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Citizenship and Citoyenneté et

Immigration Canada Immigration Canada

IMMIGRATION Table of Contents

Immigrating to Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . . . . . 10

Canada How to Apply to Immigrate to Canada . . 12

Completing the Immigration Forms . . . . 14
Tables and Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
What Happens Next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Family Class
Sponsorship of a
spouse, common-law
partner, conjugal
partner or dependent
child living outside

Part 2:
The Immigrant’s Guide

This application is made available free by

Citizenship and Immigration Canada and
is not to be sold to applicants.

Cette trousse est également

disponible en français

IMM 3999 E (01-2008)

Contact Information

Web site
For more information on the programs offered by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, visit our Web site
at For some types of applications you can inform us of a change of address and find out what
is happening with your application through on-line services on the Web site.

Within Canada
If you are in Canada, you can also phone our Call Centre. An automated telephone service is available
seven days a week, 24 hours a day and is easy to use if you have a touch-tone phone. You can listen to
pre-recorded information on many programs, order application forms, and for some types of applications
the automated service can even update you on the status of your case.
When you call, have a pen and paper ready to record the information you need. Listen carefully to the
instructions and press the number for the selection you want. At any time during your call, you may press
* (the star key) to repeat a message, 9 to return to the main menu, 0 to speak to an agent, or 8 to end your
call. If you have a rotary phone, wait for an agent to answer your call.
If you need to speak to an agent, you must call Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. local time.

From anywhere in Canada, call 1-888-242-2100 (toll-free)

Using a text telephone?

Call our TTY service from Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. local time at: 1-888-576-8502

Outside Canada
If you are outside Canada, you can contact a Canadian embassy, high commission or consulate. Consult our
Web site for addresses, phone numbers and Web site addresses of our visa offices.

This is not a legal document. For legal information, refer to the Immigration and Refugee
Protection Act and Regulations or the Citizenship Act and Regulations, as applicable.

This publication is available in alternative formats upon request.

2 Sponsorship II - Spouses, common-law partners, conjugal partners and dependent children

Immigrating to Canada
The enclosed instructions and forms are sent to the principal applicant (you) by the sponsor (a Canadian
citizen or permanent resident) who wishes to support the application for immigration to Canada of a person
(you) as a member of the family class. The sponsor agrees to sign a contract (the sponsorship undertaking)
by which he or she promises to provide, for a specific number of years, coverage of your basic requirements
(food, shelter, clothing, fuel, utilities, household supplies, personal requirements, dental care, eye care and
other health care not provided by public health care) and those of the family members who will be
accompanying you to Canada. It is important that you familiarize yourself with the contents of this guide
before you complete the forms and return them to your sponsor. Your sponsor cannot submit the sponsorship
forms until he or she receives your application.
We are committed to issuing visas for routine cases of spouses, common-law partners, conjugal partners
and/or dependent children as quickly as possible after the Case Processing Centre in Mississauga (Ontario,
Canada) (CPC-M) receives complete applications from the sponsor. However, a number of factors could
have an impact on the outcome of your application or the time needed to process it. There can be no
guarantee that the sponsorship will be approved or that the visas will be issued. A list of factors that can
slow down processing of applications has been provided to your sponsor.

About the Family Class

The family class includes, among others, persons who are the sponsor’s
• spouse, common-law or conjugal partner,

You are the sponsor’s spouse if you are a person of the opposite sex aged 16 or older and
are legally married to the sponsor.
Note: A marriage between two persons of the same sex, where one is a citizen or a permanent
resident of Canada, will be recognized, for immigration purposes only, where the marriage was
performed in a Canadian province in which marriages between same-sex persons are legally
recognized. For additional information on same-sex marriages, consult our Web site.
You are a common-law partner if you are a person of the opposite or same sex, who is
living with the sponsor in a conjugal relationship and have done so for a period of at least
one year.
You can be sponsored as a conjugal partner if you have maintained an opposite or same-
sex conjugal relationship with your sponsor for at least one year; that is, you have been in
a committed and mutually interdependent relationship of some permanence where you
have combined your affairs to the extent possible (a marriage-like relationship).
This last category is intended for partners of Canadian sponsors who would ordinarily
apply as common-law partners but cannot meet the definition (were not able to live
together continuously for one year with their sponsor), usually because immigration rules
prevent long stays in one another’s countries. In most cases, the foreign partner is also not
able to marry their sponsor and qualify as a spouse. Such factors as marital status or sexual
orientation, in addition to an immigration impediment, usually prevent both partners from
entering into a common-law relationship or marrying.
Non-cohabitation for purely personal or economic reasons (for example, did not want to
give up a job or studies) does not normally qualify as a sufficient impediment. Applicants
should be able to provide evidence that they have tried to live together as common-law
partners. For example, they might have explored options for living together in one
another’s countries, such as work or study permits, visitor visas, long-term visitor status,

Sponsorship II - Spouses, common-law partners, conjugal partners and dependent children 3

If your application is approved and you become a permanent resident of Canada, you will
have to meet the definition of a common-law partner before you can exercise any rights or
privileges associated with common-law status.
Note: There is no fiancé(e) category in Canada’s immigration legislation. If you and your
sponsor are fiancé(e)s, you must marry before your sponsor submits the sponsorship and
immigration applications. Your application may be refused if you apply as a fiancé(e).
You cannot be sponsored as a spouse if
· you or the sponsor were the spouse of another person at the time of your marriage, or
· you have lived separate and apart from the sponsor for at least one year and you or the
sponsor are in a common-law relationship with another person.
You cannot be sponsored as a spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner if the
sponsor gave a previous sponsorship undertaking in favour of a spouse, common-law
partner or conjugal partner and three years have not passed since that spouse, common-
law partner or conjugal partner became a permanent resident of Canada.
• dependent son or daughter (see Dependent children).

