϗῶϗ ἗ν ἗μὲ καὶ ϗέ ϗιϗ ἗ϗϗϗ
ξϗναγάγοι λαβών, | ὥϗϗεϗ ὗ γεγϗαμμένοϗ,


The Satires of Persius

἗ϗϗν ϗϗέϗανον ἗νθέμϗν.—vin tu gaudere

relictis: Gaudere here almost = ἗γαϗᾶν, ◗be thankful for whatever I shall
leave you.â—— According to the ordinary rules of grammar, vis would be the rhetorical, vin the
genuine form of the question (G., 455), but ne can not be pinned down by strict rules, as has
been remarked. See note on 1, 22.

64. dest aliquid summae: may be an objection of the heir, or an anticipated objection.
Persius often reminds us of Mrs. Caudle.—minui mihi: It was mine, and I diminished it
to suit myself. It was mine to lessen; what is left will be all your own to keep.


65. fuge quaerere = noli quaerere, as in Hor., Od., 1, 9, 13.

66. neu: 3, 51.—repone: â——dish up again;â—— the paterna dicta may be

considered a crambe repetita. Comp. Quint., 2, 4, 29: cum eadem iudiciis pluribus dicunt,
fastidium movent velut frigidi et repo siti cibi. Persius is nothing if not culinary. Jahn (1868)
reads: oppone, which is clearer but tamer. Paterna d. is simply â——the talk one hears from
fathers,â—— severe old gentlemen on the stage.

67. faenoris—reliquum est: clearly a specimen of fatherly counsel. Every Polonius

has something to say to his Laertes on this subject (Hamlet, 1, 3). Persiusâ——s Polonius
advises his son to keep an account, enter (accedat = apponatur, see note on 2, 2) his interest
on the credit side, charge his expenses to the debit side, and find the remainder—in other
words, to live carefully within the income of his property. Before the old gentleman gets through,
Persius repeats his last word mockingly: â——Remainder? Hang the remainder.â—— This is also
Coningtonâ——s view, who compares the commercial arithmetic lesson in Hor., A. P., 327
seqq.—merces: Hor. uses merces alone in the same sense as faenoris merces here,
Sat., 1, 2, 14. 3, 88.—hinc: from the capital, or from the interest, or from both. I am
inclined to refer hinc to the side of the account.

69. ungue caules—festa luce: See note on v. 19.

70. urtica: Comp. Hor., Ep., 1, 12, 7: abstemius herbis | vivis et urtica; and Sat., 2, 2, 117:
holus fumosae cum pede pernae (Jahn).—sinciput: â——pigâ——s cheek.â—— The
swine was the common sacrifice and the common dish.—aure: Fissa aure seems to be
nothing more than a picturesque detail. The pigâ——s head was bung up in the smoke by a slit in
its ear.

71. tuus iste nepos: Mr. Pretor sees a trace of incompleteness in the mention of tuus iste
nepos, â——whose existence has never before been hinted at.â—— The nepos is hauled up out
of the inane like the quisquis heir himself.—anscris extis: Comp. Juv., 5, 114: anseris
ante ipsum magni iecur.

73. patriciae: implies great expense. This coarse combination of sensual pleasures is an
argument in favor of the old-fashioned interpretation of Calliroen, 1, 134.—trama: Fr.
trame, â——woof.â—— Such terms are apt to stick. Others translate falsely â——warp.â—— 205
â——Trama figurae is â——a thread-paper figure,â—— as trama is the thread of the woof,
which crosses that of the upright stamen or warp, and when the nap is worn off the cloths, these
threads are laid bare.â—— Stocker, quoted by Pretor.


The Satires of Persius

74. tremat: â——quiver,â—— like jelly, â——wag.â———omento: â——fatty caul,â——

â——fat,â—— 2, 47.—popa: used as a Substantive. Comp. Prol., 13.
â——Alderman-belly,â—— instead of an â——aldermanic belly.â—— â——They which waited at
the altarâ———for the popae were the priestsâ—— assistants—â——were
partakers with the altarâ—— (1 Cor., 9, 13), and waxed fat on the iunicum omenta. Pretor
quotes Prop., 4, 3, 62: succinctique calent ad nova lucra popae.

75-80. Commentators notice the abrupt transition. Jahn says that the dialogue is dropped, but
who expects invariably close connection between two heads of a sermon? In my judgment
Persius is still hammering away at his impatient heir, and bids him earn money for himself, if he
is not content to wait for Persiusâ——s death, and does not like Persiusâ——s mode of living.
â——Sell your life, ransack the world, drive every trade. Double, treble, quadruple, decuple your
property. But you will find that there is no point where you can stop, where you will be rich

75. vende animam lucro: Casaubon comp. the Greek proverb: θανάϗοϗ
ὤνιον ϗὸ κέϗδοϗ, and Longin., Sublim., 44: ϗὸ ἗κ ϗοῦ
ϗανϗὸϗ κεϗδαίνειν ὠνούμεθα ϗῗϗ
Ï—Ï—Ï—á¿—Ï—.—excute: (for the last time of eight) â——ransack.â——

76. latus mundi: Hor., Od., 1, 22, 19 (Conington).—nec = neu. See 1, 7.

77. Cappadocas: The slaves of Cappadocia were, as a rule, tall and well grown (Petron., 63),
and good litter-bearers (Mart., 6, 77, 4) (Jahn), but in other respects extremely undesirable
cattle.—rigida: â——fixed upright.â—— Rigidae columnae, Ov., Fast., 3, 529
(Jahn).—plausisse: So Jahn (1868). In 1843 he edited pavisse, and comp. quot pascit
servos? Juv., 3, 141, and other passages. But pÄ—visse may have been intended as a Third
Conjugation Perf. from pÄ—vio, and hence = plausisse. So Longfellow uses â——doveâ—— for
â——dived.â—— Slaves were slapped to try their condition. On the Inf. and the Perfect, see
opifex intendisse, v. 3, note.—catasta: â——platform.â—— The sense of the passage,
â——Make yourself an expert in slave flesh.â——


78. feci—sistam: words of the avaricious man. The passage is imitated from Hor.,
Ep., 1, 6, 34: mille talenta rotundentur, totidem altera, porro | tertia succedant et quae
pars quadret acervum.—quarto: as if he had written ter before.

79. redit: the regular word for â——income,â—— â——revenue.â—— Comp.

reditus.—rugam: Ruga = sinus, â——fold in a garment.â—— The sinus answers to our
â——pocket,â—— hence â——purse.â—— The ruga, then, is the rugosum marsupium
(Heinrich), or the â——yet unfilled bosomâ—— of Juv., 14, 327. â——It comes into a purse that
wrinkles still.â—— To bring this out more clearly Mr. Paley (ap. Pretor) puts a semicolon after
deciens.—depunge: So Jahn (1868) for his previous depinge. â——Prick a
hole.â———ubi sistam: G., 469, 623; A., 67, 2, b.

80. inventus: Ironical. â——So some one has been found, Chrysippus, to mark the limit of your
heap.â—— If you can find a man to put a bound to greed, you can find a man to solve the sorites
of Chrysippus. The fallacy called the ϗϗϗείϗηϗ, or ϗϗϗιϗηϗ, Lat. acervus, is
often mentioned; so in Hor., Ep., 2, 1, 47, where it is illustrated by pulling hair after hair from the
tail of a horse, and taking year after year from the age of a poet. See Hamiltonâ——s Lectures on
Logic, p. 268 (Am. ed.).


The Satires of Persius



The first reading is the reading of this edition, which, in the absence of any statement to the
contrary, coincides with Jahnâ——s edition of 1868. Variations in spelling have been noted where
they have been deemed instructive.

Jα. = Jahn, ed. of 1843.

JÏ—. =â—— â——1868.
J. =â——both editions.
H. = Hermann (1854).


2. Parnaso: Parnasso, H. —4. Heliconidas: Heliconiadas, Jα., H. —5.

remitto: relinquo, Jα. —7. adfero: affero, Jα., H. —8. chaere: ϗαῗϗε,
Jα., H. —9. picam: picas, Jα.—nostra verba: verba nostra, H. —12.
refulserit: Jα.; refulgeat, Jϗ., H.


6. examenque: examenve, Jα., H. —8. nam Romae quis non: nam Romae est quis
non, Jα —a: ac, Jα.; ah, H. —9. tum: tunc, Jα., H. —11. tunc, tunc,
ignoscite —â——Nolo:â—— Jα.; tunc, tunc —ignoscite, nolo, JÏ—., H.
—12. splene cachinno: splene —cachinno, H. —14. quod: Jα., H.; quo,
JÏ—. —17. leges: legens, Jα., H. —19. nec: neque, Jα. —32. circa:
circum, Jα. —umeros: humeros, JÏ—., H. —hyacinthia: hyacinthina, Jα., H.
—35. supplantat: subplantat, JÏ—. —36. adsensere: assensere, Jα., H.
—57. protenso: propenso, Jα. —60. Apula: Appula, H. —tantae:
tantum, Heinrich, Conington. —66. derigat: dirigat, Jα., H. —69. adferre:
afferre, Jα., H. —74. cum: Jα.; quem, JÏ—., H. —dictatorem: dictaturam, H.
—76. Acci: Atti, Jα. —78. fulta: fulta? H. —82. exsultat: Jα., H.;
exultat, JÏ—. —88. men moveat? quippe et: 208 men moveat quippe et, Jα., H.
—89. protulerim: protulerim? Jα., H. —91. querela: Jα., Brambach; querella,
JÏ—., H. —93. cludere: claudere, Jα., H. —95. Appennino: Apennino, Jα.
—97. vegrandi: praegrandi, H. —102. euhion: evion, Jα. —111.
omnes, omnes: omnes etenim, Jα. —114. meite: meiite, Jα., H. —119. nec
cum scrobe? nusquam? nec cum scrobe, nusquam? JÏ—., H.; nec cum scrobe?
â——nusquam.â—— Jα. —130. heminas: Jα., H.; eminas, JÏ—.


5. libabit: libavit al. —9. murmurat: immurmurat, Jα. —10. ebulliat: ebullit
Cod. Montepessulanus. —14. conditur: ducitur, Jα. —pro: proh, Jα.
—16. purgas? purgas. Jα. —25. sulpure: sulfure, Jα., H. —37. optet:
optent al. —42. grandes: Jα., H.; pingues, JÏ—. —tucceta: tuceta, Jα.
—43. adnuere: annuere, Jα. —45. arcessis: accersis, H. —47.


