E Que 11

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Name 33 QUE, BILL A.

Section 1E-PH
Seat #33


1. The earliest fossils clearly recognizable as parts of flowering plants are Magnoliophyta in rock more than 125 to
130 million years old.

2. What transformations must have occured if gymnosperms were really ancestors of angiosperms? Which might
have occured earlier (are present in all relictual angiosperms) and which later (are absent from some of the most
relictual angiosperms)?
-If gymnosperms were really ancestors of angiosperms, then the most obvious transformation was the conversion
of gymnospermous sporophylls into stamens and closed carpels resulting in the formation of flowers. From the
exposed ovules in gymnosperms, ovules of angiosperms are also now covered or protected. The long pollen tube
must also now interact with the stigmatic area in addition to the nucellus, alllowing more oppurtunity for the
sporophyte to "test" the pollen so that only healthy pollen of the proper species to pass through the stigma and
reach the ovules. Fertilization also evolved such that the second sperm cell of the pollen tube fuses with the polar
nuclei of the gametophyte producing the endosperm nucleus (also known as the process of double fertilization).
Angiosperms now have fibers. Their leaves became broader and developed reticulate venation, and they are more
polymorphic meaning it can be adaptable to a variety of functions, not just photosynthesis. In addition,
angiosperms have tremendous developmental plasticity which means that they are diversified ranging from
gigantic to tiny, woody to herbaceous, perennial to biennial to annual, temperate to tropical, desert habitats to
mesic to rain forest to aquatic, autotrophic to partially parasitic to fully parasitic, and epiphytic to subterranean
to endophytic.
-Double fertilization must have occured first because it is universally present in all angiosperms. The ability to
produce bisexual flowers must also have been one of the first transformations because all flowering plant clades
have megasporophylls located above microsporophylls on a single axis. Vessel elements evolved later because only
one or two basal species lack them (Amborella, Dirmys). Sieve tubes originated next, some species still have sieve
cells in their phloem.

3. If someone were to examine the stamens of most flowering plants, they would never automatically think of
them as sporophylls because they have very little leaf-like structure, but look at the four stamens in Figure 23-1.
These are from flowering plants. What leaf-like characters do they have? Are they flat and at least somewhat
resemble the blade of a leaf? Do they have vascular bundles that branch, at least somewhat resembling the
reticulate venation of a dicot leaf? Most dicot leaves have three vascular bundles entering their petioles. Which
two of these stamens also have this leaf-like character? Which two have only one vascular bundle?
-The stamems of these four living angiosperms in Figure 23-1 are much fleshier, flatter and more leaflike
compared to most other stamens of living species. Vascular bundles are present as they do branch out and
resemble the reticulate venation of a dicot leaf. The two stamens having the characteristic of most dicot leaves
which have three vascular bundles entering their petioles are the Austrobailaya and Magnolia. As for only one
vascular bundle, Himantandra and Degeneria are considered to have this characteristic.

4. During fertilization in flowering plants, one sperm cell nucleus fuses with the egg nucleus, producing the
diploid zygote. The other sperm nucleus fuses with the polar nuclei of megagametophyte, producing the triploid
endosperm nucleus, which develops as temporary tissue that nourishes the embryo. This process is called double
fertilization. What tissue nourishes the embryo in the gymnosperm seeds?
-In gymnosperms, such as conifers, the food storage tissue (also called endosperm) is part of the female
gametophyte, a haploid tissue.

5. Why were many modern genera of dicots initially thought to have come suddenly into existence about 130
million years ago? Why do we now think that those leaf fossils do not really belong to the modern genera they
were named for?
- The earliest fossils clearly recognizable as parts of flowering plants are preserved pollen grains in rocks more
than 130 million years old. We have not found any fossilized leaves or flowers from that time, and thus, we believe
the earliest flowering plants must have lived in hilly or drier areas, areas where few sites were suitable for
fossilizing plant parts. The first angiosperms probably were small trees or shrubs because plants of this type
survive well in drier regions and because the most likely ancestorsother than seed plants such as seed ferns or
gymnospermswere woody trees.

6. What is meant by a closed carpel as opposed to an open cone scale?
-Unlike open cone scale, a closed carpel is when the edges of sporophyll primordia crowd against each other and
grow shut, sometimes leaving a visible suture, sometimes closing so completely that no sign of a seam remains. A
closed carpel usually happens in most angiosperm carpels and it develops into a fruit that encloses the embryos
as they develop into seeds.

