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Obtaining a Dubai Financial Services Authority license

The Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) is an onshore capital market which opened for
business in 2004 and which is designated as a financial free zone (Federal Decree No. 35 of
2004). The DIFC has developed into a leading financial services centre and is home to a number
of global and local financial institutions.
Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA)
As a first step, applicants should arrange a meeting with the Business Development Department
(BDD) of the DIFC to discuss intended activities and to submit a short form business plan. The
BDD will review these in consultation with the DFSA and, if appropriate, grant provisional
approval to proceed.
Since there are 23 recognized financial services activities, applicants will need to make sure that
they are applying for the appropriate category of license.
The 23 activities are:
1. Accepting deposits
2. Providing credit
3. Providing money services
4. Dealing in investments as principal
5. Dealing in investments as agent
6. Arranging credit or deals in investments
7. Managing assets
8. Advising on financial products or credit
9. Managing a collective investment fund
10. Providing custody
11. Arranging custody
12. Effecting contracts of insurance
13. Carrying out contracts of insurance
14. Operating an exchange
15. Operating a clearing house
16. Insurance intermediation
17. Insurance management
18. Managing a profit-sharing investment account
19. Operating an alternative trading system
20. Providing Trust services
21. Providing fund administration
22. Acting as the trustee of a fund
23. Operating a representative office.
There are also five different categories of license. Both the types of activities and category of
license have implications for the initial application process (including the obligation to prepare
and agree a business plan with the DFSA in certain circumstances) and for ongoing compliance
In an effort to improve the efficiency of the application process, the DFSA is giving greater
focus to the pre-application phase. It has stressed the importance of engaging with the DFSA at
the earliest opportunity after meeting with the BDD and has also clarified the pre-application
steps that an applicant should follow (discussed in more detail below).
On a practical note, applicants should always obtain application forms direct from the DFSA as
the documents available for download from the website may not always be up to date.
Dubai International Financial Centre
The DFSA may grant a license to a non-DIFC company (i.e. a branch of a foreign company) if it
is established in a zone 1 jurisdiction (e.g. the UK, US, Australia and Singapore see the
DFSA website for the full list) and regulated by the financial regulator of that jurisdiction. Such
a branch could apply for any DFSA license category and the DFSA would waive the prudential
requirements for that foreign company, if it were subject to the financial regulations of the home
jurisdiction. However, it would still have the discretion to require the applicant to establish a new
legal entity in the DIFC if it considered this necessary.
Any foreign company carrying on business in the DIFC must be registered in the DIFC as a
Recognized Company and must comply with certain limited requirements of the DIFC
Companies Law.
Representative office
Operating a representative office in the DIFC is the least regulated form of financial activity, but
a company undertaking the financial service of Operating a Representative Office can only do
so if:
it is regulated in another jurisdiction
its representative office will only be carrying out marketing activities in the DIFC on its
behalf, and no other financial service
it is willing to accept certain practical limitations on the scope of its operations in the
DIFC (e.g. the number of staff it can employ must be in keeping with the nature of those
activities a representative office is allowed to conduct).
Application process
The DFSA has recently clarified that each applicant should undertake the following pre-
application steps:
after meeting the BDD, the applicant should attend a pre-application meeting with the
it can then submit the final draft of its regulatory business plan (RBP) to the DFSA for
review and comment
the DFSA will meet the applicant to discuss any comments it may have on the RBP
once both parties are satisfied with the RPB, a hard copy of the application is submitted
(no online applications).
The DFSA should respond within two working days of the submission meeting to confirm
whether the application meets the regulatory requirements and is materially complete.
The DIFC and DFSA application forms can be prepared in parallel, but the DIFC application
cannot be submitted until the applicant has received an in principle approval and draft license
from the DFSA and has signed a lease agreement for office space in the DIFC.
The DFSA aims to provide in principle approval within 120 days of submission.
The DIFC application must be submitted through DIFC STAT Online (a portal that allows users
to edit, view, validate and submit forms online). The DIFC generates its application forms from
the initial information provided by the applicant.
Both the DFSA and DIFC fees depend on the category of license being applied for (and the
corporate vehicle, for DIFC fees).
Ambit of license
It is unclear how far the DFSA license extends to those activities carried on with companies and
individuals based in the UAE, but outside the DIFC free zone.
The DFSA has the right to grant licenses to financial services providers to provide services in
and from the DIFC. The meaning, effect and extent of from are unclear and it is unlikely that
the DFSA or any other DIFC or Dubai organization will clarify the position in the near
There is a grey area between those activities plainly undertaken in the DIFC i.e. physically
within the DIFC (such as meetings with DIFC, onshore or overseas clients at which financial
services activities are undertaken) which are permissible and operating an effective business in
onshore UAE, which is not.
While there is clearly a point at which a company will be operating outside the scope of its
license, this is often seen as a risk assessment point or management issue. DIFC firms have
addressed these risks in a variety of ways, by:
ensuring that any marketing activity/documentation is given, or at least confirmed, in
writing, and stating or evidencing that the documents are given from the DIFC
ensuring that no substantive advice is physically given to clients in onshore UAE
establishing onshore representative offices
The inclusion of wording on websites to the effect that (a) the site does not contain
advice, and (b) the content of the site is located in, and provided from, the DIFC.
The UAE Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA) is expected to introduce regulations
prohibiting foreign companies from marketing units in investment funds onshore in the UAE (for
this purpose a DIFC financial services provider is treated as a foreign company). A foreign
company will probably need to obtain SCA approval to market its units in the UAE, but may also
have to engage a UAE licensed distributor, or establish a UAE Central Bank/SCA licensed
branch to do so.
We recommend that some form of risk investment appraisal is carried out before applying for a
financial services license from the DFSA.

