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The Killing Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the The Killing script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the
Stanley Kubrick movie starring Sterling Hayden. his script is a transcript that !as
painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and"or vie!ings of he Killing. # kno!,
# kno!, # still need to get the cast names in there and #$ll be eternally t!eaking it, so if
you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. %ou !on$t hurt my feelings.
S!ing on back to &re!$s Script'(')ama after!ards for more free movie scripts!
The Killing Script

(PA) Lucky Arrow breaking on top.
Purple Shadow is second.

(narrator) At exactly 3:4 on that Saturday
a!ternoon in the last week o! Septe"ber#

$ar%in &nger was perhaps the only one
o! the '((#((( people at the track

who !elt no thrill at
the running o! the !i!th race.

)e was disinterested in horse racing and
held a li!elong conte"pt !or ga"bling.

*e%ertheless# he had a !i%e+dollar win bet
on e%ery horse in the !i!th race.

)e knew this uni,ue syste" o! betting
would "ore than likely result in a loss.

-ut he didn.t care. A!ter all# he thought#
what would the loss o! dollars "ean

in co"parison to the %ast su"
o! "oney ulti"ately at stake/

+ -ottle o! ginger ale# please.
+ 0es# sir. 1o"in. right up.

2a%ourite broke bad.
1ould be anybody.s race.

1ould be.

)e.s in the !i%e+dollar win#
next to the !i%e+dollar place.

+ 3uite a crowd you got.
+ 0eah.

(PA) Passing the ,uarter pole# it is
Lucky Arrow and Purple Shadow

with Stopwatch on the outside# third.

At the head o! the stretch# it is
Purple Shadow leading by a length.

Lucky Arrow is second by three ,uarters.

Stopwatch# co"ing up on the outside#
is third by a length and a ,uarter.

4hen Southern Star# 5ain 6!!ort# Stanley
7abe# 4hird 8ow and Lo%er.s 9ile""a.

:t is Lucky Arrow... he.s lost it by
a head. Purple Shadow by a head#

and Stopwatch "o%ing
!ast on the outside.

:t.s Lucky Arrow# Purple Shadow
and Stopwatch neck and neck.

:t.s Lucky Arrow# Purple
Shadow and Stopwatch...

(crowd roars)

Purple Shadow second by a head#
Lucky Arrow third by a length

and Southern Star !inished !ourth.

(narrator) ;aiting !or the race
to beco"e o!!icial# he began to !eel

he had as "uch e!!ect on
the outco"e o! the operation

as a piece o! a <u"bled <igsaw pu==le
has to its predeter"ined !inal design.

Adding the "issing
!rag"ents o! the pu==le

would re%eal whether the picture
was as he guessed it would be.

(PA) 4he result o! the !i!th
race is now declared o!!icial.


(narrator) An hour earlier that sa"e
a!ternoon# in another part o! the city#

Patrol"an 2irst 1lass 8andy >ennan had
so"e personal business to attend to.

)iya# 4iny. ;hat.s the good word/

Sa"e as always. )a%in. a ball.

:.ll see you later.

7ood e%ening# 8andy.
)ow.%e things been/

;hat.s the use o! kicking# Leo/
0ou wouldn.t belie%e it anyway.

: supposed they were %ery well.
A!ter all# a "an dri%es a new car#

+ li%es in a !ine apart"ent...
+ So : like to li%e good. Any ob<ections/

*one at all.

:! you don.t o%erlook your obligation to
"e. : trust it was purely an o%ersight.

:." sure a "an in your position wouldn.t
deliberately antagonise his creditors.

: ain.t got it# Leo. : know : should ha%e it#

and :." as anxious to pay you o!! as
you are to ha%e "e# but : <ust ain.t got it.

;ell# we all get a little
cra"ped now and then.

Suppose we "ake it a thousand. :.ll
rewrite the balance as a new loan.

+ 7i%e you a !iscal breather. 2resh start.
+ Leo# :." broke. 7et "e/ 2lat broke.

8ight now : don.t ha%e a thousand cents.
:! you can wait a coupla weeks...

$ight be arranged.
;ith the proper collateral# o! course.

0ou "ean ?;here is the dough
co"in. !ro"/? : can.t tell you.

-ut it.s a plenty sweet deal and :.ll
be able to pay out like a slot "achine.

+ 4wo weeks# you said. *o longer/
+ $aybe e%en less than that.

0ou know : wouldn.t pull a thing
like this on you. : couldn.t a!!ord to.

:." glad you said that. : was going to point
out as "uch# but since you relie%e "e

+ o! the unpleasant necessity...
+ :t.s a deal# then/

: pay you the within two weeks/

Plus @ a total o! .
4he extra interest# o! course.

: trust that.ll be satis!actory.

+ : couldn.t say no.
+ 4hank you# 8andy.

: was sure you.d see it "y way.

4ake good care o! yoursel!.

:.ll take care o! "ysel!# "ister.
4hat.s "y specialty.

At p" that sa"e day# Aohnny 1lay#

perhaps the "ost i"portant thread in the
un!inished !abric# !urthered its design.

*one o! these "en are cri"inals in
the usual sense. 4hey.%e all got <obs#

they all li%e see"ingly nor"al# decent
li%es# but they got their proble"s

and they.%e all got a little larceny in .e".

4ake "y pal unger# !or instance#
the guy who owns this apart"ent.

)e.s putting up the "oney to operate with
and he.s letting "e stay here.

)e.s a book+keeper. -een with
the sa"e co"pany !or ten years.

0ou know# 2ay# the "istake : "ade
be!ore was shooting !or peanuts.

2i%e years ha%e taught "e
one thing# i! nothing else.

:! you take a chance#
be sure the reward.s worth the risk.

4hey can put you away <ust as !ast
!or a ten+dollar heist as !or a "illion.

0ou don.t ha%e to sell it to "e. 0ou know
:.ll go along with anything you say.

: always ha%e# you know#
e%er since we were kids.

:.%e always belie%ed you#
e%erything you.%e e%er told "e.

4hose !i%e years you been away# : know
they "ust ha%e been terrible !or you.

: "ean... being locked up
"ust be a terrible thing.

0ou know so"ething/
4his "ay sound !unny# but...

waiting !or you all those years
and staying by "ysel!#

it was like... not that you were locked in#

but : was locked out.

Look at "e. 2irst ti"e together
in !i%e years and :." "aking speeches.

*ow# now. 6%erything.s gonna
be all right# : pro"ise you.

$ake sure right about it# Aohnny.
:." no good !or anybody else.

:." not pretty and :." not %ery s"art# so
please don.t lea%e "e alone any "ore.

*othing is gonna happen. *ot this ti"e.

;ell# :... : guess :.d better lea%e you be
now. : know you got a lot o! work to do.

+ ;hen will : see you again/
+ Saturday night.

;e.ll be on the plane together. Look# 2ay#

until it.s all o%er# : want
you to stay out o! the way.

+ :! there.s anything : can do to help...
+ *o. Aust "ake the plane reser%ations.

And tell .e" at the o!!ice that
lea%ing. 4ell .e" getting "arried.

: don.t wanna say goodbye.

+ Bh.
+ )ello# $ar%. ;e were talking about you.

+ )i# Aohnny. )i# $iss 2ay.
+ )ello.

+ : hope it was so"ething nice.
+ Bh# yes.

Aohnny was telling "e what
a wonder!ul !riend you were.

+ 2ay was <ust lea%ing# weren.t you/
+ 9on.t rush o!! on "y account.

+ She.s late !or an appoint"ent.
+ 4hat.s right.

+ 0ou.ll be sure to call "e# won.t you/
+ 0eah. :.ll do <ust what : told you.

:t was nice to see you again# $r unger.
4ake care o! Aohnny.

+ 4here.s nothing : wouldn.t do !or Aohnny.
+ :.ll see you.

)al! an hour earlier#
at approxi"ately .

$ike B.8eilly# the track
bartender# ca"e ho"e.

8uthie/ :." ho"e.

