The Enigmatic Order of Nine Angles

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Sinister Dialectics, Aeonic Sorcery, Logos, and The Enigma of The O9A

Introduction - The Enigmatic O9A
Wisdom, Logos, And The Inner O9A
Dialectics and Aeonic Sorcery - Sinister Tribes, Satanism, and The Order of Nine
Sinister Dialectic: The Next Three Hundred Years
The Methods and Tradition of The Seven Fold Way
The Pagan Mysticism Of The O9A
O9A Esotericism: An Initiated Apprehension
Introduction - The Enigmatic O9A
To some people, the Order of Nine Angles (O9A/ONA) is a modern enigma:
ambiguous, obscure, perplexing, confusing, and apparently contradictory. To
others, the O9A represents "a dangerous and extreme form of Satanism" {1}
and/or presents "a recognizable new interpretation of Satanism and the Left
Hand Path" {2}. However, and predictably, most of those who have read about
or who have heard of the O9A - especially those with an interest in modern
occultism or satanism or the Western Left Hand Path tradition - have, or have
acquired, a negative opinion of the O9A.
A predictable negative opinion because their outsider view of the Order of Nine
Angles focuses on, or has focused on, one or more of the following:
1. On some of the causal forms - such as neo-nazism or causal
terrorism {3} - that are, have been, and could be, used by O9A
initiates as either pathei-mathos (a personal learning from practical
experience) or as sorcery (as useful 'forms' that presence or 'ground'
acausal energy in and through non-initiated individuals via the actions
or in the psyche of such individuals).
2. On the exoteric, external, appearance of the O9A that certain O9A
texts may present or may have presented, often quite deliberately; as
for example in the matter of 'satanism'.
3. On certain 'sinister games' {4}, and/or an 'internet saga/drama' or
two even though (i) such sagas/dramas have (as has been repeatedly
and publicly stated) a sinister intent connected with the O9A's
Labyrinthos Mythologicus, and/or (ii) Acta Est Fabula Plaudite.
4. On the antics - often via the medium of the internet and by mostly
anonymous individuals - of those who claim or who have claimed to be
O9A, even though such antics (by muppets or other plebeians) are a
natural causal consequence of the presencing, over the past three
decades, of the O9A logos and the dissemination of the O9A mythos.
5. On texts - adversarial, inciting, mythic, or representative of a
genuine tradition and practice - regarding culling (human sacrice).
Thus the typical outsider obtains an impression of and forms an opinion about
the O9A mostly as a result of reading only a few of the thousands of O9A texts,
and/or as a result of taking seriously the comments other outsiders have made
about the O9A, and/or as a result of their own uncritical assessment or
emotive/prejudiced reaction to matters such as those outlined in 1-5 above.
Such outsiders, such dilettanti, either never get beyond outer appearance or
they become lost in the O9A's labyrinthine labyrinth. Whatever their route back
to mundanity, they reveal: (i) that they lack the ability, the aptitude, to perceive
beyond the exoteric, or (ii) that they lack the physis to seriously and rationally
study the O9A, or (iii) that they lack the learning, and the abilities, of the
scholar. Sometimes such outsiders go on to join the chorus of those who, usually
via the medium of the internet and usually anonymously - but always in their
dilettantish, or plebeian, or pretentious, or occult illiterati, manner - opine
about the O9A.
Thus have they failed to solve the enigma that is the O9A, with the
labyrinthine outer layers of the O9A achieving what they were constructed to
achieve: to test, to perplex, to challenge, and to select; and in particular to
distinguish those who have an O9A physis - or the potential to develop such a
physis - from those who do not.
"From its beginnings in the early 1970s, the Order of Nine Angles has
had, quite intentionally, an inner core obscured by various outer
layers. Thus its exoteric, external, appearance does not necessarily
reect its esoteric essence, and which exoteric appearance serves and
has served a particular and practical purpose, as the O9A mythos
serves and has served a particular and practical purpose in (i)
generating interest both in that external appearance and in the inner
essence concealed within, and (ii) in presenting certain - and
sometimes controversial, sometimes adversarial - esoteric
To access the inner core, an individual has to work their way through
the outer layers which, together, form a labyrinth; a labyrinth so
labyrinthine that it is easy for a person to become confused, lose their
way, or (more usually) just give up. Some individuals, however,
inspired (or re-inspired) as they are by the O9A mythos, do succeed.
Thus there is, for every candidate - every potential member of the
O9A kindred - an initial test, involving them navigating the labyrinth
on their own, without any guidance.
What they nd - to the dismay of many - is nothing mysterious or
'satanic' or exceptional or dicult to understand or even really secret.
For it is only (i) a particular pagan mysticism, and (ii) a particular way
of life, and (iii) an individual occult journey (an anados) that will last
for several decades, and a journey and a way of life which, if they
embark upon them, will take them from 'the sinister' toward 'the
numinous' and thence toward what is beyond both those causal
forms." {5}
However, those individuals who do solve the enigma (often through following an
O9A praxis), or who through a scholarly study of esotericism and of O9A texts
{6} do apprehend the essence, will be able to both place the O9A into historical
perspective and also understand that:
"For millennia, according to aural tradition, esoteric knowledge - the
methods, the means, required for an individual to acquire wisdom -
The Philosophers Stone (aka the stage of Immortal) - have been learnt
from a few reclusive Adepts, with this knowledge being concerned
with three traditional things: (1) the slow process of an internal,
alchemical, decades-long change in the individual as a result of direct
esoteric and exoteric personal experience and the learning from that
experience - that is, the numinous authority of pathei- mathos; (2) a
certain and limited personal guidance - from one of those more
experienced in such matters - on a direct individual basis (person to
person), if such advice be sought; and (3) the cultivation of the virtue
of , manifest as this is in a noble, a cultured, a learned, personal
character [...]
There was also an understanding that genuine wisdom takes a certain
duration - decades - of causal Time to be attained, and cannot be
hurried and often requires a reclusive personal existence. There was
an understanding of the need to develope a cultured, and learned,
personal character founded on and maintained by the principle of
personal and kindred honour as manifest in the O9A Code of Kindred
Honour, as there developed an appreciation of the cosmic perspective,
of the Adept in the supra-personal context of Aeons and in relation to
the Cosmos. For the essence of our esotericism lies in this knowledge
of ourselves as but one nexion, suspended between causal and acausal
Time - one means to presence one more Aeon, one possibility to move
toward a new acausal life.
Such qualities, such an appreciation, and such understanding of the
slow personal progress toward esoteric wisdom, are what have now
been overlooked, forgotten, or scorned, by those who in their hasty
search for answers have come to rely upon, or who value, the modern
rapid means of modern communication that have been developed."
These individuals will also appreciate that, as Anton Long wrote in his 2011
essay The Aeonic Perspective of the Order of Nine Angles,
"In terms of causal forms, there is the initiated understanding that
what, for human beings, is esoteric, evolutionary - that which
presences acausal energy and thus Life - is inner not outer change.
That is, that no causal form, no non-Occult praxis, produces or can
produce Aeonic change, although such forms, such praxis, may
occasionally result in some, a few, individuals each century, via pathei-
mathos, achieving a certain insight and understanding and thence
becoming changed, more evolved, human beings.
Or, expressed dierently, the changes wrought by causal forms - by
wars, revolutions, empires, nations, and through means such as
politics or social reform, or by governments - are transient, and do
not, over centuries, aect human beings en masse. For humans
remain and have remained basically the same; rather primitive
beings, dependant on and in thrall to abstractions, to their emotions,
to archetypal forces, and never developing their latent faculties, never
fullling their Cosmic potential, with only a rare few human beings
achieving wisdom.
This is why initiatory Occult groups and orders of our kind exist - to
manifest and maintain such understanding over centuries; to produce
and encourage, over centuries, Aeonic changes, and to develop,
evolve, human beings by means of Occult Arts and thus in the only
eective way: from within; esoterically; by changing their character,
their nature.
This is also why we insist on a personal knowing, on inner alchemical
change; on individuals learning from practical experience, both
sinister and numinous and both exoteric and esoteric. Why we are
organized as we are, as kindred families and nexions, as a kindred
collective, and as a culture with traditions both esoteric and aural.
And why we take a long-term view of matters both exoteric and
esoteric - for our perspective is that of centuries, of Aeons."
For the key to unlocking the enigma that is the O9A - a key that can be found
via an esoteric/initiated apprehension and/or by a scholarly study - is that what
persists over centuries, beyond the lifespan individuals and beyond the rise and
fall of empires and governments and rulers and States, is a particular esoteric
knowledge transmitted but also added to over millennia via both exoteric
pathei-mathos and by the occult quest (the anados) of initiated individuals.
The 'sinisterly-numinous tradition' of the O9A is part - perhaps the essential
part - of that body of esoteric knowledge, just as O9A praxises, the practical
methods advocated by the O9A, are but modern means whereby some
individuals can discover that esoteric knowledge and then contribute to it, with
the O9A itself - both outer and inner - being simply a culture, a collection of
kindred nexions bound by a particular logos {7}, whereby both that tradition
(and thus that esoteric knowledge) and the means to discover and add to it, can
be passed on to future generations.
"There are as many excuses for failure as there have been and will be
failures. Each failure is just a failure, and the ow of Life goes on,
perhaps to the sound of mirthful Satanic laughter. Sometimes
someone - teetering, feeling perhaps The Abyss that awaits and
entices them and yet unbalanced still by a vestige of mundane ego -
may even feel they have been 'used'; and of course they have: by me,
by themselves, by others of our kind, and by the wyrdful ow of
Change that is the Cosmos. But of course The Abyss does not care, the
Cosmos does not care, as I and others of my kind do not care at least
in the way some person may want. They were told, warned - right
from the start. We, The Order of Nine Angles, are as we are - balewa.
