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Lagoon Beach Hotel, Milnerton, Cape Town

Design of Learning Space
& Digital Teaching
ethodologies to Enhance
Student Perform
I ns pi r i ng mi nds



A South African and
Norwegian Partnership
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Deon Halls, Marian Theron, Tim Golding and Pieter Bruwer
Opening welcome to the conference Speaker 1
Marian Theron
eLearning Manager
False Bay College, South Africa
Marian was a lecturer at Technikon Pretoria now Tshwane
University of technology (TUT) for 14 years in the Department
of Hospitality Management. During this time she enrolled into
the Partners@work programme and became an eLearning
practitioner within her department. She joined False Bay
College in 2008 as the eLearning manager, responsible for the
implementation of eLearning strategies and activities across
fve campuses and also holds the position of Open Learning
Centre (OLC) manager. Marian is enthusiastic and optimistic
about the application of technology and innovation in teaching
and learning and the vast opportunities it holds for the
enrichment of courses. She has published several articles on
the implementation of eLearning in the FET sector in the FET
College Times.
Presenters: DAY 1 Wednesday, 10

September 2014
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Opening welcome to the conference Speaker 2
Deon Halls
Academic Manager of the IT Department
College of Cape Town, South Africa
Deon has spent most of his 21 years in education
in the FET feld. He was instrumental in the inception and
development of the IT Department at the college and introduced
the Cisco Networking Academy Programme to the college
13 years ago. He was also instrumental in the implementation of
the Microsoft IT Academy and the Cape Peninsula University of
Technology IT Level 5 Programme. Deon takes a keen interest in
eLearning and new educational technologies and several of his
articles have been published in the FET College Times.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Opening welcome to the conference Speaker 3
Timothy-Scott Golding
eLearning manager,
Haugaland Upper Secondary School, Norway
Tim has an engineering degree (electrical) from Auckland
University (1989). He has worked with computers and computer
aided design (CAD) at various electrical companies and oil
installations in NZ before moving to Norway in 1992. Tim
has been teaching at his present college, Haugaland upper
secondary college since 1993 where he has been responsible
for the developing and teaching of the colleges eLearning
curriculum for the frst year students as well as teaching CAD
to the construction and mechanical students. He is now a head
of department responsible for the further implementation of
ICT in the college and the training of the teaching staff in the
pedagogical use of ICT. Recently he has been involved with
Rogaland county instructing teachers from other colleges in the
district in the use of screen capture and how this can improve
the students learning.
His role as lead ICT Integrator has been to train teachers and
learners, design courses, research the latest trends, promote
eLearning, blended learning and 21st century skills, amongst
other things.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Opening welcome to the conference Speaker 4
Pieter Bruwer
CEO, Future Managers
Pieter is the CEO of Future Managers (Pty) Ltd,
one of the leading developers and publishers of learning
material for FET Colleges throughout South Africa.
Pieter previously lectured and examined extensively on
Entrepreneurship and Business Management at FET Colleges
and has co-authored a number of successful books on
Entrepreneurship. His academic qualifications include a BA
in Education, BA Honours and an MBA from the University of
Stellenbosch Business School.
For the last two years he has been the driving force of all the
processes that have enabled Future Managers to integrate new
technology with best education practice. This has resulted in
the development of an ever-growing range of enriched eBooks
for FET colleges. The first ever educational App in South Africa
for tablets and cell phones was launched by Future Managers
in September 2012, followed quickly by an educational App for
laptops and PCs. He is currently exploring latest technology to
bring learning to life and cognitive thinking to the lecturer room.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Councillor Xanthea Limberg
Mayoral Committee Member for Corporate Services
Ofcial Opening and Welcome
By the age of 17, Xanthea had lived in four cities, two
countries and had attended seven schools. After matriculating
from Abotts College in Durbanville, Xanthea went on to study
at the University of Cape Town where she majored in Politics and Public Policy.
At 17 she joined the Independent Democrats as a volunteer in their Woodstock
ofces and later entered the Independent Democrats internship programme.
Xanthea was then promoted to Assistant Researcher at National Parliament.
2009 saw Xantheas election to Youth President of the Young Independent
Democrats, and by the age of 22 she was ranked tenth on the Independent
Democrats list for National Parliament, making her the youngest nominee at
the time. Xanthea was then appointed as Researcher and Speechwriter for the
Western Cape Provincial Legislature.
In 2011, at the age of 24, Xanthea was elected as a PR Councillor for the
Democratic Alliance and allocated to Ward 9, serving the Bellville South
community. This was followed by tenures on the Economic Development,
Environment, Spatial Planning Energy and Climate Change Portfolio Committees
Xanthea was most recently appointed as the Mayoral Committee Member for
Corporate Services Directorate, which supports all the internal workings of the
Citys administration.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Liz Waller
Deputy Director for Information and Head of Information
Services at the University of York, United Kingdom
Keynote speaker: Creating Flexible Learning Spaces for the
future student.
Liz Waller is Deputy Director for Information and Head of Information Services at
the University of York. She took up this post in 2009.
An English graduate from Leeds University with an MA from Leeds Polytechnic,
she has over 23 years experience of library work in the Higher Education sector.
Lizs expertise encompasses information literacy and graduate skills, supported
by a teaching fellowship at Leeds Metropolitan University. Liz has published
widely on skills development and space planning. She transferred to York from
the post of Head of Public Service Strategy at the University of Leeds, where
she was responsible for Customer Services, Marketing and Estates Planning,
refurbishing the Health Sciences Library there in 2007 and 2008.
At York, Liz leads the Information Services Team and in 2012 completed the
extensive refurbishment and extension to the University Library. Her current areas
of interest include Research Data Management. A member of the SCONUL User
Experience and Success Strategy Group, Liz led the 2013 SCONUL Building Awards.
Technology permeates our lives, no less so those of the students we support.
The question is how we as information professionals should respond to this?
Lizs presentation will examine the context in which libraries operate in the
early part of the 21st century and how this impacts library space design. She
will highlight the move to technology-enabled learning spaces in the United
Kingdom Higher Education sector, drawing on statistical trends in learning space
development and exemplars of recent best practice amongst SCONUL libraries
in the UK. Her session will incorporate rich visuals and a virtual tour around the
fnest UK Higher Education library developments over the past few years.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Pieter Bruwer
CEO, Future Managers
Going mobile: A Visual Experience of How Lecturers can Utilize
eLearning Assets to Complement Traditional Teaching Methods
Pieter is the CEO of Future Managers (Pty) Ltd, one of the leading developers and
publishers of learning material for FET Colleges throughout South Africa.
Pieter previously lectured and examined extensively on Entrepreneurship
and Business Management at FET Colleges and has co-authored a number of
successful books on Entrepreneurship. His academic qualifications include a
BA in Education, BA Honours and an MBA from the University of Stellenbosch
Business School.
For the last two years he has been the driving force of all the processes that
have enabled Future Managers to integrate new technology with best education
practice. This has resulted in the development of an ever-growing range of
enriched eBooks for FET colleges. The first ever educational App in South Africa
for tablets and cell phones was launched by Future Managers in September
2012, followed quickly by an educational App for laptops and PCs. He is currently
exploring latest technology to bring learning to life and cognitive thinking to the
lecturer room.
Pieter Bruwer, CEO of Future Managers, will be presenting a host of e-book
enrichment assets to enhance learning in the classroom.
With his guided expertise he will demonstrate examples of the awesome power
of technology to elevate learning and inspire interest, not only amongst students,
but also lecturers who may have fallen into a teaching rut. It will also be useful for
anyone who may be intimidated or feel overwhelmed by new technologies. The
ease of use of these new tools and the power they have to engage students and
complement traditional teaching methods to reinforce learning will be apparent.
Using a mobile device, he will demonstrate how easy it is to incorporate tools
that transcend all barriers to learning. Tools that engage the senses, reinforce
learning, teach by example, entertain, inspire cognitive thinking and make the
classroom a fun, practical and exciting place to be.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Dr. Rick van Sant
Designing Education for the Global Decade of Challenge
Dr Rick Van Sant is a Senior Educational Strategist with 30
years experience in Education. He is considered a global
expert in the evolution of technologically enhanced teaching
and learning. He has served as the Blackboard Corporations senior thought
leader working with governments, universities, and corporations around the
globe to develop and implement 21st century teaching and learning strategies.
