TSM Madurai

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Map India 2003 Poster Session

Transportation system management for Madurai city using GIS

Dr. S. Moses Santhakumar1 G. Gokuldas2 and P. Partheeban3
Post Graduate Student
Research Scholar
Department of Civil Engineering, Regional Engineering College
Tiruchirappalli - 620 015.


Urban transportation systems are wilting under the pressure of ever growing
demands on inadequate street network. Traffic management is the application of sound
management principles and practice to optimise the use of existing road network with a view
to improving traffic flow and road safety without impairing environmental quality. With the
advent of information technology and its fast changing nature, it has become imperative to
make use of better and more efficient techniques of planning. To study the effect of the
Transportation System Management (TSM) measures one needs to have a clear view of the
flow patterns, locations, as well as existing road network and must be able to analyse the
attributes related to them. Geographic Information System (GIS) helps to do these things
effectively and efficiently. The Madurai Local Planning Area (LPA) has been selected for
study of TSM measures. GIS is used to the study the effect of TSM measures. Madurai LPA
road network and location of important places are added as layers. Attributes are added in
the form of databases from which one can retrieve data by making queries. Conversion of
one-way streets, diversion of traffic, odd-even vehicle restrictions, parking management,
effect of ring roads, and overall improvement in the network are studied with the help of GIS.
ArcView and Avenue are used for the development of this package.

1. Introduction

It has been the experience of many traffic planners that most transportation plans
rarely progress beyond the drawing board due to lack of financial resources and other related
constraints. The only recourse open to the traffic manager therefore is the option of
optimising existing facilities to provide improved accessibility and mobility at a satisfactory
level of safety and comfort to most of the road users. This can be achieved by studying and
evaluating the problem in the light of sound and tested traffic management techniques, which
are essentially low cost, easily implement and flexible. These are short-term solutions,
primarily intended to reduce the intensity of inconvenience caused by congestion. They may

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Map India 2003 Poster Session

not offer a permanent solution, yet they lend themselves to some time earning relief up to a
point where the administration may launch the long term and short term planning. Objective
of short-term solutions should be within the perspective and is compatible with the goals set
out in the long-term measures.

Though the identification of the problems and the correct diagnosis may automatically
suggest the usefulness of a particular management technique, the application of the single
technique, in isolation, is rarely sufficient in bringing about a significant improvement in the
Level Of Service (LOS) and transportation mobility of an area. More often than not, the
problems shifted to the adjacent locality or an entirely new problem is spawned as a
consequence of the very technique used as a solution, if applied in isolation. It is therefore,
essential to seek solutions in a combination of techniques, even in a relatively local situation,
for effective management (Venkateswaralu, 1996). A solution must be observed as a part of
the total scenario and the systems approach used to prepare a Transportation System
Management (TSM) Plan for the entire network.

The traffic management techniques that have been tried all over the world have been
listed below in seven main categories:

 Regulatory Techniques  Bus Priority Techniques

 Traffic Control Devices  Self – Enforcing Techniques and

 Traffic Segregation Techniques  Police – Public Interaction Techniques

 Demand Management Techniques

2. Geographic Information System (GIS)

GIS is a computer-based tool for mapping and analysing things that exist and events
that happen on earth. GIS technology integrates common database operations such as query
and statistical analysis with the unique visualization and geographic analysis benefits offered
by maps. These abilities distinguish GIS from other information systems and make it valuable
to a wide range of public and private enterprises for explaining events, predicting outcomes,
and planning strategies (Moses Santhakumar, 1998). GIS stores information about the world
as a collection of thematic layers that can be linked together by geography. This simple but
extremely powerful and versatile concept has proven invaluable for solving many real-world

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Map India 2003 Poster Session

problems from tracking delivery vehicles, to recording details of planning applications, to

modeling global atmospheric circulation.

