SRWF Quality Manual

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Saudi ROCKwool
ISO 9001 :2008 Clause: 4.2.2
I Document No.: QMM
" Manufacturing, Marketing, Sales & After Sales services of Rockwool Thermal & Acoustical
insulation materials for residential & industrial purpose" .
The scope extends to all Company personnel in terms of their individual and corporate responsibilities for
Quality. This QMS Manual describes and dictates the quality system used by SAUDI ROCKWOOL and is
modeled after the ISO 9001 :2008 standard. Due to the nature of production, testing and service provided in
this quality system, exception to [section 7.3 pertains to 'Design and Development', 7.5.2 pertains to
'Validation of processes for production and service provision' and section 7.5.4 which pertains to 'Customer
Property'J is being taken.
The Purpose of this Quality Manual is to formally establish the foundation upon which the Quality
Management System operated by our Company is documented and implemented.
Based Upon the requirements of ISO 9001 :2008, this Quality Manual defines the Organizational structure of
SAUDI ROCKWOOL, together with Policies and Objectives for Quality that under proper operational
.:. Aimto enhance customer satisfaction.
:. Assure consistent conformance to product and service standards .
:. Assure compliance to recognized Health, Safety and other associated regulatory and mandatory
requirements .
:. Effect a strategy of ongoing Continuous Improvement.
Copies of the Quality Manual provided to Customers, unless specifically requested otherwise, shall be
" Uncontrolled" and will not be subjected to update.
The Quality Management Representative (M.R) is responsible for the administration of the Quality Manual and
all associated procedures and forms that constitute the Quality Management System operated, in accordance
with policy and procedures for Document Control.
Measurable Qual i ty Objecti ves to measure the performance of functions and key parameters are
documented as an integral part of Process Control applied.
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~J lW(J 19SllJ
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Saudi Rockwool
ISO 9001 :2008 Clause: 4.2.2
I Document No.: QMM
SAUDI ROCKWOOL was established in year 1412-Hijri corresponding to (1992-G) as specialized in
the production of the Rockwool (Thermal, Acoustical and Fire Resistant Insulation).
SAUDI ROCKWOOL' smanufacturing unit is situated in 2"d Industrial Area, P.O.Box: 145, Riyadh:
11383, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
SAUDI ROCKWOOL has installed up to date machinery and test equipment from the leading
manufacturers in Thermal &Acoustical Industry.
The very quick success of SAUDI ROCKWOOL has experienced mainly due to its commitment to
excellence, quality and best customer service. SAUDI ROCKWOOL' spolicy of offering the highest
possible standards guarantee, that all material chosen for their high quality, durability, and competent
in the world market.
SAUDI ROCKWOOL offers high-grade products under Commercial Registration No. 10100972741001
and using wealth of knowledge from highly qualified engineers and well skilled workers and
professionals. SAUDI ROCKWOOL not only take pride in the Quality of their Products but in the ability
to respond quickly to customer requirements. SAUDI ROCKWOOL is small enough to be flexible and
large enough to meet the demands of the market.
We have illustrious and prompt position in Kingdom Ministries as reliable Manufacturer since 14 years
of active experience, such as in Saudi ARAMCO, SABIC, KNPC, Petrochemical Ind. Co.-Kuwait etc.
also in all over Saudi Arabia Kingdom and in Local Market. The availability of locally based
experienced application engineering and design are outfitted by very Experience Engineers which can
handle more comfortably as well as part of our job.
The "Mission" of our company in continued business expansion, is striving always to improve upon
the Quality of what we do. To this effect "SAUDI ROCKWOOL" have embarked upon an Ongoing
Business Improvement Program based upon the standard ISO 9001:2008, the corner stone of which
are effective strategic Planning, Team Enterprise, Continuous Improvement and Commitment to our
customers and our Company.
By this means we are seeking the security and prosperity of all associated with SAUDI ROCKWOOL,
our customers, suppliers and staff alike.
SAUDI ROCKWOOL stands committed to assuring that products and services provided to our
customers consistently meet or exceed their needs, expectations and own perception of
Provide a work environment that values integrity and encourage teamwork,
innovation and personal professional growth atall levels of the organization.
Enhance our competitiveness and esteem in our market by maintaining and
endeavoring to continuously improve upon the Quality of products and services
provided to our customers.
At different department and functional level e measurable quality objectives have been
defined and documented. Itshall b eviewe p riodically as a part of continual improvement.
FM. QM. 01
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Date of Issue Pa e
lj , : . P J 15 L 115 1S~C (J
Saudi ROC Kwool
ISO 9001 :2008 Clause: 4.2.2
I Document No.: QMM
Our Management Team is committed to:
Maintain a high Profile in leading the Quality Awareness Strategy to assure compliance with
requirements and continually improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System operated.
An ongoing strategy of Continuous Improvement striving always to better previous performance in
terms of operational practice and Quality in it's broadest sense.
Establishing measurable Objectives at appropriate levels and functions of the organization, whereby
performance in the achievement of defined goals may be monitored and continually updated as
targets are met, in line with the Ongoing Improvement Strategy.