He is a tenured full professor of education, and has served as an Associate
Provost, Dean of Education, Director of eLearning and Faculty Development at
Universities on three continents.
He led the national education reconstruction effort for El Salvador at the end of
their 14 year civil war, and has previously consulted with the governments of the
United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Mexico and the United States on
issues of online learning and eLearning.
The 21st Century has brought us foundational shifts in education. We are
all familiar with the hottest trends like Mobile Learning, MOOCs, Inverted
Classrooms, and even Simulations and Gamifcation. No doubt these are trends
worth paying attention to, but do they lie at the core of educational change in the
decade to come?
Join Dr Rick Van Sant as he delves deeper into the fve seismic shifts in education
that are redesigning the landscape of education across the world into the next
Take a journey into the future of education, which will be based on many of the
same principles of sustainability and community that are being designed and
deployed by architects, engineers, and social planners into our living, working
and entertainment spaces.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Panel discussion:
Technology-enhanced learning environments in the 21
Panel members:
Cassie Kruger (Principal, False Bay College)
Karin Hendricks (Deputy Principal, False Bay College)
Liz Waller (Deputy Director for Information and Head of
Information Services at the University of York, United Kingdom)
Trudi van Wyk (Director: Career Development & Open Learning:
Department of Higher Education and Training)
Alister Payne (Founder and Director: Cloud Education Solutions)
Dilawer Chogle (Academic Support Manager College of Cape
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Ann Michaelsen
Pedagogical development leader, Sandvika Upper Secondary
school, Norway
How Creating a Personal Learning Network (PLN) will Beneft
Your Students
Ann Michaelsen is a teacher and administrator at Sandvika High
School in Oslo, Norway, which was awarded the 2009 Pathfnder
school in the global Microsoft Partners in Learning Innovative
Education Forums. Ann presented at the same event held in South Africa in 2010.
In 2012 and 2013 she was recognized by Microsoft Partners in Learning as a
Global Hero in Education. Ann is an active writer of the blog: Teaching using
web tools, a platform for educators. A member of the 2013 Horizon Norway
Advisory Board and the 2014 Horizon Report Europe Advisory Board, Anne
has also co-authored and published Connected Learners: A Step-by-Step
Guide to Creating a Global Classroom, together with 27 high school students.
Her work has been featured by BBC News and published in the Italian
newspaper, Corriere della Sera.
The Internet is changing the way we learn, and in most countries will change
the way we organise our schools. Everyone involved in education needs to
understand how to shift from a traditional classroom to a technology-rich
We need teachers who know how the Internet can be used to learn and create.
This requires a whole new set of literacies, ones that deal not only with reading
and writing, but also collecting, creating, connecting, sharing, and sense-making.
We will examine the pedagogical shifts in education required to help students
develop as networked, self-directed learners and makers.
We can draw examples of how the use of Twitter and writing blogs can help
teachers build a Personal Learning Network and how to use this in their
classroom. Students should be active participants in school, involved in creating,
exploring and asking the right questions. We need to rethink how we organise
our classes and look beyond the textbooks. Many teachers are reluctant to
change. We will focus on how the use of a Personal Learning Network can
facilitate this and make the change easier for the teacher, and also how initiatives
like the Connected Educator Month in the USA, Australia, New Zealand and
Norway aim to get more teachers connected.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Chantelle Bosch
North West University, South Africa
The Potential of a Learning Management System to Enhance self-
Directed learning
Chantelle Bosch is an Advisor at the North West University (NWU)
which specialises in Information Technology in Education. She has been afliated
with the NWU since 2008 where she started her career as a lecturer in the faculty
of Educational Sciences. Chantelle completed her BEd in Natural Sciences at the
University of Pretoria in 2006. In 2008 she started her postgraduate journey at NWU
where she obtained her Honours degree in Computer Science Education in 2009.
In 2013 she concluded her Masters Degree in Computer Science Education under
the supervision of Prof Elsa Mentz and Dr Roelien Goed entitled: The potential of a
learning management system to enhance self-directed learning.
She is currently registered for her PhD in Computer Science Education, again under
the supervision of Prof Elsa Mentz and Dr Gerda Reitsma. The proposed title for this
study is: The infuence of cooperative learning in a blended learning environment on
intrinsic motivation. She hopes to complete this by 2015.
The use of Learning Management Systems (LMSs) in higher education institutions is
not new. However, there are a few problems concerning these systems. Educators
tend to apply traditional classroom ideas and pedagogy in computer-supported
eLearning environments, assuming that because these environments allow the
interaction that we see in the classroom, traditional pedagogy can be used. Although
most of the pedagogical principles that apply to the traditional classroom-delivery
method also apply to eLearning, the e-environment supports such interactions in a
different manner.
Traditional pedagogical principles should be adapted to accommodate the eLearning
environment and should form the very basis for inclusion of features in LMSs. These
principles should be integrated into the LMS, where every feature incorporated, is
accompanied by explicit guidelines on how to use the feature in such a way as to
produce pedagogically sound instruction and enhance student performance.
One way in which student performance can be improved, is by teaching them
to manage their own learning processes. In an educational context, this self-
management is known as self-directed learning (SDL). Thus, the aim of this paper is
to determine how an LMS can be used to enhance self-directed learning.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Karen Greyling
Pearsons Lecturer Education and Leadership Academy, SA
ICT in Education
Karen Greyling is part of a team at Pearson focusing on
teacher training and development, school turnaround projects, assessment and
testing services.
Karen studied Human Resources Management through Unisa and worked
for a number of years as a consultant to various organisations, focusing on
training and development. These relationships led to further writing projects
and a change in direction following the publication of various titles, including
Foundation Phase readers as well as school and college textbooks.
As Marketing and CSI Manager of the Learning Channel, Karen had the
opportunity to engage with teachers, learners and their educational materials.
She has also worked in co-operation with schools and teachers requiring support
and development. In her role at Pearson she has the opportunity to work
collaboratively on teacher and lecturer development through various training
and support initiatives. This is where she feels her most valuable and fulflling
contribution to South African Education lies.
Using tablets in TVET colleges can create a positive learning experience. Get a
taste of Pearsons ICT in Education course and discover how tablets can improve
independent learning, communication and collaboration.
Pearsons Lecturer Education and Leadership Academy offers tablet training
to assist lecturers in maximising the potential of the devices to create dynamic
teaching and learning experiences.
The training includes: how to integrate tablets to support creativity and learning,
where and how to access relevant resources and Apps and integrate them into
classroom activities, how to use tablets to enhance communication and create
media-rich content and how to plan pedagogically sound interactive learning
To help lecturers excel, Pearson offers a range of lecturer training courses
developed for TVET colleges. Our training courses provide practical content and
lecturer resources with a focus on active engagement.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Arno Hart
Ending Bandwidth Poverty at TVET Colleges
Arno Hart spearheads TENETs program, offering connectivity to TVET colleges around
South Africa. He started his telecommunications career at TENET, managing the Cape
Town TV White Spaces trial in partnership with Google. He is an economist who started
his career in economic development in the United States, followed by managing
infrastructure projects for a large American multinational engineering frm.
TENET is recognised as the National Research and Education Network (NREN) of South
Africa. It was created in August 2000 by the public universities of South Africa as the
organisational home of and vehicle for collaborative internetworking by universities,
science councils and associated support institutions.
The core of the NREN network that TENET operates is the South African National Research
Network (SANReN) that has been deployed over the past six years by the Meraka
Institute of the CSIR under contract to the Department of Science and Technology (DST).
The Tertiary Education and Research Network of South Africa (TENET) are currently
working with the TVET college community to form a non-proft company, similar to
TENET. The aim of this is to address bandwidth poverty at TVET colleges and campuses.
TENET was created in August 2000 by the public universities of South Africa to secure
Internet and Information Technology services for their beneft and their associated
research and support institutions.
The proposed new TENET for TVET colleges will be responsible for acquiring high
capacity access networks linking TVET colleges to the South African National Research
and Education Network (SANREN), managing connectivity and data services over those
networks, and securing national and international bandwidth on behalf of the member
TVET colleges.
South Africas TVET colleges are increasingly frustrated by a lack of ability to interconnect
their member campuses, and to connect their combined campus networks to a high
capacity and affordable Internet.
