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Student Names : Alexander Ho YingHan

Teh Chun Wei
Ahmed I-Mon
Intake Code : UC3F1402SE
Subject : Advanced Database Systems
Project Title : Group Assignment
Submission Date : 30
May 2013

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2 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 5
3 Assumptions ................................................................................................................ 6
4 Entity Relationship Modelling .................................................................................... 7
4.1 Entity Relationship Diagram ................................................................................ 7
4.2 Data Table Structure............................................................................................. 8
4.3 Normalization ..................................................................................................... 12
4.3.1 UNF............................................................................................................. 12
4.3.2 1NF ............................................................................................................. 12
4.3.3 2NF ............................................................................................................. 13
4.3.4 3NF ............................................................................................................. 14
5 Optimization Strategy ............................................................................................... 15
5.1 De-Normalization ............................................................................................... 15
5.2 Duplicating None-key Attributes in One to Many Relationship ........................ 17
5.3 SQL Optimization Technique ............................................................................ 19
5.4 Proper Indexing in Table Columns .................................................................... 20
6 Constraints and Triggers ........................................................................................... 21
6.1 Constraints .......................................................................................................... 21
6.1.1 Primary Key ................................................................................................ 21
6.1.2 Foreign Key ................................................................................................ 23
6.1.3 NOT NULL ................................................................................................. 24
6.2 Triggers .............................................................................................................. 25
6.2.1 Reservation Cancellation ............................................................................ 25
6.2.2 Flight Delay ................................................................................................ 27
6.2.3 Reschedule Reservation .............................................................................. 28
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6.3 Stored Procedure ................................................................................................ 30
6.3.1 Insert Passenger and Meal Information to a New Temporary Table .......... 30
6.3.2 Customer Info Enquiry via Passport Number ............................................. 31
6.3.3 Insert New Reservation ............................................................................... 32
7 SQL Queries.............................................................................................................. 33
7.1 Member 1: Alexander Ho YingHan ................................................................... 33
7.1.1 Query (i) ...................................................................................................... 33
7.1.2 Queries (ii) .................................................................................................. 34
7.1.3 Queries (iii) ................................................................................................. 35
7.1.4 Queries (iv) ................................................................................................. 36
7.1.5 Queries (v) .................................................................................................. 37
7.1.6 Queries (vi) ................................................................................................. 38
7.1.7 Queries (vii) ................................................................................................ 39
7.2 Member 2: Teh Chun Wei .................................................................................. 40
7.2.1 Query (viii).................................................................................................. 40
7.2.2 Query (ix) .................................................................................................... 41
7.2.3 Query (x) ..................................................................................................... 42
7.2.4 Query (xi) .................................................................................................... 43
7.2.5 Query (xii) ................................................................................................... 44
7.2.6 Query (xiii).................................................................................................. 45
7.2.7 Query (xiv) .................................................................................................. 46
7.3 Member 3: Ahmed I-Mon .................................................................................. 47
7.3.1 Query (xv) ................................................................................................... 47
7.3.2 Query (xvi) .................................................................................................. 48
7.3.3 Query (xvii) ................................................................................................. 49
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7.3.4 Query (xviii)................................................................................................ 50
7.3.5 Query (xix) .................................................................................................. 51
7.3.6 Query (xx) ................................................................................................... 52
7.3.7 Query (xxi) .................................................................................................. 53
8 Personal Reflection Report ....................................................................................... 54
8.1 Alexander Ho YingHan TP022858 .................................................................... 54
8.2 Teh Chun Wei (TP027353) ................................................................................ 55
8.3 Ahmed I-Mon (TP030577)................................................................................. 56
9 Workload Matrix ....................................................................................................... 57
10 References ................................................................................................................. 58

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Travel Safe International (TSI) is one of the leading companies in the business of
providing global distribution systems regarding selling tickets for multiple airlines. TSI
basically provide main features that required by booking system such as flight booking,
customer registration and flight rescheduling. With some requirements given, a database
is required to create for storing different information related to flight booking, customer
registration and others. Since rules and regulation of each perspective airline need to be
taken into account, queries will be designed to fulfill the business requirements and
provide additional functions to maintain TSI for long term operations.
Entity Relationship model will be created to show all the entity in a clear view by listing
down all the attributes and relationship with other entities. Constraints, stored procedure
and triggers will be created in this database system to fulfill the business requirement and
maintain the database in a logical and structural manner. Other than that, optimization
strategies will also be implemented to enhance the database performance.

