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International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.2, Mar-Apr 2012 pp-278-282 ISSN: 2249-6645 278 | P a g e


*(Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, KL University, India)
** (Professor & Hod, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, KL University, India)
Abstract- This paper presents a three-phase cascaded
H-bridge converter for a stand-alone photovoltaic (PV)
application. The multilevel topology consists of several
H-bridge cells connected in series, each one connected to
a string of PV modules. The adopted control scheme
permits the independent control of each dc-link voltage,
enabling, in this way, the tracking of the maximum
power point for each string of PV panels. Additionally,
low ripple sinusoidal-current waveforms are generated
with almost unity power factor. The topology offers
other advantages such as the operation at lower
switching frequency or lower current ripple compared
to standard two-level topologies. Simulation and
experimental results are presented for different
operating conditions.

I ndex TermsMultilevel inverters, photovoltaic (PV)
power systems, power conversion.

Stand-alone Three-phase photovoltaic (PV)
systems are nowadays recognized for their contribution to
clean power generation. A primary goal of these systems is
to increase the energy injected to the grid by keeping track
of the maximum power point (MPP) of the panel, by
reducing the switching frequency, and by providing high
reliability. In addition, the cost of the power converter is
also becoming a decisive factor, as the price of the PV
panels is being decreased [1]. This has given rise to a big
diversity of innovative converter configurations for
interfacing the PV modules with the grid. Currently, the
state-of-the-art technology is the two-level multi string
converter. This converter consists of several PV strings that
are connected with dcdc converters to a common dcac
converter [2], [3]. This topology features several
advantages such as the independent tracking of the MPP of
each string to the existing plant. This converter topology
can reach peak efficiencies up to 96% [4]. In the last years,
multilevel converter topologies have been also considered
in PV applications [5]. These converter topologies can
generate high-quality voltage waveforms with power
semiconductor switches operating at a frequency near the
fundamental [6]. Although, in low-power applications, the
switching frequency of the power switches is not restricted,
a low switching frequency can increase the efficiency of the
converter [7]. Additionally, multilevel converters feature
several dc links, making possible the independent voltage
control and the tracking of the MPP in each string. This
characteristic can increase the efficiency of the PV system
in case of mismatch in the strings, due to unequal solar
radiation, aging of the PV panels, and different type of the
cells or accumulation of dust in the surface of the panels
[8]. and the possibility to scale the system by plugging
more strings
Among the available multilevel converter
topologies, the cascaded multilevel converter constitutes a
promising alternative, providing a modular design that can
be extended to allow a transformerless connection to the
grid [9], [10]. Additionally, this topology features power
semiconductors with a lower rating than the standard two-
level configurations, allowing cost savings [5]. Last but not
the least, multilevel topologies feature several freedom
degrees that make possible the operation of the converter
even under faulty conditions, increasing, in this way, the
reliability of this system. In spite of all these characteristics,
the cascaded multilevel topology has also disadvantages, as
the strings of PV panels are not grounded and extra
measures have to be taken in order to avoid currents due to
stray capacitances between the panel and the earth [9].
In order to properly operate a cascaded converter
with n cells, the independent control of the dc-link voltages
and the control of the grid current
i (Fig. 1) are
necessary. This task must be accomplished by using the n
available actuation signals corresponding to the modulation
units of each cell. Several methods have been proposed to
the control of this configuration. In [12][14], the reference
signals for the modulation units of each cell are multiplied
by a factor that depends on the voltage in each dc link and
the power that the corresponding string of PV panels is
delivering. Unfortunately, no experimental results are
given. Other approaches operate only under equal dc-link
voltages [15], which is not adequate for the tracking of the
MPP in each string. In [16] control methods based on
passivity controllers have been presented. The experimental
results show that independent control of the dc-link
voltages is possible.
However, the equations for the controller are not explicitly
described, and high-performance control platforms are
required for real-time implementation of the proposed
control schemes
In this paper, a simple scheme based on the algorithm
presented in [16] is applied for the control of a PV cascaded
converter system. The control scheme is enhanced with
MPP tracking (MPPT) algorithms that independently adjust
Control of a Three-Phase Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel
Inverter for Stand-alone PV System
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.2, Mar-Apr 2012 pp-278-282 ISSN: 2249-6645 279 | P a g e
the reference of the dc-link voltages in order to maximize
the generated energy

Fig. 1. Topology for grid connection.

In addition, the quality of the grid currents is
improved by using, for the measurement of the dc voltages,
a digital 100-Hz band reject filter
This paper is organized as follows. First, the
converter topology is presented in Section II. Then, the
control principle is explained in Section III. The model
necessary for the design of the controllers is described in
Section IV. The last section shows the simulation and
experimental results that validate the
proper operation of the converter. The results demonstrate
that this topology can inject to the grid sinusoidal input
currents with unity power factor, even under conditions of
unequal solar radiation of the string of PV cells.

( )
j Cj S s
S v Ri v
dt L
| |
\ .