How t o set up a Business in Dubai

Economic Research Depart ment



Table of Cont ent s

Introduction .

1. Guidelines of set t ing up business in Dubai ..
1.1 Overview on Requirements for practicing business activities
1.1.1 Selection of the legal form
1.1.2 Ownership requirements

2. Licensing & Regulat ions ..
2.1 Licensing
2.2 Requirements for license submission
2.3 Inscription in the Commercial Register
2.4 Renewal of registration and license

3. Requirement s of ot her government depart ment s.
3.1 UAE Central Bank
a. Money Exchange Business
b. License of a bank representative office

3.2 Securities & Commodities Authority
3.3 Ports, Customs and Free Zone Authority
3.4 Dubai Cargo Village
3.5 Civil Defense
3.6 Dubai Municipality
a. Food Services
b. Construction Company
c. Engineering Consultancy
3.7 Ministry of Economy
3.8 Dubai Chamber of Commerce & Industry


Appendix1: Fees of attestation and issuance of certificate of origin at Dubai Chamber

Appendix2: Important contact details



In recent years, investors from all over the world have shown great interest for investment in the
booming economy of Dubai. Investors see expanding opportunities for profit making in the different
sectors of economy. This drive for investment in Dubai is encouraged by the good investment climate
and the enabling business environment. The laws and regulations of setting up a business in Dubai
have been streamlined and simplified over time and are becoming increasing business friendly.
When an investor thinks of starting a business in Dubai the first thing that comes to his/her mind is
where to begin the process of setting up the business and what are the requirements that he/she
needs to satisfy before they can start doing business.

As the process of establishing business in Dubai goes mostly through Dubai Department of Economic
Development (DED), the largest part of this guide depends on what mentioned in the DED website Moreover, this guide gives an overview about the requirements by the other
government departments.
Dubai Chamber publishes this guide to answer such types of questions and many others that are
relevant for those who are thinking of setting up a business in Dubai.


1. Guidelines of Set t ing up Business in Dubai

1.1 Overview on Requirement s for Pract icing Business Act ivit ies

Practicing any business activity, whether commercial or professional, should be through a body
corporate, which requires choosing one of the legal forms for the firm that shall practice such activity.

Therefore, choosing the right legal form of the firm is subject to many considerations to be studied
carefully so that the firm may conduct its business in the right and safe way. Among the
considerations, which should be observed in choosing the legal form of the firm are the following:

1. Compliance with the laws and legislation regulating the civil and commercial transactions. In the
UAE there are certain types of commercial companies are not allowed to practice certain types
of activities. For instance, limited liability companies are not allowed to practice the activity of
insurance and money exchange. In addition, there are certain activities, which are not allowed
to be practiced except by certain legal forms; for example, firms specialized in legal consultancy
and accounting services cannot practice their activities except through professional companies.

2. The size of the invested capital to be employed for practicing the activity, which depends on
either the personal ability of the investor in providing the required capital, or his ability to raise
funds from different financing sources in a lawful manner. Thus, projects, which need
investment of huge funds for their implementation, may require establishment of a public
shareholding company in order to ensure securing the required capital.

3. Scope of the firms activities, and whether it is planning to practice its activities on the local,
regional, or international level

4. Nationality of the investor. Local investor may practice most types of business activities through a
sole proprietorship or any other form of companies by entering into partnership with others.
However, if the investor is not a local, then he/she needs, in most cases, to have a local partner in
order to be able to practice certain business activities, except for the special cases where the law
does not dictate such requirement.

In addition to other considerations the investor has the absolute discretion in choosing the legal
form for practicing his business, except for the few cases, which the law determined to be practiced
through a certain legal form of establishments.


1.1.1 Select ion of t he Legal Form

Suitable for the business project as per the type of business activity, which will be practiced, the
amount of invested capital and other important considerations already referred to in this section in the
light of which the firms deed is prepared, signed by the concerned parties, and attested by the Notary

Table1. Legal Forms of Est ablishment

Legal form Legal liabilit y Minimum
capit al
Number of persons
Joint Liability Joint None
Two or more UAE partners
Limited partnership Limited to shares None
One or more joint partners all
from UAE
Particular Partnership Personal unlimited
Two or more parties
Public Joint Stock
Limited to shares AED 10
Minimum 10 founder
Private Joint Stock
Limited to shares AED 2
Minimum 3 founder members
Limited Liability
Limited to shares None
2 and not to exceed 50
Partnership Limited
with Shares
Joint liability AED 500.000 General and participating
Branch of a foreign
Same legal identity
of parent company
- Must have UAE service agent

1.1.2 Ownership Requirement s

All companies to be established in Dubai require 51 percent UAE nationals ownership. Exception to this
requirement is applied to the following categories:

Companies set up in the different Free Zones
Foreign companies registering branches or representative office
Activities allowing 100% GCC ownership
Professional Companies are permitted to have 100% foreign ownership on condition to
their compliance with appropriate local regulations and laws.
Instances where the law requires 100 percent local ownership.