If you are an adopted child or acting on behalf of an adopted child, make sure you are
using the right kit; contact your sponsor for more information.
Note: If you became a permanent resident of Canada sometime in the past but have subsequently
left the country and have since been living outside Canada, you may not have lost your
permanent resident status. If you have not lost your permanent resident status, you may
not be sponsored. For further information on re-entry of permanent residents to Canada,
see the guide Applying for a Travel Document on our Web site.

If you were born outside Canada and one of your parents was a Canadian citizen at the
time of your birth, you most likely are a Canadian citizen and as such, cannot be
sponsored. Consult our Web site for more details on Canadian citizenship and how to
apply for a proof.

Persons who should be included in the application

If you are being sponsored as a member of the family class, your spouse or common-law partner (except
where your spouse or common-law partner is the sponsor) must be included in your application as a family
member. You must also include all your dependent children from your current and previous relationships,
whether they will be going with you to Canada (accompanying family members) or not (non-accompanying
family members).
Note that the visa office will not issue permanent resident visas to family members whom you identify
as not accompanying you to Canada.
All your family members, whether accompanying you or not, must be declared on your application and be
examined. If family members are not examined, it is generally not possible to sponsor them at a later date.
This includes children in the custody of a former spouse or common-law partner.
In addition, failure to declare family members on your application and have them examined goes against
your duty to provide truthful and accurate information, and may cause you to be found inadmissible to

Dependent children
Your child or a child of your spouse or common-law partner will be considered a dependent child if that

4 Sponsorship II - Spouses, common-law partners, conjugal partners and dependent children

A. is under the age of 22 and not married or in a common-law relationship; or
B. married or entered into a common-law relationship before the age 22 and, since becoming a spouse
or a common-law partner, has
• been continuously enrolled and in attendance as a full-time student in a post secondary
institution accredited by the relevant government authority and
• depended substantially on the financial support of a parent; or
is 22 years of age or older and, since before the age of 22, has
• been continuously enrolled and in attendance as a full-time student in a post secondary
institution accredited by the relevant government authority and
• depended substantially on the financial support of a parent; or

C. is 22 years of age or older, has depended substantially on the financial support of a parent since
before the age of 22 and is unable to provide for him/herself due to a medical condition.

Dependent children must meet the above requirements both on the day CPC-M receives a
complete application for a permanent resident visa and, without taking into account whether they
have attained 22 years of age, on the day a visa is issued to them.

Medical Instructions

Who must undergo a medical examination

You and all your family members who are not already Canadian citizens or permanent residents must
undergo and pass a medical examination, whether they will be joining you in Canada or not.
Members of the family class include:
• spouse
• common-law partner
• conjugal partner
• dependent children

Custody of a dependent child

All your dependent children must undergo a medical examination whether;
• You have sole or joint custody, or
• Custody is with the other parent

If a child does not undergo a medical examination, you will not be able to sponsor them at a later

Your previous medical result

If you or your family members have already had a medical examination for immigration to Canada, you
must provide proof. This may be found:
• On your original work permit
• On a page in your passport
Depending on the validity date, you may be asked to redo the medical examination.

Sponsorship II - Spouses, common-law partners, conjugal partners and dependent children 5

How to proceed
If you are required to undergo a medical examination you must follow these steps
Step Action
Make an appointment with a Designated Medical Practitioner (DMP) for you and each required family
member. DMP in your region:
Fill out Appendix D and bring it and the following items if applicable for you and each of your family
members to your medical appointment:
• Appendix D
• Passport and photocopies of the biographical data pages (this is the page that shows the date of
birth, the country of origin, etc.)
2 • If no passport is available, provide an official identity document bearing a photo and the date of
birth of the family member
• Eye glasses or contact lenses
• Previous medical reports, prescriptions or treatments
• 5 recent photos, taken within six months preceding the date of your examination
• Immigration client identification number (ID #), if known
The DMP will give you Copy 2 of the Medical Report: IMM 1017 EFC - Medical Report Section A.
Include the original of Copy 2 with your application. (Photocopies will not be accepted.)
4 The DMP will send your results to the appropriate medical office for processing.

Authorized doctors
Only examinations performed by a physician on Canada’s list of Designated Medical Practitioners (DMPs)
will be recognized for immigration purposes.

The doctor cannot provide you with the results of the medical examination however he or she will
tell you if you have a health-related problem. The doctor cannot provide any advice on the
immigration process.

Additional photograph requirements

Persons living in the countries listed below must also provide a negative and two photos (See
Photo Specifications section within this document) for themselves and each family member:
Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Vietnam.

