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TOPIC : What is communication

Is a learned skill
Communication =defined as act of giving/receiving/exchanging
information,ideas,opinion-understood ! oth parties " #sender/receiver$
%lements: sender/message/channel/feedack/content
If u &ant to get ur message across accuratel!-need to consider:
'$ message
($ the audience/receiver
)$ ho& the massage likel! to e received
* message is consider successfull! &hen oth sender and receiver understand the same &a!"
%ffective communication is a t&o-&a! process
+arrier to effective skills:
The sender/receiver ma! e e,ual or different in status/level
Cultural differences-different organisation/ethnics
Choice of communication channels-sending message through inappropriate channel can
send out &rong signal-end up &ith confusion
-se of language- &rong choice of &ord/&eak sentences hampers communication
.no&n/unkno&n receiver- .no&n receiver-etter understanding/unkno&n more time to
/isailities-impaired sight/d!slexia/mental health-need aids/sign language
Individual perception-method of communication-take consideration of nreceiver0s
perconalit! traits/age/st!le
*tmosphere/noise/distraction-our surroundings-nois! place- sender/receiver have to put
extra effort to get the message
Clarit! of message-is the massage clear
1ack of feedack-can e lead confusion
Choosing appropriate channel of communication
Consider aspect of communication# interpretation/understaning/feedack$2
Think on possile arriers
/ecide ho& it e est conve!ed
*sk urself ,uestions- eg &ho3 The receiver""&h!3 purpose""4o&""oral/ &ritten /visual
5here3 1ocation 5hen3 Time
/etermine &hether u0re meeting or &riting to the people concerned"
5ritten communication can take plece via:
1etters /6axes/ %mail/ reports/ memos/advertisement
7o others can read n read again
Information can e stored or transferred
4elps to get the information ahead
Proof something has een done
'" P1*88I89- a good report need to e planned- &hat u &ant to sa!
(" 5:ITI89- re,uire careful planning:
I" 9ather all information necessar!
II" 7tart &riting in simple/plain %nglish/simpe to astract
III" Practice &riting in target language ever!da! till ur ale to express clearl!
)" %/ITI89- check for grammar/smooth language flo&"
'" Confusing 1anguage- cause communication reakdo&n -avoid omastic
sexist/vague &ords- &rite in plain /good %nglish"
(" ;erosit! - the use of too man! &ords
)" Poor sentence structure <keep sentence correct/logic/eas! to undersatand
=" Information overload- too much information till u feel confused
'" 8e& technolog!: makes &riting memos,reports, proposal more easier ! providing tools to
check grammar/spelling/punctuation"
-nfortunatel! : these tools are not foolproof-&ill re,uire ur attention
(" 5hen others fail to respond : in order u must understand &hat is ur message/ &ho u0re
sending to /ho& it &ill e perceived"2
:easons people fail : poor &riting skill/too much information/grammatical
errors/arriers/message not clear/&rong choice of channel/document mess!
)" *sking the right ,uestions- If a channel of communication is locked find out &here
things have gone &rong"- the receiver of an! &ritten report shouid e ale to understand
the contents"
TOPIC !: Communication mo"#$s

'$ C1*-/% 74*88O807 >O/%1
Information transmitted from a 7O-:C% C4*88%1 :%C%I;%:
The importance of encoding and decoding the message ecause of the need to counter
noise #interference on the channel$
Ignore the reasons &h! people compose message
($ :O>*8 ?*.O+7O8 @7 >O/%1
Consider the &riter/reader/contact/context/message/code ut does not account for motive
)$ -1:IC 8%77%:07
5e explore our &orld ! our desire/needs/idea/image of the &orld: as &e &rite- ne&
information- lead ne& ideas-continue to explore
=$ >IC4*%1 PO1*8AI07
* piece of text does not conve! the original experience to the reader " Instead it conve!s
If not interpreted correctl! &ill affected the effectiveness of communication
* sign: used to present ideas/concept/feeling/images/oBects
7!mol: have complex meaning in addition to the literal ones
*reviations/emotional: making an impact in &ritten communication
CgD 9rin
ChugD hug
+T5 ! the &a!