Most TVET colleges typically rely on a combination of ADSL and Diginet leased lines, as
well as satellite services, to provide connectivity to multiple campuses serving thousands
of students. Lately though, TVET colleges have begun exploring other opportunities, and
are reaching out to organisations like TENET and SANReN for a broader solution to their
Internet problems.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Mario Landman
Open Learning Group
Improving the Student Experience Through ICT: An integrated
Approach to Student Support in Distance Learning
Mario Landman oversees the operations management of the Open Learning
Group (OLG), an organisation that provides professional administrative and
logistics support to education and training institutions, optimising the delivery of
institutions academic programmes.
Landman also heads up the Institute of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
(ILSCM), a division of OLG. He holds a Master of Arts, Theory and Literature from
Unisa (2006) and recently completed a Doctorate in Technology and Language
Practice with the Tshwane University of Technology.
His career with OLG started in 2009 with his role as an Academic Quality Assurer.
He progressed to General Manager of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation
Department in 2011. It was here that he was able to drive and support the
programme planning and subsequent accreditation required for the logistics
and supply chain management programmes, currently presented by the ILSCM.
Landman has garnered a variety of skills during his career, including teaching,
eLearning platform development and building stakeholder relationships with
skills practitioners, educational institutions and regulatory bodies.
As head of the ILSCM, his vision is to offer quality assured, academic
programmes providing a holistic solution incorporating broader, academic and
non-academic student support. Two clear mandates for the ILSCM will be the
expansion of support that it offers its students and the publication of more
formal and informal research.
Landmans professional achievements include successfully registering OLG as a
Private Higher Education Institution with the Department of Higher Education
and Training, supervising the successful accreditation of four Higher Education
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
programmes and two Further Education and Training programmes with relevant
regulatory bodies, as well as serving on the OLG Academic Board.
The greatest obstacle in the success of any distance learning delivery model
relates to the distance, both perceived and geographic, between the institution
of learning and the learner.
While much has been done from an ICT perspective to put the distance student
in closer contact with the sources of learning, there is still room to explore the
benefts of utilising ICT to provide expanded student support, both academic and
This presentation aims frstly to defne what is meant by academic and non-
academic student support followed by a discussion on the integrated delivery
of a holistic support model for distance learning students. The model utilises
all readily available ICT components and focuses specifcally on reactive and
proactive communication strategies, incorporating SMSs, MMSs, and social media
postings to the utilisation of online platforms and telephonic interventions. The
aim here is to provide support utilising the right ICT components at the right time
so that distance learning students are not only drawn into an institutions sphere
of learning, but also its support and social spheres.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Mari Heyns
Helderberg College
The Continental Lecturer
Mari Heyns graduated from the North West University in
Potchefstroom in 2003 obtaining a BComm degree in Informatics and Economics.
In 2005 she earned her Post Graduate Certifcate in Higher Education at the
same university. 2009 saw Mari complete her studies in student assessment at
Rhodes University and in 2010 she graduated from the University of Stellenbosch
with an Honours Degree in BA Socio Informatics. For the past 10 years she has
been teaching at Helderberg Colleges Business Faculty (IT Department), and is
passionate about her work. Marie is also studying Mandarin with a view to one
day visiting China.
The challenges that small private colleges experience are numerous, often resulting
in their closure. Could a possible solution for struggling colleges be Continental
Lecturers? In this paper, the technology needed, approaches to synchronous vs
asynchronous delivery, associated timetable challenges, and competencies needed
by lecturers and students to become part of this model are discussed, in addition
to how private institutions can also beneft from this approach.
Each year enrolment declines as a result of high tuition fees. Because of
dwindling student numbers, colleges often cut programmes, announce layoffs
and dive deeper into debt. Parents of prospective students are uncertain if the
institution will still be in business by the time their children have to graduate,
which makes it increasingly difcult to attract new students.
Businesses have been able to cut down on general expenses, simply by applying
modern day technology like Skype and VoIP. What would happen if we transfer
this model to academia? This study shows how struggling private colleges could
be saved by implementing available technology. Continental Lecturers can boost
enrolment and in so doing, create a steady income and secure the future of the
institution. Various private colleges and universities in Africa (due to time zone
constraints) are included in this study.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Romeo Mabasa
Pearson, South Africa
MyLab South Africa
Romeo Mabasa is currently the Sales Director at Pearson South Africa looking
after the TVET Market. He has held numerous Management positions from IBM
and SAP among others. His passion lies in the Education sector from advisory to
systems implementation.
MyLab South Africa is an engaging, online revision tutorial designed to improve
student results through personalised and enhanced learning. It was specifcally
created for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges in
South Africa. Its features include:
Engaging videos and animation that bring subject matter to life in real-world
Content developed specifcally for the South African TVET curriculum;
An eBook that allows for note-taking and highlighting;
A unique whiteboard feature for classroom sharing.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Megan Verkuil
Capsule Technologies
Connecting the Unconnected The African Android Desktop
Megan Verkuil is the founder and CEO of Capsule Technologies and has initiated the
African Android Computer project. She has worked in the private and public sectors
abroad and has returned to South Africa after having obtained IT qualifcations and
a postgraduate Diploma in Management Studies from the London Metropolitan
Megans vision is to understand and solve the challenges experienced in Africa by
transforming life on the continent using technology. She is a true Africanist, and is
saddened by the fact that people do not support African technologies. According to
Megan, many institutions still prefer the European or American alternatives and are
not properly educated about the African technologies available.
Megan now spends most of her time fnding entrepreneurial solutions for societal
challenges. She currently manages projects in education, green technology and
bridging the digital divide.
Connecting the Unconnected Many global stakeholders are putting universal
Internet access on par with other basic human rights, which is why governments are
rolling out these services to their citizens at scale.
Given the transformative power of technology in many spheres of life, like education,
fnancial services and healthcare, connecting peoples homes could prove to be a
cornerstone for successful future service delivery by government. In order to provide
the last mile of connectivity into peoples living spaces, a much more affordable
device ecosystem needs to be created.
The solution rather than the focus on the device itself: lies in the creation of an
entire ecosystem. This would look at the design, development, manufacturing,
distribution, maintenance and skills development of an African Android Desktop
computer product range.
The real second life Our solution offers interplay between hardware and software
components from an environmental and job creation point of view in order to
provide a more sustainable foundation for local economic development.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Dr. Verona Leendertz
North West University, South Africa
Metamorphism of the Learning Space to Captivate Digital
Verona Leendertz is currently a post-Doctoral student at the Faculty of Economic
Sciences and IT at the Vaal Triangle Campus of the North West University. She
was Head of Department at Pacaltsdorp Primary School and taught Mathematics
and Technology for 17 years in George in the Western Cape.
After completing her MEd degree on The Pedagogical Use of ICTs for Teaching
and Learning within Grade Eight Mathematics in South African Schools, Verona
was awarded a PhD Sol Plaatje scholarship to study fulltime at the North
West University in Potchefstroom. In 2012 she was on a CIMO PhD exchange
programme at the Faculty of Computer Sciences of the University of Eastern
Finland. For her PhD research she developed, standardised and validated an
instrument which can be used in various contexts.
Additionally the PhD research developed guidelines for the professional
development of Mathematics teachers for the pedagogical use of information
and communication technology in open distance learning.
In 2013 she worked as an academic advisor of Academic Development and
Support at the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University. Her work
there involved curriculum design and assessment as well as supporting and
developing Mathematics lecturers in online and blended environments.
Her interests include professional development, survey development, and
conceptualisation of research, statistical analysis, research support, web design,
curriculum development and assessment.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
The infux and precipitous dissemination of digital technologies are forcing
Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) to embrace digital technologies and create
ubiquitous environments to captivate the digital natives. However, in spite of
this reality check, lecturers at HEIs are fundamentally digital immigrant teachers
and novices in applying appropriate methodologies to create learning spaces to
engage digital natives.
The question is How can HEIs equip lecturers to design a learning space which
reduces the digital native/immigrant divide and simultaneously achieve the
programme outcomes?
This presentation refers to how the application of an on-campus framework for
Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) within the Learning Management System at
the North West University was used to design a training model for lecturers to
foster an interactive learning environment to captivate digital natives and achieve
programme outcomes.
The proposed training model encompasses: situation analysis, orientation,
design, support, application and evaluation through numerous face-to-face
sessions and workshops.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Marc Vliestra and Kirsty Chadwick
The Training Room Online
Bio Mark Vliestra:
Marc Vlietstra is an Instructional Designer at The Training Room Online (TTRO),
where he designs and develops online learning experiences.
