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Until 1963, Du Pont, America's leading

chemical maker, dominated General Mo-

tors, the world's largest auto manufacturer,
through stock ownership and directors,
Lammot du Pont, who was both chairman
of GM and president of Du Pont, was prob-
ably America's most important industrial-
ist during the two decades between the
First and Second World Wars. He was inti-
mately allied with far-right causes during
the 1930's, which in some circles gave him
the reputation of a superpatriot. (At the time
of his death in 1952, he still held $28,000
in unpaid loans to the American Liberty
However, in Germany after World War II,
he was thought of by some Nazis as a
friend. In a formerly secret intelligence re-
port contained in the files of the military
occupation government that is now in the
National Archives, this reputation is spelled
out graphically.
The report discloses a conversation that
was held in a military prison between
Georg von Schnitzler, Paul Hoefliger, and
Gunther Frank-Fahle, who were jailed as
war criminals for the part they played as
executives of I. G. Farbenindustrie, the
giant German explosives and chemical
combine which manufactured the poison
for Hitler's gas chambers. The three were
hunting for an escape plan and they hit on
Lammot du Pont as someone who "could
'be depended upon to intervene in their
behalf," according to the report.
A member of the du Pont family was an
obvious choice for the Farben executives.
The Du Pont Company had an intimate re-
lationship with Farben dating from 1926.
As a result of this close association, cre-
ated through scores of business deals and
joint ventures around the world, these Farb-
en executives knew that Du Pont had:
Surrendered the fruits of its research
and technical know-how in a handful of
agreements negotiated on the eve of the
war. These included Freon for refrigeration
(from the Du Pont-General Motors joint
venture, Kinetic Chemicals), nylon, and
synthetic rubber.
Helped disguise Farben patents so
that American authorities would think they
were Du Pont patents. This prevented their
seizure as alien property.
Owned over $2 million worth of shares
of Farben stock. Farben, in turn, owned
$838,412.50 in Du Pont stock, according
to records captured by the U.S. military
Helped German munitions makers vio-
late the treaty that ended World War I by
keeping silent about the illegal trade in
munitions conducted by German firms.
Du Pont went so far, according to a for-
merly secret wartime Justice Department
report, that it purchased over 11,000
shares of stock in two German arms mak-
ers to aid the firms in "consolidating their
position and business in Germany."
Put secret trade agreements before
national policy by refusing to sell tet-
racene-primed ammunition to Great Brit-
ain in 1940 at a time when the British were
begging-American aid and President
Roosevelt had declared the U.S. to be an
"arsenal for democracy."
But I. G. Farben was not the only German
munitions maker with which Du Pont had
dealings that caused concern among
America's war policy makers. A telegram
sent to the State Department on March 21,
1942, some three months after the U.S.
declared war on Germany, caused secret
shock waves. The telegram was from the
U.S. legation in Bern, Switzerland (a key
European listening post swarming with
members of the U.S. intelligence commu-
nity, including Allen Dulles, who was to
become head of the CIA). It reads:
"The following just received with spe-
cial request that French sources be not
(repeat, not) disclosed.
"Representatives of Du Pont de Ne-
mours recently met with representatives of
Hermann Goring Works. Meeting com-
menced at Montreux but has moved to St.
Moritz for greater privacy.
"In reply to informal inquiry by my infor-
mant, high Swiss Foreign Office official
readily confirmed the report adding that
this was not the first time the parties had
met; that Vichy was fully informed; and in
conclusion reminded my informant that
one of the president's sons had married a
du Pont."
A notation in the State Department files
indicates that a paraphrase of the cable
was turned over to the Federal Bureau of
Investigation "in strict confidence." FBI
files and documents prepared during this
period remain classified.
(The mention of the du Pont-Roosevelt
marriage was a reference to the wedding
of Ethel du Pont, daughter of Eugene du
Pont, Jr., and Frankl in Roosevelt, Jr., the
president's son. The marriage ended in
The Hermann Goring Works controlled
hundreds of manufacturing firms through-
out Nazi-occupied Europe. It was Europe's
leading coal supplier and the second
largest steel producer. Its armament divi-
sion absorbed many of Europe's leading
munitions makers. The huge conglomer-
ate was designed to aid the Nazis in attain-
ing the goals of Hitler's four-year plan of
increased production for German re-
It must be stressed that the Du Pont Com-
pany had for years maintained such a close
relationship with the U.S. military that in-
dustry officials saw the company as "al-
most a subdivision" of the War Department.
