The Sumilao Farmers' Walk For Land and Justice: by Raul Socrates C. Banzuela

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The Sumilao Farmers

Walk for Land and Justice

By Raul Socrates C. Banzuela
President, Philippine Community Organizers Society (PhilCOS),
National Coordinator, Pambansang Kilusan ng mga Samahang Magsasaa
#$$%& 'ess than a year be(ore the end the Comprehensi)e !grarian *e(orm
Program, more than t+o million hectares o( land still need to be distributed, most
o( them are o+ned by po+er(ul lando+ners, some o( them are in Malacanang,
Senate, and 'o+er ,ouse& Congress had started deliberating bills +hether to
e-tend and re(orm C!*P or come out +ith a ne+ la+ altogether or let C!*P .ust
On October 11, 2007, 55 farmers embarked on a 1700-km alk from
Sum!lao, Buk!non to "an!la to #ersonally talk to t$e %res!dent for $er to
re&oke t$e 'and Con&ers!on order and to (!&e t$e!r 1))-$ectare ancestral
land back to t$em. *$ey also called for t$e e+tens!on and reform of C,R%.
-or 7. days unsure of outcomes, t$e 55 marc$ers alked on foot, bra&ed
all t$e c$allen(es on t$e!r ay to "alacanan(/ $eat, bl!sters, mud, storm,
not!t$stand!n( t$e an+!et!es attendant to lea&!n( lo&ed ones be$!nd. But
t$ey all arr!&ed to t$e c$eers and adm!rat!on of t$e!r su##orters, !nclud!n(
no less t$an t$e Card!nal and ,rc$b!s$o# of t$e ,rc$d!ocese of "an!la.
*$e lon( marc$ cau($t t$e !ma(!nat!on of t$e #ubl!c and on muc$
su##ort from t$e c$urc$, academe, %Os012Os and ot$er (rou#s and
!nd!&!duals. *$e #ar!s$es and sc$ools ser&ed as t$e s$elter of t$e
Sum!lao -armers. *$e farmers usually oke u# at 2/00-./00 !n t$e
morn!n(, took coffee and bread, d!d a stretc$!n( e+erc!se and started
t$e!r alk at around )/00 am. *$ey took t$e!r breakfast at 7/00 am
usually alon( t$e ay, lunc$ at 11/.0 folloed by a s$ort rest, and
cont!nued t$e!r alk unt!l t$ey reac$ed t$e!r f!nal sto#-o&er for t$e day.
*$anks(!&!n( mass and s$ort elcome #ro(ram for t$e marc$ers usually
ere done before a d!nner as ser&ed at around 7/00 #.m. *$ey ent to
bed early.
3!t$ (enerous tr!-med!a co&era(e and mob!l!zat!on of and accom#an!ment
by &ar!ous sectors not alays seen !n t$e streets, es#ec!ally t$e #r!ests
and nuns and students from e+clus!&e Cat$ol!c sc$ools, %res!dent 2lor!a
,rroyo f!nally !n&!ted t$e farmers for a d!alo(ue !n "alaca4an( #alace. S!+
marc$ers talked !t$ t$e %res!dent on 5ecember 17. *$e ne+t day t$e
%res!dent re&oked t$e land con&ers!on order earl!er !ssued by $er off!ce,
re&ers!n( t$e class!f!cat!on of t$e 1))-$ectare land !nto a(r!cultural, t$us,
sub6ect!n( t$e #ro#erty to a(rar!an reform. But t$e %res!dent!al order as
not !m#lemented and S"C cont!nued construct!n( bu!ld!n(s for t$e $o(s
!n t$e contested #ro#erty. On "arc$ 27, after four mont$s of !ntense
cam#a!(n !n "an!la, no by 1)) cla!mant farmers, a Settlement
,(reement as for(ed !t$ San "!(uel Cor#orat!on 8donat!n(9 to t$em 50
out of t$e 1))- $ectare contested #ro#erty. *$e Settlement also st!#ulated
7) $ectares !n t$e ad6acent #ro#ert!es !ll be aarded to t$e 170
cla!mants t$rou($ a &oluntary offer to sell sc$eme. :&ery cla!mant-farmer
(ot a fourt$ of a $ectare-land and to t$!s date $ad 6ust t$e!r second
$ar&est of or(an!c corn.
Community Organizing Activities
Organizing the archers& 3!t$ t$e $el# of a leader-or(an!zer
",%,',5, t$e landless cla!mants of San ;!cente as formed !n t$e f!rst
semester of 2007 !nto anot$er or(an!zat!on called t$e San ;!cente 'andless
-armers ,ssoc!at!on <S,'-,= to com#lement t$e e+!st!n( 7>-member
",%,',5 "%C $o successfully (ot a ??-$ectare land !n t$e ad6acent
#ro#erty. 3!t$ t$e cam#a!(n to recla!m t$e 1))-$ectare #ro#erty dec!ded,
Balaod-"!ndanao de#loyed to commun!ty or(an!zers <COs= !n t$e
commun!ty under t$e (u!dance of no less t$an t$e layer-commun!ty
or(an!zer0:+ecut!&e 5!rector of t$e !nst!tut!on. , cou#le of (eneral assembl!es
ere $eld after a ser!es of small (rou# meet!n(s and one-on-one d!scuss!ons
amon( t$e members of t$e commun!ty. Sem!nar on #arale(al!sm and t$e
Com#re$ens!&e ,(rar!an Reform la as conducted !n t$e commun!ty.
Rene Peas (Chair of PAKISAMA, trained local co and para-legal officer), Yoong Merida (o!ng leader
of SA"#A), and $ann %!clasan
By ,u(ust 2007, t$e Sum!lao farmers and su##ort (rou#, (!&en t$e!r
#re&!ous e+#er!ence of (o!n( !nto a $un(er str!ke and a marc$-cara&an !n
1777 and 2000 res#ect!&ely, t$ey dec!ded a comb!nat!on of forms !t$
!nno&at!on. @nstead of a marc$-cara&an to "an!la, t$ey ould rat$er alk on
foot to furt$er dramat!ze t$e!r case, alon( t$e ay, (ett!n( t$e su##ort of
&ar!ous sectors. *$ey ere also o#en to (o!n( !nto a $un(er str!ke a(a!n.
-!fty f!&e farmers, one t$!rd omen, ere f!nally cons!dered mana(eable but
at t$e same t!me enou($ to call #ubl!c attent!on. *$ey underent med!cal
tests and an !n#ut on act!&e non-&!olence as fac!l!tated by Aean 'lor!n of
,BB,%B, <,ct!on for %eace and Aust!ce, a center and mo&ement for act!&e
non-&!olence= before t$ey started t$e!r marc$ on October 10.
-!&e calls ere a(reed, one of $!c$ !s t$e re&ocat!on by t$e %res!dent of t$e
earl!er land con&ers!on order. Before marc$!n( to "an!la, t$e Sum!lao
-armers !n!t!ated a d!alo(ue !t$ 5,R Re(!on C 5!rector Ao$n "aru$om and
%ro&!nc!al ,(rar!an Reform Off!cer Aun Celest!ano, $!c$ fort!f!ed t$e dec!s!on
of t$e Sum!lao farmers to launc$ a cam#a!(n to (et t$e %res!dent to act on
t$e case.

, commun!ty or(an!zer from Balaod-"!ndanao as ass!(ned !n t$e
commun!ty $!le anot$er one orked !t$ t$ree ",%,',5-S,'-, local COs
and accom#an!ed t$e 55 farmers $o e&entually marc$ed for 7. days from
October 10 to 5ecember 22 co&er!n( 1, 700 k!lometers, unt!l t$ey (ot to
d!alo(ue !t$ t$e %res!dent of t$e %$!l!##!nes and successfully (ot a
re&ocat!on order.
Formation of cam!aign centers in Cagayan" #ukidnon and anila$
Cam#a!(n $eadDuarters ere set u# bot$ !n Ca(ayan de Oro and !n "an!la.
*$e $eadDuarters coord!nated all act!&!t!es relat!&e to t$e cam#a!(n. *$e
core (rou# for t$e cam#a!(n !n Ca(ayan de Oro as com#osed of B,',O5
"!ndana and %,B@S,",-"!ndana. *$e cam#a!(n !n "an!la as
coord!nated by ,R 1oE, %,B@S,",, %$!l5FRR,, %:S,1*:c$ <S,'@2,1,
B,@S,F,1, B,',O5-"!ndana=. Ot$er members of cam#a!(n (rou#
!ncluded t$e S!mba$an( '!n(kod n( Bayan and ,kbayan.
Organizing Legal and %aralegal Su!!ort$ %,B@S,", ta##ed and
coord!nated ell !t$ B,',O5-"!ndanao, Sal!(an, and Ba!sa$an layers <f!&e
of t$em= and (ot t$e!r o#!n!on and conclus!ons/ *$e Sum!lao farmers $ad a
stron( case. *$ere as a clear &!olat!on of t$e land con&ers!on rules and t$e
earl!er con&ers!on order of t$e 1))-$ectare #ro#erty could be re&oked and
t$e land could t$en be d!str!buted to t$e Sum!lao farmers. '!ke!se, (!&en
It 'as onl learned d!ring the dialog!e that the $AR Region has alread co(e !p 'ith an )c!lar Inspection Report 'hich states
that no single de*elop(ent too+ place at the s!,-ect area fi*e ears after iss!ing the land con*ersion order. /o'e*er, the said report
has not ,een follo'ed !p since it 'as s!,(itted to $AR Central )ffice in &001. Clearl, this 'as a (anifestation that the $AR
Region didn2t recogni3e the !rgenc of the case to ,e resol*ed. 4hen as+ed to re*o+e the "and Con*ersion )rder, Regional $irector
Mar!ho( said that $AR Region has no -!risdiction o*er the case since the decision sho!ld ,e (ade , the )ffice of the President.