At . that night#

7eorge Peatty# the track cashier#
arri%ed at his apart"ent.



+ 2eelin. B>/
+ 2ine.

: been kinda sick. : keep
gettin. pains in "y sto"ach.

$aybe you got a hole in it.
9o you suppose you ha%e/

+ )ow would : get a hole in "y sto"ach/
+ )ow would you get one in your head/

2ix "e a drink# 7eorge. : think
:." de%eloping so"e pains "ysel!.

Sherry# can.t : say anything at all
without you <oking about it/

)urry up with that drink# 7eorge.
4he pains are gettin. worse.

: saw so"ethin. nice co"in. ho"e on
the train tonight. So"ethin. kinda sweet.

+ A candy bar# 7eorge/
+ *o# not a candy bar# doughnut.

:t was people.

4his couple sittin. in !ront o! "e.

4hey weren.t young# exactly. : guess
the wo"an was about your age.

A little senile# you "ean/ ;ith
one !oot and a big toe in the gra%e/

0ou wanna hear this or not# Sherry/

: can.t wait. 7o ahead
and thrill "e# 7eorge.

;ell# they were in !ront o! "e and : could
hear what they said. ;ell# part o! it.

+ 4hey weren.t young# exactly...
+ She was about "y age# you said.

*ot any "ore. $aybe she was when
you started this story# but not now.

Anyway# she called hi" poppa
and he called her "o""a.

And the cli"ax to this ex citing story/
4he "oral/ 4he punch line# 7eorge/

2orget it# Sherry. Aust thought :.d tell
you about it# but : "ight ha%e known.

: know. 0ou want to bet : know#
:.ll gi%e you se%en to !i%e.

1ut it out# will you# Sherry/

+ :." tired. : don.t !eel so good.
+ 0ou want "e to call you poppa.

+ :sn.t that it/ And you.d call "e "o""a.
+ 0ou know all the answers.

7o ahead. :t "ay be your last word#
but :.ll try to kill you painlessly.

: gotta go out. : don.t suppose
there.s anything !or dinner/

B! course there is.
4here are all sorts o! things.

+ ;ell# steak and asparagus and potatoes.
+ : don.t s"ell nothin..

+ 4hat !igures. too !ar away !ro" it.
+ 4oo !ar away/

1ertainly. 0ou don.t think : had it cooked#
do you/ :t.s down the shopping centre.

4ell "e so"ething# would you#
Sherry/ Aust tell "e one thing.

;hy did you e%er "arry "e anyway/

Bh# 7eorge# when a "an has to ask his
wi!e that... )e <ust hadn.t better# that.s all.

;hy talk about it/
$aybe it.s all to the good.

:! people didn.t ha%e headaches# what
would happen to the aspirin industry/

0ou used to lo%e "e.
0ou said you did# anyway.

0ou "ade a "e"orable state"ent too.
So"ething about hitting it rich#

ha%ing an apart"ent on Park A%enue and
a di!!erent car !or e%ery day o! the week.

*ot that : care# as long as : ha%e a big
handso"e intelligent brute like you.

:t would "ake a di!!erence#
wouldn.t it/ :! : had "oney# : "ean.

)ow do you de!ine "oney/ :! you "ean
your collection o! 8oose%elt di"es...

: "ean big "oney. )undreds
o! thousands o! dollars.

0ou really aren.t well. 0ou sure
that pain.s in your sto"ach/

:." gonna ha%e it. )undreds o! thousands.

+ $aybe a hal! a "illion.
+ 1ourse you are# darling.

0ou put the right address on the en%elope
when you sent it to the north pole/

7o ahead and laugh. ;ait and see. 0ou
won.t be laughing so hard in a !ew days. serious. 0ou really think gonna ha%e a lot o! "oney.

+ : don.t think nothin.. : know it.
+ 0ou.%e ne%er been a liar# 7eorge.

0ou don.t ha%e enough i"agination to lie.

;hat "akes you think you.ll ha%e
se%eral hundred thousand dollars/

1os : do. : <ust can.t talk about it.

+ *ot e%en to "e/
+ : shouldn.t ha%e e%en "entioned it.

:t.s not that : "ind# : know : can
trust you. -ut these other guys...

+ 4hese other guys/
+ : can.t talk about it# Sherry. : <ust can.t.

4hese guys# is that why
going out/ 4o "eet the"/

4hey got nothing to do with that.
: <ust gotta go uptown !or a while.

: see. ;ell# go ahead. :! you wanna act
that way# : certainly won.t try to stop you.

Sherry# no. Sherry# honey#
don.t be sore at "e.

;ell# when a wo"an.s
been "arried !i%e years

and her husband doesn.t trust her...
0ou think "ore o! the" than o! "e.

;hat right ha%e you got to say a thing
like that/ 0ou know :." cra=y about you.

:.d do anything !or you. the one
:." doing it !or. :! : didn.t lo%e you so...

: don.t want you to do anything.
: don.t e%en wanna talk to you.

+ 7o see your !ella# whate%er you want.
+ Sherry.

9on.t be surprised i! :." not here when
you get ho"e. 9on.t at all be surprised.

0ou better be here# you hear "e/
0ou will be# won.t you/

0ou wouldn.t do anything
!oolish# would you/

: wouldn.t want to# but as long as you
don.t trust "e or ha%e a bit o! !aith in "e...

:! : e%er !ound you with another "an...

;hy/ 0ou ha%e no use !or "e. 0ou say
you do# but when it co"es to a showdown

or pro%ing it# you say one thing
then you do the opposite.

;ell# : could tell you a little bit
about it# : guess. ;ell# "ost o! it.

+ -ut you ha%e to pro"ise to keep ,uiet.
+ ;hy# o! course# darling.


Aust a second.

+ ;ell.
+ )ello.

+ )ow.d you get away !ro" 7eorge/
+ )e had to go so"ewhere.

4hat.s a break. :." glad you called.

+ So"ething wrong# baby/
+ *o# nothing.s wrong.

+ 1an : get you a drink/
+ *o# : don.t think so.

1o"e on# now. 4hat.s not "y baby.

+ 5al# : called you last night.
+ Bh# yeah/

+ 4here was no answer.
+ 7uess : stepped out.

+ : called you !our ti"es.
+ )oney# : guess : was out so"ewhere.

Bh/ ;hat.d you do/

: dunno# : guess : was
goo!ing o!! at the "o%ies.

+ 5al# why are you doing this to "e/
+ : don.t know what you "ean.

+ : think you do.
+ Bh# look# $rs Peatty.

;hat : do is "y own business.
: ne%er tried to pin you down# did :/

: ne%er asked how you got
your kicks be!ore you "et "e.

0ou didn.t use to talk to "e like that.

:." sorry# baby# but don.t bug "e.
: gotta li%e "y li!e a certain way.

+ : can.t stand it when the walls close in.
+ -ut you know how cra=y : a" about you.

And :." cra=y about you too# sweetheart.
:.%e gi%en you su!!icient proo! o! that.

+ ;ell# : know# but lately e%ery ti"e : call...
+ So : step out once in a while.

0ou got a husband who.ll
spend e%ery last nickel on you#

won.t ask ,uestions i! you co"e ho"e
!ro" an a!ternoon "o%ie at nine at night.

+ 9on.t be greedy.
+ :." not# :." in lo%e with you.

:! that.s being greedy#
:." the biggest glutton on 6arth.

9on.t "ake it so o"inous.
:t.s not like you.ll eat "e ali%e.

: "ay <ust do that.

9arling# what are the two things
in li!e "ost interested in/

+ ;hat/
+ $oney and wo"en/

+ 4hat.s a nice way to put "e down.
+ Su"s it up# doesn.t it/

;e.ll let it stand# but : i"agine what you
"eant to say was ?"oney and wo"an?.

;e.ll ha%e "oney. $ore "oney than you
e%er drea"ed o!. $aybe e%en "illions.

+ Bh# yeah/ )ow/
+ 7eorge# that.s how.

