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By and Between


Effective June 10, 2011
-1 -
1. BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE ......... .... ...... ........ ........ .... ............. .... .... ... ..... ... .... .. ... ..... .... .. ... 4
1.1 Undertaking ............... ..... .......... .... .... ............... ... ..... .. .. .................. .... ................................ 4
1.2 Definitions ................. .. .. ................. .. ... ................... .. ...................... ................. .. ................ 4
1.3 Objectives .... ......... ........ ......... ............. ... ......... ....... ......... ....... ...... ... .. ....... ........................ 10
1.4 Phases .......................... ............................................. .......... .......... ..... ......... .. ..... .............. 12
2. SERVICES . ...... ..................... .. .................... .. ...................... ...................... ................... ............... 13
2.2 Planning and Initiation Phase .......... ...................... ...... ................ .. .................................. 15
2.3 Global Design Phase ... .......... ....... ... ........... .............. ......... ......... ......... ........ ....... .... ... .... ... 18
2.4 Global Build Phase ...... ................ .... ................................................................................ 35
2.5 Testing Phase ............... .. .................... ... ................ .. .... .................................. ....... ............ 43
2.6 Deploy and Support .......... .. .. ...... .... ............. ........ ... .... ... ... ..... ... .... .................... ...... ..... .... 46
3. ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT ..... ............. .......... ......................... .......... 51
3.1 General. ............................................ ............................................................... ..... ........... 51
3.2 The Organizational Change Management (OCM) Team ............. ................ .. .... ....... ... ... 51
3.3 Organizational Change Management Strategy .... ... .... ... ........ ..... ....... ... ...... ..................... 51
3.4 Training . .................. ... ................... ...................... .... ................... ....................... .............. 54
3.5 Organizational Change Management Components ... ... ................. ... ............ .... ... .. ....... ... 55
4. TOOLS AND METHODOLOGY .. .... .... ... ......... ..... .. ...... ... ....... .. ...... ..... ... .... .... ....... .. ............... 59
4.1 Project Methodologies ...... ........................................... ..................................... 59
4.2 Deliverab1es ........... ..................... ....... .......................... ................ .................................... 60
4.3 Tools . ........... ..... .......... .. ... ........ ..... ... .......... .. .. ....... ............ ...... ...... ............ ....... ... ....... ... ... 60
4.4 Six Sigma and Lean ... ................... ..... .................. .... .. ................ .......................... ............ 60
4.5 Cost/Benefit Analysis . ................. ... ..................... ................................................. ........... 60
5. PROJECT STAFFING .. ... .. .... .. .... .. ..... ... ...... .. ... .... .. ............ .. ... .... .. ........ .... .... ........ ........... ... ... .. 61
5.1 Personnel On-Boarding ............. .......... ........................................ ... ................ .. ... ... ... ...... 61
5.2 Key Personnel. ........... ........................................ .............................................................. 61
5.3 Staffing Plan . ....... .................... .............. ................. .. ........... .. ......... .. ..... .... ... ..... .. ... ... ...... 61
5.4 Program Manager . ...... ......... ..... ......... ......... .. ... ....... .. ....... ...... ............. ... ............. . 61
5.5 Responsibilities ......................................... .......................................................... 61
6. MILESTONES AND DELIVERABLES . ..... .................... .................... ..................... ...... ......... 62
7. ACCEPTANCE OF DELIVERABLES .... .. ... ..... .. ......... ... ..... .. ................ ........ .......... .. ... .... ...... 62
7.1 Acceptance ofDeliverables .............. .. ..................... .. ....................................... ..... .......... 62
7.2 Acceptance Criteria . .... ............ .... ...... ................ ..................... ....... ......................... ......... 62
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8. GOVERNANCE ......................................................................................................................... 63
8.1 General. ........................................................................................................................... 63
8.2 Governance Structure ...................................................................................................... 63
9. ASSUMPTIONS ........ ................................................................................................................. 66
9.1 General Assumptions ....................................................................................................... 66
9.2 Staffing Assumptions ............................ .......................................................................... 66
9.3 Other Assumptions .......................................................................................................... 67
9.4 Adjustment Events ........................................................................................................... 68
10. FEES AND FEE SCHEDULE ................................................................................................... 69
10.1 General. ........................................................................................................................... 69
10.2 Subsequent Project Phases .............................................................................................. 69
10.3 Adjustment Event Dispute Termination Right. ............................................................... 70
11. DATA PRIVACY AND SECURITY ........................................................................................ 70
SIGNATURE PAGE ............................................................ ............................................. ........................ 71
EXHffiiT 1 (FEE SCHEDlJLE) ................................................................................................................ 72
1. STAGE 1 OF THE PROJECT ...................................................................................................... 72
2. STAGE 2 OF THE PROJECT ...................................................................................................... 73
3. TRAVEL & OUT OF POCKET EXPENSES .............................................................................. 73
4. ....................................................................................................................... 73
EXHffiiT 2 (STAFFING PLAN) .............................................................................................................. 75
___ PART I: STAGE 1- * ............................................................................................. 75
___ PART II: STAGE 1- * .................................................................................. 76
__ PART III: STAGE 2- * ................................................................ 77
_ _ PART IV: STAGE * ............................................ 78
EXHffiiT 3 (KEY PERSONNEL) .... ... ... .. ....... ........................ ......... ............ .... ...... .. ....... ..................... .... 79
EXHffiiT 4 (DELIVERABLE MATERIALS AND ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA) ........ ... ...................... 80
EXHffiiT 4 INDEX OF DELIVERABLES ............................................................................................ 123
EXHIDIT 5 (DATA PRIVACY AND SECURIT) ............................................................................... 124
EXHffiiT 6 (NINE LEVERS OF SCOPE) ............................................................................................. 130
EXHffiiT 7 ) ....................................................................... 136
EXHffiiT 8- PRELIMINARY HIGH-LEVEL PROJECT PLAN ......................................................... 137
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1. Background and Purpose.
1.1 Undertaking.
1.1.1 is undertaking a project to increase its performance and efficiency by standardiz-
ing Industry Leading Practices on a single technology platform ("Project" or "Project

1.1.2 will define standard global business processes and implement them on a
single global instance ofthe eBusiness Suite ( ERP version along with
certain other software that has licensed or will license.
1.1.3 As of the Effective Date of this SOW, includes the following high-level
business process areas (all as more specifically described in Exhibit 6):
(a) Product Lifecycle Management;
(b) Procure-to-Pay;
(c) Plan-to-Manufacture;
(d) Order-to-Cash;
(e) Market-to-Customer;
(f) Record-to-Report; and
(g) Hire-to-Retire.
1.1.4 will be implemented world-wide at all Sites, including those in
the United States, Latin America, Europe and Asia (as more fully described in Exhibit
1.2 Definitions.
In addition to any definitions provided in the Agreement, defined terms in this Attachment shall
have the following meanings:
1.2.1 "Adjustment Event" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 9 .4.1.
1.2.2 "Application Architecture" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.3.7(a)l.
1.2.3 "Benchmarking Study" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.3.2(a).
1.2.4 "BI" means Business Intelligence, as that term is generally understood in the industry.
1.2.5 "Bolt-On" means a software application (whether third party or custom written) that can
be attached or linked to the System and made a part thereof in an fashion
without the need for a Modification.
1.2.6 "Business Process Design" means written documentation describing the various work-
steps and rules required to accomplish a task or tasks in satisfaction of a Business Re-
quirement. Business Process Designs can be "High Level Business Process Designs" or
"Detailed Business Process Designs".
1.2.7 "Business Requirements" or "User Requirements Specifications" means those opera-
tional requirements necessary to operate its business, comply with all appli-
cable Laws and to achieve the Project Objectives.
1.2.8 "Business Scenario" means description of the ways in which work processes are carried
out in a business activity.
1.2.9 "COE" or "Center of Excellence" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section
1.2.10 "Compliance and Validation Strategy" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section
1.2.11 "Configuration" or to "Configure" means Software setup or establishing parameters
within the Software in order to make the Software function or behave in a certain way.
Such parameters include setup parameters or "switches", defining or altering Descrip-
tive Flex-Fields (DFFs), modifying existing Workflows, or modifying screen layouts or
provided reports, all as supported by the intrinsic functionality of the Software.
1.2.12 "Conversion and Interfaces Programs Document" shall have the meaning ascribed to it
in Section 2.4.3(c)l.
1.2.13 "Customization" means any enhancement to the System resulting from methods that do
not require changes to the core Software source code or underlying data structures - and
which are supported through the normal upgrade path.
1.2.14 "CRP" or "Conference Room Pilot" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section
1.2.15 "Cutover Checklist" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.5.7(d).
1.2.16 "Cutover Plan" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.5.7(a).
1.2.17 "Data Archiving Strategy" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.3.12(e)2.
1.2.18 "Data Conversion Strategy" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.3.12(e)l.
1.2.19 "Data Conversion Strategy Plan" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section
1.2.20 "Data Governance Strategy" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.3.12(d)l.
1.2.21 "Data Management Plan" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.3.12(c)l.
1.2.22 "Data Readiness Assessment" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section
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1.2.23 "Database & Instance Strategy" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.3.8.
1.2.24 "Deploy and Support" means the phase of the Project in which the Parties will deploy
the System to all Sites and during which IDM will provide Post Production Sup-
port Services pursuant to Section 2.6 of this Attachment.
1.2.25 "Deployment Strategy" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.3.17(a)2.
1.2.26 "Detailed Business Process Design" means those Business Processes that are docu-
mented to at least Level-5 (as that term is normally understood in the industry).
1.2.27 "OW" means Data Warehousing, as that term is generally understood in the industry.
1.2.28 "Enterprise Architecture" has the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.3.7.
1.2.29 "Enterprise Architecture Diagram" means a diagram that documents the Enterprise Ar-
1.2.30 "Extensions" means those custom developed objects which can be classified as either
Modifications or Customizations (i.e., the "E" in "
1.2.31 "Fit/Gap Analysis" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.3.4(c).
1.2.32 "Functional Specifications" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.3.9.
1.2.33 "Gap" or "Gaps" means those areas where the standard functionality of the Software
does not meet the Business Requirements.
1.2.34 "Global Build Phase" means that phase of the Project in which the Parties will build the
necessary elements to deploy the System, including development of the objects
needed for the implementation of the System, pursuant to Section 2.3.18 of this Attach-
1.2.35 "Global Design" means the design of the System that includes all System-enabled Busi-
ness Processes, data structures, objects and all functionality that is common to
all Sites, or that is in the core System (including local requirements that are im-
plemented in the core System).
1.2.36 "Global Design Phase" means that phase of the Project in which the Project Team will,
among other things, create the Global Design for the implementation of all
as more fully described in Section 2.3 of this Attachment.
1.2.37 "Global Process Review Board" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section
1.2.38 "High Level Business Process Design" means those Business Process Designs that are
documented to Level-l, Level-2 or Level-3 (as those terms are normally understood in
the industry).
1.2.39 " Methodology" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 4.1.
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1.2.40 Program Manager" means the individual assigned by to carry out the
duties and responsibilities outlined in Section 5.4.
1.2.41 "Implementation Plan and Estimate" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section
1.2.42 "Industry Leading Practices" means those proven practices, techniques and methods that
are commonly accepted and utilized by other top-tier system implementation service
providers or otherwise derived from ffiM's experience and expertise in other successful
system implementations.
1.2.43 "IQ/OQ" means installation qualification and operational qualification.
1.2.44 "KPI'' or "Key Performance Indicator" means a measurement intended to monitor the
performance of a particular business or system function.
1.2.45 "Localizations" means Configurations, Business Processes or objects that are
not part of the Global Design but required for a specific Site or set of
1.2.46 "Master Validation Plan" or "Validation Master Plan" means a document that will state
what is to be done, the scope, the approach, the schedule ofValidation activities and
tasks to be performed. The Master Validation Plan will also state who is responsible for
performing each activity and must be approved by management.
1.2.47 "Milestone" means an event that the Parties have designated as such, which mark key
events or accomplishments throughout the Project.
1.2.48 "Modification" means a change to the core Software source code or underlying data
structures that are outside the bounds of normal Configuration, Bolt-on, Customization
or object- and not part of the normal upgrade path.
1.2.49 "Needs Assessment" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.3.20(b)3.
1.2.50 "Objectives" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 1.3.
1.2.51 "Ongoing Production Support Plan" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section
1.2.52 "OCM" or "Organizational Change Management" means a structured approach to tran-
sitioning individuals, teams and organizations from a current state to a desired future
state, in this case, from current state to the full implementation, including Ac-
ceptance and beneficial use of the System.
1.2.53 "OCM Strategy" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 3.3.1.
1.2.54 "Organizational Change Management Team" or "OCM Team" shall have the meaning
ascribed to it in Section 3.2.
1.2.55 "Organizational Transformation Plan" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section
1.2.56 "Pilot Location" means the Site at which the System will be deployed first, and
used to initially test the adequacy of the System's functionality and performance, prior
to it being deployed in the remaining Sites.
1.2.57 "Planning and Initiation Phase" means that phase of the Project in which the Parties will
prepare and plan for the implementation of the System, pursuant to Section 2.2 of this
1.2.58 "PMO" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.2.l(a).
1.2.59 "Post Production Plan" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.6.3(f).
1.2.60 "Post Production Services" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.6.4(b).
1.2.61 "Production System" means the System once it has passed all required testing and is
ready to be deployed or has been deployed and is able to process live transactions and
provide information in the manner in which it was designed.
1.2.62 "Project" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 1.1.1.
1.2.63 "Project - see "Project".
1.2.64 "Project Methodology" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 4.1.2(a).
1.2.65 "Project Objectives" -see Objectives.
1.2.66 "Project Plan" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.2.4(a) 1.
1.2.67 "Reporting and BI Strategy" or "Reporting and Business Intelligence Strategy" shall
have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.3.14.
1.2.68 " means reports, interfaces, conversions, Extensions, and workflows.
1.2.69 " Development Strategy" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section
1.2.70 " Listing" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.3.15(b).
1.2.71 "Risk Assessment" means the assessment of both regulatory risks and Project risks per-
formed per Section 2.3.10(d).
1.2. 72 "Risk Mitigation Plan" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.3 .1 0( d) 1.
1.2. 73 "Roles and Authorization Specification" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section
1.2.74 "Security Matrix" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.3.10(b).
1.2.75 "Site Readiness Evaluation Document" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section
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1.2.76 "SME" means subject matter expert who is an individual with in-depth knowledge of a
specific area or subject.
1.2.77 "SOA'' means Services Oriented Architecture, as generally understood in the industry.
1.2.78 "Solution Workbench" or " Solution Workbench" means a proprietary tool
used to assist the Project Team with the tasks associated with implementing ap-
1.2.79 "Stage 1" means, collectively, the Planning and Initiation Phase and the Global Design
Phase of the Project, including any applicable OCM activities.
1.2.80 "Stage 2" means, collectively, the Global Build Phase, Testing Phase, and the Deploy
and Support Phase of the Project, including any applicable OCM activities.
1.2.81 "Staffing Plan" means the staffing tables included in Exhibit 2.
1.2.82 "Steering Committee" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 8.2.1(a)l.
1.2.83 "System" means, collectively, all hardware, software (including Business Suite
( ERP version Rl2), Business Processes, objects, Localizations andre-
lated technology elements, that will enable the fulfillment of the Project Objectives.
1.2.84 "System Operations Support Plan" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section
1.2.85 "System Testing" or "SIT" means the tests used to confirm that the System
or portions thereof function( s) in accordance with applicable Functional Specification( s)
and that each developed component functions in an manner with the rest of
the System and individual modules, add-ons, or other separate parts, when combined to-
gether, operate as designed.
1.2.86 "Team" or "The Team" or "Project Team" means the joint team (under supervi-
sion) comprising resources and resources.
1.2.87 "Technical Specifications" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.4.3(a).
1.2.88 "Technology Architecture" means the elements of the System described in the Technol-
ogy Architecture Strategy which includes hardware, servers, workstations, power back-
up systems, operating systems, networks (LANs and W ANs), connectivity, communica-
tions, databases, and technology tools & utilities.
1.2.89 "Technology Architecture Strategy" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section
1.2.90 "Test Plans" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.4.7(a)l.
1.2.91 "Test Scripts" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.4.7(a)l.
1.2.92 "Testing Phase Checklist" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.5.3(a).
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1.2.93 "Testing Phase" means that phase of the Project in which the Parties will test the System
against the Business Process Design and Business Requirements (also known as User
Requirements Specifications) and ensure that Validation requirements have been met for
the System, pursuant to Section 2.4.12 of this Attachment.
1.2.94 "Training Documentation" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.4.6(b ).
1.2.95 "Training Plan" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section.2.3.20(b)4.
1.2.96 "Training Strategy" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.3.20.
1.2.97 "Transformation" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 3.3.4.
1.2.98 "Unit Testing" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.4.3(d).
1.2.99 "UAT" means user acceptance testing.
1.2.100 "Validation" means confrrmation by examination and provision of objective evidence
that software specifications conform to user needs and intended uses, and that the par-
ticular requirements implemented through software can be consistently fulfilled.
1.2.101 "Validation Summary Report" means a report that is prepared at the end of all Valida-
tion activities as identified in the Master Validation Plan, and is a report of those activi-
ties against plan. The report includes evidence of Validation, deviations from plan,
open defects/issues with mitigation or resolution activity defined, and recommendation
for moving forward in a continued validated, controlled state.
1.3 Objectives.
will provide the Services in a manner that is designed to accomplish the following objec-
tives for the Project (the "Project Objectives" or "Objectives"):
1.3.1 The new business processes must incorporate medical device Industry Leading
Practices whenever possible I reasonably practicable.
1.3.2 The new business processes will accurately incorporate end user business re-
quirements to the extent possible.
1.3.3 The new business processes will, to the extent possible, standardize business
processes across the company by creating a uniform approach to accomplishing the
same tasks throughout the company except where deviation is cost or otherwise justi-
1.3.4 The new business processes and System will be designed, to the extent possible, to elim-
inate unnecessary steps and procedures.
1.3.5 The System will be designed and built to accommodate required Localizations.
1.3.6 The System must work in a way that enables the proper execution of the Business
Process Designs.
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1.3.7 The System must be validated in such a way that it enable compliance with applicable
Laws, and is able to satisfy audit requirements.
1.3.8 Identify and incorporate appropriate KPI's that enable effective measurement of the
Project's success and effectiveness of new business processes.
1.3.9 The Project should be completed in the shortest amount of time necessary to accomplish
these Objectives and the Project investment should yield a positive return on in-
vestment (ROI) over the time-frames to be defined during the Global Design Phase.
1.3.10 IDM understands that Project has been created in support of the following addi-
tional business drivers and will work with in support of these goals:
(a) The Project will eliminate redundant ERP systems.
(b) Wherever possible, utilize the inherent functionality of
ERP system without additional Modification (e.g. changes to
and other software base code).
(c) The Project will establish processes and system designs that facilitate a fi-
nancial reporting structure that produces accurate reporting of fi-
nancial operations.
(d) The data that is produced by is expected to be a consistent, single
source of truth about products and business activities.
(e) The system will be designed wherever possible, to facilitate the interopera-
tion of business processes while minimizing workarounds.
(f) The new business processes and System will be designed wherever possible
to enable the optimization and/or consolidation of product devel-
opment, manufacturing and distribution operations.
(g) The future state organizational structure and related business processes will
be designed in such a way as to implement an service delivery
model that enables continuous process improvement.
(h) The System and Business Process Designs will incorporate a Business Intel-
ligence structure that provides the current information the business decision-
makers need to run their business looking forward.
(i) The Project Team will work to create and deliver appropriate training that
prepares the organization to execute the new business processes and System.
(j) Enable to transform its processes and environment to allow
scale efficiently to grow organically and through acquisition
within the medical device industry;
meet goals for improved profitability;
capture value from acquisitions by providing the ability to more
quickly new businesses, reduce their costs and im-
prove their efficiency;
reduce administrative and procurement costs (e.g., through
spend aggregations, strategic sourcing, better compliance and
tighter controls);
improve supply chain performance;
reduce inventory days on hand;
provide improved insight into true operations and performance;
significantly improve management & reporting capa-
1.3.11 Implement in such a way that allows to upgrade, add to or modify
the System in the future.
1.3.12 Accomplish a transformation of business in such a way that Project costs are
reasonably predictable to
1.4 Phases.
Generally, Project comprises five (5) major phases, all more fully described below. The
preliminary high-level Project Plan on which the Services in this SOW are based is included as
Exhibit 8.
1.4.1 Planning and Initiation Phase, which includes the following high level project objectives
(as further detailed in Section 2.2 below):
(a) Articulate how Project will meet the Objectives and develop a high-
level project approach and schedule to meet those Objectives;
(b) Complete a staffing plan and assemble the project team;
(c) Prepare and educate resources to perform their assigned tasks and exer-
cise their roles and responsibilities pursuant to the Project Plan;
(d) Align and on common methodologies that will be used through-
out the Project;
(e) Establish project governance;
(t) Plan for the implementation and optimization of the System; and
(g) Conduct workshops, or utilize other such methods in order to efficiently
launch Project
1.4.2 Global Design Phase, which includes the following high level project objectives (as fur-
ther detailed in Section 2.3 below):
(a) Design consistent and optimized High Level Business Process Designs in-
corporating Industry Leading Practices for the medical device industry where
possible, including leading and/or necessary processes and practices current-
ly being utilized by (the "High Level Business Process Design").
(b) Design an Enterprise Architecture that includes the necessary technical ele-
ments required to accomplish the goals and objectives of Project in-
cluding, but not limited to supporting data structures, localizations, user re-
quirements, objects, and system configurations.
(c) Evaluate the "nine levers of scope", approach, staffing, costs (internal & ex-
ternal), deployment strategy and time-line for Project
(d) Benchmark current operating metrics against industry and cross-
industry metrics and determine target metrics and KPI' s for Project
and the timing of achieving said metrics.
(e) Create a business case including an ROI calculation for the project.
(f) Establish an appropriate strategy, architecture and plan for data management.
1.4.3 Global Build Phase, during which, The Project Team will configure the software and
create the Business Process Designs, and develop the objects required to im-
plement the overall global design as further detailed in Section 2.3.18 below.
1.4.4 Testing Phase, during which the Project Team will confirm that the System solution
meets Business Requirements, as further detailed in Section 2.4.12 below.
1.4.5 Deploy and Support Phase, will occur as follows (and as further detailed in Section 2.6
2. Services.
(a) Deployment Phase 1 -prepare for and implement the System in the Pilot Lo-
cation as determined during the Global Design Phase, and provide Post Pro-
duction Services.
(b) Deployment Phase 2- prepare for and implement the System in all other
Sites in subsequent waves, as determined during the Global Design
Phase, and provide Post Production Services.
2.1.1 This Statement of Work describes the major services that will provide to
will perform the services in a manner designed to accomplish the Project Objec-
tives (the "Services").
2.1.2 and will establish a Project Team comprising resources and
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2.1.3 With respect to the responsibilities of the Project Team, in general, will:
(a) Provide overall leadership, supervision, guidance, application exper-
tise, business process expertise and technical expertise for the Project includ-
ing project and program management;
(b) Provide team leads for the following Project teams:
1. Record to Report;
2. Market to Customer;
3. Procure to Pay;
4. Order to Cash;
5. Plan to Manufacture;
6. Hire to Retire;
7. Regulatory Compliance and Validation;
8. Master Data Management;
9. Product Lifecycle Management (if necessary);
10. Organizational Change Management; and
11. Business Intelligence.
(c) Develop and unit-test the objects;
(d) Lead the effort to perform the benchmarking study and create the business
case and ROI calculation;
(e) Use proprietary methodology and tools for the Project;
(f) Provide guidance and thought leadership around Organizational Change
(g) Design and implement industry and cross-industry Industry Leading Practic-
es and business processes, where practicable.
2.1.4 With respect to the responsibilities of the Project Team, in general, will, under
the supervision, guidance and leadership of :
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(a) Provide an experienced Program Manager (the Program Manager);
(b) Provide personnel with experience in system administration, database admin-
istration, creation of detailed documentation, hands-on configuration and
functional design;
(c) Provide personnel with application knowledge (as set forth in Exhibit
2), capable of Configuring the applications under the direction of the
team leads;
(d) Provide knowledge with respect to existing business processes &
(e) Provide individuals responsible for executing detailed Organizational Change
Management tasks and deliverables;
(f) Provide individuals who will be primarily responsible for System
Testing (SIT) and User Acceptable Testing (UAT);
(g) Provide individuals who will be primarily responsible for conducting training
to end-users.
(h) The Deliverables for each Phase are listed in Exhibit 4 hereunder.
2.2 Planning and Initiation Phase.
2.2.1 Overview.
(a) During this phase, the Project Team will adopt management tools, initiate
specific Project standards and procedures, refine organization expectations
and scope, and establish the Program Management Office ("PMO").
(b) During this phase, will:
Develop the initial draft of the Project Plan for the Project
Team's review. The Project Plan will be subject to Acceptance
by in accordance with the terms of the Agreement;
Conduct workshops with personnel or utilize other ap-
propriate methods to develop and finalize the Project Methodol-
ogy (in compliance with the requirements of Section 4); and
Facilitate the Project launch and personnel on-boarding. During
the Planning and Initiation Phase, will cooperate with
so that the Project infrastructure, Project-related processes
and procedures are in place to allow the Project Team to move
forward in a coordinated and manner in accordance
with the Project Plan.
2.2.2 Project Planning.
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(a) Project Organization - The Project Team will establish a Project organization
containing appropriate resources (including and personnel)
representing all major aspects of Project scope and Deliverable re-
(b) Budgeting- The Project Team will establish a budget for the timely comple-
tion of Project and establish appropriate mechanisms for IDM and
to track the progress against such budget.
(c) Staffing- The Project Team will define roles and responsibilities of all re-
sources and complete a Project Staffing Plan for approval.
(d) Project Planning and Tracking - The Project Team will build an
Project Plan, as provided in this Section 2.2. will track the overall
progress of Project according to the Project Plan, as well as provide to
regular weekly written status updates from the team leads and
monthly overall Project progress reports from the PMO.
(e) Project Communication I Governance. The Project Team will undertake the
following, as further detailed in Sections 3 (OCM) and 8 (Governance) be-
Establish a governance structure that requires ongoing commu-
nications across the Project Teams, as well as to the System's
user community;
Initiate required communications between the Project Team and
the System's user community (as approved in writing in ad-
vance by
Ensure that procedures and processes are in place to generate
high quality Deliverables;
Establish procedures and processes to capture, escalate, and re-
solve issues that arise during Project
Conduct regular analyses of Project risks and establish-
ing processes and procedures to prevent and/or manage such
risks; providing written copy of such analyses to for its
review and comment;
Include tasks and Deliverables in the Project Plans so that the
Project Team can adequately address compliance with applica-
ble Regulatory Requirements during the conduct of the
Include tasks and Deliverables in the Project Plans so that the
Project Team can adequately address System Validation and
documentation throughout the the Project; and
Establish (subject to review and approval) written
Change Procedures for use throughout Project
2.2.3 Project Initiation. During Project initiation, the Parties will:
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(a) agree on project management tools (some of which may be provided by