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Basic business requirements are given for constructing a database but not clearly
described. Numbers of assumptions had brought up to make the database in a more
structural and maintainable view. Assumption brought up are listed as below such as.
Some airlines limit only 4 passengers per booking.
Most of the airline provide several services such as unaccompanied minor
services, wheel chair or child care.
Each flight serve different meal plan based on the duration of flight
Every aircraft have different number of seat based on the class type.
Every booking of flight can differentiate into 3 category which is One-way that reach
destination directly, round trip that allow passengers to depart and return in 1 booking,
and last option which is multi-city that let flight transit and change flight on the specific

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Table Name Attribute Name Data Type Allow
AgeDetails AgeID varchar(50) No Yes No
AgeNumber int No No No
AircraftDetails AircraftID nvarchar(20) No Yes No
AirlineID nvarchar(20) No No Yes
FirstClassSeat int No No No
BusinessClassSeat int No No No
PremiumEconomySeat int No No No
EconomySeat int No No No
AirlineDetails AirlineID nvarchar(20) No Yes No
AirlineName varchar(50) No No No
AirlineServices AirlineServiceID nvarchar(50) No Yes No
AirlineID nvarchar(20) No No Yes
ServiceID nvarchar(50) No No Yes
Cancellations CancelID nvarchar(50) No Yes No
CancelDate date No No No
ReservationID nvarchar(50) No No Yes
CityDetails CityID varchar(50) No Yes No
CityName varchar(50) No No No
CityCountry varchar(50) No No No
ClassDetails ClassID varchar(50) No Yes No
ClassDescription varchar(50) No No No
ClassRevenue int No No No
FareDetails FareID nchar(10) No Yes NO
AirlineID nvarchar(20) No No Yes
ClassID varchar(50) No No Yes
AgeID varchar(50) No No Yes
Price decimal(18,0) No No No
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FlightDetails FlightID nvarchar(50) No Yes No
FlightNunmber nvarchar(50) No No No
Type varchar(50) No No No
Origin nvarchar(50) No No No
Destination nvarchar(50) No No No
DepartureDateTime datetime No No No
ArrivalDateTime datetime No No No
Duration datetime No No No
Price decimal(18,0) No No No
AircraftID nvarchar(20) No No Yes
MealType varchar(50) No No No
FlightStatus varchar(50) No No No
FlightCity FlightCityID nvarchar(50) No YES NO
FlightID nvarchar(50) No No Yes
CityID varchar(50) No No Yes
FlightMeal FlightMealID nvarchar(50) No Yes No
FlightID nvarchar(50) No No Yes
MealID nvarchar(50) No No Yes
MealDetails MealID nvarchar(50) No Yes No
MealName varchar(50) No No No
MealType varchar(50) No No No
PassengerDetails PassengerID nvarchar(50) No Yes No
Name varchar(50) No No No
DateOfBirth date No No No
PassportNumber nvarchar(50) No No No
Address nvarchar(max) No No No
Gender varchar(50) No No No
ContactNumber numeric(18,0) No No No
Email nvarchar(50) No No No

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PassengerMeal PassengerMealID nvarchar(50) No Yes No
MealID nvarchar(50) No No YES
ReservationID nvarchar(50) No No Yes
PassengerID nvarchar(50) No No Yes
PassengerService PassengerServiceID nvarchar(50) No No Yes
PassengerID nvarchar(50) No No Yes
ServiceID nvarchar(50) No No Yes
Payment PaymentID nvarchar(50) No Yes No
PaymentDate date No No No
PaymentTime time(7) No No No
PaymentMethod varchar(50) No No No
Amount decimal(18,0) No No No
ReservationID nvarchar(50) No No Yes
Rescheduling RescheduleID nvarchar(50) No Yes No
RescheduleDate date No No No
RescheduleTime time(7) No No No
ReservationID nvarchar(50) No No Yes
NewReservationID nvarchar(50) No No No
Reservation ReservationID nvarchar(50) No Yes No
ReservationName varchar(50) No No No
ReservationDate date No No No
Infant int No No No
Child int No No No
Youth int No No No
Adult int No No No
Senior int No No No
RStatus varchar(50) No No No
ClassID varchar(50) No No Yes
FlightType varchar(50) No No No

