SJK (C) Pei Hwa Year 5 English Language Assessment (3) Paper 1 50 Minutes

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Chong Ah Mui/ Bahasa Inggeris K1/ Tahun 5 / Julai/ Muka Surat 1


50 minutes

Name: __________________( ) Marks:_____________
Class: 5( ) Date:___ /___ / 2014
Parents Signature:

Each question in this paper is followed by three or four possible answers. Choose the
best answer from the answers marked A, B and C or A, B, C and D. Then on your
answer sheet blacken the answer that you have chosen.

Questions 1-4
Choose the best word to fill in the blanks below.
An inter-school ___ (1) ____ match was held in my school on
Wednesday. My school team had entered the final. When the referee blew his
____(2) ___ to start the game, we started to ___ (3) ___ for our
team. Our school had won the second place. Our headmaster gave away the
___ (4) __ to all the players.

1. A. rugby B. netball C. football D. baseball

2. A. pipe B. whistle C. trumpet D. harmonica

3. A. yell B. cheer C. shout D. scream

4. A. medals B. prizes C. cups D. trophies

Chong Ah Mui/ Bahasa Inggeris K1/ Tahun 5 / Julai/ Muka Surat 2

Questions 5 7
Choose the best phrase to complete the sentence below.

5. Mary ___________ at the concert.

A. drive carelessly B. ran bravely C. walked slowly D. danced gracefully

6. The farmers ___________ to help the donkey out of the well.

A. worked tirelessly B. cheered happily C. shouted angrily D. visited regularly

7. Wash your hands with _________.

A. milk and cream C. cream and water
B. soap and water D. shampoo and water

Questions 8 10
Choose the best sentence that describes each picture.

8. A. The girl is performing using a hoop.
B. My sister has just won the rope event.
C. She is dancing gracefully on the stage.
D. Michelle is taking part in a singing competition.


A. The boy is riding in a trishaw.
B. Ali has a collection of toy cars.
C. He is pushing the toy car at high speed.
D. Jazeman Firhan is a very outstanding kart racer.


A. The man is tapping rubber.
B. The man is planting paddy.
C. The man is sharpening his knife.
D. The man is in an oil palm estate.

Chong Ah Mui/ Bahasa Inggeris K1/ Tahun 5 / Julai/ Muka Surat 3

Questions 11 15
Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best answer to fit the situation shown
in the picture.

A. Lets take part in it.
B. Why arent you excited
C. Sorry. I don't like to tell stories.
D. It is indeed a bad news for all.


A. It was really a tough game.
B. I am just very lucky tonight.
C. I have the confident that I can win the match.
D. I trained very hard and I have the support of
my family.

13. A. We must not be honest.
B. We must not be greedy.
C. Its a meaningful story, isnt it?
D. He was given the golden axe.

14. A. You look well.
B. Youre welcome.
C. How are you feeling?
D. Hurray! Youre better now.

15. A. The story was interesting.
B. What happened in the end?
C. Please read me the story again.
D. Have you written the ending before?
They lived happily
ever after.

Could you share your secret
of success with us?
What is the moral behind the
story The Honest Woodcutter?

Look! The English Society is
going to hold its annual
storytelling competition soon.

Much better.

Chong Ah Mui/ Bahasa Inggeris K1/ Tahun 5 / Julai/ Muka Surat 4

Questions 16-20
Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.
16. Do you know ________ is Mount Kinabalu?
A. what C. which
B. when D. where

17. Hanis grandmother was________ to hospital last night.
A. admit B. admits C. admitted D. admitting

18. He ate ________ plate of noodles for lunch.
A. a B. - C. an D. the

19. The old woman is _________ honest person.
A. - B. a C. an D. the

20. Ronald is good at sports. _________always wins in competitions. __________ can see
him in the field practising every day.
A. He, You B. He, Your C. Him, You D. Him, Your

Question 21
Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.
21. His workers were diligent.
A. lazy B. slow C. handsome D. hard-working

Questions 22 23
Choose the answer with the correct spelling.

22. The big ____________ turned into a beautiful carriage.
A. pumkin
B. pampkin
C. pumpkin
D. pumgin


A __________ suddenly appeared before the king.
A. fairy
B. ferry
C. farery
D. farry

Chong Ah Mui/ Bahasa Inggeris K1/ Tahun 5 / Julai/ Muka Surat 5

Questions 24 25
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

24. A. hello, may i have a word with you please.
B. Hello, may I have a word with you please!
C. hello! may I have a word with you please.
D. Hello! May I have a word with you, please?