+ )e.s stu"bled onto so"ething big.
+ 4hat "eatball/

A "eatball with gra%y# 5al.
0ou know he works at the track.

;ell# so"ehow# don.t ask "e how#
he.s got connected with a "ob. gonna rob the track
o!!ices !or the day.s receipts.

)e seriously told you that he and so"e
"ob are gonna knock o%er the racetrack/

0ou can belie%e hi". 7eorge
"ay be a !ool but he.s not a liar.

+ )e.s cra=y. :t.s ne%er been done be!ore.
+ : know# : told hi" that.

-ut he says the <ob.s all set up
and it.s gonna be done.

And i! : <ust sit tight# :.d be up to
"y curls in cash# <ust like that.

;ell# let.s suppose this is
all true. )ow do : !it in/

;ell# you know :." gonna lea%e
7eorge. : guess you know why# too.

0ou.%e been saying that
!or a long# long ti"e# Sherry.

6%erything.s changed.
: was gonna tell hi" tonight.

7eorge "ay be %ery rich %ery soon.

+ 4hat.s all he needs# isn.t it/
+ )e.ll still be 7eorge.

So you think# uh# let.s say 7eorge and his
boys pull this <ob and 7eorge gets his cut.

+ $aybe : could take it away !ro" hi".
+ : think you could.

And the others/ Any idea who they are/

Bnly this. : went through
his clothes while he was showering.

:." ,uite sure 7eorge went there tonight.

>iddo# : think we got so"ethin. here.

0ou know# i! this is true# this
is a lot bigger than you think. interested in takin. 7eorge.s cut/

:t.s gonna be peanuts
co"pared to this whole thing.

;e gotta !ind out "ore about the o%erall
plan. 0ou think he.d tell you any "ore/

*ot a chance. )e was scared sti!!
cos he talked as "uch as he did.

: don.t get it# Aohnny#
about these two other guys.

0ou "ean gonna be in on the deal#
and we ain.t gonna know who they are/

4hat.s right. And they don.t know who you
are. 4hat "akes sense to you# doesn.t it/

+ 0es# : guess so# but...
+ :t "akes sense to "e all right.

+ )ow co"e we need .e"# though/
+ Bne o! the".s !or the <ob with the ri!le.

*one o! you could do it# e%en i! you were
willing. 4he other starts a !ight in the bar.

;hat are they cutting in !or/ *ot that
: "ind# anything you do is B># but... not in on the sche"e. 4hey get
paid to do certain duties at a certain ti"e.

And not cutting in on the take.
4hey get a !lat price !or a straight <ob.

:! they don.t know about the basic plan#
the <ob# why are they doin. it/ straight hoods# paid in ad%ance.
2i%e grand !or the one with the ri!le#

+ !or the other.
+ ;here.s this "oney co"in. !ro"/

4hat.s where $ar%in co"es in. )e gets
us the and gets it back o!! the top.

;ish : could do "ore. :t.s al"ost not right
!or "e to get as "uch as e%erybody else.

+ A!ter all# all : do is...
+ 0our "oney counts !or plenty# $ar%.

+ 0ou don.t hear the" co"plaining.
+ Sure. B> in our book# $ar%.

-ut i! these hoods get paid in ad%ance#
how do you know they.ll do their <obs/

:.ll %ouch !or .e". pros.
4hey can.t a!!ord to weasel out on a deal.

:! they did# they.d be washed up.
B>/ Any other ,uestions/

;ell# let.s take a look at this# then.

4his is a rough drawing o!
the track as : re"e"ber it.

8andy# you.ll ha%e to get "e an
A street "ap o! the whole district.

7eorge# $ike# : want you to go o%er
this thing with "e inch by inch.

-ring it up to date# add or
subtract the slightest change#

e%en so"ething as s"all as
the placing o! a hot+dog stand.

*ow# gi%e or take a !ew thousand#

: !igure the loot on this deal at two "illion.

4here should be that "uch in the o!!ices.

4hat includes pro!its on
pari+"utuel betting# breakage "oney#

taxes !ro" the "utuel "achines# receipts
!ro" concessions and the ticket sales.

*one o! this "oney is allowed to
accu"ulate at any point on the track.

6x cept !or change and the "utuel clerk.s
payo!! "oney# it all goes into the o!!ice.

But o! the entire take# only a !ew thousand
dollars is put in the sa!e !or e"ergencies.

4he rest is out in the open#
held !or pick+up by ar"oured car.

4hat car arri%es about !i%e o.clock and
parks directly in !ront o! the clubhouse.

4wo "en stay in it. Bne at the wheel#
one at a "achine gun in the turret.

4wo others collect the dough. ar"ed# o! course.

So are the track detecti%es who
co%er the" !ro" the car to the o!!ice.

+ Bnce the car arri%es# a stick+up is...
+ (clatter)

:s out o! the ,uestion.

(door opensCwo"an gasps)


(8andy) Say# what in the na"e o! Pete
would a babe be doing outside that door/

(Aohnny) ;hat do you think/ 0ou guys#
any o! you e%er see this wo"an be!ore/

+ :t.s Sherry# "y wi!e.
+ 0ou been talking. 0ou spilled to her.

: didn.t. ;hat# do you think
:." cra=y/ : wouldn.t...

0ou <erkD 0ou clownD 1o"e on# clown#
sing us a chorus !ro" Pagliacci.

0ou better talk# 7eorge#
or we.ll get it out o! her.

Please# you wouldn.t do
anything to hurt her/ Please.

+ :! you won.t say what you told her...
+ : didn.t tell her nothin.# honest : didn.t.

+ ;hy would : do a thing like that/
+ Sure you wouldn.t.

She.s a building inspector. Aust stopped
there to "easure the keyhole. ;hy# you...

Let.s ha%e it. ;e.ll get it out o!
one o! you. :! you didn.t tell her#

why was she around here snoopin./

She "ust ha%e !ound the address
in "y pocket. Sure# that.s it.

4hought : was two+ti"ing her#
runnin. around with another...

B! course. She.s <ust
checkin. up on "e# Aohn.

: ain.t done nothin.# honest : didn.t.

0ou.ll let her go# won.t you/
0ou won.t hurt her# Aohn/

8andy/ $ike/ 4ake hi" to his apart"ent
and stick with hi" until : phone.

+ *o# :." not lea%ing SherryD
+ lea%in. all right.

+ )ow are you goin./ Slidin. or walkin./
+ 1o"e on# 7eorge# let.s go.

;hat are you gonna do now# Aohnny/

Ah# : don.t think :.ll ha%e to kill her. Aust
slap that pretty !ace into ha"burger "eat.

$ar%# take yoursel!
a walk !or an hour or so.

0eah# yeah. 0eah# :.ll be
back in a couple o! hours.

All right# sister# that.s a pretty
head you got on your shoulders.

0ou wanna keep it there or
carry it around in your hands/

;e could co"pro"ise and put it on
your shoulder. : think that.d be nice.

+ ;hat were you doing outside that door/
+ 9oing/ : was listening# naturally.

+ 4rying to# : should say.
+ 0ou ad"it you were out there snooping/

0es. ;asn.t that naughty o! "e/
-ut :." a!raid : was.

: !ound an address in 7eorge.s pocket.
: thought he was playing around# so :...

And you.d care i! he was playin.
another da"e/ 4hat would bother you/

0ou don.t understand "e# Aohnny.
0ou don.t know "e %ery well.

: know you like a book.
a no+good nosey little tra"p.

0ou.d sell out your "other !or
a piece o! !udge# but s"art.

0ou know when to sell# when to sit tight.
0ou know to sit tight now.

+ : do/
+ 0ou heard "e. 0ou like "oney.

0ou got a big dollar sign where
"ost wo"en ha%e a heart.

So play it s"art and you.ll ha%e "oney.
7eorge.ll ha%e it and he.ll blow it on you.

+ Probably buy hi"sel! a !i%e+cent cigar.
+ 0ou don.t know "e %ery well# Aohnny.

: wouldn.t think o! letting 7eorge
throw his "oney away on cigars.

