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Summer Internship Report


“Bridging the Coal Demand – Supply Gap through Imports & Roadmap to
Coal Logistics”

Under the Guidance of

Mr. Rajabandhu Santosh (Manager, Coal Management),

Sterlite Energy Limited, Jharsuguda, Odisha.


Ms. Karishma Verma (Senior Fellow),

National Power Training Institute, Faridabad, Haryana.

Submitted by:

Shriniwas Sunkewar,

Roll No.:112 & Registration No.: 12NPTIF0084

MBA (Power Management)

Sector-33, Faridabad, Haryana.

(XIth Batch) August 2013


I, Shriniwas Sunkewar, Roll No 112, Registration No.: 12NPTIF0084 student of

MBA - Power Management (2012-14) XIth Batch at National Power Training Institute,
Faridabad hereby declare that the Summer Training Report entitled “Bridging the Coal
Demand – Supply Gap through Imports & Roadmap to Coal Logistics” is an original
work and the same has not been submitted to any other Institute for the award of any other

A Summer Internship Presentation & Report was Presented and submitted on

__________________ and the suggestions as approved by the faculty were duly

___________________ ______________________

Signature of the Guide Signature of the Candidate


Director/Principal of the Institute

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I express my gratitude to management of Vedanta Aluminium Ltd and Sterlite

Energy Limited who has shown confidence on me and bestowed upon me this valuable task.

I take the opportunity to express my sincere thanks to Mr. Rajabandhu Santosh

(Manager, Coal Management) for his scholarly guidance throughout the course of the project.
My profound sense of gratitude is also to Mr. Ritesh Damle (General Manager – Coal) for
his Valuable suggestion.

I also thank Mr. J S S Rao (Principal Director), Mr. S.K. Choudhary (Principal
Director), Mrs. Manju Mam (Dy. Director), Mrs. Indu Maheshwari (Dy. Director), for
providing me such a nice opportunity to work with an esteemed organization. My internal
project guide Ms. Karishma Verma (Senior Fellow) helped me in structuring this project
report and also on various other aspects of the study. I am very much thankful to her for her
support. I thank all members of CAMPS rendering kind help during the project work.

I owe our special gratitude to Mr. Santosh Kumar (AGM - Coal), Mr. Praveen
Shukla (Associate Manager- Coal), Mr. Krishna Deo Narayan (Associate Manager- Coal),
Mr. Mahendra Sahu (Associate Manager, Railway Liaising), Mr. Saptarsi Das (Associate
Manager – Coal) for his painstaking efforts and enthusiastic cooperation to make my training
successful. My Special thanks to Mr. Shrikant Naik, Mr. Subha Sahu and Mr. Saugat
Das for providing me valuable time and inputs on the various aspects of the project. Special
thanks are due to all other staff members of Sterlite Energy Limited who helped me
directly or indirectly in completion of the project.

Last but not the least; I am grateful to my friends & seniors at CAMPS, NPTI who
gave me the moral support in my times of difficulties. Last but not the least I would like
to express my special thanks to my family for their continuous motivation and support.
Thank you all for being there for me always.


ROLL NO: 112


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Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel resources in World. According to world coal
institute over 860 billion tonnes of coal reserves are available in the world. In other words the
economically recoverable reserves will last 130 years whereas Oil and Natural gas reserves
will last up to 42 years and 60 years respectively.

Coal is the predominant source of energy in India and it has significant contribution in the
rapid industrialization of the country. A cumulative total of 285862.21 Million Tonnes of
Geological Resources of Coal have so far been estimated in the country. Coal India ltd.
(CIL), world’s biggest coal producing company, produces 77% of All India production.
Power sector is biggest consumer of coal in India almost 67%.

As there is a gap in demand of coal and supply by Indian coal companies, so the power
companies has to look for imported coal to fulfil their demand. Besides this the Indian coal is
of poor quality having high ash content also suggests for a blend with high grade low ash
coal. Transportation facilities also suffer a lot as demand and source stations are far situated.
So for the western demand centres it is preferred to imported coal at ports.

The objective of the Project is to study about the various sourcing of coal (domestic +
international) which is feasible for thermal power plant. The study focuses on the existing
linkage of coal from CIL and also the implication to get fuel linkage. A thorough study of E-
Auction done by CIL is analyzed in detail. As the demand for coal is increasing, consumers
to meet their demand by Mining & Acquisition abroad or through import from countries like
Indonesia, South Africa, Australia and evolving options for importing countries like

The present (30th June 2013) installed capacity of Indian power plant is over 225793.10 MW,
of which around 132288.39 MW is from coal based thermal power plant. Nearly around
58.58 % of the generated power is from coal based power plant. The main source of the coal
for the TPP is domestic coal. But due to various reasons the availability of domestic coal and

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their linkages to power plant is been critical nowadays. So, study on availability of coal is a
must in the coming scenario.

The second part of the project deals with the detail study of Supply chain challenges and
present infrastructure of the coal logistics. The study tells about the complexity of the
logistics and the demand projection of infrastructure needed for coal transportation. An
analysis is done to estimate the requirement of the logistics and steps taken to strengthen the

The Internship project is to study and explore the coal sourcing and infrastructure required for
handling coal in plant. Seeing the present and future coal supply and demand gap, it has
become mandatory for power generation Company to analyze its coal sourcing option to meet
its present and future requirement.

For this purpose company has to rethink on coal sourcing option and have to utilize a right
mix of various options, so that cost of production will be minimum catering to its business.
Various coal sourcing options are as follows:

 Linkage coal
 Imported coal
 E-Auction Coal
 Washeries & Rejects coal

Along with this, project will provide the detailed study of coal handling infrastructure
keeping in view the future infra required for sustainable plant operations and to deal with coal
logistics challenges and opportunities. As the plant operation mainly depends on fuel supply,
so making fuel available to plant is utmost important task. To receive and handle this volume
of coal, infrastructure development outside plant and inside plant is required. So, our focus in
this project is on the infrastructure required for coal handling in plant. This project will find
out the bottlenecks of the present coal handling Infrastructure and additional infra
development required for future’s sustainable plant operations.

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Figure 1-1: All India Generating Installed Capacity (MW) .............................................. 1

Figure 1-2: Per Capita Energy Consumption in India (in kWh)....................................... 3
Figure 1-3: Proven Reserves in India till April 2012 ......................................................... 5
Figure 1-4: Coal Reserve in India Coalfield wise ............................................................... 6
Figure 1-6: Trends in Domestic Production of Coal (Million Tons) ................................. 7
Figure 2-1: Vedanta Resources Group Structure ............................................................ 12
Figure 2-2: Vedanta’s Global Footprint & Operations. .................................................. 13
Figure 2-3: Site Location, Jharsuguda, Odisha................................................................ 15
Figure 2-4: Showing details of 4X600MW Jharsuguda Power Plant .............................. 16
Figure 3-1: Model-1 for Bridging the Coal Demand- Supply gap through Imports ...... 21
Figure 3-2: Fishbone Diagram:......................................................................................... 23
Figure 4-2: Procedure for Coal Linkage with CIL .......................................................... 26
Figure 4-3: Coal E-Auction by CIL .................................................................................. 30
Figure 4-4: E-auction CIL-Subsidiary-wise in FY12 ....................................................... 31
Figure 4-5: Flowchart of E-Auction Coal Movement: ..................................................... 32
Figure 4-6: Indonesian Coal Reserves .............................................................................. 34
Figure 4-7: Quality reserves in Indonesia ........................................................................ 34
Figure 4-8: Components of Coal's Landed Cost .............................................................. 36
Figure 4-9: Trends in India’s Coal Imports (Million Tons) ............................................ 38
Figure 4-10: World Coal Trade Orientation .................................................................... 38
Figure 4-11: Global Price Trend for Indonesian & Australian Coal (in US $/Ton) ....... 39
Figure 5-1: Mode-wise distribution of Coal by CIL in FY12 .......................................... 45
Figure 5-2: Railway infra required .................................................................................. 51
Figure 5-3: Monthly Rake Break-up ................................................................................ 52
Figure 5-4: Comparison of Freight carrying capacity per rake (in Tonnes) .................. 56
Figure 5-5: Ports marked on Indian map......................................................................... 58

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Table 1-1: The Growth of power generation in various FYP ............................................ 2

Table 1-2: Projected Coal Demand (Million Tons) ............................................................ 4
Table 1-3: Status of Coal Resources in India during Last Five Years: ............................. 5
Table 1-4: Coal Supply & Demand Gap (in Million Tonnes) ............................................ 8
Table 4-1: Grades of Non-coking Coal ............................................................................. 27
Table 4-2: Proposed washeries of CIL: ............................................................................ 33
Table 4-3: Distance from Indonesian port to various ports in India ............................... 35
Table 4-4: Travelling time from Indonesian ports to our Indian ports........................... 35
Table 4-5: Coal import trend in India country wise for the last 10 year (in MT)........... 40
Table 5-1: Characteristics of Coal Logistics .................................................................... 44
Table 5-2: %age contribution of Different modes of Transport in Coal Dispatch ......... 45
Table 5-3: Railways Expansion & Future Vision 2020 for Freight Traffic .................... 56
Table 5-4: Major & Minor Ports with their Handling Capacity Vessels ........................ 58
Table 5-5: Rail Connectivity at Major Indian Ports & Traffic Handled till FY11 ......... 59

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Table of Contents
DECLARATION ................................................................................................................. ii
CERTIFICATE .................................................................................................................. iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................. iii
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................. v
LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... vii
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................... viii
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS: ........................................................................................... ix
1. INTRODUCTION: ...................................................................................................... 1
1.1 REVIEW OF INDIAN POWER SECTOR: ........................................................ 1
1.1.1 POWER GENRATION IN INDIA: .............................................................. 2
1.1.2 COAL REQUIREMENTS OF INDIA: ......................................................... 3
1.1.3 COAL RESERVES: ....................................................................................... 4
1.1.4 COAL PRODUCTION .................................................................................. 7
1.1.5 COAL – DEMAND & SUPPLY GAP:.......................................................... 8
1.1.6 REASONS BEHIND COAL DEMAND & SUPPLY GAP: ......................... 8
1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT ................................................................................. 10
1.3 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT: ............................................................. 10
1.4 OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT:.................................................................... 10
1.5 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT: ............................................................................. 11
2. ORGANIZATION PROFILE: ................................................................................. 12
2.1 ABOUT THE GROUP: ...................................................................................... 13
2.2 ABOUT THE COMPANY: ................................................................................ 14
2.2.1 ABOUT STERLITE ENERGY LTD.: ........................................................ 14
2.3 BUSINESS OF THE COMPANY: ..................................................................... 16
3. INTRODUCTION TO LITERATURE .................................................................... 17
3.1 REGULATORY & POLICY FRAMEWORK IN INDIA: ............................... 18
3.2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: ...................................................................... 21
3.3 SOURCES OF RESEARCH: ............................................................................. 23
4. INTRODUCTION TO COAL SOURING: .............................................................. 24
4.1 COAL LINKAGES: ............................................................................................ 24
4.1.1 COAL INDIA LIMITED:............................................................................ 24
4.1.2 FUEL SUPPLY AGREEMENT: ................................................................. 26

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4.1.3 SWOT ANALYSIS OF COAL LINKAGES: ............................................. 29
4.2 COAL E-AUCTIONS: ........................................................................................ 30
4.2.1 E-AUCTION TYPES: .................................................................................. 30
4.2.2 BIDDING PROCESS: ................................................................................. 31
COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS CIL SUBSIDIARIES:............................................. 31
4.3 WASHERIES & REJECTS: .............................................................................. 33
4.4 IMPORTS: .......................................................................................................... 34
4.4.1 GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION: ............................................................... 35
4.4.2 SWOT ANALYSIS FOR INDONESIAN COAL: ...................................... 36
4.4.4 INDIA’S COAL IMPORT TRENDS: ......................................................... 38
4.4.5 WORLD COAL TRADE MARKET: ........................................................ 38
4.4.9 SWOT ANALYSIS OF COAL RICH NATIONS: ..................................... 41
4.4.11 CONCLUSION: ........................................................................................... 43
5. COAL TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE: .......................................................... 44
5.1 ROADWAYS: ..................................................................................................... 45
5.1.1 ROAD LOGISTICS INFRASTRUTURE IN THE PLANT: ..................... 45
5.2 RAILWAYS: ....................................................................................................... 46
5.2.1 WAGON TYPES: ........................................................................................ 46
5.2.2 RAILWAY LOGISTICS INFRASTURCTURE: ....................................... 47
5.3 PORT INFRASTRUCTURE:............................................................................. 57
5.3.1 TYPES OF VESSELS: ................................................................................ 58
5.3.2 CHALLENGES IN PORT INFRASTUCTURE: ....................................... 60
6. RESULTS: ................................................................................................................. 61
6.1 CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS: .................................................... 62
6.2 LIMITATIONS OF REPORT: .......................................................................... 63
6.3 FUTURE SCOPE OF PROJECT: ..................................................................... 64

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Over the years, the Electricity Industry has made significant progress, Installed
capacity increased from 1,700MW (1950) to 225793.10 MW (30th June 2013) annual
per capita electrical energy consumption is increased from 16 kWh/annum (1950) to
over 778 kWh/annum (2012).

