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Vol. 19 No.


Effect of Turning Angle on Flow Field Performance of Linear
Bowed Stator in Compressor at Low Mach Number

ZHANG Yong-jun, CHEN Fu, FENG Guo-tai, SU J ie-xian
(Energy Science and Engineering School, Harbin Institute of Technology,
Harbin 150001China)

AbstractA comparison of the results of a computational simulation and an experimental measurement indi-
cates a good agreement between them: the bowed blade lowers the energy loss coefficient of engine by 11% in
the simulation and by 13% in the measurement. To further discuss the application conditions of bowed blade in
compressor, with incidence equal to zero and other boundary conditions unchanged, a computational investiga-
tions on four series of linear stators with different aerofoil turning angles are achieved. It is found that the
bowed blade has much positive effect in high airfoil turning angle cascade, for example, the optimal retrofit of
30bow angle highly reduces the energy loss coefficient by 17.9% , when the aerofoil turning angle is 59.5. But
the optimal retrofit of 15has only 0.7% reduction when the aerofoil turning angle is 39.5, or even the
compressor performance will get worse with the bow angle gradually increasing. Consequently, it is verified
that the turning angle is one of the important factors to decide whether to apply the bowed blade into compres-
sor at low Mach number.
Key wordscompressor airfoil.turning angle.computation study.bowed blade.low Mach number
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Received date: 2005-07-24; Revision received date: 2006-04-28
Foundation item: National Natural Science Foundation of China (50236020).
Since the idea of using bowed-twisted-blades
was proposed by Filippov and Wang, et al
in early
1960s, the bowed blade theory research and appli-
cation have undergone a satisfying development in
turbine design and application. However, up to now
the effects of bowed blade in the filed of compressor
are of uncertainty. Some research reports
cated that the bowed blade was two-fold in com-
pressor application: benefit and cost in flow field
With regard to how the bowed stators were
used to control the three-dimensional flow and re-
duced the end-wall losses in axial compressors,
there were some discussions in the past years.
demonstrated that in compressors
the prime driver for using bow was to add a radial
blade force to produce a new radial equilibrium of
the flow between hub and casing. The early discus-
272 ZHANG Yong-jun, CHEN Fu, FENG Guo-tai, SU J ie-xian CJ A

sion about the bow angle effect on the radial equi-
librium by Smith
showed that the effect on the
radial pressure gradient was proportional to the tan-
gent of the bow angle. Gradually a common under-
standing in the mechanism that how the bowed
stator reduces the end-wall losses was getting fairly
clear. V. Gmmer and U. Wenger
expatiated that
the radial blade force could change the stream-tube
height and static pressure, and that consequently the
end-wall diffusion was alleviated. Also, they re-
ported that the bowed blade had little effect on the
qualitative characteristics of classical secondary
flow but significantly reduced the extent of
3D-separations and re-distributed the flow within
the passage in those blade rows dominated by 3D
end-wall boundary layer separations rather than
classical secondary flows.
This study is aimed at further searching for ap-
plication conditions of the bowed blade in improv-
ing the compressor performance and at discussing
the mechanisms of the application conditions, espe-
cially, the effects of turning angle.
1 Computation Scheme
NUMECA simulation code for the
turbo-machinery applications (FINE/TURBO) is
used. The code turbulence is modeled by an alge-
braic Baldwin-Lomax model. The space and time
discretization schemes are two-stage TVD upwind
scheme and four-stage explicit Runge-Kutta scheme
respectively. For convergence acceleration to steady
state, the combination of multi-grid and implicit
residual averaging is applied.
The boundary conditions are inlet total pres-
sure of 103 355 Pa, inlet total temperature of 294
K, incidence of zero degree and outlet static pres-
sure of 101 325 Pa. The inlet Mach number is about
0.2 (0.3), so a preconditioning
technique is
used to resolve the problems of slow convergence
and reliability. The computation grid is shown in
Fig.1. Since the stagger angle of the cascade is
little (20), H-type grid is used and the total node
is 545 025.

