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G.R. No. 161219 October 6, 2008

NAPOCOR filed a complaint for expropriation against petitioners for the construction of
the AGUS VI Kauswagan 69 KV Transmission Line Project. Petitioners opposed contending that
the expropriation would render the remaining portion of their property valueless and unfit for
whatever purpose. The trial court, in its decision, determined NAPOCORs authority to exercise
the power of eminent domain and fixed the just compensation for the property sought to be
expropriated. And on its supplemental decision, ruled that petitioners are entitled to
consequential damages because NAPOCORs expropriation impaired the value of the remaining
area and deprived petitioners of the ordinary use of their property. NAPOCOR filed a motion for
reconsideration which was denied for being moot and academic because a Notice of Appeal was
also filed by the latter on the trial courts supplemental decision. The corresponding writ of
execution was ordered thereon. Hence, NAPOCOR filed a special civil action for certiorari with
a prayer for a temporary restraining order before the Court of Appeals. NAPOCOR argued that
the trial court acted without or in excess of jurisdiction and gravely abused its discretion when it
denied NAPOCORs notice of appeal of the 19 March 2002 Supplemental Decision on the sole
ground that it was not filed and served personally. Petitioner, on the other hand, moved for its
dismissal because NAPOCOR failed to file a record on appeal.

WON filing of a record on appeal is necessary in special proceedings.

No. No record on appeal shall be required except in special proceedings and other cases
of multiple or separate appeals where the law or the Rules of Court so require. The reason for
multiple appeals in the same case is to enable the rest of the case to proceed in the event that a
separate and distinct issue is resolved by the trial court and held to be final. In such a case, the
filing of a record on appeal becomes indispensable since only a particular incident of the case is
brought to the appellate court for resolution with the rest of the proceedings remaining within the
jurisdiction of the trial court. In this case, since the trial court fully and finally resolved all
conceivable issues in the complaint for expropriation, there was no need for NAPOCOR to file a
record on appeal.

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