Table (2) below shows the business activity according to the ownership structure


Table2. Business act ivit y by ownership st ruct ure

Act ivit y
Nat ional
Nat ional
Nat ional

propriet orship

Requires a UAE national

service agent

Acts as a representative
office and requires a UAE
national service agent
Limit ed
Liabilit y

If GCC national has one
or more foreign partners,
then at least one UAE
national partner is
required. Foreign
ownership should not
exceed 49%.

At least one UAE
national partner
required. Foreign
ownership should not
exceed 49%.

At least one UAE national
partner required. Foreign
ownership should not exceed
Privat e

Requires a
of 3 UAE

Requires a minimum of 3
UAE national partners. If
GCC national has one or
more foreign partners
then the foreign
ownership should not
exceed 49%.

Requires a minimum of 3
UAE national partners.
Foreign ownership
should not exceed 49%.

Requires a minimum of 3
UAE national partners.
Foreign ownership should not
exceed 49%.

Requires a
of 3 UAE

Requires a minimum of 3
UAE national partners. If
GCC national has one or
more foreign partners
then the foreign
ownership should not
exceed 49%.

Requires a minimum of 3
UAE national partners.
Foreign ownership
should not exceed 49%.

Requires a minimum of 3
UAE national partners.
Foreign ownership should not
exceed 49%.
Civil Business

Requires a UAE national

service agent.

Requires a UAE national

service agent.


2. Licensing and Regist rat ion

Prior to starting any business in Dubai, the steps outlined below must be followed in order to meet the
legal requirements of all concerned government authorities:
Identifying the type of business activity/activities to be practiced (commercial, industrial and/or
Determine all the related business activities that can be included within each business license,
subject to a maximum of ten activities per license.
Determine the appropriate legal form for your business taking into consideration the desired
business activity/activities and the number and nationalities of the business owners.
Prepare all the requirements of the license to be issued.
Determine the trade name of the business.
Submit an application to the DED for an initial approval and registration of trade name either by
a personal visit to the Department Offices or through a document clearing service or a legal
consultant's office.
Lease of business premises (it is recommended that you contact the counter of the Planning
Department of Dubai Municipality on Telephone Number 2020105 or on Dubai Municipality's
Telephone Number 2063788, before leasing premises in order to verify that it is suitable for the
business). Thereafter you can visit the said Department's counter on the building's first floor for
approval of the premises.
Prepare all required documents such as Memorandum of Association and other contracts such
as the appointment of local service agent, which has to be authenticated by the Notary Public
and approvals of other relevant government authorities, which are necessary in some cases. For
example, to carry on media activities, an approval issued by the National Media Council is
Submit an application to the DED to obtain a final license. Applications can be submitted
through a document clearing service or a legal consultant's office.
Pay the required fees to have a license issued
Submit an application to the Department for a signboard permit for a business trade name as
required by the regulations. However, office premises would be an exception to this.
To obtain necessary connections for telephone, fax, and Internet services, an application must
be submitted to either Emirates Telecommunications Corporation "Etisalat" or Emirates
Integrated Telecommunications Company "du".
To obtain a Post Office Box for an establishment, an application must be submitted to the
"General Postal Authority. You may visit the said Authoritys website at
Obtain necessary work permits for business employees and management; an application must
be submitted to both the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the Department of
Naturalization and Residence. For more information you may visit the Department of
Naturalization and Residence website at, and the Ministry of Labor and Social
Affairs website


To register a trademark or a commercial agency, you must refer to the Ministry of Economy.
You may visit the said Ministry's website at
If you wish to run a promotional campaign or a commercial offer, or if you wish to carry out an
activity after official working hours or additional activities etc., an application must be submitted
to the DED branch at Al Tawar Trade Center for the necessary permit.

2.1 Licensing

For practicing business in Dubai official approval from the concerned government ministry or
department is a prerequisite. There are three categories of licenses Issued by Dubai Department of
Economic Development:

1. Trade or Commercial License: covering all trading activities.
2. Industrial Licenses: for establishing an industrial or manufacturing business.
3. Professional Licenses: covering professional services, craftsmen and artisans

As elaborated in chapter (3) of this guide, license for practicing business in Dubai is issued by the DED
and other different authorities, depending on the nature of the economic activity. These concerned
authorities include:

Department of Economic Development (DED) for licenses related to industrial activities
as well as internal and external trade in Dubai.
UAE Central Bank, which issues licenses for businesses linked to the financial market.
Department of ports, customs and Free zone for licenses of businesses dealing with
marine and marine related activities.
Dubai municipality issues licenses related to food services, construction, engineering
Dubai Cargo Village, for businesses related to air cargo services.
Civil Defense department to confirm compliance with the occupational safety
Dubai Securities and commodities Authority oversees and authorizes brokerage services.

