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Copyright 1987 Paul M. Perell
Originally published in (1987) 2:2,3 Legal Research Update 11 and republished with permission.


It gives away no secret to observe that lawyers have their own unique discipline and
approach to the resolution of legal problems. Not surprisingly, there are laws about
determining the law. One of the most important of these laws is the law of precedent or stare
decisis. That doctrine and its significance in practical terms are the subject matters of this
paper. This paper is also about how a lawyer in everyday practice answers a legal question
and how that lawyer evaluates and formulates legal arguments. The paper is only to a very
limited extent concerned about the practical problems of how to find or look up the law;
rather, the concern is how a lawyer should deal with the authorities that he or she finds.
Because different legal systems have different approaches to the proper way of deciding a
legal point, the perspective will be Canadian and primarily that of Ontario.


What is the doctrine of precedent or of stare decisis? Professor Gall described it in the
following terms:

The operation of the doctrine of stare decisis is best explained by reference to the
English translation of the Latin phrase. Stare decisis literally translates as to
stand by decided matters. The phrase stare decisis is itself an abbreviation of the
Latin phrase stare decisis et non quieta movere which translates as to stand by
decisions and not to disturb settled matters.

Basically, under the doctrine of stare decisis, the decision of a higher court within the same
provincial jurisdiction acts as binding authority on a lower court within that same
jurisdiction. The decision of a court of another jurisdiction only acts as persuasive authority.
The degree of persuasiveness is dependent upon various factors, including, first, the nature of
the other jurisdiction. Second, the degree of persuasiveness is dependent upon the level of
court which decided the precedent case in the other jurisdiction. Other factors include the
date of the precedent case, on the assumption that the more recent the case, the more reliable
it will be as authority for a given proposition, although this is not necessarily so. And on
some occasions, the judges reputation may affect the degree of persuasiveness of the

In Learning the Law (9th ed. 1973), Glanville Williams describes the doctrine in practical

What the doctrine of precedent declares is that cases must be decided the same way
when their material facts are the same. Obviously it does not require that all the facts
should be the same. We know that in the flux of life all the facts of a case will never
recur, but the legally material facts may recur and it is with these that the doctrine is

The ratio decidendi [reason of deciding] of a case can be defined as the material
facts of the case plus the decision thereon. The same learned author
who advanced
this definition went on to suggest a helpful formula. Suppose that in a certain case
facts A, B and C exist, and suppose that the court finds that facts B and C are
material and fact A immaterial, and then reaches conclusion X (e.g. judgment for the
plaintiff, or judgment for the defendant). Then the doctrine of precedent enables us to
say that in any future case in which facts B and C exist, or in which facts A and B and
C exist the conclusion must be X. If in a future case A, B, C, and D exist, and the fact
D is held to be material, the first case will not be a direct authority, though it may be
of value as an analogy.

It follows from Williams analysis that the addition of fact D to a future case means that
conclusion X may or may not follow. In other words, the presence of a new fact D may have
the effect of distinguishing the future case from the precedent or conversely the precedent
may be extended to apply to the future case.

There is considerable literature about whether the doctrine of stare decisis is a good or bad
but, the doctrine is usually justified by arguments which focus on the desirability of
stability and certainty in the law and also by notions of justice and fairness. Benjamin
Cardozo in his treatise, The Nature of the Judicial Process stated:

It will not do to decide the same question one way between one set of litigants and
the opposite way between another. If a group of cases involves the same point, the
parties expect the same decision. It would be a gross injustice to decide alternate
cases on opposite principles. If a case was decided against me yesterday when I was a
defendant, I shall look for the same judgment today if I am plaintiff. To decide
differently would raise a feeling of resentment and wrong in my breast; it would be an
infringement, material and moral, of my rights.
Adherence to precedent must then
be the rule rather than the exception if litigants are to have faith in the even-handed
administration of justice in the courts.

In Sweney v. The Department of Highways,
Middleton J.A. for the Ontario Court of Appeal
But, in my view, liberty to decide each case as you think right, without regard to
principles laid down in previous similar cases, would only result in a completely
uncertain law in which no citizen would know his rights or liabilities until he knew
before what Judge his case would come and could guess what view that Judge would
take on a consideration of the matter, without any regard to previous decisions.

