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CT1000 v. 4 ENG Februar 2007

Manual - CT1000 - Keypad

CT 1000 is a flexible Keypad for applications in very different fields: At normal work the yellow LED is lit
(the left one). Activation by a confirmed Code (code followed by #), the yellow and the green LED are lit for
the activation time. If not confirmed ... the red LED is lit shortly. There is a buzzer integrated also for
indication, either confirmed/not confirmed Code ( 2 different sounds). Additional the buzzer can be
activated directly by GND on the brown wire.
At 4 wrong Codes, the Keypad is bloked for 1 minut (red LED flashing)

Stainless steel plate for montage Frame for montage

The Keypad can be mounted directly on a wall/wood/etc,
or by the Plate or the Frame.

The Codes are stored in the positions from 1 til 28. At delivery the code 1234 is programmed into pos 1.
The Mastercode (MC) is default 4711.
Codes can be progarmmed/changed or deleted by the Mastercode(MC):

Codes overview - CT1000

Pos Code Name Pos Code Name
1 1234 15
2 16
3 17
4 18
5 19
6 20
7 21
8 22
9 23
10 24
11 25
12 26
13 27
14 28
Programming The Codes:
1: Key in the MC# (Gren LED is lit)
2: Key in the Pos nr #, (from 1 to 28)
3: Key in the Code # (from 1 to 8 digits)
For more codes repeat from 2: etc.

Change the Codes:
Follow the above it is just to overwrite the Codes.

Delete the Codes:
Follow the abouve. Under 3 just key # then the key is deleted.

Delete all Codes:
Key in the MC# 2500# - all usercodes are then deleted.

Exit the programming mode:
Time up is 10 sec. Automatically exit 10 sec after the last key in.
Alternativ key in #.

Ex 1: 4711# 2# 345678# followed by # . The Code 345678 is now
activ, placed in pos 2.

Ex 2: 4711# 2# 897 # followed by #. The Code 897 is now
activ, placed in pos 2. The old code is deleted (overwritten).

Ex 3: 4711# 2 # #, The Code is now deleted.

Ex 4: 4711# 2500# - All User Codes is now deleted.

Installing your new CT1000 Keypad

Wire Colour
Keypad Inst
Function Description Assambly box
Connection nr
Red + 12 V DC Supply, 9 - 17 V/ 100mA 13
Black 0 V, GND Supply 14
Yellow OC output, 500 mA.
0V active
Output for door opening,
relay, alarm etc.
Green 0 V active green LED Extern controlling 17
White Output, 500 mA Output for bell/codes 18
Brown Buzzer/Hold/lock Extern controlling, 0V active 19
Orange 0V active red LED Extern controlling 16
Blue 0V active for REX.
REX -time as for impuls
Extern controlling of output
From Inst Supply to the system AC/DC 12-27 V 7
From Inst Supply to the system AC/DC 12-27 V 8
To door Relay NC 10
To door Relay C 11
To door Relay NO 12
To REX REX buttom For door opening 5
To REX REX buttom For door opening 6
Signal/ door. Buzzer/ Hold External buzzer/Door contact 9 / 9 und 5
Information in the frame is for using the assembly box in connection to the CT1000/PR1000

Advanced options in the CT 1000 Keypad:
Generally it is the installer who is setting up the parameters /programming of the Keypad.
For the programming there is the default values for:
Servicecode (SC) 12347890, placed in pos 01.
Mastercode (MC) 4711, placed in pos 00.

SC # 0250 # - The Keypad is now back in the factory default.
(Note that the function of the SC depends on conditions, see ***)

Manuel Reset of the CT 1000:
Make a short circuit between the yellow and the brown wire. (It can be done moving the jumper up in the assambly box
art 460090) Connect the power. Remove the short circuit. Now the Keypad is back in factory default.

Ex 1: SC#, 00#, 47899#, #, - 47899 is now activ as MC.
Ex 2: SC#,01#,151618#, # - 151618 is now activ as SC
Ex 3: SC#, 0250#, # - The Keypad is reset to factory default.

Set up by servicecode (SC):

Generally: The MC is to programm/delete/change the user code.

MC gives access to pos 1 28 where the usercode is placed.

SC gives additional access to the following positions

Configuration of the Keypad:

Overview and options by the SC (servicecode): Programming
Key in SC followed by # etc.
Position Factory default Function Description Programming New value
00 4711 Masterkode (MC) 00 # nnnnnnnn#
01 12347890 Servicekode (SC) 01 # nnnnnnnn#
02 see * 31 LED settings Yellow as normal,
Yellow, green as activ
02 # nn # se *
03 see ** 5 Output time for the
impuls lenght
Output (white), for
03# 0=toggle, n in sec
04 see ** 5 Output time for the
impuls lenght
Output (yellow) for
door etc.
04 # 0=toggle, n i
05 see *** 0 Setting of Functions Variables for buzzer,
hold, SC etc
05 # nnn # se **
06 see +++ 29 Activation of output
for bell/codes
Output for bell (29),
codes >xx
06# nn# se +++

* : Explanation to position 02: LED indication/lighting: (default = 31)
By choosing the nn (table) the LED lighting for NORMAL and ACTIV (approved code) is as following:

Value in nn Yellow LED Green LED Red LED
NORMAL 01 02 04
ACTIV 10 20 40

Example: Default in pos 02 = 31 (It is 01 + 10 + 20). 01 for Yellow in NORMAL.
10 + 20 for Yellow and Green in ACTIV.
Example1: NORMAL Green. ACTIV Red. It is 02 + 40 = 42
SC# 02# 42#, #. Is working now.