+ :sn.t there a big ?i!? in there so"ewhere/
+ 0eah# there.s a couple o! .e".

:! s"art# keep your trap shut and
don.t nose around# you.ll ha%e "oney.

0ou.ll be loaded. :! you don.t# we.ll !orget
the whole thing. 0ou won.t ha%e a penny.

: wouldn.t like that and# !rail as : a"#
:.d "uch pre!er to be loaded.

: think we understand
each other. *ow beat it.

4hose guys.
2ine !riends they turned out to be.

Slappin. "e around#
callin. "e dirty na"es.

: thought that rotten 8andy
would ca%e "y head in.

Poor 7eorge. all right now# aren.t you/

9oggone it# you shouldn.t ha%e co"e o%er
there. :t.s a wonder we didn.t get killed.

4here wasn.t "uch danger o! that. :! they
killed you there couldn.t be a robbery.

4hey did anything to har" "e#
it would o!!end you...

4hey ha%e o!!ended "e.
B!!ended "e plenty.

+ 7eorge# don.t be such an old bear.
+ 4hey ha%e# and : won.t !orget in a hurry.

;hat else could they ha%e done/
: thought they acted ,uite reasonably.

;ell# anyway...

;hat... ;hat did Aohnny do to you/

9o/ : already told you.
Aust asked "e so"e ,uestions

and "ade sure it was
all right !or "e to lea%e.

+ Sherry# did Aohnny try anything/
+ 7eorge# what a terrible thing to ask.

+ : was sure you wouldn.t.
+ 0ou.d better not say any "ore.

;hy did you co"e o%er there/
:t wasn.t !or the reason you said.

:t was !or the reason you said.
0ou said it yoursel!.

: was "aking an alibi !or you.
: was a!raid those guys.d kill you.

0ou know : wouldn.t look at another
wo"an. *o wo"en would chase a!ter "e.

Bh# let.s drop it. 0ou put words in "y
"outh# then you say not true.

: told you exactly what happened.

Bh# dear. 6%erything.s all right
with you and your pals now.

+ gonna ha%e lots o! "oney and...
+ : been thinkin. it o%er.

: can hardly wait. )ow soon
will it be# 7eorge/ ;hat day/

:t ain.t going to be# Sherry.
:." droppin. out. dropping.../ Bh# you
don.t "ean it. 0ou can.t "ean it.

:." a!raid# Sherry. 4his business
tonight# it kinda opened "y eyes.

:t "ade "e realise the kind o!
guys : was gettin. "ixed up with.

+ -e!ore# all : thought o! was the "oney.
+ 0ou <ust keep on thinking about that.

4hink how disappointed :.d be
i! you didn.t get that "oney.

:.d !eel like you didn.t really lo%e "e.
: don.t see how : could !eel any other way.

;hy/ ;hy should : ha%e to do a thing
like that to pro%e to you that : lo%e you/

7eorge# what are you gonna do/
: wanna know right now.

All you e%er do is talk about lo%ing "e.
4hat.s all :.%e had !or the last !i%e years.

*ow you ha%e a chance to do so"ething
and to... all those things you pro"ised#

buy "e things... ;ell#
what are you gonna do/

0ou know there ain.t a thing
in the world : wouldn.t do !or you.

4hen you.ll do this !or "e# won.t you/

+ : guess so.
+ lt.ll be per!ect.

0ou ha%e no idea how per!ect.

: won.t ha%e long to wait# will :/ :t will
be within the next !ew days# won.t it/

+ ;hen will it be# 7eorge/
+ 0ou got your own way# Sherry.

0ou want "e to go ahead with the deal#
so : a". *ow lea%e "e alone# will you/

:." sorry# darling. B! course. ;e won.t
e%en talk about it i! you don.t want to.

+ 0ou really lo%e "e# Sherry/
+ B! course.

+ 0ou.ll always lo%e "e/
+ Always and always.

4hree days later# at . on a 4uesday#

Aohnny 1lay began the !inal preparations.

+ 0ou want so"ebody to play with/
+ *o# thanks. :." lookin. !or a !riend.

Bh# you pi=da. 0ou "issed a "o%e.
>night to knight !i%e# pawn takes knight#

rook takes rook# ,ueen
to rook !our# check...

7o bother so"eone elseD )e couldn.t do
that. 0ou don.t know what talking.

Shut up# pi=da. $ake a "o%e.

+ )e.s right. : could ha%e won your rook.
+ $o%e# pi=da.

Look# stop talking or :.ll call 2isher.
: can.t think with this noiseD

7ood ga"e# $aurice/

+ Aohnny# "y old !riend. )ow are you/
+ 7ood to see you. -een a long ti"e# eh/

+ )ow long ha%e you been out/
+ *ot long.

+ :t was di!!icult# no/
+ 0eah.

+ 5ery di!!icult.
+ 0ou ha%e "y sy"pathies# Aohnny.

0ou ha%e not yet learned that
you ha%e to be like e%eryone else.

4he per!ect "ediocrity.
*o better# no worse.

:ndi%iduality is a "onster# and
it "ust be strangled in its cradle

to "ake our !riends !eel co"!ortable.

0ou know# : o!ten thought
that the gangster and the artist

are the sa"e in the eyes o! the "asses. ad"ired and hero+worshipped#
but there is always present

underlying wish to see the"
destroyed at the peak o! their glory.

0eah. Like the... Like the "an said#

?Li!e is like a glass o! tea.?

Bh# Aohnny# "y !riend#
you ne%er were %ery bright.

-ut : lo%e you anyway.

)ow.s li!e been treating you# $aurice/

About the sa"e as always. ;hen : need
so"e "oney# : go out and wrestle.

-ut "ostly :." up here#
wasting "y ti"e playing chess.

-ut : wouldn.t know what to do with
"ysel! i! : didn.t ha%e this place to go to.

$aurice# could you use dollars/

:t does ha%e a nice ring to the ear.
3uite "usical. ;hat is it !or/

2or taking care o! hal! a do=en
pri%ate dicks. 8acetrack cops.

Start a !ight with the bartender.
4he track cops will break it up.

0ou keep .e" busy# "ake .e" drag you
out. *o gunplay# strictly a "uscle <ob.

;ould it be out o! order !or "e to ask
why you would pay such a price

to see "e de"onstrate "y talents/

: would i"agine... it is !or "ore than
<ust your personal entertain"ent.

@ is a lot o! dough# $aurice.
Part o! it.s !or not asking ,uestions.

4hat sounds not unreasonable.
Still# : will probably go to <ail#

and <ails : ha%e !ound unpleasant.

2ood is %ery bad# co"pany
is poor# beds are too s"all...

:t.ll only be a disorderly conduct
charge. $aybe days# no worse.

And i! a "an has a little "oney to
spread around# he.ll be co"!ortable.

: do not ,uite understand# Aohnny.

2or what you want "e to do# you could
get any hoodlu" !or a hundred dollars.

: don.t want any hoodlu". : want a guy
like you# so"eone who.s dependable#

who knows he.s paid to take a risk
and won.t s,uawk i! it gets rough.

: was thinking i! perhaps we can
work out so"e other arrange"ent.

: like %ery "uch.

-ut suppose : were
willing to !orgo part o! it

and take a share in your...
enterprise instead. *o/

*o. :t.s not "ine to share up.

5ery well# Aohnny. : sense there
will be certain details to work out.

0eah. :.ll buy you a cup o! co!!ee# huh/

+ :t.s beauti!ul# isn.t it/
+ 0eah# exactly what : wanted.

0ou could take care o! a roo"!ul o!
people with that. $aybe not kill .e" all#

+ but they wouldn.t do "uch a!terwards.
+ : knew you.d take care o! it# *icky.

+ )ow long you had this place/
+ Al"ost a year.

Pictures,ue# but there
can.t be "uch pro!it in it.

4here isn.t. -ut there isn.t "uch trouble
neither. ;hat are you thinkin. about/

A <ob. 0our kind o! a <ob. A <ob with a ri!le.

+ ;hat kind o! "oney# pops/
+ .