(b) define specific Project standards and procedures;
(c) refine futegra's organizational expectations and scope; and
(d) establish the PMO.
2.2.4 Project Plan/Tracking.
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(a) Project Plan:
Within five (5) days following the Project start date, will
provide for futegra's review and comment, a first draft of a suf-
ficiently detailed project plan, as more fully described
in subsection (2) below (the "Project Plan").
The Project Plan will include all tasks necessary (as can be
known at the time of drafting and amended by the agreement of
the Parties from time to time) for the successful completion of
the Project within thirty (30) months (five (5) months for the
Planning and fuitiation Phase and Global Design Phase) follow-
ing the Effective Date, including, without limitation:
(i) Tasks to be accomplished by
(ii) Tasks to be accomplished by futegra;
(iii) Project Deliverables and associated Acceptance Criteria
(including a description of Acceptance testing and asso-
ciated Acceptance testing periods);
(iv) Project Milestones;
(v) Staffing requirements (including any workspace con-
siderations); and
(vi) Project dependencies.
project management team will work with to in-
corporate or otherwise discuss and provide advice with respect
to futegra's comments to the Project Plan.
will monitor progress against the Project Plan, including
with respect to tasks assigned to .
(i) If is not completing tasks as required in the
Project Plan, or if reasonably believes that futegra
will not complete tasks as required or otherwise be-
lieves that futegra's actions or inactions may jeopardize
the Project, then will notify Program
(ii) will work with to correct any issue re-
ported pursuant to subsection (i) immediately above,
A. At expense, accommodating
requests for to provide resources to back-
fill for resources that may not be per-
forming at the level required, or
B. Modifying the Project Plan to take into account
actual performance against the Project
Plan, as the Parties agree.
(iii) If any tasks are dependent upon perfor-
mance, then performance requirements will be
relieved, but only to the extent impacted by
provided that:
A. has complied with this subsection (4), and
B. has used commercially reasonable efforts
to perform notwithstanding non-
Project Tracking and Reporting. will track and report on
the progress of Project in order to achieve the Project
goals using the Project Methodology.
2.2.5 Organizational Change Management ("OCM"). During the Planning and Initiation
Phase, the OCM Team will:
(a) Begin to prepare the initial OCM Strategy.
(b) Begin to prepare the initial Organizational Transformation Plan and incorpo-
rate such plan into the Project Plan.
2.3 Global Design Phase.
2.3.1 The key inputs that the Project Team will utilize during the Global Design Phase in-
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(a) APQC process definitions;
(b) business processes targeted for the medical device industry;
(c) Business processes that are inherent in the in-scope applications;
(d) Applicable global governing and Regulatory Requirements;
(e) Business Requirements and user input;
(f) the Project Objectives; and
(g) the Business Case.
2.3.2 Benchmarking Study and Business Case.
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(a) will conduct a benchmarking study, using current financial
and operating performance data (to be provided by to in a timely
manner at or near the beginning of the Project) (the "Benchmarking Study").
will recommend up to twenty (20) KPis that may
use in order to measure value realization for Project and
monitor process improvements.
Using current financial and operating performance da-
ta the Project Team will take baseline measurements for the
KPis (selected in the previous step) and will provide ben-
chmarking analysis comparing such baseline measurements to
relevant comparable industry data.
will present such baseline data and resulting benchmarking
analysis to to facilitate analysis and discussion between
the Parties with respect to maximizing futegra' s return on its
Project investment.
The targeted improvements for any KPI will be reviewed for
approval by the appropriate futegra stakeholders who will be
impacted by any such KPis. Organizational Change Manage-
ment methods will be utilized by the Team to gain buy-in by
(b) Business Case.
1. will analyze the Business Requirements and the results of
the Benchmarking Study, and will identify those business
process areas that offer the best potential for value creation.
Based on the above, will provide to a Business
Case report identifying:
(i) key areas of cost savings;
(ii) key benefit opportunities; and
(iii) key value realization targets.
(c) Financial impact and benefit tracking.
1. Upon receiving Acceptance of the Benchmarking Study and the
Business Case will utilize up to twenty (20) KPI's to track
the realization of benefits within its proprietary Solution Work-
bench tool during the course of the Project.
2.3.3 Business Requirements. will use methods (which may include one-on-one inter-
views and/or workshops with business process SMEs) to gather Business Re-
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(a) The Project Team will identify the Business Requirements for the System.
The Project Team will gather and document the Business Re-
quirements for each process area in scope, clearly and consis-
tently, including structured reviews with stakeholders to
confirm such Business Requirements.
The Business Requirements will be the basis for the Business
Process Designs and the Configuration of the System.
The Business Requirements will also be used as input to the
Functional Specifications, which in tum will serve as the predi-
cate for the Technical Specifications, which will be used to de-
velop objects.
(b) Design Guidelines. In gathering and/or documenting the Business Require-
ments, the Functional Specifications or the Business Process Designs, the
Project Team will use the following guidelines to achieve the Project Objec-
tives, including:
Minimizing the number objects;
A voiding Modifications;
Simplifying and eliminating unnecessary steps in busi-
ness processes;
Requiring solid business justification for deviating from stan-
dard APQC or provided processes;
Considering Localizations and Regulatory Compliance
Requirements as necessary; and
Maximizing automation in business processes wherever possi-
(c) Teams. personnel will be prepared for gathering Business Require-
ments by:
Understanding the parts of business applicable to the
processes under consideration; and
Understanding the Project Objectives.
2.3.4 Fit/Gap Analysis.
(a) will conduct an analysis comparing the functionality of the applicable
modules (including any software to be utilized in addition to
to Business Requirements, in order to identify Gaps.
(b) For any Gaps that are identified, will log such Gaps and present to
an analysis (written, where reasonably required) of the alternatives and
associated implications of each (including a business value analysis where
applicable), together with a recommended approach, to allow to make
informed decisions regarding alternatives for resolving the identified Gaps.
(c) (a) and (b) together comprise the "Fit/Gap Analysis" .
2.3.5 Global Business Process Design.
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(a) During the Global Design Phase, the Project Team will create the global
High Level Business Process Designs and specifications required to meet the
Project Objectives, taking into account opportunities to leverage common
business and technical processes, and the results of the Benchmarking Study
and Business Case, utilizing OCM techniques (which may include work-
(b) Only High Level Business Process Designs will be created during the Global
Design Phase. The Detailed Business Process Designs will be created in the
Global Build Phase.
(c) The working assumption will be that for those processes where func-
tionality matches Business Requirements, the Project Team will
adopt the standard processes.
(d) For identified Gaps, the Project Team will do one ofthe following:
For those Gaps that can be addressed through re-Configuration,
the Project Team will re-Configure the System.
For those Gaps that cannot be satisfied through re-
Configuration, the Project Team will provide options and strate-
gies to address such Gaps, proposing efficient methods to meet
the Business Requirements, which may include Bolt-Ons, Cus-
tomizations, development, manual process work-
arounds, or Modifications.
(i) For Gaps that require development in order to meet the
Business Requirements, the Project Team will develop
Functional Specifications (including objects,
Modifications or Customizations) during this phase
(Technical Specifications and code development will
occur in later phases of the Project).
2.3.6 Technology Architecture Strategy. The Project Team will prepare an initial technology
architecture strategy (that will be updated from time to time as required during the con-
duct of the Project) that will:
(a) Accomplish the following objectives:
support processes and applications as designed, in
support of the Project Objectives and Business Requirements,
and include appropriate growth plans as communicated by
to the Project Team; and
support the ability of the System to incorporate updates, en-
hancements and future releases.
(b) Include descriptions of the following components:
servers, including the required numbers and sizing (processors,
memory, and data storage);
workstation requirements;
operating systems
network, connectivity and communication requirements (includ-
database requirements;
technology tools & utilities; and
backup and "hot-site" failover procedures.
(c) Establish governance policies and administration procedures for the on-going
management of the Technology Architecture, including back-up procedures,
data transport procedures, authorization and profile maintenance, and per-
formance monitoring.
(d) (a), (b) and (c) above, shall be known collectively, as the "Technology Archi-
tecture Strategy".
2.3. 7 Enterprise Architecture.
(a) will review proposed Enterprise Architecture for its ability to
facilitate the Project Objectives and will provide with recommenda-
tions for any necessary changes, including:
1. Application Architecture, representing the proposed future state
of software applications to be utilized for the Project (the "Ap-
plication Architecture"), including:
(i) application functionality components and relationships;
(ii) application development supporting software languages
and tools, and other required software applications tools
& technologies (such as testing tools);
(iii) diagram describing inbound and outbound
interfaces (which is subject to further refinement in sub-
sequent phases);
(iv) methods (including SOA tools, where ap-
propriate) with other System components including leg-
acy systems; and
(v) legacy software including configurations re-
quired to interface with the System.
Reporting and BI Strategy and architecture required to run it,
including software and data required to support BI and reporting
Information Architecture, including master data descriptions;
Technology Architecture Strategy
(b) (a), (2), (3) and (4) above, collectively, shall be known as, the "Enterprise
2.3.8 Database & Instance Strategy. The Project Team will determine and establish there-
quired number of production and non-production database instances to allow work to
progress from development through testing in a manner that will allow test results and
design decisions to yield results that are indicative of the performance of the System in
production (the "Database and Instance Strategy").
2.3.9 Functional Specifications. The Project Team will create written specifications and do-
cumentation that describe the expected operation of any and all objects, Mod-
ifications or Customizations based on the Business Requirements in sufficient detail in
order to create the Technical Specifications (the "Functional Specifications").
2.3.10 Regulatory Compliance & Validation, Security Matrix, Risk Mitigation, Controls, and
Application Security Requirements Definition and Design.
(a) Regulatory Compliance & Validation. Regulatory compliance requirements,
including Validation considerations, will be an part of the Project
approach in all phases.
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The guiding methodology for System Validation will be
Validation policy.
will assist throughout all phases of the Project and
will lead the team in designing efficient compliance processes
and procedures, as well as facilitating knowledge transfer.
With respect to regulatory compliance and Validation tasks, the
guiding principles for all phases throughout the Project are to:
(i) Identify regulatory compliance requirements and Vali-
dation considerations including documentation methods
& requirements, and testing requirements & approach-
(ii) Use (to the extent possible) existing regulatory
compliance documentation and Validation processes,
policies and documentation (if any);
(iii) Design processes and Configure the System in such a
way so that Regulatory Compliance and Validation can
be accomplished effectively;
(iv) Provide detailed tasks in the Project Plans to adequately
address Regulatory Requirements and Valida-
tion considerations;
(v) Identify and recommend tools, methods, software, and
processes to be used in required tasks for Regulatory
Compliance and Validation;
(vi) Identify and create a Compliance and Validation Strate-
gy for regulatory compliance and Validation during the
Global Design Phase; and.
(vii) Create, test and implement detailed processes, systems,
and documentation associated with regulatory com-
pliance and Validation during subsequent phases of the
(b) Security Matrix. The Project Team will design (with due regard to cost ver-
sus benefit) a security matrix so that the System provides integrity, reliabili-
ty, and availability of Data and information to users (the "Security
(c) Compliance and Validation Strategy: During the Global Design Phase, the
Project Team will create a compliance and Validation strategy, which will:
1. be aligned and in accordance with Validation policy;
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include at a minimum, Industry Leading Practices and industry
standard elements for computer systems validation in
regulated industry;
identify scope, work-plans, Deliverables, Acceptance Criteria
and Milestones for how the System will be Validated from de-
velopment through retirement of the System;
include a high-level overview of methodologies and strategies
for data migration and conversion, solution testing and defect
management, and change management processes;
include a list of compliance requirements
include a clear definition of roles and responsibilities;
include a high-level overview of the System, key functionalities,
architecture, business processes; and
identify the framework and processes necessary so that the Sys-
tem remains in a Validated state post go-live.
(the "Compliance and Validation Strategy").
(d) Risk Mitigation Plan. Risk assessment and related risk mitigation planning
falls into two broad areas: Regulatory and compliance related risks, and
Project related risks.
1. The Project Team will create a written risk mitigation plan (and
update such plan as the Project progresses) that will address
regulatory, compliance and Validation risks, reference the
Validation and testing requirements contained in the
Compliance and Validation Strategy and address all other risks
associated with the Project (the "Risk Mitigation Plan"),
(i) providing a high level evalution of the functions within
the System to determine the criticality and complexity
of each.
(ii) providing a justified, documented assessment of
business, technical and regulatory risks associated with
the System.
(iii) providing an input to planning the Validation and
testing tasks (to be executed during the Global Build
Phase) to support compliance with Regulatory
(iv) enabling a compliance review prior to go-
live.identifying and planning means to mitigate Project
related risks as separate tasks and activities.
(e) IQ/OQ. The Project Team will design plans, procedures, completion criteria
and other documentation so that IQ and OQ can be achieved during the ap-
propriate subsequent phases of the Project.
2.3.11 Conference Room Pilot.
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(a) As processes are identified, categorized and solutioned, the Project Team
will Configure a representative prototype to illustrate for business users the
key processes and scenarios within application environ-
ment(s), based upon the Business Requirements (the "Conference Room Pi-
lot" or "CRP Instance").
(b) The CRP Instance to be used during the Global Design Phase will include
sample data and high-level business processes (no more detailed than Level-
3) where appropriate and where possible.
(c) Near the end ofthe Global Design Phase, the Project Team will conduct a
two-step Conference Room Pilot, identified as CRP-lA and CRP-lB.
(i) For each major process area, the Project Team will con-
duct CRP-lA in the presence of business
process SMEs, business users, and other
stakeholders (the " CRP Attendees"). The
CRP Attendees will have knowledge and familiarity
with the process area being addressed and
Business Requirements for their given process areas.
Using the CRP Instance, members of the Project Team
will walk the CRP Attendees through the Confi-
gurations and business processes for each process area,
including Gaps already identified and the proposed res-
olution of those Gaps. Where Localizations have been
identified, these will also be discussed.
(ii) The Project Team and the CRP Attendees to-
gether will determine whether the Configuration, busi-
ness processes and/or any Gap resolutions or Localiza-
tions are sufficient to meet the Business Requirements.
(iii) If they are not, the CRP Attendees will provide
guidance and feedback to the Project Team as to what
would be acceptable.
(i) For those Gaps that remain unresolved after CRP-lA,
the Project Team will re-Configure the applica-
tion, re-design the business processes and/or re-design
the proposed Gap resolution or Localization.
(ii) The newly modified solution will be demonstrated a
second time to the CRP Attendees. These indi-
viduals, together with the Project Team will determine
if the modified solution is acceptable, and if so the
Project Team will update the Fit/Gap Analysis with the
proposed solution. If further re-work is still needed,
this will also be documented in the Fit/Gap Analysis,
escalated as required, and, if approved, addressed dur-
ing the Global Build Phase.
(d) The Team will generate a report at the end ofCRP-lB which sets forth the
results of the CRP, and update the Fit/Gap Analysis and all of the various af-
fected design documents including and Localizations.
2.3.12 Data Management.
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(a) Data Readiness Assessment.
During the Global Design Phase of the Project, the Project
Team will conduct an assessment of the Data that is
expected to be converted from existing legacy systems into the
new System (the "Data Readiness Assessment").
The Project Team will design such assessment so that it:
(i) may reasonably be used by to size the scope and
effort of the data cleansing and preparation activities;
(ii) will provide a recommended approach to meet
data Transformation objectives.
The Data Readiness Assessment will profile the current sources
of Data, so that the Project Team can identify and
understand the characteristics of the Data that may
impact how the source Data can be mapped to the
System. The Data Readiness Assessment will determine:
(i) Data sources and volumes;
(ii) Data quality;
(iii) Data security requirements; and
(iv) Data cleansing requirements.
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(b) Data Design. The Project Team will conduct a data design effort that will
define the planned usage, definition, and values of data attributes within the
master file targets, which will include chart of accounts, employee master
file, product master file, supplier (vendor) master file, and customer master).
(c) Data Management Plan.
1. The Project Team will develop a plan that will address any iden-
tified quality issues with Data prior to conversion (the
"Data Management Plan"), including:
(i) Identification of appropriate master and transactional
data to be transferred to the System (as defined and ap-
proved by
(ii) Identification of the requirements for cleansing the
Data prior to loading it into the System;
(iii) Identification of tools necessary to facilitate the migra-
tion, cleansing and governance of Data;
(iv) Identification of issues relating to data privacy and data
(v) Development of practices and procedures to guide the
required data cleansing effort;
(vi) Staffing requirements; and
(vii) Milestones related to the Data Management Plan.
(d) Data Governance Strategy.
The Project Team will create a written plan for developing and
administering the policies for managing Data during and
after the System implementation (the "Data Governance Strate-
The Project Team will design the Data Governance Strategy in
an effort to meet both (A) enterprise Business Re-
quirements; and (B) business unit Business Require-
The key elements of the Data Governance Strategy are:
(i) Data management policies, procedures and
standards that govern data quality; and
(ii) roles and responsibilities for carrying out the
approved policies, procedures, and standards.
4. The Project Team will develop a plan to describe the means by
which Data originating from and used by different sys-
tems running concurrently as the result of a phased rollout will
be managed to provide for on-going business operations after
Data is loaded into the System.
(e) Data Conversion Strategy.
The project Team will develop a strategy to successfully com-
plete data conversion required for the implementation with re-
spect to all data including new and legacy data conversion re-
quirements ("Data Conversion Strategy"). The key elements of
the Data Conversion Strategy are:
(i) Identification of master and transactional data to be
converted into the System;
(ii) Conversion approach (manual vs. programmatic);
(iii) Identification of tools to be used by the Project team to
convert and manage Data;
(iv) Conversion process activities and the steps required to
allow the Data to be converted and loaded into
the System test instance;
(v) Business rules;
(vi) Data mappings;
(vii) Transformation rules; and
(viii) Data Validation strategy to confirm that the
Data is appropriately converted into the applicable
Software (per Section 2.3.10).
The Project Team will develop a strategy for retirement of
Data from legacy systems, which is not intended to be
converted and transferred into the System (the "Data Archiving
The Data Conversion Strategy will:
(i) Distinguish what is master data and what is
transactional data, and establish processes to manage
(ii) Minimize the need for costly rework and repeated set-
up and Configuration of instances
associated with conversion errors;
(iii) Identify (and resolve) the majority of potential
conversion issues prior to the actual mock conversion
(iv) Provide for backup of existing data prior to conversion;
(v) Be based on the Functional Specifications.
2.3.13 Legacy Systems and Running Old and New Systems Concurrently.
(a) The Project Team will develop a detailed plan for supporting multiple
technical landscapes (e.g., some facilities on legacy systems vs. new System)
including business process implications and an strategy, which
include roles and responsibilities, contingency plans, help desk hours and
(b) The Project Team will develop a detailed data management plan describing
the means by which Data originating from and used by different
systems running concurrently as the result of a phased System deployment
will be managed to provide for on-going business operations
including plans for supporting customers, suppliers and employees using old
and new systems concurrently.
(c) Legacy System Retirement Planning.
1. During this Phase of the Project, the Project Team will make
recommendations regarding how legacy systems whose functio-
nality will be replaced by the System, will be retired, including:
(i) How Data contained in such legacy systems will
be cleansed, converted and transferred;
(ii) How the legacy systems will be prioritized for shut-
down, as conversion occurs;
(iii) How the legacy systems will be retired and taken out of
(iv) Consideration of whether a parallel run strategy is ap-
propriate; and
(v) How Data not converted will be archived and
made available to for on-going use.
2.3.14 Reporting and Business Intelligence (BI) Strategy.
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(a) will develop and submit to for its review and approval, a written
Business Intelligence strategy and architecture that is designed to deliver im-
proved management reporting and facilitates evidence-based decision-
making (the "Reporting and Business Intelligence Strategy" or "Reporting
and BI Strategy").
(b) As part of this effort will:
review current approach to Business Intelligence;
evaluate existing BI tools and applications; and
identify Business Requirements that relate to Business Intelli-
(c) Based on the Business Requirements, will recommend, and upon
approval, design a Reporting and Business Intelligence Strategy, archi-
tecture, and approach, which will include:
Collecting the desired analytics and reporting requirements for
each business process;
Defining which reporting and BI tools will be used within the
Recommending the proper balance between standard reports
and self-service analytics; and
Assessing the adequacy of prepackaged reports and BIIDW ap-
plications within the applications.
(d) will also recommend any necessary Software tools and work
that may be necessary to accomplish the approved Reporting and
Business Intelligence Strategy.
2.3.15 Reports, Interfaces, Conversions, Extensions and Workflows (
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(a) Development Strategy. During the Global Design Phase, the Project
Team will design and document a strategy for the development
objects (the " Development Strategy"). The guiding principles for
the Development Strategy will provide for:
the design objects that will utilize supported
tools and technologies;
objects that will be capable of being reused (with rea-
sonably appropriate retrofitting) in later upgrades of the System;
the design objects will utilize the latest appropriate
technology, as agreed to by for extending applications;
the design of conversion programs (including those for master
data) which can be leveraged for future Acquisitions;
the creation of templates for technical design documents for
SOA related extensions; and
the establishment of rules for development which will:
(i) attempt to minimize the number
(ii) take into account current technologies such as Service
Oriented Architecture (SOA), XML Gateway, Business
Events, BI Publisher, Applications Framework
(OAF), Applications Development framework (ADF),
Approval Management Engine (AME) etc.; and
(iii) comply with current applicable standards in-
tended to facilitate upgrading to future ver-
sions of
(b) The Project Team will prepare a list required for the System to
meet the Business Requirements, together with Functional Specifications for
each identified object (" Listing").
2.3.16 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Templates.
(a) The Project Team will develop a list of documents which will allow individ-
ual Sites to prepare for and perform the implementation of the Sys-
tem, including:
Identification of global SOPs to be developed during the Global
Build Phase; and
templates to detail how the System will be deployed to each
2.3.17 Deployment Strategy.
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(a) Definition.
The Project Team will use methods which may include conduct-
ing workshops for the joint Project Team, to determine the ap-
propriate way to implement and deploy the System throughout
the Sites, including how legacy systems will be incorpo-
rated or retired.
Based on the outcome of the work performed pursuant to sub-
section (1) above, The Project Team will develop and submit to
for its review and approval, a deployment strategy doc-
ument for the global System implementation that is cost-
effective and takes into consideration the Project Objectives
("Deployment Strategy").
(b) Minimum Requirements. The Deployment Strategy will, at a minimum in-
clude the proposed location and timing of implementing the System on a di-
visional, regional, process, modular or other basis, as required by
identify the location of the Pilot; and describe the sequence and the detailed
plan for physically implementing the System at applicable Sites.
(c) Additional Requirements. The Deployment Strategy will also include:
A statement describing System deployment objectives,
including, without limitation, minimizing disruption to
businesses, risk mitigation, and contingency planning;
A plan for staging and sequencing System functionality across
the Sites;
List of viable staging and sequencing scenarios;
The location and timing of the Pilot Site deployment;
Documentation of the rationale for the inclusion or exclusion of
scenarios; and
A high level time-line and staffing plan for deployment across
all Sites and facilities.
2.3.18 Localizations.
(a) During the Global Design Phase, the Project Team will identify and list the
required Localizations for North America and identify additional Localiza-
tions that are known for the remainder of Sites.
(b) The Project Team will summarize the Localizations by Site. During
this Phase, the Project Team will write Functional Specifications for all
North American Localizations.
(c) Functional designs will also be written for any Localizations outside of North
America that were identified during the Global Design Phase. It is expected
that additional Localizations may be discovered for Sites outside of
North America in the future and they will be addressed and designed in sub-
sequent deployment phases of the Project.
2.3.19 Implementation Plan and Estimate.
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(a) At the end of the Global Design will use its methodologies and
estimating tools to refine its previous estimates and deliver to for its
review and approval a plan for implementing (from Global Build through the
Deploy and Support Phases) the System ("Implementation Plan and
Estimate"), including:
1. Schedule;
2. Resource estimates;
3. Milestones;
4. Deliverables; and
5. Cost estimate, in accordance with Section 10.2.1.
(b) will submit the revised Implementation Plan and Estimate to
upon completion of activities in the Global Design Phase (but in such a
manner as to avoid unnecessary delays in transitioning to the Global Build
(c) The revised Implementation Plan and Estimate must be written in such a
manner that a reasonable service provider would be able to understand and
could use the plan as a basis for implementation.
2.3.20 Organizational Change Management (OCM)
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(a) During the Global Design Phase, The OCM Team will finalize the OCM
Strategy and the Organizational Transformation Plan and execute the tasks
and prepare the Deliverables called for during this phase pursuant to Section
(b) Training Strategy and Planning.
During the Global Design Phase, The OCM Team and the
Project Team will develop a Training Strategy that addresses the
learning needs of each impacted stakeholder group, including
super users (as designated by trainers, end users and
support staff (the "Training Strategy").
The Training Strategy may include consideration for conducting
a training simulation, including pre-configured laptops, desk-
tops, pre-loaded data, role based demo scripts, demo portal
access for users and pre-defined roles.
Needs Assessment. The Project Team will assess the various
training audiences impacted by the Project and use this data to
appropriately define learning needs, understand business
unit and geographical differences and deliver a document
detailing the results of such assessment (the "Needs
Initial Training Plan. The Project Team will provide a "high
level" approach for delivering end user training, which includes
the Training Strategy, Needs Assessment, plans for design and
development of training documentation and curriculum, and
requirements for training related to deployment and Post
Production Support activities (the initial "Training Plan"). The
Training Plan will be updated with more detail during the
Global Build Phase.
2.3.21 Planning for Production Support.
(a) During the Global Design Phase, the Project Team will:
document the initial high-level Ongoing Production Support
Plan pursuant to Section 2.6.4(c)l,
document the requirements for the Center of Excellence;
plan for ongoing production support mechanisms; and develop
processes and rules for approving, designing, testing and dep-
loying changes to the Production System.
2.4 Global Build Phase.
2.4.1 Overview: During the Global Build Phase, the Project Team will perform the Services
required to Configure and build the System to satisfy the Business Requirements in ac-
cordance with the Project Plan.
2.4.2 The Services that the Project Team will perform during this phase (as further outlined in
more detail in the remainder of this Section below) include:
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(a) Deploying and qualifying the Technology Architecture as designed in the
Technology Architecture Strategy;
(b) Installing the required Software applications (both and non-
applications) in accordance with the Application Architecture;
(c) Deploying and qualifying the required database instances as set forth in the
Database Instance Strategy;
(d) Designing and developing objects identified during the Global De-
sign Phase in accordance with the Development Strategy;
(e) Designing and developing Localizations identified during the Global Design
(t) Designing and documenting all Detailed Business Processes that are neces-
sary to satisfy the Business Requirements;
(g) Configuring the System and confirming that the System Configurations are
in accordance with the applicable specifications and Business Requirements;
(h) Performing defect resolution, as appropriate to resolve any issues related to
errors or faulty code development;
(i) Cleansing and preparing data to be converted and migrated to the new Sys-
G) Performing unit testing on objects, Modifications, Customizations
and Localizations;
(k) Executing the required Organizational Change Management activities as
called for in the Project Plan for the Global Build Phase;
(I) Executing the planned regulatory compliance and Validation tasks required
to be performed during the Global Build Phase;
(m) Executing the Compliance and Validation Strategy and completing the tasks
and Deliverables indentified in the Master Validation Plan as required during
the Global Build Phase;
(n) Updating and implementing the Risk Mitigation Plan(s) for both regulatory
risks and project risks separately;
(o) Updating the Reporting and BI Strategy Document as required and perform-
ing tasks called for during the Global Build Phase relating to reporting and
BI activities;
(p) Designing and documenting Test Plans and Test Cases required to be used in
the Testing Phase;
( q) Updating the Deployment Strategy as required and perform tasks called for
during the Global Build Phase;
(r) Updating the Training Plan and Training Strategy as required, developing
Training Documentation and performing all other tasks called for during the
Global Build Phase in the Project Plan;
(s) Planning for legacy system retirement, running the System and the legacy
systems (legacy and new) in accordance with the Deployment Strategy;
(t) Preparing the initial draft of the Cutover Plans for each Site which in-
cludes the Cutover Checklist for each Site in accordance with the
Deployment Strategy; and
(u) Conducting one or more Conference Room Pilots (CRPs).
2.4.3 Design & Development (including North America Localizations).
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(a) Technical Specifications. will create detailed Technical Specifications
for each of the objects, sufficient to allow a reasonably competent
developer to develop the object so that it will meet its expected op-
eration (as defined by the Functional Specifications) in accordance with the
Business Requirements, including:
1. Technical Specification Templates;
2. Guidelines specifying when languages other than American
English must be accommodated; and
3. Conventions and guidelines for code design, including those re-
lated to object oriented standards, Service Oriented Architecture
(SOA) principles, and code reuse.
(b) Develop and unit-test and identified Localizations.
During this Phase, will develop and unit-test all required
objects and identified Localizations;
will develop and identified Localizations using
both onsite and offshore teams and resources;
will be "complete" when they have passed User Ac-
ceptance Testing (which is scheduled to occur in the next Phase
of the Project).
(c) Conversion and Interface Programs Documentation.
The Project Team will develop and document a detailed listing
and description of the data objects, conversion programs, and
interfaces required to be built to support the System ("Conver-
sion and Interfaces Programs Document"). The Conversion and
Interfaces Programs Document will include:
(i) Data synchronization requirements;
(ii) Sources of all data elements;
(iii) Specification of the programs that will extract data from
legacy systems; and
(iv) Details of the interface programs that are to be devel-
oped, which will include the type of interface, messag-
ing rules, messaging frequency, and field mapping.
will update the Listing so that it remains current.
(d) Unit Testing. will test the newly developed objects at their
smallest functional point to verify that the code meets its Technical Specifi-
cations ("Unit Testing").
2.4.4 The Project Team will Configure or design and develop Localizations required for the
North American deployment waves during the Global Build Phase and incorporate them
into the Production System. The Project Team will also Configure or design and devel-
op known Localizations for regions outside of North America during the Global Build
2.4.5 Roles and Authorization Specification. The Project Team will prepare a document that
describes (a) the procedures, policies and methods for creating user roles within the
Production System, and (b) detailed specifications of user roles and the privileges and
restrictions associated with each user profile such that role based security standards are
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maintained (the "Roles and Authorization Specification"), which will include the fol-
lowing key activities:
(a) Establish administrative procedures for managing user roles and associated
authorizations for the System;
(b) Define new user roles and authorizations for new and changed business
processes implemented in the System;
(c) Modify existing user roles and authorizations for new and changed business
processes implemented in the System;
(d) Define Acceptance Criteria of all user roles and authorizations for
Testing and User Acceptance Testing activities;
(e) Test new and changed user roles and authorizations in the System; and
(f) Implement new and changed user roles and authorizations in the System.
2.4.6 Training Documentation and curriculum to be prepared during the Global Build Phase.
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(a) The Project Team and the OCM Team will create a training curriculum that
aligns with the OCM Strategy and details the profiles of the various business
roles in the future environment and provides a roadmap of the activi-
ties that will be undertaken to reasonably equip end-users with the skills and
knowledge necessary to perform their jobs and achieve the key performance
indicators desired. The Project Team will update the Training Plan to in-
Role profiles and descriptions;
Mapping of job and security profiles to applicable business
processes, transactions, tools, and applications within the future
business environment and System;
Role-based training plans based on the above role mapping;
Training plans for each user and trainer;
Training workshop schedule and related logistics requirements;
Confirmation of a system to confirm training effectiveness and
maintain accurate training records;
Standards for the development of Training Documentation; and
Development of training feedback mechanisms and processes.
(b) The Project Team will create the training documentation based on the Train-
ing Plan and Training Strategy and will include all materials, whether in writ-
ten or electronic form, needed to reasonably equip trainers and end users with
the skills and knowledge necessary to perform their jobs and achieve the de-
sired key performance indicators (the "Training Documentation").
(c) The Project Team will:
Prepare end-user role-based training courses (the training
curriculum) supported by realistic exercises and simulations;
Finalize the detailed Training Plan for training that will deliver
targeted learning to users based on their specific needs;
Incorporate the following into the Training Plan:
(i) Courseware maintenance and change control processes
for process/ system changes;
(ii) Ongoing infrastructure/technology requirements;
(iii) Potential re-purposing of content for web-based
training; and
(iv) Ongoing training, inclusive of"refresher" training and
training for new hires and job changes.
Training Documentation will include the following:
(i) detailed role-based content that includes copies of
screens and the instructions for navigating both within
that screen and to other screens in order to perform de-
fined work tasks, and
(ii) quick reference or pocket guides for the most common-
ly used transactions.
Other documentation forms and tools will be utilized as agreed
by the Parties.
(d) The Project Team will develop processes that provide for continuous im-
provement of training methods, documentation and trainers, and also develop
processes that determine whether users who have been trained are capable of
operating the System on a day to day basis.
2.4.7 Test Plans, Test Scripts and Test Preparation. The Project Team will prepare Test
Plans, Test Scripts and other related Deliverables, which will include industry standard
attributes, location of testing, resources, roles/responsibilities and testing tools. The fol-
lowing elements will be included:
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(a) Test Plans and Test Scripts.
1. The Project Team will develop a set of plans for execution of
the various tests (including tasks and checklists) that are re-
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quired to validate that the System functions properly (the "Test
Plans"). The Project Team will also describe business process
scenarios and scripts to be executed during such testing in suffi-
cient detail (including variations in each process) to adequately
test the System and, to validate that the System meets the Busi-
ness Requirements (the "Test Scripts").
The Test Plans and Test Scripts will also describe what, who,
where and how all testing activities required will be performed.
Test Plans and Test Scripts will include:
(i) Business scenarios with detailed instructions for test ex-
ecution, specifying expected results to be achieved for
all aspects of testing;
(ii) A controlled method for defect tracking and maintain-
ing a log of all identified issues, as well as their asso-
ciated resolution;
(iii) Mapping, Configuring and testing of Business Re-
quirements to System Configuration;
(iv) Testing objects;
(v) Verification of connectivity (i.e., system accessibility
by all user types);
(vi) Creation of a traceability matrix; and
(vii) Creation of a library of Test Scripts.
Furthermore, the Test Plans will include:
(i) A controlled method for reporting, managing, retesting,
reviewing, and closing out any defects found during
(ii) A controlled method for managing, implementing, and
retesting any changes;
(iii) A controlled method for tracking and maintaining a log
of all identified issues, as well as their associated reso-
lution; and
(iv) Creation of a summary report, including any deviations
from the original plan and an explanation of how such
deviations were resolved.
(b) Types of Testing. The Test Plans will include the following types of Testing:
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System Testing. The Project Team will create plans
for System Testing so that each developed compo-
nent functions in an manner with the rest of the Sys-
tem and individual modules, add-ons, or other separate parts,
when combined together, operate as required, and include test-
ing for:
(i) security/role based access and administration testing, as
well verification of any regulatory or compliance re-
(ii) all functionality as identified in the Business
Process and Localization design documents;
(iii) back up/recovery testing to verify that backup and re-
covery procedures execute successfully;
(iv) all interfaces to and non- systems (e.g.
real-time, batch processing);
(v) middleware within the System and all other
relevant to the System; and
(vi) electronic exchange of information to external partners
(e.g. customers, suppliers).
Performance Testing. The Project Team will prepare plans for
Performance Testing so that scalability, reliability and resource
usage ofthe System is able to withstand the estimated load and
include reliability and responsiveness for transactional and/or
reporting functions;
Stress Testing. The Project Team will prepare plans for Stress
Testing of the System using simulated peak system loads and
include plans for:
(i) Loading data into the System to validate successful op-
eration for extended periods of time and with high vo-
lumes of data being accessed across the network;
(ii) Simulating peak concurrent user volumes;
(iii) Documenting to show when the System begins to exhi-
bit performance degradation;
(iv) Assessing System scalability;
(v) Implementing performance tuning measures, based on
the results of Performance Testing and Stress Testing as
required to meet the Business Requirements; and
(vi) Verifying that System performance meets the Business
Regression Testing. The Project Team will prepare plans for
the following regression testing activities, so that any Modifica-
tions, Customizations, and/or Configurations as required, do not
adversely impact the System as a whole:
(i) System functionality verification;
(ii) Reasonable assurance that any system bug fixes,
patches, or vendor related updates do not adversely im-
pact the functionality; and
(iii) Identification and creation of a set of test cases I scripts
I scenarios that are considered the minimum required, in
addition to the functions primarily affected, to execute
for any release moving forward.
2.4.8 Master Validation Plan and Regulatory Compliance. During the Global Build Phase,
the Project Team will execute the tasks and activities as defined in the Compliance and
Validation Strategy.
2.4.9 Entetprise Architecture: The Project Team will update and finalize the Entetprise Ar-
chitecture, as appropriate and with approval, so that it is complete and accurate
2.4.10 Cutover Plan. The Project Team will create the first draft of the Cutover Plan for each
Site (which will include a Cutover Checklist for each Site). The Cutover
Plan and Cutover Checklist will be finalized in subsequent phases of the Project and are
more fully described in Section 2.5.7.
2.4.11 IQIOQ.
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(a) The Project Team will execute the IQIOQ plans so that the environment(s)
are prepared, Software successfully installed, back-outluninstall procedure is
prepared, and necessary interfaces, components, and systems can be success-
fully initiated and operated for North America (and for all other Sites
in later phases of the Project), which includes:
Creating and completing the IQIOQ documentation for the Sys-
tem, which will consist at minimum, of a summary of the Sys-
tem and step by step instructions for IQIOQ execution;
Executing the IQIOQ according to approved procedure, and
providing documented evidence of successful Software installa-
Verifying that backup and recovery procedures execute success-
Validating that System administration activities execute suc-
Verifying that the test and production instances are mirrored and
all exceptions are documented
Successfully resolving any defects; and
Preparing a summary of successful installation, and submitting
same to for review, approval, and acceptance.
2.4.12 Conference Room Pilot(s). During the Global Build Phase, the Project Team may elect
to conduct one or more additional Conference Room Pilots (CRPs). Each successive
CRP will include more detail as Business Processes are designed and objects
are developed and incorporated into the CRP instance. The CRPs will be conducted in
the same manner as described in Section 2.3.10(e), except that business users will have
the opportunity to execute the processes and software tasks themselves rather than hav-
ing such functions demonstrated to them by Project Team members. Furthermore,
CRPs conducted during this Phase may include actual data or subsets of
data and will be conducted to Level5 process descriptions (where appropriate).
2.5 Testing Phase.
2.5.1 Testing (not including UAT).
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(a) All testing of the System, including objects and identified Localiza-
tions will be performed in accordance with this SOW to determine whether
the System operates in accordance with the Business Requirements.
(b) All testing will be performed in accordance with the Test Plans, the Test
Scripts and the Master Validation Plan as defined in the Project Plan.
(c) During the Testing Phase, the Project Team will confirm that the System has
been successfully tested and is compliant with applicable global governing
regulations, and operates as intended, and is ready for production use in
North America (and for all other Sites in later phases of the Project),
Finalization of the Enterprise Architecture to reflect that it is
production ready for North America;
Resolution of all critical issues such that any open issues are
agreed upon, documented, and work-arounds are in place;
Completion and approval of the Deployment Strategy;
Preparing for cutover at the Pilot Location(s) including develop-
ing procedures for hot-site failover in the event of an emergen-
5. Successful completion and approval of all testing relating to the
Global Design and North America Localizations required to run
the North America Sites, from initial planning, through
execution and summary (and for performing all required testing
for all other Sites in later phases of the Project), per the
Compliance and Validation Strategy, including:
{i) System Testing (SIT);
{ii) Performance Testing;
{iii) Stress Testing; and
{iv) Regression Testing.
2.5.2 User Acceptance Testing (VAT).
(a) The Project Team will validate that all user acceptance Test Cases are identi-
fied and complete per Test Plans, and a combination of the Project Team and
selected end users will perform all tests on all end-to-end business process in
scope for the North America Sites (and all other Sites in later
phases of the Project) to validate the System, including objects so
that the System produces results in accordance with the Business Require-
ments, including:
Perform tests, with all converted Data on all end-to-end
business process scenarios to validate the System meets usabili-
ty standards;
Provide input to refine the Training Plan and Training Docu-
mentation; and
Repair and resolve any issues identified as a result of testing.
Retest Enhancements to the System, resulting from issue identi-
fication, according to Test Plans and Test Scripts until Valida-
tion of Business Requirements is achieved.
Assist as needed in execution of preparation prior to cu-
tover to the production environment.
2.5.3 Testing Checklist.
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(a) Prior to completing all activities required for the Testing Phase, the Project
Team will generate a list that contains all activities and Milestones that must
be met prior to completing the Testing Phase (the "Testing Phase Check-
(b) The Testing Phase is not complete until all such items have been validated to
have been satisfactorily completed in accordance with defined criteria; and
(c) The Project Team will not conduct any activities associated with the Deploy
and Support Phase of the Project without prior authorization which
includes the final signed-off Validation Summary Report.
2.5.4 Testing for Subsequent Localizations and Waves.
(a) The System will be deployed in waves with the initial strategy being to dep-
loy North America Locations after the Pilot deployment and Post Production
Services at the Pilot Location. Thus, the remainder of the Sites out-
side of North America will be deployed later in the time-line.
(b) Should additional Localizations be required for the non-North American dep-
loyment waves, then such Localizations will be developed, unit tested and
additional SIT and UAT iterations will be planned and executed prior to dep-
loying the System to the additional Sites.
2.5.5 Train the Trainers. Conduct required training on the System and its functionality for the
trainers identified by the Project Team so that they are prepared to execute the
end-user training plans (i.e., "train the trainer").
2.5.6 Hot-Site Failover Procedures. The Project Team will create a list of procedures to be
followed in the event of catastrophic server outage requiring the hot-site to be activated
for continued usage of the System. The Project Team will also test the procedures and
the hot-site failover switching prior to go-live. Such documentation, testing and proce-
dures will be subject to Validation and Testing for Regulatory Compliance.
2.5. 7 Cutover Plan and Cutover Checklist.
(a) The Project Team will finalize the plans that will cover the Cutover process
(including sequence and outline procedures) needed to transition to the Sys-
tem for each Site ("Cutover Plan").
(b) The Cutover Plan will defme the sequence of conversion activities ( conver-
sion, verification process, and manual entry) and outlines cutover procedures.
(c) The Cutover Plan will include:
Legacy system shutdown procedure;
A timed sequence production implementation checklist (the Cu-
tover Checklist) and script for each Site;
Data conversion and migration (automated and manual) se-
quence and schedule across multiple geographic locations and
time zones;
Cutover resource plan;
Contingency measures for a failed go-live providing for re-
sumption of the legacy environment;
6. Communication plan for all impacted parties (e.g., customers,
service entities, employees) for Cutover to the new system,
which will be represented in the OCM communications plan;
7. Technical plan covering readiness of printers, fax machines and
any other hardware needed for operating the System;
8. Process for configuration required directly in the production en-
vironment, if any;
9. Plan for monitoring system performance after go-live;
10. Hot-site failover procedures;
11. Process for help-desk set-up and support;
12. Process for logging and resolving issues;
13. Success criteria used to validate the success of go-live;
14. Team status meeting schedule to monitor 'live' environment;
15. Plans for mock conversion testing; and
16. The Cutover Checklist defmed in subsection (d) below.
(d) Cutover Checklist. The Project Team will create a list of all activities that
will be performed and managed before transitioning a site or group of end
users to the System, including all of the components of the Cutover Plan and
Deployment Strategy (the "Cutover Checklist"), including:
(i) Pilot Site implementation activities;
(ii) Step-by-step instructions for migration to the System;
(iii) A detailed schedule and task-level resource plan for
each go-live Cutover;
(iv) Data-related activities, including migration, conversion,
and cleansing; and,
(v) Security-related activities, including the creation of
role-based system authorization profiles.
2.5.8 Site Readiness Evaluation. Prior to each deployment, the Project Team will conduct an
evaluation of the environment (people, processes, systems) for each Site imple-
mentation to determine whether the environment is ready to accept the System and ex-
ecute business transactions successfully (the "Site Readiness Evaluation Document").
2.6 Deploy and Support.
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2.6.1 Overview.
(a) This final phase of the Project includes the cutover to a production system
per the Deployment Strategy in waves, Post Production Support and the tran-
sition to ongoing production support.
(b) The Project Team will first deploy the System to the Pilot Location, which
may give rise to proposed changes to the Global Design. The Project Team
will address any such proposed changes in accordance with the Post Produc-
tion Support Plan and such changes may be incorporated into the System
upon receipt of approval.
(c) If approves any changes to the System, the Project Team will design
and implement these changes. Depending upon the nature and complexity of
the changes, the Project Team will perform any additional testing required
(which may include SIT, Regression Testing and UAT) for aspects of the
System affected by such changes.
(d) The Project Team will update all documentation including training documen-
tation and curriculum affected by approved changes in the Global Design and
Localizations once the System is in production.
2.6.2 Conversion of Data.
(a) will extract and cleanse all data (master data and transactions in
progress) required to be converted to the System.
(b) The Project Team will convert all required Data in accordance with
the provisions of this SOW.
2.6.3 For each Site, the Project Team will perform all of the tasks required to cut over
to the Production System in accordance with the provisions of this SOW, including:
(a) Confmning that all activities have been performed in accordance with the
Project Plan, such that cutover into the production environment is timely and
(b) Developing contingency plans (if any additional are required);
(c) Finalizing the Cutover Checklist;
(d) Executing the Site Readiness Evaluation, communicating any identified defi-
ciencies to and resolving such deficiencies which the Parties agree
need to be resolved prior to cutover;
(e) Identify and communicate any risks of going live to and provide rec-
ommendations for actions that can be taken to avoid such risks, prior to pro-
duction cutover;
(f) Finalize a plan for provision of production support after go-live pursuant to
Section 2.6.4(b ), and transition of support to personnel after the Post
Production Services are complete (the "Post Production Plan"). The Post
Production Plan will include the following elements required to deliver the
Post Production Services:
1. Staffing projections;
2. Schedule;
3. Tools and techniques;
4. Procedures; and
5. Reporting.
(g) Assisting with development of vital signs metrics;
(h) Performing defect and issue resolution, as appropriate;
(i) Performing an assessment of implementation activities and developing a
"lessons learned" assessment, and communicating same to and,
(j) Obtaining fmal authorization from for cutover to production envi-
2.6.4 COE, Post Production Services and Ongoing Production Support.
(a) Center ofExcellence. will assist in the establishment of a struc-
ture to assist in on-going management and support of operations related to
the System filled with key users and trainers who are well versed in the Sys-
tem operations and functionality (herein referred to as the "Center of Excel-
lence" or "COE").
(b) Post Production Services. Upon obtaining final authorization from
for cutover to the production environment, and after "go live", the Project
Team will provide production support services for a period of time in support
of Sites in accordance with the Post Production Plan ("Post Produc-
tion Services"), including the following:
Monitoring the System transactions and overall performance
(e.g., system, network, database, response times, backup dura-
tion) and communicating the results of such monitoring to
and the PMO, along with recommendations for improve-
ment, if any;
Resolving issues or problems that occur during the post produc-
tion period for each Site following each deployment or
until the System is stabilized;
Reporting on status of the System after go-live, including:
(i) Errors and trends for each reporting cycle;
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(ii) Performance of the system; and
(iii) Knowledge transfer progress.
Developing long term solutions to those issues resolved through
work arounds particularly with reference to System perfor-
mance, capacity and functions, so that the System becomes sta-
Develop transition plans and successfully transition to
ongoing support team.
Unless the Parties agree, Post Production Services will continue
until the following events occur: (1) one full month and one full
quarter end close have been successfully accomplished, and (2)
all outstanding support tickets identified as "severity 1" have
been resolved.
(c) Ongoing Production Support.
The Project Team will create a plan, which will detail how
will support the System after Post Production Services are
complete (the "Ongoing Production Support Plan").
The Ongoing Production Support Plan comprises the following
several sub-plans which specify the structure within which post
go-live support will be provided:
(i) Ongoing Production Support Resource Plan - This
Work Product defines categories and lists of end users
to be supported, provides high-level descriptions ofhow
the end users will be supported, and outlines service
level agreements. It also lists the resources that will run
the help-desk and their roles and responsibilities. The
Ongoing Production Support Plan will include:
A. Detailed definitions of the functions and
processes required for on-going support;
B. Roles and responsibilities, including updated
job descriptions;
C. Staffing levels, training, tools and infrastructure
required to support and assist the COE;
D. Documentation of the System and related busi-
ness processes, including test scripts and re-
sults, points, transaction inter-
dependencies, and Configuration settings;
E. Plans to communicate the COE operational pol-
icies, practices, procedures, and service levels
to users;
F. Upgrade, enhancement, and hot-pack applica-
tion strategies;
G. Plans to provide appropriate knowledge transfer
to select Project team members such that
personnel can perform both the administra-
tor and general user roles; and
H. System monitoring requirements.
(ii) Production support policy and procedures document -
This document details the governance model around the
production support organization so that all individuals
are aware of their respective roles and responsibilities,
are properly trained and understand the operation of the
production support organization within the System en-
vironment. It includes call descriptions, call handling,
call escalation and call resolution policies.
(iii) Production support process document - This document
describes the process for handling different support re-
quests (e.g., changes and bug fixes) and tools that will
be required (e.g., testing tools, modeling tools, help
desk tools) and how such tools will be implemented.
2.6.5 Knowledge Transfer.
(a) personnel will perform knowledge transfer activities to allow
personnel to understand and use the System.
(b) Upon request, will extend (i.e., not off-board) applicable
personnel beyond their originally planned roll-off date in accordance with the
Change Procedures.
2.6.6 Ongoing Project and System Maintenance.
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(a) As a part of the Services and part of Project wrap up, will assemble and
provide to all materials required to be delivered hereunder (to the ex-
tent not otherwise provided to including, standards, templates, tem-
plate content, and tools (as appropriate) that will provide with the
ability to maintain the System.
(b) may Use these materials in its sole discretion.
(c) will also assist with the assembly and collation of all Work
Products created during the Term, including all documentation developed
and/or populated as a part of this Project.
3. Organizational Change Management
3.1 General.
3.1.1 will review Organizational Change Management approach and using this
as an input, and incorporating Industry Leading Practices and methods and tools,
develop a strategy and specific tactics relating to OCM for review and approv-
al. Such OCM-related strategies and tactics will be designed to facilitate adop-
tion of the System and manage the impacted business processes while obtaining buy-in
from affected personnel and mitigating the "people risks" associated with the
Implementation ("Organizational Change Management and Training Strategy").
3.1.2 As part of its project management responsibilities, will monitor OCM
program (as set forth in the staffing plan), will provide leadership and guidance to the
OCM Team and participate as reasonably requested by in executing the
OCM tasks during the Project. ffiM will provide regular periodic guidance to
OCM Team in the conduct of their tasks.
3.2 The Organizational Change Management (OCM) T _ ~ a m
3.2.1 will form a team of individuals, including the OCM lead, to create the
OCM Strategy and related tasks as called for in the Project Plan. Such team will com-
prise a full-time OCM lead and sufficient numbers of qualified full-time and
part-time team members to carry out the tasks assigned to it throughout the
Project as well as a part-time ffiM team lead.
3.2.2 As part of this team, ffiM will provide guidance, advice and leadership (in accordance
with the staffing plan), and will also provide tools, methods, templates and sample deli-
verables to team, however it is primary responsibility to perform the
OCM tasks during the Project.
(the "Organizational Change Management Team" or "OCM Team")
3.3 Organizational Change Management Strategy.
3.3.1 The OCM Team will design and implement a strategy to manage change during and af-
ter the Project in order to meet the Project Objectives (the "OCM Strategy").
3.3.2 The OCM Strategy will be designed to facilitate adoption of the System and
will include strategies, methods and tools designed to:
NYCDMS! ll83869 .19
(a) manage the migration to the newly designed Business Processes and System;
(b) address organization structure to support change and the System in-
cluding roles and responsibilities;
(c) obtain alignment and buy-in from leadership, management and af-
fected staff
(d) mitigate the "people risks" associated with the Project;
(e) enable collaboration amongst members of the Project Team and their interac-
tion with business users
(t) minimize business disruption associated with the implementation of a new
(g) address the training needs for the Project; and
(h) effectively communicate to the Organization the status and the benefits of the
(the "Organizational Change Management (OCM) Strategy").
3.3.3 In developing the OCM Strategy, and defining and creating the related tasks and delive-
rables associated OCM, the OCM Team will use the following guiding principles:
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
(a) Utilize and tailor components of "Better Change Methodology" or
other OCM methods as appropriate;
(b) Use proven and tested methodologies and tools successfully used in similar
ERP transformation efforts;
(c) Leverage the Benchmarking Study and the Business Case described in
Section 2.3.2 to help build a strong case for change and to help
facilitate communication of specific value messages to each
stakeholder group;
(d) OCM and training activities into the Project, thereby enabling users
to more easily adopt process and technical changes;
(e) Engage local end users around the world throughout each phase of the
Project,incorporating their feedback into the Business Process Designs as
(t) Involve end users to tailor communications and training for their respective
business unit communities;
(g) Use stakeholder analyses during the Project to understand unique issues (e.g.,
impact, culture and change readiness) for each stakeholder group;
(h) Execute change activities that are appropriate for the anticipated size and
complexity of the applicable change's impact;
(i) Coordinate input from and addressing the concerns of all Sites;
(j) Utilize other OCM methods and tools to increase user engagement in the
change process;
(k) Performe user training as necessary to increase user capabilities for each
(I) Collaborate with management and stakeholders while executing the
Project; and
(m) Address any specific needs for OCM.
3.3.4 The Organizational Transformation Plan and The Transformation. The OCM Team will
defme and execute plans, in accordance with the OCM Strategy, that will allow
to adapt to process changes, data changes, and reporting changes, as well as system
changes resulting from the Project (the "Organizational Transformation Plan"). The
process by which transforms from its current state to the future state in satisfac-
tion of the Project Objectives is known as the "Transformation".
(a) The Organizational Transformation Plan will include tasks necessary to
affect the Transformation, in support of the OCM Strategy, and will include
the following in the Project Plan:
a schedule of tasks, schedules and milestones required of the
Project Team and/or the OCM Team for the Transformation for
each phase of the Project;
a description of the operations and assets being transformed or
replaced; and
a description of all reasonably required knowledge transfer, in-
cluding a description of the methods and procedures, personnel
and organization that will be used to perform the Transforma-
(b) The OCM Team will work with the appropriate personnel (including,
where applicable, third parties engaged by the Project Team, key
leaders, and influencers throughout to develop and implement the
Organizational Transformation Plan so that it also incorporates the following
Build a solid foundation of executive sponsorship and leader-
ship support
Involve business stakeholders across the business func-
tions and sites in the change management process;
Establish and execute a structured communications program
within and between and Service provider, to build
awareness and adoption of the changes resulting from the
Address the potential impacts that will result from the Project's
implementation of new, standardized processes and a common
technology platform;
Define and address organization structure, human resource and
workforce Transformation activities required to sustain the new
processes and the new platform, such as role/position mapping;
Manage the Project (including resulting Transformation)
through ongoing monitoring of potential risk and areas of resis-
tance; and
Establish and execute a customer-focused and process-centered
(rather than a technology-centered) end user training strategy
and plan.
3.4 Training.
3.4.1 The OCM Team and the Project Team will structure all Project training in terms of the
applicable process( es) and individual roles, focusing on global business process and
3.4.2 The OCM Team's approach to the Transformation will begin by gaining an understand-
ing of both the extent of changes the Project is expected to bring and the person-
nel, vendors and customers who will be impacted by the Project.
3.4.3 End User Training During Testing Phase.
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(a) Train the Trainer.
The Project Team will prepare end user training documentation
and will train selected personnel in such a manner that
they will be reasonably skilled and prepared to conduct end user
The trainers will conduct end user training in accordance
with the Training Plans, approaches, and techniques established
by the Project Team.
Key activities to be performed by the Project Team, in prepara-
tion for this training include:
(i) Identification of personnel to be trained and
who will conduct the end user training;
(ii) Preparation of end user training documentation, includ-
ing session objectives, description, schedule, and partic-
ipants; and
(iii) Preparation of training materials for all business process
scenarios and functionality delivered by the System.
(b) The Project Team will conduct end user training according to the Training
Plans, approaches, and techniques established.
3.5 Organizational Change Management Components.
3.5.1 Organization Change Readiness.
(a) The OCM Team will assess receptivity to change and identify
existing change barriers through various methods of gathering data and/or
interviews as agreed upon by
(b) The OCM Team will assess the results and help guide the Project Team to
use the insights obtained through such change readiness assessment;
in designing and executing the Project change and
Transformation management planning activities; and
to enable the Project Team to focus on areas where resistance is
the highest and adoption of anticipated changes matters the most
for successful Project completion.
(c) During the Term, the OCM Team will extract and use the key components of
such change readiness survey to develop a change management scorecard
administered by the OCM Team at regular mutually agreed upon intervals to
track progress of user adoption and readiness of changes resulting from the
(d) Specifically as it relates to organization change readiness, ffiM will provide
Appropriate change readiness instructions, tools, and templates;
Support in assessing and using the results; and
Examples of change management scorecards to track user
adoption and readiness of changes, customized based on results
of the OCM Team's change readiness assessment.
3.5.2 Leadership Alignment and Stakeholder Engagement.
(a) The OCM Team and the Project Team will use OCM techniques to obtain
support from key leaders and stakeholder groups across
organization (e.g., Executive Committee, Project Oversight
Committee, and other Project leadership), in an effort to to achieve Project
The Project Team will solicit input from field leaders
and subject matter experts in an effort to affect change and
support the Project's Objectives.
The OCM Team and the Project Team will conduct leadership
alignment workshops to help leaders (as identified by
agree on the strategic direction, decisions, behaviors,
and key messages required to achieve the Project Objectives.
Based on the outcomes of such workshops, the OCM Team and
the Project Team will create and submit to for its review
and approval, action plans to align leaders to better support the
Project Objectives.
The OCM Team will engage employees affected by the
System in various activities (e.g., road shows, "meetings-in-a-
box," and custom communications) to help such employees
understand and prepare for the changes associated with Project