However, there are certain activities, which require obtaining special tentative approvals from some
competent authorities as shown in the Table (3) below. If the required activity is conducting a business
that is not included in this table, procedure of licensing may be started without the need for obtaining
such special approval.


Table3. List of Act ivit ies Requiring Special Tent at ive Approvals

Act ivit y Approval Aut horit y
Pharmacies Ministry of Health
Audio/video cassette shops, cinematic film shops,
bookshops, publishing houses, newspaper/ magazine
shops, advertisement offices, translation offices, news
agencies, party organizers, sign-painting shops, drawing
National Media Council
Explosives and weapons Ministry of Defense

Communication and wireless devices Telecommunication Regulatory
Financial and banking organizations, currency exchange
shops, brokers, financial and banking consulting and
investment organizations.
The Central Bank
Brokers of selling local shares Securities & Commodities Authority

Private Clinics Department of Health and Medical
Services (Medical Commission)

Laboratories Dubai Central Laboratory Dubai
Contracting companies, engineering consultancy and
related technical services

Contractors Pre qualification Section
- Dubai Municipality

Air Passenger and cargo transport offices (travel agencies) Civil Aviation Department

Sea transport of passengers and cargo, cargo forwarding,
packing and clearing services (sea cargo services)
Dubai Marine Centre
- Lawyers
- Legal advisors
Dubai Courts Administration
Ruler's Court
Nurseries, private schools and Institutes Knowledge and Human Development
Industrial projects (New/ Expansion) Ministry of Economy
Chartered accountants & auditors Ministry of Economy


2.2 Requirement s of License Submission
The applicant, whether an individual or representative of a company under incorporation, shall submit
to the Department of Economic Development (DED) the application duly filled in with all the particulars
indicated in the tables below. The necessary documents should also be attached to the application as
per the legal form to be assumed by the applicant.
The procedure in the DED involves several stages, which may be summarized as follows:
Receipt of the application, checking of the same, initial approval, preparation of business site, technical
inspection and checking and fees payment. The applicant shall then be given two sealed copies of the
license, one to be used for inscription in the Commercial Register and the other for registration with
the Dubai Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

Table4. Document s Required for New Licenses According t o t he Company Legal Form

* When business premise is leased or grant ed by Government of Dubai

Legal For m Document s of init ial approval
& licensing
& article of
ID for

Approval of
/ director
Public/ privat e


Part nership

Propriet orship

Branch of

Represent at ive

Liaison office

Regist rat ion requirement s of branches of companies in Dubai and ot her emirat es

Passport copy
of branch
Board resolution to
open branch
Original commercial
registration certificate
Copy of office leasing
No objection from
land department*
Amendment of
memorandum of


Legal Form Required document s aft er get t ing init ial approval
Documents of
initial approval
Decision of
Ministry of
Office leasing
No objection
for sub leasing
List of
Contract of local
services agent
Bank certificate
Public/ privat e

Business forum
Part nership
Propriet orship

Br anch of

Represent at ive


2. 3 I nscript ion in t he Commercial Regist er

As per the regulations, every merchant, branch manager, managers of commercial companies and the
agents of foreign companies must inscribe their companies in the Commercial Register. Below are the
types of activities, which must be inscribed in the Register and those, which are not subject to this

a. Firms which must be I nscribed in t he Commercial Regist er
The companies that practice business activities such as agricultural works, fishing, discovery of natural
resources, industry related activities, activities related to electricity production, gas and water,
construction, building and contracting activities, wholesale and retail trade, supermarkets, department
stores, trade related services, machines and equipment hiring, hotels, showrooms, transport, storage
and communication, finance, insurance and real estate.
b. Firms not Subj ect t o I nscript ion in t he Commercial Regist er
These are the firms, which practice civil or professional activities such as services, legal consultancy,
accounting, engineering, architectural and technical consultancy, administrative & economic
consultations and other services such as photocopying, translation, shorthand, advertising, companies
management, secretarial, exhibition organizers, public cleaning services, social services, education and
social welfare, medical and health services, veterinary services, cultural and recreational services as
well as personal and domestic services.

2. 4 Renewal of Regist rat ion and Licenses

For all types of licenses regardless of the legal form and activities, the following steps should be carried
out to renew licenses at the Department of Economic Development (DED):

1. Filling in the Registration & Licensing Application Form (Form No.: BR/1) with all contact details.
2. Copy of the expired license.
3. Letter of renewal issued by the Ministry of Economy (only for branches of foreign companies and
representative offices registered with the Ministry).
4. Copy of the lease agreement of the shop/office warehouse (if any).
5. List of Employees with their Residence addresses (non-UAE national residence in Dubai).
6. No-objection letter from the Dept. of Real Estate if the business premises is leased from or granted
by Government of Dubai.
7. Approval of other government authorities for renewal of license according to the activity (please
verify through the previous issuance whether your business license requires such approval) (For more
information, call 700040000).