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ReservationPassenger ReservationPassengerID nvarchar(50) No Yes No
ReservationID nvarchar(50) No No Yes
PassengerID nvarchar(50) No No Yes
ReserveFlight ReservationFlightID nvarchar(50) No Yes No
ReservationID nvarchar(50) No No Yes
FlightID nvarchar(50) No No Yes
ServiceDetails ServiceID nvarchar(50) No Yes No
ServiceDescription varchar(50) No No No
ServiceCharge decimal(18,0) No No No
Table 1: Structure of Data Tables

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4.3.1 UNF
AirlineID, AirlineName, AircraftID, FirstClassSeat, BusinessClassSeat,
PremiumEconomySeat, EconomySeat, FareID, ClassID, AgeID, AgeNumber, FlightID,
FlightNumber, Type, Origin, Destination, DepartureDateTime, ArrivalDateTime,
Duration, MealType, Price, FlightMealID, MealID, MealName, PassengerMealID,
ReservationID, PassengerID, ClassDescription, ClassRevenue, ReservationName,
ReservationDate, Infant, Child, Youth, Adult, Senior, RStatus, FlightType,
ReservationPassengerID, Name, DateOfBirth, PassportNumber, Address, Gender,
ContactNumber, Email, ServiceID, ServiceDescription, ServiceCharge,
ReservationFlightID, CityID, CityName, CityCountry, PaymentID, PaymentDate,
PaymentTime, PaymentMethod, Amount, AirlineServiceID, RescheduleID,
RescheduleDate, RescheduleTime, NewReservationID, CancelID, CancelDate,
CancelTime, FlightStatus, FlightCityID

4.3.2 1NF
AirlineID, FareID, AgeID,
AircraftID, FlightMealID,
FlightID, ClassID, ReservationID,
ReservationPassengerID, MealID,
PassengerMealID, PassengerID,
ReserveFlight, PaymentID,
CityID, ServiceID,
AirlineServiceID, RescheduleID,
CancelID, FlightCityID
AirlineName, FirstClassSeat, BusinessClassSeat,
PremiumEconomySeat, EconomySeat,
AgeNumber, FlightNumber, Type, Origin,
Destination, DepartureDateTime,
ArrivalDateTime, Duration, MealType, Price,
MealName, ClassDescription, ClassRevenue,
ReservationName, ReservationDate, Infant, Child,
Youth, Adult, Senior, RStatus, Type, Name,
DateOfBirth, PassportNumber, Address, Gender,
ContactNumber, Email, ServiceDescription,
ServiceCharge, CityName, CityCountry,
PaymentDate, PaymentTime, PaymentMethod,
Amount, RescheduleDate, RescheduleTime,
NewReservationID, CancelDate, CancelTime,
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4.3.3 2NF
AirlineID AirlineName
AgeID AgeNumber
AirlineID, ServiceID AirlineServiceID
AircraftID,AirlineID FirstClassSeat, BusinessClassSeat,
PremiumEconomySeat, EconomySeat
AirlineID, ClassID, AgeID FareID, Price
FlightID, MealID FlightMealID
FlightID, CityID FlightCityID
FlightID, AircraftID FlightNumber, Type, Origin, Destination,
DepartureDateTime, ArrivalDateTime,
Duration, MealType, Price, FlightStatus
MealID MealName, MealType
ClassID ClassDescription, ClassRevenue
RID, ClassCode RName, RDate, Infant, Child, Youth,
Adult, Senior, RStatus. FlightType
MealCode, RID, PID PassengerMealCode
RID, PID ReservationPassengerCode
PID, ServiceCode PName, DOB, PassportNo, Address,
Gender, ContactNo, Email
ServiceCode ServiceDesc, ServiceCharge
RID, FlightCode ReserveFlight
RID,PaymentID PaymentDate, PaymentTime,
PaymentMethod, Amount
RescheduleID, RID RescheduleDate, RescheduleTime,
CancelID, RID CancelDate, CancelTime