(b) will provide business resources who will serve as change agents,
super users, deployment coordinators, and trainers for the Project, within an
extended change network. will provide such change personnel
with toolkits that can be tailored according to Business
Requirements and the Project Objectives.
(c) In support of leadership alignment and stakeholder engagement activities
will specifically provide to example approach and agenda
templates for conducting leadership alignment workshops.
3.5.3 Leadership Alignment and OCM approach Planning Workshop during the Global Build
(a) During the Global Build Phase of the Project, the OCM Team will conduct a
series of workshops with the project sponsors to discuss and obtain buy-in of
the OCM plan and roadmap.
(b) Focus Group Interviews with User Groups: Based on input from the project
sponsors and the Project Team will conduct focus groups to:
1. Gather input for the overall communication plan;
2. Develop role definitions; and
3. Define training needs.
3.5.4 Communications.
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
(a) Communications Plan. The OCM Team will develop a detailed
communication plan that defines messages, frequency and audiences, so
thateach affected stakeholder group receives consistent messages through
multiple, appropriate channels during the Project.
(b) Effects on End Users. The OCM Team will confirm that such
communications will develop a compelling need for business drivers and will
identify positive impact to end users.
(c) Stakeholder Messages.
The OCM Team will conduct a stakeholder analysis that defmes
the key recipients of the various messages regarding the Project,
and the preferred way to reach such stakeholders, taking into
account specific cultural nuances.
The OCM Team will take the analysis results into account as it
builds a communication plan, which will include:
(i) communication objectives;
(ii) guiding principles;
(iii) key messages;
(iv) timelines;
(v) review and approval processes;
(vi) delivery and translation protocol; and
(vii) feedback mechanisms.
As the Project Team executes the communication plan, the
OCM Team will collaborate with and support the global Project
change network through customizing and distributing the
materials to local stakeholders and end users, as
appropriate, depending on the specifics of a given
(d) In support of Communications, will provide to
Sample communications plan instructions, tools, and templates;
Sample stakeholder analysis instructions, tools, and templates;
Access to part time change management subject matter experts
to provide guidance to on incorporating stakeholder
analysis results into Communications plan; and
Part time support for customizing communication materials to
local stakeholders
3.5.5 Culture.
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
(a) In executing the Project, including the resulting changes, the OCM Team
1. leverage OCM experience and tools for cultural change
to address considerations of culture into the relevant
OCM activities; and
2. identify ways to move to a set of common methods for working
through the stakeholder engagement, communication and
learning activities.
(b) In performing the foregoing, the OCM Team will take into consideration the
the acquisitive growth of
global footprint;
decentralized culture model and many different ways
of working; and
The fundamental cultural changes that must occur to meet the
Project Objectives
(c) will provide to
Sample culture assessment instructions, tools, and templates;
Ad hoc support for ensuring Project change management
activities reflect culture; and
Access to Organizational Change Management methods
and tools to help develop a robust and common
approach to Project OCM activities.
3.5.6 Organization Design and Workforce Transition.
(a) During the Global Design phase of the Project (as provided in this SOW),
the Project Team will evaluate opportunities to align current
organization model with the newly designed global business processes. As
processes are being defined and finalized, the OCM Team will work with
the remainder of the Project Team members to collect data regarding related
role and job changes. The OCM Team will use this data to develop a
workforce transition approach.
(b) Role to Position Mapping:
The OCM Team will identify process and system activities
related to post-Project "future-state and create generic
The OCM Team will then map impacted end users to these
various "roles."
(c) This information will allow to communicate specific changes to each
individual regarding how their jobs will change. From this data the OCM
Team will develop the Training Strategy, the Training Plan and security
(d) Job Transition Materials:
Using information from the organizational readiness
assessment, the OCM Team will build Transformation materials
that reflect in detail the changes resulting from the Project.
The OCM Team will create guides, presentations, and quick
reference cards that explain (using practical language) the
actions will need to take to prepare for the changes
resulting from the Project.
(e) Talent and HR.
The OCM Team will reasonably identify and assess future state
competencies and skills to help understand whether
has the personnel with the right skill sets in place to
drive new behaviors.
The OCM Team will determine performance metrics to set
expectations and measure performance against those
expectations over time.
The OCM Team will provide the specific tools and activities
required so that adopts any changes in behavior required
to meet the Project ojbectives, and that such are reasonably
designed to deliver the necessary performance results.
Upon request, The OCM Team will provide tools with
the functionality to track technology usage and behaviors and
link desired behaviors directly to usage and activities.
Measurement criteria includes: frequency of hand held use,
quality of data entered, coverage of customers, perceived user
adoption as reported by supervisors.
4. Tools and Methodology.
4.1 and Project Methodologies.
4.1.1 has a highly developed methodology for successfully completing projects similar
to this Project (" Methodology").
4.1.2 Project Methodology.
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(a) As part of the Planning and Initiation Phase, and will agree on a
common methodology for conducting this Project ("Project Methodology").
(b) In agreeing on this Project Methodology, will notify if a discre-
pancy exists between the Methodology and the Project Methodology in
order to provide the opportunity to assess additional risk or cost asso-
ciated with such discrepancy.
4.1.3 The Project Methodology will:
(a) Incorporate accelerators and tools as appropriate ;
(b) Facilitate and accelerate the business process visualization I buy-in process;
(c) Incorporate KPis, benchmarks and Industry Leading Practices for the medi-
cal devices industry;
(d) Provide business value realization targets, and drive to their achievement;
(e) Facilitate the creation and execution of Project documentation including
business process flow diagrams, user requirements, Functional Specifications
and Technical Specifications, traceability matrix, test scripts, etc.
4.2 Deliverables.
All deliverables, at each phase ofthe Project, will fulfill the applicable Business Requirements
for such deliverable(s).
4.3 Tools.
will have access to all applicable tools throughout the Project.
4.4 Six Sigma and Lean.
will work with the team to determine and document where Six Sigma and/or Lean
principles would be best applied, and will apply such principles to those key agreed upon busi-
ness processes.
4.5 Cost/Benefit Analysis.
4.5.1 When appropriate, or at request, will provide cost/benefit analysis (the
"Cost/Benefit Analysis") in order to facilitate an evidence-based decision-making ap-
proach for key Project decisions (e.g., those decisions that involve considering a
material investment of time, personnel resources or money).
4.5.2 Each Cost/Benefit Analysis will include:
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(a) A summary discussion of the pros and cons of taking the recommended strat-
egy or approach;
(b) An analysis ofthe costs and benefits of potential alternatives;
(c) An assessment of the people and technology costs,
(d) An assessment ofthe ease of ofthe solution into exist-
ing platforms;
(e) Long-term maintenance/maintainability considerations;
(t) A discussion of key dependencies; and
(g) An assessment of other key criteria that is useful to inform the decision-
making process relevant to the subject matter of the applicable business case.
5. Project Staffing.
5.1 Personnel On-Boarding.
As part of on-boarding procedures and upon request, personnel who will be inte-
racting with personnel throughout the Project, will submit to a behavioral needs analysis,
which will allow the Project team to best incorporate each individual and best address the per-
son's individualized management and work environment needs.
5.2 Key Personnel.
5.2.1 Upon request, will extend (i.e., not off-board) applicable Key Person-
nel beyond their originally planned roll-off date for a reasonable period of time. These
retained Key Personnel will perform knowledge transfer activities to allow
to understand and manage the System. Final off-boarding of Key Personnel will
not occur until provides written confmnation that knowledge transfer has been
achieved and is thoroughly documented.
5.2.2 The list of such Key Personnel is attached as Exhibit 3 to this Attachment 1, which may
be modified from time to time in accordance with Section 5 of the Agreement.
5.3 Staffing Plan.
A draft staffing plan is attached as Exhibit 2 to this Attachment 1.
5.4 Program Manager.
will designate a person designated as the " Program Manager," who will be the
single point of contact for communications relative to the Project, and will have the authori-
ty to act on behalf of in all matters regarding the Project. The Program Manager's
responsibilities include:
5.4.1 Manage the personnel and responsibilities for this project;
5.4.2 Serve as the liaison between and all departments participating in the
5.4.3 Administer the Change Procedures with the Project Manager, when required;
5.4.4 Participate in Project status meetings;
5.4.5 Cause the appropriate personnel to review Deliverables submitted by
5.4.6 Help resolve Project issues and escalate issues within organization, as neces-
sary; and
5.4.7 Review with the Project Manager any invoice or billing issues.
5.5 Responsibilities.
5.5.1 Resources. will provide necessary resource support during the duration of the
Project, as provided in the staffing plan provided in Exhibit 2 to this Attachment 1.
5.5.2 Business Process Owners. will identify all business process owners and assign
them to their applicable roles in accordance with the schedule provided in the Project
5.5.3 Subcontractors. Unless otherwise agreed, will have management responsibility
for any subcontractor, independent contractor, or third-party staff hired in lieu of its own
staff to be part of the Project team. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if designates
any such subcontractor, independent contractor, or third-party staff to be part of the
Project team, will treat such personnel as if they were personnel.
6. Milestones and Deliverables.
6.1.1 Milestones for the global design phase of Project (as provided in this Attachment
1) will be as identified in the Project Plan. will complete the Milestones, including
the applicable Deliverables identified for each Milestone within the timeframes set forth
in the Project Plan. A list of Milestones for the Planning and Initiation Phase and the
Global Design Phase is included in the Fee Schedule.
6.1.2 A list ofDeliverables for the Project is included in Exhibit 4.
6.1.3 A Milestone will not be deemed complete until has successfully completed and ob-
tained written acceptance of all Deliverables associated with such Milestone.
6.1.4 Completion dates for Milestones (as provided in the Project Plan), as well as Delive-
rables associated with each Milestone, may be adjusted as agreed by the Parties in writ-
ing, with all such adjustments reflected in the Project Plan.
6.1.5 All Deliverables will be provided to in MS Word, MS PowerPoint, Visio, MS
Excel, or HTML/XML formats, as agreed by the Parties.
7. Acceptance of Deliverables.
7.1 Acceptance ofDeliverables.
The Acceptance process for Deliverables is set forth in Section 3.6 of the Agreement.
7.2 Acceptance Criteria.
7.2.1 The Acceptance Criteria for each Deliverable or set ofDeliverables is set forth in the list
of Deliverables in Exhibit 4, and any exceptions will be agreed upon by the Parties in
good faith before work is commenced on the Deliverable, and recorded in a document
executed by the Program Manager and the Project Manager.
7.2.2 Testing and other time dependent tasks associated with Acceptance will be set out in the
Project Plan.
7.2.3 The Acceptance Criteria:
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8. Governance.
(a) shall include the requirement that the applicable Deliverable or set ofDelive-
rables fulfills its applicable Business Requirements (as described in the
Project Plan or Business Process Design); and
(b) shall, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties, include the require-
ment that the applicable Deliverable or set ofDeliverables is compatible
with, and will not cause a malfunction in, any previously accepted Delivera-
ble or set ofDeliverables.
8.1 General.
8.1.1 The Program Manager will be designated point of contact for all commu-
nications with respect to this SOW, including all Change Requests and all other docu-
mentation relating to the Change Procedures.
8.1.2 All Change Requests, local country/regional SOWs or related documentation must be
submitted by to the Program Manager and Legal Department,
prior to execution.
8.1.3 The Governance structure for the performance of the Services shall be that established
pursuant to this Section 8, subject to the provisions of the Agreement.
8.2 Governance Structure.
8.2.1 Project governance will comprise the following teams:
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(a) Steering Committee.
(b) PMO.
has established a committee to govern and supervise the
Project (the "Steering Committee").
The Steering Committee obligations are described in
Project charter.
The Parties will establish a PMO with the following responsibil-
(i) Be a first point of escalation for day to day issues that
arise during the provision of the Services;
(ii) Prioritize activities where necessary;
(iii) Address critical issues/concerns raised by other teams;
(iv) Monitor progress of the project against projected time-
line and make any course corrections, as needed;
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(v) Proactively evaluate and adjust timeline and/or miles-
tones, as necessary;
(vi) Evaluate risks to the project and coordinate efforts to
mitigate same;
(vii) Review and revise staffing projections, identify staffing
issues and agree on a course of action that is required
with respect to staffing to meet Project Plan commit-
(viii) Discuss and attempt to resolve concerns regarding
Personnel performance; and
(ix) Govern the end-to-end provision of the Services.
PMO meetings shall be weekly and managed in accordance with
this Section.
As part of the provision of the Services, will coordinate
with in conducting the weekly PMO team meetings, in-
(i) Assigning a person to take meeting minutes;
(ii) Providing weekly update of the time expended by all
Personnel in the provision of the Services (i.e., the
time-related Charges, as applicable);
(iii) Reviewing expected timelines and progress towards
achieving the next Milestone;
(iv) Presenting analysis of project risks that could delay or
affect the project timeline;
(v) Tracking and following up on open action items to en-
sure closure;
(vi) Ensuring that all notifications related to the Services
made to are made to the Program Man-
(vii) Conferring with the PMO regarding any concerns or is-
sues which wishes to escalate to the applicable Di-
visional or Regional Process Review Board prior to
meeting with that team, and agree with team
members on the agenda to be presented at such meet-
The PMO will include the following personnel:
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(i) From
A. Program Manager;
B. Global Business Transformation Process Lead;
C. Change Management Process Lead.
(ii) From
A. Engagement Partner; and
B. Project Manager.
(c) Global Process Review Board. has established a committee compris-
ing individuals who will work with the Project Team to oversee the imple-
mentation at a global level (the "Global Process Review Board"). The Glob-
al Process Review Board's responsibilities include:
Work with core Project team to design the details of the global