Figure 1-1: All India Generating Installed Capacity (MW)





39291 34444.12
Thermal Nuclear Hydro RES Total Captive

Source: Ministry of Power (Data as on 31.08.2012)

Indian Economy & Power Requirement:

India experienced unprecedented economic growth of 8% [1] for the last several years.
Even after factoring recent developments in global economy & local scenario, India is likely
to maintain 9% [2] economic growth over 12th FYP. These growth rates are fairly higher than
the economic growths observed in developed world and they are likely to increase our energy
requirement at even higher rate.

Report of the working group on power for 12th plan
Report of the working group on power for 12th plan

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India is currently facing energy shortage of 8.5% and peak shortage of 10.3% . As
per the 12th FYP, India’s energy demand will grow 6% per annum and we would require
installed power generation capacity of about 100 GigaWatts (GW). The power requirement,
besides economic growth, is also driven by Government’s aim to provide “power for all”.
Given the above scenario, it is becoming increasingly important for India to operate existing
generation assets at peak of their capacity besides new capacity additions. A number of plants
today are running at sub-optimal plant load factor (PLF)4 levels due to various issues like fuel
shortages, unplanned shut-down due to poor maintenance and time taken to rectify the
problems. While, we have observed improvements in (PLF) of generating plants (from 57.1%
in year 1992-93 to 75.1% in year 2010-11) [5], still there is significant improvement possible.


The capacity addition during the 11th five year plan FYP has been the highest till date
in any FYP. As on 31st March 2012 the total generation stood at 199877.03 MW[6] as per the
CEA report. The details of this generation capacity based on type of generation capacity and
ownership of generation capacity is outlined in the following diagram

Table 1-1: The Growth of power generation in various FYP

Plan/Year Nuclear Hydro RES Total
Coal Gas Diesel Total
End of 6th FYP 26311 542 177 27030 1095 14460 0 42585
End of 7th FYP 41237 2343 165 43745 1565 18308 18 63636
End of 8th FYP 54154 6562 294 61010 2225 21658 902 85795
End of 9th FYP 62131 11163 1135 74429 2720 26269 1628 105046
End of 10th FYP 71121 13699 2102 86915 3900 34654 7761 132330
End of 11th FYP 112022 18381 1200 131603 4780 38990 24503 199877
Source: Planning Commission.

National Electricity Plan (volume 1) Generation Report, January 2012
CEA: Definition of PLF = [ (Energy generated during the period x 100) / (C x H)]
Where, C = Total capacity (MW) & H = Total Hours in the period under review.
CEA: Operation performance of generating stations in the country during the year 2010-11.
CEA: Growth of installed capacity since 6th FYP.

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The total energy consumption/availability in India was 837 BU (LGBR Report-2011-
12-CEA) making India the sixt h largest energy consumer in the world. The per capita
electricit y consumpt ion has also increased to about 767 kWh. The graph shows the
increase in per capita energy consumption in India in the past two decades.

Figure 1-2: Per Capita Energy Consumption in India (in kWh)

1000 879
734.5 778
800 671.9 717.1
540 592 612.5 631.5
600 450 500
350 400
400 290
1991 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012

Source: Central Electricity Authority


India is the fourth largest consumer of energy in the world after USA, China and Russia
but it is not endowed with abundant energy resources. It must, therefore, meet its
development needs by using all available domestic resources of coal, uranium, oil, hydro and
other renewable resources, and supplementing domestic production by imports. High reliance
on imported energy is costly given the prevailing energy prices which are not likely to soften;
it also impinges adversely on energy security. Meeting the energy needs of achieving 8 per
cent– 9 per cent economic growth while also meeting energy requirements of the population
at affordable prices therefore presents a major challenge. It calls for a sustained effort at
increasing energy efficiency to contain the growth in demand for energy while increasing
domestic production as much as possible to keep import dependence at a reasonable level.
Energy is one of the most critical components of infrastructure that determines the economic
development of a country. The growth rate of demand for power is generally higher than the
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth rate.

In order to achieve economic growth of 8-9%7 in terms of GDP, country's total coal
demand, even after allowing for the slippages that have occurred in the current plan period,
has been projected to increase from the present ~ 730 million tons in 2010-11 to ~ 2,000

Planning Commission Report

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million tons in 2031-32. Of this, about 75 % of coal would go to power plants. Given the
projected increase in coal requirement, the domestic coal industry alone cannot fully meet the
demand. Present demand–supply gap is around 85 million tons and it is expected to increase
gradually to nearly 140 million tons by 2017.

Table 1-2: Projected Coal Demand (Million Tons)

Sector 2005-06 2006-07 2011-12 2016-17 2021-22 2026-27 2031-32

Electricity (A) 310 341 539 836 1040 1340 1659

Iron & Steel 43 43 69 104 112 120 150

Cement 20 25 32 50 95 125 140

Others 53 51 91 135 143 158 272

Non-elect. (B) 116 119 192 289 350 403 562

Total (A) + (B) 426 460 731 1125 1390 1743 2221

Figures for 2011-12 and 2016-17 are of the Working Group for 11th FYP estimate and for 2031-32
are of the Integrated Energy Policy Report. Figures for intervening years have been extrapolated.

Source: Ministry of coal & Planning Commission Report


Coal is the most common used fossil fuel used in the power plant to generate
electricity. Next to oil and gas the conventional resource which is available is coal. But oil &
gas is a costly product and India is rich in coal. So, for most of the primary energy purpose
coal is used. Coal fired generation in India accounts for 56%8 of the total installed generation
capacity and all future estimates of capacity addition show that coal will continue to be the
dominant fuel source despite the recent short supply in the domestic coal. The Coal reserves
of India up to the depth of 1200 meters have been estimated by the geological survey of India
at 293.497 billion tonnes as on 01.04.2012. Coal deposits are chiefly located in Jharkhand,
Odisha, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra. The
envisaged coal based capacity for the 12th plan period is 62,695 MW i.e. 82.7% of the

Coal India Limited & Ministry of Coal

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total proposed capacity addition (75,785 MW).India has the total coal reserve of 293 billion
tonne as on April, 2012 against 285.86 billion tonne on April, 2011.
As a result of Regional, Promotional and Detailed Exploration by GSI, CMPDI and SCCL
etc, the estimation of coal resources of India has reached to 2,93,497 Million Tonnes. The
estimates of coal resources in the country during last 5 years are given below: (in Million
Table 1-3: Status of Coal Resources in India during Last Five Years:

As on Geological Resources of Coal

Proved Indicated Inferred Total
1.4.2007 99060 120177 38144 257381
1.4.2008 101829 124216 38490 264535
1.4.2009 105820 123470 37920 267210
1.4.2010 109798 130654 36358 276810
1.4.2011 114992 137471 34390 285862
Source: Ministry of Coal & Geological survey of India

Figure 1-3: Proven Reserves in India till April 2012

Prime Coking Medium
4% Coking
11% Blendable /
Semi Coking

Non Coking

Source: Ministry of Coal

The coal reserve in India is unevenly distributed in the country. The central and the eastern
part of the country is rich source of coal, while the consumption of coal is equally distributed
throughout the country. In electricity generation the share of coal is highest with more than
55% of electricity production depend on coal.

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CIL, Maharatna Company with 8 subsidiaries9 has the maximum coal reserve in India The
other company in coal production is Singraeni Collieries Co. Ltd and Neyveli lignite
Figure 1-4: Coal Reserve in India Coalfield wise


The figure clearly explains the complexity of the coal reserve in India. The coal is
concentrated high in one place while the power plants or the coal consumers are spread all
over the country. So, there is required to manage the much needed coal reserve in the best
efficient manner.

Coal India Limited Subsidiaries

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Coal reserves have been distributed worldwide. In India we are having a very
huge resource of around 250 billion tonnes. In spite of this huge reserve, still our Indian
power plants and coal consumers are starving for coal. As per CEA the power plant has to
maintain a minimum stock level of 15 days for Pithead10 based TPP (Thermal Power
Plant) and for other TPP it varies from 20 to 30 days depends upon their distance from the
power plant. But still out of the 85 operational coal based TPP, ten TPP are running at a
critical stock level of less than 7 days and nine TPPs are running at a super critical stock
level of less than 4 days in FY2011.

So, there is a need to optimize the various coal sourcing option that are available
to coal consumers both domestic and international based for the demand and need of the
end users. Coal consumers have to opt for the different combination that suit best for
them. The need for logistics for transportation of coal from mine to end use plant is also
play a crucial role while going for different sourcing option and need of investment in
infrastructure for expansion is a demand of the market.

Figure 1-5: Trends in Domestic Production of Coal (Million Tons)



222.16 Coal
177.24 150 Lignite
150 Coal Imports
50 11.76 24.92
8.76 16.8 29
6.43 10.64
2000-01 2006-07 2011-12 2016-17 2021-22
(Actual) (Actual) (Provisional) (Projected) (Projected)

Source: Planning Commission (12th five year plan 2012-2017)

A pit-head plant means a plant at the coalmine itself so that there is no need to transfer the coal to the plant

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It is estimated that at the beginning year of 12th Five Year Plan (2012-13), the
demand is projected to increase to about 778 Million Tonnes, Where as the indigenous
availability be about 580.30 Million Tonnes. Therefore, there is likely to be a gap of
192.54 Million Tonnes, Which is required to be met through imports.

Table 1-4: Coal Supply & Demand Gap (in Million Tonnes)
Source 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 12th Five year
Plan Projected
Supply 343.00 514.56 524.09 535.15 580.30 795.00
Demand 378.00 597.98 656.31 696.03 772.84 980.50
Gap to be met 35.00 83.43 132.22 160.88 192.54 185.50
through imports
Total Imports 16.10 73.26 68.92 102.85 192.54 185.50
Source: Ministry of Coal
The availability may increase to 795 Million Tonnes at the maximum, subject to
availability of requisite land for coal mining and all clearances in time. Therefore, the gap
between the demand and indigenous availability is projected to be in the range of 185.5
Million Tonnes in the minimum to 265.5 Million Tonnes in the maximum. This gap is to be
bridged by import of coal, The report predicts likely power demand of 1392 Billion Units in
2016-17 and if coal based thermal power plants continue to meet 70% of the power
requirement of the country, coal based generation would be around 974 Billion Units, for
which requirement of coal would be around 682 Million Tonnes if specific coal consumption
remains at 0.70 Kg/Unit. As per the revised estimate, the demand of coal in the country in the
terminal year (TY) of XI plan (2011-12) will be around 650 Million Tonnes against which
indigenous availability would be around 545 Million Tonnes, leaving a gap of 105 Million
Tonnes to be met through import.


The main problem in the supply demand gap in the domestic coal is due to:

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 Most of the coal mining areas are announced as No-go areas by Ministry of
Environment & Forest.
 Insufficient Rail wagons and Rail infrastructure.
 Poor Loading/unloading infrastructure.
 Operational Inefficiencies & coordination issues.
 Sudden increase in demand.

Bottlenecks in Exploration and mining Activities:

Environmental considerations and land acquisition issues are hurting. Many of CIL
exploration field fall in the No-Go Zone area as specified by the Ministry of Forest and
Environment earlier. After the classification, around 203 coal blocks with reserves of over
600 million tonne in nine major coalfields had been barred from any mining activity.
According to Planning Commission data, the power sector alone was losing potential
production of 143,000 mw of power due to the Ministry of Environment & Forestry policy.
Main reasons for slippage in the implementation of projects:

 Delay in acquisition of land and associated problems of rehabilitation.

 Delay in diversion of forest land and associated problems of rehabilitation.
 Delay in grant of Environmental & Forest Clearances.
 Delay due to adverse geo-mining condition.
 Delay due to restriction in exploration in forest area by MoEF.
 Other misc. problems such as delay or discontinuance of work by contractor,
non participation in tender, DGMS permissions.

Reasons for the Delay in Exploration & Transportation of Coal from mine to End User:
Sr. Reasons Indicators
1 Delay in Land Under the 11th five year plan, the envisaged land acquisition
Acquisition was greater than 6,000 Ha, against it, CIL was able to acquire
only 25,000 Ha i.e. 40% of the target
2 Embargo imposed in Pollutant concentration, expedience factors, impact on human
view of comprehensive health and level of exposure have been taken into
environmental pollution consideration for the calculation of pollution indices for air,
index (CEPI) water and land (ground water) all these factors affect the coal
3 Delay in Forestry & Average time for stage I forestry clearance is about 4 years.
Environmental Average time for stage II clearance is 3 years. Thus the total
Clearances time for Forestry Clearance is 7 years against the normative
time of 2-3 years.
4 Mismatch between In the last 8 years coal stock has been increased by approx 53
production & Transport MT dye to non-availability of sufficient railway rakes.
5 Delay in Construction Strikes and Natural calamities also effect the construction of
of New Railway Lines New Railway Lines in Expanding Coalfields
6 Law & Order Problems Naxal problems and Curfews also affect the Coal Movement.
in Jharkhand & Odisha.

