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Everything That Glitters Aint Gold

By: Tione Turner

Everything That Glitters Aint Gold

Copyright by Tione Turner, 2009

All rights reserved. No part of this may be used or reproduced
by any means, graphic, electronic or mechanical including, but
not limited to, photocopying, recording or taping or by any
information storage retrieval system without the written
permission of the publisher and author except in the case of brief
quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

This book may be ordered @

This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents,
organizations and dialogue in this novel are either the product of
the authors imagination or used fictitiously.

Second Edition: May 2009

ISBN 13: 9781607258056
Library of Congress Number: 001240489

Cover Design by

Text Layout by
Printed in the United States of America

About The Author

A scorching August day, is when I made my grand
entrance. A beautiful baby girl, my mother named me
Tione. With a unique name, I knew that I was here for a
reason, something special, more than average life. I was
born to Baltimore natives; my mother was a 19 year old
college freshman. My father was a 21 year old, well
respected hustler, who was into everything, from selling
dope to jewel heisting. As a small child, Id seen and heard
many things. At the age of 3, I was in and out of jails visiting
my father, who occasionally, did a bid here and there. No
matter how much prison time he served, upon his release
date, he had plans for the next gig. Some people chose to
take part in certain lifestyles, and sometimes, certain
lifestyles are just part of some people. I suppose my
fathers way of life, was just in him. From the age of 4, I
attended the best private schools, had lavish dresses and
clothes made for me to wear, owned an obscene amount
of diamonds and gold, and my father was shot dead in the
streets of Westport, all by the time I was 7. You would think
that I wouldnt remember so much, but by then, I was
exactly who I was going to be.

Growing up, I did what came natural to me. I was well
known, best dressed, and my boyfriend was always the
one making the most money. I became a mother at the age
of 17. Giving birth to a beautiful baby boy made me a better
person, but I still wasnt finished. It would take the murder
of several of my closest friends and a downhill spiral of
bloody street wars, for me to see that the way of life I was
a custom to, wasnt the right way, it was not what God had
planned for me. If I had to do it all again, there would be
no way I could do it differently. Everything that Ive lived
and experienced has made me who I am. These are
stories that have to be heard, not for entertainment, but so
that lives may be changed. On every corner in Baltimore,
and every other big City, there are people living Block
Busters and Best Sellers. Everybodys got a story.
Its just about who gets to get theirs told!

TyTy struggled to break free. The rope around his wrist
and legs were so tight that blood dripped from his veins.
He knew they couldnt have taken him far, because the
ride in the trunk was short. All he could think of was his
family back up top (New York). His girl begged and
pleaded with him not to come to Baltimore. He should have

Asiah sat at the bottom of the steps in a daze. She
couldnt believe her big brother was gone for what seemed
like forever. It was all Saundras fault. What kind of mother
prostitutes her child? Life was about to change. Her
brother had always been there for her. Asiah thought of all
the years they had nothing, except each other, and now
that was gone too. Her mother had taken everything from
her and she would never forgive her.

Boogie was set to serve juvenile life at the roughest jail
in Maryland. Asiah broke down in tears when the judge
passed the sentence, but he took it like a man. He had
always been a man. At 16, he was more man than most
30 year olds were. Taking care of his baby sister had
always been his number one priority, nothing and no one
came before her. Sure, sometimes he had to do all the
wrong things, but they were for the right reasons, and
when dealt a hand like his, all you can do is play it.
Testimonials & Dedications

This book is dedicated to all of the fallen soldiers that
lost their lives in the struggle, Curtis Turner (my 1
Ty, Pete, Darryl, Boobie, Shelton, Polo, Bush, Shamroc,
and Wiley. To the ones that have found a better way and
are fighting their way back. It takes a better man to do the
right thing and struggle. My love for the hood will never
fade, but at some point in life, we must grow up. I think Ive
reached my point. I cant stand to bury another one of yall,
please get yall shit in order!


I first and most of all want and need to thank GOD for
making this possible. He gave me visions to do great
things and the strength to make it happen. I wanna thank
my son for being my greatest and best creation. Big Ross,
U R the best Baby Daddy a girl could have. Crystal
Renee, youre the best. I love you and you are one hell of
a mother. I wish you all the happiness a girl could have.
BW, youre still the man, they cant hold a good one down.
Both of my Grandmothers and my entire family, aunts,
uncles, cousins and all. Khadijah, my best friend. Chae,
UR still not Boogie! Id like to thank Eli of
everyone who has inspired me. Id also like to thank
anyone who has provided me with such desperation that
success was my only option ( haters). Next to GOD, Id like
to thank everyone that supported Hood Dreamz, everyone
that read it and passed it on, and everyone that
encouraged the movement.

Asiah paid the taxi driver and climbed out of the cab.
Her head was spinning. She had one too many apple
martinis. Her best friend Terra had finally turned the big 16.
For Terra, this was a big deal, but Asiah had been grown
and on her own for a long time now. She had learned the
art of the hustle and the rules of the Hood. The bitches
wanted to be her and the niggas showed her mad love, the
Hood loved Asiah, but after years of fighting and struggling
for everything shes ever had, she realized it was no place
she wanted to be. School was her number one priority.
She was determined to make something of herself and get
the fuck out of the Hood. There was no way her dreams
would ever come true here.

Boogie signed for his belongings and snatched his
bags. As soon as he crossed the gates, he dropped all that
shit on the ground and jumped in Charlottes truck. He was
free now, and there was no way he was going to rock jail
shit on his back. He had been down for a long time, but he
was back, and motherfuckers had better know it!
Table of Contents
About The Author ...........................................................iii
Testimonials & Dedications ...........................................vii
Table of Contents...........................................................xi

Back on............................................................................7
Don't test me!.................................................................11
Bathroom Blues.............................................................15
Being related don't make you family..............................23
No more crumbs on the table ........................................33
We all got drama ...........................................................41
The past is never the past .............................................51
Baby Mama Drama........................................................73
Let the game play..........................................................77
He Got Game ................................................................97
Maybe there is a Santa Claus......................................125
All turned out! ..............................................................131
Here comes trouble .....................................................141
A junkie is as a junkie does .........................................151
Best friends share everything......................................157
Real hustlers hustle ....................................................175
You can't have it all.....................................................189
A New Low..................................................................199
Money talks.................................................................207
Old habits die hard......................................................217
Every war has casualties ............................................223

Shit can always get worst............................................239
After hard times good times always follow, right?.......249
Missing in action .........................................................275
When the shit hits the fan............................................285
This can't be life..........................................................309
Wedding Bells.............................................................319
Somebody gots ta die! ................................................349
What does it profit a man to gain the world but lose his
soul? ...........................................................................365
Game Tyme Previews.............................................. 377

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner

"What the fuck is that?" Asiah muttered as she wiped the
cold from her eyes. She had just fallen asleep. Last night was
her best friend, Terra's, birthday. Asiah threw the cover over
her head and shut her eyes

"BOOM CLANK CLANK ERR, the noise continued.

"Shit" Asiah spat as she sat up on the side of her queen-
sized bed.

Just as she was about to go downstairs, and give whoever
was making all that damn noise, a good cursing out, she
realized something.

Today was April 16, the day her brother was coming home.
Asiah jumped up and ran down their long hall, down three
flights of stairs, through the living room, and into the kitchen.
There he was. Her big brother was sitting at the table. No
handcuffs on his wrist, no shackles on his feet, and no bullshit
COs standing over him.

"What up baby girl?" He stood up and gave Asiah a big bear

She fell into his arms as if she was being rescued. In the
midst of all the rejoicing, Asiah smelled food waffles, bacon,
eggs, and grits. She was starting to think she was at Ihop;
she turned around to see who was doing all this cooking, and
was shocked to see that it was Saundra. They locked eyes

and she gave Asiah a "don't you dare say shit look. Asiah
looked at Saundra and rolled her eyes.

"Shpsh" Asiah sucked her teeth.

Who was she trying to fool? Asiah had not seen her in about
2 or 3 weeks, and that was after the last time she hadnt seen
her in 2 or 3 weeks.

"Now the bitch wanna play mommy." Asiah thought.

Times were about to change, Boogie was home and Boogie
ran shit. That's just the way it was. Saundra knew what time it
was. Either shape up or get stomped the fuck out!

After, Asiah stuffed herself with Saundra's food, she
thought about how tired she was, but she was too excited to
sleep. She crept to the second, floor pass their grandmother's
old room, and down the long hall that led to her brother's room.
She tapped on the door and laid across the bottom of his king
sized bed. She heard thumping above coming from Saundra's
room. She was probably up there trying to hide all her dirty
little secrets. Asiah laid there thinking how good it felt to have
her brother home. Finally, she fell asleep. About 10:30, the
phone started jumping off the hook. Asiah took messages
from everybody, old girlfriends, new girlfriends, use to be baby
mamas, everybody. Boogie did not want to talk to any one but
his grandmother. He had called her earlier, but she was gone
to the market with their non-driving cousin Laya. That girl
could barely make it to the end of the driveway without having
an accident. Boogie sat patiently waiting for Granny to call him
back. Asiah knew what he wanted. He wanted to know why,
Granny had been staying with Aunt Sharon instead of staying
home? Asiah knew her grandmother would tell Boogie all the
shit Saundra had been doing. For one; she was still getting
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
high, two; she never gave Asiah her check she got for her
father being dead, three; she always disappeared for days into
weeks. Point blank, she was just a bad mother! Saundra had
stressed Granny out until she just could not take it anymore.
So, she moved with Aunt Sharon.

When Granny finally called back, she told Boogie that
she was just tired of climbing all those steps and she needed
a break.

"What type of lame ass shit was that?" Asiah thought.

She wondered why Granny didnt tell the truth about
Saundra, but fuck it; it never takes long for a junkie to show
their true colors. All Saundra needed was enough rope to
hang herself.

Asiah and Boogie watched DVDs all day while Saundra
cleaned the house. She was really putting on the act of her
life. You would have thought the bitch was Mrs. Huxtable or
something. Their house had three floors, 4 counting the
basement. There were two bedrooms and a bath on the
second floor and three bedrooms and a bath and on the third
floor. The first floor had a huge kitchen, a large living room,
and a fair sized dining room. There was a family room in the
back of the kitchen they used for chillin. The house had been
remodeled from top to bottom. When their grandfather
passed, Granny used the insurance money to work on the
house. She said that the house was paid for and she saw no
need to sell it, even if it was, across from Druid Hill Park.

When Asiah was 12, Saundra started getting high. She
would trick for drugs and do other deeds as well. Of course,
when Boogie got wind of this he put the word out. If any nigga
got caught trickin with his moms, they were going to pay with

their life. Well, Saundra hooked up with these out of town
dudes, that did not know any better. One of them went by the
name of TyTy; he used to let Saundra suck him and his boys
off for a hit. After, a few times, he became bored with Saundra.
One day Asiah came in from school to change her clothes,
she was headed to the hospital to visit Grandpa.

"Asiah, look I need for you to do something for me. See
Grandpa is sick, we gonna get put out, we need money." She
lied, sniffling and wiping her snotty nose in between each

"TyTy likes you. He likes you a lot, he is willing to pay..."
Saundra stopped and looked at Asiah thinking of all the drugs
she could get for the $500 dollars TyTy was going to give her
for Asiah.

"You wouldn't understand, but you gotta do this!" Saundra

Asiah undressed, like her mother told her and laid on the
pullout couch in the family room. TyTy came in handing
Saundra the money and three vials of coke.

"Thanks" she chimed. "Ya'll have fun" and out the door she

Asiah set stiff and afraid. She didnt know what to think.
"Was it going to hurt?" She thought as he began to suck on
her 12-year-old breast.

"Relax it ain't gonna hurt " he told Asiah, as he slid his
fingers back and fourth across her clit.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
Then before she knew it, his fingers were inside of her. He
pushed her back, climbed on top of her, and was interrupted
by all the commotion in the kitchen. Next, the door came flying

"Nigga get the fuck off my sista!" Boogie demanded.

Boogie's best friend Jamall picked Asiah up and carried her
out of the room. Boogie beat Saundra as if she was a nigga
off the street. He tried to kill her with his bare hands. If it wasnt
for their cousin Peewee, he would have done it. Saundra lay
slumped over in the kitchen while they rushed Asiah to the

"No penetration" the doctor announced after he examined
her. The look on Boogie's face was one of relief, he was glad
he had gotten there in time to save his sister from being raped.
The doctor prescribed sedatives for Asiah and allowed her to
go home with her family. Later that night, Asiah overheard her
Aunt Sharon, talking to her husband Harold on the phone. She
told him, how Boogie had beat Saundra's ass, and that
Granny sent her down south, to stay with her sister Anna until
she got herself together. Next, there was a knock at the door.
Asiah got up and went to the first floor, there were police
everywhere. They were like worms after a thunderstorm.

"Is there a Daunte Sheppard here?"

Asiah set on the bottom of the steps as tears made their
way down her cheeks. The officers ran pass and brought a
draft of cold air, that chilled her arms. They brought her brother
downstairs with his hair half done, ice chain rocking, and jeans
sagging low. Aunt Sharon talked to the police while Granny
ran frantic trying to find the lawyers phone number. TyTy had
been found hanging from the glass house in the park. Boogie
was charged with his murder; the judge reviewed the

circumstances and sentenced him to juvenile life. He would
be released at the age of 21 and a half. He was 17 at the time.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
Back on

By 6 pm., Asiah had bells ringing in her head. It seemed like
the phone would never stop ringing. So many people called
for Boogie that they began to make her sick. It was as if the
females set their phone on speed dial and went for it. The
doorbell rang and Asiah heard Boogie and his best friend
Jamall downstairs all hyped up.

They had been best friends since puberty, although Jamall
was 2 years older than Boogie. Asiah brushed her hair,
splashed some water on her face, and glossed her lips before
walking downstairs; in just her bra and boy shorts.

"Oh, Jamall, I didnt know you were here." She lied and
pretended to be embarrassed.

"Girl get the fuck upstairs!" Boogie cursed her.

Asiah had a serious thing for Jamall. He looked out for her
while her brother was locked up. He was fine and she wanted
him. She wasnt 12 anymore and she enjoyed having her
titties sucked. She thought Jamall liked her too, but she wasnt
really sure. She'd caught him watching her ass a few times,
but what nigga didnt? However, Jamall was different; Asiah
found herself dreaming about him at night. She had plans on
fucking him six ways from Sunday; well at least in her dreams.

Later, that night after about 4 ounces of weed, a bottle of
Cris, and some Goose, Boogie and Jamall, finally, passed out.
About 3 am, the phone rang and Boogie got up and left. He
had to get his 1st piece of "cum home pussy". Jamall lay in

the back room stretched out. Asiah came downstairs, to put
the cordless on the charger, and spotted Jamall looking good
enough to suck until the sun came up. Asiah sat at the kitchen
table starring at him as he lay in the back room. The boy was
just too fuckin fine. He was 6 foot 2, about 220lbs., flawless
skin the color of chocolate milk, and he always kept his hair
neatly braided. Asiah's pussy throbbed, as she looked his
body up and down. Just, as she worked up the nerve to go in
there, the phone rang.

"Shit" Asiah snatched the phone up.

"Hello" She fumed looking at the clock. It was three in the
morning and these hoes were still calling.

"What up with that fine ass brother of yours?" It was Asiah's
home girl, Nina, running her mouth as usual.

"Nothin, he ain't here. Asiah answered with agitation.
Before, Nina could say another word. Asiah ended their

"Call me later, aight." She hung up in Nina's ear.

This was her chance with Jamall and she was not going to
waste it talking to Nina. Asiah walked into the room and
climbed into the bed with Jamall. She cuddled as close to him
as she could get. Jamall was so out of it, he didnt even notice
she had gotten in the bed. When he didnt move a notch, Asiah
knew he was faded beyond life.

"Jamall" she shook him.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
"Jamall" she shook him again. He jumped up, circled the
room with his eyes, and tried to figure out where he was. Once
he remembered, he laid back down.

"Aah damn I'm fucked up, he muttered. Then he sat back
up and scratched his head.

"What you doin in here?" He waited for an answer. Asiah
leaned close to him giving him a seductive look; she wondered
if he felt the way she felt.

"C'mon now, Asiah you know this shit ain't right."

He pulled away from her, but she moved closer ignoring
what he just said. He pulled away again. This time sitting on
the edge of the bed. He put his face in his palms and shook
his head; he knew it would come to this one day. After all, you
can only keep true feelings bottled up for so long. Asiah slid
behind him, straddling him, and placing her head on his back.
Jamall could feel Asiah's nipples hardening on his back. He
pushed her away but she came closer. He turned around,
raking through her hair with his fingers, he pulled her head to
his chest, and laid back.

"Asiah I ain't shit. I wouldnt do nothing but fuck your life up.
I got too much on my plate, the bitches, the drugs, the streets,
period. I don't want you wrapped up in that shit. Your brother,
dat's my man. I don't want us to become unbenefit." They lay
like that all night, in each others arms. Asiah got the answer
she hoped for. Jamall did feel the same way.

Months passed by and Boogie was back on top. He and
Jamall had the west side on lock. Peewee and his boys were
doing their thing on the east side and every body ate. All was
well. They were counting Scarface money and it was all

good. Boogie had several safes installed in the house.
School was out for the summer but he'd already promised
Asiah that she would be pushing a Phat ride for her senior
year of high school. She and Terra would be the talk of the
school as if they werent already. You had better believe that
any nigga who stepped to them had better have his shit in
order. Phat pockets, nice ride, fresh gear, and a big dick! If a
nigga was not holding all that he might as well beat it.

Boogie was the man now. He was the type of nigga that
shake a muthafucka up if it came to it. He was a ballin
muthafucka, an icy ass nigga that the bitches loved, and a
gangsta that real niggas respected. He was the type of nigga
that the bitches dropped to their knees to suck his big black
dick and didnt spit when he bust one in their mouths. They
damn near killed each other competing over who would be the
first to be fucked in his new truck. He and Jamall copped the
new Yukon Denali XL Boogie's was white, and Jamall's was
black. Everything was coming together and hard times were
far behind.

Granny had been thinking about moving back in which
would be cool except she would go crazy about all the shit that
was going on. All the new shit without a job to show for it .She
would preach a 48-hour sermon about that. She was the
reason Boogie had a lock put on his bedroom door. One day
she was in there cleaning up and she came across some
dope. Oh, she flew off the handle dumping all of the dope
down the toilet, of course that left Boogie in a bad position. He
ended up having to kill some dude behind that shit. But you
know in this game sometimes shit like that happens.
Don't test me!

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
Asiah opened her closet to select what she would wear to
Andre's cookout. Now Asiah and Andre had a sho nuff
situation. He was a dream come true to a chic like Asiah. He
had deep pockets, a long dick, what more could a bitch want?
He held Asiah down in every way that counted but he had too
many bitches for her, besides she was busy being in love with
Jamall, but Andre was always a great fuck. Whenever they
saw each other, it was on. If he were already with someone,
he would drop them off, come back, and get Asiah. Her pussy
was the best thing since sliced bread. As for her, Andre was
her first and only at that point. He taught her how to suck dick
and take it like a pro.

"Niggas like chicks that can take dick" he would tell her.

Asiah, Terra, Nina and Shayn pulled up and all eyes were
on them. The back yard was packed you could barely see the
grass it was so many people. The black Cadillac truck they
were in was on. Boogie was fucking this uptown rich bitch
named Charlotte. She rented the truck for Asiah trying to get
in good. She was cool but then again Asiah never really liked
any of her brother's girls. The girls jumped out the truck as if
they were in a video; fixing their clothes and puckering their

As soon as Andre saw Asiah, he paid no attention to
anyone else at the party. He grabbed Asiah's hand and pulled
her to the bathroom.

"So Asiah where you been? I ain't heard from you in a
minute" his hands were roaming wildly over her body.

"I been around" she moaned.

His hands went from her thighs to her ass, up her back,
around her stomach and up her shirt. Before she knew it, his
hands were caressing her breast and his tongue was down
her throat. He pressed against her so she could feel his hard
penis; it was against her vagina and driving her crazy. She
moaned as he kissed all the places that drove her crazy. He
ran his hands through her hair. It was extra wavy because she
had just taken out her corn rolls. He lifted her shirt up and
placed a tittie in his mouth while his other hand made its way
down her Fendi flood pants and worked her clit back and

"Hmm." she moaned, as she started grinding and humping
like a horny cat.

His tongue worked its way from her breast to her stomach,
and then to her pussy. Her pants dropped to her ankles as he
fingered and sucked her.

"Awww. Andre" Asiah moaned as she spread her legs wide.
She wanted him inside of her.

"BANG BANG BANG! Open the fuckin door I know you in
there Andre. My sister saw you come in there.

Asiah pulled her pants up.

"Open the door BITCH!" the girl screamed.

"Who's that?" Asiah whispered to Andre who now was
looking like he'd seen a ghost.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
He held his finger up for Asiah to keep quiet. Andre slowly
opened the door sticking his head half way out.

"Look just calm down" he said to the angry person on the
other side of the door.

Who ever she was she was not trying to hear that shit cause
when Asiah walked out she pounced on Asiah like a wildcat.
She was pulling and yanking on Asiah's hair like weeds in a
garden. She was a thick little short girl with a short haircut.
After a few seconds, Asiah shook off the shock and began to
battle back. They started tussling back and fourth as Andre
and a few others pulled them apart. By now, Asiah was hot!
She pulled her hair back into a bun while the girl was busy
running her mouth. Asiah had every intention on beating this
girls ass. She didnt know who she was fucking with; you
could not just put your hand on her and get away with it. The
girl turned to walk away with a smile thinking she had won the

"Oh hell no bitch it aint over it just started!

Asiah charged her clear into the back yard and onto a table.
The girl fell over but Asiah quickly pounced to her feet and
threw up her guards. The short girl tried to lunge at Asiah but
instead lunged into a series of blows, 2 pieces, and uppercuts.
By now, the whole party was watching as if it was a HBO
event. Asiah kicked her sandals off and went to work. As the
girl swung wildly, Asiah swayed from side to side and gave
her a left hook. "C'mon bitch, you wanna fight? C'mon" Asiah

"WAP" Asiah went upside her head.

Finally, Asiah was able to grab a hold of the girl's shirt.
That's when Asiah started whipping her like she stole
something. As the crowd pushed Asiah noticed her girls on
the sideline, but it was obvious that she did not need any help.
After Asiah delivered another series of blows to her face
causing her to bleed Andre and his cousins attempted to break
it up. As they pulled the girls apart, Asiah kept a grip on the
girls shirt and pulled it off so her titties were out for the whole
party to see.

"Ooh!" The crowd hissed.

Now Asiah was satisfied, she beat the girl's ass and
embarrassed her. As they were leaving the party, one of
Asiah's classmates told her that the girl was Andre's new
girlfriend and she fought every female that even looked
interested in Andre.

"Hmm. I bet you she'll think twice before she jumps on
anybody else." Asiah muttered as she climbed into the
Cadillac truck.

Bathroom Blues

Asiah's body was sore and her head was killing her. She
took two Extra Strength Tylenol and took a shower. She
washed her hair massaging the sore spot where the weed
puller went to work. She slipped into a nightgown and climbed
into bed. Asiah laid there thinking about the event that had just
taken place. That bitch had some nerve. What made her think
she could just go around attacking people? Asiah laughed
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
aloud thinking of how she demonstrated her skills. Whenever
Asiah got into a fight people were always amazed to see that
she knew how to put it down in the ring. She guessed that they
assumed that pretty bitches could not fight, Asiah fought the
first two years of middle school. Girls would want to fight her
saying that she thought she was cute. So what if she did? If
she had thought she was ugly, it would not have changed the
fact that she was cute.

Asiah had been the same size since the 8th grade, 5"1, and
118 lbs. Her breast set up like the lights on an E Class. They
were a 34b but very perky. She had the roundest little butt that
drove the niggas crazy. Her skin was a flawless paper bag
brown, her eyes were slanted. That's why they named her
Asiah. She had long wavy hair that fell to her shoulders and a
little beauty mole between her nose and lip. Because Asiah
was very pretty she always had to fight to defend herself, at
least until bitches realized that she was no chump and would
battle any body that stepped. Boogie taught Asiah to fight at
an early age.

"Ain't no chumps in this family" he would say as he wrestled
her till she cried.

Asiah was in a deep sleep. The kind when you slobber on
a pillow and don't even care. She was balled up under the
cover like a roasted peanut. Her queen-sized bed felt so good
when she felt a cold chill followed by a blazing sting to the side
of her face. Her brains shook like a pair of dice on concrete.
She struggled to open her eyes and realized that Jamall had
just slapped the shit out of her. Asiah sat up in a daze, Jamall
was in a complete uproar.
He was screaming and hollering to the top of his lungs.

"You like fucking in bathrooms ha?"

He yanked the covers back and grabbed Asiah's nightgown
snatching her out of the bed. She fell to the floor like a rag doll.
He swung his hand back slapping her again, she felt her neck
snap as her eyes and nose began to run. She started to cry,
Asiah's whole face felt hot like a bee sting. With one hand she
clinched, the side of her face with the other she covered her
eyes. Jamall was standing over top of her going crazy,
that she look at him. He cuffed her chin tight

"Look at me!"

Asiah tried to turn her face away Jamall squeezed even

"Oh what you think that shit cute Asiah? Fuckin in
bathrooms yeah that's real cute ha Asiah?"

He was in her face screaming and yelling like a lunatic. She
could smell the Big Red on his breath. Next, he grabbed both
of her wrists and started dragging her down the hall. Asiah
started kicking and screaming her nightgown was halfway
over her head and one of her socks slipped off. Asiah saw
her life flash before her eyes. This was not the Jamall that she
knew; she had known him all her life and never saw him act
like this. Asiah cried as Jamall continued to drag her down the
carpeted hallway.

Jamall slung Asiah in the bathroom slamming the door
behind him. Her body felt like it had been scrubbed with
sandpaper from being dragged on the carpet. She tried to get
up but Jamall rammed his palm into her chest sending her
flying into the corner of the tub.

"So you like fuckin in bathrooms? Ha Asiah? Is that it?
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
You a bathroom bitch? You like bathrooms?"

He kept repeating the same thing over and over again.
Before Asiah knew it he was pulling off her underwear, she
tried to hold them up but Jamall took her fingers and bent them
backward. By now, Asiah's eyes were flooded with tears and
she could hardly see. He pulled her panties and nightgown off
and threw them in the corner.

This was too much for Asiah to handle a thousand things
started running through her mind. She wondered where was
her brother, what was Jamall going to do, and what had
caused him to snap like this? Her breast were soaked from
her tears she covered them with one hand and her private
area with the other. Asiah had nothing on but a sock. She was
balled up crying and shivering like a homeless kitten.

"Naw don't cover up now!"

Jamall planted his hand in her head pulling her up by her
hair. He pushed her face first into the full-length mirror hanging
on the back of the bathroom door.

"Look at you now Asiah, how you feel now?" Still like

"NoShe whined.

He twisted her around putting his hand around her throat.

"Do you feel violated?" He asked looking her straight in the
eyes. Asiah didnt know what to say, but she didnt want to say
the wrong thing. She definitely did not want to make him any
madder than he already was.

"DO...YOU...FEEL...VIOLATED?" He demanded an

"Yes...." Asiah cried.

"Good, the bathroom is for washing and shitting, not for
fucking. Do you understand me?" He walked away leaving her
there to get herself together.

Jamall had the strangest way of teaching a person a
lesson; he also had a short temper.

Asiah stumbled around the bathroom picking up her clothes
trying to figure out what just happened. By the time she
calmed down and got herself together she had to work up
enough nerve to go back to her room, she realized nothing
worst could happen. Jamall was sitting on the edge of her bed
with his face planted in the palms of his hands. Asiah tiptoed
pass and sat at her vanity table. She was completely shook
up and looked like it.

"See Asiah every since we was little Boogie been my man.
I always thought of you like a little sister. Even when that shit
went down with that nigga TyTy I felt the same as Boogie felt,
like that nigga had to die. When Boogie got locked up I looked
out for you. But now you gettin older and I guess I'm starting
to look at you differently and I feel fucked up cause I know it
ain't right. A nigga like me can't bring you shit but grief. I'ma
end up locked down for life or dead in the streets...."

"But it don't have to be like that" Asiah interrupted him.

"Asiah it's hard for a nigga like me to sit here and express
my feelings like this. I ain't never loved no bitch before."
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"Did he say LOVE?" Asiah thought.

"You been through enough with ya moms strung out, and
ya father and grandfather dying and your grandmother moved
out. But you been strong through all of that. I just don't want
to be the one that fucks ya life up."

Asiah couldnt believe her ears Jamall had just told her that
he loved her.

"So what are you saying Jamall?"

"I'm saying. He paused at the risk of sounding like a
bitch. I wanna be that nigga to take you away from this
shit, but I ain't ready to give up the streets yet. Plus ya
brother might flip. And I damn sure don't wanna see you
with nobody else" He paused again to be honest with you
shorty, I don't know what the fuck I'm saying"

He stood up and headed for the door, Asiah jumped in his

"Don't go, she pleaded.

Jamall stopped and looked surprised for a moment.

"Look Asiah I'm sorry for all this but the thought of another
nigga putting his grimy ass hands on you, that shit drives me

Even after Jamall had manhandled Asiah she still found him
sexy, she wrapped her arms around his neck and starred at


"I'm not a child any more" she announced and started
kissing him.

He placed his hands on her hips and started stepping
backward pulling her toward the bed. His hands slid around
her back and into her panties. He started massaging her sore
butt. His hands were warm and strong they covered both of
her cheeks, he squeezed her tight and lifted her up. Jamall
laid Asiah on the bed and pulled her gown over her head. He
pushed her breast together a slowly caressed them with his
tongue. She felt his hard penis pressing against her stomach.
It was bigger than she imagined. After he slowly slid, Asiah's
panties down Jamall put his face between Asiah's legs and
made love to her vagina with his tongue. His tongue was
moving in a circular motion and had Asiah sopping wet, he
inserted two fingers moving them in and out. The view of his
corn rolls swaying from side to side between her thighs turned
her on. He came up running his fingers through her hair
massaging her scalp where it had been repeatedly abused
throughout the day. Asiah kissed Jamall with every drop of
being in her body. She had never wanted anyone so badly.
She had made love to him over 1000 times in her dreams. Her
hands anxiously wondered across his back pulling off his fresh
white wife beater, his chocolate skin turned her on. She licked
the tattoo on his chest and inhaled his cologne as their hands
became entangled. Jamall softly sucked Asiah's earlobe. As
he leaned toward the nightstand to turn off the light he spotted
the sweet 16 card Boogie gave her.

"16" he said aloud.

Suddenly Jamall jumped up

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"This shit ain't right Asiah I can't do this" he started getting

"What's wrong?" Asiah desperately wanted him inside of

"I'm 23 this shit ain't right."

"But first you said..."

"Look I know to alota niggas age don't mean shit. You my
man's little sister I just can't do it."

He grabbed his keys and was gone before Asiah could get
out another word. She laid there in a complete state of
confusion. What type of game was Jamall running? Tears
came to Asiah's eyes. She thought maybe Jamall just got her
all sauced up to see if he could fuck her.


The whole shit had her mind blown.

Being related don't make you

They all piled up in Boogie's truck and headed for the
airport, the sun had hardly risen and the moon was still out.
Asiah was tired of Saundra's presence and it was making her
sick. Saundra had shown up 2 days ago upsetting everyone
after she had been gone for a week and a half. Granny's
pressure went up and she went back to Aunt Sharon's. She
said that she could not stand to see Saundra destroy herself
any longer. Yet they insisted on dragging her along, Asiah
could not stand her. If it were up to Asiah, she would have let
Saundra hitchhike all the way to Atlanta. Besides this was a
family reunion and Asiah did not consider her family. If Sharon
and them wanted her to go so bad then they should have let
her fly with them.

"And why does my brother have to pay for her ticket?'"
Asiah complained.

After boarding the plane, Asiah had the sudden urge to use
the bathroom. Then Jamall, then Terra, then Boogie.

"Whew...that fast food run through a nigga!" Boogie joked.
Boogie had a new fling named Sheebah. She did hair and was
very good at it.

"I think I like this one," Asiah told her brother.

While Terra was in the bathroom, Saundra sat beside
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"Unh unh raise up" Asiah demanded.

Saundra jumped up displayed a bitter look; Asiah mugged
her right back and continued to read her Jet. Saundra became
enraged and tried to snatch the magazine from Asiah's hands.

"You know Asiah, I did give birth to you" Saundra spat as
her eyes filled with tears.

Asiah gave her a cold stare.

"Bitches give birth but that don't make them fit to be

Saundra threw her hands up and stormed off. Asiah sat
muttering to herself until Terra came flopping down beside

"What's wrong with you?" Terra questioned her best friend.

"The usual and I really don't want to talk about it," Asiah
snapped at Terra.

"You know Asiah you really shouldnt treat your mother like
that. If I talked to my mother like that she...."

"That is because you have a real mother so get off my

"What's ya beef with your mother Asiah? I just don't get it"
"Yeah I know you don't, so until you walk a mile in my
shoes don't fuckin judge me okay."

"Well let me remind you, your shoes are Gucci and you
have not walked very far."

Asiah didnt reply because Terra didnt know what the fuck
she was talking about. She couldnt begin to imagine what life
was really like for Asiah. Terra was on the outside looking in
and all she saw was green. She did not understand what it
took to be Asiah. What did she know about having a mother
that was so strung out that she was willing to sell her
daughter's virgin pussy? Nothing, nothing at all; therefore
Asiah really wasnt interested in shit she had to say.

By the time they arrived at the Western hotel Terra had truly
annoyed Asiah. Asiah did not even want to share her room
with her, but it wasnt Terra's fault she didnt know any better.

"Maybe one day I'll explain it to her," Asiah thought.

After unpacking and talking to Granny at Aunt Anna's
house, Asiah and Terra decided to go to the spa. First, they
got facials, then manicures and pedicures, and after that, they
got full body massages. By now, the tension between Asiah
and Terra was beginning to wear down. They went back to the
hotel, put on their bikinis, and relaxed in the Jacuzzi. The
phone rang, it was Sheebah. Boogie and Jamall had gone out
so Asiah invited her to join them.

Sheebah was cool. Asiah definitely liked her better than any
of Boogies other female friends or, as he would call them
"Bitches". Asiah found herself actually holding a conversation
with Sheebah and that meant a lot. Plus she was a licensed
cosmetologist and that was all right with Asiah. The next
morning the three girls headed to the mall. The reunion was
tomorrow and Asiah wanted something fresh to wear. Not that
the clothes that she had werent fly but she just liked the
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feeling of new shit on her back. While they were eating lunch,
Asiah's cell rang.


"What up sugadip?"

"Nothin much, how bout you?" Asiah replied.

"Ain't shit just thinkin bout ya fine ass".

It was this ballin ass nigga Asiah met at the racetrack a few
weeks ago. He was cool as shit not to mention he had money
coming out the asshole! Ever since that last incident with
Jamall Asiah felt like "fuck it" if he wasnt trying to be with her
than she had to move on. She could not allow him to control
her life. Kross was just her type tall, dark, corn rolls, and long
money. He had been on Asiah every since they met, the week
before he bought her a diamond and platinum bracelet. He
had a nice crib out Columbia Lakes and drove a Benz iller than
the one her brother had bought 2 weeks before. Between
Boogie and Kross, Asiah did not want for anything. Not that
her brother didnt take good care of her because he did.
Nevertheless, she would use this opportunity to fuck with
Jamall's head, either he was gonna be with her or lose her.
She was tired of hearing about all of his other bitches;
although he never flaunted them in front of her, she knew
damn well they existed. He didnt stop doing his thing, so why
should she?

After lunch the girls hit the Prada store, Asiah bought an
outfit, some sneakers, and a bag. Terra copped a dress she
saw in Bebe, and Sheebah got a bad ass Ralph Lauren outfit.
When they got back to the hotel Boogie called and told them
to meet him and Jamall at the pool. Saundra left for Aunt

Anna's house that morning and Asiah was happy. When they
got to the pool, Sheebah kissed Boogie as if he was her

"What up Jamall?" Terra sang.

She was always in somebody's face. Boogie turned to

"Oh I got something for you; remind me when I get back to
the room".

Her brother always had something for her. Whenever he
bought himself something, he bought her something. It had
been like that since they were younger. After having, a good
time in the pool they all ate like pigs and got sleepy. Asiah
knocked on Boogie's door. Sheebah opened the door grinning
from ear to ear. She was lit up like it was Christmas morning.

"What the fuck was she so perky about?" Asiah thought.

Asiah sat down on the couch and waited for her brother to
get out of the shower. Sheebah sat back in front of the mirror
to finish her hair, that's when Asiah spotted some new
diamonds in Sheebah's ear.

"Son of a bitch" Asiah jumped up "Oh my goodness, when
did you get those?"

"Today girrrl Sheebah squealed.

The girls jumped in excitement. Asiah was happy for
Sheebah, although her diamonds were bigger than Sheebah's
she was still hyped for her. This meant that her brother
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probably liked Sheebah, and since Asiah liked her, too she
was glad. From what Asiah could tell, they were about 2 ct.
with platinum setting, of course that is all her brother bought.
Boogie came from the bathroom.

"What the fuck ya'll makin all that noise for?"

He walked to the closet to get what he had bought for Asiah.
He pulled out a large shopping bag and handed Asiah a
Chanel gift set, watch, and handbag.

"Thanks" Asiah kissed her big brother.

"Yeah whatever" he mouthed as he reopened the closet.
Asiah noticed some more shopping bags in the closet.

"Dang Sheebah you got hooked up today, didnt you?"
Asiah pointed referring to the bags in the closet. She was
curious to see what else Boogie bought Sheebah.

"That's not mines. That's your mothers stuff." Sheebah
continued to curl her hair without noticing the change in
expression on Asiah's face. Asiah spun around to face her
brother; he jumped back and put his hands up.

"Look Asiah I just got her something to wear so she wouldnt
embarrass us. Thats all".
"Chanel? Boogie. Chanel? You could have found that bitch
something cheaper."

Sheebah dropped her comb and turned around.

"I don't by you cheap shit, Do I?' He fumed as he lotioned
his face.


"How can you compare that bitch to me? If she needed
something to wear so badly she get $700 every month and
dont give me one red cent. That whore can buy her own shit."
Asiah was fuming from her ears she was so angry.

"Yo cut that shit out this ain't the time for this" he hushed
his sister; he did not want to air their dirt in front of Sheebah.
He liked her but she was not part of their family.

Asiah could not believe her ears. How could he be so easy
to forgive Saundra after all she had done to them?

"This ain't the time? This ain't the time? Oh, what she got
you too now? You forgot all the shit she did, I bet if it was your
ass she sold to get high you wouldnt be so quick to forget!"
Asiah was screaming to the top of her lungs and Sheebah sat
in total shock. She could not believe what she was hearing.

"No I didnt forget, I ain't forget all that muthafuckin time I
did neither. Did you?" Boogie's patience was growing very
short with Asiah.

Asiah stood speechless; she took two deep breaths,
apologized to her brother and left. Although she apologized
with her mouth, her heart still felt that Saundra was a
miserable bitch that didnt deserve shit.

When Asiah returned to her room, Terra was out of it. Asiah
lay there gazing at the ceiling thinking of the beef between her
and Boogie. Why did everybody think she was a villain? It was
as if they couldnt understand where she was coming from or
how she felt. She was not the unreasonable one, was she?
Boogie of all people should understand how she felt; Saundra
had fucked his life up too.
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The next morning Asiah awoke to Terra fusing at the
housekeeping staff about fresh flowers. Asiah shook her head

"She must be PMSing" Asiah thought.

Asiah thanked the lady for her service and gave her a tip;
nobody had time for Terra and her foolishness today. Terra
was like that sometimes. She wasnt use to anything and
whenever she had the opportunity to belittle someone, she
would use it to her advantage. Asiah on the other hand was
not like that, although she was more fortunate than others
were when it came to material things she never looked down
on others. Asiah talked to Kross and went to the gym. This
helped her to relieve some of the stress from the argument
she had with her brother. The thought of Saundra in Chanel
turned her stomach. But she decided it was not worth being
mad with her brother so she decided to squash the beef by
calling his room and making small talk.

The park was decorated with the usual balloons, banners,
and people everywhere. Cousin Bomb was already pissy
drunk at three o' clock. He was a down south version of
Boogie. Boogie, Bomb, Peewee, Jamall, Terrence, Clyde,
Droop, and Shawn drunk about 20 fifths of Remmy and started
a game of dominos. Meanwhile Asiah and Terra mingled and
introduced Sheebah to everyone. Everybody there already
knew Jamall he was like family; he'd been coming to the
reunion with Asiah and Granny even when Boogie was locked
up. Most of the time he was the one that paid for the trip. The
air was filled with down south cooking, weed, and alcohol. By
sunset, there wasnt one sober mind in the whole park. The
reunion was always off the hook like that, that's just how they
got down. Asiah and her cousin Laya always ended up at a
table somewhere sharing a joint and hiding from Granny and
Sharon. Laya was cool, but her parents, Aunt Sharon and

Uncle Harold, would never let her roll with Asiah. To Asiah
they were just being assholes; it wasnt like Asiah was some
bad ass kid. She was still in school, made good grades, had
never been pregnant, and didnt do drugs except an
occasional spiff every now and then.

As the sun started to set, you could see the bugs circling
the night lamps. Cousin Charles came over and grabbed
Asiah by the arm.

"C'mon gal get on up and shake that ass!" He sang
snatching Asiah from the table.

Asiah threw her hands up and started twirling her hips then
she took it down to the ground. She felt the music vibe through
her body and the Cristal was singing to her mind. Asiah was
working her body to the music as everyone watched and
cheered her on. Aunt Louise jumped up and joined in.

"Aww shit now...." She cheered Asiah on. Next thing you
know the whole park was shaking ass.
"Been so long... hes been gone... so please show me what
it is you wanna see...DANGER...DANGER..." Mystikal rocked
through the speakers.

After dancing herself into a tizzy, Asiah stumbled her way
to the Texas table. They called it that because every year
when they came to the reunion they sat at that table and didnt
move the entire time, so they called it the Texas table because
they might as well have stayed in Texas. One of the women
drinking a bud light asked Asiah was she Saundra's daughter.
Asiah nodded her head yes.

"I knew you were, you so pretty. Look just like her." The
woman added.
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Suddenly Asiah felt her stomach knot up; it was as if it was
crawling up her throat. She almost gagged. She quickly
jumped up and left the table.

"What's wrong with her?" She heard another lady whisper
as she left the table.

Just before Asiah reached the table where Sheebah and
Terra were sitting, she bumped into Saundra. She took a step
back and spun around like she was a model.

"Like my outfit? It's Chanel darling." She grinned with a
smirk on her face

Asiah looked her up and down from head to foot, foot to
head and back.

"Hmm." Asiah hissed as she swung her arm back throwing
mudslide all over Saundra's new outfit.

No more crumbs on the table

Today was the day. That Chanel outfit Boogie bought
Saundra was crumbs on the table compared to the cash he
was about to drop on Asiah. Saundra had tried to convince
Boogie to buy Asiah some fucked up Neon, she told him that
Asiah didnt need a car that cost a lot of money, and she
needed something simple. But Asiah knew that Saundra was
still heated about that mudslide incident. Asiah reclined her
chair and opened a magazine. They had at least a 2-hour
drive ahead of them. Monty was supposed to meet them at

the auction, he was a car dealer. Boogie used his license to
purchase cars from the auction. When they arrived, they met
Monty at the entrance as planned. He passed Boogie a list of
cars that his mechanics had already inspected. Boogie
checked the list marking off all the cars he would allow Asiah
to bid on. Asiah quickly scanned the list. He'd marked off an
Acura RL, a Toyota Avalon, an Es 300, a Gs 400, and an
Infiniti Q45. The Es was too small for Asiah she needed a big
whip something to accompany her into womanhood with a
bang. Boogie handed Asiah a marker and leaned close to her.

"20 thousand, that's it." He whispered.

The bidding started it was Altimas and Accords going for
seven and 8 thousand. After attending an auction only an idiot
would purchase a car from a dealership. They charge you 3
times as much as the auction, it was highway robbery. Asiah's
cell phone rang. It was Kross but she didnt want him to know
that she was at the auction; she wanted him to be surprised
when she rolled up on his set pushing some hot shit. Boogie
shoved Asiah to get off the phone it was time to start bidding.
First up was the Q, it went for 11 thousand, next up was the
Es, it went for 15, third the RL, which went for an easy 20, and
last but not least Asiah's Gs 400 she walked away with it for
24 thousand.

On the drive home Asiah called Terra and told her to get
dressed because, they were going out. When Asiah turned the
corner of R&G, which stood for Reisterstown and
GwynnsFalls, all eyes were on her. She laid back in her new
navy blue Gs and blasted Trina's I'm the baddest bitch. Yes,
this was just what she needed to set off her official hot girl
status. She would be the only senior pushing a ride this Phat,
she was official. After a shower, Asiah threw together a cute
outfit and peeled. She pulled up at Terra's house and her
mother was on the porch. Asiah saw Terra peeking out of the
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window; she held her finger up signaling Asiah to wait a
minute. Terra's mother walked up to the car pressing her face
against the glass.

"Asiah is that you?"

"Yes Mrs. Keegan it's me" Asiah giggled.

"Girl who's car you then stole?"

Asiah laughed as Terra made her way to the car.

"Look at you always in something" Terra toyed with her

"Oh girl please ya'll ain't got nothing to be in. Ya'll ain't doin
shit new, I then done it all baby... done it all." She snapped her
fingers and started grinding her body.

Asiah and Terra laughed at Terra's mother as they pulled

"So where you wanna go?' Asiah asked her best friend.

"You're driving, I'm riding. It's on you"

"You got your fake ID?"

"You betta know it" Terra flashed her fake photo along with
a grin.

"Well Mo's it is Asiah announced as she jumped on 83

When they arrived at Mo's Asiah tossed the keys to the
valet, she felt like a balla. She was a balla. She had to give
herself a pat on the back she was a bad bitch. The host seated
the girls and sent over a waitress. Asiah ordered a sex on the
beach, a slice of cheesecake, and crab imperial. While sipping
on her drink she noticed some dude checking her out. She
looked him up and down; once she caught a glimpse of his
feet, she knew there could be nothing between them. His
shoes were a cheap knock off Gucci Gators. Real niggas wore
real gators and that was that. Asiah burst into laughter, the
more she drank the funnier shit got. The girls set at the table
checking out the scenery. Mo's was really jumping off as it did
every Friday night. After dinner, Asiah ordered a long island
iced tea and she was wet there on after. Everything and
everybody was a walking comedy show to her. She scanned
the room laughing at any sucker that should have known
better than to leave the house looking the way they did. Then
she saw some zigzag corn rolls buried in a menu at a corner
table in the rear of the room. The hands holding the menu
were flooded with ice.
Between the pinky ring, the bracelet, and the watch Asiah
momentarily lost her sight. She leaned over to Terra.

"Check out Jigga over there."

That was their code for a sexy ballin ass nigga. Whenever
they saw a nigga that was doin, it way big they addressed
them like that. Terra turned around to peep what her best
friend was talking about.

"Whoa" Terra gasped.

By now the girls had become over anxious to find out who
was the honey holding the menu. Asiah wanted badly to see
his face. She had already dropped her phone so she could
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
bend down to see his shoes. They were black Kenneth Cole's
with Armani slacks, Asiah could tell by the texture of the fabric
that they were Armani. Then the waiter came over to the table
blocking her view. She used this time to check out the girl his
was flaunting. All Asiah could see was the back of her head
she had a black shoulder length wrap, but it wasnt real. She
had on something sleeveless and was about two shades
darker than Asiah. From what Asiah could tell her wrist were
empty, no ice action at all. Then Terra interrupted Asiah's

"Asiah ain't Jamall's hair like that?"

Asiah squinted her eyes and widened them afterwards.
Jamall did have his hair like that. She focused again noticing
that the watch, ring, and bracelet were all Jamall's. Suddenly
Asiah felt her heart stop, that was Jamall. She felt her fingers
grovel with the tablecloth between them. Her nostrils flared as
her eyes began to water with anger. Just as she rose up the
waiter walked off and she saw it with her own eyes. Jamall
sitting there with another bitch! She was hot. Asiah started
trembling uncontrollably and everything around her seem to
be going in slow motion.

"ASIAH.... ASIAH...ASIAH!" Terra screamed to catch
Asiah's attention.

Terra was waving her hands back and forth in the air.
Finally, Asiah snapped out of it and Terra handed her the cell


"What up shorty? Where you been all day?"

"Ha?" Asiah frowned her face at the phone.

"Where you at? You tryna see me tonight or what?

Just then, Asiah realized that she was talking to Kross. She
regrouped and tried to sound normal.

"Yeah you know it baby" she gave him a sexy tone.

"Where you at? I'ma come grab you ma".

"Naw that's alright. I'ma meet you at the spot"

"Well I'ma be down the way, I gotta pick up some money so
hit me when you ready".

Asiah approached the table slowly. She was trying to figure
out what she was about to do. Terra was right behind her.
Asiah had her fist balled up tight and smoke was coming out
of her ears. Before they reached the table, Jamall lifted his
head up and saw them coming. The look on his face was
priceless Asiah could tell he was at a lost for words.

"What's up Terra? What's up Asiah? What ya'll doin here?"
He stuttered.

"Oh nothin, how bout you?" Asiah said in a fuck you kind of

Then she started biting her bottom lip she could not believe
this shit. Terra shoved Asiah pointing at the girl that was with

"What's up girl?" Jamall's date sang happily.
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Asiah's body went numb and her mind drew blank. She
didnt know whether to speak to the girl or spit on her. It was
a girl from the salon where Sheebah worked. Asiah had just
seen the girl the day before at the salon and she was talking
bout this official ass nigga that she met, but Asiah had no idea
it was Jamall she was talking about.

"Girl... this that nigga I was tellin ya'll about" Kinte beamed.

That did it. It was nothing Asiah could do to keep herself
from slapping the shit out of this bitch.

"WHAT?" Asiah snapped with intentions on following up
with a slap to Kinte's face.

Jamall had known Asiah all her life and could see a bad
situation getting worst. He knew Asiah would be beating this
girl up and down Little Italy in a matter of seconds. He jumped
up and grabbed Asiah's arm.

"Come here Asiah let me talk to you for a minute" he
dragged her toward the restrooms.

Asiah yanked away, the thought of him with anyone besides
her drove her crazy.

"What the fuck is this shit Jamall? Is that why you don't want
to fuck with me cause you fuck with weak ass Kinte? I mean
tell me is that it? Tell me!" She demanded.

"Yo just calm down for a minute. It ain't even that real...
"Oh I see...Sheebah and Boogie, and you and Kinte.

Yeah that's real cute. That's bullshit Jamall for real...."

"Girl please. Sheebah don't even know me and that girl
know each other. She stepped to me on her own."

"Well good now I won't have to beat Sheebah's ass too"
Asiah fumed.

"What you mean too? I know you ain't bout to start no shit
in Mo's cause you know they'll lock ya ass right up, Jamall

"C'mon Asiah Kross called. He waiting for you" Terra

"Kross?" Jamall questioned.

"Yeah nigga Kross" Terra instigated.

Now the tables were turned Jamall was the one left
standing there in a tizzy.

Asiah dropped Terra off and went to meet Kross. She
turned down the block, hit the lights, and rolled the windows
down. She spotted Kross' Benz; he was on a porch shooting
craps. Asiah crept up slowly and jumped out.


One of the guys looked up

"Who dropped you off boo?' Kross questioned.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
"Ain't nobody drop me off nigga. Dis my shit right here"
Asiah said proudly leaning against her new GS.

Kross jumped off the porch. After thoroughly inspecting the
car, he gave Asiah her props.

"You the shit shorty, I'll give you that. You the shit".

Asiah smiled, Kross jumped in his Benz.