That the doctrine of stare decisis is related to justice and fairness may be appreciated by
considering the observation of American philosopher William K. Frankena as to what
constitutes injustice:

The paradigm case of injustice is that in which there are two similar individuals in
similar circumstances and one of them is treated better or worse than the other. In
this case, the cry of injustice rightly goes up against the responsible agent or group;
and unless that agent or group can establish that there is some relevant dissimilarity
after all between the individuals concerned and their circumstances, he or they will
be guilty as charged.

The critics of the doctrine accept it as the general rule but chafe under it when the staleness
of old law leads to unfairness and injustice. For example, Lord Denning, the former Master
of the Rolls has argued:

If lawyers hold to their precedents too closely, forgetful of the fundamental principles
of truth and justice which they should serve, they may find the whole edifice comes
tumbling down about them. Just as the scientist seeks for truth, so the lawyer should
seek for justice. Just as the scientist takes his instances and from them builds up his
general propositions, so the lawyer should take his precedents and from them build
up his general principles. Just as the propositions of the scientist fail to be modified
when shown not to fit all instances, or even discarded when shown in error, so the
principles of the lawyer should be modified when found to be unsuited to the times or
discarded when found to work injustice.


Keeping with the practical approach of this paper, we will now leave aside this debate and
consider the practical problems of dealing with the doctrine as it exists for the practising
lawyer. Let us then consider the example of a lawyer preparing legal argument for court.

The lawyer will be appearing before a particular court and the first thing that the lawyer must
do is to note the rank of that court in the hierarchy of courts. This is necessary for two
reasons: first, because a higher ranking court is not bound to follow the decision of a lower
court and second, because some courts do not apply the rule of stare decisis with respect to
their own prior decisions.
While it might be thought that it would not be difficult to decide this question of ranking,
there are in fact some problems because the hierarchy and the attitude of various courts have
changed from time to time. For example, for Canada, appeals to the Privy Council in
criminal matters were abolished in 1933
and it was only in 1949 that all Canadian appeals
to the Privy Council were abolished.
In Ontario, from 1895 to 1931 but not afterwards,
there was a section of the Judicature Act which obliged a Judge of the High Court not to
disregard or depart from a prior known decision of any other judge of co-ordinate authority
on any question of law or practice without his concurrence.
Further, perhaps by reason of
the abolition of appeals to the Privy Council or perhaps because of the example of the House
of Lords which in 1966 announced that it would reverse itself in proper cases
or perhaps
because of the maturing of Canadian jurisprudence, the Supreme Court of Canada has
relatively recently reassessed its own position on the effect of its own prior decisions. In light
of these changes, the current position for Ontario jurisprudence appears to be as follows:
The Supreme Court of Canada is not bound to follow its own prior decisions or the decisions
of the Privy Council.
As Professor Gordon Bale has noted:

The Supreme Court can no longer be content to say that the case is governed by an
earlier decision either of its own or of the Privy Council unless the decision provides
the proper reconciliation of the competing interests which are involved.

All Canadian courts are bound to follow a precedent of the Supreme Court of Canada
any pre-1949 decision of the Privy Council which has not been overruled by the Supreme
Court of Canada. A minority opinion of the Supreme Court of Canada is, however, not

The Ontario Court of Appeal is not bound to follow a decision of the appellate court of
another province.

The Ontario Court of Appeal will generally be bound by its own prior decisions unless the
liberty of the subject is involved or unless the prior decision was given per incuriam, that is,
inadvertently without consideration of an applicable authority or statutory provision.
should be noted by comparison that appellate courts in certain other provinces have allowed
themselves greater freedom in overruling their own prior decisions.

All Ontario provincial courts lower than the Court of Appeal are bound to follow a decision
of the Ontario Court of Appeal.
A Divisional Court decision as a decision of an
intermediate court of appeal would bind lower courts. (It should be noted that the Divisional
Court also sits as a court of first instance.)

All Ontario provincial courts are not bound by the decisions of the appellate courts of other
provinces or by decisions of the Federal Court of Appeal.

A decision of a court of co-ordinate jurisdiction is not binding
although where there is
conflict it may be appropriate to refer the case to the Court of Appeal.
It should be noted
that in certain circumstances, the District Court may have co-ordinate jurisdiction with the
High Court and not be obliged to follow the decision of the otherwise higher
Similarly, it seems that with respect to procedural matters, the Masters Office and
the District Court may be considered to be co-ordinate courts.

