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In this chapter, the researchers will present the Research Design, Sampling Strategy,
Instruments Used, Data Gathering Procedure as well as the Statistical Treatment of
A. Research Design
This research correlated the level of anxiety and the defense mechanismused by
the selected students of College of Maritime Education of the University of Perpetual
Help System DALTA Las Pias. The researchers study is a correlational research. As
Price and Oswald (2008) cited, correlational research tests for statistical relationships
between variables. The researcher begins with the ideathat there might be a
relationship between two variables. She or he then measures both variables for each of
alarge number of cases and checks to see if they are in fact related. The researchers
use this design to establish a relationship between anxiety level and the defense
mechanisms of selected College of Maritime Education students of UPHSD.

B. Respondents/Participants
The researchers decided to conduct the study among Maritime students
because of two reasons. First, they have the biggest number of population throughout
all the colleges in the university. Second, the respondents have a tendency to focus on
their anxiety due to the nature of their future occupation, since they will be working on a
very secluded place, staying on a ship for a long time. The researchers wanted to know
if the aggression/anxiety has something to do with how they react or what defense
mechanism they employed to the tension that they feel.

C. Population and Sampling

The researchers choose to conduct the study among the total population of the
Maritime students in UPHSD.The respondents were selected by the use of simple
random sampling by getting the thirty percent of the total population of the College of
Maritime Education students. According to Coolican (2000), simple random sampling is
strictly defined as a sample in which every member of the target population has an
equal chance of being included. The participants of this study are the selected students
of the College of Maritime Educationof University of Perpetual Help System DALTA -Las
Pias school year 2013-2014 and 1
Semester of School year 2014-2015.
Table 1
D. Instruments Used
In order for the researchers to get accurate information, the following tests will be
Course Total Population Sample Population
Marine Engineering 464 139
Marine Transportation 1026 308
Naval Architecture 51 15
Total 1541 462
1. Personal Profile
The personal profile gathers all personal information about the
respondents age, gender and socio-economic status. This will help the
researchers to identify some of the aspects that may contribute to the level of
anxiety and the defense mechanisms of the respondents.

2. Self-made questionnaire
Self-construct test provides the researchers information about the
viewpoints of the respondents with regards to a given topic or issue. In this type
of test there is no right or wrong answer, thus it makes the respondents
comfortable while answering the questions. The researchers made a test called
Defense Mechanism Questionnaire which measures the defense mechanism a
person uses to relieve from anxiety. It is answered by indicating how much each
statement applies to him o her.

3. The Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale
The Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) was designed by William W.K.
Zung. It is a 20-item self-report assessment device builds to measure anxiety
levels, based on scoring in 4 groups of manifestations: cognitive, autonomic,
motor and central nervous system symptoms. Answering the statements a
person should indicate how much each statement applies to him or her. Each
question is scored on a Likert-type scale of 1-4. Overall assessment is done by
total score.
The SAS is used to quantify a patients level of anxiety. It is a simple that
people can administer to themselves to pinpoint and determine the severity of
their symptoms of anxiety but the results of this test are intended to be used and
interpreted by mental health professionals who can make specific
recommendations if treatment is needed to improve the condition. It is a
screening tool that may indicate the need for further evaluation.
The questionnaire will be used on selected students of College of Maritime
Education to measure their level of anxiety. Using the numerical rating scale like
exactly true is 4, moderately true 3, hardly true 2, and not at all true 1.
20 44 Normal Range
45 59 Mild to Moderate Anxiety Levels
60 74 Marked to Severe Anxiety Levels
75 80 Extreme Anxiety Levels

E. Validation of Instrument
The researchers will be using some self-made tests. The researchers will be
consulting some specialists regarding the questions to ensure the validity and reliability
of the tests. A test administration will be conducted to at least 20 respondents to assure
the validity of the instruments.

F. Data Gathering Procedure
In order for the researchers to gather all necessary information needed for this
study, the following steps will be taken: First, the researchers will write a request letter
to the dean of the College of the Maritime Education to be permitted to conduct the
study with their students as the respondents. Second, the researchers will ask
respondents to answer questions about their personal profile information. Third, the
researchers will conduct survey questions. Fourth, the researchers will tabulate all
gathered data and last the researchers will then interpret the results of the tests.

G. Statistical Treatment
In order for the researchers to interpret the data gathered from the respondents, the
researchers will use the following techniques:
1. Pearsons r (The Coefficient of Correlation)
Borro (2002) stated in his book Basic Statistics, Coefficient of Correlation
originated by Karl Pearson. It describes the strength of the relationship between
two sets of interval-scaled or ratio-scaled variables. It will be use to determine the
correlation between the level of anxiety and the defense mechanisms among the
selected students of College of Maritime Education of the University of Perpetual
Help System DALTA. Pearsons correlation is computed by dividing the sum of
the xy column (xy) by the square root of the product of the sum of the x2
column (

) and the sum of the

column (

). The resulting formula is

() ()()

) ()

] (

) ()