Encouraging participation and support for the implementation of this Policy through Training,
Empowerment and Delegation, operating a formal Quality Management System meeting the
requirements of ISO 9001 :2008.
Building long term relation ship with our customers and suppliers based upon mutual trust and
respect, actively liaison with them to enable us to Plan in advance the technology and processes that
will assure that products are produced consistently correct to specification, within the agreed time
scale, at an optimum cost.
As a General Manager I accept my fundamental responsibility for the Quality of Products and
Services provided to our customers. I will discharge my responsibility through my management team
who will, by direction and example, ensure that this policy is understood, accepted, implemented and
maintained throughout our organization.
We, the management and staff of SAUDI ROCKWOOL are committed and has an objective to timely
provide our customers the products and services which are of high grade quality, cost effective,
consistent and conforms with special customer's as well as statutory and regulatory requirement. This
will be achieved through continuous development, application of latest and advanced technology.
Intensive rigid training, for the manpower force to improve the quality of our products and services
that exceeds our customer's expectations and to be competitive in the world market. SAUDI
ROCKWOOL top management is fully committed to provide the adequate resources for the
achievement of quality objectives.
The management and staff of SAUDI ROCKWOOL are committed to use proper monitoring &
measuring tools for the continual improvement of the company Quality Management System.
The Quality Policy shall be achieved by the management and all employees in implementing
IS09001:2008 quaiity management system which covers all the company operations and applies to
all company personnel.
A Issue. No.
06.02.2011 3of 21
Date of Issue Pa e
r~l0J Oc\lP SllJ
ISO 9001 :2008 Clause: 4.2.2
I Document No.: QMM
The scope of SAUDI ROCKWOOL' s Quality Management System under the framework of ISO
9001 :2008 (E) standard is defined as:
" Manufacturing, Marketing, Sales &After Sales services of Rockwool Thermal &Acoustical
insulation materials for residential &industrial purpose fl.
This Quality Manual clearly specifies the scope related to SAUDI ROCKWOOL's Manufacturing
Thermal &Acoustical insulation materials in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This is the first level
document, which outlines the Quality Management System of the company and shows how, the
requirements of ISO 9001 :2008(E) standard are metthrough effective implementation of the system.
The ultimate goal is to enhance the customer satisfaction through the effective control and
implementation of the system through timely measures for continuous improvement. The system
assures the conformity to customer requirements and to the applicable regulatory and legal codes.
1.1. Application:
Inthis Quality Manual Design & Development - 7.3 and the Customer Property - 7.5.4 and Validation
of Processes for production and service provision - 7.5.2 have been excluded in consideration to the
nature of business.
This Quality Manual complies with the requirements of the International Quality Standard: ISO
9001 :2008(E) Quality Management System Fundamentals and Vocabulary.
:Quality Assurance Procedures.
:System Operating Procedures.
:Quality Management Manual.
:Work Instructions.
: Process Flow Chart
:Quality Records (Forms).
:Subcontractor or Vendor.
: Quality Assurance.
: Sales
: Refers to the unitto which QMS applies (SAUDI ROCKWOOL).
Quality: The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears
on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs.
Quality Audits: Activities and related results comply with planned arrangements and whether
these arrangements are implemented effectively and are suitable to achieve
Quality Assurance: The operational Techniques and activities that are used to fulfill requirements
for Quality.
Quality Control: A document setti out the specific quality practices, resources and
sequence of actlvi I s relev to a particular product, service or project.
Quality Policy: The overall quaIi . tentio nd direction of an organization as regards
qUility, is form II expres by top management.
A r ed b . Issue. No. Date of Issue Pa e
:Quality Management System
: Management Representative.
: Purchase.
: Identification/Trace-ability
: Maintenance.
:Quality Control Laboratory
: Production
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t'lJ ,~ruu u10SlI J
I:{'......,IIJ '~I.......,..I QUALITY MANUAL
Saudi RockwDOI
ISO 9001 :2008 Clause: 4.2.2
I Document No.: QMM
4.1 General:
SAUDI ROCKWOOL is to establish, document, implement and maintain a quality management system
and Continually Improve its effectiveness.
This will be achieved by:
Identifying the processes needed and their application in the organization.
Determining the sequence and interaction of these processes.
Documenting responsibilities and control applied to ensure effective operation
and control.
Ensuring the availability of resources and information necessary to support the
operation and monitoring of these processes.
Monitoring, Measuring and Analyzing the outputs of all business processes,
re-qualifying the processes where necessary to achieve the planned results or
to continually improve and add value to the processes.
4.2.1 General:
The Quality Management System documentation will include:
Published statements of the Quality Policy and as an integral part of Process Planning,
Measurable Quality Objectives.
A Quality Manual, Quality Assurance Procedures, System Operating Procedures and
Work Instructions as required by the Standard ISO 9001 :2008 to assure the effective,
Operation and Control of Processes.
Quality Records to demonstrate the achievement of planned strategies, product and service
quality and to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Quality Management System in Operation.