As early as 1919, U.S. officials agreed to
give Du Pont unique access to secret gov-
ernment military research.
(Germany was not the only enemy coun-
try with whom Du Pont had dealings.
Another dispatch in State Department files
details the 1943 offering for sale in Italy,
through agents, of a patent owned by Du
Pont which covered a process to treat
metal-something that had possible stra-
tegic value to the Italians.)
Top State Department officials were
even more concerned about the activities
of Du Pont's General Motors, however.
Papers in the National Archives disclose
that these government officials suspected
that key GM executives were pro-Nazi and
that their proclivities were behind the au-
tomaker's secret trading with the enemy.
Assistant Secretary of State Adolf A.
Berle, Jr., in 1941 expressed his views on
GM Vice-President Graeme K. Howard to a
colleague in a short memo. Howard, said
Berle, "was endeavoring to defend the
right of General Motors to maintain Axis
propagandists as agents in South America
on the ground that 'General Motors could
not become concerned in political prob-
lems.'" Howard had written a book de-
fending Nazi aggression in Europe and
argued that the U.S. should acknowledge
Nazi hegemony.
A second General Motors vice-presi-
dent and director, James D. Mooney,
came under suspicion somewhat later. A
still-secret communication from the chief
wartime censor in Canada to the U.S. State
Department reveals an intercepted letter.
This letter, according to a description of it
in archive records, led the censor to feel
that "Mr. Mooney of GM is pro-German."
Censorship intercepts were sealed under
presidential order and cannot be made
In a "strictly confidential" note, dated
May 31, 1941, note to FBI Director J. Edgar
Hoover, Assistant Secretary Berle re-
quested "a most discreet investigation be
conducted of Mr. Alfred P.Sloan, President
of General Motors Corporation; Mr. How-
ard, vice-president of that corporation and
president of General Motors Export Com-
pany; and Mr. James D. Mooney, who is
connected with the General Motors orga-
nization. "
The trio were all directors of GM and
GM's German subsidiary, Adam Opel A.G.
Sloan had made known his feelings toward
the Nazis when he reportedly told a group
of stockholders in 1939 that the war in
Europe, soon to engulf the world, was a
"petty international squabble."
When the U.S. clamped down on Ameri-
can corporate relations by prohibiting
trade with foreign firms owned or managed
by Germans or Nazi sympathizers, GM
tried to thwart the blockade.
In Bolivia, according to a May 31, 1941,
telegram, the U.S. legation had been told
"in extreme confidence" that "arrange-
ments are being made between General
Motors Export Corporation and Gundlach
[C.F. Gundlach, who also represented Du
Pont interests in Bolivia] pro-totalitarian
agent for that company in Bolivia, so that
business may be operated nominally
under the name of Viuda Velez de Otero."
In Guatemala, the U.S. Naval attache
reported in a secret intelligence report of
February 14, 1941, that GM's replacement
for a pro-Nazi firm was a "salesman named
Montano" who was financed by German
A series of similar attempts to violate
restrictions on trading with the enemy
brought another State Department call for
a "thorough" FBI investigation of Mooney
and General Motors Export Corporation.
The June 8, 1942 memo alludes to "previ-
ous grave suspicions attaching to the
dealings" of the firm.
In June 1943 the previous suspicions
were confirmed. The State Department
caught GM trading with the enemy. The
violation, as spelled out in a series of con-
fidential cables, showed that General
Motors' Swiss subsidiary had imported
thousands of dollars of material from
enemy territory. Moreover, GM also con-
tinued to receive sales figures, transmitted
through its office in Switzerland, for cars
and trucks sold behind enemy lines. The
State Department looked askance at the
State Department officials kept on top of
GM affairs through secret telegrams sent
to them from allover the world. But particu-
lar attention was drawn to the activities of
GM's Opel subsidiary in Germany. Opel
began aiding Hitler's bloody drive for
world domination as early as 1935, six
years before Germany declared war on the
United States.