Medical Fees
You are responsible for paying all costs related to the medical examinations.

About the medical examination

The medical examination is defined as any or all of the following:
• Complete physical examination for all family members;
• Chest X-ray and a radiologist’s report for everyone aged 11 years and older;
• Urinalysis for everyone aged 5 years and older;
• Blood test for everyone aged 15 years and older;
• HIV testing for everyone aged 15 years and older and
• HIV testing for children who have received blood or blood products or who have a known
HIV mother

6 Sponsorship II - Spouses, common-law partners, conjugal partners and dependent children

Medical Validity
Medical results for applicants who pass a medical examination and who are not subject to medical
surveillance are valid for 12 months from the examination date or the date of the X-ray, whichever is earlier.

Additional information and links

All medical reports and x-rays for the immigration medical examination become the property of the
Canadian Immigration medical authorities and cannot be returned to the person examined.
For inquiries regarding immigration processes or the status of your application once the examination has
been completed
• Log on to our Web site at and select On-Line Services – e-Client
Application Status, or
• Contact our Call Centre
A list of Designated Medical Practitioners is available on our website at:

Sponsorship II - Spouses, common-law partners, conjugal partners and dependent children 7

Security requirements
You and your family members (spouse/common-law partner and dependent children) must not be any risk
to Canada. You and all your family members aged 18 and over who are not Canadian citizens or permanent
residents must undergo background checks. This applies even to your family members who do not intend
to join you in Canada.
For each country in which you or your family members have lived for more than six months during the past
10 years, you must provide a police certificate, clearance or record of no information. If you or your family
members were under 18 years of age when you lived there, you do not need to provide a police certificate
for that country. It is your responsibility to contact the police or relevant authorities. We will also do our
own background checks to determine if you have any arrests or criminal convictions, or if you are a security
risk to Canada.
For the following countries, police certificates should not be obtained before applying for immigration. You
may receive special instructions at a later date about police certificates for these countries.
Afghanistan Honduras Thailand

Costa Rica Hong Kong Ukraine

Fiji Poland Venezuela

French Polynesia Singapore

If you have lived in one of the countries listed below, you will need additional forms before applying for
immigration. If you do not have the forms, ask your sponsor to obtain them from our Call Centre and send
them to you.
Argentina Russia South Korea

Sri Lanka

Normally, Immigration authorities establish the admissibility of applicants for permanent residence and
their family members through documents such as the permanent residence application form, police
certificates and background records and assessments.
Certificates/clearances are normally issued by police authorities, but in some countries you will have to
apply to municipal, provincial, federal or other government authorities. You may be asked to pay a fee for
the service. The country’s embassy or consulate may be able to give you additional information.
You may have to provide information or documentation such as photographs, authorization to release
personal information, fingerprints, or your addresses and periods of residence in other countries. Some
authorities may require a letter from Canadian immigration authorities confirming that you have applied to
immigrate to Canada and that you must obtain evidence of any criminal record as part of the processing of
your application. Use the form letter Request for Police Certificates/Clearances (see Appendix B) for this
All police certificates must be originals; photocopies are not acceptable. If your certificates are in a language
other than English or French, you must attach a certified (notarized) translation with the certificates. If you
or any of your family members cannot get police certificates form any of the countries in which you have
lived for six months or more after reaching the age of age of 18, you must provide a written explanation with
your application and an original letter from the relevant authority confirming that they will not issue a
certificate or clearance.
See additional information on requesting police certificates/clearances in Appendix B.

8 Sponsorship II - Spouses, common-law partners, conjugal partners and dependent children

Generally, persons with a criminal conviction are not admitted into Canada. However, if a prescribed
period has passed after they have completed their sentence or committed an offence and during which
they were not convicted of a subsequent offence, they may be deemed to have been rehabilitated. If
they are not deemed to have been rehabilitated, they may, under special circumstances, be eligible to
apply for rehabilitation.

Offences outside Canada

If you were convicted of or committed a criminal offence outside Canada, you may be deemed to have
been rehabilitated if 10 years have passed since you have completed the sentence imposed upon you or
since you have committed the offence, if the offence is one that would, in Canada, be an indictable
offence punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of less than 10 years. If the offence is one
that would, in Canada, be prosecuted summarily and if you were convicted of two or more such
offences, that period is 5 years after the sentence imposed was served or to be served.

Offences in Canada
If you have a criminal conviction in Canada, you must seek a pardon from the National Parole Board
of Canada before you apply for immigration to Canada. For further information, contact:
Clemency and Pardons Division
National Parole Board
410 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa ON K1A 0R1
Telephone: 1 800 874-2652 (Callers in Canada and the United States only)
Facsimile: 1 613 941-4981
Web site: (the guide which includes application forms can be downloaded from
the Web site)
If you have had two or more summary convictions in Canada, you may be deemed rehabilitated and no
longer inadmissible if
• 5 years have passed since the sentence imposed was served or to be served,
• you have had no subsequent convictions and
• you have not been refused a pardon.
See Table 1 for a summary of the types of offences and length of rehabilitation periods.
If you or any of your family members have committed a criminal offence, you must provide, in
addition to any police certificates or clearances, a full description of the circumstances surrounding the
offence and the court record. This information will be reviewed by the visa office and you will receive
further instructions.