3. Requirement s of ot her government depart ment s

3.1 UAE Cent ral Bank

a. Money Exchange Business

The money exchange businesses require approval by the UAE Central Bank to carry out the following:
4. Purchase and sale of foreign currencies in the form of banknotes and coins, the purchase
and sale of travelers cheques, and other matters approved by the Central Bank require a
paid-up capital of no less than AED 1,000,000
5. If the money exchange business includes handling of remittance business of both local and
foreign currencies, a paid-up capital of no less than AED 2,000,000 is required.
6. Each additional branch would require an increase in the paid-up capital by 10%
7. The owner should be a UAE national of no less than 21 years of age, who is of sound mind
and in the case of a company, the share of UAE national owners in the capital shall not be
less than 60% of the total paid-up capital
8. No commercial bank (local or foreign) should manage the business of the licensed person
Additionally, the UAE Central Bank also requires the applicants to have a certain level of personal
reliability and professional qualifications. The applicant, or any of the founding members, are
expected to be of good conduct and behavior, not have been convicted for any offence involving
dishonor, dishonesty or violence, not have failed to honor his liabilities towards banks or other
creditors and not have been declared bankrupt or reached a settlement with his creditors nor has
been subjected to attachment of his/her assets or put under judicial receivership. The applicant/
manager/ controller of the business, need to possess the appropriate theoretical knowledge of
money changing business and the necessary management experience.

b. Represent at ive Office


1. The applicant bank or other financial establishment should have completed a period of no less
than ten (10) continuous years of conducting the business in the country of origin or the head
office. This period cannot be reduced without a decision by the Central Bank Board of Directors.


c. The bank applicants paid-up capital and reserves should not be less than AED 183.7
million. The Board of Directors shall decide on the capital of any other financial
establishment in view of the size of its business and the kind of its activity.

d. The relevant authority, which supervises the applicant entity, should exercise the
required control on the banking and/or financial system in the country of incorporation of
the applicant. Furthermore, this authority should issue an approval or no-objection letter
to opening a representative office in the country. However, in cases where the relevant
authority does not issue letter, it should state this clearly in its official documents, or
confirm it in writing.

e. The applicant should undertake to fully comply with the relevant provisions of laws,
regulations and instructions issued in the country, particularly those issued by the UAE
Central Bank. The applicant should also undertake to submit the records and document
of the representative office to the Central Bank for examination. The applicant should
conduct his/her business as per the license granted to him/ her and in a proper manner.

f. The person assigned to manage the representative office should be characterized by
good conduct and behavior. He/she should as well be properly qualified, theoretically
and practically, in the areas of banking and financial business, as determined by the UAE
Central Bank.


3.2 The Emirat es Securit ies and Commodit ies Aut horit y
The Emirates Securities and Commodities Authority approves and oversees brokerage services. The
following is required to gain approval for the license of this activity:
1. Application for a license to practice the profession in any financial market at the UAE
2. A corporate body, incorporated in the country, taking one of the legal forms stipulated
concerning Commercial Companies
3. Have no less than 51% of its share capital, owned by UAE naturalized persons or corporate
4. Paid up capital of at least AED 5,000,000
5. Companys Memorandum of Association written in Arabic and notarized by the competent
6. An unconditional bank guarantee in favor of the Clearing House, for a minimum of AED
10,000,000 and payable upon request from one of the banks licensed in the UAE.
7. Educational qualifications and working experience certificates for the operations manager
notarized by a legal authority.
8. Declaration from the company managers, partners authorized to manage it and its
representatives undertaking brokerage business, that they have never:
Ceased to settle their commercial debts, even if this is not accompanied by a declaration
of bankruptcy.
Already been declared bankrupt and have not yet restored their status.
Otherwise declared to be condemned to imprisonment and their status have not yet
been restored.
For brokerage represent at ives t he aut horit y requires t he submission of t he following
document s:
1. Educational Qualifications and working experience certificates.
2. Certificate that the representative passed the exam prepared by the Market, in which the broker
wants to be accredited with and approved by the Authority.
3. Declaration that the representatives will engage in the profession on a full time basis.