The aerofoil used is NACA65 (Fig.2) with a
middle arc line of double circular arcs, whose equi-
) 0 ( ) ( ) (
a x R R y a x < = + 1
) ( ) ( ) (
b x a R R y a x = + 2
where .
1 1

= = a R .
2 2
sin / ) (

a b R =


4 . 0 2 = . 45 . 0 / = b a . After a value of turning

angle is given, the corresponding middle arc line

I (circular)`J(radial)`K(axial) =65`65`129
Fig.1 Computation mesh in meridian plane

Fig.2 Aerofoil configuration and blade stacking line

November 2006 Effect of Turning Angles on Flow Field Performance of Linear Bowed Stator in Compressor at Low Mach 273

will be gained; and then an aerofoil line can be got
through adding NACA65 aerofoil thickness to the
middle arc line. Finally, a computational cascade
can also be obtained by using stagger angles for-
2 T s 2
= , where = 75 . 9
2 T
to the experiment
As shown in Fig.2 (b), the bowed blade stack-
ing line is composed of three straight lines, among
which a line is connected to its neighbor line with
smooth curvature. The bowed blade is given by
moving the end-wall sections perpendicular to the
axis. The bow angle is defined by the angle
between the pressure surface and the normal of
2 Comparison of Results of
Computation and Experiment
In the following text, a comparison of computa-
tional and experimental
results is achieved to vali-
date the reliability of computation which is carried out
with the same geometry, aerodynamic parameters and
boundary conditions as the experiment. The com-
parison parameters are listed in Table 1 and other
geometric parameters are shown in Table 2.
Table 1 Geometry and aerodynamic parameters
in comparison
Experiment Computation
Inlet geometry angle ) /(
2 T
Turning angle ) /( 59.5
Stagger ) /(
Incidence ) /( i 0
Renault number Re
10 50 . 6
10 53 . 6
Inlet Boundary layer thickness /mm 20.50 20.55
Displacement thickness /mm
2.50 2.25
Momentumloss thickness /mm
* *
1.75 1.79
Bow angle ) ( / 0 25
A straight rectangular cascade and a bowed
cascade with bow angle of 25 were studied in the
experiment. The total energy loss coefficients are
compared in Table 3. And energy loss coefficient
distributions along blade height are compared in
Fig.3. Here the coefficient is defined as
7 258 . 0 *
0 s
7 258 . 0 *
0 s
7 258 . 0 *
) ( 1
) ( ) (
p p
p p p p

= 3
Table 2 Geometry parameters of computation cascade
Chord length b/cm 16
Aspect ratio h/b 1.00
Axial chord length B/cm 15
Exit geometry angle
) /(
2 T

Turning angle ) /( 59.5 (54.5 49.5 44.5)
Bow angle ) /( 5 (10 15 20 25 30)
Pitch length t/cm 8
Blade height h/cm 16
Solidity b/t 2.00

Table 3 Comparison of total mass-average energy loss
coefficients of computation and experiment
reduction / %
0.137 0.119 13
Computation 0.110 0.098 11

where p
is the static pressure; p
is the local total
pressure and
p is the inlet total pressure. The
variation trends of the coefficient for both re-
sults are fairly similar except for some differences in
the absolute value, where exist possible reasons that
there are some errors in the experiment measure-
ments and computation codes and there are some
differences between the post-process methods of the
two research techniques. The variations of energy
loss coefficient of bowed cascade show the bowed
blade improves the cascade performance to high
Fig.3 Comparison of energy loss coefficient
distributions along blade height
274 ZHANG Yong-jun, CHEN Fu, FENG Guo-tai, SU J ie-xian CJ A

The contours of energy loss coefficients at exit
plane are given in Fig.4. The distributions obtained
from experiment and those obtained from computa-
tion are similar to each other. There are two high
loss regions near the lower corner and the upper
corner of the straight blade, while the two loss re-
gions of the bowed blade become much smaller.
Besides, the energy loss values and the positions of
the loss cores are changed: the values are reduced
by 9% and the positions moved to the middle span.