GIS allows us to bring all types of data together based on the geographic and
locational component of the data. But unlike a static paper map, GIS can display many layers
of information that is useful to us (www.esri.com). We will be able to integrate, visualize,
manage, solve, and present the information in a new way. Relationships between the data will
become more apparent and the data will become more valuable. GIS gives us the power to
create maps, integrate information, visualize scenarios, solve complicated problems, present
powerful ideas, and develop effective solutions like never before.

3. The Study Area

The Madurai Local Planning Area (LPA) has been taken for the study. Madurai is the
second largest City in Tamilnadu State, having a very old history of about two thousand six
hundred years and is often referred to as the Athens of East. It has three National Highways
namely NH-7, NH-45B, NH-49 and state highways passing through it. The study area is
limited to Madurai Local Planning Area (LPA). The land use details of the urban and rural
settlement of the Local Planning Area are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Land use Details of Madurai LPA.

Sl.No Land use zone Area (ha) Percentage of developed area

1 Residential 1817.60 74.89

2 Commercial 41.42 1.70

3 Industrial 76.76 3.16

4 Educational 99.50 4.10

5 Public and semi-public 181.79 7.48

6 Transportation 212.38 8.74

Source: CTTS Report for Madurai Local Planning Area, 1997

The heavy settlement has made Madurai as highly congested. The area for
transportation infrastructure is less than ten percent of the developed area leading to
transportation problems in the LPA. Different transportation system management measures

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that can be applied feasibly during the present and the future conditions of Madurai LPA road
network are discussed below. For that purpose forecasting of future traffic and capacity
calculation for different road links are made.

4. GIS Based TSM

4.1.Forecasting the Traffic

The traffic volume for the year 2002 and future year 2007 are forecasted with respect
to the 1997 traffic volume taken from the CTTS Report (CTTS Report, 1997), vehicle growth
rate and the sample survey conducted at different locations. However, the capacity restraints
are not taken into account. The traffic volume count made at different selected locations the
percentage share of each type of vehicle is computed. As per IRC: 106-1990 (IRC: 106,
1990) the PCU values are assigned and the total PCU share of each vehicle is obtained on
each link. Fig. 1 shows the traffic flow in the CBD.

Based on the registered vehicle data collected from the Regional Transport Office
Madurai North and South the growth rate of each type of vehicle is calculated. For the
unregistered vehicles like bicycle and cycles rickshaws the growth rate was obtained through
the general enquiry made at different cycle marts and cycle rickshaw unions that is mentioned
in the growth rate table. For forecasting traffic on NH, SH, MDR’s overall growth rate of 12
percent is taken.

Fig. 1 Peak Hour Traffic Flow in CBD

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4.2. Road Capacity Calculation

Capacity of all the links are made with three different categories:

o Capacity with parking

o Capacity with restricted parking
o Capacity without parking

The capacity of road links as per HCM 1985 is 1300-1500 PCU per lane per hour.
Adopting the average value of 1400 and a lane width of 3.50 m, the capacity is computed as
400 PCU/hr per one metre effective width of carriage way.

The following formula is adopted for the calculation of capacity,

Capacity = Effective width of road way * 400 PCU/hr

To obtain the effective width of road, road inventory survey was conducted and total
width (after encroachment) and parking width are measured. For the different cases the
effective width is taken as,

Effective width with parking = Total width – parking width

Effective width without parking = Total width
Effective width with restricted parking = Total width – parking width allowed.

The width of parking allowed is computed by adopting the following four conditions:

Total road width (m) Parking width allowed (m)

Less than 5 m 0.0

>5 m and <= 10 m 2.0

>10 m and <=15 m 2.5

Greater than 15 m 3.0

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4.3.Conversion of One-way Streets

South Veli and East Veli Streets of the CBD are identified as highly congested. They
can be made as one-way streets, with the help of the parallel streets. Analysis was conducted
on the peak hour volume count made during morning and evening at South Veli, East Veli,
and their parallel streets South Marret and East Marret. From that the maximum peak hour
composition in each direction is found out and assigned to the roads by comparing their
capacities. As per the rules of Madurai Corporation buses are not permitted to operate on the
inner roads within the Veli streets. It is taken into consideration and the movement of buses
alone may be allowed through the Veli Street even after the conversion of those roads as one-
way streets. IRC Special Publication 43 (IRC SP: 43, 1990) permits the above situation. The
streets before and after the introduction of one-way streets are shown in Fig. 2 and Fig .3.

