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Last reviewed and edited December 21, 2011

Includes amendments effective January 1, 2012


(a) Service: When Required. Except as otherwise provided in these rules,
every order required by its terms to be served, every pleading subsequent to the
original complaint unless the court otherwise orders because of numerous
defendants, every paper relating to discovery required to be served upon a party
unless the court otherwise orders, every written motion other than one which may
be heard ex parte, and every written notice, appearance, notice of change of
attorneys, pretrial memorandum, demand, offer of judgment, designation of record
and statement of points on appeal, and similar paper shall be served upon each of
the parties, but no service need be made on parties in default for failure to appear
except that pleadings asserting new or additional claims for relief against them
shall be served upon them in the manner provided for service of summons in Rule

(b) Same: How Made. Whenever under these rules service is required or
permitted to be made upon a party represented by an attorney, the service shall be
made upon the attorney unless service upon the party personally is ordered by the
court. When an attorney has filed a limited appearance under Rule 11(b), service
upon the attorney is not required. Service upon an attorney who has ceased to
represent a party is a sufficient compliance with this subdivision until written
notice of change of attorneys has been served upon the other parties. Service upon
an attorney or upon a party shall be made by delivering a copy to the attorney or to
the party or by mailing it to the last known address or, if no address is known, by
leaving it with the clerk of the court. Delivery of a copy within this rule means:
handing it to the attorney or to the party; or leaving it at the office of the attorney
or of the party with the person in charge thereof; or, if there is no one in charge,
leaving it in a conspicuous place therein, or, if the office is closed or the person to
be served has no office, leaving it at the person's dwelling house or usual place of
abode with some person of suitable age and discretion then residing therein.
Service by mail is complete upon mailing.

(c) Same: Numerous Defendants. In any action in which there are
unusually large numbers of defendants, the court, upon motion or of its own
initiative, may order that service of the pleadings of the defendant and replies
thereto need not be made as between the defendants and that any cross-claim,
counterclaim, or matter constituting an avoidance or affirmative defense contained
therein shall be deemed to be denied or avoided by all other parties and that the
filing of any such pleading and service thereof upon the plaintiff constitutes due
notice of it to the parties. A copy of every such order shall be served upon the
parties in such manner and form as the court directs.

(d) Filing: No Proof of Service Required. Subject to the provisions of Rule
26(f), all papers after the complaint required to be served upon a party shall be
filed with the court either before service or within a reasonable time thereafter.
Such filing by a party shall constitute a representation by the party, subject to the
obligations of Rule 11, that a copy of the paper has been or will be served upon
each of the other parties as required by subdivision (a) of this rule. No further
proof of service is required unless an adverse party raises a question of notice.

(e) Filing With the Court Defined. The filing of pleadings and other papers
with the court as required by these rules shall be made by filing them with the clerk
of the court except that a justice or judge may permit the papers to be filed with
that justice or judge, in which event the justice or judge shall note thereon the
filing date and forthwith transmit them to the office of the clerk. After hours or
other office filings are subject to Rule 5(g).

(f) Filing of Papers Not in Compliance with Rules, Orders or Statute.
Filings that are received but which are not signed, or are not accompanied at the
time of filing by a legally required element, including but not limited to, a filing
fee, appeal fee, registry recording fee and envelope or summary sheet, or, if filed
by an attorney, do not have the attorneys Maine Bar Registration Number, shall be
returned by the clerk as incomplete. The clerk will not docket the attempted filing
but will retain a copy of the attempted filing and the notice of return for six
months. The offeror may refile the documents when all elements are complete.
The filing will be docketed when the complete filing is received.

(g) After Hours and Other Office Filings.

(1) Clerks of courts may not, unless authorized by a judge or
justice, accept filings for other courts, or accept pleadings or other documents filed
with or left for the clerk after normal business hours. Unless the party or counsel
has filed the pleading or document directly with a judge or justice, or the clerk has
received explicit instructions from a judge or justice to accept an after-hours filing
as filed on the date it is made, the clerk shall date stamp the filing, and docket it as
filed, on the next regular business day.

