Grain Test

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Grain Test Weight Deception

on the market that can perform an ofcial

USDA test weight determination automatically
within the instrument, but usually test weight
is determined manually. Some moisture
meters measure test weight, but these units
are not ofcial; their use in trade is regulated
by individual states. Iowa does not regulate
test weight devices at elevators or processors,
where ofcial inspection rarely is used.
Grain test weight in units of pounds per
bushel species the weight of a volume
bushel, which is 32 quarts or 1.2445 ft
of grain.
The weight bushel in units of pounds is
used for the basis of payment for grain.
By law, a weight bushel of corn is exactly
56 pounds, a soybean bushel is 60 pounds
and a wheat bushel is 60 pounds, regardless
of the test weight.
Test weight is a general indicator of grain
quality and higher test weight normally means
higher quality grain. Test weights decrease
as grain deteriorates. Test weights have been
a part of U.S. grain grades since the United
States Grain Standards Act was passed by
Congress in 1916. U.S. grades for most grains
specify test weight minimums for each grade
level. Test weight minimums for various USDA
grades for corn, soybeans, and wheat are listed
in Table 1. The principles discussed here also
apply to grains other than corn.
When grain is traded, samples are usually
tested for quality, and test weight is one of
the tests carried out. Test weight is actually
bulk density, measured
under specic conditions.
The USDA-approved manual
test weight apparatus
(Figure 1) consists of a
hopper equipped with a slide
gate supported above a one
quart container called a kettle.
Figure 1.
USDA test weight apparatus
Grain for testing is placed in the hopper.
When the gate is opened, grain drops into
the kettle, lls it and ows over the sides.
The operator strikes off the top of the kettle
with a leveling stick and weighs it. Weight
of grain in the kettle is measured in pounds
and this value is multiplied by 32 (the
number of quarts in a volume or Winchester
bushel) to obtain the grain test weight in units
of pounds per bushel.
For an ofcial USDA test weight determination,
the apparatus and procedure must meet
USDA requirements. There is one instrument
Test weight is used as an indicator of general grain quality and is a measure of grain bulk density.
Test weight, but not overall grain weight, normally increases during drying. Erroneous calculations
using test weights can incorrectly infer that drying systems that increase test weight also increase
the number of bushels that can be sold. This bulletin explains the use of test weight in the grain
industry, how it can be used to determine grain value, and why some calculations involving test
weight can be deceptive.
PMR 1005 October 2009
Test weight is no longer part of the U.S. grades for

soybeans as of 2007, although it is routinely measured

and included in discount schedules at local elevators.
The levels for No. 2 corn normally are used as standards

by country elevators.
Elevator purchase policies specify price
penalties for grain with test weights
below a specied minimum lb/bushel value.
A common discount policy for corn test
weight in Iowa is $0.01 per bushel for each
lb/bu below 54 lb/bu to 52 lb/bu, $0.02 per
bushel for each lb/bu below 52 lb/bu to
50 lb/bu, and $0.03 per bushel for each lb/bu
below 50 lb/bu. For example, corn with a test
weight of 51.4 lb/bu would incur a penalty of:

Effects of Drying on Test Weights
Grain test weights normally increase during
drying. For example, when corn is dried from
24 percent moisture to 15.5 percent moisture,
the test weight likely increases between two
and ve pounds per bushel. There are many
reasons for this increase. One reason is that
dry matter in the corn kernel is denser than
water, so bulk density of the kernel goes up
as the portion of water in the kernels goes
down. (The specic gravity of water is 1.0.
The specic gravity of corn dry-matter, or
corn at 0 percent moisture, is about 1.5.)
Although the reason is not clear, research
has shown that slow drying with natural
air or with little addition of heat results in
greater test weight increases than those
occurring with fast, high temperature drying.
Drying methods often are compared by the
test weight increase that they cause and the
claim of greater test weight increases is used
during sales of dryers.
Deceptive Calculations
Differences in test weight increases among
dryers do occur. Deception occurs when the
claim is made that a test weight increase
results in an increase in the weight of grain
that can be sold. An example illustrates how
this is done. This type of question is included
in advertisements for some grain dryers:
Just think: What is the value of preserving
ve pounds of test weight on 20,000 bushels
of corn over 20 years, if the average price
of corn is $4.00/bushel? Answer: $142,857
Here is the calculation the reader makes in
order to obtain the answer given:
This calculation assumes that if the corn
dried in the advertised dryer has a test
weight that is ve pounds per bushel higher
than that of other corn, the weight of every
bushel of corn sold will increase by ve
pounds. This is not true. The increased test
weight simply means the corn occupies less
total volume because of greater bulk density.
At sale, one bushel is 56 lb regardless of
test weight.
The weight of corn for which the seller is
paid is not affected by test weight. The price
the seller receives for a given weight of
corn, however, can be affected by test
weight. The following example calculations
2.0 lb
bu per lb/bu
bu per lb/bu
.6 lb
( )
20,000 bu
5 lb
56 lb
x 20 yr x x x
= $142,857
Table 1.
Test weight minimums for U.S. grain grades
U.S. Grade Corn
Hard Red Spring Wheat
U.S. No. 1 56 58
U.S. No. 2 54
U.S. No. 3 52 55
U.S. No. 4 49 53
U.S. No. 5 46 50
= $0.032/bu
By law, 1 bushel = 56 lbs.
Moisture discounts and drying charges usually apply when the moisture content exceeds 15%.

There are no moisture discounts or drying charges in this example.
Includes a test weight discount of $0.04 per bu calculated by the policy stated under Table 1.
provide further illustration. Assume three 20,000-lb loads of corn are delivered for sale (Table 2).
The values of Loads 1 and 2 are the same even though the test weight of Load 2 is 5 lb/bu higher
than that of Load 1. At sale, one bushel of corn is dened as 56 lb, regardless of its test weight.
Load 2 will occupy about 9 percent less volume, so the truck box will not be as full as for Load 1.
Corn test weight is not used in the computation of the value (that is, the price paid to the seller) of
these two loads.
The test weight of corn in Load 3 is abnormally low, and the wagon or truck delivering the corn
will be fuller than for Load 1 or Load 2 (the bulk corn in Load 3 is less dense). In the case of Load 3,
the low corn test weight causes a price penalty of $0.04 per bushel. When this penalty is subtracted
from the original load value calculated, the nal load value decreases by approximately $14.
In instances when corn has an abnormally low test weight at harvest due to drought, disease,
or other environmental inuence, the drying process might raise test weight and thereby reduce
test weight penalties. Also, occasionally corn buyers may pay a premium for corn with a high test
weight. It is, therefore, possible for a drying process to cause corn value to increase. However,
such increases are never due to increases in the weight of corn sold.
Grain test weight is an indicator of general grain quality and grain test weight normally increases
as grain is dried. Increases in test weight during drying vary among dryers and drying methods.
Increases in grain test weight during drying do not result in increases in weight of grain sold, and
such claims are deceptive.
Prepared by Carl Bern, university professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering, and Thomas J. Brumm, associate
professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering, Iowa State University.
and justice for all
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age,
disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Many materials can be made available in
alternative formats for ADA clients. To le a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Ofce of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence
Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call 202-720-5964. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation
with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Jack M. Payne, director, Cooperative Extension Service, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa.

This publication was peer-reviewed by two independent reviewers using a double-blind process.
Table 2. Example calculations of corn value, with varying test weight.
Load #1 Load #2 Load #3
Weight (lbs) 20,000 20,000 20,000
Number of bushels to be sold
(= weight/56)
357.14 357.14 357.14
Moisture content
14.5% 14.5% 14.5%
Test weight (lb/bu) 54.0 59.0 51.0
Volume (ft
) 461 422 488
Price ($/bu) 4.00 4.00 4.00-.04=3.96
Calculation of value 357.14 bu x 4.00
357.14 bu x 4.00
357.14 bu x 3.96
Value ($) $1,428.57 $1,428.57 $1,414.27

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