Furthermore, companies need to submit a declaration to inform the authority and the market of any
changes in the information mentioned in the license application. The plan for the gradual emiratization
of the profession, which is acceptable by the Authority if the representatives are non-nationals, is also
The issue of a license by the Market is a privilege not a right, and the Market reserves the right to
reject an applicant or suspend or cancel a license if this is deemed by the Board of the respective
market to be in the public interest.
For a brokerage firm t o be list ed on t he Dubai Financial Market t he following is required:
1. Authorization by Emirates Securities and Commodities Authority.
2. Unconditional bank guarantee, in favor of the Clearing House, for a minimum of AED
10,000,000 and payable upon request from one of the banks licensed at the UAE. The amount
of such guarantee shall increase concurrently with the increase in the size of the brokers
business, based on the decision by the Market Board of Directors.
3. Nomination of Operations Manager and at least two representatives who meet the requirements
of Emirates Securities and Commodities Authority and shall be accredited by the Market after
passing the exam.
4. Copy of the documents attached to the licensing application submitted to the Emirates
Securities and Commodities Authority.
5. Annual audited financial report for the last two years.
6. Names of owners and percentage of ownership of the applicant company and of any company
dealing in securities.
7. A list of authorized signatories for the documents addressed to the DFM and sample of their
8. Board of Directors resolution authorizing the signatories to sign documents addressed to the
9. Details of any legal rulings or cases against the broker in the past three years, which have not
been settled to date.
10. Details of the applicant are trading activity, including average number and value of trades per
day (if deemed necessary by DFM).


Aft er obt aining approval from DFM aut horit ies t he following is required:
1. Opening settlement account with settlement bank, which will be used to settle payments with
clearing, depositary and settlement.
2. Payment of Membership and Rent Fees.
3. A list of names, telephone and fax numbers of all members of the Board of Directors (owners),
and their relatives up to next of kin, including number of shares they own.
4. A list of all employees of the company, their designations, and their relatives up to next of kin,
including number of shares they owned.
5. 3 photos for each employee recommended to work at the brokerage office at the DFM.
6. Copy of the account opening form used by the broker and the broker procedure of payment and
receipt of money to and from investors.
The document s required t o be at t ached t o t he applicat ion form for list ing t he shares of a
company in t he securit ies market
The application form should be signed by the Chairman of board of directories or by person who has
authorization from the chairman
1) The companys articles of association and the amendments thereof in line with the provisions of the
Trading Companies Law.
2) Copy of registration certificate issued by Ministry of Economy & Commerce or a letter specifies that
the company tracks all the regulations and rules mentioned in the Federal Law rule No. (8) year 1984
concerning Trading Companies and amendments.
3) The companys annual report for the two fiscal years preceding the date of submission of the
application form. The report should be attached to a report on the companys accounts.
4) Phased financial statements covering the period between the end of the fiscal year preceding the
date of submission of the application form and the end of the last quarter preceding the date of that
form, provided that the statements should be approved by the companys auditor.


5) A report issued by the companys board of directors, which includes the following:
a) A brief idea about the company, main objectives and its relation with other
companies, wither it is a mother company, a subsidiary, a sister company or an ally (if any).
b) The securities previously issued by the company and those that the company intends to list
in the market.
c) Names of board member and chief executive officers and the securities owned by them and
their next of kin as issued by the mother company, subsidiary, ally or sister company (if any)
together with their membership in any other public joint-stock companies.
d) Names of those who own more than five per cent of the securities issued by the company
and the number of securities owned by each of them.
e) Non-nationals contribution to the companys capital.
f) A board figure-supported assessment of the companys performance and accomplishments in
comparison with the set plan.
6) The general assemblys minutes of meetings for the last two years.
7) A letter explains that the shareholders rights are equal within each class of the shares issued by the
8) A letter explains which securities market the company will be list in.
9) Undertaking by the company to publish, in two daily newspapers of wide circulation published in the
Arabic language in the State, its annual and interim financial statements and a summary of the board
of directors report submitted for the purposes of listing before its shares are traded in the market.
10) Fee of requested application, with the Authority is AED 2,000 to be paid upon submission of the


11) Minimum fee of the company registration with the Authority is AED 25,000. In case the companys
capital exceeds AED50 million, 0.0001 of any amounts over the AED50 million and a maximum of
AED100,000 will be added to the above fee.
12) Minimum fee of renewing the companys registration with the Authority is AED 5,000. In case the
companys capital at the time of registration or renewal of the registration exceeds AED50 million,
0.0001 of any amounts over the AED50 million and a maximum of AED 10,000 will be added to the
above fee.


3.3 Depart ment of Port s, Cust oms and Free Zone

Marine or marine relat ed act ivit ies

Document s required for new licenses

A. Request letter form the sponsor or the authorized person in the organization.
B. Copy of trade license
C. Sponsor's passport copy
D. If request for a Branch office, reason for request should be clarified.
E. If in possession of any other trade license for marine related activities details with copy of trade
license to be provided
F. Agency agreement copy
G. Copy of bank guarantee

Senior management of t he est ablishment

A. To provide Curriculum Vita and relevant copies of certificates and references.
B. Any special courses attended, with copy of the certificates.
C. Passport copy including visa page

Qualificat ion necessary for management of freight agency act ivit ies:

A. Membership of the chartered institute of shipbrokers or the equivalent national professional body.
B. Recognized foreign going masters ticket.
C. Qualification by experience acceptable base on satisfactory CV authenticated by the necessary


3.4 Dubai Cargo Village

Air Cargo Services

Selected activities such as air freight require approval from Dubai Cargo Village. The required
documents to gain approval are:

1. Application form filed by the applicant or the authorized person (power of attorney must be
2. Copy of local sponsor's passport and nationality card
3. Minimum required capital of AED 300,000
4. Copy of partnership contract (if partners)
5. Bank certificate certifying that the capital has been deposited with it