Dicult; hard; testing; destructive. A natural rencounter, genesis of
new beginnings. No you or I or we, just one enantiodromia among so
many. The Way is there; it works: for the few. And it for these few that
we reserve our applause. After all, it is just Life changing, evolving, as
it changes and evolves in this one small causal part of the Cosmos - a
game for some, perchance a for others; an exeatic drama to
enhance our own brief temporary causal living, perchance to propel
us thence toward our own acausal life." Anton Long, Acta Est Fabula
Plaudite, Toward The Abyss
Hence this particular collection of texts concerning, and by, the O9A which deal
with some hitherto rather neglected aspects of the 'particular esoteric
knowledge' - ancestral and modern - that forms the basis of O9A culture. These
aspects are the aeonic understanding manifest in 'the sinister dialectic', the
'inner O9A', and the esoteric mysticism inherent in that alchemical process of
inner change that is the O9A 'seven fold way'.
This collection may therefore contribute to a better understanding of the O9A,
beyond the opinions and the perceptions of those dilettanti, plebeians, and
pretentious pseudo-intellectuals, who infest modern occultism and especially
satanism and the Left Hand Path.
R. Parker
{1} Per Faxneld: Post-Satanism, Left Hand Paths, and Beyond in Per Faxneld &
Jesper Petersen (eds) The Devil's Party: Satanism in Modernity, Oxford
University Press, 2012, p.207
{2} James R. Lewis and Jesper A. Petersen (editors). Controversial New
Religions. Oxford University Press, 2014. p. 416
{3} The O9A make a distinction between causal and acausal terror, qv. Anton
Long, Baeldraca - From Causal to Acausal Terror, 121 Year of Fayen. In respect
of 'causal terror'.
"It is of fundamental importance - to evolution both individual and otherwise - that
what is Dark, Sinister or Satanic is made real in a practical way, over and over again.
That is, that what is dangerous, awesome, numinous, tragic, deadly, terrible, terrifying
and beyond the power of ordinary mortals, laws or governments to control is made
manifest. In eect, non-Initiates (and even Initiates) need constantly reminding that
such things still exist; they need constantly to be brought 'face-to-face', and touched,
with what is, or appears to be, inexplicable, uncontrollable, powerful and 'evil'. They
need reminding of their own mortality - of the unforeseen, inexplicable 'powers of
Fate', of the powerful force of 'Nature'.
If this means killing, wars, suering, sacrice, terror, disease. tragedy and disruption,
then such things must be - for it is one of the duties of a Satanic Initiate to so presence
the dark, and prepare the way for, or initiate, the change and evolution which always
result from such things. Such things as these must be, and always will be, because the
majority of people are or will remain, inert and sub-human unless changed. The
majority is - and always will be until it evolves to become something else - raw
material to be used, moulded, cut-away and shaped to create what must be. There is
no such thing as an innocent person because everyone who exists is part of the whole,
the change, the evolution, the presencing of life itself, which is beyond them, and their
life only has meaning through the change, development and evolution of life. Their
importance is what they can become, or what can be achieved through their death.
their tragedy, their living - their importance does not lie in their individual happiness
or their individual desires or whatever." Anton Long, To Presence The Dark, 107yf
{4} qv. Anton Long, Playing The Sinister Game A Brief ONA History, 122
yfayen (Updated Jan 2012 CE)
{5} R. Parker, O9A Esotericism: An Initiated Apprehension, e-text, 2014.
{6} Correctly understood, the term scholar is not limited to the now commonly
accepted narrow modern usage implying academia alone. As used here and in
O9A texts, the term means what it has been understood to mean for centuries,
from before the time of Shakespeare; that is, it refers to "a learned or erudite
person, and especially one who is learned in the classical - Greek and Latin -
languages and their literature."
Such a scholarly learning in respect of esotericism places hermeticism, modern
western occultism, and the O9A into the correct, classical, perspective and
enables a person to read important source material - such as the works of Plato,
Plotinus, and Iamblichus, the Hermetica, gnostic texts, and the early alchemical
MSS - in their original language. Furthermore, given the Arabic and possible
ancient Indic/Persian inuences on O9A esotericism, a knowledge of Arabic and
Farsi - and the relevant ancient esoteric traditions - is most advantageous.
Without such a scholarly background and a scholarly study of O9A texts - and/or
without an initiated insight into O9A esotericism - the opinions of others
regarding the O9A are most certainly dilettantish, or plebeian, or pretentious;
of no value, except perhaps to other dilettanti, plebeians, the occult illiterati, or
pretentious pseudo-intellectuals.
In respect of classical and Hellenic inuence, there is the O9A seven fold way
with its anados, which clearly shows some Hellenic inuences such as from the
Pymander tractate, with even the subtitle of part one of the seminal O9A text
Naos - Physis Magick - revealing a direct lineage. For no other Western
occultist or group, prior to the O9A, has used the term 'physis' in connection
with sorcery or in connection with an occult anados, an initiatory journey
through seven spheres or realms.
In respect of Arabic and/or Indic inuence, there are indications in relation to
the term 'nine angles' and the various forms or aspects of time (Arabic: Azal,
Dhar and Zamal; O9A: causal, acausal, nexion), with AL having claimed an
Arabic text as inspiration: Al-Kitab Al-Alfak, The Book of The Spheres, that is,
falak al-aak, al-kawakib al-thabitah, Zuhal, and so on.
Regarding such ancient inuences, qv. (i) R. Parker, Perusing The Seven Fold
Way - Historical Origins Of The Septenary System Of The Order of Nine Angles,
e-text, 2014; (ii) R. Parker: The Septenary Anados, and Life After Death, In The
Esoteric Philosophy of The Order of Nine Angles, e-text, 2013; (iii) R. Parker,
Originality, Tradition, And The Order of Nine Angles, e-text, 2013; and (iv) R.
Parker, The Pagan Mysticism Of The O9A, e-text, 2014.
{7} The logos of the O9A is exoterically manifest (as 'The Word of a Magus') in
the code of kindred honour, and esoterically manifest in the axiom of pathei-
mathos (of learning from practical - and dicult, testing, dangerous, exeatic -
personal experience).
In respect of the code of kindred honour (the O9A), Anton Long wrote:
"A fundamental principle of the Order of Nine Angles - one of our ve core traditions -
is that of Kindred Honour, which means two important things: (1) that our behaviour
toward our own kind, our kindred, is governed by particular rules and guidelines
manifest in our written Code of Honour; and (2) that our behaviour toward mundanes
is guided by our understanding of them (and their wealth and property) as a useful
resource." Children and The ONA, 122 Year of Fayen
"Kindred Honour: The principle that our kind are distinguished by their behaviour
toward each other and by their behaviour toward mundanes. This means that we
divide human beings into two dierent kinds - (1) those who are of us or who have the
qualities, the potential, to become of us, and (2) those who are not like us. Our kind
are made by their acceptance of the principle of personal honour and by living
according to this principle. Hence, someone becomes of us when they pledge to live
their lives according to that principle. Thus, our behaviour toward our own kind is
guided by our Law of Kindred Honour". Sinister Experiential Eleutheria - The Five
Core ONA Principles Explained, 122 Year of Fayen
Hence accepting and living by the O9A code is the essence of being O9A.
Wisdom, Logos, And The Inner O9A
Discovering Wisdom
An important aspect of the esoteric philosophy and the occult praxises of the
O9A is the 'internal sorcery' - termed physis magick in the Naos text - whereby
an individual can progress toward Adeptship and thence to wisdom. For
"the goal of sentient life is to [...] become part of the acausal (i.e.
'immortal' when seen from the causal). Initiation, and 'the Mysteries'
(i.e. the seven-fold Way), are the means to achieve this." Naos, A Practical
Guide To Modern Magick, 1989
Furthermore, according to the esoteric tradition of the O9A:
"By the term wisdom is meant not only the standard dictionary
denition - a balanced personal judgement; having discernment but
also the older sense of having certain knowledge of a pagan, Occult,
kind to do with livings beings, human nature, and concerning Nature
and 'the heavens'. To wit, possessing certain faculties, such as
esoteric-empathy, a knowing of one's self; possessing an Aeonic
knowing; and thus knowing Reality beyond, and sans, all causal
abstractions." Pathei-Mathos and The Initiatory Occult Quest
Esoterically understood, the O9A is a particular occult path, a particular occult
way, which begins with initiation into 'the mysteries' - into the ancestral and
modern occult knowledge and traditions of the O9A - and which traditions
include that 'internal sorcery' whereby an individual can change and evolve
themselves and thus progress toward wisdom. For there is a pagan mysticism
and an individual anados, and which anados is a very personal occult journey, of
both esoteric and exoteric experiences and both 'sinister' and 'numinous', that
lasts several decades. The term 'sinisterly-numinous tradition' - in preference to
'the sinister tradition' - therefore aptly describes this O9A path, with pathei-
mathos being one of the various dark arts - one of many occult techniques -
used by someone following that particular path, and which unique O9A path can
be considered as either presenting "a recognizable new interpretation of
Satanism and the Left Hand Path" or as being a new occult tradition which is
not satanic and neither of the Right Hand Path nor of the Left Hand Path.
An individual following this O9A path for a certain period of time may well may
discover their own weltanschauung and which personal weltanschauung is,
while sometimes confused with the discovery of wisdom, not yet wisdom
because later on - beyond the Abyss - there is, according to a modern Magus,
the necessary individual discovery of lapis philosophicus:
"The 'outer secret' of the inner, the real, the living, alchemy is that the
end and the result of both our apparently separate journeys is the
same; the same place, the same understanding, the same knowledge.