/o'e*er, he pro(ised that as soon as the )ffice of the President re*o+es the Con*ersion )rder, he 'o!ld i((ediatel iss!e a 5otice
of Co*erage.
t$e !mmense #oer and !nfluence of t$e former landoner and t$e ne
landoner <San "!(uel Cor#orat!on= $o bou($t t$e #ro#erty, t$e farmers
could only $o#e to (et back t$e!r land !f t$ey a(ed a nat!onal cam#a!(n and
ere able to (et t$e su##ort of key !nst!tut!ons of c!&!l soc!ety es#ec!ally t$e
broad netork of 12Os0%Os, sc$ools, med!a and t$e Roman Cat$ol!c C$urc$
enou($ to #ut #ressure to t$e %res!dent to enforce t$e la. (Please see
!nne- /0 Position Paper= *$e layers #re#ared t$e #lead!n(s and ot$er
related le(al documents. *$e :+ecut!&e 5!rector of B,',O5-"!ndanao, a
layer $erself, and t$e C$a!r of %,B@S,",, a #arale(al off!cer, also a leader
of t$e Sum!lao farmers, #ro&!ded t$e !n-$ouse le(al su##ort to t$e marc$
from start to t$e f!n!s$. C$r!s "onsod, former CO":':C C$a!r and current
%,R-G15 C$a!r, #ro&!ded $!($-le&el le(al su##ort to t$e farmers, ne(ot!at!n(
!t$ t$e C$urc$, (o&ernment, and S"C leaders.
Organizing Su!!ort grou!s and Alliances Along the &oute& %,B@S,",
attended some 12 meet!n(s !t$ ,R1oE B!los ,R and t$e Reform C,R%
"o&ement <RC"=, t$e broadest coal!t!on of 12Os and %Os #us$!n( for t$e
#assa(e !nto la of FB 1257 , t$e b!ll t$at ensures t$e e+tens!on of C,R%
fund!n( beyond Aune 200> and t$e !ntroduct!on of reforms to ensure C,R%Hs
land d!str!but!on com#onent (ets com#leted !n se&en years. %,B@S,",
mob!l!zed 50 members and 6o!ned ot$er members of RC" $en FB 1257 as
f!led. @t also attended to $ear!n(s !n t$e Fouse comm!ttee, !t$ t$e latter
$ear!n( d!scuss!n( t$e Sum!lao !ssue and 6o!ned !n meet!n(s !t$ se&eral
SenatorsH c$!efs of staff to d!scuss t$e b!ll.
%,B@S,", 6o!ned t$e #re#aratory act!&!t!es of t$e C$urc$-led re(!onal
conferences on rural #o&erty t$at ould culm!nate !n a nat!onal conference
consol!dat!n( #os!t!on and strate(!es of t$e !nfluent!al Roman Cat$ol!c C$urc$
and !ts const!tuency !n deal!n( rural #o&erty and landlessness.
*$e Sum!lao farmers (a!ned o&er$elm!n( su##ort from around t$ree
$undred C$urc$
, %Os, 12Os
, sc$ools
, med!a
, and e&en (o&ernment
7he Ch!rch led , arch,ishops facilitated the dialog!e of the S!(ilao #ar(ers 'ith the President last $ece(,er 18, &009.
Arch,ishop Cardinal :a!dencio Rosales personall 'rote a letter to the President calling for the i((ediate response of the
go*ern(ent to the S!(ilao case. %ishop Pacana of Mala,ala as 'ell as Arch%ishop "agda(eo of ;aro, the President of Catholic
%ishops Conference of the Philippines, also 'rote the President in ,ehalf of the S!(ilao #ar(ers.
Si(,ahang "ing+od ng %aan (S"%) of Ateneo de Manila "oola /o!se of St!dies plaed a (eaningf!l and +e role d!ring the
S!(ilao March specificall 'hen the (archers reached the 5ational Capital Region (5CR). 7he ;es!it *ol!nteers 'ere (o,ili3ed to
-oin the (arch starting fro( Ateneo de Manila <ni*ersit !ntil the far(ers 'ent ,ac+ to S!(ilao, %!+idnon. 7he 'ere also in*ol*ed
in coordinating 'ith other gro!ps and indi*id!als in generating (oral and financial s!pport for the S!(ilao far(ers.
A(ong the(, the Ca!c!s of de*elop(ent 5:) net'or+s (C)$=-5:), the largest coalition of 5:)s and P)s in the co!ntr 'ith
&,>00 (e(,er organi3ations iss!ed a state(ent of s!pport. More than &0 other national federations, coalitions of 5:)s, far(ers,
fishers, indigeno!s peoples signed !p in a state(ent of s!pport. International organi3ations s!ch as #)C<S-Asia and A#A iss!ed
state(ents of s!pport and?or co*ered the ca(paign in their respecti*e ne'sletters.
7he Catholic =d!cators Association of the Philippines li+e'ise iss!ed a state(ent of s!pport, e*en as the e@cl!si*e Ateneo de
Manila <ni*ersit (o,ili3ed so(e >00 st!dents, al!(ni, and staff d!ring the S!(ilao (arch to Ateneo. Set !p , the Ateneo st!dents,
(ore than 1000 signat!res 'ere generated in the online petition s!pporting the ca!se of the S!(ilao far(ers.
Ma-or tee*e stations (especiall A%S-C%5 co*ered the (arch fro( da one), pro(inent dailies (Philippine $ail InB!irer) and
respected opinion 'riters 'rote fa*ora,le state(ents re. the S!(ilao case. #or t'o (onths, local radios co*ered the (arch and to'ard
the latter part, national radios co*ered the (arch. International papers incl!ding Singaporean ne's and ;apan-,ased /!rights 'rote
articles on the (arch.
!t$ some .000 !nd!&!duals marc$!n( !t$ t$e 55 Sum!lao farmers
!n some 50 c!t!es0mun!c!#al!t!es from Sum!lao, Buk!dnon to "alaca4an(
%alace. *$e 55 marc$ers and a score of su##orters rece!&ed s$elter, food,
ater, coffee, med!c!nes
and r!tten statements of su##ort from t$ese
!nst!tut!ons. Ot$er fund!n( a(enc!es
and !nd!&!duals
su##orted t$e
cam#a!(n. *$e Sum!lao marc$ers ere (!&en t$e o##ortun!ty to e+#ress and
tell t$e!r stor!es !n &ar!ous masses t$ey attended. C,R% e+tens!on and
reform, as one of t$e f!&e ma6or calls of t$e Sum!lao farmers !n t$e!r 1700
km-alk. *$e marc$ers sto##ed at Con(ress to call on t$e le(!slators to
e+tend and reform C,R%. *$ey also conducted an !nd!(enous r!tual at Senate
#rem!ses to seek su##ort to t$e!r cause.
%roduction and 'istri(ution )nformation aterials
Mostl fro( the $epart(ent of Agrarian Refor( in the pro*inces 'ho li+e'ise are lo,,ing for the e@tension of CARP. A
pro(inent and 'ell-respected Ra(on Magsasa A'ardee (aor -oined the 9-+ilo(eter 'al+ to 5aga Cit and p!,lished on line his
inspiring reflections.
=sti(ated to ,e at aro!nd P100,000
#SSI (PhP&&0,000), C)$=-5:) (PhP&00,000), P=# (PhP100,000), Sa(dhana Instit!te (PhP1>,000), )@#a( :% (PhP>00,000) are
a(ong the( 'ho s!pported the (o,ili3ation and participation of other far(ers organi3ations, the logistical, (edia, and personnel
needs of the ca(paign.
Initiati*es , st!dents and their organi3ations in the Ateneo netted aro!nd 1>0,000 'hich 'ere gi*en to the S!(ilao far(ers and
their fa(ilies.
:+#ect!n( ser!ous le(al and e+tra-le(al res#onse from t$e Cor#orat!on and t$e (o&ernment, !t !s
!m#ortant t$at t$e farmers $o !ll a(e t$e stru((le ould $a&e unDuest!oned cred!b!l!ty !n t$e eyes of
t$e #ubl!c. *$us, a (ood #rof!l!n( of t$e ould- be #art!c!#ants to t$e cam#a!(n as necessary. %,B@S,",
de#loyed a staff at Br(y. San ;!cente, Sum!lao, Buk!dnon to conduct soc!al !n&est!(at!on and #rof!l!n( of 7>
",%,',5 farmers and >7 ne landless farmer-cla!mants <S,'-, members=. S$e also !nte(rated $erself !n
t$e commun!ty. -!fty-f!&e farmers ere e&entually c$osen, f!fteen of t$em omen, mostly !n t$e 20s and
.0s, a t$!rd ere members of ",%,',5 "%C $!le t$e ot$er to-t$!rds ere members of San ;!cente
'andless -armers ,ssoc!at!on <S,'-,=, to 6o!n t$e 1,700-km alk to "an!la.(see !nne- #0 Pro(ile o( 11
core marchers)
Benefits generated by the 78 MAPALAD farmers from the less than a hectare of land awarded
to them in the neighboring landholding, the Carlos Estate.