"Follow me" he smirked "if you can keep up".

Kross took off like a bat out of hell. Asiah followed him
closely while listening to J.E. Heartbreak. Her cell phone was
ringing off the hook. It was Jamall; she turned it off and hit the
volume. She drove along singing Keys to the Range.

We all got drama

Later that night Asiah awoke to a violent pounding on Kross'
front door. She tried to wake Kross but he slept as if it was a
job, it took nothing short of bulldozer to wake him up. Asiah
pulled the cover over her shoulder, closed her eyes, and tried
to go back to sleep. The pounding became more enraged.
Asiah shook Kross until he answered.

"What...? He muttered.

"It's somebody at the door".

"Well get it... shit" he cursed, "It's probably Chance. That
nigga think he can show up at a mafucka house whenever the
fuck he feel like it".

Chance was Kross' cousin. Another fine muthafucka with
plenty of money and a big dick. Asiah grabbed her Gucci robe
that Kross bought her and headed downstairs. She flicked the
lights on and stood on her tiptoes to look out of the peephole.
Her heart fell to the floor when she saw that it was Jamall.

"Oh shit" was all she could manage to muster up. She
turned her back to the door and slid to the floor.

"Open the door I can hear you breathing" Jamall yelled.

Asiah was so scared that she was breathing like a fuckin
grizzly bear. She cracked the door leaving the chain on giving
them just enough space to see eye to eye. "What is it Jamall?"

He was pissy drunk Asiah could smell the drink on him; it
hit her in the face like the wind as soon as she opened the
door. His eyes were blood shot red.

"Look Asiah I ain't leaving this mafucka without you.
So get your shit and let's go!" He demanded.

Asiah immediately had flashbacks of Jamall slapping her in
the face the night of Andre's cookout. She had carpet burns
for a whole week.

"I ain't goin nowhere Jamall, what are you doin out here?
How'd you know where...?

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"Don't worry bout dat!" He raised his voice and pushed his
hands through the crack in the door. Asiah tried to shut the
door but Jamall was too strong. He grabbed a handful of her
hair and yanked her head towards the door until she banged
her forehead.

"Either you can get your shit and c'mon or I can kick dis
bitch in and drag you out this muthafucka, and don't think I
won't shoot that punk ass nigga upstairs!"

Asiah did not want Kross and Jamall beefing it would be a
bloodbath and for sure, her brother would be smack dab in the

"Can you give me a minute?" Asiah pleaded as she tried to
stop herself from bursting into tears. She could not believe this
was happening. Jamall agreed and let her close the door to
go get her stuff. Asiah climbed the stairs drying the tears from
her eyes she tried to fix her hair. She went back into the

"Kross.... Kross...." Asiah shook Kross repeatedly.
Finally, he answered in a sleepy mumble.

"What..." He fumed.

"I gotta go my granny is sick" Asiah lied.

"Lock the bottom lock".

He rolled over and was sleep before Asiah could say
another word. It was at that moment that she was grateful for
the fact that Kross was such a deep sleeper. She dressed and
hurried downstairs before Jamall started pounding away at the
door again.


Asiah got into her car and started it up. Jamall impatiently
flashed his high beams signaling her to pull off. Once they
arrived at Asiah's house, he watched her in and pulled off.
Boogie came in around four. Asiah heard him rattling around
in the kitchen. He cracked her bedroom door and smiled once
he saw his baby girl was safe and sound. Asiah laid there
thinking maybe she should tell her brother about Jamall's
tantrums. The shit was getting real nerve wrecking and what
could she do about it? Nothing, that's what, Asiah made up
her mind that she was not going to let Jamall control her life
and from that day on, she would live to the fullest without him,
if he wanted her he was going to have to be a man about it in
everyway that counted.

Saturday mornings were the worst in Sheebah's salon.
Every female in the city was in there trying to get her nappy
ass hair done. Boogie had just given the old owner Dominay
the last 5 thousand dollars to complete the sale and the shop
was all theirs. They named it Sheebah's Double Platinum
House of Styles. Sheebah ran everything, took care of all the
supplies, and hired all the employees, remodeled and
everything. To an outsider looking in it really seemed like she
owned the place but the truth was if her and Boogie broke up
today or the next day she would be out of a job. Boogie and
Jamall owned the whole shit, they came every night to count
and collect.

On Fridays they did payroll for those that were not booth
renting, the salon was generating 2 times more than what they
paid for it and they both felt it was a good move to make.
Anyway as in all salons Saturdays are quite busy, Asiah and
Terra strolled in about 11:30 and rooted everyone there. It had
been people there since 8:00 that hadnt even been
shampooed yet. Anyone who knew better wouldnt dare
speak against Asiah. As Asiah set in Sheebah's styling chair
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a girl that had been there before Asiah started to mug Asiah
then she questioned Sheebah.

"Damn I been here since 9:00, how the fuck this girl just gon
come in here and jump in front of all of us like that?" The girl
based, she was angry.

Sheebah turned off the blow dryer and placed her hand on
her hip. One girl under the dryer started shaking her head, she
knew something was about to jump off.

"Look dis Boogie's lil. sista and since he just happens to
own this muthafucka she can root anybody in this bitch. If you
don't like it go around the corner and let DeeDee fuck ya head
up!" Sheebah cut the blow dryer back on without waiting for
response from the girl. After Asiah's hair was finished, Terra
jumped in the chair. Nobody said a word.
Asiah decided to pick Sheebah for more information about
Jamall and Kinte. Although she decided that Jamall was no
longer an issue in her life, she still could not resist asking
Sheebah about him and Kinte.

"Yeah, I saw Jamall and Kinte at Mo's a couple weeks ago"
Asiah threw a bone hoping Sheebah would fetch.

"What? Jamall and Kinte?" Sheebah gasped.

"Yup girl. Jamall and Kinte." Asiah confirmed it once more.

"Eeel.... How'd that happen? She doesnt even seem like
his type." Sheebah frowned.

"That's what I was thinking. He said she pushed up on him."

"Damn they say them quiet girls is freaks." Sheebah
smacked her lips.

"Pussy don't have no face and niggas don't have no types,
Misa yelled from her manicure table.

Everyone started laughing because it was true. They
couldnt count how many times they'd caught some sexy ass
nigga with a raggedy bitch he didnt belong with. That's how
shit was in this town niggas really werent picky, if you had a
nice shape and an ugly face you could still get fucked. If you
had a pretty face and a fucked up shape you could still get
fucked, and if you had an ugly face and a fucked up shape
you could still get fucked depending upon your pussy rating.
A pussy rate was how good you was on a scale from
1 to 10, 10 being the best. Niggas on the streets used this to
let each other know if a female was worth the effort he was
putting up. Asiah twisted the top off her soda. "Sorry try again,
Asiah hissed as she threw the top in the trashcan. She kicked
off her BCBG sandals and climbed in the pedicure chair. Misa
turned the chair on and Asiah starred at the blue bubbles
surrounding her ankles. She rested her head against the
cushioned backing and fell into deep thought. She thought
about her brother and how he had always been there for her.
It seemed that he and Sheebah were getting very close lately.
How would things end up? What if he married her? What if
they had kids? The thought of Boogie loving anyone more
than he loved Asiah scared her to death. She had always been
the center of his life and she didnt know if she was ready for
that to change. She liked the fact that most of his girls came
and went as fast as the ice cream man, which meant they
werent a threat to their relationship. You know how most
bitches are, they feel like if you are with them then they should
come first and Asiah wasnt feelin that. She wasnt feelin
nothing or nobody that tried to come between her and her
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
brother, and as long as Sheebah knew her place it was all-

Next Asiah thought about Saundra. Where was she? She
had been gone for 9 days now. They never did get along and
she was a poor ass excuse for a mother. After all, she'd done
to Asiah you would think she would try to make shit right
between them. But Asiah guessed that she probably couldnt
keep her head out of the clouds long enough to notice the
reality of it all. The reality was she had two kids that had raised
themselves; she had a son that was selling more dope than
Scar face and a daughter that hated her guts. Boogie and
Asiah didnt have shit except each other and they always stuck
together. She would give her brother her last breath, no
questions asked. She remembered when they first went to live
with their grandmother. Saundra had been leaving them in the
house alone for days at a time. Boogie would feed, bathe, and
clothe Asiah. He would even comb her hair. To be honest she
could have not asked for a better brother and now it was time
to give him up. He deserved to be happy, to have a life of his

After Misa finished Asiah's feet she slipped on some flip-
flops and went down the street to the Chinese joint. She
placed the order and dazed across the street at a woman and
her daughter coming from the circus. A tear dropped from
Asiah's eyes as she watched the little girl laughing with her
stuffed animal holding her mother's hand tight. She wondered
why God didnt give everyone a fair chance in life. What made
some people rich and others poor? Why were some born into
wealth and others into poverty? Why was shit like that?

"Shrimp fry ri...ce" the woman called out from behind the
counter taking Asiah away from her thoughts.

Asiah paid for the food and headed back up the street. As
she unwrapped a piece of gum, it slipped between her fingers.

"Oh shit, she cursed as she bent down to get it.

"Scurk...BOOM!" Asiah heard a loud smashing noise. She
looked up and realized that Charlotte's truck was crashed into
the back of Sheebah's brand new Acura TL. Charlotte was
headed into the salon and her stomach looked like she had
swallowed a watermelon. Asiah clutched her bag and quickly
ran up the street. She had to find out what was going on. Asiah
slung open the salon door and dropped her food when she
saw Sheebah and Charlotte fighting in full throttle.

"Asiah call your brother!" Misa ordered from the middle of
the boxing ring.

Asiah fumbled over the numbers quickly.


"Yo, you gotta get over here fast."

"Asiah slow down, baby what's wrong?"

"Charlotte here".

"Charlotte?" He was curious.

"Look she ran into Sheebah's AC and now they fighting.
She acting like a lunatic, I can't even see whats going on."

"I'm on my way".
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With all the fist flying and hair, pulling everyone was in
shock. Finally, they were able to pry them apart; it took three
people including Asiah to contain Sheebah, and another four
to contain Charlotte. Luckily, they were able to stop them from
fucking up everything in the salon. There were chairs turned
over, mirrors broken, flying curlers burned one girl. It was a
mess. Terra and Kish pushed Charlotte in the back office and
Asiah sat on Sheebah to keep them from fighting again.
Everyone started buzzing about what just happened. It was so
much noise Asiah could hardly understand what was going
"What the fuck went on in here?"

Everyone stopped but no one said a word. Boogie, Jamall,
and Peewee stood in the doorway.

"Damn yo" Peewee was amazed.

"For real this shit don't make no sense," Jamall added.

Asiah rolled her eyes at Jamall and started to fill her brother
in on what little she knew, before she got the chance to tell
him about Charlotte's big belly she came storming from the
back room.

"Oh shit" Peewee burst into laughter.

Boogie's jaw hit the floor. Asiah had never seen him look so
confused. Sheebah tried to jump up but Asiah put all her
weight on her to keep her down. She didnt want another fight
to break out.

"Yeah Boogie you round here buying bitches cars and shit
look at my fuckin stomach" Charlotte fumed "What you gon do

bout this shit?" She added on as her tantrum became more
enraged. Boogie stood with his eyes widened like-
"What the fuck?" Next, the police came in.

"We got a call about some trouble down here, what's going

Boogie gave Sheebah a funny look. Asiah stood up to let
Sheebah up so she could talk.

"Yes officer, we had a little problem with some clients and
it became a little physical but they're both gone now"
Sheebah lied with a straight face. Boogie had taught her

"What about the accident outside? You know anything
about that?"

"Mmm...Yes sir. See I was backing up and I backed into the
truck by a mistake."

"Is the owner of the truck here?"

Sheebah looked nervous.

"Yes officer Im the owner of the truck and thats my cousin.
No one was hurt so we'll handle the damages we don't need
a police report." Charlotte said surprisingly.

"Are you sure maam?" The officer asked.

Charlotte looked at Sheebah and answered the officer.

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"Ok then, if you have anymore trouble don't hesitate to give
us a call."

"Whos next?" Sheebah yelled tying her smock around her

Asiah had to admit she maintained but you can tell she was
The past is never the past

It turned out that Charlotte was 6 and half months pregnant.
Her parents had thrown her out because they didnt approve
of her having a baby by someone like Boogie. Meaning they
felt as if he was beneath them and their daughter. He was a
hood that sold drugs for a living and had served time in jail.
Charlotte told Boogie that she really wasnt sure if she was
going to keep the baby at first, but when she found out about
Sheebah, she flipped out. Since she really didnt have a stable
place to stay, she asked him if it was okay if she stayed with
him for a while. He told her "Hell no" because he knew
Sheebah would flip. He set her up in a townhouse in Owings
Mills, bought all her furniture, fixed and paid off her truck, and
paid her bills up for 6 months. So basically, he made it so he
didnt have to be bothered with the bitch until she had the
baby. But that arrangement didnt last long. Boogie loved
pussy and having Charlotte at his disposal made him weak.
He just couldnt help himself.

Before long, he was bouncing between her and Sheebah
on a regular basis. Sheebah didnt like this shit one bit.
Truthfully, you couldnt blame her, deep inside shit like that
has to hurt a person. Sheebah thought about her life before

Boogie. She had come along way, she had a salon, an Acura,
and all the fine things that bitches killed for, she didnt want to
go back, so she decided to stick it out. What was more painful
was the fact that she loved him despite all of his shortcomings.

Now that school was about to start Asiah's time became
valuable. She was determined to make these last few weeks
of summer as off the chain as possible. Kross was taking her
to St. Thomas for a week and it was all good. Nina and Terra
called and asked Asiah for a ride to Tyson's Corner, she was
game because she still had a few things to grab for the trip.
Nina and Terra were shopping for school but Asiah had so
much shit that wasnt an issue for her. She shopped just
because! Her brother had built an empire that afforded her to
buy anything she wanted from Gucci to Baby Phat; it was all
at her fingertips. She had all the material things a girl could
want for, but there was so much lacking in other areas of her
life that only God could imagine the things she really went

The entire time they drove along Terra was on the phone
with her new friend Rich. She met him at a basketball game
at Coppin. He was known in the hood for his cash flow, at least
that's what she told Asiah and Nina. Asiah had to admit he
was a cutie, plus he gave Terra money for her school clothes.
That was good news for Asiah because she usually ended up
footing the bill. Terra never had enough money to cover what
she wanted; she had Cristal taste with Osti money. Although
Asiah didnt mind giving her best friend money, it was nice to
have someone else do it for a change. Terra was her girl and
she couldnt be decked out and have Terra look like orphan
Annie. If Asiah had, Terra had. That's just how it was. The girls
went from store to store. They never became tired of
shopping. They often shopped until they had no money left.
After dropping $1650 in Gucci America Asiah decided to hit a
few of the stores inside the mall. On the way into Saks Nina
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
tapped Asiah on the shoulder. "Check out ole boy over there.
He kinda fine" Nina whispered.

Asiah squinted her eyes, he looked very familiar but she
couldnt place him. Terra and Nina tried on shoes while Asiah
strolled through the swimsuits. She was still looking for the
perfect bathing suit for her and Kross' trip. Asiah shifted
through the rack of clothes when she felt a big rough pair of
hands around her waist. He grabbed her pulling her close and
whispered in her ear.

"Asiah, little Asiah, who would have ever thought I would
see you again?" He said in a Vincent Price tone.

A chill went through Asiah's body. She knew that voice but
she couldnt place where from. Suddenly she remembered
where she knew this guy and his voice. It was TyTy's cousin.
Asiah went numb as she had flash backs of him on top of her,
she remembered his cousin.

"Yo I gotta make a quick run, page me when it's my turn"
he hollered through the door at TyTy.

"Aight" TyTy agreed. As he climbed on top of Asiah.

Asiah shook her head trying to brush off those disgusting
memories but they were hers for life. Asiah turned to face the
son of a bitch.

"What's the matter shorty? Ain't you gotta hug for a nigga?"
He came close to Asiah spreading his arms wide. Asiah

"Don't you touch me! Don't you put your fuckin hands on

"Or what Bitch?"

Asiah stood speechless as he palmed her breast.

"Just like I thought Bitch!"

He pushed Asiah into the corner behind the sales rack, and
forced his hand up her skirt. He started choking her; she could
feel the tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Listen you little whore if you make one sound I'll drag ya
out of here and fuck you, then I'll let all my boys fuck you and
set your little ass on fire" he threatened.

Asiah fumbled for her key chain as he choked her harder.
She knew she didnt have long and there wasnt a soul in sight.
Finally, Asiah was able to get a hold of her key chain; breaking
out her mace, she sprayed him right in the eyes.

"Aww you little bitch" he swung trying to hit Asiah. She took
off screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Help... help...."

Luckily, the sales woman had seen the entire assault from
the security camera and had already called the police. When
they arrived, Asiah was so shook up she could barely speak.
The sales woman told them everything that happened and
gave them the tape for evidence. They carried TyTy's cousin
off in handcuffs; he was screaming and threatening to kill
Asiah and her brother. On the way home Asiah had no choice
but to tell Terra and Nina the whole story about TyTy and how
Boogie killed him, everything! They both sat in disbelief.
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
Asiahs life had always looked so good to them. They would
have never thought in a million years that shed went through
so much.

Terra carried Asiah's bags into the house, Asiah tried to pull
herself together so Boogie wouldnt be worried. She walked in
quietly. Boogie and Jamall were at the kitchen table counting
money as usual. Boogie tossed Asiah a stack of cash.

"Put that up for me." He ordered.

Asiah stumbled towards the cabinets to get an extra
strength Tylenol. She found herself popping pills a lot lately.
Next, she went down the stairs into the basement. She pulled
the couch back, pulled the area rug up, popped the safe open
and tossed in the money. Another 10 thousand Asiah thought.
She was standing on at least 200 thousand in cash, yet life
seemed so limited for her. She often put 10 or 15 thousand a
week into that safe. Not to mention all the other safes they
had, the one in the salon, Jamall's house, and one in Boogie's
room. Asiah was 16 pushing a Lexus; she had thousand dollar
handbags, and thousand dollar shoes. She had more
diamonds than Princess Di, she had long pretty hair, and small
chinky eyes with flawless skin and a nice tight body, but where
was her mother? She didnt have one of those. Her father was
dead. In addition, her grandmother, the only stable thing she
had packed up and left a long time ago. Her and her brother
had raised themselves. All the money in the world could not
buy them a decent mother, and which one of those green
presidents stopped her grandfather from dying? And not one
red cent could stop what happened to her today. It couldnt
change her life; it couldnt restore her emotional stability.

Boogie came flying downstairs in rage. His face was
screwed up and he demanded to know what Terra was talking


"Asiah, what Terra talkin bout?"

Asiah looked at her brother and burst into tears. She felt his
warm arms around her as she buried her face in his chest. He
held her firmly slowly patting her on the back.

"Okay, tell me what happened. What ever it is you can tell
me." He said to her in a calm father like tone.

She took one look into his eyes and felt safe. He always
made her feel like he would protect her no matter what. It
wasnt fair. Boogie was only a couple of years older than Asiah
and he had sacrificed so much for her. It was like he took on
a father's role. Although they never talked about it Asiah knew
if it wasnt for the fact that he had to look after her he could
have done so many other things with his life. Instead of
spending, the last few years in jail maybe he could have went
to college or something. He was so good in basketball; they
often called him BJ on the court (Boogie Jordan). Asiah knew
if she told her brother what happened today that he could end
up right back behind those same bars. He had sacrificed so
much. She wasnt about to let him sacrifice anymore.

"Asiah" he shook her arm.

She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. She loved him
so much.
"Oh Boogie I'm so sorry."

He pulled her towards him and hugged her tight.

"Its okay baby its okay. Just tell me how late you are."

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"What?" Asiah sniffled.

"Asiah you still young. I want you to have so much better; I
don't think you ready for a baby right now. But if you really
wanna have it you know I got ya back".

Asiah paused she couldnt believe he thought she was
pregnant. What in the world, did Terra say to make him think

"I'm not pregnant".

Boogie took a step back and looked totally confused.

"Well what's wrong with you? Don't tell me some nigga then
burned you!" He started laughing.

"No...." Asiah yelled yanking her arm away from her brother.

She cleared her throat and braced herself.

"Today at Tyson's Corner I ran into TyTy's cousin."

The expression on Boogies face changed instantly.

"TyTy who?" He questioned as if he didnt know.

"TyTy! Boogie. TyTy!"
He let out a huge sigh and fell on the couch.

"Tell me what happened."

Asiah hesitated for a minute.


"He attacked me."

"He what?" Boogie jumped up."I'ma kill that muthafucka!"
Boogie went off.

After Asiah told him everything that happened, he swore he
would kill TyTy's cousin if it were the last thing he did. He
made some phone calls to find out what precinct he was in.
He had all intentions on killing him as soon as he was
released. Asiah told Boogie about the videotape and the sales
clerk at Saks.

"I think I should just go to court on this, I mean it's right on
tape I'm sure they'll give him some time."

"Fuck that tape! I'ma kill that nigga." Boogie was enraged.

"Oh, so you'd rather go back to jail instead of letting the
police handle it. He's not worth it."

"He ain't but you are. I'ma kill that nigga!" Boogie wasnt
trying to hear anything Asiah was saying. He got up and
walked out.

Asiah spent the next 3 days trying to convince her brother
to let the law handle the situation. Finally, he agreed and let it
be. Asiah lay across her bed watching TV. She heard the
doorbell ring and wondered who it was. She wasnt expecting
anyone, so she ignored it. It was probably one of those people
from the Sun trying to sell subscriptions. The doorbell kept
ringing; Asiah finally got up to see who it was. She crept to the
door and took a look out of the peephole. Asiah slung the door
open chomping on her bubblegum. She looked the couple up
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and down and couldnt imagine what they were doing at her
front door. They looked like the black Bradys. The woman
cleared her throat.

"Hello, Is Charlotte here?" She asked nervously.

Asiah frowned and twisted her lips.

"Naw Charlotte doesnt stay here."

They looked at each other in confusion, and then the man
spoke up.

"Is there an adult here we can talk to?"

"Naw...." Asiah said smacking her gum. She was becoming
irritated with the couple; she started fiddling with her hair.

"You mean to tell me that there is no adult in this household
at all?" The woman placed her hand on her hip.

"None at all" Asiah starred her straight in her eyes.

She could tell that the woman was becoming very impatient.
She adjusted the strap of her purse on her shoulder.

"Look young lady I'm not here to play games with you.
Im trying to get in touch with my daughter, Charlotte.
Now do you know her or don't you?"

"Yes I do and like I said she don't stay here. Asiah wasnt
playing with her either; she had already taken up enough of
her time.

"Well where is it that she stays?

Before Asiah could answer, she heard the phone ringing.

"You can come in while I get that." She offered before she
darted off to answer the phone.

They stepped in and shut the door behind them. Asiah
heard the woman whisper to her husband.

"Hmm it's shockingly nice in here, don't you think?"

After giving Granny a run down on what was going on Asiah
called Boogie to tell him to swing by because Charlottes
parents were there. When Asiah returned they had already
invited themselves to sit down.

"Italian leather, how nice." The woman said sarcastically.
Asiah totally blew her off.

"I'm Asiah...Daunte's younger sister. And you are?"

"I apologize how rude of us. We're Charlotte's parents, I'm
Morton and this is my wife Laura Ashley." He laughed and
extended his hand for a shake. The wife flashed a cheap smile
as if she really didnt need an introduction. Asiah noticed
Laura Ashley checking out her jewels as she twisted off the
top of her avian bottle.

"I'm sorry would you like something to drink?" Asiah offered.

"Yeah you gotta cold beer?"

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
"Morton..." His wife nudged him with her elbow "What nice
jewelry you have" she complemented Asiah.

"Thanks" Asiah said as she jumped up to get the beer. No
sooner than Asiah left the room she could hear them

"How do they afford all this stuff?" She whispered to him.

"Look that's not our business. I'm just here to see about my

"Morton it is our business, this is exactly what I was talking
about. They are hoodlums. Do you want your
daughter involved with such people?"

"It's too late for that. Your first plan blew up in your face and
she left. Lets just stop all this nonsense and let
her come back home."

"Well...she can come back home but she'll have nothing
else to do with these lowlifes."

"You don't know the first thing about these people. How can
you call them lowlifes?" Morton was becoming agitated.
Sometimes his wife got on his nerves.

"Take a look around. How can they afford all this stuff? I bet
they sell crack."

Finally, Asiah could stand no more. How dare this bitch
come in her house and insult her family and their technique of
survival. She stormed out of the kitchen back into the living


"No it's dope, Asiah answered slamming the beer on the

"What did you say?" Laura Ashley was startled.

"You heard me... everybody wasnt born with a silver spoon
in their mouth. You can take your high-class ass and get the
fuck out my house. Before you catch a hoodlum beat down!"

"Well...I never..." Laura Ashley was appalled. Just then,
Boogie came in.

"How ya'll doin?" He greeted Charlottes parents.

Asiah grabbed her car keys and stormed out of the front
door. She couldnt stand to be around that woman another
second. Asiah was tired of defending her life. It was a constant
struggle, although some of it was true that lady had no right to
say those things. Sometimes Asiah wished she were
someone else, but fuck it this was her life and she couldnt
change that!

"Please fasten your seat belts, the pilot ordered over the
intercom. Asiah took the window seat, she hated sitting in the
aisle. She gazed out the window at the runway. Kross rubbed
her hand.
"You okay baby?"

She nodded her head yes. Kross knew Asiah had been
under a lot of stress lately. Yesterday put the icing on the cake
when Saundra showed up crying convincing Boogie that she
wanted to change her life, be a better mother, and stop getting
high. Yeah right, anyway, she stole $3000 and was gone just
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
as fast as she came. Deep in Boogie's heart, he knew she was
bullshitting, but he wanted to believe her.

Asiah looked over at Kross. He was busy working his
fingers on his game boy. He was a good nigga so far, but
somehow Asiah knew he had some shit with him. She couldnt
figure him out just yet. She dug through her Fendi purse
searching for her Mac lip-gloss. She lightly spread some
across her lips and dropped her mirror back in her purse. As
much as she hated to admit it, Saundra had blessed her with
pure beauty. She looked a lot like her and even as a crack
head Saundra was prettier than the average woman. It was
such a shame that she ruined her life. She could have been a
model, Miss America, anything. She was that pretty! Asiah
thought about her so-called mother for a brief second, she
would be sure not to ruin her beauty like Saundra. That was
the one thing she learned from her, she didnt want to be
anything like her.

Once they arrived in St. Thomas there was a car waiting for
them at the airport. The penthouse suite was beautiful. The
smell of freshly picked flowers filled the air. Asiah took deep
breath. The air was never this fresh in Baltimore.

"Is everything okay Mr. Blackwell?" the bellhop asked

"Yeah" Kross said handing him a tip.

Asiah ran diving on the bed like a small child. She felt so
free at that moment. Kross joined her with one thing on his
mind. He'd bought this bitch all the way down here and he
wanted some pussy. His hands roamed from place to place
on Asiah's body, he popped the buttons off her blouse and
pushed his hands up her skirt. Kross was 6 years older than

Asiah and she often wondered if she would be enough to
satisfy him. He was known for getting pussy. She'd heard
stories about him and the girl Dana that braided his hair. They
say that Dana would braid his hair while her sister sucked his
dick. Of course, Misa spotted Asiah that bit of info while she
was doing her pedicure. Hearing all these things made Asiah
wonder what was Kross' real interest in her?


"Hah?" He was busy sucking and kissing.

"What do you want me for?"

"What type of question is that?" He paused and looked at
Asiah in a strange way.

"I mean c'mon you do you, what do you want with me?
Besides pussy!"

" one of the baddest bitches in the city. A nigga
like me gots to have the best of everything. I only fuck dimes,
He told her bluntly.
"Did you just call me a bitch?" Asiah thought Kross was

"I ain't mean it like that. Look at you fine as fuck, long hair,
nice body. What nigga wouldnt wanna parlay in this bush?"

Kross wasnt interested in what Asiah thought or her inner
being. He was the type of nigga that was all about outballin
the next nigga. He had to have the best everything, the best
cars, the best jewelry, and the best chicks. He needed a bitch
that would make him the envy of all the other ballas, and Asiah
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
was it. The only niggas in the city that had more money than
he did was Boogie and Jamall, so fucking Boogie's little sister
went well with his image. Not to mention she was fine.

Kross poised himself on top of Asiah, holding her legs back
he pushed himself in.

"Unh...." Asiah grunted.

"Don't worry I'll be easy on it" Kross smirked.

He had no intentions of being easy. He had spent mad cash
on this bitch in the last few months and he wanted his money's
worth. The headboard banged the wall repeatedly as Kross
plunged in and out of Asiah. Then he flipped her over grabbing
a handful of her hair he dove in once more.

"Smack Smack Smack" you could hear Kross banging
Asiah out.

"Unh...unh...unh" this was nothing like the sex she had with

Andre always took his time and made sure she was
satisfied. It seemed like Kross was mad at her, little did Asiah
know Kross fucked all his girls like that. He liked to slut them
out, which gave them a feeling of helplessness, which left him
in control. That's all he wanted was to let these bitches know
that he ran shit. If he wanted them to hurt, they would hurt. If
he wanted them to feel pleasure, they would feel pleasure, but
only when he thought they deserved it. That day he gave
Asiah pain, she was fine and all that, but she had to earn her
stripes as far as he was concerned. After they finished Asiah
could barely walk. She made her way to the bathroom to bathe
and get dressed for their night out. She came out looking so

good that Kross' heart almost melted. He liked this bitch but
she had to start from the bottom like everybody else. He
couldnt let her have control of the situation.

Asiah threw on a too fly Chanel bikini and a pair strapped
beach sandals. She snatched a fresh flower from a vase in the
hotel room and put it in the side of her hair, it gave her an
island look. Kross looked Asiah up and down; she made his
dick hard all over again. This bitch was fine. He couldnt keep
his mind out of her crouch. They hit the beach for a brief swim.
The water was so blue that you could see the white sand
beneath it. Next, they went water skiing, the wind blew through
Asiah's hair and the breeze felt heavenly against her face. She
hadnt been this worry free in a long time. No Jamall stalking
her, no Saundra and her bullshit, this was all good. She was
definitely feelin this, not living with limits but living to the limit.
Later that night they went to a gala at the hotel. There was
a live band, a roasting pig, liquor being made right on the spot.
Asiah had never seen anything like it and yet Kross seemed
as if he came there all the time. Boogie took several trips but
he always opted to take pussy instead of Asiah, and when he
did take her, it was as if she was being watched over. She'd
never been on a trip like this. She felt grown and sexy. Kross
sat at the bar drinking shots of Louis. Asiah had a couple of
Pina Coladas and Apple Martinis. Then they danced until they
both could shake no more. Asiah really put it on Kross on the
dance floor, he was really feelin her. A man came pass with a
fresh basket of roses.

"You wan buy one foryalady?" He asked Kross.

Kross bought Asiah a dozen of yellow roses. He told her
that they meant friendship.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
"Ya got verdy beautiful lady dere" the man told Kross just
before he walked off. Kross looked at Asiah and smiled. She
was beautiful.

After breakfast Asiah called home and didnt get an answer,
it was too early for her brother to be gone already. Next, she
called Terra to check up on her because she left her car with
her and she wanted to make sure everything was cool. Terra's
mother answered the phone.

"Hey Mrs. Keegan is Terra there?"

"Yeah baby she's here. Hold on a minute I got these people
on the other line." Terra's mother put Asiah on hold. Kross
came out of the bathroom and started kissing on Asiah's
thighs. For a minute, she forgot she was on the phone until
she heard Terra's voice.


"What's up girl?" Asiah snapped back into reality.

"Nothing Terra's voice dragged. She didnt sound like

"What's wrong? You sound a little on the down side,
what's up?"

"If I tell you this you can't tell nobody...."

"Terra please, you know damn well I wouldnt see you
wrong like that. You know better."

"Girl my mother's husband left her. He was building a
brand new house for his mistress behind my mother's back
and not even paying our mortgage for the last few months.
He was putting all his money into that new house. Now it's
finished he moved out and didnt even have the guts to tell
her face-to-face. The bitch left a note. Plus my mom's car
note is backed up. He ain't been paying that either." Terra
was stressed.

"WHAT?" Asiah pushed Kross' face from between her legs.
She couldnt believe what she was hearing.

"Yup girl. I couldnt believe the shit either when I first heard

"She ain't got no money saved up?" Asiah was shocked.
"Naw... you know she been out on disability for her
shoulder. That's why she was letting him handle all the

"So how many months is the mortgage behind?"

"About four"

"How much is that?"

"It's $700 a month so that's about $2800."

"Whew...and she don't have nothing?"

"Nope. She took her check this month and took my sister
and brother school shopping. She didnt even see this shit

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
"I mean shit, how could she?"

"I don't know what the fuck to do. She round here looking
crazy as shit." Terra sighed.

Asiah hated to see her best friend out on the streets. She
had to do something. She hung up with Terra and called her
brother. He could at least lend Terra's mom the money. But
being as though she was on disability it would take her forever
to pay it back. He would fuss and cuss about how Asiah
thought he was made out of money, and how people thought
that he was The Bank of Every Nigga In Need, as he would
call it. But Asiah decided to ask anyway. She called his cell
phone until he answered.

"What the fuck? You cost me enough, now you want me to
take care of your little friends and their family.
What the fuck I look like? The Bank of Every Nigga In Need,
who the fuck gonna take care of me when I go broke from
taking care of all you broke beggin muthafuckas? Can I have?
Can I have? Thats all the fuck I hear all day long. Never do
you need, always can I have? Shit ya'll muthafuckas'll drive a
nigga crazy" He went on for a good thirty minutes.

Asiah knew he would give in. The more he cursed the more
she pleaded. She was the only person her brother could never
say no to. No matter how much he'd cuss and fuss in the end
she got what she wanted. This time was no different. After
hanging up with Boogie she called Terra back.

"My brother will be pass there in an hour to drop the money

"For real... thanks yo" Terra was relieved.

"Ain't nothin. You my girl, you know I got you." Asiah smiled
she was happy to help her friend. Terra was like family. It was
nothing Asiah wouldnt do for her.

Asiah and Kross spent the next few days all over St.
Thomas. They went sailing, sky diving, everything to be done
they did it. Kross took Asiah parachuting she was scared to
death and screamed the entire time. They both wished that
they didnt have to leave, but reality was waiting for them. No
sooner than they hit Maryland Kross' phone started ringing off
the hook. Asiah rested her head on his shoulder as he carried
on a conversation. She would have been sleep but those
Nextels are so loud.
"What's poppin?" The boy asked Kross.

"Ain't shit. On my way back from St. Thomas."

"Word? With who?"


"Asiah...Asiah...ole girl that be with the girl Terra?"


"She Boogie's sister right?"


"Damn that bitch bad yo. I would love to bang a hole in that."
The boy envied Kross. That was just what Kross wanted to
hear. Asiah rested her head ear hustling the entire
conversation. It was clear to her that she was just something
to show off as far as Kross was concerned.
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Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
Baby Mama Drama

School started and shit was getting real. Charlotte gave
birth to a 7 lb and 3ozs baby girl and named her Indya. She
had a beautiful head full of curly black hair and small chinky
eyes like Asiah's. Her skin was a pretty coa-coa color and she
already had eyebrows. She was a pretty baby. Asiah hated to
admit it but Indya's beauty also was inherited from Saundra.
Boogie stood with his chest out passing out cigars and
popping Cristal. He had a brand new baby girl, you couldnt
tell him shit. Cousin Bomb from Atlanta had hooked Boogie up
with this new Miami connect and business was better than
ever. Charlotte was staying with Boogie and Asiah because
she needed help with the baby for the first couple of weeks,
and Sheebah had had just about enough. She set two seats
away from Boogie at Asiah's senior inauguration and she
looked like she wanted to cry whenever she saw the baby.

Saturday when Asiah went to the salon, Sheebah seemed
really bothered. Asiah felt so sorry for her. She wanted to
make sure the time was right before she said anything to
Sheebah about what was going on. She didnt want any of
those nosey ass ear hustling bitches in their conversation so
she offered to treat Sheebah to lunch. Sheebah broke down
after two drinks.

"She's trying to break us up. I know it." Sheebah cried. It's
not the baby, it's her. She calls every 5 seconds when were
together acting like something's wrong with the baby so he
can hurry home. He won't even stay at my mothers with me
no more cause he say he gotta go home with the baby. She
told him she can't handle Indya all night by herself. What type
of shit is that?" Sheebah fumed.


Charlotte made her sick. Sheebah pulled a tissue from her
purse and began to wipe the tears rolling down her face. Asiah
felt bad for Sheebah and her situation. She liked Sheebah;
she thought she was cool peoples. Before Boogie Sheebah
didnt have shit and now she had everything, but that shit was
extra. Along with the material things came a lot of pain and
heartbreak. Sheebah had a good thing going and didnt want
to let it go. Especially for no bitch and a baby. She was scared
to lose her man, although he fucked around he gave her all
she had and she was not about to give that up.

As for Asiah, she wasnt happy with the hand she was dealt
either, but she hoped for a change one day. Things between
her and Kross seemed to be in a treadmill mode. It was like
she was going nowhere fast with him. He had bought her so
much jewelry within the last few months that she could have
been a walking ad for Tiffany's. Between Kross and her
brother, Asiah had ice dripping from her body. Kross gave her
all the material things a girl could want but he never displayed
any love or interest in her dreams or aspirations. All that
mattered to him was that she was the hottest chic in the game
and he had her. He gloated at every party or event with Asiah
on his arm; she was nothing more to him than a black Barbie.
Something to make him look good. She did her job well, all the
niggas wished they were Kross and Jamall didnt like him one
bit. Asiah tried hard to capture Kross' heart but she knew it
would take a while. He wasnt an easy whale to catch.

Asiah lay in the bed tossing and turning trying to get some
sleep. Indya had been crying to the top of her little lungs for
the past 40 minutes. Finally, Asiah jumped up and ran
downstairs. Charlotte was sitting on the edge of the bed with
her hair standing straight on top of her head. She was rocking
Indya back and fourth trying to keep her quiet. She looked up
and saw Asiah, she was relieved.
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
This baby was driving her crazy!

"She won't go to sleep. I don't know what's wrong with her.
I've tried everything." Charlotte was on the verge of a

"Where's my brother?'

"I dont know where Daunte is. I called his phone he didnt
answer it."

Asiah shook her head and went back upstairs. She climbed
back in her bed and tried to go back to sleep. Indya became
louder and louder. Finally, Asiah jumped up. She couldnt take
it anymore. She called her brother from her cell phone, he
would answer for her.


"Yo, you need to come home and get your baby. She is
screaming to the top of her lungs."

"Aight. I'm on my way." He hung up. Asiah hated to interrupt
him and Sheebah's night but she couldnt stand it. About 20
minutes later Asiah heard Boogie come in; he ran up the steps
and picked Indya up from her crib. She instantly stopped
crying. Boogie had her so spoiled that she wouldnt go to sleep
unless she was lying on his chest. The next morning when
Asiah got up for school she noticed that Charlotte had slept in
Boogie's room again. Poor Sheebah.

Let the game play

Asiah sat at the arriving flights gate for over an hour. Her
brother had once again made her his errand girl for the day.
She tried to get Terra to ride with her, but she acted like she
was on some secret mission and shit. Asiah was supposed to
pick up their cousin Bomb from the airport. She had been
there since 4 o'clock and still saw no sign of him. Finally, after
twenty more minutes he showed up. By then Asiah was

"Damn what took you so long?" She fumed.

"Luggage. This a nice ole Lex Boogie got you pushing, ha?"

"Yeah. So what made you decide to come up here?"

"Shit down there ain't been goin as planned. Boogie told me
that he had it jamin up dis mug, so I figured I'd come grab me
a piece of the rock. Feel me?"

"I feel you." Asiah agreed with her big cousin.

She turned the radio up and started singing Beyonce's
Crazy In Love. Once she dropped Bomb off at the salon, she
raced to the bookstore to get a book she needed for her
English class. She ran into Davon Broadway. Davon was one
of the star players on the basketball team at Dunbar. He was
also fine as hell and up for three college scholarships. They
talked for a few minutes and split. Davon had practice and
Asiah was supposed to meet Nina at the salon.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
When Asiah got back to the salon, she spotted Jamall's new
LS 430. He made her sick. He was sitting at the front desk on
the phone when she came in. She walked right pass without
speaking. Bomb was getting his hair braided and Boogie was
in the back counting money as usual. Everything seemed
straight. Then Misa grabbed Asiah by the arm.

"Girl... whats up with you and Jamall?"

Sheebah cut her eyes over as if she also wanted an
answer. Asiah was shocked.

"What? Nothin. Why?"

"Cause the whole time I was braiding his hair it seemed like
he was trying to find out where you were at last week. It
seemed real strange cause he coulda just asked Boogie, but
it was like he was trying to find out without Boogie knowing."

"Maybe Boogie told him to ask you." Asiah was trying to
shut Misa up.

"But I thought Boogie knew you went to Vegas with Kross."
Misa insisted on carrying this topic further.

"He did. Maybe he thought I was lying, I don't know.

Misa gave Asiah a look. She was no dumb broad and Asiah
knew that. When it came to minding other people's business
Misa was the best at it. She was determined to get to the
bottom of this and you better believe that she would.

"Okay, you wanna keep secrets? Fine!" Misa fumed.

She was hot. She walked off without saying another word.

Asiah picked up a coach catalog and sat in the lounge area.
Nina was taking way too long, between her and Bomb Asiah's
whole day was shot. She flipped through the book circling
items she would purchase when suddenly the book was
snatched from her hands. She looked up and it was none
other than Jamall. He was demanding to know where she was
last week and whom she was with.

"Jamall get the fuck outa my face!" Asiah fumed as she
walked off leaving him standing there looking 10 cts. stupid.

Finally, Nina showed up, Asiah took her to meet Kross'
cousin Chance. He had been begging Asiah for weeks to hook
him up with a nice honey. She left them at The Windsor. When
she got to Kross' house, she jumped straight in the shower.
They were going to the movies.
Kross was on his cell and as usual, Asiah interrupted

"Are my Prada sneakers over here?" She was leaned in the
doorway with her hand on her hip.

"Under the bed" He answered and continued the

"Look man I need 20 of those thangs."


"Shit, like yesterday. I'm all out and losing out on a lot of
money. I ain't got nothin." Kross complained to his connect.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
"Cool. But you gonna have to come get it. I can't get up
there until sometime next week."

"Next week? Nigga I'll be broke and out on my ass by next
week." Kross exaggerated.

"Damn I wish it could be sooner but I just can't right now."

"Shit this shit is fucked up. I'm just an honest nigga tryna
make a livin" Kross exaggerated once more.

"Oh wait. You know some kid named Boogie?" The connect

Kross looked over at Asiah strangely. She was so
engrossed with herself in the mirror she barely noticed him

"Yeah. Why?" Kross asked hesitantly.

"Cause he just bought a shit load of stuff from me. If you
can get a few from him that'll hold you over till I get up there
next week."

"Can I ask you somethin?"


"How do you know him? I never knew you dealt with
homeboy like that."

"My man in Hotlanta put me on with him. He spends major
cash, my number 1 buyer." The connect was glad he'd met

Boogie. Shit had been so much easier to get rid of since he
came along. They helped each other get rich.

"Okay I'll get up with him. I still need to see you next week
though." Kross agreed but was not happy with having the
same connect as Boogie. He hated the idea of having to buy
blow from a local. That made him feel so smalltime. This hurt
his ego, but he had to do what he had to do. It was no way he
could wait until next week for some dope; his corners would
be as dry as the desert by then. He would just have to bite the
bullet and get the shit from Boogie. Kross handed Asiah his

"Call your brother."


"Call your brother!"

"For what?"

"Girl just call your fuckin brother. It's business."

Asiah dialed her brother's cell and passed Kross the phone.

After the movie, Kross dropped Asiah off. She wondered
exactly what was going on. All she knew was it was some type
of drug deal. She didn't think they knew each other personally.
It was times like this she needed Misa to put shit together.

Kross walked in the salon. It was empty that time of night.
Boogie locked the door behind Kross and sat down in a
plush chair. Jamall and Bomb were already seated. Kross
quickly scanned the room with his eyes. He had to make
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
sure it was cool for him to be there. He checked the time
on his cell and pulled up his jeans repositioning his 9mm
on his hip. Jamall sat bouncing his autographed baseball
on the floor. He clearly didn't want anything to do with
Kross. Boogie offered Kross a seat.

"Yo grab a chair."

Kross pulled a roller chair from one of the stations and sat
down to face Boogie. Boogie squinted his eyes at Kross. He
recognized him from somewhere.

"I know you from somewhere, don't I?"

"Asiah. Maybe you heard Asiah mention me."

"Naw.... I remember you came pass here for her one-day,
but it ain't that. I know you from somewhere else." Boogie
couldn't place where he knew this cat from.

Jamall was heated. This whole shit had him sick he started
biting his nails. Bomb threw down his game boy to join in.

"Yo, you dustin my baby cousin?" Bomb interrogated Kross.

"Yo it's cool as long as he know how to treat her." Boogie
cut Bomb's investigation short. Kross laughed thinking to
himself that these niggas were crazy.

"Oh I remember. You the dude from over Oliver, used
to fight dogs at the Dome. Right?"

"Yeah...." Kross grinned. Everybody knew he had the
baddest bitches in the city when it came to women and dogs.


"Now that's out of the way. What can I do for you?"

Kross cleared his throat. "I need about 20 of those thangs."

"20 ha? You movin like that?"

"I won't complain."

"Well...I want 16.5 a pop, can you hang?"

"Hell yeah. When can I get it?"

"You know how it is let me see if I wanna fuck with it and I'll
get up with you in like an hour."

"Cool." Kross left with the quickness. He was only there for
one reason and it wasnt to socialize.

As soon as Kross left, Jamall went off.

"I don't like that nigga. Don't sell him shit."

"What?" Boogie was shocked.

"I don't like him." Jamall repeated.

"Nigga what chew mean you don't like him?"

"I'm not feelin that nigga." Jamall responded.


Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
"I'm not that's all". Jamall had personal issues. He didnt like
the fact that Kross was fuckin Asiah and everyone seemed to
be cool with it.

"Look muthafucka dis is bout money; we ain't got time for
all that petty bitch shit. He ain't no snitch, you ain't got no
proper beef with him, Boogie know a lil bit bout the dude and
we makin a quick profit. Fuck dat we taking this sale." Bomb
was the type that never bit his tongue and he never let
anything come between him and his money.

"Aight...yall shut up. Look the quicker we move the better.
You know that, you ain't new to this. I think we should take the
sale. Boogie had made the final decision.

Jamall was livid. How could they just let this nigga fuck with
Asiah and do nothing about it? Then they wanted to break
bread with this muthafucka like he was fam.

Jamall wasnt feelin that, but he was outvoted. He wasnt
feelin this new 3-way partnership.

Davon Broadway was at the library when Asiah and Terra
arrived. He walked over to the table where they were sitting
looking good enough to eat. Davon was tall at least 6 feet 3.
He weighed about 200lbs., he had a cinnamon complexion
with the most engaging set of eyes a person could have. He
kept his hair cut low and face neatly trimmed. Asiah buried her
face in her book as he approached the table. Terra sat there
gobbling down the last doughnut. Asiah didn't say anything
because she knew Terra had been feeling down every since
Rich dumped her for Andre's cousin Gee Gee.

Davon slid a chair up to the table and invited himself to join
the girls. Asiah could feel his eyes staring straight at her. She

tried to duck down not realizing that the book just wasnt big
enough to hide her body. Davon laughed to himself. He
thought she was cute and had admired her from a far for a
long time now. He leaned towards Asiah running his fingers
through her long silky hair. She giggled as she felt his energy
rummage through her body.

"What's up shorty?"

"Nothin." Asiah blushed.

"Doin that report for Ms. Colston?"


"Oh." He caressed her hands. He could feel her shaking.
He was used to that, he had that power over most girls. "You
like that?" He gave Asiah a sexy grin.
She quickly snatched her hand away.

"Stop Davon...." She whined like a preschooler. He grabbed
her hand and continued to caress it.

"Why? You know you like it." He teased knowing he was
right. She did like it, more than she should have. Asiah smiled
at Davon, he was sexy. They exchanged phone numbers and
agreed to call each other later.

On her way home Asiah called Kross and told him that she
did not feel well and was staying home tonight. Really, she
just wanted to talk to Davon. When Asiah pulled up and
noticed Sheebah's Ac out front along with Charlotte's

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
"Oh shit" Asiah thought. Charlotte and Sheebah in the same
house were not good. Until this day those two still couldnt get
along. Asiah walked in with her guards up. Asiah listened for
commotion but heard none. Charlotte was in the kitchen
making bottles. Finally, curiosity killed the cat.

"Is Sheebah here?" Asiah asked meekly as she played with
Indya on the table.

"Yeah she upstairs in your brother's room."

"How'd she get in?"

"She showed up talking bout Boogie said to meet him here,
so I let her in." Charlotte was hot. She slammed the
refrigerator shut and tossed the dishrag in the sink.

She had had about enough of Boogie and his bitches. This
one and that one, calling and paging. She couldn't stand it

"Tomorrow I'm taking Indya and I'm going home." Charlotte
was bitter.

Asiah hunched her shoulders and went upstairs. She wasn't
going to get involved in that shit. She knew that neither one of
the girls were going to leave Boogie alone.

Asiah stopped in Boogie's room to speak to Sheebah, she
seemed so pleased to be back in their house. Asiah shook
her head. Boy was it gonna be some shit tonight.

Asiah jumped in the shower. Just as she dried off, she
heard her phone ringing. She ran down the hall half-naked,
dove across her bed, and grabbed the phone.


"Hello Asiah there?"

"Speaking" She threw on her sexy voice knowing it was

"Oh dis Davon. What you doin?"

"Nothin. Just got out the shower."

"Mmm...I can picture that."

"I bet you can." Asiah laughed.

They talked for hours. Asiah liked talking to Davon; he
made her feel so good inside. It was a feeling that she just
couldn't describe. She felt like a girl in high school should feel.
Not like a pond in Kross' sick chess game of frontin.

The next morning Asiah awoke to Boogie and Charlotte
beefing. Indya was crying and Bomb was walking her back
and fourth trying to stop her from crying. Boogie was livid, he'd
gone mad. He was cursing and swearing at Charlotte. The
more he became enraged the more Indya cried. Asiah ran into
the kitchen and took the baby from Bomb. She held Indya
trying to calm her down. Charlotte's whole face was red; she
had tears and snot flying everywhere. Her bags were packed
and at the front door, but they were rummaged threw. Clothes
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and shoes were scattered throughout the living room. Boogie
was going off.

"Fine you wanna go? Go. But you ain't taking my baby you
stupid BITCH!" He yelled snatching Indya from Asiah.

Charlotte had got what she wanted, a reason to stay. She
was able to push Boogie's buttons with her newfound power,

Asiah ate some cereal, climbed her way back to the third
floor. She hit the lights, flicked on the TV, and opened her walk
in closet. She suited up in Louis Vuitton and called Terra to
tell her that she was on her way. When she pulled up at Terra's
her little brother and sister ambushed Asiahs car begging for
lunch money. Asiah laughed and peeled off two 20-dollar bills.
That should hold them over. They thanked Asiah and ran
down the street with their book bags bouncing up and down
on their backs. Terra came out of the house and jumped in the
car. Asiah ditched study hall so she could get up with Davon
on his lunch period. His face lit up when he looked up and saw
Asiah approaching the table. Damn he was fine.

D was fresh as always. They called him D-Way for short
and eventually just D. He had on some straight out of the box
Butter Timbs, some fresh Sean John jeans and shirt. His hair
was nicely shaped up like always. He flashed those pearly
white teeth at Asiah and she almost melted. Asiah sat across
from Davon. She wanted to look him straight in the face.

"What's up Asiah?" All the guys at the table spoke.