While decisions of co-ordinate courts are not binding, these decisions are highly persuasive.
This is because of the concept of judicial comity which is the respect one court holds for the
decisions of another. As a concept it is closely related to stare decisis. In the case
of R. v. Nor. Elec. Co.,
McRuer C.J.H.C. stated:

I think Hogg J. stated the right common law principle to be applied in his judgment
in Rex ex rel. McWilliam v. Morris, [1942] O.W.N. 447 at 448-9, where he said: The
doctrine of stare decisis is one long recognized as a principle of our law. Sir
Frederick Pollock, in his First Book of Jurisprudence, 6th ed., p. 321: The decisions
of an ordinary superior court are binding on all courts of inferior rank within the
same jurisdiction, and though not absolutely binding on courts of co-ordinate
authority nor on the court itself, will be followed in the absence of strong reason to
the contrary.

I think that strong reason to the contrary does not mean a strong argumentative reason
appealing to the particular judge, but something that may indicate that the prior decision was
given without consideration of a statute or some authority that ought to have been followed. I
do not think strong reason to the contrary is to be construed according to the flexibility of
the mind of the particular judge.


Thus noting the court ranking of the judge before whom the lawyer will be appearing and
guided by the doctrine of stare decisis, the lawyer will then prepare his or her argument.
Usually, the best position for the lawyer occurs when there is a precedent case supporting his
or her clients case. The lawyer will then argue that the court is either bound, or that the
court, if not actually bound, ought to be persuaded by the precedent case to find in the
clients favour. In his or her research, the lawyer will therefore look for cases with results
which support the clients position and the lawyer will prepare to argue that the ratio
decidendi of those precedent cases covers the facts of the case at bar. However, just locating
and evaluating the prospects of precedent cases is not easy since it is often difficult to
determine and articulate the authority of a case. Moreover, skill is necessary to analyze and
organize the material facts of both the precedent case and the case at bar. That said, more
difficult problems of legal reasoning and legal argument occur when the lawyer is unable to
find a close case or any case at all or, worse yet, when a case presents itself which appears to
be unfavourable. How does the lawyer deal with these problems?

To get around an apparently unfavourable case, there are a number of tools and techniques
available to the lawyer. The lawyer may not simply ignore the unfavourable case and hope
that the other side does not discover the authority. This is unethical
and with respect it may
be submitted that it is also unethical and intellectually dishonest for a judge in deciding a
case to simply ignore a precedent case which stands in the way of the decision that the judge
wants to make. This is not to say that lawyers and judges must deal with every case that
remotely touches on a subject but only that there should be an honest effort to play by the

The techniques that are available follow as a consequence of accepting and then
manipulating the doctrine of stare decisis. The techniques structure and direct the lawyers
legal reasoning and argument. The following are generally recognized:

The lawyer can argue that the precedent case does not stand for the legal proposition for
which it has been cited. In other words, the lawyer articulates the ratio decidendi of the case
differently. An example of this may be found in the treatment of the case of Rivtow Marine
Ltd. v. Washington Iron Works.
In The Attorney General for the Province of
Ontario v. Fatehi,
Estey J. without resolving the difficulties associated with this case

Nonetheless it must be acknowledged that Rivtow has been variously applied or
rejected by the courts of this country, some of whom find in the majority judgment
recognition of economic loss and some of whom have found the opposite.

The lawyer can argue that while the precedent case does articulate the legal proposition for
which it has been cited, nevertheless the proposition was obiter dicta (things said by the
way). Subject to an exception for considered pronouncements of the law by appellate courts,
comments by the judge which are not part of the ratio decidendi are obiter dicta and are
theoretically not binding in a subsequent case.
The exception is that where an appellate
court expresses a considered opinion on a point of law then such ruling is binding on the
lower courts notwithstanding that it was not absolutely necessary to rule on the point in order
to dispose of the appeal.
It should be noted that if a judge rests his decision on two different
grounds neither can be characterized as obiter dictum.

he lawyer can argue that while the precedent case does stand for the legal proposition for
which it has been cited, the case has been effectively overruled by a decision of a high court
or by the introduction of a new statute. Examples of this kind of legal argument will
obviously occur after significant decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada. For instance that
Courts decision in Kamloops v. Nielsen
did away with the distinction between non-
feasance and misfeasance in negligence actions against municipalities and many old cases
which turned on that distinction can no longer be relied upon.