6AI for !our information
I>4O in m! humle opinion
:T> read the manual
1O1 laughed out loud
:78 real soon no&
:OT61 rolling on the floor laughing
TI* tahanks in advance
TT68 ta ta for no&
* short literar! composition- used to see student0s train of thought and ailit! to argue on certain
P:% <5riting stage
Think aout the essa! topic
9ather information
7crile ur ideas related to it-putting them in a form of ulleted list/mind-map/outline
/rafting stage
4ave an outline or plan for ur essa!: eg
Paragraph '- Introduction
Paragraph (- point a""Paragraph E-point e
Paragraph F- conclusion/summar!
%diting 7tage
*t this stage check the accurac! of contents/clarit! of expression/grammar/vocaular!
6inal draft stage
:e&rite ur final essa! neatl!/check the format is correct/ keep the aannotated draft as guide
TAP%7 O6 %77*A7
'" %xplanation essa! start &ith general explanation follo&ed ! explanations to support

the statements
(" *rgumentation essa! egins &ith thesis statements" The &riter0s opinion is then argued
out and restated once again in the conclusion
)" /iscussion essa! discuss oth sides on the issues and lets the readers decide for
/I7CO-:7% >*:.%:7- a &ord or phrase used in conversation to signal the speaker0
Intention to mark the oundar!
Purpose/relationship 7entence connectors Position &ithin
'" *dding something
is more
Initial position
(" >aking a contrast
et&een ( separate
4o&ever/on the other hand/in contrast/!et Initial position
)" >aking unexpected
*lthough/even though/despite/the fact that/in
spite of the fact/regardless the fact
Initial position
7tarts a
/suordinate clause
=" 7a!ing &h!
something is the case
+ecause/since/as/insofar as Initial position
G" sa!ing &hat the result
of something is
Therefore/conse,uentl!/as a
result/accordingl!/hence/for this reason/
Thus/ecause of this
Initial position
E" expressing a
If/in the event of/as long as/provided
that/assuming that/given that
Initial position
7tarts a (

/suordinate clause
F" making &hat !ou said
On the contrar!/as a matter fact/in
Initial position
H" time
+efore/since/as/until/mean&hile/at the
moment/&hen/&henever/as soon as/Bust as
I" se,uence markers 6irstl!J/to egin &ith/
then/next/later/earlier/ after this/follo&ing
after&ards/ finall!/lastl!
A""itiona$ an" cont)ast ma)*#)s: connect ( sentences &hich are agreement &ith each o
other/support a point"
t!pes 7entence connectors
'" *ddition markers *nd/in addition/further/also/oth/not onl!/ut
(" contrast marker 4o&ever/ut/aleit/though/on the other hand/in
contrast /on the
spite of/despite
CO8T:*7T//%/-CTIO8/%K*>P1%/*//ITIO8/7->>*TIO8 >*:.%:7
T!pes 7entence connectors
'" add information *dd in/additionall!/moreover/also/furthermore/as &ell as/not
onl!""ut also
(" contrast +ut/&hereas/on the contrar!/on the other hand/ho&ever/ despite
)"summarise/conclude To summarise/ in summar!/ in conclusion
reasons/result/cause/effect Therefore/thus/though/ecause/as/if/so
G" give examples 6or example/such as/for instance
C*-7% *8/ %66%CT >*:.%:7
T!pes 7entence connectors
Cause and effect markers 7o/ut/ecause/as/if/the reason/ provided that/
in comparison
5:ITI89 P*:*9:*P47
Consists of: '" introduction
Introduction paragraph introduces the suBect matters
Intial sentences introduces the topic follo&ed ! supporting sent)ences
#thesis statement$-gives reader to understand &hat urv essa! is all aout
(" +od! paragraphs
Cointains supporting evidence for the essa! througd
5ill result in fe& paragraphs-&rite each paragraphs as its o&n- clearl!
stating then support &ith evidence
)" Conclusion
7ummarise the &hole essa!
>ake clear to the reader that u understand the essa!"
TOPIC =: TAP%7 O6 %77*A
'" %KP1*I8*TIO8 %77*A: an essa! that explain things or process in se,uential order"
The od! of the essa! can e &ritten ased on) structural st!les:
'" Temporal se,uential : The points of the essa! are &ritten in a
linear &a!"
Time markers are usuall! used to egin each
(" C!clical : The main points are presented in c!clical
)" Cause and effect : eg of the essa!- explain &h! traffic Bams are
Common in a ig cit!
