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Secondary break


Secondary break
1-transition 2
Act u16 secondary break 5
Arrow 2 7
Basic secondary 8
Break set 9
Double staggered 10
Flare 11
Hammer and nails transition 12
High low lob to motion 18
Kansas 19
Screen roll 21
Secondary break-carolina 22
Sjb secondary break 1 24
Sjb secondary break 2 26
Tex to flex 27
Utah 29

Secondary break
After a basket.

5 passes to 1
4 at the opposite half of the court.

If 1 cannot receive the ball, 5 passes to 4 and 4 passes to 1.

2 and 3 run close to the sideline.

1 dribbles to the middle.

4 and 5 are trailers.

1 passes to a side.

The wing from the other side goes to the base line.

1 fills the gap.

4 cuts to the ball side and tries to receive the ball.

5 is the high post.

Secondary break
2 can pass to 4 or 5.

If a post receives the ball, the other post must cut.

If 4 has the ball and he cannot shoot, 5 cuts to the basket.

If 5 receives the ball and he cannot shoot or goes to the basket, 4 tries to
receive the ball

Secondary break
If we don't pass to the posts.

4 goes to the opposite side and 5 becomes the low post.

2 passes the ball to 1 who cuts to receive the ball, and 3 takes the place of

Start secondary.

2 goes to the baseline and cuts to the opposite side.

4 and 5 set blocks for 2.

1 passes to 3.

3 passes to 2.

2 can shoot or go to the basket.

If not open reset the offense.

Secondary break
Act u16 secondary break
Point guard (1) should clear "traffic" and be looking to pass within 2 1/2
dribbles. The ball
should be passed to either side as soon
as possible.

Although I have diagrammed the play with traditional positions (eg centre
and power forward trailing) the key is for players to just fill whatever

The inside trailer opposite the wing that receives the ball, flashes to the
low post.

The point screens away for the other guard.

The other inside trailer moves to 3 point line.

Wing player reverses the ball to the trailer, and low post moves up to back
screen trailer.

Secondary break
Trailer kicks ball on and cuts off back screen
Ball can be further reversed to other wing

Secondary break
Arrow 2
1: Pass to Trailer (4), Fake Down screen

2: Sprint off screen to opposite wing

3: Hard Side screen to opposite wing

4: Pass to cutter

5: Post between ball and basket

Secondary break
Basic secondary
1. Screen/Roll off 4, Look for Lob to 4

2. Fade to Corner

3. Replace 1

4. On Ball Screen for 1, Back cut off Back screen from 5

5. Back screen X4

Secondary break
Break set
1: Pass to Wing, or Trailer if Low Post denied

2: Look to Low Post

3: Look to Low Post, Reverse to Trailer

4: Look to Low Post, Pass to Wing

5: Post between ball and basket

1: Cut to Wing

2: Look to Trailer for weak side Lob, Pass to Wing popping off Back

3: Step into lane, Back screen Trailer, Pop to ball

4: Back cut looking for lob, cross screen Low Post

5: Cut of cross screen

Secondary break
Double staggered
1. Pass to Trailer, Staggered Down screen for Wing.

2. Look to Wing cutting off Staggered Down Screen, or Trailer if X helps.

3. Cut off Staggered Down Screen.

4. Pass to Wing, set Staggered Down Screen, Pop Back.

5. Post between ball and basket.

Secondary break
1: Pass to Trailer, Flare out to wing for shot

2: Pass to 3 at top of key

3: Flare Screen 1, Pop out for shot or Post feed

4: Pass to 1 for shot or pass to 2 and downscreen 3, Pop to ball

5: Post between ball and basket

1: Stretch defense- stay wide

2: Stretch defense- stay wide

3: Look to Low Post

4: After Downscreen, Pop back, Cross Screen for 5

5: Curl around Cross Screen from 4

Secondary break
Hammer and nails transition
Hammer and Nails Transition

See Also -
Category : Offense motion
PlayName: 2-guard 4-out-1-in motion

O1 & O2 are guards.

O3 is a swing man, either a forward or guard depending upon the situation.

O4 & O5 are power forwards.