For wisdom is undivided, the same for all of us, whatever we believed
or assumed when we began. Or expressed another way, lapis
philosophicus is what it is, and always has been, and does what it
does, and always has done, in terms of how it aects and changes
those few who have succeeded in their decades-long endeavour and
thus discovered it, and discovered it where it has always been
hidden." Anton Long, Lapis Philosophicus, 2/2/123 yfayen
"The Occult essence - the ethos, the internal alchemy of individual
change during the life of the individual, the individual discovery of
lapis philosophicus, the Adeptus way, the Aeonic perspective -
remains." Knowledge, the Internet, and the O9A
Thus one of the esoteric truths of the ancestral and modern occult knowledge
and traditions manifested by the O9A concerns wisdom and its attainment: what
it is, how it can be attained, and that it is neither the personal weltanschauung
that an individual may develop, via personal experience, after only some years
of following the O9A path nor the personal interpretation of 'everything O9A'
they may develop before having melded the sinister with the numinous via The
Abyss. Rather, that wisdom is manifest in (i) that balanced individual judgement
that results from a practical experiencing over many years of both the sinister
and the numinous with the consequent pathei-mathos, and (ii) the occult
knowing of the reality behind the appearance of conicting, ideated, opposites.
It was to be a repository of, and to aurally transmit, this truth concerning
wisdom and its attainment, and other important esoteric truths ancient and
modern, that an 'inner O9A' was established and is maintained, and will be
aeonically continued, by means of that presencing of the O9A logos that is the
O9A code of kindred honour.
For the mistake that some have made, in respect of exoteric axioms such as the
authority of individual judgement, was to believe or to assume that anyone O9A
can or should personally interpret 'everything O9A' before they have acquired
the aeonic (supra-personal and empathic) perspective and esoteric
understanding of an Internal Adept and well before they, from the pathei-
mathos that results from a successful melding of the sinister with the numinous,
have acquired the necessary balanced individual judgement and discovered the
wisdom that lies within and beyond The Abyss.
Naturally, such individuals interpretations have occurred, and undoubtedly will
continue to occur, by individuals lacking the esoteric understanding of an
Internal Adept and lacking in the wisdom acquired by several decades of
following the O9A path toward, into, and beyond The Abyss. But that does not
make such interpretations part of, or an evolution of, the O9A path, especially
as many such interpretations exclude the esoteric and exoteric aspects of the
O9A logos (such as the O9A code). Rather, it makes such interpretations at best
a temporal, minor, and exoteric aspect of a particular sinister dialectic, and
otherwise (i) simply the personal opinion of an outsider, or (ii) the personal
opinion of someone O9A (or formerly O9A) who is not yet - or who did not
become - an Adept and who has yet to acquire, or who did not acquire, from a
decades-long sinisterly-numinous experience, the necessary pathei-mathos.
Thus, in the ancestral, aeonic, and esoteric, context provided by the inner O9A,
such interpretations are not and cannot be, of themselves, O9A.
The Inner O9A
The inner O9A - also known as 9, and as the 'Falciferian O9A' - are a small,
secret, and select, group of individuals who are personally known to each other,
who have all attained at least the Grade of Internal Adept along the Seven Fold
Way, and who possess a noble cultured - a gentlemanly or lady-like - demeanour,
with the majority of these individuals being scholars, artists, musicians, or
professionally connected to established institutions of existing States. Only one
or two individuals per decade are inducted into 9, and which secret cabal
ensures the continuation of O9A aural tradition as well as engaging in aeonic
sorcery and forming an ancestral repository of esoteric pathei-mathos (O9A,
pagan, and otherwise) with many members being exoterically linked by ties of
kinship, or by (not necessarily always heterosexual) marriage, or by those
strong bonds of personal loyalty that an abiding friendship coupled with certain
shared esoteric deeds over several years most certainly develops.
The inner O9A therefore is primarily concerned with aeonic matters (such as
sinister strategy and its implementation by various tactics) and with adding to,
via pathei-mathos, the sum total of occult knowledge and human knowledge in
general. It also shapes, and to a limited extent, via being a repository of occult
knowledge (ancient and modern) and of O9A pathei-mathos, 'guides' the outer -
or Vindexian - O9A, and which outer O9A is the slowly increasing and necessary
presencing of the O9A path and the O9A logos by those following an O9A praxis
and living by the O9A code. In terms of sinister strategy, our current iteration is
"where we expand nefariously, internationally, and often in the
traditional esoteric manner of a covert personal recruitment of those
with our physis or whom we judge have the potential to develop our
type of physis. In practical terms this often amounts to recruiting (and
then testing) those individuals who are or who may be useful to us in
our own esoteric quest and our own lives and useful to our nexion (as
in them beginning their own quest), and/or who may be useful to the
Aeonic aims of the O9A, as for example by them recruiting specic
others or by them 'presencing the dark' through various actions and
activities." Source - Internus Homo Est Eius Anima, Documents of the
Inner O9A, 123 yfayen
KS, RP, et al
Dialectics and Aeonic Sorcery
Sinister Tribes, Satanism, and The Order of Nine Angles
The Sinister Dialectic, Manipulation of Forms, and Satanism
The sinister dialectic is the term used in the sinister tradition of the Order of
Nine Angles to describe their
"Satanic/Sinister strategy - which is to further our evolution in a
sinister way by, for example, (a) the use of Black Magick/sinister
presencings to change individuals/events on a signicant scale over
long periods of causal Time; (b) to gain control and inuence; (c) the
use of Satanic forms and magickal presencings to produce/provoke
large scale changes over periods of causal Time; (d) to bring-
into-being a New Aeon; (e) to cause and sow disruption and Chaos as
a prelude to any or all or none of the foregoing." [1]
An early, 1989, ONA text gives more detail:
" i. On a basic level, the dialectic is concerned with simple opposition -
with deance of what is accepted or conventional at particular times.
This is heresy - the Adversarial role, a challenge against both
conscious and unconscious norms. This opposition works on two levels
- the individual, and society [...]
ii. On a higher level, the dialectic is concerned with long-term
evolution - with the creation and change of civilizations and ultimately
with the creation of a new type of individual, a new species. This
means altering our evolution [and] two tactical approaches. (1)
Enabling individuals to change themselves, to evolve, consciously, and
so become part of that evolutionary change. (2) Changing/inuencing
the structures (such as societies) to make them instruments for such
change or at least not detrimental to it [...]
(i) involves such things as External and Internal Magick - a following
of the Seven Fold Sinister Way. (ii) involves Aeonic magick - e.g. the
creation of new archetypal forms or images and the infection in the
psyche of others which results from introducing them - and
gaining/using inuence. It should be understood that while the tactics
of (i) above can and do change, the tactics used to attain (ii) remain
essentially the same because the goal is precise. Further, (i) in many
ways aids (ii)." [2]
The adversarial role is described, in another early ONA MS [3] as 'shadow
magick' because it is mostly secretly done and because it is dangerous; with the
reality being [4] that
"all signicant magick is either Aeonic or Internal: External Magick
is a child's game, to be played while learning the most basic skills [...]
or for amusement, later on. To the real magickian [sorcerer/sorceress]
all types of political (as well as religious and cultural) forms are
means, to be used if the are useful for aeonic or internal magickal
The same MS also states that among the 'forms' used or usable by a
sorcerer/sorceress for the purposes of external, internal, or aeonic sorcery are
archetypes, myths, mythos, symbols (including artistic representations) as well
as politics and religions.
In addition, according to the ONA, each form has an outer, or exoteric, aspect
and an inner, or esoteric, nature [5] , with part of the training of the initiate
following the ONA's seven fold way being to learn to distinguish the esoteric
from the exoteric [6] and be able to learn from, and manipulate, both.
Thus, as the ONA have repeatedly stated from the 1980s onward, Satanism, for
them, is an exoteric form used as part of their aeonic sinister strategy and is "a
presencing of dark forces/acausal energies - a form/mythos - only relevant to
the current Aeon, and is but as outer, an exoteric, form - and one means of
provoking and encouraging radical and diabolical change and reformation in
the present aeon, which present aeon is one aeon among a progression of
aeons." [7]
In addition, they used, and have developed, various 'forms' of Satanism, from
the old-style ceremonial Satanism of their 1970s Black Book of Satan to the
'simplied Satanism' of their 2009 text How To Be A Satanist - A Guide To
Satanism For Beginners (The Simple ONA Way) and concerning which 'simple
way' Anton Long interestingly wrote:
"Not that long ago we published an item which simplied Satanism to
its practical, causal, core. There was thus a personal pledge by the
aspiring Satanist, a code, and three fundamental principles. Very little
in the way of traditional ceremonies or rituals or even words, since
the core was the live in a particular way, sans the laws of the
mundanes, where there is no law, no authority, no justice except that
of the individual.
This item works on a variety of levels, some of which I will enumerate
here. Thus, for some of those who might have the potential to be one
of our kind, it is one possible beginning - to entice, to provide
experience, to live exeactically, and so possibility at some time this
might move some of these people toward a desire for more.
For some of those who are already of our kind (but may not yet know
it) it is a sign, to what lies beyond such an outer form. An intimation of
just why we produce and use such a form.
It is also a practical deance of those who aid and support the
mechanisms which keep mundanes in thrall - for those, for example,
who support and aid existing nation-States and the mechanisms of
control of those States (be such mechanism psychic, practical, or
causal abstractions). For the unkies of all nation-States do so hate
and do nd subversive those who believe and who practice the truth
there is no law, no authority, no justice except that of the individual.
Thus, if that item only inuenced ten people in one nation-State in one
year to change their way of life and live deantly, outside mundane
law, it would have achieved something in the causal, with no practical
eort on our part.
It is also something that undercuts and undermines the pomposity, the
pretentiousness, of already existing so-called 'satanic' groups, with
their 'temples' and 'grottoes', their rituals, their books, their
discussions, their self-awarded titles, and their old Aeon sycophancy."
