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GV Daily Lesson Plan Page 1

GV Daily Lesson Plan

Student Name: Kaitlyn Miller Course Title; Semester: EDUC 243, Fall 12

Title of Lesson: Poetry Cafe Total Lesson Time: 4, 45 minutes
Grade(s): 4 Subject Area: Literacy- reading

This lesson is part of a unit over _Poetry ______________________________________________

Curriculum Standard(s):
Iowa Core/District/ National
4.5 Explain major differences between poems, dramas, and prose, and refer to the structural
elements of poems and dramas when writing or speaking about a text.

Learning Objectives and How Assessed:
Learning Objective(s) Assessment Plan
Student will be able to:
1. explain what a poem is and how it is different
from other genres of literature.

2. discuss their thoughts on poetry and the
readings from class

3. identify vocabulary words and their definitions
and give examples of each

4. Students will be able to create their own short

1. Students will be given a quiz on day 3,

2. Students will keep a daily journal

3. Complete fill in the blank worksheet

4. Students will write a short poem and
present it to the class in the Poetry Cafe

Content Outline of the Lesson: Materials Needed:
What is the subject content or skill you will be

-Love that Dog
-Louder Than A Clap of Thunder poem
-Elmo/ projector
-Poetry Journals (composition book or pocket
-Every Thing On It by Shel Silverstein
-Falling Up by Shel Silverstein

Lesson Procedures: Time Differentiation (Adaptations for
Diverse Learners, ELL, Gifted)
Day 1.
Activate Prior Knowledge/Introduction
Today we are going to start a new unit on poetry!
We are going to be exploring poetry using a new
book and reading parts of it; Love That Dog by
Sharon Creech. I know some of you are already
thinking Oh word!! I hate poetry! But, so does the


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main character in this novel. We are going to not
only be reading this book, but a whole slew of poems
that are fun, creative, and interesting by various
authors. You will be writing your own poems,
keeping a journal of your work and by the end of the
unit, presenting your own best poem in the Poetry

Explicit/Direct Instruction
What is poetry?
(Hand out poetry survey)
Ask students to give examples of what they think
poetry is
Poetry is a type of literature in which the sound and
meaning of language are combined to create ideas
and feelings.
Poetry is not just roses are red, violets are blue
There are many different types of poetry. To name a
1. Haiku: a type of Japanese poetry that consists
of three lines. The first line has five syllables,
the second line has seven syllables, and the
final line has five syllables.
2. Narrative Love that Dog, tells a story or
takes you on a journey.
3. Free Verse: a poem with no rhyme or pattern
4. Concrete: the poet emphasizes meaning by
shaping the poem into a picture.

Guided Practice:
Students will start their poetry journal. Explain that
they will be responding to poems that we will be
reading throughout class.
I want you to try and be a poet yourself. You will try
and imitate what the author does in their poems in
our own writing.

Read Everything On It by: Shel Silverstein.
Ask the students these questions
- What did you notice about this poem?
- What was interesting about the words?
- Did the poet make you feel anything.

Independent Practice:
Now give the students time to journal. Ask them to
write their own version of Everything On It.
They may change the name of the poem but the
mine focus is to allow them start thinking
creatively about writing their own poems.
When finished with their poem if time allows tell




Write definition on the smart

GV Daily Lesson Plan Page 3
them they may beginning reading Love That Dog
on their own.

Ask if there are any students who wish to share their
Everything On It poem. Allow a few students to
share before moving on to the next topic.

Day 2
Activate Prior Knowledge/Introduction
Read Louder Than a Clap of Thunder by
Jack Prelutsky. As a class discuss what the meaning of
the poem is.

Explicit/Direct Instruction
Introduce vocabulary words
-stanza, rhyme, rhythm, figurative language, and
Vocabulary word is the title of each slide. 1
shows just the title, 2
slide shows definition, 3

slide shows an example
Teach the characteristics of poetry
Figurative language: metaphors, personification,
hyperbole, similes

Guided Practice:
Now reread Louder Than A Clap of Thunder.
As a class write your own poem following the same
patter. Faster than a _____.
Let the students give you some examples to fill in the
blank since it is their poem.

Independent Practice:
Following the same pattern have the students write
their own characteristic poem following the same
pattern as Louder Than A Clap of Thunder. As with
the other days as the students to continue reading
in Love That Dog when they are finished.

Ask the students to do a quick share with their table
partner of the poem that they wrote today.

Day 3
1. Activate Prior Knowledge/Introduction
2. Read James from Falling Up (page 115)
3. Tell students that today will be a day for working on
their poems and preparing for the Poetry Caf that








Show vocabulary power point on
the smart board. (go slowly and
take time for students to take
notes over the vocabulary and
characteristics in their journals.

Characteristics of poetry words
are on the same power point as
the vocabulary words.

Write on the white board so that
the poem can be saved and
printed for the students to have
their own copy

Walk around to make sure that
the students are on task and so
that you are there for the
students who my need extra help
or inspiration.

GV Daily Lesson Plan Page 4
will take place on Friday.

Guided Practice:
Hand out the quiz over what poetry is. When
finished students may read Love That Dog until
every one has completed the quiz.