The lawyer can argue that while the precedent case does stand for the legal proposition for
which it has been cited, the case at bar is different; that is, the cases are factually
distinguishable. Glanville Williams suggests that there are two kinds of distinguishing:
restrictive and non-restrictive and states:

Non-restrictive distinguishing occurs where a court accepts the expressed ratio
decidendi of the earlier case, and does not seek to curtail it, but finds that the case
before it does not fall within this ratio decidendi because of some material difference
of fact. Restrictive distinguishing cuts down the expressed ratio decidendi of the
earlier case by treating as material to the earlier decision some fact, present in the
earlier case, which the earlier court regarded as immaterial.

An example of restrictive distinguishing may be noted in the House of Lords decision
in Peabody Fund v. Sir Lindsay Parkinson Ltd.,
where the Court restricted the application
of Anns v. Merton London Borough.
The Anns case is cited as authority for the proposition
that a municipality may be liable in negligence where it fails to properly inspect building
plans. In the Peabody Fund case, by defining the duty of the municipality as being owed to
owners and occupiers threatened with the possibility of injury to safety or health, the House
of Lords specified and made less general, the scope of the municipalitys responsibility as it
had been defined in the Anns case. In the result, the Court did not allow a claim by the
developer of a housing project who suffered damages when the municipalitys drainage
inspector failed to point out that the drainage system was not being installed in accordance
with the approved design.
Thus, in Peabody Fund the element of restrictive distinguishing
is the introduction of the requirement of the possibility of injury to safety or health.

An example of non-restrictive distinguishing may be noted in the Supreme Court of Canada
decision in Town of the Pas v. Porky Packers Ltd.
In this case, the Court noted that the
authority of Hedley Byrne Co. Ltd. v. Heller
required the plaintiff in a negligent
misrepresentation claim to show that he relied on the skill and judgment of the party from
whom he had received incorrect information. In thePorky Packers case the plaintiff had
received incorrect zoning advice from municipal officials but the plaintiffs representative
was a former municipal council member who had more expertise in planning matters than the
officials. In these circumstances, there could be no reliance and the doctrine or authority
of Hedley Byrne by its own criteria was not available. The plaintiffs claim was dismissed.
The material fact of the plaintiffs lack of reliance provided the element for non-restrictive
distinguishing ofHedley Byrne.

Where the case being relied upon has a built in public policy factor, the lawyer who wishes
to distinguish the case may argue that public policy has changed and while the legal principle
of the precedent case is still good law, it is distinguishable because of the change of
circumstances. The possibility of this type of argument was noted in the case
of Nordenfelt v. Maxim Nordenfelt Guns and Ammunition Co.,
an important case with
respect to the principle that contracts in restraint of trade may be voidable on grounds of
public policy. In his judgment in this case, Lord Watson noted:

A series of decisions based upon grounds of public policy, however eminent the
judges by whom they were delivered, cannot possess the same binding authority as
decisions which deal with and formulate principles which are purely legal.

The lawyer can argue that while the precedent case does stand for the legal proposition for
which it has been cited, there is another precedent of equal weight which stands for the
opposite proposition. The lawyer then goes on to argue that it is that other case which the
court should follow. This type of argument is related to but in the end result different from
the per incuriam argument because it does not necessarily challenge either decision as
having been given per incuriam. The rule is rather that the court may decide which one of the
conflicting decisions to follow. Interestingly and as will be seen in a somewhat ironical way,
the availability of this rule in Ontario is itself an example of the rule. The legal argument
follows.The 1876 Ontario appellate decision of Fisken et al. v. Meehan
is authority for the
proposition that where there are conflicting decisions of equal weight the court should follow
the more recent decision. Lower courts followed the Fisken et al. v. Meehan rule in Bank of
Montrealv. Bailey and Bailey,
and in Chiwniak v. Chiwniak,
although in Chiwniak Wilson
J. described the duty imposed by the rule to be presumptuous.
in Hamilton v. Hamilton
Middleton J., sitting as a lower court judge, said that where there
are conflicting decisions, the lower court judge may follow the decision which commends
itself most to him. Unfortunately, Middelton J. does not cite the Fisken case and
the Hamilton v. Hamilton decision may thus be said to have been given per incuriam. But, in
1958 the Court of Appeal decided Woolfrey v. Piche.
In that case, LeBel J.A. stated:

but I am now faced with two conflicting decisions in this Court on the same point,
and in that unfortunate state of things I apprehend that I must choose between them
as I have done. That is what was done in Young v. Bristol Aeroplane Co., [1944] 1
K.B. 718, where three exceptions to the application of the rule in Velazquez [the stare
decisis rule] were stated. One of these (the first incidentally) is that the court is
entitled and bound to decide which of two conflicting decisions of its own it will
follow. [p. 729] There is authority also for the proposition that where two cases
cannot be reconciled, the more recent and the more consistent with general principles
ought to prevail. See Campbell v. Campbell (1880), 5 App. Cas. 787 at p.
[emphasis added]

The Fisken decision is again not cited but its principle that the later of two conflicting cases
should be followed is acknowledged but qualified by the requirement that the later case be
more consistent with general principles. Thus, to the extent that there is any inconsistency
between Fisken v. Meehen withWoolfrey v. Piche, the Fisken case directs that Woolfrey be
followed. If the Woolfrey rule is used to resolve any conflict in authority between the cases, it
must come down on its own side or it would not be an authority. If there is no inconsistency
between the cases because of the qualification or explanation noted by LeBel J.A. then again
the Woolfrey rule will be followed.


The above seven types of legal argument are the principle techniques used to get around an
apparently binding precedent and we can turn next to the problem of not being able to find a
precedent case. Because there is considerable room for imagination and creativity in
responding to this problem, it is more difficult to identify the main techniques. Nevertheless,
some typical responses may be identified. Below we will consider three classical types of
legal reasoning used in these circumstances. Again the doctrine of stare decisis, this time in
spirit, may be noted.

Where a lawyer cannot find a binding precedent, he or she may rely on a non-binding
precedent from another jurisdiction. While not obliged to do so, the court may be impressed
with or be persuaded by the reasoning and be prepared to adopt the rule established by the
foreign case. However, care must be taken in employing this technique because it often
necessitates reviewing the foreign law to determine whether there may be underlying
differences in principles which qualify or which may diminish the persuasiveness of the
foreign case. For example, decisions on the American Bill of Rights will obviously be
important and helpful in interpreting our own Charter of Rights and Freedoms. However, it
must not be lost sight of that there is no provision in the American Constitutioncomparable to
the provision in our Charter that the rights set out are guaranteed subject only to such
reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic

Where a lawyer cannot find a binding precedent, he or she may form a legal argument from
first principles. This approach identifies legal principles from decided cases and argues that
while the factual circumstances of the cases may appear different, analytically they are the
same. This kind of legal argument is often used with respect to determining the measure of
damages. For example, without any reference to its particular facts, Wertheim v. Chicoutimi
Pulp Co.
is often cited as authority for the legal principle that where there is a breach of
contract then as far as money can do so, the injured party is to be placed in as good a position
as if the contract had been performed. The general principle is then applied to the particular
facts of the immediate case.This type of approach may be noted also with respect to the issue
of liability; for example, Hedley Byrne & Co. Ltd. v. Heller, supra, has frequently been cited
as applying to fact situations which do not remotely resemble the facts of that case. This kind
of argument does not purport to extend or develop the law; rather, the sense of it is just the
opposite. The underlying premise is that the judge will be applying and will not be departing
from decided law. The spirit of stare decisis may be noted here.

Where a lawyer cannot find a precedent he or she can go beyond first principles and instead
develop an argument that the decided cases have evolved to a general principle which covers
the immediate case. This is a very sophisticated and creative type of argument. It is the kind
of argument in which common law lawyers and judges take particular pride. It is this type of
argument that can be identified in the majority judgment of Lord Atkin in McAlister (or
Donoghue) v. Stevenson.
In that case, there were two strong dissenting judgments of Lord
Buckmaster and Lord Tomlin and their legal argument was that the plaintiffs claim did not
come within the reach of the established authorities but represented a new type of claim.
Lord Atkins response was that while the decided cases might each examine particular types
of liability, there must be a common rationale. His Lordship stated:

At present I content myself with pointing out that in English law there must be, and is,
some general conception of relations giving rise to a duty of care, of which the
particular cases found in the books are but instances.