Example 2: NORMAL nothing. ACTIV Yellow. It is 0 + 10 = 10
SC# 02# 10#,#. It is working now.
** : Explanation to pos 04: Length of output time(from 0 to 100 in sec/101-199 in min, e.g. 104 = 4 min)

Default 04 = 5 (It is 5 sec.). Impulse length 5 sec.
Example 1: Output activ for 60 sec: (It is 60)
SC# 04# 60#, #. It is working now.
Example 2: Output activ for 6 min.: (It is 106)
SC# 04# 106#, #. It is working now.
Example 3: Output as toggle (on/off) (It is 0)
SC# 04# 0#, #. It is working now.

** : Explanation to pos 03: The keypad has 2 outputs. Output (white) can be activated by bell or codes. See pos 6+++: In pos 3, the time can be
set. 0= toggle, n in sec. Example: 03# = 8, the white output will be active in 8 sec.

*** : Explanation to pos 05: Buzzer, toggle, SC cond, Hold, etc.
Default 05=00: It is Buzzer on and all other in off mode.

Value of nn ON OFF
Buzzer 0 1
Toggle mode, (for 8 digit codes) 2 0
SC: Power on/off for function. 4 0
Output (yellow) inverted 8 0
Hold function (in 1 min) 16 0
Lock L2H 32 0
Lock H2L 64 0
Add the number for programming
Example 1: No Buzzer(1), and toggle for 8 digit codes (2).
Value fro programming 1+2=3
SC# 05# 3#, # . It is working now.
Example 2: Buzzer on, Lock H2L on. (The output stops for 0 V active).
SC# 05# 64#, #
Example 3: Buzzer on, hold on (within 1 min the output can be activated, 0V active).
SC# 05# 16#,#. It is working now.

+++ : Explanation to pos 06: Programming from where the (white) output has to be controlled. Default 04 = 29,
all codes control the yellow output and the bell controls the white output. There is 28 pos for codes. The first will
always control the yellow output. For 06=18, the codes from 1 to 18 controls the yellow output. From pos 19 to 28 will
control the white output.
Supply: +9 17 V DC, 30 mA
Output (yellow core): max 500 mA
Output (white core): max 500 mA
External controlling buzzer, red and green LED
External controlling buzzer, hold and lock
Temperature: -30 to + 80 C
Humidity: 100%, IP 67
Color: Black, optional white.
Dimension: HxWxT (mm) 130x50x8
Cable: 8 core, 2,5 m.

Item number:

Item nr.: 460100 CT1000 Keypad
Item nr.: 460090 CVT6 Assembly box
Item nr.: 460101 PR1000 Prox Reader
Item nr.: 460099 CT1000 Keypad and CVT6 Ass box

Good look and thank you for choosing Conlan.
Mounting the Conlan reader

Direct mounting by help of screws, plugs or by help of the Steel Plate or the Frame as written

Art. Nr. 460081 Steel Plate/Mounting Plate:
The Stainless Steel Plate makes easy and fast
montage on any surface.

The Stainless Steel Plate contains:
1 Pcs 2 mm Steel Plate
4 Pcs Machine screws M3x10
2 Pcs Screws 4x40
2 Pcs Plugs 6x30

Art. Nr. 460030 Frame for montage (white RAL 9016)
Frame for easy and fast montage
On any surface. Blanketter for cable outcome in all directions.
Art. nr. 460039 (Silver RAL 9006)
Art. Nr. 460035 (Anthracite grey 7016)
Other color on order
The Frame contains:
1 Pcs Frame (hxwxt) = 156x76x15
4 Pcs Machine Screwas M3x12

Keypad 4600100 / Prox 4600101 Assamblybox (460090)
For both PR and Assamblybox order Art nr 460099
For both Prox and Assamblybox order Art nr 460098

Montage file

Cable PR

Cable CT

Mounting the Conlan reader

Direct mounting by help of screws, plugs or by help of the Steel Plate or the Frame as written

Art. Nr. 460081 Steel Plate/Mounting Plate:
The Stainless Steel Plate makes easy and fast
montage on any surface.

The Stainless Steel Plate contains:
1 Pcs 2 mm Steel Plate
4 Pcs Machine screws M3x10
2 Pcs Screws 4x40
2 Pcs Plugs 6x30

Art. Nr. 460030 Frame for montage (white RAL 9016)
Frame for easy and fast montage
On any surface. Blanketter for cable outcome in all directions.
Art. nr. 460039 (Silver RAL 9006)
Art. Nr. 460035 (Anthracite grey 7016)
Other color on order
The Frame contains:
1 Pcs Frame (hxwxt) = 156x76x15
4 Pcs Machine Screwas M3x12

Keypad 4600100 / Prox 4600101 Assamblybox (460090)
For both PR and Assamblybox order Art nr 460099
For both Prox and Assamblybox order Art nr 460098

Montage file

Cable PR

Cable CT

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