Originally from the Netherlands, Marc has worked as a freelance educational
consultant in the roles of designer, coach and trainer in corporate and
educational environments. As a developer, Marc has created modules for
companies, training agencies and various universities, ranging from single
workshops and full courses, to whole curricula.
Marc has a Masters of Science Degree in Strategic Human Resource Management.
He has also worked as a trainer and lecturer at Fontys Applied University, as part
of the Faculty of Human Resource Management & Psychology. At 25 Marc started
his own company as an educational consultant.
Marc is an avid gamer, which has inspired him immensely within his work. He
has even developed a supply chain management gamifcation project for an
international company in the Netherlands.
Bio Kirsty Chadwick:
With over 20 years experience in the feld of education, Kirsty has spoken
internationally on re-inventing education and training through the creative use of
technology and blended learning systems.
She plays a vital role in new business development, key account management
and the international expansion of The Training Room Online.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Zania Van Niekerk
MacMillan, South Africa
Understanding ebooks
Zania van Niekerk entered the world of education in the eLearning environment
in 2009 as a project manager, implementing various types of technology into
classrooms. She has since been involved with interactive technology and recently
joined Macmillan as their Digital Consultant.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Tatiana Sango
Pearson, South Africa
Test and Improve
Tatianas experience lies in publishing, learning technology, corporate training,
material development, project management, marketing, teaching and lecturing.
Her 12-years of experience in the publishing industry has ranged from
newspaper to textbook publishing and the design and delivery of educational
projects. Prior to joining Pearson, Tatiana lectured Mathematics, Information
Systems and Project Management, and more recently gained experience in
Professional Development and Assessment solutions design and management.
She has a Master of Science in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and a Master
of Science in Operations Research.
An effective diagnostic assessment programme for Maths and English at NCV
Levels 2, 3 and 4.
Being able to identify the skills gaps of students will help to make learning more
personalised and effective. Test and Improve is a targeted diagnostic assessment
programme designed to help improve student results at TVET colleges.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Presenters: DAY 2 Thursday, 11

September 2014
Malcolm Seegers
Macmillan, South Africa
Tips For Making M-Learning A Reality In Your Classroom
Malcolm Seegers has a software development background.
He worked for nine years in the education feld in the Western Cape, where he
was engaged in various eLearning projects, both assessing the value of different
technologies in the classroom, and managing eLearning implementations.
Subsequently, Malcolm spent a number of years as an independent IT consultant
in the corporate feld. Subsequently, he returned to education and is now the
digital publisher at Macmillan South Africa.
Lecturers are regularly encouraged to push the boundaries and use mobile
technology in their classroom. This can be a big challenge for many. Where to
start? Who can help? This presentation will cover some tips for lecturers who
want to make M-Learning a success in their classroom.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Ann Michaelsen
Pedagogical development leader, Sandvika Upper Secondary
school, Norway
Creating a Global Classroom
Ann S. Michaelsen is a teacher and administrator at Sandvika
High School in Oslo Norway. Sandvika high school was
Norways 2009 Pathfnder school in the global Microsoft
Partners in Learning Innovative Education Forums, and Ann presented at the
same event in South Africa 2010.
She has been recognized by Microsoft Partners in Learning as a Global Hero
in Education in August 2012 and June 2013. She is an active writer of the blog
Teaching using web tools where she offers advice to fellow educators. She
was on the 2013 Horizon Norway Advisory Board and the 2014 Horizon
Report Europe Advisory Board. In 2013 she wrote the book Connected Learners:
A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Global Classroom with 27 high school
students. Her work has been featured by BBC News and Italys newspaper
The Corriere della Sera.
The presentation covers all the basic topics needed to start collaborating across
networks and developing profciency with the tools of technology. It challenges
the myth of all students being digital natives. The talk will look at the 21st century
skills that students need to master.
Many examples will be from the book Connected Learners: A Step-by-Step
Guide to Creating a Global Classroom. As a classroom teacher, you cannot
create your own educational system. However, you can change what is going on
in your classroom. The workshop will show how one can help students become
connected leaners. The goal is for teachers and students to be able to model a
true learner centered environment! It is a way to make students voices count.
Student participation means letting the students make the important decisions,
like what to learn and how to learn it. When students are able to create their
own learning they take ownership of the content and have a better sense of what
needs to be done, and what mastery looks like.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
D2P4 (Video Conference)
Marci Powell
Global director for education and training Polycom
Innovative Global Trends and Best Practices for Designing Todays
Video-Enabled Learning Spaces
Marci Powell is Global Director for Education & Training at Polycom and Chair
Emerita and Past President of the United States Distance Learning Association
(USDLA). Powell is an industry expert in the feld of educational technology and
telecommunications with extensive experience in applications related to lifelong
learning and innovation.
Powell began her career as a classroom teacher and has served as an administrator
at various educational institutions. With over 20 years of educational leadership Marci
shares global best practices and trends as a fellow educator and futurist through her
keynote addresses and serves as an advisor to public and private sectors worldwide.
Most recently, Marci was recognized by the European Distance and eLearning
Network (EDEN) as an EDEN Fellow, an honour reserved for those the association
believes are distinguished leaders in distance and eLearning across Europe.
In 2012, Marci was inducted into the USDLA Hall of Fame and in 2011, the Texas
Distance Learning Association (TxDLA) Hall of Fame. Marci currently serves on
the USDLA Board of Directors, the International Council for Open and Distance
Education (ICDE) High Level Advisory Board, and The Learning Consortium Thought
Leaders group.
With an accelerated demand for a broad and rounded knowledge base that
equips citizens with skills for a new economy and a worldwide push to increase
student performance, we must strategically plan how to address education and
training needs. By focusing on the design aspect within an educational context,
we can transform our learning environments and incorporate digital teaching
methodologies that meet the demands of the 21st century.
Lets examine what these new spaces look like and how they are being designed both
physically and pedagogically to provide students with greater access and a highly
personalized learning experience that equips them for their future.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Adrian Ziller
Executive Dean: The African eLearning Academy
The Class of 2025: Teaching in a World Where There is No Box
Adrian is an exceptional speaker who specialises in the subject
of modern learning techniques and people development. He is a gifted Learning
Experience Designer and has a talent for inspiring creativity and out-of-the-box -thinking
in his audience. Having divided his time between his two passions, education and
the entertainment industry, Adrian has a distinct style that is highly engaging, always
entertaining, and pushes boundaries in conventional education thinking.
Adrian has an Honours degree in Classical Culture and a Bachelor of Humanities,
majoring in Anthropology. He has a distinctive understanding of the human species and
its development over time; an understanding he puts to great use in developing relevant,
inspirational and above all useful training interventions, customised to the specifc
audience he facilitates.
Adrian has spent the last 16 years in the education space and has trained at every level of
the education system: from school level, technicon (FET), and at universities, but has found
his calling in adult education and eLearning. He has facilitated the personal development
of literally thousands of delegates over the years and still loves what he does.
He is the Executive Dean of The African e-Learning Academy, a division of Kalleo People
Group and drive innovation across the group.
Technology is changing the face of education at an unprecedented rate. Technologies
that were only invented a few years ago are now endemic to everyday life; in fact it
would be hard to imagine life without many of them. There was a time we confscated
cellphones from our learners for playing on them. Now, in many classes around the
world, the cellphone is how the learners access content.
Schools and teachers are already faced with classrooms flled with technology natives.
These learners discovered how to use an iPad before they could read, walk or even talk.
Technology is an extension of their self-concept; its part of who they are.
The class of 2025 will be even further down this path. How can we prepare for that
which we cannot predict or even hope to explain? What can we do today to start the
process of learning in a technology-focused world?
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Vusi Maseko
South West Gauteng College
My Class in my Pocket
Vusi Maseko is a Senior Education Specialist at South West
Gauteng College (SWGC). He studied Electrical Engineering at Ahmadu Bello
University, Nigeria and specialised in Educational Management (BED Hons) with
Vusi lectured Industrial Electronics for many years and is involved in the national
examinations for Electronic Control and Digital Electronics. He established the
Department of Information and Communication Technology at George Tabor
Campus, South West Gauteng College when NCV courses were introduced in 2007.
He was on an ICT Study Visit to South Korea in 2009 and in 2010 was seconded
to Holland to share best practices currently used for vocational education.
He is currently conducting research entitled: The Ubiquitous Class, Impact of
Implementation of Tablets at SWGC and, Teaching and Learning Beyond 2016. Vusi
also is also the College Social Media Manager and its eLearning Project Manager.