,not$er out#ut after t$e sa!d soc!al !n&est!(at!on as a com#!lat!on of case stud!es focus!n( on t$e
benef!ts (a!ned by at least f!&e members of ",%,',5 "ult!-#ur#ose Coo#erat!&e from acDu!r!n( t$e
ad6acent ??-$ectare Carlos :state, $!c$ as st!ll a #art of t$e!r ancestral land. :ac$ member as
allocated a farm lot ran(!n( from 0.)50 to 0.700 $ectare de#end!n( on $!s0$er !n&ol&ement !t$ t$e
coo#erat!&eHs #ro6ects and act!&!t!es. *$e farmers concluded t$at o&er t$e #ast 12 years $ad t$e 1))
-$ectare land been aarded to 1.7 farmer-benef!c!ar!es, t$ey could $a&e already earned a net !ncome of
%75?,000 eac$ #er $ectare, or a total of %1>>, >?),000 enou($ for t$e 1.7 fam!l!es to #roduce 5)>
colle(e (raduates. ,lso t$ey could $a&e #roduced 20,7.? tons of food !n t$e 1)) $ectares enou($ to feed
7>. fam!l!es o&er t$e #ast 12 years or enou($ to feed t$e!r fam!l!es and >)? ot$er fam!l!es or a rat!o of
one Sum!lao farmer feed!n( e!($t ot$er fam!l!es.
Analysis of literatres written and !rodced on the MAPALAD case
%,B@S,", as also able to (at$er a set of related l!teratures on t$e ",%,',5 case conta!n!n( a cl!##!n(
of nes#a#er art!cles r!tten dur!n( t$e 1777 ",%,',5 Fun(er Str!keI #roceed!n(s of orks$o# on
,(rar!an Reform !n t$e %$!l!##!nes/ Status and %ers#ect!&es for 177> and Beyond $!c$ as $eld on
,u(ust 177> of $!c$ t$e ",%,',5 case as com#re$ens!&ely d!scussed, a co#y of a &!deo-#resentat!on
ent!tled ",%,',5/ , Fun(er for Aust!ce #roduced by Sean -arrel, a masteral t$es!s, also by -arrel, ent!tled
8Stru((l!n( for C$an(e/ *$e ",%,',5 -armers and 'and Reform !n t$e %$!l!##!nes9. *$e %robe *eam at
t$at t!me also as able to make a 7-m!nute &!deo documentary about t$e Sum!lao case. *$ese to
&!deo-documentar!es ere used by %,B@S,", and ot$er su##ort (rou#s !n #ress conferences and
meet!n(s !t$ ould-be su##ort !nst!tut!ons.
%ress k!ts ere #re#ared to be (!&en to t$e med!a #eo#le, c$urc$, students,
and ot$er su##ort (rou#s. *$e contents !ncluded t$e Sum!lao -armersH
#os!t!on #a#er, br!ef summary of t$e Sum!lao case, C$ronolo(y of e&ents,
co#!es of le(al documents, and statements of su##ort from t$e c$urc$ and
&ar!ous cred!ble !nst!tut!ons, a flyer, and t$e route of t$e marc$. ,
#oer#o!nt #resentat!on and s$ort &!deo cl!#s on t$e marc$ ere also used
to com#lement t$e sa!d documents #redom!nantly used dur!n( t$e
(roundork!n( #$ase !n t$e cam#a!(n to (et t$e su##ort of key !nst!tut!ons.
Some 50,000 leaflets, 1,.00 t-s$!rts, 500 #!ns, and a $undred 5;5s ere
also #roduced and d!ssem!nated. , ebs!te as #roduced by ,teneo
students and %,B@S,", and se&eral ot$er !nst!tut!ons #lus scores of blo((ers
#ut t$e Sum!lao cam#a!(n #rom!nently !n t$e!r res#ect!&e ebs!tes. ,n onl!ne
#et!t!on to t$e %res!dent as also launc$ed.
)nfluencing %u(lic O!inion
, c$ron!cler, a #$oto and a &!deo documentor 6o!ned t$e ent!re marc$
#roduc!n( da!ly u#dates e-ma!led to &ar!ous su##orters and u#loaded !n
.sum!laomarc$.mult! ebs!te. , med!a coord!nator $o $el#ed !n
t$e earl!er-a(ed successful "ala(a Fun(er Str!ke cam#a!(n as $!red to
$el# fac!l!tate t$e conduct of %ress conferences, to !n&!te #ress #eo#le !n
se&eral act!&!t!es and mob!l!zat!ons, and to #ro&!de re(ular u#dates on t$e
Sum!lao cam#a!(n. S$e as ass!sted by a full-t!me #ress release r!ter and
to ot$er &olunteer r!ters $o #roduced da!ly #ress releases s!nce t$e
cam#a!(n started. , #rofess!onal #$oto(ra#$er as also ta##ed to ca#ture
s!(n!f!cant and str!k!n( s$ots dur!n( t$e Sum!lao "arc$. *o #rofess!onal
&!deo cameraman and #$oto(ra#$er0r!ter &olunteered to accom#any t$e
Sum!lao marc$ers dur!n( t$e $ole stretc$ of t$e cam#a!(n and #roduced
mater!als for tele&!s!on nes and !nternetHs you tube. , med!a comm!ttee as
also formed !n "an!la to re(ularly analyze t$e an(l!n( for e&eryday releases.
*$e comm!ttee as also tasked to do some staff ork suc$ as fa+!n( %ress
Releases, com#!l!n( t$e re(ular documentat!on of t$e marc$, and cl!##!n(
nes#a#er art!cles on t$e Sum!lao marc$. *$e to-mont$ alk by t$e 55
farmers e&entually as co&ered by scores of tr!-med!a a(enc!es locally,
nat!onally and !nternat!onally. @t as co&ered for more t$an ten days !n front
#a(es of ma6or da!l!es, and ac$!e&ed almost da!ly rad!o !nter&!es and a
score of te&ee a##earances. (+++&sumilaomarch&multiply&com) *$e onl!ne
#et!t!on (enerated more t$an a t$ousand s!(natures from a broad s#ectrum
of su##orters.
'ialogue and o(ilization +ith ,overnment$ Some t$ree t$ousand
%,B@S,", and all!ed farmers and su##orters mob!l!zed alon( t$e route. *$e
most s!(n!f!cant as t$e 5ecember 17 marc$ to "alacanan( of >00
su##orters many com!n( from rel!(!ous con(re(at!ons, #ar!s$es and
sc$ools.Se&eral meet!n(s ere conducted !t$ t$e leaders of t$e 5e#artment
of ,(rar!an Reform. :&entually a 1e(ot!at!on *eam from t$e Off!ce of t$e
%res!dent, S"C, and t$e C$urc$ su##ort!n( t$e Sum!lao farmers led by
Card!nal Rosales and B!s$o# %ab!llo as formed and on "arc$ 27, 200> a
settlement a(reement as s!(ned by bot$ #art!es <Sum!lao farmers and
S"C= !tnessed by (o&ernment and C$urc$.

Outcome and )m!act
"angible #ictory for the $milao farmers and s!!orters.
*$e cam#a!(n $el#ed 1?5 farmer- cla!mants to ac$!e&e a ma6or &!ctory,
t$ou($ adm!ttedly !ncom#lete, !n t$e!r almost to-decade stru((le for
a(rar!an reform !m#lementat!on. ,m!dst t$e forces of !mmense cor#orate
#oer and !nfluence, t$e cam#a!(n as able to force t$e %res!dent of t$e
country to re&erse t$e earl!er dec!s!on of $er off!ce and re&oked a 1777
Su#reme Court-sanct!oned land con&ers!on order on t$e bas!s of t$e
landonerHs &!olat!on of str!ct (o&ernment rules on land con&ers!on. *$e
farmers ere able to (et 1)) $ectares, 50 $ectares of $!c$ ere donated
from t$e contested 1)) $ectares and t$e 7) $ectares from t$e ne!($bor!n(
land$old!n(s #urc$ased by S"C for sale to t$e Sum!lao farmers under t$e
;oluntary Offer to Sell sc$eme of t$e (o&ernment. *$e cam#a!(n $el#ed
stren(t$en t$e ",%,',5 "ult!-%ur#ose Coo#erat!&e and t$e ne or(an!zat!on
<S,'-,=, fac!l!tated t$e re&!&al of t$e #ro&!nc!al federat!on %,',"BG, t$e
consol!dat!on of %,B@S,", members and leaders, and t$e broaden!n( of a
netork of a(rar!an reform ad&ocates under t$e broad coal!t!on/ 'aka
$milao %armers Contribtions to Phili!!ine $ociety
One, t$e!r C$r!st!an !tness!n( to trut$ and 6ust!ce t$rou($ #ers!stent non-&!olent
act!on. *o, t$e!r #os!t!&e !m#act to fello farmers, students, c$urc$es and t$e
-!l!#!nos as a $ole. ,nd t$ree, t$e!r s!(n!f!cant !nfluence to a(rar!an reform and
nat!onal de&elo#ment.
witnessing to trth and (stice throgh Acti)e *on+#iolence,'-
*$ey a(ed o&er t$e #ast decade to #o#ular non-&!olent mass cam#a!(ns on
a(rar!an reform, a 2>-day $un(er str!ke and a ?0-day 1,700-k!lometer cross-country
Most of the S!(ilao far(ers are /igaonons ,!t ,apti3ed Christians (Catholics and Protestants). 7he ;es!it Dincent C!llen 'as 'ell
+no'n to the(. Cardinal :a!dencio Rosales, 'ho 'or+ed for ten ears in %!+idnon as %ishop, later 'o!ld testif, he +ne' the(
7he S!(ilao far(ers ha*e a cooperati*e, the MAPA"A$ M!ltip!rpose Cooperati*e organi3ed , an 5:) ,ased in %!+idnon
(Kaani, #dtn), and pioneered , a co!ple of Ea*ier <ni*ersit grad!ates. MAPA"A$ is a (e(,er of the national federation
Pa(,ansang Kil!san ng (ga Sa(ahang Magsasa+a (PAKISAMA) 'hich trained (e(,ers on the principles and (ethods of acti*e
non-*iolence (A5D). Peter 7!(ingha, a leader of MAPA"A$, !nder'ent a trainers2 training co!rse on A5D sponsored ,
PAKISAMA in earl C02s.
alk bot$ catc$!n( nat!onal attent!on and #us$ed to %res!dents of t$e Re#ubl!c to
reco(n!ze t$e!r 6ust cla!m to 1))-$ectare ancestral land.