The contours of axial velocities near suction side
are shown in Fig 5. In incompressible flow motion,
it is known that the axial velocity decides the mag-
nitude of the flow capacity and the low velocity
region corresponds to the high loss region. As shown
in Fig.5, there are two back flow regions near the
suction/end-wall corners in the passage of straight
cascade. While the back flow regions are removed
after the bowed blade technique is applied. The com-
parison of experiment with computation indicates that
the computational results are believable and ac-
3 Study on Losses of Bowed Blade in
Different Turning Angle Cascades
As learned from Fig.6, the effect of the bowed
blade in lowering loss of high turning angle cascades

is more apparent than the effects in low turning an-
gle cascades. In particular, the cascade loss coeffi-
cient of 30 bowed blade in 59.5 turning angle
cascade is less than that of straight blade in 54.5
turning angle cascade.
In the following discussions on the effects of
aerofoil turning angle, the abbreviations of STR595
and BOW595STR395, BOW395 stand for straight
blade with =59.5and bowed blade with =59.5
, traight blade with=39.5, bowed blade with
=39.5, respectively.
The contours of axial velocities and vectors of
secondary flow at exit plane in the two turning an-
Fig. 4 Contours of energy loss coefficients at exit plane
Fig.5 contours of main flow velocity at exit plane
Fig.6 Total energy loss coefficient of computational cascades
November 2006 Effect of Turning Angles on Flow Field Performance of Linear Bowed Stator in Compressor at Low Mach 275

gle cascades are compared in Fig.7. In Fig.7(a) and
(b)the areas of low speed flow and back flow in the
cascade BOW595 are evidently reduced and the
trend of high speed flows immigration is obviously

Accordingly, the effects of different aerofoil
turning angle cascades on corner separation are dif-
ferent. As shown in Fig.8(a), the separation line on
suction surface(S.S) of the cascade BOW595 is
much nearer to trailing edge than that of the cascade
STR595 and the separation region of BOW595 is
much smaller than that of STR595. As seen in
Fig.8(b), the variations of separation line and sepa-
ration region of BOW395 are comparatively
negligible to STR395.

4 Effects of Bowed Blade on Secondary
Flow in High Speed Fluid
As proved in present paper, a better explana-
tion for bowed blade to be effective in controlling
the end-wall flow is the rise of static pressure on the
end-walls together with the decrease of low energy
fluid mass near the end-walls caused by high speed
fluid immigration from the middle span. A sche-
matic model of bowed blades controlling secondary
flow is given in Fig.9. As shown in Fig.9(a), when
high speed fluid flows through the cascade passage,
it is subjected to a centrifugal force pointing to the
pressure surface(P.S) due to cascades turning. If the
cascade is straight, the secondary flow in high speed
fluid does nearly not immigrate to the end-walls (as

Fig.7 Contours of axial velocities and vectors of secondary
exit plane
Fig.8 Separation lines on suction surfaces
Fig.9 Effect model of bowed blade on secondary flow
276 ZHANG Yong-jun, CHEN Fu, FENG Guo-tai, SU J ie-xian CJ A

seen in Fig.9(b)). While if the cascade is bowed, the
composition of a bowed blade force and the cen-
trifugal force impels some high speed fluid to im-
migrate to the end-walls(as seen in Fig.9(c)) and the
pitched mass-averaged streamlines turn to the
end-walls in the rear part of passage (as seen in
Fig.10). These phenomena will result in: Qthe total
mass of high speed fluid is increased and the flow
speed is raised so as to effectively control the ac-
cumulation or separation of low energy fluid near
the end-walls; the rise of static pressure on the
end-walls strengthens the radial immigration and
weakens the crosswise immigration of low energy
fluid in boundary layer, thus the accumulation or
separation of low energy fluid is further controlled.
Theoretically, if the bow angle, bow height of
the bowed blade and the centrifugal force are
great, the high energy fluid easily immigrates to the
end-walls. But if the bow angle and height are ex-
tremely great, the loss of the surface friction obvi-
ously increases. Thereby in bowed cascade passage,
the immigration capacity of high speed fluid mainly
relies on the centrifugal force.