The new generation of learners today acquire knowledge differently from the way
it was received 80 years ago. These digital natives love information; information is
their currency, their life! They trade information every second of their lives and they
are always on the go with information. These digital natives prefer to be engaged
24/7/365. There is no end to their quest for knowledge.
Digital natives know no boundaries and learning is lifelong and seamlessly embedded
into their everyday social lives. They challenge the world to engage them, they seek
collaboration, are highly creative, love sharing and prefer accessible solutions.
Before the advent of mobile technologies, teachers could not meet the challenges
of continuously engaging 21st century learners. Improved connectivity and compact
design of smart devices has enabled learning to take place beyond the four walls of
a classroom. Mobile devices facilitate learning anywhere and at any time. There are
now no time constraints, no fxed schedules to follow; classroom interaction is via
discussion boards, webinars, chatrooms, VoIP and podcasts.
With Mobile Learning, all that students need are smart devices with Internet
connectivity, to have their class in their pockets!
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Arne Hland
Lecturer, Haugaland Upper Secondary school, Norway
Google+ Practical Use in a Classroom
Arne is currently working as an ICT teacher at Haugaland upper secondary
school. Before that he was employed by the major companies ABB and YIT,
spending the last ten years as a project manager.
He has a technical degree in IT (low current), and in recent years has taken his
teaching diploma.
Local storage of data on students computers has been the usual practice for a
long time. At Haugaland Upper Secondary School we asked: What if we were to
take EVERYTHING out in the cloud? This was something we wanted to try!
In autumn 2013, we introduced and implemented all Google+ applications in
the classroom. This includes Google Hang Outs, forms, calendars, docs, sheets,
sharing, collaborative writing, circles and groups.
The presentation features the practical experiences, addressing both drawbacks
and advantages. Follow this exciting journey for both students and teachers
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Pieter Bruwer
CEO, Future Managers, South Africa
Navigating eBooks on a Tablet
Pieter is the Chief Executive Ofcer of Future Managers (Pty) Ltd, one of the
leading developers and publishers of learning material used by FET Colleges
throughout South Africa. He has been the driver of all the processes that have
enabled the company to integrate new technology with best education practice.
This has resulted in a range of hands-on lecturer support, downloadable from
the Future Managers website and Future Managers App store (to be launched
early September 2012). It offers App-enriched ebooks with embedded videos,
PowerPoint slideshows, test papers, quizzes, case studies and links to websites,
Wikipedia, online dictionaries and glossaries.
Pieter was a former lecturer and examiner on Entrepreneurship and Business
Management at an FET College. He has co-authored many top selling books on
Entrepreneurship. His academic qualifcations include a BA in Education, BA
Honours and an MBA from the University of Stellenboschs Business School.
Anyone wishing to learn more on how to use an eBook on your tablet, should
attend this practical interactive demonstration. Using the free eBook N1
Electrical Trade Theory, Pieter Bruwer will demonstrate how to navigate and
make the most of the interactive elements. He will also explain why eBooks are
so useful for lecturing and discuss the practical implications for colleges such as,
how will a college purchase eBooks and download them.
Prior to the workshop, log in to the Future Managers App (already downloaded
on your conference tablet) using your email address you registered to attend the
conference and your Surname01 as your password, for example if your surname
is Smit then the password would be Smit01. Once logged into the App, choose
the North South ICT TVET conference 2014 category and download the free
eBook assigned to you!
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Alan Goldberg
Digicape, South Africa
Its not about the technology its about the teaching!
Alan grew up in Johannesburg, left South Africa in his late teens and
spent the frst 20 years of his working life as a lighting and stage set designer in Rock &
Roll and theatre, working with clients as diverse as Genesis, Slade, Duran Duran, Cameo
and Joan Armatrading.
Having fully contemplated the horrors of what it might be like to be a 60 year old
itinerant, he left the road and embraced his other love, Macintosh computers, starting
out as a trainer for SAMS Apple Centres in the UK, the largest Apple dealership in the UK
at the time, graduating to country Technical Support Manager.
Following democratic elections in South Africa he returned and set up the countrys frst
ofcial Apple Centre. As Director for Education Development at Digicape, South Africas
largest independent Apple Premium Reseller, he has spent 15 years working with the
countrys tertiary institutions, and with the rise in popularity of Apple equipment in
South Africa, he has dedicated the past fve years to working with schools to assist them
in realising the potential that using Apple technology in the classroom affords.
Since the introduction of the iPad, many schools have been firting with the idea of
introducing tablets into the classroom for a variety of reasons; affordability, portability,
connectivity, convenient textbook replacement the list goes on.
But the tablet is not a replacement for the traditional computer. This is not to say it is
limited far from it it is simply different. In many cases it is a superior device for use
in the classroom, but many educational establishments view it as a replacement for the
computer, and in so doing limit its power and functionality.
The presentation will address the point that its not about the apps and the tablet, but
its about how you use the device that that makes the iPad a transformative tool for
teaching and learning. I will be drawing on Reuben Puentaduras SAMR model, and that
the crux of any modern technology implementation should be to use IT as a service to
pedagogy, and not as the driving force behind any tablet implementation, referring to
the role of the school leader in any successful iPad implementation, using the TPACK
model as a reference.
The presentation will be part presentation, part demonstration.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Carol Dwyer
E-Developer False Bay College, South Africa
From Teacher to Instructional Designer
Carol was employed by False Bay College in 2009 as a full-time
lecturer in the Life Orientation Department. Here she was instrumental in designing the
Level 2 Life Orientation syllabus, content and activities, onto the Blackboard Learning
Management System. She has received training on and engaged actively with her
students using the Interactive Smart Board and provided training to other staff members
as required. She has been a National Examiner and has also co-authored the NCV Level 2
and Level 3 textbooks for the new syllabi for Life Orientation. She is a passionate lecturer
who appreciates what technology can achieve in the classroom and has used this to
make the learning experience for her students exciting, relevant and active.
In 2013, Carol moved from lecturing into the Education and Training Department of
False Bay College as a full time eLearning developer under the leadership of Marian
Theron. Her focus is now on developing online courses, encouraging, introducing and
training staff on the use of the Learning Management System and discovering new and
innovative ways to teach using technology.
Carol has recently received a scholarship from the Commonwealth of Learning to study
her Masters in Instructional Design through the Open University of Malaysia, which she
is currently busy with.
Is there any method to the madness when we teach? When I was a teacher we used to
laugh when people asked what our pedagogical style was in the classroom. Who has
time for that was the constant lament?
This year I have been introduced to the concept of instructional design and its
relationship to Learning Theories. From Behaviourism to Connectivism the theory is
about knowing what method to use that will best facilitate the learning process. Note the
word facilitate and not teach instructional design goes beyond the sage on the stage
and really starts to implement the concept of guide on the side.
My experience of lesson design and using technology for this has allowed me to offer
students a more rounded learning experience and also include them more actively in
the learning process. I want to take you on this journey as I describe the relevant new
learning theories, what works for me and how the world and our students have changed.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Philip Wyse
Avicii, South Africa
College Connect
Philip Wyse is managing director of Quantum Solutions, a South African company
he founded in 1995. A B.Com graduate of UNISA he has worked in diverse roles
from business analysis to software design and training.
His company has specialized in optical character recognition technologies for
many years and in 2008 was appointed sole distributor in sub-saharan Africa for
software used to manage student surveys and assessments in higher education.
In addition he has designed several add-on applications that enhance and extend
these products.
More recently, his focus has been directed towards cloud based solutions that
focus on integration of key technologies for higher education.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Beverley Wharton-Hood
Head of Learning Innovation: Post School Pearson, SA
Bringing Learning to Life: How Engaging Learning Resources
Support Practical Skills Development and Employability
Beverley Wharton-Hood grew up in Johannesburg. She studied at Wits University
where she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Higher Diploma in
She taught at Queens High School and Parktown High School for Girls for a
number of years before venturing into the world of Educational Publishing. She
has worked for Butterworth Publishers, Heinemann Publishers and has been with
Pearson Education for 14 years. She is currently Head of Learning Innovation at
Pearson and is responsible for creating innovative solutions that will help to solve
the biggest challenges facing higher and further education in South Africa.
Beverley has a special interest in eLearning technologies and learning analytics
as tools to improve the quality of teaching, learning and operational efciency.