The Satires of Persius

flammas: flamma, Jα. —48. et tamen: ac tamen, Jα.; at tamen, H. —52.

creterras: crateras. Jα. —54. excutiat: excutias, Jα., H. —61. terris: terras
al. —caelestium: coelestium, Jα., H. —inanes: Jα., H.; inanis, JÏ—. At vid.
Ritschel. Prolegg. Trinum., xc.; Neue, Formenl., 1, 257. —62. quid iuvat hoc: quid
iuvat, hos, H. —66. bacam: baccam, Jα., H. —73. animo: animi, H.


11. harundo: arundo, Jα., H. —12. querimur: queritur, Jα. —umor: humor,
Jα., H. —13. quod: Jα., H.; sed, JÏ—. —14. querimur: queritur, Jα. —15.
hucine: huccine, Jα., H. —17. pappare: papare, Jα. —29. censoremne:
Casaubon.; censoremque, JÏ—.; censoremve, Jα., H. —31. Nattae? Jα., H.; Nattae. JÏ—.
—32. vitio et: om. et H. —46. discere non sano: dicere et insano, H.
—48. iure: (;): Jα., H.; iure etenim, JÏ—. —53. bracatis: braccatis, H.
—56. diduxit: deduxit, H. —58. adhuc: adhuc? Jα. —59. malis!: malis?
Jα. —60. in quod: in quo, H. —68. qua: quam, H. —73. nec: neque, Jα.
—76. mena: maena, Jα. —78. quod sapio satis est mihi: quod satis est
sapio mihi, Jα., H. —89. alitus: halitus, Jα., H. —92. lagoena: lagena, Jα., H.
—93. rogabit: rogavit, Jα. —94. istuc: istud, Jα., H. —99. sulpureas
exalante: sulfureas exhalante, Jα., H. —mefites: mephites, Jα. 209 —100.
triental: Jα.; trientem, JÏ—., H. —105. rigidas: rigidos, Jα. —112. holus: olus,
Jα., H.


3. hoc: o, H. —9. hoc puta: hoc, puta, H.; puto, Heinr. —13. theta: theta? H.
—19. exspecta: expecta, JÏ—. —20. —suffla: sufla, JÏ—. —26.
miluus errat: milvus oberret, Jα.; milvus oberrat, H. —31. farrata olla: farratam
ollam, Jα., H. —35. hi mores: in mores, Jα. —38. exstat: extat, JÏ—.
—48. venit amarum: H.; venit, amarum, JÏ—.; venit amorum, Jα. —sed mox
paenituit. Vid. Prolegg., 193, 1.


3. maesto: moesto, Jα., H. —8. Prognes: Procnes, H. —9. cenanda:

coenanda, Jα., H. —13. scloppo: stloppo, Jα., H. —17. dicis: dicas, Jα., H.
—19. bullatis: pullatis, Jα.; ampullatis proposuit J. —24. dinoscere:
dignoscere, Jα. —35. deducit: Jα., H.; diducit, JÏ—. —38. apposita: Jα., H.;
adpos., JÏ—. —58. cheragra: chiragra, Jα. —66. â——cras hoc fiet.â——
Idem cras fiet: cras hoc fiet idem —Cras fiet? H. —68. consumpsimus:
consumsimus, Jα. —71. cantum: canthum, Jα., H. —76. tressis: Jα., H.; tresis,
JÏ—. —82. pillea: pilea, Jα., H. —102. navem: navim, Jα. —105.
speciem dinoscere: specimen dignoscere, Jα. —110. astringas: adstringas, Jα.
—112. glutto: gluto, Jα. —117. sub: Jα., H.; in, JÏ—. —119. exsere: Jα.,
H.; exere, JÏ—. —122. cetera: caetera, Jα. —123. tris: tres, H.
—satyrum: satyri, Jα. —127. â——cessas nugator:â—— Jα.; cessas
nugator, JÏ—., H. Vid. Comment. —131. erilis: herilis, Jα., H. —132. heia: eia,
Jα. —135. hebenum: ebenum, Jα., H. —136. ex: e, Jα. —camelo: Jα.,
H.; camello, JÏ—. —138. varo: Jα.; baro, JÏ—., H. —142. ni: nisi, Jα., H.
—145. exstinxerit: Jα., H.; extinxerit, JÏ—. —146. transilias: transsilias, Jα.
—147. cena: coena, Jα., H. —148. exalet: exhalet, Jα., H. —149.


The Satires of Persius

nummi: Jα.; nummos, JÏ—., H. —150. pergant avidos sudare: Jα.; peragant avido
sudore, JÏ—., H. —155. huncine: hunccine, Jα., H. —159. et tamen: ac tamen,
Jα.; ast tamen, H. —163. adrodens: abrodens, Jα. —165. obscenum:
obscoenum, Jα. —172. nec nunc: ne nunc, Jα. —arcessat: accersar, H.;
arcessor al. —174. exieras: exieris al. —nec nunc: ne nunc, Jα. —190.
Pulfennius: Fulfennius, Jα.



5. iocis: Heinr. ex coni.; iocos, J., H., Codd. —6. egregius: egregios al.
—senes: senex, H. —16. cenare: coenare, Jα., H. —17. lagoena:
lagena, Jα., H. —20. tingat: Jα., H., Bramb.; tinguat, JÏ—. —holus: olus, Jα., H.
—empta: emta, Jα., H. —24. tenuis salivas: tenuem salivam, Jα. —30.
dii: Brambach; dei, J., H. —31. caespite: Brambach; cespite, J., H. —33.
cenam: coenam, Jα., H. —34. negleget: negliget, Jα., H. —37. tune bona
incolumis minuas: Jα.; haec verba et v. 41 verba haec —metuas transposuit
Sinnerus quem secuti sunt JÏ—. et H. —40. fenisecae: faenisecae, Jα.; foenisacae, H.
—50. conives: connives, Jα., H. —51. inquis: inquis. Jα. —64. dest:
deest, Jα., H. —66. Tadius: Stadius Jα. —repone: Jα., H.; oppone, JÏ—.
—67. faenoris: Brambach; fenoris, JÏ—.; foenoris, Jα., H. —sumptus: sumtus,
Jα. —69. ungue: unge, Jα. —coquetur: coquatur, Jα., H. —77.
plausisse: pavisse, Jα. —79. depunge: depinge, Jα., H.



abaco, 1, 131. Aorist descriptive, 3, 101; 5, 187.

abavus, 6, 57 (note). gnomic, 2, 5.

Ablative in Ä«, 1, 62. 83. infinitive, 1, 132; 2, 66; 5, 33; 6, 77.

not necessarily locative, Prol., 1; 2, 35; 6, 8. aperto voto, 2, 7.

accerso, 2, 45. ἗ϗοϗϗόϗοιϗι

δαίμοϗι, 5, 167.
Acci, 1, 76.
Appennino, 1, 95.
accipio, 5, 87.
apponit annos, 2, 2.
Accusative cognate, Prol., 14; 1, 11. 106; 3, 59. 110;
4, 34; 5, 25. 106. 123. 190; 6, 35. apposita regula, 5, 38.

for abl., 6, 42. apricatio, 4, 18. 19. 33 (note).

The Satires of Persius

acerra, 2, 5. aprici senes, 5, 179.

aceti morientis, 4, 32. aptius, 1, 45.

aceto lotus, 5, 86. Apula canis, 1, 60.

acre despuat, 4, 34. aqualiculus, 1, 57.

acre servitium, 5, 127. arator peronatus, 5, 102.

acri iunctura, 5, 14. aratra, 1, 75.

actus teneat, 5, 99. aratro, 4, 41.

ad, 5, 123. Arcadiae pecuaria, 3, 9.

adductis amicis, 3, 47. Arcesilas, 3, 79.

adeo, 6, 14. 51. arcessat, 5, 172.

adferre sensus, 1, 69. arcessis, 2, 45.

adflate, 1, 123. arcum dirigere, 3, 60.

Adjective for Subst., 1, 107; 2, 74; 3, 52. argenti creterras, 2, 52.

admissus, 1, 117. seria, 2, 10.

admovere templis, 2, 75. argento modus, 3, 69.

adnuere his, 2, 43. Aricia, 6, 56 (note).

adrodens, 5, 163. aris excutere, 6, 44.

adsensere viri, 1, 36. aristas excutere, 3, 115.

adsigna tabellas, 5, 81. Aristophanes, 1, 124 (note).

adsonat, 1, 102. arma virum, 1, 96.

adverso, ex adv. dicere, 1, 44. Arreti, 1, 130.

Aegaeum rapere, 5, 142. ars = philosophia, 5, 105.

aegroti veteris, 3, 83. articulos fregerit, 5, 59.

211b artifex ponere, 1, 71.

Aegyptus, sons of, 2, 56 (note). sequi, Prol., 11.

aenos fratres, 2, 56. artificem vultum, 5, 40.

aequali Libra, 5, 47. artis magister, Prol., 10.

INDEX. 145
The Satires of Persius

aera invenci, 3, 39. artocreas, 6, 50.

Saturnia, 2, 59. asini, 1, 121.

aerumnis, 1, 78. asper nummus, 3, 69.

aerumnosi, 3, 79. ast, 2, 39.

agaso, 5, 76. astringas, 5, 110.

agedum, 2, 22. Astrology, 5, 46 (note).

ager exossatus, 6, 52. 212b

agitare iocos (?), 6, 5. astutam vulpem, 5, 117.

Ague, semitertian, 3, 91. at, 1, 28; 5, 62.

ait (indef. person), 1, 40. atavus, 6, 58 (note).

alba, 1, 110. atque (after compar.), 5, 131.

albata, 2, 40. Atti, 1, 50.

albo ventre, 3, 98. Attis, 1, 93. 105.

albus cum sardonyche, 1, 16. Attribute for effect, Prol., 4; 1, 17.

timor, 3, 115. audaci Cratino, 1, 123.