2. Percentage Formula
It is rate or proportion per hundred, It is use as descriptive measure
together with the frequency distribution to show the relationship of the magnitude
of the item of the variables described in relation to the whole.
P = F/n X 100
Where: P = Percentage F = number of respondents
N = Total Population
3. Mean Formula
It is the sum of scores divided by the numbers of scores.
X = X/ N Where X = mean
X = Sum of the scores N = Number of scores

Letter to the Respondent
February 10, 2014
To our research respondents,
We, a group of students of University of Perpetual Help system DALTA, are conducting research on, The
Level of Anxiety and the Defense Mechanism Used by Selected Students of College of Maritime Education of
University of Perpetual Help System DALTA Las Pias. In this regard, we would like to ask your help, by
answering our questions.
You can rest assured that your personal information will be handled responsibly and with the utmost care.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Respectfully yours,
The Researchers

INSTRUCTION: Please write the information below and CHECK the appropriate box.
Name (optional): __________________________________________________
Course and Year: _____________________________
A. Gender
Female Male

B. Age
16-below 17-19

20-22 23-above

C. Socio-Economic Status

Php 10,000 below Php 10,000-15,000

Php 15,000 20,000 Php 20,000 above

This scale measures the level of anxiety. Choose from the four choices by SHADING
the circle that corresponds to each of the statements.

4 3 2 1
1. I feel more nervous and anxious than usual.

2. I feel afraid for no reason at all.
3. I get upset easily or feel panicky.
4. I feel like Im falling apart and going to pieces.
5. I feel that everything is all right and nothing bad will happen.
6. My arms and legs shake and tremble.
7. I am bothered by headaches neck and back pain.
8. I feel weak and get tired easily.
9. I feel calm and can sit still easily.
10. I can feel my heart beating fast.
11. I am bothered by dizzy spells.
12. I have fainting spells or feel like it.
13. I can breathe in and out easily.
14. I get numbness and tingling in my fingers and toes.
15. I am bothered by stomach aches or indigestion.
16. I have to empty my bladder often.
17. My hands are usually dry and warm.
18. My face gets hot and blushes.
19. I fall asleep easily and get a good nights rest.
20. I have nightmares.

4 Most of the time
3 Good part of the time
2 Some of the time
1 A little of the time
This questionnaire measures the defense mechanism a person uses to relieve from anxiety. Choose from
the four choices (Always, Sometimes, Often, or Never) by CHECKING the box that corresponds to each
of the statements.
4 Always 3 Sometimes 2 Often 1 - Never

1 I openly aggressive when I feel hurt
Im usually able to see the funny side of an otherwise painful

I get satisfaction from helping others, and if this were taken away
from me I would get depressed.

4 People tend to mistreat me.
5 People say I tend to ignore unpleasant facts as if they didn't exist
6 I pass my mistakes on others.
7 I easily get mad.
8 I fear nothing
9 When Im disappointed, I throw stone to walls
10 I am able to find good reasons for everything I do
Sticking to the task at hand keeps me from feeling depressed or

12 I am sure I get a raw deal from life.
13 I shout against the person who disappoints me
14 I pride myself on my ability to cut people down to size.
15 There are always good reasons when things dont work out for me.
16 I go for a leisurely walk when I am anxious
17 I dont mind those people who bully me.
18 When I'm depressed or anxious, eating makes me feel better.
19 As far as I am concerned, people are either good or bad.
20 I participate in recreational activity when I am depressed.
21 I cry when I hear a bad news.
22 I tend to disregard problems as if they are not real.
23 I dont trust myself
24 I pout and get mad when my friend betrays me
25 I ignore danger as if I was Superman.
26 I work more things out in my daydreams than in my real life.
27 I think Im an angel and other times I think Im a devil
I workout my anxiety through doing something constructive and
creative like painting or woodwork.

29 When Im anxious, I punch the wall.
30 I just laugh at my problems
31 People tend to criticize me.
32 I cry when people disappoint me.
33 I feel that someone I know is like a guardian angel.
34 When people accuse me, I refuse that fact that Ive done.
35 I get more satisfaction from my fantasies than from my real life.
Defense Mechanisms that
corresponds to each number:
1. Displacement
2. rationalization
3. sublimation
4. projection
5. denial
6. projection
7. regression
8. denial
9. Displacement
10. rationalization
11. sublimation
12. projection
13. Displacement
14. projection
15. rationalization
16. sublimation
17. denial
18. Displacement
19. rationalization
20. sublimation
21. regression
22. denial
23. regression
24. regression
25. fantasy
26. fantasy
27. fantasy
28. sublimation
29. Displacement
30. rationalization
31. projection
32. regression
33. fantasy
34. denial
35. fantasy

Displacement 1, 9, 13, 18, 29
Rationalization 2, 10, 15, 19, 30
Sublimation 3, 11, 16, 20, 28
Projection 4, 6, 12, 14, 31
Denial 5, 8, 17, 22, 34
Fantasy 25, 26, 27, 33, 35
Regression 7, 21, 23, 24, 32

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