(" *:9->%8T*TIO8 %77*A: tries to &in the audience over that the! agree &ith
&hat &e sa!/accept our facts/&a! of
<read the topic given to u
-nderline the ke! &ords
5rite do&n fe& &ords similar to the ke! &ords
/ecide &hether u agree/disagree &ith the topic #u
ve reasons to ack ur stand$
5rite the conclusion n re-emphasise ur stand
7hould ve introduction#ur stand$-od! #evidence to
support$-conclusion #make ur stand clear$
5a!s to generate counterargument:
- ! taking the opposing side
- ! doing through research on the topic
- ! discussing the topic
)" /I7C-77IO8 %77*A: &e present oth sides of the issues and let the
audience decide for themselves &hich side
of the fence the! &ant to e on"
TAP%7 O6 7-PPO:TI89 %;I/%8C%:
facts < information from something that actuall! exist in realit!
,uotes- comments from a credile source
opinion of experts in the suBect u re &riting
anecdotes- shorts accounts of interesting/humorous incidents
examples- one that is representative of the &holke group
chart/diagrams- used to clarif! complex concepts in ur &riting
4O5 TO -7% %;I/%8C%
ensure the accurac! of each facts
facts must e recent/realile/not iased
use the relevant fact
arrange from general-specific
1O9IC*1 6*11*CI%7
5hen someone adopts position or tries to persuade someone else to adopt a position ased on a
ad piece of reasoning, the! are committing logical fallac!"
4ast! 9eneralisation: making assumption aout a &hole group ased on a small group"
>issing the point: he premises of an argument do support a particular conclusion
Post hoc: *ssuming that ecause + comes after *, * caused +
7lipper! slope: The argue claims thata sort of chain reaction usuall! ending in some dire
conse,uence, &ill take place ut there is reall! not enough evidence for
that assumption
5eak anolog!: If t&o things that are eing compared are not reall! alike the analog! is the &eak
*ppeal to authorit!: if &e tr! to impress our reader &ith a famous name/! appealing to
supposed authorit! &ho is not an expert
*/ Populum: the arguer tries to convince the audience to do sometrhinmg ecause ever!one
else does
7tra& man : the arguer tries to score points ! knocking the opponent0s position
:ed herring: half&a! through an argument, the arguer goes off on a tangent
6alse /ichotom! The arguer sets up the situation so it looks like there are onl! t&o choice"
+egging the ,uestion : an argument that egs the ,uestions ask the reader to simpl! accept the
conclusion &ithout providing real evidence
%,uivocation: sliding et&een t&o or more different meanings of a single &ord that is
important to the argument
TOPIC G: T*C.1I89 %77*A
5riting paragraphs- made up of topic sentence/supporting sentence/concluding sentence
a paragraph < a group of sentences focus on a particular idea to develop the topic" It is
like a mini essa! in itself
The topic sentence is a general statement on the topic
8ext is supporting sentence provide more information
The main point must comes first
Other &a!s to develop topic sentence
/escriing the topic sentence further
Providing reasons
/efining n give example
7ho& cause and effect relationship, comparing and contrasting
T*C.1I89 %77*A L-%7TIO87
5rite according to &hat the ,uestion &ants"
:ead the ,uestion t&ice for etter understanding
Once u understand the ,uestion ask urself if u kno& the suBect matter
If !es start &riting do&n the fact
/etermine the genre
C:%*TI;% 5:ITI89
%nale u to express ur feeling etter
4elp to find our o&n st!le
/oes not al&a!s follo& the rigid rules
5hen oro& ideas from ook/ne&spaper/&esiteJ give credit to the source ! citing it in
+ook: last name,6"#!ear$ title, Cit!:pulisher
>agaMine: last name,6"#date$ title of articles" Title of magaMine, volume,page numers
8e&spaper: last name"6 #date$, title of article,title of ne&spaper/volume,page numer
5esite: last name,6" #date$ title of &esite/sarticle retrieved date, from -:1
?ournal : last name,6" #!ear$ title of Bournal, volume#issue$ page numer
7erious crime, stealing to someone else0s ideas and claiming to e ur o&n
*void ! citing sourses
7C:%%8I89 6O: -7%6-1 :%7O-:C%7
* ,uick &a!- read the astract of the Bournal
*nother &a!- read the introduction of the ook: '" toipic sentence (" supporting details )"
/%7C:I+I89 ;I7-*1 /*T*
;isual aids such as chart/ tales/pictograph n graphs are often used in essa!s especiall! in
scientific research paper"
TOPIC EN P%:7-*7I;% 5:ITI89
T!pe of &riting to change the reader0s thoughts/actions to agree &ith the &riter
*rrangement of persuasive &riting
'" Introduction: egins &ith explaining the suBect matters to help the reader understand
the issue
(" +od!-*sseretion: &hen the &riter strongl! presents a certain opinion to the reader-
clearl! stress ur stand
)" +od!-Concession: discuss other opinion esides ur o&n" 7tate &hat the! are &ithout
defending them
=" +od!-proof: to present proof as evidence
G" Conclusion: needs to e seen as dra&ing ever!thing together clearl! so it leave
7trong impression on ur readers
:%*7O87 6O: *8/ P-:PO7%7 O6 P%:7-*7I;% 5:ITI89
To influence /change ur reade0sr thought /actions"
Through &riting u &ant people to elieve &hat u sa!