Although these are the ideal starting positions, I realise that because we
play man-to-man defense, things rarely work out this way. It is for this
reason that we nominate which position we will fill as the ball crosses

O5 rebounds and starts the break by passing to the outlet O2 ... who should be screaming "OUTLET!"

O1 cuts to the middle (yelling,"MIDDLE!") to receive the pass from O2. If O1 does not get the ball, he should
continue through to fill the right-hand lane and O2 should dribble to the middle.

In this example, O3 runs wide on the left. O4 trails in the left-hand trailer lane. If O4 happened to beat O3 to the
outside lane, O3 would fill a trailer lane.

Our rule is whomever gets there first gets the lane. Outside lanes must be filled first.

Hammer and Nails Transition




The positions in the diagram are relative to O1, the ball handler in the
middle. The other players must call out the positions as they fill them:

The object of this secondary break is to "Hammer" the ball inside and
"Nail" the shot.
The wing position is our "Hammer" the low-post position is our "Nail".

As you can see from the diagram, you will end up in a 1-2-2 set with two low-posts. You can work out how you
transition into your offense set from here.

Secondary break
Hammer and Nails Transition

Transition to Strong-side Play -

The key for our point guard, O1, to start the secondary break is when he
sees three or more defenders in front of him.

In this case he is dribbling toward the strong-side in our offense.

Hammer and Nails Transition


Transition to Strong-side Play -

Another key that we are starting our secondary break is that O3 can "hit
the baseline" and pop back out to receive the ball at the wing. In effect,
he "V" cuts. However, this is not necessary. He may just receive the ball
on the wing and await developments.

O1 passes to O3 and screens away.

O4 cuts to the basket and fills the strong-side low-post position if he does
not get the ball.
O2 is doing a "V" cut on the weak-side.
O5 screens down for O2 then goes to the low-post.
O3 is looking at O4 cutting to the basket.


Hammer and Nails Transition


Transition to Strong-side Play -

O3 squares-up and looks for his jump shot if in range.

O5 is rebounding the weak-side.
O3 still looks to get O4 the ball at the low-post. If he cannot, O3 passes
to O2.
O2 is coming off the double-screen and looks for his jump shot or to pass

Secondary break
Hammer and Nails Transition

Transition to Weak-side Play -

O1 dribbles and/or passes to the weak-side.

O2 can do a "V" cut to get open on the wing if he has time.
O4 always goes to the strong-side low-post.
O3 walks into mid post ready to pop out to the guard spot to help swing the
O5 cuts down the lane to post low.

Hammer and Nails Transition


Transition to Weak-side Play -

O5 has cut to the basket and posted-up.

O2 looks at O5. If O5 is not open, O2 passes out to O1 who has remained
at the weak-side guard spot.
O1 then looks inside for O5 again.

Now we're in our weak-side offense.

Hammer and Nails Transition


Transition to Weak-side Play -

If nothing is on, we swing into our regular weak-side motion offense.

O1 passes to O3 who has done a "V" cut through the elbow to get open.

O5 runs the baseline when O1 passes to O3 and pops out behind the
screen set by O4.

O3 passes to O5 for the 15'-18' jump-shot.

Secondary break
Hammer and Nails Transition - Progression A - 3-on-0

You can use the following Progressions (Break-Downs) in teaching this

transition offense.

O3 rebounds the ball off the backboard and throws an outlet pass to O2.
O3 starts up the inside lane.
O1 cuts to the top-of-the-key area.
O2 passes to O1.

Alternately, O3 fakes the pass to O2 (he's not open) and hits O1 at the
top-of-the-key with the first pass.

It is very important for juniors to understand that, in a controlled secondary

break, they must either be at an outlet area or at the top-of-the-key,

depending upon which side of the court the ball is rebounded.

Points of Emphasis

1) O3 throws an over-head pass.

2) Outlet man, O2, yells, "OUTLET!".
3) Middle man, O1, must go to the top-of-the-key in case of secondary outlet.
4) Middle man, O1, yells, "MIDDLE!".

Hammer and Nails Transition - Progression A - 3-on-0


O1 calls "MIDDLE!" as he passes half-court, dribbles toward the

top-of-the-key listening for the "HAMMER!" call.
O2 runs wide to foul-line extended and three-point line area. O2 yells,
"HAMMER RIGHT!" as he crosses half-court.
O3 trails in the inside lane and yells, "Nail Right!" as he crosses half-court.
O1 passes to O2. O2 passes to O3 cutting to the basket. O3 either
lays-up or does low-post move.