His Lordship then went on to complete his famous speech which is the foundation of the
modern law of negligence. In his approach, we can again note the spirit of stare decisis. Lord
Atkin did not ignore the precedents. Instead he found within them an underlying principle
which he then applied. In a sense, Lord Atkin looked backward before he moved the law
forward. Further, his argument was not based on any assertion that the principle he was
articulating was the next logical step in the law. Indeed, an appeal to pure logic is difficult
because established precedents may prevent the law from developing as a matter of logical
progression. Lord Halsbury in Quinn v. Leathen

A case is only an authority for what it actually decides. I entirely deny that it can be
quoted for a proposition that may seem to logically follow from it. Such a mode of
reasoning assumes that the law is necessarily a logical code, whereas every lawyer
must acknowledge that the law is not always logical at all.

Thus, McAlister (or Donoghue) v. Stevenson does not offend the letter or spirit of the
doctrine of stare decisis and provides a classic example of legal reasoning and legal argument
in circumstances where there was no near precedent for the case.


This paper has focused on one aspect of legal reasoning and argument, that of the use of
precedent. However, it must be conceded that stare decisis is only a part of this topic. There
is much more. There are substantive rules for the interpretation of statutes and there are
special rules and considerations when the statute is a tax act or a criminal code or a
constitutional document. There are special and often difficult rules for the interpretation of
contracts and testamentary instruments. There are unique considerations when principles of
the law of equity are involved and problems caused by the evidentiary rules of onus of proof
or of rebuttable and irrebuttable presumptions. yet, while the multitude of these rules
provides the lawyer with a large variety of other tools and techniques for legal reasoning and
legal argument, it also has to be conceded that stare decisis continues to play the pivotal role.


