Bracelet Bag Sewing Pattern

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Bracelet Bag

------------------------------------------- Important Printing Information ---------------------------------------------

When printing set scaling to none or 100% in your print properties. A 1 (2.5 cm) test square is
included ith the pattern pieces. !lic" here #or print trou$leshooting.
Taping: %iece A is too large to print on one page & needs to $e taped together. %iece is mar"ed.
Approximate Finished Dimensions: 1'( ide ) 11.5 high ) *.+5 deep (*,cm ) 2-cm ) 10cm)
Seam Allowance: *./( (or edge o# presser #oot). 0he *./( alloance is included in the pattern pieces.
Cut on Fold: 1ome pattern pieces need to $e placed on #old hen cutting. 0he pieces are mar"ed
place on #old along the side that needs to $e on the #old.
Recommended Faric: 0his pattern is ritten #or medium eight quilting cottons.
Pattern !otes: 2ead the pattern notes #or this pro3ect $y clic"ing here. 0his e)tra in#o isn4t necessary
to complete this pro3ect5 $ut gi6es details a$out hy certain methods or supplies ere used.
7 yard #ocus #a$ric
7 yard lining #a$ric
1 8 yards 22( ide se9in inter#acing
:ecorati6e $utton #or #lap (optional)
1.25(91.5( piece o# 8( ide ;<=!2> 1
"# Cut Pieces
Note: The two halves of piece A need to be taped together where indicated. Piece E is a template
only--no fabric is cut.
Focus Faric
$%& A
$"& '
$"& C
$%& D (tip: mar grain on ! pieces before cutting"
(ining Faric
$%& A
$)& '
$"& C
$%& D (tip: mar grain on ! pieces before cutting"
Sew-in Interfacing
$*& A
$%& '
$"& C
%# Interface
a) %lace the corresponding inter#acing piece on the
W2>?@ side o# the #olloing piecesA
$%& focus faric A
$%& lining A
$%& lining ' (noteA 1 lining B is ?>0 inter#aced)
$"& lining C
$) 1mooth the inter#acing pieces in place on the W2>?@
side o# the #a$ric5 and pin i# desired. Tip: Pin the A
pieces along the sides only.
)# +andles
a) Cind & mar" the lengthise grain on the $*& D pieces#
$) =ay $"& piece D W2>?@ side up on your or" sur#ace. 2
c) !enter the template piece < on the W2>?@ side o#
the D piece. Align the center guide mar"s at the top
and $ottom o# piece < so they #ollo the grain o# the
d) 0race around <5 draing the handle outline directly
on the #a$ric.
e) Dar" the center guide mar"s at the top and $ottom o#
the handle outline.
#) 2epeat steps $ 9 e #or the remaining $)& D pieces.
g) Ese a pin to mar" the center top on the 2F@G0 side o# all $*& A pieces#
h) =ay $"& focus faric A 2F@G0 side up on your or"
i) %lace $"& focus faric D #ace don at the top o# the
A piece. 0he #a$rics are no 2F@G0 sides together.
3) Esing the ruler5 align D so one center mar" on the
handle outline is 1.5( ('cm) $elo the top o# A. =ine
up the top center mar" on A5 and the to center
mar"s around the handle outline.
") 2emo6e the pin mar"ing the center top o# A5 and
insert it in the center o# the handle outline to hold D
in place.
l) 2epeat steps h 9 " #or the $"& remaining focus faric A , D pieces and then the $%& lining A ,
D pieces.
m) 1e around the handle outline5 stitching directly on the circle dran in step *.d.5 on all $*& A-D
n) 0rim the center #rom all $*& handles5 lea6ing a 1.'(9
*./( alloance.
o) !lip cur6es around the center o# all $*& handles.
p) %ress the stitching o# ("& handle to shrin" & set
q) %ush piece D toard the center o# the handle $y
pressing the seam $eteen A , D. 3
r) Crom the W2>?@ side o# A5 reach through and pull
D through handle center. Tip: #ou may find it easier
to combine steps r $ s% and press one small section
of ! to the wrong side of A at a time.
s) %ress D in place on the W2>?@ side o# A.
t) Crom the 2F@G0 side o# A5 pin around the handle
center to hold D in place.
u) 2epeat steps p 9 t #or remaining $)& handles.
6) 0opstitch around all (*& handle centers using a 1.'(
9 *./( alloance.
*# Darts
a) Dar" darts on the W2>?@ side o# all $*& A pieces.
$) 1e darts in place on the W2>?@ side o# all $*& A
c) %ress darts to set & shrin" thread.
d) !lip e)tra #a$ric #rom darts i# desired.
.# /xterior Poc0et
a) %lace focus faric ' and $"& interfaced lining ' piece 2F@G0 sides together.
$) Datch up edges and pin in place.
c) 1e around the ' pieces5 lea6ing a 2.5( 9 *( (+cm)
opening at the top #or turning the poc"et 2F@G0 side
out. Tip: &ew the opening closed first. 'lic here for
more info $ photos.
d) 0rim corners.
e) !lip cur6es.
#) %ress stitching to shrin" & set thread.
g) 0urn poc"et 2F@G0 side out through the opening at the top.
h) %ress the poc"et to neaten the seams. Tip: (nsert scissor tips through the opening and gently
push out corners and curves. 4
i) 1lip stitch opening closed.
3) 0opstitch at 1.'( across upper edge o# poc"et.
") %ull apart the to hal6es o# the ;<=!2> piece.
l) !enter one hal# o# the ;<=!2> piece so the top