Review and endorse global and local business process design in
all areas in a timely manner;
Assess and approve local specific processes and all other excep-
tions from the global standards in a timely manner;
Manage implementation risks from a global perspective;
Provide visible change leadership to respective organizations;
Be a point of escalation from the PMO for issues arising that af-
fect globally.
(d) Global Process Review Board meetings shall be at least monthly and ma-
naged in accordance with this Section.
(e) Divisional Process Review Board.
has established teams within each division of to
function as the Global Process Review Board, but for issues af-
fecting only individual divisions of (the "Divisional
Process Review Board").
The Divisional Process Review Board will have all the same re-
sponsibilities as the Global Process Review Board, but at the di-
visionallevel (as opposed to globally).
3. The Divisional Process Review Board will meet monthly.
9. Assumptions.
This Section 9 sets forth the Assumptions used to determine the fees applicable hereunder.
9.1 General Assumptions.
9.1.1 will make business decisions promptly for any one-process deci-
sionlconfmnation. When faced with such a requirement for business input, will
provide an answer/decision promptly after providing notice containing adequate
information for to make such decision.
9.1.2 Provided it does not adversely impact the overall schedule specified in the Project Plan,
Personnel may follow a "3-4-5" workweek schedule, where resources who travel
spend 3 nights and 4 days at the client site, and work remotely from their home office on
the 5th day (e.g. travel to client site early on Monday mornings, return home on Thurs-
day evenings). must assure that Personnel work at a minimum, four full work
days per week for on-site activities.
9.2 Staffing Assumptions.
will provide resources to support the Project as identified in the Staffing Plan. The staff-
ing assumptions which give rise to the price estimates included in this document assume a team-
ing arrangement between and as set forth in this SOW.
9.2.1 Staffing.
(a) is providing a fixed price for the Services described in this document
for the Planning and Initiation Phase and the Global Design Phase.
(b) Project Team members are responsible for performing their required
tasks, as called for in the Project Plan, with reasonable competence.
(c) Should Project Team members not be able to perform their assigned
tasks (either in a timely manner as called for in the Project Plan, or with rea-
sonable competence), and after proper identification and escalation, pursuant
to procedures set forth in the Agreement in Section 3.3(c), additional profes-
sional fees may be required. Such additional fees may result from pro-
viding replacement team members for roles, and/or for Project delays
resulting in extending the completion of the affected Project phase. Any
such changes will be addressed through the Change Procedures.
9.2.2 In addition to providing the Team members as referenced above, there are spe-
cific tasks that are required to be provided by the Project Team which are primarily the
responsibility of where will provide leadership, guidance, review and
comment. The fixed price as set forth in this document for the first two phases of the
Project (Planning and Initiation Phase and Global Design Phase) assumes that
will perform such tasks (which may include primary authoring of certain Deliverables or
Work Products). Should not be able to accomplish the tasks or related Delive-
rables assigned to it, and after proper identification and escalation pursuant to proce-
dures set forth in the Agreement in Section 3 .3( c), additional professional fees may be
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required. Such additional fees may result from providing replacement staff in or-
der to perform such tasks, or for Project delays resulting in extending the completion of
the affected Project phase. Any such changes will be addressed through the Change
Procedures. The specific Services that are primarily the responsibility of include:
(a) OCM Tasks. As set forth in Section 3, will provide one part time re-
source to provide guidance, advice and leadership, and will also provide
tools, methods, templates and sample deliverables to the OCM Team.
is responsible for providing the full time OCM Team Lead and other full
time and part time staff as required to accomplish the OCM tasks during the
(b) Database Administration (DBAs). will provide DBA(s) who are pri-
marily responsible for all database related tasks including installation and se-
tup, creation, copying, patching, refreshing and cloning the various database
instances as required by the Project. will augment this team with one
additional remote DBA during the Global Build Phase, the Testing Phase,
and the Pilot-Site deployment.
(c) Technical Architecture. All tasks and Deliverables associate with strategiz-
ing, sizing, installing, maintaining and supporting the Technical Architecture
are the responsibility of staff and will provide strategy advice,
guidance, review and recommendations.
(d) Regulatory Compliance and Validation. will provide a full time regula-
tory compliance and Validation lead consultant to work together with
regulatory compliance and Validation lead. Such consultant will
work full time on the Project starting at the beginning of the Global Design
Phase through the Testing Phase. It is primary responsibility to ap-
propriately staff all of the roles required to create documentation required to
meet Regulatory Requirements and to accomplish Validation test-
ing including IQ/OQ and to author the Master Validation Plan. In addition
to the full time lead, will provide a compliance librarian (to assist in
keeping track of documentation) for nine months beginning one month after
the commencement of the Global Build Phase.
(e) Legacy Data. staff are responsible for cleansing of all legacy
data that will be converted or used in the System as called for in the Project
Plan. will provide oversight and guidance in this area. staff are
also responsible for off-loading all data from legacy systems in a format that
is agreed upon by the Project Team when called for in the Project Plan.
9.2.3 will utilize "landed" resources from time to time during the conduct of this Project.
Such resources are Personnel living in non-US locations, who are required to travel
to the US to work on the Project for a defined period of time, subject to US visa restric-
tions. The prices herein are inclusive of one round-trip airline ticket from the consul-
tants' home to a major port of entry and of their living expenses. will not incur
any additional expense for such Personnel, except if requires them to travel
to locations other than the Site to which they are originally assigned.
9.3 Other Assumptions.
6/10/ 11
9.3.1 Hardware Platform & Infrastructure. will be responsible for all installation, se-
tup, maintenance, security, and activities associated with the hardware platform and in-
9.3.2 Operating System. Once established, the core operating system will not change during
the Project.
9.3.3 Network Infrastructure. is responsible for the design and implementation of
their network to support the bandwidth and capacity requirements of the Project.
9.3.4 All hardware, software, licenses and infrastructure required by the Project to run the
System will be provided by in a timely manner.
9.3.5 No application major release upgrades are in the price for the Project.
9.3.6 Software.
(a) will procure the necessary software licenses needed to support
the scope of this Project in a timely manner so as not to cause the Project to
be delayed, including the uninterrupted continuation of maintenance and
support during the Project.
(b) Software provided by does not contain any defects that impact the
Project schedule and level of effort (including Rl2).
9.3.7 All activities during the Planning and Initiation Phase and the Global Design Phase will
be conducted in US English. The price estimates for the later phases of the Project do
not include implementation of foreign language packs.
9.3.8 Legacy Systems. It is assumed that any changes in legacy systems (upgrades or other-
wise) which impact the design and/or interfaces during the Project will be evaluated on
a case by case basis and if necessary, will be addressed through the Change Procedures.
9.3.9 Counts. The fixed price for Stage I of the Project and the time and materials
estimate for Stage 2 of the Project (as more fully described in the Fee Schedule), are
based on the number objects as set forth in Exhibit 6 (the Nine Levers of
Scope). Should the actual number objects exceed these estimates, then such
changes will be addressed through the Change Procedures.
9.4 Adjustment Events.
9.4.1 If there is a failure of any of the assumptions listed in this Section 9 that has a material
impact on ability to provide the Services ("Adjustment Event"), may submit
to an Impact Statement that reflects the changes to the Project resulting from
such failure.
9.4.2 If any Adjustment Event causes material delays or materially increases cost(s)
for providing the Services, then may be entitled to additional fees; provided that
will only be entitled to such additional fees if and to the extent that:
6/10/ 11
(a) did not cause such Adjustment Event;
(b) has used commercially reasonable efforts to mitigate or eliminate the
effect of any such Adjustment Event;
(c) The Adjustment Event did not occur due to information that knew or
should have reasonably known through use of commercially reasonable good
practices before the occurrence of such Adjustment Event; or
(d) For Adjustment Events related to failure to perform its tasks under
the Project Plan, that it was reasonable to assume that could perform
the requirement(s) as described therein; provided that will not assert
that a requirement was not reasonable unless has made a good faith
effort to perform such requirement, and the resource(s) in question
performed such requirement in a competent manner taking into account a
level of skill reasonably expected of a similarly situated resource.
10. Fees and Fee Schedule.
10.1 General.
10.1.1 will perform the Services associated with the Planning and Initiation Phase and the
Global Design Phase on a fixed fee basis. has provided an estimate for the remain-
ing phases of the Project in the Fee Schedule on a time and materials basis. will
refine this estimate for completing the remainder of the Project upon the conclusion of
the Global Design Phase.
10.1.2 fees for its Services described in this SOW will be , exclusive of any
travel and living expenses and applicable taxes, which will be invoiced separately.
10.1.3 For Services that will perform on a time and materials basis, will track time
expended by Personnel on an hourly basis and provide such information to
together with monthly invoices.
10.1.4 shall reimburse for all travel and living costs for consultants that do not
live within fifty (50) miles of their designated Site. shall approve the list
of consultants that will incur travel costs prior to such travel occurring (per individual
consultant). Once approved for travel, all consultants will adhere to
written travel policies and such other rules or policies as agreed to by the Parties during
the Project.
10.1.5 will use commercially reasonable efforts to book travel within a reasonable time
prior to actual travel dates in order to minimize costs.
10.1.6 will invoice monthly for professional fees, applicable taxes, and actual and
pre-approved travel and living expenses.
10.1.7 The Fee Schedule will be attached as Exhibit 1 to this SOW.
10.2 Subsequent Project Phases.
10.2.1 Estimates for Subsequent Phases.
6/10/ 11
(a) has requested that submit a projection of fees for the Global
Build Phase, Testing Phase and Deploy and Support Phase of the Project
which is scheduled to commence in December, 2011 and conclude in No-
vember, 2013.
(b) While these phases will be included in the scope of this SOW, the fees will
be re-estimated upon the conclusion of the Global Design Phase and any ne-
cessary adjustments will be addressed through the Change Procedures.
(c) initial estimate for those phases is plus travel and living
1 0.2.2 Process for Determining Proposed Charges for Subsequent Phases.
(a) While finalizing pricing for the Global Build Phase, Testing Phase and Dep-
loy and Support Phase of the Project, will revise all applicable docu-
ments, to include the new phases of work, including all those Deliverables
listed as due in the Planning and Initiation Phase and the Global Design
Phase ofthe Project, and will develop, if it has not already done so, all Deli-
verables listed in the Global Build Phase, Testing Phase and Deploy and
Support Phase of the Project.
(b) At request, will provide additional pricing options and scena-
rios, which may include a fixed price option for the provision of Services for
Stage 2.
(c) will provide all such revised and new Deliverables in a timely manner
so as not to delay the Project implementation.
(d) must review and approve all such Deliverables prior to the next phase
10.3 Adjustment Event Dispute Termination Right.
If there is an Adjustment Event and the Parties fail to agree on the additional fees for such Ad-
justment Event with the effect that is required to continue to provide Services without rea-
sonable assurance of being equitably compensated for such Adjustment Event, then may
terminate the Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice, provided that:
10.3.1 proposed Adjustment Event price is commercially reasonable and exceeds
10.3.2 has invoked and is engaged in good faith in the dispute resolution process pursuant
to section 20 of the Agreement; and
10.3.3 is not negotiating such Adjustment Event price in good faith.
11. Data Privacy and Security.
11.1.1 Exhibit 5 contains a Data Privacy and Security Plan applicable to the Services hereund-
6/ 10/ 11