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4.3.4 3NF
FareID Price
FlightNumber Type, Origin, Destination,
DepartureDateTime, ArrivalDateTime,
Duration, MealType, Price

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De-normalization is a process of attempting to optimize the read performance of a
database by adding redundant or by grouping data. It is used to combine several database
data and generate a new group view of data. Below will show example of de-
normalization such as combining two Many-to-many relationship tables. For example:
Many Passenger can choose many PassengerMeal
PassengerMeal can have more than one Meal
Below shows the many-to-many relationship diagram, in order to get access for data from
Passenger and Meal. An inner join statement is considered.
PassengerDetails PassengerMeal MealDetails
PassengerID (PK)
Table 2: Many to Many Relationship Diagram

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Table 3: De-normalization Diagram
From above table, when the de-normalization is applied where both detail of Passenger
and Meal will be merged together as shown in table 2. The benefits of using the de-
normalization are improved performance, the need for fewer joins, and the ability to
maintain history information. It allows staff of aircraft easier to arrange food before flight
and distribute the food on plane. It can also be used as a reference when there are some
mistakes on food distribution to avoid any misunderstanding. In other view on this
system, de-normalization enables the means to maintain function of history look-up on
previous transaction and it will helps the system to be easier to manage.

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A one-to-many relationship is two table that share common attributes that perform a
relationship. A relationship should be a parent table that involves an attribute from the
child entity.
Based on TSI, the Passenger table should include the ServiceID as foreign key in
PassengerDetails table. The information from Service table, have to use join statement to
obtain data through the parent table.
PassengerDetails ServiceDetails
PassengerID (PK)
ServiceID (PK)
Table 4: One to Many Relationship

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PassengerID (PK)

Table 5: Avoid Duplication of key
Using above table 4, it reduces the JOIN statements used in database which will enhance
the database performance greatly and through the simplicity of the query statement. It
saves more database space and the simplicity of the system can be learnt by any staff in a
short amount of time.

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SQL statements basically are used to obtain data from database. Several way of writing
queries that can obtain the same results. It is important to know that the performance is
not fastest due to common mistaken done by developer which the way to write the query
is incorrect. The list below will show how to increase the performance which that can be
1. Avoid full table scan - SQL query does not include primary key or index which
the full scan occur.
SELECT PassengerID, DateOfBirth, Name from Passenger where Name =
Lim Hong Jun

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Proper indexing on table column will greatly optimize the database performance on
executing the queries. The most effective ways for indexing is assigning primary key to
each and every table that can be found in the database. Thus, data can be retrieve rapidly
on the sorting operations owing to the tables are physically sorted based on its primary
key field.
Index should only be assign to related tables where information will be share among the
tables. For example, FlightDetails table will be using specific information such as
ReservationFlightID, AircraftID, FlightCityID and FlightMealID from related tables in
order to perform various business operations.

Figure 2: Proper indexing in table columns
Although creating indexes may enhance the overall performance of the database but side
effect may occurs if there are too many indexes. Developers may have to inner join all
related table in order to execute a simple query. Thus, it would be real menace when the
database size is huge.
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Constraints allow user to enforce rules in database. These rules may affect business logic,
database integrity and table structure. There are several constraint to be discussed.
6.1.1 Primary Key
Primary key constraint is Not Null and is considered a Unique Constraint in the sense that
it must contain data inside and does not repeat the same value. It helps the user to easily
and quickly identify a specific data in a table.

Figure 3: Primary Key
Above figure shows, the primary key is set in FlightDetails table. This FlightID will have
foreign key references in other tables which will use it to access the FlightDetails table to
obtain data. An example would be that a different table would be able to access a specific
row of data in FlightDetails via the unique primary key, ensuring that only a single type
of result will be listed since there would be no duplicate primary key fields.

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6.1.2 Foreign Key
Foreign key constraint is to ensure the referential integrity of the data in one table to
match values in another table (W3Schools, 2014). Foreign key itself is a primary in other
table that store their own data.