3.5 Civil Defense Depart ment

The Civil Defense Department will inspect the site of some activities and confirm its compliance with
the occupational safety requirements. You may visit the department website


3.6 Dubai Municipalit y

a. Food Services

Restaurants and all other similar activities such as cafeterias, butcheries, tea stalls, caterers &
canteens, sweet shops, groceries, vegetables & fruits, soft drinks, bakeries, seafood shops, roasters,
mills, dry, chilled & frozen food stores, school canteens and food traders are required to seek approval
from the Dubai Municipality's Food Control Section. All food service activities require the submission of
3 copies of the proposed kitchen design/layout plans with finishing and equipment details to the Dubai
Municipality (activity specific requirements are available on the DED website).
b. Const ruct ion Companies
Construction companies are required to gain approval from the Dubai Municipality. The following
documents are need for the approval:
1. Application form No. (5/95)
2. Copy of a valid initial approval issued by the Department of Economic Development (activity,
partners, trade name, etc)
3. Recent statement by the Department of Economic Development on licenses already issued to
the licensees and partners (in which the initial approval number shall be indicated)
4. Passport copies of licensees and partners
In the case of applying for opening of a foreign company's branch or a foreign company partnership
the following additional statements pertaining to the parent company are required:
1. Technical and administrative staff describing an employee details
2. Completed projects describing a project details and certificate of completion for the last three
3. Projects in progress describing a project details and expected completion date including a copy
of a building permit for the last three years.
4. Memorandum of Association of a parent company and branches, if any.
5. Copy of the license or a recent registration certificate of a foreign company in the country of


c. Engineering Consult ancy
Engineering consultancies require the following documents to be approved by Dubai Municipality in
order to start their practices:

1. A UAE national, fully competent, holding good conduct and reputation.
2. Not to have been previously convicted of a crime or misdemeanor relating to honor or honesty
unless a pardon was already granted by the competent authority or has been rehabilitated.
3. A Bachelor of Science Degree in engineering from a recognized university in one of the
engineering fields for which the consultancy seeks to obtain a license.
4. At least 3 years of work experience in the field of specialization.
5. Membership in the Engineers Association in the Country.
6. Not to be an owner or a partner in any of the contracting and building materials trading
In the case of a foreign engineering branch, licensing is the same. However, it shall be limited to the
fields of sophisticated specialization not commonly provided by local engineering firms. It is conditional
for the foreign engineering companies to fulfill the following:
1. Be of high technical qualifications and specialized in one or more of the sophisticated
engineering field and existing in the native country for a period of not less than fifteen years.
2. The management of the firm should be vested in a manager in charge, entered in the register of
the practitioners of the engineering consultancy profession, whose experience in the practice of
the profession is not less than fifteen years. A registered local engineer may also be assigned
for the management of the firm, provided that he is totally devoted to the business of such a
3. The head office of the firm in the mother country should have carried out a number of projects
of large technical and financial value. When submitting the application for the license, a full
statement of such projects shall be attached with supporting drawings and documents.
4. The foreign engineering branch office in the Emirate should have devoted technical staff of high
qualifications as follows:


a. Each of the licensed fields of activity to be practiced should be lead by an engineer
whose experience is not less than fifteen years in sophisticated specialization and it is
permissible to appoint one of the specialization heads as a resident office general

b. The specialization head should be assisted by a number of assistant engineers whose
experience is not less than seven years and that their number should be consistent with
the volume of the current works assigned to the firm, and that the head office should
undertake to appoint the number necessary to reside in the Emirate throughout the
period of carrying out the projects which require their presence.


3.7 Minist ry of Economy

Document s required t o be at t ached wit h license applicat ion for a branch of foreign company
t o t he Minist ry of Economy:

1. Official certificate from the concerned authorities at the country where the parent foreign
company is registered showing:

Name of the company and date of establishment
Legal form of the company
The capital
Activity of the company
Name and titles of the representatives and limit of their authorities

2. Decision of the concerned administrative authority at the foreign company regarding the
opening of the branch or office and the power of attorney given to representatives of
the applicant company
3. A report of an auditor licensed in the UAE about the financial status of the foreign
4. Contract between the foreign company and the local service agent and a copy of it
5. Naturalization certificate of the local agent if natural person or an owner of sole
proprietorship establishment and a copy to prove he is a national of UAE, if the agent
was a corporate then an official certificate that shows all partners are UAE nationals
should be attached. In addition, the trade licenses of the partners and its inscription in
the Commercial Register and copies of these documents should be attached to the
6. Professional experience and educational qualification of the manager (particularly the
investment, legal and auditing companies).

Document s t o be at t ached t o t he inscript ion applicat ion of t he foreign company branch:

1. Copy of the trade license
2. Copy of the authorization provided to the managing director and it must be duly authenticated
3. An evidence of appointing an auditor at the branch
4. Bank guarantee with the value of AED 50,000

Notice: All documents written in a language other than Arabic should be duly authenticated and translated into Arabic by a legal
translator and authenticated by the Ministry of Justice and documents to be attached to the file.