1. Stage 1 of the Project.
(a) Professional fees for Stage 1 of the Project will be on a fixed-price basis in
the amount of
which is exclusive oftravel and out of pocket expenses. will invoice
in six ( 6) payments based on the achievement of Milestones and
will pay such invoices in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.
(b) All Deliverables listed under the applicable Milestone must be complete and
approved by prior to the Milestone payment becoming due.
(c) The Parties may agree to defer one or more of the Deliverables included in a
specific Milestone to a future Milestone. If such a deferral occurs, the pay-
ment due under the applicable Milestones will be decreased or increased by
the pro-rata amount such deferred Deliverable(s) bear(s) to the total number
ofDeliverables for the affected Milestone (for example, if one Deliverable
out of five is deferred to a future Milestone, and both Parties agree, then 20%
of the Milestone could be deferred to a future Milestone).
(d) The

Billing Milestones for Global Design Phase
Milestone 1 Mllestone2 Milestone 3 Milestone4 Milestone 5 Milestone&
Project Initiation Communication Plan Benchmarking Study Chart of Accounts Fit/Gap Complete Global Design Complete

D.2.04: Organizational W.2.07: Upgrade and
Change Management Update/Fixes Strategy and W.2.09: System Release
W.03: Pro"ect Plan W.0.1: Issue Log t r a ~ Plan Strategy D.2.29: Interface t r a t ~
W.1.0: Project Management D.2.05: Benchmarking D.2.33: High-Level Business
Plan W.0.2: Risk Log Study D.2.19: Data Design D.2.13: Testing Strategy Process Design
W.2.02: Hardware and
W.2.01: Hardware Capacity Software Acquisition W.2.06: Data Readiness D.2.18: Technical
Plan Schedule Assessment D.2.23: Training Strategy Architecture Strategy D.2.36: List
W.2.10: Project and Phase W.2.03: Quality Assurance W.2.11: Development D.2.25: Business D.2.20: Development D.2.37: Data Governance
Kickoff Meeting Plan Standards ReQuirements List Strategy Strai<!RY
D.2.24: Communications W.2.26: Chart of Accounts W.2.27: Data Management D.2.38: Deployment
Plan D.2.12: Business Case Re-Design Plan Strategy
W.2.15: Hardware D.2.28: Reporting and Bl D.2.34: Enterprise D.2.39: Implementation Plan
installation schedule Strategy Architecture and Estimate
D.2.31: Data Conversion D.2.40: Compliance and
Strategy D.2.35: Fit/Gap Analvsis Validation Strategy
W.2.41: CRP Repart
D.2.42: Functional Design
W.0.4: Weekly Project W.0.4: Weekly Project W.0.4: Weekly Project W.0.4: Weekly Project W.0.4: Weekly Project W.0.4: Weekly Project
Status Reports Status Reports Status Reports Status Reports Status Reports Status Reports
2. Stage 2 of the Project.
(a) Professional fees for Stage 2 of the Project are estimated on a time and mate-
rials basis, applying the anticipated hours worked for each staff to the Rate
Card as set forth in this section below.
(b) Time and materials charges for professional Services will be billed on a
monthly basis and are due in accordance with Section 6.4 of the Agreement.
The amounts shown below for professional fees for this Stage are estimates
based on preliminary information and subject to revision based on the out-
come of the Global Design Phase.
(c) Estimated professional fees for Stage 2 of the Project are
(d) Grand total estimated professional fees for all Project Phases (including
Stage 1 and Stage 2) are
3. Travel & Out of Pocket Expenses.
estimates that travel and living expenses will be approximately thirteen percent (13%) of profes-
sional fees (which is for Stage 1 and for Stage 2).
4. Rate Card.
(e) The rates contained in this Section will be applied against all time and mate-
rials work performed by under this SOW.
(t) The rates included herein will be constant through December 31,2013, at
which time they will be subject to increase based on cost of living adjust-
ments, using the applicable index below, and such other equivalent local in-
dexes as may apply.
Associate Partner
Senior Managing Consultant
Managing Consultant A
Managing Consultant B
Senior Consultant A
Senior Consultant B
Consulting lntem
North Amer


Global Description

Cost of Living Adjustment Indices:
Count ry
Default Index Source
Consumer Price Ministry of
Index Finance (CPI-
Employment US Bureau of
Cost Index (ECI) Labor Statistics
Homepage Detailed
b!!Q;//mosj;1i htt!;1://mosj;;1i C!;1i. htm
htt!;1:// htt!;1://
Part I: Stage 1 - Staff*
Company Team Geo Description Role Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11 Nov-11
PMO us Project Executive

*Note - The amounts in the monthly columns are numbers of full time equivalents (FTEs). November includes
only three (3) weeks of work due to Thanksgiving Holiday. The Project is scheduled to commence on June 13,
2011. The Global Design Phase is scheduled to be complete on Friday, November 18, 2011 .
NYCDMS/1183869 .19
6/10(! 1
Part II: Stage 1 - Staff*
Team Geo Role Focus Areas Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11 Nov-11
ARCH us IAI>P Specialist Lead Solution Architect I Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
BI/Reportir-g us BI/MDM Lead Bl andMDM 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
BI/Reportir-g us Bl Architect Bl Architect 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
us Compj ance Lead .RegulatoryComflliance and Validation 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Data us Data Specialist Business Standards and Governance 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Data us Data Specialist Conversion and Data 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Data us Data Specialist Data lntegri i)l 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Data us MDM Lead-TBH Data Management 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
H2R us Business Process Specialist HCM Compensation and Benefits 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
H2R us Business Process Lead HR Processes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
H2R us Application Specialist HR. iRecruitirn 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00
H2R us Specialist-TBH SeW Service HR, Advanced Benefits 0.50 1.00 1.00
H2R us Application Specialist-TBH Core HR, Ma!)>!gement 0.50 1.00 1.00
M2C us Apolication Specialist Adv Pricino. Sales Contracts, Cust Online, M2C Apps 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00 1.00
M2C us s,.,cialist Agile, Customer Care. Sales 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
M2C us Business Process Lead M2C Business Processes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
M2C us Business Process Specialist Pricing and Contracts 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
M2C us Application Specialist-TBH Install Base, Service Contracts 0.50 1.00 1.00
M2C us Aoplication Specialist-TBH Field Service, Territory Manager 0.50 1.00 1.00
02C us Business Process Specialist Inventory and WMS 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
02C us Business Process Specialist Inventory, Kitting, Consignment 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
02C us Business Process Specialist lnvento!Y, Warehouse M._..ment 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
02C us Business Process Lead 02C Business Processes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
02C us Business Process Lead Order Manaqement 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
02C us Ao lication Specialist Order MBQallement, QuotiiJQ 1.00 1.00 LOO 1.00 1.00 1.00
02C us Business Process Lead SUllplyChain 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
OCM us Chaoge management OCM Staff 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
OCM us Training Lead Training 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
P2MFG us Specialist ASCP and 10, MPS 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
P2MFG us Business Process Specialist Cost 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
P2MFG us A;oplication Specialist DiscreetMf!l 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
P2MFG us Business Process Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
P2MFG us Aw lication Specialist LoQistics, Inventory, WMS, Execution 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
P2MFG us Business Process Lead Plan to Business Processes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
P2MFG us Application Specialist Plan to Mfo, ASCP 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
P2MFG us Business Process Soecialist Planni ncr, Manufacturi 'lO, Testino 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
P2MFG us Business Process S[)Bcialist Production Planning 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
P2MFG us Business Process Specialist Quali ty 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
P2MFG us Business Process Specialist Service and Repair 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
P2P us Business Process Lead Procurement Processes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
P2P us Application Specialist Purchasing 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
P2P us Application Specialist-TBH i Procurement 0.50 1.00 1.00
P2P us Business Process Purchasi tl!l 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
PLM us Aw lication SQecialist PLM 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
PLM us Business Process Lead PLM Business Processes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
PMO us PMO OCM Lead 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
PMO us lnreara PMO Program Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
R2R. us Business Process Lead Financial Accounti ng 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
R2R us Business Process Specialist Account Receivable 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
R2R. us Business Process Specialist Accounts Payable 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
R2R us Business Process Specialist Fixed Assets 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
R2R us A"!'lication SpecialiSt General Ledl;er 1.00 1.00 1-00 1.00 1.00 1.00
R2R us Business Process Specialist General Ledger 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
R2R us Business Process Specialist GL Euroll<!. IFRS 1.00 1.00 1.00
R2R us Application S!)eeialist-TBH GRC 0.50 1.00 1.00
TECH us Tech Team DBA 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
TECH us Tech Team Apolicatoin Secuntv Admi nistrator 1.00
ECH us Tech Team-TBH DBA 1.00
ECH us EDI Sl"'cialist-TBH EDI Al1f-lications 1.00
TECH us Lead Developer Developer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
TECH us SOA Developer Developer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
TECH us TA Lead Technical Architecture 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Total Headcount 51.00 51.00 52.00 56.00 59.00 62.00
* Note: This schedule does not include end users, SMEs, Sponsors, Company Executives, Steering
Committee Members or other officers, employees or stakeholders which will have roles on the Project as
called for in the Project Plan.
NYCDMS/1183869. 19
Part III: Stage 2- by Quarter*
Team Geo Catego'}' Description Role Dec-11 Q1-12 Q2-12 QJ-12 Q4-12 Q113 Q2-13 QJ-13 Q4-13
Compliance us Sr Mana.9i!:!g_Cons Functional Team Lead Compliance Industry Lead 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.33 . . . .
us Sr Consultant Onsite Functional Analvs.t Compliance Librarian Analv!it
1.00 1.00 1.00 . . . .
DATA us Cons Onsite Sr. Functional Anal vs. t Master Data Architect 0.50 . . . . .
H2R us Cons Onsite Sr. Functional Anal vs. t HCM Lead (Core/Self Service/OTL) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 . . . .
M2C us Cons Onsite Sr. Functional Anal vs. t Incentive Compensation 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.33 0.33 0.33
. .
02C Landed Sr Gansu ltant A Landed F_unctional Anal vs. t OM/Quoting Anal vs. t 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.88
02C us Managing Cons Onsite Sr. Functional Anai )IS! Order to Cash Lead 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 . . . . .
02C us Managing Cons Onsite Sr. Functional Anal >st Sales Contracts SME 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.67 . .
OCM us ManaaiM Cons Sr Chanae ManaQement Consultant Chanae Manaaement Anal vst 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
. . . .
OCM lnd1a Consultant Remote Traininq Consultant Offshore Trainina Develooer 1.00 0.33
0.67 0.33 0.67 .
OCM India Consultant Remote Train ina Consultant Offshore Traininq DeveiOiler 1.00 0.33 0.67 .
0.33 0.67 .
OCM lnd1a Manaain'.l Cons A Remote Trainina Coordinator Remote Training Material Coordinator 0.10 0.10 0.01 0.07 . 0.07 0.07 .
OCM India Sr Consultant A Remote Training Consultant Trainiog Coordinator- Short Landed 0.50 1.00 1.00 -
. . .
P2MFG us Managing Cons Onsite Sr. Functional Anal vsj ASCP/Inv Analygt 1.00 0.67 . . . . -
P2MFG us Managing Cons Onsite Sr. Functional Analy!;t Deoot Reoair Analvst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.67 .
P2MFG us Sr Cons Functional Team Lead Plan to MFG Lead 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.88
P2MFG us Cons Onsite Sr. Functional Anal'!!;! WMS Anatvst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
P2MFG India Sr A Remote Functional Analyst WMSAnalv!it . - . .
0.67 1.00 0.88
P2P us ManaQing Cons Onsite Sr. Fuoctional Anal vst Procurement Lead 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.33
P2P Landed Sr Consultant A Landed Functional Anal;st Procurement/iSupplier SME 1.00 0.67 - - . . . .
PLM us Sr Consultant Onsite Functional Anatvst Agile Conv/Migration Anal ;st 1.00 1.00 0.58 0.33 . 0.33 0.33 .
PLM us Cons Onsite Sr. Functional Analyst Agile In tee ration Develooer . 0.33 0.50 - . .
PLM us Sr ManaginH Cons Functional Team Lead Aaile PLM Functional Lead 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .
PLM us Assoc Partner Functional Team Lead Aaile PLM SME . 0.10 0.10 0.03 . .
PMO us Partner Proect Executive Enlla.aement Partner 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
PMO us Assoc Partner Ons1te Praect ManaQer Full Time Proaram Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.88
PMO India Man& inq Cons B Remote Pro ect Manager Remote PM 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.88
R2R us Sr Consultant Functional Team Lead Record tD Report Lead 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.88
TiECH Landed Sr Consultant A Landed Sr. Develo>et Conversion Lead . 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.33 .
TiECH Landed Sr Consultant A Landed Develop ment Lead DEV Lead 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.88
TiECH India Consultant Remote Develooer oeve:ooers . 2.33 2.67 2.00 2.7 2.00 2.67 2.00 2.00
TiECH us Cons Onsite Devetooment Lead Develooment/lnt&Qration Lead 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.67 . .
TECH India Consultant Remote Develooer Junior Devel01>ers . 1.67 1.00 1.00 1.67 1.67 -
TECH Landed Sr Consultant A Landed Functional Anal;st Landed Tester Mercury 1.00 1.00 1.00 . - .
TECH India Sr Consultant A Remote Sr DBA Offshore DBA 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 . .
TECH India Sr Consultant A Remote Test Manager Offshore Test Manager . . 0.13
. 0.07 . .
TECH India Sr Consultant B Remote Sr. Develooer Performance Testing Anai)St 0.67
0.33 . .
TECH India Sr Consultant A Rem ate Developer Remote Conversion Anallist . 0.33 1.00 0.83 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.88
TECH India Consultant Rem ate Sr. Deveiooer Senior Developers 1.00 1.33 2.oo 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.67
TECH India Sr Consultant B Remote Development Lead TAC Cell Lead 0.25 0.67 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50
TECH India Sr Consultant A Remote Development Lead TAC PL 0.10 0.13 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.17 0.10
TECH India Sr Consultant A Remote Development Lead TACSME 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.18
TiECH India Sr Consultant A Remote Testing Sr. Developer TAC Testing Governance SOL . . 0.07 . 0.03 -
TiECH India Consultant Remote Sr. Developer Test Script Developer Short Landed . . 0.67 0.33 . - .
Total FTIE's 21 .95 31 .10 33.70 28.43 21 .22 17.38 18.46 14.76 10.28
*Note- The amounts in the quarterly columns are numbers of full time equivalents (FTEs). The Global Build Phase is scheduled to commence on
December 1, 2011. The Services are scheduled to be complete just prior to Thanksgiving holiday week in November, 2013.
NYCDMS/ 1183869. 19
6/ 10/ 11
Part IV: Stage 2 - Resources by Quarter*
Team Geo Role Focus Areas Dec-11 Q1-12 Q2-12 Q3-12 Q4-12 Q1-13 Q2-13 Q3-13 Q4-13
ARCH us App Specialist Lead Solution Architect I Appl cation Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
BI/Reportlng us BIIMDM Lead Biard MOM 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00 1.00
us 81 Architect Bl ArcMect [Cognos) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00
Com liance us ComJ)Iiance Lead I Regulatory Compliance and Validation 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Data us Data Specianst Business Stardards ard Governance 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00 1.00
Data us DataSOtteialist Conversion and Data lriegration 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00
Data us 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Data us MOM Lead-TBH Data M anaoem..t 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
H2R us Business Pmcess HCM and Benefits 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
H2R us Business Process Lead HR Processes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
H2R us APDHcation HR iReaU!i"" 1.00 1.00 100 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1.00
H2R us Appllca1ion Ser Service HR, Advanced Benefits 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
H2R us Application Specialist TBH Core HR, Learrl"-g Management 1.00 100 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
M2C us Specialist Adv Pricii"'CC, Sales Contracts, Cust Online, M2C ADOS 1.00 100 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
M2C us Appllca1ion Agile, Customer Care., Sales 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
M2C us Business Process Lead M2C Business Processes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
M2C us Business Process Specialist Prici.nQ ard Contracts 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
M2C us Appllca1ion Spo<.cialist-TBH Install Base, Service Contracts 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
M2C us Service, Terrftorv 1.00 1, 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00 1.00 1.00
02C us Business Process Soo;cialist lnventOIV ard WMS 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
02C us Business Process Specialist lnven!ol'f, K11tlf11, Consignment 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
02C us Business Process Spr;ci alist Inventory, use 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00 1.00 1.00 100 1.00 1.00
02C us Business Process Lead 02C Business Processes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
02C us Business Prof;SSS Lead Order Management 1.00 100 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
02C us Application Specialist Order MaMQement, QootirQ 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 100 1.00
02C us Business Process lead SII>DivChain 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
OCM us mal'lagement OCM Staff 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
OCM us 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00_ 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
P2MFG us Specialist ASCP and 10, MPS 1.00 1.00 1.00 100 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
P2MFG us Business Prot;SSS Specialist Cost Management 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00
P2MFG us -;Jplication Specialist Discreet MfQ 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
P2MFG us Business Process Soecianst Emineei ng 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
P2MFG us Application Specialist LoQistics, lnventol)l, WMS, Shi ppinJ Execution 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00 1.00 1,00 1.00
P2MFG us Business Process Lead Plan to Mfil_ Business Processes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
P2MFG us Appfication Plan to Mfg, ASCP 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
P2MFG us Business Process Specialist Plannim, Manufacturim, Testi,g 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
P2MFG us Business Process Specialist Pmductlon Plami'l! 1.00 100 1.00 100 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
P2MFG us Business Process Quality 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00
P2MFG us Bus!ness Process Specialist SetVice ard Repair 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 100 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
P2P us Business Process lead ProctXement Processes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
P2P us Application Speclaist Pll"chasi)'g 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 100
P2P us App/ica1ion SllOC!aistTBH iProclJ'ement 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 100 1.00
us Business Process Soeaalist Pll"chasing 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ' 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
PLM us Application Speciafist A ile PlM 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
PLM us Business Process lead PlM Business Processes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
PMO us :lntBoa PMO OCM lead 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00 1.00 1.00
PMO us ln!Ogra PMO Pmgram M a nagar 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00
R2R us Business Process Lead Flnanc1al AccountirQ 1.00 1 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00
R2R us Business Process Scecialist Account Receivable 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1,00
R2R us Business Process Specialist Accounts Payable 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
R2R us Business Process Scecialist Fixed Assets 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
R2R us ApplicatiOn SpeciaNst General ledger 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00
R2R us Business Process General Ledger 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
R2R us Business Process Specialist GL Etropo, IFRS 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00
R2R us Application Specialist-TBH GRC 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
TECH us Tech Team DBA 1.00 1.00 100 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
TECH us Tech Team Aooicatoin Security Admi nistrato 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
TECH us Tech Team-TBH DBA 1.00 1.00 100 1 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
ECH us EDI Spociatist-TBH EDI Gateway, EDI Appticallons 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00
ECH us lead Oevelo _per Oeveb per 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
ECH us SOADevelo""' Oevaboer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
ECH us TA lead Technical Architecture 1 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1-00 1.00
Total Headcount 62.00 62.00 62.00 62.00 62.00 62.00 62.00 62.00 62.00
* Note: This schedule does not include end users, SMEs, Sponsors, Company Executives, Steering
Committee Members or other officers, employees or stakeholders which will have roles on the Project as
called for in the Project Plan.
The following Personnel are considered Key Personnel hereunder:
1. Engagement Partner
2. Project Manager
3. Market to Customer Lead
4. Order to Cash Lead
5. Hire to Retire Lead
6. Record to Report Lead
7. Procurement Lead
8. Plan to Manufacture Lead
9. Agile PLM Functional Lead
10. Master Data Architect
11. Compliance Industry Lead
12. Business Intelligence Strategy Lead (only during Global Design)
NYCDMS/ 1183869.1 9
6/ 10/ 11
The following table lists certain key Project Deliverables that will be produced as part of this Project. Delive-
rables will be presented to for approval and will require to sign-off indicating their Acceptance.
Work Products will be presented and agreed upon, but will not require formal sign-off as they are typically work
in process or other input into Deliverables. Each Deliverable generated by the team will adhere to the Project
processes included in this Attaclunent 1 and the Agreement.
The Acceptance Criteria for each Deliverable will be based on a) proper and satisfactory inclusion of the identi-
fied content, and b) conformity with the Project Objectives and Business Requirements as applicable.
Deliverables requiring additional Acceptance Criteria will be noted with the specific additional criteria in theta-
ble below.
Oeliverable/Wori< Product SOW Section SOW Page Project Phase Number
Issue Lo All Phases W.0.1
Risk Log AILE.I:lases W.0.2
Plan 2.2. 4 a l 1 17-19 All Phases W.0.3
WeekiV Pro'ect Status RCOort All Phases W.04
Proect Management Plan Planninn and Initiation W1.0
Hardware Ca ::t acii.Y Plan Global Design W.201
Hardware and Software AcQuisition Schedule Global Design W.2.02
Qualit'Y Assurance Plan Global Desi.Dn W.2.03
Or- anizational Change Management Strate!JY 3.3 54-55 Global Desian 0.2.04
Benchmaf1dno Stuct: 2.3.2(a 19-20 Oesi 0 .2 .05
Data Read(ness Assessment 2.3. 12 (a 2829 Global DP. sign