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The demand for the coal has increase exponentially and reached to 696MT in
FY12. It is estimated that at the beginning year of 12th Five Year Plan (2012-13), the
demand is projected to increase to about 778 Million Tonnes, Where as the
indigenous availability be about 580.30 Million Tonnes. Therefore, there is likely to
be a gap of 192.54 Million Tonnes, Which is required to be met through imports. The
sourcing demand of coal as primary fuel creates a huge demand supply gap and left
various plant to run below their rated capacity. The constraints in the coal logistics
also create a barrier as 17% of total coal production by CIL can’t be supplied to coal
consumers due to non-availability of rakes and infrastructure. In addition to that
regulatory framework, financial risk as well as various technical risks due to which
there is always a dilemma in choosing among various sourcing option. No
coordination or mismatch between the development of infrastructure and required as
per demand create a bottleneck in the whole coal transportation system.

This report is produced to study challenges facing by the power producers due
to coal demand-supply gap and to provide best possible option to bridge this gap and
also to analyze roadmap to coal logistics.


The project has been carried out after observing the current scenario of coal
for various power plants including Sterlite Energy Limited. A new thermal power
plant needs to have out of box thinking thereby to survive in this competitive power
sector. Thus, a basic research report has been prepared keeping in view the various
pros and cons of the import options to Sterlite Energy Limited.


The objective of the project is to find out the best coal sourcing option
(Domestic + International) in India to bridge the coal demand- supply gap. As the
demand for coal is increasing day by day so, the primary fuel coal reliability is a

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major concern for various coal consuming sectors. The project will give the detailed
feasibility analysis of various coals sourcing option available to coal consumers and
comparative analysis of the different sourcing option. As the problems in the domestic
coal are increasing day by day, so dependency on imported coal by the Indian thermal
power plant is an unavoidable factor.

Not only implication and complexity in choosing the best coal sourcing option
but also the bottlenecks in the logistics part for transportation of coal from coal mines
to consuming area is also studied in detail. Main area of analysis deals with study of
challenges faced by the power producers due to coal demand-supply gap and to
provide best possible option to bridge this gap and also to analyze roadmap to coal


The project is to find out viable coal resources for importing coal to India.
There are number of countries available for importing coal to India, but all countries
are not economically viable for India. As India has a vast coastal line of 7517 km, so
coal transport through sea will be the cheapest mode of transportation. Coal sourcing
countries should also have good port connectivity. So a survey of all eligible countries
like Australia, South Africa, Indonesia, and Mozambique has been done. The detail
study of the present scenario and future projection of the different coal sourcing
option is done.

The transportation cost also play a major part in the landed cost of coal from
the mine to power plant. The scope of study is Total Quantity Management of
Imported Coal from port to site. The future projection of coal demand and correlation
development require in the coal logistics infrastructure to sustain the projected

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Vedanta Resources plc is a globally

diversified natural resources group committed to
sustainable development, supporting local
communities and contributing to the economies of the areas where we operate. Its assets and
operations are located in the high growth markets of India, Zambia, Namibia, South Africa,
Liberia, Ireland and Australia. It is primarily engaged in copper, zinc, silver, aluminium, iron
ore and power business. Vedanta Group Revenue for the fiscal year ending 31 March 2011
was US$ 11.4 billion. Vedanta Resources plc has spent approximately two-third of our US$
19 billion capital expenditure programme as of 30 September 2011. It is the world’s largest
integrated Zinc Lead producer and among the top producers of copper, iron ore and silver. In
the last five years, it has reduced our energy consumption by over 40%. Last year, we planted
759,000 trees bringing the total number of trees on our operations to 12 million.

It has over 31,000 employees worldwide. The majority of its operations are certified to the
International Management Systems Standard ISO 14001[11]. It has also won numerous awards
for safety and environment: we won the 2005 Recognition of Commitment Award from the
Institute of Internal Auditors, USA, for our demonstrated strengths and continued focus on
achieving operational efficiencies and process.

Figure 2-1: Vedanta Resources Group Structure

SOURCE: - ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 14004:2004 focus on environmental management
systems. The other Using ISO 14001 can provide assurance to company management and employees as well as
external stakeholders that environmental impact is being measured and improved.

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Figure 2-2: Vedanta’s Global Footprint & Operations.

[Map not to scale] Source: Vedanta Database (Annual Report 2011-12)


Vedanta Aluminium Ltd (VAL) is an associate

company of the London Stock Exchange listed, FTSE 12 100
diversified resources group Vedanta Resources Plc. Originally incorporated in 2001, and
VAL is a leading producer of metallurgical grade alumina and other aluminium products,
which cater to a wide spectrum of industries. VAL has carved out a niche for itself in the
aluminium industry with its superior product quality based on state-of-the-art technology.

( FTSE - Financial Times Stock Exchange) Group is a British provider of stock market indices and associated
data services, wholly owned by the London Stock Exchange. FTSE helps investors worldwide make informed
investment decisions and benchmark the performance of their investments.

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VAL has invested in a 0.5 mtpa13 aluminium smelter and 1215 MW captive power
plant supported by highly modern infrastructure at Jharsuguda, Orissa. In addition to this,
construction of 1.1 mtpa aluminium smelter expansion project at Jharsuguda is under process.
The company intends to expand the fully integrated aluminium smelting capacity to around
2.6 mtpa in near future.



Sterlite Energy Limited (SEL) is a part of

Vedanta Resources plc , a London listed FTSE 100
diversified metals and mining major with
Aluminium, Copper, Zinc and Iron ore operations in India, Australia and Zambia, and a
subsidiary of Vedanta group flagship company, Sterlite Industries (India) Limited. SEL was
established to develop, construct and operate power plants and seeks to become one of
India’s leading commercial power generation companies.

SEL is well positioned to capitalize on India’s economic growth, power deficit and large coal
reserves to develop a commercial power generation business. It shall benefit from Vedanta
group’s experienced and focused management with strong project execution skills,
experience in building and operating captive power plants, substantial experience in mining
activities and the capacity to finance world-class projects.

2.2.2 Jharsuguda Power Project:

Sterlite Energy Ltd has taken a major initiative towards the advancement of the power
infrastructure in Orissa through its 4 x 600 MW coal-based independent power plant (IPP) in
Jharsuguda district. The IPP project envisages a total capital outlay of Rs. 8,200 crores. The
two units have commenced commercial operation since Nov 2010 & April 2011 respectively.
The project is expected to be fully commissioned in the third quarter of Fiscal 2012.

The power plant entails a number of pioneering achievements in the Indian power sector.
Each of its four units has a capacity of 600 MW, which makes the units the largest
commissioned in India till date. One of the largest coal handling plants to handle 44,000 MT
of coal per day, which is equivalent to 14 rakes of coal a day and a power generation capacity
Mtpa - Million Tons Per Annum

Page | 14
to produce 57 million units/ day. The plant also has a dual LP-flow steam turbine and four
160 meters high natural draft cooling towers. Other important features of the plant include
two 275 meters high multi-flue stacks and a high concentration slurry disposal (HCSD)
system for dry ash and highly concentrated slurry.

The company has made extensive arrangements to source raw materials for the power plant.
The Hirakud Reservoir is being used as a water source and coal- the chief raw material, is
being derived from the IB Valley coalfield.

As a prime advocate of sustainable development, Sterlite Energy Ltd. puts a premium on

environmentally friendly construction technology. The plant employs hybrid ESP and fabric
filter which maintains stack emission < 50 mg/m3 and HCSD system for ash disposal, which
results in very low consumption of water compared to wet slurry system. The Jharsuguda IPP
would therefore be a zero effluent discharge plant with stack emission

Figure 2-3: Site Location, Jharsuguda, Odisha.

Source: Vedanta Resources

Jharsuguda is the site for our Aluminium Smelter, Captive Power Plant and an
Independent Power Plant (Sterlite Energy Ltd.). Jharsuguda is situated in the western part of
Orissa on the State Highway No-10, at a distance of 335 K.M. from Bhubaneswar and 310
K.M. from Raipur. The details of these projects are given below.

1) 1.6 MTPA Aluminium Smelter.

2) 9x135 MW Captive Power Plant.
3) 4x600 MW Independent Power Plants by Sterlite Energy Ltd.
4) Rail infrastructure for Coal, Aluminium & finished product.
5) A state-of-the-art modern township.

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Figure 2-4: Showing details of 4X600MW Jharsuguda Power Plant


At Jharsuguda, Odisha VAL operates 500 ktpa aluminium smelter and an associated
1,215MW captive power plant. VAL also has a 1.25 mtpa14 aluminium smelter project at

Projects and Products

VAL is making huge investments to expand capacities of existing plants in order to

address growing industry demand. Expansion of the Jharsuguda aluminium smelter plays a
pivotal role in VAL’s growth strategy. The firm has started construction of a new 1.1 mtpa
aluminium smelter15 at Jharsuguda which would expand smelting capacity from 0.5 mtpa to
1.6 mtpa in near future. For this, VAL has channelized funds towards the commissioning of
additional units of power.

Mtpa - Million Tons Per Annum
Aluminium Smelter - Aluminium smelting is the process of extracting aluminium from its oxide alumina,
generally by the Hall-Héroult process. Alumina is extracted from the ore Bauxite by means of the Bayer process
at an alumina refinery.

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Clemens Haftendorn, Franziska Holz, Christian von Hirschhausen presentated a paper at

Berlin, September 2010 - “COALMOD-World: A Model to Assess International Coal
Markets until 2030” has presented a tool of analysis for the future global steam coal market,
the “COALMOD-World” model. He has shown how we can model this market and its future
developments using a large scale equilibrium model that relies on microeconomics and game
theory. The combination of model theory and detailed market analysis provides the ground
for the development and the implementation of the model. The modelling framework used is
the mixed complementarily (MCP) format. The model results show that the international
steam coal trade will continue to grow. The projected growth of 42% between 2006 and 2030
is mainly driven by fast growing economies like India and China that will multiply the
volume of their imports by 4.5. Imports from other countries will decline by 15% during the
same time. This will increase competition between importing countries to secure steam coal
supplies. In some producing countries today there are discussions about restricting exports,
for example to protect the local demand for coal. However, our model results suggest that it
would be beneficial for the producers not to restrict their exports. This is especially true for
Indonesia, China and South Africa that are major suppliers to the international steam coal
market. A future revival of the U.S. as a major exporter is threatened by environmental
regulations, especially a possible ban on mountaintop removal mining. Also, restrictions on
investment in production capacities in major markets could have a sign cant effect on global
trade and increase the import dependency of India and southern China. Another important
aspect for the future of coal markets is climate change and climate policies. Coal is
considered by many to be the number one climate enemy. If more restrictions on emissions
than in the IEA (2008c) World Energy Outlook’s reference case were imposed, there would
be a direct effect on electricity generation from coal. In the near future global trade growth
would be smaller because the main importing developed countries like the EU or Japan are
more likely to curb their coal consumption than India or China. The COALMOD-World
model can be used for the implementation of a wide range of scenario model runs to

Page | 17
investigate the interaction of the national and international steam coal markets under various
energy and climate policy scenarios until 2030.


Date Event
1972 and Nationalization of coal mines. Coal mines that could not be nationalized were allowed to
1973 be worked by private lease holders.
Nov 1975 Coal India Limited (CIL) was set up.
1976 Coal Mines (Nationalization) Amendment Act, 1976 was enacted terminated all mining
leases with the private holders except those of iron and steel producers.
14 July 1992 A Screening Committee was set up by MoC to consider applications made by various
companies interested in captive mining and to allocate coal blocks.
June 1993 Coal Mines (Nationalization) Amendment Act, 1993 was passed which allowed Indian
companies engaged in generation of power, in addition to iron and steel producers.
15 March Cement sector was notified as an end user by inserting an enabling provision in the Coal
1996 Mines (Nationalization) Act.
Feb 1997 The Cabinet approved a proposal to amend the Coal Mines (Nationalization) Act to
allow non-captive coal mining by an Indian Company.
24 April Coal Mines (Nationalization) Amendment Bill 2000 was introduced in the Rajya Sabha,
2000 seeking allocation of coal blocks to Indian companies for commercial mining. The bill is
still pending in the House.
Feb 2006 Government permitted 100% FDI under the Automatic Route for captive mining by
companies in power , iron and steel and cement sectors and other eligible activities
permitted under the coal Mines (Nationalization) Act.
17 Oct 2008 Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act 1957 Amendment Bill was
introduced in the parliament. It envisaged making the system of Competitive Bidding
applicable to all minerals covered under the said Act.
08 Sept 2010 The MMDR Amendment Act, 2010 was enacted.
2009-10 Establishment of Coal India Africana Limitada, a foreign subsidiary in Mozambique.
Award of ‘Mini Ratna’ status by the Department of Public Enterprises, GoI, to CMPDIL
2010-11 CIL signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Ministry of Coal on 31st
March, 2011 – for its key performance areas for the fiscal 2011-12. As per the MoU for
the fiscal 2011-12, CIL’s targeted production and coal off-take have been fixed at 452.00
Million Tonnes (MTs) & 454.00 MTs respectively for attaining an ‘Excellent’ rating.
2011-12 Coal India Ltd was granted the ‘Maharatna’ status on 11 April, 2011.
Coal India joins Sensex, on 8 August 2011.