That this is and was diabolical - aeonic - sorcery, part of the sinister dialectic,
Anton Long reveals in another text:
"This is the type of satanism - note the lower case s - that can be
readily and easily understood by 'the hoodie on the Clapham
omnibus'. [9] It is the type of Satanism evident in our text A Guide to
Satanism for Beginners (The Simple ONA Way) and, more realistically
and perhaps more importantly, in the text The Drecc, which is a guide
to devilish living in modern society, with the terms drecc and dreccian
being easily replaceable by dierent terms should others, or the
hoodie on the Clapham omnibus, want to replace them with something
more to their liking.
Such a way of living (and its propagation) is heretical, sly, and devilish
because it is so simple and because there is (i) a rejection of (a living
outside of) the law and the 'justice' of society and governments; (ii) a
erce, clannish, loyalty; and (iii) the understanding that the property,
goods, and wealth, of mundanes - non-gang/non-clan members, those
not part of our gang/clan or those are not covered by a truce - are a
resource we can lawfully use.
Understood esoterically, and Aeonically, this type of satanism is a Dark
Art, a work of Black Magick, an act of diabolical Aeonic sorcery." [10]
Sinister Tribes - An Exoteric Form
A study of early - 1980s - ONA typewritten and hand-circulated MSS, made
publicly available in publications such as the 1989 text Naos and the 1992
multi-volume compilation Hostia, makes it clear that the propagation, around
2009-2010, by the ONA of the idea of sinister tribes and of a 'kollective' of
individualistic activists is also part of their sinister strategy, and that such
things are but exoteric forms.
These ideas, of tribes and of a 'kollective', were outlined in articles such as
Guide To The Kulture and Sinister Ethos of the ONA, dated 121 yf., where a
sinister tribe is dened as "a localized, territorial, sinister kindred - a gang,
clan, or tribe - of Dreccs who rule, in a practical way, their own neighbourhood
or neighbourhoods, and who regard mundane property and wealth as a useful
resource," with a Drecc being described as "a person who, as part of a gang,
tribe, or clan, lives a practical sinister life - that is, who upholds and lives by
The Code of The Sinister-Numen aka The Code of Kindred-Honour."
That such things are but exoteric forms is clear from the aforementioned
"Our means to achieve our aims and goals are many and varied, and
include our sinister tribes, our Traditional Nexions (with the Seven
Fold Sinister Way and External, Internal, and Aeonic Magick), our
Dreccs, our Sorcerers and Sorceresses who work alone or with a few
sinister comrades, our Sinister-Empaths, our Star Game, and our
sympathizers and helpers, such as Balobians. One other important
means, employed, by the ONA - and an essential part of our Dark Arts
- is our sinister Mythos, and which ONA Mythos includes The Mythos
of The Dark Gods, and The Mythos of Vindex."
Which means that one must not confuse some exoteric form, dialectically and
probably diabolically and only temporarily used by 'those who know', for the
ONA or for what the ONA esoterically represents, for such a form would just be
abandoned by them if it proved ineective, impractical:
"restricting, causal, forms and causally-limited abstract aims are not
important. What works, works. What does not work will be
abandoned." [8]
Therefore if a new form, such as 'sinister tribes', proves to be ineective, in
exoteric and esoteric terms, or is not producing the required change or results,
it would be abandoned.
Furthermore, it is fairly easy to distinguish what the ONA is propagating or
using as an exoteric, an outer, form and/or as part of their Labyrinthos
Mythologicus [11], since,
"people would react to this simple thing according to their nature,
their conditioning, their potential. So it was/is fun, and useful,
esoterically and exoterically." [8]
Such newer forms as tribes and Drecc are thus designed to work, like the types
of Satanism propagated over the decades by the ONA, on a variety of levels; the
exoteric and the esoteric; the immediate (the personal, adversarial, diabolical)
and the aeonic (the disruption, however small, of the status quo, and so on); and
as tests, inducements, inspiration, and to mischievously annoy.
Esoterically, such outward forms can change particular individuals in certain
ways, and it is such individuals
"who by this very transformation of themselves - and what many of
them will subsequently do in the world of mundanes according to how
the sinister mood takes them - that moves us toward our causally-
understood aims and goals and which brings-into-being our new
aristocracy spread over the world. A practical aristocracy which is
sinisterly subversive not because it seeks to implement some
abstraction in some causal time-scale or is motivated by some causal
idealism (such as overthrowing some nation-State), but because it aids
and enhances the lives of those belonging to it in practical and often
material ways - for instance, in terms of inuence, in terms of
providing goods and services, and in materially rewarding loyalty and
honour and service to its members and participants.
In eect, it is/will be an international group - bound together by
certain rules, such as our Code of Kindred-Honour and viewing
mundanes as a resource - formed of kindred local groups in various
nation-States, whose members co-operate together, dispense their
own justice, obey their own laws, and who aid and help themselves
and others of their kind by whatever practical means they can, even if
some of these means are viewed by some existing nation-State as
'illegal' or 'criminal' or whatever. In this sense, we are a new type of
organization in the causal, a mysterium." [8]
Which is basically just another way of saying that such forms, whatever they
are, whenever they are, and however they are perceived by others, are one
means whereby the ONA not only inuences and expands but also assimilates
suitable individuals into its cabal, a secret cabal who understand aeonic sorcery
and the sinister dialectic and that "it will take centuries for the aective and
aecting changes to become manifest on the type of scale most use to judge
such matters as causal aims and goals."
From Exoteric to Cabal
The causal observer, the dilettante, and many of 'the O9A-pretendu-crowd' [12],
all mistake some outer form, or several outer forms, for the esoteric ONA.
Hence their xation on one or more of those forms, such as neo-nazi politics, or
Satanism, or gangs (sinister tribes) or personal adversarial deeds. The esoteric
ONA, however, as their texts make clear, is manifest (a) in the 'ancestral pathei-
mathos' and the mythos that is the sinister tradition of the ONA; (b) in those
who are undertaking the seven fold way; (c) by those who have been recruited
by the 'inner ONA' (whether or not those so recruited are following the seven
fold way); (d) by the inner ONA itself; and (e) by those who, by their practical
sinister deeds, by their pursuit of the aims and goals of the ONA and by their
adherence to the ONA code of kindred honour, associate themselves with the
ONA or who are or who have been assimilated into the ONA. [13]
For, as Anton Long made clear,
"One of our axioms is that we classify humans as either our kind or as
mundanes. Our kind currently, and for some previous Aeons, amount
to perhaps ve per cent - the creative or the deant minority who
latently or by means of their pathei-mathos have a certain natural
intelligence, a certain instinct, a certain type of personality, certain
personal qualities.
Another of our axioms is that in general (with many exceptions)
mundanes are made, not born, and that therefore perhaps a majority
of human beings (though certainly not all) have the potential to cease
to be mundanes. Most of course will never realize this potential, for a
variety of reasons. A corollary of this axiom is that the children of
mundanes have not as yet reached the age when mundanity becomes
or could become xed - their natural pattern of behaviour. Thus the
reason why children in practical terms are exempt from being
considered fair game, a resource, and why we consider certain
activities by adults involving children - and certain proclivities, in
adults, in respect of children - to be dishonourable and not something
our own kind would do. For such things are one mark of mundanity -
of those not able to or capable of controlling or changing themselves.
This axiom of potential within others is one reason why, in respect of
culling for instance, we always give mundanes a sporting chance - to
see if they can react in a non-mundane manner and so provide
evidence of their potential to change." [8]
This 'potential to change' and the necessity of providing 'a sporting chance' are
crucial to understanding the sinister dialectic and the raison d'etre of the
mysterium that is exoterically known as the Order of Nine Angles, and are two
of the many things which the causal observer, the dilettante, and 'the
O9A-pretendu-crowd', have overlooked.
For the ONA exists (a) to provide opportunities for its kindred; (b) as a practical
and tried and tested means of change for others (some of whom may thus be
assimilated and become kindred), and (c) to give those deemed mundanes a
sporting chance, with failures culled or (more often) their property and wealth
used as a resource [14]. An existence and a provision of opportunities which
necessitates the assimilation of others, necessitates an 'inner generational
core', and necessitates an inner guiding cabal (a hidden hand), given that the
aims of the ONA include:
(i) using the sinister tradition to create sinister Adepts and, over a
long period of causal Time, aid and enhance and create that new,
more evolved, human species of which genuine Sinister Adepts may
be considered to be the phenotype; (ii) using the sinister dialectic to
aid and enhance and make possible entirely new types of societies for
human beings, with these new societies being based on new tribes
and a tribal way of living where the only law is that of our kindred
honour; and (iii) for our new species to leave this planet we call Earth
(our childhood home), and establish ourselves among the star-systems
of our own Galaxies, and other Galaxies. This leaving of our childhood
home will, with its challenges, its experiences, and its opportunities,
enable us to mature, and further evolve, as a species. [15]
The guiding cabal is 'the inner ONA' one of whose tasks is to recruit "people in
academia, the artistic professions, and suitable ocers in the military, the
police" [16] in order to increase the inuence of the ONA and aid the aims of
the ONA, with this inner ONA consisting
" of individuals, known to each other personally, and from traditional
nexions, of the Grade of Internal Adept and above, who possess the
faculty of dark-empathy (aka esoteric empathy aka sinister empathy)
and who possess certain other personal qualities. These individuals
have therefore all had some personal guidance, over a period of many
years." [17]
Hence, according to Anton Long, the ONA
"produces both internal and external change in an aective,
sinisterly-numinous, way. That is, we not only change a limited
number of individuals, personally, individually, by our Occult Arts,
over long-durations of causal Time, but also - because we are redolent
of Wyrd - directly and indirectly inuence others, greater in number
than the number of our initiates, by our very existence, by our ethos,
our methods, our philosophy, our mythos, with some for example
adopting and adapting some of our praxis, some of our Occult Arts,
some of our esoteric philosophy. [Thus] we grow and have grown
slowly, as bets our Aeonic perspective. Slowly, through personal
contact, a personal knowing, pledges of duty and loyalty based on our
code of honour. It means we are something of a large, growing,
unconventional family, whose relations and relatives are becoming
dispersed around the Earth, and who - unlike many extended natural
families - have a shared, supra-personal, purpose and a shared
culture." [18]
This compact overview has hopefully revealed some of the complexity, some of
the esotericism, and part the diabolical nature, of the Order of Nine Angles, and
thus might inspire some others to undertake their own study of O9A theory and
R. Parker
[1] A Glossary of Order of Nine Angles Terms. Version 3.07. 123 yfayen [pdf]
[2] The Sinister Dialectic. The MS was included in the 1992 multi-volume
compilation entitled Hostia.