Alcibiades, 4, 3 (note). aude, 6, 49.

alea, 5, 57. auratis laquearibus, 3, 40.

algente catino, 3, 111. aure vaporata, 1, 126.

alges, 3, 115. aurem lotus, 5, 86.

aliquid, 3, 60; 5, 137. aures bibulas, 4, 50.

aliquis, 3, 8. auriculas albas, 1, 59.

alitus gravis, 3, 89. asini, 1, 121.

alli caput, 5, 188. emere, 2, 30.

ambages succinis, 3, 20. radere, 1, 108.

ambiguum iter, 5, 34. auro ovato, 2, 55.

ambitio cretata, 5, 177. pingui, 2, 52.

amitis, 6, 53. subaerato, 5, 106.

INDEX. 146
The Satires of Persius

amomis crassis, 3, 104. auster infelix, 6, 12.

amplexa catinum, 5, 182. aut and an, 5, 5.

an, 1, 41. avaritia, 5, 132.

anceps, 4, 11; 5, 156. avia, 2, 31.

anguis duos, 1, 113. avias veteres, 5, 92.

angulus, 6, 13. avunculus maior, 6, 60.

anhelo, 1, 14; 5, 10. axe secundo, 5, 72.

animae pars, 5, 23.

animam vende, 6, 75.


anne, 3, 39.

anseris exta, 6, 71.

ante boves, 1, 74.

Anticyras, 4, 16.

Antiopa, 1, 78.

antithetis rasis, 1, 86.

anus, 4, 19.
bacam conchae, 2, 66. Blaesus Pedius, 1, 85 (note).

balanatum, 4, 37. blandi comites, 5, 32.

balba nare, 1, 33. blando popello, 4, 15.

balnea, 5, 126. bombis, 1, 99.

balteus, 4, 44. bona mens, 2, 8.

barba aurea, 2, 58. pars, 2, 5.

barbatus magister, 4, 1. bone, 3, 94; 6, 43.

Bassaris, 1, 101. βοϗθϗϗεῗν, 2, 44.

Bassus Caesius, 6, 1 (note). bove caeso, 2, 44.

Bathylli, 5, 123.

INDEX. 147
The Satires of Persius

Baucis, 4, 21. Bovillas, 6, 55.

beatulus, 3, 103. bracatis Medis, 3, 53.

belle, 1, 49. Brisaei, 1, 76.

bellum (adj.), 1, 87. Bruto liberior, 5, 85.

bene, 1, 111; 4, 30. bruma, 6, 1.

Berecyntius, 1, 93. Bruttia saxa, 6, 27.

Bestius, 6, 37. buccas tumidas, 5, 13.

beta, 3, 114. bulla donata, 5, 31.

bibulas aures, 4, 50. bullatis nugis, 5, 19.

bicipiti Parnaso, Prol., 2. bullit, 3, 34.

213a buxum torquere, 3, 51.

bicolor membrana, 3, 10.

bidental, 2, 27.

bile acri, 2,14.

commota, 4, 6.

bilis mascula, 5, 144.

vitrea, 3, 8.

Birthday, 2, 1.

bis terque, 2, 16.

caballino fonte, Prol., 1. Chrysippus, 6, 80.

cachinno, 1, 12. cicer, 5, 177.

cachinnos ingeminare, 3, 87. ciconia, 1, 58.

caeco occipiti, 1, 62. cicutae, 4, 2; 5, 145.

caecum vulnus, 4, 44. Cincinnatus, 1, 73 (note).

caedimus, 4, 42. cinere ulterior, 6, 41.

caelestium inanes, 2, 61. cinis, 5, 152.

caerulea tabula, 6, 33. cinis frigidus, 6, 45.

INDEX. 148
The Satires of Persius

caepe tunicatum, 4, 31. cippus, 1, 37.

caeso bove, 2, 44. cirratorum, 1, 29.

Caesonia, 6, 47. citius, 5, 95.

caespite vivo, 6, 31. 214b

Calabrum vellus, 2, 65. citreis lectis, 1, 53.

calamo, 3, 12. 19. cives, 6, 9.

calcaverit, 2, 38. cladem, 6, 44.

calces extendit, 3, 105. clamare sese, 2, 23.

gender of, ib. clauso murmure, 5, 11.

calet, 3, 108. Cleanthea fruge, 5, 64.

calice, 6, 20. clivum Virbi, 6, 56.

calidae turbae, 4, 7. cludere versum, 1, 93.

213b Coa lubrica, 5, 135.

calidum sumen, 1, 53. cocta fidelia, 3, 22.

cognatis siccis, 5, 164.

triental, 3, 100.
colligis = ϗϗλλογίζει, 5,
Caligula, 6, 43 (note).
callem surgentem, 3, 57.
collo orcae, 3, 50.
calles, 4, 5.
collueris, 1, 18.
callidus, 5, 14.
columbo, 3, 16.
suspendere naso, 1, 118.
comitem, 1, 54.
Calliroen, 1, 134.
comites, 5, 32.
caloni, 5, 95.
comitum, 3, 7.
calve, 1, 56.
committere, 2, 4.
camelo sitiente, 5, 136.
commota bile, 4, 6.
Camena hortante, 5, 21.
conari, Prol., 9.
camino coquitur, 5, 10.
conchae baca, 2, 66.
campo indulgere, 5, 57.

INDEX. 149
The Satires of Persius

candelae, 3, 103. concordia fata, 5, 49.

candidus dies, 2, 2. condidit Ionio, 6, 29.

umbo, 5, 33. conditur uxor, 2, 14.

canem cave, 1, 109 (note). conives, 6, 50.

canicula, 3, 5. conpage soluta, 3, 68.

damnosa, 3, 49. conpescere examen, 5, 100.

canina littera, 1, 109. conpita, 4, 28; 5, 35.

canis (capillis), 5, 65. conpositas venas, 3, 91.

canis Apula, 1, 60. conpositum ius, 2, 73.

cano capiti, 1, 83. conpositus lecto, 3, 104.

canitiem, 1, 9. consentire, 5, 46.

cannabe, 5, 146. consumere cras, 5, 68.

cantare ocima, 4, 22. soles, 5, 41.

nectar, Prol., 14. contemnere, 3, 21.

cantum, 5, 71. Copulative compounds, 6, 50.

capedines, 2, 59 (note). coquere messis, 3, 6.

capillis positis, 3, 10. vellus, 2, 65.

capite et pedibus, 5, 18. coquitur massa, 5, 10.

induto, 3, 106. cor Enni, 6, 10.

obstipo, 3, 80. luctificabile, 1, 78.

capiti cano, 1, 83. corbes, 1, 71.

Cappadocas, 6, 77. cornea, 1, 47.

caprificus, 1, 25. cornicaris, 5, 12.

caput alli, 5, 188. cornua torva, 1, 99.

laxum, 3, 58. Cornute, 5, 23. 37.

carbone notare, 5, 108. corrupto olivo, 2, 64.

carere culpa, 3, 33. cortice pingui, 1, 96.

INDEX. 150
The Satires of Persius

carmen robustum, 5, 5. corvos poetas, Prol., 13.

carpamus dulcia, 5, 151. 215a

casia, 2, 64; 6, 36. corvos sequi, 3, 61.

casses artos, 5, 170. corymbis, 1, 101.

castigare examen, 1, 7. costa ratis, 6, 31.

castoreum, 5, 135. costam subduximus, 1, 95.

catasta, 6, 77. cras hesternum, 5, 68.

catenae, 5, 160. crassa tucceta, 2, 42.

catino, 3, 111. Crassi aedes, 2, 36.

214a crassis amomis, 3, 104.

catinum rubrum, 5, 182. crassos dies, 5, 60.

Catonis morituri, 3, 45. crassum ridere, 5, 190.

caudam iactare, 4, 15. Craterus, 3, 65.

caules ungue, 6, 69. Cratinus, 1, 123.

cansas rerum, 3, 66. crepet, 2, 11.

cautus dinoscere, 5, 24. solidum, 5, 25.

cedo, 2, 75. crepidas, 1, 127.

cedro, 1, 42. crepuere dentes, 3, 101.

celsa sede, 1, 17. creta notare, 5, 108.

cena funeris, 6, 33. cretata ambitio, 5, 177.

cenanda, 5, 9. cribro populi, 3, 112.

censen, 5, 168. crispante naso, 3, 87.

censorem tuum, 3, 29. Crispini balnea, 5, 126.

centenas voces, 5, 26. crudi, 1, 51.

centeno gutture, 5, 6. crudis, 1, 92.

centum voces poscere, 5, 1. crudo pulvere, 2, 67.

paria, 6, 48. crudum unguem, 5, 162.

INDEX. 151
The Satires of Persius

centuriones, 5, 189. crura praebere, 4, 42.

centurionum, 3, 77. cubito tangere, 4, 34.

centusse curto, 5, 191. cuinam? cuinam? 2, 19.

ceraso peccent, 6, 36. cuivis, 2, 6.

cerdo, 4, 51. culpa carere, 3, 33.

certo puncto, 5, 100. cultor invenum, 5, 63.

cervice laxa, 1, 98. cultrix foci, 3, 26.

cervices purpureas, 3, 41. cum = postquam, 1, 9.

cessas, 5, 127. cuminum, 5, 55.

cesses, 4, 33. cunis exemit, 2, 31.

cessit pavido, 5, 30. curas hominum, 1, 1.

ceves, 1, 87. curata cuticula, 4, 18.

chaere = ϗαῗϗε, Prol., 8. Curibus, 4, 26.

Chaerestratus, 5, 162. curo, 3, 78.

chartae, 3, 11. curta supellex, 4, 52.

chartis nocturnis, 5, 62. curtare rem, 6, 34.

cheragra, 5, 58. curto centusse, 5, 191.

Cherry pit, 3, 50. curva, 4, 12.

chlamydes, 6, 46. curvae in terris, 2, 61.

chordae, 6, 2. curvos mores, 3, 52.

chrysendeta, 2, 52 (note). curvus, 6, 16.

Chrysidis, 5, 165. custos purpura, 5, 30.

cute, in c. figere, 4, 33.

in c. novi, 3, 30.

perditus, 1, 23.


cuticula curata, 4, 18.

INDEX. 152
The Satires of Persius

cutis aegra, 3, 63.

Cybele, 5, 186 (note).

cynico, 1, 133.
δακϗϗλοδεικϗεῗϗθαι, 1, 28. dia, 1, 31.

Dama, 6, 76. 79. Dice, 3, 48.

damnosa canicula, 3, 49. dicenda tacenda, 4, 5.

Damocles, 3, 39 (note). dicier, 1, 28.