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Coal India Ltd on 31st January 2012 finalized the wage agreement for its 3.63Lakh
strong non-executive work force by giving a 25% increase on gross wages as of 30 June
Pays Highest Interim Dividend to Government of India on 23 March 2012 of Rs.5400.49
Crores for the fiscal 2011-12.

Mines and Minerals (Development & Regulation) Amendment Act 201016:

The Act was amended in 2010 to make a special provision for granting reconnaissance
permit, prospecting license or mining lease for companies engaged in captive mining of coal
or lignite, though auction and competitive bidding37. These include companies engaged in
production of iron and steel, generation of power, washing of coal obtained from a mine and
such other end use that the government may by notification in the official gazette specify.
The proviso to the section nevertheless makes it clear that competitive bidding shall not be
applicable to an area containing coal or lignite, where such area is considered for allocation to
a Government Company or Corporation for mining or such other specified end use or where
such area is considered for allocation to a company or corporation that has been awarded a
power project on the basis of competitive bids. The significant aspect of the 2010 amendment
is that it allows for participation of foreign companies in the said competitive bidding

Colliery Control Order 2000 and Colliery Control Rules 200417:

The Colliery Control Order and the Colliery Control Rules contains identical provisions save
for a penalty provision68 and exemptions for acts in good faith69 which are included in the
Rules. The Order and Rules empower the Central Government to prescribe the criteria for
categorization of coal70 and the Coal Controller for prescribing the procedure for the
categorization of coal71, inspection of collieries72 and quality surveillance73, etc. The Coal
Controller74 has also been empowered to issue directions to any colliery owner regulating
disposal of stocks of coal75, prohibiting or limiting the mining or production of any grade of
coal76 and the requirement of prior permissions to open77 or sub-divide78 a coal mine.

Source: Colliery Control Rules,2004 -
Source: Colliery Control Order, 2000 -

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Import Policy18:
As per the present Import Policy, coal can be freely imported (under Open General Licence)
by the consumers. Currently while import duty on coking coal is nil, import duty on non
coking coal and coke is 5%. Presumably realizing the lack of good quality coking coal
required by the iron and steel sector, the import duty on coking coal has been kept at nil.
However, there is a 5% duty on non-coking coal and coke. While marginal, given the demand
supply gap and the objective of making the domestic coal producers more competitive, this
may need revision.

Coal Mines (Nationalization) Act 197319:

The preamble to the act states that it is a legislation “to provide for the acquisition and
transfer of the right, title and interest of the owners in respect to the coal mines specified in
the schedule with a view to re-organizing, and re-constructing such coal mines so as to ensure
rational coordinated and scientific development and utilization of coal resources consistent
with the growing requirements of the country, in order that the ownership and control of such
resources are vested in the State and thereby so distributed as best to sub serve the common
good, and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.”

Mines and Minerals (Development & Regulation) Bill 2011:

On 30.09.2011, the Union Cabinet approved the draft Bill of the new law which seeks to
consolidate and replace the existing Mines and Minerals Act 1957. The primary additions in
the proposed legislation is the sharing of 26% of the net profit of coal mining companies and
100% of royalty for other mineral mining companies with the people displaced due to such
mining activities. The Bill also proposed to establish a National Mineral Fund54, establish
national and state mining regulatory authorities55 and tribunals at state and central levels56.
Clause 4 of the Bill states that no person shall undertake reconnaissance, prospecting,
exploration, or mining, in respect of any mineral without obtaining an appropriate licence or
lease. Sub-clause (2) of Clause 4 however, exempts the Geological Survey of India, Mineral
Exploration Corporation Limited, Singareni Collieries Limited, Central Mine Planning and
Design Institute Limited, the Directorate of Mining and Geology of any State Government,
and such other government agencies as may be notified by the Central Government, from the
need to obtain a licence in respect of reconnaissance or prospecting operations.

Source: Import Policy -
Source: Coal Mines (Nationalization) Act 1973 -

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MODEL 1: Bridging the Coal Demand- Supply gap through Imports

Figure 3-1: Model-1 for Bridging the Coal Demand- Supply gap through Imports
Need to Find
Optimal Coal

Coal Reserves
in world

Regulations &
Coal Export

Countries for
Coal Sourcing

Australia Indonesia South Africa Columbia Mozambique

Port & Railway


Analysis &

COAL Mod Model is a most prominent model that is being referred for coal sourcing from
various countries. Some of the key aspects about the COAL Mod model are as described
 Need to Find Optimal Coal Import Location: Indian Thermal plant needs to find
the prospective locations for coal sourcing to India. There are a number of countries
like Australia, South Africa, Indonesia, Columbia, Mozambique etc.
 Coal Reserves in world: An analysis will be done about the various coal reserves that
can be deployed by Indian thermal power plants companies like CLP.

Page | 21
 Regulations & Coal Export Scenario: Regulatory framework is studied in each of
the country that will be chosen for coal sourcing to India. Moreover, coal export
scenario during the past years are also given due importance.
 Viable Countries for Coal Sourcing: Australia, Mozambique, Indonesia,
Mozambique, Colombia seems to be viable options for sourcing of coal for India
based on the various deciding factors like regulatory aspects, price of coal etc.
 Port &Railway Infrastructure: Ports and railways infrastructure plays a very crucial
role in ceding out the most viable options in order to import coal from various
countries. Number of days in transit taken by the cargo ship is also calculated in order
to get the more accurate picture.
 Conclusion: Finally conclusion is calculated after studying various underlying
prospects associated with the coal sourcing for Indian thermal power plants like India.

To carry out the research, I have collected data from various associations with various
information organizations. Coal India Limited, Ministry of Power, Central Electricity
Authority, Central Electricity Regulatory Commission is few to name. Most of the research
inputs are obtained from Secondary sources such as Journals, Reports, Literature
Review, R.T.I., Publications and from primary sources like Conferences and
telephonic conversation with many power project developers.

MODEL 2: Total Quantity Management of Imported Coal from Port to Site:

Major Challenges with Coal Logistics is coal quantity loss during transportation of
Imported Coal from port to site. Research Methodology includes analysis of coal shortage
analysis during transportation. Methods used is to prepare fishbone diagram 20 as shown
below to list all the possible causes for the effect i.e. quantity shortages.

Fishbone Diagram - Developed by Kaoru Ishikawa (in 1968) - To break down (in successive layers of
detail) root causes that potentially contribute to a particular effect.

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Figure 3-2: Fishbone Diagram:


The inputs received and the data collected from the various sources is utilized
in the formulation of business solutions and models, to determine the best fuel
sourcing option based on the plant and their end use and capacity portfolio and to
identify the demand pockets. The comparison is done between various coals sourcing
option based of various parameters. The second part of report analysis the prevailing
current scenario of coal logistics and estimate the required infrastructure based on the
market survey and scenario and at last, risk mitigating solutions are offered.

Page | 23


Fullfillment of
Coal for Sterlite
energy limited

Washeries &
Linkages E-Auctions Imports



Coal India Limited (CIL) as

an organized state owned coal
mining corporate came into
being in November 1975 with the government taking over private coal mines. With a
modest production of 79 Million Tonnes (MTs) at the year of its inception CIL today is
the single largest coal producer in the world. Operating through 81 mining areas CIL is an
apex body with 7 wholly owned coal producing subsidiaries and 1 mine planning and
Consultancy Company spread over 8 provincial states of India. CIL also fully owns a
mining company in Mozambique christened as ‘Coal India Africana Limitada’.

Page | 24
CIL having fulfilled the financial and other prerequisites was granted the
“Maharatna” 21 recognition in April 2011. It is a privileged status conferred by
Government of India to select state owned enterprises in order to empower them to
expand their operations and emerge as global giants. So far, the select club has only five
members out of 217 Central Public Sector Enterprises in the country.

Unmatched Strategic Relevance:

 Produces around 81.1% of India’s overall coal production.

 In India where approximately 52% of primary commercial energy is coal dependent,
CIL alone meets to the tune of 40% of primary commercial energy requirement
 Commands nearly 74% of the Indian coal market.
 Feeds 82 out of 86 coal based thermal power plants in India.
 Accounts for 76% of total thermal power generating capacity of the Utility sector.
 Supplies coal at prices discounted to international prices.
 Insulates Indian coal consumers against price volatility.
 Makes the end user industry globally competitive
 Thus, plays a key role in “India Growth Story” and making India incorporate globally
Coal: choice for Indian energy.
Coal is the most important and abundant fossil fuel in India. It accounts for 55%
of the country’s energy need. The country’s industrial heritage was built upon indigenous
coal. Commercial primary energy consumption in India has grown by about 700% in the
last four decades. Hard coal deposit spread over 27 major coalfields, are mainly confined
to eastern and south central parts of the country. The lignite reserves stand at a level
around 36 billion tonnes, of which 90 % occur in the southern State of Tamil Nadu.
Under the provisions of the Coal Mines (Nationalization) Act 1973, only public
sector companies can mine coal. The coal industry was reorganized into two major public
sector companies, namely Coal India Limited (CIL) which owns and manages all the old
Government-owned mines of National Coal Development Corporation (NCDC) and the
nationalized private mines and Singreni Colliery Company Limited (SCCL) which was in
existence under the ownership and management of Andhra Pradesh State Government at
the time of the nationalization.

Maharatna–A company with average annual turnover of more than Rs. 20,000 crore during the last 3 years.

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FSA stands for Fuel supply Agreement. As per New Coal Distribution Policy
(NCDP)22 Coal supplies are governed by legally enforceable agreements between the sellers
(coal Companies) and the consumer under specific terms and conditions. As far as Sterlite
Energy Limited (SEL) is concerned, it signed its Fuel Supply Agreement (FSA) with
Mahanadi Coalfields Limited i.e. MCL.
Procedure for Coal Linkage:
To have coal linkage with CIL, the consumer has to submit the letter of issue to the
standing committee. The Standing Linkage Committee will recommend CIL for the issuance
of letter of assurance (LOA). The coal company will give the notice to the consumers for
having the issuance of LOA. The consumers should submit the commitment Guarantee (CG)
as per the new NDCP policy. The standing committee will give LOA to coal consumers on
condition that the milestones to be achieved within deadline to convert the LOA to FSA.
The normal time specified to convert LOAs to FSAs is 2-3 years but due to various
clearances issues, it generally take 4-5 years to have the fuel supply agreement.
Figure 4-1: Procedure for Coal Linkage with CIL
Standing Linkage Committee recommends CIL for
issuance of LoA to coal consumers

Standing Linkage Committee of LoA examine

allocation keeping in view supply and commitment

Coal company Issue notice to the consumers for

issuance of letter of assurance(LoA)

Consumers submit Commitment Guarantee (CG)

Consumers achieve LoA milestones within the given


Coal companies conclude FSA

Source: CIL & Sterlite Research
NCDP - Ministry of Coal:

Page | 26
FSA Aspects w.r.t Sterlite Energy Limited (SEL), Jharsuguda, Odisha.

Period of Agreement:
 FSA was signed between SEL and MCL, Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (Subsidiary of
CIL Ltd.) on 20th Sept, 2011.
 The Agreement has been signed for a period of 20 years and after completion of 5
years, either party can approach for review of the agreement.

Security Deposit: The purchaser is required to submit a security deposit equivalent to 6 % of

the basic price of grade of coal that is taken into consideration while signing the agreement.

 Seller should make adequate facilities not to supply coal less than 3200Kcal/Kg
(GCV). In case seller supplies such quantity of coal, purchaser should limit price of
coal to Re 1/tonne.
 F Grade coal is to be supplied to SEL with GCV Values.
Table 4-1: Grades of Non-coking Coal
Grade Useful Heat Value Corresponding Gross Calorific Value GCV
(UHV) (Kcal/Kg) Ash% + Moisture % (Kcal/ Kg) (at 5% moisture
UHV= 8900- at (60% RH & level)
138(A+M) 40 C)
A Exceeding 6200 Not exceeding 19.5 Exceeding 6454
B Exceeding 5600 but not 19.6 to 23.8 Exceeding 6049 but not
exceeding 6200 exceeding 6454
C Exceeding 4940 but not 23.9 to 28.6 Exceeding 5597 but not
exceeding 5600 exceeding. 6049
D Exceeding 4200 but not 28.7 to 34.0 Exceeding 5089 but not
exceeding 4940 Exceeding 5597
E Exceeding 3360 but not 34.1 to 40.0 Exceeding 4324 but not
exceeding 4200 exceeding 5089
F Exceeding 2400 but not 40.1 to 47.0 Exceeding 3865 but not
exceeding 3360 exceeding. 4324
G Exceeding 1300 but not 47.1 to 55.0 Exceeding 3113 but not
exceeding 2400 exceeding 3865
Source: Coal India Limited
 The Annual Contracted Quantity of coal to be supplied will be 42.75 lakhs per tonne
from the seller mines.
 Monthly scheduled quantity will be 1/3rd of the quarterly quantity.

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 Coal Quantity greater than 80% but less than 100 % has to be supplied by the supplier
to the purchased. Failing to provide the aforesaid quantity will acquire a
compensation of 0.01 % of the failed quantity of the coal.