To succeed u ve to appeal to ur readers0 sense of reason/emotional
TAP%7 O6 :%*7O8I89 P:OC%77
'" Inductive reasoning: supports a general conclusion ! looking at specific facts or
(" deductive reasoning: introduces a general principle or premises and dra& a
7pecific conclusion from it"
5hether it is inductive or deductive reasoning u need to appeal to ur readers0sense of reasons /
emotional to &in them over
a$ appeal to reason: an appeal of readers0 sense of reasons- use logic to make others agree
&ith u"
in order to persuade others u need to e clear of ur stand
$ appeal to emotion: evoking their emotion via creating clear images in their heads" +e careful
&hen using it on close friends/relatives
c$ *ppeal to good personalit!/character: This moral/ethical appeal onl! &orks if ur readers,
perception of u is good-ur reader must trust
u as &riter
7O-:C% O6 I86O:>*TIO8C *8/ :%1*TI89 TO *:9->%8T7 *8/ %;I/%8C%
The purpose of persuasive &riting is to defend and to offer supporting evidence in order
to convince ur readers
Convincing evidence is the first element of good argument- evidence must e valid
/reliale//sufficient/trust&orth!/can e verified
The next element is appeal to authorit!
1ast element is the proper evaluation of statistics-&hen use fact use them
P%:7-*7I;% 7T:*T%9I%7: kno&ing it helps u
To anal!se strategies that other people ma! e using to persuade u
To choose the most effective &a! to persuade ur reader
%mphasising readers0 enefit:explain to reader ho& the! &ill enefit from performing
the action "
*ddressing readers0 concern: so that u can countract an! negative thoughts or
argument that ma! arise in their mind
7ho&ing sound reasoning: u need to persuade reader that the actions recommended
&ill ring enefit and explain &h!
Presenting reliale evidence: reliale evidence is the kind of evidence readers arec
&illing to accept" 5hat is acceptale depends on the situation
T4% :%*7O8I89 P:OC%77
In order to have confidence in the &riter, readers must understand:
The &riter0s claim: as the &riter " &ants readers to accept
The evidence: consists of oservation/facts provided in the support claim
The line of reasoning: connecting link et&een the claim and the evidence- reasons given
for elieving that the evidence proves the claim
/I:%CT and I8/I:%CT P*TT%:87 O:9*8I7*TIO8
'$ Organising to create a positive response: as a persuasive &riter u must carefull!
choose the organiMation pattern &hich est suit ur purpose
($ /irect patteren organiMation: state ur main point first
)$ Indirect Pattern of organiMation: It postpone the ottom-line statement until all the
evidence and related information have een presented"
;OIC% *8/ C:%/I+I1ITA
'$ Consider the reasoning process and t!pes of reasoning
- need to consider ho& ur reason out things in ur &riting"Aou have to reflect on
&hat/&hen /ho& to sa! things"
($ Choosing an appropriate voice
The voice u choose is an important element of ur persuasive strategies
)$ %stalishing Crediilit!
-r crediilit! is the elief ur readers have regarding &hether u are a good source
Of information and ideas" 5hen people elieve u re credile the! like to accept
the things u sa!"
