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Designation: C 1130 90 (Reapproved 2001)

Standard Practice for

Calibrating Thin Heat Flux Transducers
This standard is issued under the xed designation C 1130; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope
1.1 This practice establishes an experimental procedure for
determining the sensitivity of heat ux transducers (HFTs) that
are relatively thin. The term sensitivity in this practice refers to
the ratio of HFT electrical output to heat ux through the HFT.
1.1.1 For the purpose of this standard, the thickness of the
HFT shall be less than 15 % of the narrowest planar dimension
of the HFT.
1.2 This practice discusses two methods for determining
HFT sensitivity. The rst method is the calibration of the HFT
in unperturbed heat ow normal to the surface of the HFT,
while the second method is the sensitivity of the HFT in actual
use, or the HFT conversion factor.
1.3 This practice should be used in conjunction with Prac-
tice C 1041 when measuring in-situ heat ux and temperature
on industrial insulation systems, and with Practice C 1046
when performing in-situ measurements of heat ux on opaque
building components.
1.4 This practice is not intended to determine the sensitivity
of HFTs that are components of heat ow meter apparatus, as
in Test Method C 518. Refer to Practice C 1132 for this
1.5 The following safety caveat pertains only to the Speci-
men Preparation and Procedure portions, Sections 5 and 6, of
this practice: This standard does not purport to address all of
the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
C 168 Terminology Relating to Thermal Insulating
C 177 Test Method for Steady-State Heat Flux Measure-
ments and Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of
the Guarded-Hot-Plate Apparatus
C 236 Test Method for Steady-State Thermal Performance
of Building Assemblies by Means of a Guarded Hot Box
C 335 Test Method for Steady-State Heat Transfer Proper-
ties of Horizontal Pipe Insulation
C 518 Test Method for Steady-State Thermal Transmission
Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter Apparatus
C 976 Test Method for Thermal Performance of Building
Assemblies by Means of a Calibrated Hot Box
C 1041 Practice for In-Situ Measurements of Heat Flux in
Industrial Thermal Insulation Using Heat Flux Transduc-
C 1044 Practice for Using the Guarded-Hot-Plate Apparatus
or Thin-Heater Apparatus in the Single-Sided Mode
C 1046 Practice for In-Situ Measurement of Heat Flux and
Temperature on Building Envelope Components
C 1114 Test Method for Steady-State Thermal Transmission
Properties by Means of the Thin-Heater Apparatus
C 1132 Practice for Calibration of the Heat Flow Meter
3. Terminology
3.1 DenitionsFor denitions of terms relating to thermal
insulating materials, see Denitions C 168.
3.2 Denitions of Terms Specic to This Standard:
3.2.1 heat ux transducera device containing a thermo-
pile (or equivalent) that produces an output which is a function
of the heat ux passing through the HFT.
3.2.2 sensitivitythe ratio of the electrical output of the
heat ux transducer to the heat ux passing through the HFT.
The sensitivity of the HFT will be a function of the HFT
temperature, the HFT construction, its curvature, and the
method with which it is applied to the building component.
3.2.3 heat ux transducer calibration factorthe sensitiv-
ity of the heat ux transducer when measured in an undisturbed
one-dimensional temperature eld.
3.2.4 heat ux transducer conversion factorthe sensitivity
of the heat ux transducer for the thermal conditions surround-
ing the HFT in actual use. The relationship between the heat ux transducer
calibration and conversion factors is indicative of the magni-
tude of the heat ux distortion created by the application of the
3.2.5 temperature elda set of temperatures, where each
temperature is associated with a point or small domain of space
in a region of interest. An example is the distribution of
temperatures within a slab of insulation.
3.2.6 test stacka layer or a series of layers of material put
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C16 on Thermal
Insulation and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C16.30 on Thermal
Current edition approved June 29, 1990. Published August 1990. Originally
published as C 1130 89. Last previous edition C 1130 89.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.06.
Copyright ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
together to comprise a test sample (for example, a roof system
containing a membrane, an insulation, and a roof deck).