Danaides, 2, 56 (note). dictarunt, 1, 52.

dare verba, 3, 19; 4, 45. dictata, 1, 29.

Dative case, 1, 116. 126; 6, 34. dictatorem induit, 1, 74.

datum seutire, 5, 124. diducere ramos, 3, 56.

Davus, 5, 161. dies Herodis, 5, 180.

decenter, 1, 84. digito infami = medio, 2, 33.

decerpere, 5, 42. monstrari, 1, 28.

decipe nervos, 4, 45. digitum exsere, 5, 119.

decoctius, 1, 125. digna cedro, 1, 42.

decoquit, 5, 57. dilutas guttas, 3, 14.

decor, 1, 92. Dinomaches, 4, 20.

decorus pelle, 4, 14. dinoscere cautus, 5, 25.

decursu, 6, 61. speciem, 5, 105.

decussa farina, 3, 112. dirimebat, 1, 94.

dedecus, 1, 81. discernere rectum, 4, 11.

obsto, 5, 163. discincti Nattae, 3, 31.

deducit, 5, 35. discincto vernae, 4, 22.

defigere culpam, 5, 16. discolor usus, 5, 52.

deinde, 4, 8; 5, 143. discrepet, 6, 18.

δειϗιδαιμϗν, 2, 31. discutitur, 2, 25.

INDEX. 153
The Satires of Persius

delphin, 1, 94. dis depellentibus, 5, 167.

delumbe, 1, 104. iratis, 4, 27.

demersus, 3, 34. disponere, 5, 43.

demorsos, 1, 106. Dissimilation, 1, 72.

demum, 1, 64. dissutis malis, 3, 59.

dentalia terens, 1, 73. ditescant, 6, 15.

dente peragere, 6, 21. diversum, in d. scindere, 5, 154.

dentes refecti, 3, 101. dividere in Geminos, 5, 49.

depellentibus dis, 5, 167. doctas figuras, 1, 86.

deposcere voces, 5, 26. doctores Graios, 6, 38.

deprendere mores, 3, 52. dolores finire, 5, 161.

depunge, 6, 79. dolosi nummi, Prol., 12.

deradere limum, 4, 29. domini, 5, 130.

derigere, 1, 66. domo maiore, 3, 92.

descendere in sese, 4, 23. δϗαϗεϗεύειν, 5, 156.

despuat, 4, 35. ducere bona, 2, 63.

despumare, 3, 3. ferrum, 5, 4.
destertuit, 6, 10.
ramum, 3, 28.
detonsa, 3, 54.
vultum, 5, 40.
deunces, 5, 150.
duci ab uno sidere, 5, 46.

216a ducis genio, 6, 48.

dexter senio, 3, 48.
dum, 3, 4; 5, 10.

dextro Hercule, 2, 12.

dum ne, 4, 21.

Iove, 5, 114. 216b

duplici hamo, 5, 154.

durum holus, 3, 112.


INDEX. 154
The Satires of Persius

ebria, 1, 50. Etruscan rites, 2, 36.

ebulliat, 2, 10. Etymology of ast, 2, 39.

ecce, 1, 30; 2, 31. bidental, 2, 27.

echo, 1, 102. 217a

edictum, 1, 134. conpita, 4, 28.

effluis, 3, 20. fagus, 5, 59.

effundat, 1, 65. Palilia, 1, 72.

egerit, 5, 69.
scloppus, 5, 13.
egregius lusisse, 6, 6.
sodes, 3, 89.
εἶεν, 4, 20.
sollers, 5, 142.
἗κϗειειν, 1, 49.
surdus, 6, 35.
elargiri, 3, 71.
usque, 6, 15.
elegidia, 1, 51.
varo (baro), 5, 138.
἗λεϗθέϗιοϗ Ηεύϗ, 5, 114.
euge, 1, 49. 75. 111.
elevet, 1, 6.
euhion, 1, 102.
eliquat, 1, 35.
Eupolis, 1, 124.
Elision, 4, 14.
evitandum, 2, 27.
elixas, 4, 40.
exalare, 3, 99; 5, 148.
Ellipsis, 1, 4; 3, 19; 5, 139; 6, 29.
examen, 1, 6; 5, 100.
emaci prece, 2, 3.
excussit aristas, 3, 115.
emeruit, 5, 74.
excusso naso, 1, 118.
emole, 6, 26.
excute, 1, 49; 6, 75.
἗μϗαιϗϗά, 2, 52.
excutiat guttas, 2, 54.
empta in calice, 6, 20.
excutienda, 5, 22.
emunctae naris, 1, 118.
excutit e manibus, 3, 101.
en, 1, 26.
excutitur cinis, 6, 45.
enarrabile, 5, 29.

INDEX. 155
The Satires of Persius

enim, 1, 63. exire, 1, 46; 5, 78. 130. 174; 6, 60.

Enni cor, 6, 10. exossatus ager, 6, 52.

Ennius, Prol., 2; 6, 10 (note). expedivit, Prol., 7.

ensis, 3, 40. expers maris, 6, 39.

Epithets, general, Prol., 12. expiare frontem, 2, 34.

epulis, 5, 42. exporrecto, 3, 82.

equidem, 1, 110; 5, 19. 45. expungam, 2, 13.

Ergenna, 2, 26. exsere digitum, 5, 119.

erilis metus, 5, 131. exspes, 2, 50.

error, 5, 34. exstet aqualiculus, 1, 57.

escas, 1, 22. exstinxerit, 5, 145.

esseda, 6, 47. exsultat, 1, 82.

estne ut, 2, 18. exsuperat, 3, 89.

esto, 1, 20. extendit calces, 3, 105.

etenim, 3, 48. mores, 5, 38.

ἤ ϗιϗ ἢ οὗδείϗ, 1, 3. rimas, 3, 2.

extrinsecus, 5, 128.
fabula, 5, 3. 152. filix, 4, 41.

face exstincta, 5, 166. Final sentence elliptical, 1, 4.

supposita, 3, 116. findor, 3, 9.

facere with inf., 1, 44. fingendus, 3, 24.

faecem pannosam, 4, 32. finire dolores, 5, 161.

faeno fumosa, 1, 72. finis, 1, 48; 5, 65.

faenoris merces, 6, 67. fissa aure, 6, 70.

fagi, 5, 59. fistula, 3, 14.

Falernum, 3, 3. fixum mummum, 5, 111.


INDEX. 156
The Satires of Persius

217b Flaccus, 1, 116.

fallere sollers, 5, 37. flagellas puteal, 4, 49.

fallier, 3, 50. flexus metae, 3, 68.

fallit regula, 4, 12. Floralia, 5, 178.

far modicum, 3, 25. foci cultrix, 3, 26.

farina, 3, 112; 5, 115. foco admovit, 6, 1.

farrago, 5, 77. focus, 1, 72.

farrata olla, 4, 31. foedere certo, 5, 45.

farre litabo, 2, 75. folle, 5, 11.

fas, 1, 61; 2, 73; 5, 99. fonte caballino, Prol., 1.

fata, 5, 49. forcipe, 4, 40.

favilla, 1, 39. fores udas, 5, 166.

faxit, 1, 112. fortunare, 2, 45.

fenestra, 5, 180. fossor, 5, 122.

fenestras, 3, 1. fractus, 1, 18.

fenisecae, 6, 40. frangere Saturnum, 5, 50.

fermentum, 1, 24. rem patriam, 5, 165.

ferrum, 5, 4. fratres aenos, 2, 56.

fert animus, 4, 7. fretus, 4, 3.

ferto opimo, 2, 48. frigere, 3, 109.

ferus, 5, 171. frigescant, 1, 109.

ferveat lector, 1, 126. frigidus cinis, 6, 45.

fervebit olla, 5, 9. frontem perisse, 5, 104.

ferventi veneno, 3, 37. fronte politus, 5, 116.

ferventis massae, 2, 67. fruge Cleanthea, 5, 64.

fervescit sanguis, 3, 116. fulta, 1, 78.

fervet plebecula, 4, 6. fulto, 5, 146.

INDEX. 157
The Satires of Persius

festa luce, 6, 69. fumo dare pondus, 5, 20.

festuca, 5, 175. fumosa Palilia, 1, 72.

fibra, 1, 47; 2, 26. 45; 3, 32; 5, 29. fumosum sinciput, 6, 70.

fictile, 2, 60. fundo imo, 2, 51.

fidele senectae, 2, 41. funem reduco, 5, 118.

fidelia non cocta, 3, 22. funeris cena, 6, 33.

putet, 3, 73. funus praeclarum, 2, 10.

tumet, 5, 183. fur, 1, 85.

fidelibus nata, 5, 48. Future as imperative, 1, 91.

figere iugum, 4, 28. gnomic, 2, 5.

solem, 4, 33. participle, 1, 100.

terram, 3, 80.

figurae trama, 6, 73.

figuras ponere, 1, 86.

Gabinus cinctus, 5, 31 (note). glutto, 5, 112.

Galli, 5, 186. Glyconi, 5, 9.

garrit, 5, 96. graece nugari, 1, 70.

gaudere = ἗γαϗᾶν, 6, 63. Graiorum, 1, 127.

paratus, 1, 132. Graios, 6, 38.

gausape, 4, 37; 6, 46. grana, 5, 55.

gemina lance, 4, 10. granaria, 5, 110; 6, 25.

geminet guttas, 3, 14. grande loqui, 1, 14; 5, 7.

Geminos (in G.) dividere, 5, 49. grandes Galli, 5, 186.

producis, 6, 18. patinae, 2, 42.

218b grandi polenta, 3, 55.

generoso honesto, 2, 74. grandia, 3, 45.

INDEX. 158
The Satires of Persius

Genitive of material, 2, 52. gravis alitus, 3, 89.

free use of, 1, 14. Saturnus, 5, 50.

genius, 1, 113; 2, 3; 4, 27; 5, 151; 6, 19. 48. gurgite, 2, 15.

genuinum, 1, 115. gurgulio, 4, 38.

guttas excutere, 2, 54.

gutture exalare, 3, 99.

niti, 5, 6.
habita tecum, 4, 52. hianda, 5, 3.

haeres, 2, 19. hiantem ducere, 5, 176.

hamo duplici, 5, 154. Hiatus, 3, 66.

hebenum, 5, 135. hibernat, 6, 7.

hederae, Prol., 6. 219a

Helicone, 5, 7. hircosa, 3, 77.