@n 1777, 17 of 1.7 landless farmers from Sum!lao, Buk!dnon sta(ed a 2>-day $un(er
str!ke !n "an!la and Ca(ayan de Oro to recla!m a 1))-$ectare #r!me and !rr!(ated
ancestral a(r!cultural land earl!er <1775= aarded to t$em under t$e Com#re$ens!&e
,(rar!an Reform %ro(ram <C,R%= of t$e (o&ernment but t$en subseDuently
con&erted to ot$er uses and returned by t$e Off!ce of t$e %res!dent to t$e #re&!ous
land-oner <Ju!sumb!n(=. %res!dent Ramos reco(n!zed t$e le(!t!macy of t$e!r cla!m
and aarded t$em100 of t$e 1)) $ectares. Foe&er, t$e Su#reme Court, on a
tec$n!cal!ty <late subm!ss!on by t$e 5e#artment of ,(rar!an Reform of "ot!on for
Recons!derat!on= re&ersed RamosH !n-!n dec!s!on and returned t$e ent!re #ro#erty
to t$e Ju!sumb!n(s.
*en years later, !n t$e last Duarter of 2007, 55 of t$e 170 members of t$e Sum!lao
commun!ty alked 1,700 k!lometers from t$e!r &!lla(e to "alaca4an( %alace o&er a
to mont$ #er!od to recla!m a(a!n t$e contested #ro#erty. *$e Ju!sumb!n(s d!d not
!m#lement !ts #ur#orted de&elo#ment #lan !t$!n t$e 5-year #er!od !n clear &!olat!on
of t$e str!ct rules on land con&ers!on but sold t$e #ro#erty to San "!(uel Cor#orat!on
$!c$ started to bu!ld a #!((ery com#le+ not !ncluded and far d!fferent from t$e
#re&!ously-a##ro&ed de&elo#ment #lan. S!+ty n!ne days after t$ey started t$e!r alk,
t$e %res!dent re&oked t$e earl!er land con&ers!on order of $er off!ce sett!n( t$e sta(e
for t$e co&era(e of t$e #ro#erty under a(rar!an reform. -our mont$s later, t$ey ere
aarded 1)) $ectares of land, 50 from t$e contested #ro#erty, 7) from t$e
ne!($bor!n( areas.
Positi)e im!act to fellow farmers, stdents, chrches and the %ili!inos as a
@n bot$ cam#a!(ns, t$e Sum!lao farmers !ns#!red su##ort and #art!c!#at!on of t$e
broadest sect!ons
of %$!l!##!ne soc!ety es#ec!ally t$e c$urc$es and students and
catalyzed fello farmers to a(e s!m!lar non-&!olent !n!t!at!&es to cla!m t$e!r land
*$e $un(er str!ke cau($t nat!onal attent!on ac$!e&!n( a )?K aareness le&el amon(
-!l!#!no adults and &!rtual unan!mous su##ort <70= to t$e!r cause accord!n( to a 1777
Soc!al 3eat$er Stat!ons Sur&ey. *$e cross-country alk as 6o!ned !n by at least
t$ree t$ousand !nd!&!duals and t$ree $undred or(an!zat!ons across t$e country and
as !n front #a(es of ma6or da!l!es and tele&!s!on c$annels !n o&er a mont$.
Students and faculty of &ar!ous sc$ools !nclud!n( t$e ,teneo de "an!la Gn!&ers!ty
accom#an!ed and $osted t$e Sum!lao farmers !n t$e!r $un(er str!ke and marc$es. ,
score of B!s$o#s led by Aa!me Card!nal S!n <1777= S!n and Card!nal 2audenc!o
Rosales <2007-200>= and Aesu!t ,rc$b!s$o# ,nton!o 'edesma, B!s$o#s -ranc!sco
Cla&er and %acana, and t$e CBC%-1,SS, C$a!r Broder!ck %ab!llo and t$e!r res#ect!&e
arc$0d!oceses also lent a $el#!n( $and by #ro&!d!n( food, lod(!n( accommodat!on,
r!tten statements of su##ort and actual #resence !n "asses and d!alo(ues !t$
(o&ernment off!c!als.
@ncludes broad mo&ement of a(rar!an reform-focused %eo#les Or(an!zat!ons <e.(., ,R1oE=, t$e nat!onal
mo&ement of non-(o&ernment or(an!zat!ons <e.(.. CO5:-12O, %"%=, ma6or #r!nt and broadcast med!a
<e.(., %5@, ,BS-CB1, 2", 7=, and e&en (o&ernment a(enc!es and !nd!&!duals es#ec!ally from t$e
5e#artment of ,(rar!an Reform.
, s!m!lar $un(er str!ke as a(ed by a (rou# of landless farmers from 1e(ros !n
early 2007, $ose (rou#Hs name as taken from t$e Sum!lao farmersH coo#erat!&e
<",%,',5 "ult!-#ur#ose Coo#erat!&e=, t$e *ask -orce ",%,',5. -ollo!n( t$e cross-
country alk of t$e Sum!lao farmers !n 2007, se&eral farmer (rou#s folloed lon(
d!stance alk suc$ as t$e *ask -orce "a#alad !n 1e(ros, mob!l!z!n( 5,000 farmers !n
a t$ree-day 100-k!lometer alk around t$e !sland of 1e(ros . -armers from Fac!enda
Lulo !n 'uzon also a(ed a 1)-day alk. Aust recently, t$e broad #easant mo&ement
ad&ocat!n( t$e e+tens!on and reformed !m#lementat!on of t$e Com#re$ens!&e
,(rar!an Reform %ro(ram beyond Aune 200> $as dec!ded to do marc$es !n t$e
com!n( 100 days and ado#ted t$e symbol/ foot, to s!(n!fy t$e!r broad un!ty and
comm!tment to alk.
$ignificant inflence to agrarian reform and national de)elo!ment
Bot$ cam#a!(ns $el#ed educate t$e broad #ubl!c and #ol!cy makers on t$e
!m#ortance of t$e Const!tut!onal mandate to de&elo# t$e nat!on by undertak!n(
a(rar!an reform.
,t t$e $e!($t of t$e 1777 $un(er str!ke, &ar!ous o#!n!on leaders debated t$e
!m#ortance of a(rar!an reform to nat!onal de&elo#ment. :&entually, no less t$an t$e
Off!ce of t$e %res!dent cert!f!ed as ur(ent b!ll t$e #assa(e of t$e C,R% -und
,u(mentat!on B!ll. *$ree mont$s after, a ne la as enacted #ro&!d!n( 50 b!ll!on
#esos to C,R%H s !m#lementat!on for a ten-year #ro(ram e+tens!on <177>-200>=
allo!n( t$e d!str!but!on of some to m!ll!on $ectares of land dur!n( t$e #er!od.
*$e Sum!lao 3alk for 'and and Aust!ce l!ke!se re&!&ed t$e #ubl!c debate on t$e
!m#ortance of a(rar!an reform. San "!(uel Cor#orat!on and t$e -ederat!on of
%$!l!##!ne @ndustr!es 6ust!f!ed t$e state- of- t$e- art #!((ery bus!ness bu!lt on t$e
contested #ro#erty !n Sum!lao ar(u!n( (rot$ and #roduct!&!ty $!le 20 ,teneo de
"an!la econom!cs #rofessors defended t$e Sum!lao farmersH cla!m to t$e land
ar(u!n( t$e role of a(rar!an reform !n t$e success of ne!($bor!n( econom!es suc$ as
Sout$ Borea and *a!an. *$e Sum!lao farmersH case $as been featured !n a cou#le of
recent Con(ress!onal $ear!n(s debat!n( $et$er or not to e+tend C,R%.
Lessons Learned
"uc$ of t$e lessons learned !n t$e Sum!lao cam#a!(n aff!rm many t$!n(s
already r!tten on commun!ty or(an!z!n( and ad&ocacy. 3$at as no&el !n
t$e cam#a!(n, $oe&er, !n t$e %$!l!##!ne e+#er!ence ere t$e tact!c !tself of
mak!n( "!ndanao a alk!n( d!stance, t$e $!($ly d!sc!#l!ned marc$ s$on by
t$e 55 marc$ers act!n( l!ke a com#any of non-&!olent sold!ers, and t$e
un#recedented !n&ol&ement of t$e Cat$ol!c C$urc$es and sc$ools.
3e became more aare, $oe&er, of t$ree b!tter real!t!es !n our stru((le
es#ec!ally for a(rar!an reform !n t$e country.
%irst, !t !s #oss!ble for landless farmers to (et land e&en !f faced !t$
#oerful ad&ersar!es suc$ as a corru#t (o&ernment and cunn!n(
mult!nat!onal cor#orat!on. :+#ectedly, $oe&er, t$ey must be #re#ared to
or(an!ze t$emsel&es and conduct a d!sc!#l!ned and #ers!stent non-&!olent
act!on to be able to (et t$e su##ort of #oerful c!&!l soc!ety !nst!tut!ons
es#ec!ally t$e C$urc$ enou($ to #ose a t$reat to t$e cont!nuous stay !n off!ce
of t$e %res!dent and t!lt t$e balance of forces !n fa&or of t$e farmers. But
e&en, t$en, t$ey must be #re#ared to settle and com#rom!se.