The seven fold way - Hebdomadry - is given in detail in the two texts The
Requisite ONA. A Practical Guide to the Sinister Sorcery of the Order of Nine
Angles (121 Year of Fayen) and The Sinister Abyssal Nexion (122 Year of Fayen).
Hebdomadry includes such 'dark arts' as insight roles, which involve the initiate
in engaging in activities which both enhance their own life experience and aid
the sinister dialectic.
[3] The Sinister Shadow. Included in Hostia.
[4] Aeonics, The Sinister Tradition. Included in Hostia.
[5] qv. the ONA texts Alchemical Seasons and The Fluxions of Time, and
Denotatum - The Esoteric Problem With Names.
[6] Such a learning is one of the aims of the ONA's grade ritual of internal
adept, with the person expected to live alone in the wilderness for at least three
months. The ritual is explained in Naos, and other works such The Requisite
ONA. A longer, six month, ritual is mentioned in texts such as The Sinister
Abyssal Nexion (122 Year of Fayen) and which extended ritual is said to be more
[7] Richard Stirling. The Radical Sinister Philosophy of Anton Long. 2012.
[8] Anton Long. Mysterium: Beyond The Order of Nine Angles. 122yf
[9] The idiomatic expression mentioning the Clapham omnibus refers to a
phrase formerly and occasionally used in English courts of law and political
discussion, with 'the man on the Clapham omnibus' being the upright citizen
who possesses the virtue of 'common sense'.
[10] Toward Understanding Satanism. 122yf
[11] Labyrinthos Mythologicus is "a modern and an amoral version of a
technique often historically employed, world-wide among diverse cultures and
traditions both esoteric and otherwise, to test and select candidates, and a
mischievous, japing, and sly, part of our sinister dialectic."
[12] A description of the 'o9a pretendu crowd' is given in Anton Long's text
Order of Nine Angles Style, O9A Chic. 122yf
[13] An interesting and aeonic overview of the ONA is given by Anton Long in
the text The Aeonic Perspective of the Order of Nine Angles. 123 yfayen
[14] The necessity of testing mundanes, by the ONA or those associated with it,
before culling and before appropriating their property and wealth - e.g. stealing
from them or fraudulently acquiring their resources, wealth, or property - is
mentioned in several ONA texts from the 1980s on, including Guidelines for the
Testing of Opfers and Drug-Dealing, Crime, and How To Spot and Test A
There is a hitherto undocumented distinction regarding such testing; a
distinction made between 'the esoteric ONA' - and those who are part of it - and
those who are just using or who have appropriated some ONA external form or
praxis such as sinister/dreccian tribes, the 'simple satanism way', or adversarial
living, with those who are part of the esoteric ONA, or associated with it,
expected to use such testing of mundanes, while those using or who have
appropriated some form not expected to use such testing. I suspect that this
subtle undocumented distinction is part of the ONA's Labyrinthos Mythologicus;
that is, part of their testing and selection process for those who aspire to be
[15] Richard Stirling. The Radical Sinister Philosophy of Anton Long. 2012.
[16] Presencing Azoth. Phase Three 119 - c.157. Documents of the Inner ONA,
Part One.
[17] The Inner ONA. 121 Year of Fayen
[18] The Aeonic Perspective of the Order of Nine Angles. 123 yfayen
Sinister Dialectic: The Next Three Hundred Years
Documents of the Inner ONA
v. 1.01
Today, I'm going to briey talk in general - strategic - terms about part of our
Sinister Dialectic; the part to do with how we and our kind perceive, relate to,
and deal with, external events and those individuals who are given credit for
causing such events, or believe they have caused them, and those who in reality
may actually have been responsible for some or most of them. This means
talking about politics, governments, and war, and how we, in the context of
Aeonics and of our esoteric aims, understand them.
In illustration of these topics, I will concentrate on one example. And the most
pertinent one, which is one reason - apart from the gorgeous weather, the
facilities, and our welcoming hosts! - why we're gathered here in this place in
this year during the period when our Order is moving away from Phase Two
toward Phase Three.
We're here in what is undoubtedly the most powerful nation currently existing
on this planet - militarily, economically, politically. The strategy of the
government - of successive governments - of this nation is simple:
self-preservation, self-advancement, the elimination or the neutralizing of
external and internal threats, and the safeguarding and the promotion of what
is often termed 'the American way of life'. All the resources of the government
can be used and have been used in pursuit of this strategy, from internal law
enforcement agencies to overt conventional military force, to covert overseas
ops, to gaining and using political and economic inuence over overseas
nations, to protecting, nding, securing, and exploiting the natural resources,
anywhere in the world, that a modern resource-hungry nation requires. This is
natural and indeed necessary, given 'the nature of the beast' - the abstraction of
The State and the government required to control and organize the land,
resources, and the diverse peoples, of a large geographical area, provide
opportunities for its citizens and maintain - compared to most of the world - a
relatively high standard of living, and a relatively secure way of life, for perhaps
a majority of those deemed citizens.
Of course, we're all aware of the problems and the inequalities and the
injustices that still exist. But the reality is that the system works reasonably
well most of the time for perhaps a majority of the people; well enough to still
entice over ten million people to migrate here over a ten year period, with
perhaps half a million of these migrants, each year, being what the government
describe as illegals.
Given that this strategy of the government has, since the end of what we call
The Second World War, worked, most of the time, there is no reason to change
it, as there is no reason to believe that, in the immediate future, it will be
changed or that the United States itself will decline and fall or its government
be overthrown, internally or externally. Not in the immediate future, even given
the growing strength of a nation such as China.
But we here all know that in Aeonic terms the American empire - for that is
what it became half a century or more ago - cannot endure, such again is the
'nature of the beast'. And it is in such Aeonic terms that we perceive and judge
both its strategy and tactics, and ours as an esoteric Order whose aims are to
bring-into-being a new type of human being and new ways of living, and new
challenges, for our new human type.
Like all empires, the American empire cannot endure beyond ve hundred
years. But we, as an esoteric Order, structured as we are, can. In reality, this
new modern empire may well decline and fall a century or two, or even three,
before that four hundred to ve hundred life-span is reached.
When it declines and falls, is really not that important. What is certain and
important is that it will undoubtedly outlast the life-span of all of us here, and it
is in the context of such an empire, and its life-span, that we judge and deal
with its strategy and tactics.
Thus, its use of military force, externally, in pursuit of its strategy is irrelevant
to us, except of course when we using, manipulating, or manufacturing exoteric
forms for an ulterior esoteric purpose - Aeonic or personal - or when we are
manipulating mundanes and producing propaganda for the same reasons. Or
when we are indulging in fomenting Chaos and provoking change or just being
adversarial as part, say, of an Insight Role or two or just to have and enjoy some
sinister fun. Or when [...] [redacted]
Similarly with regard to the politics, and the economics, and the social and law
enforcement policies and practices of this newish empire. Or when it chooses,
as it has begun now to do as a necessary part of its desire to survive and
prosper, to ignore the 'due process' which was fundamental to the birth of the
American nation.
From all such things we stand aloof, as artists, alchemists, of the acausal:
undistracted by such mundane concerns, and instead concerning ourselves with
pursuing our personal and our centuries-long esoteric aims and goals, in our
own way, as a growing family, and in our own species of time; learning from,
and contributing to, our ancestral pathei-mathos

2013ev Note: This is an edited transcript of the rst part of a talk given by AL at the rst overseas
ONA Sunedrion, held in a Sapphic/gay friendly hotel in the 'Sunshine State' a few years ago and
attended by those in the Americas who had achieved the grade of Internal Adept. The Sunedrion
also included several specially invited guests, including one from Canada, two from South
America, and two of the three invited from the States (an invited guest from the 'Golden State'
having declined the invitation to attend).
The Methods and Tradition of The Seven Fold Way
Introduction - The Methods
The Seven Fold Way of the traditional nexions of the Order of Nine Angles is a
dicult and life-long personal commitment, and involves three basic methods:
(1) practical experience, both esoteric and exoteric; (2) a learning from that
experience; and (3) a progression toward a certain specic personal goal.
1. This means the individual acquires practical experience of both of the
Occult/TheDarkArts [External, Internal and Aeonic sorcery] and of doing
sinister (amoral and exeatic) deeds in the real world.
2. This means that the individual learns from their errors, their mistakes, and
their success - a learning requiring self-honesty, interior reexion, and a
rational awareness of themselves into relation to their life-long quest: that is, in
relation to the goal.
3. This means that (1) and (2) occur again and again until the long-term goal is
reached - a process traditionally represented by the seven stages of the Tree of
Wyrd, involving the progress from Neophyte to Magus/Mousa. The actual aim is
to progress toward, into, and beyond, The Abyss: which rencounter is: (a)
exoterically, the genesis of the new type of human being which it is one of the
aims of the ONA to facilitate, as prelude to our New Aeon and as a
manifestation, a presencing, of that new Aeon; and (b) esoterically, the genesis
of individual wisdom and a prelude to a possible transition toward the next and
nal stage, that of gnosis, of 'immortality' in the realms of the acausal.