4.2.2 The Quality management System of SAUDI ROCKWOOL operated on six level
1. Quality Manual:
Containing the Company Quality Policy, the Organization Structure and policies describing
the controls to be applied and referencing Quality Assurance Procedures, System Operating
Procedures. They describe the departmental interaction involved in the processing of the
Quality Management System.
fine responsibilities and controls applied.
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Date of Issue Pa e
t1J , : 5 { SU ulOJ lJ 7 J
I,f.-II IJ ''''''''I ... 1 QUALITY MANUAL
Saudi ROC Kwool
ISO 9001 :2008 Clause: 4.2.2
I Document No.: QMM
3. SystemOperating Procedures:
Written for the smooth Operation of the process or the Plant. Assigning the responsibilities
and authorities to perform the specific job. Departmental & Functional objectives together with
their measurable quantifiers, established to provide targets in terms of achievement and
ongoing improvement.
4.Work Instructions:
Comprising of company standards, specifications, Technical Directives, codes of Practice or
legislation and safety requirements associated to the Industry.
5. Forms:
That constitutes the Quality Records generated by the system.
Contains standard acceptable measures used inthe procedure.
Quality Plans, specific to individual contracts may be generated to augment the established
Quality System.
7. Documents of External Origin
4.2.3 Control of Documents.
All documents forming part of the SAUDI ROCKWOOL' s Quality Management System are
subject to documented procedures to ensure that:
Each document is provided with a unique identification and is registered.
Documents are approved by the designated authority prior to issue to a defined and
controlled distribution.
All changes to document are reviewed and approved by the concerned Dept Head
and General Manager for the original approval and issue, prior to re-issue.
Only current issues of documents are available at designated locations.
Obsolete documents are removed from all points of use.
Obsolete documents required for historical purpose are suitably identified prior to
segregated filing.
Master copies of documents are retained by Management Representative.
The system applied will be extended to control Externally Sourced documents and any
Electronically Produced Data.
Reference Documents:
Control of Data &Documents
Document &Data Master List
QSD Issue Register
Document Change Note
Electronic Data Register
Quality Assurance Procedure
Quality Record
Quality Record
Quality Record
Quality Record
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L/'.~I IJ '~I ......,..1 QUALITY MANUAL
ISO 9001 :2008 Clause: 4.2.2
I Document No.: QMM
4.2.4 Control of Quality Records.
A formal procedure QAP 02 will direct the
Generation Reporting
Indexing Filing
And maintenance of all records generated by the Quality Management System.
The Record in hard copy or electronically processed will demonstrate the effectiveness of the
Quality System operated and that all contracted product standards have been achieved. The
records will be maintained for defined periods established by our company, or as consistent
with contract requirements or prevailing legislation.
Records will be subject to systematic review and analysis as an integral part of the
company's Internal Audit Plan and Management Review Process to identify any apparent
trends. It also proves the effectiveness of their application and identifies opportunities for
The disposal of records atthe end of their retention period will be carried out under controlled
conditions designed to protect the status of any confidential or exclusive information.
By this means SAUDI ROCKWOOL will ensure that at all times, records remain legible,
identifiable and retrievable.
Reference Documents:
Control of Records
Quality Record Log
Quality Assurance Procedure.
Quality Record.
5 . 1 Management Commitment
The Management of SAUDI ROCKWOOL will be pro-active demonstrating commitment and
direction to the implementation of the Quality Management System and it's continuing
Regularly communicating to the organization the importance of meeting customer and
regulatory requirements via: Quality policy, Routing Instructions and meeting etc.
Establishing the Quality Policy.
Assign the Quality Objectives.
Management Reviews: such as the Management Review Meeting.
Ensuring the availability of Resources.
5.2 Customer Focus
r ments are Identified and achieved throl"J gh
s tlsfaetlon nddls tlsf enen,
iOp Management ensures that cu
eentraet reviews and meesurem t
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r~Sln. . \lf u' ( S lY J lJ
I,I' . I\,I'~I......,..I QUALITY MANUAL
ISO 9001 :2008 Clause: 4.2.2
I Document No.: QMM
5.2 Quality Policy.
Quality Policy has been defined on page No.4 of this manual. Quality policy, approved by the
General Manager and have published it in strategic locations throughout the organization as an
integral element of the company's Quality Awareness Program and will be reviewed as an integral
part of Company's Management Review meetings to assure its integrity and suitability in the light of
customer response and current business strategy.
5.4 Planning.
5.4.1 Quality Objectives
SAUDI ROCKWOOl Quantifiable Quality Objectives, including those required to realize
product standards will be established at all relevant functions and levels of the organization.
The corporate Quality Objectives are to:
Department Responsibility Objectives
Production > - Reduce oxygen consumption to
Cupola furnace
> - Cupola line production yield
> - Coke consumption/ton of finished
> - Cupola line product weight
Production Manager, Shift
Supervisor, Furnace
Operators, Control Room
Operator, Rock Charger,
Time Monitoring Present
Span. Tools Status
Maintenance Percentage of breakdown time per
running Hr monthly:
> - New line to be max. 2%
> - Old panel line to be max. 1.25%
Maintenance Manager
Mech. Maintenance Eng.