Other areas of interest include mobile learning, the development of new learning
models and Blue Ocean Strategy methodology.
The goal of attaining meaningful post-schooling must be supported by the
development and sharing of well-designed, quality learning resources that build
on the expertise and experience of top-quality scholars and educators. Many
institutions using face-to-face instruction now incorporate extensive use of
resources designed to support learning.

Providing students with access to current and varied digital resources can
develop a deeper, more engaged understanding of a topic. As a result, students
learn through critical thinking, problem solving, and inquiry important skills for
college and work readiness.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
A substantial body of research shows that student-centered, active learning
strategies increase student learning and performance. Active learning is
associated with improved academic performance, increased engagement and
critical thinking, as well as better attitudes toward learning.
Lecturers can use instructional methods that encourage students to actively
engage with course material to increase their students overall course and school
engagement. Technology is an excellent way to do this. For example, lecturers
can (1) provide students with real-world, problem-solving opportunities, (2)
provide students with experimental methods for reaching a conclusion, (3) and
encourage students to think about and discuss learning activities during and after
a lesson.

TVET colleges need easy access to high quality, curriculum-based learning
resources that help lecturers to prepare engaging lessons and teach with
confdence. This will enable students to gain a better understanding of
the content and its practical application, improving their performance and
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Marylynne Coopasami
Lecturer Durban University of Technology, South Africa
Assessing Nursing Students Readiness For eLearning
Currently a lecturer at the Durban University of Technology, Marylynne has been
a lecturing in the faculty of Health Sciences for the past eight years. She has a
Masters Degree in Public Health. Her research focused on assessing eLearning
readiness amongst undergraduate nursing students. The research was important
to conduct because of the university shift from traditional classroom teaching to
an online environment.
This presentation journeys to the Indumiso campus of the Durban University
of Technology (DUT), nestled in a peri-urban area outside Pietermartizburg, the
capital of KwaZulu Natal. Here goats roam on the street, and billboards of soap,
and signposts of funeral parlours meet wireless networks, enabling nursing
students to study in residence.
It is the aim of the DUT to produce graduates who possess attributes such as
being active, refective, critical and creative thinkers who work independently
and collaboratively; who are effective communicators, and who are culturally,
environmentally and socially aware within a local and global context. To this end
the universitys academic management identifed eLearning as a key strategy
to facilitate the development of such citizens, and an eLearning strategy was
Taking its cues from this vision, this project aimed to assess frst year nursing
students eLearning readiness. A quasi-experimental interrupted time series
study design was used and data was collected using a validated questionnaire
before and after the intervention. The intervention consisted of exposure to
an eLearning classroom. The Chapnick Readiness Score Guide was used to
analyse psychological, technological and equipment readiness. Results and
recommendations will be discussed during this presentation.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Dr Charles Kim
Chairman, Afri-CAN DO Foundation
U-Learning as Future E-learning Technology
Dr. Kim is a well-known and respected expert on Africa among Koreans and
has spent most of his time contributing to the socio-economic development of
Africa, especially in the feld of Human Resource Development, Africanization
of Commerce and Industry and Black empowerment. After completing foreign
studies in Korea, Mr. Kim continued his university education at the Institute
of African Studies at Columbia University in New York, USA, and gained his
Master of Arts degree in Comparative Politics and African Specialist Certifcate.
Thereafter he moved to Oxford University, UK, and completed his Doctorate
Degree of Philosophy in the feld of Politics, specialising in Political Economy and
Development Studies.
He has had an extensive career in private business, consulting and university
teaching. Mr Kim is a pioneer and founder of the Afri-CAN DO Foundation,
through which he brings a new paradigm of human capital development in Africa
i.e., Spiritual reform of Afri-CAN DO.
If Koreans, whose country have no natural resources could achieve such an
economic growth with GNP capital increase of 200 times from the year of 1970
to the year of 2010 and successfully transferred itself from an aid-receiving to a
donor country, why can the same not happen in Africa with its natural resources
and environment.
The only difference he sees, is the investment in human capital development
without which, no country in African continent can achieve any economic
success. He believes that the only role model of development that South Africa
and Africa can take is the Korean model for socio-economic development and
change peoples mind-set through a CAN DO spirit.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
NS Devil is a Korean based innovative venture company that develops new
technology for U-Learning system and partnered with Umfolozi FET College in
South Africa. Equal Education Opportunity provided to all students in the world is
the objective of the companys foundation.
Equal Education Opportunity By U-Learning Technology (EEEBULT) is based on
the principle that although there are many students, educational contents and
institutions in the world but only small limited number of students enjoy high
quality of educational contents. EEO BUIT program is designed to share good
and high quality educational contents with Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime by
applying U-Learning Technology. U-learning Based Technology (UBT) is the next
generation and advanced technology to eLearning that is composed of smart and
mobile used learning method. U-learning Based Technology Test is an innovative
testing technology that does not require any papers for testing and it only
requires Ubiquitous Smart devices such as iPhone, iPad, Android and installed
equipments required are relay server, wireless AP and tablet.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Wesley Lynch
RealmDigital, South Africa
Wesley Lynch is a serial technology entrepreneur and Angel Investor. He is the
CEO and Founder of Realmdigital, a leading top South African e-business strategy
and technology partner, specialising in Web, Social and Mobile platforms. Wesley
and his team have proven success in working with, amongst other, the likes of
Exclus1ves, AVUSA, Media 24, and MiX Telematics. The company
is a winner of the recent International Global Enterprise & IT Architecture
Excellence Awards in the category Open Source Technologies. Realmdigital has
also been awarded and listed in the Top 100 technology companies in 2009 and
2011 from the Da Vinci institute.
Wesley is also the founder of digital publishing solutions startup, Snapplify.
The company has won multiple global awards and startup challenges for its
innovation in technology and works with leading publishers such as Penguin,
Random House, Macmillan, Pearson, Oxford and Cambridge. In keeping with
his collaborative and entrepreneurial spirit, Wesley co-founded AngelHub, the
aim of which is to provide mentorship and advisory services to the above two
mentioned groups of businesses. Wesley sits on the board of leading South
African retails brands as a digital advisory.
Wesley is passionate about technology, new evolving technology for businesses
and proving innovative solutions for the African market. He is using this passion
to create change and continuously evolve the industry as we know it.
In 2011 Wesley was named as one of the 38 emerging South African tech
entrepreneurs to watch in the Old Mutual Entrepreneurs guide as well as Top 10
IT Personality from the Computer Society of South Africa. In 2013 he was named
a fnalist in IT Webs Top 10 IT Personality of the year awards. He has presented
at worldwide events including London Book Fair, Frankfurt Book Fair and Book
Expo America.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Snapplify seeks to determine how ebooks and technology, as well as teacher and
student training to implement them, can effectively help to escalate learning
in South Africa. Our research into the best practices and considerations when
implementing an ebook system in local schools will highlight how ebooks
are currently being used in classrooms and whether it has been successfully
Our aim is to distinguish the unique challenges of the South African classroom
environment, such as shared environments where there are multiple learners
per tablet device, where print and digital textbooks are used simultaneously,
and where infrastructure is unstable, and pinpoint the best technologies to
resolve them. We investigate the strategic training of teachers to holistically and
effectively incorporate ebooks in the classroom.
To observe this topic holistically, we also investigate the role of textbook
publishers who will need to offer content appropriate for the environments
that mirror the various hybridities of the modern classroom. For example,
considerations regarding producing content that does not weigh heavily on
bandwidth, content that can stand alone in low Internet areas, and more robust
licensing models that enable schools to purchase textbooks for their student
body at reduced rates.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Dilawer Chogle
Academic Support Manager College of Cape Town, SA
Blending In: A Fit to Purpose-Blended Learning Approach
Dilawer is currently appointed as the Integrated Learning Manager
for the College of Cape Town. Her duties include overseeing all eLearning initiatives at
the college and she serves as the custodian of the Open Learning Centres across the
eight campuses.
Dilawer started at the college a number of years ago after a stint in Teacher Training.
She has vast experience in education and specialises in pedagogy. Her interest is in
the effective use of eLearning and technology aids in the classroom. She has been
active in the development of various staff support initiatives such as academic blogs,
electronic resource banks, echoe lesson capture, the use of LMS, Plato implementation
strategies and the development of Media Rooms (Interactive Whiteboard support).
Most of her recent efforts involve the development of content using 3rd party authoring
environments and suppliers.