"Ain't nothin.

Asiah focused her attention back on D. She felt strange
because she had never been interested in schoolboys before,
but D was altogether different. She enjoyed his company. He
ran his fingers around the rim of Asiah's jacket.

"HmmLouis Vuitton ha?" D toyed with his new love

"Boy you crazy" Asiah giggled.

Suddenly D's facial expression changed.

"What? What's wrong?" Asiah smelled her breath to make
sure it didn't stink.

"Ain't that your girl?" D pointed. Asiah turned her head. She
saw Terra and Gee Gee face to face about to get physical.

"Oh shit" Asiah ran to Terra's rescue leaving her LV
backpack behind.

Asiah quickly jumped in Gee Gees face with her you don't
want it look on her face. She was prepared to whip GeeGee's
ass if she tried to start some shit. This girl didn't even go to
Dunbar so she must have came all the way up here just to
start some shit with Terra. She had two other girls with her that
Asiah had never seen before.
Asiah stepped between Terra and Gee Gee.

"What's up Gee Gee?" Asiah added extra bass in her voice.

"Asiah? What's up?" Gee Gee was totally surprised.

"Yeah dis my peoples. What's the beef?"
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"Oh I didn't know that."

Terra couldn't believe that Asiah was getting the respect
she was getting.

"Well, what's the problem, cause I ain't for no shit today!"
Asiah held her arms in the air.

"Look I want that Bitch" Gee Gee pointed at Terra "to stop
calling my man."

"Wait a minute. I know you ain't come all the way up this
muthafucka beefing over no phone call. And kill that bitch shit!
You look real fuckin stupid right now, come on Gee Gee you
know the game. I thought you were true to this shit." Asiah
was talking to Gee Gee like she was her big sister. Gee Gee
held her head down and felt silly.

"All I'm sayin is I want her to stop disrespecting me.
That's all." Gee Gee added.

"Okay. I'll talk to her. Shit cool?" Asiah held her hand up.

"Only cause it's for you. If it was anybody else

"I know...I know...." Asiah cut her off and laughed as they
walked away.

On the ride home Terra had a major attitude with Asiah.
Asiah turned down the radio.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Why didn't you tell me you were cool with that bitch like

"You knew that she was Andre's cousin. She cool."

"So you gon take her side over mines?"

"Terra I didn't take her side over yours. I simply squashed
the beef, that's all."

"For what? Why didn't you let us fight?"

"Terra please, for what? Over some nigga that's probably
fuckin you, her, and 5 other bitches."


"Terra you know if somethin woulda jumped off I had your
back, but that just wasn't worth it."

"Oh but it was worth it when you beat that girl up at
Andre's cookout? What eva!"

"Well fuck it then Terra. Next time we'll just fight if that
makes you happy. Well I'll fight while you do whatever."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Everybody knows you can't fight. That's why you always
come get me and Nina." Asiah burst into laughter.

When they pulled up in front of Terra's house, she jumped
out without saying a word. She was hot with Asiah. Asiah was
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
starting to think she was all that. That bitch thought she was
the shit when she really wasn't.
She wasn't any better than anyone else.

Just as Asiah walked in the house, she heard the phone
ringing. Saundra yelled for her to pick up the phone. The
sound of her voice made Asiah sick to her stomach. Asiah ran
through the kitchen pass Boogie and the usual crew and
picked up the phone.

"Hello" She was out of breath.

"What up girl? Dis D, you left your bag at the table."

"Oh damn my bad."

"It's cool. You want me to bring it to you?" He volunteered
wanting to see Asiah outside of school.

Asiah looked at Boogie, Bomb, and Jamall and knew that
was not a good idea. She quickly disagreed.

"No I'll come get it. What's your address?"

Asiah quickly wrote down Davon's address and directions
and hung up the phone. Indya was on the table rocking in her
rocker. Asiah played with her niece for a few minutes.

"Boogie, what's Saundra doin here?" Asiah questioned her

"Not now Asiah. I'm busy" He kept counting. Asiah could tell
he was in no mood for her bullshit.

"Well I hope you locked up all your money." She muttered
as she poured a glass of juice. She leaned on the counter to
drink it and listen in on their conversation.

"Cuz I'm tellin you we gotta expand we could move dis shit
twice as fast" Bomb tried to convince Boogie.

"I don't know. That would mean gettin another team of
workers. I know and trust the ones I got, I dont know about no
new muthafuckas." Boogie made his point.

"Well how bout this, instead of giving the new workers
weight put them on the corners. That way we take a
lesser chance of money gettin fucked up."

"So you sayin we should keep sellin weight to all of our old
sales and get a street team goin on some new shit?"

"Fuck yeah, I don't see why not." Jamall replied.

"Dat might work" Boogie liked the idea. He was feelin the
idea of moving blow by the pound and holding down a few

"Shit, it will work cuz. I'm tellin you Boogie dis the best
move to make cuz. It's time to get that paper nigga." Bomb
backed Jamall up.

Boogie thought for a second as he put his daughter on his
shoulder to burp her.

"Aight I'm wit it." Boogie was sold on their new idea. They
would move weight over west and do corners over east. Gettin
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
money from both ends was the fastest way for a nigga to make
a come up. However, he still had a few worries.

"Yo I'ma need you to personally watch them corners. I cant
afford to take no falls right now." He told Bomb.

"Ain't nothin." Bomb agreed and smiled. He had big plans
for this game. He knew how to get rich and fast. He had made
his homeboy Tyrin one of the richest niggas in Atlanta, then
he got killed and his wife ran off with most of their drugs and
money. Bomb was left with nothing but 27 thousand that he
had just made from a sale the day before Tyrin died. They say
she gave her baby father the drugs to get rid of for her; Bomb
killed the nigga but couldn't make him tell where the bitch or
the drugs were.
Therefore, he came to Maryland to start over.

"So what spots yall got in mind?' Jamall was curious.

"Just don't fuck with Peewee's corners. Other than that I
don't care what you do." Boogie told Bomb. Asiah rinsed her
glass out and put it in the dishwasher. She had heard enough
and was leaving to go to Davon's when

"Asiah where you goin?" Her brother questioned.
Jamall looked curious also.

"I got something to do. Why?"

"I want you to take Indya home for me."

"You always fuck girlin me...." Asiah whined.

"Just do what the fuck I said!" Boogie based on his sister.


"Spshh...." Asiah sucked her teeth as she gathered Indya's
things to take her home.

"Well can I hold your truck?" Asiah tried her luck. If she had
to do something for him then he had to do something for her.

"My truck? For what? I bought you a car, remember?"

"I'm tired of driving that car..." Asiah whined to her brother.
She was his baby girl.

"You spoiled rotten" He laughed at his sister and shook his

"Can I Asiah was still begging.

"I need the truck, take the Benz." Boogie gave in to his sister
just as he always did.
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He Got Game

D's house was Phat. It had two 2-car garages; drop floors,
raised ceilings, and a deck circling the whole first floor. To put
it bluntly it was a bad muthafucka. Everything was neatly
placed and tastefully designed. There were chandeliers,
crystal, and china galore, all the good shit. Asiah could tell that
these people weren't dealing with chump change. She'd
recognized a few items that cost major paper. She herself
liked decorating, she knew about all the big names and what
they cost. Davon's father was a lawyer and his mother spent
her days at her downtown art gallery or putting together charity
events and fundraisers, which she catered. Davon was an
only child; his father and grandfather were major ballas on the
basketball court in their day. Davon inherited his talent
honestly, but he was going all the way with his. Unlike them,
he wasn't going to settle for a law degree, he wanted the NBA
and he could taste it. Hed convinced his parents to let him
use his aunt's city address so that he could go to Dunbar. That
would increase his chances of being known as a citywide ball
player. Dunbar was a Basketball powerhouse. All the good
players that made it to the NBA either were from Dunbar or
from Lake Clifton, rarely were they from any of the schools
where Davon lived. Westminster just wasn't the type of place
where you could find the Allen Iverson type. Although Davon
drove over an hour everyday to go to Dunbar, his decision was
the best one, he could've made for his basketball career since
he was up for three scholarships.

"Damn D this is a nice spot yall got."

"Thanks. I heard you got a nice crib too."

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"Where ya peeps at?"



He grabbed Asiah's hand and led her to the family room.

"Sit down I ain't gon bite you." He joked as he flopped down
on the couch. He flashed a smile showing Asiah those pearly
whites, not to mention he had dimples so deep that you could
put a quarter in them. Asiah was feelin him on the real. He
gazed into her eyes.

"Damn girl you pretty."

Asiah smiled and gave him a bashful look. She felt as
though he was sincere.

"Pretty how?" She quizzed him.

"Inside and out He grinned.

"What do you know?"

"More than you think I know." He liked Asiah's smart mouth.
It turned him on. She seemed more grown up than the
average high school girls who usually pissed themselves
whenever he approached them. Most of them usually turned
out to be your everyday chicken head looking for a come up.
D was used to girls sweating him heavy; if they weren't
sweating his skills on the court, they were sweating his ride or
both. D drove a Cadillac EXT; his father was very proud of his
son and made sure he had whatever he wanted. His mother

on the other hand was always worried. Worried about school,
games, girls, drugs, you name it she was worried about it.

Asiah sat and made herself comfortable. They talked and
watched TV. She really liked D but wondered what his parents
would think of her. This was the same situation her brother
had been through with Charlotte's parents. She wondered
would Davon's parents react in the same manor. Would they
think that they had so much money and education that regular
black folk trying to make it weren't good enough for them or
their son? Asiah just hoped that they wouldn't misjudge her
before getting to know her.

"D I might not be the type of girl that your parents will
approve of." Asiah hung her head low.


"It's stuff about me that you don't know. I...I...." Asiah
stuttered. She didn't know how to tell him that she just wasn't
his kind. She was used to dealing with her kind. Niggas from
the hood, hustlers, thugs, and drug dealers.

"It's okay" D comforted Asiah by putting his arm around her.
He wasn't some square ass fool that didn't know that for some
people shit was real. He often visited his cousins that lived in
the city; he hung out in the city, he was well known in the city
and never felt like he didn't belong.

"I know what they say about brother...." Asiah
continued trying to defend herself and her life once more.

"Baby its cool. You don't owe anybody any explanations.
You can't help what you're born into.
Besides I know you're cool peeps." He grinned.
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Asiah agreed by nodding. D pulled her close and kissed
her. His lips were soft. His tongue felt good to her. This nigga
was the shit. He ran his fingers through her long hair.

"C'mere" He pulled her closer. She tried to resist by turning
her head away. D grabbed her face demanding her attention.

"Listen I just happened to be born with a lawyer for a father
and you just happened to be born into your situation. That
don't make me think no different of you." He smiled.

Asiah was feelin D, he'd let her know that he wasn't
interested in her because of who her brother was or wasnt.
He wasn't worried about what she drove or who she ran with.
He liked her for her and she could appreciate that.

"Asiah I was thinkin... you know we give a ski trip every
year. You wanna roll with me dis year?"

"I would love to go with you." She heard herself answer
before she even had a chance to think.

"Cool." He smiled.

After talking and laughing, some more Asiah finally tore
herself away from D. She was fumbling the keys to get in
Boogie's Benz when she heard him call out her name.


She looked up and he was in the doorway smiling. He
pointed to Boogie's car

"Shit don't look that bad to me." He joked.

Asiah smiled and waved as she cruised off.

She decided to stop pass Terra's house to see if she
wanted to go to the salon. It was a last minute decision but
Asiah never got her hair or nails done without Terra. Asiah
pulled up and dialed Terra's number but the phone was
disconnected. So she got out and knocked on the door.
Terra's mother flung the door open holding a cigarette in one
hand and a half empty cup of Hennessey in the other. She
looked like she had a rough ass day.

"Hey miss Keegan. Is Terra here?" Asiah walked in and sat
on the couch. Terra's mother closed the door and sat down
across from Asiah.

"No baby she stepped out."

"What's up with the phone?" Asiah was hesitant but asked

"Shit's rough, that's all,

"Well you know if you need anything..."

"Oh that's okay baby. Thanks though. Terra got the money
from Rich."

"Rich? They back together?" Asiah asked. She didn't
remember Terra saying anything about them getting back

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"Well Day Day said that some guy in a Benz came by and
picked Terra up. It must be Rich; he's the only one I know with
a Benz."

"Oh." Asiah said.

Asiah walked into the salon. Sheebah was doing Kinte's
nappy ass head. Sheebah smirked at Asiah knowing Asiah
didn't like Kinte in the least. Sheebah had on a new tennis
bracelet. Shit between her and Boogie had gotten better since
Charlotte moved back into her townhouse.

"I see you comin up in the world." Asiah joked about
Sheebah's new piece of jewelry. They both laughed. Asiah
walked into the back office. Boogie was on his cell phone
having an intense argument with some broad that wasn't his
girl or his baby's mother, Asiah just shook her head

"Yup girl your brother gave me this bracelet this morning."
Sheebah updated Asiah while shampooing her hair. The salon
was almost empty. Kinte left almost an hour ago. Asiah
decided not to pry for information about her and Jamall. He
was so not an issue to her these days; at least that's what she
kept telling herself. When Sheebah finished Asiah's hair, it felt
like silk. It was freshly highlighted and looking all so good. She
was hurtin'em. Sheebah could work miracles when it came to
hair, not that Asiah needed one but she'd seen Sheebah make
the worst of them look presentable. Sheebah went in the back
with Boogie for a quickie. The top of his desk was engraved
with her backside.

Misa started on Asiahs feet, there was a new girl that just
started a few days ago named Monica. As soon as Asiah sat
in the chair she started with the enquiring minds want to know


"Oh so you are Boogie's sister?" Monica beamed. She'd
heard all the stories and wanted to put faces with names.

"Yeah I'm Asiah" She smiled. And so what of it? She wanted
to say after that.

"Cause everybody was like Boogie had a sister but I had
never seen you before. You're pretty though." Monica tried to
break the ice with Asiah.

"Thanks" Asiah smiled, she knew she was pretty. People
had been telling her that all her life. She didn't need some
phony bitch to tell her again.

"Damn I know you lucky. Your brother got sooooo much
money." Monica shook her head in disbelief while working on
her client.

"Damn we know. You ain't gotta keep saying it. You been
saying it all day." Misa fumed, she was sick of Monica acting
like a fuckin groupie all day.

6:00 AM Asiah's alarm clock went off. She rolled over and
hit the snooze button; she needed 15 more minutes of rest.
Then she thought of how she had to look perfect for D and
jumped up. She dragged herself down the hall and took a
shower. After getting dressed, she stood in front of her full-
length mirror to check herself out. She had on some dark
blue jeans, a Most Beautiful Girl in the World tee shirt, some
Gucci sneakers, bag, jacket, and hat. After dragging two big
LV bags to the front door, she checked her watch. The
diamonds blinded her, that time of morning her eyes were
still sensitive. It was 7:15. She went upstairs to wake her
brother up so he could take her to the bus. She pushed his
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
door open Indya was asleep on his chest and Charlotte was
snuggled up next to him. Asiah shook him until he answered.

"Boogie...Boogie.... Boogie...."

What...? He grunted wiping a string of slob from his

"Come on so you can take me to the bus."

"Damn Asiah drive your own car."

"No, I don't wanna leave my car parked out there all that
time." She pleaded.

"A nigga can't get no sleep round this muthafucka." He
huffed as he crawled to his feet.

"I wasn't the one who kept you up all night." Asiah said
referring to Charlotte who was supposed to pick Indya up and
go home but somehow ended up staying the night.

On the way to the bus, Boogie told his sister about his plans
to open a car wash and a bails bond office. Asiah thought that
was a good idea. She didn't want him to have to sell dope for
the rest of his life. The thought of something legit excited her.

"You need money for Terra too?'' Boogie asked
sarcastically as he peeled off five $100 dollar bills for his
sister's spending money.

"Naw...she said that she wasn't goin cause she ain't have
no money. I told her I woulda paid her way...."

"No you mean I woulda paid her way!" Boogie interrupted
Asiah reminding her that he was the breadwinner of the family.

"Spsh...whateva..." She rolled her eyes as he gave her the

"1,2,3,4,5,"she counted aloud "this ain't enough."

"What? What you mean it ain't enough? The trip paid for,


"So why dis ain't enough?"

"We might go shopping or something...." Asiah whined.

"Shit don't you shop enough? You probably own stock in

"C'mon Boogie stop playin." She begged holding her hand
out for more cash. "Please...."she put on the puppy face.

"A nigga ain't got no win with you. Shit I'll be glad to find a
muthafucka to help me take care of you cause your ass is
spoiled" Boogie fussed at his sister as he gave her a stack
of money from a brown paper bag in his glove

"Thanks" Asiah chimed kissing her brother on the cheek.

"Yeah whatever." He knew he had created a monster. She
thought that money grew on trees and it was all his fault. He
had hustled hard so that they could have everything they
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
needed to survive. Nevertheless, the needs turned to wants
and the wants turned to greed. He couldn't stop himself from
wanting and needing more money. It was like a sickness he
was addicted to the lifestyle he had grown accustomed to. The
streets were like blood flowing through his veins, he needed
them to survive. Dope money was the best money in the world
as far as he was concerned and he would ball till he fall. The
problem was he had turned his own sister out. He wanted so
much more for her. Yet he had managed to turn her into one
of those money grubbing bitches that he hated so much. But
as long as he could afford her habit it was okay, as long as
she didn't have to turn to some nigga in the street that would
make her fuck and suck for every dollar she received. He
would go back to jail in a heartbeat if some koon thought that
he was going to pimp his sister.
He would have to kill them, she was his baby girl.

The air was crisp and fresh, Asiah took a deep breath, she
thought of St. Thomas for a brief second, the air there was
fresh also. Davon lit the fireplace while Asiah unpacked.
Davon looked at Asiah in disbelief. She was packed like she
was moving up there and never going back.

"Girls" he thought. Later that night they went to the pajama
jam party. It was off the chain. There were females with
little to nothing on. The DJ was mixing it up from Jay Z to
Biggie, Biggie to Pac, Pac to Nelly it was on. Asiah wore a
Victoria Secret feather lingerie set with the guarder belt
and feather slippers. She was the hottest thing in the
party. If Boogie or Jamall had seen her, they both would
have dragged her out by the hair. Asiah and D danced
close. He placed his hands on her hips leading the way.
She felt his body heat slowly crawling up her back as he
danced behind her. Her nipples were aroused and her
insides felt warm and wet. She couldn't wait to get back to
the room. D must've felt the same way because he

grabbed Asiah and led her through the crowd. He stopped
at the bar sliding the bartender a $50 dollar tip for not
asking for an ID and bought a bottle of Cris. The athletes
always received special treatment. People were always
willing to look the other way for a Hoop Star. The
bartenders, the teachers, chaperones, everybody. They all
grinned as D and Asiah headed to their room. Although it
was promised to parents that males and females were not
allowed to, share rooms on these trips there were
exceptions made.

Davon leaned close to Asiah with the room key dangling
from his fingers. He kissed her neck softly as she unlocked
the door. Her breasts were pressed against the cold door,
she wanted him right now! Once inside the room Davon
began to slide his fingers around the feathers of Asiah's
lingerie. He placed two crystal champagne flutes on the
table filling them with Cristal. Asiah watched him like a tiger
preying on her mate. She seductively sipped on her

"Ooh..." She said throwing her head back. D watched Asiah
closely. He admired her body parts from top to bottom. She
was like the fuckin playoffs. She had him all wound up. The
more she sipped the more he watched, his dick hardened and
he had to have her. He grabbed her and kissed her softly, his
hands were roaming wildly over her body. Asiah felt her
clothes fall to the floor as their tongues became intertwined
dripping with champagne. D's lips slithered down to Asiah's
breast and marinated her nipples. He sucked one breast as
he caressed the other softly. Her entire body felt hot and she
whimpered for his attention. He laid her down on her stomach
sliding his tongue between her legs. He gave her oral pleasure
from behind. Asiah laid there shivering and moaning
uncontrollably. She felt the Cristal taking its affect on her; D
was taking his affect also. She was cuming like a mad woman.
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
She erupted like a volcano; her juices flowed wildly like hot
lava flowing through a village. Finally, he entered Asiah's body
and they became one.

"Unh....unh... sss...sssunh" Asiah moaned.

Davon placed one hand behind her neck and used the other
to stimulate her clitoris moving it back and forth. D
passionately grinded Asiah's tunnel making her feel pleasure
and pain all at the same time. He sucked on her earlobes as
he plunged in and out. Asiah was sopping wet.

"You like dat Asiah?"

"Yeah..." She whined.

"It feel good to you don't it?"

"Unh huh...." She struggled to catch her breath.

"How good?"

"Real good..." Asiah moaned as D worked harder on her
"Dis my pussy now?" He started to pound Asiah harder.

"Yes...yes...yes...." She hollered.

"Whose pussy is this?" He pounded.





"Say D's" He demanded.

"D's." She screamed.

"D who?" He bent her legs back giving her all of him.

"D- way's" Asiah screamed.

Davon began to breathe heavily as he grinded faster.

"Mmm... this shit good." He whispered although he had
never complemented any girl on her pussy even if it was good.
Asiah's insides dripped out as she erupted once more. He
cuffed her breast and his sweat hit her back like hot wax as
he rode her backside.
"Unh..." Asiah moaned, this shit felt good. She bit down on
her bottom lip to maintain her composure. His dick was better
than Andre's. Finally, D exploded collapsing on top of Asiah
sealing the moment with a kiss to Asiah's cheek.

They laid there free and nude with not a care in the world.
D held Asiah close, he was really feelin her. Asiah laid there
thinking the same thing. She was really feelin him. His arms
were strong. His lips were soft. He kissed her forehead. She
laid there with her eyes closed admiring the way he made her
feel. Kross had never made her feel like this. Even with all the
ice and Prada on earth, he could never make her feel the way
D had just made her feel. Kross was never passionate. He just
fucked her and got up. He was afraid to show emotion and
Asiah needed more. She had been deprived of love all her life
and now she wanted it. She really didn't need Kross. Her
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
brother provided for her just fine. She knew to Kross all she
would ever be was his trophy bitch. He was all about
appearance, never the substance. She didn't even know why
she was still with him.

They next morning Asiah and D slept in while everyone else
hit the slopes. After brunch, the guys decided to play snow
football. Asiah paced back and forth trying to decide which
outfit to wear to the bunny races .She randomly went through
her belongings tossing clothes everywhere. Suddenly she felt
a vibration around her waist. She panicked then she realized
that it was her cell phone.


"What you doin?"

"Nothin Kross, what's up?"

"Ain't shit just checkin up on you dat's all. Havin fun?"

"Yeah it's cool."

"Cool? I thought you and Terra would have a ball up there."

"Oh, Terra didn't come" Asiah confessed. She didn't want
to let him think she was with Terra. What if he'd already saw
her somewhere and was just trying to play her out of position.

"Well who's up there with you?" Kross demanded to know.

"Umm some people that I go to school with."

"People? What people?"


"I don't know. People..."

"Yeah...whatever. I'll holler at you later." He hung up.

Asiah sat looking at the phone as if she was stupid and
decided not to call back. Her thoughts were interrupted by a
knock at the door. She walked to the door and looked out of
the peephole.

"It's me, Nina yelled from the other side of the door.
Asiah opened the door; Nina stormed in flopping down on
the couch.

"Dat bitch Shayn is gettin on my nerves."

"Oh girl shut up." Asiah laughed. "Yall always beefing."

"Naw but I seriously should've shacked up with some sexy
ass nigga like you did."

"But you came to meet niggas." Asiah reminded her
girlfriend who begged her to get her a ticket because she
didn't go to Dunbar.

"You're right. Can't bring sand to the beach."

Asiah just looked at Nina and shook her head. They were
home girls but Nina was fast and free. She was bout her paper
and wanted it the fast way. She only fucked with niggas worth
$100 thousand and up. Before she gave a nigga some pussy,
she had to know if he ran the corners or if he moved weight.
If he ran the corners she had to know which ones that way she
could find out if they were hot or not. If he moved weight, she
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
had to know to whom. She was ill like that. Their rides had to
be current, if they were 3 years or older she gave them no
play. Their jewels had to be platinum she didnt do white gold
at all. Nina was a trip like that but niggas dug her style. They
respect a bitch that's about her business. She'd left her old
boyfriend Lolo because he caught a fed charge. They took her
car and all, if it wasn't for the fact that she was a juvenile shit
could've been worst. Now she was messing with Kross' cousin
Chance, thanks to Asiah. The girls decided to catch the shuttle
to the outlets and do a little shopping.
Asiah, Nina, Shayn, and Misa (by cell phone) cruised the
mall. Asiah told them about how Kross wild out on her over
the phone.

"Girl fuck him. He just tryna play you out. That's how niggas
do." Misa schooled Asiah through the phone. She was so loud
that Nina and Shayn heard her through the phone and firmly
agreed with her. After Misa hung up Nina added her two cents.

"Dat's right Asiah, shit. If you wanna mess with both of them
go right ahead. Niggas do that shit all the time. Those
muthafuckas don't be worried about us. Shit, all they thinkin
bout is gettin their dicks wet." Nina laid her pimp game down.

"I know...." Asiah took a minute to respond. She was really
feelin D but she was already messing with Kross. They both
were still doin them so why shouldn't she do her? She knew
one thing for sure, D was the shit, dick and all!

The semester was changing and Asiah was buckling down
and working hard. She had to keep her grades up so she could
go to Morgan next year. She took on projects to earn extra
credit. Her friends started calling her a bookworm, but fuck
them she was trying to get into a university not some bullshit
2-year college.


After she'd finished her homework, she went into the
bathroom and ran a hot bubble bath. D had an out of town
game and she and Kross had been spending time together.
Kross followed her into the bathroom on another one of his
Inspector Gadget missions.
"Didn't the basketball team give that ski trip you went on?

Asiah slammed the bubble bath on the edge of the tub. She
really wasn't for his shit tonight.

"Yes" She put her hands on her hips.

"Oh so now all of a sudden you a basketball fan?", he was
being sarcastic. Asiah ignored him and walked down the hall
into the other bathroom to get a towel. He followed her
demanding an answer. She ignored him until he got so mad
he started zapping.

"Bitch you think I'm playin wit you? Let me find out you
fuckin round, I'ma bust ya muthafuckin skull in."

"WHATEVER!" Asiah rolled her eyes as she made her way
back to the other bathroom.

Asiah undressed and stepped into the hot tub of bubbles.
She closed her eyes and leaned back against her tub pillow.
She felt relaxed. She reached for the remote control and
flicked on her Isley Brothers Greatest Hits CD. She sat there
with bubbles up to her chin and her eyes closed.

"Drifting on a memory...ain't no place I'd rather be than with
you...loving you ...well well well... BOOM!" Kross burst into
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
the bathroom. He'd found the ticket stubs from the pajama
party at the ski trip.

"Oh so you went with D-Way ha? Ha?" He was enraged.

He threw the tickets to the floor and started choking Asiah.
"Bitch I told you not to play wit me...." He continued to choke
her. She tried to scream but couldn't grasp enough air. "You
fuckin slut. I should drown you, you dumb ass bitch."

Asiah struggled to get up but he kept pushing her head
under the water. She kicked her feet helplessly then he
gripped her hair pulling her out of the tub and to the floor.
Kross drug Asiah into the bedroom. Her body was dripping
wet there were bubbles everywhere. She had flashbacks of
Jamall. She laid there coughing up water gagging half to death
as Kross started stomping her in her back.

"I told you bitch don't play with me," He yelled with every
kick. He grabbed a Bebe boot and started to beat her with it.
Asiah screamed to the top of her lungs.

Aah huh huh huh..." She cried as he continued to torture

Kross continued on ranting and raving. He called Asiah
every name in the book. He was hott; he couldnt believe this
bitch had the nerve to fuck with him.

"You ain't shit you lil whore! You fuckin groupie! Did you
suck his dick? Ha? Bitch answer me." He slapped Asiah in her
face. She continued to cry. She knew what she'd done and
Kross knew too. She tried to crawl away but he snatched her
by her ankles.

"Come here bitch!" Kross continued to beat and curse
Asiah. "You ain't shit but a stink ass trick."

He started pacing back and forth. He couldn't believe this.
He had never been played by any bitch. He was Kross, his
bitches knew better and this bitch was going to learn better
before it was all over. He started choking her once more then
he let her go.

"You's a stupid bitch. What that nigga give you that I can't?
I give you everything. Gucci, Prada, Fendi, whatever you
want. Money aint a thing. But you ain't goin just fuck on me.
Hell naw I ain't havin that shit...." He fumed.

Asiah sat there listening to his lecture. He'd named all these
things he had given her but love was never on the list. He'd
never loved her.


"What?" Kross stopped in his tracks wanting to know what
Asiah was talking about.

"You never gave me love." She sniffled wiping the tears
from her eyes. He laughed at her throwing a wad of money in
her face.

"See dis lil girl, this shit make the world turn, so fuck dat
shit you talkin." He shut Asiah in the bedroom and went

Asiah waited a few minutes and started to get dressed. She
grabbed her keys and headed downstairs. Her entire backside
was bruised along with the left side of her face. She couldn't
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
go home like this, Boogie would flip. She would go to Terra's
crib. She tiptoed down the steps and went straight for the door.

"Where you think you goin?"

"Home" Asiah froze for a second. Kross jumped up and ran
towards her putting his hand around her throat.

"Listen bitch you ain't goin nowhere. Bitches don't leave me,
I leave them, and right now I aint finished with you." He had
his finger in Asiah's face pressing against her jawbone.

"Go clean ya self up. We goin out!" He demanded.

Kross lay back on the couch while Asiah went upstairs. He
knew if she told, her brother this meant war but Kross was
ready. He was no small time punk. He held big weight in this
town and people knew it. He was no Boogie, but he was
thorough. Niggas knew not to fuck with him and this bitch had
to learn the same. She was getting too big for her britches.
Who the fuck did she think she was? He wasn't about to let
some 16-year-old pussy make a fool of him. He had an image
to maintain. He was the man and he was gonna stay that way.
If Boogie wanted war than Kross would bring it. He didn't give
a fuck! His balls were big.
Asiah deserved that ass whipping!

Boogie would've done the same thing if he caught one of
his whores fucking around. Yes, Asiah was his sister but he
had to realize that real niggas did real shit. Kross never let any
nigga disrespect his name and Asiah wasn't going to do it
either. Kross had plenty of girls; he never loved any of them.
He wasn't interested in love, he liked pussy and money. He
took good care of his bitches. They were like cars to him, he
kept them well maintained so that he could take them for a

spin and be the envy of all the other niggas. When he got tired
of them, he traded them in for new ones, but this Asiah bitch
was all together different, she was driving him crazy and he
couldn't have that; he had to break her, that was all to it.

Asiah got dressed like Kross told her. Once she got away
from him she would never come back, but for now, she had to
go along with his shit. Asiah came down to Kross grinning ear
to ear. This muthafucka was sick in the head. He looked Asiah
up and down and smiled.

"You clean up well. Let's go."

"What the fuck does he mean I clean up well? He got a lot
of nerve talking to me like I'm beneath him. He's the fuckin
gutter rat. The bitch!" Asiah thought as she followed Kross out
to the car. As they pulled out of the garage, Asiah noticed that
the air had been let out of her tires. This shit was worst than
she thought, this nigga was really illin.

"Yeah, I had to let the air out in case you tried to get slick,
cause you's a slick bitch." He laughed.

Asiah sat there smiling; she really wanted to spit in this
nigga's face. First they rode through Kross' block and next to
the airport. Kross parked the car and snatched Asiah's cell
phone. He turned it off and tossed it in the trunk. Asiah was
scared to death at this point. This was where she drew the
line. She needed to know what this fool had in mind. He swung
the door open.


"Where are we going?" Asiah refused to move.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
"C'mon. Don't ask me no fuckin questions you fuckin cunt!"
He grabbed Asiah's arm and yanked her out the car. He'd
loved to call girls cunts. He picked that word up from a white
friend of his that he'd met at the gym. Kross walked swiftly
dragging Asiah behind him. He'd packed their passports and
IDs while she was getting dressed.

He still had hers from their last trip. He was one up on this
bitch, if she thought that she was slicker than him she was
sadly mistaken.

"Good evening. How may I help you?"

"Where's your next flight goin to?"

"Mmm...Let me see." The lady said scrolling through her
computer as she looked at Asiah out of the corners of her
eyes. She looked like she'd been shook up badly.

"Well we have a flight leaving in about two and a half hours
to Chicago. That will give you time to get through the security
clearance. Would you like me to print out the tickets?"

"Umm...yeah. Give me two first class tickets; round trip."
Asiah couldn't believe what Kross was doing. This nigga
had gone mad. She wanted to scream help but instead she
dropped her head hiding the redness on the left side of her
face. She might as well go with him because it was no way in
hell she was going home looking like this. Although she did
have some concerns.

"Kross I have school." Asiah whined.

"It's only a couple of days you'll be fine."


"But I don't have any clothes Kross. Chi town is cold."

"We'll shop when we get there."


"Look I don't wanna hear shit else out your mouth. You
lucky I ain't kill your ass. C'mon" He dragged her along.

When they arrived in Chicago Asiah called Boogie and told
him that Nina's parents went out of town and she was gonna
stay at her house for a couple of days.

"What's wrong with your cell? I been callin you." Boogie
asked his sister.

"Umm...I dropped it in the toilet and it hasn't been working
right. I'm waiting for the new one to come Fed Ex so look out
for it." Asiah lied to her brother.

She hated lying to him but it was for his own good. She
didn't want him to end up back in jail. If he found out what
happened between her and Kross that's exactly what would
happen. Kross' cell phone rang nonstop until the day they
returned to Baltimore. When they got back, Kross had Asiah's
car towed to the gas station so the tires could be fixed. Asiah
ran around his house gathering the things she needed for
school, she'd been gone for 3 days and she knew D would be
pissed. She hadnt talked to him at all. Asiah was dressed and
at the door when they returned with her car. She was out the
door and down the block, so fast Kross' head was spinning.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
D was the first person Asiah saw when she hit the hall.
He'd been looking all around for her. Terra didn't seem to
know her whereabouts and he was worried. He'd even
stopped pass her house and had a run in with Saundra. Now
he understood why Asiah hated her, she was totally out of
order. She'd offered to suck his dick for $5 dollars. He
couldn't believe she was really coming off at him like that.
She didn't even know him. He decided to spare Asiah the
details about his run in with her mother. He didn't want to
embarrass her.

"What's up? I been lookin all over for you."

"Hey baby." She gave him a hug.

"Naw...I don't think you heard me. Where you been?" D
based on Asiah. He'd always been so sweet.

"Umm...I had to go to Georgia for a few days my aunt Anna
was sick." Another lie. Asiah hated lying.

"Oh. Did your mother go too?" D played Asiah to see if she
would lie.

"No. I haven't seen her sorry ass." Asiah told the truth about

"Oh. Is your aunt okay?" D returned Asiah's embrace.
If she was lying, he couldn't prove it.

"She'll be fine." Asiah buried her face in his chest and took
a deep breath. She loved the smell of his cologne.
She missed him.

Asiah searched the cafeteria for Terra. She had to tell her
about what happened. Terra really didn't seem interested in
Asiah's story. She was more involved in her new Gucci outfit.

"Like my new hookup?" she asked Asiah while Asiah was
trying to tell her what happened.

"Yeah that's cute...that nigga is crazy..." Asiah tried to
continue with her story but Terra just didn't seem interested.

When the girls reached the cashier in the lunch line Asiah
searched her pockets and her purse. She'd forgotten her
money. She was trying so badly to get away from Kross that
shed left her money.

"Damn.... Terra I forgot my money. Spot me $5 dollars."
Asiah held her hand out knowing her girl had her back.

"You mean CAN I spot you $5 dollars. Damn. Spshh".
Terra got loud on Asiah. Everyone in the lunch line was
starring at them. Terra slapped the $5 dollar bill in Asiah's
hand and sucked her teeth. Asiah stood in disbelief. This had
been one fucked up week and now Terra was tripping too.
What the fuck was wrong with her?

Sheebah and Misa sat in shock as Asiah told them all
about what she'd been going through with D and Kross. Next,
she told them how Terra had been acting and how she based
on her in the lunch line at school.

"The nerve of that bitch!" Sheebah hissed while doing
Asiah's hair. It was the day before Christmas Eve. Asiah,
Sheebah and Misa were the only ones left in the salon.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
They used this time to catch up since Asiah had been
missing in action lately.

"Yup yall she really been trippin. I called today to see if she
wanted to come to get her hair done and her mother told me
that she already got her hair done." Asiah continued her story.

"Mmm..." Misa mumbled "All this time we been doin that
broke bitch hair for free, now she got a lil bit of money she
wanna play bent, like she too good for us." Misa was hot; she
fumed as she scrubbed Asiah's feet.

"Dat's how bitches are." Sheebah shook her head in utter

A few minutes went by but that Terra shit kept working on
Asiah's mind.

"And she tried to act like she was too good to be seen with
me the other day." Asiah added to her story. Sheebah handed
her a mirror so she could see her hair. Asiah shook her head
letting Sheebah know it was straight. Everything Sheebah did
was straight.

Boogie and Jamall were at the kitchen table when Asiah
walked in. Boogie's cell was on the counter ringing nonstop.

"Asiah get that for me." Boogie ordered.

"Hello" Asiah answered her brother's phone. Hello..." She
yelled but no one answered.

"Umm is this Boogie's phone?" A voice finally spoke up.
"Yes it is. He busy right now. Who's callin?"


"Tell him Courtney called."

"Okay." Asiah hung up the phone. She opened the
freezer looking for her ice cream. It was gone, Boogie
hated Butter Pecan so that only left one other person.

"Where that damn Bomb at?" Asiah fumed.

"Fuckin wit that bitch Monica" Jamall answered
without looking up. They would watch the machine
count the money as if they thought the machine was
going to steal something.

"Monica? What Monica?"

"From the salon." Boogie wanted Asiah to be quiet,
she was breaking his concentration.

"That nigga ate my ice cream." Asiah fussed. She plugged
up the Christmas tree and went to her room.

Maybe there is a Santa Claus

Christmas morning was like a movie. There were so many
gifts under the tree that you could barely see the carpet. They
were all sitting around passing gifts, hugging, and kissing
each other. It was the happiest Christmas they had had in a
long time. Charlotte was at her parents house because
Boogie decided to spend Christmas with Sheebah. Asiah
gave her brother his gift with a smile on her face. She bought
him a customized Jacobs watch with a picture of her and
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Indya in the face surrounded by diamonds with a platinum
trimming. She bought Indya a Gucci doll with the matching
sleeper and slippers, but that wasn't shit compared to the 4 ct.
baby bangle that Boogie bought her. At 5 months, Indya was
rocking more ice than the average bitch. Asiah bought
Sheebah a gift card to Louis Vuitton, and Sheebah bought
Asiah a matching D&B hat and bag. They ate breakfast and
continued with the gift giving. Boogie pulled out more gifts, all
for Indya. She had everything from diamond earrings to
platinum shoe bells and rattles. It was clear that Daddy was
crazy about his baby girl. Jamall showed up at noon with
enough bags to put Santa out of business. He handed Asiah
a small box with velvet trimming. He bought her a platinum
and diamond charm bracelet with all the charms already on it.
She gave him a Jacob watch also. Boogie and Jamall traded
gifts. One gave customized rims and the other gave a top of
the line stereo system.

"Oh, here Sheebah I got you something."

Jamall handed Sheebah her gift, it was a Tiffany's bracelet.
Sheebah looked surprised; she wasn't expecting a gift from

"Where's Terra?" Boogie asked.

"I don't know. I guess she's home." Asiah shrugged her

"Well give her this for me." Boogie handed Asiah 3 hundred
dollars to give to Terra.

It was unusual for Terra not to be there. Asiah folded the
money up and put it in the bag along with the gift she'd gotten
Terra. Charlotte's gifts set far under the tree but Sheebah tried

her best to make out what they were. Despite Asiah's protest,
Saundra even had a few gifts under the tree for whenever she
decided to show up.

Asiah was so pleased to have her brother home that she'd
forgotten to open the gift that he gave her.

"Here." He handed her a small box.

"What is it?" Asiah shook the box.

"Open it" He grinned knowing he'd out done himself.
Asiah lifted the top of the box and peeked into it.

"A key?" She smiled wondering what the catch was.
Boogie grabbed her arm and led her to the back porch.

"Look" He said pointing at a brand new platinum colored
Range Rover. Asiah began to jump up and down
uncontrollably. She grabbed her brother and hugged him tight
as she swung from his neck .She was so happy she couldn't
contain herself. She ran through the yard barefoot screaming
as she jumped in the truck and started it up.

"Thank you...thank you... thank you...! She kept

After everybody inspected Asiah's new Range, Boogie
handed Sheebah a painting of a house.

"Thank you" she flashed a cheap smile. How dare he give
me a fuckin picture? Next, he handed her a 7 ct. necklace with
a key around it. She hugged him tight thanking him for her new
diamond necklace.
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" don't get. That's the key to that house." He
explained to Sheebah. She paused for a second to make sure
she heard him right.

"Did this nigga just say he bought me a house?" She asked

Once she realized that she heard him correctly she burst
into tears of joy. She couldn't believe that she'd made a come
up like this. He was the best thing that ever happened to her.

"Ain't no nigga like the one I got!" Sheebah started singing
as she hugged Boogie tight. Damn she loved that nigga.

Everybody piled up in Asiah's new truck and took a long
drive to Sheebah's new house. It was off the meat rack. The
driveway was 1/4 of a mile long; there was a small pond out
front, and a 2-car garage. The front doors were made of
Cherry wood, the carpet was plush and white as snow. The
back yard was huge it had a pool and a small basketball court.
There were six bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, and a finished
basement with a den. At that moment, Asiah realized that it
took some major loot to cop a crib like this and her brother had
it. He'd spent over a million on Christmas and didn't seem
bothered by it in the least. He was deeper in this game than
she could have ever imagined and it scared her, yet she was
becoming fonder of the lifestyle it allowed her to take part in.

"So when are we moving in?" Sheebah hugged Boogie
once more.

"You can move in whenever you want to." He said smugly.

"I can move in?" Sheebah took a step back to stare in
Boogie's face. She could not believe what she was hearing.

"Yes. YOU can move whenever YOU want!" He stated
again with more bass in his voice than usual.

What the fuck do you mean by that?" Sheebah went off.
Everyone stood in shock. Sheebah had never gotten out of
line with Boogie before. Asiah stood waiting for her brother to
sound off like a siren and hoped it wouldnt get too ugly.
Instead, his pimp game kicked in.

Baby I can't drive all the way out here every night. I gotta
keep an eye on Asiah, I gotta watch my boys, and business is
jamming right now. I come in late and leave out early. You
know the game. If I can make it out here I will, but I can't give
you all this by being laid up all the time. This shit take's grime
and work; it's a man's game baby."

"But Daunte I don't understand why you even got the house
if you weren't gonna stay in it." Sheebah retorted.

She wasn't feeling his logic. This was bullshit and she knew

Cause I want somewhere to be when I need a break. Now
like I said you're welcome to move in when you want. If not I'm
sure it's bitches dying for a nigga to take them out the hood.
So take it or leave it, go back to the projects with ya mutha!"
Boogie's words pierced Sheebah's; ears he might as well have
kicked her in the ass.

"Here" he handed her a stack of hundred dollar bills "get
this place together".
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner

Boogie walked off without waiting for Sheebah's response.
He was not in the mood for her shit. He tried to handle the
situation reasonably but this chic had to push it to the limit,
voicing her opinion and shit. He'd dished out a lot of doe giving
her the life that no one else could, yet she always seemed to
want more. She was never satisfied. Didn't her mother teach
her to be thankful?

"Ungrateful BITCH!" Boogie muttered as he walked off.
The ride home was silent. Indya rattled her toy every now
and then but no one said a word. Asiah drove along in her new
RR thinking of how Boogie had just gone hard on Sheebah.
That definitely was a low blow. No matter how you look at it
girlfriend was stuck between a rock and a hard place. She
could take what he was dishing or go back to the projects. It
didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what choice she was
going to make.

All turned out!

Shit was rolling; money was coming in left and right. It was
like life was one big video. Big houses, fast cars, nice jewelry,
anything that money could buy; Boogie had enough money to
buy it twice. It was Asiah's 17th birthdaythe Redwood Trust
was packed and Downtown was jumping. Everyone who was
anyone came out for Boogie's little sisters birthday
partysome of which Asiah knew and some of which she'd
never seen in her life, but were friends or business associates
of her brother. Every big time hustler in town and some out of
towners were there. Every female that had the privilege to
attend was there in hope of grabbing themselves a balla.
There was open bar to make sure niggas was good and
fucked up. Asiah's aunt Sharon allowed her cousin Laya to
come out but declined her invite.

"It will be way too many hoods there for me," Sharon
complained in her usual snob like manor.

However, tonight even the hoods had class. This was a
black tie event, no jeans, no boots, none of that shit. Asiah
was wearing a black Darcel Cox Original that showed off her
entire chest area, with two splits on each side, and the back
out. She'd been getting compliments on the dress since she
left the house.

"That's a bad ass dress girl," a girl from the salon admitted.

"Damn shorty you wearing the shit out that dress. You got
a nigga on brick" one of Boogie's friends whispered.

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"You killin'em tonight. Where you get that from?" the sales
girl from a shoe store that Asiah frequents asked.

"Darcel" Asiah smiled at the girl.

Darcel was an up and coming designer. All the ballas and
their women went to see her whenever they wanted
something made to fit their unique taste. Sometimes you were
lucky to catch something on that rack if it was your size, but
her business was booming. She could never keep clothes in
her Boutique. As soon as they were made and put on display,
they were bought within an hour or so. That's why those who
could afford it opted to have their garments especially made;
a DCO off the rack never went for less than a G.

It was unusually warm for February at 58 degrees and
risking a cold neck Asiah wore her hair up. She headed for the
bar and bumped into Terra's friend Rich Porter.

"Rich Porter. What's up nigga?" Asiah played.

"You baby. Definitely you! Happy Birthday." He looked
Asiah over before hugging her and handing her $500 dollars.

"Thanks Rich, Terra's in her somewhere." Asiah made
small talk.

"What the fuck you tellin me for?" Rich shrugged his

"Yeah right nigga." Asiah smirked and started to walk off.
Rich grabbed her hand.

"For real Asiah what's up with me and you? I'm tryna see
you, I'm diggin you ma."


"Boy get off of me!"

"For real shorty, my money right, ask around. I know you
like nice shit."

"It's not about cash Quinton." Asiah disrespected him by
calling him by his government.

"C'mon with the Quinton shit. Well what's it about?"

"Terra. Or did you forget?"

"I don't fuck with Terra no more.

"Whatever!" Asiah gave him the talk to the hand.

"Seriously everybody knows that. You betta ask ya girl."

Asiah thought for a minute that maybe Terra was fucking
with somebody else and didn't tell her or maybe this
muthafucka was lying.

"Well it don't matter. You use to fuck with her and I don't
fuck after my girls."

Asiah walked away leaving Rich behind looking crazy. She
didn't care who Terra was messing with. All she knew was that
Terra had came up on a little cash lately and for once, it wasn't
hers. She was happy for her friend. If Terra was happy so was

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
Asiah, Nina, and Terra stood in the corner sipping martinis
as people stopped, wished Asiah a Happy Birthday, handed
her gifts, and mingled off to party. Asiah glanced at the door
and spotted Sheebah, Misa, Monica, Skyla, and even Kinte'
entering the party. They saw Asiah and came over to greet
her just as everyone else had, hugging Nina and giving Terra
a cheap wave. They were still pissed about how Terra had
switched up on Asiah. The dance floor was packed;
everybody was getting their head sprung. Asiah was laying
low trying to stay as far away from D, Jamall, Andre, and Kross
as possible. She wasn't trying to get tangled up in no shit

"Fuck dat! She thought.

She walked up on her brother arguing with some girl, finally
he dug into his Armani jacket and handed her some money.

"Look, take this and catch a cab. I'll be there in an hour." He
lied. The girl quickly agreed and disappeared from the party.
She was happy that he'd agreed to see her later.

Asiah stood to the left of Boogie grinning.

"Who was that?"

"Man...thats Courtney. Dat lil bitch driving me crazy. I wish
I never started fuckin with her." He scratched his corn rolls.

"Well that's what happens when you think you're a Mac."
Asiah teased her brother.

"I know you ain't talkin Ms. D, Kross, Dre the 3rd." Boogie
pointed out Kross sitting at a table with his boys and D on the
dance floor.


"I guess we're 2 of a kind." Asiah laughed.

"You know it baby." Boogie kissed his little sister and placed
his arm around her. They stood there watching the entire party

Once the party was over Boogie sent Sheebah straight
home. She protested but had no win. Bomb was supposed to
hook up with Monica but hooked up with one of Courtney's

"New pussy always better" He proclaimed as he snuck
away before Monica saw him.

Nina left with Chance, Peewee and his boys hooked up with
Skyla and her girls. Jamall skated off with Kinte' and her best
friend Samyah. Asiah hid in the ladies room so she wouldn't
run into D and Kross at the same time. She'd made it through
the night without getting caught up and she wasn't about to
now. She'd told them both that she would meet up with them
later and left it at that. She had to keep the appearances short,
she didn't want any shit. Finally, Asiah crept outside where
she found her cousin Laya and Monica.

"Bitch I thought I was gonna have to call my mother to come
get me" Laya ranted sounding like a 13 year old.

"Ya'll seen Bomb? We were supposed to hook up." Monica

"Call him." Asiah handed over her cell phone. She knew
what Bomb was up to but fuck that it wasn't right to just leave
the girl stranded. Monica handed Asiah the phone back.
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"He said to meet him at your house." Monica notified Asiah.

Asiah took Laya home and drove back to her house
knowing that Bomb had no intentions on meeting Monica
there. Boogie's Benz was parked outside along with his truck,
which meant he was there. Asiah gave Monica some pajamas
and showed her to Bombs room. Asiah took a shower and put
on a Baby Phat jean set.

"You took Charlotte home?" She asked leaning in her
brother's doorway.

"She started bitchin bout that shit wit Courtney at the party,
so I dropped her dumb ass off. I ain't feel like driving to
Sheebah's so I'll just stay here tonight. I'm sick of these
ungrateful ass bitches anyway. I work too hard for this shit."

Asiah nodded agreeing with her brother as she took a seat
on the edge of his bed. He continued as he flicked through
channel after channel.

"Sheebah....dat bitch got a house ...a car...a salon. You
would think she'd shut the fuck up sometimes. Hell no! She
want more. She want me to spend time with her, hold her, love
her, all that dumb shit." He shook his head and kept going
"And Charlotte she ain't worked or paid a bill since she moved
in that house yet all the fuck she do is complain." Boogie
started mocking Charlotte "You don't do this, you don't do that.
You don't, you don't, you don't." He switched back to himself
"Shit I keep Indya whenever she want me to, and for what? It
ain't like the bitch going to work!" Boogie fumed "and that lil
whore Courtney she don't want much, a ride in the Benz, a
fuck in the truck; She like a little Gucci, Prada, nothing heavy.
I wish they all were like her. Give her some money and she

shut the fuck up. The only thing about her is she a little freak.
I gotta keep a tight leash on that bitch, she know if she get
caught fuckin on me I'ma stomp her fuckin brains out." Boogie
took a puff of his blunt to calm himself down. After a 35 minute,
niggas aint shit and bitches aint either debate Asiah left and
went to meet D.

Monica lay in Bomb's bed tossing and turning. She looked
at the clock. It was already 4 o'clock and she hadn't gotten a
wink of sleep. It was no way she could go to sleep knowing
that Boogie was right downstairs and no one was there but
them. She laid there hot and wet just thinking about all the
things she wanted to do to him. She'd always wanted him
anyway but she never had a clear opportunity to get with him.
Every time he came to the shop, it was always someone
around. They had never been alone.
Monicas body was burning to feel him.