Immigrating to Quebec
If you are being sponsored by a Canadian citizen or permanent resident living in the province of Quebec and
you intend to settle there, you will receive from your sponsor an additional set of instructions and a form,
the Application for Selection Certificate, to complete, sign and return to your sponsor. If your sponsor meets
all of the conditions of the provincial legislation respecting immigration, a Quebec selection certificate
(Certificat de sélection du Québec — CSQ) may be issued to you.
A CSQ is a document issued by the Ministère des Relations avec les citoyens et de l'Immigration (MRCI),
indicating that an immigration candidate has been accepted to live in the province of Quebec upon arrival
in Canada.

Sponsorship II - Spouses, common-law partners, conjugal partners and dependent children 9

Frequently Asked Questions
Should I hire a lawyer or consultant?
All the information you require to complete your application is in this application kit. If you have questions
or need clarification, you may contact us (see the Contact Information section). You may also choose to
obtain the help of a representative if you need additional advice or support. We will process your application
in the same manner, whether or not you have a representative.
You must complete the Use of a Representative form (IMM 5476) and send it with your application if:
• you are paying a representative to help you complete your application; and/or
• you wish to authorize us to discuss your application with someone other than yourself.

Do I need a passport or travel document?

You and your family members must have valid passports or travel documents. If any of the documents are
to expire soon, you should renew them and provide copies of the new passport or travel document to the
office processing your application. Diplomatic, official, service or public affairs passports cannot be used
to immigrate to Canada. You must have a valid regular or private passport when you arrive. The validity of
your visa may be affected by the validity of your passport.

How long do I have to complete the application and send it in?

You should complete the forms and return them as soon as possible to your sponsor, along with all
supporting documentation. Your sponsor cannot submit the sponsorship forms until he or she receives your

Do professionals need registration and licensing to work in Canada?

In Canada, approximately 20 percent of occupations are regulated (for example, nurses, engineers, teachers,
electricians) to protect the health and safety of Canadians. People who want to work in regulated
occupations need to obtain a license from a provincial regulatory body. Licensing requirements often
include education from a recognized school, Canadian work experience and completion of a technical exam.
Fees for exams can be costly and are the responsibility of the applicant. Final assessment by the provincial
authority can only be made once you are in Canada with permanent resident status.
Contact the appropriate regulatory body for additional information.

How long is a permanent resident visa valid?

A permanent resident visa is issued for a period not exceeding the earlier of
• the expiry date of the medical results for you and your family members or
• the expiry date of your or your family members’ passport.

Permanent resident visas cannot be extended once issued. If applicants do not use the visas within their
validity period, they must re-apply for immigration to Canada.Their sponsor will have to submit a new
sponsorship application and pay new processing fees.

10 Sponsorship II - Spouses, common-law partners, conjugal partners and dependent children

My child is in the sole custody of my former spouse. Do I need to
include this child in my application?
You must list this child on your application for permanent residence, but the child does not need to be
examined if you do not have custody or responsibility for the child through either a written agreement or a
court order. However, if the child is not examined, you cannot sponsor him or her as a member of the family
class in the future, regardless of changes to custody or living circumstances. If you want to preserve your
right to sponsor this child in the future, you may wish to have him or her examined as part of your

Sponsorship II - Spouses, common-law partners, conjugal partners and dependent children 11

How to Apply to Immigrate to Canada
If you are a member of the family class as described earlier and you feel you are admissible to Canada,
proceed as follows:

STEP 1. Only one of each form you and your family members must complete is being provided
with this guide. Before you start to complete the forms, make a photocopy for each person
who needs to submit an individual form. To determine how many photocopies of the blank
forms you will need, consult the table below.

Form Must be completed by

Sponsorship Agreement (IMM 1344B), if your You, unless you are under 22 years of age and not
sponsor lives in a Canadian province or territory the sponsor’s spouse, common-law partner or
other than Quebec conjugal partner. Your sponsor will already have
signed this form and sent it to you with this guide.
You must sign it also and return it to your sponsor.

Application for permanent residence in Canada You.

(IMM 0008 Generic)

Spouse/Partner questionnaire You, if you are the spouse, common-law partner

(IMM 5490) or conjugal partner of the sponsor.

Schedule 1, Background / Declaration You and each of your family members 18 years of
(IMM 0008 Schedule 1) age or over, whether accompanying you to
Canada or not, must complete their own copy of
this form.

Additional Family Information You and each of your family members 18 years of
(IMM 5406) age or over, whether accompanying you to
Canada or not, must complete their own copy of
this form.

If you choose to have a representative, complete also the Use of a Representative form (IMM 5476).

STEP 2. Complete the forms following the step-by-step instructions in the next section.

STEP 3. Obtain police certificates/clearances as instructed and collect all other documents you
need to support your application. The checklist at Appendix A will tell you which
documents you must submit with your application and which require translation and/or
certification (notarization). Refer to section on security requirements for related
information on police certificates.