Upgrade and Update/ Fixes Strategy and Plan Global Design W.2.07
Core PrO: ect Team Trainino Strateav Global Desinn W.2.08
s,stem Release Strategy Global Desi{;n ' W.2.09
Pro'ect and Phase Kickoff Meetin Global Desian W.2.10
Develos.:ment Standards Global Design W.2.11
Business Case 2.3.2 (b) 20 GLobal Design 0.2.12
Testina StrateilV <.:.Iabat Destnn 0.213
Risk Assessment and Risk Mitig ation Plan 2.3.10 d 26-27 Global Design 0.2.14
Hardware Installation Schedule Global Design W.2.15
Database & Instance Strate:av 2.3.8 24 Global Design

Ort) anfzation Chan e Readiness Assessment 3.5.1 58 Global W.2.17
TechnolGI!lVArchitecture Strateav 2.3.6 23 Global Desi gn 0.2.18
Data Desi f;l n 2.3.12 bl 29 Global Design 0.2.19
Develo ment Strate 2.3_15 a'r 33 Global Desrgn 0.2.20
System BackuD Plan Global Desl_go D.2.21
Securi ty Matrix 2.3.10 (b) 25 Global Desi n W,2.22
Traini oo Strateov 2.3.20 b 1 36 Global Desi n 0.2.23
Communications Plan 3.5 .4 59-60 Global Desi gn D.2.24
Requirements Scecification 2.3.3 21 Global Des1gn 0 .2.25
Chart of Accounts Re-DeSign Global Desi gn W.2.2f>
Data Management Plan 2.3.12c 29 Global Oesi n W.2.27
RePGI'tirnJ and 81 Strateo 2.3.14 32 Global Design 0 .2.28
Interface Strategy Global Design 0.2.29
TrainiruJ Needs Assessment 2.3.20 (b) 3 36 Global Desion 0 .2.30
Data Convert>ion Strategy 2.3.12 e 1 30-31 Glob_al Design 0.2.31
Of:oaniz.atlonal Transfonnation Plan 3.3.4 56-57 Global Design 0.2.32
Hi hLevel Business Process 2.3.5 22 Global Design 0.2.33
Ente;prise Architecture 2.5.1 c 1 23 24. 44, 45 Global Desi gn 0.2.34
FiUGaD Analysis 2.3.4 22 Global Desi gn 0.2.35
List 2.3.15 b 33 Global Desi gn 0.2.36
Data Gowm ance Strat 2.3.12 d1 29-30 Global Desi Gn 0.2.37
De loyment Strategy 2.3.17/2.5.1 c 3 34,46 Globai .Design 0.2.38
Im-pl ementation Plan and Estimate 2.3.19 35 Global Des n 0.2.39
Com llance and Validation Strate_nt 2.3.10 c 25-26 Global Design D.2.40
CRPR-rt 2.3 .11 (d) 28 Global Design W.2.41
Functiooal Oesicn Specifications for RJCEW Obiects 2.3.9 24 Global Desiyn 0 .2.42
Reiiression Test Plans 2.4.7 b) 4 44 Global Build
CRP Re ort Global Build 0 .3.02
IQ/OQPian 2.3.10 ef2.4.11 27. 44-45 Global Build 0.3.03
Systems lntegrat lgn Test fS_I_T) Plans 2.4.7 bl 1 43 Global Build 0 .3.04
Pertormance Test Plan 2.4.7 bl 2 43 Global Build

Stress Test Plans 2.4.7 b 3 43-44 Global Build 0 .3.06
Traini ng Plan 2.3.20 b 3 36, 48 Global Build 0.3.07
User Acceptance Test UA Plans 2.5.2 46 Global Build 0.3.08
Master Validation Plan 2.4.8 44 Global Build 0.3.09
Q_e.tailed Busmess Process Desi gns 2.3.5 22 Global Bui(d 0.3.10
Technrc:al SpeGi fica1iGns 2.4.3 (a 38 39 Global Build 0.3.11
Batch Processinc Schedule Gl obal Build 0.3.12
Training Material s 2.4.6 b 40-41 Global Build 0 .3.13
Matrix Global Build 0.3.14
Ob. eels Global Build 0.3.15
IT Operating Procedures Testina 0.4.01
Standard Operatin[l Prpcedures SOPs 2.3.16 33-34 Testi ng 0.4.02
Validation Summaoy Re?Cirt Testing 0.4 03
Cutover Plan 2.4.10/2.5 7 al 44.47-48 Testlna ri_4 _o4
cutowr Checklist 2.5 7(d] 48-49 Jestln!} 0 .4.05
Post Production Su art Plan 2.6.3 tn 50 Testing 0 .4.06
OMoliY,J Productron Support Plan 2.3.21/2.6.4 c 1 36, 51-53 Testing 0.4.07
Go, No-Go Cutover Document Oe91ov and Support 0 .5.01
Final Ststem Accel)tance Deol ov and Support 0502
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
Pro,ject Delivera ble/W orl<
Phase Product Name
All Phases W.O. I: Issue Log
All Phases W.0.2: Risk Log
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
Description, Content and Responsibility
The purpose of this work product is to provide with a mechanism to con-
tinually track and monitor issues affecting Project scope, timing, cost and quality.
The Deliverable will include the following:

Issue name and description

Area(s) affected and potential impact on Project

Severity and deadline for resolution

Person responsible for resolving issue

Status of resolution

Means of resolution

This is a dynamic Deliverable updated throughout the project lifecycle
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
The purpose of this work product is for the Project Team and other relevant person-
nel to document regulatory, compliance and other Project risks. The Risk Log is a
list of known and open risks.
The Work Product will include the following:

Risk description

Area(s) affected and potential impact on Project

Person responsible for managing risk

Risk mitigation
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
Project Delivcr:1 bJe/W ork
Phase Product Name
ALL Phases W.0.3: Project Plan
All Phases W.0.4: Weekly
Project Status Re-
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
6110/1 1
Description, Content and Responsibilit)
will provide a Project Plan to This plan is a dynamic work product
and will be updated, subject to review and approval, as a part of the
PMO activities, as described in this document.
The work product will include the following:

A detailed work breakdown structure (WBS) that lists the tasks, re-
sources, and durations, which are necessary to complete the project

A list ofDeliverables for associated tasks

A detailed list of Milestones and their respective dates
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
The purpose of this work product is to provide with weekly Project status
The work product will include the following:

Activities performed during the current reporting period

Activities planned for the next reporting period

A list of current issues and resolved issues

Deliverables Met/Deliverables Missed

Problems, Concerns, and recommendations

7-key analysis
Delivery: will make available on the shared server
Responsibility: with support from
Project Deliverable/Work Description, Content and Responsibility
Phase Product N arne
Planning and
W.l.O: Project
Management Plan
The purpose of this work product is to provide with a Project Manage-
ment Plan that defines the procedural framework for management and control of the
The work product will include the following:
Definition of work product to be prepared
Definition of the communication channels between and the
Definition of the methodology for delivering the solution
Detailed description of the proposed project management approach and
A detailed scope statement, which includes Project Objectives and De-
A list of project constraints and assumptions
A detailed description of the roles/responsibilities of the and
team members
Comprehensive Project implementation methodologies, plans, activi-
ties, systems and tools related to:
Risk Management
Issue Management
Scope Change Management
Security Management
Financial Management
Schedule management
Human Resource Management
Documentation Management
Delivery: will make available on the shared server a copy of this
work product
Responsibility: with support from
Project DeliverableM' ork
Phase Product Name
Global De- W.2.01: Hardware
sign Capacity Plan
Global De- W.2.02: Hardware
sign and Software Ac-
quisition Schedule
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
6/ 10/11
Description, Content and Responsibility
The purpose of this work product is to provide with a document that iden-
tified the methods, techniques, and approach for determining and assessing hardware
The work product will include the following:

Summary of approach used to size pre-
production and production System.

Completed sizing questionnaires, listing of numbers of users by module,
user type (light, standard, heavy) and storage requirements.

List of assumptions used to create the capacity plan .
Delivery: will make available on the shared server
Responsibility: with support from
The purpose of this work product is to provide with a detailed schedule of
when all the hardware and software components will be acquired.
and will develop one cohesive schedule for acquisition of both
hardware and software so that the activities are properly coordinated.
The work product will include the following:

List ofhardware and software components to be acquired (note: this is
not the detailed inventory listing which is a separate deliverable), per

Schedule for hardware and software component acquisition
Delivery: will make available on the shared server
Responsibility: with support from
ProJect Deliveta ble/W ork
Phase Product Name
Global De- W.2.03: Quality
sign Assurance Plan
Global De- D.2.04: Organiza-
sign tiona! Change
Management Strat-
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
6/ 10/ 11
Description, Content and Responsibilit)'
The purpose of this work product is to provide with a Quality Assurance
Plan, which will describe how will implement their quality assurance strategy,
as well as a list of the quality planning tools and techniques to be used throughout the
The work product material will comprise the following:

A description of how will implement their quality assurance strat-

A list of the Project quality planning tools and techniques to be used
throughout the project
Delivery: will make available on the shared server a copy of this
work product
Responsibility: with support from
The purpose of the Organizational Change Management Strategy Deliverable is to
provide with a comprehensive OCM strategy that clearly identifies all
task and sub-task items and activities within the change management program.
The Deliverable will include the following:

A detailed list of strategies to address stakeholder issues and concerns

A definition of the methods, techniques and approach to be taken for
implementing the OCM program

A summary of the expected level of effort of and re-

A detailed list of goals and critical success factors of the OCM program
and the associated performance measures

A detailed schedule for all OCM activities

A description of the methods/tools for assessing performance and
progress toward objectives

A list of who is responsible ( or for each OCM activity
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard
Responsibility: with support from
Project Deliverable/Work
Pbase Product Name
Global De- D.2.05: Ben-
sign chmarking Study
Global De- W.2.06: Data Rea-
sign diness Assessment
6/ 10/11
Descr-iption, Content and Responsibility
The purpose of the Benchmarking Study Deliverable is to provide with a
comparison of their baseline specific KPI data values against those of relevant com-
parable industry KPI data.
The Deliverable will include the following:

KPI data values

KPI defmitions

Comparison oflntegra KPI data values versus comparable industry KPI
data values

Recommended targeted KPI's for maximizing return on
Project investment

Organizational Change Management methods to help facilitate
stakeholder buy-in to targeted improvements
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
This work product will be used by to size the scope and effort of the data
cleansing and preparation activities as well as a recommended approach to meet data
transformation objectives.
The work product will include the following:

Profile of the current sources oflntegra data

Data sources and volumes

Data quality

Data security requirements

Data cleansing requirements
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
Pro,jcct Deliverable/Work
Phase Product Name
Global De- W.2.07: Upgrade
sign and Update/Fixes
Strategy and Plan
Global De- W.2.08 Core
sign Project Team
Training Strategy
Global De- W.2.09: System
sign Release Strategy
NYCDMS/ 1183869 .19
6/ 10/11
Description, Content and Responsibility
The work product will include the following:

A description of the methods, techniques and approach for managing
application upgrades/updates and fixes

A description of how application upgrades/updates and fixes will be ap-
plied and migrated

A detailed list of the roles and responsibilities ( for
upgrade/update and fixes maintenance
Delivery: will make available on the shared server
Responsibility: with support from
The purpose of this work product is to document the training scope and approach,
documentation needs, and responsibilities, and to outline a development plan for the
Project Team in the area ofERP Software training, skills, and behavior development.
The work product will include the following:

A definition of the methods, techniques and approach to be taken for
implementing the Project Team training

A summary of the expected level of effort of and re-

A detailed list of the goals and critical success factors for Project Team
training effort

A detailed schedule of all Project Team training courses and location
Delivery: will make available on the shared server
Responsibility: with support from
The purpose of this work product is to provide with a description of the
methods, techniques, and approach for System versioning (i.e. release management)
The work product will include the following:

Description of the methods, techniques, and approach for system ver-

Detailed specification of the System Versioning System

A defmed process to review and approve changes before being incorpo-
rated into the baseline software system
Delivery: will make available on the shared server
Responsibility: with support from
Project Deliverable/Work
Phase Product Name
Global De- W.2.10: Project and
sign Phase Kickoff
Global De- W.2.11: Develop-
sign ment Standards
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
6/ 10/11
Description, Content and Responsibility
The purpose of this work product is to provide with kick-off presentation
materials that discuss goals, objectives, work plan, schedule, roles and responsibili-
ties in order to conduct the kickoff meetings for each phase of the Project.
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
The purpose of this work product is to provide the standards, guidelines, and quality
assurance for data conversion, software extension, and interface development asso-
ciated with the project for the System. This does not address standards associated
with the legacy systems.
The work product will include the following:

Overall quality assurance standards

Coding standards, for categories such as readability and maintainability

Data standards, e.g. data declarations, maintaining data types, using
floating-point numbers in intermediate calculations

Subroutine and functions standards, e.g. structure, rules for call of sub-
routine of function

Efficiency guidelines, e.g. which type of statements to use to make the
code more efficient

File processing guidelines

Processing logic guidelines, e.g. 1/0 processing and handling of error

The naming conventions that each of the development areas will abide
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
Project Deliverable/\Vork Description, Content and Responsibility
Phase Product Name
Global De-
D.2.12: Business
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
6/ 10/ 11
The purpose of the Business Case Deliverable is to provide with an analy-
sis of the Business Requirements and the results of the Benchmarking Study, and will
identify those business process areas that offer the best potential for value creation.
The Deliverable will include the following:
Business Case report containing
Key areas of cost savings
Key benefit opportunities
Key value realization targets
Value realization tracking method
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
Pro.iect DeliYcrable/Work Description, Content and Responsibility
Phase Product l\"ame
Global De-
D.2.13 Testing
The purpose of this Deliverable is to collect and define in one place the testing re-
quirements across all identified work streams that are necessary in connection with
this Statement of Work This task will coordinate the timing of the different tests to
support the implementation deadline. As such, it provides a mechanism for facilitat-
ing that:
The testing effort is applied throughout the performance of Services un-
der this Statement of Work to maximize test coverage
The test program facilitates and demonstrates progress towards the
completion of this Statement of Work
There are clear objectives for the testing process
The Deliverable will include the following:
Procedure for defining system test
Procedure for defming test requirements
Procedure for defining development of scenarios
Unit test strategy
System test strategy, including security
User acceptance test strategy
Performance test strategy
Regression test strategy
Procedure for executing and tracking test activities
Identification of testing tools
Resource summary
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
Project Deliverable/Work Description, Content and Responsibility
Phase Product Name
Global De-
D.2.14: Risk As-
sessment and Risk
Mitigation Plan
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
6110/ 11
The purpose of this deliverable is to identify regulatory, compliance and validation
risks, reference the validation testing requirements contained in the Compliance and
Validation Strategy and address all other risks associated with the Project (the "Risk
Mitigation Plan"), including:
providing a high level evalution of the functions within the
System to determine the criticality and complexity of each.
providing a justified, documented assessment of business,
technical and regulatory risks associated with the System.
providing an input to planning the validation and testing tasks
(to be executed during the Global Build Phase) to support
compliance with the Regulatory Requirements.
enabling a compliance review prior to go-live. identifying and
planning means to mitigate Project related risks as separate
tasks and activities.
Assignment of the risk owner
Identification of mitigation actions for the risk and schedule
to mitigate
Delivery: will make available on the shared server.
Responsibility: with support from
Project Delive.-a ble/W ork
Phase Product N arne
Global De- W.2.15: Hardware
sign Installation Sche-
Global De- D.2.16: Database
sign and Instance Strat-
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
Description, Content and Responsibility
The purpose of this work product is to provide the Project Team with a detailed sche-
dule of when all the hardware components will be installed at along with
a strategy for installing the components.
will develop a schedule for implementation of the hardware components
identified in the "Hardware Specification".
The schedule will include:

List of hardware to be installed .