Heliconidas, Prol., 4. Historic present, 4, 2.

Hellebore, 3, 63; 4, 16; 5, 100. holus durum, 3, 112.

heminas, 1, 130. siccum, 6, 20.

Hendiadys, 2, 52; 5, 131. hominum, 1, 1.

herba, 6, 26. honesto generoso, 2, 74.

Hercule dextro, 2, 12. horoscope, 6, 18.

heres proximus, 2, 12. horridulus, 1, 54.

἗ϗμῗϗ κεϗδῷοϗ, 6, 51. hospes, 2, 8.

heroas sensus, 1, 69. hucine rerum, 3, 15.

Herodis dies, 5, 180. humana re, 3, 72.

hesterni Quirites, 3, 106. humilis susurros, 2, 6.

hesternum cras, 5, 68. hyacinthia, 1, 32.

oscitat, 3, 59. Hypallage, 3, 4. 50. 57.

Hyperbaton, 1, 23; 6, 13.

INDEX. 159
The Satires of Persius

Hypsipylas, 1, 34.
iactare caudam, 4, 15. ingemere, 4, 13.

festucam, 5, 175. vitam, 5, 61.

iam, 5, 33. ingeminat, 1, 102; 3, 87.

nunc, 5, 110. ingeni largitor, Prol., 10.

Iane, 1, 58. ingenium, 4, 4.

idcirco, 2, 28. ingentis Titos, 1, 20.

idonea dare, 5, 20. ingenuo ludo, 5, 16.

iecore, 1, 25. ingerere, 5, 6. 177.

aegro, 5, 129. inhibere perita, 2, 34.

igitur, 1, 98; 4, 14. iniquas heminas, 1, 130.

ignovisse, 2, 24. inlita Medis, 3, 53.

ilex, 2, 24. inmeiat vulvae, 6, 73.

ilia, 4, 43. inmittere templis, 2, 62.

Ilias Atti, 1, 50. 123. inodora, 6, 35.

imagines, Prol., 5; 3, 28. inpallescere chartis, 5, 62.

Imperfect of a false impression, 5, 93. inpellere, 2, 13. 59; 5, 128.

inane, 1, 1. aurem, 2, 21.

inanes caelestium, 2, 61. inpensius, 6, 68.

inclusi, 1, 13. inprobe, 4, 47.

incoctum honesto, 2, 74. inriguo somno, 5, 56.

incolumis, 6, 37. inrorans piper, 6, 21.

increpuit, 5, 127. 220a

increvit fibris, 3, 32. insana canicula, 3, 5.

incurvasse, 1, 91. inscitia debilis, 5, 99.

incusa auro, 2, 52. inserere aures, 5, 63.

Insolatio, 3, 33. 98; 4, 18; 5, 179.

INDEX. 160
The Satires of Persius

incutere deos, 5, 187. insomnis, 3, 54.

inde, 1, 126; 5, 153. inspice, 3, 88.

indomitum Falernum, 3, 3. instanti imperio, 5, 157.

induco, 6, 49. insulso Glyconi, 5, 9.

indulge genio, 5, 151. intabescant, 3, 38.

induto capite, 3, 106. integer, 5, 173.

219b intendisse numeris, 6, 4.

inepte cornicari, 5, 12. intepet ora, 6, 7.

ineptus lictor, 5, 175. Interrogative dependent in Indicative,

3, 67.
inexpertum deprendere, 3, 52.
intima, 1, 21.
infami digito, 2, 33.
intortos mores, 5, 38.
infelix auster, 6, 13.
introrsum, 2, 9.
Infinitive, perf. instead of present, Prol., 2; 1, 42. 91.
132; 2, 66; 4, 7. 17; 5, 24. 33; 6, 4. 6. 17. 77. intumuit bilis, 5, 145.

for gerund, etc., Prol., 11; 1, 59. 70. 118; 2, 34. 54; 3, 51; 4, 16; intus novi, 3, 30.
5, 20. 24. 37. 100; 6, 3. 24. 36. 77.
pallere, 3, 42.
as a subst. with demonst. and possessive, 1. 9. 27. 123; 5, 53; 6,
i nunc, 4, 19.
invigilat, 3, 55.
nursery infinitives, 3, 18.
Ionio condere, 6, 29.
in exclamation, 1, 24; 4, 36.
Iove nostro, 5, 50.
passive in -er, 1, 28; 3, 50.
dextro, 5, 114.
for subjunctive, 5, 46.
iratis dis, 4, 27.
inflantis corpora, 5, 187.
iratum Eupolidem, 1, 124.
infodiam, 1, 120.
Ironical 1st Person, 3, 3.
infundere monitus, 1, 79.
Isis, 5, 186 (note).
infusa lympha, 3, 13.
Italo honore, 1, 129.

iubeo (construction), 5, 161.

INDEX. 161
The Satires of Persius

iudex potior, 2, 20.

iugum figere, 4, 28.

iunctura, 1, 65. 92; 5, 14.

iura, 5, 137.

iure, 3, 48.

ius fasque, 2, 73.

iustum suspendere, 4, 10.

labefactent, 4, 40. licetur Graecos, 5, 191.

labella uda, 2, 32. Licini, 2, 36.

labello exporrecto, 3, 82. lictor, 1, 75.

labentis annos, 2, 2. ineptus, 5, 175.

Labeo Attius, 1, 4. 50. 123 (note). Ligus ora, 6, 6.

laborat vinci, 5, 39. limen obscenum, 5, 165.

laboro scire, 2, 17. limina frigescant, 1, 109.

labra moves, 5, 184. limite dextro, 3, 57.

prolui, Prol., 1. limo viridi, 3, 22.

lacerae ratis, 6, 31. limum veterem, 4, 29.

220b linea, 3, 4.

lactibus unctis, 2, 30. lingua, sub l., 2, 9.

laena, 1, 32. linguae pictae, 5, 25.

laetari praetrepidum, 2, 54. lippa propago, 2, 72.

laevo pectore, 2, 53. lippus, 1, 79; 5, 77.

lagoena, 6, 17. liquescant in flammas, 2, 47.

sitiente, 3, 92. liquido plasmate, 1, 17.

lallare, 3, 18. litabis, 5, 120.

lambunt, Prol., 5. litabo farre, 2, 75.

Literary ladies, Prol., 13.

INDEX. 162
The Satires of Persius

λαμϗαδηϗοϗία, 6, 61. Litotes, Prol., 1; 1, 19.

lance gemina, 4, 10. littera canina, 1, 110.

magna, 2, 71. Pythagorea, 3, 56.

lapidosa cheragra, 5, 58. litus, 6, 8.

lapillo meliore, 2, 1. locatus, 3, 72.

laquearibus auratis, 3, 40. loturo, 3, 93.

lare presso, 5, 109. lotus, 5, 86.

largior, 6, 51. lubrica Coa, 5, 135.

largire, 6, 32. lucem palustrem, 5, 60.

largitor, Prol., 10. lucernae dispositae, 5, 181.

Laribus donata, 5, 31. Luciferi rudis, 5, 103.

larvae, 1, 38 (note). Lucilius, 1, 2. 114.

latet ulcus, 3, 113. lucis (Abl.), 2, 27.

Latinae fidis, 6, 4. lucro vendere, 6, 75.

lato auro, 4, 44. luctata canis, 5, 159.

latus dare, 6, 8. luctificabile, 1, 78.

mundi, 6, 76. lucum ponere, 1, 70.

lautus ponere, 6, 23. luditur tibi, 3, 20.

lavatur, 3, 98. ludo ingenuo, 5, 16.

Lawyersâ—— fees, 3, 75. lumbum intrant, 1, 20.

laxa cervice, 1, 98. lumine figentes, 3, 80.

laxamus seria, 5, 44. Lunai portus, 6, 9.

laxes granaria, 5, 110. Lupus, 1, 115.

laxis labris, 3, 102. lusca sacerdos, 5, 186.

laxum caput, 3, 58. lusce, 1, 128.

lector ferveat, 1, 126. lusisse, 6, 6.

legarat, 6, 66. 221b

INDEX. 163
The Satires of Persius

legere nebulas, 5, 7. lustralibus, 2, 33.

leges, 1, 17. lutatus amomis, 3, 104.

lemures, 5, 185. lutea gausapa, 6, 46.

lenia Surrentina, 3, 93. pellis, 3, 95.

leti memor, 5, 153. luto, in l. fixum, 5, 111.

λεϗκὴ ἡμέϗα, 2, 2. lutum udum, 3, 23.

levis, sit tibi terra, 1, 37 (note). luxum, 1, 67.

levis trossulus, 1, 82. luxuria sollers, 5, 142.

lex publica, 5, 98. lyncem, 1, 101.

libabit, 2, 5. lyra, 6, 2.

libelle, 1, 120.

liber = play, 1, 76.

Liberator Iuppiter, 5, 114 (note).

liber pede, 1, 13.

libertate, 5, 73.


Libonis puteal, 4, 49 (note).

Libra aequali, 5, 47.

librae ancipitis, 4, 11.

librat, 1, 86.
macram spem, 2, 35. mergis obvia, 6, 30.

Macrinus, 2, 1. merum fundere, 2, 3.

Maenas, 1, 101. 105. Messalinus, 2, 72.

Maeonides, 6, 11. Messalla, 2, 72.

magister artis, Prol., 10. messe propria, 6, 25.

magistrum barbatum, 4, 1. metae flexus, 3, 68.

magnanimus puer, 6, 22. metas, 1, 131.

INDEX. 164
The Satires of Persius

maiestate manus, 4, 8. metuens divum, 2, 31.

maiorum limina, 1, 108. metuentia scombros, 1, 43.

μακαϗίϗηϗ, 3, 103. metuo with Inf., 1, 47; 4, 28.

maligne, 3, 21. meus, 5, 88.

mammae, 3, 18. Mida rex, 1, 121 (note).

mando, 2, 39. mille species, 5, 52.

mane, 1, 134. millesime, 3, 28.

clarum, 3, 1. miluus, 4, 26.

manes, 1, 38; 5, 152. Mimalloneis, 1, 99.

offerings to, 2, 3. Mimas, 1, 99 (note).

manibus quatere, 2, 35. minui, 6, 16.