In 1935 GM built a large modern plant in
Brandenburg, about 200 miles from the
main Opel plant at Russelsheim. "The
Brandenburg works was built ... at the in-
stigation of the [German] government with
the object of building military cars and
trucks and heavy commercial vehicles,"
states a formerly secret British wartime re-
port on Opel. The vehicles produced at
Brandenburg became, in the words of an
American intelligence report, "the back-
bone of the German Army transportation
By the late 1930's the modern conveyor
belts at Brandenburg and at the recently
enlarged Russelsheim factories were
whirring smoothly-but not with the preci-
sion and speed desired by the Nazis. In
November 1938 the German auto industry,
including Ford and Opel, was called to a
special meeting with Field Marshal Her-
mann Goring. A memo on the meeting is
contai ned in a confidential report pre-
pared by the wartime U.S. Justice Depart-
ment. The memo, written by Dr. H. F.Albert,
chairman of Ford Motor Company's Ger-
man operations, reveals Nazi unhappi-
ness that "the German automotive indus-
tries had not met the expectations placed
in them." According to the mef!lo, Goring
dressed down the automakers for produc-
ing "too expensive cars, much too heavy
units" which "were not fit, in their present
composition, to carry through the increase
in production which, for military reasons
appears necessary." Automakers' profits
of from 40 to 50 percent were also criti-
cized by Goring.
Goring also went on to tell the automak-
ers, according to the memo, that "the forti-
fication of the western frontiers could not
have been carried through if American
units had not been reverted to. These Ameri-
ican cars had met all the expectations placed
in them." Ford and GM produced the bulk
of the trucks for the Nazi military.
GM's Russelsheim plant was converted
into a large-scale aircraft-parts factory in
1939, and a year later it was the leading
producer of components for the GU-88, the
Luftwaffe's most important bomber. Half of
the propellant systems for this aircraft
were assembled during the war at Rus-
selsheim. The facility also assembled jet
engines for the world's first jet fighter, the
General Motors retained control of its
German factories unti I the spring of 1941
when Cyrus Osborn, chairman of Opel's
board of managers and the firm's chief
operating executive, returned to America.
Carl Luer, a former member of the GM-
selected board of directors, was named as
trustee a year later.
Before the outbreak of hostilities, Chair-
man Alfred P. Sloan, a Du Pont Company
director, was an Opel director, along with
Graeme K. Howard, James D. Mooney,
and David F. Ladin, all GM officials. Opel's
founder, Wilhelm von Opel, continued as
chairman of the Opel board. His son Fritz,
jailed in the U.S. during the war as an
enemy alien, had been a GM director in
Detroit unti I 1938.
Although its German factories were ob-
viously important to the Nazi war effort,
General Motors had already made an even
more basic contribution to the conflagra-
tion that engulfed Europe. In 1935 it went
into business with I. G. Farben making
tetraethyl lead, the chief ingredient in
high-octane gasoline. This was the first
time the antiknock compound had been
produced outside the United States since
it was discovered in 1921 by GM's Charles
The venture-joined by Exxon, then
known as Standard Oil of New Jersey-
was essential if petrOleum-short Germany
was to mount a war. "Without lead-tetra-
ethyl," a captured I. G. Farben wartime
document explained, "the present method
of warfare would be unthinkable."
When part of the story of GM's aid to the
Nazis was made public in 1974, testimony
before the U.S. Senate by Bradford C.
Snell, a Senate.antitrust subcommittee
counsel, General Motors reacted angrily.
"Following the German declaration of war
on the United States on December 11,
1941," GM said in a prepared statement,
"the relationship with Opel was entirely
severed. No Americans sat on the board of
directors, even nominally, after that time."
However, documents in the National Ar-
chives disclose that General Motors was
able to retain some measure of control
over Opel-even during the war. This was
done through Albin D. Madsen, a wartime
director of Opel, who represented General
Motors, according to a 1948 report by the
U.S. military's decartelization branch.
Madsen was managing director of GM's
subsidiary in Denmark, General Motors In-
ternational, according'to a company his-
tory prepared by the American legation in
Stockholm, Sweden, in March of 1944.
The report discloses that after Denmark
was overrun by the Nazis in April, 1940,
GM's plant was not seized as the property
of enemy al,iens and run by a German-ap-
pointed trustee as the Opel plants were in
Germany. On the contrary, GM continued
to run the factory without German interven-
tion unti I early 1943, according to the re-
port. The GM management in Denmark
tried to put off Nazi overtures with argu-
ments that "consideration should be given
to the fact of the American ownersh ip of the
company," the report explains.