These methods are personal, direct, individual. They require that the individual
take responsibility for themselves; is not bound by any restrictions or any
morality, and learns not from books or texts or from someone else but rather by
practical experience extending over a period of several decades.
The Tradition
Each of these stages is associated with specic tasks, which are outlined in the
two compilations The Requisite ONA and The Sinister Abyssal Nexion and
which two compilations of texts enable anyone to learn and experience for
themselves, at their own pace.
Furthermore, each stage is only a stage, part of the anados - the esoteric way
upward through the seven spheres. Thus, the practice of traditional external
sorcery ('results magick'), as outlined in texts such as Naos, occurs in the early
stages and lasts but a short time (in terms of the anados), with the individual
personally learning that such practical experience, and the self-understanding
that results, forms a necessary foundation for the following stages when the
external gives way to (a) the internal (as in the rite of Internal Adept) and
thence to (b) the aeonic (as in the rite of The Abyss).
As has been mentioned elsewhere, to reach the stage on Internal Adept takes at
least ve years of eort and experience, with that stage lasting from ve to
eleven, or more, years. Thus, it takes a minimum of ten years before an
individual of our tradition is ready to begin the necessary preparations to
attempt The Abyss, during which years they must have spent six months in the
wilderness (to develope the faculty of Dark Empathy); gained prociency in
Esoteric Chant (and thus been a cantor in an esoteric musical group); mastered
the advanced form of The Star Game (and so developed the basics of Acausal
Thinking); have undertaken The Ceremony of Recalling with opfer ending;
undertaken several challenging Insight Roles each lasting a year or more;
organized and run an esoteric group (a nexion) thus gaining practical
experience in External, Internal, and Aeonic Sorcery; and so on.
The necessary preparations for an Internal Adept to attempt The Abyss take at
least another ve years (more usually ten years), making it at least fteen years
(more usually twenty) before an individual of our tradition is procient,
experienced, learned, mature, skilled, cultured, enough to attempt The Abyss.
These necessary preparations involve the Internal Adept in, over a period of
some years, experiencing, and learning from, the numinous - as opposed to the
previously experienced sinister - aspects of themselves and of Life; then
developing this numinous and empathic aspect of themselves, then fully
integrating this aspect with its opposite, to nally dissolve (then go beyond)
both. Furthermore, this process is not a series of given, specic, Insight Roles,
but instead a re-orientation of consciousness, emotions, and psyche, followed by
the years-long living of the life of the new individual that results, followed -
when the causal Time be right - by the deliberate, conscious, unication of this
with its opposite, followed by a years-long living of the life of the new individual
that results, followed by the annihilation of both; an annihilation which is the
essence of The Abyss.
Obviously, such preparations are both dicult and dangerous, for the
individual, and most individuals will fail, usually for one of the following
reasons: (1) because the numinous aspect draws them permanently away from
their esoteric quest; (2) because they cannot fully embrace the numinous since
they cannot overcome the causal illusion of the self, and thus cannot overcome
their egotism, their arrogance, their pride, their sense of personal Destiny, their
addiction to the sinister; (3) because they cannot integrate these apparently
conicting opposites of numinous and sinister; (4) because even if they succeed
in the necessary alchemical melding of seeming opposites (Sol/Luna;
Lightning/Sun; Light/Dark), they fail to annihilate (transmute/transform) the
amalgam that results and so fail to give birth to a new specimen of Homo
The Tradition of Esoteric Learning
For millennia, according to aural tradition, esoteric knowledge - the methods,
the means, required for an individual to acquire wisdom - The Philosophers
Stone (aka the stage of Immortal) - has been learnt from a few reclusive
Adepts, with this knowledge being concerned with three traditional things: (1)
the slow process of an internal, alchemical, decades-long change in the
individual as a result of direct esoteric and exoteric personal experience and the
learning from that experience - that is, the numinous authority of pathei-
mathos; (2) a certain and limited personal guidance - from one of those more
experienced in such matters - on a direct individual basis (person to person), if
such advice be sought; and (3) the cultivation of the virtue of , manifest as
this is in a noble, a cultured, a learned, personal character.
These three things were and are, for instance, manifest in the Inner Order of
Nine Angles [ 9 ], which basically is akin to an extended family, consisting as
it does of individuals, known to each other personally, from traditional nexions,
of the Grade of Internal Adept and above, who possess the faculty of esoteric
empathy and certain other personal qualities; who oer guidance on a personal
basis to one or more individuals following The Seven Fold Way, and who have
the knowledge to prepare individuals for the ordeals of The Abyss.
Thus, there was for millennia and still is in traditional nexions, an
understanding that knowledge was mostly to be acquired aurally, from someone
of experience and learning; although some knowledge could be acquired by
means of patient, scholarly, and personal research. There was also an
understanding that genuine wisdom takes a certain duration - decades - of
causal Time to be attained, and cannot be hurried and often requires a reclusive
personal existence. There was an understanding of the need to develope a
cultured, and learned, personal character founded on and maintained by the
principle of personal and kindred honour as manifest in the O9A Code of
Kindred Honour, as there developed an appreciation of the cosmic perspective,
of the Adept in the supra-personal context of Aeons and in relation to the
Cosmos. For the essence of our esotericism lies in this knowledge of ourselves
as but one nexion, suspended between causal and acausal Time - one means to
presence one more Aeon, one possibility to move toward a new acausal life.
Such qualities, such an appreciation, and such understanding of the slow
personal progress toward esoteric wisdom, are what have now been overlooked,
forgotten, or scorned, by those who in their hasty search for answers have come
to rely upon, or who value, the modern rapid means of modern communication
that have been developed.
The Seven Fold Way, correctly understood, and as described in the
aforementioned two O9A compilations, is therefore simply one practical tried
and tested means whereby an individual, working on their own, may via the
necessary internal transformation come to discover, to live, to know, to add to,
the esoteric pathei-mathos that is the beginning of wisdom and which beginning
has been traditionally signied by the personal discovery of Lapis
Philosophicus. Hence why the Seven Fold Way of the Order of Nine Angles
continues and enshrines the centuries-old tradition of esoteric learning.
Anton Long
122 Year of Fayen
(Revised March 123)
Editorial Note: This is Anton Long's slightly revised version of an article he rst published on his
now defunct 'nexionzero' weblog and subsequently included in his text The Sinister Abyssal
The Pagan Mysticism Of The O9A
This essay provides details in respect of the assertion, made in my 2014 essay
O9A Esotericism, An Initiated Apprehension, that:
"The initiated apprehension of O9A [Order of Nine Angles] esotericism
is of a particular, modern, and occult, weltanschauung that melds
aspects of ancient hermetic mysticism, and certain pagan traditions,
with a personal exoteric and esoteric pathei-mathos."
The Mystic Tradition
Understood esoterically {1}, the term mysticism {2} describes those
weltanschauungen based on the principle that certain truths, of a non-temporal
or 'spiritual' nature, can be apprehended by certain means including (i) the
performance of particular sacred (mystical) ceremonies or rites, (ii) by dramatic
or symbolic or allegorical re-presentations of certain mysteries, (iii) by an
anados (, a spiritual or esoteric or occult journey) whose goal is either a
seless awareness of Theos/mundus/the-numinous or an actual dissolution of
the self into Theos/mundus/the-numinous, and (iv) by means such as a
contemplative, or eremitic, or a reclusive way of life.
Mysticism thus includes not only the Christian contemplative tradition, and
groups such as The Religious Society of Friends, but also the rites, ceremonies,
and beliefs of Ancient Egypt and places such as Iran {3}, the Hellenic
hermeticism described in the Pymander text {4}, and the ancient paganism of
the classical, the Greco-Roman, world. According to a modern initiate, the
classical pagan weltanschauung was:
An apprehension of the complete unity (a cosmic order, ,
mundus) beyond the apparent parts of that unity, together with the
perceiveration that we mortals albeit a mere and fallible part of the
unity have been gifted with our existence so that we may perceive
and understand this unity, and, having so perceived, may ourselves
seek to be whole, and thus become as balanced (perfectus), as
harmonious, as the unity itself:
"Neque enim est quicquam aliud praeter mundum quoi nihil absit
quodque undique aptum atque perfectum expletumque sit omnibus
suis numeris et partibus [...] ipse autem homo ortus est ad mundum
contemplandum et imitandum nullo modo perfectus, sed est
quaedam particula perfecti." [M. Tullius Cicero, De Natura Deorum, Liber
Secundus, xiii, xiv, 37] {5}
The O9A Tradition Of Empathic Knowing And Acausal-Thinking
One of the axioms of the esoteric philosophy of the O9A {6} is that it is really
only possible to apprehend the realm of the acausal (which realm includes but is
not limited to the supernatural) by using our (mostly latent) human faculty of
empathy of empathic wordless knowing and by developing new faculties,
such as the one the O9A term acausal-thinking.
1. Empathic Knowing
The latent faculty of empathy can, according to the O9A, be cultivated by the
O9A Seven Fold Way by the three to six month long Rite of Internal Adept and
by the Camlad Rite of The Abyss {7} - while the skill or art of empathic knowing
forms the basis of the O9A Rounwytha Tradition.
Of the Rite of Internal Adept, Anton Long wrote in a 1970s typewritten MSS,
that "[developing such] empathy is the only aim of the grade ritual of internal
adept and, indeed, of initiation itself." {8}
In respect of the Rounwytha Tradition:
"The Rounwytha Way also known as the rouning is an aural pagan
esoteric tradition, indigenous to a particular rural area of the British
isles, of a few empaths [The tradition is one of] a very individual and
always wordless awareness, an intuitive apprehension, arising from a
natural gift (a natural talent) or from that faculty of empathy that can
be cultivated according to tradition by a person undertaking to live
alone in the wilderness for around six months and then, some years
later, undertaking to live alone for a lunar month in a darkened cave
or some subterranean location. In essence, the Rounwytha Way is a
manifestation a presencing of the muliebral, especially the 'acausal
knowing' that arises from empathy with Nature." {9}
Thus for the O9A the development of empathic acausal knowing that is,
esoteric empathy is not only a but also a means whereby certain
truths of a non-temporal nature can be apprehended.