edge is a$out 0.+5( (2cm) $elo the top o# the
m) 1titch the ;<=!2> in place.
n) !enter the completed poc"et 2F@G0 side up on $"&
focus faric A piece5 ith the $ottom o# the poc"et
a$out 2.5( #rom the $ottom o# piece A.
o) 1tarting 3ust a$o6e the upper right side o# the poc"et5 se the poc"et in place using a 1.'(
alloance around the sides and $ottom. <nd the stitching 3ust a$o6e the top o# the poc"et on
the le#t side.
p) 1e around the poc"et a second time at 1./(.
1# Poc0et Flap
a) !enter the remaining ;<=!2> hal# on the 2F@G0
side o# lining piece C. 0he $ottom o# the ;<=!2>
piece is a$out 1( #rom the $ottom edge o# piece !.
$) 1e the ;<=!2> piece in place.
c) %lace focus faric C and lining C 2F@G0 sides
d) Datch edges and pin in place.
e) 1e around $oth C pieces5 lea6ing a 2.5( 9 *( (+cm)
opening along the top. Tip: &ew the opening closed
first. 'lic here for more info $ photos.
#) 0rim corners.
g) !lip cur6es.
h) %ress stitching to shrin" & set thread.
i) 0urn #lap 2F@G0 side out through opening.
q) %ress the #lap to neaten the seams. Tip: (nsert scissor tips through the opening and gently
push out corners and curves. 5
3) 1lip stitch opening closed.
") 0opstitch at 1.'( around the sides and $ottom o# the
l) Align the #lap o6er the #ront poc"et5 lining up the
;<=!2> ta$s and then straightening the top o# the
#lap. F# the ;<=!2> ta$s don4t line up per#ectly5 that
is o". Ft is more important to ma"e sure the #lap is
one straight. 0he ;<=!2> pieces only need to
touch each other somehat to stic" together.
2# Interior Poc0et
a) %lace (%& lining faric ' pieces 2F@G0 sides
together (1 B piece is inter#aced5 and 1 is not).
$) Datch up edges and pin in place.
c) 1e around the ' pieces5 lea6ing a 2.5( 9 *( (+cm)
opening at the top. Tip: &ew the opening closed
first. 'lic here for more info $ photos.
d) !lip cur6es.
e) 0rim corners.
#) 0urn 2F@G0 side out through the opening at the $ottom.
g) %ress
h) 1lip stitch opening closed.
i) 0opstitch at 1.'( across cur6ed upper edge o#
3) !enter completed poc"et 2F@G0 side up on one o#
the lining A pieces. 0he $ottom o# the poc"et
should $e a$out 2.5( (,cm) #rom the $ottom o# piece
") 1e the poc"et in place around the sides and
$ottom5 using a 1.'( alloance. Tip: To help eep
the pocet flat and from gaping open% sew a few
stitches toward the center on each side of the pocet at the top.
l) 1e around the poc"et a second time at 1./(. 6
3# Focus Faric 'ag Shell
a) %lace the $%& focus faric A pieces 2F@G0 sides
$) Datch up darts5 and then match the sides. %in in
c) 1e around the sides and $ottom.
d) !lip cur6es.
e) %ress stitching to set & shrin" thread.
#) %ress $oth side seams open #lat at the top.
4# (ining 'ag Shell
a) %lace the $%& lining faric A pieces 2F@G0 sides
$) Datch up sides and $ottom and pin in place.
c) 1e around the sides and $ottom.
d) !lip cur6es.
e) %ress stitching to set & shrin" thread.
#) %ress $oth side seams open #lat at the top.
"5# Attach 'ag Shells
a) 0urn focus faric ag shell 2F@G0 side out.
$) With the interior & e)terior poc"ets on opposite
sides5 insert the focus faric shell F?1F:< the
lining shell. 0he #a$rics o# the shells are no
2F@G0 sides together.
c) Datch the sides seams and pin in place.
d) Datch the rest o# the ay around the top and pin in
place. 7
e) 1e around the top o# the $ag.
#) !lip cur6es.
g) %ress stitching to shrin" & set thread.
h) %ull $ag shells apart.
i) 0urn the $ag 2F@G0 side out through one o# the
3) 0uc" the lining shell don inside the focus faric
") %ress the top seam. Tip: (f you have a sleeve board%
it is helpful for pressing the top of this bag.
""# Finishing
a) Datch up the #ocus #a$ric and lining #a$ric
layers o# one handle.
$) %in around the handle using 3ust a couple pins
(#eer chances o# po"ing yoursel# H0I).
c) 1e the handles together using a slip stitch to
attach the focus faric & lining D layers (the to
innermost layers o# the handle).
d) 2epeat a 9 c #or second handle.
e) ?eaten the seam around the top o# the $ag and pin
in place. Tip: (f some parts of the top seam have
slipped down% massage them bac into place by rolling the seam between your fingers.
#) 0opstitch at 1.'( around the top o# the $ag.
g) 0rim any stray threads.
h) 1e $utton to the #ront o# the #lap5 i# desired.
6 %554 7e80a (ou# Ftems made #rom this pattern may $e sold ith the #olloing conditionsA
1. %lease credit Ley"a =ou #or the pattern design in all ritten item descriptions. Cor e)ample5 hen selling
online please include the #olloing sentence or other similar ording in your item descriptionA (0his item as
made using a Ley"a =ou pattern.(
2. All items #or sale must $e handmade $y you. !ontracting ith others to mass produce the design is e)pressly
Distriution of the pattern and corresponding instructions is expressl8 prohiited# 8

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