State Department officials, relying on
company managers for much of their in-
formation, tell of a set of complex negotia-
tions which led to GM's relinquishing its
new factory in Copenhagen to the Ger-
mans. The terms made it appear that the
Nazis had used force; but in fact the GM
factory was in effect rented to the Germans
through the Danish government. The Ger-
mans used it as an aircraft engine repair
facility. GM retained complete control over
all its remaining manufacturing facilities in
Denmark, according to the report.
In order to protect its wartime profits, the
report notes, GM "purchased a ... real
estate company which owned a large
block of modern flats in Copenhagen" in
mid-1943. Th is was just one stratagem
used by the GM-Du Pont complex to squir-
rel away Nazi war profits.
GM officials claimed in 1944 that they
had resisted German entreaties as long as
possible, but, the report acknowledges, "a
considerable section of the Danish popu-
lation views the company as undesirable
by reason of the fact that many people
believe it cooperated with the Germans in
maki ng avai lable its plant."
Protecting Nazi war profits was difficult
for America's premier corporations during
World War II. GM's scheme of keeping the
money under its control in the foreign
country unti I after the end of hosti lities was
only one method.
After the war ended both Du Pont and
GM made attempts to reap the rewards of
their corporations' silent dealings with the
Nazis. General Motors, for instance, was
successful in obtaining more than $16 mil-
lion in direct awards and another $16.8
million in tax savings as a result of bomb-
ing damage to its German war plants.
DuPont, without damaged plants to col-
lect on, went to the Foreign Claims Settle-
ment Commission in an attempt to get its
share of profits on war goods sold to the Na-
zis by firms it partially owned in Germany.
The largest single pile of German war
profits that Du Pont tried to tap was held by
the German Foreign Debt Conversion Of-
fice. The money, $121.407.39, according
to Du Pont, consisted of dividends from a
majority interest in Duco, AG, of Berlin, a
joint venture Du Pont owned with Schering,
AG, Germany's second largest chemical
and pharmaceutical firm. Although Sche-
ring had control of 51 percent of the voting
shares of the company, Du Pont owned
additional nonvoting stock which gave it a
majority of the profits.
The profits Du Pont attempted to collect
through the commission represented re-
turns for the years 1940 through 1943. But
in 1967 the claims commission rejected
Du Pont's bid for the money because
awards could be granted for damaged
property but not for debts.
Du Pont also tried to collect $15.494.50
in royalty payments for the use of its syn-
thetic rubber patents in Czechoslovakia.
Under the licensing arrangement, Bata
Corporation was to pay Du Pont $35 a ton.
The corporation produced 442 tons for the
Nazis, but the commission again thwarted
Du Pont's lust to collect enemy war profits.
Du Pont also attempted to collect royal-
ties through the State Department for pay-
ments on war material produced by I. G.
Farben. The German firm was taken over
by Allied military authorities after the war
and Du Pont could only be compensated
by appealing to the U.S government. Du
Pont expected thousands of dollars in prof-
its as a result of patent arrangements with
I. G. Farben. Available records do not in-
dicate whether the company was paid.
Du Pont had agreements with other
companies producing war goods for the
Nazis. Nylon patent rights had been sold
on the eve of World War II by Du Pont in
Germany, Italy, and F!ance. How much
was collected in wartime profits from these
concerns is unknown since it was not nec-
essary for Du Pont to take formal action
with the U.S. government to collect the
money. Presumably, the firms paid what
Du Pont demanded as its share figured
under contracts negotiated before the war.
Du Pont also owned shares in a number
of important Axis firms. Aside from stock in
I. G. Farben, Du Pont held about 4 percent
of the stock of Deutsche Gold and Silber
Scheideanstalt. Nicknamed DEGUSSA,
the firm was second only to I. G. "in the
range, variety, and importance of its manu-
facture of chemical products," according
to an assessment made by military author i-
.ties after the war. Du Pont valued its DE-
GUSSA shares at $430,066.18 in 1930.
A list of foreign investments dated
"I think we could safely rule out suicide, Watson,"
January 24, 1944, supplied to the State
Department by Du Pont, showed holdings
in French and Italian chemical industries.