3. 8 Dubai Chamber of Commerce & I ndust ry

Document s required for Dubai Chamber membership

a. Sole Propriet orship est ablishment s

1. Signature card, sealed and signed by the licensee
2. Copy of license
3. Valid passport copy of the licensee including the ID for the UAE nationals
4. Copy of a duly attested power of attorney
5. For firms owned by foreigners: copy of the local agent agreement and valid passport
b. Local Companies
1. Signature card, sealed and signed by the licensee
2. Copy of license
3. Valid passport copy of the partners/ attorney (if any)
4. Copy of memorandum of association, notarized and attested
5. Copy of a duly attested power of attorney for the attorney
c. Foreign companies and Represent at ive offices
1. Signature card, sealed and signed by the manager/ attorney (if any)
2. Copy of the license
3. Copy of the memorandum of association of the mother company
notarized and attested
4. Copy of local agent agreement
5. Valid passport copy of the manager/ local agent / attorney (if any)
d. Free zone firms
1. Signature card, sealed and signed by the manager/ attorney (if any)
2. Copy of the license
3. Copy of the memorandum of association duly attested/ shares
certificate/ certificate of formation
4. Letter of authorization by the manager
5. Valid passport copy of the manager/ local agent


Appendix 1: Fees of at t est at ion and issuing cert ificat e of origin at Dubai Chamber

Fees of issuing cert ificat e of origin
I nvoice value ( in AED) Fees ( in AED)
1. Less than 1,000 15
2. From 1,001 5,000 25
3. From 5,001 20,000 35
4. From 20,001 40,000 45
5. From 40,001 100,000 55
6. From 100,001 500,000 105
7. More than 500,000 205
Cat egories Fees ( in AED)
1. Used personal items/ samples
and invoice of undefined value
2. Replacing/ amending certificate
of origin
3. Issuing more copies of
certificate of origin
Note: Attestation fees for every copy of the invoice after the fifth copy is 5 dirham

At t est at ion fees
Categories Fees (in AED)
1. Attestation of signatures 30
2. Attestation of copies 10
3. Any type of amendments 10


Appendix 2: I mport ant Cont act Det ails
Name P.O.
Tele. Fax Email Websit e
UAE Central Bank 448 3939777 3937802 [email protected]
Ports, Customs and
Free Zone Authority
63 3455555 3450460 [email protected]
Dubai Municipality 67 2215555 2246666 [email protected]
Dubai Central
Laboratory Dubai
7463 3369900 3358448 [email protected]
Etisalat 400 2228111 2224100 [email protected]
du 502666 3699988 3918867 [email protected]
Dubai Cargo Village 2525 2822822 2822793
Emirates Securities &
Commodities Authority
117666 3312999 3328884 [email protected]
Dubai Economic
Development Dept.
13223 2229922 2225577
Dubai e-Government 90300 3304040 3304333 [email protected]
Dubai Electric & Water
564 3244444 3248111 [email protected]
Dubai Police HQ 1493 2692222 2215158 [email protected]
Dubai Tourism &
Commercial Marketing
594 2230000 2230022 [email protected]
Road & Transport
11889 2844444 2065555 [email protected]
Ministry of Health 1853 3966000 3965666
Ministry of Interior 11377 2611111 2631860 [email protected]
Department of Health
& Medical Services
4545 3370031 3374563 [email protected]
Civil Aviation Dept. 2525 2245555 2244074
Ministry of Education 3962 2633333
Ministry of Finance &
1565 3939000 3939728
Ministry of Economy 3625 2954000 2951991
Emirates Post 99999 2622222 2662929 [email protected]
Ministry of Labor 4409 2692666 2668967 [email protected]
Naturalization &
Residency, Dubai
4333 3980000 3981119 [email protected]
Ministry of Social
5025 2691666 2668967
Dubai Chamber 1457 2280000 2211646 customercare@dubaichamber.
Dubai Courts 4700 3347777 3344477
DP World 1700 8815555 8817777 [email protected]
Dubai World Trade
9292 3321000 3322866 [email protected]
Mohammed bin Rashid
Est. for Young
Business Leaders
6166 3613000 3681000 [email protected]
Dubai Land Dept. 1166 2222253 2222251 [email protected]
Dubai Real Estate
Corporation (Wasl)
23073 3986666 3988111 [email protected]
Standardization &
Metrology Authority
48666 2944434 2944428 [email protected]
Dubai Statistics Center 121222 4330700 4290232 [email protected]


Wit h complement s of Dubai Chamber of Commerce & I ndust ry
Economic Research Depart ment
P.O. Box 1457
Telephone: +971 4 2028230 2028801 - 2028802 - 4 - 971 +
Fax: 2028212 - 4 - 971 +
Email: [email protected]


1. Dubai Economic Development Department website:
2. Dubai Commercial Directory 2007 2008 , Dubai Chamber
3. Membership & Documentation Services Department, Dubai Chamber
4. UAE Ministry of Economy

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