1. Gerald L. Gall, The Canadian Legal System, 2nd ed. (Toronto: Carswell Legal
Publications, 1983) at 220. This text includes an excellent bibliography on this subject
including a lengthy list of cases and articles.
2. The reference is to Goodhart, Determining the Ratio Decidendi of a Case, Essays in
Jurisprudence and the Common Law (1931) 1.
3. Glanville Williams, Learning the Law, 9th ed. (1973) at 67-68. See also S.M.
Waddams, Introduction to the Study of Law, 2nd ed. (Toronto: Carswell, 1983) at 102-118.
4. For example, The Rt. Hon. Lord Denning, The Discipline of the Law (London:
Butterworths, 1979) at 285-314; Benjamin N. Cardozo, The Nature of the Judicial
Process (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1921) at 9-50; Friedman, Stare
Decisis at Common Law and under the Civil Code (1953) 31 Can. Bar Rev. 722;
MacGuigan, Precedent and Policy in the Supreme Court of Canada (1967) 45 Can. Bar
Rev. 627; Weiler, Legal Values and Judicial Decision Making (1970) 48 Can. Bar Rev. 1
and Bale, Casting Off the Mooring Ropes of Binding Precedent (1980) 58 Can. Bar
Rev. 255.
5. The quote is from W.G. Miller, The Data of Jurisprudence, at 335.
6. See Cardozo, supra, note 4 at 33-34.
7. [1933] O.W.N. 783 (C.A.).
8. Ibid. at 783-4.
9. William K. Frankena, Ethics, 2nd ed. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1973) at
10. See Denning, supra, note 4 at 292.
11. 23 & 24 Geo. V, c. 53, s. 17.
12. 13 Geo. VI, c. 37.
13. See for example, R.S.O. 1927, c. 88, s. 31(2).
14. Practice Statement (Judicial Precedent), [1966] 1 W.L.R. 1234 (H.L.).
15. Reference re Agricultural Products Marketing Act, [1978] 2 S.C.R. 1198; A.V.G.
Management Science Ltd. v. Barwell Developments Ltd., [1979] 2 S.C.R. 43; Min. of Indian
Affairs & Northern Dev. v. Ranville(1982), 141 D.L.R. (3d) 577 (S.C.C.), revg (1980), 115
D.L.R. (3d) 512 (Ont. C.A.) which affd (1980), 107 D.L.R. (3d) 632 (Ont. S.C.).
16. See Bale, supra, note 4 at 260.
17. Wolf v. The Queen (1974), 47 D.L.R. (3d) 741 (S.C.C.).
18. Re Ward (1975), 5 O.R. (2d) 35 (Div. Ct.).
19. Wolf v. The Queen, supra, footnote 9.
20. R. v. Eakins, [1943] O.R. 199 (C.A.); R. v. McInnis (1973), 1 O.R. (2d) 1 (C.A.); Re
Hardy Trust, [1955] 5 D.L.R. 10 (Ont. C.A.); R. v. Godedarov (1974), 3 O.R. (2d) 23
(C.A.); Ex parte Pickett (1976), 12 O.R. (2d) 195 (C.A.).
21. See Gall, supra, note 1 at 226, and authorities there cited.
22. Re Canada Temperance Act: Re Consolidated Rule of Practice, [1939] O.R. 570, affd
(sub. nom. A.G. Ont. v. Can. Temperance Federation) [1946] A.C. 193 (P.C.); R v. Morris,
[1942] O.W.N. 447.
23. Bedard v. Isaac, [1972] 2 O.R. 391. Revd on other grounds (sub.nom. Issac v. Bedard)
38 D.L.R. (3d) 481; Re Commonwealth of Virginia and Cohen (No. 2) (1973), 1 O.R. (2d)
262; R. v. Guertin, [1971] 2 O.R. 505 (Co. Ct.); R. v. Beaney, [1969] 2 O.R. 71 (Co.
Ct.); Norris v. Hamilton, [1943] O.W.N. 566; Xerox Can. Inc. v. Neary (1984), 43 C.P.C.
274 (Ont. Prov. Ct.).
24. R. v. Nor. Elec. Co., [1955] O.R. 431; R. v. Groves (1977), 17 O.R. (2d) 65.
25. See R. v. Nor. Elec. Co., supra, note 25 and Rule 22, Ontario Rules of Civil
Procedure and formerly s. 34, Judicature Act, R.S.O. 1980, c. 223.
26. Masse v. Dietrich, [1971] 3 O.R. 359.
27. [1955] O.R. 431.
28. Law Society of Upper Canada, Professional Conduct Handbook, Rule 8, Commentary
1(h) and authorities there cited.
29. [1974] S.C.R. 1189.
30. (1985), 15 D.L.R. (4th) 132 (S.C.C.).
31. Ibid. at 139.
32. Landreville v. Gouin (1884), 6 O.R. 455.
33. R. v. Sellars, [1980] 1 S.C.R. 527; Ottawa v. Nepean, [1943] 3 D.L.R. 802 (Ont.
C.A.); Re McKibbon and R. (1981), 34 O.R. (2d) 185, affd 35 O.R. (2d) 124 affd on other
grounds (sub nom. R. v. McKibbon, [1984] 1 S.C.R. 133; Woloszcuk v. Onyszczak (1976), 1
C.P.C. 129 (Ont.).
34. Stuart v. Bank of Montreal (1909), 41 S.C.R. 516, revg 17 O.L.R. 436, affd [1911]
A.C. 120 (P.C.); 6C.E.D. (Ont. 3rd) Courts, para. 389.
35. [1984] 5 W.W.R. 1 (S.C.C.).
36. [1984] 2 W.L.R. 953 (H.L.).
37. [1978] A.C. 728 (H.L.).
38. The law in Canada may be different. See an article by the writer published in
the Advocates Quarterly: Common Law Negligence and the Liability of Governments and
Public Authorities.
39. (1976), 65 D.L.R. 1 (S.C.C.).
40. [1963] 2 All E.R. 575.
41. [1894] A.C. 535, and see the discussion in Friedman, supra, note 4 at 736-737.
42. [1894] A.C. 535 at 553.
43. (1876), 40 U.C.Q.B. 146.
44. [1943] O.R. 406.
45. [1972] 2 O.R. 64.
46. Ibid. at 69.
47. (1920), 47 O.L.R. 359.
48. (1958), 13 D.L.R. (2d) 605.
49. Ibid. at 608.
50. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Part I of the Constitution Act, 1982, being
Schedule B of theCanada Act 1982 (U.K.), 1982, c. 11, s. 1.
51. [1911] A.C. 301 (P.C.).
52. [1932] A.C. 562 (H.L.).
53. Ibid. at 580.
54. [1901] A.C. 495 (H.L.).
55. Ibid. at 506.

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