Schedule for hardware component installation .
The hardware installation schedule will be incorporated with the hardware/software
installation plan to create one cohesive plan.
Delivery: will make available on the shared server '
Responsibility: with support from
The purpose of this Deliverable is to provide with a detailed description
of the instance strategy for the Project. The main objective is to organize and man-
age the creation and lifecycle of the application instances for the Project.
The Deliverable will include of the following:

Listing of the instances that will be used during the project and on
which server they will reside, and who will have access to each instance

A description of the instance's purpose

Procedures for creating, refreshing and patching instances

Instance backup plans
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard
Responsibility: with support from
Project Deliverable/\Vork Description, Content and Responsibility
Phase Product Name
Global De-
W.2.17: Organiza-
tional Change Rea-
diness Assessment
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
6/10/l l
The purpose of the Organizational Change Readiness Assessment is to document
receptivity to change and identify existing change barriers through various
methods of gathering data and/or interviews as agreed upon by Furthermore
the Assessment will provide tools to monitor change related to the Project.
The Work Product will include:
Surveys designed to assess the organization's current receptivity to
Appropriate change readiness instructions, tools, and templates
Tools to assess and use the results
Change management scorecards to track user adoption and readiness of
Action items, plans and procedures to effect desired changes throughout
the organization
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard
Responsibility: with support from
Project Deliverable/Work Description, Content and Responsibility
Phase Product Name
Global De-
D.2.18: Technical
Architecture Strat-
The purpose of this Deliverable is to provide with a comprehensive Tech-
nical Architecture Strategy document that will accomplish the objectives of support-
ing Process Designs and software applications as designed. This Strategy
will be designed in support of the Project Objectives and Business Requirements and
include appropriate growth plans as communicated by to the Project Team. It
will also support the ability of the System to incorporate updates, enhancements and
future releases. This Deliverable will include:
Assessment technical requirements for the physical in-
frastructure- performance, scalability, manageability, security, availa-
A detailed description of each component of the technical ar-
chitecture (both hardware and software components)
Servers, including the required numbers and sizing (processors, memo-
ry and data storage)
Workstation requirements
Operating systems
Network connectivity and communications requirements
Database requirements
Technology tools & utilities
Backup and disaster recovery strategy
A diagram of the system architecture components and configuration,
plus the number of physical and logical servers and databases
A detailed list and schedule of all activities and milestones relating to
implementing the technical architecture components
Definition of governance policies and administration procedures for the
on-going management of the Technical Architecture, including back-up
procedures, data transport procedures, authorization and profile main-
tenance, and performance monitoring
Delivery: will make available on the shared server
Responsibility: with support from
Project Deliverable/W or I\
Phase Product Name
Global De- D.2.19: Data De-
sign sign
Global De- D.2.20:
sign Development Strat-
Global De- D.2.21: System
sign Backup Plan
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
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Description, Content and Responsibility
This Deliverable will deflne and list the planned usage, definition, and values of data
attributes within the master flle targets, which will include chart of accounts,
employee master flle, product master flle, supplier (vendor) master flle, and customer
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and I hard
Responsibility: with support from
The Deliverable will include the following:

A defmition of the methods, tools, techniques and approach to be taken
for developing and unit testing customizations

Guiding principles for development per the SOW

Design objects to be upgradeable and re-usable under current
application and technology architecture

Design objects utilizing latest technology and Industry Leading
Practices for extending the applications

Design conversion programs which can be leveraged for future acquisi-

Creation of technical design templates for SOA related extensions

Establishment of rules for development
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
The purpose of this Deliverable is to provide with a System backup plan
that details the description of the methods, techniques, and approach for the backup
of the System.
The Deliverable will include a detailed description of the methods, techniques, and
approach for the backup of the System
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard
'j Responsibility:
Project Dclivera ble/W otk
Phase Product Name
Global De- W2.22: Security
sign Matrix
Global De- D.2.23: Training
sign Strategy
NYCDMS/ ll83869.19
Description, Content and Responsibility
The Project Team will design (with due regard to cost versus benefit) a security rna-
trix so that the System provides integrity, reliability, and availability of Data
and information to users
Delivery: will make available on the shared server.
Responsibility: with support from
The purpose of this Deliverable is to develop a Training Strategy that addresses the
learning needs of each impacted stakeholder group, including super users (as
designated by trainers, end users and support staff .
The deliverable material will comprise the following:

A definition of the methods, techniques and approach to be taken for
implementing the end user training

A summary of the expected level of effort of and the

A detailed list of the goals and critical success factors the end user train-
ing effort

A detailed schedule of all Project Team training courses and location

A list of who is responsible ( or for delivering each
training course

A description of the types of training (i.e. Instructor-led, train-the-
trainer, web-based training) to be conducted

An initial draft of the Training Plan
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard
Responsibility: with support from
Project Deliverable/Work Description, Content and Responsibility
Phase Product Name
Global De-
D.2.24: Communi-
cations Plan
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
6110!1 1
The purpose of this Deliverable is to document the communication activities, respon-
sibilities, and timeline with respect to the implementation of the System.
The Deliverable will include the following:
A definition of the methods, techniques and approach to be taken for
Project communications
A summary of the expected level of effort of and re-
sources to implement the communication management activities
A list of the objectives/goals of the Project communication management
A definition of the document/information collection and ftling structure
(document control) that details what methods will be used to gather and
store project communications materials
A distribution structure which details to whom information will flow
and what methods will be used to distribute the various types of infor-
A description of the information to be distributed, including format,
content, and level of detail
A set of strategies appropriate for the organization
Production schedules when each type of communication will be pro-
Delivery: will make available on the shared server
Responsibility: with support from
Pro.iect Deli vera blc/W o rk
Phase Product Name
Global De- D.2.25: Business
sign Requirements (User
Requirements Spe-
Global De- W.2.26: Chart of
sign Accounts Re-
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
6/ 10/11
Description, Content and Responsibility
The purpose of the Business Requirements List (or User Requirements Specification)
Deliverable is to document the Business Requirements for each process area that the
System will be designed and built around to support the Project Objectives.
The Deliverable will include of the following:

Business Requirements list by process area

Security requirements list

Regulatory Requirements list

Reporting requirements

Performance requirements

Data requirements
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
The purpose of this work product document is to provide with the final
agreed upon Chart of Accounts elements for
The work product will include the following:

A strategy for the Chart of Accounts Redesign

A detailed description of the purpose of each element

A list of intra-plant activities
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
Project DeliYerable/Work
Phase Product Name
Global De- W.2.27: Data Man-
sign agement Plan
Global De- D.2.28: Reporting
sign and BI Strategy
Description, Content and Responsibilit)
This work product will be used by to address identified data quali-
ty issues prior to conversion into the System.
The work product will include the following:

Identification of appropriate master and transactional data to be con-
verted to the System

Identification of requirements for cleansing the data prior to conversion

Identification of tools necessary to facilitate the migration, cleansing
and governance of the data

Identification of issues relating to data privacy and data protection

Development of practices and procedures to guide the required data

Staffing requirements

Milestones for data management
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and I hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
The purpose of this Deliverable is to provide the strategy, or approach to
meet the reporting requirements developed by the business process management
teams as they work with the stakeholders to define the future business design and the
BI/Reporting technical team. During the Global Design Phase, the team will deter-
mine the most efficient way to meet the Project reporting requirements. This will
involve designing the overall reporting infrastructure, as well as determining which
specific tool is the most appropriate to deliver each report.
The Deliverable will comprise of the following:

Reporting and BI Strategy Assumptions

Critical Success Factors

Reporting and BI Tools

Reporting Stakeholder Categories

Reporting Options, Storage & Delivery mechanisms

Reporting and BI architectures

Reporting Development Lifecycle overview

Reporting architecture roadmap
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and I hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
Project Delivcrable/Worl<
Phase Product Name
Global De- D.2.29: Interface
sign Strategy
Global De- D.2.30: Training
sign Needs Assessment
NYCDMS/ 1183869 .19
6/ 10/11
Description, Content and Responsibility
The purpose of this Deliverable is to provide with a documented Interface
The Deliverable will including the following:

A definition of the methods, tools, techniques and approach to be taken
for implementing all interfaces that are within the scope of the

A detailed plan of the expected level of effort of and
resources to implement interfaces

A list of the objectives/goals ofthe activity

A detailed list of all the activities to be performed

A list of who is responsible ( or for each activity
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
The purpose of this Deliverable is to provide with a Training Needs As-
sessment for a defmed level of training population.
The Deliverable will include a completed organizational assessment for a defined
population, that reflects training requirements by groups of end users.
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard
Responsibility: with support from
Project Deliverable/Wort< Description, Content and Responsibilit)
Phase Product Name
Global De-
D.2.31: Data Con-
version Strategy
The purpose of this Deliverable is to define the overall data conversion process for
the Project.
The Deliverable will include the following:
A definition of the methods, techniques and approach to be taken for
data conversion effort
A list of the objectives and goals of the data conversion effort
A list of Deliverables from the data conversion and migration process
A detailed listing of the responsibilities for each data conver-
sion/migration activity
A definition of the detailed scope(# of years) of conversion for each
applicable data element (i.e., payroll data, GL Balances, etc) at each
Type of data to be converted
Source System
Conversion approach for each data element (Automated/Manual)
Conversion tool(s) to be used during the conversion effort
Business rules
Data mappings
Mock cutovers and conversion plan and schedule
Detailed data transformation logic
Expected volume of conversion
Data verification procedures, processes, reports and tools
Data Conversion Test Plan. The test plan must reflect all approved addi-
tions, deletions, or modifications as well as acceptance criteria
Data archiving strategy
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
Project Delivera blc/W ork
Phase Product Name
Global De- D.2.32: Organiza-
sign tiona! Transforma-
tion Plan
Global De- D.2.33: High-Level
stgn Business Process
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
Description, Content and Responsibility
The Organizational Transformation Plan will allow to adapt to process
changes, data changes, and reporting changes, as well as system changes resulting
from the Project.
The Deliverable will include the following:

a schedule of tasks, schedules and milestones required of the Project
Team and/or the OCM Team for the Transformation for each phase of
the Project;

a description of the operations and assets being transformed or replaced;

a description of all reasonably required knowledge transfer, including a
description of the methods and procedures, personnel and organization
that will be used to perform the Transformation.
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard
Responsibility: with support from
The purpose of this Deliverable is to document the future business processes that will
be adopted in the new System using the software modules as defmed in this SOW.
During the Global Design Phase, only High Level Business Process Designs will be
documented (no more detailed than level3). The Deliverable will include the follow-

A graphical depiction of all "Future" business processes
for each business area, which shows the high level process flows for
each Business Process.

A list of Application Configuration decisions to support the Business
Processes (also called a "BR -1 00")
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and I hard copy
This Deliverable will require additional Acceptance sign off by the Global
Process Review Board
Responsibility: with support from
Project Delive.-ablc/Work Description, Content and Responsibility
Phase Product N arne
Global De-
D.2.34: Enterprise This Deliverable will include:
NYCDMS/ I I 83869.19
6/ IO/ I I
Application Architecture, representing the proposed future state of
software applications to be utilized for the Project (the "Application Ar-
chitecture"), including:
o application functionality components and relationships;
o application development supporting software languages and
tools, and other required software applications tools & tech-
nologies (such as testing tools) ;
o diagram describing inbound and outbound interfac-
es (which is subject to further refinement in subsequent phas-
o methods (including SOA tools, where appropriate)
with other System components including legacy systems; and
o legacy software including configurations required to
interface with the System.
Reporting and BI Strategy and architecture required to run it, including
software and data required to support BI and reporting requirements;
Information Architecture, including master data descriptions; and
Technology Architecture Strategy.
(Note: This document may be revised in subsequent phases)
Delivery: will make available on the shared server
Responsibility: and will work together to create this Deliverable
Project Deliverable/Work
Phase Poduct Name
Global De- D.2.35: Fit/Gap
sign Analysis
Global De- D.2.36:
sign List
NYCDMS/ 1183869. 19
6/ 10/11
Description, Content and Responsibility
The purpose of this Deliverable is to describe the Business Requirements that have
been supported (fit) by the ERP Software and the Business Requirements that are not
supported (Gap) by the ERP Software. The analysis will also include prioritized rec-
ommendations to meet the Gaps that are not fully supported by the ERP Applica-
The Deliverable will include the following:

Business Requirement software fits

Business Requirement software Gaps

Analysis for each Gap

Business issues (e.g., policy and authority)

Prioritized alternative solutions to Gaps

If required, the identification objects required to resolve
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
This deliverable is a list of all Objects identified during the Global Design
Phase, required for the System to meet the Business Requirements.
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
Pmject Deliverable/Work
Phase Product N arne
Global De- D.2.37: Data Go-
sign vemance Strategy
Global De- D.2.38: Deploy-
sign ment Strategy
6110/ 11
Description, Content and Responsibilit)'
This Deliverable will be used by to create the policies for managing
data during and after the System implementation.
The deliverable material will comprise the following:

Strategy should address both enterprise business requirements
and business unit business requirements

Policies, procedures and standards that govern data quality

Roles and responsibilities for carrying out the approved policies,
procedures and standards

Description and plan by which data originating from and used
by different systems running concurrently as the result of a phased dep-
loyment will be managed to provide for on-going business operations
after data is loaded into the System
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
The purpose of this Deliverable is to provide a strategy that includes the proposed
Sites and timing of implementing the System on a divisional, regional,
process, modular or other basis, as required by identify the location of the
Pilot Site; and describe the sequence and the plan for physically implementing the
System at applicable Sites.
This Deliverable will include:

System deployment objectives

Plan for sequencing System functionality across the Sites

Location sequencing scenarios

Location and timing of the Pilot Site

Scenario pro's and con's

Initial time-line for deployment across all Sites
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
Project Deliverable/Work
Phase Product Name
Global De- D.2.39: Implemen-
sign tation Plan and Es-
Global De- D.2.40: Com-
sign pliance and Valida-
tion Strategy
6/10/ 11
Description, Content and Responsibility
The purpose of this Deliverable is to provide with a plan that includes the
deliverables, staffing and financial estimates for Stage 2 of the Project.
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
The Project Team will create a Compliance and Validation Strategy Deliverable,
which will:
be aligned and in accordance with Validation policy;
include at a minimum, Industry Leading Practices and industry standard
elements for computer systems validation in regulated indus-
identify scope, work-plans, Deliverables, Acceptance Criteria and Mi-
lestones for how the System will be Validated from development
through retirement of the System;
include a high-level overview of methodologies and strategies for data
migration and conversion, solution testing and defect management, and
change management processes;
include a list of compliance requirements
include a clear definition of roles and responsibilities;
include a high-level overview of the System, key functionalities, archi-
tecture, business processes; and
identify the framework and processes necessary so that the System re-
mains in a Validated state post go-live.
Delivery: will make available on the shared server.
Responsibility: with support from
Pro_jcct Deliverable/Work
Phase Product Name
Global De- W.2.41 : CRP Re-
sign port
Global De- D.2.42: Functional
sign Design Specifica-
tions for
NYCDMS/ 11 83869.19
Description, Content and Responsibility
This work product will be a report at the end ofCRP-lB which documents the results
of the CRP against the objectives for the CRP.
The work product will include the following:

The CRP objectives

Documented results of the CRP against the Objectives

Listing of project documentation that will be updated based on the CRP
results (e.g. Fit/Gap, application Configurations, design docu-
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
The purpose of this Deliverable is to document the functional requirements of each
object prior to the technical design being developed.
The Deliverable will include the following:

A detailed description of each object and description of there-

Details of title, associated business requirement, detailed description,
processing alternatives, and unit test plan
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard
Responsibility: and will work together to create these Deliverables
Project DeJiYera ble/W ork
Phase Product Name
Global Build D.3.01: Regression
Test Plans
Global Build W.3.02: CRP Re-
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
6/ 10/11
Description, Content and Responsibility
The Project Team will prepare plans for regression testing activities, so that any
Modifications, Customizations, and/or Configurations as required, do not adversely
impact the System as a whole.
The Deliverable will include the following:

Testing procedures, data flow analyses, roles and responsibilities, objec-
tives, assumptions and timing

Testing environment and data requirements

Test tracking procedures

Testing tools

Testing principles

Testing objectives

Test scope

Test personnel

Testing facilities

Test Cases

Test incident tracking procedures

The test cycle calendar
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
This work product will be a report at the end of any CRPs that are conducted during
the Global Build Phase which documents the results of the CRP against the objec-
tives for the CRP.
The work product will include the following:

The CRP objectives

Documented results of the CRP against the Objectives

Listing of project documentation that will be updated based on the CRP
results (e.g. Fit/Gap, application Configurations, design docu-
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
Project Deliverablc/Wmk Description, Content and Responsibility
Phase Product Name
Global Build D.3.03: IQ/OQ
NYCDMS/ 1183869 .19
This Deliverable is the plan of activities for installation and operational qualification
of the System. Software successfully installed, back-outluninstall procedures are pre-
pared, and necessary interfaces, components, and systems can be successfully in-
itiated and operated for North America, which includes:
Creating and completing the IQ/OQ documentation for the System,
which will consist of a summary of the System and step by step instruc-
tions for IQ/OQ execution;
Executing the IQ/OQ according to approved procedure, and providing
documented evidence of successful Software installation;
Verifying that backup and recovery procedures execute successfully;
Validating that System administration activities execute successfully;
Verifying that the test and production instances are mirrored and all ex-
ceptions are documented
Successfully resolving any defects; and
Preparing a summary of successful installation, and submitting same to
for review, approval, and acceptance
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard
Responsibility: with support from
Project Delivcrable/\Vorl' Description, Content and Responsibility
Pbasc Pr-oduct Name
Global Build D.3.04: Systems
(SIT) Plans
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
The purpose of this Deliverable is to provide with Test Plans for System
Testing (SIT). Test Plans that will be created will be executed in the Test-
ing Phase of the Project. The Test Plan will address software components, including
The Deliverable will include the following:
Testing procedures, data flow analyses, roles and responsibilities, objec-
tives, assumptions, timing and acceptance criteria
Testing environment and data requirements
Test Tracking procedures
Testing principles
Testing objectives
Test scope
Test personnel
Testing facilities
Description of Test Cases
Test incident tracking procedures
A detailed listing of when each case will be executed, the cycle, and
which resource will execute the test case
The test cycle calendar
Test resolution/remediation procedures
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
Project Deliverable/Work Description, Content and Responsibility
Phase Product Name
Global Build D.3.05: Perfor-
mance Test Plans
The purpose of this Deliverable is to prepare plans for Performance Testing so that
scalability, reliability and resource usage of the System is able to withstand the esti-
mated load and include reliability and responsiveness for transactional and/or report-
ing functions.
The Deliverable will include the following:
Testing procedures, data flow analyses, roles and responsibilities, objec-
tives, assumptions and timing
Testing environment and data requirements
Test tracking procedures
Testing tools
Testing principles
Testing objectives
Test scope
Test personnel
Testing facilities
Test Cases
Test incident tracking procedures
The test cycle calendar
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
Project Deliverable/Worl< Description, Content and Responsibility
Phase P.-oduct Name
Global Build D.3.06: Stress Test The purpose of this Deliverable is to prepare plans for Stress Testing of the System
Plans (which will be conducted during the Testing Phase) using simulated peak system
loads and include plans for:
NYCDMS/ 11 83869.19
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Loading data into the System to validate successful operation for ex-
tended periods of time and with high volumes of data being accessed
across the network;
Simulating peak concurrent user volumes;
Documenting to show when the System begins to exhibit performance
Assessing System scalability;
Implementing performance tuning measures, based on the results of
Performance Testing and Stress Testing as required to meet the Busi-
ness Requirements; and
Verifying that System performance meets the Business Requirements.
The Deliverable will include the following:
Testing procedures, data flow analyses, roles and responsibilities, objec-
tives, assumptions and timing
Testing environment and data requirements
Test tracking procedures
Testing tools
Testing principles
Testing objectives
Test scope
Test personnel
Testing facilities
Test Cases
Test incident tracking procedures
The test cycle calendar
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
Project Deliverable/Work Description, Content and Responsibilit)
Phase Product Name
Global Build D.3.07: Training
The purpose of this work product is to provide the approach for delivering end user
training, which includes elements from the Training Strategy, Needs Assessment,
plans for design and development of training documentation and curriculum, and
requirements for training related to deployment and Post Production Support
activities (the "Training Plan"). The Training Plan will be finalized during the
Global Build Phase.
This Deliverable consists of a series of documents organized as a report document.
The Deliverable will include the following:
A detailed schedule for all end user training activities (training locations
and dates)
A detailed listing of the types of courses to be offered
Procedures for preparing and restoring the training database environ-
A definition of the training delivery methods (Web-Based, classroom
A description of the approach to develop the end-user
training certification test
A description of the standards, media and procedures to be used when
developing training materials
A detailed plan for evaluating the training effort
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard
Responsibility: with support from
Project Deliverable/WorJ\. Desc.-iption, Content and Responsibility
Phase Ptoduct Name
Global Build D.3.08: User Ac-
ceptance Test
(UAT) Plans
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
The purpose of this Deliverable is to provide with Test Plans for UAT.
Test Plans that will be created will be executed in the Testing Phase of the Project.
The UAT Test Plan will address software components, including Objects,
Business Processes, User Roles and Security Profiles.
The Deliverable will include the following:
Testing procedures, data flow analyses, roles and responsibilities, objec-
tives, assumptions and timing
Testing environment and data requirements
Test tracking procedures
Testing principles
Testing objectives
Test scope
Test personnel
Testing facilities
Test Cases
Test incident tracking procedures
User Acceptance Testing strategy, detailing user acceptance plans (in-
cluding schedule, activities, and resources), processes, and user Accep-
tance Criteria.
A detailed listing of when each case will be executed, the cycle, and
which resource will execute the test case
The test cycle calendar
Test resolution/remediation procedures
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
Project Deliverable/Work
Phase Product : ~ l a m e
Global Build D.3.09: Master
Validation Plan
Global Build D.3.10: Detailed
Business Process
NYCDMS/ 11 83869.19
6/ 10/11
Description, Content and Rcsponsibilit)'
This Deliverable documents the necessary Validation tasks that the Project Team
must execute to meet the Business Requirements and Project Objectives for Regula-
tory Compliance.
will provide the Deliverable, which will include the following:

Aligned and in accordance with Validation Policy and the
Compliance and Validation Strategy

Include Industry Leading Practices and industry standards for computer
systems validation in regulated industry

Identify scope and Deliverables resulting from Regulatory Compliance
Risk Assessment, including applicable Objectives and Acceptance Cri-

Overview of methodologies and strategies for data migration and con-
version, solution testing, change management and defect management
processes in Validated environment

Definition of roles and responsibilities for Validation tasks

High-level overview of the System, key functionalities, architecture and
business processes impacted by Validation

Establish controls for security, regulatory and compliance with
internal policies and procedures

Identify the framework and processes necessary so the System remains
in a validated state
Delivery: will make available on the shared server
Responsibility: with support from
During the Global Build Phase, Detailed Business Process Designs will be docu-
mented (to level 5) The Deliverable will include the following:

A graphical depiction of all "Future" Business
Processes for each business area, in support of the Business Require-
ments, which shows the inputs, outputs, roles and process flows for
each Business Process.