(2) Judges or justices may, for good cause shown, accept filings
made after regular business hours, accept filings for other courts, or may make
arrangements with a clerk for the clerk to accept a filing after regular business
hours. In such a matter, the judge, justice or clerk shall note the judges
authorization on the pleading or document, along with the date and time of actual
receipt. The receiving official shall promptly transmit the filing to the proper
court, where the filing shall be docketed as filed on the date originally received by
the judge, justice, or clerk. Judges or justices may discuss the need for such filings
with the offering party or counsel, and such discussions are deemed not to be ex
parte communications, or to require notice to opposing parties or counsel.

(h) Pleading Summary Sheets.

(1) Any pleading which sets forth a claim for relief, except those
specified in subdivision (3) below, shall be accompanied by a properly completed
and executed Summary Sheet which is available in blank form at the clerks office.
Docket numbers of original Disclosure proceedings must be indicated on Summary
Sheets initiating a second or subsequent request for disclosure.

(2) Summary Sheets are required to be filed with Post-Judgment
Motions in proceedings under Rule 120.

(3) Summary Sheets are not required in Small Claims, UIFSA,
Mental Health Actions or DHS Protective Custody or Administrative Paternity
Proceedings and are not required in Special Actions (SA) other than Money
Judgment requests for disclosure.

(i) Form of Papers.

(1) Size. All original papers shall be typed double-spaced or
printed on 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper with text on only one side of each page.

(2) Condensed Transcripts. Unless otherwise ordered by the court,
a party serving or filing a transcript of a deposition or other proceeding may elect
to serve or file a copy of the transcript with up to four 8 1/2 x 11-inch pages or
normal type size reduced so that such pages may be reproduced on a single 8 1/2 x
11-inch sheet, with text on one side of the sheet only, if the reporter or
stenographer transcribing the deposition or proceeding has the capacity to produce
a transcript in this format.

(3) Endorsement for Costs. In any case where an endorsement for
costs is required, the name of an attorney of this State appearing on the complaint
filed with the court, shall constitute such an endorsement in absence of any words
used in connection therewith showing a different purpose.

(j) Fax Filings.

(1) Fax Filings. Facsimile documents are not acceptable substitutes
for signed original documents required by M.R. Civ. P. 11 and will not be accepted
as filings. Except as otherwise provided in this Rule, documents transmitted by
facsimile may not be retained in a case file or docketed by a clerk. If an attempt is
made to file pleadings or other documents by facsimile, the clerk shall dispose of
the documents, and shall attempt to transmit a form notice of disposal back to the

(2) In a proceeding under the Uniform Interstate Family Support
Act, documentary evidence or orders from another court or tribunal may be
received from another state by facsimile, and may be filed and docketed by a clerk.
(3) Judges may accept correspondence or other communications
which are transmitted by fax for informational purposes but any such documents
accepted by a judge under this subdivision will not ordinarily be retained in any
case file.

(k) Electronic Filing. Filings by electronic transmission of data or by means
of a compact disk (CD) or floppy disk or any other method for electronic or
internet filing in place of the filing of paper documents required by these rules, is
not permitted.

Advisory Note November 2011

This is a technical amendment to Rule 5(h) to replace the reference to former
Rule 80(k) addressing post judgment motions in family matters with the reference
to Rule 120, the current rule addressing such post judgment motions.

Advisory Notes

In light of current discussions of electronic filing, M.R. Civ. P. 5(k) is added
to clarify that, for the present time, electronic filing with the Maine courts is not
permitted. Presently, the trial courts lack the capacity to receive, record or retain
electronically filed documents.