Method of Order Booking:

 Purchaser should submit the order for the next month at least 7 days prior to the
commencement of next month either by road or by rail.
 Modalities for Billing, Payments, Claims:
 The purchaser shall make advance payment for a month in 3 instalments separated by
10 days stating from day 1 of the month.
 A purchaser should issue irrevocable letter of credit to the seller.

Adjustments for Coal Quality/Grade: Analysis of Coal Quality should be supported with
relevant documents related to

 Total Moisture (%)

 Equilibrated Moisture (%)
 Ash (%)
 GCV (Kcal/Kg)

Force Majeure23 Conditions & Termination of Agreement

 In case of Force Majeure conditions, affected party has a time limit of giving 90 days
prior to the termination of the agreement.
 In case there is any change in the material, then purchaser has the power to terminate
the agreement within 30 days.

Benefits to CIL Benefits to Customer(SEL)

1. Assured market for the coal due to loyal 1. Assured supply of Contracted quantity of
customers. coal uniformly as per agreed dispatch
schedules enforced by bonuses and penalties.

2. Better Planning and Monitoring of Quality, 2. Supply of committed grade of coal

Production and Dispatches due to the prior enforced by bonuses and penalties.
knowledge of quality and quantity of coal to
be supplied.

3. Scope for maximizing sales revenue by 3. Customer can avoid the repetitive
earning bonuses due to better performance processes, delays and costs involved in
procurement of coal.

Force Majeure-An event that is a result of the elements of nature, as opposed to one caused by human.

Page | 28

Strength (i) Adequate reserves

(ii) Huge workforce comprising of expert and highly skilled man power is
available with the coal companies
(iii) Adequate and rising domestic demand for coal.
(iv) Coal reserves are available at relatively shallow depth which can be
easily extracted by cost effective open cast mining methods.
Weaknesses (i) Poor quality of thermal coal available in India - mostly E and F grade
(ii) Inadequate extractable reserves of coking coal.
(iii) Low productivity in coal mines operated by CIL.
(iv) Coal sector not truly opened up for commercial mining.
(v) Lack of adequate infrastructure for speedy evacuation of coal produced.
(vi) Coal reserves are available mostly in the eastern part of India whereas
the demand of coal is through-out India. This leads to high transportation
cost of coal or higher transmission losses of power generated at pit-head
power plants.
(vii) Long time taken in getting the environment and forest clearance for
new coal projects.
(viii) Problems in land acquisition and rehabilitation & re-settlement.
(ix) Law and order problem in Eastern coal producing states.
(x) Constraints in exploration of coal - Out of 277 billion tonnes geological
reserves, only 110 billion tonnes reserves are in “proved category”.
(xi) Problems and constraints in underground mining – use of old
technology labour intensive processes for mining and safety issues.
Opportunities (i) A fast growing economy offers a huge domestic market (with relatively
inelastic demand) for coal.
(ii) Bulk of power generation is coal based and likely to remain so in the
foreseeable future.
(iii) As other energy sectors viz. oil and gas, power etc. have been opened
up, opening up of coal sector for private investment will give a big boost to
the sector.
(iv) Wide gap between the price of domestic coal and that in the
international market should give comfort to domestic industry and
encourage higher investment in the sector.
Threats (i) Delays in obtaining statutory clearances (environment and forest) and
land acquisition cause delays in the commissioning of new coal project.
(ii) Law and order problem in some of the Eastern States can adversely
impact coal production and movement.
(iii) Delay in the development of coal blocks allotted to new players (both
public and private sector) would place intense pressure on public sector
(iv) Opposition from various quarters to the opening up of coal sector to
private sector investment for commercial mining will impede speedier
growth of the sector.

Page | 29

Another source of coal option provide by CIL is e-auction. The CIL has the authority
given by the ministry to sell 10% of total coal production by e-auction. Coal distribution
through e-Auction is governed to provide access to coal for such coal consumers who wish to
have an assured supply over a long period through e-auction mode so as to plan their
operation. The quality & quantity offered from CIL-Subsidiary is declared earlier than 7
days, so the buyers can plan accordingly. The reserve price is fixed by CIL and the buyer has
to bid for the price above the reserve price. The MSTC India and Coal Junction is the service
provider for the e-auction. The detail of the spot e-auction and the forward e-auction is
provided on CIL website as well as the MSTC India and Coal Junction.


1. Forward E-Auction
2. Spot E-Auction
The methodology used in both the type of auction is same; the only difference between them
is the duration for which the e-auction. The spot e-auction is done for coal supply for short
duration while comparing to forward e-auction.
Figure 4-2: Coal E-Auction by CIL

Coal E-Actions(Million Tonnes)

40 46 48 51 52
30 29

Source: Coal India Limited.

An auction is a process of buying and selling goods or services by offering them up for bid, taking bids, and
then selling the item to the highest bidder

Page | 30
 Prospective Bidders are entitled to Bid for quantity to the extent of amount of EMD.
 The Buyers while bidding shall quote their “Bid price” per tonne in Indian Rupee as
base coal price on FOR/FOB colliery basis equal or above the reserve price.
 The other charges like statutory levies, surface transportation charges, sizing/
beneficiation charges, taxes, cess, royalty, & any other shall be beard by Buyer’s.
 The Bidder shall offer his Bid price (per tonne) in the increment of Rs.10/- (Rupees
ten) during the Normal e-Auction period.
 During the extended period of first two (2) hours, the Bidder shall offer his Bid price
in the increment of Rs.20/-. Beyond this extended period of two hours the bid price
increment would be Rs. 50/- (Rs. Fifty) only.
 Preference will be given to highest bid price in descending order.
 In case two parties bid the same price, preference to higher quantity.
 In case two parties bid the same price & quantity, preference will be given to party
bid first with reference with the time.


The analysis of the quantity and price offered by CIL each subsidiary wise show a
pattern a large pattern variation in price and the quantity.
Figure 4-3: E-auction CIL-Subsidiary-wise in FY12

%age of total production offered in e-auction.

%age more than normative price at which the
coal is sold

78.30% 79.30%
56.90% 66.60%
WCL, 14.88%

MCL, 14.93%
SECL, 11.20%
BCCL, 11.49%

CCL, 10.59%

ECL, 15.65%

NCL, 2.33%

CIL, 11.41%
NEC, 47.17%


Source: Infraline Research

Page | 31
ECL mine rich in coking coal offered 15.6% of total production for auction with average of
33.6% price above the normal price. BCCL; offered 11.49% of coal with price variation of
maximum 121% above the normative price. Overall CIL in all together offered 11.4% of with
average of 66% above the normative price.
Figure 4-4: Flowchart of E-Auction Coal Movement:

Page | 32


Coal India Limited has planned to set up 20 nos. of coal washeries (Coking and Non-
Coking) having total capacity of 111.1 Mt of raw coal throughput in the first phase. Out of
the total capacity mentioned above, 105.1 Mt capacity of washery will come up under "Build,
Operate & Maintain (BOM)" concept whereas 6.0 Mt capacity of washery will come up on
turnkey basis with a view to supply washed metallurgical and washed thermal coal to steel
sector and power stations other than those located at pit head. CIL would provide capital for
construction of these washeries. Details of subsidiary wise, number of washeries to be set up
& their capacities are listed below:

Table 4-2: Proposed washeries of CIL:

S.No. Subsidiary Washery Capacity (Mt) Type Scheme
1. ECL Chitra 2.5 Non-coking BOM
2. ECL Sonpurbazari 8.0 Non-coking BOM
3. BCCL Madhuband 5.0 Coking BOM
4. BCCL Patherdih 5.0 Coking BOM
5. BCCL Patherdih 2.5 Coking BOM
6. BCCL Bhojudih 2.0 Non-coking BOM
7. BCCL Dugda 2.5 Coking BOM
8. BCCL Dahibari 1.6 Non-Coking BOM
9. CCL Ashoka 10.0 Non-coking BOM
10. CCL New Piparwar 3.5 Non-coking TURNKEY
11. CCL Karo 2.5 Non-coking BOM
12 CCL Konar 3.5 Non-coking BOM
13. CCL Dhori 2.5 Coking TURNKEY
14. SECL Kusmunda 10.0 Non-coking BOM
15. SECL Baroud 5.0 Non-coking BOM
16. MCL Basundhara 10.0 Non-coking BOM
17. MCL Jagannath 10.0 Non-coking BOM
18. MCL Hingula 10.0 Non-coking BOM
19. MCL IB Valley 10.0 Non-coking BOM
20. WCL Kolarpimpri 5.0 Non-coking BOM
TOTAL 111.1
Source: Coal India Limited.

Out of 18 number of washeries to be constructed under Build-Operate-Maintain (BOM),

Global tenders have been floated for construction of following ten washeries i.e Sonepur
Bazari, Madhuband, Patherdih, Dugda , Dahibari , Ashoka, Basundhara, Jagannath ,
Hingula and Kusmunda washeries. Evaluation of Madhuband, Patherdih and Ashoka
washeries completed and LOA have been issued to the selected bidders. Evaluation of
balance 7 washeries is in progress. The reports of remaining 8 washeries are under

Page | 33

Indonesia is having a resource of 104.16 billion tonnes, out of which the economically
recoverable reserves are around 18.78 billion tonnes.

The major coal fields in Indonesia have been distributed in two Islands which are:

 Kalimantan (East Kalimantan & South Kalimantan)

 Sumatra
The Kalimantan province is having reserves of 7.15 billion tonnes and the Sumatra Island is
having reserves of 11.15 billion reserves
Figure 4-5: Indonesian Coal Reserves

Source: Indonesia Coal Reserves

Figure 4-6: Quality reserves in Indonesia

QUALITY(6100- Kcal/kg
7100 Kcal/kg 1%
<5100 Kcal/kg QUALITY(5100-
62% 6100) kcal/kg


Page | 34

Compared to other coal importing countries, Indonesia is the closest one to our Indian
ports both in east coast as well as west coast.This distance from Indonesian port to various
ports in India is given below:

Table 4-3: Distance from Indonesian port to various ports in India


East 3218 3155 3243 3124 3280 3593 4298

South 4147 3442 3129 2973 3092 3442 4147
Sumatra 2259 2195 2283 2158 2314 2627 3332
Note: Distance is measured in Nauticalmiles.1Nautical Mile=1.852 KM

And the approximate travelling time from Indonesian ports to our Indian ports is:

Table 4-4: Travelling time from Indonesian ports to our Indian ports

East 214.53 210.33 216.2 208.27 218.67 239.53 286.53

Kalimanta hours (9 hours (9 hours (9 hours (9 hours (9 hours (10 hours (12
n days) days) days) Days) days) days) days)
South 276.48 229.47 208.6 198.2 206.13 229.47 276.47
Kalimanta hours (12 hours (10 hours (9 hours (8 hours (9 hours (10 hours (12
n days) days) days) days) days) days) days)
Sumatra 150.6 146.33 152.20 143.87 154.27 175.4.13 222.13
hours (6 hours ( 6 hours (6-7 hours (6 hours hours ( 7-8 hours ( 9
days) days) days) days) (6-7 days) days)
Note: Units are in days and the ship speed has taken an imaginary value of 15 knots/hour. The
abovementioned time is exclusive of the turnarounddays of the ships in both the source and
destination ports. The turnaround days will be varying depends upon the port traffic and
climate conditions.

Page | 35


• Nearest To India – Logistics Rates will • Poor in Quality compared to other

be lower. countries
• Good Connectivity to Port. • Poor Land Transportation in Indonesia
• Internal Rivers-Tug Pulling Barge
• Floating Trans-shipment Facilities of 170


• Sumatra is Very Close to India and still a • Uncertainties in Government

lot of mine resource is available to regulations.
explore. • Prone to natural calamity like earth
quake &Tsunami.

Import from the coal rich country is now considered as a reliable source as the coal
production in India can’t able to meet the total demand. The import is considered as reliable
with other complexity and risk is still attached to it like Regulatory changes in the Indonesia
has impacted the cost of the imported coal from the Indonesia.


As per FSA, CIL is deemed to supply 80% of the coal to CLP India group but due to various
complications arising out of this, CIL will not be able to supply more than 50-55% of the coal
as per the recent notification released by CIL. Owing to this various cases have been taken
for fulfilling the shortfall requirement.