A list of Application Configuration decisions to support the Business
Processes (also called a "BR-100")
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
This Deliverable will require additional Acceptance sign off by the Global
Process Review Board
Responsibility: with support from
Project Delive.-able/Work
Phase Product Name
Global Build D.3.11: RlCEW
Technical Specifi-
Global Build D.3.12: Batch
Processing Sche-
Global Build D.3.13: Training
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
Desciption, Content and Responsibility
The purpose of these Deliverables is to document a technical design specification for
each RlCEW Object that was identified in the Global Design Phase.
The Technical Specifications will identify all of the technical elements and logic re-
quired to convert the designs to software programs in order to satisfy the Functional
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
The purpose of this Deliverable is to provide with a detailed description
of the nightly, weekly, monthly, and other periodic batch processing that is required
to run the System.
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
will provide end-users with course-specific on-line and printed material
for each functional course developed. The materials will be developed using
The Deliverable will include the following:

Course outline and objectives

Step-by-step application instructions using UPK

specific exercises with answers

specific data sheets for performing "hands-on" exercises

Tests and quizzes to demonstrate proficiency

Evaluation forms to achieve continuous improvement

Classroom rosters and sign-in sheets

Guidelines for instructors to provide consistency across locations,
times, and trainers
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and I hard
Responsibility: with support from
Paoject Delivcaable/W ork
Phase Product Name
Global Build D.3.14: Require-
ments Traceability
Global Build D.3.15: Developed
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
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Description, Content and Responsibility
The purpose of this Deliverable is to provide with a mapping
Business Requirements to the functionality to be implemented in the new
application software and to identify the software gaps.
This Deliverable will be presented as an excel spreadsheet.
The Deliverable will include the following, for each business area:

Mapping Business Requirements to the functionality to
be implemented

Identification of software gaps
(Note: An initial draft of this Deliverable will be prepared during the Global Design
Phase and will be based in large part on the Fit/Gap Analysis)
Delivery: will make available on the shared server
Responsibility: with support from
The purpose of this Deliverable is to provide fully developed and unit-tested
This will be programming code for each Object that was identified in the
Global Design Phase.
Fully developed and unit tested programs which operate as designed and
have been unit-tested.
Delivery: will make available on the shared server for each
Object that has been developed
Responsibility: with support from
Project DeliYera ble/W ork
Phase Product Name
Testing D.4.0 1: IT Operat-
ing Procedures
Testing D.4.02: Standard
Operating Proce-
dures (SOPs)
Testing D.4.03 : Validation
Summary Report
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
Description, Content and Responsibility
The purpose of this Deliverable is to provide with the normal tasks that
the System Administrators will perform on a daily, weekly, monthly and periodic
basis that are required to run the System.
This document will include:

Procedures for daily operating tasks relating to monitoring and operat-
ing the System

Procedures for shutdown and startup of the System

Procedures for System Administration

Procedures for changing the System

Procedures and sign-off documentation for keeping the System in Regu-
latory Compliance and in a Validated state
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard
Responsibility: with support from
This Deliverable is a list of documents which will allow individual Sites to
prepare for and perform the implementation of the System, including:

Identification of global SOPs to be developed during the Global Build
Phase; and

templates to detail how the System will be rolled out to each
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard
Responsibility: with support from
This Deliverable is a report that documents the detailed results of the validation ef-
fort, including test results. Whenever possible, test results will be expressed in quan-
tified terms rather than stated as "pass/fail." The report will be reviewed and ap-
proved by designated management
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard
Responsibility: with support from
Pro.iect Deliverable/Work Description, Content and Responsibility
Phase Product Name
D.4.04: Cutover
The purpose of this Deliverable is to guide the management team through System
deployment. It provides a detailed schedule of events, expected duration, roles and
responsibilities, and event dependencies that are required to support the cutover to the
This document is a subset of the Project Plan. It deals specifically with those tasks
aimed at preparing to move forward with going live on the System. The
Deliverable includes:
Cutover checklist for each Site
Data conversion and migration (automated and manual) sequence and
schedule across multiple geographic locations and time zones
Cutover resource plan
Contingency plan for failed go-live and resumption oflegacy environ-
Communication plan for all impacted parties
Technical plan for readiness of printers, fax machines and any other
hardware needed for operating the System
Process for configuration required directly in the production environ-
ment, if any
Legacy system shutdown procedures
Plan for monitoring system performance after go-live
Hot-Site failover procedures
Processes for post production support
Processes for ongoing production support
Process for logging and resolving issues
Go-live success criteria
Go-live team activity schedule
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
Project DeliverableM' ork
Phase Product : ~ l a m e
Testing D.4.05: Cutover
Testing D.4.06: Post-
Production Support
NYCDMS/ 1183869. 19
Description, Content and Responsibility
The purpose of this Deliverable is to provide a checklist of all activities that should
be performed prior to and during the transition to the Production System for each
Site or Wave (including the Pilot Site).
The Deliverable will include:

Cutover activities

Step-by-step instructions for migration to the System

A detailed schedule and task-level resource plan for each Site

Data-related activities, including migration, conversion, and cleansing

Security-related activities, including the creation of role-based system
authorization profiles

Testing activities, including post go-live testing to validate a successful

End-user training completion checklist

Final signed-off Validation Summary Report

Plans for Post Production Support activities
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and I hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
The Post-Production Support Plan will be developed and approved prior to System
The plan will include the following:

A defmition of the approach for providing Post-Production support for
the System

A knowledge transfer plan

A detailed schedule of the Project Team's onsite support

Validation processes in order to keep the system in Regulatory Com-
pliance and in a Validated State in accordance with the Master Valida-
tion Plan

KPis measured against baseline

Formal acceptance and sign-off

At least one month-end close and one quarter-end close

Procedures for resolving issues
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and I hard copy
Responsibility: with support from
Project Deli\'erable/Work Description, Content and Responsibility
Phase Product Name
Testing D.4.07: Ongoing
Production Support
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
6/ 10/1 1
This Deliverable is a plan, which will detail how will support the System after
Post Production Services are complete. The Ongoing Production Support Plan com-
prises the following several sub-plans which specify the structure within which post
go-live support will be provided:
Ongoing Production Support Resource Plan- This defines categories
and lists of end users to be supported, provides high-level descriptions
of how the end users will be supported, and outlines service level
agreements. It also lists the resources that will run the help-desk and
their roles and responsibilities. The Ongoing Production Support Plan
will include:
0 Detailed defmitions of the functions and processes required for on-
going support;
0 Roles and responsibilities, including updated job descriptions;
0 Staffing levels, training, tools and infrastructure required to support
and assist the COE;
0 Documentation of the System and related business processes, in-
cluding test scripts and results, points, transaction inter-
dependencies, and configuration settings;
0 Plans to communicate the COE operational policies, practices, pro-
cedures, and service levels to users;
Upgrade, enhancement, and hot-pack application
Plans to provide appropriate knowledge transfer to se-
lect Project team members such that personnel
can perform both the administrator and general user
roles; and
System monitoring requirements.
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard
Responsibility: with support from
Project Deliverable/Work Description, Content and Responsibility
Phase Poduct Name
Deploy and D.5.01: Go, No-Go The purpose of this Deliverable is to indicate agreement to cut-over to
Support Cutover Document the Production System.
Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy
This Deliverable will require additional Acceptance from PMO and
management team
Responsibility: with support from
Deploy and D.5.02: Final Sys- This Deliverable is a document indicating that the Project is complete; the System
Support tern Acceptance operates as designed in accordance with the Business Requirements and the Project
Objectives. Furthermore, the document will indicate that is prepared to
take over Ongoing Production Support of the System

Delivery: will make available on the shared server and 1 hard copy.
The fma1 Acceptance and sign off will require Steering Committee approval.
The final Production System will be treated as a Deliverable, notwithstanding the fact that certain elements of the System
are beyond the control and with due regard to those elements (which shall be handled in accordance with procedures
defmed in the Agreement and this Attachment 1). This final Deliverable will occur upon completion ofPost Production
Support after the last wave of deployment, at the time that staff assumes complete responsibility for Ongoing Pro-
duction Support, and all other Deliverables and their corresponding Acceptance has been achieved. This Deliverable will be
evidenced by a document, indicating that the Project is complete and the System operates as designed. Furthermore, the
document will indicate that has assumed Ongoing Production Support of the System.
Document Document
Deliverable/Work Product SOW Section SOW Page Project Phase Number Exhibit Page
Issue Loa All Phases W.0.1 83
Risk Log All Phases W.0.2 84
Proj ecl Plan 2.2.4 ! a 1 17-19 All Phases W.0.3 84
Weekly Proect Status Rellort All Phases W.0.4 85
Proj ect Manaaement Plan Planning and Initiation W.1 .0 86
Hardware Capacity Plan Global Design W.2.01 87
Hardware and Software Acauisition Schedule Global Desi!ln W.2.02 87
Quality Assurance Plan Global Design W.2.03 88
0 f;l anizational ChanQe Management Strateav 3.3 54-55 Global Design D.2.04 BS
Benchmarkina Studv 2.3.2:a) 19-20 Global Design D.2.05 89
Data Readiness Assessment 2.3.12 (a) 28-29 Global Design W.2.06 89
Upgrade and Update/Fixes and Plan Global Design W.2.07 90
Core Proect Team Trainina Strateav Global Desiqn W.2.08 90
S>":tem Release Strateav Global Design W.2.09 91
Project and Phase Kickoff Meeting Global Design W.2.10 91
Development Standards Global Design W.2.11 92
Business Case 2.3.2 b 20 Global D.2.12 93
Testing Strategy Global Desi gn D.2.13 94
Risk Assessment and Risk Miti gation Plan 2.3.10 (d) 26-27 Global Design D.2.14 95
Hardware Installation Schedule Global Design W.2.15 96
Database & Instance Strategy 2.3.8 24 Global Design D.2.16 96
Orcanization Readiness Assessment 3.5.1 58 Global Design W.2.17 97
Technoloov Architecture Stratoov 2.3.6 23 Global Desion 0.2.18 98
Data Desian 2.3.12 (bl 29 Global Design 0.2.19 99
DeveiO!>fllent Strategy 2.3.15 /a) 33 Global Design D.2.20 99
Svstem Backup Plan Global Design D.2.21 100
Securitv Matrix 2.3.10 b 25 Global Desi gn W.2.22 100
Trainina Strateav 2.3.20(bl 1 36 Global Desi gn D.2.23 101
Communications Plan 3.5.4 59-60 Global Desi gn D.2.24 102
Business Requirements (User Roouirements Specification ) 2.3.3 21 Global Design 0.2.25 103
Chart of Accounts Re-Desi gn Global Design W.2.26 103
Data Management Plan 2.3.12 c 29 Global Design W.2.27 104
and Bl StrateoJv 2.3,14 32 Global Design D.2 .28 105
Interface Strategy Global Design D.2.29 106
Training Needs Assessment 2.3.20 b 3 36 Global Design 0.2.30 106
Data Conversion StrateQY 2.3.12 te' 1 30-31 Global Design D.2.31 107
Oraanizational Transformation Plan 3.3.4 56-57 Global Des_i gn D.2.32 108
High-Level Business Process Design 2.3.5 22 Global Design D.2.33 108
Enterprise Architecture 2.5.1 c 1 23-24 44, 45 Global Desian 0.2.34 109
FiUGap Anal ;rois 2.3.4 22 Global Design 0.2.35 110
List 2.3.15 (b) 33 Global Design D2.36 110
Data Governance Strategy 2.3.12 d 29-30 Global Design D.2.37 111
ment Strategy 2.3.17/2.5.1 c 3 34, 46 Global D.2.38 111
lmQi ementation Plan and Estimate 2.3.19 35 Global DesilJn 0.2.39 112
Compliance and Validation Strategy 2.3.10 c 25-26 Global 0.2.40 112
CRP Reoort 2.3.11 (q) 28 Global Design W.2.41 113
Functional Desi gn s , ecifications for Ob eels 2.3.9 24 Global Design D.2.42 113
Regression Test Plans 2.4.7 b 4 44 Global Build D.3.01 114
CRP Reoort Global Build 0.3.02 114
IQ/00 Plan 2.3.10 (e)/2.4.11 27, 44-45 Global Build 0.3.03 115
Systems Test i S IT) Plans 2.4.7fb)1 43 Global Build D.3.04 116
Performance Test Plan 2.4.7[b 2 43 Global Build D.3.05 117
Stress Test Plans 2.4.7 b 3 43-44 Global Build D.3 06 118
Traini'!9._Pian 2.3.20 b 3 36,48 Global Build D.3.07 119
User Acceptance Test (UAT) Plans 2.5.2 46 Global Buil d 0.3.08 120
Master Validation Plan 2.4.8 44 Global Build D.3.09 121
Detailed Business Process Desi ans 2.3.5 22 Global Build D.3.10 121
Technical Specifications 2.4.3 al 38-39 Global Build D.3.11 122
Batch Processinc Schedule Global Build D.3.12 122
Training Materials 2.4.6 (b) 40-41 Global Build 0.3.13 122
Requirements Traceability Matrix Global Build 0.3.14 123
Develol)ed Ob eels Global Build D.3.15 123
IT Qperatina Procedures Testinc D.4.01 124
Standard Op_erali llQProcedures (SOPs) 2.3.16 33-34 Testing D.4.02 124
Val idation Summary Report Testing 0.4.03 125
Cutover Plan 2.4.10/2.5.7 a\ 44,47-48 Testing D.4.04 126
Cutover Checklist 2.5 7 d 48-49 Testing D.4.05 127
Post-Production Support Plan 2.6,3 f 50 Testing D.4.06 127
OnJoing Production Support Plan 2.3.21/2.6.4 c 1 36, 51-53 Testing D.4.07 128
Go, No-Go Cutover Document Deploy and Support D.5.01 129
Final S stem Acceptance De.ploy and Support D.5.02 129
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
Information Security Table of Roles and Responsibilities
For purposes of performance of this SOW, IDM and will perform, per the Project Plan, the follow-
ing responsibilities as indicated in the Information Security Table of Roles and Responsibilities in this
Security Policy
Determine appropriate information security policy requirements based on business objec-
tives, assessment of risk, and interpretation of legal, regulatory and contractual obligations
Validate that the information security controls meet the requirements driven by
security policy and risk acceptance
Request exceptions to the base roles and responsibilities as defined in this GBS Informa-
tion Security Table, as needed
Notify if information security requirements change through Project Change
Procedure so that the Parties may assess if and how to implement, including impact to
cost, scope or schedule
Review the roles and responsibilities as defined by this Information Security Table period-
ically but at least every 18 months
Provide with this Information Security Table of Roles and Responsibilities which
communicates IDM and security controls for the application development
and maintenance services and any exceptions that govern the security management
processes for IDM and under the Agreement.
Respond to exception or Project Change Requests from and determine if such re-
quests result in additional or modified information security roles and responsibilities,
which will be managed through the Project Change Procedures.
Review the Roles and Responsibilities as defined by this Information Security Table pe-
riodically but at least every 18 months with
Organization of Information Security
Designate a knowledgeable focal point for information security related activities
Provide contact information for the primary contact and for an authorized secondary con-
Coordinate all information security activities with third parties other than those contracted
by ffiM
6/ 10/ 11

Designate a knowledgeable focal point for information security related activities in-
eluding the following:
Interfacing with on security requirements
Implementation of security requirements for which is responsible in accordance with
the negotiated and agreed to Roles and Responsibilities (as defined by this Information
Security Table)
' Provide contact information for the primary contact and for an authorized secondary con-
Coordinate security activities with third parties contracted by (as defined by this In-
formation Security Table of Roles and Responsibilities)
Asset Management
Be responsible for identifying, providing and funding the appropriate information security
controls and communicating relevant requirements to for:
Data transmitted via public telecommunications facilities or services;
Transport of confidential information, personal information, sensitive personal information
and business sensitive information (e.g. encryption, transport over secure lines); and
Storing of confidential information, personal information, sensitive personal information
and business sensitive information (e.g. encryption of data on portable media or other spe-
cial handling/treatment)
Ensure security requirements are addressed in the Statement of Work
will treat all Data and information as confidential.
Comply with its obligations as data controller and inform if these obligations include
requirements for data processor related services provided by
Follow approved Project Change Control Procedure (defined in the Statement of Work) for
security related changes
Handle information identified by as confidential, business sensitive, personal and
sensitive personal in accordance with the following controls:
On applications, protect data by access controls as defined in the section entitled
Access Control
Store portable storage media containing data in a physically controlled area in
those locations where has sole control of the media.
When printed information is printed at locations, keep printed information identified
by as confidential, personal and sensitive personal in a locked container or physi-
cally controlled area.
Human Resources Security
Address information security in the hiring, termination and personnel management
processes for personnel

Provide information security awareness training to personnel and other au-
thorized network or system users
Identify and provide to any specific information security training required for
Take appropriate management action if there is a misuse of authority by any per-
Address information security in the hiring, termination and personnel management
processes for personnel
Provide the current information security education package to employees
Require annual review of business conduct guidelines by employees throughout
the duration of this SOW
Take appropriate management action ifthere is a misuse of an employee's granted
Physical and Environmental Security
Secure work areas and restrict access from general public at sites related to execu-
tion of this SOW
Identify and provide to any specific information security requirements for
printing, storing and transmitting information
Define where employees will work:
Define the work location for employees
Define remote or work at home options
Supply anti-virus software for supplied workstations
Respond to virus attacks and initiate corrective action on supplied workstations
Provide and manage physical security of owned workstations
Perform workplace security inspections of employees at sites and sites
related to execution of this SOW
Provide security for work areas and restrict access from general public at sites related
to execution of this SOW
Supply and install anti-virus software and upgrades for supplied workstations
Respond to virus attacks and initiate corrective action on supplied workstations
Access Control
Authorize and manage user IDs and passwords
Define access control requirements and process and administer logical access for network
infrastructure systems and devices under management
6/ 10/ 11

Define access control requirements and process and administer user ill' s and passwords
for applications databases and other software on systems across all applica-
tion environments (development, test, production)
Define revocation requirements and process, and administer revocation of accesses for
applications and systems warranted as a result of validation activities and when
requested by
Define access control requirements and process for users with privileged access to
applications and systems across all environments (development, test, production)
Be responsible for validating the employment status and business need for access to
applications and systems for personnel
Be responsible for implementing access changes based on input from employment
validation activities for personnel
Be responsible for validating the business need for access to applications and sys-
terns for ffiM personnel, annually
Revalidate the list of privileges associated with assigned ill' s and notify of any
changes required
Review user access lists maintained by and revalidate privileges annually
Define any encryption requirements and supply encryption tools to meet requirements
Perform quarterly employment review of application user ill's assigned to employees
Submit request to revoke access to an application when ffiM personnel no longer require
Maintain list ofiD' s with privileges and ill' s with access to production environment for
ffiM employees
Periodically revalidate privileges for ill's assigned to ffiM personnel
Retain evidence for two iterations
Periodically revalidate continued business need for access to development, test, production
environments for ill' s assigned to ffiM personnel
Retain evidence for two iterations
Submit or notify of any access changes needed as a result of Validation activities
6/10/ 11

For employees working on applications, passwords must conform to the stan-
dards defined below, unless requirements are more stringent:
Minimum of 8 characters
Contain a mixture of alphabetic and non-alphabetic characters
Maximum change interval of 90 days
Password history - password may not be reused for 4 iterations
Number of consecutive invalid attempts before ID is locked is 5
Lockout duration of forever
Perform a baseline inventory of user id's assigned to personnel and communicate
User ID baseline inventory to for Validation
Adhere to application encryption requirements using provided encryption
Information Security Incident Management
Provide a 24/7 contact plan for reporting security incidents
Inform of any application and information security incidents involving person-
Provide a security incident coordinator
Make decisions on actions to resolve security incidents involving network,
systems, personnel or data, including, if appropriate, collection of evidence
Interface, as needed, with external entities such as law enforcement, legal or regulatory
Assist in initial security incident evaluation for security incidents involving
personnel that are reported by as part of Information Security Incident Manage-
Identify and interpret legal, regulatory or contractual information security requirements
that are applicable to its business and inform of any additional or changed require-
Provide periodic, basic security reporting as defined by
Separation of Duties
Perform application separation of duties analysis and conflict resolution
Implement change management on separation of duties analysis
Perform periodic reviews of separation of duties analysis
Authorize code promotions to production
Inform of team member changes
6/ 1011 1

6110/ 11
defines the Project scope using a "Nine Levers of Scope" model, which segregates scope into the
nine discrete components identified below. These levers defme at a macro level the assumptions used for
planning and estimating the Project. If the scope of the Project changes, the change will be managed via
the Change Procedures. If this Exhibit 6 conflicts in any way with the SOW, then the SOW will control.
Software Scope
I. Software Scope
Technical Enhancement Scope
Technical Infrastructure Scope
Interface Scope
Implementation Scope
The Software Scope lever defines the software modules that will be imple-
mented to support the Project. The modules have been included in logical
groupings by functional area.
The Software scope table below is broken into two categories. The first cat-
egory includes those modules that are known to be included in the Project.
The second category includes those modules that will be evaluated during the
Global Design Phase to determine whether they will be included in the
Project going forward. Whether the modules included in the second category are included or not will be
at discretion, taking into account the Business Requirements together with a cost/benefit analy-
sis for each module to determine if such module in question:
will be included in scope for the Project;
will be included in scope for a future Stage (not covered by this SOW); or
will not

General Ledger (including consolida-
Advanced Global Intercompany,
Payables, Fixed Assets, Cash Man-
agement, Advanced Collections,
Payments, Receivables
Advanced Purchasing, iProcurement, iExpense,
Procurement Inventory
Discrete Man- Bills of Material, Engineering, WIP,
ufacturing Quality, Costing, Mobile Supply
Chain, Inventory, Warehouse Man-
agement, ASCP, Global Order Prom-
Order Man-
Human Re-
Master Data
Risk, and
Change Man-
Agile Product
Business In-
telligence &
6/ 10/1 1
Order Management, Quoting, Ad-
vanced Pricing, Shipping Execution,
Ecommerce Gateway
Core HR, Self Service HR, iRecruit-
ment, Learning Management
Product Data Quality
Product Collaboration (PC), Product
Quality Management (PQM), Auto-
view 2D
Incentive Compensation, Territory
Manager, Sales Contracts, Field Ser-
vice, Depot Repair, Install Base, Ser-
vice Contracts
XML Publisher
Procurement Contracts, iSupplier Por-
Enterprise Asset Management, Pedi-
iLearning, Time & Labor, Advanced
Product Data Hub
Customers Online, iStore, Field Ser-
vice, Install Base, Service Contracts

will both be considered, but only one
will be selected.
II. Process Scope
The Process Scope lever defines the business processes that are in scope for
the Project.
The core business processes included in the Project include:
Product Lifecycle Management
III. Organization Scope
The Organization Scope lever defines the Project' s impact on the organiza-
tion and end-users, and outlines the Organizational Change Management ac-
tivities included in the Project.
Organization: the Sites in scope are listed below, however during
Global Design, only key processes for the macro-geographies will be de-
signed: North America, Europe & Australia; key Localizations will be identi-
fied, however the detail design for all Localizations for all geographies will be
done during Stage 2 which include: Anasco, Puerto Rico; Andover, UK; Arthrodax, UK; Biot, FR; Bur-
lington, MA; Cincinnati, OH; Dublin, Ireland; Guzman, Mexico; Hawthorne, NY; Irvine, CA; Kiel, Ger-
many; Lyon, FR; Medina, OH; Akron, OH; New Zealand; Perly, Switzerland; Plainsboro, NJ (all loca-
tions); Ratingen, Germany; Reno, NV; Salt Lake City, UT; Samois, FR; San Diego, CA; Vista, CA; Step-
ney, Australia; St. Paul, MN; Toronto, Canada; Tullamore, Ireland; Tuttlingen, Germany; Vilvoorde, Bel-
gium; Wurmlingen, Germany; York, PA; Zapopan, Mexico; and Ghent, Belgium.
IV. Technical Enhancements and Workflow Scope
The Technical Enhancements Scope lever defines enhancements to the core
application software packages that are included in the scope of the Project.
Based on our current limited knowledge of key business requirements for
we have estimated 30 total enhancements consisting of 5 high complexity,
10 medium complexity and 15 low complexity enhancements for approximate-
ly 5,975 hours to support consignment sales and inter-company operations.
The exact nature of these proposed enchantments (plus any additional that may be identified) will be vali-
dated and designed during the Global Design Phase. If the Project team identifies any additional en-
hancements that may be required during the course of the project, such changes will then be considered
for inclusion through the change control process to be mutually agreed upon between and It
is assumed that any technical enhancements will be compliant with Development Standards so as
to allow the system to be upgraded in the future. We have included 1,175 hours for workflow develop-
V. Technical Infrastructure Scope
The Technical Infrastructure Scope lever defines the hardware, software, and
networks required to support Project This includes operating system
(Linux), databases, servers, storage, network, and the package applications.
will support the Project hardware platform through the operating sys-
tem layer including system administration. This includes servers, worksta-
tions, storage, network and LAN/WAN communications.
During the course of the Project, the Project Team will be responsible for
database administration of the database which will be running the Applications listed in
VI. Interface Scope
The Interface Scope lever defines the interfaces required to support the
of the System required by the proposed solution. currently owns
and maintains a variety of interfaces in-house.
For the purpose of the estimates for staffing, pricing and time-line included in
this document, has assumed a total of 100 interfaces consisting of 24 high
complexity, 50 medium complexity and 26 low complexity interfaces for ap-
proximately 13,397 hours using standard API's.
The strategy and approach (such as SOA) will be finalized during the Global Design Phase.
VII. Data Conversion Scope
6/ 10/ 11
The Data Conversion Scope lever defines the conversion strategy and
identifies those conversions that will be required to transition to the target
For the purpose of the estimates for staffing, pricing and time-line included
in this document, has assumed a total of 24 automated conversions
which are estimated at 2,080 hours. The approach of the specific data con-
version programs required for this project will be designed (functionally), validated and reviewed during
Global Design.
If the Project team identifies any additional data conversion programs that may be required during the
course of the project, or the complexity of such data conversion programs changes, they will be consi-
dered for inclusion through the change control process to be mutually agreed upon between and

VIII. Reports Scope
The Reports Scope lever defines the reporting strategy and identifies the spe-
cific custom reports included in the scope of the project. Our approach to
scoping reports is typically to recommend the use of standard re-
porting wherever possible to meet your requirements. During the Global De-
sign Phase, we will be able to analyze and quantify the potential reports and
the most advantageous method of satisfying the company' s needs (e.g.
Standard Reports, OBIEE reports, FSG, SQL query data dumps, BI Publisher
Reports, etc).
For the purpose of the estimates for staffing, pricing and time-line included in this document, we have
assumed a total of 100 reports to be developed, of which 40 are low complexity, 30 are medium complex-
ity and 30 are high complexity reports using XML publisher comprised of approximately 9,686 hours.
The approach of the specific reports required for this project, including the tools and methods for devel-
oping them, will be designed (functionally), validated and reviewed during Global Design.
We will also develop a reporting strategy during Global Design, working closely with functional
and technical teams to lay out the tools, the frequency, the distribution and the printing of reports andre-
port groups for the system users.
NYCDMS/ 1183869.19
6/ 10/ 11
IX. Implementation Scope
The Implementation Scope lever defmes the approach and breadth of the
transition from the existing processes to the enabled processes. It
de- fines the project's approach to cutover to the new system, the business
units to be included as well as the expected number of impacted users and
sites. The implementation approach is contingent on many factors, includ-
mg culture and legacy system environment. The timeline chart in this
SOW depicts assumption of the rollout strategy (i.e., a pilot and 3
waves - 2 in North America and 1 final wave to replace Movex installa-
tions in EU and Australia) and our estimates are based on that approach.
The following subcontractors are authorized hereunder:

PlanninQ & Initiation
Global Desina
Global Build
Global Test & Validation
Pilot Depl oyment
Ilot Post Production Support
US Wave 1 DepiQ}'ment
US Wave 2 Deployment
Global Wave 3 (Replace MoveX)


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