Elec. Maintenance Eng.
Updating Independent Third Party Test
Quality Quality&Technical
Support Manager.
Quality Enoineer
5.4.2 Quality ManagementSystemPlanning.
Top Management ensures that the resources needed to achieve the quality
objectives are identified and planned.
Planning is conducted to ensure changes to the quality management system are
conducted in a controlled manner and the integrity of the quality management system
is maintained.
5.5 Responsibility, Authority andCommunication.
5.5.1 Responsibility andAuthority.
Organizational responsibilities and authorities are defined graphically in the organization
Structure illustrated in Appendix A-01 of this manual and documented Quality Assurance
Procedures and System Operating Procedures. The responsibilities and authorities are well
defined for all the quality affecting personnel.
Rvf vn mev lJueumvnt:li
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rJ /, D5 l)u1SI J ~l' J
ISO 9001 :2008 Clause: 4.2.2
I Document No.: QMM
5.5.2 ManagementRepresentative
Top management has appointed a member of management, who irrespective of other
responsibilities shall have responsibility and authority that includes:
Ensuring processes needed for the quality system are established, implemented and
Reporting the performance of the quality system and improvement needs to top
Ensuring the promotion of awareness of customer requirements throughout the
5.5.3 Internal Communication.
Management will ensure that appropriate channels of communications are established to
clearly define responsibilities and authorities, ensure the understanding of customer or
statutory 1 regulatory requirements and to report upon and demonstrate the effectiveness of
the Quality Management System in Operation.
5.6 ManagementReview.
5.6.1 General.
At determined intervals SAUDI ROCKWOOL Management will conduct formal Management
Review Meetings, chaired by the General Manager and organized by MR to establish the
ongoing effectiveness of the Quality System interms of Customer Satisfaction, the
achievement of objectives and as a focus for Continuous Improvement.
The quorum for attendees to the review meeting is designated in the Meeting Minutes
FM.MR.01. At a minimum the meeting shall be conducted on a half yearly basis.
5.6.2 Review Input(Minimum).
At a minimum the following points have been discussed inthe review meeting:
Results of Internal and External Audits.
Customer Feedback.
Process performance and Product conformance.
Status of Preventive and Corrective Actions.
Supplier Performance and Evaluation.
Follow-up actions fromthe previous management review meeting.
Planned changes that could effect the quality management system.
Recommendations for the improvement.
5.6.3 Review Output (Minimum).
Recommendations for improvement of the QMS and its Processes.
Recommendations for improvement of product related to customer requirements.
ResQl,J rcesneeded for the organization achieve the objectives,
Cate of I aU I 1=' 1I
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\, 1" . . , . . . . , \I' ~' .. ' QUALITY MANUAL
ISO 9001 :2008 Clause: 4.2.2
I Document No.: QMM
Management Review meeting report
Management Review
Organization Structure
Objectives as a Continuous Improvement
Quality Policy
FMMR.01 Quality Record
QAP .06 Quality Assurance Procedure.
Appendix A-01
Page#:03 of this Quality System Manual.
6.1 Provision of Resources.
The SAUDI ROCKWOOL as an Organization atall times will be adequately resourced in terms
of equipment, raw materials, work areas, and trained personnel to enable all functions to
operate effectively in terms of:
Managing, performing and verifying the effectiveness of all business activities.
Implementing and maintaining the Quality Management System and continually
Improving its effectiveness.
Enhancing Customer Satisfaction.
6.2 Human Resources.
6.2.1 General
Personnel performing work effecting product quality will be competent on the basis of
appropriate education, training, skills and experience.
The levels of Competency required will be documented and provide input to the
Company's Training Program.
6.2.2 Competence, Awareness and Training.
The skills and qualifications of all personnel within the organization are essential to
achieving business and quality objectives. Accordingly all personnel will be employed
suitably qualified to carry outtheir allotted tasks.
Special attention shall be given to the initial training of new employees, and to
ensure their awareness of the relevance of their activities and contribution to the
achievement of objectives.
Knowledge and skills possessed shall be augmented by further training as the needs
of individuals are identified, or as specific training requirements become evident as a
result of new technology, or in support to the company's business plans.
intilini I t i iffiQtiv niii oftriiningwill b riviiw d nd
Tr~lnl 9 rovlded will be monitored to ~rovlde Inl'ut to
.ee will be assessed and appraised according to
I I I U . No. Dlt. of I BBU . P a
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r~strmf (J 1Slf , l1J
ISO 9001 :2008 Clause: 4.2.2
I Document No.: QMM
their personal performance every year. If any employee found incompatible, training
will be provided accordingly to fulfill our quality needs.
Reference Documents:
Training, Competency & Administration
New Employee Training Request
Employee Training Request .
Employee Training Record
Personnel Followingup& EvaluationRegister
SOP 04
FM. TR.01
FM. TR..02
FM. TR.03
System Operating Procedure
Quality Record
Quality Record
Quality Record
Quality Record
6.3 Infrastructure & 6.4 Work Environment
As an integral part of planning for the Product Realization, the infrastructure and work
environment to achieve conformance to product requirements will be planned, implemented
and maintained. Machines and supporting equipment were maintained as per schedule and
closely watch the breakdown time as well as cost of the maintenance.