3a(!n( an !ntense nat!onal cam#a!(n t$at may #roduce #os!t!&e outcomes
suc$ as t$e Sum!lao cam#a!(n ould reDu!re #ro#er a##rec!at!on of t$ree
1. "he im!ortance of commnity organi/ing. ,t t$e $eart of t$e Sum!lao
cam#a!(n ere t$e ded!cat!on, com#etence, and d!sc!#l!ne s$on by t$e
55 Sum!lao marc$ers as obser&ed by t$e #ubl!c and t$e!r su##orters.
*$ey marc$ed !t$ cadence and s$outed t$e!r calls &!(orously. *$ey
started t$e!r marc$ usually on t!me and d!d t$e!r #re and #ost stretc$!n(
e+erc!ses rel!(!ously l!ke real 8combatants9. *$ey endured #$ys!cal
c$allen(es and e&entually arr!&ed safely to t$e!r dest!nat!on. :&ery
marc$er could tell t$e Sum!lao story and t$e marc$ ob6ect!&es. *$ey could
read!ly c!te le(al as ell as moral ar(uments su##ort!n( t$e!r cause. *$ey
could bot$ a##eal to t$e m!nd and $eart. *$ey ere dec!d!n( on most
matters from t$e conduct of t$e marc$ to t$e cruc!al dec!s!on of $at to
demand from (o&ernment. ,ll of t$e marc$ers $a&e t$e!r on s#ec!f!c
task to #erform and are be!n( (!&en o##ortun!t!es to $one t$e!r leaders$!#
sk!lls. *$ey met da!ly to assess and #lan and make t$e!r leaders to
account on t$e!r act!on.
*$ey e&entually ere able to conf!dently meet and d!scuss !t$ t$e
%res!dent and to# rank!n( (o&ernment, C$urc$, and 12O leaders. Surely,
t$e catalyt!c role done by t$e #rofess!onal commun!ty or(an!zers from
Balaod-"!ndanao $el#ed a lot !n tra!n!n( t$e f!fty-f!&e marc$ers !nto
effect!&e s#eakers and marc$ers for t$emsel&es as ell as for t$e broader
#easantry and stru((l!n( sectors. %rofess!onal commun!ty or(an!zers
$el#ed bu!ld leaders$!# &ery muc$ alon( t$e trad!t!on of !ssue-based
or(an!z!n( as es#oused by Saul ,l!nsky and an em#oer!n( d!alo(!c
#eda(o(y as es#oused by %aulo -re!re.
2. Credible *ationwide Machinery.*$e Sum!lao farmers ere knon to
many #eo#le and $ad establ!s$ed t$emsel&es ten years a(o as t$e (rou#
of farmers t$at a(ed a s!m!lar dramat!c act!on, !nfl!ct!n( suffer!n( to self
to ac$!e&e t$e!r ob6ect!&es. ,ccord!n( to a Soc!al 3eat$er Stat!ons Sur&ey,
t$e!r 1777 $un(er str!ke (enerated )?K aareness le&el amon( -!l!#!no
adults and &!rtual unan!m!ty <70K= of su##ort. *$e!r $!($ly d!sc!#l!ned
marc$ #ro&!ded a ne benc$mark !n mass mob!l!zat!on !n t$e country.
*$e Sum!lao farmersH cam#a!(n mac$!nery, t$e %,B@S,", and ,R1oE
$ad broad nat!on!de netorks of com#etent and ded!cated layers,
commun!ty or(an!zers, med!a r!ters, fund ra!sers and netorkers. *$e!r
or(an!zat!onal cred!b!l!ty !n c!&!l soc!ety are also $!($ (enerat!n( furt$er
su##ort from c$urc$, academ!c, med!a, and e&en (o&ernment
!nst!tut!ons. But %,B@S,", as t$e ma6or cam#a!(n or(an!zer dur!n( t$!s
#er!od $ad &ery l!m!ted $uman resource, !ts member or(an!zat!ons st!ll
$ad to consol!date and re&!&e after t$ree years of or(an!zat!onal confl!ct.
3!t$out t$e ,R1oE members and ot$er su##ort !nst!tut!ons t$at 6o!ned
alon( t$e ay, t$e cam#a!(n could not $a&e ac$!e&ed t$e une+#ected
results. :+!st!n( %,B@S,", netorks suc$ as t$e alternat!&e le(al (rou#s
<S,'@2,1, B,',O5-"!ndanao, and B,@S,F,1=, B!s$o#s and t$e c$urc$
!nst!tut!ons <S!mba$an( '!n(kod-Bayan and ,"RS%=, t$e Sc$ool
or(an!zat!ons <,teneo and de 'a Salle=, t$e 12Os <CO5:-12O, %"%,
,BB,%B,=, fund!n( a(enc!es <-SS@, %:-, etc=, #ol!t!cal #art!es <e.(.
,kbayan= $o $a&e been %,B@S,",Hs fr!ends and all!es o&er t$e #ast
decade, all $el#ed a lotE
%utnamHs t$eory on soc!al ca#!tal !s ell !llustrated !n t$!s case. *$e
cam#a!(n team and netorks, (!&en a $!($-le&el of trust amon( t$em,
ere able to eff!c!ently #lan and e+ecute act!&!t!es ensur!n( farmers $a&e
enou($ food and #lace to stay !n t$e ent!re cam#a!(n #er!od and enou($
tec$n!cal, le(al, and !ntellectual su##ort es#ec!ally to effect!&ely counter
t$e med!a assault by S"C. 3!t$ a catalyt!c (rant fund from a donor
a(ency, t$e cam#a!(n took off as fast as !t $a##ened. Small but enou($ to
mob!l!ze !n!t!al act!&!t!es, t$e cam#a!(n as able later on to st!mulate
more fund!n( from ot$er or(an!zat!ons and !nd!&!duals.
.. A creati)e tactic
Mide'est Acade(, a training center for Co((!nit )rgani3ers in <SA has the
follo'ing 8-point chec+list in assessing the potential of a tactic, as follo'sF
Can o! reall do itG $o o! ha*e the needed people, ti(e and reso!rcesG
Is it foc!sed on either the pri(ar or secondar targetG
$oes it p!t real po'er ,ehind a specific de(andG
$oes it (eet o! organisational goals as 'ell as o! iss!e goalsG
Is it o!tside the e@perience of the targetG
Is it 'ithin the e@perience of o!r o'n (e(,ers and are the co(forta,le 'ith itG
$o o! ha*e eno!gh leaders e@perienced eno!gh to do itG
4ill people en-o participating in itG
4ill it pla positi*el in the (ediaG
*$e Sum!lao cam#a!(n $as #os!t!&e anser to all t$ese Duest!ons.
2irst, t$e Sum!lao farmers $ad t$e ca#ac!ty to do t$e lon( alk. *$ey
already d!d a more d!ff!cult $un(er str!ke cam#a!(n !n t$e #ast. *$ey
also $ad t$e necessary #eo#le0mac$!nery <see 1umber 2= and
resources. *!m!n( as also best. ,(rar!an reform b!lls ere already
be!n( d!scussed !n Con(ress.
Second, t$e #r!mary tar(et as &ery clear from t$e &ery start, t$e
%res!dent. S"C,5,R, t$e C$urc$ $!erarc$y, and ot$ers, ere
secondary. *$e #ressure as already felt by t$e %res!dent on t$e f!rst
day of t$e marc$. Fer off!ce !mmed!ately !ssued an order c!t!n( t$e
Su#reme Court rul!n( to d!ssuade t$e farmers from alk!n(. But of
course !t only aff!rmed t$at t$e!r tact!c of do!n( t$e lon( alk as
correct and $ad an !mmed!ate !m#act. *$ey cont!nued to alk.
3hird, t$ere as real #oer !n t$e demand for t$e re&ocat!on of t$e
land con&ers!on order and t$e red!str!but!on of t$e land/ le(al, moral,
!ntellectual, #$ys!cal. *$e lon( marc$, t$e Aer!c$o marc$ am!dst t$e
Aun 'ozada 1B1-M*: #eo#leHs u#roar, t$e t$reat of a nat!on!de
consumer boycott of San "!(uel #roducts and cont!nuous Cat$ol!c
sc$ool and #ar!s$ consc!ent!zat!on &!s!ts0talks by t$e farmers all
$el#ed, #us$!n( "alacanan( and San "!(uel Cor#orat!on to ne(ot!ate.
2ourth, as abo&ement!oned, t$e alk as not only able to ac$!e&e
t$e!r !ssue (oals. @t also $el#ed stren(t$ened t$e or(an!zat!on of
Sum!lao farmers and t$e!r su##orters.
2i(th, alk!n( lon( d!stances !n searc$ for food and endurance to
suffer!n( ere &ery muc$ #art of t$e da!ly e+#er!ence of t$e farmers
and most -!l!#!nos. @n fact, alk!n( .0-)0 k!lometers e&eryday as
less $arder t$an t$e >-$our back break!n( ork t$ey $ad to endure as
Si-th, t$!s as &ery muc$ outs!de t$e ord!nary e+#er!ence of t$e
%res!dent and S"C %res!dent.