Finally, she made her way to his room. He was high as a
kite and out cold. She slowly slid her hand into his boxers
playing with his dick until it stood straight up. Boogie thought
he was dreaming, he opened one eye and realized what was
going down. Monica pulled at his boxers until they were down;
placing him in her mouth, she went to work. Up and down she
went, her mouth was hot and wet. She did her best to deep
throat all 9 and a 1/2 inches of Boogie. He laid their moaning
and feeling bad at the same time. This was Bomb's bitch but
it was only so much a man could take. He reached for a
condom and flipped Monica over; he spread her legs wide and
gave her all of him.

"Uunhh She moaned as Boogie pounded away at her
coochie. He fucked her everyway possible mouth, pussy, and
butt. After bringing Monica to her second multiple orgasm he
pulled his dick out snatching the condom off he nutted all over
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her chest and face. His dick game was the shit. Sheebah didn't
know how good she had it.

Monica woke up the next morning happier than an old lady
that had just won bingo. Boogie was already gone and Bomb
never showed up from the night before.

"Fuck Bomb now." She thought as she got dressed and
called a cab. She smirked the whole ride home.

"Yeah, I put it on him. I got him hooked all I gotta do is wheel
him in." She thought aloud.

Little did she know she'd violated the code so far as
Boogie's crew was concerned. They never beefed over
bitches like her. The only way she could get any play was to
fuck them all. Once Boogie told Jamall he fucked her, then
back to Bomb, then Boogie. It went on and on. They ran trains
and had orgies with her regularly. Once they were finished
with her for good, they had her entertain a few of their
business associates from time to time. Monica had been
completely turned out within a matter of months. One day the
girls were in the shop.
Misa was doing Asiah's feet, Terra was getting her eyebrows
arched, and Monica was doing Skyla's feet. Boogie walked in
with his Miami connect and tapped Monica on the shoulder.

"C'mon I need you to do something for me."

Without a word Monica got up collected her coat and her
purse and left with the connect.

"Yo meet me back here at 7 and have fun, it's on the house"
Boogie joked with his connect. "Misa finish Skyla for me baby."
He ordered and walked off.


As soon as Boogie was out of sight, Misa started buzzing
like a bumblebee.

"Monica is just a whore to them now."

"Yup" Skyla agreed.

"That's what she get for fuckin somebody's man." Misa

"Naw it's not that she fucked Sheebah's man, it's the fact
that she fucked Bomb's cousin."

"Well I hope she don't think this gon make my brother want
her. She had a choice and she should have said no. She ain't
the first to be turned out and she won't be the last, Fuck her,
If she wanna be a hoe let her be one.
Nobody's forcing her."

Asiah added her two cents.

She was right, Monica had chosen to become what she
was. She was being treated like a whore because she was
one. She liked to fuck and suck and didn't mind doing it to
Boogie or his boys whenever she could.
Sheebah came over and broke up the conversation.

"Where'd Boogie go?"

"I think in the back." Asiah volunteered. Sheebah walked off
to find Boogie.

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"I'm surprised Sheebah still let Monica work here." Asiah
said to Misa.

"Girl... Sheebah don't know about that shit. Is you crazy?"
Misa said in a hush like tone.

Asiah was surprised. She couldn't believe that Misa knew
something and didn't tell it. It probably burned her tongue
everyday not to tell it. Misa told everything; she was a walking
gossip column.

Here comes trouble

Asiah pulled up at the school blasting Jay-Z. She waited for
D to finish practice so she could follow him home. His parents
were out of town for a few days and she was going to stay the
weekend with him. D looked so good with sweat dripping all
over his body as he exited the gym. Asiah walked towards him
fiddling with the 4ct. heart around her neck that D had given
her for her birthday. She cherished it and never took it off.
Davon kissed Asiah with his ball in his hand.

"You got ya stuff?" He kissed her

"Yes...." She muttered with her lips against his.

"For the whole weekend?" He kissed her again.


Asiah drove along talking to Terra as she followed behind
D's Cadillac EXT. Terra suggested that they go shopping the

next day. Asiah agreed and told Terra she would pick her up
at two because she and D were going to the movies at seven.
It was the first time in a long time that Terra asked Asiah to
hang out. Asiah took her shoes off as soon as she entered D's
house. His mother didn't like sneaker tracks on her floors. D
looked back and laughed.

"Damn my moms got you shook, she ain't even here and
you takin ya shoes off."

"Shut up boy...." Asiah shoved D in the arm.

"I hope you ain't too shook to give me that coochie tonight.
He teased.

"Fuck you Davon..."

"That's what I want you to do." He pulled her close planting
a kiss on her cheek.

He grabbed her hand and led her upstairs through his room
to his Jacuzzi. He poured some bubble bath in the Jacuzzi and
turned it on. He lit scented candles placing them around the

"C'mon" He ordered. Asiah wasn't moving fast enough so
he started undressing her. D unbuckled Asiah's pants and
pulled her sweatshirt over her head. Her pretty titties sat up
perfectly. Davon's penis hardened at the sight of Asiah's butter
naked body. D sucked Asiah's breast as if he were
breastfeeding. They climbed into the Jacuzzi; Davon caressed
Asiah's body along with the warmth of the bubbly water. It was
heaven. They kissed and caressed each other in all the places
that gave them pleasure. D caressed and sucked Asiah's toes.
She pulled them out of his mouth giving him a long kiss. The
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smell of cucumber melon intoxicated the air as she sat on top
of him and started to ride him. He gripped her hips tight
guiding her all the way. They bought each other to climax as
Asiah's head fell on D's shoulder.

"Ooh D, I love you..." Asiah moaned.

"I love you too baby." He pulled her close.

Davon carried Asiah to his bed laying her down he laid on
top of her. Running his fingers through her wet hair D kissed
Asiah's lips, caressing and adoring her body he slid himself
into her tunnel. As they lay there, bodies dripping, making love
on warm wet sheets, Asiah moaned helplessly.


"Dis my pussy?" D whispered.

"'s yours..." Asiah whined.

"Tell me dis my pussy."

"It's your pussy... its your pussy... uunh...."

Then like many times before he grinded until they both
erupted. Asiah laid there breathless as D slid down placing his
tongue on her clitoris, making love to her with his tongue once
again, she came.

D and Asiah snuggled up and fell asleep. Asiah's cell phone
started ringing nonstop. She tried to ignore it but it kept
ringing. Asiah rolled over, snatching the phone from the
nightstand, she studied the caller ID, and it was her brother.


"What's up?"

"You woke?"

"Not really, why?"

"Yo I need you to go get Charlotte and Indya for me.
She got a flat or something."

"Why you can't get her?"

"I'm out Sheebah's"

"Where she at?"

"The Days Inn in Pikesville."

"What's her cell number?"

"Man...she left it home as usual. I keep telling her dumb ass
it's called a cell phone cause you supposed to carry it with

"All right Im leaving now."

"Thanks sis you a lifesaver."

Asiah and D got dressed and jumped on the beltway. Asiah
rode pass Charlotte's Sequoia and no one was in it. Asiah
pulled into the Days Inn parking lot looking for Charlotte
instead she spotted Kross' Benz parked in the cut. She noted
the tag number to be sure it was his and it was. She blew it off
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and continued to look for Charlotte. Asiah pulled in front of the
check in office and jumped out. Before she could make it
inside Charlotte came out.

"My bad I had to use the bathroom." She apologized for not
being at her truck.

"It's cool." Asiah said taking her niece from Charlotte's

Asiah woke up the next morning and made D breakfast.
Next she showered threw on an Arden B. jean skirt set with
Fendi knee boots and bag. D was on his way to get his cousin
and go to the gym. Asiah kissed his cheek and agreed to meet
up with him around five. She pulled up at Terra's and blew the
horn. Terra came out looking like she had a rough night. Asiah
noticed she had a hickey on her neck but decided not to
comment. Terra slammed the door and put on her seatbelt.

"Which mall we going to?" Terra questioned.

"I'on know which one you wanna go to?"

"Don't matter." Terra shrugged her shoulders.

"Let me call my brother." Asiah started dialing Boogie's
number. After several attempts, she got an answer.

"Wasup?" Boogie was out of breath.

"I wanna go shopping, I need some money." Asiah whined.

"What's new? How much?" Boogie shifted through the pile
of money on the table preparing to count out his sister's

"About 3...." Asiah said nonchalantly as if it was normal for
the everyday person to spend three thousand dollars on a
Saturday afternoon.

"You killin me ma!" Boogie complained playfully before
agreeing "Aight that's cool."

"I'ma take it out the basement safe

" want no money comin out those safes. I
need to count all that shit to make sure everything is

"So what you want me to do?"

" gon have to come down here and get it."

"Down where?"

"The projects."

"Boogie Asiah whined.

"You want it, you gotta come get it."

Asiah pulled up on Gilmore St. blinking her eyes twice to
make sure it was her Lexus parked outside. She shook her
head in disbelief; her brother was always up to something.
He'd been using her car to sneak and see Courtney because
Sheebah's salon wasn't far and he didn't want to get caught
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up. Asiah knocked on the dingy green door and waited for an
answer. Courtney answered the door and let Asiah in. She
walked in inhaling smoke from cocaine being cooked in the

Boogie's latest venture was crack in the projects. Anything
that made money he was in on it. Coke, dope, weed, X, he
had a hand in it all lately. Although dope was his main source
of income, he'd been testing his options. After fishing for
information Asiah found out that Courtney was only 16 and
Jamaican Joanne was her aunt. Joanne stashed, cooked, and
ran drugs for Boogie. Courtney's mother was deported for
transporting guns and her father died in a house fire so
Joanne took her in. After seeing Boogie hand his sister a large
bundle of cash Courtney's eyes widened. She was really
digging everything about Boogie; her aunt assured her that he
was a good nigga to be under.

"He takes good care of his bitches" Joanne schooled her

Boogie handed Asiah an extra two gees for Courtney. He
needed to get rid of her for a few hours. He had an afternoon
fuck session planned with one of her girlfriends.

"Take her with you." Boogie ordered.

Asiah protested but who was she kidding? Boogie was the
boss and she was stuck with Courtney for the day. Courtney
sat in the back nodding her head to the music.

Asiah glanced through the rearview at Courtney to check
her out. She was pretty; she had a cinnamon complexion with
light eyes and hair to match. She had a body as if she was 25.
As the white lines pass by on the expressway, Asiah thought

of Sheebah. She liked Sheebah, that was her girl and she
didn't want to be one of those phony type bitches that get
along with everybody. She and Charlotte had just become
cool after Indya was born and now here was another one to
get used to. Then again, she probably wouldn't be around
long. Boogie's girls were like a cool breeze on a hot day. They
came, went, and never lasted. Asiah glanced at Courtney
once more. She reminded her of herself, young, beautiful, and
trying to find her way through a fucked up situation.

The girls cruised in and out of stores. Asiah showed
Courtney all the good stuff to buy. If she was gonna be a bad
bitch she needed the wardrobe to back it up. It would take
Courtney or anyone else for that matter years to put together
a wardrobe like Asiah's. Her closets were more like exhibits;
she had things in them that she barely wore twice. After a few
hours, Asiah came to the conclusion that Courtney was okay,
but she still liked Sheebah better. Asiah wondered if Courtney
even knew about Sheebah. If she did she probably didn't give
a fuck. Now days if a nigga had as much cash flow as Boogie
girls were satisfied with being his side bitch. Asiah decided to
throw Courtney a curve ball.

"Courtney who does your hair? I like the color."

"Shantay from Perfect Touch." Courtney smacked her lips
running her fingers through her chin length bob.


"Shit I wish Sheebah could do my shit, that bitch probably
make my hair fall out." Courtney burst into laughter.

On the way back to D's house Asiah stopped pass Sharon's
to see Granny. Sharon's facial expression displayed the worst
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when she spotted Asiah's truck. She wondered how everyone
forgot to mention it to her.
Sharon flopped on the couch mumbling.

"Don't make no sense."

Asiah knew what was coming after that, Sharon's same old
speech about Asiah and Boogie running wild and living wrong.
She acted as if they had a choice in the matter. No matter how
much she claimed to have cared, she'd never offered to take
them in. Everyone had something to say but nobody did
anything, even Granny was guilty of leaving them on their
own. Sharon picked up the phone and dialed Boogie's cell

"Why would you buy a 17 year old a Range Rover? She has
a Lexus Daunte, this shit is crazy. I'm trying to tell you you're
making things hard for yourselves. You won't listen now but
you'll see. I'm trying to warn you, it's just too much...." Sharon
went on and on in Boogie's ear.

One of the reasons Asiah hated going over there was
Sharon's never ending lectures. Sharon thought she was so
righteous. Asiah wondered if it would have made her aunt feel
better to see them begging for food and wearing rags on their
backs. She always voiced her disapproval of their lifestyle yet
she never seemed to have a problem with getting on the
phone and asking Boogie for bill money whenever her
husband fucked it up at the casino. In addition, she never
seemed to turn down any birthday or Christmas gifts either.
Asiah had enough of Sharon and her shit for one day; she
grabbed her keys and left.


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A junkie is as a junkie does

Saundra's muddy ran over sneakers were in the doorway
when Asiah got home from D's. Asiah stumbled over the
sneakers and kicked them out of her way.

"Shit!" She screamed irritated with the thought of Saundra
even being in the house.

The house was dim and all the lights were out. Asiah slowly
climbed the stairs to her room. Dragging her bags pass
Saundra's room, she smelled a funny odor, the same odor she
smelled at Joanne's house. Saundra was in there smoking
crack. Asiah shook her head in disgust, she wished her
brother would just change the locks and be done with her.
Asiah slid out of her clothes and into a hot pink terry cloth boy
short set. She took off her jewelry and began placing it in the
box when she noticed that something was missing. She sifted
through all the jewelry in the box trying to figure out what was
missing. Her charm bracelet Jamall gave her for Christmas,
along with two pair of diamond studs, and a Gucci watch was
missing. Asiah dumped all the jewelry on her dresser and
went through it carefully.

"The shit is not hereAsiah fumed.

Asiah paced back and fourth trying to remember if she'd left
the jewelry anywhere. She had so much of it that it could have
been possible. But she'd never lost anything before. Next, she
thought to check her brother's room to see if his jewelry was
missing, maybe they had been robbed.

"No, a robber would have took everything in this bitch." She
shot down the idea of a burglary.

Then it dawned on Asiah that Saundra was in the house.
She had probably been there the whole time Asiah was at D's.

"That BITCH! Asiah fumed as she made her way to
Saundra's room.

Asiah burst into Saundra's room in an uproar. Saundra was
stunned at first but continued smoking when she realized it
was just Asiah. Asiah started searching high and low for her
things. She was dumping out stuff, flipping shit over, and
rummaging through everything in Saundra's room. Saundra
sat on the edge of the bed smoking her crack the whole time.
Finally, Asiah burst into tears realizing that Saundra had
probably already pawned her jewelry. Asiah charged at
Saundra full forced. Finally, Saundra dropped her pipe and
dashed to the door. Asiah was right behind her, one thing she
knew about crack heads were that they were always quick on
their feet. Saundra was running so fast that she slipped down
a few steps trying to get away from her daughter. She hit the
living room floor and was up again. Asiah jumped down the
last six steps to catch up with her. Saundra leaped for the door
but Asiah cut her off grabbing her by the ponytail.

"Girl you betta get off me!" Saundra spat as she tried to
yank away from Asiah's hold.

"Where my stuff at Saundra?" Asiah stood her position.

"Girl I aint got your shit. I'on know what you talkin bout..."
Saundra had that junkie grin on her face.

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Asiah fumed as she felt the anger rise from her gut. Finally
Asiah snapped. All the years of Saundra's shit had driven her

Asiah attacked Saundra like a wildcat slinging her from wall
to wall by her dirty tee shirt. All the years of getting high had
definitely taken a toll on Saundra. She was weak. Asiah slung
her around like a rag doll. They tussled into the kitchen battling
each other like wild animals. Saundra bit Asiah's arm in
desperation of breaking free.

Bitch Asiah screamed punching her mother in the
mouth repeatedly until seeing nothing but blood. Saundras
legs gave away and she slid to the ground; Asiah started
kicking and stomping her left and right.

Tears filled Asiah's eyes as the hate, hurt, and anger of life
controlled her body, she stomped Saundra harder. Saundra
scrambled for the broom handle in her last hopes of getting
Asiah off her. She swung the broom at Asiah in full force.
Asiah grabbed the other end of the broom, yanking it from
Saundra's hands, she clobbered Saundra with it. Asiah gave
her a swift kick to the chest and sent her flying into the
cabinets. Boogie, Bomb, Jamall, and Tre came in and rushed
to pry Asiah off Saundra.

Boogie pushed his sister into a chair to calm her down.
Boogie couldn't believe it had come to this. He looked at
Saundra and knew Asiah had put an ass whipping of a lifetime
on her. He was the one that taught Asiah how to fight and he
knew what she was capable of. He never imagined that she
would use what she was taught on her own mother.

"What the fuck is wrong with ya'll?" Boogie patrolled the


"She stole my jewelry..." Asiah rubbed her eyes producing
tears like a 2 year old.

"I aint stole shit Saundra retorted with a mouth full of
blood. Boogie gave her a smug look. He knew that it was likely
that she did take Asiah's jewelry.

"Where's the jewelry?" He demanded.

Saundra denied that she'd stolen the jewelry for over an
hour. Finally Boogie became agitated almost slapping her
himself and she admitted that she pawned it.

Asiah and Jamall rushed down to the pawnshop to buy
Asiah's stuff back. When they returned, Boogie had Saundra's
things packed up. She'd convinced him that she wanted to go
into a rehab program. He called around and offered cash for
a bed. Boogie insisted that Asiah ride with him to drop
Saundra off despite Asiah's protest. Asiah cried the whole ride
thinking of what this woman had done to their lives. Yet her
brother was always willing to give her a fair chance. Asiah
couldn't understand why, had she given them a fair chance life
wouldn't be so fucked up. Asiah gazed out the window as the
tears flowed to her cheeks. Jamall handed her a tissue and
put his arm around her, she laid her head on his shoulder and
closed her eyes. After all, they'd been through Boogie, still
loved Saundra and Asiah just could not understand why. It
was a fucked up cycle, the more drugs Saundra used the more
drugs Boogie sold. The longer Saundra stayed away it
seemed like the deeper in the game Boogie got. For him
everyday life was a struggle, ducking and dodging the feds,
shaking the haters off, it wasn't as gold as the glitter had made
it appear to be. Life was just so unfair but despite the situation,
Asiah wanted more. She didn't want to become a statistic of
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
Hood dreamz. She didn't want to be the type of person that
could only function in the hood, one of those females that got
caught up in the cycle where their fathers sold drugs, brothers
sold drugs, mothers became junkies, and they bounce from
hustler to hustler until they're eventually worn out, torn down,
and junkies themselves. Asiah had seen it happen so many
times and she did not care to become a part of it. Her mother
was the perfect example of sugar turned to shit.


Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
Best friends share everything

It was a couple of days after graduation ;Asiah sat on the
porch waiting for the mailman and talking to D on the cordless.
Davon was packing his things for college. He was attending
USC in the fall. Asiah was so proud of him yet she felt as
though she was losing him forever. Asiah stood up as the
mailman handed her a stack of mail, mostly bills. She went to
the safe in the living room counting out 15 thousand dollars,
for house bills, salon bills, and for the new bails bonds Boogie
was opening up. She listened to D fuss about missing CDs
that she had taken without asking.

"Okay baby I'll call you back. I gotta go do something. I love
you." Asiah told D while slipping into a pair of sweats and a
baby tee. As she started, her Lex Nina burst through her
Nextel walkie-talkie.

"Asiah ... Asiah..." Nina beamed out.

"What?" Asiah fumbled to get her phone off her hip.

"Girl... I got some shit to tell you!" Nina exclaimed.

So what's new?" Asiah played with her friend.

"Asiah I'm serious, this some serious shit!" Nina wasn't in
the mood for Asiah's jokes.

"Well meet me at the salon." Asiah sucked her teeth.

Asiah pulled up at the salon; snatching the bag full of money
she went in to wait for Nina. Asiah sat at the desk in the back
office going over the payroll one more time. After paying all
the bills, she went out front and pulled a stool up between Misa
and Sheebah for some of the latest gossip. Nina stormed in
grabbing Asiah by the arm. She led Asiah to the back office
and shut the door.

"Girl.... Why the fuck is your so called best friend fucking
Kross!?" Nina informed Asiah of her newfound info. The words
pierced Asiah's ears like bullets to the chest. Asiah stood

"Asiah did you hear me? Terra and Kross are fucking each
other!" Nina repeated.

"Kross and Terra, Terra and Kross, fucking each other?
Asiah thought to herself, as she stood stiff. This was a low
blow. Nina's words echoed through Asiah's head as if it was
hollow. Finally, Asiah swallowed her emotions.

"How do you know?" Asiah sat down.

"Last night me and Chance were together Kross called
Chance and said that he needed to see him ASAP bout some
money or something. Anyway...Chance was supposed to
meet Kross at 10:30, but me and Chance started fucking and
ain't finish till about 12. So Chance is like he forgot to meet
Kross. We get dressed and jump in the car. First, we go pass
Kross crib but he ain't there, so Chance called him. He told
Chance to meet him at the Days Inn...."

"In Pikesville?" Asiah interrupted Nina. She
remembered that night when she went to pick up Charlotte
and she saw Kross' Benz on the parking lot.
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner

"Yeah. How'd you know?" Nina nodded looking at Asiah

"I just knew...go ahead."

"Well Chance told me to stay in the car but he took too long.
I started thinking he was up to something so I got out the car
and went up to the room, peeked through the blinds and I saw
Terra. Girl I ran to that car so fast, I didn't want them to know
that I saw her. When Chance came back to the car, I asked
him who was in there with Kross. He lied and said nobody,
that Kross was just in there, bagging up some shit. That's how
I knew it was some shit then. Why would he lie? They fuckin!
I'm tellin you they fuckin!" Nina gasped for air. Asiah thought
of all the times Terra seemed so secretive, and how all of a
sudden Kross always knew everything about D and
Asiah. It all added up.

"Damn I should've seen this shit comin, but I woulda never

"And after all you done for her." Nina was hot.

What happened again?" Asiah had to hear it one more time
to make sure she'd heard it right the first time. After going
through the story once more detail by detail Nina flopped down
on the couch.

"So what you gon do?" Nina was ready to do whatever, she
had Asiah's back.

Asiah couldn't believe it. She didn't want to believe it. Her
and Terra was better than that or so she thought. How Terra
could do some shit like this? She must've been on dope, that

was the only reasonable explanation. Asiah and Nina jumped
in the Lex and headed for Terra's house. Asiah called Granny.
She was the only person Asiah could talk to at a time like this.
Boogie was out of town and Asiah felt all alone as her heart
sank deep into her chest.

"Granny I did everything for her. I loved her like a sister. I
can't believe she did me like that." Asiah fumed.

"I know baby but that's life. I keep tellin yall in that life yall
livin you can't trust nobodynot even ya best friends."

Asiah heard her grandmother, but did not wish to discuss
her brother's lifestyle at that moment. Asiah hated the fact that
every time something bad happened people always found a
way to blame it on their lifestyle.

"Why Granny? Why?'" Asiah cried to her grandmother.

"Baby don't worry. She'll get hers, one thing about life is
what goes around comes around and that's for certain."

Asiah broke into tears; she couldn't contain herself any
longer. This really wasn't about Kross it was about her and
Terra. She thought they were better than that. Asiah would've
never stabbed Terra in the back like that.

ASIAH Nina screamed. Asiah dropped her phone,
gripping the steering wheel with both hands

"Oh shit!" Asiah quickly turned the wheel as the car spun in
circles smashing into a tractor-trailer; Nina flew through the
front windshield. Asiah heard her Granny screaming through
the phone.
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Granny screamed through the phone.

Asiah looked over at Nina's unbuckled seatbelt as she tried
to unbuckle her own as Granny's voice faded.

Asiah awoke to Jamall sitting beside her. He screamed
for the nurse. After assessing Asiah, the nurse went to get the
doctor. A tall white haired man entered the room shining bright
light into Asiah's eyes.

"Ouch..." She complained.

"Asiah follow the light, how many fingers do you see, do you
know where you are, can you tell me what happened? He
questioned Asiah. Next, he turned to Jamall "She's just a little
beat up. We'll keep her a couple of days but she'll be fine. Just
a little banged up that's all," he told Jamall before leaving the

Asiah's body stung from all the cuts and bruises and her
head was throbbing. Jamall sat beside her holding her hand.

"Your brother's on his way back now. Everything's gon be
fine." He assured Asiah.

"What room is Nina in?" Asiah wanted to see her friend.
Jamall's head dropped low. He didn't want to look in Asiah's
eyes. He took a deep breath filling himself with courage.

"Asiah, Nina didn't have on a seatbelt.

Asiah saw the look in Jamall's eyes and knew it was
something horrible.

"Is she bad off?" Asiah asked but was scared of an answer
that she couldn't handle.

"I'm sorry Asiah but Nina didn't make it."

"What do you mean she didn't make it? You fuckin liar
Asiah went off she was in a state of shock. She screamed
and hollered as every machine around her went off.

Doctors and nurses came in surrounding her trying to get
her to calm down. Finally, they injected her, and once again,
she was out. This continued for several days.

The day of Nina's funeral was dreary. It took every fiber in
Asiah's body to pull herself together and go pay her respect.
For the next couple of weeks Asiah stayed at Sheebah's
house. Sheebah and Misa became Asiah's closest friends.
Even though Sheebah and Boogie were having Courtney
problems Sheebah was strong for Asiah. Kross kept calling
Asiah's cell phone but she refused to answer. Sometimes
Misa would answer

"She don't wanna talk to you, you no good dirty dick lying
muthafucka..." Misa's dirty mouth pierced Kross' ears.

Once Terra found out that Asiah knew about her and
Kross, she started to do her own thing. She didn't even come
to Nina's funeral. Boogie came pass to check on Asiah a few
times out of the week and Jamall came to visit with him. Bomb
was busy working the streets and he was doing a damn good
job at it.
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Davon was out in Cali getting settled before school started.
The scholarship committee required him to report to the
campus a little earlier than the other students. Asiah wished
he were there to hold her and comfort her. Asiah kept thinking
about Nina, sometimes she even felt like it was her fault. Even
though the truck ran a red light Asiah felt like if she'd been
paying better attention she could've avoided the accident.

Asiah sat behind the wheel of her 4.6 for 45 minutes
debating if she would drive it or not. Her hands trembled the
entire way into the city. By the time, she arrived at the salon
her palms were soaking wet from sweat. Everyone was so
happy to see that she had finally left the house. Her hair had
been in a ponytail for the last 3 weeks and desperately needed
to be done. The salon was packed and in full effect. The smell
of hairspray and acrylic filled the air. Asiah lay back in the
pedicure chair while Misa massaged her legs.

"Asiah somebody up front for you." Monica interrupted.

Asiah slipped on her flip-flops and went out front. It was
Chance leaning against his Cadillac truck, the sun glistened
off his jewels, and he smiled and gave Asiah a tight hug.

Hey baby I heard you were back in town. How you been?"
Chance was glad to see Asiah.
"I'm livin, how bout you?" Asiah was concerned about

"Aww...I'm just hangin in there."

"So what brings you round here?" Asiah took a step back
and smiled at Chance.

"I came to see my home girl. What's wrong with that?"
Chance smiled back but the smile quickly faded. "Damn I miss
that girl, I still can't believe she gone. I wake up at night
sometimes reachin for my cell to tell her to come over. Then I
realize that she can't come over." Chance folded his arms
trying to maintain his composure. Asiah's heart went out to
him. She knew that he and Nina were getting pretty tight
before she died.

"I know. I think about her everyday..." Asiah admitted.

Asiah and Chance talked for over an hour about Nina and
the things that were going on. Asiah told him that if he ever
needed someone to talk to just call.

"Oh yeah...Kross been real fucked up bout that shit too. He
said to tell you that he reeeeal...sorry." Chance smirked.

"Tell Kross I said FUCK HIM!" Asiah fumed.

Later that night the girls decided to go out. Asiah refused at
first but they convinced her that it was the best thing for her.

"Asiah you can't stay in the house forever." Misa enforced.
Asiah agreed to go out with them and headed for her car.
"You goin like dat?" Misa's face was screwed up.

"What's wrong with what I got on?" Asiah asked looking
down at herself. The girls sat silently trying to ignore Asiah's

demanded an answer from her friends. The girls burst into
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"Asiah are you crazy? You look a hot ass mess." Misa was
honest with her friend.

"Well fine I'll change. I hope you bitches are satisfied."

Asiah showered and changed her clothes. She felt 100
percent better, besides her Granny always told her that when
life serves you lemons make lemonade. Her baby blue
Givenchy dress clung to her body displaying her every curve.
Her feet were surrounded by Stiletto with a matching
handbag. Her hair flowed vibrantly with a silky gloss and her
jewels glistened blinding every pair of eyes that made contact.
For the first time in weeks, she felt good.

"Mmm the ballas are out tonight." Skyla commented from
the back seat of Sheebah's Acura.

As the valet drove off in Sheebah's car a white stretch Benz,
limo pulled up.

"Oh my..." Misa mumbled.

"Girl c'mon." Asiah grabbed Misa.
"Naw don't grab her, wait for us." A voice yelled from the

"I wonder who they are." Sheebah eyed the limo.

"Aint that Darell from Harford Rd.?" Skyla squinted her
eyes. Darell was one of the biggest hustlers in East Baltimore.
He had just come home off a 7-year bid he caught for a
murder. Darell and his boys stood close behind the girls as
they waited to be seated.


"Hey, can we sit wit yall?" A dark skinned boy yelled out.

Asiah turned around studying the group of guys. They all
were nice looking except one short fat guy with a missing
tooth. Misa made small talk with Dark Skinned as they were
seated. Somehow, they all ended up at the same table
although the girls never agreed to it. Darell sat between Asiah
and Sheebah at the end of the table. He shifted one way and
then the other; finally, he jumped up and switched seats. He
sat in the chair directly across from Asiah.

"Yeah now I can check you out. Mmmm... you pretty too."
He said with his eyes piercing through Asiah, her body
cringed, it was as if he could see straight to her soul. She
looked the other way, she didn't like the uneasy feeling that
Darell gave her.

"Unh unh... turn around, lemme see ya face." Darell

"What you so worried about my face for?" Asiah shot her
smart mouth off at him.

"Oh you a slick one ha? I like that. I wanna see ya eyes

"Why nigga?" Asiah got smart once more. That shit turned
Darell on.

"The eyes never lie chica." Darell said with a mean mug
plastered on his face.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
When the waiter came to take their order, Asiah sat looking
at the menu trying to make up her mind.

"She'll have the crab imperial." Darell ordered for Asiah.
She froze trying to imagine where this nigga got his nerve
from. What made things worst was that he knew exactly what
she was about to order. He was definitely on some shit.

When the bill came over Darell leaned forward. "I got
dis." He said snatching it right out of Asiah's hands.
On the way out Darell pulled Asiah aside.

"Lemme talk to you a minute." Darell grabbed Asiah's arm.
It was more like an order not a request. He led her away
from the crowd.

"Look shorty I'm diggin you. I likes you on the real. I'm a
straight forward type of nigga, if I see something I like I take
it." His eyes were locked and didn't blink once.

He stood there waiting for Asiah's response. She cleared
her throat unsure of what would come next.

"Umm... you don't even know me. How can you...." "Look
shorty I wouldn't give a fuck if you was Kizzy from roots.
I'm diggin you Before Darell could finish his statement,
Kross came over and interrupted.

"Why you tryna avoid me?" Kross was in Asiah's face.

"I think that's obvious Kross." Asiah glared at him. If looks
could kill, he would have been a dead man. She turned and
started walking away.

"Don't walk away from me..." Kross grabbed her by the arm.

"Let me go Kross!" Asiah tried to yank away but he gripped
her tighter.

" gon talk to me."

"About what? You talk, you wanna talk? Okay let's talk.
Why'd you fuck my best friend? Ha?" Asiah demanded.
That was the only thing she was interested in.

"Look I don't know where you gettin this bullshit from..."
Kross denied the statement Asiah made although it was true.
Darell stepped in between Asiah and Kross lifting his shirt up
revealing a 357.

"Is it a problem broa? She said she don't wanna talk." Darell
was in Kross' grill.

"I don't know. Is it?" Kross lifted up his shirt revealing his

"It could be." Darell spat back.

"Well then I guess it is." Kross stepped up.

Asiah quickly jumped between them. She grabbed Kross by
the arm and pulled him away from Darell.

"Okay I'll talk ...I'll talk."

Asiah sat in the passenger side of Kross' Benz relieved that
she was able to stop the showdown. Kross drove along fuming
over the situation. Finally, he turned down the music.
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"So what you fuckin with wild cowboys now?" Kross asked
sarcastically as he sat behind the wheel of his six. Asiah
looked over at him and wondered why he even cared.

"Slow down Kross you're makin me nervous." Asiah

"Oh yeah I'm sorry bout your girl." Kross said referring to

"Thanks." Asiah said meekly.

Pulling up in front of Asiah's house Kross let out a big sigh.

"Asiah give me one more chance? Please...." Kross heard
himself plead.

"For what so you can uphold your image? Well I got news
for you; I 'm tired of being your trophy bitch!" Asiah jumped out
of the car and slammed the door.
"Damn." Kross muttered as he watched Asiah walk away.

Darell rode in the back of his limo with nothing but Asiah on
his mind. He had to have her, she was beautiful. He was
mesmerized by her beauty. He had to find out who she was.
He laid back in the limo sipping on Cris. He lifted his glass up
making a toast.

"To you pretty girl. You gon be mines."

Asiah walked into her house tossing her handbag on the
couch. Shed had enough for one day and needed a bath and

her bed. Her cousin Bomb was in the living room on the

"What's up baby cousin?"

"Nothin much, what's up with you?" Asiah asked kicking her
shoes off. She held them by the straps as she climbed the
stairs. She stopped on the second floor to see what was up
with her brother. Asiah walked barefoot down their plushy
carpeted hallway.

"Unh...unh....eer...eer.... boom.....unh...." The sound of the
headboard banging the wall and the mixture of moans and
hollers let her know he was busy. She turned around and
made her way to the third floor. Later that night Asiah sat at
the kitchen table eating her desert from earlier.

"Sluh...sluh...sluh..." She heard the sound of slippers
flopping down the steps. "Click" Courtney came in and flicked
on the big light. Courtney's hair was wrapped up with hairclips,
which made it easy for Asiah to spot her diamond earrings.
Asiah grinned; her brother was a real piece of work when it
came to women. He did not mind dishing out a few dollars to
get them where he wanted them. Courtney wiped her eyes.

"Hey Asiah, what's up? I didn't know you were here."
Courtney made small talk with Asiah.

"I bet you didn't." Asiah said nonchalantly.

Courtney opened the refrigerator pulling out the makings of
a sandwich.

"So how you been?" Courtney sat across from Asiah.
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"I'm cool. How bout you?" Asiah made small talk back.

"I'm doin okay. I can't complain."

"I bet you can't" Asiah couldn't control her smart mouth. She
heard her brother come to the top of the stairs.


Ha?" She yelled back.

"What the fuck takin you so long with my food?" He

"I was talkin to your sister."

"Oh, she here?" Boogie thumped downstairs. He entered
the kitchen slapping Asiah on the leg.
"What's up playgirl?" He joked with his sister as he pulled a
chair from under the table and flopped down.

"Girl get the fuck up and make my damn food" He yelled at
Courtney "Shit a nigga hungry."

"So I see you're keeping the ball bouncing." Asiah said
referring to Courtney.

"It's all good baby, let it shine Boogie smirked.

"Boy you don't make no since." Asiah burst into laughter.

"Good. Cause I only fuck with doe that fold." He bit into his

Asiah's first semester at Morgan was hard. It was totally
different from high school. She wished that she was back at
Dunbar. She thought about Nina often. It was funny how times
changed and fast. Less than a year ago, it was all good, now
everything was all bad. Nina was dead and Terra was fucking
her used to be man. Davon was so caught up with school that
they barely talked. Every time she called he was coming from
practice, had homework, trying to make a class, it was just
horrible. They talked once a week if that.

Asiah didn't have many friends at Morgan; as a matter of
fact, she didn't have many friends at all. She tried to make
friends at school but she just didn't feel comfortable. Most of
the kids there were well rounded. With their parents paying
their tuition or some type of scholarship or something. They
drove cars like Toyotas and Volkswagens. How could she
possibly fit in? She had no family stories to tell, no big
gatherings for holidays. She was still 17, and being smart was
the best thing that she had going for herself. She'd skipped a
grade in elementary school to provide a more appropriate
learning atmosphere, yet she couldn't adapt to these people
and their way of life. The professors always displayed a look
of curiosity on their faces. They wondered how she could
afford such fine things on no income. Although most of them
drew their own conclusions, they'd never questioned Asiah
directly. She'd never tell them more than the necessary. If
they didn't already know how fucked up her life was she damn
sure wasn't going to tell them.

"Ring....ring....ring...." Asiah threw her keys on the table and
rushed to answer the phone. She hoped it would be D, maybe
he had 5 minutes to spare and talk to her.

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"Hello... may I speak to a Miss Asiah McCoy please?"


"This Michael Coebin calling from the state of Virginia
prosecution office."

"Okay...." Asiah hesitated.

"I have some news for you."

"What is it?" Asiah's heart dropped.

"Your up coming court date has been canceled."
"What do you mean canceled?" Asiah snarled.

"Well Ms. McCoy I really don't know how to put this but...the
man accused of attacking you was murdered in our Central
Booking facility."

Asiah sat dumbfounded not saying a word. The man
wondered if she was still on the phone.

"Hello...Ms. McCoy?"

"Yeah I'm still here... umm... thanks for calling." Asiah's
words stuttered from her mouth.

Real hustlers hustle

Chance's Cadillac truck pulled up in front of Asiah's house.
She bounced down the steps and hopped in. He'd called
earlier inviting her to dinner and a movie. After the movie, they
went to Jillian's for a few drinks and games. Chance admitted
to Asiah that he had many female companions but was feeling
Nina and wanted to settle down with her. He thought of her
more than twice a day and missed her terribly.

"You know...the way Kross feel about you." He grinned.

"Chance please, Kross don't care about nobody but his
muthafuckin self. If he cared so much... why'd he fuck my best

"C'mon now Asiah." He sat his drink down "A nigga gon be
a nigga. Trust me."

"Yeah I bet. I still can't believe that shit. He coulda fucked
anybody else, why her?"

"She threw that pussy at him. You know how bitches are."
Chance defended his cousin despite his belief that he was
dead wrong.

"How do you know?"

"Cause I know."

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"Cause I do."


"Look that ain't for me to say just take my word that bitch off
the hook. He don't even fuck her no more
anyway, he just use her to run dope now."

"MmmMmmMmm" Asiah shook her head.

"That's what happens to bitches like that."

Asiah agreed thinking of Monica who had been turned out

Peewee and his boys sat around the table calculating their
weekly profits. Every since his cousin Boogie had taken over
the corners in East B. More it seemed that his profits were
coming up short. Peewee had always been able to make a
comfortable living on his own but things weren't looking too
good these days.

"$12,563 dollars." Peewee's best friend Kalif quoted in

"That's it?" Another one of Peewee's boys complained.''

"Man I'ma fuck around and get my Q repoed fuckin with
ya'll" Boo complained.

"Go work for your cousin, ain't he home now?" Another boy
was being sarcastic speaking of Boo's cousin Darell. "Look we

can't beef with each other just because business is slow."
Peewee tried to calm his boys down.

"Slow? It damn near stopped." Kalif lashed out once more
"Man you need to tell ya cousin to lighten up on this side of

"But he not on our corners. Peewee defended his cousin.

"Well he's close enough and that shit is takin food right outa
our mouth." Kalif snarled.

"We losing too much money." Boo complained.

"Well nobody asked you." Peewee was sick of all the
BMWs. Bitches moaning and whining. Boo was dazed for a
second but made a come back.

"I don't give a fuck if you asked or not. I'm tellin you
somethin gots to be done about this shit and fast. "

Peewee decided to talk to his cousin about his misfortune.
Peewee called Boogie repeatedly but did not get an answer.
He jumped in his car and decided to ride around to clear his
mind from his money problems.

"Maybe I can catch up with Bomb, he be over here pickin
up money all the time." Peewee thought aloud.

Peewee pulled up on North and Chester and sure enough,
he spotted Bomb's Jaguar on the corner.
Peewee jumped out of his car.
"Hey Bomb can I holla at chew a minute?"

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"What up cuz? Give me a minute...lemme get dis cash
straight." Bomb continued collecting money from his workers.

Peewee stood aside watching Bomb collect at least $7500
dollars from each of his workers, and that was just for one
corner. Peewee imagined how much doe they were pulling in.
The thought made him sick. They had at least five other
corners in East Baltimore alone. If they were taking down like
that on every corner, they had to be in the millions by now. Not
to mention all the weight that they were selling on the West
side. Peewee added in the salon and the bails bonds and
knew that his cousin could afford to ease up on his side of
town. After all Peewee had been doing the East side for the
past 5 years and that gave him the right to take it back. These
niggas were on easy street and he was struggling to feed his
peoples. He felt like busting Bomb's ass and robbing him.

"Fuck him, he Boogie cousin not mines." Peewee's devious
thoughts ran through his head.

Boogie and Bomb were related by their mothers. Peewee
and Boogie were related by their fathers and both of their
fathers were lock down for life. Technically Peewee and Asiah
weren't cousins either, however, none of this mattered until
now. Peewee attended the family reunions and everything,
but blood was thicker than water and money was thicker than

"Aight cuz what's up?" Bomb inquired while stuffing large
stacks of cash in a Louis Vuitton duffle bag.

"Yo, ya'll niggas killin us. Dats what's up." Peewee was

"What you mean?" Bomb was totally unaware of where the
conversation was going.

"I mean niggas ain't gettin no money. We can't live, feel

"Naw I can't to be truthful." Bomb hadn't been broke in so
long that he couldn't even relate to the thought of it.

"Well lemme put it like money flowing funny, niggas
is hungry and we barely eating. I need ya'll niggas to ease up."

"But we ain't even fuckin with ya'll corners, so what's the

"Shit still ain't flowin right." Peewee folded his arms feeling
as if his point was made.

"Sound like a personal problem to me." Bomb wasn't feeling
Peewee's pain at all.

"What chew mean a personal problem?" Peewee couldn't
believe that Bomb was trying to carry him like that.

"Look we ain't on ya corners and you still ain't gettin no
paper? Maybe it's ya product...thats some personal shit, we
ain't got nothin to do with that." Bomb insulted Peewee.

"Listen cuz
"Naw you listen, we hustlers that's what the fuck we do. The
game ain't about givin money away its bout gettin it. I run this
Eastside shit and I ain't shuttin down no corners cause some
whining ass nigga can't hold his weight. Now if you a
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hustler...hustle nigga." Bomb walked away leaving Peewee
behind in a daze.

"We'll see you bitch ass nigga." Peewee fumed.

Bomb dialed Jamall's cell phone number. He couldn't
believe that Peewee had the nerve to ask him to shut down
some of his corners. If he was some other, nigga Peewee
wouldn't have dared came out of his mouth with that bullshit.

"That's whats wrong with the game it's too many fake ass
hustlers, wanna be ballas, imaginary players." He laughed to
himself. Finally, Jamall answered the phone.

"What up cuz?" Jamall's stereo was blasting in the

"Yo you won't believe the curve ball ya boy Peewee just
threw me" Bomb was ready to drop the latest street drama on
his partner.

"What? What happened?" Jamall could tell that Bomb was

"Feel my pain...Im on Chester closin up shop. Right?"

"Right." Jamall agreed on edge.

"Dis nigga come round there talkin bout we killin them can
we close a few corners down."
"What? We ain't even on their we?"

"Naw...and that's what I told that sucka ass nigga."

"Then what?"

"Yo...he start whining like a bitch" Bomb mocked Peewee
"We ain't gettin no money Both Bomb and Jamall burst into

"I told that nigga if he a hustler...hustle, but I ain't shuttin
shit down."

"You did right." Jamall backed Bomb's decision.

"That's Boogie cousin for you." They burst into laughter one
more time before hanging up.

A couple of days later Peewee got in touch with Boogie. He
thought for sure that Boogie would help him out of this rut he
was in.

"What up Boog?"

"Nothin much ....I heard you and Bomb had a few words the
other day."

"Yeah yo that nigga trippin."

"So umm...what was the problem?" Boogie investigated.

"Yo my team strugglin all I ask is that ya'll nigga lighten up
a lil bit, dat's all."
"I mean ....I could front you somethin if thats what you
need." Boogie offered to help his cousin.

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"Naw I got shit I just can't move it, ya'll suckin up all the
clientele." Peewee complained.

"I feel you, I definitely feel you, but niggas got families to
feed I just can't go round shuttin down corners. What about all
my workers that would be out of a job? I mean shit...I help you
the best I can but I can't cut my own throat. I built this shit from
the ground up and you know it. Ain't shit been handed to
me...nothin! I got a lot on my shoulders too. I got Asiah, my
daughter, my girl. Its all types of shit my money tied up in, so
if you think it's just fallin off me it aint like that. You
can always come on our team." Boogie wanted his cousin to
see his side of the story.

"Yeah aight." Peewee wasn't too pleased with his cousin's
response as he hung up the phone. Peewee sat there thinking
of another way he could solve his problems. His mind drew a
blank. Peewee was stuck between a rock and a hard place.
He couldn't believe that Boogie had the nerve to ask him to
come work for him. Peewee had been hustling before Boogie
even thought about it and he had the nerve to offer him a spot
on his team.

"Why be a pond on another nigga's chest board when I'm
the king on my own shit? Fuck dem niggas...every dog get
their day!" Peewee fumed.

Asiah flung open the door to Sheebah's salon, carrying
Indya in her arms she almost slipped.


She fumed looking down at the ground there were red roses
in a path that led to her truck. Once she reached the truck, she
found a neatly scribbled note.


A princess should walk on rose petals; meet me at the
Grand Hyatt, penthouse suite tonight 9:00.

Your Secret Admire

"It must be D. We haven't seen each other in so long;
maybe he wanted to surprise me." Asiah was hyped. She sat
on the edge of her bed caressing lotion into her smooth skin.
Her Victoria Secret undergarments fit as if they were drawn
on her body. The scent of Tranquil Breeze filled the air. She
slowly slid into a black Christian Dior mini dress and some
black leather knee boots. The night air felt wonderful, the
moon was full, and the sky was lit up. Asiah climbed into her
truck tossing her leather jacket on the passenger seat. It was
a cool breeze blowing as she rode along with the windows
down. She was excited about seeing D.

Asiah arrived at the hotel on time. She took the elevator to
the top floor, the bellboy could not stop himself from staring at
Asiah .She was the most radiant thing he'd seen in his life.
Asiah exited the elevator and fixed herself in the hall mirrors
one last time before knocking on the door. "Knock knock"
Asiah racked on the gold trimmed doors as they eased open.
Asiah entered the room. The suite was lovely, there were
roses of all colors along with scented candles burning to the
sound of Usher. Asiah strolled through the penthouse looking
for D. She found a gift-wrapped box the bows were beautiful.
She opened it filled with excitement; there was a Prada bikini
with a note.

"Meet me in the Jacuzzi."
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner

Asiah smiled widely as she slipped into the two-piece; she
remembered the night they spent in D's Jacuzzi. Fumbling
through her handbag, she found a crystal hairclip.

Asiah twisted her hair up and headed for the Jacuzzi. She
was impressed the bathroom was filled with balloons and
there were two bottles of champagne along with chocolate
covered strawberries. She poured herself a glass of
champagne and hopped in the Jacuzzi. Popping a strawberry
in her mouth followed by Cristal she laid her head on, the
headrest as the bubbles caressed her body. After a few more
strawberries and two more glasses of champagne Asiah
started to feel woozy. She closed her eyes.

"Now this is life." She thought aloud.

"Glad you like it." A voice commented. Asiah quickly
opened her eyes.

"Oh my God...." She jumped up snatching an engraved
towel from a nearby towel rack to cover her body.

"Darell?" She fumed.

"In the flesh." He was leaning in the doorway with a sly grin
on his face and his hands in his pockets.

"What type of game is this?" Asiah was yelling to the top of
her lungs. She was so mad that she wanted to spit on him but
her grandmother taught her at a young age that spitting was
nasty. The fact that he remained so calm upset her even more.
The grin on his face lit turmoil inside her.

"You play too fuckin much. I should call the police on your
ass." Asiah threatened yet Darell never stopped grinning. He
was enjoying her show. Asiah stood in the middle of the floor
wrapped in a towel with bubbles slithering to her ankles fuming
like a hot teakettle. Noticing Darell's mocha skin and cold
black hair, she realized that he wasn't bad looking but right
now, she was hot with him. He had nice thick eyebrows that
were slightly connected with a haircut that was to perfection.
He was built like Roy Jones.

Finally, he stepped towards her snatching the towel off, as
she screamed and hollered to the top of her lungs, he gripped
her neck and slobbed her down thug style.

Asiah stood speechless dripping wet in the middle of the

"C'mon it's time to eat." Darell ordered.

Room service prepared a beautiful lobster diner. Darell
poured two glasses of red wine handing Asiah one of them.
She took a small sip sending Darell a death look.

"Darell, what's goin on?"

"What you mean?" He said dipping his lobster in the sauce
right before popping it in his mouth.

"Don't you think this is...umm...a little crazy?"

"What? I told you I take what I want." He leaned forward
looking her in the eyes "and I want you."

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
"Why? What's so mind bothering about me? You don't even
know me." She found herself asking the same questions that
she'd asked Kross before he stabbed her in the back. Asiah
was curious to see what he would say. Darell twisted his lips
and leaned back in the chair.

"Oh I did my homework Ms. McCoy, Dunbar grad, Morgan
student." He was so nonchalant as if this info. was plastered
on a poster someplace. Darell caressed
Asiah's hand and continued

"And I would never do no fucked up shit like that last nigga
did to you."

Asiah quickly snatched her hand away "clink" was the
sound of her fork hitting the floor.

"Look Darell this was real nice of you but I really don't
think He placed his index finger across her lips.

"Shh... don't say nothin else."


"Ait He hushed her once more before laying his Mac
down. "Look baby I ain't no stalker, I'm just trying to get to
know you that I'm interested."

Asiah sat mesmerized by Darell's marble black eyes. He'd
managed to come across like he was sincere with his words.

"This nigga's da shit. Asiah thought. Since he'd done so
much homework on her she made a mental note to do some
on him. After several bottles of wine Asiah was feeling much

more comfortable around Darell. She lay stretched out across
the Persian rug in front of the fireplace. As the flames flickered
off Asiah's face Darell knelt beside her. Pressing his lips
against hers their tongues became intertwined. Asiah laid
there with her eyelids half open, she could barely see. It was
as if she was having an outer body experience, she felt like
she was on the outside looking in.

"Unh...." She moaned. The heavy influence of alcohol made
it hard for her to form her words correctly. As Darell kissed her
breast, she knew that she should not be doing this.

"Unh...." Was all she could manage to get out.

His hand slid down her stomach and in between her legs.
He massaged her private area back and forth.

"Asiah...Asiah..." He whispered.

"Hmm...." She moaned.

He gripped her face turning it towards himself he began to
kiss her passionately.

"You gon be mine." Darell vowed to Asiah before he let her
fall off to sleep.

Darell was used to getting what he wanted and would stop
at nothing to get it. He wanted Asiah and he would do
everything in his power to make that happen. When he did
things he did them way big, he was known and admired for his
extravagance. He didn't want this thing with Asiah to be a fuck
thing so therefore he didn't approach it like one. He was going
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
to take his time and make her love him. He wanted to get
inside of her head.