+ ;ho do : ha%e to kill/
+ A horse.

+ A horse/
+ A !our+legged horse.

+ And !or that : get /
+ ;ell# !or that and...

+ : !igured there.d be a gi""ick.
+ :t.s not as tough as you "ay think.

0ou shoot the horse and i! anything
goes wrong# you don.t s,uawk.

+ All : gotta do is bu"p o!! a horse/
+ :t.s a special kind o! a horse# *ick.

2or certain reasons#
including your protection#

: won.t gi%e you the whole story#
<ust your part o! it.

*ext Saturday is the @ handicap.
:n the se%enth race# the big race#

a certain horse is running. 4he best
three+year+old to co"e along in years.

)e.s a winner and won.t pay e%en "oney
cos hal! the people will be down on hi".

4here.s a parking lot !eet !ro"
the northwest corner o! the track.

2ro" a car parked in the corner o!
that lot# you get a %iew o! the horses

as they co"e around
and start into the stretch.

A "an in a car parked there using a
high+powered ri!le with a telescopic sight

could bring down
any horse with a single shot.

A "an with your eye
would hardly need a sight.

4hat horse is worth ,uarter o! a "illion#
and the crowd would go nuts.

Let .e". 0ou can do it# and you.d ha%e
no trouble getting away in the con!usion.

8ed Lightning will be leading
in the stretch. So he goes down#

a couple o! other horses pile up on top
o! hi". 4here.ll be plenty o! con!usion.

Bne "ore thing. Suppose by accident you
do get picked up. ;hat ha%e you done/

0ou shot a horse. :t isn.t "urder#
in !act : don.t know what it is#

but the best thing they could get
you on would be inciting a riot#

+ or shooting horses out o! season.
+ 0ou "ake it sound real si"ple# pops.

bucks !or rubbin. out a horse.

+ B># pops# how do : get it/
+ today# the day a!ter the race.

B>. 1ra=y. *ow# tell "e#
what.s your angle# Aohn/

4hey.ll probably call the race o!!#
and not pay o!! any o! the bets/

$aybe# but what "y
angle is is "y business.

bucks is a lot# and that.s why :."
paying it. So nobody knows "y business.

All right# Aohn. 0ou ain.t gonna get
no trouble with "e. :." with you.

+ :." lookin. !or Aoe Piano.
+ ;ho.s lookin./

+ Patsy sent "e.
+ Patsy who/

+ Patsy 7ennelli.
+ ;here did you see Patsy/

Alcatra=. ;e roo"ed together. $y na"e...

9on.t tell "e who you are.
;hat can : do !or you/

: want a place to stay !or a week. : won.t
be in it "uch# : don.t want it cleaned

+ and : want anybody in it ex cept "ysel!.
+ : think : can acco""odate you.

+ So how.s the boy/
+ )e.s !ine. )e.s doing it on his ear.

+ )e.s the best pitcher they got.
+ : know.

+ )e said not to worry about hi".
+ )e.s doing the book. : worry plenty.

+ )e.s tough# "aybe he.ll get a break.
+ 0eah# : know. Let.s hope.

4here. : got another one. 9on.t worry
about lea%ing anything here.

:t.ll be sa!e. :." always o%er here.
4here.ll be no "aid ser%ice.

+ 0ou wanna lea%e anything/
+ 4his# and another bag next week.

+ 9on.t worry. *obody will disturb the".
+ ;hat.ll it be/

+ Bh# no# no. *o charge. Patsy sent you.
+ Sure he sent "e# but he.s a !riend.

:.d !eel better i! : paid. A business
arrange"ent. : can a!!ord it.

+ B># then. :t.ll be ten dollars a week.
+ All right.

:.ll send the "oney in the bus to the boy.
4hank you %ery "uch. )a%e a nice ti"e.

2our days later# at . a"#
Sherry Peatty was wide awake.

+ 7osh# honey# did : wake you/ :." sorry.
+ :t.s all right.

+ : couldn.t sleep.
+ 1an : get you anything/ $ore co!!ee/

*o# : guess not.
*ice o! you to o!!er# though.

: don.t know# :." <ust restless. :.ll be
all right. 7o on back to bed# will you/

: won.t. 6%en i! : don.t get up
to get "y husband.s break!ast#

the least : can do is sit with hi"
while he has his co!!ee.

Sherry# are you sure you !eel all right/

:." sorry. : didn.t "ean that
the way it sounded.

: deser%ed it.

: know :.%e been irritable and "oody
lately and : ha%en.t acted like : should.

:t.s <ust : can.t stand li%ing like this. 4his
cru""y apart"ent# ha"burger !or dinner.

+ 0ou ha%en.t been so bad# baby.
+ 0es# : ha%e.

4hings are gonna be di!!erent. ;hen we
get all that "oney and ha%e nice things#

:.ll stop thinking about "ysel! so "uch.
0our proble"s will be "y proble"s.

;hene%er worried# like now. :s it
the robbery that worried about/

0eah# : guess. Aust a little. Bh# : ha%e no
reason to. : know it.s gonna be all right.

:t.s natural you.d be
upset at a ti"e like this.

:t.s today# isn.t it/

;hat "akes you think that/ Aust because
: couldn.t sleep# it doesn.t "ean...

: know "y 7eorgie. )e can.t !ool "e.
:." right# aren.t l# darling/

+ 4oday is the day we get all that "oney/
+ *o# you ain.t. :t isn.t today.

:! you don.t stop pestering "e# trying to
!ind out# there ain.t gonna be no "oney.

+ -ut 7eorge# how can you.../
+ : "ean it# Sherry. :." gettin. !ed up.

0ou heard what Aohnny told you. Stop
butting in# or he.ll call the whole thing o!!.

)e told "e so"ething else#
which : neglected to tell you.

4hat i! : did butt in# as you and he
choose to call it# he.d break "y neck.

$aybe he had reason to. )e wanted to
"ake you understand he "eans business.

All :.%e got to say is#
you.%e changed your tune

since he and his !riends
slapped you around.

: was sore about that#
but what could they do/

0ou said they acted reasonable.
;e had no reason to hold a grudge.

:." not gonna argue with you.
:! you let people beat you up#

+ then take their side against your wi!e...
+ -ut you didD : wanted to ,uit.

0ou wouldn.t let "e.
0ou said : had no reason to.

Anyway# Aohnny didn.t lay a hand on "e.
*one o! the guys did but 8andy.

: was gonna tell you
so"ething about Aohnny#

but since you !eel about hi" like
you do# take his word against "ine...

;hat about hi"/
;hat were you gonna tell "e/

+ Let.s stop the con%ersation right there.
+ ;hat were you gonna tell "e# Sherry/

: don.t think : can tell you when
you !eel like you do about hi".

*ot ha%in. any !aith in "e#
and keepin. secrets.

;e won.t ha%e any secrets.
;hat happened/

;ell# : tried to tell you about
this the other night# but...

you were so upset# and e%ery ti"e
: tried to say anything you cut "e o!!.

Sherry# what are you trying to tell "e/

: tried to stop hi".
: pleaded and : struggled.

:t doesn.t "atter# does it/ 4he only thing
that "atters is how : !eel about you now.

:t is today# isn.t it/

6arlier that "orning# at a"# 8ed
Lightning was !ed a hal! portion o! !eed

in preparation !or the se%enth race that
day# the @ Lansdowne Stakes.

At se%en that "orning Aohnny 1lay began
what "ight be the last day o! his li!e.

0eah# all right# all right.

+ ;hat ti"e is it/
+ :t.s early yet. Bnly se%en.

0ou better go back to sleep a!ter
: lea%e. : <ust wanted to say goodbye.

4ill tonight# that is. 6%erything.s all set.
Should go per!ectly# but i! it doesn.t#

don.t talk about it. in the clear !or
e%erything but being short on your books.

Bh# :." not worried about that.

:n !act# :." not worried about anything.
: <ust wish there was "ore : could do.

0ou.%e done your part.
: only hope we can do ours as well.