Generally in the FET sector, eLearning has become something of a trial and error
process, based on factors such as the availability and affordability of current
technologies rather than on a consideration of what is best suited to the needs of
students and staff. A one-size-fts-all approach prevails, often with the objective of a
Learner Management System (LMS) infrastructure.
This paper presents an approach that allows for the adoption of a clearly defned
eLearning pathway, with the dedicated goals of improving confdence in using
technology, stimulating a creative and adventurous approach to learning and teaching
and ultimately improving student performance. The approach considers particularly
such factors as existing levels of profciency in digital literacies, the infuence of socio-
economic factors as well as our learning and teaching environments in determining our
choice of blended methodologies.
The paper will provide a rationale for the use of a hierarchy of (learning) needs based
on Maslows model and will deconstruct the choice of a number of clarifying and
interconnected digital learning tools. The emphasis thus shifts from driving adoption to
responding to an organically created need to use technology, both with staff and students.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Rudo Mazenge
False Bay College, South Africa
Rules of Engagement: A Classroom Practitioners Perspective
Rudo has four years experience in the FET sector. After graduating
from Chinhoyi University of Technology in Zimbabwe; she has
worked for three different high schools in Zimbabwe as an accounting teacher. She
worked in the private sector as a junior accountant for Rio Tinto gold mine (Zimbabwe).
She is currently employed by False Bay College, Mitchells Plain campus. She is
passionate about interacting with learners for the purpose of knowledge sharing and
improving learner satisfaction. She uses one of the latest social media platforms to
contact students outside normal teaching time. By doing so, she has seen an improved
learner satisfaction and performance in the subjects that she is teaching.
For Rudo the traditional role of teacher is no longer applicable in todays world.
The educator can no longer be the dispenser of knowledge, standing aloof and
unapproachable. Todays educator needs to forge relationships with all stakeholders
particularly the students. The educator needs to use a language, and ways of
communicating, that the students understand.
Rudo has taken an ordinary way of communicating, via whatsapp, and used it to encourage
discourse with students on academic issues. She creates chat groups with her students and
encourages them to engage in fruitful discussions, discussions to help some get clarity on
matters they are struggling with. It also creates a platform for those that excel to display
their knowledge and ultimately gain confdence in expressing what they know.
Students communicate at all hours. At times she has to mute the incoming messages
when the focus has to be her family. However, the platform remains open. Students
continue helping each other. When they are unable to fnd solutions she drafts solutions
on paper and takes a picture which she then posts on whatsapp.
For Rudo (which means Love in English) it is not so much the communication on
academic issues that is of paramount importance; what she prizes are the links that
she forges with her students. She maintains that the relationship she creates with her
students create a conducive environment for learning and teaching.
Educators need to adapt and embrace the technologies that the students of today
use. Mrs Mazenge is breaking boundaries and this is having a positive impact on her
students. By showing the students that she is prepared to learn their language she is
showing that she cares about them.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Eva Csernyanszky
Learning Curve, Cape Town
Adobe Captivate 8.0 Training
Eva Csernyanszky is an Industry Speaker for Adobe Systems SA. She offers
corporate training in eLearning, design, e-publishing and mobile delivery, just to
name a few.
Eva is the Founder and Director of Friends of Design Academy of Digital Arts, a
buzzing Digital Design centre located in the heart of Cape Town. Having been
based in Berlin, Germany for eight years prior to founding the Academy, Eva
brought her extensive experience gained from this and incorporated modern and
forward thinking training methods to the college. The Academy is proud to hold
an Apple and Adobe Training Centre Status as well as accreditation with the DHET
(Department of Higher Education).
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Richardo Platt
Director, Payfare South Africa
Tomorrows College (Card, Mobile & Online Solutions)
Ricardo Platt is a Director of Payfare, a solutions based company focused
primarily on the education and transit environment. He has a rich retail and
banking history. He spent the last fve years of his career as a senior manager
within the innovation division of The Standard Bank of South Africa, Beyond
Payments. He was intricately involved in creating and taking to market products
that were at some point, considered non-traditional banking products.
All over the world, card, mobile and online technologies have revolutionized
the student experience. Technology has unlocked the ability to link a range of
technical capabilities to a single student profle. Add to this a rich data set and
the ability to access it through multiple interfaces, and the result is simple,
elegant solutions that enhance the campus experience across multiple aspects of
student life.
Come discover the latest platform design trends in integrated student payment
systems, campus communication platforms, resource allocation and the tracking
of student time and attendance. Arrive with a fresh mind, ready to be inspired!
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Joseph Okharedia
Umfolozi College, South Africa
Introducing u-Learning with eLearning into the Teaching and
Learning Environment of FET Colleges
Joseph holds a Bsc. (Hons) degree in Geology, PGD (Computer Science), Masters
Degree in Computer Science and PGC in Education
In recent years, the educational system has undergone changes and experienced
challenges due to the introduction of Information Communication Technology
(ICT) in teaching and learning. Traditional methods of learning are gradually
giving way to eLearning. The concept of eLearning has been with us in South
Africa for some time now, but it has not yet been successfully implemented
largely due to the problem of low bandwidth in terms of Internet connectivity.
Many nations, particularly South Korea are currently leading in the adoption of
u-learning, which is considered a better approach to learning because it allows
for the integration of eLearning with mobile learning (u-learning=eLearning +
mobile learning).
In terms of infrastructural development, it is cheaper to engage in u-learning
than eLearning. We cannot afford at this stage of development to continue to lay
cables to implement eLearning, followed by delays, when a new approach to the
use of wireless technology is already with us.
U-learning stands for Ubiquitous learning and is a new paradigm, which ideally
allows learning to take place anywhere and at any time through the use of
wireless devices like smartphones, tablets and iPads etc. Mark Weiser (1993), frst
proposed ubiquitous computing technology, which refers to the use of devices
such as personal digital devices (PDAs), cell phones and portable computers in a
physical world of learning.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Russell Chisango
False Bay College, South Africa
ICT Enabled Knowledge Sharing: a Case Study of Knowledge
Sharing Practices amongst Lecturers at False Bay College
Muizenberg Campus
Russell has worked in academic libraries for close to ten years and is currently
employed as the Open Learning Centre Coordinator at False Bay College in Cape
Town. Russell has a Masters degree in Information Studies obtained from the
University of the Western Cape. He is passionate about information literacy and
its impact on education. His other research interest includes knowledge and
information management and digital literacy.
This presentation explores knowledge sharing practices amongst the academic
staff at Falsebay College located under The Department of Higher Education
and Training (DHET). It was established in September 2002, through the
amalgamation of Khayelitsha Community College, South Peninsula College
and Westlake Technical College (Falsebay College 2013). The DHET aims at
transforming FET colleges to become institutions of choice, able to compete
against the mainstream universities for students. Achieving academic excellence
and innovation in research are critical components for FET colleges to make a
mark. The presentation will attempt to cover the following questions:
What knowledge and information resources are academics sharing?
What is the purpose of sharing these resources?
What ICT facilities are provided by the college that enhances knowledge and
information sharing?
What are the problems that academics encounter in knowledge sharing?
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Beverley Wharton-Hood
Pearson, South Africa
Digital Learning Resources at your fngertips. Learn more
about the TVET Toolbox from Pearson.
Beverley Wharton-Hood grew up in Johannesburg. She studied at Wits University
where she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Higher Diploma in
She taught at Queens High School and Parktown High School for Girls for a
number of years before venturing into the world of Educational Publishing. She
has worked for Butterworth Publishers, Heinemann Publishers and has been with
Pearson Education for 14 years. She is currently Head of Learning Innovation at
Pearson and is responsible for creating innovative solutions that will help to solve
the biggest challenges facing higher and further education in South Africa.
Beverley has a special interest in eLearning technologies and learning analytics
as tools to improve the quality of teaching, learning and operational efciency.
Other areas of interest include mobile learning, the development of new learning
models and Blue Ocean Strategy methodology.
The goal of attaining meaningful post-schooling must be supported by the
development and sharing of well-designed, quality learning resources that build
on the expertise and experience of top-quality scholars and educators. Many
institutions using face-to-face instruction now incorporate extensive use of
resources designed to support learning. White Paper for Post School Education
and Training 2014.