Manius, 6, 56. 60. minutum pappare, 3, 17.

mansuescit, 4, 41. mirae, bene mirae, 1, 111.

mantica, 4, 24. mire opifex, 6, 3.

marcentis vulvas, 4, 36. mittit, 2, 36.

Marcus Dama, 5, 79. mobile, 1, 18.

marem strepitum, 6, 4. mobilis imitari, 1, 59.

maris expers, 6, 39. modice sitiente, 3, 92.

Marsi clientis, 3, 75. modico ore, 5, 15.

mascula bilis, 5, 144. modicus voti, 5, 109.

massa, 5, 10. modus, 3, 69.

massae venas, 2, 67. molle subrisit, 3, 110.

Masuri rubrica, 5, 90. momento turbinis, 5, 78.

matertera, 2, 31; 6, 54. monstrari digito, 1, 28.

medendi natura, 5, 101. montis promittere, 3, 65.

medico, 3, 90. morari Iovem, 2, 43.

Medis bracatis, 3, 52.

INDEX. 165
The Satires of Persius

meditari somnia, 3, 83. mordaci aceto, 5, 86.

mefites sulpureas, 3, 99. vero, 1, 107.

meite, 1, 114. mores pallentis, 5, 15.

melior sorbere, 4, 16. moretur, 1, 77.

222a morientis aceti, 4, 32.

membrana bicolor, 3, 10. moror, 1, 111.

memini, Prol., 3. morosa vena, 6, 72.

memor leti, 5, 153. moveare, 5, 123.

mena, 3, 76. Mucius, 1, 115.

Menander, 5, 161 (note). muria, 6, 20.

mendose colligis, 5, 85. murice vitiato, 2, 65.

mendosum tinnire, 5, 106. murmura rodere, 3, 81.

mens bona, 2, 8. tollere, 2, 6.

mera libertas, 5, 82. murmure clauso, 5, 11.

meracas, 4, 16. mutare mercibus, 5, 54.

mercare, 6, 75. muttire, 1, 119.

mercede, 2, 29. Mycenis, 5, 17.

merces faenoris, 6, 67.

mercibus Italis, 5, 54.

Mercurialem salivam, 5, 112.

Mercurius, 2, 44.

κεϗδῷοϗ, 6, 62.
nare balba, 1, 33. 223a

naribus uncis, 1, 41. nigra sepia, 3, 13.

naso cadat ira, 5, 91. nihil de nihilo, 3, 84.

crispante, 3, 87. niti gutture, 5, 6.

nocte paratum, 1, 90.

INDEX. 166
The Satires of Persius

excusso, 1, 118. noctem purgare, 2, 16.

tangere, 6, 17. noctes decerpere, 5, 42.

nata fidelibus, 5, 48. nodosa harundo, 3, 11.

natalia, 6, 19. nodum abripit, 5, 159.

natalicia, 1, 16. non, position of, 1, 45; 2, 3; 3, 78.

natat, 5, 182. non = ne, 1, 5; 5, 45.

Natta, 3, 31. non = nonne, 1, 50.

natura, 5, 98. 101. nonaria, 1, 133.

naufragus, 1, 88; 6, 33 (note). noris, 4, 52.

ne = ne-quidem, 5, 172. nostin, 4, 25.

omitted, 1, 112. nostrum, Prol., 7; 5, 151.

-ne in rhetorical questions, 1, 22. novimus, 4, 43.

nebulas legere, 5, 7. nox tertia, 3, 91.

nectar cantare, Prol., 14. nucibus, 1, 10.

nefas, 1, 119. nugae, 1, 5.

negatas, Prol., 11. bullatae, 5, 19.

Negative, position of, 1, 45; 2, 3. nugari Graece, 1, 70.

nempe, 2, 70; 3, 1; 5, 67. nugaris, 1, 56.

nepos, 6, 71. nugator, 5, 127.

Nerea, 1, 94. Numae aurum, 2, 59.

Nerius, 2, 14. numerare diem, 2, 1.

Nero, supposed allusions to, 1, 56. 75. 121; 4, 49. numeris, 6, 3.

nervis, 2, 41. numeros, 1, 13; 5, 123.

nervos agitare, 5, 129. nummi dolosi, Prol., 12.

decipere, 4, 45. nummus asper, 3, 70.

neu, 3, 51; 6, 66. nutrici, 2, 39.

nutrire nummos, 5, 150.

INDEX. 167
The Satires of Persius

obba, 5, 148. omentum, 2, 47; 6, 74.

oberres, 5, 156. ᾠοϗκοϗική, 5, 185.

oberret, 6, 32. operae est, 6, 9.

obiurgabere, 5, 169. opertum, 1, 121.

obscenum limen, 5, 165. opifex, 6, 3.

obsequio, 5, 156. opimo ferto, 2, 48.

obstipo capite, 3, 80. opimum pingue, 3, 32.

obstiteris, 5, 157. optare linguas centum, 5, 2.

obvia mergis, 6, 30. orbis pueris, 2, 20.

occa, 6, 26. orca, 3, 76.

occipiti, 1, 62. orcae angustae, 3, 50.

occurrite, 1, 62; 3, 64. ordo, 3, 67.

ocello patranti, 1, 18. ore modico, 5, 15.

ocima, 4, 22. Orestes, 3, 118.

ocius ad navem, 5, 141. oscitat, 3, 59.

oculos urentis, 2, 34. o si, 2, 9.

oenophorum, 5, 140. os populi, 1, 42.

223b ossa, 1, 37.

offas carminis, 5, 5. ostendisse iuvat, 5, 24.

officium, 5, 94; 6, 27. ovato auro, 2, 55.

ohe, 1, 23. ovile, 2, 49.

oletum, 1, 112. ovo rupto, 5, 185.

oleum, 6, 50.

olivo corrupto, 2, 64.

tangere, 3, 44.

olla farrata, 4, 31.

INDEX. 168
The Satires of Persius

Prognes, 5, 8.
pacto, 4, 43. plantaria, 4, 39.

Pacuvius, 1, 77. plaudere, w. accus. (?), 4, 31.

pagina, 5, 20. plausisse, 6, 77.

palaestritae, 4, 39. plebeia, 3, 114; 5, 18.

palato, 1, 35. plorabile, 1, 34.

Palilia, 1, 72. Plural, Prol., 6; 1, 75; 2, 33; 3, 79.

104; 4, 16; 5, 110.
pallentis cumini, 5, 55.
pluteum caedit, 1, 106.
mores, 5, 15.
poetas corvos, Prol., 13.
palles, 1, 124; 3, 94. 96; 4, 47; 5, 80. 184.
poetridas, Prol., 13.
palliatae, 5, 14 (note).
ϗοικίλη ϗϗοά, 3, 53.
pallidam Pirenen, Prol., 4.
polenta, 3, 55.
pallor, 1, 26.
palmis, 6, 39.
politus fronte, 5, 116.
palpo, 5, 176.
pollice, 5, 40.
palustrem lucem, 5, 60.
honesto, 6, 5.
panis secundus, 3, 112 (note).
Polydamas, 1, 4.
pondus dare fumo, 5, 20.
pannosam, 4, 32.
ponere, 1, 53. 70; 3, 111; 5, 3; 6,
pannucia, 4, 21. 23.

papae, 5, 79. pontifices, 2, 69.

pappare minutum, 3, 17. Ponto advehe, 5, 134.

paratum nocte, 1, 90. popa venter, 6, 74.

paratas gaudere, 1, 132. popello, 6, 50.

nescire, 6, 36. blando, 4, 15.

Parca, 5, 48. populi rem = rem publicam, 4, 1.

INDEX. 169
The Satires of Persius

paria centum, 6, 48. porci, 1, 72.

Parnaso, Prol., 2. porrum sectile, 4, 30 (note).

Parthi vulnera, 5, 4. portam, extendit in p., 3, 105.

Participle in questions, 3, 67; 5, 124. porticus sapiens, 3, 54.

parvus, 3, 44. postibus, 6, 45.

patella, 3, 26; 4, 17. postica sanna, 1, 62.

pater quartus, 6, 58. postquam, 3, 90.

paterna dicta, 6, 66. pote, 1, 56.

paterni testiculi, 1, 103. potis, 4, 13.

patinae, 2, 42; 6, 21. praebet vellere, 2, 28.

patranti ocello, 1, 18. praecedenti tergo, 4, 24.

patriciae vulvae, 6, 73. praecipites imus, 3, 42.

patricius sanguis, 1, 61. praecordia, 1, 117; 5, 22.

patruelis, 6, 53. praedictum, 5, 188.

patrui proneptis, 6, 54. praefigere theta, 4, 13.

patruus, 1, 11; 2, 10. praegrandi, 1, 124.

patula ulmo, 3, 6. praelargus, 1, 14.

pavido mihi, 5, 30. praeparet auster, 6, 12.

pavisse, 6, 77. praeponere, 2, 18.

pavone, 6, 11. praestantior, 6, 76.

peccas, 5, 119. praetegit, 4, 45.

peccat (pulpa), 2, 68. praetor, 5, 88. 93.

peccent casiae, 6, 36. praetrepidum laetari, 2, 54.

pectine, 6, 2. praetulerint, 1, 5.

pectore calido, 5, 144. prandeat, 3, 85.

laevo, 2, 53. prandia plebeia, 5, 18.

sinuoso, 5, 27. post p. Calliroen, 1, 134.

INDEX. 170
The Satires of Persius

sub p. vulpum, 5, 117. regum, 1, 67.

pecuaria Arcadiae, 3, 9. premere ratione, 5, 39.

pede liber, 1, 13. ventos, 5, 11.

pedes summos, 3, 108. presso Lare, 5, 109.

Pedius, 1, 85. primas noctes, 5, 42.

Pegaseium, Prol., 14. primordia vocum, 6, 3.

peioribus orti, 6, 15. proceres, 1, 52.

pelle summa, 4, 14. procerum, 2, 5.

pellem aptas, 5, 140. prodirem, Prol., 3.

pelliculam, 5, 116. producis, 6, 19.

pellis lutea, 3, 95. 225b

Penatis, 2, 45. progenies terrae, 6, 57.

penu locuplete, 3, 74. Prognes olla, 5, 8.

perages, 5, 139. pro Iuppiter, 2, 22.

