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A word of encouragement:

Psalm 139:13 - 14 NIV "For you created my

inmost being; you knit me together in my
mothers womb. I praise you because I am
fearfully and wonderfully made; your works
are wonderful, I know that full well.

Prayer request - Calling all
intercessory prayer warriors! We need
individuals who will commit to praying for
us as we face tremendous spiritual warfare
on a daily basis.

! Our adult children stateside
! Mastery of the Spanish language
! 2015 monthly budget
! Individuals to join us long term
! Short term missions teams
! Lay-pastors in the house churches
! The Ecuadorian people

How can we pray for you? Please
email us with your Prayer needs!

A Message to our Ministry Partners:
Gracias! Thank you! If you have prayed or
supported us financially, we are so grateful
and ask that you would continue as we move
forward. We could not do this without you!

For more about our Ministry and how
you can help: Check out our website
at, email at
[email protected] or call us
at 904-879-1396

How to Donate: 3 easy ways
1. Accessing PayPal or PayPal
Subscribe on our website.
2. Bill Pay through your banking
3. Mail a check to:
Pate Ministries or FTCE
P. O. Box 893, Callahan, FL 32011
We are a 501C3, non-prot organization; all gifts
are tax deductible according to the IRS.

May the Lord Bless you richly!
Gary & Dena

Like us on Facebook and share our
newsletter with others.
July - August 2014 Newsletter
Greetings from Ecuador
We want to keep our newsletters to 1
page, so please check Facebook
frequently for full details and photos.

First, we want to say thank you for
investing and partnering with us
nancially and through prayer.
Together we are touching the lives of
many children, adults and local

What have been doing?
We are working in three
different orphanages
and many remote
Indigenous communities
where there are no
evangelical churches
and very few Christians.

We have been busy with
short term mission teams
from our home church and
also with our mission
partners and local pastors.

We were also privileged to
have had two families come live and
work with us; the Beck family of four,
missionaries from Shell, Ecuador for a
week and the Pelletier family of ve
from South Florida for 3 weeks. Both
families were a wonderful addition to
our ministry if even for a short time as
it allowed us to minister more
affectively. The Becks are now in
Cuenca working with Reaching and
Teaching Ministries and hope to help
us when they are available.

Please pray for the
Pelletier family as they
seek the Lord for His
plans for them in

Please also pray that God will send
people to work directly with us too as
we need a team.

Interested in Short-term
Missions? We are booking teams
for the end of 2014 and for 2015.
Please consider joining us for a short
term or long term missions trip with
your church or as a small group or as
an individual!
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New doors of ministry;
We were invited into
Mushuk Kawsay
TriligePublic High
School in Tambo to openly share the
gospel. The school director and
president are christians. They are
looking for full-time volunteers to
teach Bible and English. Please pray
that we can nd volunteers for both.

Remember this photo we shared on
Facebook? It shows two
communities, El Rodeo
and El amarin located
in the Andes mountains,
in which Pastor Gonzalo
wished to bring the gospel.

Here are a few photos of the Childrens
Evangelical program we presented in
both locations.

It was a great success:
the gospel was given,
we had huge turn outs
with lots children and
adults and we received invitations to

Most of the children had never seen
this type of VBS
program. We shared the
gospel using puppets,
music, coloring sheets,
crafts, gospel magic, an
interactive story and an
animated video of Jonah and the
Whale, taught a memory verse, played
games and fed the children lunch.

We also had an opportunity to do the
program for
an orphanage
for the
handicapped in
Yunguilla and a
Shuar squatter
village in Shell.

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