Fig. 2 Before Introduction of One-way Streets in Madurai CBD

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Fig. 3 After Introduction of One-way Streets in CBD

After the conversion of the existing two-way streets to one-way streets the reduction
in the V/C Ratio and improvement in the whole network was studied. By running the Avenue
script and selecting the required LOS from the list, the links falling under that category will
be selected. This process (LOS = A) is shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4 Level of Service A

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4.4. Diversion of Traffic

Madurai LPA is divided in to two parts viz Madurai North and South by river Vaigai.
There are a number of bridges and causeways constructed across the river to establish good
connectivity. But the old Albert Victor Bridge (A.V.Bridge) and the newly constructed bridge
over the old Kalpalam causeway play a major role in handling the traffic. The old Kalpalam
causeway was closed after the construction of the new bridge and it is presently used as a
parking place for the tempos and other goods vehicles.

During the peak hours, the volume of traffic handled by both the bridges are
exceeding the capacities. As a TSM measure, it is decided to divert some of the traffic
movement through the old causeway. By considering the capacity of the causeway only
cycles and two-wheelers are taken for the diversion. The traffic from North to South Madurai
is assigned to the right link of the Kalpalam; similarly, the traffic from the South to North
Madurai is assigned to left link.

4.5. Parking Management

Parking management was selected as the next measure. As far as Madurai CBD is
concerned it is not an easy measure to ban parking, as it will lead to major local problems. So
parking may be permitted if the V/C ratios of the links are less then 0.8. It is specified as the
design capacity for urban roads as per IRC: 106-1990. Recommendations are made for
restricting parking only when the links are identified as highly congested.

After the application of parking management, the LOS improved rapidly. Analysis
shows that reduction in parking width will reduce the traffic congestion. The effect on V/C
ratio for the important roads due to this measure is presented in Table 2.

Table 2 Effect on V/C Ratio due to Parking Restriction

Road Before Parking After Parking

Restriction Restriction

West Chithirai Street 0.57 0.52

Kamarajar Road 1.21 0.79

Amman Sannathi Street 0.68 0.63

East Veli Street 0.98 0.51

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4.6. Effect of New Links

To control future traffic problems inside the Madurai LPA, the Corporation of
Madurai had decided to construct three ring roads in and around Madurai, namely outer,
intermediate and inner ring roads. The outer ring road running through the outer edge of the
LPA is under construction and is expected to be finished by the year 2003. The intermediate
and inner ring roads planned to be constructed inside the LPA are yet to commence. So only
the effect of outer ring road is taken for the study. It is connecting six major arterial roads
running out from Madurai. The diversion of traffic during the peak hour in different years
from these roads is predicted from the overall diversion given per day in CTTS report (CTTS
Report, 1997) with the assumption of 12 percent peak hour flow.

New traffic volume on each link is the difference between the projected traffic and the
diverted traffic. Two wheelers are not considered for the diversion of traffic during peak
hours. Due to this measure, the V/C ratio on NH-7 (Thirunelveli Road) is greater than one.
This is due to heavy truck movement and higher population density along this road.