3.3 Symbols:
q = heat ux, W/m
V = measured output voltage of the HFT, V
S = sensitivity of the HFT, V/(W/m
) [V/(Btu/hrft
4. Signicance and Use
4.1 The use of heat ux transducers on industrial equipment
or building envelope components provides the user with a
relatively simple means for performing in-situ heat ux mea-
surements. Accurate translation of the heat ux transducer
output requires a complete understanding of the factors affect-
ing its output, and a standardized method for determining the
HFT sensitivity for the application of interest.
4.2 The placement of an HFT in a temperature eld (see
3.2.5) will probably disturb that eld. If a disturbance in the
temperature eld occurs when the HFT is applied, the user
must account for that disturbance when determining the
sensitivity of an HFT.
4.3 There are several methods for determining the sensitiv-
ity of HFTs (see 6.1). The selection of the best procedure will
depend on the required accuracy and the physical limitations of
available equipment.
4.4 The presence of a heat ux transducer is likely to alter
the heat ux that is being measured. This disturbance is
difficult to predict without sufficient knowledge of the con-
struction of the HFT and the thermal conductivities of both the
HFT components and its surroundings. With such knowledge,
analytical (1, 2)
and numerical (3, 4, 5) methods have been
used to account for the disturbance in heat ux caused by the
presence of an HFT.
4.5 If an HFT calibration factor is sought, the user of this
standard must assure that parallel heat ow, normal to the HFT,
is achieved. If the user wishes to obtain a conversion factor,
then the user must account for the end-use conditions of the
HFT, either by using an acceptable and veriable mathematical
technique to correct the calibration factor, or by performing a
series of experiments that adequately simulates the conditions
of use to obtain the conversion factor empirically (6, 7, 8).
4.6 This practice describes techniques to establish uniform
heat ow normal to the heat ux transducer for the determi-
nation of the HFT calibration factor, or how to establish
conditions that simulate those that the HFT will encounter
when in use.
4.7 The method of HFT application must be adequately
simulated or duplicated when experimentally determining the
HFT sensitivity. The two most widely used application tech-
niques are to surface-mount the HFT or to embed the HFT in
the insulation system.
5. Specimen Preparation
5.1 Preparation of the HFT depends on which type of
sensitivity is desired and the method of HFT application to be
5.1.1 Three separate cases are discussed: the determination
of the calibration factor and the measurement of the conversion
factor for embedded and surface-mounted HFTs.
5.2 The HFT for which sensitivity is determined will
measure the heat ux at the position of the HFT in the test
stack. It is recommended that the HFT be installed near the
metering side of the test instrument and in a relatively thin
stack assembly to reduce the impact of edge effects. The
thickness and thermal resistance of the test stack should be
selected after considering its impact on the accuracy of the
chosen test method.
5.3 Calibration factorThe HFT shall be embedded in a
stack of materials and surrounded with a framing material or
mask. Guarded-hot-plate and heat ow meter apparatuses (Test
Method C 177 and C 518, respectively) have been successfully
used for this purpose.
5.3.1 The sample stack used to determine the calibration
factor of HFTs shall consist of a sandwich of the HFT/masking
layer between two layers of a compressible homogeneous
material, such as high-density berglass insulation board, to
assure good thermal contact between the plates of the tester and
the HFT/masking layer. The use of a thermally conductive gel
is another technique to improve good thermal contact.
5.3.2 The mask used in determining the HFT calibration
factor must have the same thickness and thermal resistance as
the HFT. The matching of the mask and HFT is sensitive to the
HFT size and on whether the HFT incorporates an intrinsic
mask surrounding its active sensing area. An effective masking
technique that has been employed for small sensors is to utilize
other identical sensors as a mask.
5.4 Conversion factor, embeddedThe HFT shall be
placed, in a fashion identical to its end use application, in a
stack of materials duplicating the building construction to be
evaluated. The instruments listed in 5.3 along with the thin-
heater apparatus (see Test Method C 1114) have been used for
this analysis.
5.5 Conversion factor, surface mountedThe HFT shall be
applied in a manner identical to that of actual use to a
homogeneous test panel or pipe insulation of similar thermal
resistance, surface-layer thermal conductance, and orientation.