25. A. Wow! What a fantastic story.
B. wow, what a fantastic story.
C. Wow! what a fantastic story.
D. Wow, What a fantastic story!

Questions 26-30
Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follow.

Yesterday was the 31st of August. It is _____(26)______countrys Independence Day.
We went to watch the _____(27)______. There were a lot of people at the Merdeka
Square. We saw soldiers who saluted as they ______(28)______ by. We also saw
different floral floats with ______ (29) ______ slogans by the sides. It was a day I was
_______ (30) ______ to be a Malaysian.
26. A. their B. our C. us D. them
27. A. gathering B. incident C. parade D. place
28. A. marched B marches C. marching D. march
29. A. strange B. beautiful C. loud D. patriotic
30. A. sad B. crazy C. proud D. angry
Chong Ah Mui/ Bahasa Inggeris K1/ Tahun 5 / Julai/ Muka Surat 6

Questions 31 35
Read the story and answer the questions that follow.

31. What was the elephant doing when it heard a loud scream?
A. It was drinking water. C. It was looking for food.
B. It was wandering around. D. It was resting under a tree

32. The word It in paragraph 2 refers to _________.
A. the monkey C. a bunch of rambutans
B. the elephant D. the tree
33. The hunter hid behind a tree because he wanted to ___________.
A. catch the monkey C. shoot the elephant
B. kill some small animals D. steal some rambutans

34. What do you think happened in the end?
A. The elephant was killed by the hunter.
B. The hunter was seriously wounded by the elephant.
C. The elephant and the monkey became good friends.
D. The monkey did not want to help the elephant again.

35. This story teaches us ____________.
A. to be skilful
B. to be smart
C. to be helpful
D. to be understanding
An elephant was taking a walk through the jungle. It was searching for
food. Suddenly, it heard a loud scream followed by a cry for help. It looked
around and saw a monkey pinned under a coconut tree. When the monkey
saw the elephant, it pleaded loudly, Help me! Help me, please! Without
wasting any time, the elephant lifted the coconut tree with its strong trunk. The
monkey was set free. It thanked the elephant and then went on its way.
One day, the monkey was plucking some rambutans from a tree when it
saw the elephant. It was drinking water from a river nearby, Just then, the
monkey noticed a hunter hiding behind a tree. He was aiming his rifle at the
Realising that the elephant was in danger, the monkey quickly grabbed
a big bunch of rambutans and threw it at the hunter. The rambutans knocked
the rifle out of the hunters hand as he was starting to fire. Fortunately, the shot
missed the elephant. Sensing danger, the elephant ran away. It knew that the
monkey had saved its life.
Chong Ah Mui/ Bahasa Inggeris K1/ Tahun 5 / Julai/ Muka Surat 7

Questions 36 40
Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

36. The Petronas Twrin Towers is a _________building.
A. long B. tall C. sky D. high speed

37. Who designed the Petronas Twin Towers?
A. The Prime Minister.
B. A proud Malaysian.
C. The King of Malaysia.
D. An architect from New Haven.

38. Which word can best replace the word connecting?
A. Twinning B. Joining C. Crossing D. Lining

39. Where is the skybridge located?
A. On top of the building.
B. On the eighty-eighth floor.
C. 58.4 meters from the ground.
D. Just below the middle of the building.

40. How many double-deck lifts will be used to take up fifty-two people?
A. One B. Two C. Ten D. Four


Set by : Mdm Chong Ah Mui
Vetted by : Cik Nurly
The Petronas Twin Towers is one of Malaysias proud achievements. This
building was designed by an architect from New Haven, Connecticut. The tower is
eighty-eight storeys high. The overall height is 451.9 meters from ground level.
From a distance we can see a skybridge connecting the two towers. The
skybridge is built on level forty-one and level forty- two. The length of this skybridge is
58.4 meters.
The Petronas Twin Towers has one of the best security system. There are ten
escalators in each tower. It has a total of seventy-six lifts. Twenty-nine of the lifts in
each tower are double-deck high speed passenger lifts. Twenty-six persons can go
into a double-deck lift.

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