Se)enth, t$e farmers en6oyed !t. 3$!le lea&!n( t$e fam!ly and alk!n(
lon( d!stance ere $ard, t$ey $ad also t$e (reat o##ortun!ty to see
t$e %$!l!##!nes <San Auan!co Br!d(e, "ayon ;olcano, "an!la=, be seen
!n tele&!s!on and talked about !n rad!o and read !n t$e da!l!es, meet so
many #eo#le #ersonally !nclud!n( t$e %res!dent and t$e Card!nal, eat
better and more food, tra!n t$emsel&es to s#eak !n #ubl!c, and $a&e an
e+c!t!n( e&ent almost da!ly/ !nclud!n( confront!n( #ol!cemen.
2inally, t$e tact!c as ne&er done before, and t$erefore #layed ell !n
t$e med!a. 2and$!Hs Salt "arc$ co&ered $alf t$e d!stance t$e Sum!lao
farmers alked. ,s 3!nn!e "onsod ment!oned !n $er column !n t$e
%$!l!##!ne 5a!ly @nDu!rer, t$e alk ca#tured t$e !ma(!nat!on of t$e
$econd, t$ere may be Cor#orat!ons $o !ll be emboldened by t$e S"C-
Sum!lao farmersH settlement a(reement and take t$e ron( cue of &!olat!n(
!t$ !m#un!ty t$e a(rar!an reform las !t$ t$e $o#e t$at !f cau($t and
become so #ubl!cly contro&ers!al, t$ey can do an S"C-Sum!lao deal. *$us, !t
!s !m#ortant for commun!t!es to #re#are and learn t$e met$ods and #r!nc!#les
es#ec!ally of !ssue-based commun!ty or(an!z!n( to be able to address $!($-
confl!ct soc!al 6ust!ce !ssues.
"hird, t$e ,rroyo (o&ernment !ll most l!kely not !m#lement t$e
Com#re$ens!&e ,(rar!an Reform 'a forcefully e&en am!dst &ery stron(
clamor from broad c!&!l soc!ety or(an!zat!ons !nclud!n( t$e C$urc$. ,t best !t
!ll med!ate a settlement. *$ese lessons #o!nt to us farmers and a(rar!an
reform ad&ocates $o see t$e !m#ortance of a(rar!an reform as bas!s for
nat!onal de&elo#ment and !ndustr!al!zat!on to bu!ld stron(er or(an!zat!ons
amon( oursel&es and for(e (reater sol!dar!ty !t$ c!&!l soc!ety or(an!zat!ons.
*$ey also #o!nt to t$e need for us to e+ert (reater &!(!lance !n our
commun!t!es. ,nd f!nally !f e $o#e to ensure a s#eedy d!str!but!on of t$e
rema!n!n( 1.. m!ll!on $ectares co&ered by C,R%, e must ser!ously cons!der
#art!c!#at!n( !n t$e broader cam#a!(n to bu!ld a stron( reform const!tuency
t$at !ll $el# e+tend and reform C,R% and !nstall a ne (o&ernment t$at
ould $a&e t$e comm!tment to !m#lement !t.
*/ The Sumilao arch &oute
3he (i(ty (i)e core marchers marched on (oot some /,45# ilometers or 6#&6
ilometers on a)erage o)er a %67day period& 3hey +aled (or si- days and
spent a rest day e)ery +ee&
3he (ollo+ing +as the route o( the march& Some ad.ustments +ere made
along the +ay&
October /$7#8 Mindanao March
Stop o)ers0 Sumilao 9 Puerto 9 :alingasag 9
Kinoguitan 9 Medina 9 ;ingoog 9 Magsaysay 9 Nasipit
9 :utuan City 9 3ubay 9 Santiago 9 Kitcharao 9 :ad7
as 9 Surigao City 7 'ipata
October #17
No)ember %
#isayas March0 'eyte7Samar March 'ipata, Surigao
9 'iloan, Southern 'eyte7Sogod7:ato 7:aybay ()ia
"nopacan) 9Ormoc73acloban City ()ia Carigara and
Palo)7Catbalogan, Samar7Calbayog City7Catarman,
Northern Samar7!llen7 Matnog, Sorsogon
No)ember 57## Bicol Peninsla March0 Matnog7"rosin7Sorsogon
City7<araga7'igao City7"riga City7:ula7Naga City7
Pasacao7Sipocot7 <aet7'abo7Sta&=lena
No)ember #67
<ecember 1
0e/on+*C1 March0 Sta =lena7Calauag7'opez7
Candelaria73iaong7San Pablo City7Calamba7>uezon
<ecember 4, /%
(<ecember #6
0e/on City+Malacanang0 <ialogue +ith <!* and
O((ice o( the President
2Manila+$milao, B3idnon 2by !lane, bs4
?anuary /%7Mar 6
March 1)
5al3ing #isits6tal3s to Catholic schools and
!arishes arond Malacanang
7ericho March arond Malacanang4
0/ C1&O2OLO,3 OF 4542TS
%osted by Sum!lao on Aan 2?, N0> 11/1) ," for e&eryone
(based on @3he 2armersA ?ourney@ by Paterno =smaBuel "", 3he ;uidon,
No)ember #$$% "ssueC edited)
#efore *678. F!(aonon forefat$ers settle !n land.
*6789*68:s. By deed of sale0transfer, t$e ,n(eles clan e&!cts t$e
F!(aonons to #ut u# a cattle ranc$ and (raz!n( area.
*68:s. ?? $a. are transfered to Sal&ador Carlos $!le 1)) $a., t$e sub6ect of
t$e farmersN stru((le, are transferred to 1orberto Ju!sumb!n(.
*66:. Ju!sumb!n(Ns com#any !s not!f!ed t$at by &!rtue of t$e Com#re$ens!&e
,(rar!an Reform %ro(ram, t$e 1)) $a. are to be d!str!buted to t$e farmers.
*667. *$e San((un!an( Bayan of Sum!lao a##ro&es Resolut!on 1o. 2)
con&ert!n( t$e 1))-$a. #r!me a(r!cultural land !nto !ndustr!al. 'ater, t$e
a##l!cat!on !s f!led before t$e 5e#artment of ,(rar!an Reform Secretary.
*66;. 5,R Secretary :rnesto 2ar!lao releases an order deny!n( t$e
a##l!cat!on to con&ert t$e land from a(r!culrual to a(ro-!ndustr!al.
*66<. Buk!dnon 2o&ernor Carlos -ort!c$ a##eals to %res!dent -!del Ramos to
sus#end t$e !m#lementat!on of 2ar!laoNs orders.
*66=. *$e Off!ce of t$e %res!dent, t$rou($ :+ecut!&e Secretary Ruben
*orres, dec!des to set as!de 2ar!laoNs orders and allo t$e con&ers!on of t$e
Sum!lao land.
*668. -armers $old a 2>-day $un(er str!ke !n front of t$e 5,R Central Off!ce
!n Juezon C!ty. *$e Off!ce of t$e %res!dent t$en mod!f!es !ts earl!er dec!s!on
and aards 100 $a. to t$e farmers and )) $a. to Ju!sumb!n(, end!n( t$e
*66>. *$e Su#reme Court declares t$e Off!ce of t$e %res!dentNs resolut!on as
null and &o!d due to tec$n!cal!t!es <5,RNs late f!l!n( of mot!on for
*666. -armers $old Oan(er str!ke.O
0::0. 'and !s sold to San "!(uel -oods, @nc. for bu!ld!n( a modern $o( farm,
a &!olat!on to t$e Con&ers!on Order rules.
0::;. Sum!lao farmers send a #et!t!on to 5,R for !mmed!ate cancellat!on of
t$e 'and Con&ers!on Order and d!str!but!on of t$e #ro#erty to r!($tful
0::<. 5,R Re(!onal 5!rector :n(r. ,l!moden 5omado, after an ocular
!ns#ect!on of t$e 1)) $a, concluded t$at Ot$ere $as been no de&elo#ment !n
t$e 1JSR"5C #ro#erty t$at can be assoc!ated !t$ t$e landonerNs
con&ers!on a##l!cat!on.O
0::=. *$e #et!t!on as d!sm!ssed because alle(edly t$e Con&ers!on Order
as !ssued by t$e O%, not t$e 5,R Secretary.
Octo(er **? 0::8. 55 Sum!lao farmers start to marc$ from San ;!cente,
Sum!lao, Buk!dnon to "an!la and "alacanan(.
Octo(er **? 0::8. "arc$!n( farmers rece!&ed t$e dec!s!on of t$e Off!ce of
t$e %res!dent deny!n( t$e!r #et!t!on, say!n( t$at t$e farmers $a&e no le(al
stand!n(. -armers cont!nue to marc$
'ecem(er <? 0::8. Fundreds of students, faculty, Aesu!t Sem!nar!ans and
#r!ests, and 12O orkers 6o!n t$e marc$ from Cubao to ,teneo de "an!la
Gn!&ers!ty$ *$ey are rece!&ed armly by t$e Aesu!t %ro&!nc!al, ,teneo
%res!dent and Card!nal Rosales. , letter by t$e Card!nal to t$e %res!dent !s
read !n t$e "ass.
'ecem(er =? 0::8/ Sum!lao farmers marc$ to "alacanan( but not alloed
by $undreds of #ol!ce #ersonnel to e&en touc$ t$e (ate.
'ecem(er *8? 0::>/ ,lmost a t$ousand mult!-sectoral su##orters 6o!n t$e
Sum!lao farmers marc$ from t$e 5,R Central Off!ce !n Juezon C!ty to
"alacanan( !n "an!la.
'ecem(er *89*>/ Sum!lao farmers re#resentat!&es meet !t$ t$e %res!dent
'ecem(er *>? 0::8/ *$e Off!ce of t$e %res!dent, t$rou($ :+ec. Sec.