TOPIC F: :eport &riting
The process of preparing a report
7tage/tasks in report preparation:
Important steps in &riting good report:
9athering the relevant data of the proBect carried out
7orting/categoriMing/anal!sis the proBect data
Planning and outlining the report in the appropriate st!le
/rafting the report
:evising and editing the draft
9athering the data
8otes opinion and information relating to ur proBect
/ocument ur plan in detail
.eep progress notes
>ake note of ho& u &ant ur data presented in the report
*nal!sing and sorting the result
5rite do&n all the result and oservation in ur data
8ote do&n all the opinion
Choose the ones that u need
*rrange all data in order of importance
7elect the data !ou &ant in ur conclusion
7upport ur points &ith illustration as u present them-presentation more attractive
Outline ur final report and draft it
Outline the report- is necessar! as a report should e logicall! organiMed/eas! to read
.e! &ord to ear in mind:
Pa! attention on follo&ing aspects:
7ections and parts
:elationship et&een the various parts discussed
*mount of space to e given to each parts
Order of treatment
Places for inclusion of illustration
The more detailed ur outline, the more useful it &ill e to u" 4eading n suheading should e
detailed to help u use them in sentences and paragraphs "
7ome t!pical report heading
7ummar! of result
If u &rite a technical report ur outline ma! include
Test speciments
Test procedures
7ample calculation
-se the heading that !ou need onl! and it &ill make ur report etter"-r headings can e !our
guide to completing the final report" * good outline make ur &riting more s!stematic"
5riting the draft
7tart &riting &hile ur videas are still fresh in mind"
In ur second draft check for st!le and look ho& !ou &ant to sa! things
:evising the draft
7tages of revision
7tage ': check ur material-make sure u include all data/opinion
7tage (: check for organiMation/mechanics/conversations-make sure that ur
oBective/suBect/method are clearl! stated
7tage ): check ur languageN spelling/grammar/language mechanics are correct
7TA1% >*TT%:7
The :eport 7t!le-good report are
Clear: so that the reader understand &hat the! read- use plai, clear and unamiguous
Consice: * good report not necessar! long ut clear"
7mooth follo&ing: a report must e logical/interesting and have good continuit! et&een
sentences/paragraphs/sections/text figures/tales
5ritten from an oBective point of vie&: reports should e oBective and honest/tr! to
sound rational not emotional
The &riting st!le
5rite naturall!" -se simple &ords to conve! !our exact meaning"
*rrange ur paragraphs and report in the follo&ing manner:
In the introduction tell them &hat are vu going to tell in the rest of the report"
In the od! tell them &hat u &ant to tell"
In the summar! of vur conclusion tell them &hat u ve told them"
*t the end of each section tell them &hat u &ant to do next
9et ur point ,uickl!" %ver!thing u &rite must lead to ur oBective
*l&a!s emphasise ur main ideas: to emphasis maBor ideas state them riefl! at the eginning of
each section and summarise at the end
.eep ur facts and opinion separatedN the &a! u present ur data is an important element of !our
&riting st!le
TIP7 and 9-I/%1I8%7
'" 4ave a catch! title
(" Iclude an astract- to inform reader aout the rationale of ur report
)" 5rite a good introduction- reasons
It is the first things ur reader read
It prepares ur readers to receive &hat u intend to present
it focuses ur readers0 attention on the suBect to e treated
It sets parametres for dealing &ith the issues in ,uestion
=" 7tate suBect-ur introduction must clearl! identif! the suBect of ur report
G" 7tate purpose-state clearl!