Methodology Used:

Figure 4-7: Components of Coal's Landed Cost

Landed Cost
of Coal

Total Logistics Sampling &

Coal Cost
Cost Analysis Cost

Page | 36
Components of Coal Cost are:

 Base Price of Coal: The price of Coal as disclosed by CIL on its website
 Clean Energy Cess: The Tenth Schedule to the Finance Act, 2010 prescribes a
statutory rate of cess of Rs.100 per tonne for all three categories, namely, coal, lignite
and peat. As per Annexure 2A its Rs 50/MT.
 Stowing Excise Duty: Every owner, agent or manager of a coal mine is supposed to
provisionally assess the duties of excise levied on the total raw coal dispatched in a
given month and pay the same into the treasury. The remittance is credited to the
Central Govt. in a special account; As per Annexure 2A its Rs 10/MT.
 Surface Transportation Charge(STC): As per Annexure 2A,its Rs 77/MT
 Crushing and Sizing Charge.
 Loading Charge
 Fixed Royalty
 Excise Duty of Basic Price, Sizing charge and Surface Transportation Charge.
 CSE of 2 % is also added on the Coal Cost

A. Components of Total Logistics Cost are :

 Basic Freight: Indian Railways has divided various commodities under various classes
like Class 100,110,120,130,140,150,160,170,180,190.For Coal Freight rates, under
class 150 is taken into consideration.
 Busy Seasonal Charge: Indian Railways has increased the Busy Seasonal Charge in
March 2011 notification from 7% to 10 % in lieu of heavy traffic during some
particular time of the year.
 Development Surcharge: Accordingly Indian Railways has also increased the
Development Surcharge from 3% to 5%.
 Sampling and Analysis Cost: This is the cost involved in carrying out various sample
tests of coal and thus adding A+B+C will give the total Landed cost of coal.
 Various Different Mixes of Coal has been taken like 70 % from CCL (FSA Linkage),
10-15% from imported coal market like South Africa, Indonesia, and remaining %age
from E-Auction and open Market.
 Then Weighted Average Cost has been calculated owing to the corresponding GCV
value available after mixing with all qualities of coal.
 Per Unit Fuel Cost has been calculated accordingly with different mixes of Coal as
shown in the sheets below.(Please Refer Annexure -2)
 As we know that Imported coal has high GCV value so that particular coal cannot be
mixed directly with the other available quality coal, so in order to cope with this
problem blending of coal will done to reduce the effective GCV of coal to a
acceptable level.

The above calculation has been described in Annexure 1 & 2.

Page | 37

Figure 4-8: Trends in India’s Coal Imports (Million Tons)

Coal Imports




20 24.92
2000-01 (Actual) 2006-07 (Actual) 2011-12 2016-17 2021-22
(Provisional) (Projected) (Projected)

Source: Planning Commission (12th five year plan 2012-17)

The surging demand especially from India and China in Pacific market has changed
the scenario of imported coal market from Atlantic market to Pacific market.
Figure 4-9: World Coal Trade Orientation

Source: Infraline Research

Page | 38

The price of coal in the global market is driven by the demand and supply scenario
prevailing in the market. The graphs show the price of the Indonesian coal and the Australian
coal during the past 3 years.

Figure 4-10: Global Price Trend for Indonesian & Australian Coal (in US $/Ton)
Indoneisan coal Reference Price(HBA)
Australia Coal Index







Source: Coal Spot

The majority of coal is priced using OTC contracts with negotiations between the
involved parties. Physical spot market and derivatives are traded on exchanges around the
world. Standardized coal trading agreements are also available and generally preferred by
participants based on benchmark prices. Various benchmark prices index are currently
operating in global coal market. These indexes quotes prices for internationally traded
bulk coal on the spot market according to the specifications. The consumer in India has
the edge as the price of coal in India is generally low as compared to global of the same
calorific value


The table below shows the import of coal from the different countries on yearly basis;
to meet the surging demand of coal from the sector like power; steel and cement.

Page | 39
Table 4-5: Coal import trend in India country wise for the last 10 year (in MT)

Country FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11

Australia 10.84 12.7 13.3 12.3 14.36 15.88 20.7 19.59 22.83 15.944

USA .043 0 .019 .714 1.022 .877 .53 1.215 1.401 1.771

South 3.10 3.59 .64 .53 3.24 2.38 6.97 7.09 14.49 11.214

Russia .27 0 0 .19 .045 .05 .10 .43 .14 .423

New .173 .148 .093 .248 .606 .69 .76 .84 1.05 .795

Indonesia 3.42 3.99 5.67 9.12 16.05 18.74 19.51 28.76 32.16 35.94

China PRP 2.55 1.99 1.70 2.31 3.08 4.09 .553 .52 .044 .242

Others .119 .861 .239 3.475 .165 .35 .65 .53 1.11 2.58

Source: Dedicated Freight Corridor Corp of India (DFCCIL) & Infraline Research


There are various factors that drive the coal consumers to go for the Coal mining acquisition
abroad. Some of them are:

of the Coal

of Coal

Domestic Coal

Based on the facts that price in the international market is much higher than indigenous coal
price. So, totally based on imported coal is highly risky till you have high capacity portfolio.

Page | 40
Countries Australia Indonesia South Africa Mozambique
Reserves 39. 2 bt (2009-10) 18.7 bt (2007 study 55. 3 bt (2001-02) 16 bt (2009-10 study
(bt = Economic done by New Energy economic by Mozambique
Billion recoverable Development recoverable Ministry of Mineral
Tonnes) reserves. Organization & reserves. Exact Resources)
Government of current figures are economic
Indonesia) economic not known as no recoverable reserves.
recoverable reserves. serious geological
Accuracy of the figure study conducted
is subject to in this regard.

Coal Queensland (overly Sumatra (overly Highveld (overly Tete and Niassa.
Regions exploited), New exploited), exploited), All regions are open
South Kalimantan Witbank, Ermelo, for exploration.
Wales (overly (overly exploited), Waterberg,
exploited), Papua, Java, Maluku Vereeniging
Surat Basin & & Sulawesi (partly South Rand,
Galilee Basin exploited). Utrechet and
(open for Klip River. All
exploration) regions are open
for exploration.

Cost of Very costly Moderate. Moderate. Moderate.


Coal Very good. Mainly sub- Mostly Coal is high in

Quality bituminous and lignite bituminous and quality.
but its low sulphur anthracite. Low
and ash content make grade coal is used
it desirable for power by the indigenous
generation. industry. For
export, coal
requires washing.
Infrastruc Existing but needs Existing but needs Require heavy Require heavy
ture upgradation. upgradation. investment for investment for
infrastructure infrastructure
upgradation. upgradation

Political Stable Stable Stable Stable

Proximity Not very attractive. Attractive. It takes 12 Good. It takes 12 Good. It takes 10
to It takes days to-Indian west days to-Indian days to-Indian west
Indian 18 days to-Indian coast and 9 days to west coast and 14 coast and
Ports west Indian east coast. days to Indian 12 +1/2 days to
coast and 14 Indian east coast.

Page | 41
Tax Not very complex. Not very promising as Does not have Conducive but they
Regime But new Carbon Government of any explicit coal are ranked (139)
tax and Mineral Indonesia is policy in place. very low in Business
Resource Rent tax frequently changing But the situation environment by the
is clouding the their mining laws. is not alarming World Bank. Apart
mining sector. Apart from the above, like Indonesia. from the above,
Though it is not coal contract policy Mozambique does
implemented yet favours domestic not have any local
but possibility of companies. ownership or equity
introducing the requirement for the
same cannot be miners.
ruled out. If
implemented, it
will further
increase the cost of


Countries Australia Indonesia South Africa Mozambique Colombia

Reserves 5 6 5 4 4
(bt = Billion
Coal Regions 5 6 5 4 4
Cost of Mining 6 4 4 4 4

Coal Quality 3 4 4 4 4
Infrastructure 4 4 5 5 5
Tax Regime 5 7 5 5 3
Political 4 4 4 5 5
Proximity to 6 4 5 4.5 7
Indian Ports
Total 38 39 37 35.5 36
Aggregate 4.22 4.33 4.11 3.94 4
Remarks Good for Not looking Good option. Here Best. Because Very good.
acquiring very companies must see of lower As coal plays
Coking promising how they will tackle shipping cost a small part in
coal for the the presence of big and Indian electricity
mines not future companies who companies generation in
for Because of already have got have already the country
thermal frequently good foothold in the got a good foot & most of the
coal. changing coal mining sector & hold in the coal produced
mining are securing export country. is meant for
laws. entitlements. export
Note: Greater the rank, less preferable is the destination (1= Best; 10 = Worst)
Rankings are based on the objective personal assessment of the author from secondary information

Page | 42

The growth of the Indian economy has led to a robust rise in demand for
power. The government, in turn, has promised to unleash a 'revolution' in the energy
sector; it vowed to produce thousands of megawatts of power by increasing private
participation in the coal sector and allowing other Public Sector Units to get into the
business. Although there have been many voices in various conferences in New Delhi
pushing for a gradual move to other energy alternatives, reality suggests otherwise. A
bulk of the planned capacity additions for the near future is still coal-based. On a day-
to-day basis when coal supply is interrupted by bureaucratic regulations or social
unrest-as was the case in July 2012-the nation goes literally dark. Other sources fail to
fill the gap. Given that India has created a system of electricity generation and
distribution that is based on the economics of poorly paid miners inefficiently digging
out coal in open cast mines, it is unlikely that it will adopt radical alternatives unless it
invests substantial sums. India's continued use of coal is justified on the basis of the
surrounding socio-political economy. Importing coal will certainly be of help.
However, given that Indian domestic coal is sold at government controlled prices, the
import option will pump up the power costs and both companies and consumers will
have to pay more. Rising costs of imported coal, along with high power tariff, are
forcing many companies to surrender their supply contracts. Despite the problems,
overseas acquisition need not become the answer to problems in developing Indian
domestic coal blocks25. Domestic issues must be addressed on a war footing while
imports serve as a temporary solution in the interim.

A Coal block is an area from which the government has granted permission in the form of a mining
license to mine coal.

Page | 43


Hitherto, the development of new coal mines was taking place wherever transport
infrastructure for evacuation of coal and its further transportation to various designated
destinations could be managed without much of a problem. With the increased demand, more
and more new and far-flung coalfields are being taken up for development to meet the
increasing demand of coal in the country. Initially such developments can go along with road
transport. But road haulage is not easy due to lack of road infrastructure of adequate strength.
This highlights the need for development of railway facilities for all such locations. Similarly,
for handling and transportation of increasing volumes of imported coal, integrated port and
railway infrastructure has to be established.
Railways are the main stay for the coal transportation and account for about 50% and
will be the most desirable in the future. Roadways contribute 27.06% of movement of coal
and generally used for small amount within 300 km range. The captive source like MGR, belt
and ropeways also contribute for 22%, generally used for pithead plant.

Since CIL accounts for more than 85% of indigenous coal production, a reasonably fair
picture of transport logistics of total indigenous coal sector may be extrapolated from the
facts and figures pertaining to CIL. Hence, we will analysis the transportation and logistics
part of coal by CIL and assure the same pattern for the rest of coal producing company or
Table 5-1: Characteristics of Coal Logistics

Means Characteristics Quantity in FY11

Railways Economical, cheapest and fastest mode for bulk 2108.79 MT

amount for long distance

Roadways Viable ,beneficial for distance between 50 to 300 1117.91 MT

meters and for small quantity

MGR Best suitable for pithead power plant and for 793.53 MT
bulk amount

Belt/Ropeways Useful for plant near mines and for small amount 78.5 MT/33.19 MT

Source: CIL

Page | 44
Figure 5-1: Mode-wise distribution of Coal by CIL in FY12
Belt, 1.90% Ropeway, 0.80

MGR, 19.20%

Railways, 51.04

Source: CIL
The distribution of coal by different mode of transportation for IX; X and XI Plan is been
tabulated below. The below table clearly demarcate that railways will account for 50% of
coal logistics and rest will be taken care with road; merry go round and for pit head plants
rope ways; belt will be most effective and economical.
Table 5-2: %age contribution of Different modes of Transport in Coal Dispatch
Period Rail Road MGR Belt/Others
2001-12(IX Plan) 53.3 18.2 22.7 5.8
2006-07(X Plan) 47.1 25 23.2 4.6
2007-08(X Plan) 49.2 26.5 18.7 5.6
2011-12(XI Plan) 49 27.2 19.1 4.7
Source: Coal India Ltd.



The most important advantage of coal transportation by road is its flexibility; it

provides almost full control on scheduling delivery of coal to plant. As scheduling can be
done according to the requirement of plant it is not possible with rail transportation for rail
transportation it will depend on availability of rakes But road transportation is much more
costly than railway transportation. The following Infra acts:

Page | 45
Gross Weight bridge •The Gross Weight bridge measure the weight of loaded trucks

•There is mechanical sampling machine called Augar for coal

Sampling Machine

•The Proclain machine is used to unload coal from truck into the
Proclain Machine

Tare Weight Bridge •It will measure the weight of unloaded trucks

Truck Tippler •This tipples or unload coal into the truck hopper


BOBRN Rakes are those rakes whose wagons have the opening at bottom,
for pouring their coal in to hopper directly. The capacity of BOBRN rakes on average
is about 3617 metric tonnes and it takes about 2 hour to unload coal in the hopper.
The TAT for the BOBRN rake is around 4hr on an average. Capacity of the each
BOBRN wagon is 63 Tons.


 Presently we can handle 7-8 BOBRN rakes in a day, at given full system
availability due to railway constraints, of connectivity of plant. But we are receiving
presently 4 to 5 rakes per day. Traffic handling capacity of Indian Railway on this
route is limited due congestion b/w Sambhalpur to Burandamal.
 Problem faced in completion of undergoing project of MGR26 (Merry Go Round).

 Present Railway infra can handle 7 BOBRN rakes which can be increased to 10
rakes with proper management.
 Try to complete the undergoing project of MGR at maximum pace, as the delay in
project would also lead to increment in project cost.

Merry Go Round is a block train of hopper wagons which both loads and unloads its cargo while moving.