Figure 4: Foreign Key
The figure above shows a foreign key constraint has been added to the AircraftID in the
FlightDetails table, which will link the field to its reference which is the AircraftID
primary key inside the AircraftDetails table. This enables functions such as referential
integrity where the DBMS is able to check whether a foreign key column in a table
contains the same data as the ones found in the primary key column in the original table.
For this example shown here, AircraftID is used to determine which aircraft will be used
for the created flight.
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6.1.3 NOT NULL
NOT NULL constraints are used to enforce a rule that a column must always contain
valid and applicable data- in short, that a column may not contain NULL. (,
2012) It will automatically alert developers if the database found that theres an empty
column havent filled. Adopting NOT NULL constraints will not just help a developer to
maintain a database with increased ease, it prevents events such as the developer
forgetting to input necessary data as it will generate an alert to developer. It also prevents
errors such as linking of data that will lead to no result show as NULL foreign key. Thus,
most of the time NOT NULL constraints are needed to avoid unnecessary errors.

Figure 3: NOT NULL statements

The query above shows the usage of NOT NULL in FlightDetails table. This is to ensure
that all the column data are filled so that other tables and queries can refer to the required

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6.2.1 Reservation Cancellation

Figure 4: Reservation Cancellation Trigger

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Figure 7: Result of Reservation Cancellation (1)

Figure 5: Result of Reservation Cancellation (2)
The Reservation Cancellation Trigger was implemented to prevent incorrect data update
on reservation records. When a reservation is cancelled by user, the status in reservation
table will be modified to Invalid to show that the particular reservation is unavailable.
At same time, the deleted record will generate in Cancellations table to prove that the
user is no longer reserving this particular ticket. Other than that, according to the business
strategy, those people who cancelled their reservation 3 hours before the flight will cause
the ticket to lose its value and penalty charges will be charged. The trigger will perform
checking in flight schedule to confirm the date is matched to reservation ID selected. The
system will then display messages showing that the data is completely modified.
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6.2.2 Flight Delay


Figure 6: Result of Flight Delay (1)

Figure 7: Result of Flight Delay (2)
This Trigger was implemented to prevent any flight records from being removed
accidently or intentionally. If there any unforeseen circumstances appearing such as
Heavy Snowfall or Lightning shower where flight has to be delayed or postponed, this
delete command will take action to updating the status from on-going to postpone instead.
This allows staff and passengers to quickly identify the status of certain flights.
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6.2.3 Reschedule Reservation

Figure 8: Trigger of Reschedule Reservation (1)
The trigger that is implanted in reschedule_reservation was designed to meet the business
requirements which is to reschedule the Reservation ID if any passengers want to made
changes to his/her reservation. The trigger will be triggered as soon as the data is inserted
to the Rescheduling table. The trigger will simply check whether the reservation status
linked to the ReservationID given by the passenger has been reissued. If the
Reservation status is indicates Reissued or Invalid, the data would not be inserted
into the database, instead, a rollback will be performed and an error message will be
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In opposite, if the Reservation status indicates Booked, the data will be inserted into
Rescheduling table, and it will update the existing reservation status to Reissued
based on the ReservationID provided by passenger. After that, a new ReservationID
will be generate and inserted to ReservationDetails table as well as update
ReservationPassenger table to ensure the new ReservationID is attach with the
PassengerID that passengers provide. In the meantime, the existing ReservationID
that has been reissued will become invalid.

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6.3.1 Insert Passenger and Meal Information to a New Temporary Table

Figure 9: Passenger_Meal Procedure
Passenger_Meal procedure is used to insert necessary record from Passenger and Meal
table as new record and store data into a temporary table which is used to show out the
necessary output. It is used to show which passengers had ordered what meal in a specific
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6.3.2 Customer Info Enquiry via Passport Number


Figure 11: Results of customer info enquiry via passport number
The customer enquiry via passport was implemented to enable staffs to quickly acquire
customer information via passport number. Since Passport numbers can uniquely identify
a person so it can be used as a secondary primary key. Basic customer information will
be request to input during registration for ticket reservation for differentiation process
purposes in the system. The system will verify the input passport number and search the
passenger database for this particular customer.