The machine maintenance have been controlled by proper planning and scheduling as per
the System Operating Procedure SOP 05.
Reference Documents:
Equipment Maintenance
Machine Maint Request
Preventive Maint work order
Equipment detail report
Out side Maintenance/Fabrication Request
New Installed machine/equipment
Emergency Stop Request
Spare parts Re-order level
SOP 05
7 . 1 Planning of Product Realization.
System Operating Procedure
Quality Record
Quality Record
Quality Record
Quality Record
Quality Record
Quality Record
Quality Record
The effectiveness of Process Controls applied is fundamental to the proficiency of the Quality
System operated by SAUDIROCKWOOL to Product Realization.
Accordingly controls applied to materials control, production planning, manufacturing process
and the service 1 delivery process will be planned and documented.
Production Process will ensure that:
Material availability is scheduled and controlled.
Responsibilities and accountabilities are clearly defined.
People employed are adequately skilled to perform their allotted tasks.
Machinery and supporting equipment used in the process is regularly serviced and is
capable of operation to the required quality standards. Maintenance of equipment will
be done as per SOP 05.
Inspection and test criteria are established and defined together with acceptance
criteria to control the Quality of the products.
Records are established a maint n d in a controlled manner.
Legislation, standards an c des p actice, where appropriate, are complying
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[ J c0J U ul5 1S11J
iJ '......,II:I'~I......,.., QUALITY MANUAL
Saudi ROC Kwool
ISO 9001 :2008 Clause: 4.2.2
I Document No.: QMM
Reference Documents:
Received Material Inspection Report
Stock Ledger
Daily Production Plan
Production Order
Internal Transfer of Stored products!
Reprocessing Order
Daily List of Production
Process Control Flow Chart
Work Instructions
7.2 Customer Related Processes.
FM PR.01
FM PR.03 - 04
Quality Record
Quality Record
Quality Record
Quality Record
FM PR.05
FM PR.06 - 08
PFG.01- 03
WI.PR.01- 13
Quality Record
Quality Record
Process Charts
7.2.1 Determination of Requirements Related to the Product.
SAUDI ROCKWOOL will determine and document the customer's requirement as an
integral part of customer's contract for Sales. It shall be regularly monitored through
visits and meetings. Customer's complaints shall be forwarded to SAUDI
ROCKWOOL through Tel, emails, Fax or visits.
Customer's requirements including delivery and post delivery activities where
Product specifications, Standards and user Instructions as applicable.
Reference to any regulatory requirements.
Statutory or legal requirements not stated by the customer but necessary for
specified or intended and safe use, where known.
Any additional requirement will be determined by the Organization.
7.2.2 Review of Requirements Relatedto the Product.
The SAUDI ROCKWOOL shall review the requirements related to the Products
before the commitment to supply. All customer sales orders, inquiries or invitations to
tenders shall be subject to a formal system of Customer Contract Review as per the
Personnel assigned responsibility for the review will include all concerned
department heads who will contribute to establishing and implementing the condition
of contract through Internal Feedback process.
As a minimum the review will ensure that:
The product requirements are well defined and understood.
Customer requirements are clearly documented and compatible to the scope of
business operated by SAUDI ROCKWOOL.
SAUDI ROCKWOOL has a necessary resource in terms of materials, equipment,
people and skills to meet all conditions of contract within the defined time scales at
optimum costs.
Any customer needs differing from that as originally proposed shall be identified and
Any variation to contracted conditions are formally reviewed and agreed by both the
customer and SAUDI ROCKWOOL p( to effecting any change to the contract.
Records of the review and e actio s rising are maintained.
A Issue. No. Pa e Date of Issue
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P . . , ' f , : . P J U uu~1?J SAUDI ROCKWOOL FACTORY Co.
Saudi ROCKwoot
ISO 9001 :2008 Clause: 4.2.2
I Document No.: QMM
By this means SAUDI ROCKWOOL will ensure that all Technical, Commercial, Legal
and Quality conditions of the contract are fully understood and acceptable to both the
customer and SAUDI ROCKWOOL prior to completing the contract, and that our
company has the ability of meeting all contract conditions, Right First Time.
Reference Documents:
Quotation Contract Review
Quotation / Contract Review Form (Amendment)
Sales Order
Sales Production Request
Quartely Sales Forcast
Customer Contract Review Process
Fast Moving Standard Product List
Price List
7.2.3 Customer Communication.
Appendix SA01
Appendix SA 02
SAUDI ROCKWOOL will be pro-active communicating with customers. Organization
has been equipped with best Intercom Telephone system to access all department
easily by the customers.
SAUDI ROCKWOOL used to communicate with the customers in particular in relation
The provision of product information.
Handling "Customer orders and inquiries".
Dealing proficiently inthe event of customer complaints and customer's
feedback or any queries from customers ..