Pipe tester (Test Method C 335), guarded-hot-box (Test
Method C 236), and calibrated-hot-box (Test Method C 976)
apparatuses have been used to perform these procedures.
5.5.1 The sample stack for use in determining HFT conver-
sion factors shall comprise a sandwich of the same materials to
be found in the construction to be analyzed. The HFT shall be
placed in the same exact location as that in end use. For
embedded applications, the HFT shall be placed between the
same layers within the sample stack. For surface-mounted
applications, the HFT shall be mounted as specied in either
Practices C 1041 or C 1046. Important considerations for
surface mounting include thermal contact between the HFT
and panel or pipe surface and matching of the emittance and
curvature of the HFT and test construction.
5.6 Specimen Preparation for All Cases:
5.6.1 CautionWhen bringing the signal output leads out
For the purpose of this practice, the HFT output shall be assumed to be a
voltage, although other outputs, such as current, may exist.
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the references at the end of this
C 1130
of the test instrument, take care to avoid air gaps in the mask
or between the sample stack and the test instrument. Air gaps
should be lled with a conformable material, such as tooth-
paste, caulk, or putty, or covered with tape.
5.6.2 The HFTs do not need to be physically adhered to the
mask or embedding material but should t well enough to
assure good thermal contact.
5.6.3 The mask or embedding material should be signi-
cantly larger in cross-section than the metering area of the test
equipment used to determine the HFT sensitivity and ideally be
the same size as the plates of the apparatus. When masking, the
ideal assembly avoids any focusing or distortion of the heat
ux around or through the HFT.
6. Procedure
6.1 Guarded-hot-plate, pipe tester, heat ow meter, guarded-
hot-box, calibrated-hot-box, and thin-heater apparatuses have
been successfully utilized for determining the sensitivity of
HFTs. The requirements of the appropriate ASTM test method
must be followed. Apparatuses that typically require two
samples should be operated in the single-sided mode in
conformance with Practice C 1044 or in a double-sided con-
guration, provided that the percentage of heat ow to each
side is known.
6.1.1 The sensitivity methods will be performed under
steady-state conditions as required by the appropriate ASTM
test method.
NOTE 1Caution: The steady-state conditions of these procedures will
most likely differ from those when the HFT is used.
6.2 For Surface Mounted Cases:
6.2.1 The HFTs shall be mounted in the central area of the
test panel or pipe that is within a boundary that is wider than
one-fourth of the smallest dimension of the exposed face of the
test panel in calibrated hot boxes and within the metering area
of guarded hot boxes and pipe testers.
6.2.2 In many cases, several surface-mounted HFTs will be
used at one time and can be analyzed for sensitivity simulta-
6.3 For All Applications:
6.3.1 A device shall be provided to measure the voltage
output from the HFT. The resolution of this device should be
such that the desired accuracy of the sensitivity determination
is attained. For HFTs of typical construction, voltmeters with a
resolution of 62 V have been found to be satisfactory for this
6.3.2 HFT sensitivity shall be determined for the range of
heat uxes, mean temperatures, and curvatures expected in the
actual application. The hot- and cold-surface plates of the test
instrument shall be adjusted to satisfy these requirements. Care
shall be taken to perform these tests at heat uxes that are large
enough to limit errors due to the readout electronics and that
are similar to the anticipated levels of heat ux in the end-use
experiment. Atemperature sensor shall be located in or near the
HFT to adequately measure its temperature during the sensi-
tivity tests.
6.3.3 For the calibration of small HFTs where other sensors
are used for masking, at least three tests shall be performed
with the HFTs arranged according to a randomized plan that
guarantees that systematic errors due to HFT placement are
minimized. Enough experiments shall be performed to ensure
that all the HFTs that are being calibrated are tested within the
metered area of the test apparatus.
7. Report
7.1 The report shall give a general description of the heat
ux transducer that was calibrated. The physical characteristics
of the HFT shall be identied, and any pertinent data available
from the manufacturer shall be reported.
7.2 The type of sensitivity (calibration or conversion) and
the ASTM test method used shall be detailed.