( ),
PVj j S
i S i
dt C
= (3)

The control strategy is based in the classical
scheme for the control of a single H-bridge converter
connected to the grid. In [12][16], this idea has been
extended for the case of n cells connected in series for the
control of an active rectifier. From these different control
schemes, only [16] seems to be suited for this application
because they are able to operate with different dc-link
voltages. In this paper, the control scheme proposed in [16]
is used for this application by adding MPPT controllers in
the voltage reference.
The scheme in Fig. 2 includes 1 n+ control loops:
n of them are used to adjust the capacitor voltage in each
dc link, and the other one is necessary for the generation of
a sinusoidal input current with unity power factor. As
shown in Fig. 2, the sum of the dc-link voltages
1 C
V to
is controlled through
a PI that determines the amplitude of the input current
By multiplying the output of this controller with a
normalized sinusoidal signal in phase with the voltage grid,
a suitable reference for the current loop is obtained

Fig. 2. Proposed control scheme.

Fig. 3. Phasor diagram.

In this section, the tuning procedure for the three
control loops in Fig. 4 is described. The design of the filter
for the mitigation of the 100-Hz harmonic component in the
input current
i is also addressed.

A.Current Loop
Since the dynamic of the current loop is much
faster than the dynamic of the voltage loop, the design for
the controller will mainly consider this dynamic and the
delay time of the converter and the modulator. The plant is
given by

( ) ( ) 1
( )
( ) ( ) ( )
s s
I s I s
G s
V S V s V s L R
= = =
+ +

The simplified control scheme of the current
control loop is shown in Fig. 4(a). The design of the current
controller assumes that grid voltage
v is a slowly variant
disturbance for the current loop. For this reason, it will not
be considered.

International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.2, Mar-Apr 2012 pp-278-282 ISSN: 2249-6645 280 | P a g e

Fig. 4. (a) Current loop. (b) Total voltage loop. (c) Second cell voltage

B. Voltage Loop
Two PI controllers are necessary for the
independent control of each dc-link voltage. In order to
design the controllers, suitable transfer functions are
obtained by the linearization of (3) with j = 1, 2 around the
nominal operating point. In this case, it will be considered
that the system operates at a nominal radiation of 1 kW/m2
and at 25 C. As a first step, the transfer function of the
loop that considers the total dc-link voltage will be
calculated. The derivation of this expression is documented
reproduced here for the sake of completeness.
Adding these two equations yields

1 2
1 2 1 2 1 2
dv dv
S i S i i i C C
dt dt
+ = +

By considering only the dc component of the term
1 2 S S
S i S i + the last equation is equivalent to
1 2 1 2
1 2 1 2
S i S i dv dv
i i C C
dt dt
. . . .
= +
where x
indicates the maximum value of x.

C. Mitigation of the 100-Hz Harmonic Component in the
Input Currents

Using this control configuration, a harmonic
component of the triple of the fundamental frequency
appears in the input current
i . In order to mitigate this
harmonic component in the current, a band reject filter
centered in 100 Hz has been placed between the voltage
measurements vC1 and vC2 and the inputs of voltage
controllers, as shown in Fig. 6. In this way, the 150-Hz
harmonic component is eliminated from the current
references. Note that filters between PV voltage
measurements and MPPT blocks are intentionally avoided
because it is necessary to assure the proper tracking of the
optimum power point.

The digital filters work according to the principle
shown in Fig. 5. The original signal ( ) V t is delayed by a
half cycle and then added to the original waveform to
obtain the dc component of the signal. A block diagram of
the complete control scheme, including the two 100-Hz
filters, is shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 5. Filter principle.

Fig. 6. Proposed control scheme with MPPT and band reject


Fig.7 Matlab/Simulink Model

Fig.7 shows the Matlab /Simulink model of grid
connected PV system. It consists of a PV string, DC to DC
converter and inverter.

International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.2, Mar-Apr 2012 pp-278-282 ISSN: 2249-6645 281 | P a g e

Fig.8 PV cell output

Fig.9 Inverter input voltage

Fig.10 Five level output voltage

Fig.8 shows the PV cell output and Fig.9 shows the inverter
input voltage. Fig. 10 shows Five level PWM out put

Fig.11 Filtered output voltage

Fig.12 Three Phase Blocks

Fig.12 shows the Three phase standalone PV system with
cascaded multilevel inverters. Fig. 13 shows the
corresponding five level phase voltage.

Fig.13 Output voltage

In this paper, a cascaded H-bridge multilevel
converter has been proposed as a feasible multistring
topology for PV applications. The converter features
several advantages such as the generation of high-quality
currents, the capacity to operate at a lower switching
frequency than a two-level converter, and the modularity
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.2, Mar-Apr 2012 pp-278-282 ISSN: 2249-6645 282 | P a g e
that can reduce the cost of the solution. The converter is
first controlled using a scheme proposed for multilevel
active rectifiers and improved by adding MPPT algorithms.
A three phase cascaded H-Bridge for standalone system is
proposed. A Matlab/Simulink based model is developed
and simulation results are presented.

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