Access to engaging, relevant, quality learning resources is critical in order to
support quality teaching and learning in TVET colleges.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Pearson is creating a Digital Content Repository of high quality, cost effective,
curriculum-based digital learning resources for the NCV and Report 191
programmes featuring videos, interactive drawings, scenarios, animations and
games etc. It also includes assessments relating to each topic and lecturer
teaching tools and resources to assist the lecturer in teaching that topic
These Learning Resources aim to:
Allow for fexible delivery of learningyou can create blended learning and
even online courses
Improve access to learning- as learning resources can be used in class,
delivered through the LMS or accessed online via the web or mobile devices
Improve your efciency as they are packaged with relevant assessments to
support effective learning
Save you time as all the resources are curriculum-based and in one place so
theyre easy to fnd
Support your professional development by enabling you to use these
resources confdently in class
Improve student understanding and practical application of the content to
improve results and ensure each student is better skilled for the workplace
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Presenters: DAY 3 Friday, 12

September 2014
Troy Hector
Connecting Every Learner and Lecturer to High Quality
Educational Material and Content by Employing Leading
Edge ICT
Telkom Business is launching an end-to-end educational solution to uplift the
countrys educational standards and ultimately grow the economy.
Telkom Business dream is to connect every learner and lecturer to high quality
educational material and content by employing leading edge Information and
Communication Technologies
The primary outcomes of our educational initiatives are to:
Connect every learner anywhere, anyhow and anytime;
Empower every lecturer to master his/her teaching discipline; and
Prepare the student community for the Information Age.
As a socially-responsible and proudly South African service provider, we believe
our educational initiative will go a long way to improving our countrys education,
while positioning us as a trusted ICT leader and advisor.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Professor Tom Brown
University of South Africa
Mobile learning Moving Past the Myths and Embracing the
Tom Brown obtained his Ph.D. in the feld of distance learning in 1993 at the
University of Pretoria with the topic: The operationalisation of meta-learning in
distance education.
Tom has been involved in education for more than 23 years, 15 years in distance
learning and 13 years in mobile learning. Since 1995 he has also been involved
in consultancy work for various institutions in the feld of distance education,
mobile learning and fexible learning. His interests and expertise are in the
following felds: learning, learning facilitation, education innovation, distance
learning (ODL), instructional design, educational technology, technology-
enhanced learning, fexible learning, eLearning and mobile learning.
He is currently an associate professor at the Institute for Open & Distance
Learning, College of Graduate Studies, Unisa.
He previously held the position of CEO of the CTI Education Group (CTI). Prior to
that, Tom was Principal & Managing Director of the Midrand Graduate Institute
(MGI), a private university in Midrand, Johannesburg. CTI has 14000 students
and 1400 staff across 13 campuses in South Africa.
Tom is one of the founding directors of the International Association for Mobile
Learning (IAmLearn). He is a visiting expert and guest lecturer in international
postgraduate courses in distance education, invited chair of research workshops
and keynote speaker at international conferences. He has also been involved in
editorial committees, review panels and programme committees for a number of
international conferences.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Mobile learning (m-Learning) in education and training holds much promise
and provides exciting opportunities. To be able to understand and embrace the
opportunities within each particular context and circumstances (e.g. within TVET),
we frst need to understand what m-learning is all about.
This paper defnes m-Learning by describing what it is not, and through a critical
refection on the myths and misperceptions associated with it. It then moves on
to explore the opportunities that m-learning provides to learners, educators and
educational institutions. However, we should be careful not to ignore the lessons
of the past. Some challenges and risks are discussed to assist those, who are
keen to embrace these opportunities, in avoiding unnecessary risks and pitfalls.
The paper then concludes by sharing a few thoughts on the future of m-learning.
These perspectives on m-learning seek to provide an overview of what m-learning
entails, recognise the achievements of m-learning to date, stimulate an appetite
to embrace the opportunities for the future, while minimising the potential
negative effects of technological, social and pedagogical change.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Steve Vosloo
Head of Mobile Innovation Lab, Pearson, South Africa
Education Design in a Mobile Era
Steve Vosloo is a mobile learning specialist with a particular
focus on ICTs in developing countries. Currently he is Head of Mobile at Pearson
South Africa, where he is responsible for setting the companys mobile learning
strategy and delivering key projects.
Until recently he was Senior Project Ofcer in mobile learning at UNESCO in
Paris. Before that he was Fellow for 21st century learning at the Shuttleworth
Foundation in South Africa. He founded the m4lit (mobiles for literacy) project,
which demonstrated the enormous potential of mobile publishing to support teen
reading and writing in South Africa and Kenya. In 2007 Steve was a research fellow
at Stanford University, where he investigated youth and digital media. He holds a
Masters Degree in Information Systems from the University of Cape Town.
Africa is the fastest growing and second largest mobile phone market in the
world. The mobile revolution has swept the continent and fundamentally
changed the way people communicate, do business, pay for goods and services,
farm and the hope is learn. We are witnessing the emergence of a mobile
society, where technology, information and people are mobile. At the same time
or perhaps as a result of this change the very nature of education is being
questioned. What should be taught, how should it be delivered and assessed, and
where does learning happen?
The mobile learning feld, which is already being explored through large-scale
tablet implementations at higher education institutions and mobile-based
tutoring for the poorest of school learners, presents both opportunities and
challenges for those designing learning spaces and teaching methodologies. This
presentation aims to highlight key implications for education design in a mobile
era, as well as the related challenges that are present today and in the future.
Being aware of the mobile learning opportunity, together with some guidelines
on how to begin to leverage this, will hopefully give the audience some food for
thought on how mobiles can play their part in enhancing student performance.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Pablo Langa
Director, Global Market Development, Blackboard Mobile
Mobility in 2014 Beyond Information Consumption
Originally born in Spain, Pablo has more than eight years of leadership and
global technology industry experience. Pablo has also had the opportunity to live
both in the United States and the Netherlands. Pablo is a frequent speaker at
technology education events worldwide and has had the opportunity to work in
relevant innovation projects on fve continents.
Computer Science and an M.Sc in Marketing complete his education background
together with industry accreditations such as the Project Management
Professional from the PMI.
Pablo currently acts as Business Director for Blackboard International (with
headquarters in Washington DC and London) looking after mobile and mass
notifcation solutions. More than 10 million users across the globe are using
Blackboard Mobile solutions today. In addition, Pablo advises and collaborates in
a number of mobility and startup projects worldwide. In the last few years, Pablo
has focused his attention on the mobility phenomenon and how this sector is
empowering new ways of information consumption and collaboration.
Wikipedia, Google and even Facebook are things of the past for modern learners.
Traditional information consumption is also old fashioned to them. Students
require something that they cannot fnd in Google to remain engaged.
Join this session to discover new ways to meet student expectations inside and
outside the classroom, resulting in a meaningful, informal learning experience.
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
Marc Lentini
Director for Instructional Design Highline College, USA
Designing Online and Blended Courses for Student Success
Marc Lentini is Director of Instructional Design at Highline College, located near
Seattle, Washington, USA. There, he manages support for eLearning design, the
colleges Learning Management System, and the video production operation.
In recent years he led a state-wide selection process for Learning Management
Systems, participated in developing the Strategic Technology Plan for the
Community and Technical College system, and led the Steering Committee of the
Northwest eLearning Community, a regional eLearning organisation.
While at Highline, Marc taught web development and Business Technology
classes, managed the colleges public website, and coordinated several
curriculum redesign projects. He has also led LMS adoptions, a state-wide
institute for Information Technology (IT) faculty, and IT curriculum development
projects. These projects were at Highline and partner institutions in the US, Egypt,
China, South Africa, and Namibia.
Marc holds a Masters of Science Degree in Organisational Behaviour, and
a Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Labor Relations, both from Cornell
Highline College, near Seattle, WA, USA, serves the most diverse student
population in our region, with 68% students of colour and over 100 languages
spoken on campus. Many of these students work as well as go to school, have
family obligations, few resources, and limited secondary education experiences.
Many are the frst in their family to go to college.
Highline is an open-access community college, meaning there are no entrance
exams and minimal requirements for admission. Accordingly, the design and
North South ICT Conference 2014 Overview
teaching of our online and hybrid (blended) classes must effectively engage the
broad range of students in our classes.
This presentation will discuss the context for Highline Colleges efforts to design
courses for student engagement and student success then describe some of our
more promising efforts.
These include different approaches from interaction with students to the
structure of course materials. Each technique is currently in use by instructors
at Highline, and helps students learn both content and the skills to successfully
complete college/tertiary-level work.

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