In France, German-occupied during the
war, Du Pont owned 17.5 percent of the
" stock in Societe FranQais Duco, an outfit
manufacturing Du Pont paint products
similar to the German Duco firm.
Du Pont also maintained an interest in
the Italian chemical giant, Montecantini, a
'firm which historians say had a large role
in bringing about the fascist dictatorship
of Benito Mussolini. Du Pont also held 16
percent of the stock in Societa Italiana
Delle Celluloide, a holding company in
which the firm had maintained a control-
ling interest prior to the war,
In addition to making money, these for-
eign investments had an indirect benefit
for Du Pont. They helped the company di-
vide the world into exclusive markets in
which there would be no competition,
These formerly secret government doc-
- uments help cast light on the hidden re-
cesses of American corporate activity in
times of international tensions, They show
the actions behind the business axiom
formulated by Pierre du Pont, the patriarch
of the modern American corporation. "We
cannot assent to allow our own patriotism
to interfere with our duties" to achieve
"reasonable profits for our stockholders,"
he said in testimony before the Senate
Committee to Investigate the Munitions In-
dustry in the 1930's,
"It may, of course, be argued that partic-
ipating in both sides of an international
conflict, like the common corporate prac-
tice of investing in both political parties
before an election, is an appropriate cor-
porate activity," says Senate Aide Snell in
a study done for the Senate antitrust and
monopoly subcommittee, "Had the Nazis
won, General Motors, .. would have ap-
peared impeccably Nazi; as Hitler lost,
these companies were able to reemerge
impeccably American, In either case, the
viability of these corporations and the in-
terests of their respective stockholders
would have been preserved,"
Snell, however, sees the inevitability of
the conflicting loyalties created by this
, credo as having a "potential for abuse"
r' ,which would suggest "that in the case of
powerful concentrated industries en-
gaged in war-convertible production mul-
tinational expansion may adversely affect
j' America's legitimate interest in national
, security,"
A special report by the Foreign Econom-
ic Administration prepared in 1945 came
to similar conclusions about the activities
of multinational corporations. It based its
\ conclusions on World War II experiences,
"International cartel agreements were
one of the effective means employed by
the Nazis in preparing for World War II," the
classified report said. "Such agreements
were used not only to develop the Nazi
military potential and to weaken the pre-
paredness position of Germany's potential
enemies, but also to provide a screen for
espionage activities."
These cartel agreements were entered
into by various corporations in order to
protect profits by dividing up sales terri-
tories among them and to swap patented
information. "Loyalty to such agreements
is usually supranational and, consequent-
ly, exceedingly dangerous to national se-
curity," the report noted.
These business agreements among
corporations "perform the functions of an
international government," the report said.
"International security demands the adop-
tion of an international cartel convention
designed to eliminate all restrictive mea-
sures imposed by international cartels and
the creation of such international agencies
as may be essential to the implementation
of the convention."
No meaningful controls were ever
placed on multinational corporations. To-
day, among the few congressional aides
who have interested themselves in these
problems there are two schools of thought.
There are those whose idealism has been
shocked by what they view as the inevita-
ble threat to America by international cor-
porations. They talk in hushed tones of leg-
islation which would force these giant
firms to sell their foreign holdings. While
they talk about such a proposal, however,
they are not optimistic about its success in
Congress because they feel the case for
such drastic economic action has not
been made with sufficient force and drama
to sway public opinion and votes,
Other congressional opinion favors less
severe restrictions. Some type of monitor-
ing system which would require disclo-
sure of now-secret holdings and deals is a
first step favored by some on the Senate
Multinational Subcommittee. The propo-
nents of this and other proposals to restrict
and regulate American multinationals see
American corporate power with some am-
bivalence. In their view there are good and
bad corporations, The good corporations
can immeasurably aid foreign nations in a
variety of ways. Under their suggested
scheme the bad would be weeded out.
The catch is how to set up criteria to deter-
mine "good" and "bad" corporations.
Implicit in all the arguments is the idea
that America's corporations form an unac-
knowledged world empire. Even a few first
steps at regulating the nation's multina-
tional giants would have to set some inter-
national standards of behavior for Ameri-
can companies.
That it has taken this long to even begin
tentative discussions about the problem is
a measure of corporate power as much as
it is an indication of the complexity of the
issue. O+--m

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