224b Prolepsis, 3, 5.

peragit bona, 6, 22. prolui, Prol., 1.

percussa, 3, 21. promittere montis, 3, 65.

percute agnam, 5, 168. promptum, 2, 6.

perditus cute, 1, 23. proneptis patrui, 6, 53.

perducere facies, 2, 56. properandus, 3, 23.

Perfect, 2, 32. 43; 5, 95. protenso, 1, 57.

Inf. See Infinitive. protinus, 1, 110.

pergant sudare, 5, 150. protulerim, 1, 89.

perge, 3, 97. proxima uxor, 3, 43.

Pericli, 4, 3. prudentia rerum, 4, 4.

perisse frontem, 5, 102. psittaco, Prol., 8.

perita inhibere, 2, 34. pubis Germanae, 6, 44.

INDEX. 171
The Satires of Persius

permisit sparsisse, 5, 33. Publius, 5, 74.

pernae, 3, 75. puer, 5, 167; 6, 22.

peronatus, 5, 103. Pulfennius, 5, 190.

pertusa conpita, 4, 28. pullatis (?), 5, 19.

ϗεϗόμενα διώκειν, 3, 60. pulmentaria, 3, 102.

petulanti, 1, 12. 133. pulmo praelargus, 1, 14.

pexus, 1, 15. pulmone, 2, 30.

Phalaris, 3, 39. pulmonem rumpere, 3, 27.

phaleras, 3, 30. pulpa, 2, 63.

Phyllidas, 1, 34. pulsa, 5, 24.

picam, Prol., 9. pultes, 6, 40.

picas, Prol., 13. puncto certo, 5, 100.

pictum in trabe, 1, 89. pupae, 2, 70.

pillea, 5, 82. pupille, 4, 3.

pilleus, 3, 106 (note). pupillum, 2, 12.

pilos, ante p., 4, 5. puppe, in p. dii, 6, 30.

pingitur, ut p., 6, 63. Puppets, 5, 128.

pingue opimum, 3, 33. pura voce, 5, 28.

pinguem nebulam, 5, 181. purgare noctem, 2, 16.

pingui auro, 2, 52. purgatas aures, 5, 63.

pinguibus Umbris, 3, 74. purpura custos, 5, 30.

pinguior angulus, 5, 14. purum salinum, 3, 25.

pinsit, 1, 58. puta, 4, 9.

piper, 3, 75; 5, 55. 136; 6, 21. puteal, 4, 49.

Pirenen, Prol., 4. putet, 3, 73.

pituita, 2, 57. putre ulcus, 3, 114.

putris, 5, 58.

INDEX. 172
The Satires of Persius

Pythagoras, 3, 56 (note).

Pythagoreo, 6, 11.
quaesieris, 4, 25. Quinti, 1, 73.

quamvis, 5, 70. Quintus Ennius, Prol., 1; 6, 11.

quando, 1, 46. quippe, 1, 88.

226a Quiritem, 5, 75.

quandoque = quandocumque, 4, 28. Quirites, 3, 106; 4, 8.

Quartan ague, 3, 91. quis = qui, 1, 63. 68.

quartus pater, 6, 57. = uter (?), 2, 20.

quatere manibus, 2, 35. quisquam, 1, 112; 5, 83. 128.

que-que, Prol., 4. quisque = quicumque, 5, 73.

quid agis, 3, 5. quo with Inf., 1, 24.

quidnam, 2, 29. quod si, Prol., 12.

quin, w. indic., 2, 71; 4, 14. quorsum, 5, 5.

w. subjunct., 1, 84.

quincunce modesto, 5, 149.

R for L by dissimilation, 1, 72. reparabilis, 1, 102.

rabiosa silentia, 3, 81. repone, 6, 66.

radere, 1, 107; 3, 114; 5, 15. requiescere, 3, 90.

raderet, 3, 50. rerum prudentia, 4, 4.

ramale, 1, 97. resignent, 5, 28.

ramalia, 5, 59. respondere maligne, 3, 22.

ramos Samios, 3, 56. respue, 4, 51.

ramosa compita, 5, 35. restas, 3, 97.

ramum ducere, 3, 28. retecti dentes, 3, 101.

rancidulum, 1, 33. revello, 5, 92.

INDEX. 173
The Satires of Persius

rapiant hunc, 2, 38. rex, 2, 37.

rapias Aegaeum, 5, 142. Rhenos, 6, 47.

rapidae vitae, 5, 94. Rhetorical question, with -ne, 1, 22.

rara avis, 1, 46. rhombos, 6, 23.

rasis antithetis, 1, 85. ridere crassum, 5, 190.

rasisse, 2, 68. meum, 1, 122.

rastro, 2, 11. rimas extendere, 3, 2.

ratio, 5, 96. 119. rite salit, 3, 111.

ratione, 3, 36; 5, 39. ritu generis, 6, 59.

ratis, 6, 31. rixanti populo, 5, 178.

rauco murmure, 5, 11. robusti carminis, 5, 5.

recens piper, 5, 136. rodere casses, 5, 170.

recenti sole, 5, 54. murmura, 3, 81.

toga, 1, 15. Roma turbida, 1, 5.

receptare se, 6, 8. Romule, 1, 87.

recessus mentis, 2, 73. Romulidae, 1, 31.

226b rosa fiat, 2, 38.

recto talo, 5, 104. rota acri, 3, 24.

rectum discernere, 4, 11. curras, 5, 72.

recusem minui, 6, 15. rubellum, 5, 147.

recutita sabbata, 5, 184. rubra solea, 5, 169.

redire in rugam, 6, 79. 227a

reduco funem, 5, 118. rubrica, 1, 66; 5, 90.

refulserit, Prol., 12. rudere, 3, 9.

regina, 2, 37. rudis Luciferi, 5, 103.

regula, 4, 12; 5, 38. rugam, in r. redire, 6, 79.

regum = procerum, 1, 67; 3, 17. rugosum piper, 5, 55.

INDEX. 174
The Satires of Persius

regustatum salinum, 5, 138. rumore sinistro, 5, 164.

Relative w. subjunct., 3, 114. rumpere buccas, 5, 13.

relaxat, 5, 125. pulmonem, 3, 27.

relego, 5, 118. runcare, 4, 36.

relicta (virtute), 3, 38. rus saturum, 1, 71.

relictam vitam, 5, 61.

rem populi, 4, 1.

remitto, Prol., 5.

Remus, 1, 73.
sabbata recutita, 5, 184. simpuvia, 2, 59 (note).

Sabino foco, 6, 1. sin, 5, 115.

sacerdos, 5, 186. sinciput, 6, 70.

sacras facies, 2, 55. singultiet, 6, 72.

sacrum piper, 6, 21. sinistro genio, 4, 27.

salinum purum, 3, 25. rumore, 5, 164.

terebrare, 5, 138. sinu Socratico, 5, 37.

salit cor, 3, 111. sinuoso pectore, 5, 27.

saliva summa, 1, 104. sis = sivis, 1, 108.

salivam Mercurialem, 5, 112. sistro, 5, 186.

turdarum, 6, 24. sitiente camelo, 5, 136.

salivis lustralibus, 2, 33. lagoena, 3, 92.

salutas, 3, 29. sive = vel si, 1, 67.

sambucam, 5, 95. Socrates, 4, 1 (note).

Samios ramos, 3, 56. Socratico sinu, 5, 37.

sancte, 2, 15. sodes, 3, 89.

sancto, in s., 2, 69. sole assiduo, 4, 18.

sanctos recessus, 2, 73.

INDEX. 175
The Satires of Persius

sanguis fervescit, 3, 116. recenti, 5, 54.

patricius, 1, 61. solea rubra, 5, 169.

sanna rugosa, 5, 91. soles longos, 5, 41.

sannae posticae, 1, 62. solidum crepet, 5, 25.

saperdam, 5, 134. sollers, 5, 142.

sapere deterius, 4, 21. fallere, 5, 37.

hoc, 6, 38. nosse, 6, 24.

sapiens porticus, 3, 53. Solones, 3, 79.

sapimus patruos, 1, 11. somniasse, Prol., 2.

sapit, 1, 106. somno inriguo, 5, 56.

sardonyche, 1, 16. sonare vitium, 3, 21.

sartago, 1, 80. sorbere melior, 4, 16.

ϗάϗξ, 2, 63. sorbet, 4, 32.

satur, 5, 56; 6, 71. sorbitio, 4, 2.

saturi, 1, 31. sordidus, 1, 128.

Saturnia aera, 2, 59. ϗϗϗίϗηϗ, 6, 80.

Saturnum gravem, 5, 50. sparsisse oculos, 5, 33.

saturum, 1, 71. speciem veri, 5, 105.

satyrum, 5, 123. species hominum, 5, 52.

saxa, 6, 27. spirare surdum, 6, 35.

227b Spleen, the seat of laughter, 1, 12.

scabiosum far, 5, 74. splene petulanti, 1, 12.

scabiosus, 2, 13. spondente, 5, 79.

scalpuntur, 1, 21. spumosum, 1, 96.

scelerata pulpa, 2, 63. Staienus, 2, 19 (note).

scilicet, 1, 15; 2, 19; 4, 4. 228b

scinderis, 5, 154. Staius, 2, 19. 22.

INDEX. 176
The Satires of Persius

scintillant oculi, 3, 117. stare contra, 5, 96.

scire tuum, 1, 27. Steelyard, 5, 100.

scis, 1, 53; 4, 10. stemmate Tusco, 3, 28.

scloppo, 5, 13. steriles veri, 5, 75.

scombros, 1, 42. stertimus, 3, 3.

scopuli, 6, 8. stertis, 3, 58.

scribimus inclusi, 1, 13. Stoic catechism, 3, 67; 5, 104.

scrobe, 1, 119. stolidam barbam, 2, 28.

scutica, 5, 131. strepitum marem, 6, 4.

secretam aurem, 5, 96. strigiles, 5, 126. 131.

secreti loquimur, 5, 21. stingere venas, 2, 66.

sectabere, 5, 71. struere rem, 2, 44.

secto pulvere, 1, 131. studere (absol.), 3, 9.

secuit urbem, 1, 114. stupet vitio, 3, 32.

secundo axe, 5, 72. stuppas, 5, 135.

secura patella, 3, 26. subaerato auro, 5, 106.

securus vulgi, 6, 12. subdite rebus, 5, 124.

sede celsa, 1, 17. subduximus, 1, 95.

seductior, 6, 42. subeas dominos, 5, 155.

seductis divis, 2, 4. subere, 1, 97.

seductum, 5, 143. subiere, 3, 106.

semipaganus, Prol., 6. subiīt, 2, 55.

semuncia recti, 5, 121. subit inter curva rectum, 4, 11.

sene praegrandi, 1, 124. tremor, 3, 110.

senes, 6, 6. subrisit molle, 3, 110.

sÄ—nio dexter, 3, 48. subsellia, 1, 82.

senio minui, 6, 16. Subura, 5, 32.