Make an appointment with a Designated Medical Practitioner (DMP) and undergo the
medical examination. See Appendix D for further details.

Use the checklist to verify that you have all the required documents. It is important to note
that we may request more information at any time during the process.

STEP 4. Send all your forms completed and signed along with supporting documentation to your
relative in Canada.

12 Sponsorship II - Spouses, common-law partners, conjugal partners and dependent children

If any of the documents required in the checklist at Appendix A are not sent with your forms, the application
will be returned to your sponsor, who will have to obtain the missing documents and re-send the complete
application with all proper documentation.
All information and documents are required to assess your application correctly and quickly. If following
the submission of your application, there are any changes to your family status such as marriage, divorce,
births, deaths, your address or telephone/fax number, or any other important information, advise the visa
office immediately, by mail or facsimile. Except for a change in address or telephone/fax number, this is
required even if a permanent resident visa has already been issued to you.
When advising the office of such changes, you must clearly state your file number, if available. It is
normally included at the top of the first page of any correspondence received from our immigration services.
If you are subject to an unenforced removal order, a permanent resident visa will not be issued to you. If
you were previously ordered to leave Canada and received a written notice to that effect, consult our Web
site or contact your sponsor for additional information on removal orders and their consequences before you
submit your application.

Sponsorship II - Spouses, common-law partners, conjugal partners and dependent children 13

Completing the Immigration Forms
Complete the forms in block letters. Make sure all information is clear and easy to read. Your answers must
be written in either the English or French language, unless instructed otherwise. If the space provided on the
form is insufficient to list any information, use an additional sheet of paper, indicating the form’s title and
the number of the question you are answering. Write your name and the page number at the top left corner
of each additional sheet.
The following instructions will help you fill in the forms included in this kit. Because most questions are
clear, instructions are not included for all the boxes but only when necessary. You must answer all questions.
If you leave any sections blank, your application will be returned to you for completion and processing will
be delayed. If any sections do not apply to you, answer “Not Applicable.”

WARNING! You must provide truthful and accurate information. The information provided may be
verified. If you give false or misleading information, you may be found to be inadmissible and not be
allowed to apply for permanent residence in Canada for a period of two years following a final
determination of inadmissibility, if you are outside Canada, or following the date the removal order against
you is enforced, if you are in Canada. It is a serious offence to make a false application.

Application for Permanent Residence in Canada

(IMM 0008)
This form must be completed by the principal applicant. Page 2 of the form asks for details of family
members. There is space for three family members on the form. If you have more than three family
members, photocopy page 2 before you start to fill it in so you have enough space for everyone.

Category under which you are applying

Check the “Family class” box.

Number of family members

Write the total number of people included in your application, including yourself and any family
members, whether they are accompanying you to Canada or not.

Preferred Language
Correspondence: Indicate whether we should correspond with you in English or French.
Interview: You may be selected for an interview. Interviews can be conducted in English or French.
You may also be interviewed in another language of your choice; however, you will be responsible for
the cost of hiring an interpreter if one has to be hired.
1. Print your full family name (surname) as it appears on your passport or on the official documents
that you will use to obtain your passport.

Print all of your given name(s) (first, second or more) as they appear on your passport or on the
official documents that you will use to obtain your passport. Do not use initials.
5. Your country of citizenship. If you are a citizen of more than one country, give details on a
separate sheet of paper.

14 Sponsorship II - Spouses, common-law partners, conjugal partners and dependent children

9. If you are in a common-law relationship but are not presently cohabiting with your partner, give
the reason why you are separated from your partner on a separate sheet. Give also the date that
separation started.
10. This section requires you to give details of your past marriages or common-law relationships. If
you have never had a spouse or common-law partner other than your current one, check the “No”
box and proceed to question 11. If you have had another spouse of common-law partner, check the
“Yes” box and provide the details requested. If you have had more than one previous spouse or
common-law partner, give details on a separate sheet of paper.
12. Level of education. - Check the box that best describes the highest level of education you have
successfully completed. If you have not completed secondary school, check the “No secondary”
• Secondary is the level of schooling after elementary and before college, university, or
other formal training.
• Trade/apprenticeship refers to completed training in an occupation, such as auto
mechanics or carpentry.
• Non-university certificate or diploma refers to training in a profession that requires
formal education but not at the university level (for example, dental technician or
engineering technician).
• Bachelor’s degree refers to the degree (such as a Bachelor of Arts, Education,
Engineering or other professional field) awarded by a college or university to those who
complete the undergraduate curriculum.
• Master’s degree is a post-graduate degree earned after the completion of a Bachelor’s
• PhD is the highest university degree, usually based on at least three years graduate study
and a dissertation. It is usually earned after the completion of a Master’s degree.
14. Your mailing address. This is the address we will use to mail correspondence regarding your
application. Print your address in English and, if applicable, also in your own native script. If you
live in China, make sure you also give your mailing address in Pinyin. Attach another sheet of
paper if you need more space. If you decide to appoint a Canadian representative to act on your
behalf and wish to have any communication relating to your application sent to him or her, write
“see form IMM 5476” in box 14. Complete, sign and attach form IMM 5476, Use of a

Details of family members

Your family members are your spouse or common-law partner, if applicable, and your dependent children
(start with the oldest). You must include all of your family members (who are not already permanent
residents of Canada or Canadian citizens), whether they intend to immigrate with you or not. Any other
relative (your mother, father, sister or brother, for instance) is not considered a family member for the
purpose of this application. If you have more than three family members, attach a separate sheet of paper
with the same information provided in the same order.
• Family name: As it appears on the family member’s passport or official documents he or
she will use to obtain his or her passport.
• Given name(s): Print all of the family member’s given name(s) (first, second or more) as
they appear on his or her passport or on the official documents that he or she will use to
obtain his or her passport. Do not use initials.
• Country of citizenship: If your family member is a citizen of more than one country,
provide details on a separate sheet of paper.