Asiah awoke the next morning to Darell's 5 foot 9 frame. He
wrapped her up in a satin comforter and held her close. She
struggled to open her eyes as Darell gave her a soft kiss to
the forehead.

"I thought you wasn't gon never wake up." He smiled pulling
Asiah by the hand. "You hungry? I got breakfast."

Asiah washed her face and blotted it dry with a towel; she
swished mouthwash around in her mouth and returned to

"Morning babe He grumbled with a mouth full of waffles.

Darell gazed into Asiah's Chinese slit eyes as she joined
him for breakfast. All he knew was he had to have her and
would stop at nothing to get her.
You can't have it all

"You lucky bitch!" Misa squealed as Asiah filled her in on
her night with Darell. Asiah sat on a nearby stool searching
the room.

"So where's Sheebah?" Asiah asked wanting to give her
home girl the latest news. Misa and Skyla became silent

"Well what the fuck is goin on?" Asiah huffed.

"Girl you know the girl Samyah that Jamall be fuckin with?
Right? "Misa smirked as she warmed to gossip. First of all,
that alone was news to Asiah; she felt her heart drop but
pretended to be in the loop.

"Yeah, what about her?" Asiah lied nonchalantly.

"Well her and Kinte came in here yesterday and

"Wait...her and Kinte be together?" Asiah cut Misa off.

"Yup" Misa shook her head "Aint that some shit? Well that's
a whole nother story. You wanna hear about
Sheebah or what?"

Asiah nodded as Misa kept going.

"Well ole girl Samyah came in here yesterday and Sheebah
took her in the back to shampoo her hair cause the shampoo
girl had ran to the store. Well when they came back, Sheebah
was all upset. This bitch then told Sheebah that your brother
got the lil. girl Courtney working at his bails bonds office and
that he be taking care of the lil. girl. And...he suppose to be
buying the bitch a Maxima or some shit." Misa stopped so she
could catch her breath and waited for Asiah's response. Asiah
sat calmly she knew all of this.

"So Sheebah zoomed out of here and went up the bails
bonds. I jumped in my car and tried to stop her, by the time
Monica and me got up there Boogie was choking the shit out
of Sheebah. GIRRL...when that nigga gets mad he gets mad!"

"Don't I know it?" Asiah knew that to be true.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
"Girl, he was laying Sheebah ass out" Misa imitated Boogie
" Bitch what the fuck is wrong with chew? You'on be comin up
my muthafuckin place of business wit dis dumb ass shit. You's
an ungrateful bitch. You worried about her you betta worry
about ya muthafuckin self." Misa switched back to her self
"Girl he let her have it, I was embarrassed for her. So this
morning when we got here the shop hadn't been opened. I
called your brother and he came to open up. We called around
and nobody's seen of heard from the bitch, and she won't
answer her cell phone." Misa hunched her shoulders.

Sheebah lay in the full sized bed gazing at the motel 6
ceiling. She made her way to her feet peeking out of the
window as the rain pounded heavily against the glass. This
was her third day there; she quickly counted the money on the

"$137 dollars. I'ma have to go home or somethin." She
thought to herself aloud. She checked her cell phone and
saw that she had 22 new messages. She sat on the edge
of the bed using her reflection in the mirror as a

"What am I gonna do? He's never talked to me like that
before. I can't believe he hit me. I was wrong though...naw
fuck dat he was wrong. How he gonna carry me like that? And
in front of that bitch." Sheebah was fuming. Tears filled her
eyes; she knew this would happen eventually. That's how the
game worked. Every girl she knew that had a big time hustler
for a boyfriend went through this type of shit. Somehow, she'd
hoped things with her and Daunte would be different. She was
in love with him long before they'd even met. The stories of his
hard hustling and thuggin turned her on.

She first heard of him from her girlfriend. Sheebah
remembered how all of her girlfriends would gather in

Tayana's living room while her mother worked nightshift.
They'd discuss the who's who and what's what. Boogie's
name always made its way into those types of conversations.
Even when it came to Barbershop talk, Boogie's name was
loosely used when it came to ballas and more. Sheebah had
heard so much about him even when he was in jail. The story
of TyTy and the glasshouse confirmed his thoroughness.
When Sheebah finally got a chance to meet Boogie she was
shocked to see that he was fine. With a name like Boogie and
the stories, she'd heard she just wasn't expecting him to be so

It was only one of two things she could do. One, pack her
shit and go back to her mama's house and share a room with
her little sister. Two, go back home and forget this shit ever
happened. She had a million dollar house, a salon, an Acura,
many diamonds in all colors, Gucci, Fendi, Prada, whatever
she thought of she had it.

She sat there for a few minutes convincing her reflection
that life wasn't all that bad. It definitely wasn't bad enough to
give it all up, and besides she did love this nigga. Nobody
made her pussy throb the way he did. She often wondered
how he had energy to fuck around after he fucked her. She
picked up her phone and dialed Boogie's number.


"Daunte." Sheebah squealed.

"What?" He was instantly irritated.

"You still mad at me?"

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
"Naw...I aint mad at you, you just can't be comin up my
office doin that dumb shit.

"I...I know. I was wrong...but Samyah said...."

"Samyah? Dat freak bitch. Tell that freak bitch to mind her
business. I should fuck you up again." He threatened

"Why...? Sheebah pleaded.

"Cause you'on be listening to them bitches. I take care of
you. Me, not them. Dey can't do shit for you but get your ass
whipped. You don't listen to nobody but me, I'm ya damn
daddy." Boogie let Sheebah have it one more time. Somehow,
he convinced her that she was in the wrong, still not admitting
to his relationship with Courtney he ordered Sheebah to go

"Getcha ass in the house!" He huffed before hanging up in
her ear.

Back home Sheebah showered and slipped into some
Frederick's of Hollywood. She sat in the glass room
overlooking the pool. She watched as the stars twinkled and
the moon glistened over the aqua blue water. Sheebah ran
her fingers through her black shoulder length hair, looking
down at the 8 ct. cluster ring that covered her mahogany finger
she felt so alone. She checked her Rolex, it was two o' clock
and Boogie still wasn't home. Gathering her hair magazines,
she headed to bed. She dropped the magazines in the
stainless steel bookrack and poured herself a glass of
cranberry juice and vodka so she could sleep. Sheebah
climbed the double staircase and looked down at the front

doors one more time hoping that Boogie would come in. She
kicked her slippers off and climbed into her king sized bed.

"I guess this is it." Sheebah hunched her shoulders. "I
guess I can't have it all, this is the price you pay for all this shit.
You can't have wealth and happiness, can you? After all if you
could it would be too much like right." Sheebah sat talking to
herself by television light until she fell asleep.

Asiah dialed D's number for the third time today. She was
beginning to wonder if she had the right number. Of course, it
was the right number, she was able to reach him when he first
went to college but now it seemed like he was impossible to
get a hold of.

"He act like he forgot my number or something." Asiah
fumed to herself.

It had been months since she'd heard from D. After all of
the times that he told her that she was special and that he
loved her and no one but her, she wondered how could he just
leave and never look back. She thought that maybe he found
someone else or maybe he was just too busy, although he
was never too busy before. Asiah knew firsthand that college
consumed twice as much of your time compared to high
school. D's team had won five out of six of their games so far,
so Asiah knew he was working hard. She watched him on T.V,
but would start to cry because she missed him so badly. After
a while, watching him play ball on T.V. all sweaty and stuff
was like torture so she stopped. Asiah wanted to believe that
D was consumed with schoolwork and basketball and not with
other females.

"Or maybe he just said fuck me." Asiah cried to herself.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
Boogie sat in the middle of Charlotte's living room playing
with Indya. Charlotte bounced down the stairs as the doorbell

"I got it." She sang out happily. She was delighted that her
and Boogie had been getting along so well lately.
Hed been fucking her brains out and she loved it.

"What's up Mr. Morton, you see that basketball game the
other day?" Boogie chatted with Charlotte's father.

"Yes I did. That Davon Broadway is something else.
You know his father is an associate of mines

"Daddy did I tell you that Daunte's sister dates him?"
Charlotte interrupted her father.

"Yes...I believe you did." Charlotte's father recalled.

Charlotte's mother sat down on the couch giving Boogie an
unsatisfying look. She hated him with every fiber in her body.
She took a small sip of tea to give her throat some moisture
so she could get started on Boogie. She sat the cup down.

"Well Daunte...what have you been up to? Besides
thugging." She questioned sarcastically.

"Oh God here this bitch go." Boogie thought to himself.

"So Daunte I heard you just opened up a bail bonds." Mr.
Morton saw an argument arising and tried desperately to

"Oh a bail bonds? Good now you can bail out all of you little
homies, is that what you call them? And they'll be on the lose
robbing and killing." Laura-Ashley mused out her opinions.

"Well his salon is doing good too mommy." Charlotte tried
to salvage a conversation that had already gone south.

"Is that the same salon that he has his other woman

"Now Laura-Ashley that's their business and...."

"Shut up Morton... So Boodie...Boogie, whatever they call
you. Do you plan on marrying my daughter anytime

"Ma Charlotte was literally begging her mother to be

"Come on now the girl is grown up, she can make her own
decisions..." Charlottes father pleaded.

"I hardly think 20 is grown Morton. She'll always be my
baby. I went through 32 hours of labor...'

"I know you went through 32 hours of labor while I was in
Aspen on a business trip. What does that have to do with this
Laura-Ashley?" Morton hated his wife sometimes.

"I just don't want my daughter living in sin shacked up with
some drug dealer popping out baby after baby that's all." She
took another sip of tea.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
Boogie grabbed his keys and kissed Indya on the cheek.
She instantly burst into tears as her father headed for the door.

"Charlotte I'll holla at you later." Boogie was out the door
without another word. He had to leave to keep himself from
smacking the shit out of Charlotte's mother.

"Ma...." Charlotte fumed at her mother.

"What? What did I do?"

Jamall sat back on his leather couch holding his remote as
Samyah's head went up and down between his legs. Looking
over at the Harbor his heart weighed heavy. His downtown
condo was furnished with nothing but the best. His Denali and
Lexus were stored in a garaged beneath the building. The
drug game had been good to him; he bought his mother a
house in Carroll County. She'd been begging him to get out of
the game, but it wasn't that easy. After seeing his mother
struggle for years after his father left, Jamall's older brother
started hustling to help out with the bills. He got caught up in
a big drug raid and was shot by the police when Jamall was
just eight. Jamall stood beside his brother's hospital bed as he
slowly died.

"Take care of mama." He told Jamall right before he closed
his eyes forever.

On that day, Jamall vowed that his mother would never
struggle again. His brother died trying to make life better for
them the best way he knew how and now it was up to Jamall
to finish the job. Now Jamall took care of his mother with ease
and she never had to worry about bills or anything else.

Although Jamall's life was coming together financially, he
knew that there was something missing and it was Asiah. He
knew that he was in no position to pursue her at this point but
he couldn't help from thinking about her. He'd watched her
grow up and he was very fond of her. He was tired of coming
home to an empty house and he was definitely tired of these
money hungry bitches. All of them meant little or next to
nothing to him, they were the type of females that would fuck
their best friend's man and in the same breath, they would fuck
each other if he told them to. Asiah was different. She wanted
more than just Hood Dreamz, she wanted to be more than a
cocaine princess and Jamall admired that. He wanted more
for himself, but he knew it would be along time before a
change could come. He couldn't just pull out of the game now;
they had too much going on. It was a 3-way partnership and
they all played crucial parts in the success of the business.
He could deal with the pressures of the drug game but his
feelings for Asiah were becoming harder and harder to deal
with. Jamall and Boogie had done more dirt together than
either of them could recall and it was no telling when it would
end. The boys were like brothers and it was nothing that they
wouldn't do for each other. Boogie was the reason that Jamall
decided not to pursue Asiah. Jamall knew that at this point in
his life he wasn't what Asiah needed. He didn't want to hurt
her and he didn't want to hurt Boogie, that was his boy, the
one he broke bread with.

Besides being, Boogie's best friend definitely had its
lessons. Jamall had watched Boogie constantly running
himself in circles between his baby's mama, his girl, and his
young bitch. Boogie was damn near going crazy trying to keep
them all happy. He was in so deep that he couldn't make a
choice between them if his life depended upon it. Seeing
Boogie go through all of this made Jamall realize that when
he did settle down it would definitely be with Asiah. He knew
that she was the one for him, when the time was right. After
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
all the ballin, killing, hustling, and drug dealing he would
change his life for the better and take her away from all of this.

"Unh...." Jamall laid his head back as his body tensed up
he erupted in Samyah's mouth.

A New Low

Once again, Peewee and his boys surrounded the table
counting less than 15 thousand for the week.

"Look. What the fuck we gon do?" One boy ranted.

"Did you talk to ya cousin?" The other questioned.

"We gotta get these niggas from over East. I might as well
go work for my cousin Darell. " said Boo whos Q45 was up
for repo.

"Shut the fuck up!" Peewee was frustrated with the whole
situation. All yall do is whine like a bunch of bitches!"

"I don't think Darell doin as much as he used to." One boy
told Boo to redirect his thoughts of leaving the crew.

"Well he doin better than us." The other boy announced as
if he was thinking of leaving the crew himself.

"I know what to do." Peewee jumped up from the table.



"I'll tell yall later." Peewee dashed out the door.

Asiah awoke to the 6 o'clock news. She sat up on the edge
of the bed in a daze wondering had she heard correctly or was
she dreaming.

"Coming up on news at 6 we have a very special interview
with Baltimore's own Davon Broadway who's been drafted to
the NBA. A live interview up next on news at 6."

Asiah jumped up to turn up the volume, she didn't have time
to search for the remote. She had to see this interview; it was
her only chance to see D since it was obvious that he'd
forgotten all about her. She went into a daydream of him
holding her but quickly snapped out of it when she heard the
news come back on. It was D via satellite from Cali.

"So Davon congratulations! How does it feel buddy?
You're going to the NBA."

"It feels good; it feels real good." D laughed showing those
dimples along with his pearly whites.

"Well you know some people were totally surprised to see
you go pro after only one year of college ball. I mean you were
a definite NBA pick but who would have thought so soon?"

"Well I'm blessed, what can I say? I worked hard, played
well, kept my grades up, and they wanted me." D hunched his

"So what are your plans now? Of course, you'll be
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner

"Yeah, I'll be looking for a place in Miami

"Oh by the way Davon's been signed with the HEAT " The
sports guy smiled, he was so into the live interview that he
forgot to mention what team D was going to.

"Yeah the HEAT, hopefully it'll be a good run. I'ma make
ya'll proud."

So let's talk about the money..." The guy laughed.

"Ahh...the money. The money's good real good." D

Asiah jumped up and turned off the television. She couldn't
take another second of him. How could he do this to her? She
flopped down on the edge of her bed clutching her pillow tight
as her forehead wrinkled and tears forced their way to her
eyes. Her heart sank into her chest. She sobbed, for the first
time in her life, she had someone that wasn't a drug dealer
that was good, D was bright and full of potential. When he
needed her, she had always been there. When his body ached
from those hard practice sessions she caressed it and loved
it, when he was hungry, she hand delivered his food right to
the court, now he had gotten his $10 million dollar contract
and forgotten all about her. Asiah threw the pillow at the
television and burst into tears.

Peewee pulled up on Port St. and glanced across the street
he saw one of Boogie's workers name Tre. Tre was serving
fiends, they were all lined up and the line curved around the

"High Society! Get ya High Society! "Two other workers
stood close to Tre yelling.
Peewee got out his car and walked to a nearby payphone.
He dialed 911.

"911. How may I direct your call? Firemen, ambulance, or
police?" The dispatcher asked.

"Police." Peewee muttered as he noticed a small Korean
lady on the carryout steps smoking a Newport.

"What's the problem sir?"

"Drug activity on the corner of Port and Lanvale. I can't even
get into my own house without being harassed." Peewee
disguised his voice to sound like an elderly man.

"Okay sir I'll send someone out. Would you like to...."

"No thanks, no visits I don't want any trouble." Peewee
knew that she would try to get more information. He hung up
the phone before she could say another word. He sat in his
car and observed as three squad cars pulled up on the set.
People scattered like roaches running this way and that way.
Peewee laughed, he enjoyed seeing Boogie's money getting
fucked up.

Bomb dialed Tre's cell phone for the third time in a row. He
took the phone away from his ear and looked at it to make
sure he was dialing the right number.

"Damn why ain't he answering the phone?" He questioned
to Jamall as if he should know. Bomb sat in the passenger
seat of Jamall's truck sifting through piles of money.
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
"Man, North and Chester did real good today." Bomb told

How bout Greenmount?" Jamall questioned.

Greenmount did great, so did Harford Rd. If dis nigga Tre
answer his fuckin phone, we can pick up Port and Lan. and go
in for the night." Bomb huffed as he dialed Tre's number once

"Fuck it let's just go round there."

Jamall's Denali XL pulled up on the corner of Port and
Lanvale, the truck stopped but the rims kept spinning.
The block was like a ghost town, not one soul in sight.

"Where the fuck is everybody at?" Bomb wondered aloud.

"Fuck it I'ma grab me somethin ta eat." Jamall jumped out
of the truck.

Bomb dialed Tre's number once more. He knew that
something wasn't right about this shit. It was unlike Tre to not
answer his phone. Jamall flung open his black mink coat upon
entering the carryout.

"Damn it's hot in this bitch!" Bomb agreed and flung his mink
open also. As the carryout lights reflected off their diamonds
and platinum, the neighborhood girls stood motionless hoping
to be noticed.

"Bombee! Bombee! "The little Korean lady yelled coming
from behind the bullet proofed glass.

"What's up mamachink?" Bomb asked as he noticed that
she was waving a piece of yellow paper.

"Bombee, I outside ...ay...earlier. I smokee Newport. I saw boy on phone...outside. He call police on
Tre." She said pointing towards the corner.
Bomb was stunned.


" never see him before. He drive blue car."

"What kind?"

" box car." She started fumbling with the piece of
paper I wrote tagee number." She handed Bomb the paper.

Bomb looked at the paper closely handing her 3 hundred
dollar bills he kissed her on the cheek.

"Thanks mamachink."

Jamall got his food and they left.

Right before pulling off Jamall noticed a young girl sitting on
the steps of a house a couple of doors away from the carryout.
She was wearing a thin jean jacket, black sweat pants, and
white tennis shoes. She held herself tightly shivering as the
cold air pierced through her body. Jamall could tell that the girl
was freezing. He shook his head and pulled away from the
corner. Before he could make it around the block, the thought
of her shivering on the steps bothered him and he was right
back on Port St.
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
"What's wrong shorty? Why you out here in the cold?"
Jamall asked the girl. The neighborhood girls were on the
carryout steps watching Jamall's every move.

The young girl's eyes sparkled, as she looked Jamall over.
She had never met anyone so handsome.

"My dumb ass mother locked the door." She tried to sound
grownup "I can't get in."

"Well where she at? Jamall looked up and down the block.

"I don't know. Somewhere gettin high."

"Well" Jamall studied the house "want me to see if I can get
you in?" He offered. She nodded yes. Jamall went to his truck
to get his Swiss army knife and hurried back.

After a few minutes of fiddling with the lock, the door
popped open. Jamall stepped inside the house and realized
that it wasn't much warmer than outside. He flicked on his
lighter so he could see.

"Hit the lights." He told her.

"Ain't none." She said shamelessly.

Looking around Jamall quickly made a decision.

"C'mon you can't stay here." He said grabbing her by the
hand. Jamall dropped Bomb off at his car. Trying to decide
exactly where he would take Kimara, he stalled. "You
hungry?" He asked her.

"Yeah She quickly responded. Somehow, Jamall knew
that would be her answer, he was already on his way to

Over breakfast he found out that she was 15, her mother
was a junkie, her father died before she was born and she
didn't know his side of the family, she had no brothers or
sisters, and she went to Northern high school whenever she
went. After eating they drove around a little while longer
talking. Jamall was drawn to Kimara.

He wasn't sure if it was sexual or not but for some reason
he just couldn't leave her on those steps. Finally, he pulled up
at a Hotel. He opened the door and turned the ignition off
before he could get one word out Kimara's hand was on his

"Jamall don't leave me here alone." She pleaded wanting
his company at least for the night.

He had nowhere else to take her. It was against the rules
to take her to his house, plus Kinte was there.

"Look we can think of something tomorrow, but tonight you
gotta stay here.

Jamall paid for the room and gave her money for room
service. As Jamall headed to his downtown condo he couldnt
t figure out for the life of himself why hed done what he just
had done. Jamall rarely gave a fuck about anyone outside of
his circle, yet this Kimara seemed to grab at him like a
fishhook. He was drawn to her like a magnet.
Money talks
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner

Meanwhile Bomb found Boogie at Jamaican Joanne's
house with Courtney. Boogie opened the door rubbing his
eyes; it was obvious that he and Courtney were laid up.

"Yo, what's up?" Boogie was shocked to see Bomb that
time of night.

"I got some shit to share wit chew." Bomb was anxious to
tell his cousin about Peewee.

"What happened?" Boogie knew that it had to be real
serious for Bomb to show up this time of night without calling
or something. Bomb told Boogie the whole story of how Mama
Chink saw Peewee call the O on Tre and everything.

"You sure it was Peewee?" Boogie questioned Bomb.
This was hard for him to believe.

"She got the tag number and everything." Bomb showed
Boogie the same piece of paper that Mamachink showed him.
Boogie took a close look at the paper.

"It's his alright."

Boogie's eyes filled with worry. He grabbed his mink from
the couch and stepped out front with Bomb.
Shutting the dirty green door behind him

"Let's walk." He ordered Bomb. Walking through the
projects, they took a seat on the infamous brick wall. Boogie
sat silent for a second as he studied his surroundings.

"So what chew gon do?" Bomb broke the silence.

"Uuhh..." Boogie let out a huge sigh forming a cloud as his
breath made its way into the cold night air. Boogie shook his
head; he was ashamed to think that his own blood would cross
him like this. Granny's words played through his mind. She
always told him that no one was to be trusted when it came to
the game. Boogie thought carefully as he observed every car
that passed by.

"I gotta sleep on this shit. I just can't do away wit him, he is
my cousin. "Boogie knew what Bomb was dryly suggesting.
Bomb wanted to have Peewee killed. If not kill him himself!

"Look man how we know he ain't tryna do away wit us?"
Bomb was now staring Boogie straight in his face.

"Aight dis what we gon do...You know dat kid Boo that be
wit Peewee? Boogie quizzed his cousin as he continued to lay
out his plan. "I'ma get wit him; give him a couple of dollars to
keep his ears open. If any more funny shit happens then we
gotta do what we gotta do."

"How you know Boo gon for that shit?" Bomb was second-
guessing Boogie's master plan. He was in no mood to plot a
master plan he just wanted to kill the nigga.

"If they doin as bad as Peewee claim then he'll bite."
Boogie made a good point. He knew from experience that
money talks and bullshit walks, round one.

Boogie and Bomb clapped hands and gave each other a
pat on the back before parting. Bomb watched his cousin walk
away as he started his Jag. He was in disbelief; he couldn't
understand why Boogie was so calm about the situation. True
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
that, Peewee was Boogie's cousin and they were very close
at one point in time, but it all boiled down to one thing.

Its either us or them." Bomb thought to himself. Bomb was
more than happy to take matters into his own hands. If he saw
any signs of Peewee trying to pull any shady shit he'd gladly
kill him himself. Boogie would be thanking him later.

Boogie sat outside Central Booking waiting for Tre to be
released. Charlotte was repeatedly calling his cell phone.
They had an argument that morning about his other bitch ",
that's how she referred to Sheebah. Boogie reached over into
his glove box pulling out a box of condoms as his cell phone
rang again. By now, he was become agitated.

"WHAT?" He answered as he slung the condoms into his
overnight bag. All I need is for Sheebah to get a hold of these
I'll have to kill her ass." Boogie thought as the sound of an
unfamiliar voice broke his train of thoughts.

"Yeah this Boo, you wanted to talk to me?" Boo was

Boogie was enlightened to see that Boo took the bait
so soon. It wasn't even 24 hours after he'd put out the word
that he wanted to talk to him.

"Uhuhuh Boogie cleared his throat "Yeah I had a few
dollars I thought you could use if you need it.

"What's the catch?" Boo knew the game all so well, he knew
it was some shit to this.

"It ain't no catch. You wash my hands I'll wash yours. But I
don't talk on phones; meet me at McCormicks on the docks
about 3." Boogie made it sound so simple. He waited for Boo
to agree to meet him.

"O...Okay." Boo was hesitant but agreed. After all Boogie
was like the long arm of the law if he wanted you he would get
you, so Boo saw no need to pro-long the inevitable.

Tre flopped down in the passenger side of Boogie's Benz.
Letting out a huge sigh, he spread his arms out and stretched
like a newborn baby.

"Whew...I need a shower." Tre complained.

Boogie glanced at Tre and cracked a smile. He reminded
him of himself at the age of 18. Tre was young, hungry, and
out for blood. He could hold his heat without a problem.

"Did you get Monk and Dump out?" Tre was concerned
about his boys.

"Dey got out this morning.
"Oh." Tre was satisfied.

"How much stuff you got caught wit?" Boogie was curious.

30 pills." Tre sounded worried.

"30 pills ain't shit baby boy, don't sweat it. I got a good
lawyer" Boogie started imitating Tony Montana " I gotta lawyer
so good that by tomorrow morning they'll be working in Alaska,
so they betta dress warm." They both burst into laughter.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
Boogie's Denali XL pulled up on pier 5. His headlights were
so bright that they lit up the water as far as the eye could see.
Jamall spotted Boo's Q45; taking a long drag of his blunt, he
passed it to Bomb.

"I'on see dat nigga." Jamall said in a queasy voice.

"Dere he go." Bomb said blowing out a cloud of weed

They all exited the truck, each with a fully loaded girlfriend
on their hip. Boo was nervously pacing in a small circle as the
trio approached him.

"Whatup young buck?" Boogie asked extending his hand.
Boo reached out giving a weak handshake. Boogie could tell
that Boo was scared shitless. Boogie pulled a tightly rubber
banned stack of hundreds out of his coat pocket.

"C'mon sit down." Boogie told Boo as they took a seat on a
nearby bench. Offering Boo some of his blunt Boogie began
to talk.

"It's an easy 5 gees for you if you want it. If not I gotta kill
you. Boogie was nonchalant about the whole scenario but
Boo knew that this was no joke.

"What I gotta do? Who I gotta kill?" Boo questioned.

"Whoa hold what chew got. You ain't gotta kill nobody just
keep ya ears and eyes open. When Peewee shit I wanna
know what he ate, can you handle that?"

"Yeah I can handle that." Boo was on board. He had kids to
feed and bills to pay. It wasn't personal this was all business.
Boogie handed Boo the stack of money and gave him a

"You work for me now, remember that." Boogie said
flashing his, I'm the Don grin.

Asiah drove along 695 listening to the radio as Misa
continue to run her mouth. Taking a quick glance at Misa,
Asiah noticed her unbuckled seat belt.

"Put on that fuckin seatbelt! Asiah panicked as she relived
the horrible memory of Nina going through her front
windshield. Misa jumped quickly.

"My bad. Misa apologized.

"You damn right it's your bad you betta...."

"Shh.... Misa hushed Asiah as she turned up the radio.
"Listen." She ordered Asiah to listen.
SALE........" Asiah reached over and turned the radio off. The
thought of D having a party sickened her. She hadn't heard
from him since God knows when. Now he was having a party
and he didn't even have the decency to call and invite her. He
was a bitch in all ways possible.

"RING...RING..." Asiah's phone sounded out.

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"Hello." Asiah was already heated and hoped that whoever
this was didn't fuck with her last nerve.


"Yes..." Asiah's eyes widened. She recognized the voice it
was Terra's mother.

"Umm...have you heard from Terra?"

Umm no Mrs. Keegan, me and Terra haven't been
speaking." Asiah hesitated hoping Terra's mother didn't want
the nasty details. Terra's mother was shocked she'd never
known the girls to be mad enough to stop speaking.
It had to be something really serious to split up those two.

"Why? What happened?" Terra's mother did just what
Asiah hoped she wouldn't.

" need to ask your daughter." Asiah tried to be
civil about the whole thing.

"I can't she's locked up." Terra's mom started to cry. "That's
why I called you I thought that she may have
called you to bail her out or something."

"Locked up? What is she doin locked up?"


"Drugs?" Asiah froze thinking of Kross.

"She got caught with 2 kilos coming back from New


"WHAT?" Asiah was in disbelief as she thought of what
Chance had told her about Terra being turned out and doing
any and everything for money.

"Well I haven't talked to her," Asiah concluded.

After telling Misa about Terra, Asiah felt somewhat bad.
She thought of all the good times they shared, she couldn't
believe it had come to this. Asiah missed all the nights that
she, Terra, and Nina sat up gossiping and having girl talk.

"Damn Nina" Asiah missed Nina. There wasn't a day that
went by that she didn't think about Nina. She checked the
clock once more. She didn't want to be late, Granny hated to
be late. If you told her three o clock than she would be dressed
by two. Granny had called and asked Asiah to take her to meet
a few of her friends at Cactus Willie's.

Although it was not a place that Asiah frequented she
figured that her and Misa might as well get their grub on. As
usual, Granny was in the doorway waiting as Asiah's RR
made its way up the driveway. Granny was bundled up in her
winter coat and her silver hair was tightly French rolled with
curls in the front. Misa held the door open for Granny and
hopped in the back seat. Granny could sense that something
was bothering Asiah.

"Asiah, baby what's wrong?" Granny was concerned.

"Nothing Granny." Asiah lied.

"Okay. Let me know when you're ready to talk about it."

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Asiah sat at the table poking at her food while Granny
watched her every move. Granny knew that eventually that
Asiah would crack. She watched as Asiah started to twist the
ends of her hair. Finally, Granny reached over grabbing
Asiah's hand.

"Asiah baby, tell Granny what's wrong."

"Nothin Granny." Asiah quickly yanked her hand away. She
didn't want to have a heart to heart in front of Misa. She knew
that Misa would say that she was crazy to be worried about
Terra. She knew Misa would tell her to forget about Terra.

"Fuck Terra! Why you worried bout that bitch? She was
never your friend anyway. Fuck her!" Asiah knew Misa's words
would be somewhere along those lines.

Once Misa was gone, Asiah was ready to talk to Granny
about her feelings. She was the only one that Asiah could
open up to about it. It had been months since the whole thing
went down and everyone expected her to be over it by now.
She thought she was over it until Terra's mother called.
Although she should have gloated at Terra's misfortune, she
felt bad and on top of that, D was having a birthday party and
didn't even bother to invite her.

Old habits die hard

Asiah awoke to Sheebah and Skyla screaming over her
walkie-talkie. They demanded her to get to the salon right
away. Their squealing voices let Asiah know that it was
something juicy going on. She jumped up slipping on her
chocolate velour, her LV sneakers, and handbag she flew out
the door. She wasn't about to miss what ever was popping off
at the shop. Asiah gasped when she spotted a smoke gray
Phantom as her Lexus ripped down North Ave. She found a
parking spot and ran into the salon.

"So what's up? A fight, a beef, what? Asiah was dying to
know what all the fuss was about. Everyone stood giggling
and staring at her. Asiah began to fume as she realized that
the joke was on her and she was not there to be entertained
but she was the entertainment.

"What the fuck is so funny?" She fumed.

"Somebody in the back for you." Sheebah giggled.

"That's all ya'll had to say. Ya'll standing around lookin
stupid and shit. Silly ass bitches." Asiah spat as she made her
way to the back office. Before stopping to think who it could
be Asiah burst into the room only to find that once again the
room was filled with dozens and dozens of roses. Darell stood
there smiling at the look on Asiah's face. She couldn't believe
that he was so persistent. It had been two months and he still
was trying to wine and dine her. Although Asiah never
committed to dating, she was beginning to like his surprises.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
"What up sugadip?"

"Nothin much." Asiah mumbled trying not to act pressed as
Darell stood up and came towards her. Getting as close as
two people could get without fucking, he stepped into Asiah's
personal space.

"When you gon stop playing girl? Why you tryna make a
nigga chase you and shit?" Darell was chomping on a piece
of candy.

"Darell I'm not playing games, okay."

"So why you tryna play a nigga? Oh, I see you still hung up
on that bitch ass Davon Broadway. Girl that nigga gone."

Asiah swallowed hard, she couldn't believe what he just
said. Asiah wanted to cry so bad that her throat burned. Her
heart felt like it had been hit with a dart and not the kind that
cupid shot out.

"Fuck you Darell." Was Asiah's only come back. Asiah shot
out of the salon with tears in her eyes as Darell chased behind
her pleading for her to stay; Misa jumped in Darell's face.

"What the fuck did you do to her? Next time don't ask us to
help you do shit. You a fuck up!" Misas dirty mouth sounded
off like a siren.

Asiah's feelings were hurt. She cried as she sat behind the
steering wheel of her car. What Darell said was really
eating at her, especially since it was true. She did still
have feelings for D, and since he'd left her hanging the
way he did it was obvious that his feelings for her weren't
the same. She'd been hung up on D for far too long and it

was time to let go. Asiah returned home diving face first
into her bed, she wailed tears the size of raindrops. Why
was life treating her so unfair? It seemed that lately even
her brother had very little time for her. She'd long ago
given up on Jamall. She'd accepted the fact that her and
Jamall would never be together. It was time for Asiah to
realize that stories like hers just didn't have happy
endings. Maybe she should give Darell a chance; at least
he was one of her own. She wouldn't have to lie or pretend
with his family, although D's family had never made her
feel unwelcome. Asiah felt like she was trapped in Hood
Dreamz and from the looks of things, she had no way out.


"Come in." Asiah sniffled quickly wiping the tears from her

"What up baby cousin? You aight?" Bomb was concerned.
He heard Asiah crying as he passed by.

"Yeah. I'm cool." Asiah lied.

"You sure?" Bomb sat on the edge of the bed patting his
cousin on the back.

"I'm sure; I just don't feel too good." Asiah flashed at fake

"Cause you know I'll kill a muthafucka

"No...I'm good."

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
"Aight then be easy." Bomb stood up taking one final look
at his little cousin before he left. Asiah balled up in a tight knot
and cried herself to sleep.

Asiah awoke to her cell phone ringing non-stop. She
focused on the caller ID and saw that it was Sheebah and
Misa; Asiah flicked her phone off and laid there staring at the
ceiling. Next, the house phone started ringing nonstop, after
about 20 minutes of harassment Asiah snatched the phone


"Asiah we sorry...we ain't know that Darell was gon say no
shit like that. WE WON'T HELP HIM DO SHIT ELSE. C'mon
and go out with us, our treat." Sheebah and Misa begged in

Asiah hesitantly agreed. She really didn't feel like going out
but it was better than sitting in the house. Her day had been
rough and she could use a few drinks. Asiah sat up on the
edge of her bed, slipping her feet into her bunny slippers she
headed to the bathroom. After taking a nice long shower,
Asiah felt better. She wrapped herself in her bathrobe and
headed back down the hall. "Boom...Boom..." Sheebah and
Misa pounded on the front door. Asiah rushed downstairs to
let them in.

"I'm comin...I'm comin." Asiah flung the door open and
almost fainted. "Da...Da...Davon. What are you doin here?"
Asiah didn't know how to feel. She had spent all day crying
over this nigga and now he was at her door. Asiah wondered
what prompted this visit being as though he'd simply forgot
that she existed. She stood in total shock as D caught a
glimpse of Asiah's damp body.


"Close ya mouth. Don't seem so shocked." D was still cocky
and bold as hell. He pushed his way into Asiah's house. As he
tried to close, the door behind him Misa and Sheebah forced
their way in.

"Oh shit Davon Broadway." Misa's mouth was ready to go.
She glanced at Asiah's perfectly airbrushed body.
"Damn girl...cover ya self up."

"Asiah you want us to wait or you gon meet us there?"
Sheebah could tell that this was not a planned reunion and
that Asiah was just as shocked as they were.

"Naw fuck that we ain't gon nowhere. Dis muthafucka think
he can just show up and upset her like this. Fuck that!" Misa
went off.

"Call me if you need me." Sheebah threw her hand across
Misa's mouth as she drug her toward the car.

"I see Misa still ain't change." D laughed as he shut the door
behind them. He could still hear Misa cursing from the middle
of the street.

Asiah stood still in shock; she couldn't believe this shit was
going down. Slowly, she filled with anger. How could he just
show up as if it hadn't been seven months since they'd last
talked? Every step D took towards Asiah she took two steps
back. It was no way that she was about to let this nigga touch
her. Finally, D reached out grabbing a hold of her Prada
bathrobe; he pulled her close.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
"Get off me." Asiah struggled to get away as she broke
down in tears. Let me go D." She sobbed.

"Really? Do you really want me to let you go Asiah?" D put
on his sexy voice as he pushed his hand up her thigh. He
palmed her breast tightly and pushed her against the wall. He
firmly planted his lips on hers.

"Mmmm... She struggled to get free as he placed his hard
penis between her legs. Before Asiah knew it, D had her
plastered against the wall and he was inside of her.

With her back pent to the wall, tears began to roll down
Asiah's cheeks. She knew that this wasn't right; it was no way
that she could let this nigga show up and think he still ran shit.
But he felt so good inside of her, her mind was telling her to
stop but her body was telling her to spread her legs wide. D's
presence became greater as Asiah's nipples hardened. Asiah
closed her eyes and pulled him close, after all, he'd done to
her she still wanted him back.

Every war has casualties

For the next few months, Davon did his best to win Asiah
over. He had her flown from city to city to attend all of his
games; he took her to all the hottest parties and events. Asiah
got the chance to meet some of the most famous celebrities
and entertainers. D was the new face of success and
everyone loved a new star.

Meanwhile the beef on the street between Boogie and
Peewee was becoming more intense than ever. Boogie was

getting richer and Peewee hated it. Boogie was supplying
80% of the dope on the streets. He supplied all the big timers
and still maintained a strong position on the corners. The
game was deadlocked and Peewee was broke, his crew had
lost their position in the drug trade. Although Peewee could
barely move a brick these days, he chose to get his supply
from Darell. He refused to make Boogie any richer. Peewee
tried to round up allies against his cousin but nobody wanted
any parts of that. Niggas felt that Boogie was fair and didn't
want the problem on their hands. Peewee on the other hand
was use to pulling in at least $65 thousand a week and now
he was barely seeing 10, he was hot. Some of his workers had
joined other teams; some of them had even gotten jobs. Yet
Peewee promised that this slump they were in wouldn't last
He reminded them that betrayal meant death.

Peewee pulled up on the corner of North and Chester; once
again, he fumed with jealousy when he saw that Tre was out
of jail and still making money for Boogie. "These niggas." He
gritted through his teeth as he sat there fuming. He had to get
rid of these niggas. One of Tre's friends spotted Peewee
sitting there and put Tre on point.

"Tre look, ain't that the nigga Peewee?" The boy pointed.

"It sure is." Tre squinted his eyes. Tre reached in his dip
producing a 9mm he aimed at Peewee and let off "Pop pop
papapapa pop" Tre's nine let off. Peewee sped off with the
quickness as his back windshield caught two bullets.

"Bitch ass nigga!" Tre yelled aloud. Despite Boogie's
attempt to handle the beef properly, Bomb had told Tre about
Peewee snitching on him. He'd also told Tre that if he noticed
anything unusual don't hesitate to tare that nigga a new
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
asshole. So Tre did, and with that, this war had gone too far
to turn back.

Asiah signed her name in the visitor's log. She had finally
worked up enough nerve to visit Terra. She had to face her X
best friend; she had to know why Terra felt the need to betray
her. Asiah had so much going in her life and she felt it was
time for some closure. Asiah sat down on the opposite side of
the thick glass. She took a tissue from her purse and cleaned
the phone. Terra walked in and spotted Asiah. She picked up
the phone and sat on the hard wood stool.

"What are you doin here?" Terra refused to look Asiah in
her eyes.

"I...I had to see you." Asiah wasn't sure of what would come
out of her mouth.

"Why? For what Asiah?"


"Because of what?

"Why are you being so mean to me? I'm not the one who
stabbed you in the back so don't cop a shitty ass attitude wit

"I don't have to listen to this shit." Terra retorted.

"Why not Terra? The truth hurt? Ha?"

"Spshwhatever! Terra gave Asiah a cold stare.

"Yeah I know, whatever. That's all you can say. You don't
give a fuck about nobody but yourself. Bitch!" Asiah's anger
became harder to control.

"Bitch? Please you the bitch of all bitches sitting up there
looking like a fuckin Barbie doll, looking down your nose at
everybody. You came here to gloat, to make me feel bad."

"I've never looked down on you Terra."

"Yeah you did. I was like your fuckin charity case. Poor
Terra this and poor Terra that. Oh poor fuckin Terra

"I was just trying to help, you ungrateful bitch. Asiah found
herself agreeing with her brother. Bitches were ungrateful.
"Well maybe I didn't want your help."

"Well you sure didn't turn it down, did you?"

"Well I still didn't want it." Terra pouted.

"Yeah I know, you just wanted to be me. Is that why you
fucked my man?" The words had escaped from Asiah's mouth
so fast she hardly had time to think about what she was
saying, but now she wanted an answer. "Ha Terra is that it?
Asiah demanded an answer.

"I fucked your man because I could. You already had
enough as is. Boogie, Bomb, Jamall, everybody kiss your ass
like you're the fuckin Queen. Giving you this and that,
diamonds, Lexus, and what not. You had everything and I
never had shit. I don't know why you sweatin that shit. You
didn't need Kross, you got enough shit."

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
"Everything ain't about stuff Terra. This ain't about money.
This about me and you and I woulda done anything for you."

"Yeah that's easy for you to say when you got the world on
a platter."

"But I always shared with you Terra. What was mines was

"Well I wanted my own, like I said I'm sick of being you
charity case."

"If you wanted your own then you shoulda got your own
man. What you thought that you were gonna get rich on
your back?"

"Kross was just a means to an ends, nothin more nothin

"Yeah and look where it got you."

"Well that's the breaks. It's a chance you gotta take." Terra
shrugged her shoulders.

"And speaking of Chance, he told me bout how you threw
your stank ass pussy on Kross."

"Look I did what I had to do to get what I needed to get."

"Yeah and you got exactly what you deserved

"Hey it takes one to know one."

Asiah shook her head in major disbelief. She couldn't
believe that Terra had become so cold. On the other hand,
was she always this way? Yet Asiah was too naive to see the
truth rearing its ugly head.

"Terra...Kross never gave a fuck about me and he damn
sure don't give a fuck about you. This is not even about him.
This is about us; I thought we were better
than that. We were sistas, I trusted you."

"Well life's a bitch Asiah. What can I say?"

"Well is Kross gettin you a lawyer?"
"Naw Kross act like he don't know nobody no more."

"What? After you got caught with his shit he could at least
get you a lawyer..."

"It wasn't Kross' shit I got caught with." Terra confessed.

Asiah was stunned Terra had become a completely
different person. She didn't know this person at all.

"You know when Nina told me bout you and Kross I didn't
want to believe it."

"Yeah Nina...Im sorry bout Nina. Did you go to the funeral?"
For once Terra displayed some remorse for the mess that
she'd created.

"Yes I did and you should have gone too."

"I know." Terra looked away with shame.
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner

"Time's up Keegan." The guard yelled from the booth.

"I'll see about a lawyer." Asiah promised as Terra got up to

"Ain't that sweet? Asiah to the rescue." Terra said in a
sarcastic tone before slamming the phone down.

Asiah climbed into her Range Rover relieved that she had
finally faced Terra. She glanced at the clock, it was 2 oclock.
She still had time to go home and get some rest before flying
down to Miami to see D. When she arrived home Boogie,
Jamall, and Bomb was in the back room watching Scar face.

"That's what's wrong with yall now." Asiah teased.

"Shut up and get the phone." Boogie ordered from the
couch. Asiah ran into the kitchen to get the cordless phone.

"Hello." She huffed.

"Hello is Daunte in?"

"Who dis?" Asiah frowned unable to place the voice
although she knew it was familiar.

"It's Charlotte's mother."

"Spshh..." Asiah sucked her teeth as she handed the phone
to her brother.

"Sup?" Boogie uttered out taking a deep puff off his blunt.

"Daunte have you talked to Charlotte?"

"Naw, why?"

"She dropped Indya off last night and never came back. We
haven't heard from her since. I figured that maybe she was
with you."

"No, I ain't seen her. Did you call her cell?"
"No. She left it here."

"I told that damn girl bout leavin her phone everywhere."
Boogie was hot.

"Well if you see or talk to her please have her call us.
We're really worried."

"Sure." Boogie agreed. "Right after I go upside her
muthafuckin head," He thought as he hung the phone up.

Boogie walked into the back room with smoke fuming from
her ears. He was mad as a son-of-a-bitch. He flopped down
on the couch with the look of death on his face.

"Here Bomb tried to pass Boogie the blunt.

"Man...dat bitch Charlotte fuckin on me." Boogie fumed.

"How you know?" Jamall didn't believe that Charlotte would
do such a thing; she was so in love with Boogie that she
couldn't see straight.
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner

"Her mother said she dropped my daughter off and ain't
been back. Da bitch been gone all night."

"Yup...she fuckin." Bomb agreed with Boogie's conclusion.

"Man...when I catch dat bitch...." Boogie was so mad that
he couldn't even think of what he was going to do to Charlotte.
All he new was that it wasn't going to be nice.

Asiah awoke to the doorbell ringing. She skipped down all
three flights of steps only to find the three amigos passed
out in the living room floor.

"Ya'll muthafuckas coulda got the door." She huffed as she
stepped over them.

Asiah slung the door open but there was no one in sight.
She looked both ways and huffed. She hated those bad ass
little boys, they would ring the bell and run just to get a glimpse
of her. She looked down; there was a large hefty trash bag.
She wondered what type of joke the little bastards were
working on now. Asiah grinned as she stooped down to look
in the bag; she opened the bag and peeked inside. Asiah fell
to the floor and scrambled to get away from the bag when she
realized there was an eye staring back at her.

"Ayyy...ayy...ayyy...." She screamed to the top of her lungs.
Her screams woke the guys; they all rushed to the door to see
what was going on. Asiah was hysterical she had tears and
snot flying everywhere. Boogie walked over and took a look in
the bag, his eyes swelled at the contents.

"SHIT...SHIT...SHIT SHIT SHIT!" He screamed repeatedly.
Asiah wailed nonstop, she shook uncontrollably. She was

"Take her upstairs!"

"What? What's wrong?" Bomb was still in a sleepy daze.

"Just take her upstairs." Boogie demanded. Bomb picked
Asiah up and carried her up the steps. Boogie sat on the
couch with his face in his palms.
He couldn't believe this shit. His eyes watered as he stared
at the bag of bloody insides. He knew that it was Charlotte.
Bomb and Jamall returned demanding to know what was
going on.

"Man what the fuck is goin on?"

"They got Charlotte." Boogie's voice cracked as the words
forced their way from his mouth. He pointed to the bag so they
could witness the gruesome evidence of his claims. They both
walked over and looked into the bag.

"FUCK" Jamall screamed out.

Misa and Sheebah pounded away on Asiah's door filled
with excitement. They were anxious to show Asiah the new
People's magazine, somehow her and Davon had made the
cover. Asiah peeped through the window and cautiously
opened the door. The girls stormed in all hyped up for their

Girl check this out." Misa gleamed showing the magazine
to Asiah.
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"You the shit, where was ya'll at on here?" Sheebah asked
in awe of the photo. Asiah took a close look at the photo and
recalled the event.

"Umm...a charity event for kids with cancer or something."
Asiah's mind was still fucked up from earlier.

"That's a bad ass dress. Where did you get it? Misa ranted
on without notice.

"House of Versace'."

"Look at what it says on page 11. Davon Broadway and
frequent companion"

"Charlotte got killed today." Asiah blurted out piercing
Sheebah and Misa's ears.

"What? The girls wondered if they'd heard Asiah correctly.
The words had so harshly pierced their ears, they both sat
speechless as Asiah sadly filled them in the latest events.

Boogie sat behind his desk trying to maintain as the rain
pounded against the windows. He needed a place to think, he
sent Courtney home and closed the bail bonds for the night.
Jamall and Bomb sat patiently waiting for him to speak. They'd
all decided earlier that it would be a bad idea to call the police;
they wiped the bag of fingerprints and dumped the bag over
East. All Boogie could do now was wait for the police to find
the rest of Charlotte's remains and declare her dead. He could
hardly keep his voice from crumbling when her mother called
for the fifth time asking had he spoken to her. Finally, Boogie
spoke. He'd thought long and hard about the matter and it was
no turning back. Whatever happened he had to deal with it. It

was time to pay the piper; this was the consequences of his
acts. The game had given him the means to buy anything he
wanted. It had given him houses, cars, businesses, money,
power, and respect. He was worth well over 6 million in cash.
He always knew that a day would come when he'd had to pay
for all he had. He looked at Bomb and Jamall, they were his
family and he knew that lives were going to be sacrificed. It
was no way out. They'd come too far to turn back, yet theyd
done too much to go on. From here on out it was Hagerstown
or Marches.

For the first time in either of their lives, Jamall and Bomb
saw tears pry their way from Boogie's eyes. They saw his pain,
they could feel his pain. Jamall patted Boogie's back.

Its okay to cry man."

"Yo we family and we gon handle this shit." Bomb assured
his cousin.

"Just tell us what you want us to do." Jamall was prepared
to carry out any request. Boogie took a deep breath to get
himself together. He could barely talk the anger burned his

"I want him dead; I want them all dead...before sun up."
Boogie fought to hold back his tears. With that, Jamall and
Bomb headed to the back safe. They suited up in vest, gloves,
and facemask.

"Get my vest too." Boogie yelled to the back. Jamall
reappeared holding a Mac 11.

"Naw this one on the house."
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"Yo, I can't just sit around while ya'll handle the shit." Boogie
argued. He knew that if they got caught that meant life and it
would be all his fault. He'd rather do his own dirt. He should
have killed Peewee when Bomb suggested it. Now Charlotte
was dead and he felt responsible. When you let small shit
fester it comes back to bite you in the ass. That's exactly what
happened with Peewee.

"Go see your daughter man." Jamall ordered. They locked
eyes and without words being exchanged they all knew what
time it was.

"I want everybody in that house dead." Boogie was fired up;
he had lost all means of rational thinking. Bomb and Jamall
were out the door to carry out the orders within a matter of

Boogie sat there crazed staring at the picture of Charlotte
and Indya on his desk. He thought about Asiah, Sheebah, and
Courtney their lives were in danger also. He wondered how
many lives would be sacrificed in this bloodbath. He imagined
Charlotte fighting for her life.

"Oh God Boogie gasped. So many innocent lives were
about to be slain and for what? All over drug strips. Boogie
loaded his pistol, put on his vest, and headed for the door.
When he pulled up at home, he noticed that Sheebah's car
was out front.

"It's 4 oclock in the morning, what the fuck is she doin out
this time of night?" He turned his key as Sheebah came racing
towards him.

"Oh Daunte. I was a worried sick. Why didn't you answer
the cell phone?" She buried her face in his chest.

"My battery went dead." He returned her embrace.

Asiah and Misa were sitting at the kitchen table sipping hot
co co.

"What happened?" Sheebah's voice quivered, she knew
that she probably wouldn't be able to handle the answer.

"I fucked up, that's all I can say, I fucked up." Boogie
collapsed on the couch shaking his head in disbelief. You
gotta lay low for a while. Close down the shop and chill out till
this shit blows over. Ya'll should be aight at ya house. Nobody
knows where you live, or I can send you outa town for a

"No, hell no. I'm not leaving you. I'd go crazy thinking bout
this shit everyday." Sheebah disagreed. Her eyes told her
heart's story. She truly did love this nigga.

They walked hand and hand in the kitchen. Boogie looked
at his sister; he loved her more than life itself. If it was one
thing that niggas knew about him it was that he would go to
the end of the earth for Asiah, and if something was to happen
to her the pain alone would kill him.