2. Acausal-Thinking
According to the O9A, the new faculty of 'acausal thinking' enables a person to
apprehend and to communicate by means of what the O9A describe as an
esoteric language:
"An esoteric language is basically a particular means of
communication dependent on certain esoteric (Occult) skills/abilities,
and which language is often non-verbal in nature and often employs
symbols (as in The Star Game) or aective aliquantals of acausal
energy (as in esoteric-empathy). As with ordinary language, such
languages involve a denoting and an accepted, a shared,
understanding of what such specic denoting refers to. In addition, an
esoteric language can, if correctly employed, function simultaneously
on two levels the aective and the eective; that is, the acausal and
the causal. The eective level is that of communication between
sentient human beings where meaning is exchanged; while the
aective level is that of transforming/changing/developing (mostly of
consciousness, of being) in an esoteric (acausal) way the individual or
individuals employing the language.
The Star Game (TSG) by which is meant the advanced form of 'the
game' is, currently, the language, the only language, of acausal-
thinking; of thinking not by words but by means of adunations, their
collocations, and their interaction and changes in four-dimensions,
and which interactions of necessity include the 'player' or 'players'.
Thus, the 'sentences' of this particular esoteric language this
langage are not static but rather the movement and the changes
the uxion of adunations, with the manner, the arrangement/pattern,
of the movement and the changes and the temporary meanings
assigned to the adunations intimating the 'meaning'/content of a
particular sentence in particular moments of causal Time.
Using the language of TSG is, like Esoteric Chant, not only sorcery
internal, external, Aeonic but also and perhaps more importantly a
means to acausal-knowing: to discovering the essences that have
become hidden by morality, by abstractions and by the illusion of
opposites, and which opposites include the dichotomy of sinister and
numinous (light and dark; good and bad) and the illusion of our own
separation from the acausal." {10}
The O9A Anados And The Eremitic Magus
The O9A praxis termed the Seven Fold Way is essentially a practical modern
anados; an occult journey through seven symbolic spheres {11}. However, unlike
the description of such a journey in the ancient Hermetic Pymander text where
the goal is becoming "united with theos", the goal is understood in the Seven
Fold Way as egressing into the realms of the acausal. Thus, as I mentioned in a
previous essay:
"One of the most outr (and neglected) aspects of the esoteric
philosophy that the Order of Nine Angles represents and presences is
that the last stage, the goal, of their hermetic initiatory Seven Fold
Way, the stage of Immortal, cannot be attained by a living human
being. This means and implies that, in accordance with their ancient
hermetic tradition, the O9A postulate, accept, and promulgate, a
belief in a life an existence beyond our mortal death, most
probably in that realm which the O9A term the acausal." {12}
The goal of the Seven Fold Way is therefore not only the personal discovery of
wisdom {13} but also of a means whereby such an acausal, immortal, existence
can be achieved. In that respect, Anton Long rather cryptically wrote:
"The wisdom acquired, the nding of lapis philosophicus during the
penultimate stage of the Way, means two particular things, and always
has done. (i) living in propria persona, in a private manner and sans
all posing, all rhetoric, all pomposity, all ideations; and (ii) having an
appreciation, an awareness (sans words, ritual, thought) of what is
now sometimes known as the acausal of Nature, the Cosmos, of the
connexions that bind life and thus of the illusion that is the individual
will, and which illusion sillily causes a person to believe 'they' are or
can be 'in control'. These two things form the basis of a particular and
reclusive way of life of a particular type of person: the type known, in
one locality, as the rounerer of The Rouning." {14}
This rather neatly 'closes the O9A circle', with the O9A Ouroboros symbolizing
the initiate at the very end of their decades-long occult journey having
experienced and known in a very practical manner both the sinister and the
numinous and which "knowing and feeling so profoundly aect the person that
they are transformed into a new variety of human being" ending as a rounerer,
that is, living in a very pagan an almost rounwythian type of way; the ancient
way of the Camlad tradition.
For a rounerer is an eremite; an outwardly undistinguished someone who (i)
wanders, with mystic intent and in accord with the O9A code, from place to
place, either alone or with a trusted companion, perhaps very occasionally
imparting some esoteric wisdom or seeking some new recruit, or who (ii) has
retired to be away from the mundane world and who lives (sometimes but not
always in a rural location) alone, or with a companion, or who dwells nearby
rounwythian kin and thus whose very way of living, through the physis so
gained via their anados and the O9A code, is an act of sorcery.
Thus the O9A Grand Master/Grand Mistress the O9A Magus/Magistra while
living in a manner consistent with the underlying pagan mysticism of the O9A,
is most certainly not the type of person the majority of non-initiates would
With its modern anados of the Seven Fold Way, with its 'dark arts' of acausal-
thinking and esoteric-empathy/empathic-knowing, with its rural Rounwytha way
and its eremitic magus/magistra, the O9A most certainly has a distinct mystical
tradition rmly rooted in ancient pagan mysticism. Thus it would perhaps be
more apt to describe O9A initiates as modern mystics rather than as 'satanists'
or followers of a Western, occult, Left Hand Path.
For the truths, the perception and the understanding, which initiates of the O9A
mystic (or the 'sinisterly-numinous') tradition personally discover are (i) the
unity the mundus, the Being beyond the apparent opposites of 'sinister' and
'numinous', of causal/acausal, of masculous/muliebral, a unity indescribable by
ordinary language but apprehensible by esoteric languages and a particular
manner of living, and (ii) the transient, temporal, nature of human
manufactured causal abstractions and ideations, and (iii) of an attainable
acausal existence beyond our mortal death.
R. Parker
{1} According to the O9A, and as described in the article The Adeptus Way and
The Sinisterly-Numinous, written by Anton Long and dated 122 yfayen:
"By esoteric we mean not only the standard denition given in the Oxford
English Dictionary, which is:
"From the Greek -. Of philosophical doctrines, treatises,
modes of speech. Designed for, or appropriate to, an inner circle of
advanced or privileged disciples; communicated to, or intelligible by,
the initiated exclusively. Hence of disciples: Belonging to the inner
circle, admitted to the esoteric teaching."
but also and importantly pertaining to the Occult Arts and imbued with a
certain mystery, and redolent of the sinister, or of the numinous, or of what we
term 'the sinisterly-numinous', and where by Occult in this context we mean
beyond the mundane, beyond the simple causality of the causal, and thus
beyond conventional causal-knowing." [Source, available as of August 2014, ]
{2} The words 'mystical' and 'mysticism' are derived from the term mystic, the
etymology and English usage of which are:
i) Etymology:
Classical Latin mysticus, relating to sacred mysteries, mysterious;
Post-classical Latin, in addition to the above: symbolic, allegorical;
Ancient Greek , relating to sacred mysteries;
Hellenistic Greek , initiate; plural, ; also: symbolic,
allegorical, spiritual, esoteric, mysterious, occult;
Byzantine Greek (5th century CE) , mystical doctrine.
ii) English usage:
noun: symbolic, allegorical (c. 1350);
noun: an exponent or advocate of mystical theology;
noun: a person who by means such as contemplation desires a
seless awareness of God or 'the cosmic order' (mundus), or who
accepts that there is a spiritual apprehension of certain truths which
transcend the temporal;
adjective: esoteric, mysterious, [equivalent in usage to 'mystical']
adjective: of or relating to esoteric rites [equivalent in usage to
{3} In respect of ancient Iran, qv. Reitzenstein and Schaeder: Studien zum
antiken Synkretismus aus Iran und Griechenland, (Studien der Bibliothek
Warburg), Teubner, Leipzig, 1926
{4} qv. Poemandres: A Translation and Commentary, by David Myatt, ISBN
{5} Myatt, David: Education And The Culture Of Pathei-Mathos, e-text, May
2014. Available (as of August 2014) at
{6} In respect of O9A esoteric philosophy, qv. R. Parker: The Esoteric
Philosophy Of The Order Of Nine Angles -
An Introduction, e-text, 2014.
In talking and writing about the O9A we are, in essence, talking and writing
about (i) the esoteric philosophy advanced by the pseudonymous Anton Long
between the 1970s and 2011, and about (ii) the praxises, such as the Seven Fold
Way, he developed as a result of (a) the various pagan traditions he inherited
and (b) his own pathei-mathos.
{7} Both of these 'seven fold way' rites involve the individual living alone,
bereft of human contact and of all human inuence, for a particular length of
time. In the wilderness forests, mountains, deserts in the case of Internal
Adept; and in a chthonic place (such as a dark cave) in the case of The Abyss.
{8} The MS, which concerned the O9A 'rite of nine angles', was published in
the 1980s in Stephen Sennitt's LHP Nox zine, and was later included in
Sennitt's book The Infernal Texts: Nox & Liber Koth (Falcon Publications, 1997).
{9} R. Parker: Some Notes On The Rounwytha Way, e-text, 2014.
{10} Anton Long: Language, Abstractions, and Nexions, e-text, 122 Year of
{11} For a description of, and the ancient hermetic roots of, the O9A Seven
Fold Way refer to R. Parker, Perusing The Seven Fold Way Historical Origins
Of The Septenary System Of The Order of Nine Angles, e-text, 2014.
{12} R. Parker: The Septenary Anados, and Life After Death, In The Esoteric
Philosophy of The Order of Nine Angles, e-text, 2013.