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6.3.3 Insert New Reservation

Figure 12: Stored Procedure new_reservation (3)
The stored procedure for new_reservation will be used to insert a new reservation record
into Reservation table, PassengerDetails table, ReservationPassenger table,
ReservationFlight table, and Payment table. Before insertion to related tables, the
stored procedure will check the total number of passenger to ensure the number of
passenger is not more than 4 passengers. If this limit is exceeded, the new record would
not be inserted into tables and an error messaged will be displayed. On the flipside, when
number of passengers is less than the limit, the record will be stored into related tables.
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7.1.1 Query (i)
Create a query which shows direct flights only for given dates, source & destination.

Figure 13: Solution and result of query (i)

This query will show all flight information regarding direct flight.

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7.1.2 Queries (ii)
Create a query which shows aircraft code, class code, and expected revenue for each class
code, along with the total revenue of each aircraft for a given airline in a single journey.

Figure 14: Solution and result of query (ii)
Expect Revenue for First Class is 10000, Business Class is 8000, Premium Economy
Class is 5000 and Economy Class is 3000. The results will be varied and the total revenue
will be based on how many total customers purchase the ticket.

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7.1.3 Queries (iii)
Create a query which shows all passenger numbers with their corresponding descriptions
of reservation status for a specific airline.

Figure 15: Solution and result of query (iii)
This query will allow user to look for all reservation information regarding what airline
company chosen, how many passengers, types of flight and the reservation status.

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7.1.4 Queries (iv)
Create a query which shows the name of airline that has been most frequently travelled
through by the passengers for specified source and destination in given range of dates.

Figure 16: Solution and result of query (iv)
This query will show user regarding the number of travelled for specific airline company
for specific journey routes.

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7.1.5 Queries (v)
Create a query which provides, for each age category of passengers, the following
The total number of infants, children, youths, adults & seniors travelling through
specified flight in a single journey operated by a specified airline in given date. Result
should contain both detailed breakup & summary for above mentioned categories along
with overall summary.

Hint: you may wish to use rollup or cube statements with a query. Some marks will be
awarded for the query structure, even if you cannot generate the totals.

Figure 17: Solution and results of query (v)
As it can be seen that the third highlighted row is the sum of first and second highlighted

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7.1.6 Queries (vi)
Create a query which shows the airline name offering maximum number of journey
routes along with names of source and destination.

Figure 18: Solution and results of query (vi)
This query will show the user regarding the maximum number of journey which are
offered by several airline company with specific journey routes.

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7.1.7 Queries (vii)
Develop one additional query of your own which provides information that would be
useful for the business. Marks will be awarded depending on the technical skills shown
and the relevance of the query.

Figure 19: Solution and results of query (vii)
For the own design queries part, I have decided to show the remaining seats for specific
flight where information including InfantBookedSeat, ChildBookedSeat and etc will be
shown. The actual seats sizes for all aircrafts are set at as follows; first class 50, business
class 50, premium economy seat 100 and economy 100. The results for remaining seats
column will be based on the subtraction of total booked seat for all age category.

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7.2.1 Query (viii)
Create a query which displays flight details, such as, the aircraft code, regular fare, and
discounted fare for the first class. A 25% discount is being offered. Label the column as
Aircraft, Regular First Class fare, and Discounted First Class fare.

Figure 20: Solution of query (viii)

Figure 21: Results of query (viii)
The figure above shows the output of the query (viii) with the class code is C0001.

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7.2.2 Query (ix)
Create a query which displays the sorted details of flights to given city code with the least
duration flight displayed first.

Figure 22: Solution of query (ix)


Figure 23: Results of query (ix)

The figure above shows the output of the query (ix) with the given city is KUL.

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7.2.3 Query (x)
Create a query which displays the types of non-vegetarian meals offered on flights

Figure 24: Solution of query (x)


Figure 25: Results of query (x)
The figure above shows the output of query (x) with the meal type is Non-Vegetarian
as well as sort by FlightCode and MealName.
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7.2.4 Query (xi)
Creates a query which shows the names of countries to which TSI provides a flight
reservations. Ensure that duplicate country names are eliminated from the list.

