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Advanced Concept for the

Detection of Weather
Hazards on Mars
Advanced Concept for the
Detection of Weather
Hazards on Mars
Aimee Covert
([email protected])
Nilton O. Renno
University of Michigan
Aimee Covert
([email protected])
Nilton O. Renno
University of Michigan
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Study electric behavior of weather-
related dust events
Dust devils and dust storms
Field experiments
Laboratory simulations of dust devils
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
QuickTime and a
Sorenson Video 3 decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Research Goals
Electric Theory of Dust Events
Lab Results
Field Results
Plans for the Future
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Weather Hazards on Mars
Dust events pose a significant hazard to
future missions to Mars
High winds, high dust content could
negatively affect manned missions
Electric activity could negatively effect
robotic landers and manned missions
Electric fields can ionize the air and cause
potentially hazardous chemical reactions
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Research Goals
To find an effective method for detecting weather
hazards on Mars (dust events) at any time of the
day or during periods of low visibility
To study microdischargesbetween colliding dust
particles in the laboratory
To study microdischargesin terrestrial dust devils
To design an instrument to remotely fingerprint Martian
dust events based on their microdischarges
Electric Theory of Dust Events
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Microdischarges in Dust
Asymmetric rubbing occurs between
colliding particles
Causes a net transfer of electrons from larger to
smaller particles
Smaller particles become negatively charged
Large particles become positively charged
Microdischargesoccur when the particles
separate from each other, after a collision
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Non-thermal Microwave
Microdischargesproduce non-thermal microwave
radiation [Renno et al., 2004]
Non-thermal emissions can be used to remotely
fingerprint dust events
To distinguish thermal from non-thermal
emissions we look at the probability distribution
function of the amplitude of the emissions (pdf)
Gaussian: thermal
Non-gaussian: non-thermal
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Bulk Electric Fields
[Kok and Renno 2006]
Charge separation occurs
when small particles rise in
The larger particles stay near the
Charge separation produces
large electric fields in terrestrial
dust devils and dust storms
Fields in excess of 10 kV/m on
Earth [Rennoet al., 2004]
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Applications to Mars
Martian dust events are significantly larger and
dustier than terrestrial dust events.
There is evidence that microdischargesand large
electric fields occur in these dust events [Rennoet al.,
2003, 2004]
Lower atmospheric pressure makes electric breakdown
easier on Mars
Higher dust content and larger storms result in more
collisions and therefore more microdischarges
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Laboratory Setup
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Particles of Interest
Martian Soil Composition
At Viking 1 Landing Site
Experiments with various
Representatitve of the
Martian regolith
Particles of a range of
sizes representing those
likely to be found in
Martian dust events
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Experimental Setup
Materials classified
by size:
Large particles (~1
mm diameter)
Small particles (~1 to
10 m)
Mixed particles (half
large particles, half
small by volume)
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Experimental Setup
Used three
Hematite (Fe
conducted at
various pressures
Ranging from 0.1
to 1 Bar
QuickTime and a
H.264 decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Lab Experiments
Lab experiments conducted using two
different radiometers
First provides time series of emission amplitude
Look for peaks in the data to identify microdischarges
Sensitive to emission frequencies around 10 GHz
Second provides a probability distribution function
(pdf) of electric field amplitude at small time
Look for non-gaussian distribution to indicate the
presence of non-thermal radiation
Sensitive to frequencies around 10 GHz
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Sensor of Setup 1
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Setup 1 Lab Results
Only detected significant
emissions in experiments
with aluminum particles
We might need to look at
other frequencies or use
more sensitive
instruments to detect
emissions from other
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Equipment of Setup 2
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Setup 2 Lab Results
Positive results with
aluminum particles
Consistent with results
from setup 1
pdf significantly different
from control (blackbody
Did not detect emissions
in experiments with
basalt or hematite
Did not detect emissions
in experiments with only
small particles
PDF of electric field (Large aluminum particles)
-70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
1 atm
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Kurtosis of the Emissions
Large aluminum particles
0.29 Bar
Large aluminum particles
1 Bar
Kurtosis ~3 indicates gaussian distribution.
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Field Experiments
Searched for
microdischarges in
terrestrial dust devils
Conducted in
Summer 2005 near
Eloy, AZ
Used radiometer
from setup 1
Recoded time series
of the amplitude
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Field Results
Microwave Emissions from a dust devil on J une 11
2005 at
2:15pmand a corresponding image of it.
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
More Field Results
2:28 p.m. MST on J une 9, 2005
12:02 p.m. MST on J une 11, 2005
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Plans for the Future
Field Goals
Develop a more portable data collection system
Distinguish non-thermal from thermal emissions
Correlate emission amplitude with weather data at
a fixed location
Laboratory Goals
Conduct experiments with additional materials
Try different methods to detect emissions with
hematite and basalt
Calculate pdf of non-thermal emissions by
removing background noise
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Have shown that emissions from colliding particles is
Identified a flight qualified instrument that can
distinguish non-thermal from thermal emissions
Additional lab experiments with different materials are
Additional field measurements using different data
collection procedures are necessary
Optimal frequencies must be identified
Recommend an instrument to measure electric fields to
be placed on Mars landers
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Dr. Nilton O. Renno, University of Michigan
Dr. Chris Ruf, University of Michigan
Collaborators Kevin Reed and Catalina
Oaida, University of Michigan
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Addressing Problems with
Why didnt we detect emissions with basalt
and hematite?
Sampling rate may not be fast enough
May need to use a sensor with a different
In experiments with aluminum we detected
changes in pdf for all but small particles
Small particles tend to coat the inside of the bell
jar, which may interfere with detection of
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Why 10 GHz?
Very sensitive
Developed for satellite dishes
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Effects of fan?
-70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Fan on
Fan off
No visible difference in pdf of electric field amplitude
No change in kurtosis
NIAC Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006
Charge Transfer by
Asymmetric Rubbing
Solid matter has more empty energy levels than electrons
in high energy states.
During asymmetric rubbing:
There is a net transfer of electrons to the smaller body
because it slides more over the other.
The smaller body becomes negatively charged and the
larger becomes positively charged.
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