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Touch Rugby

Assessment Rubric
Name: Me!


Grade Descriptor Looks like
The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.
The student demonstrates little competence in basic moves,
skills and techniques in the performance or playing situation.
The student shows some awareness of movement concepts,
tactics, strategies and rules.
The student performs with little precision, synchronization or
You show some of the skills
mentioned in the skills set
below, at some time
You show little precision,
synchronization and energy in
your playing of the game
The student demonstrates competence in basic moves, skills
and techniques in the performance or playing situation.
The student shows awareness of movement concepts, tactics,
strategies and rules, but has difficulty in applying them.
The student performs with some precision, synchronization
and/or energy
You show some of the skills
mentioned in the skills set
below, most of the time
You show some precision,
synchronization and energy in
your playing of the game
The student demonstrates competence in basic and some
complex moves, skills and techniques in the performance or
playing situation.
The student applies some movement concepts, tactics,
strategies and rules.
The student performs with precision, synchronization and energy
most of the time.
You show most of the skills
mentioned in the skills set
You show precision,
synchronization and energy in
your playing of the game most
of the time
The student demonstrates competence in basic and many
complex moves, skills and techniques in the performance or
playing situation.
The student applies movement concepts, tactics, strategies and
rules appropriately.
The student performs with a high degree of precision,
synchronization and energy.
You often show the all skills
mentioned in the skills set
You show a high degree of
precision, synchronization and
energy in your playing of the
The student shows a high level of competence in both basic
and complex moves, skills and techniques in the performance or
playing situation.
The student applies movement concepts, tactics, strategies and
rules in a critical and effective manner.
The student performs with a high degree of precision,
synchronization, energy, style and flair.
You consistently show all of
the skills mentioned in the
skills set below
You show a high degree of
precision, synchronization,
energy, style and flair in your
playing of the game

The Criteria C skills set for Touch Rugby:
You know the rules and dont break them. You listen to the referee and follow their
Sure ball
You can catch even difficult throws, and you throw correctly and accurately, giving the
other player every chance to be successful
For rollball you always put the ball on the ground and step over it
You take the touch when you need to
You always anticipate the touch
You understand that only those defenders behind the 5m line can b involved in the play
When attacking, you are aware of the defenders positions, and create movement to get
around them.
When defending, you are aware of attackers positions and plays, and create movement
to counter theirs.
You can work with your team for these strategies

Grade Descriptor Looks like
0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.
The student demonstrates attitudes and strategies that maintain their
communication and relationships with others.
The student shows respect and sensitivity to themselves, others and the
physical environment some of the time.
The student takes responsibility for their own learning some of the time, but
shows little enthusiasm and/or commitment to physical education.
The student shows difficulty in reflecting on their achievements and in setting
and taking action to achieve goals.
You show
little of the
Criteria D skill
The student demonstrates attitudes and strategies that maintain their
communication and relationships with others.
The student shows respect and sensitivity to themselves, others and the
physical environment most of the time.
The student takes responsibility for their own learning most of the time, and
shows some enthusiasm and commitment to physical education.
The student reflects on their own achievements to a satisfactory level, usually
sets appropriate goals but may need encouragement to take action towards
achieving them.
You show
some of the
Criteria D skill
The student demonstrates attitudes and strategies that improve their
communication and relationships with others.
The student consistently shows respect and sensitivity to themselves, others
and the physical environment.
The student takes responsibility for their own learning and usually shows
enthusiasm and commitment to physical education.
The student reflects critically on their own achievements, sets appropriate
goals and takes some action towards achieving them
You show
most of the
Criteria D skill
The student demonstrates attitudes and strategies that deepen and enhance
their communication and relationships with others.
The student consistently shows a high degree of respect and sensitivity to
themselves, others and the physical environment.
The student takes responsibility for their own learning and consistently shows
enthusiasm and commitment to physical education.
The student reflects critically on their own achievements, sets appropriate
goals that enhance learning, and takes action towards achieving them.
show the
Criteria D skill

The Criteria D skills set for Touch Rugby:
Team player
You are a positive contributor to your team
You communicate appropriately during the match you call which player you
are covering when defending, you tell your team where you are when attacking,
you give directions and advice as they are needed
You encourage and support other players you congratulate them when they
do well, and encourage when they make a mistake
Enthusiasm and
You are enthusiastic and committed at all times
Reflection You complete the Touch Rugby Reflection in a meaningful way


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