Independent Practice:
Once everyone has completed and handed in their
quiz give them the rest of the time to work on
their poems. Tell students they may do peer
evaluations and come to the teacher for any

Hand out vocabulary worksheet for students to
complete as homework due tomorrow
Tell them that tomorrow will be a complete workday
to finish their poems to be shared on Friday
during the Poetry Caf.

Day 4
4. Activate Prior Knowledge/Introduction:
5. Read My Nose Garden by Shel Silverstein (Page 86
Falling Up)
6. Tell them that today will be their final day to work on
their poems to share for tomorrow.
Guided Practice:
Have students share with their table partners some of
the poems they have written. Have them give
feedback to each other to make their poems the
best they can be for presentations on Friday.

Independent Practice:
Time to for students to work on their poems and
finalize which poems they would like to share in
class tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be our Poetry Caf! Please pick out
and practice your favorite and best work tonight
to share with the class tomorrow in our Poetry
Caf! Their will be treats!

Day 5
8. Activate Prior Knowledge/Introduction:
Welcome to the Poetry Caf! Please take your seats
as we prepare to start. You will be served your









Walk around to help students
who may be struggling with the
questions or need confirmation
on a specific question.

Stop and check on each
individual student and read what
they have been writing and give
them feedback or help with any
questions they may have.

Double check on food allergies,
Stick with gummies and juice

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delicious treat to enjoy while we listen to some
amazing poetry today. Please remember to stay
respectful to our classmates as they get up to

Direct Instruction
Present a poem from Every Thing On It
Teach the students to snap or finger clap after one
has presented.

Independent Practice
Let the students volunteer to stand up and present. If
no one is volunteering to share their poems
encourage them. Have the class silent cheer to
help encourage.

Thank you all so for joining us today at the Poetry
Caf! Who knew that we had so many amazing
and creative poets in one class! Please give
yourselves all a pat on the back. PAT! Next week
we will display our work in the hall to share with
the rest of our school.




If students are more shy and
having a difficult time getting up
to present, give them extra
encouragement and suggest
standing up with them Or having
a friend hole their poem while
they present.

References/Work Cited:
Wolf, J. (n.d.). Introduction to Poetry. Retrieved from
Vermilion Parish 4
Grade Curriculum

Reflection on Student Learning:

GV Daily Lesson Plan Page 6
Poetry Cafe

For the past week, we have been studying a variety of poems.
We have examined the rhythm and structure of poetry as well as many
poetic devices including personification, repetition, and similes &
metaphors. Throughout the week you have also been given time to apply
your understanding of the poetic devices by writing your own creative

Please select one of your favorite poems that you have written in your
journal during the week. On Friday, we will be presenting these poems to
our 1
grade friends in the POETRY CAF!

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Name ____________

Poetry Quiz

1. What is poetry?

2. What is rhythm?

3. What is rhyme?

Matching: match the following words with the definition that best fits.

4. Haiku ____
5. Narrative ____
6. Free Verse ____
7. Concrete ____

A. a poem with no rhyme or pattern

B. tells a story or takes you on a journey.

C. a figure of speech comparing two unlike
things that is often introduced by like or as

D. the poet emphasizes meaning by shaping
the poem into a picture.

E. a type of Japanese poetry that consists of
three lines. The first line has five syllables,
the second line has seven syllables, and the
final line has five syllables.

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Multiple choice: select the term that best fits the definition given.

8. A section or division of a poem; specifically a grouping of lines that develop
one idea.
a. Rhythm
b. Stanza
c. Metaphor
d. Simile

9. A figure of speech in which two things are compared, usually by saying one
thing is another.
a. Rhyme
b. Stanza
c. Simile
d. Metaphor

10. A figure of speech in which human characteristics are attributed to animals,
plants, inanimate objects, natural forces or abstract ideas.
a. Stanza
b. Hyperbole
c. Personification
d. Figurative language

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Name ____________

Poetry Quiz Answers

11. What is poetry?
Poetry is a type of literature in which the sound and meaning of language are combined to create
ideas and feelings.

12. What is rhythm?
The pattern of beats or a series of stressed and unstressed syllables.

13. What is rhyme?
When two words sound the same at the end.

Matching: match the following words with the definition that best fits.

14. Haiku E
15. Narrative B
16. Free Verse A
17. Concrete D

Multiple choice: select the term that best fits the definition given.

18. A section or division of a poem; specifically a grouping or lines that develop one
a. Rhythm
b. Stanza
c. Metaphor
A. a poem with no rhyme or pattern

B. tells a story or takes you on a journey.

C. a figure of speech comparing two unlike
things that is often introduced by like or as

D. the poet emphasizes meaning by shaping
the poem into a picture.

E. a type of Japanese poetry that consists of
three lines. The first line has five syllables,
the second line has seven syllables, and the
final line has five syllables.

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d. Simile
19. A figure of speech in which two things are compared, usually by saying one
thing is another.
a. Rhyme
b. Stanza
c. Simile
d. Metaphor

20. A figure of speech in which human characteristics are attributed to animals,
plants, inanimate objects, natural forces or abstract ideas.
a. Stanza
b. Hyperbole
c. Personification
d. Figurative language

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