Figure 26: Solution of query (xi)


Figure 27: Results of query (xi)
The figure above shows the output of query (xi) with eliminated duplicate country name.

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7.2.5 Query (xii)
Create a query which provides, for each airline, the following information:
The total number of flights scheduled in a given date. Result should contain both detailed
breakup & summary for flights for each airline along with overall summary.
Hint: you may wish to use rollup or cube statements with a query. Some marks will be
awarded for the query structure, even if you cannot generate the totals.

Figure 28: Solution of query (xii)

Figure 29: Results of query (xii)
The figure above shows the output of query (xii) with the rollup statements. First it shows
the total number of flight based on Airline AirlineName and shows the total of flights.
Next, it will categorize the number of flights based on the departure date and airline
company name.
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7.2.6 Query (xiii)
Create a query which shows the names of the meal options available on the given airline.

Figure 30: Solution of query (xiii)

Figure 31: Results of query (xiii)
The figure above shows the output of query (xiii) with the given airline is AA.

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7.2.7 Query (xiv)
Develop one additional query of your own which provides information that would be
useful for the business. Marks will be awarded depending on the technical skills shown
and the relevance of the query.

Figure 32: Solution of query (xiv)

Figure 33: Results of query (xiv)
The figure above shows the output of query (xiv). It displays which passenger requires
Service of Wheel Chair according to each flight.

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7.3.1 Query (xv)
Create a query which shows the minimum, maximum, and average journey hours for
flights to given city code. Display column headings as, Minimum duration, Maximum
duration, and Average duration respectively.

Figure 34: Solution of query (xv)

Figure 35: Results of query (xv)

This are the result of minimum duration, maximum duration and average duration.

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7.3.2 Query (xvi)
Create a query which shows the journey date, number of booked seats, and class name for
given passenger.

Figure 36: Solution of query (xvi)

Figure 37: Results of query (xvi)
The passenger has reserved a flight on specific date including the total Seat and the class

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7.3.3 Query (xvii)
Create a query which shows the names of meals not requested by any passenger.

Figure 38: Solution of query (xvii)

Figure 39: Results of query (xvii)
The result should show the MealName of beef, sushi, and salad but due to SQL problems
the result cannot be show properly but the way of coding is correct.
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7.3.4 Query (xviii)
Create a query which shows the details of passengers booked through a specified airline
in a given date for multi-city flights.

Figure 40: Solution of query (xviii)

Figure 41: Results of query (xviii)
The result show the by searching specific flight type data multi-city and exact date for
the passenger booked.
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7.3.5 Query (xix)
Create a query which provides, for each airline, the following information:
The total number of unaccompanied children travelling in a given date. Result should
contain both detailed breakup & summary for unaccompanied children for each airline
along with overall summary.

Figure 42: Solution of query (xix)

Figure 43: Results of query (xix)
The result are showing the total number of unaccompanied child travelling in specific
date given. The result are three people.
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7.3.6 Query (xx)
Create a query which shows the details of passengers who have availed any extra services
for a given flight on specified date.

Figure 44: Solution of query (xx)

Figure 45: Results of query (xx)
This query is to show the result of people who are having extra service during their flight.

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7.3.7 Query (xxi)
Develop one additional query of your own which provides information that would be
useful for the business. Marks will be awarded depending on the technical skills shown
and the relevance of the query.

Figure 46: Solution of query (xxi)