Page | 46 BOXN RAKES:
BOXN Rakes has the higher capacity than the BOBRN rakes, but it
doesn’t have the facility of bottom opening to unload the Rakes so it requires the
wagon tippler to unload the rake. Each wagon of the BOXN rake has capacity of
around 67Ton. Unlike BOBRN rakes it has 59 wagons. The ideal TAT for the
BOXN rake is 6hrs, and 5 hours is free period time provided by railway for
unloading BOXN rakes, without any demurrage charges. While, in plant unloading
time is approx. 6-7 hrs. Total capacity of the BOXN rakes is around 3894Ton.


 System installed for unloading BOXN rakes is not performing as it was designed
for. So, due to this rakes take more time than estimated. And for that company
has to pay demurrage charges. Since the TAT for the BOXN is more than 8hrs
so, we can handle at most 6 BOXN rakes in a day.

 If we are able to reduce the TAT for rakes, we can save demurrage charges. Fast
unloading will be the key for this.


1. Way in-motion weigh-bridges

2. Wagon Tippler

3. Track hopper

4. Diesel loco

5. Track length Way in-motion Weighbridge:

Two way in-motion weighbridges are used for weighing the rakes.
Rakes coming from the mines are weighed in motion weighbridge in motion.
It takes around 10 minutes for this purpose. The Load cell can weigh the rake
when its speed is less than 10 km/hr.

Page | 47

 When rake moves at a speed higher than 10km/hr then there are chances of
either skipping of wagons or weighing errors.
 Load cell and digitalizer problem can led to the skipping of rake weighing and
power problem failure problem sometime leads to manual restarting of system,
during that period rake can escape from weighing.

 Rakes speed must be between 8-10 km/hr. for proper weighing of wagons.
 Backup power and checkups of load cell is required. So that no manual start-
ups is required and no rake could escape. Wagon Tippler:

The wagon tippler is machine to unload the BOBXN rakes. In order to

unload the wagon, the wagon is separated from the rake and is lifted by the
wagon tippler in order to unload the wagon into the hopper directly. The
capacity of the wagon tippler is 20 wagons per hr.

There are two Wagon Tipplers in SEL. The capacity of the wagon
tippler is 20 wagons per hr. Each takes around 3-4 minutes to unload a BOXN
rake. At max it can handle four rakes in a day.


• There is a regular mechanical breakdown of wagon tippler due to

hydraulic pressure failure and lubrication problem.
• The system might get struck due to mechanical breakdown.
• There may be a problem of clamp lowering because of this, clamp may
not fit at angle of 45 degree hence tippler is not able to hold the wagon
• Problem of specific hopper jam arises due to belt break down.


• There should be the regular maintenance of the wagon tippler.

Page | 48
• Its hydraulic pressure should be checked & maintained regularly.
• Proper inspection and maintenance of belt be done.
• Before rake arrival it should be checked for proper functioning by trial run
and if there is any problem it should be sorted out before arrival of rakes.
• Hopper may also get jammed due to over feeding of coal in hopper. This
may be avoided by running conveyor continuously when unloading rack. Track Hopper:

Track Hopper Track Hoppers are mainly used for coal storage &
handling in power plants. The coal is generally transported from coal mines
either by BOBR wagons (Bottom Open Bottom Discharge), or by Top open
wagons & rarely by trucks. A standard Track hopper is approximately 210m
long. Hopper is a big funnel to unload and store the coal. There are two
hoppers for BOBRN rake, two for BOXN rake and four for truck tippler. The
capacity of each BOBRN track hopper is around 4500 Tons, whereas the
BOXN hopper has the capacity of 240 Tons each. Since the capacity of the
hopper is large so it can hold one rake coal in it. In BOBRN hopper at a time
23 wagons can be unloaded.


 The major problem occurring in the hopper jam due to the wet coal or due
to coal boulders.
 Frequent belt breakdown, due to which, unloading stops.
 Sometimes due to the fault in the motor, the movement of the belt stops.
 Problem of specific hopper jam arises due to some technical issue.

 Coal boulders and wet coal should be avoided. It is advised to breakdown

boulders into small pieces by hand crushers.
 As plant sources coal from different sources which have different quality
of coal to be unloaded, so at least one of the hopper should be emptied. To
unload coal within given time at the hoppers.

Page | 49
 Proper maintenance and pre checking of belt is required for its proper
 It is better to use nylon belt having high mechanical strength.
 Similarly, for motors regular bearing heat and other technical
specifications should be checked.
 In case of hopper jam, system should be stopped immediately and hopper
jam be cleared manually. Diesel loco:

For the purpose of internal movement of rakes from unloading point to the
holding point, formation of BOXN rake sit is used.

In-Motion weigh • Motion weigh bridge measures each

bridges wagon weight in motion (below 10 km/hr)

• It is used to unload BOXN rakes having

Wagon Tippler wagon

• Used for the internal movement of rakes in

Diesel loco plant

• It has a length of 210 m and can unload 23

Track hopper BOBRN wagon at a time. Track length:-

Take off from Brundamal Station of East Coast Railways; 18.6 Km. Take off
from Jharsuguda Yard. Track Length 37 Km. Interconnections of CPP and IPP

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Track Length: 12 Km

Present Railway Infrastructure at VAL

Figure 5-2: Railway infra required

Under construction

Source: Vedanta Resources


Railways provides coal transportation in large quantity and in less costly compare to
road transportation and expenses for unloading a rake27 of quantity 3717MT is far lower than
unloading same quantity of coal by trucks.

The coal for the IPP plant is received through the Mumbai-Howrah line from IB valley area
and Talcher region. The rakes are coming to the BRUNDAMAL station. Brundamal is
serving station for CPP & IPP both; it has the two ends: Sambhalpur end and the Jharsuguda
end. There is Y-connection made in BRUNDAMAL line to handle more rakes and to avoid
engine reversal. Because of the Y-connection rakes from both the ends can come directly to
the plant. Rakes take around 30-45min to reach plant from the station.

The rakes coming from Sambhalpur end come to plant through Y-connection line and the
drawn out is through same line. While the rakes arriving from JSG end arrive and t exit
through same JSG to Sambhalpur line.

A Rake a line of Railway wagons coupled together as one unit. Usually 59-60 wagons are there in a typical

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Figure 5-3: Monthly Rake Break-up


Linkage rake
E-auction Rake
Import Rake
Others Rake

Source: Vedanta Resources Constraint of railway network:

1. The SEL railway network presently can handle 10 rakes at max (7 BOBRN, 3
BOXN), given all system working properly, but on average the presently
system is handling 6 rakes a day.
2. For rake to be drawn out it takes half an hour, soundless the rake is drawn out
another rake cannot be taken in.
3. Secondly, when there is rake on Brundamal station rake cannot be drawn out
or placed on the CPP line before station, as this will block the IPP track line.
4. Out of two holding line only one line can be used for rake holding while the
other one is for engine reversal or rake formation.
5. For rakes drawn out engine reversal takes much time. There is no provision for
direct rake drawn out without engine reversal.
6. Since, for BOXN rake engine provided by the railways so it usually takes
more times depending upon the availability of engine by railway.


1. With the development of Railway Merry-Go-Round system for rake

movement, the rake handling capacity can be increased.
2. Doubling of Sambhalpur end line is required for smooth rake drawn out from

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3. Construction of five more lines at Brundamal station for movement of rakes is
going on, which would increase the traffic movement capacity of Indian
Railway. Then number of rakes to be moved towards SEL per day will
increase, as lane would be available for movement. If BOXN unloading time
reduced 3-4hours then power would be available inside the plant, as per Indian
Railway engine unloads standards.
4. Track length should be made more than rake length in case of holding line,
which is less in case of BOBRN hopper
5. Length of Brundamal-Sambhalpur end line to Y- connection crossing should
be increased to full rake length, so that a rake can be placed in case of train at
Brundamal station during drawn out.
6. Without engine reversal, direct drawn out line is required for handling future
coal requirement of plant.
7. Proper co-ordination with the railways is required for smooth rake movement. Bottlenecks in Railways for Coal Transportation:


 Lag in synchronization of railway infrastructure build up with developments

of up-coming projects – delay or under-utilization of projects
 Mines forced to find out alternative stop-gap arrangement – transport cost
escalation, discontinuance of the stop-gap arrangement leads to socio-
economic disturbance
 Planning normally restricted to developing infrastructure at trunk routes—
supply chain in coal bearing areas remains clogged
 Planning concentrates on track development- mismatch between track and
rolling stock capacity
 Plan for rolling stock in totality without taking into consideration sector-wise
nature of requirement –inadequate availability of wagons during peak
production periods
 Lack of coordinated efforts between Local administration and Coal
Companies in planning of roads and other comprehensive area development

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 Natural adversities – unavoidable seasonal fluctuations in coal

 Difficult warehousing conditions – stocks exposed to pilferages and natural
 Linking coal to siding from large number of small mines in traditional
 Poor road infrastructure, fair weather bridges -- transportation to Railway
sidings gets affected
 Link-roads mostly through congested locality – socio-economic disturbances
 Fluctuating schedule of arrival of empties – idling of loading equipment.

c) IN Railways Routes

 Movement of Freight and passenger traffic through same track – transit delay
 All trunk routes including Golden quadrilateral and its diagonals saturated or
super saturated – constraint for throughput handling
 Multi-commodity handling rolling stocks –prioritized movement of food
grains, fertilizers affects wagon supply for coal in peak production months.
 Limited yard availability – restricting load and empty rakes handling capacity
 Smaller rake size, higher dead load – restricting haulage quantity
 Absence of electrification in coal moving tracks – delay for changing
 Bifurcations of Zone Railways – indulging intra-zone wagon movement,
particularly in peak season


 Unloading system equipped to handle particular type of wagon – flexibility of

rolling stock throttles
 System not equipped to work 24X7, delay in unloading during shift changes –
Railway operation continues un-interrupted

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 No time schedule available for arrivals of loads– idling infrastructure &
restricting planned maintenance
 Monthly requirement of coal not equitably distributed --- bunching of rakes at
unloading points
 Delay in cross-over, exchange-yard --bunching of rakes often creating
problems even in main operational lines Methods to mitigate the bottlenecks in Coal Transportation:

 Up-gradation of yards and signalling arrangement attuned to projected capacity of

freight corridor.
 Compatible linking of coal-bearing areas with the freight corridor to ensure express
movement of coal rakes to Destinations.
 Introduction of GPS tracking system for forecasting timings of arrivals of empties at
loading points and loads at unloading points for optimum utilization of related plants
and machineries
 Upgrade existing coal unloading terminals and develop new terminals for improving
distribution network introduction of timetable for rake placement for loading points of
capacity less than one rake a day for optimum utilization of loading Equipment.
 Elimination of cross-subsidy of passenger traffic from freight traffic.
 Allowing dedicated movement for wagons owned by Consumers and Coal producers.
 Inviting logistics companies to run their rolling stock on wheeling charges. Railways Expansion & Future Vision 2020:

The expansion plan by Indian railways in the tracks; doubling of lines

or electrification of the lines are going to smoothen the coal transportation
from mines to coal consumption plants. The detail analysis of effect has been
tabulated below.

The railways expansion is done by keeping in the mind the coal

demand in the future as coal account for around 40% of total traffic of Indian
Railways. Most of the route in the eastern parts of the country will be
dedicated for only coal transportation in the near future for the end user plant

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Table 5-3: Railways Expansion & Future Vision 2020 for Freight Traffic

Name of sections Features KMs

Talcher-Sambalpur, Sambalpur-Jharsuguda, Doubling of SBP-Titlagarh-Raipur

Sambalpur-Titlagarh, Titlagarh-Raipur, route
1 1007
Vizianagaram-Titlagarh and Damanjodi- Link to Vishakhapatnam &
Singapuram Road Gangavaram port
3 & Gudivada-Machilipatnam and Bhimavaram- Connect with Machilipatnam port 221
Source: Ministry of Railway

The freight carrying capacity of India is around 3364 tonnes per rake. While in Canada;
Australia and America freight carrying capacity is 8000; 9600 and 12500 tonnes per rake.
Comparing with other counties like Canada, America and Australia is about 2.37; 2.85 and
3.17 times less respectively. In simple words, in India it will take 2.37 rounds to transport
same amount of commodity than what is done in 1 round in America.

Figure 5-4: Comparison of Freight carrying capacity per rake (in Tonnes)




India Canada Australia America

Source: & Infraline Research

Indian railways traffic increases to 969.8MT in FY12 from minimal 73.5MT in FY51. Coal
account for 455.8MT of freight in FY12 compared to 420.37MT in FY11. To achieve the
1GW target for XII Plan, the railways have to play a crucial role in the logistic part. Coal
account for 46% of total freight of Indian railways in FY11.

Page | 56 Technology Innovation in Coal Transportation Logistics
The technological step and innovation d taken by CIL for
transportation of coal from mine to end use plant. The different method or
technological steps taken are explained in detail below:
1. Coal-by-wire -Power-grid networking, over the years, has immensely helped in
curbing requirement of physical movement of coal, particularly in long haul.
Instead of coal movement, the electricity produced by coal is transmitted to the
user end.

2. Coal Beneficiation -CIL is planning to dispatch only beneficiated coal to all

consumers except those located at pitheads. This would likely to reduce haulage
need by 6-10%.

