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Stanley R.


1909, 5:485-487. J. Biol. Chem.
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(From the Shefield Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry, Yak i7Gucrsity.y.
(Received for publication, December 18, 1908.)
It has already been shown that the hydroxides of the alkali
metals have a greater destructive action upon dextrose and
various other carbohydrates than have the carbonates, and in
accordance with this fact, a copper-containing solution in which
the alkalinity is secured by sodium carbonate makes a more deli-
cate and specific test for the detection of dextrose than does a
copper solution which contains sodium hydroxide.
A reagent
of this nature, containing copper sulphate, Rochelle salt, and
sodium carbonate, was suggested in a previous paper.2 This
reagent affords a delicate test solution for dextrose, but it has
the disadvantage common to so many of the alkaline copper
solutions, viz: that after mixing, it rapidly deteriorates and soon
becomes useless for detecting small quantities of sugar. For this
reason it seemed desirable to obtain a solution in which the alka-
linity is secured by carbonate, and which shall at the same time
be permanent after mixing.
Rochelle salt is the constituent of the alkaline copper solutions
which undergoes change upon standing, and forms products which
cause a spontaneous reduction of the solution. As a substitute
for the tartrate we may (theoretically) use any aliphatic com-
pound which carries two or more OH radicals, and which is in
itself incapable of reducing the copper at a boiling temperature.
Substances in great number and variety have been proposed in
the literature as substitutes for the Rochelle salt in Fehlings
In the present case, where the alkalinity is to be secured
by carbonate, it was found that none of the substances usually
employed could be used with advantage. Thus glycerol and
mannite almost always carry sufficient reducing substance as
1 Benedict: This Journal iii, p. IOI, 1907.
2Benedict: lot. cit.
impurity to affect the carbonate reagent, even where there is
not enough present to reduce Fehlings f%.iid.
Citric L&d (in the form of its salts)&ould, from the theoretical
point of view, be capable of hokding cupfic hydroxide in solution
in an alkaline mcd ium. Upon practical test it hasheen found to
be a most satisfactory substance for tllis purpose. The follow=
ing formula yields a satisfactory reagent f
Copper Sulphatc (pure crystalliecd). . . . . . . . . 17.3 grams.
Sodium Citrate. *. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . I . 173.0 (
Sodium Carbonate (anhydrous). . . . . . . . . . . 100.0 (
Distilled Water.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to 1000.0
With the aid of heat dissolve the sodium citrate and carbonate
in about 600 cc. of water. Pour (through a folded filter if nec-
essary) into a graduate and make up to 850 cc.
Dissolve the
copper sulphate in about IOO cc. of water and make up to ISO
cc. Pour the carbonate-citrate solution into a large beaker or
casserole and add the copper sulphate solution slowly, with con-
stant stirring. The mixture is ready for use.
This reagent is more sensitive to dextrose either in pure solu-
tion or in urine than is Fehlings fluid, is not reduced by uric
acid (or appreciably by chloroform, chloral, or formaldehyde),
and appears to suffer no deterioration on standing. The solu-
tion is not caustic and may be kept in cork or glass stoppered
bottles. Samples of this solution prepared somewhat over a
year ago appear to be in as good condition, in every respect,
as when freshly prepared.
These were kept in partially filled,
uncolored glass bottles, exposed to light, heat, etc. A recent
examination of these samples showed that not only had they
undergone no spontaneous reduction, but that no sign of reduc-
tion or other alteration occurred upon heating for twenty-four
hours in a bath of boiling water.
(The heating was not con-
tinued longer.) Fehlings solution, freshly prepared and mixed,
subjected to this treatment showed a marked precipitation of
cuprous oxide after three hours heating, and this precipitate
increased continuously during the subsequent heating.
r The ordinary sodium citrate of the drug trade appears to be sufficiently
pure for use in this reagent.
An examination of several samples pur-
chased in the open market failed to reveal the presence of objectionable
Stanley R. Benedict
The following points may be mentioned in connection with the
use of this reagent. No strongly dehydrating substance (such
as potassium hydroxide) is present; hence upon reduction this
solution is more apt to yield the hydrated oxides than is Fehlings
solution. Thus the reduction product is frequently yellow or
green, rather than red, as in Fehlings test. The rcagcnt is not
dark colored, like the hydroxide-containing solutions, and even
the slightest precipitates may readily be observed without wait-
ing for them to settle. For general work the solution is used
just as is Fehlings fluid, save that it is desirable to continue the
boiling for from one to two minutes, and then let the tube cool
The following is the procedure for the detection of dextrose
in the urine. To about 5 CC. of the reagent in a test tube are
added 8 (not more) drops of the urine to be examined. The
fluid is then heated to boiling, kept at this temperature for from
one to two minutes, and allowed to cool spontauzeously. In the
presence of dextrose the entire body of the solution will be filled with
a precipitate, which may be red, yellow, or green. If the amount
of dextrose is small, the precipitate forms only upon cooling. If
no dextrose is present the solution either remains absolutely
clear, or a very faint turbidity, due to precipitated urates, may
be apparent.
Even small quantities of dextrose in urine (0.1
per cent) yield precipitates of surprising bulk with this reagent,
and the positive reaction consists in the filling of the entire body
of the solution with a precipitate so that the solution becomes
opaque. Since bulk, rather than color, of the precipitate is
made the basis of the reaction, this test may be applied, even
for the detection of small quantities of dextrose, as readily in
artificial, as in daylight. Urines containing 0.08 per cent dex-
trose give a very positive reaction with this test. Fehlings
solution requires the presence of about o. I 2 per cent of dextrose
in urine to yield an equally positive test.
It is hoped to present a later paper in which certain other appli-
cations of this reagent will be discussed, including its employ-
ment in quantitative processes.

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