7.3 Designand Development.
SAUDI ROCKWOOL undertakes no Design and Developing work attheir own. Itis notinthe
scope of SAUDI ROCKWOOL' s Quality Management System.
7.4 Purchasing
7.4.1 Purchasing Process
All the Purchase Orders and contracts for the supply of Raw Material, Product
related Parts / Equipment or Services will be placed with listed companies of proven
capability of being able to meet all quality and commercial conditions of contract.
Such suppliers will constitute the Companies Approved Supplier List.
New or prospective Suppliers will be subject to a formal system of approval to assure
their capability of consistently meeting the standards of supply and service required
The performance of all listed suppliers in meeting the required standard will be
monitored on a continuing basis and where the need is identified. Evaluation will be
carried outto consolidate the Supplier's Status as an Approved Supplier.
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Any negative remarks fro
evaluate itin the Manag
Date of Issue Pa e
l,j , : 5 f f if ulJ lSlI J
" ' 1" " ' , . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 QUALITY MANUAL
Saudi ROCKwool
ISO 9001:2008 Clause: 4.2.2
I Document No.: QMM
Reference Documents:
Purchasing &Supplier Evaluation
Purchase Order
New- Supplier Assessment
Re-Evaluation of Supplier
Approved Supplier List (ASL)
Purchase Request
Quotation Request
Quote Analysis Report
Sample Approval Form
Purchase &Purchase Product Inspection
New Supplier Evaluation &Re-Evaluation of
Existing Suppliers
Purchase Process
7.4.2 Purchasing Information.
SOP 08
System Operating Procedure
Quality Record
Quality Record
Quality Record
Quality Record
Quality Record
Quality Record
Quality Record
Quality Record
Flow Chart
Flow Chart
Flow Chart
All purchase orders or contracts placed with the suppliers will contain a clear
description of the requirements and will cross-reference any specifications, certificate
or other standards to be applied. Any changes to the procurement document require
the same degree of control as the original issue.
7.4.3 Verification of Purchased Product.
Purchased products will be inspected upon receipt into the company to the degree
necessary to assure conformance to specified purchase requirements. Concerned
Inspectors shall sign on the Receipt Voucher of that material.
Where specified in the contract, the customer's representative or a representative
from SAUDI ROCKWOOL, will be given the right to verify at a supplier's premises that
the goods / service conforms to specified requirements.
By this means SAUDI ROCKWOOL will ensure that the required standards of
procurement and supply are constantly maintained.
Reference Documents:
Purchasing &Supplier Evaluation SOP 08 System Operating Procedure
Purchase Order FMPU01 Quality Record.
Received Material Inspection Report FMST.01 Quality Record.
New Supplier Evaluation &Re-Evaluation of
Existing Suppliers PFCPU 03 Flow Chart
7.5 Production and Service Provision
7.5.1 Control of Production &Service Provision.
The Controls applied to production and service provision will be planned and
documented as an integral part of plannin product realization.
This will be achieved by me

haracteristics of the product or specifications .

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Saudi ROC Kwoot
ISO 9001 :2008 Clause: 4.2.2
I Document No.: QMM
The availability of Work Instructions and System Operating Procedures.
The use of suitable equipment.
The availability and use of monitoring and measuring devices.
The implementation of monitoring and measuring and
The implementation of release, delivery and post delivery activities.
Reference Documents:
Process Control Chart
Daily Production Plan
Received Material Inspection Report
Quality Control
Process Control
7.5.2 Validation of Process for Production &Service Provision.
SAUDI ROCKWOOL undertakes no Validation of Process for Production &Service
Provision. It is not in the scope of SAUDI ROCKWOOL' s Quality Management
7.5.3 Identification andTraceability.
Each Material like Raw Material 1 Spare Parts 1 Finished or Semi Finished Products
and allocated areas shall be identified, upon receipt and through out the process to
determine the material status. Monitoring and Measuring results shall be recorded.
In order to prevent the misuse or misapplication and to maintain identification of
purchased material, In-Process material and completed products, SAUDI
ROCKWOOL utilizes (Identification and Trace ability) in System Operating Procedure
Identification during delivery is accomplished through the use of identifiers on
product packaging and 1 or the product itself. These identification Stickers are unique
to each product.
Reference Documents:
Identification and Traceability SOP.09 S. Operating Procedure.
Material Identification Card FM.IT.01 Identification Label
Storage Rack FM.IT.02 Identification Label
Product Label FM.IT.03 Identification Label
Prodn. Label Pipe FM.IT.04 Identification Label
Received Material Inspection Report FM.ST.01 Quality Records
Identification Slip / stickers during In-Process and Finished Products as well as Raw Material
Identification Slips / Stickers as required.
7.5.4 Customer Property.
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~hJ ,:DSuu1H9J 1J
1: ;I ' IJ ,f'~I .1 QUALITY MANUAL
Saudi ROCKwool
ISO 9001 :2008 Clause: 4.2.2
I Document No.: QMM
7.5.5 Preservati on of Products.
Documented Storage, Handling, Delivery &Preservation procedure SOP.O? and a
strategy of Safety and Handling practice assures that SAUDI ROCKWOOL employ
due diligence to good engineering practice in terms of:
Safety material handling for both the "Material" and the "Handler".
