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How to live a healthy lifestyle
!"E!A"ED #$
)"*U! & E"!'+A
STUDENT ID & ,011-1+40.
What is healthy life? A healthy lifestyle can be defined as a practice of living a
positive impact on one's self, family and community. It will make the effect of good health
practices. Some eamples of healthy life is the individual life happily without suffering any
health problems that can affect the lives and productivity over a period of time.. All people
dream of living a healthy life. !hey hope for a better life without any diseases and live
peacefully. Some people are very busy with their careers and they have a limited time to keep
their body healthy and live in a healthy life. !his can affect their lives in a very long time.
!hey will easily strike by several of diseases and sickness. !his will reduce their productivity
in their life. In the life of the modern era that so much pressure is a healthy lifestyle is a goal
that must be achieved as it becomes one of the keys to a happy life. !herefore, there are many
actions that can be performed in order to achieve this goal.
Why a healthy lifestyle is so i56o1ta0t
Why a healthy lifestyle is so important? A healthy lifestyle can produce first"class
mentality of society. With the nutritional care, enough rest and practice doing physical
activities for the good, one will be easier to do a #ob properly and effectively. It is does not a
matter if the #ob re$uires physical strength or mental strength. At the present time, all the
things must be done $uickly and effectively. With the healthy physical and mental, then
things can be done well. It does not a matter for a person because he ready to face challenge.
%ealth is a fortune. &o matter how is it, healthy is a priority that must be maintained.
'enerally, the age of () years is the most significant variety of illnesses traced but if we
reali*e the importance of health care from the beginning, various preventive measures can be
taken and is one of our best ways to treat it. !he main increase public health problem in our
country is because of an unhealthy lifestyle and balanced diet, including a lack of awareness
in maintaining the balance and simplicity in life. +cessive lifestyle will cause stress and
ultimately affect the incidence of various diseases.
How to live a healthy life7
%ow to live a healthy life? !he study conducted by the ,inistry of %ealth in -)).
found that lifestyle community in this country caused they have chronic health problems.
When people are eposed to more risk factors that lead to lifestyle practices will be invited to
deadly diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer, high blood pressure, kidney
failure, lung damage and bone disease. !hat is why people with cancer, heart disease,
diabetes and hypertension are among the most widely accepted treatment in government
hospitals in -)). /,inistry of %ealth0 where the disease is a disease caused by dietary factors
and unhealthy lifestyle. !herefore, we should see that the current disease today more focused
on diet and lifestyle elements although there may also be a factor and the physical
environment that contribute to the disease.
1nbalanced food intake can lead to diseases that are dangerous to humans. 2or
eample, many ,alaysians like to eat fast food like 3entucky 2ried 4hicken, 5i**a %ut, ,c
6onald, etc. 4onsuming these foods will cause ecessive fat intake and high cholesterol and
it can also cause obesity if is not controlled. !herefore, everyone needs to eat a balanced diet
and take food as stated in the nutrition pyramid in ensuring their health better. What is a
balanced diet? A balanced diet consists of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, oils, vitamins,
minerals and water. !he content of balanced diet should be taken at different rates according
to the needs of the body. In the food pyramid, there are foods that should be taken in small
amounts only. Such foods are foods that contain fats, oils and sugars such as cooking oil,
cheese, cakes and so on. 4onsuming this type of food is important for providing energy to
people to do their activities. %owever, this type of food taken in ecess it can cause diseases
such as diabetes, heart attack and hypertension. 2oods that should be eaten with moderation is
the food like milk and cheese. 7esides fish, poultry and legumes should be consumed in
moderation. All meals mentioned very important to the growth of the body because these
foods contain a lot of protein. It also helps to improve blood circulation in the body. 'ood
blood circulation will help absorption of nutrients effectively. We have to eat a lot of foods
such as fruits and vegetables. 7oth of these foods contain many essential vitamins for health.
2or eample, fruits and vegetables contain a lot of vitamin 4 and it is important for
maintaining healthy eyes, skin, gums and maintaining body fitness. !he food should be
consumed at a rate more are cereals and tubers rice, bread, tapioca and others. !hese foods
contain a lot of carbohydrates. 4arbohydrates are important for providing energy to the body.
If we have less energy in the body, we will easily get tired so we should eat this type of food
more than others.