"Asiah I think it's best if you go to Miami after all. Shit's
gonna get ugly. Call the airport and see when the next flight
Asiah looked up at her brother, she could tell that hell had
worked him over. The look on his face was one of distress,
she had never seen him shook at the hands of another nigga,
but this time he was shook. He feared for their lives most of
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner

"Boogie I can't leave right now. Shit is too real..."

"Look just do what I say Asiah."

"No I'm not leaving!"

"Yes you are!"

"No I'm not. What if you need me?"

"What I need is to be able to handle this shit and not have
to worry about you ending up like Charl...." He choked on his
emotions as tears came to his eyes once more.

He took a deep breath to regroup himself. "Now please call
the airport."

Asiah huffed as she snatched up the cordless and went into
the back room. Boogie went to the basement to pull out the
big boy shit, it was time for war. He returned with 2 machine
guns, a 44, a 9mm, a rifle, and a duffle bag full of cash. He
was with whatever.

"After we drop Asiah off I'll follow ya'll home...make sure shit
cool." He told Sheebah and Misa.

"The next flight leaves at nine. Let me pack a couple of
things and I'll be ready." Asiah was still hesitant about leaving
at a time like this. Sheebah looked over at Boogie who was
pacing a hole in the floor.

"What's all the guns for?" Sheebah asked.

"What the fuck do you think? This shit is real, this aint G.I.
Joe! He fumed at Sheebah for asking such a stupid question.
For her to be from the projects she sure did act like a square
at times.

Boogie and Asiah drove quietly to the airport as Sheebah
and Misa followed close behind. Asiah had so many questions
that she wanted to ask, but Boogie always told her that she
was better off not knowing half of the shit that he was into. It
was raining nonstop. Asiah couldn't believe that her life was
boiling down to this. My how fast life can change in 24 hours.
Just yesterday, she was sitting face to face with Terra trying
to offer her help. Now she needed someone to offer her some
help. Asiah hugged Sheebah and Misa tight. She took a long
look at her brother, buried her face in his chest, and took a
long inhale of his cologne.

I love you."

Go. By the time you come back I'll have this shit cleaned
up." He held her close wiping her tears away. Asiah forced a
smile as she disappeared into the crowd.

Shit can always get worst

Boogie drove along behind Sheebah and Misa listening to
Tupac. With Asiah out of town, he was in a totally different
mind frame. He went from a sweet and loving brother to a
nasty villain that would shoot anything moving.

"Ring...ring..." His phone snapped him out his crazed daze.

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"Yeah?" He answered already knowing it was Jamall.

"What up? Where you at?"

"On my way out Sheebah's"

"We'll meet you out there."

"Peace." Boogie hung up the phone and continued to sing
in a maniac tone "How many niggas down to die with
me...yay...yay..." as Pac blasted through the speakers.

Boogie showered and tucked Sheebah in as if she were a
two year old. It was funny how at that moment it seemed that
she meant so much more than he thought. He stood in front
of the mirror as he got dress, he had to face himself. His
baby's mother was dead, and no matter how much he wanted
to avoid being held responsible for her death he knew deep in
his heart that she would have been better off if she'd never
met him. When he entered the family room, Jamall and Bomb
sat there freshly showered also.

Misa was asleep in one of the guest rooms. It was time to
get down to business.

"So what happened?" Boogie was anxious to know.

"Nigga what you think? We killed everybody in that
muthafucka!" Jamall bucked.

"The mother, his girl, the sister, her boyfriend, the dog,
everybody! Bomb bragged.

"Peewee wasn't there though." Jamall added.


"HE WASN'T THERE? Boogie wasn't feeling that shit.


And the mother's junkie ass boyfriend." Bomb added to the
list of victims.

Boogie shook his head in disgust. This was a mess and it
was all his fault. He'd let his anger get the best of him, he
never really meant for them to kill everyone in the house. But
they had and once again, there was blood shed on his hands.

I only meant to kill them if Peewee was there, not just
because." Boogie fumed at his boys.

"Trust me it's better that way. I know that's like your family
but this nigga then showed you that family don't mean shit.
You gotta be as heartless as the next muthafucka." Bomb had
no regrets and surprisingly Jamall agreed. They all took turns
sleeping while the others stood watch. Finally, Boogie was
awakened by Charlotte's mother screaming through the

"She's dead...oh baby is dead!" She cried

Davon stepped out of the shower holding a towel around
his waist. He was worried sick about Asiah, she wasn't on her
flight when it arrived. He'd called her house phone and cell
phone several times and didn't receive an answer at either of
them. This was so unlike her. He hoped that everything was

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
"How'd you get in here?" D was startled as he fumed at the
young lady laying naked across the couch in his hotel suite.
She smiled and started to masturbate in front of him in hopes
of turning him on.

"You fuckin groupies will do anything...get out!" He fumed
looking around for the phone so he could call security

"I've got it right here." The young girl giggled as Davon tried
to get the phone from her. She darted to the balcony and
tossed the phone over the rail.

" don't do that." D pleaded with the girl. He had to
be careful how he handled situations like these, although he
couldve physically removed her from the room on his own he
chose not to. You get a lawsuit for shit like that.

"Look I'm not up for company tonight. You need to
bounce." D was getting real agitated with this girl. She
grabbed a hold of his towel trying to pry it off.

Asiah pleaded with the desk clerk to call D's room once
more so she could go up to his room. The flight was long and
she was tired she just wanted a bath and to lay down.

"Miss I'm sorry but Mr. Broadway is not answering the
phone. Maybe he stepped out." The clerk apologized to Asiah.

"I know that he wouldn't mind if you let me in. He was
expecting me last night but I had an emergency." Asiah tried
to explain her situation.

"I'm sorry Miss but I can't. I wish I could help but I could lose
my job."


"You won't lose your job. In fact, he'd be so grateful for your
help to me. I promise." Asiah pleaded. She thought of the
magazine that Misa stuffed in her bag. She rummaged
through her things pulling it out.

"Look this is us at a party." Asiah pointed trying to prove to
the clerk that she was D's girl and not some crazed fan trying
to get upstairs to stalk him. The clerk looked close and her
eyes widened. To her surprise that was, Asiah posted up with
Davon Broadway on the cover of People's magazine.

"That is you!" The clerk smiled.

See I told you." Asiah was making progress. "Well...okay
but don't tell...."

Oh I won't tell. Trust me." Asiah held up her hand as if she
were being sworn in. The clerk handed her the extra entrance
card to D's room and in return Asiah handed her two hundred
dollar bills.

"It's the west penthouse. She told Asiah.

"Thanks." Asiah was ever so grateful. The clerk notice how
much money Asiah had tipped her as Asiah made her way to
the elevator.

"Thanks alot. She screamed out just before Asiah boarded
the elevator.

Davon wrestled with the girl to get her covered up and out
of his suite. She laughed at his efforts and darted across the
room. She stood in the middle of the room ass naked. Asiah
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
swiped the entry card and popped the door open. Dropping
her bag in the doorway, she flicked on the lights.

"SURPRISE!" She yelled out as she caught sight of the
groupie's naked ass. Davon stood there holding his towel
around his waist. He couldn't believe this shit.

Asiah! This not what it look like. He was totally shocked.
Tears welted in Asiahs eyes as she swallowed a lump in her

"I'm quite sure it's not." She muttered out. She tossed the
entry card on the table and turned around to leave.
"ASIAH...ASIAH...WAIT!" Davon fumbled to slip on a pair of
his warm up sweats. He looked at the girl who was still
standing naked in the middle of the room.

"Get the fuck out Bitch." He grabbed her wrist and pushed
her out the door. He dashed down the hall only seconds after
Asiah. He took the emergency steps all the way to the lobby.
He saw nothing but the back of Asiah's head when he entered
the lobby. She quickly dashed through the revolving doors.

"ASIAH!" D screamed desperately.

Asiah kept going as if he didn't exist. She couldn't believe
this shit. What a fucked up couple of days this had turned out
to be. As if shit couldn't get any, worst now this. Davon chased
Asiah across the waterfront lawn as she desperately searched
for a taxicab. Asiah stood holding her thumb up signaling that
she needed a taxi.

"Asiah." His voice carried as everyone turned to witness.
He grabbed a hold of her arm; she yanked away as she broke
into tears.


"Let me go D." She demanded as the crowd thickened and
the whispers became louder.

"Please baby, let me explain

"Explain what? That naked girl in your room. I see quite well
I don't need the details. I'm not slow or retarded I think I could
pretty much figure out what was goin on."

"She's a fuckin groupie. I don't even know the bitch." He
fumed frustrated that Asiah wasn't trying to hear his side of
the story.

"Oh, is that supposed to make me feel better? You said that
you loved me D."

"I do...I do

"You know what? It's my fault for taking you back after you
abandoned me for all that time. I'm the fool; I shoulda never
fucked back with you in the first place. I guess I got what I
asked for." She still had her thumb out for a taxi. Finally, one
stopped, Davon grabbed her arm.

"You not leaving."

"Let me go D."



Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
Suddenly a man ran up with a camera from out of nowhere
and started recording the whole thing up close.

"What the fuck?" Davon pushed the man down and bust the
lenses with his fist. When he turned back around Asiah was in
the taxi and gone.

"Shit!" D shouted as he walked back across the lawn to the
hotel. He noticed all the bystanders. "What the fuck yall lookin
at?" He fumed as he went back inside. "Is everything okay Mr.
Broadway?" A bellboy asked.

"Fine." D spat as the elevator doors closed.

Hours later Asiah found herself standing outside of Jamall's
condo, she needed his comfort. She needed for him to tell her
that this shit was not happening and that everything was going
to be fine. Her hopes were crushed when she was not greeted
by Jamall but an unfamiliar face. It was Kimara.

"Wrong house." Asiah lied. She didn't have the strength to
face yet another obstacle. It was the crack of dawn and Asiah
found herself on Kross' doorstep. She had nowhere else to
go. She was at the end of her rope with not a soul in her

When she awoke, the next day Kross had a beautiful
breakfast made with scented candles surrounding a hot
bubble bath. After a bath, Asiah was shocked to see that her
bathrobe still hung next to his. She wrapped up in her robe
and went downstairs. Kross was on the phone, business as
usual. Asiah flicked on the television to surf the channels. Only
to find herself and D on nearly every channel. The entire
incident from the moment they hit the waterfront lawn was
recorded by some tourist who claimed that D assaulted him.

Asiah flicked off the TV and snatched the paper up from the
front porch. Davon was on the front page of the sports section
with no shirt or shoes on just as he was the night before. Even
the newspaper ran an article on it.

"Spshh..." Asiah sucked her teeth tossing the paper in the
garbage. That wasn't sports at all. People needed to learn how
to mind their own business. She balled up on the couch and
waited for Kross to get off the phone.

After two days of sobbing Asiah gathered her things up and
decided to face the world once more. She thanked Kross for
being there for her when she needed him most. He told her
that it was the least he could do, he owed her that.
Brokenhearted Asiah returned to her grandmother's house, it
no longer felt like home. The house was cold and dark. She
flicked on the kitchen light and called Sheebah.

"Hey girl I saw the news. What happened? "Sheebah asked
her friend.

"Dat nigga aint shit that's what happened."

"He been callin round lookin for you, where you been?"

"With Kross."

"Kross?'" Sheebah was shocked to hear his name come out
of Asiah's mouth without the words "That bitch" in front of it.
"It's nothin I just needed a few days to get myself together."

" comin out here?"

"As soon as I find my phone and my keys."
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"Well we'll be here; you know we aint goin nowhere."
Asiah fumbled around her room until she gathered
everything she needed. Looking at her cell phone, she
saw that she had 17 missed calls and a message along
with each 1 of them. She ran swiftly to her truck, jumped in
and locked the doors. She started her RR and pulled off.
As she reached the intersection of Monroe and
GwynnsFalls a black, Cavalier cut in front of her trapping
her in between the curb and the median strip. Two guys
jumped out, one of them looked real familiar. It was
Peewee's homeboy Kalif. They rushed the truck prying on
Asiah's doors, luckily, she had them locked.

"Get out bitch! The boy demanded.

"Open the door Asiah. We just wanna talk." Kalif tried a
better approach. Asiah panicked and floored the gas. Her
Range Rover went over that Cavalier like a bulldozer. She
threw her shit in reverse and rammed it repeatedly until she
was out and down the street. She ducked down as she heard
gun shots ring out behind her.
CHAPTER 24 After hard times
good times always follow, right?

Asiah pounded away at Sheebah's doors until Misa
answered. Asiah gasped for air, she was still scared shitless.
She fell in the door as Misa opened it.

"Whats wrong with you?" Misa could tell that Asiah was

"Kalif tried to kidnap me! Asiah cried.


"What? Are you okay?" Misa couldn't believe that shit was
going down like this.

"Yeah." Asiah sobbed wiping away her own tears.

"C'mon" Misa led Asiah into the family room where the
same stranger that answered Jamall's door two days ago sat
comfortably watching TV. Asiah's heart pounded rapidly as
she gasped for air. This shit was not happening.

"We back." Boogie yelled from the foyer. Before they could
get their feet planted in the carpet Asiah was in Jamall's face.
How dare he bring this bitch here at a time like this? They were
in the middle of a crisis and chose a time like this to flaunt his

"You son of a bitch. How you gon bring this bitch here?"
Asiah was in Jamall's grill. Everyone sat in shock wondering
what the deal with this was. Asiah swung wildly hitting Jamall
in his face repeatedly.

"Asiah...Asiah..." He tried to restrain her. She was causing
a scene. Boogie pushed Jamall into the laundry room and shut
the door behind them.

"Man, what the fuck is goin on wit chew and my sista?"

"What?" Jamall wiped the trickle of blood from his lip.

"You heard me!" Boogie pushed him into the dryer
demanding an answer.

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"Man, aint nothin goin on." Jamall returned the push to
Boogie's chest as they both got in each other's face.

"You fuckin my sista Jamall?" Boogie's nose flared.

"NawI ain't fuckin ya sista."

"You sure?"

"Nigga I ain't never fucked ya sista, even if...."

"Even if what?" Boogie could have killed Jamall. He knew
that he and Jamall were just alike, no fuckin good.

"Look fuck it, I aint gon stand here and act like I don't have
feelins for her cause I do. You know I aint even no bitch type
of nigga, I'ma tell you what's real. Yeah I'm feelin ya sista."

Boogie leaned against the wall staring at Jamall as if he
could have killed him on the spot. He was angry but not
surprised, Asiah was one of the prettiest girls in the city, and
Jamall would have to be gay not to notice her.

"Man...I love ya sista, that's why I never fucked wit her. I
didn't want to fuck her life up. You know how we do." Jamall
confessed what he'd been holding in for far too long.

Boogie's eyes pierced through Jamall like bullets. He knew
that Jamall was sincere with his feelings for Asiah; he knew
all along that Asiah and Jamall liked each other. Now was the
time for him to step aside and let her be a woman. He'd rather
her be with Jamall than anyone else. At least there could be
one happy story out of this mess.

"Well I guess you betta go tell her that Kimara is your niece
before she kill her out there." Boogie gave his blessings.

"Yeah, I guess so" Jamall broke a smile.

Asiah couldn't believe her ears when she found out that
Kimara was Jamall's long lost niece. His older brother had a
side girl that happened to be two months pregnant at the time
of his death. Kimara's mother started using drugs to deal with
the pressures of being a single parent and hadn't stopped
since. Jamall found out that Kimara was his niece when he
picked her up from the hotel the next day and took her to her
house to get some of her things. He saw a picture of his
brother in the china cabinet. Once he talked to Kimara's
mother and heard her story, it all added up. Asiah was
surprised but relieved that she still held the key to Jamall's
heart. As the guys headed out Jamall grabbed Asiah and
slobbed her down.
"See you when I get back." He grinned. He was glad that
his secret was out. He was finally going to have the woman
that he loved. Life wasn't that bad after all. Now he had to fix
this shit on the streets.

As Jamall's Lexus turned the corner of North and Chester,
they spotted Tre's body laid out on the concrete. His eyes
were wide open, but the life had been stolen from his body.
He was no longer apart of the world as they knew it. The guys
sat from afar; as they watched, the police chalk Tre's body and
talk to several witnesses. Suddenly Boogie's phone rang.

"What up?"

"Yo it's me Boo."

"You slippin money you ain't been doin ya job."
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"I swear to God on everything I love, that nigga
Peewee been stickin to me like white on rice."

"Yeah, well what chew know bout my youngin that just got

"Meet me at the five o clock dock."


The boys arrived at the pier an hour early to make sure that
everything was cool. They switched cars in order to go
unnoticed. The raggedy black Ford hardly attracted attention.
They searched around for strange happenings. An hour later
Boo showed up loaded with info about Tre and Charlotte. Little
did he know Peewee and Kalif were following him. They had
suspected that he was working for the other team for a while
now. Boo parked his Q on the other side of the pier and walked
over. He wanted to be sure that no one saw him also. As he
approached the pier, he positioned his pistol, he trusted
Boogie but you could never be sure. They slapped hands as
a greeting to one another.

"What up?" Boo spoke to Jamall and Bomb who was
smoking weed as usual.

"So fill me in." Boogie needed info and he had no time to

"Yo Kalif did that shit to ya baby mother, and Peewee did
the shit with Tre earlier. Them niggas is on a rampage. He say
you killed his moms and 'em." Boo was just getting started. He
had an ass load of shit to update Boogie on. "It was Kalif's

idea to grab ya lil sista. Since she got away they talkin bout
comin at you straight up."

Boo warned Boogie. Just as the words left, his mouth
Boogie spotted Peewee and Kalif pulling up in the same
black Cavalier that Asiah told him about.

"Oh and you planning on helpin'em?"

"Ha?" Boo was caught off guard as Boogie went for his
waist. He pulled his gun from his dip and blew Boo's brains
out. Boo hit the ground like a tree falling in the forest.

"It's a setup." Boogie yelled to Jamall and Bomb who were
on a near by bench.
Meetings with Boo had become so regular that they'd
started relaxing a little. They jumped to their feet with guns
drawn. Boogie pointed at the Cavalier and it was on. They
knew they had to get these niggas, it was no other option. The
longer they lived everyone's life was in danger. They ran up
on the car like wild cowboys as Kalif tried his best to put the
car in reverse, not knowing that the hit the car took from
Asiah's RR had fucked the gears up. They shot the tires out
as they approached the car quickly. Peewee looked to his side
and saw Kalif slumped over, dead as a doornail. Peewee
panicked as he abandoned the vehicle he went for his gun but
he had two bullets in his back before he knew it. Peewee had
no choice but to dive in the Harbor water to avoid from
catching any more bullets. The sound of sirens blazing shifted
the wild cowboys back into reality as they fled the scene. The
guys drove calmly pass the flying squad cars as the sirens
blazed towards the dock. They all checked their watches; it
was time to meet Rodriguez; he was the head of the narcotics
unit. The guys paid him every month to make sure that their
business went untouched by the police. He'd called earlier
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
saying that the war on the streets was getting too hot and he
needed some extra loot to make a few payoffs on their behalf.
They knew that he was lying and would keep the money for
himself but the protection he provided was priceless so they
decided to pay him anyway.

As they pulled into Security Mall Bomb sat in the back
carefully counting the money for the last time. It was exactly
$300,000. After the last count, Bomb put the money in a
Timberland box and placed the box in a large shopping bag.
With the money in hand, he headed to the food court. He
spotted Rodriguez sitting at a table downing a pizza. Bomb
walked pass, dropped the bag beside him, and kept going.

After the drop off Jamall decided to do something that, he
had wanted to do for years. Life was short and he wasn't about
to waste one more minute bullshitting. For the first time in
weeks, the guys felt comfortable parting. They all had
personal issues they needed to deal with. Peewee and his
sidekicks were dead and it was time to get on with the usual.
Jamall checked the back seat of his Lexus before getting in.
Peewee and his sidekicks were dead but you never could be
too sure.

First Jamall stopped pass his condo. He filled his Louis
Vuitton duffle bag with stacks and stacks of cash. Next, he
looked around at the place and phoned Merry Maids. There
was a thin layer of dust indicating that the place needed to be
cleaned. Jamall slid through the carwash, filled his tank up,
and jumped on 95. He was going to spend the night in New
York. Once he arrived, he checked into the Hilton and phoned

"Let me speak to ya sista." He told Boogie when he
answered the phone. It felt good not to have to hide his


"Hello." Asiah's voice was the sweetest thing he'd ever

"What up ma?"

"Nothin. Why? Where you at?"

"NY? What chew doin in NY?"

"Business. I'll see you you."

"Love you too."

Jamall awoke early the next morning and headed for
Jacob's. He strolled up and down the aisles, from case to
case, for hours until finally he found what he was looking for.

"That's it." He pointed. He'd spotted the perfect
engagement ring for Asiah. It was an 8 ct. princess cut
diamond surrounded by 2 1/2 cts. of baguette diamonds in a
platinum setting. It took about 45 minutes for the warranty and
the insurance to go through and Jamall was on his way. He
rehearsed over and over again in his mind how he would
propose to Asiah. He'd made enough money in the drug game
to provide for her adequately and was ready to give up his wild
ways. He didn't care about Samyah, Kinte, or any one else.
He loved Asiah and he was ready to make her his wife. She
was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.
She was the one he wanted to have his babies. She was his
oxygen, the air he breathed; he just couldn't live without her.
Now that Jamall was hanging up his Magnums, he thought it
would be a good time to give up Hood Dreamz all together.
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
He was going to talk to Boogie and Bomb about leaving the

Jamall's Lexus ripped down Sheebah's drive way. The
water fountain was lit up and very beautiful at night. Jamall
fixed his clothes and cleared his throat as he walked toward
the double doors. He envisioned his proposal one more time
before ringing the doorbell.

"Damn, Mr. Belvedere" he joked Misa as she opened the

"Shut up boy." She punched him in the arm as he jogged

Every one was laid out in the family room watching a movie.
It felt so good to relax and just hang. Jamall walked straight to
the big screen and turned it off.

"Damn. What chew do that for?" Everyone complained.
Jamall stood in front of Asiah ignoring all of the complaints.
He gazed onto her eyes as he knelt down on his knee.

"Asiah I remember one time you told me that you loved me.
I just wanna know do you love me enough to spend the rest
of your life with me? If so, can you be my wifey?"

Jamall looked into Asiah's eyes and hoped for a yes. His
heart pounded rapidly as tears swelled in her eyes. He'd
rehearsed a totally different speech but once he laid eyes on
her it all went out the window. He just wanted to get married
and that was special enough. The entire room sat in disbelief
waiting for Asiah's response. No one including Asiah thought
Jamall would show out like this.

"Oh Jamall...yes baby. Yes I will gladly be your wifey."
Asiah was overwhelmed with tears of joy. Jamall's heart
leaped for joy. He scooped Asiah up into his arms and kissed
her passionately. He had never held on to anything so tight in
his life. Finally, he let Asiah down on her feet and kissed her
once more.

"Let me see it!" The girls rushed Asiah to appraise her ring.

"Damn that muthafucka could sink the Titanic." Sheebah

"Bugs bunny couldn't eat all those carrots." Misa joked.

While the girls gathered to make a fuss over Asiah's ring
Jamall used the opportunity to have a word with his partners.

"My brova." Boogie beamed as he gave Jamall a big hug.
Jamall returned his embrace and cleared his throat.

"I'm glad to see you in such a good mood. I wanna pull out."
Jamall waited for Boogie's response. The look on Boogie's
face changed instantly. He didn't even see this coming. He
would have never thought that by gaining a brother he would
lose a partner.

"Wow!" Boogie muttered flopping on the couch. He sat
blindsided by Jamall's decision. Bomb on the other hand was
infuriated. He had smoke coming from his ears. It was no way
Jamall could pull out now. There was too much money to be

"Nigga what the fuck you mean pull out? We then killed up
all these niggas and now you wanna pull out. What the fuck is
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
wrong wit chew? You know how much money we gon make
wit them niggas gone?" Bomb fumed.
"He is right." Boogie sided with Bomb. He was feeling his

"I'm tellin you man...shit like takin candy from a baby."
Bomb added. Jamall sat quietly thinking. Maybe another year
or two wouldn't hurt, but he really wanted out.

"I'll think about it. But right now I'ma take my fianc' home.
Any beef wit that?" Jamall was being sarcastic with his friends.

"Do you my nigga." Boogie gave him thumbs up.

"Play on playa." Bomb said before gulping down the last of
his spring water. Jamall grabbed Asiah's hand and led her to
the car. Every one waived goodbye and watched as Jamall's
Lexus disappeared into the night.

The smell of lemon Lysol pierced their noses as they
entered Jamall's condo. The place was spotless. He was so
glad that he'd called the maid service. Asiah slipped out of her
shoes and made herself comfortable. Jamall flopped down on
the couch and let out a sigh of relief. He was on top of the
world and nothing could take that away. Asiah straddled
Jamall staring him in the eyes. She felt as if she could see his
soul; she began to kiss him passionately. His heart pounded
as he became aroused. Her lips were so soft and sweet. He
was in love and boy did it feel good. Jamall had enough pussy
in his life to be a GYN doctor, but this wasn't about pussy it
was about making love to the girl of his dreams. He planned
on pulling out all of the stops tonight.

Jamall got up and walked over to the antique
candleholders, lighting the candles inside, he continued

throughout the condo lighting scented candles everywhere.
Next, he popped the cork on a bottle of Cris from his bar, sat
it on ice, and put on TP2. Jamall started the shower and
walked back into the living room. Asiah was already on her
second glass. Jamall took her by the hand and led her to the
shower. He slowly undressed her and caressed her body.
Asiah's nipples hardened as the hot water trickled down her
back. Jamall undressed and joined her. Asiah couldn't believe
this was real. She was in the shower butt naked with Jamall,
they were going to make love, and on top of it all, she had a
Phat ass engagement ring on her finger and she was going to
be his wife. It was still hard to believe. He took a second to
admire her body; it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever laid
eyes on. She was perfect. Jamall filled his palms with body
wash and caressed Asiah's body. She clenched her thighs
tight as her wetness trickled down along with Jamall's hands.
He licked two of his fingers tasting her juices before putting
them inside of her. She was tight and warm. Jamall played in
her tunnel moving his fingers back and forth while fingering
her clit with his other hand. Asiah leaned against the marble
wall trying to catch her breath. He started going faster and
faster until finally

"Aaahh...Jamall" Asiah screamed in ecstasy. Her legs
began shaking and she lost control of them. Jamall had to hold
her up to keep her from falling. He wrapped her in a towel and
laid her in the middle of his king sized bed. He spread Asiah's
legs wide and buried his face between her legs. Asiah moaned
repeatedly as Jamall made passionate love to her with his
tongue. His tongue ran rapidly across her clit, in and out of her
pussy, from her pussy to her butt, in and out, in and out.
"Unh...unhAahh!" She came again as she started quivering
and trembling out of control.

Asiah bit the pillow trying to contain herself as Jamall put
her on all fours and played with her pussy while he sucked all
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
over her behind. She smelled and tasted so sweet that he
didn't want to stop tasting her. He squeezed his dick trying to
calm it down. It was so hard that it was about to break. Jamall
laid Asiah on her back and pushed her legs back as he slowly
entered her for the first time.

"Sss..." Asiah hissed softly.

Jamall continued to push in until he could go no further. She
was tight, warm, and wet. He started grinding slowly kissing
Asiah all over as he gripped her hips and pushed further.
Asiah moved back to Jamall's rhythm as R. Kelly blast through
the speakers. She ran her fingers over his back pulling him
closer. Asiah kissed all over Jamall's chest as he muscles
flexed with every stroke. She could feel him in her stomach
but the pain was so sweet. Jamall leaned down licking Asiah's
nipples and earlobes as he felt her pussy tighten up. She
began to hump faster, she purred like a cat getting fucked, she
dug her nails deep into Jamalls back and screamed for God.
Her body jerked back and forth and fell limp; her legs shook
uncontrollably as if she was having a spasm.

"Oh shit...oh my God. I love you. Jamall I love you." She
declared with every pump he delivered. Jamall continued until
she started crying with her orgasms. He flipped her over
licking her back up and down. He entered her slowly. Her
juices had the silk sheets soaked. Jamall gripped her thighs
and pulled her closer and he grinded her tunnel from behind.
Asiah gasped for air as sweat beads formed around her
forehead. Jamall started going faster and faster.

"Cum wit me baby." He said working her clit while he
stroked her from behind. Asiah shivered as Jamall worked her
clit, her pussy tightened and she went crazy. Jamall watched
her ass bounce up and down along with his strokes. He felt
her tighten up and they came together like two lions mating.


For the next three months, Asiah and Jamall lived in
fairytale bliss. Jamall came in early every night. He no longer
had the urge to hang in the streets or frequent the strip clubs.
Asiah made coming home easy for Jamall. She cooked every
night that they didn't go out. She bought a few cookbooks and
even took a cooking class at school. Asiah always had
something kinky planned for Jamall. She was becoming a
regular little miss hot pants. She became Frederick's of
Hollywood's best customer. One night after an episode, she
fell asleep on Jamall's chest as usual. As Asiah slept, Jamall
thought of the difference Asiah made in his life. She meant
everything to him.

He loved her more than life itself. He never thought that
settling down would be this good. She was all he needed; she
was his breath, the one he would grow old with. He wanted to
do something way big to show her how he felt. Just then,
Jamall decided that he would buy Asiah a house, even better
he would build her a house from the ground up. It would be a
place where they could create their own memories, raise their
children, and spend the rest of their lives together.
The next morning Jamall jumped in his truck with only one
thing on his mind. First, he had to find a nice piece of land and
then a good construction company. Jamall bought a
newspaper and searched for a realtor after realizing that he
was in over his head he decided to seek the help of his best

"Yo, what company did you use to build

"Nigga where you at? You know we got a meeting with the
accountant this morning." Boogie reminded Jamall.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
"Damn I forgot. I'm on my way." Jamall hung up and headed
for the accountant's office.

The guys sat there anxiously as Perry's fingers worked fast
to total up last year's profits. Perry's facial expression showed
his disbelief when the figure hit the screen. These guys could
have 99 problems but money wouldn't be one of them.

Brace yourselves fellows. Last year you all raked in a
whopping 11.5 million dollars." Perry grinned. For that type of
money, he was willing to encourage their illegal activities.
Jamall on the other hand felt that he had made enough money
to support him and Asiah. He wanted out of this game and
fast. Boogie and Bomb wouldn't hear of it. If they'd made that
much money last year minus Peewee's corner, they could
make twice as much now that they had them. This was a quick
way for a nigga to make a come up. Jamall knew staying in
the game for another year was a mistake.

"Most niggas get caught up on their last run." Jamall
pleaded with his partners.

Fuck dat we aint most niggas." Boogie fumed.

After a long debate, it was decided that the threesome
would run the streets of Baltimore for another year and after
that, they would go completely legit. Little did Jamall know that
his partners had no intention on pulling out of the game. The
streets were all they knew. It was their way of life and they
needed it to survive.

Jamall drove along wondering how he'd let himself get
sucked into another year of lies, murder, drugs, and cash. The
answer was easy. Boogie had been his boy since puberty and
he had to be there with him until the end. That's how they got

down, it was do or die. Jamall thought of Asiah, he wanted to
be the one to take her away from this crazy life. He wanted
her to know that they didn't have to live like this forever. He
wanted her to have a chance at something positive. She
deserved better. He knew that if he was still in the game that
he wouldn't be able to give her his all. The game required a
lot of nights away from home, sudden trips out of town, and
unexplainable bullshit. He was ready to chill out and go legit.
He wanted to open some more businesses and get into real
estate. He had plans and selling dope for the rest of his life
wasn't one of them. "Ring ring ring" Jamall's cell snatched him
from his thoughts.


"Ja...Ja...Jamall" a voice hesitated.
"Who dis?"

"It's me...Samyah."

"What the fuck do this bitch want?" Jamall thought to
himself. What up?" He asked instead.

"Umm...I don't really know how to say this
but...I'm...I'm...I'm pregnant."

"Pregnant?" Jamall couldn't believe his ears. What a fine
time for this whore to be pregnant. "How far gone are you?"

"About three and a half months." Samyah hesitated.

"Why the fuck did you wait almost four months to tell a nigga
you pregnant?" Jamall fumed. He was hot. This bitch was
playing a lot of games.
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner

"I...I'on know. I was scared to tell you. I..."

"Oh but you ain't scared to tell me now ha? Look. Check dis
out, I'm bout to get married and I don't want no kids by nobody
but my wife. So I don't know what the fuck you gon do."

"But Jamall..."

"But Jamall shit you fuckin trap cunt ass bitch. I don't have
time for this shit, kick rocks bitch!" He hung up in Samyah's

Jamall's head was spinning with anger as he pulled into his
mother's driveway. Samyah had fucked his whole day up with
her bullshit. He didn't have a clue what to do about this baby.
He needed to talk to somebody.

"Hey baby." Jamall's mother kissed his cheek as he walked
into the kitchen. I just got finished cookin, you hungry?" She
headed to the refrigerator.

"Naw." Jamall sat at the table fiddling with the saltshaker.

"You sure? I got some chicken, collard greens, and potato
salad." She washed her hands and started spooning potato
salad on a plate.

"Naw. I ain't hungry." He kept fiddling with the saltshaker.

"Boy what the hell is wrong wit chew?" She demanded to
know while pulling the rolls from the oven. Jamall had never
in his life turned down her cooking. There must have been
something terribly wrong with him.


"Samyah say she pregnant. Asiah gon kill me, I'on know
what to do." Jamall confessed to his mother.

"Well are you still seeing Samyah?" She took two fresh
chicken breast from the frying pan.

"Fuck no. I been stop messing wit dat bit...."

"Boy don't you dare sit at my kitchen table and call that girl
a bitch. I swear you and that Daunte have the filthiest mouths
on the face of the planet. I don't know what these girls see in
ya'll little dusty asses."
"Tha dick." Jamall burst into laughter knowing he was in

"Okay now, watch your mouth. Just tell Asiah the truth,
either she gonna believe you or leave you...ooh that rhymed.
Eat up." She sat a plate in front of him.

"Click clack click clack" Asiah glided across Mondawmin's
shiny floors. She squinted through the crowd searching for her
girls. It had been almost a month since they had seen each
other. Asiah spotted Misa posted up by The Great Cookie.

"What's up girl?" Asiah was happy to see her girl. They
greeted each other with a hug and kiss to the cheek. "Wheres

"Girl she was all booked up today. It seems like since we
been back all her clients coming in at the same time.
Your brother working us like dogs." Misa joked.

"So how was Jamaica mon?" Asiah faked an accent.
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner

"It was all that. Bitch you shoulda went."

"Girl I can't just leave my man to run off with you hoes."

"Yeah Jamall runnin the show. Who's ya daddy now bitch?"
Misa teased Asiah. Asiah and Misa headed toward the jewelry
store as they chatted and caught up on the latest gossip and
happenings. Asiah had popped the clutch on her bracelet and
needed to have it repaired. As soon as she entered the store,
the salesclerk greeted her cheerfully. He knew whenever he
saw Asiah coming that he'd be getting a great big fat
commission check.

"Hey Haunze, I broke my clutch. How long do you think it'll
take to fix it?" Asiah held the bracelet up for him to see. He
took it from her hands to examine it closer.

"Let me take it in the back and see. Ill be right back." He
said disappearing behind the curtain. Asiah and Misa browsed
the store looking at the latest ice to hit the display cases.

"Ooh Asiah look at this." Misa's eyes beamed as she
focused on the most beautiful piece of jewelry she had ever
set eyes on. Asiah rushed over to see what Misa was so
stunned over. She could tell by the look on Misa's face that it
was something that bitches would kill for. After just one look,
Asiah too stood there gazing at the piece. It was a pink faced
Rolex with crushed diamonds in the face and huge stones
surrounding the face. There were baguettes throughout the
entire wristband of the watch, it was breath taking.

"Girl this muthafucka is bad." Asiah gasped aloud. Her
wheels were turning; she had to have that watch.

"Yes it is." Misa gazed at the watch.

"I would be the shit with that on." Asiah visioned herself with
the watch and matching pink diamond stud earrings.

"Yes you would," Misa was still gazing when Haunze
returned from the back.

"We can have it ready in about 15 minutes." Haunze
noticed the girls gasping over the watch. Thats just in
from New York. You like?"

Hell yeah I like." Asiah shook her head. "How much?"

For you, because you are such a good costumer, 25."
Haunze quoted Asiah a price he thought was fair. Asiah knew
that if he was willing to sell her the watch for 25 thousand than
he must have paid about 15 for it. She talked him down to 20
and agreed to come back in an hour with the money.

"I'll get my bracelet then too" she said as she headed out of
the store. Asiah called Jamall's cell phone repeatedly but
didn't receive an answer. She decided to go ahead and take
the money out of the living room safe. He had plenty of money
in his other safes. She was sure he wouldn't mind. Asiah
returned in less than an hour with the money for the watch and
a matching pair if diamond studs.
She spent a total of $37 thousand in less than 2 hours.

"Hey boo." Asiah beamed as Jamall opened the door. He
mumbled back with his head hung low. He couldn't even look
her in her eyes knowing that her life was about to be turned
inside out. It was just moments away from being blown apart.
He headed straight for the bathroom. That was the perfect
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
place for him to be being as though he felt like a sack of shit.
Jamall sat quietly on the love seat next to the Jacuzzi fiddling
with his thumbs. He had to think of some way to stop this bitch
from having this baby. Bribing her was the only logical thing
he could come up with besides having her killed. Jamall
decided to offer Samyah five thousand dollars not to have the
baby. Being the money hungry bitch that she was he was sure
that she'd accept his offer. Jamall eased out of the bathroom
to see what Asiah was up to. She was laid across the bed
reading her schoolbooks.

"Baby I just remembered I forgot to take care of something.
I'll be right back." He dashed out the door before she had a
chance to ask questions.

Jamall pulled up in front of Samyah's house with a brown
paper bag full of money. He hoped that she would take these
five gees and get the fuck out of his life. Jamall tapped on the
door and stood patiently for someone to answer it. Samyah
came to the door and looked out of the peephole. She grinned
when she saw that it was Jamall. She knew that he would
come running when she told him about the baby.

"Oh so you decided to show up?" Samyah tried to play
hardball with Jamall.

"Look Samyah I'm not here to beef with you. We got a
problem and I came to see if we could work this out. You gon
let me in or what?" Jamall had already planned to leave this
house with the same amount of kids he came in with. None.
Samyah grinned thinking that she had Jamall right were she
wanted him. She stood aside and waved her hand motioning
him to come in. Jamall came in and took a seat on the plastic
covered couch. He looked Samyah up and down and
wondered how in the hell did he get caught up in this mess.
First off he had no business fucking with her being as though

her and Kinte' were best friends. This all started when Jamall
wanted to see Kinte' and Samyah eat each others pussy, he
was supposed to just watch. But things didn't end up like that.
He ended up fucking Samyah from the back while she ate
Kinte's pussy. They had threesomes a couple of times after
that. Then Samyah and Jamall started sneaking around
behind Kinte's back and the next thing you know Samyah was
in and Kinte was out.

Jamall watched Samyah prance across the room and sit on
the love seat. She was fine but her brains were nowhere. She
was a chicken head and Jamall should have known better.
Actually, he did know better but like all niggas, he let his dick
over power his mind. Jamall cleared his throat.

"Umm...what's up? Talk to me. How da fuck you gon wait
till you 4 months pregnant before you call and tell a
nigga you knocked up?"

"I was scared." Samyah whined as if it were true.

"You on some real bullshit. Scared of what? You wasn't
scared, you just wanna trap a nigga. That's how yall hoes are."
Jamall was losing his cool. He was not in the mood to play
games with this bitch or no other bitch besides the one he had
at home.

"I'm sorry Jamall. I know the timing is bad and I don't mean
to cause problems but..."
"Samyah cut the bullshit okay. You ain't nothing but another
bitch tryna make a come up and get rich on ya back. Look, I
got five gees in this bag plus the abortion money. Take that
and handle ya business. I'm telling you don't make shit hard
for yourself."

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
Samyah sat quietly for a few minutes considering her
options. This was a good offer. She would have five gees to
do whatever she wanted to. She was almost willing to take
Jamall up on his offer but she knew if she had this baby that
she could get so much more. Asiah spent over five gees
shopping on a Saturday afternoon and Samyah wanted the
same thing. If she had to have this baby to break them up and
get her man back then she would. It was no way she was
going to settle for chump change when this niggas was worth
so much more. Millions to be exact. She wasn't as stupid as
Jamall hoped she was.

"Look Jamall I don't wanna kill my baby. I don't believe in

"Look bitch don't play with me. I will make you wish you was
never born." Jamall was doing everything he could to stop
himself from slapping the shit out of this girl. He wanted to
wrap his hands around her throat and choke her until the last
breath. Finally, he realized that pissing the bitch off wasn't
going to get him out of this mess. He decided to take another

"Look Samyah I' m sorry. I'm just not prepared for this type
of shit. I didn't mean it I just got a lot on my mind. Shit is rough
in the streets, me and Asiah having problems. I been thinking
bout movin to the ATL. I just don't think I need no kids right
now." Jamall lied.
It gave Samyah great pleasure to think that he and Asiah
were having problems. That meant that they probably wouldn't
last long and she would have a chance to swoop back into his
life. She wanted them to be a family. She had plans for them
and Asiah was not included. Everything was going fine until
he started dealing with Asiah. All of a sudden, he cut Samyah
off and never called her again. Maybe with Asiah out of the

picture she would have a chance, she just had to play her
cards right and be patient.

"Well Jamall I'm sorry and I know that you got a lot on your
plate. I don't mean to cause problems." Samyah was playing
her part to a T.

"Yeah right bitch." Jamall thought "Well get some rest and
think about it. I'll talk to you later." Jamall stood up and headed
for the door.

As soon as Jamall was out of the door Samyah jumped on
the phone and called, her gold digger cousin who'd been
coaching her through this whole thing since day one. She was
the one who told Samyah to wait until it was too late for an
abortion to tell Jamall that she was pregnant. Samyah
repeated their entire conversation word for word to her cousin.

"Yup girl he say that they were having problems already."
Samyah was glad to deliver the news.

"Well good. That'll make our job that much easier. Girl I'm
tellin you if you have this nigga baby you gon be on easy
street" said Samyah's cousin.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner

Missing in action

Jamall checked his cell phone when he returned to his car.
He had six missed calls. They were all Kimara.
Jamall dialed the number back.

"What up baby?" He said expecting his niece to answer her

"Jamall, Kimara's missing!" Her mother screamed through
the phone. She was frantic.


"She didn't come home from school today."

"Why the fuck did you wait this long before you called me?"

"I didn't think nothin of it at first but now I'm worried."

"I'm on my way." Jamall bust a U-turn and jumped on 695
to Randallstown. He'd helped Kimara's mother get a town
house on Rolling Rd. He couldn't have his niece growing up
in the slums of East Baltimore. He also sent Kimara's mother
to a very good drug program in Temple Hills. She had three
months clean. It wasn't much but it was a start. Jamall called
Boogie and Bomb and they agreed to meet him at Kimara's
house. They all pulled up in their new 745s. They'd just got
them about 2 weeks ago. Everything on the streets was better
than normal and the fellas decided to treat themselves.
Jamall's was Black on Black, Boogie's was Pearl on Cream,
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
and Bomb's was Cranberry on Beige. Everyone on the streets
was talking about how these niggas came back hard. Other
niggas hustle hard all year long and couldn't cop the new 745,
yet they seem to have no problem getting theirs straight off
the showroom floor.

Jamall grilled Kimara's mother with a million questions.
"What time did she leave? What did she say? Who was she
with? Was she mad about something? How much money did
she have on her?" Before she could answer one question he
was tossing another one her way.

"Let's call the police." Kimara's mother pleaded. The guys
gave her a cold stare. Real niggas didn't call the law. Instead,
they called Rodriguez and had him send out all of the cops on
their payroll to look for Kimara. Meanwhile the guys split up to
search the area. Jamall took his phone off vibrate and placed
it on emergency ring. He braced himself for a ransom call. He
decided that it would be best if he went and got the money
now. That way when they called he didn't have to waste time
going to get the money. He didn't want to play with his niece's
life. Jamall went to his mother's house and took $100
thousand dollars from the safe. He figured that they'd ask for
something in that ballpark. As Jamall approached Kimara's
house he saw a Gold LS sitting out front. He reached under
his seat and pulled out his nine, he hit the headlights and
rolled up slow. He wanted to see what the fuck was going on.
As he approached the car, the passenger door opened and
Kimara got out. Jamall quickly slammed on the breaks and
jumped out of his car. He ran straight to the driver's side
catching him off guard. Jamall put his nine straight to his head.
"Put both of ya hands on the wheel. Jamall demanded.

"Jamall...Jamall!" Kimara pleaded.

"Shut the fuck up and go in the house." He ordered. He
focused back on the driver. "What the fuck you doin wit my
niece this time of night? Fuckin? Huh?" Jamall questioned the
young boy.

"Naw man it ain't even like that." The boy's voice trembled.

"Well what's it like bitch?" Jamall pressed the steel against
his head harder.

"Cmon man. Look..." the driver, pleaded. Boogie pulled up
and jumped out of his car. Kimara called his cell and told him
everything that was going on.

"What the fuck is wrong wit chew? Let this man go. You
can't kill everybody that touch ya niece." Boogie tried to talk
logical to his friend.

"Wanna bet?" Jamall was still holding his pistol to the boy's

Imagine how I feel about my sista. You gotta realize that
the girl is growin up. This type of shit is gonna happen. As long
as a nigga ain't beatin her and doin her dirty ain't nothin you
can do." Boogie pleaded with Jamall for a few minutes before
he finally put his gun away and went into the house. Boogie
squashed the beef with the youngin and made sure that
everything was cool. He memorized the tag number and had
Rodriguez run it just in case the nigga got slick. Rodriguez
found out the name and address that the car was registered
to. Boogie knew that kid looked familiar, it was Stink's little
brother. Boogie and Stink were locked up together in Juvey.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
Meanwhile Jamall was in the house letting Kimara have it.
Her mother had to pull him off her twice in fear that he might
have seriously hurt her.

"You got me all upset and worried about you and you
somewhere fuckin. You's a stupid ass bitch!" He cursed her
as her mother tried to pry his hands from her neck. After
Boogie and Bomb calmed Jamall down Kimara sat down and
started crying. Jamall paced back and forth cursing her and
occasionally slapping her upside the head. Finally, he got
himself under control and remembered that he had bigger
problems than Kimara fucking. Since the sun was coming up
Kimara's mother fixed a big breakfast and they all ate like pigs.
When they were leaving Kimara asked Jamall for lunch

"You been fuckin all night and you ain't got no lunch
money? You's a dumb ass bitch. I ain't givin you shit, that'll
teach you not to be so fuckin dumb." He walked out of the door
leaving her standing there looking and feeling stupid.

"Here shorty." Boogie said giving her a hundred dollar bill.
He felt sorry for her.

When Jamall got home, he told Asiah about the whole
Kimara thing. She laughed so hard that she had tears in her
"I don't see what the fuck is so funny." He fumed as Asiah
laughed harder.

Boogie sat patiently waiting for his lawyer to return from
lunch. Charlotte's parents were trying to get full custody of
Indya. Boogie knew if that happened that, her mother would
make his life a living hell. Not to mention that she never
answered or returned his phone calls. Every time he tried to

spend, time with Indya Charlotte's mother would already have
plans or not be at home. She was convinced that he had
something to do with her daughter getting killed and refused
to let her grand daughter grow up in that environment. For
once Mr. Morton had to agree with Laura-Ashley, he too
wanted full custody of Indya.

"Hey Mr. Sheppard. How's it going?" The short Jewish
lawyer entered the office walking briskly. His Grey suit fit his
small frame as if he were born in it. He wore a small pair of
circle glasses and always had a part on the right side of his
head. He slung his briefcase on the desk and sat down in his
oversized leather chair.

"Let's see." He said flipping through Boogie's file. He looked
up with a slight grin on his face. "Technically we don't have a
problem. You're Indya's father and by law, you already have
full custody of her since her mother is decease. You can walk
in there right now and take her and they couldn't do a damn
thing about it. That won't stop them from filing for custody
though. They'll say that you're the reason why their daughter
is dead; we'll say they have no proof of that. They'll say that
you are a drug dealer; we'll say that you are a young black
business owner with several lucrative businesses. They'll say
that you are a murderer but those records are sealed because
you were a juvenile." He smiled at Boogie. "From now on I
want you to keep a log of every time they won't allow you to
see your daughter, that way when you take Indya if they file
for custody we can say that you were more than willing to
share custody with them but they were unreasonable. That will
make their case impossible to win, and maybe you should get
married to
make yourself look a little more stable."

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner

"Get married. Look Daunte these people are going to do
everything possible to take your daughter away from you.
They're going to fight dirty. We've got to pull out all of the
stops. You need to do whatever you have to, to strengthen
your case. "

"This guy is really serious." Boogie thought as he sat in
disbelief as his lawyer went on talking.

Jamall and Bomb sat listening to Boogie reenact the
conversation with his lawyer. Bomb paid more attention to the
PS2 than the conversation. He was not the advice giving type
when it came to sensitive situations like this one. The only
thing he knew about was the streets and he was very good at
that. Jamall on the other hand had more emotional experience
and offered good advice at times.

"So what chew gon do?" Jamall asked his best friend.

"I'on know. I guess I'ma marry Sheebah, Courtney too
young. Or maybe I should just find somebody else." "Naw
that'll take too long. We don't have that kind of time." Jamall
reminded Boogie.

"Yeah you right. I mean...I feel Sheebah. I care for her a lot
but I never saw myself spending the rest of my life with her."

"Who said it had to be the rest of your life. Divorce her after
you get the baby." Bomb spoke up with his eyes glued to the
TV screen. Boogie and Jamall just looked at him in awe. Only
he could make something like that seem so simple. Whenever
there was a questionable situation Bomb's suggestion was
"Fuck it just kill'em", and he meant it and would do it himself if

he had to. Boogie thought for a minute then he walked over to
the safe and took out three stacks of money.

"Let's go get a ring" he told his homeboys. He didn't know
what his next move was after that but either way he would
need a ring.

The three gassed up Jamall's Denali and once again hit the
turnpike. They arrived in NY about 6pm. That gave them time
to hang out after they got the ring. They strolled through
Jacob's looking for the perfect ring for whatever lucky girl
Boogie chose. After selecting three rings, they narrowed it
down to one. It was a 6ct. Marquise cut diamond with three
carrots of diamonds on the snap on band. Of course, Boogie
being Boogie he got the whole thing at one time. Chances
were he wouldn't even be married long enough to add
anything else to the ring. Jamall spotted a beautiful Canary
Yellow diamond necklace and bracelet he knew Asiah would

"Put this in a box for me." He ordered to the sales clerk. The
sales clerk jumped at the sound of Jamall's voice. He didn't
know the gentlemen personally because he'd just started
working there but he knew by looking at the jewels they were
rocking that they had plenty of money to spend. After leaving
Jacob's the three partied all night and returned to Baltimore
the next morning.

As time passed Asiah's and Jamall's wedding date got
closer and closer and Samyah's stomach got bigger and
bigger. Jamall had yet found enough nerve to tell Asiah about
the baby. Things on the streets were jamming and money was
rolling in faster than it ever had. Boogie decided to wait for
Charlotte's parents to file for custody before asking anyone to
marry him. Meanwhile Darell received information that Boogie
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
and his crew played a part in his cousin Boo getting killed. He
immediately started plotting his revenge. He hated their whole
crew. They were fucking up his pockets, Jamall was fucking
the girl he wanted, and now he found out that these niggas
were the reason his cousin was gone. Oh, hell no he wasn't
having it.