Sponsorship II - Spouses, common-law partners, conjugal partners and dependent children 15

• Relationship to you: Indicate whether the family member is your spouse, common-law
partner, son or daughter.
• Will accompany you to Canada: Indicate whether or not your family member will
accompany you to Canada. “Accompany” means the person will immigrate to Canada
before the visa expires but may arrive in Canada after you.
• Education: Indicate the level of education successfully completed by the family member
using the categories listed in Question 12.
• Photos: Ask a photographer to provide you with a set of photos of yourself and each of
your family members included in your application, whether they will be accompanying
you or not. The required number of photos for each individual is indicated at Appendix A,
under PHOTOS. Photos must comply with specifications given at Appendix C, Photo
Specifications. Make sure you give a copy of these specifications to the photographer.
· On the back of one photo (and only one) in each set, write the name and date of birth
of the person appearing in the photo as well as the date the photo was taken.
· Enclose each set of photos in separate envelopes. Write the family member’s name,
date of birth and relationship to you on the corresponding envelope and close the
envelope with a paper clip.
· Photos must not be stapled, scratched, bent or bear any ink marks.
Note that the visa office may also require additional photos at a later date.

Schedule 1
Background / Declaration
1. Print your full family name (surname) as it appears on your passport or on the official documents
that will be used for obtaining your passport.

Print all of your given name(s) (first, second or more). Do not use initials. Again, print your
names as they appear on your passport or on the official documents that will be used for obtaining
your passport.
6. Indicate your current status in the country where you now live (for example, citizen, permanent
resident, visitor, refugee, no legal status, etc.).
9. Read each statement of question 9 carefully. Answer “yes” or “no” on behalf of yourself (and your
family members, if you are the principal applicant). If you answer “yes” to any question, provide
full details in the space provided. Use a separate sheet of paper if necessary.
10. Education. - Provide details of all secondary and post secondary education, beginning with the
most recent program completed.
11. Personal history. - You must account for every month during the past 10 years or since the age
of 18, whichever period is longer. Under “Activity”, print your occupation or job title if you were
working. If you were not working, enter what you were doing (for example, unemployed,
studying, travelling).
14. Military service. - You must give details of any voluntary or compulsory service.
15. Addresses. - Give a complete address including the street, town or city, province or region, and
country. If there was no street or street number, explain exactly the location of the house or
building. Do not use post office (P.O.) box addresses. You must account for every month during
the past 10 years.

16 Sponsorship II - Spouses, common-law partners, conjugal partners and dependent children

Read the statements carefully. Sign and date in the boxes provided. By signing, you certify that you
fully understand the questions asked and that the information you have provided is complete, truthful,
and correct. If you do not sign, the application will be returned to your sponsor.

Solemn Declaration and Interpreter Declaration

Do not complete this section unless you are asked to do so by a visa officer at an interview.

Use of a Representative (IMM 5476)

Complete this form if you are appointing a representative.
If you have dependent children aged 18 years or older, they are required to complete their own copy of this
form if a representative is also conducting business on their behalf.
A representative is someone who has your permission to conduct business on your behalf with Citizenship
and Immigration Canada. When you appoint a representative, you also authorize CIC to share information
from your case file to this person.
You are not obliged to hire a representative. We treat everyone equally, whether they use the services of a
representative or not. If you choose to hire a representative, your application will not be given special
attention nor can you expect faster processing or a more favourable outcome.
The representative you appoint is authorized to represent you only on matters related to the application you
submit with this form. You can appoint only one representative for each application you submit.

There are two types of representatives:

Unpaid representatives
• friends and family members who do not charge a fee for their advice and services
• organizations that do not charge a fee for providing immigration advice or assistance (such
as a non-governmental or religious organization)
• consultants, lawyers and Québec notaries who do not, and will not, charge a fee to
represent you
Paid representatives
If you want us to conduct business with a representative who is, or will be charging a fee to represent
you, he or she must be authorized. Authorized representatives are:
• immigration consultants who are members in good standing of the Canadian Society of
Immigration Consultants (CSIC)
• lawyers who are members in good standing of a Canadian provincial or territorial law
society and students-at-law under their supervision
• notaries who are members in good standing of the Chambre des notaires du Québec and
students-at-law under their supervision
If you appoint a paid representative who is not a member of one of these designated bodies, your
application will be returned. For more information on using a representative, visit our Web site.

Section B.
5. Your representative’s full name
If your representative is a member of CSIC, a law society or the Chambre des notaires du
Québec, print his or her name as it appears on the organization’s membership list.