Advisory Notes
Pursuant to M.R. Civ. P. 5(f), documents filed at clerks offices and not
signed or otherwise accompanied by the requisite fee or some legally required
element are sent back without a copy being retained and without being docketed.
As a result, there is no accurate record of what was filed or when it was filed, but
only a copy of the notice of returning the document with the date of the return
notice. When it turns out a document may have been improperly sent back, or a
minor inadvertence could have been corrected, there is now way to recreate what
was filed and when it was filed. As a result, important rights may be lost if the
documents were time sensitive due to statutes of limitations or filing deadlines.
The problem has escalated recently, particularly in domestic relations cases, due to
confusion in clerks offices as to what filings do or do not require fees under the
Court Fees Schedule adopted in August, 2003. For example, motions to amend
child support do not require fees, motions to amend other parental rights do require

The amendment addresses this problem by having the clerk retain a copy of
the document attempted to be filed so that some reflection of timing of the filing is
preserved and some recourse is possible in case of an error in rejecting a document.

Advisory Committees Notes
July 1, 2001

[Rule 5(b) Amendment]

The Court has amended the Maine Bar Rules and Rules 5, 11 and 89 of the
Maine Rules of Civil Procedure to permit attorneys to assist an otherwise
unrepresented litigant on a limited basis without undertaking the full representation
of the client on all issues related to the legal matter for which the attorney is
engaged. By these amendments, the Court has sought to enlarge access to justice
in Maine courts.

The amendment to Rule 5(b) makes clear that where an attorney has filed a
limited appearance under amended Rule 11(b), service of papers upon the attorney
is not required. Service is sufficient if made upon the party, despite the limited
representation. The purpose of the amendment is to avoid confusion by
establishing the identity of the person to be served throughout the case. The
amendment places the burden upon the otherwise unrepresented litigant and the
attorney filing the limited appearance to ensure that have made arrangements for
served papers to be processed in a timely fashion. At the same time, two
observations are appropriate. First, the amendment applies only in cases in which
the limited appearance has been filed under Rule 11(b); in all other cases, the first
sentence of Rule 5(b) requires service on the attorney, not the represented party.
Second, even in cases in which service upon the party is permitted, the amendment
is not intended to discourage the tradition of courtesy among the Maine Bar by
sending to the attorney copies of served papers.

[Rule 5(d) Amendment]

M.R. Civ. P. 83(3) provides that a reference to an attorney includes the party
represented by the attorney, and a reference to a party includes the partys attorney.
However, change in Rule 5 is recommended to specify that it covers parties, which
include attorneys, to avoid potential for confusion by individuals representing
themselves who may believe that, because of the Rule 5(d) references to
attorney, unrepresented parties may have a lesser obligation with regard to
service on other parties. The rule change clarifies the point and makes clear that
parties representing themselves have the same obligation as represented parties to
serve documents filed with the court on all other parties and be subject to the
obligations of Rule 11 in such filings.

Advisory Committees Notes
May 1, 2000

Rule 5 (e), (f), and (g) are significantly amended, principally to
accommodate the MEJIS changes directed by the November 27, 1996, September
19, 1997, May 1, 1998 and July 31, 1998 Administrative Orders.

Subdivision (h) is entirely new and references pleading summary sheets. It
is taken, with modification, from the Administrative Orders and includes
provisions which the Administrative Orders indicated should be included in Rules
8 and 10. The provisions indicated for Rules 8 or 10 are moved to this new Rule
5(h) so that pleading summary sheets are addressed only in one rule which
addresses filing of papers, which appears to be the most appropriate place for the

The changes in subdivisions (f) and (g) are likewise intended to incorporate
the MEJIS changes with language closely following those changes.

Subdivision (i) conforms to recent rules amendments to Rule 7(f) requiring
materials to be filed, typed double spaced or printed on 8 1/2 x 11 paper.
Additionally, the rule would require that text appear on only one side of each page.

Subdivision (g) addresses after hours and out of venue filing requirements
from the Administrative Order of September 19, 1997.

Subdivision (j) is added to incorporate the substance of the FAX filing
Administrative Order of November 22, 1996.