The operation of equipment and machinery.
Any hazards associated to the handling of substances Hazardous to Health.
Al l Raw Material and Finished goods storage area will be effectively managed to the
degree necessary in terms of security, identification and the preservation of material
and products in the storage area.
All stock movements into or out of storage area will be subject to the principles of
stock rotation in First In First Out (FIFO) basis.
Reference Documents:
Control of Non- Conforming Material/ Product
Purchasing &Supplier Evaluation
Sales Order
Received Material Inspection Report
7.6 Control of Moni tori ng & Measuri ng Devi ces.
SOP 08
Q. Assurance Procedure.
S. Operating Procedure
S. Operating Procedure
Quality Record
Quality Record.
All Monitoring and Measuring Devices invovled in the assurance of product quality will be
planned and assured suitable and appropriate to the criticality of measurement or test
Equipment will be registered, uniquely identified and subject to calibration and certification
against reference standards traceable to International or National Standards or Standards
recognized within the Industry.
The Calibration status of each item of equipment will be maintained and calibration records
established would be closely monitored to ensure that re-calibration or service takes place
prior to any probable change in accuracy that may be significant to the assurance of product
Reference Documents:
Equipment Calibration Sticker
Instrument Calibration Report
Calibration Master List
FM CL.03
8.1 General
System Operating Procedure
Quality Record.
Quality Record
Quality Record.
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t' 1j 15 1S1f l\1sms~
Saudi ROCKWool
ISO 9001 :2008 Clause: 4.2.2
I Document No.: QMM
The SAUDI ROCKWOOL will plan and implement the monitoring, measurement, analysis and
improvement processes needed to:
Demonstrate conformity of Products.
Ensure conformity of the Quality Management System.
Continually improve the effectiveness of Quality Management System.
8.2 Moni tori ng & Measurement.
8.2.1 Customer Sati sfacti on.
SAUDI ROCKWOOL will be pro-active in determining to degree to which the products
and services provided to customers continue to meet or exceed their expectations of
This will be achieved through planned visit to key accounts and statistically designed
questionnaire survey will be provided to identify the strength and weaknesses of
SAUDI ROCKWOOL and direct the improvement process. Continuous Improvement
will be done by using latest technology and highly skilled man power.
Reference Documents:
Non Conforming Material Report/Potential Problem FMNC.01
Corrective &Preventive Action QAP 05
Customer Satisfaction Survey FMCC.01
Corrective & Preventive Action Register. FM CPo01
Customer Complaint &Satisfaction Survey SOP.10
Quality Record
Quality Assurance Procedure
Quality Record.
Quality Record
System Operating Procedure
8.2.2 Internal Audi t
The Internal Audits in SAUDI ROCKWOOL' s audit system are tackled in Quality
Assurance Procedure QAP.04. Audits are scheduled and these schedules remain
dynamic responding to the health of the Quality Management System.
The Quality Management System operated by SAUDI ROCKWOOL will be subject to
a documented and systematic program of Internal Quality Audits. Audit Plan is
designed to ensure that, over twelve-month duration, each business function is
subject to audit.
The audit shall be scheduled to gain maximum benefit, taking due account of the
strategic importance of department and functions in contributing to Quality and the
results of previous audits. Areas considered "critical" would be audited more
frequently each year than others.
The audits will be carried out by suitably qualified auditors from within the company,
ideally independent of having direct responsibility in the function or department being
Where Non-Compliance or opportunity to improve systems are identified, appropriate
corrective actions or control ed chang ill be implemented.
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IJ '.,...J I;r~I......,...1 QUALITY MANUAL
Saudi Rockwool
ISO 9001 :2008 Clause: 4.2.2
I Document No.: QMM
The results of Internal Audits will be recorded, maintained and subject to further
review as an integral part of Management Review Meeting, thus assuring the
effectiveness of the Audit program in achieving desired goals.
Reference Documents:
Internal Audit
Audit Schedule
Internal Audit Checklist
Nonconformance Report/Corrective
Action Request (NCRICAR)
Internal Audit Report
CAR Status Log
FM IA 02.
FM IA 03
FM IA 04
FM IA 05
8.2.3 Monitoring &Measurementof Processes.
Quality Assurance Procedure.
Quality Record.
Quality Record
Quality Record
Quality Record.
Quality Record.
The SAUDI ROCKWOOL use suitable methods for monitoring where applicable, the
measurement of quality management system processes.
These methods demonstrating the ability of processes to achieve planned results.
When planned results are not achieved, Correction and Corrective Actions shall be
taken as appropriate, to ensure the Conformity of the Product.
Reference Documents:
Process Control Flow Chart
Quality Control Procedure
Raw Material Tolerances
Finished Product Tolerances
PFC.PR. 01-03
Appendix - QC.01
Appendix - QG.02
8.2.4 Monitoring and Measurementof Product.
The Product characteristics to be determined and measured to verify that
requirement have been met.