5 Effects of Bowed Blade on Different
Turning Angle Cascade
In Fig.11, a parameter mass-flow density ,
local density multiplied by local axial velocity
, is defined to describe the flow capacity, i.e., the
mass-flow in a unit area., As learned from Fig.11,
the mass-flow density along a radial line A-A for the
cascade BOW595 is much higher than that for the
cascade STR595. While for the cascade BOW395 the
mass-flow density is increased a little and the trend of
high speed fluids immigration capacity is weak.

The bowed blade can evidently control the
separation, and consequently, obviously lower the
losses at the suction and end-wall corners in high
turning angle cascade. The contours of total pres-
sure loss coefficients at outlets section are shown in
Fig.12. A high loss region with a loss coefficient of
0.700 in its core exists at the hub/suction corner and
expands to 25% span-wise position in the cascade
STR595. While in the cascade BOW595, there ap-
pear two high loss regions: the one is located at the
hub/suction corner with a loss coefficient of 0.550
in its core, the other is located at the small zone be-
tween 30% and 40% span-wises also with a loss
coefficient of 0.550 in its core. But unlike the high

Fig.10 Pitch-wise mass-averaged streamlines in the
meridian planes of straight and bowed blades

Fig.11 Distributions of mass-flow densities along the line

Fig.12 Contours of energy loss coefficients close to suction
at exit section
November 2006 Effect of Turning Angles on Flow Field Performance of Linear Bowed Stator in Compressor at Low Mach 277

turning angle cascade, the cascade BOW395 hardly
improves the performance, and the total pressure loss
coefficient is kept as a value of 0.650 in the loss core
when compared to STR395. Actually the overall
losses of low turning angle bowed blade are increased
due to the increment of surface friction losses.
6 Conclusions
(1) The experimental and computational results
both verify that the bowed blade has obvious effect
in high turning angle cascade. The overall losses are
lowered by 13% and 11% in experiment and com-
putation respectively.
(2) In different turning angle cascades, the ef-
fects of bowed blade are different. In higher turning
angle cascade, the bowed blade can lower the loss
by 17.9% in maximum. While in lower turning an-
gle cascade, the bowed blade can lower the loss by
0.7% in maximum.
(3) In different turning angle cascades, the
bowed blade can strengthen the radial secondary
flow and weaken the traverse secondary flow. Both
of these two effects can lower the end-wall loss but
increase the mid-span loss, so they can not explain
why the effects of bowed blade are different in dif-
ferent turning angle cascades.
(4) An important effect of the bowed blade is to
strengthen the flow capacity near the end-walls, of
which the reasons include: Qradial immigration of
low energy fluid in boundary layer; high speed
fluids turning to the end-wall in meridian plane.
Thus the strong flow capacity near the end-wall
makes the anti-separation capacity stronger and thus
lowers the pressure-difference loss. This is the main
reason for the bowed blade to significantly lower
the losses in high turning angle cascade.
(5) In low turning angle cascade, the bowed blade
increases the mass-flow density comparatively less
and the corner separation is much weaker. So the bene-
fit of bowed blade in reducing losses is negligible.
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ZHANG Yong-jun Born in 1977, he received B.S. and
M.S. from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2000 and 2002
respectively. Now he is working for his doctoral degree in
Harbin Institute of Technology. Tel:(0451)86412433,
13030086504, E-mail:[email protected]
CHEN Fu Born in 1970 , he received the doctoral degree
fromHarbin Institute of Technology in 1997 and then became
a teacher there. Now he is working as an professor in Energy
Science and Engineering School of Harbin Institute of Tech-
nology. He has published several research papers in various
periodicals. Tel : (0451) 86412368,E-mail:[email protected]

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