Jamall and Boogie sat patiently in the emergency room.
Samyah had called Jamall complaining of pain. Secretly
Jamall wished that she would lose the baby. That would solve
all of his problems. Jamall realized that he was wrong for
thinking that way and quickly asked God to forgive him.
Although 99.9% of his actions did not display any Christianity
in them at all, he did believe in God. Boogie volunteered to
accompany Jamall knowing that he did not want to be alone
with Samyah. Plus he had to check things out on his sister's
behalf. About a month ago, Jamall broke down and confessed
to Boogie about Samyah's pregnancy. He couldn't stand to
keep that kind of secret from his boy. He needed someone to
talk to. Despite his efforts, Samyah refused to get an abortion.
Since Samyah was already pregnant before Asiah and Jamall
hooked up Boogie had Jamall's back. He knew that Jamall
loved his sister and that mattered a lot to him. Boogie agreed
to let Jamall be the one to break the news to Asiah. Plus it was
no way that he wanted her to know that he knew and didn't tell
her. She would kill him and he didn't want no parts of that. He
told Jamall to be careful of how he handled the situation and
to make sure that Asiah didn't get hurt.

Samyah came out clutching her stomach. She was playing
this role to a T. Jamall just shook his head. He hated this bitch.
She was his worst nightmare in high heels.

"What they say?" Boogie was curious.

"They say its stress and I need plenty of rest. The doctor
placed me on bed rest for two weeks" she whined. She was
pleased to deliver the news knowing that this would mean
extra attention from Jamall. She knew that no matter what
Jamall really felt he wasn't the type of nigga that would turn
his back on his child or its mother. Jamall was the type that
took care of his, regardless. That's just how his mother raised
him. Being a single parent, she instilled in Jamall that a man
should take care of his kids no matter what.

After they dropped Samyah off the guys headed to Mo's for
a few drinks. As soon as they stepped into the door all eyes
were on them as usual. The niggas shook their hands and
slapped them fives while making petty small talk. Some
females admired them from afar, some admired them up
close, but they all admired them. Some even positioning
themselves at the bar hoping to be noticed. The staff in Mos
treated them like celebrities. Jamall sat there in a daze on his
fifth shot of Remmy thinking about Asiah.

"Yo, what the fuck am I gonna do?" Jamall hoped Boogie
had an answer to give him. Boogie could see that Jamall was
in pain. He knew how much Jamall loved Asiah, he wished
this shit wasn't happening, but the fact of the matter is, it was
happening and he had to do everything possible to make sure
that his baby girl didn't get hurt.

"I don't know but I don't think you should wait much longer
to tell Asiah. It won't be long before one of them nosey ass
bitches start runnin their mouth. We can't let her find out like
that. Plus she'll hate me forever if she found out I knew and
didn't tell her. You got me caught up in this shit wit chew. You
gotta hurry up and tell" Boogie preached to Jamall. Jamall sat
hopeless. He wanted to wait until after the wedding. He was
sure if Asiah found out before then that she would think twice
about marrying him. He was scared to death of losing Asiah.
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
She was what made him complete, his inspiration, and his
strength to go on. This shit just wasn't looking good. Samyah
was 6 months and he still had another two months before the
wedding. There was no way he was going to make it without
Asiah finding out.

When the shit hits the fan

Sheebah sat on the edge of the bed rocking back and forth,
as the phone continued to ring. Her and Courtney had just had
another heated argument.

Bitch stop callin my house! Sheebah screamed through
the phone at the top of her lungs. It was a mystery to her how
this bitch kept getting her phone number. She knew Boogie
wasnt that stupid to call her from home. Tears forced their
way to Sheebahs eyes as she broke down and cried. She was
so sick of this shit. She didnt know how much more she could
take. She was tired of putting on a fake ass smile pretending
like shit was all-good when the fact of the matter was people
knew she was fronting before she did. She was the last to
know that her home life was fucked up. Sheebah didnt know
how much more she could take. Boogie was out of control with
his infidelity. He was flaunting Courtney in the streets, out in
public like there was no wifey in his life. It was to the point
where Sheebah felt like she was the other girl. Courtney was
getting bolder by the minute. If she called Boogies cell and
didnt get an answer you better believe she called Sheebahs
house next.

Let me speak to Daunte! She would demand without
hesitation or any fear of consequences. She showed up at
Boogies birthday party and looked at Sheebah like What

bitch? Yeah Im up in here at MY mans party. Thats when
Sheebah saw her new Accord that everyone said Boogie
bought her. Of course, he denied it but who was to say that he
wasnt lying, especially when he lied so much. The streets
spoke of how well he kept Courtney and how she rocked all
the latest designer wear and jewels thanks to him. Sheebah
was tired of this shit, she was fed up!

Boogie fiddled with his keys as he turned the lock to
Courtneys apartment. He hated that lock hed been meaning
to get it changed for months. He went straight into the kitchen
and dumped his Chinese food on a paper plate. He was
starving. He searched the cabinets for his favorite NBA cup,
but he couldnt find it. He walked into the bedroom only to find
Courtney in the mirror trying on some new clothes. She was
another monster that hed created. She pranced around
strutting her stuff until she noticed Boogie leaning against the
wall watching the show. She grinned and walked over to him
and started dancing around.

Oh oh oh uh uh uh oh no no She did the Beyonce
swinging her Copper colored hair everywhere.

Thats what Boogie loved about her; she was a Beyonce
look alike, down to the body measurements. She put her ass
on his dick and started grinding. Now she was in stripper
mode. When Naughty Girl came on, she really went to work.
She was shaking and vibrating like a pro. Boogie laughed so
hard that he forgot he was hungry. He reached in his pocket
and pulled out a knot of money. Once Courtney saw that
money, she really got busy. She started peeling her clothes
off layer by layer just like shed seen on the Players Club.
Courtney bent over, touching her ankles she made her ass
clap. Boogie started tossing money everywhere. She danced
harder, doing a split she put her legs over her head, and
starting playing with her pussy. For her grand finale, she got a
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
champagne bottle and pretended it was him. Boogies dick
stiffened as he watched Courtney deep throat the bottle. Next
she popped the cork and poured it all over him sucking it all
off until he came in her mouth. Then she jumped on him and
rode the rodeo until she came. Courtney bent over letting
Boogie fuck her from the back until he exploded like an
erupting volcano.

Boogie got up and went into the bathroom to wash-up. Back
in the kitchen, he remembered his mission. He went back into
the bedroom. Courtney was sitting on the bed calculating the
profits she made. She liked to think that she made it but fact
of the matter was that he would have given it to her anyway.
She smirked as she tucked away the twelve hundred dollars.
Courtney was grateful. She had hooked herself the biggest
balla in town and would stop at nothing to keep him. He
supplied her every need. He took her out of the projects and
bought her a car. Boogie even paid for her to go to driving
school. Before he came along, she had nothing, hell she was
nothing. Courtney remembered life without him and there was
no way in hell she was going back. She had everything that
she needed at her fingertips. Bitches would kill to be in her
shoes. He was her man and she loved him. She didnt give a
fuck about Sheebah or no other bitch that thought they could
hold him. She was down for her crown and he would be hers
one day. Whatever he wanted was all-good with her. She
would do anything necessary to keep him satisfied. She was
like a puppy, loyal to the one that fed her.

C.: Boogie started calling her C because she looked like
Beyonce. Therefore, the B became a C to fit her name.


Where my cup at?

In the dishwasher Daunte.


Sheebahs alarm clock went off the next morning and still
no Boogie. She went downstairs into the gym and worked out.
Her doctor told her that exercise relieved stress so she started
working out. After working out she showered and threw on a
Baby Phat sweat suit. She grabbed the spare key to Boogies
745, jumped in his Denali, and headed for Misas house.
Sheebah asked Misa to follow her to drop off Boogies truck
so she could have a ride back to the salon; Misa agreed.
Sheebah stopped at Wal-Mart and bought a bat, some spray
paint, and an army knife. She jumped in the truck and went on
her way with Misa following close behind. Sheebah pulled up
at Courtneys apartment complex and spotted Boogies 745
parked right next to Courtneys new Accord. When Misa
realized what Sheebah was up to she told Sheebah that shed
meet her around the corner. She had her back but she didnt
want trouble with the Big Dog. Misa parked on the side of the
building and watched through the rearview as Sheebah went
to work .Sheebah pulled the spare 745 key from her pocket
and disarmed the alarm. Then she began slashing the tires on
his car and Courtneys car. Next, she spray-painted both cars.
She put Bitch on Courtneys. Last but not least which was the
noisest she took the aluminum bat and smashed the front
window out of Boogies 745, and then she did Courtneys. By
now, Sheebah noticed the neighbors peeking out of their
windows. She jumped in the Denali put it in reverse and drove
it straight into the back of Boogies car and she did the same
thing to Courtneys Accord. Sheebah jumped out of the truck
and fled for the safety of Misas car. They sped off as they
heard sirens blazing.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
When the girls arrived at the salon, Sheebah had four
clients waiting for her. She apologized for being late and
started shampooing hair. The shampoo girl didnt come in until

Sheebah Im goin to the store. You want anything? One of
her clients asked.

Yeah, get me bacon, egg, and cheese, some hot
chocolate, and a bottle of Tylenol. I gotta headache. Sheebah
handed her a twenty-dollar bill.

Asiah brushed her hair down and put on her diamond studs.
She stood in the mirror dressed to kill. Today was Terras court
date. Their last few visits went well. Theyd gotten over the
fact that Terra fucked Kross. Asiah still had love for Terra and
she hoped that they could be friends again. Terras lawyer
cost 12 gees but her mother only had five so Asiah forked out
the other seven. Terras mother promised that she would pay
it back but Asiah knew that wasnt likely. She could barely pay
her bills these days.

The courtroom was at a standstill as the jury retook their
seats. It took them 45 minutes to deliberate. The verdict was
guilty and the sentence was.7 years. As the judges gavel hit
the desk, Terras eyes filled with tears while the guards cuffed
her. Asiah rushed to her side to comfort her.

Terra dont worry Ill get an appeal, a better lawyer.
Dont worry. Asiah promised.

Terra looked at Asiah and smiled. She inhaled a deep
breath, and spit straight in Asiahs face.

Fuck you bitch! I hate you! You did this to me! You got me
that bullshit lawyer, bitch I hate you! Terra screamed to the
top of her lungs while the guards dragged her off.

Asiah stood motionless. She was more hurt than
embarrassed while the crowd starred at the split sliding down
the side of her face.

Boogie awoke to pounding on the door. He reached over
for Courtney.

C.Cget the door. His voice was groggy.

Courtney climbed out of the king sized bed and slipped her
feet into Boogies slippers. Peeping out of the peephole, she
wondered what the woman from upstairs wanted. She
cracked the door and plastered a fake smile on her face.

Good morning. Courtney greeted the lady.

Someone vandalize your car. The lady pointed toward the
parking lot. Courtney went outside to see what the lady was
talking about and was at a lost for words. Tears came to her
eyes when she saw her new car all smashed up. She knew
that Sheebah did this. It had her name written all on it.

Oh my God! Courtneys jaw dropped. She dashed
upstairs to tell Boogie.

DaunteDaunte She shook him out of his sleep.


Somebody... She stopped and rephrased her words.
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
Sheebah was here.

What? He jumped up What she say? Where she at?

She fucked my car up. When I catch that bitch.

Girl shut up He cut her off and grinned as he slipped into
his sweatpants.

Well Im glad you think its funny cause she fucked ya shit
up too. She even got ya truck out there all fucked up with the
key still in it. You lucky aint nobody take that shit! Courtney
became enraged.

Whatever, she know better than to fuck with my shit.
Boogie was not convinced of Courtneys story.

Yeah, okay Daddy Mac! She was being sarcastic as she
followed him outside. She was willing to pay good money to
see the expression on his face. When Boogie saw his Denali
smashed into his brand new Beamer, his entire body went
numb. He told Courtney to call AAA and the insurance
company. He called Bomb for a ride.

Jamall recounted his money for the third time. He just didnt
understand. There was no way possible that this safe could
be 40 gees short. He sat back calculating his spending habits.
Next, he calculated Asiahs but that still wasnt 40 gees. It was
no way that there should have been that much money missing
even with her dipping and dabbing, Jamall hunched his
shoulders and got up to get something to drink .He checked
his watch. It was 1:30. He had to pick Samyah up and take
her to her doctors appointment. She was getting a sonogram
today. This was the one that would determine the sex of the
baby. She wanted Jamall to be there. The thought crossed

Jamalls mind several times to tell her to go suck a dick but he
agreed. Besides, shed been staying out of sight as long as he
kept her happy.

Just then, Jamalls thoughts were broken by Asiah entering
the condo. She huffed and threw her keys on the hall table.
She went straight to the bathroom and scrubbed her face for
the tenth time since shed left the courthouse.

Yuck She frowned removing her clothes and tossing them
in the hamper.

Asiah walked in the living room and flopped on the couch.
Jamall glanced at her sitting there in her Victorias Secret
underwear and he felt himself getting hard .He checked his
watch again. It was 1:45 he still had time to get served. He
walked over to the couch and grabbed Asiah by the hand. He
pulled her to her feet and gave her a sloppy tongue kiss. Asiah
felt Jamalls hard dick pressing against her. She dropped to
her knees, took him in her mouth, and sucked until he came.

Boogie walked into the salon with the look of a raging bull
on his face. He yanked Sheebah by the arm

Get the fuck in the backNow! He drug her to the back
office and slung her against the wall like a rag doll. Bitch dont
you ever fuck wit my shit! He pinned her against the wall and
started choking her. What the fuck I tell you bout playin wit
me? Huh? He choked harder.

Sheebahs face was flushed. She gasped for air. Her eyes
began to water.

You think its a game bitch? Wack He slapped her across
the face.
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
Your muthafuckin ass gon make me kill you. He slung her
across the room. She fell on the desk and started crying.

I just cant take no more Daunte. No matter what I do to
show you I love you, you just crush my feelins. Its bad enough
you fuckin wit the bitch, but now you got that bitch calling my
house. She disrespect me like she your girl and Im the other
bitch. Sheebah cried wiping her tears away.

What? This was news to Boogie. He would have never
allowed no shit like that. He had no idea that Courtney was
still calling the house. He put her in check after the first time
she did it. It was obvious she needed an ass whipping to make
her act right. He planned on serving her later. She had to learn
to stay in her place.
She was getting too big for her britches.
And on top of all that you bought that bitch a new car and
Im still drivin that raggedy ass Ac. Sheebah complained
knowing that her car was still new but felt if Courtney got a
new car than so should she.

Dats what this about Sheebah? A new car? If you wanted
a new car why didnt you just ask for one? He shook his head
in discuss. Bitches were so complicated. If he could find the
pussy without the rest of it he would be more than happy to
trade them all in.

Listen to me. You listenin? He cuffed her chin. She shook
her head yes as he continued. No matter what I do with them
bitches you still my girl. You who I got everything ridin on. You
got the leadin role, play ya part ma.


But what? You got the salon. The house, the raggedy ass
Ac that you dont want no more. He smiled at her. Her heart
melted as usual. She leaned over and kissed him.

Well why you buy her a car, She whined.

Sheebah the girl dont have shit but what I give her

You shouldnt be worried about what she have if you dont
care nothin bout her. Sheebah protested.

Look I aint gon stand here and say that I dont give a fuck
about shorty cause I do. But ma your spot is secure, just play
your position. You just gon have to accept the fact that a nigga
gon be a nigga. He tossed her a stack of money out of the
safe. Since that Ac so raggedy trade it in and see what you
can get with that.

Sheebah stood speechless. This nigga just openly told her
that he was going to fuck whomever he pleased and she had
to live with it. She couldnt believe that his balls were this big.
Who the fuck did he think he was? Tony Soprano. Boogie
kissed Sheebahs swollen cheek and walked off once again
avoiding the consequences of the situation. Sheebah sat
down and checked the label on the money. It was a 100 gee
stack. She had a man that could toss 100 gees her way
without breaking a sweat yet she still felt like shit.

Samyah waddled down the hallway. She was especially
excited today. She wanted to find out if the baby was a girl or
a boy. Jamall strolled along daydreaming about his session
he had with Asiah. They sat patiently waiting for the doctor.
Samyah tried to make small talk but Jamall wished she would
just shut the fuck up. He still cursed the day he stuck his dick
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
in her. Finally, the doctor came in saving Jamall from all of
Samyahs babbling.

The baby this. The baby that. This shit was driving him
mad. It probably wasnt his baby anyway.

So Ms. Green how are we feeling today? The doctor
Well my back has been hurting all day. Samyah

Oh bitch please! Jamall thought.

Describe the pain.
Its like a real sharp pain that comes and goes.

How far apart are the pains?

I dont know. I didnt time it because I figured that it was too
early to be contractions. Im only seven and a half months.
Samyah reminded her doctor as if he didnt know.

Yes but that sounds like contractions. Im sure its probably
just Braxton Hicks but Ill examine you anyway.

Well let me leave! Jamall jumped up. He came to see the
baby not to look up Samyahs pussy. He wasnt with that shit
not even a little bit.

About 20 minutes later, the doctor came out with a slight
grin on his face.

Well dad looks like youre going to be a father a lot sooner
than you think.



She is 4 centimeters. Shell have the baby before the
nights out.

What? But its too soon.

I know but these things happen all the time. She has
dilated too much to try to stop her from delivering. All we can
do now is make sure that he is healthy. Ill give her a shot to
help with the babys lungs and monitor her closely. Dont worry
his survival rate is in his favor. Well be moving her to a room


Yup. Youve got yourself a Junior. The doctor strolled off.
Jamall just stood there in a daze. He was glad to hear that the
babys chances of living were in his favor. It was his own
chances of living that he was concerned about. He still had
not told Asiah. He planned to marry her first; he never thought
that the baby would come this early. Jamall planned to ask for
a DNA test. It was no way this baby could be his.

Sheebah dialed Misas cell phone. She was dying to show
off her new car. Sheebah kept dialing Misa and Asiah until
finally one of them answered their phone.


Girl where you at? I been trying to call yall bitches for the
last two hours. Sheebah complained.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
Oh, we at Asiahs grandmothers house that bitch in here
cleaning like she Merry Maids Misa joked.

Im on my way. Sheebah hung up.

Jamall panicked on the other end of the phone as he filled
Boogie in on what was going on.

Damn dog. I dont know what the fuck you gon do. I been
told you to tell her. Now look." Boogie preached. He did not
bother to tell Jamall what his day was like. He figured of the
two of them Jamall had it the worst.
So what chew gon do?

Fuck if I know. She want me to go to her house and get her
some clothes and shit. Can you come down here for a while?
I gotta get the fuck outa here. Jamalls mind was on E. He
could not think straight. All he knew was his life was falling
apart right before his eyes and there was nothing he could do
about it.

Im on my way.

Thanks yo! Thanks for everything.

No matter how fucked up the situation was Boogie and
Jamall were still best friends. Jamall was his man fifty grand
and he was going to do everything possible to help him
through this. Boogie had to make sure things were handled
properly, his sisters feelings were involved and although
Jamall went about this all wrong Boogie knew that Jamall
really did love Asiah.

Sheebah pulled up in her new Benz and tooted the horn.
She could not wait to show her girls.


Beep beep. Misa stuck her head out of the window to be
nosey, of course. When she realized that it was Sheebah in
that Phat ass, Benz out front she almost lost her breath.

Oh shit! Misa cheered as she raced downstairs.
AsiahAsiahSheebah got a new Benz. Misa yelled flying
pass Asiah. Asiah stood up from scrubbing the floor and
washed her hands. One thing that her Granny taught her was
that no man wanted a dirty girl and that being clean kept you
closer to God. That is why Asiah always made time to clean
Grannys house also. Although no one stayed there, any more
Asiah knew that dust could get pretty thick if you let it.

Damn girl this nice. Misa inspected the vehicle.

Yeah, you shittin on that bitch now. Asiah said referring to

Whats the number on this? Asiah asked while working her
way to the tail of the car to see for herself.

430 Sheebah answered.

Oh its nice. I think I might want one but I would want a six.

Yeah Sheebah you shoulda toldem ta keep the change.
You shoulda got at least a five. Misa added on.

I dont know. They looked the same to me and this one was
cheaper. Sheebah hunched her shoulders feeling a little

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
Cheaper? Girl please. If your gonna do it, do it big. Next
time youll know but this is still nice. Plus you know girls can
get away with driving anything. Asiah tried to make Sheebah
feel better. She knew that Sheebah was not used to spending
money so freely. Although Boogie had introduced her to the
good life, she often thought as if she still lived in the projects.
When the girls went, shopping Asiah often had to persuade
her that $1500 dollars was not too much to spend on a

Jamall stood at Samyahs front door fumbling through her
key chain trying to recall which key was the one that opened
the door.

Finally. He fumed as the fourth key opened the door.
Hello. Jamall hollered but received no answer. He felt
around until he found a light switch and flicked it on. He found
his way to Samyahs room after climbing over piles and piles
of trash and dirty clothes. The bedrooms werent any better,
they were filthy too. It was hard to tell where the piles of trash
stopped and the furniture began.

Damn this shit is nasty. Im glad my baby aint nasty like
this. I cant stand a trifling ass bitch. I cant have no child of
mines growin up in this shit. Jamall went on talking to himself.
A bunch of bitches and nobody cleans up. Jamall shook his
head in disgust. Samyah lived with two of her cousins who
also specialized in gold digging.

Asiah pulled her hair into a bun and climbed in the Jacuzzi.
Uhh She exhaled resting her head against the tub pillow.
She slowly spread her legs allowing her vagina to be
submerged in the water. Her nipples hardened and she
became aroused. She closed her eyes and gently massaged
her clit imagining that it was Jamall. The thought of him
brought her to an orgasm.

"Unhumm She moaned

Look at you. Jamall interrupted with laughter. Asiah
looked up with sweat beads on her forehead as her body
jerked her orgasm became more intense. The thought of him
watching her made the act all the more erotic.

Let me help you out. Jamall clowned as he stripped down
to join his fianc. After they finished Jamall held Asiah close
delivering a slew of baby soft kisses to her forehead.

I love you! He squeezed her tight.

I love you too! She kissed his lips unaware of the fear in
his heart. The thought of losing Asiah scared Jamall more than
death itself.

Oh Boo guess what? Asiahs eyes widened as she
prepared for pillow talk.

What? Jamall laughed. He was amused by Asiahs every

Sheebah got a new Benz.

For real?

Yup, a 430.

A 430? Why didnt she get the 6?

She said the 430 was cheaper.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
Cheaper? Jamall looked confused. They both burst into

Boogie gon flip out. Jamall was still chuckling.

I think I want one. Asiah prepared to do some major
begging and anything else she had to do to make Jamall say

A 430?

No a 600. She gave him the puppy dog look to soften his
heart. She knew that he was trying to avoid spending large
amounts of money. He had been talking about leaving the
game a lot lately. Jamall quickly agreed to make himself feel
better about the baby.

Aight but Ima have to go to my moms house and take the
doe from her safe cause the one here is like 40 gees short. I
still dont know why. Ima get Perry to go through this shit and
figure out the problem."

40 short? How? Then Asiah remembered the watch she
had purchased without letting Jamall know. He did not answer
his cell phone when she called him so she just went on and
bought the watch. She meant to tell him later but it slipped her
mind. Oh I meant to tell you that I bought a watch. I called
your phone and you didnt answer. Asiah confessed.

A watch? How could you forget to tell me that you spent 40
gees? Jamall was heated.

It was more like 37 Asiah defended her actions.

Well 37. Whats the big fuckin difference? Jamall spat.


Im sorry I tried to call. I take money out of my brothers
safe all the time without telling him. Dont have a baby.

Suddenly Jamall was overwhelmed with guilt. He did not
want her to think that he could not provide for her just as her
brother had, but one thing was clear, this girl thought that
money grew on trees and it was no way that he could leave
the game any time soon.

Push. Push! The doctors coached Samyah as the babys
head crowned her vagina.

I cant it hurts. Samyah cried.

Okay take a deep breath and give me a hard push.

I cant

Yes you can. You have to. The doctor ordered.

Samyah listen to me Boogie interrupted You gotta push
this baby out or they gonna cut ya ass wide open. Now push!
He squeezed her hand. After two more pushes, they heard the
sweet screams of a 5lb.6oz.
baby boy.

The nurses quickly took him away to clean him up and run
the usual test. Just as they handed him back to Samyah,
Jamall burst into the room.

Am I too late? He focused on Samyah holding the baby.
He walked over to get a peek.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
What should we call him? Samyah looked up at Jamall.
Jamall paused and took a long look at the baby. His entire
attitude changed. He knew that he had to do what was right,
at least by his son. It was no way that he could deny this baby.
He looked just like him.

Call him Jamall. He heard himself say as he turned to walk

Jamall sat outside of Samyahs room while the nurses
assisted her in cleaning herself up. Boogie came and sat down
beside him.

Well? Jamall asked curious of what his best friend had to

Its time to do the right thing. You got your son and my
sister to think about. Stop thinking about yourself for once.

You think she gon leave me? Jamall was hopeless.

To be truthful, yeah. I told you to tell her. She not gon take
this shit kindly.

How was I supposed to know that she was gon have the
baby early?

Right now that dont even matter. All I know is you got a
girl and you got a baby and you got trouble. Now make a
decision you can live with. Boogie gave Jamall a pat on the
back and left. Jamall stood up and went back into Samyahs
hospital room. He spent the next three hours getting to know
his son.

Where you been? I been callin you all day. Asiah kissed
Jamall on the cheek and removed his jacket to hang it up.
You hungry? I made Steak and potatoes. She gleamed
proud of herself for yet another spectacular meal.

Naw Jamall hesitated. Asiah spotted the hospital band
on Jamalls arm and quickly became concerned.

Oh baby what happened? She rushed to comfort him. He
pushed her away.

Asiah I need to talk to you about something.

Well what is it baby? She fiddled with her hair trying to
imagine what she could have done. Is it the watch?


The Benz? Oh, Boo I really want that Benz. Asiah

Asiah its not the watch and its not the Benz.

Well what is it? She cut him off curious to know the

Asiah sit down a minute. Jamall scratched his head
overwhelmed with stress. Asiah finally sat down and waited
patiently for Jamall to tell her what was on his mind. She could
not imagine what had him so stressed. Jamall looked into
Asiahs shiny bright eyes and did not want to imagine the look
on her face after he delivered the news. There was no easy
way to tell her so he just spit it out.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
Samyah got pregnant when we were messing with each
other. I tried to get her to get an abortion but she wouldnt get
rid off it. She wouldnt I swear baby I tried. I wanted to tell you
but I didnt know how. Now she then fucked around and had
the baby early!

Asiah sat speechless as Jamalls words pierced her ears.
She tried to respond but burst into tears.

How could you do this to me? What am I supposed to do
now? She wailed uncontrollably. Jamall hugged her tight.

Baby we gon get through this. I promise. You hear me. It
aint nothin, we gon get through this shit. He held her tight.

No. No. Get off me. Get the fuck off me! She yanked
away. Uuh huh huh She cried. I cant breathe. Asiah
started coughing and gagging.

Asiah Jamall reached out for her. She yanked away from

Asiah. He followed her as she headed for the bedroom.
She pulled out her Gucci duffle bag and began to toss clothing
in it.

Asiah what chew doin? Where you goin at?

Why Jamall?

I love you thats why. You cant leave me, I cant live
without you. Asiah dont do this. He pleaded.

Asiah ignored Jamall and continued packing. Her mind was
so twisted that she could hardly focus. Finally, after walking in
and out the closet several times she broke down and
collapsed on the chase. Her heart sank into her chest and she

Oh God help me. Please help me. She pleaded with the
Lord. She felt her heartbreak as the pain rose from the pit of
her stomach. She had never experienced pain like this before.
She balled up into a fetal position and began shivering,
rocking back, and forth clutching a pillow.

Why? Jamall why? She looked at him. He fell to his knees
and began to rub Asiahs back. He could not bare to see her
in pain this way. He began to cry. This was the second time in
his life hed cried since his brother died.

Asiah baby Im sorry He apologized. Asiah continued to
cry. It was nothing anyone could do to take this pain away.

You hear me baby? Im sorry, I'll make it up. I swear.
Jamall promised. I didnt mean for this to happen like this.

Asiah could not bare to hear Jamall speak another word.
She jumped up and grabbed her bag.

Asiah what chew doin? Where you goin at?

Im leavin Jamall. I cant stay here with you. She sobbed.
Jamall reached out to grab her. Pulling her close to him, he
buried his face in her pelvic area. Asiah please dont leave
me. I cant live without you. You are the air that I breathe, my
left rib. Baby please. Jamall groveled. Asiah looked down at
Jamall and thought of all they had been through. She
remembered that day that he dragged her down the hall, she
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
thought of seeing him at Mos with Kinte, and she thought of
how he showed up at Kross house and caused a scene.

Jamall you have hurt me so many times. Maybe we dont
belong together. Maybe this is a sign She pushed him away
and headed for the front door. Jamall felt himself losing control
and tackled Asiah to the floor. He grabbed her by the shirt.

You aint goin nowhere. You hear me? Or I

Or youll what Jamall? Youre the one that fucked up yet
you wanna beat on me. Asiah pushed Jamall off and stood to
her feet. She grabbed her bag and left. Jamall laid there
starring at the ceiling as tears rolled down the side of his face.
He wished that his heart did not hurt so much. He had lost his
air, his life, his Asiah.

This can't be life

Monday went by; Sheebah cracked the door to peek on
Asiah. Asiah, you goin to school?

Nooo Asiah whined.


Asiah, you goin to school?



For the next two weeks, Asiah never left the guest room.
She used the bathroom inside the room and only drank juice
and water. She lost ten pounds. Her hair became bushy and
wild because she refused to comb it, she wouldnt even put it
in a ponytail. Every time Jamall came pass, she would ball up
in the comforter and cry until he left. Finally, Misa could take
no more. Against Sheebah's advice, she stormed in the room.
Aight bitch its time to get the fuck up and get ya mind right!
Misa demanded yanking the covers off Asiah.

Leave me alone Asiah whined pulling he covers back over

No Misa yanked them off again. Get the fuck up! Still
Asiah didnt move. Aight I got something for your ass. Misa
grabbed the big bottle of Dasani water sitting on the night
stand and poured it on Asiah

Ayyy Asiah screamed.

Bitch get up!

What the fuck you do that for? Asiah spat wiping herself

Cause you acting like a lil bitch right now! Misa said with
her dirty mouth. She continued, "You supposed to get your
final fitting for your gown today and you up here looking like a
fuckin treasure troll, bout to let some freak ass bitch like
Samyah ruin the rest of your life. Cmon, Asiah this aint even
you baby. I mean so what that bitch dropped a baby. You got
forever to have as many babies as you want. You told me that
you loved Jamall since you was 12 years old. Asiah these
bitches sitting around gloating, half of em hoping yall dont get
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
married, so they can plot on him. Cmon we better than them
bitches. Let's give them whores something to talk about.
Misa gave Asiah a convincing look. The minute Asiah didnt
respond, Misa knew she was thinking about everything she
just said. Misa walked over to Asiahs duffle bag and pulled
out a pair of jeans and a tee shirt. She tossed them to Asiah.

Bitch get dressed, Misa ordered.

Misa walked to the top of the stairs and summoned
Sheebah "Sheebah come do this bitch hair. That shit is nappy
like a sheep's ass!"

"Bitch please. You wish your shit was this good." Asiah
retorted as she slipped her shirt over her head.

The next couple of weeks were very hard for Asiah. She
would be driving her new Benz happy as hell blasting the radio
and the next thing she knew she was pulled over on the side
of the road crying her eyes out. When Jamall bought, the baby
over she just tried to block out the fact that Samyah was his
mother. Eventually Asiah took to the baby and started to love
him as if he were her own. She found herself shopping for him
more than she shopped for herself. She even had one of the
extra rooms redecorated and turned it into a nursery. Jamall
was surprised at how well Asiah was handling the situation.
Actually, he was surprised how well the whole thing turned out
period. Jamall couldn't stand the thought of his son living in
that filthy house so he moved Samyah into a nice little
apartment. She complained that it was too far out so he got
her a Corolla. Samyah was so happy with her come up that
she did not give Jamall any problems at all. The more he had
the baby the more she ran the streets. It was all right with her.
Plus she knew that if she started any shit Asiah would gladly
lay the smack down on her ass.

Although the wedding was still officially on Asiah was
skeptical about marrying Jamall. She had grown to love Little
Jamall, LJ for short but that was the easy part. He was a baby.
He was innocent of this whole situation and Jamall was not.
He'd betrayed Asiah and lied to her for months with a straight
face. He'd played her like a fool. Yes, she did love him but
trust was a whole nother story. Asiah wrestled with her
emotions every day and Jamall knew it. He did everything
possible to win her back. Not only did he buy her the new 600,
he had it customized with her initials in the headrest and the
wood grain. Her sheepskins were Gucci and her rims were top
of the line. Asiah had the hottest six in Baltimore, including her
brothers. As a reflection of Jamall's guilt the gifts kept coming.
He had something so big planned for Asiah that she would
have no choice but to forgive him. Of course, now he was in
the game deeper than ever. He became like a Pit Bull,
roaming the streets pissing everywhere, claiming every strip
that was a big moneymaker.

One morning Asiah was in the kitchen making the baby's
bottles and packing his diaper bag. They were going to
Jamall's mother's house for dinner. Asiah paused to make
sure she had everything she needed in the bag.

"Oh shit his pacifier," she snapped her fingers reminding
herself. As she ventured off to look for it, the phone rang. She
focused on the caller ID and saw that it was her brother.

"Hello." She sang

"What up? What chew doin?" He asked glad to hear his
sister's voice.

"Nothin just packin up the baby's stuff. We goin to spend
the day at Jamall's mothers."
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner

"She cookin?"

"You betta know it."

"Damn I wish I was there. What she cookin?" Boogie asked
with his mouth watering. He damn near wanted to catch a
flight back just to get a plate. Jamall's moms could burn.

"Umm I think she makin seafood. Fish, crab cakes, all
that." Asiah answered with the phone tucked under her
chin as she zippered the diaper bag.

"Let me speak to your husband." Boogie played with his

"Shit he ain't my husband yet. I might not even marry that

"Shit you betta. I can't afford your high priced ass no more.
Driving big boy Benzes and shit." Boogie joked with his sister.
She laughed as she handed Jamall the phone.

"What up yo?" Jamall greeted his partner.

"Ain't shit I need you to pick up my girl from Miami." Boogie
told Jamall. This meant to meet the connect at the airport to
pick up some dope.

"Man I promised Asiah I would spend the day with her and
the baby."

"It'll only take a few hours if that long. Go ahead and stop
acting like a punk." Boogie started mocking Jamall Man I told

Asiah..." He burst into laughter and returned to business. You
goin or not?" He asked Jamall.

"Not. Why you can't go?"

"Man I'm in Vegas."

"Vegas? What the fuck you doin in Vegas?"

"Me and Sidney flew out here last night. We were bored and
she ain't never been so we jumped on a plane and here we
go." Sidney was a nurse that he'd met at the hospital when
Samyah was having the baby.

"Well where Bomb at?"


"Damn yall muthafuckas just up and roll and don't tell a
nigga shit." Jamall complained.

"Well if you climb outa Asiah's ass and answer the phone
sometimes you would know all this shit."

"Fuck you nigga." Was Jamalls reply.

You goin?"


Jamall told Asiah that he had to make a "Quick Run" and
promised to come right back. Jamall drove along mad at
Boogie for interrupting his day. Boogie was always
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
somewhere with some bitch. He'd been fucking with that girl
Sidney real heavy lately. Jamall warned Boogie that his dick
would eventually fall off and decay if he didn't give it a break.
Boogie would burst into laughter and say, "Nigga I got so
much money I'll just buy another one. As a matter of fact you
need to buy one too cause my sister got you runnin round with
your shit tucked between your legs." When Jamall arrived at
the airport he spotted the connect right away

"What's up man? What took you so long?" the connect

"Some last minute shit. My bad!" Jamall apologized.

"Damn right, I thought yall was trying to get me knocked for
a minute" the connect joked.

After squaring away business Jamall dropped the connect
off at the Departing Flights entrance.

"Oh yeah guess who was on the plane sittin in front of me."
The connect quizzed.

"Who?" Jamall wasn't interested.

"Davon Broadway." The connect paused and continued,
"Well let me go I don't want to miss my flight. If shit go like
planned, I'll be back for the wedding. If not give my congrats
to that beautiful bride of yours." He shook Jamall's hands
placing a 20 gee stack in his hands as a wedding gift. "Give
Asiah a kiss for me." He strutted of into the crowd. Jamall
checked his watch as he walked towards the car.

Asiah placed the portable swing by the door. She was sure
that she had everything. She sat on the couch and flicked on

the TV. Jamall should have been back along time ago. He was
so longwinded. Asiah jumped up and gave the house one final
look over making sure everything was cool.

"Okay let me get him bundled up." She thought as she
walked towards the nursery. "C'mon LJ" She said as she
reached out to pick him up. "LJ?" She panicked. He was stiff.
Asiah picked the baby up and tried to wake him. He felt so

"Oh God he's not breathing. Oh God!" She ran to the
kitchen phone and dialed 911.

"He's not breathing. I... I don't know what happened. Oh
God help me... I'm the only one here. Send someone please!"
Asiah cried to the operator as she held LJ's cold body in her

"Okay Miss just try to stay calm. I'm going to walk you
through CPR." The operator talked to Asiah in a calm tone.

Asiah sobbed while following the directions of the operator
"It's not working he won't breathe...he won't breathe." Asiah
cried into the phone.

When Jamall pulled up there were police cars everywhere.
The first thing he thought was that they were raiding his crib.
The door attendant rushed to his car to give him the heads up.

"Mr. Richardson the police are up in your condo. I don't
know what happen. I think somebody's hurt." He said in one

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
Jamall looked around at all the squad cars and his
imagination began to run wild. He imagined some dudes trying
to rob the house and Asiah getting shot. Next, he imagined
the police rumbling through his things while Asiah sat on the
couch with tears in her eyes. Jamall repeatedly pressed the
button for the elevator, it seemed like it was taking forever.
Finally, it came and he jumped on. As he walked down the
hallway, he saw his neighbors peeking out of their doors.

"What the fuck yall lookin at? He spat. He pushed his door
open and saw police everywhere. Asiah ran to him burying her
face in his chest.

"Oh Jamall I tried but he wouldn't breathe. He just stopped
breathing...he wouldn't breathe..." She wailed. "I went to pick
him up and he was dead...he wouldn't breathe."

Her words registered slowly in Jamalls mind. His head
started spinning and he got dizzy. He looked over on the floor
where the paramedics had been trying to revive his son.

"I'm sorry Sir. He's been gone too long. At least an hour or
so." The paramedic apologized.
Jamall gave him a cold stare. He couldn't believe this.
He did not want to believe this. His son was dead.


Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
Wedding Bells

The next three days went in slow motion. Jamall kept
himself busy trying to avoid reality. Asiah on the other hand
never left the bedroom to eat, drink, or anything else. She
refused to bathe and ignored everyone that spoke to her. She
was convinced that the baby's death was all her fault, although
the report simply stated SIDs. Asiah kept thinking that maybe
she should have checked on him more often or never let him
take a nap at all. Jamall was finally able to break Asiah out of
her slumber and convinced her to attend the funeral with him.

Everyone whispered and stared wondering would there be
a scene caused by Samyah. Asiah sat on the front row with
Jamall. He held her hand tight and kissed her cheek several
times. This made Samyah angry as hell. When the family
stood for the final viewing, she attacked Asiah and they began
to brawl. Jamall, Boogie, Sheebah and Misa rushed to pull
them apart. Boogie escorted his sister out of the church. As
they were leaving, Asiah could hear Samyah screaming to the
top of her lungs.

"Dat bitch killed my baby! She just mad cause I had a baby
by Jamall and she didn't. Dat bitch killed my baby!" Samyah
yelled out as she yanked away from Jamall. "Get the fuck off
me! If you marry dat bitch after this you ain't shit." Samyah

"Samyah you saw the report. She didn't do anything to
him." Jamall defended Asiah in front of everyone.

"I don't give a fuck what that report says. Dat bitch killed my


She did not!" Jamall cut Samyah off.

"Like I said if you marry dat bitch I'll make sure you never
have another peaceful night of sleep for the rest of your sorry
ass life." She threatened.

"Whatever." Jamall blew her off fighting his urge to slap the
shit out of her. Jamall's mother moved over in Asiah's spot and
placed her arm around her son to comfort him.

"You okay baby?'"

"Yeah ma. Dat bitch make me sick."

"You right baby. She is a bitch!"

As the Pastor delivered the sermon Misa walked in and
whispered in Jamall's ear. "Asiah just passed out. We are
taking her to the hospital." Jamall tried to get up from his seat.

"Unh unh." Misa placed her hand on his shoulder. "You stay
here. We'll take care of it. Give Samyah my regards for me."
Misa kissed Jamall on his cheek and walked away. That was
the first time he had ever heard her speak without cursing.

"She is simply exhausted, dehydrated, and suffering from
depression. I would like to keep her for at least 72 hours. We
need to observe her and hydrate her." The doctor said after
examining Asiah.

"72 hours?" Jamall was hesitant.

"At least." The doctor emphasized.
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"Boog what chew think?" Jamall turned to Boogie for

"Yo if yall goin get married I gotta trust you wit shit like this.
But I do think that 3 days would do her good."

"Okay." Jamall said turning back to the doctor and signing
the forms for Asiah's hospital bills.

As the days passed by Asiah made no progress. She
refused to eat, she refused to get out of bed, she gave the
nurses hell, and refused to take any medication. Finally the
doctor ordered her medication to be given by injection since
she refused to take it. He also ordered her sedatives of all
kinds to calm her down. As soon as the medication wore off
Asiah would jump up and yank the IV from her arm then they
would drug her all over again. She lay there starring into
nowhere feeling like she was floating away. Asiah was so high
that she slobbered from the sides of her mouth. Two days
before the wedding Jamall decided that he was taking her
home. He was not about to let their wedding day be
postponed. The doctor pleaded with Jamall not to check Asiah
out of the hospital.

"Look you said 72 hours." Jamall reminded the doctor of the
initial agreement.

"I recommended 72 hours. I did not know that she was
so stubborn. She won't eat, she's violent toward herself and
others, and she won't take her medicine. I think maybe she
needs some physiciatriac attention." The doctor bluntly told

"What? Look we gettin married in two days, ain't nobody
tossin my wifey in no fuckin looney bin. GET HER SHIT
TOGETHER I'M TAKIN HER HOME!" Jamall screamed in the
doctor's face.

As the nurses rushed to gather Asiah's things Boogie and
Sheebah walked in. The doctor had already stopped Boogie
in the hallway and filled him in on what was going on.

"What up J? What's goin on?" Boogie questioned.

"I'm takin her home. That's what's goin on." Jamall fumed
as he paced the floor impatiently.

"Yo look at her she ain't in no fuckin condition to go home."
Boogie pointed at Asiah.

"Well I'm takin her home obviously this hospital ain't doin
her no good cause she only gettin worst."

"Just let them do their job; give it a couple more days."

"A couple of days? That's all she was supposed to be in this
muthafucka for in the first place. Fuck dat I got a
wedding in two days. She goin home today."

"Yo you bein real selfish right now. You ain't thinkin bout my
sista, you thinkin bout yaself." Boogie fumed. "Look when you
get your wife you do what you want but I'm takin mines home."
Jamall told Boogie.

Something in Boogie snapped and he grabbed Jamall by
the shirt. The two began to tussle back and forth with Sheebah
in the middle trying to pry them off each other.
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"Stop Daunte please!" She pleaded. Boogie was crazed he
could have killed Jamall with his bare hands he was so mad.
He had raised Asiah and took care of her all her life and now
this nigga comes along and thinks that he knows what's best
for her. Boogie was not felling that shit in the least. His grip
tightened on Jamall and he fought the urge to punch him in
the face. Jamall held Boogie tight hoping he would calm down.
He did not want to have a fight with his best friend.

"Yall stop. Don't fight, we all we got." Asiah said in a daze.

Everyone stopped what they were doin and turned to look
at her in disbelief. This was the first thing she said since she
had been in the hospital. They were all in shock, a second
passed and Boogie and Jamall burst into laughter and gave
each other a huge hug. It was amazing how much they both
loved Asiah.

"Well I guess we got a wedding to get ready for." Boogie
gave his final blessings.

Sheebah and Misa worked really hard getting Asiah ready
for the wedding. Slowly but surely she started to act more like
herself. Misa did a beautiful job on her hands and feet and
Sheebah worked magic on her hair. She wore a lovely pin up
style with a few lose curls cupping her face. Everyone came
out for this event. It was the talk of the town "Jamall and
Asiah's wedding". The church was packed. Bomb's girlfriend
was pregnant and did not want to travel but he flew back from
Atlanta to give Asiah away since Boogie was Jamall's best
man. The crowd sat impatiently waiting to catch a glimpse of
the bride. The talk of her $15 thousand dollar Vera Wang
dress had spread through the streets like wild fire. Most of the
guys were business associates and the girls were clients at

the salon that came to collect gossip for the following months
to come.

The church was decorated beautifully. There were huge
bows trimmed in champagne gold at the end of each row and
hanging throughout the church. The wood had been polished
to perfection. The seat cushions had been replaced with nice
plush cream-colored ones. There were dozens of roses with
gold trim and crystal tears everywhere. Instead of the regular
paper in the aisle, there was lace for Asiah to walk on. The
wedding party arrived in Cream Mayback limos. The bride's
maids wore Champagne colored gowns and the groom's men
wore Cream no collar tuxedos by Armani. Sheebah's little
sister was the flower girl. Sheebah, Misa, Kimara, and Shayn
were the bride's maids and Layla was the matron on honor.

Jamall stood patiently at the alter. He had finally gotten to
this day, the day he had waited for so long. His Armani tuxedo
fit perfect, his Gators were fresh, and his hair was tight. It was
nothing that could mess up this day. The band started playing
and Jamall's heart fluttered. He knew this was real. Despite
everything he had been through this day made it all worth it.
Asiah appeared and everyone stood up. She was absolutely
breathtaking. Her Vera Wang gown was unlike anything they
had ever seen. It was tight fitting and clung to her hips with a
split in the top that displayed most of her chest, which was
covered by an Australian Crystal chandelier neckpiece. The
bottom half of the dress was embedded with crystal and gold
beads and flared below her knees (mermaid style). The crowd
gasped trying to contain themselves. They were stunned and
had never seen such beauty. Once Asiah reached the alter
Jamall leaned over and gave her a peck on the cheek. She
was so stunning that he had to steal a kiss.

"Down boy." Misa joked holding her flowers in hand.
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Everyone sat with tears in their eyes as Paula Campbell
belted out a beautiful tune she had written just for the
occasion. After the "I DOs", everyone was given a small pouch
with lightweight rhinestones and glitter to throw. As Jamall and
Asiah crossed the threshold of the church there were ten
doves released. Everyone stared in amazement pointing at
the doves as they flew off into the sky. This was definitely the
greatest wedding this town had ever seen. It would be talked
about and imitated for years to come.

The reception was at the Marriott on the Waterfront. There
was plenty of food and Cristal for everyone. The Wedding
Cake was five layers and everyone received a Champagne
flute that read Jamall and Asiah 2004" along with a bottle of
Mo to take home. As soon as the Wedding party finished
taking their pictures, it was on. The guys were in wife beaters
and the girls hiked up their dresses and hit the dance floor. It
was like Marty Gras in there. Asiah and Jamall sat at the table
opening gifts while everyone else partied. They received over
$60 thousand in cash gifts.

"This'll pay for your dress." Jamall joked about his wife's
expensive taste.

"Naw that'll be my shopping money on the honeymoon."
She corrected Jamall. Then she became
curious. "By the way where are we goin?"

"Saint Tropez."

"I can't wait." Asiah said in a seductive tone as she leaned
over and kissed her husband.

Asiah and Jamall searched through the parking lot trying to
remember where they parked. A week in Saint Tropez had
their minds gone. They both were still under the influence of
all the champagne they drank on the flight home. They threw
their luggage in the back of the Denali and climbed in. Asiah
let out a huge sigh of relief.
She couldn't wait to get in her bed and go to sleep.

"Jamall baby where are we goin? I'm tired, can't we go
straight home?" Asiah pleaded as she noticed this was not the
way to their condo. Little did she know Jamall had the surprise
of a lifetime waiting for her. They pulled up to a brass security
gate. Jamall punched in a code and the gate opened. Asiah
rose up to take a look as they drove up a long brick driveway
with lights along the side of the road. There was a small pond
with a fountain that shot out aqua green water in front of the
house. This house had two sets of doubled doors. The first set
was glass. They led to a small waiting area. The second set
of doors led to the inside of the house. Once inside there was
a cream marble foyer the size of the average person's dinning
room. After passing through the foyer, four steps up on the
right was an oversized dinning room. Straight ahead was a
huge eat in kitchen with all stainless steel appliances. To the
right of the kitchen was a sitting room. On the other side of the
kitchen were a powder room, a laundry room, and stairs that
led upstairs and to the basement. Off to the far left was the
living room. There was a wall sized fish tank and a glass
elevator. Upstairs had six huge bedrooms all with personal
bathrooms. The master bedroom had two huge walk-in
closets, a his and hers bathroom, and a deck overlooking the
pool. The master bedroom and the living room had beautiful
brick fireplaces with lovely paintings of Asiah and Jamall
hanging over top of them. There also was a gym and a
basketball court in the lower level of the house.

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When Asiah saw the house, she was speechless. She
couldn't imagine how Jamall had pulled this off without her
knowing and once again, she realized what type of money was
involved. She stood quietly gazing at the painting on the wall
of her and Jamall. Jamall noticed how taken Asiah was with
the house and he was satisfied with himself. He crept up
behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist, he squeezed
her tight. They stood cheek to cheek admiring the painting of
themselves. They were a beautiful couple.

"This where we gon make all our babies." Jamall whispered
in Asiah's ear.

"How many is all?" Asiah was curious.

"At least three." He placed his chin on her shoulder.

"Well I guess we should get started." She turned to him and
kissed him passionately. He picked her up and carried her
over to their king-sized bed. It was the only thing that Jamall
bothered to buy. He wanted Asiah to have the enjoyment of
decorating the house. Although he knew it would be cheaper
to do it himself he wanted her to add her personal touch to it.

After they finished they laid there gazing in each others
eyes. Jamall played with Asiah's hair and delivered baby
kisses all over her face. He had never loved anything so much
in his life.



"How did you do this?"


"The house, you did it without a hint. I never thought that
when we came home we were comin to a place like this. How
did you do it? Did you buy it like this?"

Jamall laughed at Asiah's questions. She was still so naive
in many ways. "Girl I had it built. What chew think I just started
last week? It was an extra 50 gees cause it had to be done in
such short notice." He explained.

"An extra 50 gees? How much did the house cost all
together?" Asiah raised her eyebrows.

"Almost 2 million." Jamall said nonchalantly as if that was
something the average nigga would spend on a daily basis.

"2 million?" Asiah gasped, "Where did you get that kinda
money?" She sat up.

"Girl don't you know who you laying next to? I'm the Don
shorty. I came to ball I ain't come to front." He imitated Nelly's
Flap Your Wings. Asiah laid her head on Jamall's chest as he
continued to laugh at her.

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The next morning Jamall and Asiah got up, showered, got
dressed, hopped in Asiah's 600, and went to breakfast. After
breakfast they did a little shopping, well not a little; Asiah spent
10 gees in Georgetown. Next, they headed to the salon.
Everybody was happy to see the new couple fresh off their

"So how did everything go?" Misa investigated.

"Saint Tropez was off the hook. We stayed on the yacht for
most of the time." Asiah glowed.

"Yall fuck? You pregnant?" Skyla yelled from Sheebah's

"Bitch what chew think? Yeah we fucked. That's my
husband ain't it?"

"Ayy...say that shit again bitch. Dat's who husband?" Misa

"Dat's my husband!" Asiah cheered.

