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Notice to Cease and Desist

September 12, 2014

Mr. Greg Flynn
2826 Barmettler St
Raleigh, NC 27607
Mr. Flynn,
I, Denise Stetter, of Cary, North Carolina, am writing to direct you to cease and desist
unlawful defamation of my character and reputation. Defamation consists of statements
that tend to injure reputation, are communicated to another, and that the speaker or
writer knew or should have known was false.
At issue is your blog post titled Voter Integrity Project wanted masked people, cameras
at NC polling place, July 15, 2014. Specically:
The statement: What they were conspiring to do would have been a violation of at
least two North Carolina laws, is entirely false. There was no conspiracy. There is
and never was evidence of a conspiracy. DeLancy did not inform me, Denise Stetter,
at any time that he was going to make a request to lm at precinct 01-42. DeLancy
did not at any time seek my permission to lm at precinct 01-42.
Your statement that includes: written in 1953 to counter the intimidation tactics
of the KKK. (General Statutes Chapter 14, Article 4A, Prohibited Secret Societies and
Activities, and 14-2.8 Wearing of masks, hoods, etc., on public property. in
particular) is both highly inammatory and defamatory. It is clear you maliciously
intended to cause harm by likening me (and DeLancy, and the Voter Integrity Project)
to the KKK and other Secret Societies. It is clear that you maliciously intended to
cause harm by accusing me of using the illegal and reprehensible tactics employed by
the KKK and Secret Societies in order to intimidate.
Your statement: Stetter seemed to have trouble separating her role as chief precinct
judge from her role as communications director for the Voter Integrity Project, based
on the descriptions given by Poucher and Sims is entirely false. The few statements
that I did make to any member of the Wake County Board of Elections made it very
clear that I was not aware that DeLancy had made a request to lm at precinct 01-42
and that I would not have granted permission even if he had. I specically stated to
Sims that I especially would never have granted permission because of an
appearance of impropriety, thereby clearly indicating that I was perfectly aware of the
difference between my role as a chief precinct judge and communications director for
the Voter Integrity Project.
Your statement: ...Wake Board Chair David Robinson had reiterated to DeLancy by
phone the illegality and folly of the Voter Integrity Project proposal and received some
assurance that DeLancy and Stetter understood the prohibition. is false. I was not
party to any communication between David Robinson and Jay DeLancy on this matter,
nor did I take part in providing assurance that I understood any such prohibition.
Your statement: ..with the complicity of a chief judge is entirely false and especially
egregious. I was not aware of the request made by DeLancy, nor I did not give my
permission to anyone at any time to lm within precinct 01-42.
Your statement: ...A perusal of the social media feeds of DeLancy and Stetter and the
Voter Integrity Project suggests that DeLancy understands well what he is doing and
that indignation is cover for intimidation. maliciously includes me in a statement about
DeLancy, and subsequently in yet another false accusation of intimidation.
It is clear that the intentionally dishonest and completely defamatory statements made
by you in your article Voter Integrity Project wanted masked people, cameras at NC
polling place each constitute libel. Taken as a whole, it is easy to see that the goal of
your article was to intentionally and maliciously cause harm by way of attempting to
publicly libel and discredit the Voter Integrity Project, Jay DeLancy, the Election Integrity
Movement in general, and most importantly to me, Denise Stetter, personally.
This order is to include the following:
1. that you immediately remove from the aforementioned publication all mentions of
and references to me, Denise Stetter, all references to the Communications Director
for Voter Integrity Project, along with all defamatory treads, to prevent harm to my
reputation and standing, and that you provide written notication of compliance;
2. that you immediately remove from internet service provider servers where this article
was published or republished all of the aforementioned in item (1), to prevent harm to
my reputation and standing, and that you provide written notication of compliance;
3. that you remove from all social media services and/or sites all comments relating to
or links referencing this article and all defamatory threads to prevent harm to my
reputation and standing, and that you provide written notication of compliance;
4. that you provide details of recipients of advice or comments made of this nature,
together with contact details for each recipient;
5. that you provide details of the number of posts and reposts made, together with
website addresses;
6. that you undertake to actively monitor and delete any newly published defamatory
content relating to me;
7. that you produce an apology and a declaration that the allegations referred to are
false and defamatory to me in writing along with assurance that you will not mention
me or any of this matter verbally or in writing again;
Accordingly, I demand that you immediately cease and desist your unlawful defamation
of me, Denise Stetter, and provide me with prompt written assurance of compliance of
all so ordered above, as well as a written statement that you will cease and desist from
further defamation of my character and reputation. Written notication should be made
in writing and sent to the address below as well as by email to [email protected]. I
require all this within ten (10) days.
Denise Stetter
Denise Stetter
114 Normandale Drive
Cary, NC 27513
Sent by certied mail to 2826 Barmettler St., Raleigh, NC 27607, September 12, 2014
Sent by email to [email protected], September 12, 2014
Sent by email to [email protected], September 12, 2014

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