:duardo :rm!ta, re&oked t$e Con&ers!on Order on 1)) $ectares of land and
#ut t$e land back to t$e Com#re$ens!&e ,(rar!an Reform %ro(ram.
'ecem(er 07? 0::8/ *$e farmers and su##orters fle back to Sum!lao by
C1.0 #roduced by "alacanan(
'ecem(er 0>? 0::8/ 5,R cla!ms to $a&e rece!&ed t$e Order on t$!s date.
15 days after s$ould be t$e deadl!ne for t$e mot!on for recons!derat!on.
January 0? 0::>/ *$e deadl!ne su##osedly for t$e mot!on for
recons!derat!on, s!nce t$e Re&ocat!on Order as !ssued on 5ecember 1>.
S"C cla!ms to $a&e rece!&ed t$e Order on t$!s date.
January 7? 0::>/ 15 Sum!lao -armers cam# out !n t$e 5,R Re(!onal Off!ce
!n Ca(ayan de Oro C!ty, aa!t!n( t$e !ssuance of t$e 1ot!ce of Co&era(e and
Cease and 5es!st Order.
January *8? 0::>/ 12 Sum!lao -armers (o back to "etro "an!la, &!s!ted
and talk to sc$ools and #ar!s$es.
arch 7? 0::8. 1.) Sum!lao farmers arr!&e to re!nforce t$e tel&e farmers
reac$!n( t$e symbol!c 1)) stren(t$.
arch ;? 0::8/ Sum!lao farmers Aer!c$o "arc$ around "alacanan( start
arch 06? 0::8/ Settlement ,(reement beteen S"C and t$e Sum!lao
farmers !s s!(ned !tnessed by Card!nal Rosales and "alacanan( off!c!als
arch 7:? 0::8. Sum!lao farmers, t$e!r fam!l!es and su##orters, 6ub!lantly
entered and cult!&ated t$e 50 $ectare 8donated9 #ro#erty out of t$e
contested 1)) $ectares.
.= %A@)SAA %&4SS &4L4AS4 on the SA)LAO S4TTL442T
Reference/ %,B@S,", <Soc Banzuela, 071771>>7>?=,
#ak!samaP#!l!#!nasQya$ (P!K"S!M! or Pambansang Kilusan ng mga
Samahang Magsasaa is a nacional con(ederation o( small (armers, (ishers,
indigenous peoples, and rural +omen organizations& 3he Sumilao (armers are
members o( P!K"S!M!& "ts leader, *enato Penas is currently the Chair o( the
National Council, the highest policy7maing body o( the con(ederation)
"han3s Bt *o "han3s
*oday, "arc$ 27, 200>, one of t$e most !m#ortant land reform battles !n
%$!l!##!ne $!story comes closely to an end. *$e Sum!lao farmers !ll !nk a
Settlement ,(reement !t$ San "!(uel Cor#orat!on, to be !tnessed by t$e
2o&ernment and t$e C$urc$ leaders, by lunc$ t!me !n San Carlos Sem!nary !n
"akat! .
*$e Settlement a(reement #ro&!des for t$e Sum!lao farmers to (et back 50
of t$e!r 1))-$ectare ancestral land t$rou($ a deed of donat!on from San
"!(uel Cor#orat!on and (et anot$er 7) $ectares t$rou($ a &oluntary offer to
sale <;OS= sc$eme of t$e 5e#artment of ,(rar!an Reform !n ad6acent
#ro#ert!es !n Sum!lao, Buk!dnon !n t$e com!n( days or mont$s.
8Falu-$alo an( am!n( nadarama. 1atutua kam!n( mala#!t nan( mata#os
an( kam#anya n( Sum!lao farmers. 1atutua kam! #ara sa kan!la n(un!Ht
may aa r!n( nadarama. 1a(a(al!t kam! sa m(a (!naa n( San "!(uel
Cor#orat!on at lalo na n( %ama$alaan( ,rroyo <3e $a&e m!+ed feel!n(s. 3e
are $a##y t$e Sum!lao cam#a!(n !s near!n( an end. 3e are $a##y for t$e
Sum!lao farmers but also #!ty t$em. 3e are an(ry at t$e &ar!ous act!ons of
San "!(uel Cor#orat!on and t$e ,rroyo (o&ernmentE9 sa!d Cr!s#!no ,(uelo,
%res!dent of t$e %ambansan( B!lusan n( m(a Sama$an( "a(sasaka, a
nat!onal confederat!on of #easant federat!ons <%,B@S,",=.
8%,B@S,", 6o!ns t$e -!l!#!no #eo#le !n con(ratulat!n( t$e Sum!lao farmers.
,fter almost to decade of #ers!stent non-&!olent stru((le, t$ey are about to
(et 1)) $ectares of land t$ou($ most of t$em are not t$e ancestral land t$ey
$a&e been f!($t!n( for and t$e #resence of ser!ous #ro$!b!t!ons. *$!s to us !s
not a full &!ctory but &!ctory ne&ert$eless to t$e Sum!lao farmers es#ec!ally !n
t$e conte+t $ere t$e ,rroyo (o&ernment and landlord San "!(uel
Cor#orat!on $a&e comb!ned forces to t$art t$e!r cla!ms,9 sa!d ,(uelo.
8Clearly, t$e Sum!lao story as co&ered !ntens!&ely by med!a, #o!nts to t$e
Sum!lao farmers (a!n!n( land, not because of t$e comm!tment of (o&ernment
to t$e Com#re$ens!&e ,(rar!an Reform %ro(ram <C,R%=. Ot$er!se t$e
Sum!lao farmers need not $a&e to undertake a 1700 k!lometer marc$ .and
need not $a&e taken t$ree years to resol&e. 1or !t as because of t$e
comm!tment of S"C to cor#orate soc!al res#ons!b!l!ty <CSR=. Ot$er!se !t d!d
not launc$ a coord!nated cam#a!(n to d!&!de and rule t$e Sum!lao farmers,
underm!ne t$e Sum!lao farmersH and t$e!r su##ortersH cred!b!l!ty, and
!m#osed ser!ous d!sem#oer!n( cond!t!onal!t!es !n t$e!r 8donated 50-$ectare
#ro#erty9, ,(uelo added.
%,B@S,", bel!e&es !t as t$e un#recedented 1,700 -k!lometer marc$ of t$e
Sum!lao farmers and t$e broad su##ort t$ey (enerated from ser!ous c!&!l
soc!ety !nst!tut!ons es#ec!ally t$e C$urc$ t$at #osed a ser!ous t$reat to t$e
%res!dentHs #ol!t!cal sur&!&al and e&entually forced t$e %alace and S"C to
,m!dst t$e loom!n( r!ce cr!s!s and t$e cont!nuous landlord res!stance to
C,R%, %,B@S,", calls on fello farmers or(an!zat!ons to close ranks and
start a broader nat!on!de alk unt!l C,R% !s e+tended and reformed and
unt!l a ne (o&ernment !s !nstalled t$at !ll demonstrate true comm!tment to
t$e cause of t$e farmers.
%A@)SAAs Statement on the Sumilao Settlement Agreement
%,B@S,", S*,*:":1* O1 *F: SG"@',O C,S:
*oday, "arc$ 27, 200>, one of t$e most !m#ortant land reform battles !n
%$!l!##!ne $!story comes closely to an end. *$e Sum!lao farmers !ll !nk a
Settlement ,(reement !t$ San "!(uel Cor#orat!on, to be !tnessed by t$e
2o&ernment and t$e C$urc$ leaders, by lunc$ t!me !n San Carlos Sem!nary !n
"akat! .
*$e Settlement a(reement #ro&!des for t$e Sum!lao farmers to (et back 50
of t$e!r 1))-$ectare ancestral land t$rou($ a deed of donat!on from San
"!(uel Cor#orat!on and (et anot$er 7) $ectares t$rou($ a &oluntary offer to
sale <;OS= sc$eme of t$e 5e#artment of ,(rar!an Reform !n ad6acent
#ro#ert!es !n Sum!lao, Buk!dnon !n t$e com!n( days or mont$s.
8Falu-$alo an( am!n( nadarama. 1atutua kam!n( mala#!t nan( mata#os
an( kam#anya n( Sum!lao farmers. 1atutua kam! #ara sa kan!la n(un!Ht
may aa r!n( nadarama. 1a(a(al!t kam! sa m(a (!naa n( San "!(uel
Cor#orat!on at lalo na n( %ama$alaan( ,rroyo <3e $a&e m!+ed feel!n(s. 3e
are $a##y t$e Sum!lao cam#a!(n !s near!n( an end. 3e are $a##y for t$e
Sum!lao farmers but also #!ty t$em. 3e are an(ry at t$e &ar!ous act!ons of
San "!(uel Cor#orat!on and t$e ,rroyo (o&ernmentE9 sa!d Cr!s#!no ,(uelo,
%res!dent of t$e %ambansan( B!lusan n( m(a Sama$an( "a(sasaka
%,B@S,", 6o!ns t$e -!l!#!no #eo#le !n con(ratulat!n( t$e Sum!lao farmers.
,fter almost to decade of #ers!stent non-&!olent stru((le, t$ey are about to
(et 1)) $ectares of land t$ou($ most of t$em are not t$e ancestral land t$ey
$a&e been f!($t!n( for and t$e #resence of ser!ous #ro$!b!t!ons. *$!s to us !s
not a full &!ctory but &!ctory ne&ert$eless to t$e Sum!lao farmers es#ec!ally !n
t$e conte+t $ere t$e ,rroyo (o&ernment and landlord San "!(uel
Cor#orat!on $a&e comb!ned forces to t$art t$e!r cla!ms.