This has been carried out at appropriate stages of the realization process. Products
release and delivery not to proceed until planned arrangements have been
satisfactorily completed unless otherwise approved by a relevant authority and,
where applicable by customer.
Reference Documents:
Phenolic Formaldehyde Resin Test Report
Inspection Report for Packing &facing Materials
Rock and coke Inspection Report
Final Inspection Report
Daily Quantity control of production
Final Inspection Report For Pipe cti n
Finished Product Laboratory Te Re ort
Quality Record
Quality Record
Quality Record
Quality Record
Quality Record
Quality Record
Quality Record
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r~S: ~. P J l. f (J 1SIS~ CfJ
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Saudi Rockwool
ISO 9001 :2008 Clause: 4.2.2 I Document No.: QMM
Preventing inadvertent use or installation of product is accomplished through the use of
QAP.05 Quality assurance Procedure for Control of Non Conforming Products. All non
conforming material or products identified at any stage of processing will be subject to formal
procedures that will provide for their Prominent identification and Segregation where
applicable into Quarantine areas.
Recording, reporting and review of these Non Conformances.
Assignment of actions required for the disposition of the "Non Conforming Products".
Assignment of actions required upon In-process or already Dispatched to the
As an integral part of the review of any reported non-conforming products, effort to
established the cause of the non conformance and actions required to prevent from
Recurrence of similar non conformance, will be paramount.
The proposed supply of any product not "totally" in conformance to contracted specifications,
will be formally reported to the customer to getthe necessary approval.
In the event that assigned actions involve "re-process / repair" the DGM Technical, Q.C
Manager along with M.R will decide and assure the effectiveness of such actions.
All records associated to the control of Non Conforming Products will be subjected to review
and analysis at Management Review Meetings in order to identify any significant trends or
failure modes warranting corrective and preventive action.
Reference Documents:
Control of Non Conforming Material/Product
Corrective &Preventive Action
Corrective &Preventive Action Register
Customer Complaint Report
Non Conformance Material/Product Report
(Finished Products or Purchased Material)
Quality Assurance Procedure
Quality Assurance Procedure
Quality Record.
Quality Record.
Quality Record
8.4 Analysis of Data
The Data generated by monitoring and measurement activities and other process
performance indicators, will be determined, collected and analyzed to demonstrate the
suitability and effectiveness of the quality management system and to evaluate where
continual improvement can be made.
The data to be analyzed to provide information on:
Customer Satisfaction.
Conformance to product requirements.
Characteristics and trends of processes nd products including opportunities for
preventive action and Process ectiven s.
Suppliers Performance.
A Issue. No.
06.02.2011 19of 21
8.5 Improvement
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Saudi ROC Kwool
ISO 9001 :2008 Clause: 4.2.2
I Document No.: QMM
8.5.1 Continual Improvement.
Through the use of company Quality Policy, Quality Objectives, Audit Results,
Analysis of Data, Corrective and Preventive Actions and Management Review
Meetings (FM.MR.01), SAUDI ROCKWOOl will establish the strategy for the
Continuous Improvement effectively.
Reference Documents:
Management Review Meeting Report
Corrective &Preventive Action Register
CAR Status Log
FM IA.05
8.5.2 CorrectiveAction.
SAUDI ROCKWOOl will operate a formally documented system of Corrective Action.
The system will be applied to all identified Non-Conformance, whether associated to
the quality system, process or the product or service supplied.
Procedure shall detail methods and responsibilities in order to direct:
Investigation into the cause of Non-conforming product or materials and the
Corrective Action required preventing recurrence.
The initiating of actions to deal with problems to a level corresponding to the
Risk encountered.
The application of controls to ensure that the appropriate corrective actions
are taken and that they are effective.
The implementation of control of change resulting from Corrective Action.
All Corrective Actions will be officially assigned, be time limited, implemented and
upon completion will be reviewed for effectiveness.
8.5.3 PreventiveAction.
SAUDI ROCKWOOl will operate a formally documented Procedure QAP 05 of
Preventive Action, which define the responsibilities and direct the controls applied to
the analysis of all processes, work operations, concessions, quality records, and
customer complaints, to detect and eli inate or reduce the probability of the
occurrence of potential causes f Non c formance.
Where potential causes of 0 confer i es are identified, special techniques will be
applied in an effort to e I mate educe the probability of non conformance
occurred. Such Techniqu could (PPFMEA) Potential Process Failure Modes &
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A r ed b : Issue. No. Date of Issue Pa e
[ " " rmr : 1(I nrJ
"J C; CluJ J
o" t' I \, I ' ~I . . . 1 QUALITY MANUAL
ISO 9001 :2008 Clause: 4.2.2
I Document No.: QMM
Effects Analysis. The records generated forming an integral part of ongoing
Improvement Process.
Reference Documents:
Corrective &Preventive Action
Internal Audit
QAP 04
Quality Assurance Procedure.
Quality Assurance Procedure.
Issue. No.
06.02.2011 21 of 21
Date of Issue Pa e
Support Manager t- - - - - - - - - ,
I ssue: 2/1 Issued by: _~ ~ AP P E NDI X: A- Ol Approved by:

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