4.7. Overall Improvement

The effect on V/C ratio and LOS for the entire city road network due to application of
each TSM measures is studied using the avenue program. Suitable coding is written in the
avenue to take care of entire road network. Overall V/C ratio of the CBD road network is
calculated using the formula:

∑V i * Li
Overall V/C Ratio = i =1

i =1
i * Li

where Vi = Volume of traffic in link i in PCU/hr

Li = Length of the link i in km
Ci = Capacity of the link i in PCU/hr

The effect on overall V/C ratio for the entire city road network due to One-way
streets, Parking Management System and Diversion of Traffic is presented in Table 3.
Analysis shows that the overall V/C ratio is less than 0.81 for the present condition. But for

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the year 2007 the overall V/C ratio is greater than 1.15. Hence the long-term TSM measures
such as widening of roads and construction new roads may be implemented to reduce the
congestion in the future.

Table 3. Effect on V/C Ratio Before and After Application of TSM Measures

Effect for the year 2002 Effect for the year 2007
TSM Measures
Before After Before After

One-way Street 0.94 0.74 1.89 1.15

Parking Restriction 1.02 0.81 2.14 1.45

Diversion of Traffic 1.24 0.80 2.74 1.79

The overall improvement made in the LOS after the applications of all the measures is
studied, by giving weightage to the length of the links. The LOS offered on each link before
and after the application of TSM measures are represented in the form of colour-coded maps.
These colour coded maps help the planner in choosing the roads has to be considered for the
upgradation in the present and for the future traffic conditions. The effect on LOS for the year
2002 before and after application of all TSM measures is shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6.

Fig. 5 Level of Service in CBD before Application of TSM Measures

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Fig. 6 Level of Service in CBD after Application of TSM Measures (2002)

5. Conclusions

Various feasible TSM measures are applied for the improvement of each link to
facilitate efficient traffic movement. TSM studies for the Madurai Local Planning Area are
effectively carried out using Arc/VIEW. The overall improvement of the network is studied
after the application of various TSM measures. The following are the major conclusions:

1. The parallel streets South Veli and South Marrat, East Veli and East Marrat are made as
one-way streets to study the effect. Due to introduction of one-way streets, the V/C ratio
decreases from 0.94 to 0.74 for the present condition and 1.89 to 1.15 for the year 2007

2. The bi-cycle and two wheeler operations through the A.V. Bridge and the New bridge
have to be diverted through the Old Kalpalam, to reduce the congestion on the bridges
and to segregate the traffic flow

3. By considering the heavy congestion, parking management measures are applied to all the
links. Due to parking management measures, the V/C ratio decreases for the whole
network from 1.02 to 0.81 during the year 2002 and 2.14 to 1.45 for the year 2007

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4. Due to restriction of fast moving vehicles such as car, jeep and vans during peak hours,
the V/C ratio decreases from 1.02 to 0.71 for the present condition and 2.14 to 1.26 for
the year 2007

5. The measures applied to the CBD road network hold good for the present traffic
condition. But for the future conditions an urgent need for long-term measures is
indicated. Congestion alleviation can be achieved through speeding up of projects such as
ring roads, shifting of market place, etc.

6.0 References

1. CTTS Report (Comprehensive Traffic and Transportation Study) for Madurai Local
Planning Area (1997), Department of Town and Country Planning, Regional Office,
2. http://www.esri.com
3. IRC SP: 43, (Indian Roads Congress), (1990), Guidelines on Low - Cost Traffic
Management Techniques for Urban Areas, Indian Road Congress, New Delhi.
4. IRC: 106 (Indian Roads Congress), Guidelines for Capacity of Urban Roads in Plain
Areas (1990), Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi.
5. Moses Santhakumar, S., and Samson Mathew, (1998), Proceedings on Advanced
Computer Applications in Transportation Engineering and Planning (ACATE), Regional
Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli.
6. PC ARC/INFO User Guide, ESRI, 1994.
7. R2V for windows 9X and NT User’s Mannual, Able Software Corp., 1998.
8. Using Arc/VIEW – GIS, ESRI, User’s Mannual, 1996.
9. Using AVENUE, ESRI, User’s Mannual, 1996
10. Venkateswaralu, B., (1996), Unpublished P. G. Thesis Report on Comprehensive
Measures to Relieve Traffic Congestion along Arterials, Regional Engineering College,

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