{13} Esoterically, the term wisdom, according to Anton Long in his essay Pathei
Mathos and the Initiatory Occult Quest, implies "not only the standard
dictionary denition a balanced personal judgement; having discernment but
also the older sense of having certain knowledge of a pagan, Occult, kind to do
with livings beings, human nature, and concerning Nature and 'the heavens'. To
wit, possessing certain faculties, such as esoteric-empathy, a knowing of one's
self; possessing an Aeonic knowing; and thus knowing Reality beyond, and sans,
all causal abstractions."
{14} Anton Long: The Enigmatic Truth, e-text, dated December 2011 CE. That
essay, and its companion essay which was simply entitled Lapis Philosophicus,
were the last writings written by Anton Long.
In respect of Anton Long's use of the phrase in propria persona, I have
mentioned elsewhere that "the term in propria persona has a long literary and
scholarly usage beyond its more recent legal connotations (legal connotations
which someone searching the internet will nd and assume describe the
meaning of the term). The literary and scholarly usage includes the sense of
someone speaking 'in propria persona', as opposed (for example) to 'the passive
voice'. Thus, someone living 'in propria persona' would suggest something to
the intelligentsia as [Anton Long's] quotation would."
The quotation, and the source, included in Anton Long's text are:
"He wolde be in his owne persone, the example of our hole iourney."
William Bonde [lector philosophiae] The Pylgrimage of Perfection
(1526 ce), i. sig. Dvi.
O9A Esotericism:
An Initiated Apprehension
The term 'O9A esotericism' refers to the occult {1} weltanschauung of the Order
of Nine Angles (O9A/ONA) as developed and expounded by the pseudonymous
Anton Long in various writings between the 1970s and 2011 {2}, and which
particular esotericism includes not only an esoteric philosophy {3} but also
practical artisements {4} of 'an esoteric nature', such as the learning and the
practice of certain occult skills and also various 'dark', or occult, arts. Among
the occult skills and 'dark arts' of the O9A {5} are (i) the structured pathei-
mathos of the anogenic Seven Fold Way, (ii) practical internal, external, and
aeonic, sorcery, (ii) acausal (or esoteric) empathy, and (iii) acausal thinking.
The initiated apprehension of O9A esotericism is of a particular, modern, and
occult, weltanschauung that melds aspects of ancient hermetic mysticism, and
certain pagan traditions, with a personal exoteric and esoteric pathei-mathos.
Esoterically, this occult weltanschauung is a new logos that is, a new
perceiveration and a new way of living and a new ethos and one which the
term 'the sinisterly-numinous' reasonably well describes, for it is a balancing of
(i) the previous 'numinous logos' which became manifest, over two millennia
ago, in causal forms such as gnosticism and Christianity, with (ii) what is
'sinister' (which is and has been manifest in various causal forms, such as
'traditional satanism' and occult antinomianism), and which balancing, involving
as it does various practical means and thus a personal pathei-mathos, enables
rst a return to the Unity beyond all causal forms and thence a conscious
evolution of ourselves, as individuals.
Exoterically, this new logos is manifest presenced by three things. (i) By a
particular understanding of Reality and especially of the supernatural, the
occult evident in the ontology of causal, acausal, and acausal energy; (ii) by
the code of kindred honour (the O9A code of ethics); and (iii) by the primacy of
pathei-mathos, of each individual learning from their own experiences and
which experiences are and should be (in order to cultivate the necessary
sinisterly-numinous apprehension) both exoteric and occult, and thus in respect
of the individual both external and internal.
Thus, esoterically understood, the Order of Nine Angles is a distinct, and new,
esoteric path or way, and one way-marked by an accumulated (an ancestral) and
an accumulating (a developing) esoteric pathei-mathos. This esoteric path (i)
presents a particular logos, and (ii) oers various praxises (derived from
personal experience and an ancestral pathei-mathos) whereby individuals can
cultivate and then live a sinisterly-numinous apprehension. Hence why 'being
O9A' simply means living by the O9A code and using one or more O9A praxises
in order to cultivate that sinisterly-numinous apprehension which is the
beginning of wisdom, with wisdom esoterically understood being a balanced
personal judgement together with a particular learned knowledge of a pagan,
occult, kind concerning livings beings, human nature, Nature, and 'the
heavens', the cosmic order {6}.
Furthermore, in its essence this practical O9A path, or way, is not 'satanic', not
a 'left hand path', and not a 'right hand path', even though it has elements
which could be described by such conventional terms. It is just dierent,
unique, new.
A Labyrinthine Labyrinth
From its beginnings in the early 1970s, the Order of Nine Angles has had, quite
intentionally, an inner core obscured by various outer layers. Thus its exoteric,
external, appearance does not necessarily reect its esoteric essence, and
which exoteric appearance serves and has served a particular and practical
purpose, as the O9A mythos serves and has served a particular and practical
purpose in (i) generating interest both in that external appearance and in the
inner essence concealed within, and (ii) in presenting certain and sometimes
controversial, sometimes adversarial esoteric apprehensions.
To access the inner core, an individual has to work their way through the outer
layers which, together, form a labyrinth; a labyrinth so labyrinthine that it is
easy for a person to become confused, lose their way, or (more usually) just give
up. Some individuals, however, inspired (or re-inspired) as they are by the O9A
mythos, do succeed. Thus there is, for every candidate every potential
member of the O9A kindred an initial test, involving them navigating the
labyrinth on their own, without any guidance.
What they nd to the dismay of many is nothing mysterious or 'satanic' or
exceptional or dicult to understand or even really secret. For it is only (i) a
particular pagan mysticism, and (ii) a particular way of life, and (iii) an
individual occult journey (an anados) that will last for several decades, and a
journey and a way of life which, if they embark upon them, will take them from
'the sinister' toward 'the numinous' and thence toward what is beyond both
those causal forms.
For the essence of that particular of O9A pagan mysticism is the
apprehension of ourselves as a nexion, of acausal energy, of the transient nature
of all causal forms/ideations {7}, and of a possible, and consciously individually
achieved, acausal ('immortal') existence beyond our mortal (causal) death sans
any previously posited primal cause or causes such as Theos, a theos, theoi, or
some inscrutable mechanism such as karma. An existence achievable, according
to this particular mysticism, by an individual anados such as the Seven Fold Way
{8} and/or by living according to the O9A code because such a living presences
within the individual the necessary acausal energy.
R. Parker
{1} The term 'occult' is used by the O9A to refer to what is "hidden from normal apprehension;
concerned with the supernatural; abstruse; mysterious; of or relating to various practical arts or
skills considered to involve agencies or considered to derive from causes of a mysterious, or
supernatural, or anoetic, or esoteric, nature".
{2} These dates are, in my opinion, signicant because the weltanschauung of the Order of Nine
Angles was not, as many have assumed, completely described in early (1980s and 1990s) texts by
Anton Long, such as Naos. That is, it was only fully described by him, in detail and its
completeness, over a period of several decades often as a result of his own practical occult, and
exoteric, experiences, and especially as a result of his own journey along the seven fold way, from
an Internal Adept in the late 1970s to The Abyss in the early 1990s and thence, in the early to mid
noughties, to Mage. Many of the early texts thus simply contained old aural traditions he
inherited, or his own theoretical notes about the seven fold way he rened and the theory of the
acausal that he developed.
There is therefore and perhaps intentionally no one denitive book or text written by him which
describes O9A esotericism (O9A mysticism and praxises) in detail, and thus no 'old, original'
1980s/1990s ONA and no 'reformed or revisionist' noughties ONA. There is only the occult
weltanschauung he described in voluminous writings from the 1970s to his retirement in 2011,
and which volume of writings all have to be read and (perhaps as was his intention) considered
together in order to fully understand, and possibly personally interpret, that occult
weltanschauung. For, correctly understood, that occult weltanschauung is just like the O9A
only the particular occult path that Anton Long developed by combining the occult aural traditions
he inherited and the personal pathei-mathos that resulted from his (still unique) almost ve
decade long 'sinisterly-numinous' occult quest.
Thus, the O9A and O9A esotericism are the Logos 'the word' of Anton Long the Mage.
{3} qv. R. Parker, The Esoteric Philosophy Of The Order Of Nine Angles An Introduction. e-text,
2014. The text is included in the Denitive Guide To The Order of Nine Angles (Fourth Edition,
1383 pages, pdf 54 Mb), 2014.
{4} The word artisements/artizements is derived from artize "to practice or to have an
occupation that involves a particular skill or craft, especially those of an artisan" and refers to
the skills, arts, craft, or abilities, that are practised by a person or which are employed by an
{5} qv. (i) Anton Long, Pathei-Mathos and The Initiatory Occult Quest, (2011) in the compilation
Empathy, Pathei-Mathos, and the Aeonic Perspective; (ii) Anton Long, The Dark Arts of The
Sinister Way, 119 yf (revised 122 yf).
Both of the above texts are included in the Denitive Guide To The Order of Nine Angles (Fourth
Edition, 1383 pages, pdf 54 Mb), 2014.
{6} Anton Long, Pathei-Mathos and The Initiatory Occult Quest, (2011).
{7} The transient nature of all causal forms/ideations forms the basis for the O9A's 'aeonic
perspective' and thus for its aeonic strategy regarding undermining existing societies and aiding
our evolution as human beings by means of new ways of communal living based on the O9A code
of kindred honour.
{8} Details of the Seven Fold Way are given in the Denitive Guide To The Order of Nine Angles
(Fourth Edition, 1383 pages, pdf 54 Mb), 2014, and which guide not only places the Seven Fold
Way into the correct historical perspective but also contains the two necessary detailed practical
guides: (i) the 981 page The Requisite ONA dealing with the stages up to and including that of
Internal Adept, and (ii) Enantiodromia The Sinister Abyssal Nexion which deals with the Passing
of The Abyss and the occult Grade beyond Internal Adept.

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