Advisory Committees Notes

Rule 5(f) [now (i)(2)] is amended to permit the filing of miniaturized
transcripts containing up to four 8 1/2 x 11 inch pages reduced to fit on a single
8 1/2 x 11-inch page. Such travel transcripts are commonly used by lawyers for
their own purposes. They involve significant savings in cost and bulk. Allowing
miniaturized transcripts to be filed in court will both eliminate the need to obtain a
full-sized transcript for that purpose and ease the filing burden for the clerks
offices. The final clause assures that reporters will not be forced to obtain the
equipment necessary to produce the miniaturized transcripts. Simultaneous
amendments of Rules 26(f) and 74(b) make clear that such transcripts may be used
both for depositions that are to be served or filed and for the transcript on appeal.

Advisory Committees Notes

Rule 5(d) is amended simultaneously with the addition of Rule 26(f) to make
the requirement of filing all papers with the court subject to the provisions of the
latter rule, which will eliminate the requirement of filing for discovery materials.

Advisory Committee's Note
September 1, 1980

This rule is amended to eliminate the requirement that docket information
appear on the back of all pleadings and other papers. This information is necessary
only for documents filed in the traditional triple-folded manner. With flat filing,
the need for this practice is eliminated.

Advisory Committee's Note
November 15, 1976

It is the purpose of this amendment to require that pleadings filed with the
Court shall be on 8! x 1.1 inch paper. This provision has previously been
accomplished in the Maine Rules of Criminal Procedure and this amendment is
intended to secure conformity with respect to the size of pleadings in both criminal
cases and civil cases.

The Committee recognizes that there may be isolated instances in which
added expense may be incurred in preparing the record for purposes of appellate
proceedings in certain types of proceedings, An example is in the case of probate
appeals in some of the counties where the Probate Court utilizes pre-printed forms
which are of legal size. It is suggested that in such cases an application be made to
the Superior Court Justice or the District Court Judge when such cases are first
entered with the Court for permission to utilize legal size pleadings in order to
avoid the added expense of re-typing pleadings for inclusion in the record on
appeal. It is presumed that in such cases where a proper showing of an avoidance
of unnecessary expense can be made, the justice or judge hearing such application
would allow it.

Advisory Committee's Note
October 1, 1970

In connection with the general revision of the Discovery Rules (for an over-
all discussion of which see the Advisory Committee's Note to Rule 26), Rule 5(a)
is amended to include among the papers which must be served upon each party
"every paper relating to discovery required to be served upon a party. Although
the existing language expressly includes notices and demands, it is not clear
whether answers and responses to discovery under Rules 33, 34, and 36 are
required to be served upon all parties or only upon the parties seeking the
discovery. The court may relieve a party from this obligation of serving on all
parties if it is too onerous because the discovery papers are particularly voluminous
or the parties particularly numerous.

Advisory Committee's Note
December 31, 1967

The addition to Rule 5(a) makes clear that the pre-trial memorandum
provided for in amended Rule 16 must be served upon each of the parties.

Explanation of Amendment
November 1, 1966

This amendment was taken from a 1963 amendment to F.R. 5(a). The
exception it contains is to make it clear that an inconsistent provision elsewhere in
the rules is controlling. There is, for example, such an inconsistent provision in
Rule 5(c).

Reporter's Notes
December 1, 1959

This rule describes the mechanics of serving and filing pleadings and other
papers. It is substantially the same as Federal Rule 5. The reference to notice of
change of attorneys in subdivision (a) is not in the federal rule, nor is the sentence
in subdivision (b) concerning the sufficiency of notice to the former attorney until
notice of the change has been served. These are taken from Revised Rules of Court

The last two sentences of subdivision (d) are not in the federal rule. The
purpose is to eliminate all formalities as to proof of service of papers upon other
parties. If an adverse party raises a question of notice, appropriate proof will
naturally have to be made.

Subdivision (f) is not in the federal rule. It provides for the backing of all
papers required to be filed. It further provides that the attorney's name on the back
of the complaint shall constitute an endorsement for costs, where this is required,
in the absence of any words showing a different purpose. This reflects existing law.
See R.S.1954, Chap. 112, Sec. 6 (amended in 1959) [now 14 M.R.S.A. 601];
Sawtelle v. Wardwell, 56 Me. 146.

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