Figure 47: Results of query (xxi)
This result is according to the business strategy, which staff need to check what are the
details that should show at their monitor screen. The details are Reservation Name, the
status, flight type, meal and service reserved, the number of seat booked and the payment
of passenger going to
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For this assignment, we were required to form a group of three to develop a database
system for Travel Safe International. During the course of the assignment, we have
collaborated together to create diagrams such as Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) to
fulfill the business requirements of the coursework. We have also discussed many forms
of optimization strategies to be used in the design of the database tables to ensure
integrity and minimal redundancy.
During the actual development of the database, I faced many difficulties while creating
the database but was able to get through them with discussions with my group members
and also Mr. Abdallah, whom I am also very thankful for his patience in repeating his
lectures or tutorial to ensure that I and the rest of my course mates are able to fully
understand the advances database techniques that he is trying to impart on us. Thanks to
the knowledge I have learned from these encounters, I was able to successfully
implement triggers and stored procedures into the database and have them working
without any issues.
For the personal SQL queries, I was tasked with the questions allocated for member part
1. The majority of the questions proved quite challenging and some in particular required
me to do additional research using the internet as well as referring to study material in the
library of APU. Examples of these questions are ones which required the use of rollup or
cube statements which I had trouble understanding initially, but after going through the
research, I was able to understand the uses of these functions and was able to solve all the
questions assigned to me.
To conclude my reflections on this assignment, I would have to say that it was a very
interesting and great experience going through the ups and downs during the course of
completing this database. I have learned a great deal of new advanced database functions
which will certainly come in handy in the future during software development projects
which makes use databases such as my upcoming final year project.
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8.2 TEH CHUN WEI (TP027353)
Several lesson been learned during the construction of the database and document. Other
than tutorial and lecture class, this assignment also allow me to practice my knowledge
and skill on advanced database such as triggers, store procedure and other.
To build an ERD that can understand by all team members, few meeting had organized
by team leader to discuss about detail of assignment. During building of database, lots of
help had been provided by team leader, Alex to me whenever I face some logical problem
on relationship between tables.
3 main function such as constraints, triggers and store procedure are the next part to
proceed after database been constructs. This 3 function contribute different effect to the
system. Custom function above had to provide by each member for this assignment.
Among this 3 function, the part that occur most error during development was triggers. I
done with the help of team leader and web surfing to solve the problem where the code
was unable to retrieve and store into relate table.
I would like to thanks at here for those who provided help to me during development of
whole assignment.

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8.3 AHMED I-MON (TP030577)
This assignment has helped me gain a lot of knowledge and information about database
system. As this is a group assignment, it also helped me a lot to work in groups as well.
Together working with my team mates, I learned a lot about Entity Relationship Diagram
(ERD) and normalizations as well. These diagrams were based on the case study which
was given to the group as an assignment.
Each member was given a set of 7 statements upon which queries had to be implemented.
The 7 statements I chose had given me a lot of knowledge and gained much information
about database systems and queries. I appreciate my group members for their time and
effort and most of all, their help to complete this assignment. I have learned a lot from
them and new things such as rollup and cube statements.
Apart from what the lecturer taught us in the classes, this group assignment enlightened
me with the importance of standard procedures, and trigger like statements to a database.
Stored procedures provides a new table to let a user store some important attributes.
Trigger is a rule that allows the user to access, insert, update or delete some data. In
addition, one really important command I learned is the CAST command which helps in
situations like changing datetime data type to a float, decimal or an integer.
The project has been a success and on behalf of my team mates, I would like to express
my gratitude towards Mr. Abdallah S.M Alnatsha for his kind help throughout the
No Phases Ahmed I-Mon Teh Chun Wei Alexander Ho
1 Workload Matrix 100%
2 Introduction 100%
3 Assumptions 33% 33% 33%
4 Personal Reflection 33% 33% 33%
5 EERD 33% 33% 33%
6 Structure of Table 100%
7 Normalization 100%
8 Optimization Strategy 33% 33% 33%
9 Constraint 33% 33% 33%
10 Trigger 33% 33% 33%
11 Store Procedure 33% 33% 33%
12 Database Development 33% 33% 33%
13 Member 1 Query 100%
14 Member 2 Query 100%
15 Member 3 Query 100%

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10 REFERENCES, 2012. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 16 2 2014].
Microsoft Developer Network, 2012. CREATE TRIGGER (Transact-SQL). [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 14 February 2014].
Microsoft Technet, 2014. PRINT (Transact-SQL). [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 13 February 2014].
Microsoft Technet, 2014. Using RAISERROR. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 13 February 2014].
W3Schools, 2014. SQL Constraints. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 10 February 2014].
W3Schools, 2014. SQL PRIMARY KEY Constraint. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 11 February 2014].
W3Schools, 2014. SQL Server CONVERT() Function. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 11 February 2014].

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