Sponsorship II - Spouses, common-law partners, conjugal partners and dependent children 17

8. Your representative's declaration
Your representative must sign to accept responsibility for conducting business on your behalf.

Section D.
10. Your declaration
By signing, you authorize us to complete your request for yourself and your dependent children
under 18 years of age. If your spouse or common-law partner is included in this request, he or she
must sign in the box provided.

Release of information to other individuals

To authorize CIC to release information from your case file to someone other than a representative, you will
need to complete form Authority to Release Personal Information to a Designated Individual (IMM 5475)
which is available on our Web site at
and from Canadian embassies, high commissions and consulates abroad.
The person you designate will be able to obtain information on your case file, such as the status of your
application. However, he or she will not be able to conduct business on your behalf with CIC.

You must notify us if your representative’s contact information changes or if you

cancel the appointment of a representative.

Additional Family Information

(IMM 5406)
You must answer all questions. If any sections do not apply to you, please answer “Not Applicable.”
It is very important that you list on this form any other children (even if they are already permanent residents
of Canada or Canadian citizens) that you, your spouse or common-law partner or your dependent children
might have who are not included in your Application for Permanent Residence. This includes married
children, adopted children, stepchildren and any of your children who have been adopted by others, or who
are in the custody of an ex-spouse or ex-common-law partner.

Spouse/ Partner Questionnaire

(IMM 5490)
This questionnaire must be completed and included with your Application for Permanent Residence if you
are being sponsored by your spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner. It will help you establish that
your relationship is genuine. Be concise, but provide as complete and precise a response as possible to each
question. Failure to provide this information with your application could result in a refusal of your
application. If more space is needed for your response, please include an additional sheet of paper.

Medical Instructions
(Appendix D)
You and each of your family members accompanying you or not and who are not already citizens or
permanent residents of Canada must complete your own copy of the questionnaire located in Appendix D.
Make enough photocopies of this page for your needs before you start filling the boxes. Make sure your
family names and given names are spelled the same way they appear in your passports.

18 Sponsorship II - Spouses, common-law partners, conjugal partners and dependent children

Tables and Charts
Table 1 — Eligibility for Rehabilitation
The following table gives a summary of the type of offences and length of rehabilitation periods.

Rehabilitation period
Conviction or offence When deemed rehabilitated1 When eligible to apply for

Conviction of an offence At least ten years after Five years after completion of
outside Canada that, if completion of the sentence the sentence imposed
committed in Canada, would imposed
be an indictable offence
punishable by a maximum
term of imprisonment of less
than ten years
Commission of an offence At least ten years after Five years after commission
outside Canada that, if commission of the offence of the offence
committed in Canada, would
be an indictable offence
punishable by a maximum
term of imprisonment of less
than ten years
Conviction or commission of Not applicable Five years from completion of
an offence outside Canada, the sentence or commission of
that, if committed in Canada, the offence
would be punishable by a
maximum term of
imprisonment of ten years or
Conviction for two or more At least five years after the Not applicable
offences outside Canada that, sentences imposed were
if committed in Canada, served or to be served
would constitute summary
conviction offences
Conviction for two or more At least five years after the Must apply for a pardon
summary conviction offences sentences imposed were
in Canada served or to be served
Conviction for two or more Not applicable Must apply for a pardon
indictable offences in Canada

person must not have committed or been convicted of any other indictable offence.

Sponsorship II - Spouses, common-law partners, conjugal partners and dependent children 19

What Happens Next
What happens after you have sent your application to your sponsor
When your sponsor receives your forms and supporting documentation, he or she will forward these
together with his or her application to sponsor and supporting documents to the Case Processing Centre in
Mississauga (CPC-M), Canada. CPC-M will verify that all forms and documents are complete and signed,
that the applicable fees have been paid by your sponsor and that your sponsor in Canada meets sponsorship
If your sponsor meets the requirements or fails to meet the requirements but chooses to proceed with the
application, CPC-M will send details of their assessment and your application for permanent residence (with
supporting documents) to the visa office for processing.
The visa office will process your application and decide if a visa may be issued to you and your family
members. It may require an interview or additional information and documentation before it can make a
decision about your application. If you are asked to provide additional documents, the visa office will send
you a written request. It is in your interest to comply as quickly as possible. If the visa office does not receive
the additional information or documents within three months of the date of the request, your application may
be refused. If you need to be interviewed, the visa office will notify you in writing in advance of the date,
time and location of the interview as well as of the documents to bring with you.
If you have to meet other requirements, for example take additional medical tests, or provide more current
or additional information needed for background checks, it could take considerably longer to reach a
decision about your application.Visit our Web site or contact your sponsor for additional information on
processing times.
If you and your sponsor meet all immigration requirements, the visa office will request you to submit
passports and issue permanent resident visas to you and your family members accompanying you to Canada.
You must then arrive in Canada either with or before your family members, and within the validity period
of the visas.
If you or your sponsor do not meet all immigration requirements, your application will be refused. You will
receive a letter outlining the reasons for the refusal. Your sponsor will also receive a copy of the refusal letter
and will be informed of his or her right to appeal the decision to the Immigration and Refugee Board.
If your sponsor chooses to withdraw the sponsorship in the event he or she fails to meet the sponsorship
requirements, CPC-M will return your complete application (including supporting documents) to your
sponsor. Your sponsor will be repaid all processing fees except the sponsorship fee of $75. Your application
for permanent residence will not be processed.