"I know that's right. Guess who else gettin a husband?"
Misa pointed at Sheebah. Asiah walked over to look at
Sheebah's hand.

"Jeeesus Christ! What ocean did you get this glacier from?"
Asiah gasped at the ring. It was just as big as hers was.
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"Who else? Ya brother. He said that seeing you and Jamall
together made him wanna settle down." Sheebah gleamed.
Asiah was so happy for Sheebah. She gave her a big hug and
called her Sis. Next, she went in the back where Boogie and
Jamall were holding a secret meeting. They immediately got
quiet when Asiah came in the office. Boogie stood up to greet
his little sister.

"What up baby girl?" He hugged her tight just as he always
had. "I heard you liked the house."

"Yeah." Aisha smiled.

"I told that nigga he can't retire no time soon, the way you
spend money." Boogie joked.

"Don't I know it? She spent 10 gees already and it ain't even
lunchtime." Jamall laughed pointing at his watch.

"So I heard you wanna stop bein a whore." Asiah
confronted her brother with the news.

"What can I say? With all this love and shit in the air what's
a nigga to do?" He threw his arms in the air.

"Well I'm gettin ready to let my sister-in-law do my hair. See
yall later." She walked out of the room.

"Tell her don't put no hard stuff in it!" Jamall yelled down the
hall. Boogie went on about his weekend with Sidney and
noticed that Jamall was in deep thought.

"Yo what up?" Boogie was worried about his boy.

"Just thinkin bout my lil. man dat's all." Jamall said referring
to his son.


"I think I'ma get a tattoo of him on my arm. Let me call
Samyah and see did she get those pictures back yet." Jamall
dialed Samyah's number.

"Yeah dats gangsta." Boogie wheezed as he exhaled a
mouth full of blunt smoke. Jamall did not get an answer so he
left Samyah a message.

Later that night the girls got dressed and went to comedy
night at the Seasons. They were laughing, eating, drinking,
and having a good time when Courtney walked in the spot with
two of her girlfriends.

"Yo there go that bitch Courtney." Misa leaned over to tell

"Where?" Sheebah looked around trying to spot her.

"To your left." Misa pointed not caring that it was rude.

"Oh fuck dat bitch! She don't want none." Sheebah said

"Yall please don't start no shit up in here tonight." Asiah

"Hmm...if they don't start no shit it won't be no shit!" Misa

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"Cause if you don't give a damn we don't give a fuck!"
Sheebah joined in as they popped their Cristal. After a few
minutes, Courtney decided to come over and say hello to

"Hey Asiah what's up?" She grinned.

"Oh God." Asiah thought. "Nothin much, what's up with
chew? How you been?" Asiah faked a smile. She was nervous
as hell.

"Fine. You know the same ole shit." Courtney smiled back.

"Well I'm glad to see that you are okay." Asiah badly wanted
Courtney to go back to her table.

"Oh yeah...sorry I didn't make the wedding. Your brother
sent me to Jamaica to see my grandmother." Courtney
pronounced every word for Sheebah's ears to catch.

"Oh God. Why?" Asiah did a Jadakiss in her mind.

That's okay you're invited to the next one bitch! Sheebah
held her hand out to show Courtney her ring. So make sure
you're available for that. Sheebah mugged Courtney.
Courtney had a face of stone as Sheebah's ring gleamed off
the lights but she quickly regrouped to make a comeback.

"Oh that's your engagement ring? I get shit like that on the
regular whore, and I'll be there with bells on...platinum bells
bitch!" Courtney smiled and turned to walk back to her table.

"I can't stand that bitch!" Sheebah yelled.

"Well" Asiah hunched her shoulders in a "What can you do
about it?" sort of way.

"Well what? I should go over there and snatch that bitch by
her hair." Sheebah was livid as she watched Courtney and her
friends leave the restaurant.

"You should." Misa instigated.

"Please don't." Aisha pleaded.

Jamall and Boogie cruised West Baltimore in Jamall's
Denali XL looking for this dude that had jumped bail. Jamall's
cell phone rang breaking their hunter mode. He looked at the
caller ID. It was Samyah.

"What up?"

"Yeah I got ya message. I'll be at my grandmother's until
about 11 o'clock. You can come get it when you want." She
made no small talk.

"Alright I'm on my way." Jamall bust a U-turn.

"What chew doin?" Boogie questioned.

"Goin ta get the picture from Samyah."


When they pulled up in front of Samyah's grandmother's
house Boogie's cell phone rang.
"What up ma?" Boogie answered the phone.
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"Oh so you and Sheebah gettin married?" Courtney was


"You heard me nigga."

"Courtney what is you talkin about? Where did you hear that

"Yo I be right back." Jamall interrupted and jumped out of
the truck. He shook his head in disbelief. He couldn't believe
that Boogie was actually acting as if he had no idea what
Courtney was talking about.

"I knew this shit was gon happen. You ain't shit!" Courtney

"Girl what chew talkin..."

"POP POP POP...PAPAPAPOP!" Gunshots rang out.

"Oh fuck!" Boogie dropped the phone as he ducked down
and pulled his nine from his dip and started firing at the black
Malibu speeding pass.

"Boogie Boogie Courtney screamed on the other end of
the phone.

Boogie looked over and saw Jamall laid out on the
concrete. "Fuck!" He screamed as he rushed to his friend's
side. He placed Jamall's head in his lap and pulled his cell
phone from his hip to call 911.

"Just hold on baby you can make it." Boogie rocked Jamall
back and forth. Jamall laid there shivering with his eyes rolling
up in his head. His life flashed before his eyes and he thought
of his wife. He began to foam from the mouth and cough up

"Don't you die on me J. Not now, not never." Boogie held
Jamall's hand and began to cry as he rocked Jamall back and
forth in his lap. The ambulance arrived. They put Jamall on
the stretcher and started working on him. Boogie pounded on
Samyah's door but no one answered.

"Sir if you're going with him you need to come on. The
medic told Boogie. Just as he reached the ambulance the
other medic stuck his head out of the door "He's gonna be
DOA. We're trying to keep him but he keeps going out."

"No! No!" Boogie screamed.

"I'm sorry buddy. We've done all we can do." The medic
apologized. Boogie displayed his two middle fingers. Well
we'll be taking the body to University if it
means anything to you.

"Fuck you! Fuck you!" Boogie pounded on the windows as
they closed the door and pulled off. He stood there hopeless.
His world had just come crashing down and it was nothing he
could do about it. Life as he knew it would never be the same.
He sat on the curb and began to cry as police flooded the
scene doing their usual. A tall cocky man approached Boogie
and flashed a badge.
"I'm detective Stockel. I'm with the homicide division. I have
a couple of questions I need to ask you."

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"I gotta get to the hospital." Boogie jumped up and mugged
the officer.

"Well that means you need a ride because that truck is

"Fine!" Boogie threw his hands in the air. The detective
noticed the gunpowder on his hands.

"So what's your name son?"


"Daunte? You got a last name Daunte?"


"Daunte Sheppard. So what happened Daunte? A drug
deal gone bad?"

"Why the fuck every time a black man gets shot it gotta be
a drug deal gone bad?"

"Well maybe I'm wrong but I won't know if you don't tell me."

"I don't know what happened. He asked me to ride with him
to his baby mama's house to get a picture of his son. He got
out, I was on the phone arguing with my girl the next thing I
hear is gunshots. I looked over and my man was stretched out
on the concrete."

"So what did you do?"

"What the fuck you think? I got out to help him."


"What about the part when you shot back?"


"What about the part when you shot back? I see the gun
residue on your hands." The detective pointed.

"Well they shootin at us. Whatdafuck do you expect?"

"You got a permit for that gun?"


"What in the hell are you doin with a permit for a gun?"

"I own a bails bonds. I was out on a bounty lookin for this
dude that skipped bail till Samyah called."


"The baby mama"

"Okay. Well I'll be needing that gun to run the ballistics. If it
comes back clean you don't have anything to worry about, or
course that's providing that your story pans out." He held open
a plastic bag for Boogie to drop the gun in. Thanks. Oh I need
to see some ID." Boogie pulled his license from his back
pocket and handed it to the officer. He examined it and wrote
down all the information.
"Did you see who did it?"

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"Naw everything happened so fast. All I saw was a car fly

"What kind?"

"Blue Camry" Boogie lied.

"Alright you can go for now but I need to see you first thing
in the morning. I'll be in about 8." He said handing Boogie his
card as they pulled up at Shock Trauma.
Boogie snatched the card and flung the door open.

"Yeah whateva" He walked away.

"Don't make me come looking for you." The detective
threatened from the driver's seat.

Boogie stood in a daze as tears filled his eyes. He'd heard
the paramedics say that Jamall was a DOA but maybe there
was a chance that they revived him. They had the sirens on
when they pulled off which meant that they were still working
on him. He was still alive.

"This shit can't he happenin. It can't be." Boogie walked up
to the front desk with his head hung low. Jamall's blood
covered his clothes and he felt like he had to vomit.

"Umm....xcuse me but they just brought my brotha in the
ambulance. I'm tryna see how he doin."

"What's his name sir?" The woman asked ready to key in
the information.

"Jamall. Jamall Richardson."


"Okay have a seat someone will be out in a second to speak
with you."

"Aight." Boogie plopped down in a chair. He had never felt
so helpless in his life. He was the type that ran shit. He was
always in control but now he had no control over the most
important thing ever. He wiped the tears from his face.

"Oh God, what about Asiah?" He began to cry harder. An
older looking white woman rocking a feverish toddler stared at
him but quickly turned her head when he noticed her.

"What the fuck you lookin at? He fumed. He searched his
pockets desperately for one of his cell phones.
Finally, he found 2 quarters to use the pay phone.

"Hello" Sheebah answered her phone.

"Yo where you at?" He sniffled.

"We just leavin the Seasons. What's up? Somethin wrong?"
He didn't sound himself to her.

"I need you to come down University right now. Some
terrible shit just went down!" He wailed threw the receiver of
the pay phone.

"What happened you okay?"

"Now Sheebah!" He hung up the phone and walked back to
the desk.
"When somebody gon come out here and talk to me?"

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
"He's coming out right now sir." The woman told Boogie.
Deep in his heart, he knew that Jamall was gone but he had
just a shred of hope that they had saved him. Shock Trauma
was known for saving motherfuckers that should have been
dead twice. Boogie stood stiff as the doctor walked toward

"Are you the one here for the young man that came in the
ambulance?" He looked down at his clipboard "Mr.

"Yeah that's me. Boogie wiped his face once more.

"Are you any relation?"

"Brother in law."

"Was he married to your sister or are you married to his
sister?" The doctor asked.

"He's married to my sister."

"Can you get her down here?"

"She's on her way."

"Okay I'll have them notify me as soon as she arrives." He
turned to walk away.

"Wait what about Jamall?"

"Son I'm sorry. They said that they told you he was DOA.
We worked on him when they got him here but there was
nothing else we could do. I'm very sorry for your lost." The

doctor said as the double doors closed in Boogie's face.
Boogie stood there in complete shock. His better half was
gone. What would he tell Asiah? He began to cry
uncontrollably. He pictured Jamall laid out on the concrete
coughing up blood.

"Oh Daunte what happened?" Sheebah ran toward him
wrapping her arms around him tight. He stared over her
shoulder at his sister. She didn't have a clue what was about
to hit her. He let Sheebah loose and approached Asiah.

"Baby girl I don't really know how to tell you this."

"Tell me what? What happened? Where's Jamall?" She
looked him up and down noticing that he was covered in blood
that obviously was not his own.

"Jamall, Asiah he didn't make it baby." He shook his head.

"What do you mean he didn't make it?" Asiah became

"He's gone Asiah."

"Gone where?" Her eyes widened.

"He got shot. He ain't make it." Boogie said wiping the snot
from his face. Asiah stood still as part of her soul descended
from her body and her heart sank to the pit of her stomach.
She burst into an ocean of tears as her brother's words
registered in her mind. Boogie rushed to put his arms around
her but it was nothing he could do to stop her pain. She buried
her face in his chest as her legs loss their stability. Boogie
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swooped her up and sat her in a chair. He tried his best to
comfort her but the pain was too great.

"No...Oh God no...why?" She howled like a wounded

Once the nurse notified the doctor that Asiah was there, he
came straight out. "Mrs. Richardson?"

"Yes." Asiah sobbed.

"Hi I'm doctor Ticali. First, just let me say that I am extremely
sorry for your lost. I need you to identify your husband for me.
Your friends can come and wait outside of the room if you

Boogie and Asiah went into the room where Jamall was
while Sheebah and Misa waited out front. Asiah's throat
knotted up as tears flowed down her cheeks.

"Yes that's him." She sobbed out.

"Okay that's all I need. I'll give you some time while I get the
paper work ready." He exited the room quietly leaving just
Asiah and Boogie. Asiah pressed her cheek against Jamall's
face and held his hand. She wanted to feel the last warmth of
his body. She kissed his lips softly and laid her head on his
bloody chest. She wanted to rest on his chest just one last
time. She pressed her nose against his neck and took a deep
breath so that his scent would linger with her forever.

"I love you...I love you...I love you...I love you...I love you"
She sobbed repeatedly.

"I can't take this shit." Boogie stormed out of the room. He
couldn't stand to see his man dead and his sister hurt and it
wasn't shit he could do about it.

"Let me use ya phone." He snatched Sheebah's phone out
of her hand before she could respond. He took her phone and
stormed off. Pacing back and forth out front, he called

"Dis Boog man I need you to run this tag for me."

"What's going on man? I was just about to call you.
Homicide say they investigating a murder. They say it's

"Yeah man that's why I need you to run this tag."

"Oh fuck man! This shit is unreal. What's the number?"
Rodriguez held his pencil up ready to write.

"GGD 320"

"Okay I'm on it."

"Call me right back!" Boogie demanded.

The drive home was cold and long. No one said a word;
they all knew that none of their lives would ever be the same.
Asiah gazed out the window without a blink. She couldn't
believe this shit. She didn't want to believe it. Jamall was her
everything and without as much as a thought someone took
him away. Why? Life as a shorty should not have to be so
rough. She had been fighting for her life for as long as she
could remember and frankly, she was just tired. If it were not
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
for her brother, she would have no reason to go on. She
thought of Jamall's lifeless shell. Just this morning their future
was full of promise and now there was no future.

Asiah called Jamall's mother and told her the news. She
howled in pain. There was no way God would let such a
terrible thing happen to her baby, the only baby she had left.
She had lost both of her sons to Hood Dreamz.

"Oh God why? Why?" Jamall's mother hollered.

She and Asiah talked for over an hour. Asiah filled her in on
what little she knew. When really all she knew was that, her
husband was gone and it was no way that she could go on.
Asiah offered to send someone to pick her up but she declined
saying that she needed some time alone. After all, it was 4
o'clock in the morning.

Boogie showered and changed his clothes. He stepped out
of the shower. Looking at his clothes on the floor with Jamall's
blood all over them sent him into a frenzy. He swore to kill
whoever did this and everything they ever touched. After he
pulled himself together, he found Sheebah and Misa in the
sitting room.

"Where Asiah?" He asked looking around.

"She in her room talkin to Jamall's moms." Sheebah

"Damn I can't believe dis shit!" Misa shook her head. "Me
either." Boogie and Sheebah said simultaneously. "Ring
Ring Ring" Sheebah's cell phone went off. She answered
it handing Boogie the phone.


"It's me Rodriguez."

"What up?"

"The car was registered to a rental spot in the airport. We
went out there, flashed a few badges, and roughed a few
people up. Anyway, the car was rented by a Miss Danielle
Sherwood. Her address is 1622 North Gilmore

"1622?" Boogie added the number to his mental Rolex.


"Aight thanks."

"So what are you gonna do now?"

"C'mon man it's some shit I just can't tell you. You already
in my pockets as it is." Boogie hung up and shook his head.
Rodriguez had to be crazy if he thought Boogie was going to
give him more information than he had to.

"Ring ring ring"

"What?" Boogie answered with irritation thinking it was
Rodriguez calling back.

"Yo I just got your two way. I was at the hospital with Keisha
and shit. She havin them fake ass contractions. What the fuck
is goin on?" Bomb glared through the phone.

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
"J got bagged. He gone yo!" It tore Boogie apart to say it.
There was an awkward moment of silence.

"I'm on my way back. I'll call you when I land."


"What up with ya cell? Why you got Sheebah shit?"

"I left mines in Jamall's truck. I gotta go home and grab
another one."

"Where you at now?"

"Asiah's house"

"The condo?"

"Naw, remember J got the house built."

"Oh yeah...I gotta stop smokin dawg. How she takin dat

"She fucked up, real fucked up."

Somebody gots ta die!

After ending his conversation with Bomb, Boogie went into
his sister's room. She was still talking to Jamall's mother.

"Asiah I need the keys to Jamall's Lex." He said looking
around for them.

"Why? Where you goin? Please don't leave me." She
pleaded with the phone to her ear.

"I'll be right back I got some shit to take care of." He grabbed
the keys and left. He drove back in town in a daze. There were
so many thoughts running through his mind. The last few
hours played in his head like a horror movie. Pulling up at his
grandmother's house, he jumped out and left the car in the
middle of the street. He took 10 gees from the basement safe,
loaded up two unregistered 9mm, suited up in his vest, and he
was ready for war. On his way to the car, the woman across
the street called out to him.

"Boogie the police was here looking around." She gladly
volunteered the information.

"Yeah. What chew tellem?"

"I aint tellem shit." She laughed.

"Good." He said handing her two hundred dollar bills before
he pulled off.

Boogie parked the car two blocks over from Gilmore Street
and walked swiftly down the street. He tapped lightly on the
door with his hand on his nine.

"Who is it?" A voice on the other side of the door responded.
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"Is Danielle in?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm detective Smith. The car she rented was found crashed
into another vehicle. I need to speak with her."

"Shit!" Danielle cursed as she cracked the door. "Wait a
minute let me get some clothes on." She said before realizing
that it was Boogie at her door and not the police. What the
fuck!" She screamed and tried to slam the door. Boogie put
his foot in the door and forced his way in shutting the door
behind him.

"Sit the fuck down." He demanded with his pistol drawn.

"O... Okay" She was scared shitless.

"So you Danielle huh?"

"Yeah...I'm Danielle." She stuttered.

"Why you get scared when you saw me? You know me?"

"Everybody knows you."

"Why was you scared? You know somethin?"
"No. I just know that if you show up at my door this time of
morning it can't be good."

Boogie looked her up and down. He believed her. He pulled
the 10 gee stack from his back pocket and placed it on the
table. "I'm not gonna hurt you. I just need to talk to you."


"About what?" She stared at the money on the table.

"Whatever you know. Like who did you rent that car for?
What they needed it for, shit like that." He placed his pistol
beside the stack of cash knowing he had another one in his
dip if the bitch got slick.

"Alright I'll talk, but can I go get dressed?" She pleaded.
Boogie looked her up and down. She had on a peach
Victoria's Secret bra and panty set. It showed off every curve
she owned. It fit her chocolate skin perfectly. Her fire red hair
was pulled back in a French braid with a lose curl in the front.
Her face was cute like a baby's.

"Naw you look okay. Plus I ain't got time for that shit.' He
leaned over pushing the money towards her. "Look dat's 10
gees. If you help me I'll help you." He threw her the same bait
that he threw Boo.

"Okay" She hesitated.

"Who you rent the car for?"


"Darell? Darell...Darell Hughes?" Boogie was shocked.
"Yeah Darell Hughes." She wasn't sure if that was what he
wanted to hear.

"Did he tell you why?"


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"C'mon Danni you gotta do better than that."

"I don't know..." She whined.

"Well do you know Jamall?"

"Yeah" She shook her head.

"Well Jamall got killed tonight and that car was the car used.
Now a lot of people gon die behind that shit. If you don't wanna
be one of'em you betta work with me."

"He never said nothin bout killin nobody. He just said that
he needed a car." She started crying.

"He never mention me or Jamall at all?"

"When his cousin got killed I remember him saying that he
thought ya'll was behind it but he never said nothin else after

"His cousin? Who's his cousin?"

"Umm...Boo that used to work with your cousin Peewee."

"Damn this bitch knows a lot about me." He thought to
himself. "How the fuck you know so much about me?" "Yall
like celebrities, everybody know yall."

"So where Darell stayin these days?"



"A townhouse off Putty Hill. I don't know the address but
it's the second house with the green door as soon as you turn
in the first court."

"So what are you to Darell? Cousin, niece, what?"

"We fuck around."

"Too bad you shoulda been fuckin wit a nigga like me."

"It ain't too late." She opened her legs for him to see the
print of her pussy through her panties.

"Maybe later. Go get a pen so you can write my number

"Okay." She jumped up to get the pen. Boogie watched her
ass jiggle as she headed toward the kitchen. Before she could
make it, he stood up, picked up his nine from the table, and
shot her 5 times in the back. He couldn't stand to look at her
beautiful face once the life was gone from her body. He
grabbed his money from the table, stepped over her dead
body, went out the back door, and walked down the alley.
Boogie drove along trying to put the whole shit together. He
figured if Darell rented the car with intentions on killing Jamall
then he must have followed them all day.

"No that can't be. If that was the case he woulda let off at
the gas station and got both of us." Boogie thought aloud.
Then he switched the scenario and thought that maybe Darell
knew somebody on Samyah's block and caught them on a
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner

"Samyah...dat Bitch!" Boogie spat. He thought of how
Samyah called and said that she would be at her
grandmother's house. Next, he remembered how she
threatened Jamall at the funeral. It all added up. She had set
Jamall up.

"I'ma kill dat bitch!" Boogie promised with tears in his eyes.
He concluded that Samyah and Darell were working together
in the name of revenge. Samyah was angry about her baby
and Darell was mad about his cousin. Darell must have
thought that Jamall was by himself. It was hard to see through
those tented windows. Boogie carefully plotted his revenge.
He swore that before Jamall was in the ground they would all
be dead. Boogie was livid. He vowed that he would go to the
end of the earth to make sure that everything those
motherfuckers ever thought about was destroyed.

Bomb's plane landed at eight that morning, by then Boogie
was a crazed lunatic. He had drunk several 5ths of Remmy
and was on his fourth blunt. He sped up the arriving flights
ramp and ran up on the curb.

"C'mon nigga I ain't got all day." Boogie yelled out the
window releasing a cloud of smoke from the car. Bomb
threw his bag in the back seat and flopped down in the

"Yo what the fuck? You need to slow the fuck down before
we end up at the bookings some fuckin where." Bomb cursed
Boogie. Boogie paid him no attention. He drove along filling
Bomb in on everything that happened. He told him about
Danielle and how Darell and Samyah set J up.

"So what chew gon do?" Bomb asked rolling up his blunt.


"Whatdafuck you think? Dat bitch gots ta die!"

"I'm glad to see you got some heart. You usually be kinda
soft on them bitches."

"Nigga please I got more heart than any nigga in this town.
Niggas know not to fuck wit me but for some reason this Darell
nigga wanna test the big dog. Now I gotta spank him."

"That nigga ain't think he was gon get caught. He thought
Jamall was by his self." Bomb was laid back smoking his

They sat outside of Samyah's apartment building waiting for
someone to come out so they could catch the door. Once
inside the building Boogie grabbed a newspaper from a
neighbors doorstep. He rang Samyah's bell while Bomb stood
off to the side. Boogie opened up the paper and pretended to
read it as it covered his face. He glanced at the name on the
door card across the hall and cleared his throat. Finally,
Samyah came to the door.

"Who is it?" She looked out of the peephole and saw
nothing but newspaper.

"Mr. Nickels from across the hall. I was wondering if you
had some sugar to spare."

"Umm sure. I'll get it. Can you wait one minute?" Samyah
went to get the sugar. She returned to the door "Here you go"
she sang out. As she opened the door, Bomb jumped out from
the side bashing her in the head with his gun. Sugar flew
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
everywhere as Samyah fell to the ground. She felt Boogie's
foot planted in her back as she struggled to crawl away.

"Turn over bitch!" Boogie demanded as he delivered a swift
kick to her rib cage.

"Ouch..." Samyah howled in pain with her eyes closed. She
was afraid to look Boogie in his face. She knew what she had
done and apparently so did he. That's why he was here. She
knew that what ever he had in mind it wasn't good and she
much rather have it done with her eyes closed.

"Open ya eyes. Look at me. You set J up? Didn't you?"
Boogie interrogated Samyah.

"Man fuck dis...POW!" Bomb came from behind and shot
Samyah in the chest. "Man c'mon we aint got time to be
questioning this dumb bitch. You already know she did it."
Bomb was half way out the door. Boogie was stunned at
Bomb's total disregard for Samyah's life. It was easy for him
to kill Danielle because he did not know her and even then, he
had to do her from the back. He couldn't stand to look her in
her beautiful face as the life slipped away from her body. He
supposed he should have done the same thing with Samyah
but he wanted to give her the chance to explain herself. He
hoped that she didn't have Jamall set up but he knew that she

On the drive back to Asiah's not a word was spoken. Both
Boogie and Bomb had heavy thoughts on their mind. The
thought of revenge invaded their minds. It was all they could
think of and neither of them would rest until Darell was dead.
The next night they posted up outside of Darell's townhouse
watching his every move. For hours, they watched his shadow
go back and forth, up and down the stairs, and in and out of

the kitchen. Finally, the lights got dim and the movement
stopped. They figured that he must be down for the night.
They tightened up their vest and gave their weapons one last
check. They were ready to ride. They ran up to the door
kicking the door off the hinges like the feds.

Darell was totally off guard. He sat in front of his big screen,
with his hands down his pants, drinking a cold beer. "BOOM"
the door flew open. Before Darell could realize what was going
on the nozzle of Boogie's gun was in his face.

"Don't move bitch!" Boogie pressed the 380 to Darell's

Bomb ran straight upstairs to check the rest of the house.
He returned with Darell's girlfriend who was crying and
pleading for her life. Before Darell had, the chance to plead
for his life Boogie shot him in the kneecaps. "Aww...." Darell
howled in pain.

"Who was in the car with you when you shot Jamall?"
Boogie's voice quivered.

" I'on know what chew talkin bout." Darell
whined. "POW!" Boogie shot him in the shoulder.

"I bet chew dis bitch'll tell." Bomb said pressing his nine
against her temple as she squealed for her life.

"She don't know shit." Darell spat in her defense.

"AwwI think she do." Bomb cocked his gun and began to
question the girl. Boogie looked in her eyes and knew that she
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
was scared and wanted to tell but Darell was right there
coaching her.

"Take her in the kitchen." Boogie told Bomb. He turned back
to Darell.

"Now bitch you sittin here bleeding like a fuckin dog. Nigga
you gon die just like you killed my man mafucka!" Before
Darell could see his life flash before him Boogie, let off in his
chest one bullet after another until there was none left. The
bullets were hot, you could see smoke rising from Darell's now
lifeless body as he slumped over with his eyes open. Boogie
was content. He walked into the kitchen to see what he could
find out from Darell's shorty but Bomb had already released
her spirit to the Lord. She lay slumped over in a pool of blood
and piss.

"Pew. Did she tell anything?" Boogie covered his nose.

"Yeah dat bitch told after I pissed in her face." Bomb

"Man you ignorant as shit." Boogie shook his head.

"She say he got two cousins that stay out there on
Broken Land Parkway."

"Let's go."

By the next morning, everyone on Boogie's list was dead.
However, no matter how many people he killed it did not bring
Jamall back. It was time for him to face reality. He was in this
all alone now. For more than half of his life Jamall had been
his other half and now he was gone. Today was the final
viewing of the body and the funeral was tomorrow. The first

thing Boogie did when he woke up was roll a blunt and drink
a pint of Goose. He was becoming an alcoholic. The tension
was too thick for his sober mind to cut through. He walked
down the hall and pressed the button for the elevator. By the
time it came he was finished the Goose and working on some
Remmy. The old folks say that you shouldn't mix white liquor
with dark liquor but Boogie didn't give a fuck. Asiah was in the
same spot where she was the night before wearing the same
Baby Phat sweat suit she had on for the last two days.
Everything was falling apart and at a fast pace. Boogie looked
at his baby girl and felt helpless. He had killed everybody that
had a hand in Jamall's death but that did not take away her

Asiah lay starring into space wondering if she would live
another minute. Every breath she took bought her pain. It was
no way that she could go on. Jamall was her everything. She
wished this were all a bad dream. She had managed to make
the funeral arrangements for Jamall but didn't remember how.
She was so high half of the time that she couldn't even
remember what he would be dressed in when she saw him
today. Misa and Sheebah carried Asiah to the bathroom so
she could wash and change her clothes. She had been
popping so many pills lately that she was hardly sober enough
to make it to the bathroom on her own. This worried everyone,
they all hoped that this was just a faze that she was going

When they arrived at the funeral home Jamall's mother was
waiting out front. Boogie walked with his arm around his sister
and held her close. The funeral director was a tall slender man
that wore small framed glasses that sat on the very tip of his
nose. He greeted them at the door and led them to the big
viewing room where Jamall's body lay. As they walked slowly
down the aisle, Asiah's heart began to pound rapidly. She felt
her heart sink to the pit of her stomach. Damn she wished she
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
had popped something this morning. Sheebah and Misa had
convinced her that the pills were not helping her and would
only hurt her in the long run but right now, she wished that she
had taken something. She felt like she had to vomit.

"It's gonna be alright." Sheebah whispered as they
approached the casket. Asiah looked down at her husband
and started to cry.

"Oh Jamall...get up please baby...get up" she screamed as
she tugged on him. The funeral director ran over to calm her
down and stop her from messing up Jamall's layout. Everyone
tried their best to be strong but burst into tears as they
watched Asiah plead with Jamall not to leave her. They all
knew that if he could, he would get up but he just couldn't.
Jamall's mother took a long look at her son and
complemented his wife.

"Asiah, you did a good job baby. I didn't think you would be
able to do it but you did a good job. He looks very nice and
peaceful." She wiped a tear from her cheek and walked away.

Jamall was dressed in Cream Armani, his hair was neatly
braided to the back, he lay in a cream and gold marble casket
with his name, birth date, and departure date engraved on it.
His diamond earrings sparkled flawlessly and his hands were
neatly folded with his wedding band still in place. There were
flowers everywhere. Everyone in town sent their regards
along with a lovely arrangement. Asiah sent the biggest one
of all. She sent a big heart made with roses with their wedding
picture in the middle that read, "Our love is forever". After a
few moments, they all took a seat on the front row and the
funeral director opened the doors to the public. Once the
crowd started, Asiah thought it would never stop. Everyone
came to pay his or her respects. Niggas walked by giving
Boogie and Bomb a pound and handing Asiah sympathy

cards filled with cash to help meet future expenses. The girls
strolled in dressed as if they were going to an extravaganza,
falling out, and crying making fools of themselves as if they
were Jamall's wife. Asiah just shook her head in disbelief. She
thought the day would never end.

The next morning everyone ran around like chickens with
their head cut off trying to get dressed. Asiah dressed in a
cream Chanel pantsuit with matching accessories. Her hair
was braided back into a French braid. Her diamonds sparkled
just as Jamall's did and although she didn't feel like it, her
beauty was striking. The Cream Cadillac limos arrived
promptly at 10 o'clock.
They arrived at the church by 10:45.

"Please stand for the family." The director announced.

There were so many people, the church was packed.
Everyone stood up to face the family as they made their way
to the front row. Asiah sat down and never took her eyes off
Jamall. She starred at him, as he laid there dressed like a
Prince. This made no since to her. Why? She began to weep
as the choir sang "Precious Lord". Sheebah and Misa tried
their best to comfort her but broke down themselves. This was
just too much for any of them to bare. Their circle was broken.
A member of the Fam was gone. The long line of viewers
moved slowly. Asiah's head hung low as the tears rolled
nonstop. She could not begin to grasp the reality of life without
Jamall. He had always been there.

"I'll be right back. I gotta pee." Misa leaned over and
whispered to Asiah. Asiah just shook her head and continued
to sob. The pain was unbearable even when she was high.
This morning she ignored the advice of her friends, sneaking
into the powder room and taking two of her happy pills.
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
Somehow, today the happy pills did not seem to work. She
would remember the next time to take three. Asiah blew her
nose in a Kleenex and felt a comforting arm slide around her
shoulder. She looked up to offer a greeting and was shocked
to see that it was Saundra. She sat down before Asiah could
say a word. "Asiah baby just listen to me, please. I know that
I haven't been the best mother. Hell I haven't been a mother
at all and I don't know if I ever will be but one thing I know is
that you're not like me. You aren't anything like me. Asiah,
baby you're strong you always have been. Even when I was
carrying you, they didn't think you would make it but you did.
Baby you can make it, don't be like me. If you learned
anything, form me it's that you don't wanna be like me. When
your father died, I started using to stop the pain but that pipe
has bought me more pain than anything ever could have. I
know you're high Asiah. I'm a junkie and I can spot another
one at a million-man march. Your brother or your friends might
can't tell but baby Saundra can tell. I can see right through
those Chanel shades. Be better than me Asiah. I know it hurts
but you can make it through. You're a survivor so don't give
up and hold on." She leaned over kissing Asiah on the cheek
and was gone just as fast as she came.


Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
What does it profit a man to gain the world but
lose his soul?

Later that night Boogie dropped Bomb off at the airport. He
had to go back to Georgia for a couple of days. At least until
his girl had the baby. She was due any day. Bomb sat in first
class downing one bottle of Cris after another. He was still
fucked up by the thought of Jamall being gone forever. They
had had some good times together. He thought of when his
best friend Tyrin was killed.

"The game won't be real without yall niggas." He toasted to
the sky before downing another bottle.

It was very late when he landed in Atlanta. He didn't want
Keisha out that time of night so he decided to take a taxi home.
After all, she was 9 months pregnant. What if she went into
labor while she was alone in the car?

"Keish...Keish..." Bomb dropped his duffle bag at the front
door. All the Cristal was running through him. He ran into the
powder room pissing everywhere but the toilet. He walked into
the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the refrigerator. Bomb
popped the top off with the beer opener and headed upstairs.
He began to hear noises as he climbed the stairs.

"Keish" He shouted as he pulled his gun from his dip. He
stood to the side and pushed the bedroom door open. Bomb
almost threw up when he saw his girl face down ass up taking
it from another nigga. He stood dazed for a second as he
watched this nigga pound on his pregnant girlfriend. They
didn't even notice him.


"Who pussy is this?"

"Yours daddy"

Bomb felt weak. Before he knew it, he had cocked his pistol
and bullets were blazing through the air. They all were dead.
Keish, that nigga, and the baby. Whose ever baby it was? It
was gone now. Bomb panicked when he heard the neighbors
pounding on the wall. They always looked out for Keish
because she was pregnant and Bomb was always in and out
of town. He grabbed his bag and the keys to his Jag and split.
He caught the next flight back to B.More.

The next day he received a call from Keishas moms saying
that there was an emergency and he needed to hurry back.
Bomb agreed and made plans to catch the next flight back to
Atlanta. He knew that if he didn't go back it would make him
look suspect. Besides, he would say that he was in Maryland.
No one had seen him and they couldn't prove that he wasn't.
When Bomb arrived in Atlanta, there were police everywhere.
The neighbor had seen him leaving the house after the
gunshots were fired; the police tested the urine around the
toilet and matched it to Bomb. They also matched his urine
with the urine at the murder scene of Darell and his girlfriend.
It was some nationwide thing the police used these days and
the shit worked.

"Can I get you anything?" The detective tried to break the

"My fuckin lawyer, dat's what you can get me bitch." Bomb

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"Suit yourself" the detective, grinned. He knew that they had
enough evidence to give Bomb the death penalty. If he wanted
to play fuck nuts, it was fine with him. After an hour passed
Bomb's lawyer showed up.

"Now I'm ready to talk muthafucka." Bomb laughed at the
detective. His lawyer sat beside him placing a tape recorder
on the table.

"So what exactly are you charging my client with?"

"Wait a minute. We've got someone else coming." The
detective smirked. After a few minutes, Sidney came in and
Bomb's face froze.

"Oh no dis bitch ain't the O. What the fuck is she doin here?"
He screamed.

"Sit down Deandre' " Sidney was calm. It took several
minutes for Bomb's lawyer to calm him down. Finally, Bomb
sat down and gave Sidney the stare of death. If he could get
his hands on her, he would strangle the life right out of her. He
couldn't believe this shit. This bitch was supposed to be a
nurse. This was the same bitch that Boogie met at the
hospital; this was the same bitch they had both been fucking.
Bomb was boiling with anger.

"Well the urine samples place you at the scene of both
murders. That's five bodies right there. An eyewitness stated
that they saw him leave the house around 4 am. That's a
conviction all the way. Now the murder in Maryland...were
pretty sure you didn't act alone." Sidney paused and continued
"Bomb I'm FBI. We have been on you all for quite a while now
and honestly, we've built a strong case. You will never see the
light of day again if you don't cooperate. Help us help you."


"Bitch fuck you. You freak ass bitch. You sittin here talkin
bout you a Fed, you wasn't no Fed when I was ramming my
dick down your throat. Was you bitch?"

"I was a Fed then and I'm a Fed now that's why you're
wearing those beautiful bracelets. Now like I said help us help
you." She smiled as if she was not just verbally assaulted.

"What type of evidence do you have against my client?"
Bomb's attorney interrupted.

After listening to all the evidence of murder, drug trafficking,
money laundering, and conspiracy Bomb's lawyer thought it
might be in his best interest to cooperate. They struck a deal
to avoid the death penalty. Bomb agreed to wear a wire and
get Boogie to talk about all the illegal activities that they had
engaged in. Bomb couldnt grasp the concept of being a snitch
but the gig was up. It was time to pay the piper and everybody
knew that it was only two ways to get out of the game, jail or
death. He had always been loyal to his cousin yet Jamall
always received a bigger piece of the pie. It was time for Bomb
to look out for himself. He had made enough money where as
though he could give the Feds ten years, come home, and still
be rich. That's exactly what he planned on doing. He worked
it out so he could keep all his assets if he cooperated to the
fullest. It was fucked up but a man's gotta do what a man's
gotta do.

Asiah lay in her bed staring into the sky through the glass
ceiling as the rain pounded on the roof. Her heart ached. It
had been three weeks since Jamall's death and every day that
passed was harder than the day before. Everything about this
house was Jamall, the paintings that hung from the wall, all
his things were still in place, and the sent of his cologne still
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
lingered throughout the house. These were the times when
she had to face the fact that he was gone. There was no one
around to comfort her, to hold her and tell her that everything
was going to be okay, or to promise her that shit would get
better. It was just her. She was all alone in this big mansion.
Sometimes she felt like Jamall was there watching over her
but when she reached out for him she felt nothing in return.
That is when reality hit. He was gone.

"What am I supposed to do?" Asiah cried aloud hoping
some kind of way that Jamall could hear her and send her an
answer. She cuddled his pillow tight and cried until she fell

Boogie pulled up to the curb and popped the trunk for
Bomb to put his bags in. He was excited that his cousin was
back in town. Every since Jamall died he had been feeling like
he was all alone in the world.

"So you a daddy now huh?" Boogie smiled at Bomb.

"Yeah my lil man came out raising hell and shit. He looks
like me, his daddy." Bomb lied.

"Yeah I remember when Charlotte had Indya. I couldn't
believe that I was somebody's father." Boogie smiled
momentarily and began to think of Charlotte, Indya, Asiah,
and Jamall. "Boy I fucked up big." He confessed his feelings
to his cousin.

"What?" Bomb shifted through a rack of CDs.

"Yo I just be thinkin and shit about how I got Charlotte killed.
I mean we got the niggas that did it but that still ain't bring her


"Yeah you gotta admit that shit felt good. Especially that
Darell shit." Bomb was sure to speak clearly, so that the wire
could pick up everything.

"That shit was a given. I couldn't let that nigga live.
Him and that slick bitch Samyah had to pay."

As the days passed, Bomb continued to persuade Boogie
into conversations that would serve as evidence in the near
future. By the end of the wire period there was enough
evidence gathered to put Boogie away for the rest of his life.
Normally Boogie would have never opened up so easily but
Bomb was his cousin and the stress of losing Jamall had him
fucked up.

Boogie laid there with his eyes closed as Sheebah went up
and down on his dick. He tried his best to keep his mind off
the upcoming custody battle for his daughter. He ran his
fingers through Sheebah's hair and pushed himself further into
her mouth.


Boogie opened his eyes to the nozzles of five pistols.

"Sorry to crash ya party but you're under arrest." One
of the officers grinned. Another officer stood speechless as he
stared at Sheebah's naked body as she held her hands in the
air. She was absolutely beautiful.

"Boy I would love to give her the dick."

Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
"What? Bitch keep ya remarks to yourself!" Boogie spat with
his hands in the air.

"We'll see who the bitch is when you're doing ten to twenty
you little fuck." The officer spat back.

"Yeah I bet it won't be me." Boogie fumed.

Boogie couldn't believe his eyes when his lawyer showed
him his indictment papers indicating Bomb as an FBI informer.

"Dis shit can't be right!" Boogie was in utter disbelief.

"I'm afraid it is Daunte. Now what I need you to do is think
of anything you may have said to him that could have been on
that wire tap."

Boogie looked at the dates in questioned. They were all
after Jamall died. He'd said a lot of things. He was upset and
was not thinking clearly. He never thought twice about talking
to Bomb. He was his cousin.

"Everything." Boogie answered his lawyer nonchalantly.

"SHIT!" The lawyer threw his pen across the table. He was
overwhelmed with frustration. He took a deep breath and
regrouped himself. "Let's do this, let me talk to a few of my
friends and see how many of these charges I can make
disappear." He snatched up his briefcase and shook Boogie's
hand before storming off.

After several months of going back and fourth to hearings,
Boogie's court date was finally set. It was a Thursday morning.
It was rainy and unusually musty for November. Boogie sat

with a straight face as the jury took their seats. He took one
look back at his family and another look over at Courtney and
her big belly. She was pregnant and refused to get rid of it
even though Boogie was going to jail for the rest of his natural
life. Charlotte's parents had managed to put aside their
differences and were there to show their support. After
realizing that he would have to give the Feds, a good stretch
Boogie decided not to fight for custody of Indya. He signed
over full custody to Charlotte's parents. That was the best
place for her. He had managed to fuck up everybody's life and
he didn't want to do the same to hers. Boogie had not heard
from Bomb since their last wired conversation but was told by
his lawyer that Bomb waived his right to a trial and took a plea
bargain for 10 years. The Feds were more than willing to let
Bomb off easy since he cooperated. He was just a small piece
of their puzzle anyway. They really wanted Boogie. They were
working on seizing all of his properties but were having a hard
time proving that they were acquired with drug money since
Granny signed a statement saying that she loaned him 20
thousand dollars from Grandpa's insurance money to start his
businesses. They were content with locking him up and
throwing away the key. No matter how much money he had,
it wouldn't do him any good where he was going.

However, Boogie was facing the death penalty that day.
Instead of focusing on the Judge as he took the bench he
thought about how easy, it was for his own flesh and blood to
send him up the river. He thought of Granny's words "In this
life yall livin you ain't got no friends".

"We the jury find the defendant Daunte Deshon Sheppard
guilty on all counts." The courtroom went wild with whispers
and suppressed cries.

"BAM!" The Judge banged his gavel. "Sentencing will take
place after recess." Everyone got up to get a breath of fresh
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
air. Asiah went straight to the bathroom to reload on her happy
pills. She splashed water on her face and remembered the
day Terra spit in her face. She laughed. She remembered all
the good times they had, she remembered all the good times
her and Jamall had, she remembered her and Boogie growing
up together, but it was all over now. Everything that ever
meant anything was gone.

"Daunte Deshon Sheppard I hereby sentence you to
DEATH by capitol punishment............."

"Oh God no!" Sheebah cried out. Boogie didn't flinch. He
heard the cries and screams of his loved ones coming from
behind him but did not turn to face them. He had caused them
enough pain and it was no way he could make all this shit
right. He'd done all the wrong things for what he thought were
the right reasons. He wanted to give them the world so that
they could live without limits. He wanted them to have all the
luxuries that made life worth living, he wanted them to be
happy but instead he took their happiness. He took all their
dreams and aspirations. He'd taken more than he could
possibly imagine. He'd fucked up his life and everybody's life
that he'd ever come across. He sat there listening to Sheebah
and Courtney scream and howl from the pain of their hearts
breaking. He heard his Granny sobbing as Aunt Sharon tried
to comfort her. He knew that her weak heart would not carry
her much longer after this. He didn't hear a word from his
sister. He turned slowly only to see her starring into space with
a look of numbness plastered across her face. This was it for
her. It was more than she could handle. Life without her
brother was just unimaginable.

When Asiah got home, she took a long hot bubble bath and
drank a bottled of Cristal. She went through Jamall's closet
picking out her favorite outfit. She went through her closet and
dressed in his favorite outfit. She laid his outfit on his side of

the bed. Next, she lay on her side of the bed and took an entire
bottle of sedatives.

"Asiah...Asiah..." Misa shook her desperately "Sheebah
somethin wrong with her!" Misa screamed. Sheebah dialed
911. They rushed Asiah to the hospital. They pumped her
stomach and saved her life that night. Unfortunately, that was
just the first attempt on her life. She repeatedly tried to kill
herself. Finally, the court ordered her into a mental institution.

One day Asiah was finger-painting when her counselor
came and notified her that she had a visitor. It was like talking
to a wall. Asiah had never spoken a word since she got there
and that was almost eight years ago. Whenever she had a
visitor, she just went on as if they weren't even there.

"You're still so pretty." The young lady complemented
Asiah. Asiah just kept painting as if the girl was not there. "I
know you don't remember me and I'm sorry for all that
happened. I don't know why I acted the way I did..."

"You thought it was something that it wasn't. Everything that
glitters aint gold. Didn't your mama teach you that when you
were little?" Asiah mumbled. The young woman sat in shock.
They told her that Asiah couldn't talk or comprehend.


"You wanted to be me. You thought it was an easy job, all
you saw was the shine but my life was fucked up. Look at me
now it don't seem so beautiful now do it? Answer me Terra!"
Asiah starred in Terra's eyes. Terra sat in shock.

"Asiah you're not crazy. We can get you out of here.
Hood Dreamz Tione Turner
You don't have to live here Asiah."

"Live? What have I got to live for? Go and don't come back."

"But Asiah...."

"Lalalalalalalalalal" Asiah went into her usual retarded



Tay lay across the bed listening to the rain pound away at
the basement window. He and his little brother had just beat
the shit out of his mothers boyfriend. She always seemed to
find the worst type of niggas to get involved with. Fred was his
name, and hed been putting his hands on Tays mother for
far too long. Tay always knew the shit had been going on, but
his moms would always cover for the dude with some too
perfect accident. Tays guess was that Fred got too
comfortable, he and his little brother Ty were in the living room
playing X Box when they heard thumping coming from

Whats that? Ty looked at his big brother.

I know this nigga aint puttin his hands on my mother and
he know we down here! Tay dropped the remote and jumped
up. Ty followed. Ma BOOMP BOOMP BOOMP, Tay

Go downstairs boy! This dont concern you! Fred yelled.
Game Tyme preview Tione Turner

This dont concern me? Tay looked at Ty as if he was
confused. Tay pulled up his pants, raised his size 12
Timberland boot, and kicked the bedroom door clear off of the
hinges. Both Tina and Fred looked as if theyd seen a ghost.
Fred had Tina pent against the wall. Her face was red and her
shirt was torn.

Nigga! Tay grabbed Fred and slammed him to the floor.
He and Ty proceeded to stomp Fred into a bloody pulp.

Tay was getting tired of this shit. Whenever one of Tinas
relationships ended, they ended up homeless. There was no
way they could go on bouncing from pillar to post not knowing
when they would be tossed out on the streets. Once again
they had no place to live and found themselves living in Ms.
Sherris basement. Sherri was Tinas best friend and she
always helped Tina out if she could, but Sherri had a full house
which left Tina, Tay, and Ty all to live in the basement. Sherri
was cool. She never charged Tina rent and provided meals
for the boys while Tina worked. Sherri knew how it was to be
in a bad place without a helping hand in sight, so she helped
out in anyway she could. That was a good thing, but Tay knew
things had to change. He clutched the pillow tight as his
stomach growled. Finally, after an hour or two Sherris
daughter Keyona cracked the basement door to tell Tay that
dinner was ready. Tay quickly tumbled upstairs and sat his 6
foot 1 frame down at the kitchen table.

Ty and Deizle put that game down and come eat. Sherri
yelled. How you feeling baby? She ran her hand across
Tays head.

Keyona leaned over and kicked Tay in the leg with a grin.
She was like a pesky little sister to Tay and Ty. Sherri had four
children. Ashley was the oldest, she was 15, next Keyona 14,
and Damon and Deizle 12; they were twins. Tina and her boys
loved Sherris family dearly and they felt the same for them.
As far as everyone was concerned they all were family. Tay
ate quickly and returned to the basement to gather his

The next day while Ty went to boxing training Tay decided
to go see his homeboy Nut. Although, Nut rarely came to
school, he and Tay still hung out frequently. Nut was already
18, and only came to school enough to keep his name on role
to keep is probation officer off of his back. Tay found Nut in
front of KKs carryout.

What up nigga? What you doin down here? Nut slapped
Tay a five.

I need to talk to you man. Tay told Nut in a serious tone.

Aight, walk with me. Nut opened his chicken box and ate
as he walked.

Yo, me and Ty had to beat down my moms bitch ass
boyfriend and shit. We back in Sherris basement. Im tired of
this shit. Im tired of being broke and fucked up. This shit aint
where its at. Im getting too old for this shit, I gotta get on my

Nut listened as Tay talked. He could tell that Tay was
sincere and ready to do whatever it took to change his
situation. But, Tay had always been a good boy, never a lame,
Game Tyme preview Tione Turner
but he was always into school and shit. Nut knew what Tay
was beating around to, but he needed to hear him say it.

So, what you sayin? Nut interrupted as they approached
his house.

Man, Im ready to do this shit. Tell me, what I gotta do?
Tay didnt even blink. He was ready.

Well, I gotta talk to my cousin Redz and see where he can
put you. You aint never hustled before, so hell probably start
you off as a look out. Nut bit into his last piece of chicken and
tossed the box into the gutter.

Thats cool. When you think you gon get at yo? Tay
needed to get started and fast.

Umm Nut thought for a second and out of the blue Redz
black CL 600 Benz bent the corner. Nut shook his head. It was
amazing how when a nigga was looking to do wrong the
opportunity always presented itself.
Damn, there that nigga go right there. Nut pointed.

Redz pulled up and jumped out leaving his Benz in the
middle of Mosher St. What up cuz? Redz slapped Nut a five.
Redz was 20 and doing it way big as far as he was concerned.

Aint shit. My man lookin for some work. Nut tilted his head
over at Tay.

Yeah? Redz looked Tay up and down. He got
experience? Redz asked as if he ran a legitimate business.


Naw, but, that nigga got heart, more heart than most of
these bitch made niggas out here. Nut kept it real with his
cousin. He popped open his soda and took a huge gulp.

Yo, that nigga on your clock. Whateva happens is on you.
You willing to bet ya life on that? Redz asked his cousin.

Nut looked at Tay for a second. He knew that if Tay fucked
up any money, he would be responsible. If Tay turned out to
be a rat, he would be responsible. If Tay stole or used the
product, he would be responsible. He vowed for Tay, and in
this game, vowing for the wrong nigga could cost you your life.

Yeah, I bet my life. Nut slapped Redz hand and the deal
was sealed. Tay got his chance just like that.

Anyway, I came to talk to you. I got this new connect, a
county nigga that fuck with some Dominicans. Shit bout to get
real good cuz. Redz tossed Nut his last bundle of crack. Dope
was the name of the game, in this town thats where the real
money was. Yall can split that. Thats ya sign on bonus
youngin. Redz told Tay before he jumped back in his car and
pulled off. Tay was stunned. Hed gotten what hed asked for
all in an hour. Now he wasnt sure if he had it in him, but Nut
had vowed for him and he couldnt back down now.

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