E" state scope and organiMation-should alert readers to the ideas of the papers
F" st!le and length- clear/direct/accurate
H" 6ormat: arrangement of information
Content and st!le
I" *rrange report s!stematicall!: title
'O" cite references
CO8T%8T *8/ 7TA1%
*void using footnotes
-se past tense
*void too man! commas/conBunction/nouns/adBective
>ake ur sentence positive
:educe use of Bargon
/o not e repetitive
+e consice n precise
TOPIC H: 5:IT89 *8/ P:%7%8TI89 P:OPO7*17
:%7%*:C4 P:OPO7*1 aims to convince others that u have a &orth&hile research proBect and
that u have the competenc! and skills to successfull! complete it"
5hat arevu stud!ing-should identif! the topic of research
5ho is it for-&ho involved
5hat do !ou &ish to do- &hen the approval is given
5hat do !ou hope to accomplish-&hat is ur goal
5h! do !ou &ant to do it-explain ur reasons
4o& are !ou going to do it
%1%>%8T7 O6 * :%7%*:C4 P:OPO7*1
* cover page identif!ing topic/&riter/institution/degree
Clear description of the general idea
*n indication of the limits of the proposed proBect
* statement of the value of this investigation
/etailed of the research
* statement on the t!pe of ur research
Aour research proposal should fit in &ith the needs/goals and oBective of the organisation "
Consider the follo&ingN
'" 7takeholders and their concerns:
research involved several parties esides !ou" The! affect the success of !our
research proBect" #supervisor/people &here the research is eing carried
/people in the institution !ou are &orking for"
(" Critical 6actors in proposal %valuation
It clarifies the oBectives of the research proBect
It enhance understanding of trhe steps and processes re,uired ! the proBect
It provides people &ith the information to help them make decisions
It help to measure ho& goals and oBectives can e met
The evaluation assists ever!one in understanding &hether the proBect is ale to e done"
Tips to refine proposal
.eep filtering ur title and content
Talk aout ur ideas to ur friends /supervisors
5rite rief notes
:ead through ur proposal
.eep reading
OT4%: TAP%7 O6 P:OPO7*1
6ormal proposal:
7umitted through an organisation# college/universit!/school$
/esire to fulfill a need for the enefit of others
*dditional resources are often needed to achieve the goal
6ormal proposal is straightfor&ard/direct/precise
Informal proposal
/one on a smaller scale
Carries less &eight
/o not aim to get degree/funding
+-7I8%77 P:OPO7*17- need to e clearl! &ritten to &in a contract
P:OPO7*1 6O: 6%*7I+I1ITA 7T-/A-determines &hether a usiness idea makes sense or
>ap out proBrct0s potential
*nal!se the impact of expansion
4ighlight the pros and cons of ur idea
ProBect profits and gro&th
TOPIC I: 6undamentals of &riting a research paper
To allo& ideas to e shared so that the! can e implemented and translated into realit!"
* research paper is a form of an extended essa!s" It is a sustained in,uir! in a particular suBect"
'" 7electing topic
Pick one that u re interested in
+e sure it has enough resources
Tips to select topic:
a$ +rainstorm for topic ideas- choose a topic that interests !ou
$ :ead for ackground information-read generall! on the top (/) topic u re
c$ 8arro& do&n ur topic
d$ >ake list of useful &ords
e$ +e flexile
f$ /efine ur topic as a focused research ,uestion
g$ :ead more on the topic
h$ 6ormulate a thesis statement- &rite ur topic as thesis statement
i$ /iscuss &ith peer/tutor
P1*88I89 T4% :%7%*:C4 /%7I98 *8/ P:OC%77
Carr! out laorator! test/surve!s/ps!choanal!tic search
Place-the lirar!
Tips to start the research
a$ 7tart ! reading research on ur suBect- helps u to identif! &hat is
important/need to focus on"
$ Treat research like a detective stor!-search under various suBect headings
c$ 1ook at the most recent ooks and Bournal articles first
d$ Photocop! important material- faster than taking notes/less errors
e$ >ake a careful and complete notation of the source of ur material
CO>PI1I89 :%7%*:C4 :%7O-:C%7
a$ :eference &orks- the material in the reference section are useful to help u drafting
the outline of ur topic"
$ +ooks- use the lirar!0s computer acess or card catalogue
c$ ?ournal articles: some ne& issue are not in a ook- Bournal is likel! source of
d$ 9overnment pulications: information pulished in the form of reports ! government
e$ 8e&s /magaMines/ne&spaper: current topic or need a da!! da!