What you should expect at the interview

You, your spouse or common-law partner and dependent children may be asked to come to the interview.
The visa officer may ask about your relationship to the sponsor, your education, your reasons for emigrating,
your plans and preparations. The officer may also ask about your family, your health, your financial
situation, or past difficulties with the law. There may also be questions to determine your ability to settle
successfully in Canada.

Processing times for an application and visa issuance

We are committed to issuing visas for routine cases of spouses, common-law partners, conjugal partners
and/or dependent children as quickly as possible. In order to ensure that we have the information we need
to make a decision on your application,

20 Sponsorship II - Spouses, common-law partners, conjugal partners and dependent children

• complete and sign the forms as instructed. All information must be correct and truthful;
• send the forms and all supporting documents, including police certificates and proof of
medical examination, to your sponsor.
If your case is not routine, we may not be able to process your application within the regular service
standards for routine cases. Information on factors that can affect the processing of your application has
been included in your sponsor’s guide. Visit our Web site or phone our Call Centre for additional
information on processing times.

Checking your application status

You can find out the current status of your application by logging on to our Web site at and
selecting On-Line Services – e-Client Application Status. You may also phone our Call Centre.
If you do not want your information available on-line, you can remove on-line information by logging on
to and selecting On-Line Services – e-Client Application Status. You may also call our Call
Centre and ask an agent to do this for you.
Current processing times are updated weekly on our Web site at:

What happens when you arrive in Canada

When you arrive, you must present your permanent resident visa to a Canadian customs or immigration
officer at your first port of entry. The officer will check your visa and travel documents and ask you
questions similar to those on the Application for Permanent Residence to verify that you are of good
character and in good health. If there are no difficulties, the officer will authorize your admission to Canada
as a permanent resident and ask you to sign in his or her presence the Confirmation of Permanent Residence
form you will have received from the visa office. The officer will then send this form to a processing centre
and you will receive your Permanent Resident Card in the weeks following. Make sure that when you arrive
in Canada, you know the address, including the postal code, where you are going to live.
A permanent resident is a person lawfully in Canada as an immigrant who is not yet eligible for, or has not
yet been granted, Canadian citizenship.

What settlement services are available

Canada’s settlement services are limited. Your sponsor will have signed an undertaking with the
Government of Canada or, if you intend to live in Quebec, with the Government of Quebec, to provide for
your basic requirements and those of your family members after you arrive in Canada. You can learn about
settlement services from Citizenship and Immigration Centres, Human Resources Canada Centres and
private organizations.

Finding a job
Upon arrival in Canada as a permanent resident you may seek assistance in finding a job from a Human
Resources Centre of Canada. Most employers will ask potential candidates to provide a social insurance
number (SIN). You will receive forms to apply for your SIN at the time you are processed for admission to
Canada as a permanent resident.

Sponsorship II - Spouses, common-law partners, conjugal partners and dependent children 21

Leaving Canada to settle your affairs after obtaining permanent
resident status
Permanent residents may leave and re-enter Canada as often as they wish, to settle their affairs or to travel,
as long as, at the time they re-enter Canada, they can prove that they have been physically present in Canada
for at least 730 days within the five years preceding the day they re-enter, if they have been permanent
residents for five years or more, or that they will be physically present in Canada for at least 730 days within
the five years immediately following the day they became permanent residents, if they have been permanent
residents for less than five years. Permanent residents outside Canada may also meet the residency
obligation if certain conditions apply.

Rights and obligations as a permanent resident of Canada

You and your family members have the right to live, study and work in Canada for as long as you remain
permanent residents, and are entitled to most social benefits accorded to Canadian citizens. As a permanent
resident, you also have the same legal obligations as Canadians, such as paying taxes and respecting other
When you have met citizenship requirements, including permanent residency in Canada for at least three
years, you may apply for Canadian citizenship and a Canadian passport.
There are a few limitations on permanent residents:
• You cannot obtain a Canadian passport.
• You cannot vote in certain elections.
• You may be ineligible for certain jobs requiring high-level security clearances.
• If you or your family members commit serious crimes, you or your family members risk
being deported from Canada.
Your sponsor and co-signer, if applicable, are responsible for providing for your basic requirements and
those of your family members after you arrive in Canada, for the period specified by the Undertaking, and
for ensuring that you do not become dependent on the Canadian social assistance. Under the agreement you
have signed with your sponsor/co-signer, you are committed to making every reasonable effort to provide
for your own basic requirements and those of your family members.
You remain a permanent resident until you become a Canadian citizen or abandon Canada as your place of
residence. You may be considered to have abandoned Canada if you have frequent and/or lengthy absences
from the country. If after becoming a permanent resident you return to live in your home country
indefinitely, you will lose your permanent resident status.

22 Sponsorship II - Spouses, common-law partners, conjugal partners and dependent children

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