;e... we.ll probably ne%er see each other
again a!ter we split the "oney tonight#

but... in "y book you.ll
always be a stand+up guy.

Aohnny# :... : don.t know how to say this#

and : don.t e%en know
i! : ha%e the right# but...

:.%e always thought "aybe like "y own kid.

+ Ah# you can say anything you want.
+ 0ou.%e had a lot o! rough breaks.

$aybe you.%e "ade a !ew "istakes#
but a!ter today# the good Lord willing#

you.ll be a new "an. A rich "an.

And that can "ake a lot o! di!!erence.

0ou got a lot o! li!e ahead o! you#
a lot o! people to "eet.

+ People o! ,uality and substance.
+ ;hat are you gettin. at/

;ouldn.t it be great i! we
could go away# the two o! us#

and let the old world
take a couple o! turns

and ha%e a chance
to take stock o! things/

:t can be pretty serious and terrible#
particularly i! it.s not the right person.

7etting "arried# : "ean.

0ou better go back to sleep.

4he se%enth race starts about .
i! you want to catch it on the radio.

:.ll be back here about se%en o.clock.

>eep away !ro" the track. 7o to
a "o%ie or so"ething. See you later.

:t was exactly a"
when he got to the airport.

4he weight is B># $r Preston.
:s that all the baggage/

:.ll ha%e one "ore tonight. : can
keep that in the cabin# can.t :/

0es# sir# but be sure and check in be!ore
!light ti"e. 2light lea%es at p".

+ 4hank you.
+ 4hank you !or !lying A"erican# sir.

Stopping !irst at a !lorist# he arri%ed at
the "otel at . . )e was on schedule.

+ 7ood "orning# "y !riend.
+ $orning# Aoe. *ow# look.

4his a!ternoon a !riend o! "ine will
lea%e a bundle !or "e. )e.s a cop.

+ A cop/
+ 0eah# yeah. )e dri%es a prowl car.

+ 2unny kind o! a !riend to ha%e.
+ )e.s a !unny kind o! a cop.

Let hi" in. )e.ll lea%e this bundle
!or "e about . . :.ll pick it up.

+ 4hat.s the last you.ll see o! "e.
+ 1o"e in !or a drink.

: got a lot to do today.
6%erything would be !ouled up.

: understand. :.ll see you tonight.
So long. 4ake care o! yoursel!.

)e reached the bus station at . .

At . he arri%ed at $ike.s apart"ent.
6%erything had gone according to plan.

$ike B.8eilly was ready at . .

;hat goes on here/
4his is no way to get your strength back.

:t.s %ery good# $ike# but
: guess :." <ust not hungry.

+ 8eally# : couldn.t eat another bite.
+ Another/ 0ou ha%en.t eaten anything.

:.ll take so"ething a!ter a while. A!ter :.%e
had "y "edicine :.ll ha%e "ore appetite.

+ 4hat.s a pro"ise/ *o tricks now/
+ :t.s a pro"ise.

+ 7o along now. 0ou.ll be late !or work.
+ 0eah# : guess : will.

8uthie# things are gonna
get "uch better !or us.

: know. : know# dear.

: know :.%e "ade a lot o! pro"ises in
the past# but this ti"e it.s not <ust talk.

;e.ll be rich# and soon. ;e.ll ha%e a !ine
house# and doctors to "ake you well.

B! course# dear# but you.d
better go along or you.ll be late.


+ $ike/
+ 0es/

Bn your way ho"e# would you
bring "e so"e "aga=ines/

B! course. -ut# uh# 8uthie#
:." gonna be a little late.

Probably about ten. So"e !ellas and
"e are ha%ing a little get+together.

: understand. 9on.t you
drink too "uch beer# "ind.

+ 8e"e"ber how it lea%es you next day.
+ 9on.t worry about that.

: won.t be doing any drinking tonight.

: called $other. She.ll be
o%er later to !ix your dinner.

4hank you# dear.

+ 7oodbye.
+ 9on.t !orget to eat your break!ast.

)e reached the bus station at . .

At . as it was his custo"#
he arri%ed at the track.


+ ;ho.s the girl!riend# $ike/
+ 4hat.s how you spend your "oney/

0ou blow your "oney on da"es/ An
old "an like you ought to know better.

: ain.t like you guys.
4hese posies are !or "y wi!e.

-esides# where do you guys
get o!! calling "e an old "an/

(!irst "an) -uy !lowers a!ter work# $ike#
or they.ll wilt be!ore you get ho"e.

($ike) :t can.t be helped.
A!ter work the shops will all be closed.

(second "an) Put .e" in water.

4he clubhouse steward would
put .e" in the re!rigerator !or you.

;ell# perhaps : should# but# well#
it.s getting kinda late now# and...

+ :." all dressed. ;hy don.t : do it !or you/
+ *o.

;hat.s the "atter/ :." doin. you a !a%our.

4hese !lowers are going in "y locker#
then :.ll know where they are.

+ B># $ike. Suit yoursel!.
+ Sorry# -ill. : appreciate your o!!er.

A!ter work# you know how it is. 6%erybody
will be in a hurry to get away# and...

(PA) third# and 1o"!ort >ing.
:t is $y -aby leading by a length.

1oncentrator is second by three ,uarters
o! a length. Second 6nding# "o%ing up#

is third# and 1o"!ort >ing.

:t is $y -aby# 1oncentrator
and Second 6nding.

:t is Second 6nding#
1oncentrator and 1o"!ort >ing.

Second 6nding in !ront. 9own to the wire#
it.s Second 6nding the winner by a length#

1oncentrator second by two#
1o"!ort >ing third and $y -aby.

4he result o! the !irst race now
appears on the totali=ator board.

-e sure to hold all tickets until the
result o! the race is declared o!!icial.

(narrator) A!ter the !irst race#
$ike was %ery busy.

7i""e a double bourbon# please.

9on.t you think you.%e had enough# pal/

(PA) 0our attention please. 4he horses
are now on the track !or the second race.

(narrator) At exactly .
that sa"e a!ternoon#

B!!icer 8andy >ennan set in
"otion his phase o! the operation.

)ello# 2red. 4his is 8andy. Listen#
check with the dispatcher.s o!!ice#

see i! getting "e loud and
clear. : think "y set.s on the blink.


)uh/ ;hat/ )e says it.s B>/

4hat.s !unny# it keeps going dead.

: don.t think it.s the tubes.
:.ll keep !ooling around with it.

7i%e "y regards to your "issus. -y the
way# when.s the big day supposed to be/

;ell# don.t worry about it.
4he sixth one is always the hardest.



4hank hea%en. )urryD 1o"e ,uick#
killing each otherD : always knew they...

)e had ti"ed the trip to
the track hal! a do=en ti"es

and knew at <ust what point
he should be at precisely what ti"e.

)e knew the success o! the plan
depended on his accuracy

in arri%ing at the track
at the correct "o"ent.

A "inute or two early was allowable#
but ten seconds late would be !atal.

(PA) 0our attention#
ladies and gentle"en.

4he horses are now on
the track !or the se%enth race#

the @ +added
Lansdowne Stakes# at one "ile. o!! and running. At the start
it is 8ed Lightning breaking on top.

6arly Streak is second. :." )oping
is third. ;hite 2ire is !ourth.

(narrator) 6arlier that a!ternoon at .
$aurice was at the chess club.

)e was to be at the track at !our o.clock#
<ust be!ore the start o! the se%enth race.

2isher/ : a" supposed to be
back here tonight about . .

:! :." not# :.d like you
to do so"ething !or "e.

Sure# $aurice. ;hat is it/

1all this nu"ber and ask !or $r Still"an.
4ell hi" $aurice re,uires his ser%ices.

Sounds pretty "ysterious.
;hat.s it all about/

4here are so"e things# "y dear 2isher#
which do not bear looking into.

0ou know o! the Siberian goat herder who
tried to disco%er the nature o! the sun/

)e stared up at the hea%enly
body until it "ade hi" blind.