7.3 The test stack assembly that was used to install the HFT
into the test instrument shall be fully described. This descrip-
tion shall include the location of the HFT, the material used to
mask or embed the HFT, and any additional layers of material
used in the assembly. The geometry and thermal performance
characteristics of the assembly materials should be included in
the descriptions.
7.4 The temperatures of the HFT and surface plates are to be
recorded. The temperature difference between the surface
plates and the heat ow direction shall be recorded and
reference made to the appropriate test method if the method
species the temperature difference required to measure heat
7.5 Tables and plots of heat ux as a function of mean
temperature or heat ux, or both, versus HFT output should be
included in the report.
8. Precision and Bias
8.1 For each type of HFT, at least three replications of the
sensitivity tests are required to determine the precision and bias
of the procedure. If this has been done previously for similar
applications of identical HFTs, the precision and bias deter-
mined then can be used for the present tests. The precision and
bias of this practice must include the uncertainty from the test
method that is used to determine the HFT sensitivity.
8.2 To evaluate the consistency of the test results, an
analysis is to be made of the sensitivity data. Assuming the
sensitivity of the HFT to be a linear function of mean
temperature, departure from linearity for each HFT can be
determined. A linear regression can be performed for each of
the HFTs and the least-squares difference between the mid-
point and the regression curve will serve as an indication of the
departure from linearity.
8.3 The uncertainty of the heat ux and the HFT output
must be determined along with the departure from unidirec-
tional heat ow when the masking technique is employed. The
magnitude of this effect can be determined by performing a
series of experiments with masks of varying thermal resis-
8.4 The heat ux measured by two different types of
independently calibrated HFTs installed at the same time in the
same roof assembly measured a difference in heat ux of
approximately 8 % (9).
9. Keywords
9.1 calibration; heat ux transducer; in situ testing; sensi-
C 1130
(1) Trethowen, H. A., Engineering Applications of Heat Flux Sensors in
BuildingsThe Sensor and Its Behavior, Building Applications of
Heat Flux Transducers, ASTM STP 885, Edited by E. Bales, M.
Bomberg, and G. E. Courville, ASTM, 1985.
(2) van der Graaf, F., Research in Calibration and Application Errors of
Heat Flux Sensors, Building Applications of Heat Flux Transducers,
ASTM STP 885, Edited by E. Bales, M. Bomberg, and G. E. Courville,
ASTM, 1985.
(3) Baba, T., Ono, A., and Hattori, S., Analysis of the Operational Error
of Heat Flux Transducers Placed on Wall Surfaces, Review of
Scientic Instruments, 56 (7), July 1985.
(4) Apthorp, D. M., and Bligh, T. P., Modelling of Heat Flux Distortion
Around Heat Flux Sensors, Building Applications of Heat Flux
Transducers, ASTM STP 885, Edited by E. Bales, M. Bomberg, and G.
E. Courville, ASTM, 1985.
(5) Schwerdtfeger, P., The Measurement of Heat Flow in the Ground and
the Theory of Heat Flux Meters, Technical Report 232,
U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory,
Hanover, NH, 1970.
(6) Bligh, T. P., and Apthorp, D. M., Heat Flux Sensor Calibration
Technique, Building Applications of Heat Flux Transducers, ASTM
STP 885, Edited by E. Bales, M. Bomberg, and G. E. Courville,
ASTM, 1985.
(7) Orlandi, R. D., Derderian, G. D., Shu, L. S., and Siadat, B.,
Calibration of Heat Flux Transducers, Building Applications of Heat
Flux Transducers, ASTM STP 885, Edited by E. Bales, M. Bomberg,
and G. E. Courville, ASTM, 1985.
(8) Desjarlais, A. O., and Tye, R. P., Experimental Methods for Deter-
mining the Thermal Performance of Cellular Plastic Insulation Mate-
rials Used in Roofs, Presented at the 8th Conference on Roong
Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, 1987.
(9) Courville, G. E., Desjarlais, A. O., Tye, R. P., and McIntyre, C. R., A
Comparison of Two Independent Techniques for the Determination of
In-Situ Thermal Performance, ASTM STP 1030, Edited by D.
McElroy and J. Kimpen, ASTM, 1990.
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every ve years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA19428-2959, United States.
Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at
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C 1130

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