You could have them play 2-on-1 back the other way. The man that took
the shot, O3 in this case, being defense.

Points of Emphasis

1) O2 stays wide! He should be running in the outside lane (~ 3'-5' from each sideline).
2) O3 should stay behind the first pass to the wing, then cut hard to the low-post.
3) Go as fast as possible, but under control.

Secondary break
Hammer and Nails Transition - Progression B - 4-on-0

The middle man needs to be able to successfully recognise which side the
Nail is on and pass to the Hammer on that side. Good practise in calling
the positions.

O4 rebounds and over-head passes to the outlet on his side, O2. O4

becomes the Nail.
O1 cuts to the middle for the pass from O2.
O1 dribbles hard up the middle.
O2 fills the Hammer Right lane.
O3 has no other responsibility other than to fill the Hammer Left lane as
fast as possible.

Points of Emphasis


1) Overhead pass on outlet.

2) Outlet man yells, "OUTLET!"
3) Middle man yells, "MIDDLE!"
4) All players call their positions as they pass half-court.

Hammer and Nails Transition - Progression B - 4-on-0


All players must call their positions as they cross half-court.

O1 must recognise which side the Nail, O4, is on and get the ball to the
Hammer on that side. Same as Progression A from this point,
O1 passes to O2, who looks for O4 cutting down the lane.

Points of Emphasis

1) Call the "Hammer", "Nail" and "Middle" positions.

2) O3 must get to a rebound position.
3) The middle man stays back as safety.

Secondary break
Hammer and Nails Transition - Progression C - 4-on-2 or 3

The next step is for the middle man and the "Hammers" to be able to
recognise :
1) when to attack in a traditional fast-break
- 3-on-1
- 3-on-2
2) when to wait for the Nails.
- 4-on-3
- 5-on-4

The key is how many defensive men are back. Against 1 or 2 defense, we
attack quickly.... if 3 or more are back we go into the Hammer and Nails
transition and from that into our offense proper.

Same as progression B, but add defenders as shown. Continually change from:

1) 2 to 3 defenders against 4 offense and 2) 2 to 4 defenders against 5 offense
See if the offense adjusts correctly.

Hammer and Nails Transition - Progression D - 5-on-5


Controlled Scrimmage -

Coach passes to O3. Defenders 1,2 and 3 must try to stop the break any
way they can. O4 and O5's men (the X's) must touch the baseline before
running back on defense to simulate a two step head start for the offense.

Hammer and Nails Transition - Progression D - 5-on-5


Controlled Scrimmage -

Offense runs Hammer and Nails as previously described.

If the offense scores, they get to do it again back the other way.
If the defense forces a turn-over in play or gets a rebound, they Hammer
and Nail back the other way and try to score. If they score, this original
defense gets to stay on offense and do it again.
If the turn-over goes out-of-bounds, the other team gains possession and
they start over.
Play only stops when a basket is scored or the ball goes out-of-bounds.

Secondary break
High low lob to motion
The 5 man usually trails on the inbounds and breaks. This set is used to
start the motion offense. The idea is try to get a quick shot with the lob
with the 5 man.

4 and 2 man set a double screen for the 5 man.

5 man then cuts to the basket for a possible lob.

4 man thens pops out to the top and 2 man goes and sets another screen
for the 5 man.

The 5 man then cuts across the lane to post up for a possible entry pass.

Now that all options are taken up with the 5 man, the motion offense or
freelance game starts.

4 man has received the ball.

5 man holds a post, then screens for the 2 man.

1 man screens for the 3 man.

Secondary break
4 inbounds the ball or has the rebound.

2 and 3 are the flyers each on a side of the court.

4 starts with a pass to the guard 1, who is at the same side as the rebound
and parallel to the free throw line. This way the center knows where to

5 the other center goes through the middle.

As this play shows the secondary option 1 doesn't pass the ball to the
flyers 2 or 3.

Instead the ball is passed to 4.

4 passes the ball to 3.

5 fakes low and comes to the low post on the ball side

2 cuts to the basket and sets a screen for 4.