f$ %lectronic resource#555$ <finding information on the internet
g$ >iscellaneous sourceN
h$ %xternal source: from people &ho have valuale kno&ledge
9etting started
a$ Outlining and Organisation
7tart &ith an introduction-state ur thesis statement
>ove to the od!-clear n logical manner
%nd &ith conclusion
$ 7upport !our argument-convince !our reader that ur vie& of the topic is correct"
c$ 5riting tips
7hould not &rite in a collo,uial st!le
*void chopp! short sentences/paragraphs
*void using the same &ords
Check n doule check ur paper
Cite is to point evidence/authorit! /proof" To cite correctl! collect details of &here ur information
comes from
To protect against charges of plagiarism
To prove that ur &ork has a factual asis
To help ur readers to identif! and retrieve the references for their o&n use
+iliograph!: contains a list of all the sources used I the research
TIP7 n 9-I/%1I8% to &rite good research paper
a$ :ead , read , read- read ook sor articles that interest u
$ Organise ur discussion
7tart &ith a paragraph that explain &h! the results are important
Compare ur stud! &ith others
1ist the limitation of the stud!
/iscuss !he implications
4!pothesis and speculate on the data
Proofread/check ur reference
c$ Categorise information
+ackground information- rief and to the point
7upporting information <helps to drive ur argument for&ard
Opposing information used to strengthen ur position on an issue"
d$ develop note<taking skills- tips
+e accurate and honest &hen taking notes
/o not collect those things that support ur thesis and ignore others fact/opinion
9et facts, not Bust opinion
8ote method and procedures and do not e afraid to criticise them
7teps to &riting a good research paper
7tep ' choose topic
7tep ( find information
7tep ) state ur thesis statement
7tep = make a tentative outline
7tep G organise ur notes
7tep E &rite ur first draft
7tep F revise ur outline and draft
7tep H t!pe final paper
TOPIC 'O: CO11*+O:*TI;% 5:ITI89- to &ork &ith others or Boint proBect
a$ The invention stage:
8ote-sharing- learners rainstorm aout the topic
preliminar! deating-deate on the topic/idea as preparation to &rite papers
$ The drafting stage
Chunck model- divide the &riting into section
+lended model- onl! &ork if the memer have enough time to &ork together
Compiler model- ever! group memer does the assignment
c$ The revision stage- revise the paper once the draft has een completed
The group memer can revise one0s another draft
The est &riter can ecome the chief editor
Other group memer can give comment/suggestion
T%*> CO>>-8IC*TIO8
Characteristic of effective team communication
1isten to each other
Team leader listens to all group memers
%ver! memers feel free to speak openl!
Individual memer seek the approval of the team efore action is taken
Information is shared
>emers of the team are not hesitant aout ringing up ad ne&s
Communicate &ell eith other group
-nsatisfactor! negotiation
8on- ackno&ledgement of ideas
Over-Mealous editing
>issed deadlines
8on-understanding of suBect matter
T%*> >*8*9%>%8T
Team uilding and task anal!sis
The memer need to put conscious effort to find out more aout each other0
Practicing democrac! <ever! memer need to give chance to speak- respect each
memer0s idea
>ore creative energ! as &ell as etter ,ualit! are results of team &ork0
>anagement of time/&riting and documents
+e on time-deadlines
>anage the &riting-&here to egin and &hat things to include in the
keep the &riting on schedule" Put a charts on a
ulletin oard displa!ed sections to e completed"
/ivided the tasks into section and make decision regarding
'" 9roup versus Individual &ork-decide &hich activities to e
done in group or individuall!
(" %,uavalenc! of tasks- have e,ual amount of &ork-help to
complete the &ork fast and ensure fairness"
)" +est use of individual skills -give the right assignment to a
right people
6inall! &e need to kno& ho& to manage our documents in stages-steps
to e taken/rules to e follo&ed/&hat to edit/keep track
>*8*9I89 CO11*+O:*TI;% 5:ITI89 P:O?%CT7
8ecessar! processes for management of effective team &riting
'" team uilding
(" anal!sis the task
)" management of &riting
=" management of time
G" management of &riting stage
E" management of st!le and format
F" conflict management
P:*CTIC% I8 5:ITI89 7T%P-+A-7T%P I87T:-CTIO87
-must e clear and concise
&hat st!le to e used
&hat siMe should the font t!pe/margins and headings e
&ill areviation allo&ed
&hich technical term &ill e used
&ill process &ill e explain in point form or paragraph form
CO861ICT >*8*9%>%8T
if it is exist take steps to resolve it
find the resource of the prolem
one or t&o memers should not dominate a group discussion
-all memers have e,ual standing in the group
each &riter ma! ve different ideas


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