7. Describe what the early angiosperms may have been like with regards to flowers, body, ecology, wood, and
pollen. For each of the characters, what living angiosperms still have those characters? In what ways have those
characters changed in certain lines of evolution (Hint: see Table 23-1).
- The early angiosperms have complete flower parts, spiral arrangement, radial symmetry, superior ovary, and no
fusion of parts. Early angiosperms dominated freshwater-related environments. Their body in relation to size is
large bush or small tree, and their leaf retention is evergreen. Their wood contains no vessel, little or none axial
parenchyma, with all narrow and tall rays. Pollination occurs through wind and beetles, and the fruit/seed
dispersal is by wind.
- Basal angiosperms such as Amborella, Nymphaeales (water lilies), Austronaileyales, and Magnoliales (Magnolia)
have flat stamens without distinct filament and anther portions, arranged in spirals. The current hypothesis is
that Amborella is primitively vesseless like those of the early angiosperms.
- The characters changed in certain lines of evolution were the fusion of the carpels into a single structure (pistil),
fusion of petals into one structure (sympetally), and floral zygomorphy, that is, flowers that are bilaterally
symmetrical. Also, the characters such as succulence, parasitism, epiphytism, bulb, corms, tubers, tendrils, and
insect- trapping leaves developed only much later in the line of evolution.

8.Concepts about the nature of the early angiosperms have changed ( and may change again in the future). In the
last century, members of the subclass Hamamelidae were considered the most relictual of the living flowering
plants. What kind of pollination do these plants have--- insect pollination, wind pollination, or bird pollination?
Give the common names of the four members of this group. Although, these plants are woody trees like many
conifers, their wood has three characters that wood of conifers does not have, so we no longer think that
hamamelids are the most relictual flowering plants. What are the three characters?
-They are wind pollinated trees
- Four members of the group: - Hamamelidaceae, Cercidiphyllaceae, Eupteleaceace, Plantanaceae
-Three chacracters: their wood contains vessels, fibers and abundant parenchyma; their flowers are simple
through specialization and reduction ; and they are derived from angiosperms according to their DNA studies.

9. About 100 years ago, C.E. Bessey developed the hypothesis of the ranalean flower. What are some of the
characters of this type of flower? In the ranalean flower wind pollinated or insect pollinated?
- Approximately 100 years ago, C.E Bessey developed the hypothesis of the ranalean flower in which a Magnolia-
type flower was thought to be relictual. Such a flower is generalized; that is, it has all its parts (sepals,petals,
stamens, and carpels), and these are arranged spirally. Also, carpels occur in a superior position, above the other
- It can be wind or insect pollinated since all of its parts are rather massive, they are not specialized for just one
type of pollinator.

10. Do most botanists believe that the flowering plants are monophyletic, or do they believe that they are actually
an unnatural group consisting of several lines of evolution that do not share a common ancestor?
-Most botanists believe that the flowering plants are monophyletic because all of its evolutionary lines can be
traced back to a single common ancestor.

11.Describe Amborella and water lilies. On the basis of morphology, would you conclude that they are closely
related? What evidence is used to support the hypothesis that they are ancient lineages from basal angiosperms?
Amborella - their wood contains tracheids but no vessels and parenchyma, dioecious, some plants having
staminate flowers, others having carpellate flowers, flowers are small with 5 to 11 tepals
Water lilies - They are small, soft-bodied herbs with vascular bundles scattered, and they completely lack any
wood; in most, their stems must be submerged underwater. Their large colorful flowers are pollinated by animals.
- They are not closely related because they differ in so many features.
- Many different DNA sequences indicate they had become reproductively separate from the other angiosperms
very early.

12. All plant families have a name that ends in -aceae, and some families also have old names, still commonly
used, without this ending. The palms are a family with two names. What is the new name that ends in -aceae,
and what is the older name? What kind of a compound leaf do the feather palms have? The fan palms? Why are
palm flowers so seldom seen by most people?

-The new name is Arecaceae and the older name is Palmae.
-Feather palms have pinnately compound leaves and fan palms have palmately compound leaves.
-Palm flowers are seldom seen because they are usually tiny, approximately 5mm across, and are formed only high
up in the tree.

13. Philodendron is a plant you may know. They and their close relatives are characterized by a distinct
inflorescence. It has tiny flowers embedded in a thick stalk called spadix, and it is surrounded by a large bract
called spathe.

14.What is the name of the grass family? About how many species does it contain? Name seven genera (and give
the common names) of grasses that are used for food. What kind of pollination do grasses have-animal or wind?
- Poaceae is the name of the grass family. It contains about 8,000 species and are much more than just plants in
the lawn. Some of the grasses that are used for food are :
Wheat (triticum)
Barley (Hordeum)
Oats (avena)
Rye (secale)
Corn (zea)
Rice (Oryza)
Sugar cane (Saccharum)
All grasses are wind pollinated,so sepals and petals are of little importance and are reduced to bristle-like

15. Zingiberales contains some of the familiar of all house-plants. Name several of these.
-Zingiberales contains the most familiar house- plants namely Maranta, Calathea, Canna lilies(Canna),gingers,
Musa(banana) and bird of paradise(Strelitzia).