4 cuts over the screen towards the basket.

2 steps out and receives the ball from 3.

Secondary break
2 passes the ball to 1.

And 4 sets a screen for 5

Again 5 cuts to the low post on the ball side.

2 sets a screen for 4 who cuts to the free throw line.

3 takes the place of 2.

1 passes to 4 who makes the jumper.

Secondary break
Screen roll
1. Screen/Roll off 4. Look for shot, screen/roll, or drive and pitch to 2.

2. Fade to Corner

3. Replace 1

4. On Ball Screen for 1, Roll

5. Cut to Hi Post

Secondary break
Secondary break-carolina
1 gets as far up the floor as possible with his back to the sideline and calls

4 and 5 and interchangeable as well as 2 and 3.

2 and 3 fill the outside lanes.

4 runs down the middle of the floor to the rim. (note: 4 must make sure the
outlet pass is made, if note he must flash)

5 takes out the ball, and looks to be the trailer.

1 passes to 2 at the side line.

2 can pass to 4 posting up, or reverse the ball through 1, or skip to 5 or 3.

4 follows the ball across the lane

If 5 receives the pass he looks for 4 in a high low situation.

1 hugs the sideline, looking to step in for possible three point shot

If 5 does not have 4 in the paint he quickly reverses the ball to 3.

Secondary break
After 2 sees 5 reverse the ball, he should be making a L-cut to set a back
screen for 5.

4 looks to post up on the ball side block.

3 looks for 5 cutting, or to 2 at the top of the key.

From here we have court balance to start our offense.

Secondary break
Sjb secondary break 1
Use same break against man or zone defense.
Continuation offense/five passes-creates structure and shot selection.

Floor balance:
Player #1 Players # 2&3 interchangeable and Players #4&5

After a Rebound:
Player 1 comes back to receive outlet pass from 4 or 5.
Players 2 and 3 fill outside lanes.
Player 4 or 5 that does not rebound goes to low block ball side.
Player 4 or 5 that rebounds trailer.

After a rebound:

Outlet made to Player 1.

Players 2 and 3 fill outside lanes.
Player 5 sprints to low block on ball side.

Player positions to start half court offense.

Players 2 and 3 change sides after going all the way to the basket and
continue to opposite wing.

Player 5 sets up at low block.

Player 4 goes to side opposite player on low block.
The offense starts after Player 1 passes to Player 4.

Secondary break
Player 4 passes to Player 2 and cuts to the basket offense will run with
Players 4 and 5 now under basket.

Player 4 passes to Player 2 then cuts to lower block opposite side.

Player 5 comes across lane to block on ball side.

Secondary break
Sjb secondary break 2
SJB break after made basket.

Either player 4 or 5 takes ball out of basket

Players 2 and 3 sprint outside lanes Player 4 or 5 that does not take the
ball out of bounds sets up at foul line ball side and sprints to low block ball

Player 1 receives pass and looks down the floor for an open Player to pass
if no one is open.

Player 1 brings ball up floor.

Player 4 trails play.

Players 2 and 3 cross after going to the basket switching sides to the

Player 5 stays ball side.

The Players are in position to start the offense.

Secondary break
Tex to flex
Transition from defense:

1 runs the break lined up with an elbow.

2 & 3 run wide lanes.

4 sprints and tries to seal under basket for 1st option - can receive pass
from either 1 2 or 3 (depending on where defender is positioned).

5 trails the play.

If there is no option to 4 for quick entry - 4 goes ball side.

1 passes to 5.

4 screens 2 2nd option.

5 looks to feed 2 on flex cut under the basket or 4 on the open up.

1 down screens for 4 3rd option.

5 looks to feed 1 on the open up & 4 coming off the screen.

Secondary break
1 then clears to 3 pt line for spacing.

5 will then pass to 4 to start offense again.

Offense is now reset on the opposite side of floor and is repeated until
open shot is found.

Secondary break
1: Backdoor Dribble to Wing, Look Backdoor, Low Post, Top of Key

2: Fade to Corner

3: Back Door Cut, Back Screen 5, Pop Out off Down Screen from 4

4: Down screen 3

5: Cut and Post

Created with Basketball Playbook from 29

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