3. Coal-by-pipeline -In-situ coal gasification and Coal Bed Methane exploration

would be the major ventures in years to come in the energy market of the Country
bringing a new vista in transportation logistics.

4. Coal-by-slurry -In coal by slurry methodology, the coal is formed in the slurry
form by mixing with the water and at the receiving end it is extracted and coal is
dried to removal the excess water. The coal by slurry metrology is prevailing in
vogue in USA.


• India’s seaborne trade 95% by volume & 70% by value.
• Length of the coastline 7,517 km.
o 9 maritime States & 5 UTs.

• Parallel competing port management & legal Systems

o 12 under Major Ports Act, 1963
o 1 (Ennore) under Company Act
o 187 Non-major ports

• Port legislation & Structure

o Indian Ports Act, 1908 allows Maritime States to set up their own port systems
o Major Port trust Act, 1963, regulates 12 major ports.

• Major Ports fall under operational & financial control of Ministry of shipping &
subject to tariff regulation by Law
• Minor ports: under State Maritime Boards & free from formal tariff regulation

India has a vast coastline measuring about 7517 km. India has a rich heritage of about 200
ports. It has 12 major ports, and 187 non-major ports and one major corporate port. The cargo

Page | 57
increase during the next decade is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 7 percent. Imported coal
has contributed a significant percentage (8-9 %) in the total cargos handled at ports.
Figure 5-5: Ports marked on Indian map

Source: Infraline Research


1. Handymax: Vessels having capacity less than 60,000 DWT.
2. Panamax: Vessels having capacity greater than 60,000 DWT and less than 80,000
3. Cape size: Vessels having capacity above 80,000 DWT up to 2,00,000 DWT.
Table 5-4: Major & Minor Ports with their Handling Capacity Vessels
Types of
Major ports Minor Ports

Handy max Kolkata, Haldia, Gopalpur, navlakhi, Bhavnagar, Magdalla, jafrabad,

Chennai,Tuticorin, Bedi,Jakhau, Okha, dighi,, haji Bunder, Dharamtar,
Kandla, Cochin, Kakinada,Ennore, Pipavav, New mangalore, Mundra,
Paradip, Vishakapatnam Gangavaram and Krishnapatnam

Panamax Paradip, Vishakapatnam, Kakinada, Ennore, , pipavav,, New mangalore,

Tuticorin, Mormugoa Mundra,Gangavaram and Krishnapatnam

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Cape size Nil Mundra , Gangavaram and Krishnapatanam

Source: Infraline Research

Table 5-5: RailConnectivity at Major Indian Ports & Traffic Handled till FY11
Handled by
Port Existing Rail Connectivity Rail

Eastern Railway’s Sealdah-Budge Budge Branch Line connects

Kolkata Port 12.5
Kolkata Port with main lines at Majherhat Junction.

South Eastern Railway’s Panskura-Haldia Branch Line

Haldia Port 34.9
connects Haldia Port to main trunk line of Indian Railways

Paradip Cuttack rail link connects Paradip Port with Howrah-

Paradip Port 56
Chennai Trunk line

Visakhapatnam Port is connected by railways to Chennai Howrah main line of

Port East Coast Route.

Port is connected by rail to the Chennai- Gudur Section of the

Ennore Port 11
Southern Railway.

Madras Beach Railway connects Chennai Port to Southern

Chennai Port parts of Tamil Nadu. And via Rayapuram the Southern Railway 50.5
trunk line connects the port to north India.

Port is connected by broad gauge (BG) rail link with major

Tuticorin Port 25.7
cities in south India.

Port is connected to Shornur-Trivandrum main line of Indian

Cochin Port 17.9
Railways, at Ernakulam through broad gauge rail.

Is connected by broad gauge line to Southern India and through
Mangalore 32.1
Konkan Railway to northern part of the country.

Is connected by broad gauge line to Konkan Railways. 50

Is connected to Indian Railways main line at Raoli Junction,

Mumbai Port 54.6

Page | 59
Port is connected to Panvel by Railway. 64.3
Nehru Port

Is has dual gauge railway connectivity to rail network

Kandla Port 81.8
connecting Mumbai & Delhi.

Source: DCCIL & Infraline Research


The challenges and the bottlenecks at the ports infrastructure slow down the trade with ports.


IT Implementation


Reduction in Dwell time

Conflicting legal framework

Poor efficiency caused by slow evacuation of cargo from ports or slow turnaround of
ships. For container handling, adequate electronic environment with Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP), which enables the resources of ports to be used in an even and efficient
manner, is yet to be established in a full-fledged manner. During the Xth Plan only 11 percent
of the target for dredging could be achieved. The XIth Plan target is more than two times. It is
observed that the port’s role in the entire logistics chain is barest minimum to provide the
infrastructure facilities for handling of vessels and other cargo. It revealed that the total time
taken by the port authority, cumulatively, is 3.5 to 5.5 hrs for import and 3.3 to 5.3 hrs for
export. Thus it can be observed that the rest of the time the container dwells in the port is on
the account of other stakeholders like shipping agents, customs, Clearing agents / transporters
etc .The average dwell time in major container terminals is 1.88 (import) and 3.78 (export)
days. These are some of the challenges and bottlenecks that the port infrastructure is facing
now a days.

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The growth of the Indian economy has led to a robust rise in demand for power. The
government, in turn, has promised to unleash a 'revolution' in the energy sector; it vowed to
produce thousands of megawatts of power by increasing private participation in the coal
sector and allowing other Public Sector Units to get into the business. A bulk of the planned
capacity additions for the near future is still coal-based. Demand for coal is increasing
drastically and Coal India Limited unable to fulfil the increased demand.

As there is a gap in demand of coal and supply by Indian coal companies, so the power
companies has to look for imported coal to fulfil their demand. Besides this the Indian coal is
of poor quality having high ash content also suggests for a blend with high grade low ash
coal. Transportation facilities also suffer a lot as demand and source stations are far situated.

Importing coal will certainly be of help. However, given that Indian domestic coal is sold at
government controlled prices, the import option will pump up the power costs and both
companies and consumers will have to pay more. Rising costs of imported coal, along with
high power tariff, are forcing many companies to surrender their supply contracts. Despite the
problems, overseas acquisition need not become the answer to problems Domestic issues
must be addressed on a war footing while imports serve as a temporary solution in the
interim. So, based on the study a mix of all this various coal sourcing option based on the
requirement is the optimal solution for coal.

Coal Logistics plays an imported role in importing coal. Challenges to coal logistics include
Port Infrastructures, Railway Infrastructures, and Total Quantity & Quality management and
also Cost factor related. As a result of this study we have done, the sourcing of coal from
Indonesia is found to be most suitable and the infrastructural development inside the plant are
found to be sufficient to handle coal, with some necessary additions for uninterrupted
movement of coal and improvement in railway connectivity & congestion. Infrastructural
project taken up by the regional railway should be completed at it earliest, which is essential
for materializing more coal by rail.

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To sum up, in a heavily coal dependent economy like India continuously widening
demand - supply gap of coal is a matter of serious concern and steps should be taken for
increasing domestic coal production for long term energy security. Solution inter alia lies in
accelerated development of captive coal block and for this, outstanding issues must be
resolved early. A strong domestic coal production and delivery system would be imperative if
the country has to achieve the goal of energy self-sufficiency and long term energy security.
An independent coal regulator is required to create confidence in the mind of private
investors and to provide them a level playing field. Coal imports are set to increase. This calls
for securing coal prospects abroad and development of port capacity with matching inland
transport infrastructure.

The coal can be procured from different sources that include domestic as well as
international market. E-Auction can meet the demand of smaller plant were demand for coal
is small and also in plant were coal is mixed with other source of energy like biogas plant and
other fuel based power plant but reliability and cost of E-Auction coal is market driven and
required a lot of study of market. The shortage supply of coal from CIL and mining company
made fuel linkage; a most reliable sourcing option a risky option now-a-days and also the
quantity, quality and timely delivery are some of the concern with fuel linkage.

Mining & Acquisition abroad and import is more a regulatory and polices concern. The price
of coal from abroad is more or less depend on rules and regulation prevailing in that country
and logistics constrains also play a vital and crucial role while opting countries for import of
coal from different coal surplus countries. Coal can be procured in three ways from the
international market which are
 Spot Market
 Long term bilateral Contract
 Acquisition of own mine
As the spot market prices are fluctuating every month and we won’t have the assurance of
quantity, so spot market is suitable for small volume, and it suits for the small power plant.
Long term bilateral contract will give the assurance about the quantity and quality, but the
prices have to be renegotiated, when there is a huge difference in the market price.

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After studying the bottlenecks and challenges of the Railways & Port infrastructure in India,
the following recommendation and remedies were written down to curb the shortfall of the
Railways & Port infrastructure.
Recommendations for Railway Infrastructure

Regular maintenance of In-Motion Weightbridge and Calibration

Effective Merry-Go-Round system & Wagon trippler for smooth

unloading of rakes

Proper management of Rail congestion inside the plant

GPS tracking for effective forecasting and overcoming traffic

Recommendations for Port Infrastructure

Conectivity facilites

Improving the operational efficiency

Increasing the existing port capacities

Addition of new ports by expansion of existing or Green field projects


There can be some limitations of the research report that can come as a hindrance on the
securing the aforesaid target of securing fuel supply. These are:

 A detailed cost analysis of the coal prices can be cited as a limitation because landed
cost of coal and various pricing heads affect the final price of coal.
 African countries like Botswana, Mozambique are considered as under-developed
countries and thus the regulations as well policies are not clear.
 Socio Economic and Political factors have not been discussed in detail in the report
which can affect coal imports from these countries.
 Availability of big size coal carrying ships can also affect the coal trade.
 Natural calamities like earthquake, floods etc can affect coal production in these

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As per analysis, Coal will be the main stay of energy for India for the next to 15-20 years. So
securing the coal supply is the most crucial factor at this point of time. If one thinks on a long
term scenario, this project has a wider scope of fulfilling the fuel shortage especially coal for any
Indian Thermal Power Plant. This project can be further used to do a detailed analysis for various
countries of the world having sufficient amount of coal reserves.

Moreover this report can be extended in studying the effect of coal import on the company’s
financial condition and thereby making it more competitive in the current power sector scenario.



As Indian railway is taking up many projects to increase its goods carrying capacity the
movement of goods and passenger trains will increase. Odisha being the hub of power
industry with around 65billon tons of coal reserve is going to be the hub for other heavy
industries. These industries require raw materials in large volumes, which could be
transported by high capacity vehicles or other means of transportation like railways and the
inland waterways. But for rapid growth and development railway is the only mean. So
railway is investing on many projects in this area.

Some of the projects which would prove fruitful For Sterlite Energy and Vedanta Aluminium
Ltd and would enhance connectivity of the plant and would help logistic department to
handle more rakes and would provide delivery of available material to plant for sustainable
plant operation are:-

1. Sambhalpur-Rengali-Jharsuguda Doubling (Expected to be completed in this

2. Sambhalpur –Taclcher Doubling
3. Brundamal- Jharsuguda fly-over
4. For Sterlite Energy the project of connecting it with Dhutra line is of utmost
important. As it would triple the rake handling capacity of the unloading plant.

Page | 64

I. CIL Annual Reports (2012) & (2011)

II. Planning Commission – Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17)
III. Ministry of Coal Annual Report (2012-13)
IV. World Energy Council - Indian Energy Book 2012
V. BP Statistical Review Report on World Energy (2012) & (2011)
VI. Coal: A reliable and Competitive source of Energy; 2nd India Coal Summit
held on Oct 5, 2009 by Indian Chamber of Commerce
VII. Global Conference on Operations & Supply Chain Management (GCOM 2012) on
12-13 March 2012 in Golden Flower Hotel; Indonesia.
VIII. World Energy Congress (2012),India Energy Book
IX. MIT (2007), Future of Coal, United States.
X. Coal Directory of India (2010-11) by Govt. of India; Ministry of Coal, Coal
Controller’s Organization Kolkata
XI. Platts (2011), CFR Coal Price Assessments, Asia-Pacific Region.
XII. Conference on: Infrastructure & Logistics to Develop Coal Market dated 17TH Sep
2008, Kolkata by CIL
XIII. McKinsey & Company report “Building India; Transforming the Nation’s Logistics
XIV. Conference on: Coal Market in India 2011 held in Sep, 2011 in Delhi
XV. Position Paper on “THE PORTS SECTOR in INDIA Dec, 2009 by Department of
Economic Affairs Ministry of Finance Government of India
XVI. Energy Statistics (2012) by Ministry of Statistics & Program me Implementation
XVII. PwC (2012) :Mining in Indonesia Guide ,4th Edition, India
XVIII. Kolstad, C. D., Abbey, D. S. (1983). The structure of international steam coal
markets. Natural Resources Journal 23, 859-892.
XIX. Kolstad, C. D., Abbey, D. S. (1984). The effect of market conduct on
international steam coal trade. European Economic Review 24, 39-59.
XX. Report on “Global Coal Acquisitions & Imports” (May 2011) by Infraline
XXI. Report on “Steam Coal Imports” (Jan 2011) by Infraline Energy

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XXVI. http://
XXXIII. http:/

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