*$e Sum!lao farmers deser&e reco(n!t!on as ell for t$e!r $!($ly remarkable
and res#ectable contr!but!on to ,(rar!an Reform !n t$e %$!l!##!nes by ser&!n(
as an !ns#!rat!on to m!ll!ons of landless -!l!#!no farmers. *$rou($ t$e!r 1,700
k!lometer alk !n October-5ecember 2007 <amon( many non-&!olent #rotests
t$ey launc$ed !n t$e #ast !.e., a land occu#at!on cam#a!(n, to $un(er
str!kes, Aub!lee %!l(r!ma(e= t$ey $a&e !(n!ted once a(a!n t$e concern on
,(rar!an Reform and t$ey $a&e !ns#!red t$e commencement of ot$er alks of
se&eral t$ousands of -!l!#!no farmers all o&er t$e country for t$e same
#ur#ose of (ett!n( t$e!r r!($tfully- oned lands.
%,B@S,", 6o!ns t$e Sum!lao farmers, !n t$ank!n( t$ousands of !nd!&!duals
and or(an!zat!ons $ere and abroad $o (enerously s$ared le(al, moral,
soc!al, #ol!t!cal, !ntellectual, lo(!st!cal and f!nanc!al su##ort to t$e cam#a!(n.
3!t$out t$e $undreds of #eo#les or(an!zat!ons, non-(o&ernment
or(an!zat!ons, c$urc$es, sc$ools, med!a a(enc!es, local (o&ernment off!ces
and sect!ons of (o&ernment, and k!ndred &olunteers, t$e farmers ouldnHt
$a&e reac$ed t$!s far R l!terally and f!(urat!&ely.
*oday t$e ,rroyo adm!n!strat!on !ll cla!m !ts fac!l!tat!n( role to end t$e
Sum!lao cr!s!s !n a !n- !n arran(ement. @t may #resent !t as !ts e+#ress!on
of comm!tment to f!($t #o&erty. 3e cannot a&o!d, $oe&er, to e+#ress a
d!fferent o#!n!on and !nstead our condemnat!on and an(er o&er t$e ,rroyo
,dm!n!strat!onHs act!ons on t$e case o&er t$e #ast t$ree years.
*$!s stru((le of t$e Sum!lao farmers clearly reflects t$e corru#ted state of
t$!s (o&ernment. Su##osedly entrusted by t$e -!l!#!no #eo#le to enforce t$e
Com#re$ens!&e ,(rar!an Reform 'a $!c$ !n essence !s a la t!lt !n fa&or of
t$e farmers, !t c$ose to be a b!ased med!ator !n fa&or of b!( bus!ness, and !n
t$!s case, t$e San "!(uel Cor#orat!on.
@n t$e &ery f!rst #lace, t$e Sum!lao farmers need not $a&e to undertake t$at
lon( and d!ff!cult ?0-day 1,700- k!lometer marc$ $ad t$!s (o&ernment acted
!t$ d!s#atc$ on t$e!r #et!t!on !n 1o&ember 200). 1o less t$an t$e
5e#artment of ,(rar!an Reform <5,R= $ad already noted t$e S"C &!olat!on of
t$e 5-year land de&elo#ment #er!od. *$e Sum!lao farmers need not $a&e to
come back $ere !n "an!la and do a Aer!c$o "arc$ $ad t$!s (o&ernment
enforced !ts 5ecember 1> re&ocat!on order. @nstead, !t rema!ned deaf to t$e
calls of t$e Sum!lao farmers for a cease and des!st order and !mmed!ate
!ssuance of not!ce of C,R% co&era(e. @t con&en!ently alloed S"C to cont!nue
!ts construct!on act!&!t!es and destroyed t$e to# so!l of a s!(n!f!cant area of
t$e contested !rr!(ated a(r!cultural land. @t a!ted and attended t$e
ne(ot!at!ons, e&entually fac!l!tat!n( !t to f!n!s$ !mmed!ately only so t$e
8no!se9 !ll l!ke!se end.
3!t$ no cease and des!st order and not!ce of C,R% co&era(e muc$ more a
land t!tle !n t$e!r $ands, t$e Sum!lao farmers, $!le $a&!n( t$e cont!nuous
su##ort of Card!nal Rosales and t$e C$urc$, ere not !n a &ery stron(
bar(a!n!n( #os!t!on !n t$e ne(ot!at!ons t$at folloed !t$ San "!(uel
Cor#orat!on. :&entually, (!&en t$e real #ros#ects of los!n( !n t$e Su#reme
Court es#ec!ally after !ts most recent 7-? dec!s!on !n fa&or of 1er!Hs s!lence,
t$e Sum!lao farmers succumbed to acce#t!n( a Settlement a(reement t$at
!ncluded some d!sem#oer!n( #ro&!s!ons.
'!ke!se, San "!(uel Cor#orat!on !ll e+tract t$e best 8#ubl!c relat!ons9 6u!ce
on t$!s settlement a(reement. @t !ll cla!m !ts land donat!on to be an
e+#ress!on of !ts 8cor#orate soc!al res#ons!b!l!ty9. *o us, $oe&er, t$at !s not
a 8donat!on9 but a s$ort-c$an(ed com#ensat!on to t$e Sum!lao farmersH
los!n( t$e!r !n&aluable 7)- $ectare ancestral land to t$e S"CHs #!((ery
bus!ness, and to t$e loss !n !ncome t$ey could $a&e der!&ed s!nce t$at land
as aarded to t$em !n 1775.
3e also condemn t$e cond!t!onal!t!es !m#osed by S"C to t$e Sum!lao
farmers !n e+c$an(e to t$e 850- $ectare donat!on9 suc$ as 1= t$e Sum!lao
farmers to or(an!ze a ne coo#erat!&e t$at !ll rece!&e t$e 8donated9
#ro#erty and t$e succeed!n( 7) $ectares, 2= t$e #ro$!b!t!on to t$e Sum!lao
farmers to #lant fru!t trees, ra!se $o(s, and bu!ld #ermanent dell!n(s
any$ere !t$!n t$e 8donated9 50 $ectares, and t$e .= re-!nstatement of t$e
*orres dec!s!on !n t$e 7) $ectares !t$!n t$e 1))-$ectare contested #ro#erty,
t$us, effect!&ely re&ok!n( t$e 5ecember 1> %res!dent!al order, t$e one t$!n(
t$e farmers on !n t$e!r 1,700 k!lometer marc$. 3e stron(ly feel t$ese
cond!t!onal!t!es are acts to d!sem#oer and d!m!n!s$ t$e efforts and !m#act of
t$e Sum!lao farmers.
3e also $o#e t$e Settlement ,(reement ould #ut to end t$e 8d!&!de and
rule9 (ame be!n( #layed by S"C !n t$e Sum!lao commun!ty, !nduce S"C to
correct t$e assorted l!es !n S"C-s#onsored front #a(e-#a!d ads out to destroy
t$e cred!b!l!ty of t$e Sum!lao farmers and t$e!r su##orters, and #ut an end to
efforts at bend!n( t$e la !n t$e!r fa&or for t$e #ur#ose of S"CHs so-called
8de&elo#ment9 #lans.
3e learned t$ree b!tter lessons0concerns !n t$e Sum!lao Case.
-!rst, !t !s #oss!ble for landless farmers to (et land e&en faced !t$ #oerful
ad&ersar!es suc$ as a corru#t (o&ernment and cunn!n( mult!nat!onal
cor#orat!on. But t$ey can ne&er (et t$ese lands l!ke a alk !n t$e #ark. Only
!f t$ey are able to or(an!ze t$emsel&es and conduct a d!sc!#l!ned and
#ers!stent non-&!olent act!on and are able to (et t$e su##ort of #oerful c!&!l
soc!ety !nst!tut!ons es#ec!ally t$e C$urc$ enou($ to #ose a t$reat to t$e
cont!nuous stay !n off!ce of t$e %res!dent !ll t$e balance of forces t!lt !n fa&or
of t$e farmers. But e&en, t$en, t$ey must be #re#ared to settle and
Second, t$ere may be Cor#orat!ons $o !ll be emboldened by t$e S"C-
Sum!lao farmersH settlement a(reement and take t$e ron( cue of &!olat!n(
!t$ !m#un!ty t$e a(rar!an reform las !t$ t$e $o#e t$at !f cau($t and
become so #ubl!cly contro&ers!al, t$ey can do an S"C-Sum!lao deal.
*$!rd, t$e ,rroyo (o&ernment !ll not most l!kely !m#lement t$e
Com#re$ens!&e ,(rar!an Reform 'a forcefully e&en am!dst &ery stron(
clamor from broad c!&!l soc!ety or(an!zat!ons !nclud!n( t$e C$urc$. ,t best !t
!ll med!ate a settlement.
*$ese lessons #o!nt to us farmers and a(rar!an reform ad&ocates $o see t$e
!m#ortance of a(rar!an reform as bas!s for nat!onal de&elo#ment and
!ndustr!al!zat!on to bu!ld stron(er or(an!zat!ons amon( oursel&es and for(e
(reater sol!dar!ty !t$ c!&!l soc!ety or(an!zat!ons. *$ey also #o!nt to t$e need
for us to e+ert (reater &!(!lance !n our commun!t!es. ,nd f!nally !f e $o#e to
ensure a s#eedy d!str!but!on of t$e rema!n!n( 1.. m!ll!on $ectares co&ered by
C,R%, e must ser!ously cons!der #art!c!#at!n( !n t$e broader cam#a!(n to
bu!ld a stron( reform const!tuency t$at !ll $el# e+tend and reform C,R% and
!nstall a ne (o&ernment t$at ould $a&e t$e comm!tment to !m#lement !t.

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