16. Liliaceae contains many famillar plants. Name six. Which closely related family contains the irises? Which
contains yams?
-Plants under Liliaceae are lilies, tulips, mariposa lily, flame lily, sego lily and stargazer lily. Dioscoreaceae family
contains the yams while Asparagales contains the irises.

17.The Orchidaceae is the largest and most diverse family of monocots. What is the most common orchid habit
(growth form)-being an epiphyte or being terrestrial? Are orchid flowers bilaterally symmetrical or radially
symmetrical? Describe orchid seeds.
- The most familiar,ornamental ones are epiphytic, but many are terrestrial and one is a subterranean parasite.
Orchid flowers are highly modified from the ancestral conditions of angiosperms, being zygomorphic (bilaterally
symmetrical) with complex shapes,colors, and fragrances that attract specific pollinators. The seeds are dustlike
and si undeveloped at "germination" that they must form symbiosis with certain fungi in order to survive long
enough to form roots and leaves.

18. Certain Eudicot clades contain several plants with many relictual features. Name and describe several
Betulaceae: hazelnut family
Corylus avellana Common hazel
Corylus maxima the filbert, common to southeastern Europe
Juglandaceae: walnut family
Juglans ailantifolia Japanese walnut, native to japan
Juglans regia Persian walnut, The bark is smooth, olive-brown when young and silvery-grey on older branches
Vitaceae- Grape family
Ampelocissus abyssinica- used as a herbal treatment for the medical condition known as black leg
Cayratia acris- native to Australia and papua new guinea
Rhoicissus digitata known as the baboon grape or dune grape

19. Core Caryophyllales contains many familiar plants. Can you list four members of this group?
The group is unusual in having betalains pigments rather than anthocyanins in their flowers. Another feature of
this group is that their endosperm develops little or not at all, and instead, the seeds have perisperm which
develops through proliferation of cells of the nucellus.
-Four members of Core Caryophyllales are cacti, iceplant, portuluca and four o-clocks.

20. Give the name of the families of each of the following:
a.) Camellias- Theaceae
b.) Chocolate- Malvaceae
c.) Cotton- Malvaceae
d.) Violets- Violaceae
e.) Pumpkins and watermelons- Cucurbitaceae
f.) Cranberries and blueberries-Ericaceae

21. One important character in rosids is the presence of Pinnately compound leaves. The subclass is named for
the rose family, Rosaceae, and this one family has many genera that produce fruits that we like to eat. Name the
genera of the following fruits, all in the rose family;
a. Apples - Malus
b. Almonds,apricots,cherries,peaches, and plums -Prunus
c. Strawberries - Fragaria
d. Blackberries and raspberries -Rubus

22. Textbooks often use cacti and euphorbias (spurges) to illustrate convergent evolution because many
euphorbias have globular succulent bodies that strongly resemble those of cacti, yet two families are not closely
related. What are the names of the euphorbia family and of the cactus family? Which major clade is in each?
- Names of the Euphorbia Family: Euphorbiaceae, Geraniceae, Vitaceae, Betulaceae, Cannabaceae, Clusiaceae,
Cucurbitaceae, Fabaceae, Fagaceae, Hypericaceae, Juglandaceae, Moraceae, Myrtaceae, Onagraceae, Oxalidaceae,
Passifloraceae, Rhizophoraceae, Rosaceae, Salicaceae, Violaceae, Ulmaceae, Zygophyllaceae, Anacardiaceae,
Brassicaceae, Burseraceae, Malvaceae, Meliaceae, Rutaceae, Sapindacea
-Names of the Cactus Family: Cactaceae, Aizoceae, Amaranthaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Nyctaginaceae,
Phylolaccaceae, Portulacaceae, Nepenthaceae, Droseraceae, Polygonaceae
- The major clade in Euphorbia Family is the Rosid clade while in the Cactus family, it is the core caryophyllales.

23. Name the families that contain the following species:
a. Sunflowers, dandelions, and daisies Asteraceae ( old name is Compositae)
b. Milkweeds- Asclepiadaceae
c. Potato, tomato and tobacco - Solanaceae
d. Mints and lavender-Lamiaceae
e. Coffea ( coffee)- Rubiaceae

24.Think about the Coniferophyta and the Magnoliophyta of this chapter. Which has more families,genera, and
species? Which has more diversity of body types? Which has species in the greatest number of habitats (desserts,
forests, rain forests, underwater, grasslands, marshes, epiphytic habitats, and so on). Which group originated
earlier in evolution, and which originated later? The older group has had more time to diversify. Is it the more
diverse of the two?
- Magnoliophyta has more families, genera, and species and they have more diversity of body types because they
have their flower parts. They are particularly adapt at evolving rapidly; in the short time they have existed, they
have diversified greatly. Magnoliophyta or angiosperms have the greatest number of species in different habitats.
Some can live in moist areas while some can also live in dry places like desserts. Magnoliophyta, specifically the
weedy shrubs are originated earlier and it is more diverse than Coniferophyta

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