INDEX. 177
The Satires of Persius

senium, 1, 26. succinctis Laribus, 5, 31.

sepeli = sepelii, 3, 97. succinctus, 5, 140.

sepia nigra, 3, 13. succinis ambages, 3, 20.

sequaces, Prol., 6. sudans pater, 3, 47.

Sequence of Tenses, 1, 4; 5, 107. sudare deunces, 5, 150.

sequi = sectari, Prol., 11; 5, 14. sudes, 2, 53.

seria argenti, 2, 11. suffla, 4, 20.

seria laxamus, 5, 44. sulco terens, 1, 73.

seriolae, 4, 29. sulpure sacro, 2, 25.

Serpent worship, 1, 113. sulpureas mefites, 3, 99.

servas vulpem, 5, 117. sumen calidum, 1, 53.

servitium acre, 5, 127. summa boni, 4, 17.

sesquipede, 1, 57. summae dest aliquid, 6, 64.

sessilis obba, 5, 148. summos pedes, 3, 108.

severos unguis, 1, 64. supellex, 4, 52.

si = εἴγε, 5, 173. superbo vitulo, 1, 100.

sic, Prol., 3. supinus, 1, 129.

228a supplantat, 1, 35.

siccas messes, 3, 5. supposita face, 3, 116.

siccis cognatis, 5, 163. supposui, 5, 36.

Siculi iuvenci, 3, 39. surda vota, 6, 28.

sidere, ab uno s. duci, 5, 46. surdum spirare, 6, 35.

signum lagoenae, 6, 17. 229a

silentia fecisse, 4, 7. surgentem callem, 3, 57.

rodere, 3, 81. surgit pellis, 3, 95.

siliquis pasta, 3, 55. Surrentina, 3, 93.

suscipis, 5, 36.

INDEX. 178
The Satires of Persius

suspendere lance, 4, 10.

naso, 1, 118.

tempora, 5, 47.
tabellas adsigna, 5, 81. trabe fracta, 1, 89.

tabula caerulea, 6, 33. rupta, 6, 27.

Tadius, 6, 66. vasta, 5, 141.

tali (game), 3, 48 (note). trabeate, 3, 29.

talo recto, 5, 104. tragoedo maesto, 5, 3.

tandem, 1, 16; 3, 103. traham voce, 5, 28.

tange venas, 3, 107. Trajection, 1, 23; 6, 13.

tantae quantum, 1, 60. trama figurae, 6, 73.

tectoria linguae, 5, 25. transcendere nummum, 5, 111.

temone, 5, 70. transilias mare, 5, 146.

temperat, 5, 51. transisse, 5, 60.

tempore, vivis ex t., 3, 62. transtro, 5, 147.

temptemus fauces, 3, 113. transvectio, 3, 29 (note).

tenax veri, 5, 48. tremor subit, 3, 100.

tendere versum, 1, 65. tremulos cachinnos, 3, 87.

teneat actus, 5, 99. trepida, 1, 74.

tenero columbo, 3, 16. trepidare, 1, 20; 5, 170.

palato, 1, 35. trepidas mentes, 5, 35.

tenuia (trisyllab.), 5, 94. trepidat, 3, 88.

tenuis salivas, 6, 24. tressis agaso, 5, 76.

tenus, 6, 25. triental calidum, 3, 100.

tepidum, 1, 84. triplex, 6, 78.

terebrare salinum, 5, 138. triste bidental, 2, 27.

INDEX. 179
The Satires of Persius

terens sulco, 1, 73. trita lacerna, 1, 54.

teres ore, 5, 15. tritavus, 6, 57 (note).

terrae filius, 6, 59. Troiades, 1, 4.

progenies, 6, 57. trossulus, 1, 82.

tertia nox, 3, 91. trutina, 1, 5.

tesserula, 5, 74. trutinari verba, 3, 82.

testaque lutoque, 3, 61. tuba, 3, 103.

testiculi, 1, 103. tucceta crassa, 2, 42.

tetigisse signum, 6, 17. tumebit cutis, 3, 63.

tetrico pectine, 6, 2. tumet bile, 2, 14.

theta nigrum, 4, 13. fidelia, 5, 183.

Thyestae olla, 5, 8. tunicatum caepe, 4, 30.

thynni cauda, 5, 183. turbida Roma, 1, 5.

Tiberino in gurgite, 2, 15. turbinis momento, 5, 78.

timor albus, 3, 115. turdarum salivas, 6, 24.

tincta veneno, 3, 37. ture litabis, 5, 120.

tinniat mendosum, 5, 106. turgescat pagina, 5, 20.

Titos ingentis, 1, 20. 230a

229b turgescere somno, 5, 56.

toga recenti, 1, 15. turgescit bilis, 3, 8.

togae verba, 5, 14. turgidus, 3, 98.

tollat munera cerdo, 4, 51. tus, 5, 135.

tolle piper, 5, 136. Tusco stemmate, 3, 22.

ut volo, 5, 87. Tuscum fictile, 2, 60.

tollere susurros, 2, 7. tutor, 3, 96.

tollit = sustulit, 4, 2.

torosa iuventus, 3, 86.

INDEX. 180
The Satires of Persius

torquere buxum, 3, 51.

torva cornua, 1, 99.

uda labella, 2, 32. unde, 1, 73.

udas fores, 5, 165. undique, 3, 59.

udo, in udo esse, 1, 105. ungue caules, 6, 68.

ulcus putre, 3, 113. unguine crasso, 6, 40.

ulterior cinere, 6, 41. unguis severos, 1, 65.

ultra, 3, 15. unum opus, 5, 43.

umbo candidus, 5, 33. ὗϗᾴδειν, 3, 20.

umbra quinta, 3, 4. ὗϗοϗκελίζειν, 1,

Umbris pinguibus, 3, 74.
ὗϗόϗαλκοϗ, 5, 106.
uncta fenestra, 5, 180.
urentis oculos, 2, 34.
patella, 4, 17.
urnas Vestalis, 2, 60.
pulmentaria, 3, 102.
urtica, 6, 70.
uncto, sine uncto cenare, 6, 16.
usque adeo, 1, 26.
unctus, 4, 33.
usum vitae, 5, 94.
uncus, 5, 154 (note).
usus rerum, 5, 52.

ut omitted, 1, 56.

uxor proxima, 3, 43.

vafer, 1, 116. 132; 6, 20. vetare superos, 2, 43.

vago inguine, 6, 72. vetavit, 5, 90.

vallis = sinus, 6, 8. veteres avias, 5, 92.

vanescere, 3, 13. vetitos actus, 5, 99.

vapida lagoena, 6,17. 231a

pice, 5, 148. veto faxit, 1, 112.

vapido pectore, 5, 117. Vettidius, 4, 25.

INDEX. 181
The Satires of Persius

230b vetule, 1, 22.

vaporata aure, 1, 126. viatica, 5, 65.

vappa, 5, 77. vibice, 4, 49.

varicosos centuriones, 5, 189. vicinia, 4, 46.

varo (baro), 5, 138. vidÄ—, 1, 108.

varo genio, 6, 18. vigila, 5, 177.

pede, 4, 12. vin and vis, 1, 56; 6, 63.

vatibus, 5, 1. vinci laborat, 5, 39.

vatum, Prol., 7. vindicta, 5, 88. 125.

ve-, 1, 97. violae, 1, 40.

ve or vel redundant (?), 3, 29. violas, 5, 182.

vegrandi, 1, 97. Virbi clivus, 5, 56.

Veientanum rubellum, 5, 147. viridi limo, 3, 22.

vel duo, vel nemo, 1, 3. vis dicam, 1, 56.

Velina, 5, 73. visceratio, 6, 50 (note).

velle suum, 5, 53. vitae rapidae, 5, 94.

with perf. inf., 1, 41. 91. vitiabit agendo, 5, 97.

vellere barbam, 1, 133; 2, 28. vitiarunt pultes, 6, 40.

vellus Calabrum, 2, 65. vitiato murice, 2, 65.

velox, 4, 4. vitio praefigere theta, 2, 68.

vena singultiet, 6, 72. stupet, 3, 32.

testiculi, 1, 103. utitur, 2, 68.

venas conpositas, 3, 91. 231b

stringere, 2, 66. vitium sonare, 3, 21.

vitrea bilis, 3, 8.
tangere, 3, 107.
vitulo superbo, 1, 100.
vendo = vendito, 1, 122.
vivere nostrum, 1, 9.
veneno ferventi, 3, 37.

INDEX. 182
The Satires of Persius

Veneri donatae pupae, 2, 70. vivitur, 4, 43; 5, 53.

venire with the dative, 6, 39. vivo caespite, 6, 31.

venosus, 1, 76. vivunt chordae, 6, 2.

venter, Prol., 11; 3, 98. vixisse, 4, 17.

ventis rumpere, 3, 27. Vocative in the predicate, 1, 123; 3,

ventos premere, 5, 11.
voce pura, 5, 28.
veratro, 1, 51.
voces centum, 5, 1.
verba dare, 3, 19; 4, 45.
vomere nebulam, 5, 181.
togae, 5, 14.
voti modicus, 5, 109.
verecunda mensa, 5, 44.
voto aperto, 2, 7.
veri speciem, 5, 105.
in voto esse, 3, 49.
vernae discincto, 4, 22.
vulnera Parthi, 5, 4.
verrucosa, 1, 77.
vulnus caecum, 4, 44.
versum cludere, 1, 93.
vulpem astutam, 5, 117.
tendere, 1, 65.
vulvae patriciae, 6, 73.
verte aliquid, 5, 137.
vulvas marcentis, 4, 36.
verterit, 5, 78.

vertigo, 5, 76.

verumne, 3, 7.

Vestalis urnas, 2, 60.

Zeugma, 3, 75; 5, 114. 185.


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