4here are "any things like this# including
lo%e# death and "y business !or today.

Please re"e"ber to "ake
that call i! :." not back at . .

(PA) 0our attention#
ladies and gentle"en.

4he horses are now on
the track !or the se%enth race#

the @ +added
Lansdowne Stakes# at one "ile.

0our attention# ladies and gentle"en.

4he horses are now on
the track !or the se%enth race#

the @ +added
Lansdowne Stakes# at one "ile.

+ -ottle o! beer.
+ 0es# sir.

4he horses are approaching
the starting gate !or the se%enth race.

4he horses are approaching
the starting gate !or the se%enth race.

4he horses are at the gate.

4he horses are at the gate.

)eyD )ow about so"e ser%ice#
you stupid+looking :rish pig/

;hat.s the "atter with...


1."on# break it up. Look out.

(narrator) :t was exactly .
when they dragged $aurice out.

At . that "orning#
*icky le!t his !ar".

)e arri%ed at the track at . .

+ )i there.
+ use the other lot. 4his ain.t open yet.

+ : don.t like to trouble you...
+ not.

: said there.s no parking
here and that.s that.

Look# "ac# :." a paraplegic. : want to get
in this lot to watch the race !ro" "y car.

4hat ain.t "y proble"# "ister. $y leg.s
bu" too but nobody !eels sorry !or "e.

: know what you "ean# buddy.

+ 7et that in the war/
+ -attle o! the -ulge.

Say# look# : know this is a lot o!
extra trouble !or you. : want you to...

+ *o# no. Skip it# skip it.
+ : want you to take it.

7o on# keep it.

:t.s all right.

+ 4hanks a lot# "ister. :." sorry...
+ 4hat.s B>. 2orget it.

;ill you take down that !ence/ :.d like
to get settled be!ore the !irst race starts.

+ B>/
+ Sure# "ister.

(PA) 0our attention# please. 4he horses
are on the track !or the second race.

: had this layin. around# "ister.
: thought you "ight like it.

+ 4hanks. 4hat.s %ery kind o! you.
+ *o trouble at all.

+ :! you need anything else# <ust call.
+ : doubt :.ll need anything#

:." getting along <ust !ine#
but thanks anyway.

;ho you bettin. on/
Anything look good to you/

+ 8ed Lightning.
+ )uh/

+ 8ed Lightning in the se%enth.
+ bettin. on hi"# huh/

0eah# : got a little bet down on hi".

;ell# : guess : better
be getting back to work.

+ 4hanks !or bringin. "e the progra""e.
+ *o trouble at all.

+ 4here.s nothing else : can do !or you/
+ *o# nothing at all.

:! : think o! anything# :.ll gi%e you a yell.

0our attention# ladies and gentle"en.

4he horses are now on
the track !or the se%enth race#

the @ +added
Lansdowne Stakes# at one "ile.

4he horses are approaching
the starting gate !or the se%enth race.

+ Sure is a nice day# ain.t it/
+ 0eah.

: didn.t think it would be when : got up
this "orning but it turned out real !ine.

>inda !unny i! you look at it. ;eather.s
like it always is this ti"e o! year# but...

: sure appreciate the way
you treated "e# "ister.

:t.s not the "oney.
B! course# : appreciate that too# but...

+ 2orget it.
+ *o# sir. : don.t reckon :.ll e%er !orget it.

: brought you so"e luck. 0ou bet
in this race# you "ight need it.

>eep your <unk and
lea%e "e alone# will you/

So"ething wrong/ wrong# nigger.

-e a nice guy and go on
about your business.

Sure# boss. Sorry to ha%e bothered you(D)

$y "istake.

And o!! and runningD At the
start it is 8ed Lightning breaking on top.

6arly Streak is second. :." )oping
is third. ;hite 2ire is !ourth.

Little Arnie is next# Sey"our.s
9arling# and -est Seller.

9own the back stretch# it.s 8ed
Lightning by a length and a ,uarter.

:." )oping is second by
three ,uarters o! a length.

Little Arnie is third by a length
and a ,uarter# and Sey"our.s 9arling.

At the hal!+"ile post# it is 8ed
Lightning by a length and a ,uarter.

:." )oping is second by a hal! a length.

Sey"our.s 9arling is third and Little
Arnie "o%ing past on the outside.

:nto the !ar turn# it is 8ed Lightning
in !ront by a length and a ,uarter.

Little Arnie is second by hal! a length.
:." )oping is third.

And a horse is downD :t is 8ed Lightning.

At the head o! the stretch# it is :." )oping
taking the lead by hal! a length...


;ait# stopD Stop# or :.ll shootD

(narrator) *icky was dead at . .

At . that a!ternoon
Aohnny 1lay was still in the city.

)e knew how long it would take
to dri%e to the track#

park his car and walk to the grandstand.

)e planned to arri%e <ust be!ore
the start o! the se%enth race.

(PA) 0our attention#
ladies and gentle"en.

4he horses are now on
the track !or the se%enth race#

the @ +added
Lansdowne Stakes# at one "ile.

4he horses are approaching
the starting gate !or the se%enth race.

)eyD )ow about so"e ser%ice#
you stupid+looking :rish pig/

(phone rings)

$oney roo". 1arter.

0es# sir# right away.

4here.s a riot downstairs. 1."on. o!! and running.

At the start it is 8ed Lightning breaking
on top. 6arly Streak is second.

:." )oping is third. ;hite 2ire is !ourth.

Little Arnie is next#
Sey"our.s 9arling and -est Seller.

9own the back stretch it.s 8ed
Lighting by a length and a ,uarter.

:." )oping is second
by three ,uarters o! a length.

Little Arnie is third by a length
and a ,uarter# and Sey"our.s 9arling.

Passing the hal!+"ile post it is 8ed
Lightning by a length and a ,uarter.

:." )oping is second by hal! a length.

Sey"our.s 9arling is third# and
Little Arnie "o%ing past on the outside.

:nto the !ar turn it is 8ed Lightning
in !ront by a length and a ,uarter.

Little Arnie is second by
hal! a length. :." )oping is third.

And a horse is down. :t is 8ed Lightning.

At the head o! the stretch it is :." )oping
taking the lead by hal! a length.

Little Arnie# dri%ing on the outside#
is second by three ,uarters.

Sey"our.s 9arling is
third# and 6arly Streak.

:t is Little Arnie and Sey"our.s
9arling. Little Arnie in !ront.

9own to the wire it is Little Arnie
going steadily# holding it...

and winning it by three
,uarters o! a length.

:." )oping second by three ,uarters o! a
length# Sey"our.s 9arling third by a head

and ;hite 2ire !inished !ourth.

0our attention# ladies and gentle"en.
-e sure to hold all tickets.

4he stewards are conducting
an in,uiry into the se%enth race

and will %iew the "otion picture.

7et your hands up# all o! youD Bne "o%e
!ro" any o! you and :." gonna start !iring.

0ou. 2ill that bag up <ust
as !ast as you know how.

0ou. 4ake that gun out o! the holster.
-e aw!ul# aw!ul care!ul how you do it.

*ow drop it. >ick it o%er here.

All right# turn around and !ace the wall.

All right# now the "oney in the sa!e.

0our attention# ladies and gentle"en.
;e ha%e recei%ed no exact in!or"ation

concerning the spill o! 8ed
Lightning in the se%enth race.

)owe%er# <ockey 9anny
2reed appears to be unhurt.

0our attention# ladies and gentle"en...

2ill it upD

...concerning the spill o! 8ed
Lightning in the se%enth race.

)owe%er# <ockey 9anny
2reed appears to be unhurt.

All right# all right# that.s enough. *ow put
the bag here in the "iddle o! the !loor.

7et back o%er there.

*ow# :." gonna open this door. : want you
to go through it and into the locker roo".

And close the door. :.ll start !irin. through
that door seconds a!ter you close it.

Let.s go.

*ow close itD

+ Aust a "inute.
+ ;hat are you doing/

(radio) ;e interrupt this
broadcast !or a news bulletin.