6o we need enough sleep and rest? 8es, we should have enough sleep and rest after
being working for the whole day. 'enerally, damage from lack of sleep can happen in the
blink of an eye /such as a car accident0, or it can be dangerous to ourselves from time to time.
2or eample, if we are less sleep continuously, this may increase our risk for several chronic
health problems. It can also affect how we think, react, work, learn, and sociali*e with others.
9ack of sleep may cause less focus while doing something. 2or eample, student needs
enough sleep and rest to remember what he has learnt in the classroom. If he does not have
enough sleep, he might be lost in the class. Sleep helps our brain work properly. It will
provide enough rest and prepare our body for the net day. Sleep plays an important role in
our physical health. 2or eample, sleep is involved in the healing and repair of the heart and
blood vessels. 4ontinuous sleep deprivation can cause an increased risk of heart attacks,
kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. +nough sleep at the right time helps
us to function properly throughout the day. 5eople who lack sleep less productive at work and
school. !hey take a long time to complete these tasks, has a response time slower and make
more mistakes.
&et, we should take the time to do eercise or physical activity during leisure hours.
We also need to set the appropriate time to carry out the eercise. !he practice of sports will
make the cardiac muscle or heart muscle stronger and ensure blood flow smooth. Sports
practices can also reduce the risk of heart disease or stroke due to ecessive cholesterol will
be used to generate energy during sports and prevent cholesterol from being deposited in the
blood vessels and prevent blood flowing smoothly. According to the maga*ine :;eader's
6igest:, the practice of sports can also help overcome the problem of obesity. !he person will
be categori*ed as obese if he or she has a mass in ecess of the proper mass to a height of
-)<. !he government also encourages ,alaysians to involve in sports in order to ensure
people stay healthy and have a first"class mind. !he government also launched a sports
culture campaign among the local community in schools, residential areas and offices. !here
are many types of sports that can be chosen according to one's ability. 2or eample, cycling
and #ogging are good for those who en#oy activities at a moderate pace. !here is also a higher
rate of activity such as swimming or hiking. We can also choose the easy and fun activities
such as walking or gardening. 2or those who have money, they #oin an aerobics class or play
sports in the gym center
+veryone has stress, whether a student, worker, young or old. Stress is different
according to their level and it is dangerous if not managed properly. 6ealing with stress is
vital to ensuring good health in order to live a healthy culture. !here are adverse effects if we
do not manage stress well. Among the conse$uences is that it can cause a weak productivity,
loss of focus, irritability and unstable mind. 2or eample, a new doctor must deal with stress
at his workplace. If he does not manage stress well, then this is dangerous to the patient
because he has lost focus in the hospital. !here are few steps to manage the stress. 2irst,
eating the right foods helps us to face the challenges of everyday life. We have to eat at meal
times so that we have enough energy to perform daily tasks. At the same time, a balanced diet
will ensure our body gets the need nutrients. !hen we have to eat foods that contribute to
well"being. We can also take supplements such as protein, 7 vitamins /7. and 7=-0, folic
acid and minerals. !hen, we have to know limit in doing something. It is important for us to
refrain from taking more tasks than can be performed. Any work to be carried out in
accordance with ability to offer. ,a#or task should be divided into several small tasks that can
be completed in a shorter period. In this way, it will ease the burden of our body and mind.
!hen, our bodies need a break after working for some time. We have to spend our time for
sleeping and rest after implementing a series of heavy"duty. We also need to plan for a
peaceful holiday that will give a peace of mind. !his will give us an opportunity to rela the
mind and reduce stress after working hard for a period of times. At the same time, we also
need to look for best. In addition, we also need to find a relatives or friends who can listen to
our problems. !hey are able reduce our stress when willing to listen and give opinions to
address the problems.
In an effort to promote a healthy lifestyle, we have to always think positive and work
towards achieving the goal. Although there are challenges such as time constraints, financial
difficulties and commitment, a continuous effort is re$uired to us to be healthy and live a
healthy culture. >ariety of ways can be used to ensure that we always are healthy, and it
re$uires sacrifice at all levels, including government, private and individual. We cannot give
up and have to think positive at all times and look for opportunities to be in the healthy. In
conclusion, a healthy lifestyle is important for all levels of society to en#oy good health.
!herefore, we should have the awareness to stimulate the $uality of health care.
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