:n one o! the "ost daring hold+ups in
history# a bandit wearing a rubber "ask

today took an esti"ated @
stu!!ed into a du!!el bag !ro" the o!!ices

o! the Lansdowne racetrack. 4he robbery
occurred during the se%enth race

and was ti"ed to coincide with
the shooting o! 8ed Lightning#

<ust as the horse# %alued at @
was leading the pack at the !ar turn.

4he <ockey escaped with "inor in<uries.
A "an identi!ied as *icky Arano#

who allegedly shot the thoroughbred#
was !atally wounded by track police

as he atte"pted to shoot
his way out o! the parking lot.

At this ti"e the "ystery that
still plagues the authorities

is how the bandit got away !ro" the track
with the bulky bag containing the "oney.

A search o! the track is being conducted
in case the "oney is still hidden there.

And now we take you back to our
regularly+scheduled progra""e.

*o one saw the du!!el bag
co"e out o! the window.

Ah# that part o! it worked B>.
Landed right at "y !eet.

: reported "y radio out o! order
be!ore : went out to the track.

-ut the 1aptain.s con%inced
: was holed up so"ewhere# drunk.

And i! the 1aptain.s con%inced# there
ain.t nobody that can uncon%ince hi".

-esides# no one.s gonna think anything
o! seein. a cop at the racetrack.

: "ean# they won.t get any !unny ideas
about it# tie it in with the robbery.

Anyway# i! they do it won.t cut any ice.

1aptain knows : was drunk. And
he ain.t a "an you can argue with.

So : guess :.ll <ust ha%e to... break down#
ad"it it# and take "y punish"ent.

0eah. 4hat.d be terrible# wouldn.t it#
8andy/ A +day suspension.

:t.s . .

9on.t worry. )e.ll get here. )e had to get
the dough at the "otel where : dropped it.

4here was a !unny little guy# na"e o! Aoe
Piano there. )e runs the place# : guess.

+ Sure hope Aohnny can pick his !riends.
+ : need another drink.

;hy ain.t he here/ 6%erything runs on
a ti"etable till it co"es to payin. us.

4hen the ti"etable breaks down.

)e.s supposed to be here at se%en.


+ : think : hear the ele%ator.
+ 4hat.ll be Aohnny.

+ 6%erybody up.
+ ;hat.s this/

:t.ll be a "assacre i! you don.t keep
those "itts up. *ow# where.s Aohnny/

: been in that car since !our
o.clock listenin. to that radio.

: heard so"e pretty interesting things.
7randpa# what ti"e.s Aohnny get here/

So"ebody ga%e you a bu" steer# buddy.

Look around. 1an.t belie%e
you were tipped# huh/

;ell# i! : had a certain little lady here...
;here.s the <erk/ ;here.s 7eorge/

4he <erk.s right here.

(gun!ire continues)

"inutes be!ore# at .
Aohnny reached the "otel.

9ue to hea%y tra!!ic around the track#
he was "inutes behind schedule.

0eah/ ;ho is it/

Bh# it.s# uh... it.s <ust a "istake. :." sorry.

Aohnny arri%ed at the "eeting
place at . still "inutes late.

:t had been prearranged that in the
e%ent o! an e"ergency be!ore the split#

the "oney was to be sa%ed
by whoe%er had it at that ti"e

with no consideration o! the !ate o! the
others# the "oney to be di%ided later.

A!ter what he had seen# not knowing the
cause or the circu"stances o! the others#

Aohnny had no choice but to
sa%e hi"sel! and the "oney.

4en "inutes later he bought
the largest suitcase he could !ind.

:." back here# 5al# darling.

)ow.d it go# dear/

+ (parrot) ;atch it# thereD ;atch outD
+ ;hat happened/

Sherry... why/ ;hy did you do it/

9o what# dearest/ : was <ust getting
so"e clothes ready to go to the cleaners.

0ou had to be stupid. 0ou couldn.t e%en
play it s"art with a gun pointed at you.

;ell# you better get s"art !ast and
get outta here while you can still walk.

-ut your !riend... 5al# is that his na"e/

0es# and you.d better get out
o! here be!ore he gets here.

:." sick# Sherry. :...

1all an a"bulance.

4he door.s behind you. 4ake a cab.

: lo%e you# Sherry.

7eorge# you better go on
and go. 0ou look terrible.

:t isn.t !air.

: ne%er had anybody but you.

*ot a real husband.

*ot e%en a "an.

Aust a... bad <oke without a punch line.

(parrot s,uawking)

(PA) A"erican Airlines
announces the arri%al

o! !light 91+ ser%ice !ro" 1hicago.

A"erican Airlines announces the arri%al

o! !light 91+ ser%ice !ro" 1hicago.

Sebastian and : are so ex cited. ;e ha%en.t
seen 9addy sweetu"s !or a long ti"e.

;ill the nice "an let us wait outside
so we can look at the airplanes/

1ertainly. 0ou can stand outside. ;e.ll be
announcing your husband.s !light shortly.

)e.s a sweetu"s "an. Let.s hurry up real
!ast and see 9addy co"e o!! the airplane.

+ 7ood e%ening.
+ 7ood e%ening.

$r and $rs 8ay"ond Preston.
*ine o.clock !light !or -oston.

;e.ll be announcing the on+ti"e
departure o! this !light %ery shortly# sir.

+ Any other baggage/
+ *o# it was checked in this "orning.

Bh# say# : wanna carry that bag
with "e on the plane# please.

:." sorry# sir# it.s too large. :t.ll ha%e
to go checked through as baggage.

Bh# now# let.s be a little reasonable# huh/
0ou can.t tell "e

that the two o! us are not entitled to
one piece o! luggage between us.

Sir# we ha%e no ob<ection
to one s"all bag. 6%en two.

+ ;e ha%e nothing else. :t was checked in.
+ : see.

:t.s close to !light ti"e# but we can
locate the rest o! your luggage.

+ 0ou could trans!er the contents...
+ *o. :." sorry# that won.t work at all.

Let "e talk to your super%isor.

All right. :.ll be %ery happy
to call hi". $r 7ri"es/

$r 7ri"es/ 1ould you
co"e down this way# please/

+ 7ood e%ening. ;hat can we do !or you/
+ $y wi!e and : are going to -oston.

Bur luggage has been checked through
and : want this in the cabin.

:." a!raid it ex ceeds the "axi"u" si=e.

0es# it does look a bit too large
!or the passenger co"part"ent.

Sir# those are our regulations#
designed !or your co"!ort and sa!ety.

+ : can.t "ake the trip without it.
+ 0ou really can.t/

+ Absolutely not.
+ ;ell# in that case# : think we can# uh...

)ow about it/ :t.s past cancellation ti"e#
but : think we "ight stretch a point.

+ ;e.ll gi%e you a !ull rebate# sir.
+ ;ait a "inute. : don.t want a rebateD

Sir# : don.t know what to suggest. :t.s near
!light ti"e. 4here are passengers waiting.

:s the gentle"an worried about the
contents/ ;e.d be happy to insure it.

$ore than happy. :! you gi%e "e
its %alue and tell "e what.s in it.

*o# there.s nothing in it. : "ean# uh#
<ust personal ite"s# things like that.

All right. All right. 1heck it through.

4hank you# sir. :." sure you.ll !ind
the ser%ice to your satis!action.

(PA) ...the *ew 6nglander 91+
ser%ice to -oston at gate eight.

*o# no# Sebastian. 0ou "ustn.t
!righten pretty airplanes.

;e go !or trip on nice airplane so"e day.

Sebastian# co"e back hereD

$r Preston# we.ll be
announcing boarding...

7ri"es speaking. ;hat/

Bh# not serious/
8ight out on the runway/

0es# sir# right away.

(PA) ;ill passenger Preston please report
to the A"erican Airlines ticket counter/

;ill passenger Preston please report to
the A"erican Airlines ticket counter/


Aohnny# look.

Aohnny# you.%e got to run.

0eah... ;hat.s the di!!erence/

Special help by SergeiK

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